tooquirkytolose · 1 month
Girl i fucked up i was supposed to use red wine in my mushroom bourguinon and I bought pinot fucking GRIGIO
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constellation-trolls · 9 months
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anonbinaryweirdo · 11 months
nromalizr wtching Hamilton while taking a. sbkwrt
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plasticross · 23 days
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Sumire x Hakubo if Hakubo saved her from being sacrificed and they ran away together?? 😩😭
"Stop the Wedding"
(Sumire x Hakubo)
genre : Fluff
Characters : Sumire Akane, Hakubo
TW : mentions of Murd3r
A/N : LOVE IT, I Imagine like Hakubo runs thru the crowd and stops the sacrifice as soon as she was about to jump off and then unalives everyone owshifhehx 💀
Also, some of their lines here I took from the manga, actions and some speeches might not be the same as in the manga, I don't intend to copy the whole book here
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No one.. is gonna come hurt you anymore..
Today was the day.
The day of the sacrifice, Everyone was really excited, happy even, Long tables with lots of food on it, lights all over the village, the elders having a wonderful drink together as the kids danced with joy
How can they be so happy at an event like this? is it because they are offering another sacrifice so the gods can protect their village?
Well lets get to know the sacrifice and how she became one hm?, The sacrifices name was Sumire Akane.
She was already meant to be a sacrifice ever since she was a little kid, how innocent, she thought she was getting married at an early age.
The Village chief and an Oni is seen walking along beside a house
"I'll leave the guarding to the next sacrifice to you." Hakubo's head perked up and started listening to the old man
"Just like in the past. If she ever tries to run away vreak her legs, if she doesn't listen vlind her eyes, dispose of anyone who tries to lead her away"
"Yes." Hakubo answer in a monotone voice
The old man halt into a stop making Hakubo also stop in his tracks.
He sighed "Only six years old, a child who understands nothing... Those Akane's giving her to us while she's still so young, it seems they don't want the kannagi to resent them" The old man looked back at Hakubo
"I don't suppose an Oni like you could handle a child well.. Well it doesn't matter as long as she doesn't die, do as you please." The old man opened the sliding door "Yes sir." Hakubo bowed and steped inside
He was greated with a little girl kneeling on the floor
"I'll be in your care for today, my name is Sumire, on this occasion I have been assigned, a highly honorable duty, It's a pleasure to meet you"
Hakubo stared at baffled "Um.. yes.."
The little girl who claimed herself to be Sumire rose up "So then.." She gave Hakubo the most cheerful and beaming smile "You must be Sumire's Husband!"
"Eh? you've got it all wrong.." Hakubo told her making her head tilt in confusion
"But Sumire heard that she was gonna be a bride.."
"You're gonna be gods bride, I'm just your caretaker. Do you understand?" Sumire nodded her head as Hakubo eased up a little from that
"Then you're Sumire's Informal Husband!!"
Strucked. Hakubod grabbed a skull of what looked like a deer and hid his face underneath
"You're absolutely delusional.."
Being the babysitter of a young child was how it was supposed to be, his job was to be a caretaker for a young kannagi until the day of her sacrifice, how bad could it be?
'How did it end up to be like this..' He deadpanned as he stared at the most delicious meal infront of him cooked by yours truly Sumire
Sumire grabbed the chopsticks and picked up some food for him and pointed it at his mouth
She giggled as she placed her hand on her cheek with imaginary flowers around her
"Here my husband! Say 'ahh~'"
Hakubo obeyed nonetheless and opened his mouth and let Sumire feed him. We all know his faced on that chapter screamed humiliation
"So how is it? I hope it is to your taste" She perked up as sge awaited for his response
"I dunno."
"My, how honest~"
After Hakubo finished eating he stood up and headed towards the door to get some work done but was stopped by Sumire
"Here a goodbyes kiss~" Hakubo deadpanned as he let Sumire kiss him on the cheek
'Dear god..'
