#voicemail au
eveistdiepommes · 7 months
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Ghost Hunting has its perks…! ೨
(I colored the sketch!! I tried some new rendering techniques and I’m… so proud of this…. They look so cute!!)
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screampied · 6 months
What’s the toji fic about?!? JUST A TasTE
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Hello! It’s the same person who was asking about Fritz, do you think you can make some headcanons about how he was like in highschool? (And how he is like during work? If you got time ofc I ain’t trying to rush you)
Fritz Headcanons !!! || High school edition
Fritz was definitely known to be the dorky, nerdy AND the geeky type in high school. He wasn’t particularly popular in high school, but he wasn’t an outcast either- Just a dude that people knew, as Fritz was decently well known (recognized but not friends with them) and also were aware that he was clumsy and basically the first sentence in the beginning. (Story time coming up soon.)
He didn’t mind those titles because he knew he was that and wasn’t ashamed or upset about it like he was when he was a kid (Those words were used to insult him when he was young, but as he got older he didn’t see them as insults anymore.) It doesn’t bother him anymore and he does agree with it. He’d be a liar if he tried to argue otherwise, and he knew it. Being a dork, nerd or geek isn’t a bad thing at all. And he embraced that part of himself because that’s just who he was, and he was happy with it.
Fritz has ALWAYS been a klutz. Literally as a kid and as a now adult. People knew Fritz because they’d catch him tripping/falling in hallways and other incidents that happened at school [Science fails, project fails, presentation fails.] and remembered him for it. So that’s one reason why people know him. The other half is because those that have been with Fritz in projects or sat next to him knew him as a pretty endearing dude in his own right. That wasn’t what people really expected but it was a nice surprise to them to see who Fritz is, and know him to be sarcastic, flustered easily, common sensed and easy to talk to oddly enough and that he listens well. Much to their surprise also understands girl problems really well. (This man cannot count how many times he’s seen girls shocked by his responses. Guess he partially has his sisters to thank.) He doesn't like letting people know that though, he doesn't want to be a vent machine for people and tries to avoid being in other people's business.
Sometimes when he talks to girls though, and they end up complimenting him, Fritz- again, gets flustered easily. SO meaning poor baby boys face would get red. He doesn't even realize it sometimes until it was pointed out...making it worse.
Fritz had a usual hangout group he grew up with from 1st grade all the way till he entered high school. Around middle school they started drifting but would occasionally say hi or hang out after school until they were done with middle school. - but as he got into high school he made new friends in the clubs he joined and that became his usual go to buddies to hang with. He doesn’t keep as in touch anymore nowadays, but they chat every once in a while, just as a check in of sorts as the years have gone by once they were all out of high school.
Fritz was in a DnD club after school and if they had free time then they’d play during school too. He was in a computer programming class as well. Between that and stuck in music (he didn’t like it but had to participate because his sisters put him in there. Don’t ask if he knows how to play an instrument now because as soon as he was done, he gave it all up. He played clarinet because he sucked at everything else- but drums were fun to him. He picked up maybe a few things to play on some other instruments but not much at all. -)
He was sorta bullied in school for being big. I mean, he kind of got used to it but it did upset and make him kinda angry since the fat jokes were just really stupid and overused. He just ended up ignoring the dudes or gave them a quick "What the heck." look and moved on and kept going without stopping when they called out to him in the halls, gym, or if he was in class he just brushed them off. Sometimes he'd just stare at them with a blank expression waiting. It got awkward so they'd end up walking off.
But those are some things I can think of. He also never really crushed on anyone in school, mostly due to low confidence in that area and saved him troubles and drama [ Tried avoiding them until the crush was..basically gone or not as strong feeling anymore...] Every time he saw a breakup in school, it was just a good reminder to just focus on himself and not go for it.
Fritz was just a well-behaved student, got really good grades and wasn't the type to really put himself out there. Smarty pants if you will- He didn't get in trouble ASIDE from when those accidents happened at school. Not his fault that disaster likes to follow him. He never got detention or suspensions unless it was a whole class thing. Some teachers just don't care whether you're innocent or not of said thing that got the whole class in trouble-
Going to the nurses office or infirmary wasn’t an uncommon thing at all for Fritz. The nurses knew him pretty well and immediately started to chalk up what could have possibly happened as soon as walked in. He’d get or have Band-aids, ice packs with/or on him. Sometimes tissues too because of a bloody nose.
