#voices say that was the last time tokoyami sat next to him for a meal
theophagie · 10 months
I think my perspective of Deku is also smth like this, he's trying his damnest to avoid directly adressing how absolutely important his feelings for Katsuki are, while at the same time having like, zero difficulties being a fanboy in love, y'know?
"i was so thrilled by the idea of being close to Kacchan again that i forgot i had actual feelings i want to hide abt him"
Katsuki needs to grab him by the throat (literally or figuratively, you choose) asap.
AJSJFGK well he did definitely slip once 👀... absolutely lost in the sauce (no pun intended lmao)
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andypantsx3 · 4 years
war paint | 6 | blade
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pairing: Bakugou Katsuki / Reader
length: 27,765 words / 10 chapters
summary: Desperate times force you to disguise yourself and join the kingsguard. When a suspicious string of crimes strike the palace, however, Captain Katsuki Bakugou starts paying extra close attention. (spin off of in cinders)
tags: mulan AU, secret identity, romance, reader-insert
warnings: aged up characters, some violence, eventual smut
The bath house might have been the strangest moment of your life, but it proved only the beginning of Bakugou’s unusual behavior.
The captain seemed to be everywhere you turned in the days after. In the mess hall, you’d catch him staring at you from his table of officers, an unreadable look on his face. On the training pitch, he seemed to almost ignore your mistakes -- or at least, he didn’t appear as eager to rap you across the knuckles with the flat of his sword any time you were full seconds off a strike. He never reprimanded you, or revealed in any way that he’d caught you out after hours.
He was so confusing.
You’d thought more on his comments in the bath, about the prince and his valet. He had at least answered one of your long standing questions about why he - a marquis - would have joined the kingsguard instead of lounging around in Musutafu, slowly filling his manor full of heirs like the rest of the nobility. It was clear he was so viciously protective of the prince, and of Midoriya, though he seemed loath to admit it. You guessed that he couldn’t well knife anyone who “fucked with them” as he’d put it, from the comfort of a country estate.
This humanizing connection had you more confused than ever, and in combination with his weird behavior over the past few days, you were beginning to think he was waging some kind of psychological campaign on you. His lingering, thoughtful gazes were reaching off-putting levels of obviousness, and the way he corrected you in drills -- while still colorful with swears and insults -- was almost downright friendly for him.
You wondered what was wrong with him.
“He’s gonna murder you,” Kaminari offered unhelpfully, when you asked his opinion. “It’s like a final act of kindness. The prisoner’s last meal.”
Sero poked him with the stem of the herbs you’d been trying to grind into a staunching salve. “It’s not that. When have you ever known Bakugou to be kind?”
“That’s what I’m saying!” Kaminari defended himself. “Why else would he be less mean to L/N than if he was gonna kill him?”
Sero rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I guess you have a point.”
You looked at him in alarm. “I don’t want to die,” you hissed. “I was just taking a bath.”
Kaminari smirked, piling up his own herbs in a towering heap, spilling out of the bowl of his mortar. “Not so great now, are they?”
You rolled your eyes, picking up your pestle and stabbing it into the mortar with feeling. “You can’t hate being clean that much.”
He didn’t respond.
You looked back up at him only to find him frozen, eyes fixated on something behind your back. He looked white as a sheet, and sat stiff and unblinking, as though locked in rigor mortis. A tall shadow fell over your workstation.
“Lotta yapping over here,” a rough voice said, and you looked up, up into a pair of red eyes. Your body locked up.
“Uh,” you said stupidly, feeling as blank as Kaminari, “The pestle leaves my mouth free.”
Sero let out an inhuman noise next to you, and the corner of Bakugou’s mouth twitched.
“Thought you did all your talking outta your ass,” he said, eyeing you closely.
Your face reddened. “Captain! I--That’s not--!”
“Calm down, shrimp,” he smirked. “You’re excused from medical training today. You’re coming with me.”
You stared up at him in shock. Was he taking you somewhere to kill you? Why not do it in front of the entire garrison? That seemed more his style, leaving your body to send a message to anyone else who dared commit the unforgivable sin of bathing after hours. What was he trying to do?
“Captain?” you asked nervously, fingers tightening on your pestle. Kaminari and Sero just stared, slack-jawed and open-mouthed like neanderthals.
“Now, soldier,” Bakugou said, insensitive to your plight. “Ten pushups for every second you make me wait.”
You shot to your feet. “Yes, sir.”
He turned on his heel, stomping back across the training field. The sun winked across his broad shoulders, falling in streaks over the blood red of his captain’s uniform.
“We’ll honor your memory,” Kaminari said sadly as you made to follow. Sero elbowed him, but it didn’t change your nervousness.
You thought quickly as you followed Bakugou across the field. If you weren’t being murdered, were you being discharged for your actions? Why now, why not days ago when it had happened?
Bakugou led you across the castle grounds, to a small building set in the shadow of the palace.
“In,” he grunted, opening the door. You eyed him apprehensively but ducked under his arm, stepping into a dim room. Racks of weapons lined the walls - heavy looking crossbows were pinned to the rafters, quivers of arrows lay in piles on the floor, and all manner of swords and maces lay racked in every corner. A tall man with a hawkish nose and dark eyes sat at a worktable in a cramped corner of the room, fletching a pile of arrows.
“Tokoyami,” Bakugou greeted him, following you into the room. You halted, but he prodded you forward with an impatient hand. “This is the little runt I was talking about. Think I got the size right?”
Tokoyami considered you, rising from his worktable. He took your wrist gently, placing his other hand under your elbow to pull your arm out, holding it perpendicular to your body. “He looks as described. I think it will work.”
Your heart picked up in your chest. What would work? What was he doing with your arm? Why was he holding it out? Was he going to cut it off?
You took a step back, running up against a hard chest. Bakugou let out a breath behind you, putting a steadying hand on your shoulder. It was almost unnaturally warm, burning through the layers of your uniform like the sun on a summer afternoon.
“Relax, princess,” he rumbled quietly in your ear as Tokoyami dropped your wrist, turning back to his worktable. He rummaged around in a pile of weapons behind it, the metal of swords clanking lightly as he shifted them.
You fidgeted uncomfortably under Bakugou’s hand, trying not to focus on the heat of him just behind you, the scent of smoke and something sugary that clung to him like dew on morning grass.
Tokoyami eventually emerged with a thin scabbard, holding it out to you. “Here.”
You looked at him curiously, but Bakugou gave you another impatient push. “Take the damn sword, shrimp. We don’t have all day.”
You took it from Tokoyami carefully, holding it out gingerly. “Captain, what is this?”
Bakugou scoffed from behind you, and you turned around to look at him.
“The standard issue blade’s too big for you. It’s why you’re so shitty at drills,” Bakugou said, crossing his arms over his chest. His uniform groaned in protest over his biceps, and you forced your eyes back up to his face.
“What?” you asked stupidly.
Bakugou smirked. “You’re not putting on the same muscle as those other fucks. I saw it in the baths. You needed a different blade - a little smaller and much lighter.”
You stared at him in shock. Is that why he had come into the water to harass you? He’d been looking you over? What else had he noticed about your appearance? Surely not much more or you wouldn’t be here…
“Please open it,” Tokoyami said quietly from your side. “Make sure it is to your liking.”
You followed his direction, pulling the hard leather from the blade. The crisp metal caught the glint of the afternoon sun, falling through the room’s single window. You noted immediately that it was perhaps an inch shorter than your own current blade, and about a fingertip less wide, with a smaller grip much closer to the size of your own hand.
The most dramatic difference, however, was its weight. It felt barely half as heavy, lightweight and almost airy in your hand after the weight of your own blade.
Tokoyami reached out and tapped the sword where a large groove ran through its center. “I had it fullered, much deeper than the standard issue blade to relieve some of the weight. I took enough length and width off to lighten the load but not give you a disadvantage in a fight, and reduced the grip size to keep the balance,” he paused, lip curling, “and because the captain said you had hands like a child.”
You whirled around to glare at Bakugou. He leaned against a sword rack, smirking, a thin blonde eyebrow raised as if daring you to disagree.
“You’ll need to practice with it,” Tokoyami continued, unaffected, “it will take some getting used to after the standard blade.”
You turned back to him. “Thank you. This is - wonderful.”
He seemed to smile, pleased. “It was the captain’s order. I only made it.”
You looked back at Bakugou. “Captain, I--”
“Save it,” he waved a hand, leaning back out of his slouch. “Tokoyami, thanks. We’ve got training to get to.”
He pushed the door open and stepped back out into the afternoon sun. “Move it, shrimp.”
You bowed to Tokoyami and scrambled after him. Bakugou led you back through the palace grounds to a small, out of the way training field you had never seen before. In the late afternoon sun, his hair shone like pale golden wheat, ruffling lightly in the breeze.
He stopped in the center of the field, unsheathing his own sword. “C’mon, princess. Let’s break in that new blade of yours.”
Your gut churned with nerves, but you nodded. You unclipped the sword belt containing the standard issue blade and kicked it to the side, drawing your new sword. Again, its lightweight build shocked you and your arm overshot the draw slightly, whipping the sword out a little farther than you intended.
“You’re going to have to put more force into your swings to accommodate for the missing weight,” he said. “It’s easier to move but you won’t be striking as hard when you do.”
You nodded, fingers tightening on the sword’s grip.