When Hakubo was done with, whatever work he was assigned to
He went back to Sumire to check up on her
But he found her scrubbing the floors..
"Ah! You're home!" She stood up as Hakubo stared at her wide eyed as his eyes slowly travel down onto the sparkling floor
He could see his own reflection
Sumire wiped off the sweat on her forehead as she smiled and pointed to her cheek "Hey where's my "I'm Home" Kiss?"
Hakubo just ended up chucking his dear head onto his head as Sumire stood shocked
She pouted as she took off his.. 'hat' and pushed him into the bath "The bath is ready for you!" She said as she led him to the bath, at this point Hakubo just accepted his faith
Sumire turned around, was she not gonna get out? whatever.
After Hakubo stripped all his dirty clothes off, he hopped onto the batg and just relaxed
Sumire smiled as her husband looked really relaxed, her idea for a hot bath worked~
"Relax now it'll warm you up~"
After his bath he dressed up
served dinner as usual
Sumire threw a huge fit when she found him sleeping in another futon
so to make her shut up cause he had a long day he grabbed his pillow and layed down next to her
Hakubo stared at the ceiling as Sumire finally quiet downed.
She sighed a sigh of relief as she hugged his arm "goodnight~" patting his arm as she closed her eyes, He deadpanned.
He rose up making Sumire open one of her eyes
"Ain't this weird?"
"There's nothing weird about this, after all.." She smiled at him as she placed her hand on her cheek
"You're pretty useless when it comes to housework.." she sighed
"You skip doing the laundry, You can't cook meals and you can't run a warm bath. Honestly you can't be my caretaker! Not in a hundred years!" She pouted as Hakubo
He sighed, he just wanted to rest
"Hmp! If it bothers you so much you should play the role of being Sumire's husband!"
Hakubo crossed his arms as he looked down "Play the role of a Husband.. What exactly would that entail?"
"Oh! well in that case, let's go to the flower field tomorrow!"
And just like that, they slept pretty easy last night
well except Hakubo
the next day, he kept his promise and brought her to the flower field
as she ran wild and free, just like any child would do
Sumire's giggles were heard as she ran around the field as Hakubo kept a close eye on her "Wow dear look at all these pretty flowers!"
"uh, yup.."
"wrong! you were supposed to say Sumire was prettier than the flowers!"
Sumire hummed as she did her own thing, Hakubo sat on the ground observing her moves as it was disturb, hearing faint whispers in a distance.
He didn't turn around to not make it look like he was eavesdropping.
"Hey look thats the sacrifice.."
"Ah, the Kannagi and is that Minamoto-san's pet oni?"
"Geeze.. The kannagi is so carefree.. even thought they'll kill her before long." Hakubo perked his head up and looked at their direction
"It's just a brat and an Oni. They don't understand anything."
His silence was soon disturbed with someone placing a flower crown on his head, he looked back and saw a smiling child infront of him
'how are you not scared..'
Sumire smiled as she pointed at his flower crown "Now were matching! Although it doesn't suit you.." Hakubo just deadpanned
Sumire's fit of giggles was disturbed when she heard the sound of a crying bird in a distance, she moved some bushes away and gasped "Awh.. poor thing, Don't worry Sumire will take good care of you"
She picked up the injured bird and followed Hakubo back to their shared house (?)
days turned into weeks, turned into months and into years. Sumire was no longer the carefree little girl Hakubo was taking care of.
Not only Sumire grew up, But also Hakubo.
He walks back to where Sumire is with blood on his feet. He slides the door and shows Sumire treating another injured animal.
She pets the rabbit as she opened her eyes and saw Halubo, She smiled as she went back to petting the rabbit "Oh my, welcome home Dear."
Hakubo eyed the many injured animals around her "Yeah, please change out of your Kimono, Dinner will be ready soon."
Hakubo stepped inside and observed the surrounding area
Baskets and little tiny beds were beside Sumire containing either sick or injured animals "There's more of em again.."
