#volkov's magic land
witchesoz · 2 years
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Godween/Oscar Diggs, ruler of the Red Country
From “The Black Brick Road of Oz”, by Xamag
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rabid-citrus · 1 month
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I grew up on volkov's version so im really biased + i loved the stop motion series as a kid
some design notes under the cut
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This is Ellie. I thought giving her a blue outfit would be nice (blends in with the munchkin fashion nicely) and also serves as a good homage to the Oz origins
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I subconciously pulled some inspo from herdier's design with the floof. oops
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Vladimirsky's version of Strasheela is great ngl, im totally using that as the baseline. I also thought about making his eyes change color between journeys from blue to green once Ellie and friends reach the Emerald City, to purple when they leave the Purple land and to green again after Goodwin makes him the new ruler of Emerald city (because they're drawn-on and every time a different type of paint is used to repaint them again, and its usually the paint that's the easiest to obtain)
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Logically, Iron Woodsman should be short because he used to be a regular (allegedly) munchkin, but Vladimirsky (official Wizard of Emerald City illustrator) had a different idea, and other russian adaptations just rolled with it. I'm not complaining tho, I like the tall Woodsman I grew up with, so i'm mixing Vladimirsky's design with the stop-motion design here with some added spins on it of my own. I like to think he was just an unusually tall munchkin before having six workplace accidents involving an enchanted axe in a row.
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I don't have much to say about the lion, besides the fact that I like how the stop motion series portrayed him with a blue mane, I think it really highlights the fact that this is a lion from a MAGIC land. I also like to think that his mane is really floofy and that he likes wearing a ribbon on his tail to feel fabulous
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nevertoomanyspiders · 5 months
I got my first Tales of Magic Land book and asfdsg
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Strasheela can be snarky when he wants to be :3c
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he's so naive, bless
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also look at that scarecrow abuse
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anyway yeah The Wizard of the Emerald City is, plot-wise, very similar to the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, with its own touches. looking forward to reading the sequel hoohoohoo
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modmad · 1 year
So, if we are talking about continiations of the Oz, I really what to introduce to you some Soviet books... Called "The Wisard of the Emerald Town". Sounds familliar, right? So, some Soviet autors, while trying to translate other books, apparantly went crazy, and created their own retelling of the story, with similar characters, but sometimes entirly diffrent story and meaning (like, original Pinocchio and Soviet "Buratino" have almost nothing in common, but main character being made from wood by Carlo). So, "The Wisard if the Emerald town" is the retelling, and this story is known amongst the russian-speaking kids way better, then the "The Wisard of Oz" (I, for example, only read the Oz in the middle school, as it was our summer homework for English classes). But it does not end there. The autor (Alexandr Volkov) desided not to stop there and wrote... Eight sequels. The last one features alien race attaking "Magical Land" (the name of the "Oz" in the retelling), and the conflict is solved by starting a revolution of the oppressed class of alinens. Yep. Oh, and Scarescrow becomes the leader of the Emerald tower in these series.
Sorry for hijacking your asks with this (probably poor written) infodump about my favorite childhood book...😓
I have learned So much in So little time and I don't know how to handle this information
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goopi-e · 7 months
I need to get more annoying about Volkov's Magic Land series on here. The fact that there are foreign fans is making me incredibly giddy.
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Razvedka Unit
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The Razvedka Unit, a subsidiary of the Mirotvorets Agency of Sieveronia. A secret organization within a secret organization. One could consider the Razvedka Unit to be the garbage cleaners of the Tsardom.
However, their existence is highly debated.
Even within Russia, whether or not the Czarina employs the usage of spies goes debated. Many would see no need for such a unit, whilst others argue that such a unit would be the one keeping them safe against all means of threats.
Either way, the Razvedka Unit's status remains Unknown.
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Age: Unknown
Pronouns: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Titles: The Marionetka of Sieveronia.
"A mysterious figure who seems to only answer the call of Her Czarina, Dijana. Their exact name or face isn't known, often obscured by a mask and magic that changes their voice. They are a fierce and dedicated leader."
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Kisa Braulio Giraldo
Age: 22
Pronouns: He/Him
Birthday: December 3rd
Titles: The Windborne Warrior of Razvedka, Agent Giraldo.
"A felisine from Venezuela, Kisa is a long way from home. A master of fabric and aerokinesis, he's a well respected agent of the team. Upon a near death in the past, he claims to have seen a God who blessed him with a new understanding of the world at hand. One he fights for, one where no cost is too high."
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Age: 25
Pronouns: He/Him
Birthday: October 30th
Titles: The Shadow of Sieveronia, The Shadow of Darkest Night, Agent Decord.
"A man torn by life and death, Decord commands control of shadows and water. His power is unique, allowing him to both exist and not. Supposedly French, he's come to find himself taking a deal. Make nothing of his life or work for Her Czarina in hopes of achieving the light he so sorely lacks."
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Galin S Maher
Age: 18
Pronouns: They/Them
Birthday: June 1st
Titles: Crown Prince of Amune, Agent Maher.
"Once a royal born to great power, a child of human and deity. Now they work lugging bags across the frozen Russian landscape. A job they much prefer. Galin's cryomancy and incredible perception skills have landed them a duty they never expected to find themself in."
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Sasha Dietrich
Age: 30
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday: July 29th
Titles: The Rose Thorn of Goldbrück, Agent Dietrich.
"A young woman of German origins, Sasha was once known for being a well loved florist in Goldbrück. The people of the town aren't sure what happened leading up to her disappearance, but it has been some time since she was last seen. Now, she uses her chloromancy for much different purposes."
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Inessa Tymancha
Age: 29
Pronouns: She/They
Birthday: December 24th
Titles: Second Lead of Razvedka, Commander Tymancha.
"Inessa hails from a small town in Northern Russia often marked by harsh winters and never ending cold. She dedicated herself to her job, earning a position within Razvedka as their second in command. Often preferring speaking to combat, her skills often go underestimated by those foolish enough to face her."
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Adrik Daniil
Age: 28
Pronouns: He/Him
Birthday: January 12th
Titles: Chief Engineer of Mirotvorets, Agent Daniil.