Bakugou smirked, eyes darting down to your hand. And then, before you could blink, he was on you.
You got your sword up just in time, barely saved by the fact that it was lighter than you were used to. The force of his strike rang up your whole arm and you gritted your teeth as he followed through, pushing you off balance.
You took a step back, ducking under his wide swing and darting your sword at his side. With almost inhuman grace, he twisted, leaning to the side and bringing his blade down to knock yours aside.
You followed the movement of your sword, letting it carry you outside his immediate reach.
“Good, princess,” he bit out, the corner of his mouth curling. “You’re faster.”
You stared at him. You felt faster, but you still couldn’t touch him.
“Again,” he commanded imperiously.
You thrust another strike at his chest. Again he caught it, knocking your blade aside. As he did, you noted that the force of it was easier to control than usual, and you were much faster in regaining command and bringing it back up to cut at him again.
“So you have been learning something,” he said, letting a savage grin touch his mouth. “You’re less useless than I’d have guessed, shrimp.”
It was hardly a compliment at all, but from him it felt like high praise. Something warm like satisfaction curled in your chest.
“Focus on bringing it down harder,” he said, stepping back into your space. The dirt of the field crunched under his boot. “You’re still not accommodating for less weight behind your blows. It’s easy for anyone to throw you off.”
You threw another blow at him, putting all your own weight behind it. He caught it, but was a fraction of a second slower in pushing you back off.
“Good,” he murmured again, red eyes tracking you as you stepped back out of his reach.
He threw another strike at you and met it with a heavy swing. He stepped through the recoil, and thrust again. Again you caught him in time and used his own momentum to swipe his strike aside. He grinned savagely.
After that, your focus narrowed entirely to strikes and thrusts, parries and blows. Your whole world became the swing of your arm, the glint of sun on bright metal, the soft dirt under your feet as you wove and ducked and swiped. Only gradually did you become aware of your heavy breathing and a slight fatigue in your arms. When you next noted your surroundings, the sun was no longer in its place in the sky, leaning close to the earth to kiss the horizon.
Bakugou used your distraction to kick your legs out from under you.
“That’s enough for today, shrimp,” he finally said, and you noted with some pride that he was breathing a little heavily as well. “I went easy on you, but you’re good. Better than I would have expected.”
You got to your feet, sheathing your sword. “This whole time,” you panted out between breaths, “I didn’t think - I, I’ve just been terrible.”
Bakugou tucked away his own blade. “You were. Now you’re not.”
You realized with a start that not only had he commissioned you a blade, but he’d set aside an entire afternoon to train you with it. Something like embarrassment, and gratefulness, washed over you in a hot wave.
“Thank you,” you blurted, grabbing the hem of your uniform for something to do with your hands. The tips of your ears felt hot.
Bakugou raised an eyebrow, then scoffed. “Shoulda caught it sooner,” he said, dismissively. “Knew you weren’t stupid with the way you picked up the medical shit.”
You looked at him in question.
“I thought you’d build up enough muscle,” he said, looking you over. “I didn’t take into account...other factors.”
Your eyebrows knitted together. “My...age?”
His crimson gaze caught yours, holding for a moment before he looked away. “Something like that.”
You stared at him but he didn’t elaborate, padding over to pick up your sword belt and previous blade from the ground. He held them out in a large, calloused hand. “Bring this back to Tokoyami. Then you’re dismissed.”
You took them from him, nodding. “Thank you again, Captain. I....appreciate it.”
A smirk overtook his handsome face. “Don’t embarrass me again at drills.”
A flush overtook your face so quickly it felt like you were scalded by your own skin. “I won’t, sir.”
He considered you a moment, then turned on his heel and set off across the field, waving a hand dismissively. “Get to the armory, princess,” he called over a broad shoulder, “I want you back in your bunk by sundown. No more late night escapades.”
You watched him go, something like a smile touching your mouth. A foreign feeling washed over you and you stopped to think on it for a moment.
For the first time in months, you felt like you were in the right place.
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bnhabadass · 4 years
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This is a collaboration with the bnharem server for Angst April. This was incredibly fun to participate in even though it hurt writing. Make sure to check out everyone else’s pieces which you can find here.
Pairing: Tokoyami x Reader Warning: Angst
You always thought that if you were to get dumped it would be in person, over coffee, at a cafe on a sunny day in late spring. Well maybe it wouldn’t be that scene exactly, but you were sure that you would be able to look into your lover’s eyes one last time before bidding them farewell forever.
A text message. It was a measly six word text message that broke your heart into a million shards which blew away with a gust of thick wind.
I think we should break up.
You were confused. You thought that your relationship was going well, especially considering that you went to different schools and how busy he was with his hero work. Third year students are already busy as it is, and what he has told you about his hero training seems so rigorous and taxing. Even with all of that you managed to find time to see each other and to go on dates at least once every other week. It was a healthy relationship, and you weren’t ready to give that up just yet.
Why do you say that?
You waited for a response. You checked your phone constantly, threw it against the couch cushions when you had no notifications, and practically ripped out strands of your hair as a pit of anxiety formed in your stomach. You tried to distract yourself by turning on the TV, but the first bit of news that popped up was a case that Hawks’ agency dealt with earlier in the week, and of course he was the headliner.
“Where are we going?”
“Just wait. It’s only going to be a few more minutes.”
You held your boyfriend’s hand as you walked under the bright moonlit sky together. The trees cast shadows down onto your skin. It was breezy out and you pinched the sides of your sweater together with your free hand.
Your boyfriend had told you the truth, and it was only a couple more minutes before you had arrived at your destination.
“I know that it has been a while since we were able to see each other,” he said, “what with me having hero work and all. So I thought why not make the most of the time we do have together.”
You gasped and couldn’t hold back a smile as you saw the picnic laid out before you. A blanket was spread on the grass and candle holders with red candles inside illuminated the picnic basket in the center.
“Fumikage, you never fail to impress me.” You kissed the top of his beak and gently guided him over to the spread he had made for you.
You tried to forget the memory. You smacked the side of your head in an attempt to make it go away, but no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t stop thinking about the small smiles that he would give only for you. And your head started to hurt.
You tried calling one of your friends but she didn’t pick up. You needed something to distract yourself, something to pass the time. You took a long shower where you planned on letting all that pent up emotion loose, but it refused to come out. You sat in the shower for an hour feeling the hot water beating down on your upper back. Your toe nails scraped against the bottom of the tub as you counted the seconds that went by.
Why can’t I cry? My boyfriend broke up with me, so why am I not upset?
That isn’t entirely true. You were furious. How could a year and a half of laughing and taking late night jogs and cooking meals with each other end with just the tap of a finger? You weren’t ready for it to end. You didn’t think you would ever be ready for it to end.
When you turned off the water and slid the shower curtain open, you relaxed slightly as you saw the heat emanating from your bare arms. As you cooled down, you could finally take a deep breath.
It was late. The full moon cascaded through your bedroom window, lighting the room in an almost magical way. However you could only feel a tightening in your stomach, as the moon reminded you of him.
Checking your phone for the umteenth time that night, you realized that it had died while you were in the shower. He could have responded while you were away and you would have no idea. What if he tried to call you? What if he decided that it was wrong to break things off with you and you weren’t there to answer?
Your trembling hands desperately fiddled with the plug by your bedside. How could you have let this happen? How could you have let it die? How could you have let your relationship die on your watch?
Tears clouded your vision as you waited for your phone to regain it’s battery. Just one percent. All you need is one percent to see if he responded, to see why your boyfriend left you.
Your face lit up as soon as your phone did, having regained the smallest bit of charge. You waited for a notification. You refreshed your messages, left dozens of little finger prints across your screen which were sure to cause an oil build up, but that was the least of your concern.
Nothing. There was nothing. No notification or anything. No text from your boyfriend giving an explanation for why he was leaving you. Nothing except the message you sent earlier which he had left on read.
What was wrong with him? Why couldn’t he just answer your simple question? Did he not think you deserve an answer? Your throat began to ache as your eyes welled with more tears, but you refused to let them fall. Not yet at least. Not until you had a good reason to cry.
You gripped the towel that was sliding down your body and hoisted it back up. You took a shaky breath in and prepared yourself to call your boyfriend. You waited a moment to hear the ringing on the other line before putting the phone up to your ear. There was a chance that he would not answer, but you knew you needed to try.
“Hello,” you heard after a few moments.
“Hi.” Your voice broke into the speaker, and you cursed yourself for letting any cracks slip through.
“(Y/n) it’s two in the morning.”
“I know it’s two am. I know that, but I need you.” Your voice had turned into a soft whimper as the tears you tried so hard to hold back were inching their way in big globs down your face.
“I’m sorry, but I cannot go to you anymore. You know that.” His voice was cold. It cut like a sharp blade and the wound it left was deep.
Your breathing became rapid. “Can,” you started. “Can you just tell me why? Can you please just tell me why you think we should break up?” Your face grew hot as you struggled to come up with what to say to him next. “Because I thought we were doing so well, a-and I really just need to know.”
You heard an audible sigh on the other end of the line. “I’m sorry, I just don’t want to date you anymore. I don’t think I love you the same way I used to.”
There was silence on both ends of the line. How could he say that when not even a week before he told you that you were the only person in his life who mattered this much to him? How could he pretend like none of what he told you over the last year and a half mattered?