This man has crashed into people, fell into lockers, tripped over his own two feet, over objects like backpacks in the rows between seats, tripped going up and down the stairs, etc. A lot happens.
A/N: Sorry if it’s short! I'm gonna separate the work one in other post just to space it out and so it won't make this one too long. I hope these aren't too outta character for the dude- apologies if they are! There also might also be typos in there…
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
Dbk actually physically going to macaque's dojo once he hits that video in his ispp binge. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE IN LOVE WITH WUKONG"
And this is how macaque finds out dbk is watching his plays
he’s so mad about it 😂 (understandable bc i would be too like you watch those two monkeys act like a couple and be so close and yet here is one of the pair admitting he is shocked that what he felt for Wukong truly did run that deep)
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echovale052 · 4 months
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Final piece of Mermay for this year :))
Some silly rambles about the au under the cut :) (this is also my entry for @frenchiefitzhere ‘s first ever fanart competition)
Au rambles: Annex/Astrid mostly worked at the docks and never at sea too long. Astrid gets assigned to help Carol navigate the older smaller ship with a skeleton crew and her newfound abilities she stole from killing a fairy (Zephyn).
- Astrid has bad sea legs and awful sea sickness and family that he never wanted to leave behind
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theworstbiscet · 2 years
"this is about a voicemail"
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(aka I needed an excuse to draw grians body type so here we are, au and all)
"he was missing chunks of fur, each patch leaked lazily with red. But...not human red, it was bright almost glowing with it's saturated pigment."
" mumbo was still shaking against the dead end with his second set of arms twitching, looking as though it was searching for some to squeeze...or pick"
"grian felt his heart shatter when mumbo flinched, dispite being three times his size with serrated tusks that could rip his ribcage out like a chilly bowl they still flinched. "Your, oh mumby- I'm so sorry" grian squeaked gripping his sleeves as if to rip them off. He could feel the 'paint' soak to his skin."
Grian watched as xisuma Jolted with his each swinging, sending a spray of 'paint' onto his brass knuckles adding to the mural on his sweater. It-no They fell limp to the asphalt splattering it in a Cascade of teal "oh wow, that was just- Sad how they sat there at the end" grian muttered out loud. Xisuma didn't say a word only shook where he stood.
(Whoa I legit didn't mean to write a whole backstory right there, but yeah I'm vibin with this now so you can ask me questions for this swap au if ya want)
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warriorbard2012 · 1 year
Heey! Have you done 26. "Helping them build their confidence before an important meeting"? If not, may I request Vaxleth? Thank you :D
Hi Raven! Thank you very much for the prompt! I hope I did it justice! These two cuties are becoming one of my favorite ships to write for!
(A/N: This story is part of an AU I'm calling the Vax Lives verse, where Scanlan manages to use his wish spell to prevent the RQ from taking Vax at the end of C1. He and Keyleth are now happily married and are living in Zephrah.
Also, There is a trigger warning on this one for a mention of a miscarriage. No graphic detail is given, but it is mentioned. Feel free to skip this one if you need to.) 
“Breathe,” Vax gently took Keyleth’s hand. “Breathe with me.” She squeezed it heavily, which hurt a little, but he didn’t care. “Everything’s okay.” He gently casts Lay on Hands to try and get rid of the sick feeling in her gut.
It must have worked because Keyleth finally took a breath, and then she leaned forward and rested her forehead against his shoulder. “Ugh. This sucks.”
He let go of her hand to rub her back, ignoring the smell of sickness in the air. He hated this too. He hated when she was sick. But this… this was something that she couldn’t avoid. She just had to endure it, and he vowed to be right there with her doing whatever he could to help her feel better. 
“I know, love. Just a few more months, and hopefully, things will settle.” He kissed her hair and continued to rub her back.
“We are late. I hope Dad isn’t going to be too upset.” Keyleth said, her words still muffled into his shoulder.
Vax chuckled. “Considering the whole point of us having dinner is to tell him you are pregnant, I hope not.”