"An expert in machinery, Adrik has found no need for magic. In fact, he vehemently opposes the unit relying so much on their magic users or inhuman abilities. Adrik is Her Czarina's chief engineer for both the military and her beloved unit, a position he takes seriously."
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Maxim Volkov
Age: 46
Pronouns: He/Him
Birthday: December 23rd
Titles: Razvedka's Medical Specialist, Agent Volkov.
"The oldest member of the team, Maxim has been a member of Her Czarina's army for many years. Trained in medicine and various forms of combat, he makes an excellent knowledgeable addition to the unit. While he may be unassuming with his abilities, Maxim has proven himself a priceless asset."
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Khristine Ranble
Age: 31
Pronouns: They/Them
Birthday: April 16th
Titles: The Alchemist of Lanying, Agent Ranble.
"Khris is an alchemical genius, unmatched through both of their prevailing nations. Easy to sway with the right amount of money, Khris found themself biting off more than they could chew. But no amount of intimidation will stop them from pursuing their science, even if they now work a job they loathe."
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prosegalaxy · 8 months
"Myrthos: The Tale of Lila and Leo's Heroic Adventure"
In the land of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexisted in a delicate balance, two powerful sorcerers, Xavier and Aria, led their respective factions. Xavier's followers believed in harnessing the power of both magic and technology to create a prosperous world, while Aria's apprentices swore by the purity of magic alone. The tension between the two factions was palpable, as neither side would budge from their convictions. Meanwhile, Lila, Xavier's apprentice, and Leo, Aria's protégé, found themselves drawn to each other despite their mentors' differing views. As they trained together in the magical arts, their bond grew stronger, much to the dismay of their masters. "We must unite against a common enemy," Xavier told Aria one fateful night. "Lord Volkov seeks to disrupt the balance between magic and technology, plunging our world into chaos." But Aria remained skeptical. "The answer lies not in technology, but within the power of pure magic." As Lila and Leo's love blossomed, so did Lord Volkov's plan. The villain orchestrated a massive attack on both factions, causing destruction and turmoil. In the midst of the chaos, Xavier and Aria were forced to confront their differences and unite against the common threat. "We must put aside our differences," Xavier declared, "for the sake of our people." Aria hesitantly agreed. "Very well, let us join forces and defeat Lord Volkov together." As the battle raged on, Lila and Leo's love was tested. They were torn between their duty to their mentors and their love for each other. In a climactic moment, they chose love over loyalty, casting a powerful spell that weakened Lord Volkov. Though they managed to defeat him, Lord Volkov escaped, leaving behind a trail of destruction and a promise of vengeance. The world was forever changed by the events that transpired, and the possibility of a sequel lingered in the air. In the land of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexisted in harmony, two powerful sorcerers ruled over the realm. Xavier, the master of elemental magic, and Aria, the queen of illusion, led their apprentices with wisdom and guidance. Lila, Xavier's apprentice, was a prodigy of fire magic, while Leo, under Aria's tutelage, had an unmatched grasp on illusions. As the two apprentices spent more time together, they began to develop feelings for one another, but their allegiances to their respective mentors kept them apart. One day, during a routine gathering of sorcerers from across Myrthos, a mysterious figure appeared. This stranger, Lord Volkov, presented an ancient artifact that threatened the balance between magic and technology. As tensions rose between those who favored magic and those who preferred technology, Xavier and Aria found themselves at odds over how to handle the threat. Lila and Leo, torn between their loyalties, struggled to find a way to protect their mentors while also following their hearts. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the gathering, Xavier and Aria reluctantly agreed that they must work together to stop Lord Volkov. With Lila and Leo at their sides, they set out on a dangerous journey into the heart of an ancient forest where the source of the artifact lay hidden. Along the way, they encountered magical creatures and perilous obstacles, but through teamwork and trust, they overcame every challenge. Finally, as the moon rose high in the sky, they confronted Lord Volkov within the heart of the forest. In a climactic battle, Xavier and Aria combined their powers to defeat him, only for him to make his escape, vowing to return and take his revenge. With the artifact in hand, Lila and Leo finally confessed their love for each other, pledging to support one another no matter what challenges lay ahead. In that moment, they knew that together, they could face any threat, even if it came from the darkest corners of Myrthos. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden light over the bustling city of Myrthos, Lila and Leo stood side by side on the rooftop of their sorcerer tower. The air was thick with anticipation, as they knew their mentors, Xavier and Aria, were about to reveal a groundbreaking discovery that could change the balance of power between the factions. "Do you think our mentors are ready?" Leo asked nervously, his eyes scanning the city below. "I hope so," Lila replied, her voice steady despite her own apprehension. "This could be a turning point for all of Myrthos." Just as they finished speaking, a powerful burst of magic filled the air, and Xavier and Aria appeared on the rooftop. The crowd below gasped in awe as the sorcerer leaders unveiled their creation: a magical artifact that could amplify a sorcerer's abilities a thousandfold. "This is a tool to be used wisely, young ones," Xavier warned. "With great power comes great responsibility." Lord Volkov, the cunning and ruthless villain, watched from afar as he plotted his next move. He was determined to possess the artifact at any cost, even if it meant destroying everything in its path. In a whirlwind of events, Lila and Leo found themselves caught between their allegiance to their mentors and their growing feelings for each other. As they navigated the complex web of loyalties and desires, their relationship deepened, and they began to see that the key to defeating Lord Volkov lay in their unity. "We must work together, Leo," Lila whispered, her eyes full of determination. "Only then can we hope to stop him." Together, they set out on a dangerous quest to find Lord Volkov and put an end to his nefarious plans. As they battled against the villain's forces, their love for each other only grew stronger. With the magical artifact at last in their possession, Lila and Leo confronted Lord Volkov in a climactic showdown that would determine the fate of Myrthos. And as the sun rose once again over the city, they emerged victorious, knowing that their journey had only just begun. Xavier and Aria, two of the most powerful sorcerers in Myrthos, were