Your face pinched in as you tried to create the most quiet sobs you could. You didn’t want him to hear how much pain you were in at that moment.
A minute went by before he spoke next. A minute of you quietly wiping away soft yet harsh tears that couldn’t seem to stop spilling out of you. “Are you alright?” He asked.
What did that mean, are you alright? “You’re an asshole, Fumikage” you managed to softly spit out before hanging up and releasing the loudest sob. Your head hit your pillow and you held on for dear life as it slowly started to dampen. The towel slipped past your chest and started to drag down but you didn’t care. You let it fall to the floor as you cried out.
“I loved you. I loved you, I loved you, I loved you.”
The sun was beating down on the calm streets. Most of the people out and about had no idea that there was a bank robbery close by. Tokoyami had swooped down from his perch on the roof of a near-by building, waiting for his mentor to meet him.
He looked around, taking in his surroundings. He was right by some cafe, a cute little shop known for its pastries. Sitting outside the cafe, he spotted someone who he hadn’t seen in a very long time.
You sat at a small metal table, sipping at your cappuccino. Your eyes were glued to the pages of a book, barely ripping them away in order to take a sip of your drink. You looked calm, much more so than the last time he heard your voice.
He felt so guilty. That night, he wanted nothing more than to go to your house and hold you as you sobbed. Not a day went by without him thinking about how much he misses holding his princess of darkness in his arms.
“Nice work, Tsukuyomi,” he heard Hawks from behind him. “The police finished taking my statement. I’m ready to fly back whenever you are.”
Tokoyami didn’t bother looking over at his mentor. Instead, he kept staring at your eyes as they concentrated on the story unfolding in front of you.
Hawks looked at what his trainee was staring at. He recognized you from somewhere. He wasn’t sure where, but then he remembered the picture that Tokoyami showed him a few months before. He spoke about you like nothing else mattered. He had never seen the dark boy smile until he said your name. “That’s her, isn’t it?”
“Yeah.” He looked down at his cloak, scared that if he stared for much longer you would notice.
Hawks looked at him, a warning expression lacing his face. “How long has it been? Four months?”
“Three months and seventeen days.” He looked back up at you, your eyes still trained on your book.
Hawks turned around and readied his wings for take off. “Remember what I told you. Hero work is dangerous. It’s better if you don’t get your loved ones involved.” With that, he took off, but Tokoyami stayed behind.
He wanted to approach you. He wanted to say something, to apologize for everything he did that hurt you, to tell you that he is still very much in love with you and that he wishes he could hold you again.
Your eyes flickered up from the page and he darted behind a tree as to not be seen. When he peeked his head out, he saw that you were now talking to someone. You had set your book aside as you spoke to another young man, one who was clearly attempting to make you laugh with a poor excuse for a joke. Even so, you laughed. And Tokoyami was fuming.
He wanted to push that man out of the way and kiss you like his life depended on it. “Stay away from my girlfriend,” he would say before dipping you down for seconds. He wanted to do that so bad, but he didn’t. He had a feeling, seeing you laugh, that this was the first time in a very long time that you were truly happy.
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your-denki-kun · 4 years
New Friends
A/N: There are no ships in this story. I don’t have hate for 1-A, but I just thought of this and had to post it. No hate to mitsuki either. This writing sucks by the way. Requests are welcome. Send me a message and you can request stuff.
What: Mentioning of abuse, angst, fluff, mentioning of selfharm, starvation, bad habbits, depressing thoughts, bullying.
Word count: 3.4K+
~3rd person pov.~
Once it was out it was out. Somehow people found out that Katsuki Bakugou got abused at house. He was often left alone, beaten and yelled at. Everyone fellt sorry for him and supported him. Izuku only fellt guilt however. Bakugou had told him during middle school, but Izuku hadn't believed him.
''I'm sorry I didn't believe you back then, Kacchan.'' Izuku says with sad eyes as he looks up at his childhood friend.
''Fuck off.'' Is all Bakugou barks before walking off.
''You didn't believe him?'' Todoroki asks shocked.
''Todoroki-kun!'' Izuku yelps.
''...'' Todoroki stares at him, waiting for an answer.
''I didn't. Auntie is always so nice to me, so I thought he was over reacting and lying.'' Izuku explains with a guilty face.
''So you don't believe me either when I tell you I'm being abused?'' Todoroki asks in disbelieve.
''Of course I believe you, Todoroki-kun!''
''So you don't believe your childhood friend, but you do believe me?''
''It's not like that.....''
Todoroki just walks off and heads to the canteen. Izuku looks at his back with teary eyes. From that point on it took a dark turn for Izuku. Todoroki told Uraraka, Iida, Tsuyu and Tokoyami. Uraraka told the girls and Ashido told the Baku-squad and Hagakure told her friends. Within two days the whole class knew what he had done.
No one talks to him anymore and they just glare at him. Izuku feels like he's back in middle school. People purposefully bump into him, say harsh words, hit him, etc. This caused Izuku to go silent. He sits on the roof during lunch, not eating while up their. He always looks down and he picked up on a few old habits.
Two of them being very destructive towards himself. He started starving himself and cutting again. It's something he did during middle school, but after All Might started training him he stopped. Seems some habits are hard to break. How a simple fight between Monoma and Cakugou can ruin everything.
The reason it came out was because Monoma and Bakugou got into a fight and Mitsuki was called to school, same for the parents off Monoma. When Mitsuki was done talking to Nezu she and Bakugou talked in the hallway. Mitsuki had called him names and even hit him a few times while Bakugou took it all.
His friends saw and stopped her. What had happened spread fast and now Izuku's life is ruined. He's glad that Bakugou is getting better, that people are helping him and that he's becoming his old self again from when they were kids. Izuku is breaking however and no one notices. Everyone turns their backs to him and he knows he deserves it.
That's the worst. He knows he deserves everything done to him, unlike in middle school. The only thing stopping him from ending it in middle school was because he knew that he didn't deserve the things done to him. Now he doesn't know that however and it's very destructive for him. He can't remember the last time he had a decent meal and it's starting to show.
''Hey, Midoriya. Is it okay if I sit down beside you?'' Kendo asks as she walks over to him. Izuku simply nods as he continues looking at the sky with empty eyes. ''I've been noticing how you go here every break and how you’ve been getting thinner. Did something happen?''
''It's nothing.'' Izuku whispers.
''Are you sure? Look, I don't want to pry and I know you're not part of my class, but you're still a student. Your class has been avoiding you like the plague and I don't know why, but I'm sure you have a reasonable explanation as to why you did what you did. If you ever want to talk to someone you can come to me.'' Kendo states with a kind smile.
''They hate me.'' Izuku whispers shakily.
''Kacchan is getting abused at home. He told me a long time ago, but I refused to believe him because auntie is always so nice to me and I was young.'' Izuku explains as his eyes tear up.
''I see. It wasn't good, but I understand. When you're young you don't understand a lot of things.'' Kendo hums.
''I did understand. I...I just thought that was how it's supposed to be at home. I believed that until everyone started treating Kacchan differently because of what auntie does.'' Izuku whispers as he looks at kendo with teary eyes.
''What do you mean?''
''Dad is never nice, neither is mom. I didn't want to believe Kacchan because auntie was the only one who was always nice to me and I refused to loose her. I was selfish and Kacchan suffered because of it.'' Tears stream down his face as his body trembles.
''So you're getting abused as well?'' Kendo asks in a soft, caring voice.
''Yes. Dad beats me because I'm gay and I am a late bloomer. Mom never stops him and even helps him. I never told a soul because in middle school it also happened all the time at school. I thought it was normal so I told no one. That's why I didn't tell a teacher what Kacchan told me, because I thought it was normal.'' Izuku sobs as he tries wiping his eyes.
''I'm sorry. I know it won't fix anything, but I'm so sorry you had to go through that. If you want you can sit with me and Tetsutetsu. I hope you don't mind that Monoma is also there from time to time. I'll be your friend and I won't leave you behind like your previous friends did. And I’m sure Tetsutetsu and Monoma feel the same way.''
''I can?'' Izuku whispers through his tears.
''Yes.'' kendo smiles reassuringly.
''I would like that.'' Izuku says with a faint smile.
''Great. From now on you're sitting with us at lunch and if you want to you can come to our dorms to hang out with us.''
''Thank you.''
''You're welcome. Good heroes always listen to both sides of the story.''
''They do.''
After that kendo stayed with him as they sat in silence. When the bell rang they went to their own classes and continued with their day. After school Izuku goes to his room and makes homework. The next day he feels a bit better when going to school, but as soon as he enters class his somewhat good mood gets destroyed.
''Oh look. The bitch is here.'' Kirishima scoffs.
Izuku just stays silent as he walks to his desk and places his books over the hateful words written on his desk. People keep whispering about him until Aizawa comes. He doesn't know about the things said or done to Izuku, because everyone hides it from him. As the lunch bell rings Izuku packs his things and heads to the canteen and sits down with Kendo, Tetsutetsu and Monoma.
''Hello, Midoriya.'' Kendo and Tetsutetsu greet.
''Hey guys. Thanks again for letting me join.'' Izuku smiles faintly as he sits down.
''No problem. That 2-A scum is really unheroic and this just proves it.'' Monoma scoffs.
''In a way you are true for once, Monoma.'' Tetsutetsu grins.
''Why don't you have any food, Midoriya?'' Kendo asks, raising one eyebrow.