Keyleth signed and pulled away. “Is it too soon? I don’t want to get his hopes up.”
Vax’s smile faded and he gently pulled her with him into the window seat of their bedroom and sat her in his lap to hold her close. He put his hand on her belly. He could barely feel the bump where their child was slowly growing. Everything seemed fine so far, but so had the other pregnancy.  His memories went to the child they had lost before, and he said a prayer for them. He knew that miscarriages happen sometimes, but that knowledge didn’t take away the pain.
“That’s up to you, Kiki. I support you, and if you don't want to tell him yet then we won't.”
Keyleth sighed. “It seems stupid, but I’m worried that he’s going to be disappointed.”
“Why?” Vax asked softly, gently running his fingers through her short red hair.”Disappointed that we lost a child, or disappointed that we tried again so soon?” He was a bit confused.
“I don’t know,” Keyleth replied softly. She hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts, and then continued. “Maybe it’s just me, and I’m projecting.” She sighed. “I’m just excited, worried, hopeful, and scared all at the same time and I don’t know how to feel.
Vax nodded his head, understanding all of that as well. He gently kissed the back of her neck and held her just a little bit tighter.
“Well, the only way to find out is to tell him and see what he says. And for the record, I feel the same way, love. I’m worried about you and the baby, but yet I’m so excited that I could shout. I don’t want this one to end in disappointment and sadness, but some things are out of our control or understanding. No matter what I will be right here by your side, loving you through it all for as long as I can.”
Keyleth turned slightly to kiss him on the lips; then, she hugged him. “I love you. How do always know what to say to make me feel better?”
He grinned and gently teased her bottom lip between his before letting go. “Because I know you and I love you. I’ve devoted the rest of my days to making you happy. It’s my one goal in life.”
Keyleth found herself blushing even after the years they had shared. “Such a poet, my love. Careful, you will make Scanlan jealous.”
They shared a laugh, and then, after a few moments of resting, Keyleth stood up. She turned and held out her hand to Vax. “Well, I’m ready. Thank you.”
Vax allowed her to help him up, and then he squeezed her hand before letting go. “No thanks needed, Kiki.” He nudged her hip gently with hers. “It’s my honor, truly.”
She nudged him back. She bent down to reach for her bag, but Vax grabbed it first.
“This is my honor too. It’s part of my duties as a husband. I’m the official bag carrier.”
Keyleth snorted. “Dork.” Then she put her arm in his, and together they made their way towards her father’s cottage.
Edit: 6/2/23 This has now been posted on AO3! You can find the link here!
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sereia1313 · 6 months
Some InuKogKagu thruple action for momstable on Ao3. I really enjoy them and their shenanigans.
InuKogKagu: "No, shit, there I was..."
“You’re full of it,” Kouga said, leaning back against the booth. “No way she agreed.”
“She did!” Inuyasha retorted, downing another shot, the glass clinking against the table. “I straight up told her she was God’s gift to…to something, and she laughed and said she’d come by later!”
The wolf rolled his eyes, stealing his mate’s final shot for himself. “She was just placating you. Probably wanted to get rid of you so she could report you to the manager.”
Inuyasha swayed as he crossed his arms. “I dunno what placating means, but she wasn’t doing it. She thinks I’m hot.”
Kouga snorted. “A hot mess, maybe.” He honestly couldn’t remember why they’d come to this bar—he was too many drinks in at this point—but it wasn’t to harass the bartender. Keeping his mate out of trouble was a regular occurrence, but this was taking it too far. “Listen, you better apologize—”
“You should both eat something if you want to avoid a hangover.” Kouga looked up and was instantly captivated by a pair of crimson eyes. Matching lips were curved into a smirk, a billfold and a few pens tucked into her apron. 
Inuyasha smirked, resting his head on the table. “Told ya she’d be back.” 
The woman raised an eyebrow, and Kouga ran a hand through his hair, suddenly wishing he hadn’t had so much to drink. “Sorry if he’s been bothering you. We’re…celebrating something, but we’ve both had too much and should probably—”
The paper covering to one of their straws hit in the face, Inuyasha grinning in triumph before turning to the bartender. “Remember how I was tellin’ ya I had better aim?” He puffed his chest out even as his eyes glazed over and he knocked over a glass of water. 
