#volkhard von arundel
azelfandquilava · 2 months
”Local Church Man handed keys to an entire County”
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Behold! A lore-accurate 3H edit of the real Volkhard Arundel and Ionius IX. Given that House Arundel wasn’t actually a thing until Anselma and Ionius married I’ve had this silly mental image of Volkhard suddenly being made a Lord and not knowing what to do.
(Ionius edit by shadowshrike2 on Twitter)
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I had a dream last night that Vanessa Doofenshmirtz was Arundel's daughter. Also Dedue shared his snacks with me :)
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ffordesoon · 5 months
NEW FE3H FIC FOR YOU: The Best Disinfectant - Chapter 1
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behold, the first chapter of a new Fire Emblem: Three Houses fic! post-CF (crimson flower)! moral philosophy! edeleth! everyone gets what’s coming to them! etc etc! 8.5k words! enjoy, my friends! https://archiveofourown.org/works/55738561/chapters/141496675
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Worst FE Parent Poll: Round 1 - Match 9
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mwezina · 10 months
Five of Wands & FE3H
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The Five of Wands shows the struggles that come about in an ambitious and competitive environment. We see five figures each holding their own wands (their own ambitions), beating each other, or fighting over one another’s wands. This card shows the consequences of people pushing their own agendas at the expense of others. As a result, everyone is fighting only for themselves and nothing gets done. 
The event this card reminds me of is the power struggle between Emperor Ionius and the Insurrection of Seven, most notably Ludwig von Aegir, Leopold von Bergliez, Waldemar von Hevring, and Volkhard von Arundel. Ionius’ move to consolidate power threw the already precarious balance between the Emperor and the nobility into chaos. The nobles were already ambitious and wary of Ionius, so Ionius’ actions truly threw oil onto a hot flame. The consequence of Ionius murdering all the members of the Hrym household is the Insurrection of Seven, leading to chaos within Adrestia. But we see in the resolution of the Insurrection that all of the nobles within it were doing it for their own gain, as they double cross one another, rebuild alliances to betray others, or attempt to flee with the only things that matter to them. 
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I think this card shows the general state of Adrestia quite well. Everyone is fighting for themselves and trying to prove themselves. Adrestia was founded on the principles of merit, especially when it came to nobility. The problem with meritocracies is who decides what is merit? Who decides who should be endowed with merit? If you can fight to be the one that gives out merit and decides what constitutes merit, wouldn’t you go for it? That is why all the nobles end up beating each other with Wands, trying to make their vision of a meritocracy come true. 
That’s my thoughts on the Five of Wands. What do you guys think? Is there another event or mood that would better suit this card?
Previous: Four of Wands
Next: Six of Wands
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fefuckability · 1 year
Battle of the purple-eyed eyeliner enthusiasts
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Remember, I don't want the one you like the most. I want the one you'd fuck.
Feel free to post your justifications in the tags/comments!
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damnilovefaerghus · 1 year
(It's me koroart heh heh) for the Fe3h asks how about 26, 27, 28 & 29 ? :3c ✨️
oh these are gonna be hard lmao
26. Who is your overall favorite character?
My babygirl, light of my life, raven-haired sharp-eyed jewel of his nation, resolute and noble, lord of many, he of the oddly charming sparse facial hair, Volkhard von Arundel
yeah it's Rodrigue who did you all expect
27. Which character do you feel "meh" about?
Surprisingly enough, Ashe. I know he has a good number of ties to various sides of the Kingdom and Lonato's conflict, plus a sympathetic background, but his whole character and his approach to life and duty remains a resounding "meh" to me. Maybe if he'd been more than just a cinnamon roll?
28. Which character do you not like at all/hate?
The girl with a knife whose entire existence is justified by being a glorified plot device for killing a sympathetic father, who then gets ganked herself with no further characterization or use of her role in the plot, and whose sole role is telegraphed from approximately the moment she appears
I will leave it up to your imagination whether I am talking about Kronya or Fleche
29. What character should have gotten more development?
also give me more Dedue lore I demand it (Hopes did better but I want more!)