united by their shared concern for the future of magic. They had both noticed the growing divide between those who embraced the marriage of magic and technology, and those who feared it would lead to humanity's downfall. As leaders of their respective factions, they sought to find common ground, but the gulf between them seemed impossible to bridge. Lila and Leo, Xavier and Aria's apprentices, were tasked with representing their mentors in a summit intended to foster understanding between the two camps. As they navigated the complex political landscape, Lila and Leo found themselves drawn to one another, despite their opposing views. In secret, they began meeting to discuss their concerns about the escalating tensions and to explore the potential of combining magic and technology for the greater good. One day, as they met in a hidden chamber beneath the city, Lord Volkov's men stormed in, capturing Lila and Leo. The villain taunted Xavier and Aria with news of their apprentices' capture, forcing the two sorcerer leaders to face the consequences of their divided factions. Desperate to save their friends, Xavier and Aria put aside their differences and united their forces to defeat Lord Volkov and rescue Lila and Leo from his clutches. As the battle raged on, Lila and Leo fought side by side, realizing that they had much more in common than they initially thought. The four sorcerers managed to overpower Lord Volkov, but not before he escaped into the shadows, leaving behind a promise of retribution. With their newfound alliance and shared determination to protect Myrthos, Xavier, Aria, Lila, and Leo vowed to continue their quest for harmony between magic and technology, knowing that they would face many more challenges on the road ahead. In the land of Myrthos, magic and technology coexisted in harmony, governed by two powerful sorcerers: Xavier and Aria. Both had apprentices, Lila and Leo, who were bound by duty but divided in their allegiances. Xavier believed in harnessing the power of technology to augment magic's potential, while Aria insisted on preserving the purity of ancient sorcery. As tensions between the factions escalated, Lila and Leo found themselves caught in the crossfire, torn between their duties and their growing attraction for each other. "Do you think we can ever find a balance between magic and technology?" Leo asked Lila one evening as they stood on a hill overlooking Myrthos. Lila sighed. "I don't know, Leo. But if there's any chance, it has to be our generation that finds it." As the conflicts grew more violent, so did the love between Lila and Leo, who began to secretly meet in the heart of Myrthos, a place where magic and technology intertwined. Their clandestine meetings were discovered by the villainous Lord Volkov, who saw an opportunity to exploit their vulnerability and drive a wedge between the sorcerers. "You two are a threat to our cause," Lord Volkov hissed as he confronted Lila and Leo in the hidden chamber where they met. "You can either join me or watch your mentors perish." Lila and Leo's hearts raced as they exchanged desperate glances, knowing that they could not betray their mentors, even for the sake of their love. With a shared resolve, they vowed to protect Xavier and Aria, no matter the cost. As Lord Volkov escaped into the shadows, Lila and Leo resolved to bring him to justice. United by love and duty, they sought the help of both sorcerers, who finally agreed to put aside their differences for the greater good. Together, they formed an alliance that would change the course of Myrthos forever. The sun had just begun to set, painting the sky with shades of pink and orange. In the heart of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexisted, two powerful sorcerers stood opposite each other. Xavier believed in harnessing the power of technology for good, while Aria saw magic as the ultimate force. Their apprentices, Lila and Leo, watched from a distance, torn between their allegiances. As they struggled to choose sides, sparks of attraction flew between them, igniting a romance that would shape their destinies. "Xavier, we must unite! Technology and magic can work together for the greater good," Aria pleaded, her voice carrying through the wind. But Xavier remained steadfast in his convictions, refusing to budge. In a nearby corner, Lord Volkov, the sinister villain, watched their exchange with malicious intent. He had no allegiance and sought only chaos and destruction. With a flick of his wrist, he cast a spell that enveloped Myrthos in darkness, causing panic to spread among its inhabitants. "We have no choice but to stand together against Lord Volkov," Xavier finally conceded, his voice echoing through the night. "For our people and for peace." As they joined forces, Lila and Leo's love only grew stronger, fueled by their shared experiences and adversity. The four sorcerers united, determined to defeat Lord Volkov and rescue their apprentices from his clutches. In a climactic battle, Xavier and Aria's once-warring factions fought side by side, illuminating the night sky with their spells. Together, they overcame Lord Volkov and rescued Lila and Leo. With newfound alliance and shared determination, the four sorcerers continued their quest for harmony between magic and technology, knowing that their fight was far from over. In the heart of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexist in harmony, powerful sorcerers Xavier and Aria stood opposite each other. Their apprentices, Lila and Leo, watched from a distance, torn between their allegiances to their mentors. As sparks of attraction flew between Lila and Leo, the tension between Xavier and Aria only intensified. Aria pleaded with Xavier for unity between magic and technology. "Xavier, our people need us to work together," she said, her voice filled with urgency. "We cannot let Lord Volkov's influence divide us any longer." Xavier, however, remained steadfast in his belief that magic should be kept pure and separate from the world of technology. "Magic is a gift to be cherished, Aria," he replied. "It must not be corrupted or controlled by the cold logic of machines." As they argued, Lord Volkov cast a spell, causing panic among the inhabitants of Myrthos. The city was thrown into chaos as people ran in all directions, desperate to escape. In that moment, Xavier realized the consequences of their discord. "Aria, we must put our differences aside," he cried, his voice filled with determination. With newfound unity, the four sorcerers joined forces against Lord Volkov. They fought fiercely in a climactic battle, eventually overcoming him and restoring peace to Myrthos. Together, Xavier and Aria vowed to continue their quest for harmony between magic and technology, while Lila and Leo's love blossomed amidst the chaos. In the land of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexist, two powerful sorcerers ruled with their apprentices. Xavier, a staunch advocate for technology, stood against Aria, who believed in the purity of magic. As their apprentices, Lila and Leo were torn between their allegiances to their mentors and their growing attraction to each other. "The Sorcerer's Chronicles: The Battle for Myrthos" In a bustling city square, Xavier and Aria stood opposite each other, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. Lila and Leo watched from a distance, feeling the tension between their mentors and within themselves. Aria's voice echoed through the square, "Magic and technology can coexist, bringing balance to Myrthos!" Xavier countered with determination, "Technology is the future, and magic must give way for progress!" As they argued, sparks of attraction flew between Lila and Leo, igniting their own internal conflict. The people of Myrthos began to panic as Lord Volkov, a dark sorcerer seeking power and chaos, cast a spell that threatened to tear the world apart. Faced with this grave threat, Xavier reluctantly agreed to unite with Aria. "For the sake of Myrthos, we must set aside our differences and stand together!" With newfound resolve, the four sorcerers joined forces against Lord Volkov in a climactic battle. Their combined power sent shockwaves throughout Myrthos, but ultimately overcame the dark sorcerer's malevolent magic. In the end, they emerged victorious and continued their quest for harmony between magic and technology. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow over the land of Myrthos, Lila and Leo stood side by side, watching their mentors argue. Xavier, the Sorcerer of Steel, was resolute in his belief that magic and technology could coexist, while Aria, the Sorceress of Light, feared the corruption it would bring. ```xavier``` "Aria, you're blinded by fear. Magic and technology can exist together, forging a brighter future." ```aria``` "Xavier, you underestimate the darkness that will consume us all." As the tension between them escalated, Leo found himself drawn to Lila, their shared gaze holding a secret language of longing. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, Lord Volkov watched from the shadows, his villainous plans unfolding. ```lila``` "Leo, I... I don't know what to feel." ```leo``` "I understand, Lila. We're all struggling with our own battles." As their apprenticeships were tested, so too was the bond between them. In a world where magic and technology clashed, their love blossomed like an unexpected flower in a barren landscape. But their happiness would be short-lived, for Lord Volkov's escape had set in motion a chain of events that threatened to unravel everything they held dear. With the clock ticking and chaos brewing, Xavier and Aria reluctantly joined forces to protect their apprentices and defeat Lord Volkov. As they fought side by side, their once-divided hearts began to mend. Together, they vanquished their enemy and pledged to continue their quest for harmony between magic and technology. And so, Lila and Leo stood together, hand in hand, as the sun rose over Myrthos once more. Their love had triumphed, and a new era of unity was dawning. In the heart of Myrthos, a land where magic and technology coexist, powerful sorcerers Xavier and Aria find themselves at odds. Their apprentices, Lila and Leo, grapple with their loyalties and growing feelings for each other as they strive to protect both their mentors and the balance between the forces of magic and technology. "The Sorcerer's Chronicles" begins with Xavier and Aria standing opposite one another, their eyes locked in a heated debate over the future of Myrthos. Lila and Leo watch from a distance, their hearts pounding as they witness the sparks of attraction flying between them. "Enough!" Aria cries out, her voice carrying over the murmurs of the crowd. "Magic and technology can coexist! We must find a way to unite them for the greater good!" Xavier scoffs, his face a picture of defiance. "You don't understand, Aria. Magic is pure, untainted by the cold, unfeeling nature of technology. The two are incompatible!" Suddenly, chaos erupts as Lord Volkov, the villainous sorcerer, casts a spell that sends panic rippling through the crowd. Xavier, realizing the gravity of the situation, reluctantly concedes to Aria's point of view. "We must join forces against this threat!" he declares. As they unite their powers, Xavier and Aria lead their apprentices Lila and Leo into a climactic battle against Lord Volkov. Together, they manage to vanquish him, but not without cost. As the dust settles, the four sorcerers realize that their journey for harmony between magic and technology is far from over. With newfound resolve, Xavier and Aria pledge to work together, while Lila and Leo hold hands, their love for each other growing stronger than ever before. The sun sets on Myrthos, casting a warm glow on the four sorcerers as they stand side by side, ready to face whatever challenges await them in the days to come. In the land of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexisted, two powerful sorcerers, Xavier and Aria, led opposing factions. Xavier believed in harnessing technology for magical enhancement, while Aria advocated for the purity of ancient sorcery. As apprentices to these influential sorcerers, Lila and Leo found themselves torn between their allegiances. As they trained under their mentors, the young apprentices couldn't help but notice the growing attraction between them. One day, during a heated debate between Xavier and Aria, Lila and Leo exchanged glances, each feeling the pull of destiny. The tension in the room was palpable as the two sorcerers stood opposite each other, while their apprentices watched from a distance. "Aria, your stubbornness could lead us to our doom!" Xavier shouted, his voice echoing throughout the chamber. "And Xavier's blind faith in technology could destroy everything we hold sacred!" Aria retorted, her voice just as firm. As the two sorcerers continued their argument, chaos erupted outside. The villainous Lord Volkov, seeking to exploit the discord between the factions, cast a spell that sent panic throughout Myrthos. In that moment, Xavier realized he had to concede and unite with Aria for the greater good. In a climactic battle against Lord Volkov, the four sorcerers stood together, their combined powers forming an unstoppable force. After defeating their nemesis, they continued their quest for harmony between magic and technology, now united in their purpose. Lila and Leo's love blossomed amidst the chaos, strengthening their bond and giving them a newfound determination to protect their mentors and the world they shared. And so, the young sorcerers embarked on their own path of discovery, their hearts entwined, as they strove for a future where magic and technology could coexist in harmony. As the sun began to set, casting an ethereal glow across the city of Myrthos, Lila and Leo stood side by side, gazing at the towering spires of crystal and steel. The air was thick with anticipation as the powerful sorcerers, Xavier and Aria, prepared for a crucial meeting to determine the future of their world. "What if we could find a way to combine magic and technology?", Leo mused, his eyes locked on the city's dazzling skyline. Lila looked at him with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "But magic and technology are two different worlds. They can't coexist." "I don't think so," Leo replied, his voice filled with determination. "If we can just find the right balance, we might be able to create a world where both thrive." In that moment, a sudden gust of wind blew through the city square, carrying whispers of an impending conflict. Tensions between Xavier and Aria had been mounting