“Might want to work on that,” the woman said, one hand on her hip. “And I thought you said he had better aim, but youwere stronger.”
Inuyasha frowned, trying to remember exactly what he’d told her at the bar. “That was in the beginning. I’m better now.” She gave him a skeptical look. “No, shit. There I was, tryin’ to corner a rat—or was it a spider?”
Kouga groaned as his mate launched into some muddled story about catching pests. He tried to get the bartender’s attention, wanting to let her know it was fine to walk away, but she seemed genuinely interested in Inuyasha’s story, and he eventually blurted out, “You’re not gonna kick us out?”
She chuckled, writing down something on a pad of paper. “Not yet. Just make sure he doesn’t puke on anything. Wouldn’t want to ruin the night.” Her smirk shifted from amused to sultry, and Kouga felt heat pool in the bottom of his stomach. “Do you get off soon?”
“Maybe,” she said. “Let’s get some food into both of you, and we’ll see how things go.” She winked before tugging softly on Inuyasha’s ear, hips swaying as she walked back to the bar. Kouga wasn’t sure what she’d ordered for them, but he was going to do his best to sober up.
Kagura chuckled as she rang in an order of nachos, knowing the added protein from the chicken would help settle the men’s stomachs. 
Another server sidled up next to her. “Sorry, you had to work today. I know you planned on celebrating paying off your house with your mates.”
Kagura waved her off. “I’m not about to let you work a Friday night by yourself. And they showed up to keep me company, anyway.” She waved to the two men sitting in the booth, Inuyasha’s more enthusiastic than Kouga’s, and she laughed again. 
“Did they?” Kagome asked, following her gaze. “You should’ve told me! Why aren’t they sitting up here so we can chat?”
Kagura shook her head. “The drinking started before they got here. They were just planning on hanging out until I was off, but they’ve somehow forgotten they’re actually mated to me and are now hitting on me and hoping I’ll go home with them.” She met Kagome’s gaze, and they both doubled over laughing. 
“Make sure they leave you a big tip,” the other server said, patting her shoulder. “And that they make it up to you for forgetting you exist.”
“Oh, they’ll definitely be doing that,” Kagura promised, winking at the booth again before checking in on her other tables, making sure they both had a clear view of her ass every time she bent over.
Thanks for the prompt!
Part of my dialogue/drabble ask Voicemail. Read the series on Ao3 or FFnet. Asks are still open!
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russetfoxfur · 2 years
look i just had to write this
He picks up the phone.
There is a message from Mumbo.
Mumbo Jumbo has sent a voicemail (60 seconds long).
He presses play, waits as his phone catches up to the request (seriously, what kind of internet fizzled out a few days after the apocalypse?) and holds his breath.
For a moment after the triangle play button stops spinning in a circle, there is static.
Then, a voice.
"Grian!" shouted at the top of some very British lungs. "Grian, I- I don't know what's happening and I don't like it and it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, Grian please make it stop!" There is a wordless shriek and Grian sucks in a breath.
"I'm turning into a monster, Grian, please help me. I- I- I think I have dementia right now! I- I'm forgetting- how- huh?" Another scream and Grian is pinned to his phone.
"Grian, if you get this, please hurry, I- I don't know how long I can hold out, I'm- I don't- please!" Mumbo sounds like he's on the edge of tears. "Signed, Mumbo K. Jumbo."
He remembered the signature.
Grian stares blankly at his phone as the static and the shrieking cuts out. Mumbo Jumbo. His best friend. Screaming and shrieking.
It's happening to everyone, he realizes. Not just my apartment. It's not some weird cult that sprang up overnight. It's real and it's killing Mumbo.
Before he does anything else - namely, pack a bag and grab the crowbar - he presses the Record Voice button and says softly,
"Hey, Mumbo. I'm- I'm on my way. I won't let the bad things happen. I'm going to come as soon as I can, and I- I'll make it better. I don't know how, but I will, I promise that on the stuffed bird you made me." He allows himself a laugh. "You did promise I'd get that stuffed bird when you were done."
