clairenovac · 9 years
I've technically been working on it for a year but I'm trying to get back in the swing and I've been working hard on the latest chapter so now the best time to get caught up or get started! This is literally my proudest artistic achievement of my life, and it's not even through, so like it would mean the world to me if you guys would read it and leave some comments :) --- Lilith, the campaign manager for Presidential candidate Mark Lucifer, hires Ruby to kidnap the competition's son. It's a job like any other; seduce a shallow guy, tie him up, hold him ransom for whatever high-profile entity he's attached to, and get home just in time to watch the new Game of Thrones and count up her reward money. But the one thing she was never prepared for was falling in love with her assignment. Sam Winchester hates being the son of a politician, and he hates his path in life even more. A reluctant law student at NYU with no time for anything else, his world is turned upside down when he meets the mysterious Ruby at a nightclub his brother dragged him to. In each other they find true freedom in the midst of radically different, yet equally lonely lives, but she knows their relationship is just a time bomb waiting to explode. How long can she hide the truth from Sam and deceive her short-tempered boss before she puts both her and Sam in more danger?
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jvedi-blog · 9 years
vodkasam, vodkadean
Do they follow me: Yes | No
Do I follow them: Yes | No | Now
What I think about their blog: i ADORE THIS BLOG SO MUCH?? Aly's such a kind person and she deserves everything good in the world. Plus her blog is damn gorgeous and I could go on and on about how much a love this blog and it's owner. 
Do they follow me: Yes | No
Do I follow them: Yes | No | Now
What I think about their blog: ohhhmygoodness this blog... theme goals. everything is gorgeous. 
send me urls
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rainydestiel · 9 years
I got tagged by vigilantcastiel 
1. Why did you choose your URL?
Destiel is my one true always and forever otp and rainy kind of describes the tears I’ve felt for it lol but honestly I wanted snowydestiel but it was taken ig??
2. What is your middle name?
3. If you could own a fairytale/fictional pet, what would it be?
Something with wings. Dragons are A+ tho tbh 
4. Favorite color.
5. Favourite song.
I LOVE come on Eileen by dexy midnight runners, but I also love thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran so…. 
6. What are your top three fandoms?
Supernatural, Harry Potter, and probably avatar the last airbender 
7. Why do you enjoy tumblr?
Um it depends on the day. Sometimes I hate the atmosphere and it’s too suffocating and I feel so weird and almost unsafe (If that makes sense?) but other days I spend HOURS on it 
8. Tag all 9 of your tumblr crushes (they have to do all 8 questions too) Oooooooo okay 1. ashabine-lights 2. vodkadean 3. dashofdarkness 4. 00trumpet 5. whoatheredean 6. woahtheredestiel 7. sundaysvoid 8. fandom-related-user-name 9. yes—i—ship—it
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pcseidon-blog · 9 years
You’re not in love. You’re not in love because being in love with him is dangerous and stupid and reckless. You’re not in love because that’s not what you do, or who you are. You’re not in love but, sometimes, he fucking smiles at you just like that and you realize that you don’t see him smiling enough but every time you do it’s like the clouds are parting and making way for the sun and you’ve never seen anything so fucking beautiful in your entire life. You’re not in love and you don’t tell him that but, sometimes, it must show anyway because he reaches out for you without thinking twice about the weight of his hand on your arm and without fear that you’ll pull away. You’re not in love. (That never fooled him anyway.)
the book I will never write #7 | m.f.
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lumonnie · 9 years
babe babe babe babe where's your description from?
I um. wrote it??? it's actually part of a longer thing that's saved in my drafts but I can send it to you if you want bc I love you
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holyackles · 9 years
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So the Winners are...
Url-  Winner: deanmoans Runner-up: topmisha   Icon- Winner: mostly-misha Runner-up: swansam   Posts- Winner: faithchesters Runner-up: maturedean   Theme- Winner: devastatingdean Runner-up: redeemcas   Color Scheme- Winner: destieldearest Runner-up: pristinecas   Updates Tab- Winner: hardersam Runner-up: blushingjared   Edits- Winner: hallowedbecastiel Runner-up: cuddlescastiel   Writing- Winner: puppycastiel Runner-up: vodkadean   Blogger- Winner: mostly-jared Runner-up: winkycastiel   Overall- Winner: vodkadean Runner-up: devastatingdean
Reminder of what you won here
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driiving · 9 years
top 5 favourite tumblr users
ooh nice ummmm wow that's tough
and thatsthat24 bc thomas sanders is gr9
those were just off the top of my head. if you click "+links" in my sidebar you'll see a link to my blogroll :)
send me top 5's 
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jensenackle · 9 years
thank u nat
26: A song that makes you want to fall in love
????????? uuuuuuuuuh i don't know???? always — panic! at the disco
27: A song that breaks your heart
terrible things — mayday parade or when we were younger — you me at six
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
already done but life on mars — jessica lange (i'm weak sue me)
29: A song that you remember from your childhood
nine in the afternoon — panic! at the disco
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
uuuuuuuuuuuuuh i don't know???? so, obviously, centuries — fall out boy
send me some?