for years, and their apprentices felt it keenly. "Lord Xavier has called for a meeting with Lord Volkov," Xavier's voice boomed through the air. "We must be prepared." Aria's voice, cool and calculated, echoed through the square. "Do not underestimate him, Xavier. This villain will stop at nothing to seize power." Lila glanced at Leo, her heart racing. "We have to protect them," she whispered. Leo nodded, his eyes burning with resolve. "Whatever it takes." As the sun dipped below the horizon, the city of Myrthos prepared for the battle that lay ahead. The stage was set for an epic confrontation between powerful sorcerers and their apprentices, who would stop at nothing to protect their mentors and their vision of a harmonious future. In the land of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexisted in harmony, two powerful sorcerers ruled the realm. Xavier, master of the arcane arts, governed the magical citizens with a fair hand, while Aria, the technological genius, led the mechanical inhabitants with an iron fist. As the tension between their apprentices, Lila and Leo, grew, so did the chaos that threatened to tear Myrthos apart. "Do you trust me?" Lila asked nervously, her eyes darting between the magical artifacts she held in her hands. Leo met her gaze, his voice steady and confident, "With my life." As the two apprentices' allegiances wavered, they found solace in each other's company. The forbidden romance that blossomed between them was a spark of hope amidst the chaos. They longed to bridge the gap between magic and technology, but their mentors stood firmly on opposite sides of the divide. "We must stop this madness!" Xavier thundered, his eyes flashing with anger. "Aria's obsession with progress will be our undoing." "And yours with tradition will stifle growth," Aria retorted, her voice cold and calculating. Their apprentices, bound together by love and duty, sought a way to unite their mentors and restore balance to Myrthos. But Lord Volkov, a malevolent sorcerer with sinister intentions, had other plans. He orchestrated a daring escape from his prison, setting in motion a chain of events that would lead to an epic confrontation. As the villain's dark presence loomed over Myrthos, Xavier and Aria reluctantly put aside their differences. Joined by Lila and Leo, they united against the common enemy in a climactic battle. With the power of love and friendship fueling them, the four sorcerers defeated Lord Volkov, sealing his dark magic away forever. The victory marked the beginning of a new era for Myrthos, one where magic and technology could coexist peacefully. Lila and Leo's love grew stronger, and they vowed to continue their quest for harmony in the land they loved. In the land of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexisted in harmony, two powerful sorcerers ruled over opposing factions. Lord Xavier, the master of technology-infused magic, and Lady Aria, the guardian of ancient spells, were locked in a cold war for centuries. Their apprentices, Lila and Leo, had been trained since childhood to become the leaders they were destined to be. As chaos threatened Myrthos, Xavier's lab and Aria's sanctuary became the epicenter of tension. The once peaceful land was now on the brink of war. But amidst the turmoil, a spark of hope ignited between Lila and Leo. Their shared moments of vulnerability blossomed into an unexpected romance. "Do you think we can ever find peace in this world?" Lila asked, staring into Leo's eyes. "I believe so," Leo whispered back, "but it will take more than just our love. We must unite against the darkness that threatens to consume Myrthos." As they stood together, a shadow loomed over the horizon. Lord Volkov, Xavier's disgraced apprentice, had escaped his prison and sought vengeance upon the world he once loved. With him, he brought an army of twisted creatures, bent on destroying everything in their path. The stage was set for a climactic battle that would decide the fate of Myrthos. Lila and Leo, now bound by love and duty, fought side by side against Volkov's forces. Their mastery of both magic and technology proved to be the key to victory as they combined their powers in unimaginable ways. The final confrontation unfolded atop the highest tower in Myrthos, where Lila and Leo faced off against the vengeful Lord Volkov. As the battle raged on, Xavier and Aria watched from afar, knowing that the future of their land rested in the hands of their apprentices. The four sorcerers clashed in an epic duel, their powers surging through the air like lightning. In the end, it was Lila's and Leo's united strength that defeated Volkov and sealed his escape. The victory marked the beginning of a new era for Myrthos, where magic and technology coexisted in harmony once again. And as the sun rose over the land, the love between Lila and Leo burned brighter than ever before. In the land of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexisted, two opposing sorcerer leaders, Xavier and Aria, ruled over their apprentices. Lila, a skilled sorceress under Xavier's tutelage, shared an uneasy friendship with Leo, a prodigious mage under Aria's guidance. The delicate balance between magic and technology was threatened when the powerful sorcerer Lord Volkov escaped his prison, intent on plunging Myrthos into darkness. As chaos spread across the land, Lila and Leo found themselves drawn together by a shared sense of duty and purpose. Their friendship quickly blossomed into love as they worked tirelessly to prevent Lord Volkov's evil plan from succeeding. "We must put our differences aside," Xavier declared, standing alongside Aria in the heart of Myrthos. "Our apprentices have shown us that magic and technology can coexist. We must unite to save our world." Aria nodded, her eyes locked on the approaching storm of chaos. "Yes, for the sake of Myrthos and its people, we shall stand together." The climactic battle against Lord Volkov raged for days, with Xavier and Aria battling side by side while Lila and Leo fought alongside them. The four sorcerers' combined might finally vanquished the evil sorcerer, sealing him away once more and restoring harmony to Myrthos. With peace restored, Lila and Leo's love continued to grow stronger. They dedicated themselves to teaching future generations of magic users and technologists how to live in harmony, ensuring that their world would never again be threatened by chaos. And so, the legacy of Xavier and Aria lived on through their apprentices, who became the beacons of hope for a brighter future in Myrthos. In the mystical land of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexisted in harmony, Xavier and Aria were the most powerful sorcerers. They led their respective factions, each with a gifted apprentice - Lila for Xavier, and Leo for Aria. However, as chaos loomed over Myrthos, threatening to tear the realm apart, Lila and Leo found themselves drawn together in ways they never expected. As they practiced their sorcery, Lila and Leo's skills grew exponentially. They began to uncover secrets that hinted at a dark force plotting against Myrthos - Lord Volkov. A cunning sorcerer who sought to harness the power of both magic and technology for his own nefarious purposes, he had been lying dormant, biding his time until the perfect moment to strike. One