But then, his expression hardens and tears prick in his eyes. "Please hold out for me. I- I don't know how- you're my best friend, Mumbo, more than Iskall and Impulse, now that they've gone to Concorp, and Scar-" He breaks off. It's been a while since he's even contacted him, because of him being obsessed with money and medicine. Ever since Scar had given him that weird shot that had been supposedly to protect him from demons. Ever since Scar had shared the formula for a strange 'war gas' that, now that he'd thought of it, was probably used to start the apocalypse. Ever since Cub had decided that Boatem wasn't good to socialize with.
"Well," he murmurs, and he lifts his gaze to the framed Boatem crew picture, to the wind-up Entity sitting on the countertop. "I'm going to do this. I won't let you down, Mumbo, I won't. This won't be the last voicemail you send.
"Signed, Grian P. B. Xelqua."
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gorejo · 10 months
ijichi puts up with way too much from his silly boss 😔😔
and that silly boss trusts ijichi with his life
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eveistdiepommes · 7 months
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Dio Mio! This ghost is affectionate….! 😳
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screampied · 6 months
So, if we getting Sukuna/Toji threesome…….. I was just thinking about smth, please hear me out 🙏🏻 I was watching some porn the other day and there were 2 really big guys and at the beginning the girl was in interesting position, please stay with me 🙏🏻 so dudes were standing, and her legs were wrapped around one guy’s neck and he was eating her out and she was upside down sucking second guy off 🧍🏻‍♀️ omg I hope I explained it well, but when I saw this i was like this is so Toji and Sukuna coded??? Like they are so big I want to be crushed between their tits 😔
SHIT bc i still have to work on gojo's series in april but this entire plot / idea has me in a chokehold. 😞😞😞😞😞 i might just have to cook actually bc i love boxing and i also love sukuna and toeji
i’m crying the porn references. WAIT ???? 🌞 im trying to actually envision this position and it sounds kinda interesting. FUCKKKKK u know how strong you have to be to do that, does this position have a name bc i’m willing to do research 🌞🌞🌞🌞. u explained it good !! i think i’m seeing what you mean, besides i do need to write more threesome positions besides the uhhh double penetration and eiffel tower i think bc that’s all i know lawlsies
real 😞 i thought toji was big but sukuna in the mix too? we might have a trip to the er afterward
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deadlyterrorstonight · 4 months
How would the guards handle pranks from a friend? - 💫
Ask #2 | Question: Nightguards handling pranks from a friend.
Depends on his mood AND what the prank was. Normally he can be a champ about these things and laugh it off, even if he can be a little upset or mad about it. Might even applaud you for being able to scare the bee-jeebies outta him, OR screwing with him real good.
But if it’s really bad, like not a good day? Yikes..the face he makes is gonna scare you then.
Mike does have some anger issues still, so he can get scary when he's upset since that angry face he makes can be intimidating to say the least.
Overall? No hard feelings in the end of it all. Might prank you back though..so be warned.
Fritz? Yeah, he can take a prank. Might not be so happy with it all the time though to be honest. Especially if its more often than not.
Also, depends on what kind of prank. He doesn't like being scared, might even give you that "Really?" look after you've done it. After so many times he's going to give you that fed up look, with a deep inhale and walk off.
And the ones with more creativity? Maybe a slime prank, or that invisible tape on the door prank? He'll have a look of shock and then move on. There isn't any point in just standing there confused when it's obvious you're the culprit of this prank.
Overall? You're going to annoy him if you scare him too often. And for the other kinds of pranks? He won't mind unless it gets out of hand, and you bother him too much. He wont be happy about it.
Jeremy can handle pranks, but the severity and how often they happen to him really matter. You can potentially make him paranoid and overthink. He doesn't take well to being messed around with constantly like that. Unless it's those generally harmless pranks- the toilet smoking for example. He enjoys those and actually thinks they are funny. Sometimes he even looks forward to them when you decide to prank him in that way.
Can’t really handle the scare pranks. Might actually make him pretty upset with you- Mike might even get ahold of you for it because everyone knows Jeremy is sensitive. Don’t mess with him too bad. Otherwise, you’ll be receiving a lecture from an angry Schmidt.