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topcas · 9 years
So apparently Jesse Moore was in charge of the Challenger mission....the one that exploded as soon as it lifted off....Jesse Moore...Jess Moore....fire....ppl dEaD....coicidence....I thINk NoT
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lumonnie · 9 years
I'm on mobile so I can't send symbols but the handwrite your tumblr crushes one!
send me a symbol
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vodkacas · 9 years
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Decode - Paramore
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impurecas · 9 years
when you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes. check my blog to see what I said about you! [this is mendsam]
snowflakesdestiel: Well, I actually know you preeeetty well in real life, so maybe this is cheating, but you're actually wonderful and everyone should go follow you since your blog also is (also ya know we should talk more again)vodkadean: HEY I've been following you for ages and your blog is fantastic and by the way you're really attractive too...topcas: MOLLY HI HI okay so you're such a lovely person and we don't talk enough so we should, and your blog is so great I try to live up to iteternalcas: We haven't really talked, but I've loved your blog since it was about the second one I followed and I was so excited when you followed me backharderdean: You're really sweet and cool and have a great blog and I'm jealous whoa
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uhuraisgay · 9 years
vodkadean replied to your post:your fav is problematic: liv @wintcrsoldier
:') liv is so problematic, i hope you are seeing this liv
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wolfstarry · 9 years
vodkadean, pastelcas, arousecas, jolidean, castielsbabydaddy, protecthannah
gonna put this one under a cut
Do they follow me: Yes | No
Do I follow them: Yes | No | Now
What I think about their blog: their blog is so beautiful what do
Do they follow me: Yes | No
Do I follow them: Yes | No | Now
What I think about their blog: what a cute background :3
Do they follow me: Yes | No
Do I follow them: Yes | No | Now
What I think about their blog: chris is the best ily chris also i will send u pics of my doggie asap i was on a plane yesterday
jolidean is just a saved url?
Do they follow me: Yes | No
Do I follow them: Yes | No | Now
What I think about their blog: i thought i was following?? their theme is so cute
protecthannah has moved urls :(
send me a url?
blacklist syd does ask games
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shirtlessdean · 9 years
92 truths
i've been tagged so long ago i don't remeber when, but i promised myself that i would do it, so here i am! :D
thanks odbodycas for tagging me c:
Rules are: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
WHAT WAS YOUR:  1. last beverage? raspberry leaf tea 2. last phone call: to my mom 3. last text message: to my cousin/best friend 4. last song you listened to:hot chelle rae - jingle bell rock 5. last time you cried: 2-3 weeks ago or something like that
HAVE YOU EVER:  6. dated someone twice: no 7. been cheated on: no 8. kissed someone & regretted it: yes 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: all the time 11. been drunk and threw up: a couple of times, unfortunately
LIST YOUR THREE FAVOURITE COLOURS: claret, violet, baby-pink
IN THE LAST YEAR, HAVE YOU:  15. Made a new friend: yes 16. Fallen out of love: nope 17. Laughed until you cried: yeahhh 18. Met someone who changed you: i don't think so 19. Found out who your true friends are: yeah 20. Found out someone was talking about you: no 21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend’s list: nein
GENERAL:  22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life: all of them, except for like 2 people 24. Do you have any pets? sadly, no! :( 25. Do you want to change your name: yes 26. What did you do for your last birthday: an awesome party with the best people on the planet <3 27. What time did you wake up today: something around 9:40 AM  28. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping hahah 29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: 'the maze runner: the scorch trials' movie!!! 30. Last time you saw your mother: 5 hours ago 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? my laziness 32. What are you listening to right now?: the christmas playlist on my blog :P 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: i've talked to a person named Tomek (polish version of this name haha) 34. What’s getting on your nerves right now: nothing really 35. Most visited webpage: facebook 36. Blood type: A+ 37. Nickname/s: martyn, mar, martynka 38. Relationship Status: single  39. Zodiac sign: virgo 40. Pronouns: she/her 41. Elementary: somewhere close from where i live 42. High School: somewhere kinda far to where i live 43. College: n/a 44. Hair color:  dark brown 45. Long or short: short 46. Height: 5,25 ft 47. Do you have a crush on someone: yes 48. What do you like about yourself?: my legs, my fashion sense & my imagination 50. Tattoos: in the future hopefully 51. Righty or lefty: lefty 52. First Surgery: none 53. First piercing: none  54. First best friend: emilka from my middle school 55. First sport you joined: haha none 56. First vacation: by the seaside in my country 58. First pair of trainers: lol i don't remember
RIGHT NOW:  59. Eating: nothing 60. Drinking: another raspberry leaf tea haha 61. I’m about to: eat my yoghurt 62. Listening to?: the christmas playlist on my blog (still) 64. Want kids?: yes! 65. Get Married?: yes! 66. Career?: lawyer maybe (but i always wanted to be an actress *sigh*)
WHICH IS BETTER:  67. Lips or eyes: eyes 68. Hugs or kisses: hugssss 69. Shorter or taller: taller 70. Older or Younger: older 71. Romantic or spontaneous: both :3 72. Nice stomach or nice arms: nice stomach 73. Sensitive or loud: sensitive 74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship 75. Trouble maker or hesitant: trouble maker
HAVE YOU EVER:  76. Kissed a stranger: no 77. Drank hard liquor: yes 78. Lost glasses/contacts: no 79. Sex on first date: no 80. Broken someone’s heart: i think so... :( 81. Had your own heart broken: nope 82. Been arrested: no 83. Turned someone down: yes 84. Cried when someone died: always 85. Fallen for a friend: kinda
DO YOU BELIEVE IN:  86. Yourself: i try... 87. Miracles: sometimes 88. Love at first sight: not really 89. Heaven: yes 90. Santa Claus: no 91. Kiss on the first date: no 92. Angels: yes
i tag some of my mutuals: infernaldean, vodkadean, fxckingdean, curiositycastiel, wondxrlandcas, snowedmary, saviormeg & longlovethequeen
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topcas · 9 years
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Im now a Winchester with my plaid scarf from coffeeandclara
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