He picked up the birds feather and looked back at Sumire who was combing the bunnies fur "Why do you still take care of em? some of em die and some survive...But Its not like you'll get anything from it"
Sumire listened to her dear 'husband' and giggled "I might not get anything from it, but there's a meaning to it.."
"I feel bad for the little one's they've gone through too much trauma. So they can't live on their own anymore." She looks at the little rabbit starring at her, picking the rabbit up she had a completely different aura.
"That means, I can take full control of them you see? Their lives, their minds, everything. Wether they live or die it is up to me to decide." Hakubo just stared at her as she treated his wounds.
The days passed by so quick.
He saved her from an angry group of villagers saying it was her fault for being alive for too long
Alot of nights.
Alot of days have passed
It was time.
For some odd reason, he didn't want her to go just yet.
He didn't wanna amdit it but, her company..
made him warm.. it made him feel an emotion he could not feel
Happiness? well thats a rare one.
"Finally! She's fonna be wedded to god! The supernaturals can finally stop harming us!" A woman shouted
"I can finally walk woth my children at night safetly!" Another cried out as she held her children close
Sumire walked emotionlessly to the edge of the cliff, Her kimono swaying with the wind as the cloth on her head moved slightly to show her emotionless gaze upon the torii gate that leads to the edge of the cliff
Hakubo stood amongst the crowd as he watched the very girl he saw grow up, and was within his care finally give her life up to god.
He looked around as everyone cheered, cried happy tears, and saying their thanks and grace to god, but why only the gods? why not to the countless Kannagi's he had to watch get sacrificed over and over again and not once did they say their thanks to them
We're they only sacrifices to their eyes?
"Hey, Dear" Sumire called out at Hakubo who was sitting outside looking at the sky, He turned around and giving her his full attention
Sumire smiled as she looked down at her pet rabbit "Thanks for looking after me"
He looked at her confused "Why are ya saying thanks?" She giggled "Silly Oni, did you forget?—
I'll be sacrificed tomorrow. "
Silence, Hakubo didn't show any emotion and just stared at her "Mhm"
"I want them.. to feel sad, when I'm gone. "
Sumire got closer and closer as she finally entered the torii gate.
"To weep.."
An uproar of cheers was heard throughout the cave as Sumire was nearing her destination
Hakubo couldn't.. he couldn't.. He had a job to do. And that was to watch over the Kannagi and be her caretaker until the day she gets wedded to god.
But why is that he was pushing himself through the crowd just to stop her from doing something reckless?
"And to be sad.. so sad they'll go crazy"
"Hey! What do you think your doing you Oni!" One of the elders spotted him trying to get in the way of Sumire's path to stop her sacrifice
"Hey, since this will be my last night with you, I want to ask you for one thing" Hakubo stopped patting her head as he looked at her for a moment
"Just one.."
Sumire rose up and got all happy "Well.. What is it?" he asked, Sumire had a faint blush on her cheeks "Well you see, For tonight, I wanna do something a married couple would do~ That's all~" Sumire giggled but got pinned down by Hakubo which caught her off guard
Hakubo leaned in closer, and closer until the foreheads touched, Sumire thought it was finally happening but suddenly Hakubo smacked his forehead with hers and immediately got up and left the room
"Go to sleep." He said as he closed the door
"J-jeez.." Sumire rubbed her forehead as she found a comfortable laying position and drifted off to sleep
Hakubo however, was lost in his own thoughts right outside the room
'Even if.. this is a lie, can't you say something like ' Save me' or 'I don't want to die', or atleast cry? ' He got off the wall and looked back at the door once more and left
'After all.. you weren't all that cute.'
Sumire felt a hand grab her by the arm right before she jumped off the cliff to be wedded to god, the cloth on her head fell as she looked back to see her caretaker.
What do you think your doing?!? You're RUINING the ceremony!" The elder chief said furiously as he grabbed his sword and tried to swing it at him but failed.