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vampirebriar · 2 years
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What if I just *fixes few3h*
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mittelfrank-divas · 3 years
[Content warning: child abuse]
"I do this for you" is something an abuser says.
Never forget that is what Thales is to Edelgard. He's her abuser. He murdered her uncle and took his face -- made himself the only parental figure in her life when she was a child isolated in a foreign country. And then he turned her over to be tortured for experiments.
Thales telling Edelgard "Duscur and Enbarr were for you" is a statement that should be taken with intense scrutiny. Because it is the statement of an abuser to his victim. It is a statement meant to control her. It is a statement meant to make her compliant after trying to speak out against those things.
And let's not forget what Edelgard is to the Slithers. They're not Empire citizens. They see humans, including Edelgard, as lowly beasts. She's not their ruler.
She is their weapon. She is a pawn. She is a pet project. The Slithers doing something "for Edelgard" is not serving her. It is fulfilling their plans to use her. Remember, those plans included subjecting her to torture and led to the deaths of her siblings.
Edelgard was 14 when Duscur occurred. She was, at the time, almost certainly in a dungeon in Enbarr. And she was put there by the exact same people who conspired to kill Lambert.
Blaming Edelgard for these incidents, especially based on Thales' words, is taking the words of her abuser at face value and using them against her.
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maiavonsneeper · 3 years
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Hi everyone!
Always wanted to see your fav fe3h characters as rats? No one really asks that but anyway.
I have made Those Who Slither In The Dark and other “villains”. Characters that are fought against in majority of the routes.
Download here!
Church of Seiros rats
Black Eagle rats
Blue Lions rats
Golden Deer rats
Ashen Wolves rats
You can have the rats as a pfp, emote or whatever!
Stay tuned for the NPCs, the last set of the Three Houses cast this year! <3
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kendrixtermina · 4 years
Something to consider: The date on which Arundel stopped donating to the Church (ie, when Thales presumably killed & replaced the real Volkhard von Arundel) was only a bit over 2 years before the tragedy of Duscur. 
Ie, there’s a good chance that he wasn’t replaced until right before Thales went and napped Edelgard. Meaning that she probably knew the real one; Maybe she even liked him.  Maybe their going to the opera together was a regular occurence, which is why he was able to abscond with her in the first place.  Her mom wasn’t in the picture, so perhaps he was even significantly involved in her upbringing. 
No doubt that it would take her significant time to even work out that he’d been replaced (and hadn’t just randomly decided to betray her family out of the blue) 
Then she spent 2 years stuck with Thales, and when she finally saw her family again, it was when they were all thrown in a dungeon,  experimented on and mostly killed.
Like, ouch.  
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Edelgard's uncle looks like Johnny Depp. I have to live with this realization and now you do too.
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are you sure?
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Honestly, writing Arundel being an ass is great because I can ALSO write Byleth infuriating him by failing to react
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acruelerdonut · 4 years
Ah yes my favourite game,
Fir Elb: Three Homes
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Worst FE Parent Tournament: Round 2 - Match 5
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variks-the-warden · 5 years
I find it incredibly sexy how Dimitri accidentally decimated the entirety of Those Who Slither in the Dark so badly that his route is the only one where they don't get to use their nukes and have to turn Edelgard into a crest demon.
He kills Thales and Cornelia and instead of questioning them about their advanced technology (that they relocated out of Shambhala and into Fhirdiad) and motives, he just wants closure to his past.
In the final map when Edelgard turns into the Hegemon Husk he just casually kills the last Slither commander and his only statement on the matter was "Huh, I dont think that guy was Imperial." He didn't want to do anything else except save Edelgard from the manipulators he didn't even know existed.
He also has the highest strength out of any character in the game and all of his attacks are just him flipping around for no reason so I think I can officially class Dimitri as a Himbo.
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