#vld lady love bang
vldladylovebang · 6 years
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This is a Big Bang for all of the femslash ships in the Voltron: Legendary Defender fandom! As with many fandoms, the ladies don’t always get a lot of love, so we’re here to provide it.
We are a ship-positive event. Participants will sign up for a tier of writing or art (see below for more on that!) and will be paired up based on what they signed up for.
This is a ship-positive event. Do not harass other participants about their choice of ships, their headcanons about characters, or themes in their writing. If you vocally identify as an anti or break the harassment rules, you will be kicked from the Discord and removed from the bang.
This must be a previously unpublished work. That means if you’ve got a femslash WIP sitting around that you’ve never posted chapters of, you’re welcome to use it, or you can write something brand new!
Your primary ship must be femslash. It can be an OTP, an OT3, or any other number, but all characters involved in the primary ship in your fic must be ladies. Secondary or background ships may involve male characters, but they should not be the focus of the fic.
Trans women or nonbinary characters that identify with womanhood are allowed! However, female versions of canonically male characters are not allowed. (So, trans lady!Pidge/demigirl!Allura is fine, but fem!Shiro/fem!Keith is not.)
NSFW fics are allowed, but anyone creating NSFW content must be 18+.
OCs are not allowed as part of your primary pairing, sorry! While we love your fan characters, this event is intended to highlight the canon ladies of Voltron.
Tier 1:
Writers: 2k minimum
Artists: 1 colored piece, no background/shading required
Tier 2:
Writers: 5k minimum.
Artists: 1 colored piece with shading, no background
Tier 3:
Writers: 7k minimum
Artists: 1 full piece
Tier 4:
Writers: 10k minimum.
Artists: 2 full pieces
Tier 5:
Writers: 20k minimum.
Artists: 3 full pieces
Writer Signups: August 1 - September 15 Artist Signups: August 1 - September 30
First Check-In: September 22
Claims information due: summaries, titles, tags, etc. 
Tier 1 & 2 Writers: 50% Due
Tier 3, 4, 5 Writers: 33% due
Claims: September 30 - October 5
Second Check-In: October 15
No specific amount of work due; this is just a communication check-in to make sure pairs are talking to each other!
Third Check-In: November 15
Tier 1 & 2:
Writers: 100% Due
Artists: 50% Due
Tier 3, 4, 5:
Writers: 66% Due
Artists: 33% Due
Fourth Check-In: December 15
Tier 1 & 2:
Writers: Done
Artists: 100% Due
Tier 3, 4, 5:
Writers: 100% Due
Artists: 66% Due
Final Checkin: January 1
100% Due for all tiers
Posting Begins: January 15
Mod Noir
Mod Alex
Mod Movite
If you’re interested, come and join the discord!
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envy555 · 6 years
Lotor’s Plans: An Unlikely Theory
There’s no way this theory will end up being legitimate, but because Lotor’s proven time and time again that all of his actions have a purpose, even if the true purpose is masked, it seems like a theory worth considering. So, bear with me (despite the length). 
Regarding Lotor’s plans, we only really know the basics. He’s seeking a method to enter the rift to obtain quintessence, likely for the good of the universe. Lotor is also ancient (and maybe possessed), so we can assume that he’s probably been working on this particular plan for centuries and revising it constantly to fit his circumstances.
At some point, however, Lotor would have realized that he couldn’t open the rift without material from the other reality, ie. the comet. He couldn’t obtain the trans-reality comet without Voltron, but if he could get his hands on Voltron, even for a short period of time, he wouldn’t necessarily need the comet.
So, Lotor ultimately needs Voltron for the success of his plan, but he doesn’t need to be the one to find the lions––Zarkon has already invested all of his time and resources in that project. Lotor just needs to patiently wait and prepare to form Voltron (and also plot out how he’ll double-cross his dad and steal the lions––an unfortunate inevitability).
Now, here the theory really begins. If you had to prepare to form Voltron, what would be the first step? To find pilots for each of the lions. And if you were Lotor and didn’t necessarily know that the lions were picky about their paladins and select them based on consistent personality traits, how would you reasonably assume paladins were chosen?
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Furthermore, if you were the son of the original black paladin and felt confident in your ability to lead Voltron and realize your dreams, wouldn’t that reinforce your logic?