He fought ANYONE who tried to get in his way, once all was eliminated he looked back at Sumire and held her hand
"you know.. you aren't that cute.." He picked her up bridal style
Sumire giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck "Did you stop the ceremony just for you to say that to me?" Hakubo didn't answer and walked far away from the depths of hell she was about to jump off to.
Not like Sumire was gonna throw a huge fit. She was thankful he stopped the ceremony, she knew that she was gonna be wedded to god. And had to be the sacrifice to seal the supernaturals away from the mortal world.
But now, its not gonna be like that anymore, Because Hakubo and Sumire are gonna run away.
Far away.. where no one
Can ever hurt them again
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Im sorry it took so long, It was kind of rushed but I managed to pull it off
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king-wille · 2 years
I'm avoiding all promo stuff and lesked pictures because i want to go on vlind but it's also driving me nuts
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imaxyxia2 · 1 month
Vlind & EDRDO feat. Gabrielle Escamilla - Ethereal Darkness
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lorriloo1109 · 6 months
The stars have fallen But not into my vlind eyes The light has gone now
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sherdnerd · 8 months
Wild pattern I've noticed about my ex: nothing pisses them off more than when I tell people I'm upset about what happened between us. From talking to mutual friends, nothing seems to throw them into a vlind rage faster than asking how I am, and hearing that I miss them or was otherwise a bit mopey. Both when we broke up from dating and later on when we stopped being friends. The fact that I was upset really seemed to piss them off. Which is just... wild
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from the lyrics of Sister Rosetta Tharpe's song "Didn't It Rain, Children?" and a handful of Dutch cities.
Aalkers Aarden Aastarlin Abosten Aboudren Alkerecht Alkerkran Allenem Almer Ampel Amstall Amstereden Anden Anembornhen Aneuzenburg Apedam Appin Apping Arden Ardenburg Ardenter Arlithe Arneelft Arnhe Atterlenden Aturg Awarlemstem Awarlissen Awarn...
Begesp Berlem Blokzijme Bolle Borden Brech Broppingen Broten Brotenburg Brotterg Brottle Coeveerde Coeven Culein Culstaveen Culswarda Daard Daast Deldrenwijl Delokkum Denemuidert Denscher Denzaar Dijzen Distavoll Doedam Doeren Doerg Doevendt Doever Dooppinds Doord Doorden Doore Doorg Doorn Dooscht Doosend Doostburg Doostend Dooster Dorty Dronincher Droppin Earle Eassel Eastadt Echermondt Edamster Edelochend Eincht Einscheuws Eisouday Enaall Enemboudam Enscht Falkmaar Fleldn Fllein Fllem Foosen Forkravend Fraden Fraing Franday Franden Fraven Fricht Frien Friend Fulen Fulst Fulsten Fulsward Fulswarned Geerechert Geldn Gelorty Genek Gestaverg Glaalme Glaare Glanden Glang Goerdenbort Goere Goermorth Goertheed Goudam Goull Goutpheere Grain Gravore Gravorty Groere Groest Groesteeday Grooppinday Groteenburg Grout Haalleed Haardre Haarlin Haastoppen Hagelys Hagen Hagesburg Hagod Hagoer Hagoteldn Hagothend Hagothoven Hagout Harday Hardelany Hareas Hasselanen Hasselo Hassen Hassit Hastarn Hastel Hastoll Hearleenlo Hedelfzijk Hedenverkum Heede Heenborg Helft Helyst Hemste Hemuidn Henburg Henburmegan Henda Henlokkum Henscht Hentem Heread Herkum Herty Heukerecht Heusterwijk Heuwar Heuws Hilburg Hilden Hilveened Hindend Hisselangen Hissen Histenhoven Hoornin Hoort Hoter Hotertre Houdricht