Overall? He likes when you do those harmless pranks that are actually funny. He can handle those but nothing drastic though- like scaring him a lot for instance. - He’ll be very suspicious of you. Constantly questioning you and wondering what you’re going to pull next due to all the jump-scares you give him. Possibly might run your friendship at risk if you can’t learn to reel back and chill out.
Scott can tolerate the pranks you throw his way. He doesn't HATE pranks, but he wouldn't say he's all that into them. Sure, he can get a good laugh out of them, but he definitely doesn't enjoy being pranked constantly* himself.
Now if every now and then you prank him, he's fine with it. If not? He'll be real annoyed with you. He doesn't enjoy being scared so that'll quickly get you that annoyed look if you do it often, might even get lectured.
The more harmless pranks he is also tolerant of, but it'll get old fast if done too often. Scott isn't a buzzkill, but he likes when things aren't overdone. Like Mike's puns. He likes them but when Mike's doing them constantly then it just bugs him.
Overall? Just don't overdo it. Then you'll be fine and he won't be upset with you. And if you do overdo it, you’ll likely run his patience and he might try and avoid you in order to get away from your shenanigans. Watch it.
Pranks? Who do you think you're pranking? Vincent will get you back. He won't really let you get away with it. Trust me.
At first he'll let you do your thing, probably get irritated and annoyed but will eventually get you back either sooner or later down the line.
It'll be fun in the beginning, but then it'll turn into a petty prank war.. The guys might get caught in the crossfire though. You'll get told off by Scott in the end of it though.
Overall? It probably strengthens your friendship if you don't take the pranks personally. If you do take it personally, the friendship will probably end with a rift since you’ll get fed up with him. “Don’t start what you can’t finish.” Is what he’ll probably tell you.
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exdayshiftguardhana · 10 months
Another voicemail... I'm even more worried now. I'll transcribe it.
"[Out of breath, also strained] Hey, Hana! Um. Sorry if the noise outside bothered you, I want to reassure you that I'm doing just fine! Maybe just keep those doors locked. No reason. [Angry shouting, as well as more powertools being turned on] OKAY I HAVE TO GO. BYE."
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executionher · 1 year
continuation from here !
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‘  miss catherine  ?  you make it sound like i’m royalty or someone superior  . ~  ’ you always had immense joy in teasing the salaryman .  you knew his potential ,  you watched how aggressive he could get in the rap battles  .  oh  ,  how it excited you ,  made you tremble .  tongue slowly traces the inside of your bottom lip as you maintain your smile .  pointer finger falls under his chin , you’re now staring directly into his eyes as you reply.  ‘  well , while you’re with me , your job will not be calling you .  in fact , this is an unplugged outing  :  no phone , no annoying people ,  just you and me  .  I will make sure you’re completely relaxed tonight . ’  a pause , then a slight whisper in his ear  ,  ‘ also , strawberry cosmopolitan , please .  ~ ’
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( @shouga-nai still has pandora's box open. )
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      metallic fingers are gripped around the gun.  index finger hovering over the trigger.  blue eyes are focused on the man who had appeared out of nowhere.  he was lingering the entryway of the kitchen.  he’d startled her.  she didn’t like being startled.  didn’t like the idea of not knowing who was around.  -  it had triggered that part of her brain that she’d been wanting to leave behind her.  the winter soldier.  she was always there  -  in the back of her mind.  ellie hated to admit it but she kept her alive.  
                           bucky hadn’t told her that anyone else was in the apartment.  jaw clicks and her grip on the gun tightens more.  but his voice was in her ear  -  hand resting lightly over hers  ,  trying to push her arm down  ,  away from aiming at the other man.  this is sam.  he had continued.  he’s a friend.  he can help.  blue eyes turn to look up at bucky.  the expression he was wearing was one that tugged at her heart.  he was worried.  concerned about his friend.  she looks back at this sam  ,  he’s wearing the same kind of expression.  it takes a couple of seconds  ,  but she finally drops the weapon  -  placing it back in its holster and the tension in the room lifts.  if only slightly.  “  sorry  -  ”  she murmurs.  first to sam and then to bucky  ,  before she turns her whole body towards him.  “  you didn’t tell me anyone else would be here.  ”
╰   ––––––– ✧   @wnterslder​​    :      asked      ❨        put the gun down. now.          ❩˙
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