fateful day, Xavier and Aria sensed the impending danger. They sent their apprentices on a mission to discover more about Lord Volkov's plans. "We must act quickly," Xavier warned, "for the fate of Myrthos hangs in the balance." Lila and Leo set off into the unknown, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. They followed the clues, learning the truth behind Lord Volkov's sinister intentions. Along the way, they encountered ancient artifacts that seemed to be infused with both magic and advanced technology. "What if we could combine our powers, Lila?" Leo suggested, his eyes filled with hope. "Perhaps we could stop Lord Volkov before he takes over Myrthos." Lila's eyes sparkled with determination. "Let's try," she replied, and together they attempted to fuse their magical abilities with the technological power they had found. The result was a newfound strength that echoed through the land. With time running out, Lila and Leo confronted Lord Volkov in a climactic battle. Their combined might, born from both magic and technology, proved to be a force that even the powerful sorcerer could not withstand. As he crumbled before them, Lila and Leo knew that their love had been the key to saving Myrthos. And so, an era of harmony between magic and technology began in the land they cherished so dearly. In the mystical land of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexisted in harmony, Xavier and Aria were two powerful sorcerers. They led their apprentices, Lila and Leo, in a constant struggle for control over this enchanting realm. As chaos threatened to engulf Myrthos, Lila and Leo found themselves at a crossroads - their allegiances wavered between their masters and the love that blossomed between them. One day, as they walked through the bustling marketplace of Myrthos, Lila and Leo overheard whispers about Lord Volkov's escape from his prison. The apprentices knew this could mean trouble for all of Myrthos, so they decided to confront their masters with this information. "Master Xavier, Master Aria," Leo began, his voice shaking slightly with nerves. "We have some news that might interest you." Xavier and Aria exchanged a knowing glance before turning their attention to the apprentices. "Speak, Leo," Xavier commanded, his voice low and steady. "Lord Volkov has escaped from prison," Lila added, her tone echoing Leo's unease. "We believe he's planning something big." Xavier's eyes narrowed as he considered the information. "Very well," he finally said. "You two will help us prepare for his return. We must stand united against him." Aria nodded in agreement, and together, Xavier, Aria, Lila, and Leo set to work gathering their allies and resources. As they prepared for the looming battle, Lila and Leo found themselves drawn closer, their shared fear of Lord Volkov's return only serving to strengthen their bond. As chaos threatened Myrthos, Xavier and Aria put aside their differences and united their forces under one banner, determined to protect their beloved land. With the strength of their combined power and the love growing between Lila and Leo, they stood ready for the battle that would determine the fate of magic and technology in Myrthos. In the land of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexisted in perfect harmony, two sorcerer leaders, Xavier and Aria, found themselves on opposing sides. They were powerful sorcerers, but they also had their apprentices - Lila and Leo. As chaos threatened to disrupt the balance between the magical and technological forces of Myrthos, the apprentices were caught in a whirlwind of allegiances, torn between their loyalty to their masters and their love for each other. "I can't believe we're on the same side now," Leo muttered to Lila as they stood together in the face of imminent danger. "Me neither," she replied softly, her eyes fixed on the horizon where Lord Volkov's forces were advancing. "But we have to put our personal feelings aside for the sake of Myrthos." As the battle raged on, Lila and Leo fought valiantly against Lord Volkov's escape. Their combined magical prowess was a force to be reckoned with, and they were quickly becoming the heroes of the hour. In the midst of the chaos, Xavier and Aria observed their apprentices with mixed emotions - pride for their skill, but also concern for their loyalty. "We must end this now!" Xavier bellowed, his voice echoing through the battlefield. "Lord Volkov's escape threatens not only Myrthos, but the delicate balance between magic and technology itself." Their apprentices nodded in agreement, and together they unleashed a powerful spell that sealed off Lord Volkov's escape route. The climactic battle was intense, with magic clashing against technology, creating a spectacle of light and sound. In the end, it was Lila and Leo's combined efforts that defeated Lord Volkov, marking the beginning of an era of harmony between magic and technology in Myrthos. As the dust settled and the war came to an end, Lila and Leo's love for each other only grew stronger, proving that even in times of chaos, true love can prevail. Xavier and Aria, two powerful sorcerers, were once united by their love for Myrthos. But as chaos threatened the realm where magic and technology coexisted, they found themselves on opposite sides of a brewing conflict. Their apprentices, Lila and Leo, were tasked with learning from both masters to harness the best of both worlds - the ancient wisdom of sorcery and the cutting-edge power of technology. As the days turned into weeks, Lila and Leo's training intensified. They spent long hours in the enchanted forest, practicing spells and learning the secrets of the magical arts from Xavier and Aria. But as they grew in strength, so did the allure of each other. Whispers of their secret rendezvous spread like wildfire throughout Myrthos. "We must focus on our training," Lila warned Leo during one moonlit night in the forest. "Our allegiances are tested, and we cannot let our hearts cloud our judgment." "But we can't ignore the truth of our feelings either," Leo replied, taking her hand in his. "I believe that love can unite us in ways no force could ever divide us." Their bond grew stronger, even as Myrthos teetered on the brink of destruction. Lord Volkov, a rogue sorcerer seeking to rule over both realms of magic and technology, had escaped his prison and was wreaking havoc across the land. "We must unite against him," Xavier declared, his eyes filled with determination. "For Myrthos, and for the future of our apprentices." Aria nodded in agreement, her gaze locked onto Volkov's distant figure. "Let us fight together, for once, and show him that love and unity are far more powerful than any force he could muster." With newfound resolve, Lila and Leo prepared to face the threat of Lord Volkov side by side, their hearts entwined in a love that transcended allegiance. The battle that raged across Myrthos would determine not only the fate of the realm but also the future of magic and technology, forever intertwined in the land they cherished. Xavier and Aria, the opposing sorcerer leaders of Myrthos, stood atop the highest peak, gazing out into the vast land. Their apprentices, Lila and Leo, watched from below, their eyes wide with awe. The air was thick with tension as the two leaders discussed the recent chaos plaguing the