So, my unlikely theory is that Lotor selected each of his (ex-)generals not because they were female or because they were Galra half-breeds like himself, but because they were the descendants of the original paladins.
Sounds crazy? Let’s break it down: first, by appearance as an indicator of potential genetic match, and second, by overlapping personality features.
Red paladin: Alfor & Acxa
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I highly doubt that Acxa is Alfor’s direct descendant, because Alfor doesn’t mess around with the ladies and Allura, obviously, never had any children. However, if Lotor believed that the Altean royal line had ended at his father’s hands, perhaps he decided that a distant offshoot would suffice. So, imagine that Axca is actually a descendant of (or is) Romelle (Allura’s cousin in DotU). This is a nice concept because it could lend a hand to explaining the weird archer Allura preview, and it doesn’t eliminate the possibility of Acxa and Keith being related. In fact, it makes it cooler, because it would also suggest that Keith and Allura are distant cousins.
Appearance-wise, look at Acxa next to Alfor. They have the exact same ear shape. They have similar bangs and jawlines. Even their posture is similar (and not just in these screenshots). Mix a little Galra into Alfor’s family line and Acxa is a totally reasonable outcome.
Personality-wise, Alfor was Zarkon’s right hand paladin and loyal friend, even when given great reason to doubt. Acxa was Lotor’s top general and his most loyal follower, even after he killed Narti. Both Alfor and Acxa are capable of acting independently, but prefer to follow a more qualified leader. Both of them are also capable “scientists” and are shown to have a good understanding of the power of the comet and the value/ risks of the other reality. Alfor and Acxa also act as the straight man stock character, at least in comparison to their teammates. 
Green paladin: Trigel & Narti
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Appearance-wise, Narti and Trigel have very similar mouth and nose shapes––in fact, their noses are identical and Narti’s mouth is just a scarier upgrade of Trigel’s. Beneath her hood Narti’s “hairline” of sorts creates a nearly identical widow’s peak to Trigel’s. They also share similar physical builds, and both lack eyebrows.
Personality-wise, Trigel, as the green lion, would have served as Zarkon’s “left hand,” and would have been third in the chain of command, after Alfor. Despite killing her in a moment of fear, Lotor uses Narti almost as often as Acxa and more visibly than his other two generals. He sends her on independent missions and selects her specifically to accompany him to Zarkon’s ship when he’s been called in, leaving Acxa in charge in his stead.
Blue paladin: Blaytz & Ezor
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Appearance-wise, the “V” like facial marks on Ezor’s forehead mirror the shape of Blaytz’s, and they both have a form of antennae––the former’s is her one, long, ponytail-esque feature and the latter’s are his two swoopy, moth-like protrusions. Though their physical similarities seem to end here, we do see Blaytz flirting with a Galra servant in this very screencapped scene. If you take a second to consider the Galra’s appearance, you’ll notice that their ears are the exact same shape as Ezor’s. I ship Blaytz’s forbidden Galra love.
Personality-wise, both Blaytz and Ezor act as comic relief stock characters in roughly the same vein that Lance does, and they both push boundaries when it comes to interacting with others. Their personalities lend themselves to a flirtatious nature, and it seems they both enjoy toying with the emotions and reactions of other, though likely only to stroke their own egos.
Yellow paladin: Gyrgan & Zethrid
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Appearance-wise, Gyrgan and Zethrid are extremely similar. Consider their physical stature as a starting point, but then look at their eyes. They have a glossier, rounder eye shape than most alien races we’ve seen. Furthermore, both of their facial marks consistently appear in symmetrical pairs and are focused around their eyes and cheeks. In fact, it seems they both have marks above their eyes in lieu of eyebrows.
Personality-wise, Gyrgan and Zethrid also act as comic relief stock characters, like the oft-unfairly depicted “Humorous Hunk.” Gyrgan has a blatant and absurd appetite for food and Zethrid has a blatant and absurd appetite for violence. Both of them also share a slightly wry sense of humor, and both are consistently genuine in the simplicity of their emotions. They also both stick to their beliefs––Gyrgan’s religion and Zethrid’s aggression. 
So, I’m sure this theory sounds absurd at first, but just take a minute to mull it over. The original paladins in VLD all have obvious similarities to the modern paladins and intentionally so, but both groups of paladins share similarities with another group too––Lotor and his (ex-)generals––and understanding any one group helps us better understand the others.