''Ah, I'm not hungry.''
''Have you been eating well? You look skinnier than the last time I saw you?'' Tetsutetsu asks worried.
''Midoriya.'' Kendo warns.
''No. I'm not hungry. I can't get much food down my throat before throwing it up. Sorry.''
''It's fine, Midoriya. Just try to eat a few bites of my food okay?'' Kendo reassures.
Izuku just nods and accepts the little bit of food Kendo gives him. It takes him a lot of effort to finish it. Kendo, Tetsutetsu and Monoma don't say a word about it and just talk with him about random things. Izuku really appreciates it a lot. After lunch he goes back to class and goes back to his silent, depressed self.
Weeks go by and slowly Izuku is able to eat more and more. The cutting continues however and his new friends haven't found out yet. Monoma warmed up to Izuku, making them great friends and he will stand up for Izuku when he sees he's getting bullied. Right now Izuku is hanging out with Tetsutetsu. Both are in Tetsutetsu's room and just talking.
''Say, Midobro?''
''Yes, Tetsu?''
''How come the teachers don't do a thing?''
''Well, my classmates act somewhat normal while they're close.''
''Why don't you tell the teachers?''
''Because I get why they're acting like this. I did abandon Kacchan when he tried reaching out to me for help. I know deep down that I deserve what they are doing to me.'' Izuku whispers as he looks down at his lap.
''You don't. You had your reasons that explain why you reacted the way you did. The way they're treating you is not okay. Far from.''
''I know, but it's hard for me to believe I guess. For all my life people have been beating me down to the ground, for me all this is nothing. I'm dealing with it in my own way.''
''How are you dealing with it?''
''I just am.'' Izuku mumbles.
''No one just deals with it, Midobro. How are you dealing with it? Starving yourself?''
''What else?'' Tetsutetsu asks worried.
''I cut okay?! It helps me deal with the pain! Happy now?!'' Izuku exclaims with eyes filled to the brim with tears.
''No. I'm not happy, Midorbro. That's not good. You shouldn't do that.'' He whispers in shock.
''I know. And I stopped before going to UA and it has been going great. This shit isn't helping however and I need to deal with it. This is the only way I know. I'm not strong like others, I'm not.'' Izuku whispers as a few tears fall.
''You're not weak. If you were weak you wouldn't be here. So what if you have a bigger heart than most of the people here? That's a good thing. That means you are willing to help who ever you can. Don't let others get you down like this. You have me, Kendo and Monoma now.'' Tetsutetsu says as he moves over to Izuku and hugs him tight.
''I...Thank you. I'm sorry. I'll try to stop. I promise.'' Izuku sobs into his shoulder.
''Promise me that when you feel like cutting you'll come to me. I don't care how late or early it is, if I'm busy or sleeping. You can come to me. And if you can't sneak out then call. Can you promise me that?'' Tetsutetsu asks as he rubs the greenetes back.
Tetsutetsu smiles as he keeps comforting the green bean in his lap. It's strang yet not for the both of them. They barely hug seeing they haven't been friends that long and Tetsutetsu isn't really the affectionate type, but it feels right to hug one another. Once Izuku calms down he just cuddles up to him and relaxes completely.
''Midoriya, can I talk to you?'' Aizawa asks after the school day ends.
''Of course.'' Izuku replies as he follows after his teacher.
He gets nervous when they start heading to the principle's office. He knows something is wrong when he sees Present Mic, All Might, Nezu, Midnight, Vladking and Ectoplasm there. He looks at Aizawa with big eyes, but the tired teacher just walks over to the other teachers and leans against the wall as he looks at the ground.
''Please sit down.'' Nezu says as he motions at the empty chair in front of his desk.
Izuku nods and sits down on the seat. He glances from teacher to teacher as he fidgets with his fingers. This is bad, very bad.
''I've been informed you knew that Bakugou was being abused, but didn't do anything. Is this correct?'' Nezu asks.
''Yes.'' Izuku whispers, causing multiple teachers to gasp in shock.
''I see. That's a bad thing to do. You knew about his situation at home and didn't do a thing. I was informed you didn't believe him. Is this correct?'' Nezu continues, face neutral as he folds his paws and leans them on his desk.
''Yes.'' Izuku whispers as he looks down at his lap with teary eyes.
''Well, if that's the case there is nothing left for me to do but to suspend you for two weeks.''
''Yes sir.''
''You can leave.''
Izuku nods and gets up, head bowed as he silently leaves the room. As soon as he closes the door behind him he runs down the halls and stairs until he's outside of the school building. He runs to the 2-B dorms as tears stream down his face. As soon as he reaches the dorm he slams open the door, startling everyone.
''Midoriya?'' Monoma asks confused.
''They suspended me.'' Izuku sobs as he falls to the ground.
''What?!'' Everyone in the common room exclaims.
Over the weeks Izuku has been friends with Monoma, Kendo and Tetsutetsu he also got to know the rest of 2-B and got on friendly terms with them. They all know the full story and why he did what he did, giving him twenty people who support him. Monoma, Kendo and Tetsutetsu rush over to him worried.
''Why?'' Kendo asks.
''Someone told Nezu that I knew and didn't believe him.''
''And they didn't even ask why you did what you did?'' Tetsutetsu asks as he holds Izuku close, a habit the two created after that one day.
''We're going over there right now and we're explaining everything.'' Monoma states, getting up.
''Don't. There's no use. If they want to believe I would do something like that than let them. I'm so done with everything.'' Izuku sobs as he weakly grabs onto Monoma's pants.
''Midoriya.....We have to tell a teacher about what's going on.'' Kendo whispers.
''They won't believe me.''
''Why wouldn't they?'' Tetsutetsu asks softly, rubbing his back gently.
''I've told teachers before, but they just laughed, told me I deserve it and walked off. There is no use in telling them.''
''Our teachers are different. At least tell one teacher. One you trust.'' Kendo reasons as Monoma sits back down on the ground.
''Aizawa.'' Izuku whispers weakly, slowly calming down as he listens to Tetsutetsu's hartbeat.
''Okay. We'll come along to explain everything along with you.'' Monoma says as he gets back up.
Izuku nods as they all get up. Tetsutetsu guides him out of the dorms and back to the school building. Kendo and Monoma walk beside them as they try to cheer up Izuku. It works slightly and by the time they reach the classroom Izuku is smiling faintly as he walks on his own again. Kendo knocks on the door and they wait for a reply.
''Come in.''
And they do just that. The four of them walk inside and Aizawa frowns. Clearly the teacher aren't aware of Izuku being friends with people from 2-B. Aizawa just stares at them as they stand in front of him and the student desks. Izuku looks down at the ground as his friends look at him with encouraging looks.
''What's the meaning of this?'' Aizawa asks with a sigh.
''We find Midoriya's suspension wrongful.'' Kendo states.
''He kept important information from the school. He didn't believe a student when they confided in him.'' Aizawa states.
''I thought it was normal.'' Izuku whispers.
''What? You need to speak up.''
''I thought that it was normal. I thought it was normal until I saw how everyone reacted when someone saw auntie abusing Kacchan and told everyone.'' Izuku says, looking Aizawa in the eyes, his own teary.
''Abuse is not normal.''
''I know that now.'' Izuku whispers as he looks at his friends.
''That doesn't give you an excuse to do what you did.'' Aizawa deadpans as he sits down at his desk and pulls out some papers.
''Auntie was always so nice to me. I selfishly refused to believe Kacchan because I didn't want the last nice person to not be nice. I was so young when he told me. We were about seven. Kendo told me I probably just didn't know what abuse was, but I did. I do. Ii know what it is and what it does to a person.'' Iuku says as he leans against Tetsutetsu.
''My dad is far from nice and my mom doesn't do a thing, even joins. My past classmates from previous schools bullied me, beat me up, told me to attempt suicide, drove me to self-harm and starve myself. I was completely convinced that abuse is a part of life. I didn't tell a teacher because the teachers told me that I deserve it while laughing before walking off.'' Izuku softly sobs.
''And I didn't tell any of the teachers about the bullying that's happening right now, about the words written on my desk, about the beatings, about anything because I know that I deserve all this. I was a bad friend towards Kacchan even though he trusted me with important information. I.......'' Izuku's voice dies down as he falls to the ground, unable to speak another word through his sobs.
''Why didn't you tell any of us while at Nezu's office?'' Aizawa asks as he looks at Izuku shocked.
''Because past teachers were never there for him like he just explained. When we first suggested going here after he was told he got suspended he told us not to go here, that if you guys believe he would do something like this to let you. That he's done with it. He's starving himself and he was cutting until Tetsutetsu convinced him to stop.'' Kendo explains as Tetsutetsu hugs Izuku once again.
''I see.....I'll inform Nezu about what you told me. Wait here.'' Aizawa says as he gets up and walks off.
Kendo nods as she turns around and crouches down. Monoma and her sit beside Izuku on the ground as Tetsutetsu calms him down. They sit there for a good thirty minutes before Aizawa walks back in. Izuku has calmed down by now and looks at his teacher with a broken look, eyes dull and sad.
''Your suspension has been withdrawn. You have tomorrow off to emotionally recover. While you're at the dorms I'll have a talk with the class. We want you to send us prove of the abuse so we can start a lawsuit against your parents. Kendo, Monoma and Tetsutetsu are allowed to stay with you tomorrow and enter the 2-A dorm building whenever they please without being stopped.''