once-peaceful realm. "Magic and technology should coexist," Aria declared, her voice strong but filled with worry. "But we must find a way to maintain balance." Xavier nodded in agreement. "We must teach our apprentices to respect both domains," he replied, his eyes on Lila and Leo below. As the sun dipped towards the horizon, casting a golden glow over Myrthos, Lila looked to Leo, her heart fluttering with newfound emotions. He met her gaze, and they shared a knowing smile. As their love blossomed, so did their allegiance to their respective masters. Their world was thrown into chaos when Lord Volkov escaped his imprisonment. Xavier and Aria were forced to put aside their differences as they joined forces to recapture the rogue sorcerer. Lila and Leo, too, worked together, their bond strengthening with every step towards their common enemy. As they finally confronted Lord Volkov in a climactic battle, it was clear that their combined power could not be denied. The four sorcerers fought side by side, their unity and determination ultimately leading to Volkov's defeat. With his capture, the realm of Myrthos was once again at peace. In the aftermath of the great battle, Lila and Leo's love continued to grow stronger. Their unity not only saved their world but also served as a symbol of hope for a future where magic and technology could coexist in harmony. In the land of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexisted in harmony, two opposing sorcerer leaders faced off. Xavier and Aria, both seasoned practitioners of their crafts, commanded immense power and influence over their respective factions. Their apprentices, Lila and Leo, were no different - both skilled in their own right, yet bound by the expectations of their masters. As chaos began to brew in Myrthos, threatening the delicate balance between magic and technology, Lila and Leo found themselves at a crossroads. The impending doom forced them to question their allegiances and consider the possibility of uniting against the common enemy - Lord Volkov. "We must put aside our differences," Lila urged, her voice wavering with emotion. "If we don't stand together, Myrthos will fall." Leo nodded in agreement, his eyes locked on the horizon where darkness threatened to engulf the once-vibrant land. "You're right, Lila. We need to work together if we're going to stop him." Their shared determination sparked a fire within them, driving them forward as they sought to defeat Lord Volkov and restore peace to Myrthos. As they trained tirelessly, their bond grew stronger, eventually leading to an undeniable romance. In the climactic battle against Lord Volkov, Xavier and Aria found themselves on the same side, their opposition to the villain overcoming their past rivalry. Together with Lila and Leo, they fought fiercely, ultimately defeating the dark sorcerer. The victory marked the beginning of an era of harmony between magic and technology in Myrthos, while Lila and Leo's love continued to blossom. The story unfolded in a captivating manner, showcasing the power of unity and the resilience of the human spirit. In the land of Myrthos, where magic and technology coexisted in perfect harmony, Xavier and Aria were renowned sorcerer leaders. Their apprentices, Lila and Leo, were destined for greatness as well. As chaos threatened to engulf Myrthos, Lila and Leo found themselves at a crossroads, torn between their allegiances to their mentors and the greater good of the land. As they struggled with their decisions, Lila and Leo accidentally bumped into each other in the bustling marketplace of Myrthos. Their eyes locked, and for the first time, they truly saw each other - not just as apprentices or adversaries, but as two young individuals caught in the whirlwind of destiny. "Are you alright?" Leo asked cautiously, helping Lila up from her fall. "I'm fine," Lila responded, her voice wavering slightly. "Thank you." Their eyes met once more, and a spark ignited between them - a spark that would soon grow into a raging fire. As the days passed, their connection deepened, transcending the boundaries of magic and technology. Together, they sought to understand the source of the chaos plaguing Myrthos. "We must find the cause of this unrest," Lila declared, her voice determined. "It's tearing our world apart." "Agreed," Leo replied, his eyes filled with resolve. "Let us investigate the rumors of Lord Volkov's escape and put an end to this turmoil." And so, they began their journey, guided by love and a shared sense of duty. As they uncovered the truth behind the chaos, Lila and Leo grew ever closer. Together, they would confront Lord Volkov and save Myrthos from the brink of destruction. Their love would become an unstoppable force, forging a new era of harmony between magic and technology in the land of their hearts. In the bustling marketplace of Myrthos, Lila and Leo couldn't help but overhear whispers about Lord Volkov's escape. Their hearts raced with excitement, as they both knew that this could be the opportunity they had been waiting for. Lila turned to face Leo, her eyes wide with anticipation. "Do you think we should tell Xavier and Aria?" she asked nervously. Leo hesitated before nodding. "We need to let them know, but we must proceed with caution. Lord Volkov is a formidable foe." As they exited the marketplace, they bumped into an old man selling trinkets. "Ah, young ones," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief, "be careful who you trust in these troubled times. Remember, wisdom comes from experience, and experience is often costly." With that, he winked at them before returning to his stall. Lila and Leo exchanged knowing smiles as they continued on their way. They knew the old man's words were wise, but they also understood that sometimes, one must take risks for a greater cause. As they reached the entrance of Xavier and Aria's tower, their hearts pounded with anticipation. Together, they stepped inside and found their mentors deep in conversation. Xavier was pacing, while Aria held a worried expression on her face. They knew it was time to reveal what they had learned. Taking a deep breath, Lila spoke up. "Xavier, Aria, we have news. We overheard rumors that Lord Volkov has escaped." In the bustling marketplace of Myrthos, the air was filled with the sounds of laughter and lively chatter. As the sun began to set, casting warm hues across the cobblestone streets, Lila and Leo found themselves drawn together by fate. They shared a curious glance before their eyes met in recognition. "Have you heard the rumors?" Lila asked nervously, her voice barely above a whisper. "About Lord Volkov's escape?" "Yes," Leo replied, his voice steady but filled with concern. "We must inform our mentors, Xavier and Aria, immediately." As they walked towards their mentors' residence, the old man appeared once more. His gaze pierced through them, as if trying to read their thoughts. "In times of chaos, beware of those who offer guidance," he warned, his voice filled with wisdom. "But also remember that sometimes, taking risks for a greater cause is necessary." With newfound determination, Lila and Leo rushed into Xavier and Aria's study. The air was thick with tension as they shared the news. Together, they prepared to face Lord Volkov, their love for one another growing stronger with each