Finally, I like this theory because it fits Lotor’s behavior, which often can’t be explained but is rarely happenstance. He’s gathered his potential paladins but he’s also helped them become great generals, so they serve a purpose either way. The discovery of and bonding with the lions by the new paladins would have definitely thrown a wrench in Lotor’s original plans, but we see him shift to manipulating the proper paladins almost immediately––if he can’t have Voltron, he’ll get the comet. His murder of Narti feels foolish if he needed her to pilot a lion, but less so when you consider that he’s already got (in theory), a way to enter the rift without Voltron. Plus, what does Lotor immediately do when his rift theories have been disproven and his team betrays him? He swoops in to win over Voltron, and returns to a version of his original plan.
What makes it all worse (assuming this theory is legit)? Lotor probably never told his generals who they were. He probably found them, in desperate need of guidance and purpose, and convinced them to aid him without fully revealing his intentions. His ex-generals probably still haven’t realized that they’re the descendants of the original defenders of the universe.
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wofuru · 6 years
Voltron legendary defender ask game
~Voltron Legendary Defender Ask Game~
Tagged by my lovely lady @seiteki9​  (Yes you are love, don’t even try to tell me otherwise)
How did you discover the show?
Well ... I’m an illustrator and have been selling for years in conventions with my gf @seiteki9​. Along the line (I think when S2 came out) I heard about it by clients who asked me for goodies from VLD. It took a while before I checked the serie because I thought it was juste another mecha anime and I’m usually not into these really. So at some point, since it is on netflix and all AND when I learned it was made by the same studio as Avatar last air bender ... I gave it a shot. And oh boy did I fell head 1st into this show. Sheith is my life now, thank you. 
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the the show?
1st sigh. I think it took .... 10 minutes. I fell in when Keith rescue Shiro and makes that so tender expression recognizing him on the table and unconscious. 
Do you have a favorite episode?
S2 ep 1 is definitely among my favorite ones that’s for sure (Gee guess why huh) and I think the trial at the blades of mormora would be there to. But it is hard to decide, this serie is so amazing in general and also so much sheith moments >_< 
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
Shiro, yeah, totally. Keith in close 2nd. 
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fav Paladin, why?)
As dork as I am, I would say Black. Not because she is the head, but also because of the evolution between her and Shiro and the whole complicated relation/story with Zarkon. 
Do you have a favorite Villian?
Hmm ... I think that would be Zarkon. I love his tragic story. How he came to be, but also how much of a dangerous man he became. What goes around him and also we know where he’s going. 
Do you have a favorite Alien Race? (Recurring and/or minor)
I do really love the galras in all their glory and bad sides to. I mean they are mostly brawl over brains you know. Their designs are all so interesting, but also I love how their mind set has been presented so far (since we don’t know much about the culture yet). I think in 2nd would be the balmerans (I’m not sure who it’s written). They look so awesome and their story is so sad and interesting at the same time. 
Favorite side / other character(s)- Rebels, Generals, Blade of Marmora, Garrison, etc?
I love Shay and Narti ( ;_; ) so much. 
Also Lieutenant Ozar looks like such an interesting character (yeah I know you guys are wondering who’s that lol) 
How/Why did you join the fandom?
Falling face 1st into Sheith, I looked around for some fanart here on tumblr and it slowly went from there. I decided to join Sheith Big Bang that is currently on going and it’s been really fun so far. 
Care to share your favorite headcanon?
I really like the basic idea of Sheith pre-kerberos (not being a couple back then at all tho) where Keith was like this teen kid wrecking havoc everywhere for no reason. Not bullying people, but just losing his shit every so often because he was angry all the time and then Shiro met him and decided to take him under his wing, to get in his life even if he had to force his way in / tame the beast and just believe in him and giving him what any human deserves which is a sense of belonging somewhere and be loved for who they are. 
What do you think is the best part of the show?