''Thank you.'' Izuku whispers.
''My pleasure, now go back to the dorms.'' Aizawa says with the ghost of a smile on his face.
The four friends get up and walk out of the building. Izuku smiles as he walks with his friends. He's relieved he told a teacher, it feels good and relieving to do so. His friends are just glad action will be taken. They all walk to the 2-B dorms and tell everyone there, who now know what happend because the ones who were in the common room told to the others, what had happened.
Izuku is nervous as he stands in front of the classroom. He stares at it for a bit before walking in. He looks down at the ground as he walks over to his desk and sits down. He frowns slightly when he doesn't see any words written onto his desk, it deepens when he notices how quiet the classroom is.
''Deku-kun....I'm sorry for how I treated you.'' Uraraka says softly as she stands beside his desk.
Izuku looks up at him with wide eyes as the rest of the class also apologizes as they go to stand around his desk. All Izuku can do is stare at the with wide eyes as he's frozen in place. His mouth hangs open as he tries saying something but fails miserably. Slowly he recovers and he shakes his head before looking from classmate to classmate.
''Why are you guys saying sorry?'' Izuku asks as he tilts his head to the side.
''We treated you horribly without asking you why you did it.'' Ojiro explains.
''But what I did was bad. Kacchan trusted me with important information and I selfishly brushed him off. As a hero others come before myself. So there is no need to apologize for something you had all the right to do.'' Izuku says with a smile.
''Midobro....That's so manly and sad at the same time.'' Kirishima whispers with teary eyes as he holds his fist over his heart and looks up at the ceiling.
''It's not manly or sad it's the truth.''
''It fucking ain't, Shitty Nerd. Just accept their fucking apologies and get this shit over with.'' Bakugou grumbles as he walks over to his seat and somehow manages to sit down.
''Well, apologies accepted then.''
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feeling-uncomfy · 4 years
Mafia AU part two, featuring a tiny tsundere and a tall himbo. What more can I say? They're a mess
So, warnings are as follows-
- gore/blood
- mentions of abuse(brief)
- kidnapping/drug mention
If there are anymore, they'll be specified at the beginning of the part-
Hope you enjoy! :D
After the fiasco that was Tokoyami getting kidnapped, Hawks had become paranoid. He downright refused to let his little brother out of the apartment they shared for the first two weeks, and his little brother was practically stabled to his side when he was allowed back in the building.
Tokoyami didn't mind at first, though after a while he started to get annoyed. He wanted to have just one moment of peace, and the only way he could get it was by going to the bathroom. But if he took too long, Hawks would freak out and break the door down.
It was like he'd developed some form of separation anxiety, he couldn't stand being apart from his little brother. It ended up turning into an argument between him and Endeavor, and what a sight that was. Hawks and Endeavor rarely fought, but when they did, it was lengthy and loud.
Todoroki and Tokoyami never usually minded, but at this rate it had been a week and they were still arguing over letting someone come over and help upgrade the security.
"Will they ever shut up?" Todoroki asked, raising his voice to be heard over the yelling. Tokoyami shrugged, looking over at his older brother and Endeavor. "I hope so, I'm getting tired of the yelling," for some reason, both of them froze after Tokoyami's words. Ah, right, the last time this had happened, Dabi had made an appearance.
Luckily, he was nowhere to be seen, and they both relaxed. Hawks stopped yelling, a true miracle, and Tokoyami looked over.
Hawks seemed to be thinking about something, whatever it was, he was obviously putting a lot of thought and consideration into it. This could either be great for the company, or an absolute disaster for it.
Most likely the latter, knowing Hawks.
Hawks sighed. Endeavor had suggested asking Gang Orca, another high ranking class boss in this world Hawks had grown to call his, to come help with the security. He was very skilled in negotiations, very persistent and persuasive. One thing Hawks knew the man prided himself on was security. Best of the best.
And he wasn't bluffing, either. Hawks had heard stories, seen things. That man was bigger than the three fully decked bodyguards that followed him around. But Hawks knew that it didn't change a thing. If needed, the guards would lay down their life for him, and surprisingly, Hawks was told the favour would be returned. He didn't dare question it.
He'd only met the man once, and he'd describe him as something like a helicopter parent. He was paranoid like all hell, and kept a close eye on the hallway leading up to where he was staying, though Hawks never figured out why. Nor was he told. Apparently it was one of the reasons he was gunned at so much, no one knew what he was hiding.
He'd seen him fight. It was friendly, and yet Hawks still winces at the memories. The man did not hold back, for whatever reason. Apparently the two had a dispute and settled it over a fight. It was brutal even despite the rules set up. Hawks swears he can still hear the sound of teeth cracking.
Aside from that, he was a respected and respectful man. He was polite when others were, and knew what he was talking about. A real leader, and under that wall of brute force Hawks was told there was a soft side to him. One that obviously wasn't shown often.
Hawks knew having his type of security would insure his little brother's safety, he knew it'd be ten times safer. But that didn't mean he was comfortable with this high ranking man who could easily snap his spine in two wandering the place he kept his plans.
Hawks sighed again. Logically he knew he couldn't turn it down. But that didn't mean he had to he comfortable! He didn't like the fact that if he wanted his workplace safe, everything would have to change. Everywhere would be searched and moved.
Endeavor spoke up. "Hawks. Any security I have to offer, or anyone else has to offer would pale in comparison. You want better security, let him do his job." Hawks bit the inside of his cheek to avoid immediately snapping back. Once he was composed, he started speaking. "I'm aware of that, but forgive me if I don't want someone who could easily use all these details against me to snoop!"
Endeavor fired back immediately with a response. "He's not going to snoop, he asks that all important files and documents are taken out, stored correctly, and then once he's done you can put them back," well, that made Hawks feel a little better, but he wasn't convinced.
"He completely reorganised your office! What's to say he won't do that to mine?!" Endeavor gave him a deadpanned stare. "Your office could use reorganising."
The gasp that tore out of Hawks's throat made Tokoyami and Todoroki turn their heads quickly, only to see Hawks with his hand placed dramatically over his heart. "Reorganising?! I'll have you know it's an 'organised mess' bitch! I know where everything is!" Hawks yelled indignantly, honestly offended.
Endeavor just stared at him with a look that screamed 'bitch really?' making Hawks even more mad. Before the petty argument could continue, Endeavor forced them back on topic. Right, security, letting Gang Orca go through his organised chaos.
The only reason he was even considered it was because he wanted Fumikage safe. Other than that? He didn't care, he didn't want to know. Yes, his security was shit, he was aware. But fully decked out bodyguards? Was it really necessary?
Not for him, for Fumikage. Hawks reminded himself that he was doing this for his brother's sake. His safety came first. Always.
"Fine. He can come help." The words were forced out, and it actually hurt Hawks to say, but he said it. Wasn't that enough?
Endeavor nodded and pat his shoulder. "I will have him meet you tomorrow at the earliest," he turned to Todoroki. "Shouto, we're leaving."
Tokoyami and Todoroki seemed to have a mental conversation before Todoroki snorted and stood up, walking over to his father and standing by his side. Tokoyami stood and made his way over to his brother's side. It felt like second nature at this point.
Hawks and Tokoyami said their goodbyes, and the Todoroki's left. Tokoyami looked up at his brother. "Do you want to tell me what that was about?" Tokoyami was, as of late, not in the bests of moods. He was irritated with the constant having to stand by his brother's side and then not get to know why he was even there.
Hawks pat his head. "We're upping our security, that's all," Tokoyami sighed. "The security here is fine, I don't see why you're bothering." Hawks looked down at his brother. His literal will to live, at some points. Hawks brought him in for a hug. "I'm not gonna risk losing you like that again. Ever."
For Hawks, this was a promise. A promise never to let his brother be put through that again. A promise to make up for what happened, he was serious. Never again.
For Tokoyami, it simply felt repeated. He'd heard those words so many times over the past four weeks that Tokoyami wasn't even sure if he meant it at this point.
Nevertheless, Tokoyami was reassured slightly. He trusted Hawks, he trusted his brother. He knew he wouldn't let them down. He knew that Kiego wouldn't let it happen again.
At the end of the day, he trusted his brother.
Hawks pulled back first, and the two went home as normal. Tokoyami curled up on the couch, checking his phone, as normal. Hawks was taking calls and ordering food for them. There was a small dispute on the kind of food. Spicy or plain? Choices were difficult sometimes.
A compromise was made, normally they'd take turns and get one over the other, but recently they've been getting a little bit of both, and now they couldn't remember the order they went in, so the two just agreed to get both each time.
So they sat there, eating their meals, playing video games until Tokoyami couldn't keep his eyes open. Hawks called it quits then and the pair went to sleep as normal. And, almost like a schedule, Tokoyami's nightmares began.
They were all identical, but they scared him shitless without fail every time. The noise of the drill, the pain he felt when it dug into his bones, the face of his kidnapper standing over him one second, laying dead the next.
The word "murderer" kept playing over and over and over again and it wouldn't stop. He couldn't stop it. How much longer until he killed Hawks? Todoroki? He couldn't- he didn't want to—
Tokoyami opened his eyes to the roof, again. He looked around expecting to see the body of Shigaraki, only to him Hawks laying lifeless. No, no surely he didn't do that. Tokoyami wouldn't.
Would he?