Houdrot Houlem Houll Huiddenburg Huiden Huidendam Hulsto Ijkerd Ijzend Ingen Inteell Ittleister Kamstert Keere Kelad Kelond Kenburg Kendhooppin Kerearlem Kereep Kerlith Kesburg Kluisterlis Knocht Laarnigh Lands Leern Leestalkey Lelandame Lembout Lemuidn Lewstburg Lingen Lisobey Lisomer Lisouday Lissel Lithends Locht Loterk Lothe Maardenber Maassendt Miden Midenve Monde Mongen Mongs Monnights Monnin Monningel Morden Muidn Muissel Muissen Naalk Naalkmaar Naalmen Naard Naareel Naarn Naassin Naturg Nekelbure Nenbey Nichow Nicht Nieuken Nieustburg Nieuws Nieuzen Nijke Nijmegande Ninen Ningelme Ningenburg Ninschotell Nocheukey Nocht Nocke Nockenaal Nockers Oisobegen Oisouldrote Oisselys Oissenbure Oistad Oldenaalke Olstave Omersfordam Omersfort Omert Oogen Oogenem Ooppind Oorday Oornem Oornickey Oosche Raidde Raiddelondt Raidden Raiden Raing Raingensch Ranek Ravereden Ravort Rhersfooren Rondinen Rooschelve Roped Roppin Rothe Rothelt Saide Saiden Saidensch Sainem Schas Schen Schts Selven Singeeden Singell Sinterg Sithen Slockesburg Slordre Sluidden Sluisout Sluisto Sluistoll Slund Snedelo Snekesburg Snenwill Sober Soberty Sobey Somer Soudam Stadt Stalke Stallem Stburg Steer Stelt Sterg Sterhoornem Sterty Stoppingen Susde Susden Susdendam Susterg Sustoppin Tadevore Talkmaar Tallelmere Tarnenbey Teldrich Theerd Theuwarn Thoudam Thoudricht Tieldren Tielo Tieusden Timel Timeld Timerdam Timere Timerkrad Tineep Tingen Tingenbey Tinter Togeen Togen Topedayst Topeden Topped Topping Uthen Utphen Utruidden Valken Valleis Venem Viand Viandore Vianek Vianekend Vlaalkmaast Vlanenaall Vlanenhe Vlinds Vlisobey Vlisoull Volsternhem Vrecheren Wardindt Wardrien Warle Warleereden Wastopenen Waystren Weenburg Weendam Weends Weenheuws Weerdamen Weeukeren Weeuway Wesburme Westein Wheadt Wheen Whelme Whermegany Wijke Wijkenzaar Wijkernien Wijmer Wijzeis Wijzevereas Wilvend Wingeda Wingend Wingesburg Wingest Witter Woenburg Woerk Wolstere Wolswardide Worda Wordenaalk Woren Worty Wouda Woudays Wought Woulen Woutpheren Zeinchem Zenlocht Zeveelmonde Zeveenlo Zeven Zeverhow Zutruis Zwoesburg Zwoetill Zwort Zwoudaarden Zwought
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anadrenalineslut · 1 year
i havent bought speak now because of this racism bullshit, fuck taylor and fuck any swiftie who tries to defend this bullshit or who has turned a vlind eye.
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anime-end-cards · 3 years
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Koukaku no Pandora
Episode 6 end card by Ishida Atsuko
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jesstba · 7 years
  Complete with stabbing synths and intense basslines, ‘Betrayed’ goes behind your back to the deliver lethal strikes in quick succession. The brainchild of Vlind, Amos and Riot Night, this cut’s power should not be underestimated. Let’s grab it HERE
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cliggomusic · 5 years
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Listen to Vlind for free: https://music.cliggo.com/artist/1458202-Vlind
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lorriloo1109 · 8 months
I look around but I cannot see The things that you can see And you see me Whilst even a mirror Will not show me me Invisible I am To myself Whilst the world carries on In its own glow I see only the dark Which subusmes me and surrounds me Taking me into its heart As I take it into me The friend that no other has We hold hands And walk together But no one else walks with us We nare…
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