The characters. Their lives, how they are. All the little details we can catch on all the time, but also these elements in the show that you just don’t see anywhere. I love that they made it so we could see representation and good values teaching to people seeing this serie. How a character can be so cool and not just a comic relief while being an overweight character OR a straight guy that is someone who takes care so much of his own body and appearance without it being weird OR a genderless character (or someone who doesn’t care) that despite her size is such a kickass character OR you know someone who’s so strong for everyone all the time but with such deep scars that you wonder how he keeps going OR a child who was abandoned again and again and how his life goes on. And I’m not talking about the multicultural elements (Allura not being just this pompom stereotyped girl but a woman of color with such an big temper while being such a variety of things and stories). Oh, and please, myore love for Coran people, he’s or favorite uncle. 
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes / seasons?
Please Shiro be safe, come back to us and PLEASE be the black paladin again while Keith comes back to red. I loved the old roster of paladin (no offense allura, I just loved you more while being the pilot of the castle and a diplomat and now an alchemist O_O !). I’m so praying they don’t end up doing like in the old series where Shiro just becomes the blue paladin because he’s emotionally compromised or whatnot and disappear in the background like being the black paladin is the highest title, which no ... it’s not the case and its not a competition. Also poor shiro worked so hard to bond with his lion to just ... be thrown away again ?! 
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
Oh I will. If my worse fears come to be, I’ll cry my world, but I’ll stick to the end. 
Tag your friends or someone you want to get to know better: @escaleamare  ?? (no pressure lol)
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quiznakchronicle · 7 years
For mobile users, the bare bones version of the masterlist!
On now:
Sep 17 - Sep 24: Pidge Ship Week
Sep 16 - Sep 23: Bi VLD Week
Sep 12 - Sep 18: Lance Loves Ladies Week
Voltron Magazine sign ups close Sep 16
Voltron Secret Santa sign ups close Sep 17
Trick or Treat Exchange sign ups close Sep 18 (Multifandom)
Sable: Shiro Zine sign ups close Sep 20
Shklance Big Bang sign ups close Sep 20
Svidge Celebration prompt suggestions until Sep 22
Shance Secret Santa sign ups close Sep 30
Klance Reverse Bang artist sign ups close Oct 01
Pidge Big Bang writer sign up close Oct 05
VLD Trick or Treat Anarchy requests / claims until Oct 20
Crackship Zine submissions open until Nov 10
Zines for sale:
Voltron coloring book Vol 1; Vol 2 Free download
Aphelion: Writers Zine Digital PDF orders open until Sep 17
Devoir: A Galra Zine Preorders open until Oct 01
Equilibrium: Shidge Zine Preorders open until Oct 15
Shiro x Rest Zine Only PDF versions left
Space Cadets: A Garrison Trio Zine Preorders open until Oct 19
Spectrum Voltrans Zine Preorders open
Stars Aligned: Shallura Zine Special ezine bundles available
Voltron Swimsuit Calendar Preorders open until Oct 15
Fashionista!: A Klance x Fashion Sketch Zine by Palmtreehero
First 50 Dates: A Klance Zine by Rachel Huey
In Shining Armor: a 1930s Voltron Zine digital copies on sale
Lion Hearts: A Sheith zine by Sakee
Prism Artbook by Shawry
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Girls' Night Out
read it on the AO3 at Girls' Night Out
by Angel_Tortured
VLD Lady Love Big Bang Artist: Swirlee
“You know Ronnie, space was really cool,” Lance stated loading the cruizer, she nodded in response. Before making a verbal response, Allura, the coin Space Princess Babe, strolled up. Clear her intentions were to speak to her brother, Veronica eyed protectively for a minute. The two exchanged kind words of being safe out there today. Poking her head out more… No wonder Lance was drooling over her, she is a legit goddess. So damn hot.
. . Veronica takes Romelle and Allura out on the town. Both Altean girls falling madly in love with Lance's sister. Veronica might have the hots as well. A night of drinks, dancing, and getting freaky.
Words: 2750, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Allura (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Veronica (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, MFE Pilots (Voltron)
Relationships: Allura/Romelle (Voltron), Allura/Veronica (Voltron), Romelle/Veronica (Voltron), Allura/Romelle/Veronica (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Trans Female Character, Trans Romelle (Voltron), Threesome - F/F/F, Dancing, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, VLD Lady Love Big Bang
read it on the AO3 at Girls' Night Out
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vldladylovebang · 6 years
Summaries Available
Hello, everyone!
We’re not quite ready to open claims yet, and we may have a few stragglers coming in, but the summaries we’ve received so far are available here! Our writers have some really awesome stuff in store, so feel free to take a look!!
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