Tokoyami ran to his brother's side, shaking him as the rain fell. "Kiego...?" Tokoyami's voice cracked, and when he didn't get a response, he shook harder. "Kiego! Kiego get up! Please–"
Over and over, until Tokoyami couldn't tell the difference between "Kiego" and "Murderer" he screamed.
"Kiego!" Tokoyami sat up with a start, looking around the room. Not a roof, but rain hammered down on his windows like tomorrow wasn't coming. Maybe, a terrible part of Tokoyami thought, maybe Kiego's tomorrow wasn't coming.
Before Tokoyami could even work on untangling himself from the bed sheets, the door burst open. "Fumikage-?! What's wrong!?" Kiego was there, he was alive- he wasn't—
Tokoyami let out a dry sob, curling into himself. One look at the shitty weather and Kiego knew what was wrong. "Hey, it's okay.." helping his brother out of the mess of bed sheets, Kiego noted the tremors and the eye bags his younger brother sported, making him look older.
Kiego hated that his little brother looked like that, he shouldn't. He should be happy, healthy, and not afraid of getting kidnapped every second day. It's not fair on him, but they both knew life wasn't fair.
Kiego gently coaxed his brother to move out from under the sheets, and the two sat there hugging. They weren't sure how long, long enough for Tokoyami to fall asleep again, that's for sure.
Hawks was woken by his phone the next morning, and froze when he saw Gang Orca's ID flash across his screen. He didn't give him his number, or name for that matter. Nevertheless, he picked up.
"Hello?" Hawks's voice was soft, not wanting to wake up his brother. A deep voice answered, sounding like he's been awake for hours. Maybe he was.
"This is Hawks, correct?" Hawks blinked tiredly before answering. He sounded as intimidating as they made him out to be. "Yeah, that's me. What's up?" Gang Orca moved something on his line. "I was told you needed an update on your security?"
Hawks paused. "Yeah.. I do," Endeavor really wasn't pulling his leg when he said that earliest would be tomorrow. "Very well, I will be down to you're office if that's alright with you?" Harks agreed, shaking Tokoyami awake. Gang Orca was silent on his end.
Hawks thought of saying something, but he was beaten to it. "I'm going to be bringing.. my-.. son," Hawks blinked in surprise. "You have a son?" Hawks couldn't keep the blatant surprise out of his voice. Hawks didn't think to question the hesitation when Gang Orca said 'son' though in hindsight, he probably should have. He could then feel the guy's glare on him.
"Yes. Is there a problem?" Hawks did not like the threatening undertone of his words. He didn't like it at all. "No, sir. Just taken by surprise." That was true, but still, it felt like a lie. Gang Orca sighed. "We'll be over in twenty, tops."
[And that's part one! Hope you're ready, I'm not all that good with writing ships, but I'm getting better (I hope)]
[See you at part two!]
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yandere-daydreams · 5 years
So I watched venom and now all I can think of is yandere dark shadow's voice telling tokoyami all kinds of horrible thing he should do. Tokoyami looks like he's going crazy and he feels like he is too from all the things dark shadow is telling him to do and all the obsessive thoughts he's filling his head with over someone he only rarely talks to. I know that was a lot but I was hoping that you could write something with this please?
So I didn’t see the ‘rarely talks to’ part until I wrote this and re-read the prompt… hopefully, you can forgive me.
Tokoyami was going to die. 
Every time he walked into class, every time he checked his phone, every time he saw you, he only grew more convinced. His heart rate spiked, face heating up and mouth going dry, to the point where he’d already asked a very flustered nurse how long he had to live. That had to be it, right? He was dying, and you just happened to be in the room whenever he had one of these ‘attacks’. There just wasn’t another explanation. And even if he wasn’t going to die from this opportunistic fever, the embarrassment would get him, eventually.
But, you were always so nice about it. Always laughing off his stuttering, asking him about bands you knew he liked and offering him whatever snack you’d brought to class that day (once you offered him a bag of bird seed with such a genuine smile… he was almost tempted to take it). It didn’t help that your quirks worked so well together. Even if pairing-up wasn’t necessary, you’d always find your way to his side. And Dark Shadow liked you too, judging by the way he rambled.
It was only a few hours before sunrise, the first time he spoke up. Despite the gentle fairy-lights and glowing-paints Tokoyami used to keep his companion under control, he stayed persistent, whispering such awful things to his host in that quiet, scratchy voice. All the things he wanted to do to you. All the thing he wanted Tokoyami to do to you.
To keep you. To make that pretty voice of yours go hoarse from screaming, right before he pulls you close and… makes up for it. How Tokoyami should cut off this, and buy you that. How he should just take what he wants, instead of waiting around and pretending you’re just his friend. How he shouldn’t care about anyone who might be in the way.
He could hardly meet your eyes, the next morning. Still, you sat on his desk, idly chatting about the weird dream you had last night. He couldn’t remember what you were talking about, something about a creepy maze and some featherless birds, but he knew letting you be so close to him would only encourage Dark Shadow.
It’d only encourage him.
The same thing seemed to happen every night. He’d pull at his skin and try to control Dark Shadow, but that never stopped the creature. It was all just so loud. The voice inside his head, your laugh on replay, fantasies darker than anything he’d ever wanted, all of it. Part of him wanted everything and everyone to shut the fuck up, while the other just wanted to give in and see how far he’d go. It wasn’t like he’d really hurt you, the person so precious to him. He couldn’t, he was sure of it. He had enough self-control to stop himself from maiming you. He had to.
Needless to say, Tokoyami wasn’t getting much sleep. It wasn’t long before he stopped eating regular meals, only making his condition worse. Of course, like the perfect, loving person you were, the reason behind all of this didn’t even cross your mind. So, when you demanded that he come with you to a restaurant near UA, you only had the best intentions in mind.
And when he accepted, he only wanted to make you happy.
At least until you were walking in front of his so carelessly, passing dark allies and abandoned buildings that would be wonderful for dragging you into. At least until you focused on your phone for a little too long, trying to decipher the directions despite your inability to read a proper map. Until you were so, so close and oh-so trusting. If he told you he wanted to check something out off the beaten path, you’d accept, regardless of how far away from other pests it happened to be. And even if you didn’t, all he had to do was let Dark Shadow get his claws-
“Thinking about something?”
You squinted at the small screen, zooming-in on the street you thought you were trying to find before scrolling back to the written set of directions. Fucking white-text on a grey background, because someone at Google Maps had a grudge against your eyesight. Sighing, you switched off the device, sliding it into your pocket and looking back towards your friend, ready to tell him that you were helplessly, hopelessly lost.
You’d been worried about Tokoyami, lately. He was acting distant, more distant than usual. Less aloof and more… more unresponsive. You just wanted to make sure he got a decent meal, for the first time in a little more than a week. His exhaustion was apparent, with everything from his glassy eyes to the sudden paleness of his skin screaming teenage angst. But, you knew you’d be able to help him with that, soon enough. Dark Shadow had slipped you a semi-legible note during class, just telling you to sneak into Tokoyami’s dorm that night. You could bring comfort food, a movie, anything you thought would help him relax. It was a sweet idea, even if you didn’t really understand why it would help. 
But, Dark Shadow knew Tokoyami better than you did. He was just an extension of his holder, really. Maybe Tokoyami was just too shy to ask you himself.
You smiled at the thought, letting out a laugh when you saw Tokoyami glaring at a loose brick. Tugging him forward, you tried to sound as cheery as you could, your voice light but brimming with concern. “Thinking about something?”
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Part 1
The only reason Denki got out of his school-issued bed this morning was thanks to the ever-handy alarm vibrating itself off of his bedside table and onto the floor, making itself out of reach.
He shivered when his foot hit the cold wooden floor, making him even colder. The blond picked up his phone and glanced at the time.
3:00 am
Denki stretched his arms up arching his back. Satisfied with now awake muscles, he headed to his bathroom.
He showered and brushed his teeth. His blond hair was now held back by some clips. Gone were his pajamas, replaced by an old t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and some shorts.
If you asked anybody in his class, they would say that his room is probably not cleaned, that it would be the epitome of a teenaged boys living space.
But that isn't the case with Kaminari. He like to keep everything nice and organized. Shelves for his books, yes he reads, more than you would think, fairy lights were pinned against the walls, just below the ceiling.
He likes order and the peace that comes with it.
Denki started his routine, a deep stretch to start off the day, first warmup the arms, the the legs and after his stretching finished it was 4:30.
He opened the door to his dorm room slowly, like normal. He would never forgive himself if he woke up a classmate at these ungodly hours of the morning.
He wandered down the hall and entered the stairwell.
Never skip leg day, he thought to himself, bouncing down the steps.
On the usual days, the common room and kitchen are empty. Sometimes the occasional Tokoyami or the resident embodiment of IcyHot. Or the insomniacs that spend all night in the common space, mainly Midoriya or Shinsou. He had always managed to slip by his classmates unnoticed.
But today it was just him by his lonesome. The large space was dark, the only light source was from the light pole outside.
Denki strolled over to the kitchen area. Today they had hero training which allowed him a small breakfast. He settled on a boiled egg. 90 cal, leaving 110 for dinner. He didn't eat lunch.
He ate in small bites, taking too long to chew each piece. Finishing his meal, Denki headed to the door, grabbing his running shoes and putting them on before leaving the building.
Things were hard the first few weeks of living here. He had to readjust his schedule to fit within the curfew the school enforced.
He couldn't leave any earlier 5 in the morning and 11 at night. It threw his running off for a while, him being used to midnight runs to burn off the stubborn fat that seemed to pile up in his thighs and stomach.
His run lasted 30 minutes, like always and he slipped back into the dorms. This time the commons was occupied by another, Iida Tenya.
He usually was back in his room before anyone else began their morning exercise, so Denki walked quietly, trying to avoid confrontation with the boy.
But like everything else in his life, he failed.
"K-kaminari! You frightened me. What are you doing this early?"
He froze. So far he's been able to keep up his "I'm lazy and never put effort into anything" facade. It's made it so much easier to keep attention off himself.
Think Denki.
He looked over at the class president and smiled, "Oh hey class prez! I was takin some pics of the sun rise for my insta! It's hella pretty, you should check it out." He said with a cheery voice then waved at the boy and left as fast as he could.
I hate talking to people, he thought.
Once back in the safety of his room he fetched a fresh school uniform and jumped in the shower, taking extra time to scrub his skin raw.
Now 6:45, he had an hour until he had to head to class.
He finished his homework from the night before, then plopped down on his bed and spent the remained of his morning scrolling through his tumblr feed, rebloging some thinspo he liked and some workout routines.
At 7:55 he left his room, knowing he was going to be late. But he doesn't care. He never paid any attention in class anyway.
Denki walked alone to class, and entered a few minutes after the bell rang.
Everyone paused and looked at him, today is so not going to be good.
With a blank stare he looked at his homeroom teacher. "Sorry Aizawa-sensei, I didn't wake up on time." And lazily walked to his desk and sat down.
Fuck. I shouldn't of eaten breakfast.
The day passes by without any other hiccups, so when the bell rang signaling that lunch had started, Denki felt a little better than he had earlier.
Kirishima walk up to the blonde like normal.
"Hey Kami, you ready to head out? Mina's gonna go with Bakugo to review for the quiz next period." He smiled at the boy and scratched his neck.
"Dude I totally forgot about that. Ugh I'll just wing it, ya know?" He flashed a brighter, faker, smile at the red head.
And with that the two boys left the room and made their way to the cafeteria. Denki walked to their table and saw Sero already seated and eating.
Denki sat in front of him and took his phone out, opening tumblr and scrolled through his dashboard.
After a few days minutes, Kirishima joined them with his lunch. Today was American style food, and Kirishima got a hamburger with fries.
Denki's mouth watered at the sight of the food until the smell hit him, making his stomach growl loud, but still quiet enough to be hidden by the noise of the room.
He grabbed his water bottle out of his bag and chugged the whole thing.
"Damn Kami, thirsty much?" Kirishima laughed at the boy. But Denki was to distracted by the rumble inside him. The want, the need to eat.
He opened the Google app on his phone and searched for calories in a hamburger.
354 calories, 154 over my limit.
Your fucking disgusting, Kaminari. You don't deserve that many calories. Such a waste.
Denki could feel this breath picking up. His surroundings blurred and his focus was on one thing.
Shit, why did I eat this morning? He thought. He looked at his wrists, they were so small and fragile in his uniform. He reached his hand to his collarbone and dragged his hand along the protruding bone. It felt so good.
But never good enough.
He thought that if he were to touch his thighs, he'd puke. So he settled for just looking.
He saw how much space they took up.
He saw how they touched when he sat down.
How disgusting.
He jumped when a hand was put on his shoulder. He looked at the appendage with shakey eyes. Kirishima.
"Hey bro are you okay? I've been calling your name for a while. You look pale, are you sick?" Denki saw. The furrowed brows, the worry in his eyes, the hesitation in his voice.
Denki stood up. And gathered his stuff.
"Tell sensei I don't feel good, I'm going to my room." The blonde said, then he ran out of the seeming even louder room.
He ran down the stairs to the first floor, breath wild, tunnel vision setting in. He ran past Bakugo and Mina, who finished their tutoring.
He reached the dorms and kicked his shoes off, not bothering to put them in their spot properly.
He didn't even remember the trip up to his room, doesn't remember locking the door behind him. He doesn't know how he ended up emptying his already empty stomach in the toilet.
He just remember the egg.
That's how the boy found himself a few hours later, passed out on the bathroom floor, the smell of bile still hanging in the air.
He got up of the floor and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was out of place from sleeping, but the bags under his eyes would speak for the quality of his rest.
He exited the bathroom and groggily walked into his dark room. He fetched his phone from his school bag and checked the time.
3:50 PM
That meant his classmates were done with classes and heading to the building, since hero training always ran late.
Speaking of training since he wasn't in class and couldn't participate, Denki still needed to burn off the calories from this morning.
It had been a while since he had worked out on his own, since hero class satisfied most of his exercise cravings. He scrambled through his desk got a bit before he found the paper.
There were 3 levels of routine he had written. The first was a light workout, the second was his previous daily one and the third was a super intense routine.
He decided on the latter.
He stretched for a warm up and began his workout.
Arms, abs, and legs he all work, pushing his body to the max and then some.
You need to work harder. You lazy piece of shit.
He drank more water, getting ready to repeat the list again when he heard a knock at his door.
"Go away. I don't want to talk to anyone." Denki thought. But the knocking persisted. He wiped his mouth and tried to collect his breathing.
He opened the door to the class president.
"Kaminari! I hope you are feeling better, Kirishima told us you felt ill? Please do take better care of yourself." The boy spouted.
He was too tired to be happy. How could he get through this?
"I'm sorry, Iida. I just need some rest and I'll be better." Denki said with blank eyes. He motioned to close the door but was stopped.
"You should talk to Kirishima, he's really worried about you." Iida adds. And with that the blue haired boy left.
Denki closed the door and returned to his exercise. Yeah right. Like someone as cool as Kirishima would worry about him.
When 6 rolled around, Denki ignored his phone when it lit up, indicating a new notification.
He knew it was the class group chat telling everyone that dinner was ready and that everyone should head to the commons.
Instead, the blond changed into a pair of loose sweatpants, which at this point everything was baggy on him and switched off all his lights.
Might as well go to sleep early, not like anyone needs me.
Something was wrong with Kaminari Denki.
Or that's what Kirishima had come to conclude.
These last few weeks of living in the dorms he had noticed a difference in his friend, but couldn't quite figure it out yet.
At first, he chalked it up to living in a new space, with 19 new neighbors. Everyone was a little apprehensive at first. But everyone had gotten used to the changes throughout the first 2 weeks.
But what happened during lunch was new. It was as if Kaminari was a different person.
But the thing Kirishima hated the most was the expression on his friends face.
He looked so...
Something is wrong with his best friend and he'll figure it out.
The question is whether he makes it in time.
I cant. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't.
His mouth tasted like old medicine and his stomach felt heavy. Already were tears bubbling in his eyes, threatening to break the tension and pour hot tears down his face.
Immediately he made way to the bathroom, delivering dry heaves into the toilet.
His limbs pinned him to the floor, like weights. His mind was too clouded to think or move. The only thing he could register before passing out was the tears spilling down his cheeks and rolled down his face with gravity.
The first thing he remembered when he woke up was that there was classes today.
Denki forces himself off the floor and back into his bedroom, a quick glance at his clock telling him it was well into the day, morning classes would be over soon.
"Fuck it I'll go to the afternoon classes then." He mutters. He throws on his uniform, reaching for his phone only to see the thing is dead.
Denki decided to just leave the phone and heads out.
He gets to the main building when the lunch bell rings, allowing hungry students to flood the halls. The blond waits outside for a bit to let the hallways clear out before starting his trip to the 1-A classroom.
Pleased to find the room empty, he takes his seat and decides to sleep until lunch was over.
In the quiet of the room, you could hear grumbling, a plea.
It's okay, he's not hungry.
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isthemedia · 6 years
Do you rememeber--
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (TW in 4) 
Chaper 5
Chapter 6
--The time Tenya told a story to all of  his classmates, and you listened in? -Iida Tensei
(--I was going to say the time Hizashi didn’t check in from patrol. -Kayama Nerumi)
“There’s a traitor in our midst.”
Shouta knew Hizashi was onto something when he first mentioned that after the training camp. The blonde was more intelligent than he was. Not that he wasn’t smart, but Hizashi was more observant, he could make connections a lot faster than Shouta could.
He knew Hizashi brought it up because it was more than likely a sneaking suspicion the blonde had; and the attack on the camp was the last bit he needed to confirm them.
Shouta was on guard nearly all the time. As were the rest of the teachers. The students. Even Tensei and Amino. As much as Shouta wanted to admit it, he couldn’t have been that shocked with the Supernatural hero’s response.
Although he had two younger siblings [though he treated them more like his own children], he did truly care for Tenya. Cherished him as much as he did with his own. He remembered after his class finished their interns, Amino ran in during the middle of homeroom, and nearly pulled Tenya out of his seat into an embrace. Grateful he was alright.
Did have to admit, it was a bit fun kicking the Supernatural hero off school grounds.
Shouta sighed heavily. The thought that a traitor was within the walls of U.A.; but with the poisoning Hizashi suffered a month prior, things were getting to be very dangerous.
The Eraser hero keeping and eye on Hizashi more and more closely. He never wanted to feel that helpless ever again.
“I thought you swore off of regular coffee,” Shouta stated, eyebrow quirking up a bit as he stepped into the faculty room to se Hizashi at his desk, disposable cup next to him.
“You know me Eraser,” the blonde grinned. “Hard to keep a promise like that!”
He should have left it at that. But it the tone he used...just didn’t sit right. He sighed and sat down next to him. “Heard you forgot to check in after your patrol shift.”
“What? No I didn’t! Did I?”
Shouta would normally consider THAT to be something out of the ordinary. However...now...he can’t be sure. With the damages Hizashi sustained from the attack, it could seem logical that the blonde could slip up once in a while now.
But still...something didn’t feel right.
That grin, didn’t feel right.
“Iida-kun?” Midoriya  peer over the taller boy’s shoulder to look at the book he was reading. It wasn’t unusual to see Iida reading in the common area of the dorms. In fact it became almost a comforting scene for the plain-looking boy.
The book the other was reading was old, pages yellowed, and the cover seemed to have darkened with age. He was use to seeing the other read various books, but it was the first time he seen him read one that looked like this. It looked like something Tokoyami-kun would read.
“Ah,” Iida jumped a bit. “Midoriya, Uraraka. Ah...it’s a gift.”
“A gift? Oh! From who?” Uraraka asked.
“A-amino-san,” Iida hesitated a bit. “He tries to bring back a gift for everyone when he goes on assignment.”
“Awwww,” the zero-gravity girl cooed. “That’s so sweet of him.”
“So what’s it about?” Midoriya  asked.
“Unexplained occurrences in the Polynesian islands,” Iida summarized.
“Ah! T-Tokoyami-kun!” Midoriya  yelped.
“I did not think you would be into things like that Class Rep,” Tokoyami stated as he joined the other three.
“I wouldn’t say I’m ‘into’ it,” Iida explained, gesturing to emphasize his words, all while keeping his place marked. “However, with my brother’s boyfriend I have come to learn more about these events.”
“So is it filled with like, supernatural things?” Uraraka asked.
Iida nodded. “The current report I’m reading is fascinating actually. I mean, Amino-san knew about it, so I’m getting more details.”
“Oooh!” Uraraka exclaimed and clamored over the couch and sat by him. “I wanna hear!” “I too would like to hear about this,” Tokoyami stated as he leaned over the back of the couch, arms crossed.
“Wait, is it creepy story time with Iida-kun again!?” Ashido’s voice rang down the hall. “Lemme get Denki and Hanta!”
“Wait again?” Midoriya  looked to Iida, who had a slight dusting of pink across his cheeks.  
“She, Kaminari-kun, and Zero-kun...sort of, asked me to read a previous section,” Iida admitted with a tone of embarrassment.
Soon enough, the entirety of Class 1-A were gathered in the common area, even Bakugou showed up.
“Man this is going to be good,” Kaminari grinned as he sat back against Sero’s chest, Ashido using his own lap as her pillow. “The last one was freaky as hell!”
Iida cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses before he read. “The account of Oliana La'akea and Tamir Tausa'afia--”
“Holy hell! How did you manage to pronounce those names!”
“Kaminari-kun shush!” Jirou hissed.
“Ahem,” Iida gave a warning glance to the other. “As I was reading, the account is considered to be one that have alluded all explanation. It’s considered to be a case of entity fusion.”
“Entity fusion?” Sero repeated.
Iida nodded. “Both La’akea and Tausa’afia were both admitted to separate hospitals, on the opposite ends of their city. Family and friends who where there when they were rushed mentioned similar occurrences between the two. Noting that they were feeling light headed, bright lights seemed to be more intense to them, and that they were both were seemingly having minor hallucinations of seeing their surroundings change. La’akea’s sister stated that the hallucinations weren’t too jarring, that she was seeing buildings and such that were located on the opposite side of the city.”
“So what? Sounds like fucking heatstroke,” Bakugou grumbled, and recoiled, only a bit, when everyone shushed him.
“What was strange was that after they were both admitted, they both drifted out of consciousness,” Iida continued. “It was then that the occurrence of the entity fusion began. Onlookers and residents mentioned that they saw a beautiful being suddenly appeared as if from thin air. Interviews with both men and women admitted that they couldn't properly identify if who they saw was male or female, but  were able to describe them in detail.”
It didn’t sound scary. More weird if anything, Midoriya  noted.
“When La’akea and Tausa'afia regained consciousness after thirty-two hours, they recounted a ‘bizarre dream they had’,” Iida turned the page. “They mention how they found themself in the middle of the city, but with no recollection as to why they were there. Not letting it bother them they went on as if it was normal for them to do. Being stopped time to time when people would approach them, and feeling a bit uneasy when they were suddenly asked to be in a relationship.”
“New Quirk, undeniable hotness confirmed,” Ahsido giggled.
“I wouldn’t argue to that,” Kaminari laughed.
“Shut up! Don’t be stupid!”
Iida adjust his glasses once again, as everyone quieted down to let him continue. “They recalled heading to a nearby shop to purchase a beverage and a light meal. They were able to provide not only the shop name, but the name of the shop clerk who assisted them. It was later confirmed that not only did the shop exist, but the clerk they claimed helped them confirmed that they did assist an ‘unusually attractive person’. They were not a regular, but they seemed to have no problems ordering from them. The clerk added that the stranger didn’t even need to look at their menu to know what they wanted.”
“So, wait...somebody actually TALKED to that entity fusion-thing?” Kirishima asked.
Iida nodded and turned the book to show everyone the page he was on. “They even had a photo taken from their security camera.”
Everyone moved closer to look. It was a bit grainy but the image of an adult...person. They were striking really. Long hair, the natural flow and curve of their body was highly appealing to the eye.
Iida turned the book back to him and proceeded from where he left off. “They continued saying they carried on their day as usual. When asked how they were both able to regain their consciousness as abruptly as they did, both La'akea and Tausa'afia replied that they were hit by a car. Investigations show an accident report was filed by a delivery driver stating that he hit somebody on his way back from a run. However when he stopped to check on the person, they were gone, and his truck showed no signs of damage,” Iida turned the page again. “It’s still unsure as to what the people have seen that day or what La’akea and Tausa'afia experienced; but some investigators believe that it was nothing more than some form of social psychosis with the supposed fusion--however they have not been able to identify who was in the photograph. Facial recognition programs are unable to determine who it is, however, pull up both La’akea and Tausa'afia as possible matches.”
And with that Iida closed the book.
“Alright, that wasn’t scary...but holy shit that is weird!” Sero stated.
“Right!?” Ashido agreed.
“Hard to think so many strangers to share a similar psychosis,” Yaoyorozu contemplated. “And that photograph doesn’t seem to be falsified.”
“Amino-san actually seen it,” Iida mentioned. “It’s hung up and framed in the shop there.”
“So you’ve read this report before?” Midoriya  asked.
“Like I said, I heard it in passing from Amino-san,” the taller boy explained. “He came back from one of his trips and told myself and my brother about this and I just thought it was completely unnatural and a bit unnerving.”
“But it was still kinda cool!” Uraraka said. “Iida-kun...would you want to have this be like, ah, um...an regular thing?”
“What do you mean?”
“Ah!” Yaoyorozu smiled. “Like how we have our movie night! I think that would be fun.”
“Think you could let us look at this book, so we can have turns telling one?” Jirou suggested.
“Ah? Really? You would want to?” Iida asked.  
“Dude! These things are creepy cool!” Kaminari said.
“Then, I don’t see why we shouldn’t? I actually have a few books Amino-san brought back. There’s one from Mexico that has some interesting cases too.”
“Yes! Creepy story time with Class 1-A!” Ashido grinned.
Shouta sighed as he stayed inside the kitchenette. Now he’ll have to deal with these dumb stories here instead of just around Amino.
He’d be more annoyed if he wasn’t so distracted by how Hizashi was acting today. Something was really different with the Voice hero today.
He asked Toshinori to offer him coffee. The skeletal blonde refused at first, recounting the time he found Hizashi purging himself of it before after the ‘poisoning’ ordeal; but after some convincing, he finally relented.
Hizashi accepted it and drank it without problem.
Something was going on. And it involved Hizashi once again.
If something happens to him again, Shouta knows he’ll be at risk to turn in his hero license.
Shit shit shit shit. He messed up. He messed up big.
This is why he hated night patrols.
Hizashi gasped as another kick landed in his abdomen. He couldn’t get a yell, a scream out. He tried to send a distress signal but it got jammed.
Dammit he was so screwed.
“Now now,” a voice said in a near sing song voice standing over him. The bright yellow and maroon in his costume still stood out in the dark alley. “We’re not going to kill you. We need you alive for this to work.”
Hizashi opened his mouth, only to have a hand grasping at his throat.
“You’re a bit too smart you know...saying that’s a traitor among you,” the gaudy villain started with a mock pout. “Though you jumped the gun. We were just waiting for an opening. And YOU just volunteered.”
The blonde was getting dizzy, his vision was already having difficulty focussing was now starting to fade. The edges starting to go black.
“This Quirk of yours...is pretty neat...and we’re going to need it.”
Hizashi wanted to struggle as he felt the hand on his throat heat up, nearly to a burning feeling, as it seeped in. He tried to gasp but couldn’t.
“We know just who to give it too. Sweet dreams...Present Mic.”
‘Shouta…’ was the only thing the blonde could think of as he drifted into blackness.
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