passing moment. "We must be vigilant," Xavier said, his voice echoing through the room. "And we must trust in each other, for only together can we protect Myrthos." Aria nodded, her eyes filled with resolve. "Let us fight for our home and prove that magic and technology can coexist in harmony." In the bustling marketplace of Myrthos, Lila and Leo exchanged glances as if for the first time. Their eyes met in that fleeting moment, and they both felt an odd sense of familiarity. "Leo, have you ever sensed something unusual?" Lila asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "I feel like... I don't know, we've known each other before or something." Leo raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her words. "Lila, you're starting to sound like one of those prophecies," he teased. "But seriously, I'll keep it in mind. We should focus on the rumors about Lord Volkov's escape." "We must be cautious, dear apprentices," Xavier warned as he approached them. "Lord Volkov is a formidable foe. Remember your training and trust in one another." Aria nodded in agreement. "Yes, Master Xavier. We will do our best to protect Myrthos." As the sun began to set, Lila and Leo decided to investigate the rumors themselves. As they walked through the city gates, they were greeted by an old man with a long white beard. "Young ones," he said, his voice gravelly but full of wisdom. "Be careful who you trust during these troubled times. But remember, sometimes taking risks is necessary for a greater cause." With newfound resolve, Lila and Leo set out to find Lord Volkov, determined to save their beloved Myrthos. As they searched, their bond grew stronger, and so did the hope that magic and technology could coexist in harmony. In the marketplace, Lila and Leo's paths finally crossed, their eyes meeting across the bustling crowd. A mixture of excitement and nervousness washed over them as they realized who each other was. "Lila?" Leo whispered, trying to contain his astonishment. "Leo?" she replied, just as quietly, her voice filled with equal parts wonder and disbelief. Before either could react further, a sudden commotion erupted nearby. A messenger hurried towards them, breathless. "The rumors are true! Lord Volkov has escaped his prison!" "We must find Xavier and Aria," Lila declared, her voice resolute. "We can't let him destroy Myrthos again." "Agreed," Leo nodded, his eyes locked on the fleeing messenger who had just shared the terrifying news. Together, they pushed through the crowd, their hearts pounding in unison. As they raced towards the sorcerer leaders' hideout, a mysterious old man appeared before them, his eyes twinkling with ancient wisdom. "Young ones, I have seen your bravery and determination. But beware, for trusting others can lead to great peril." Lila and Leo exchanged glances, their faces reflecting the weight of the wise man's words. Still, they knew they had to trust in each other if they were to save Myrthos from the impending doom. With renewed resolve, they entered Xavier and Aria's sanctuary, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And so, under the guidance of their mentors, Lila and Leo embarked on a perilous quest to hunt down Lord Volkov, their hearts bound together by the love that had blossomed between them in the marketplace. As they fought side by side, the power of their combined magic and technology began to usher in an era of harmony for all inhabitants of Myrthos. As chaos threatened the peaceful land of Myrthos, Lila and Leo, apprentices of the renowned sorcerer leaders Xavier and Aria, found themselves struggling with their allegiances. In the bustling marketplace, they accidentally bumped into each other amidst the clamor of merchants and customers. "Oh, I'm so sorry," Lila apologized to Leo, blushing slightly as she realized who he was. "It's fine," Leo replied, smiling. "I wasn't paying attention either." As they began to chat, a sense of familiarity and attraction blossomed between them. Unbeknownst to them, their mentors were also aware of the rising chaos in Myrthos. They had received reports of Lord Volkov's escape from his imprisonment, and they knew that the apprentices would need guidance in this trying time. Xavier and Aria decided to approach Lila and Leo, discussing the situation and the rumors surrounding Lord Volkov. "We must be cautious," Xavier warned them, "but we cannot let fear control our actions." "Trust no one," Aria added, "except for each other. We are in this together." With their mentors' guidance, Lila and Leo began to prepare for the battle against Lord Volkov. They sought the wisdom of an old man who lived at the edge of Myrthos. He told them that they must learn to trust others, but also that taking risks for a greater cause would be essential in this fight. "You must find the balance between trusting and distrusting," he advised. "Only then can you overcome the darkness." As Lila and Leo's love continued to grow stronger, so did their resolve. Together, they would face Lord Volkov and save Myrthos from destruction, proving that magic and technology could coexist harmoniously in the land they loved. In the bustling marketplace of Myrthos, Lila and Leo found themselves drawn together by fate. The air was filled with the sounds of merchants hawking their wares, people chattering in excited tones, and the faint hum of technology. As they exchanged glances, their eyes met, and a spark ignited between them. "You must be Lila," Leo said, his voice soft but steady. "I've heard so much about you from Master Xavier." "And you must be Leo," Lila replied, her gaze never leaving his. "Master Aria speaks highly of your skills as well." In that moment, they both knew that their mentors had chosen wisely. With a shared glance, they decided to venture beyond the marketplace and explore the secrets hidden within Myrthos. As they roamed the city, whispers of Lord Volkov's escape spread like wildfire. Lila and Leo couldn't ignore the gravity of the situation. They knew that they had to confront the villain before he could cause any more chaos in their beloved land. "We must tell our mentors," Lila declared firmly, her eyes filled with determination. "And we need to find Lord Volkov as soon as possible." Leo nodded in agreement. "We'll seek out the wise old man who lives on the outskirts of Myrthos. He may have information that could help us." With their hearts pounding, they set off on their perilous journey, united by their love for each other and their duty to protect Myrthos. Little did they know, this adventure would not only test their magical prowess but also the strength of their bond. Together, they would face insurmountable challenges and emerge as true heroes. In the bustling marketplace of Myrthos, Lila and Leo found themselves drawn together by fate. As they exchanged whispered words, their eyes met, and they knew that something extraordinary was about to unfold. "Have you heard the rumors?" Leo asked Lila, his voice low and filled with curiosity. "Lord Volkov has escaped from imprisonment." "I haven't heard anything about it," Lila replied, her brow furrowing in concern. "But we must investigate this further. We can't let him destroy Myrthos again." As they spoke, Xavier and Aria watched the two apprentices from a distance, their hearts swelling with pride for the young sorcerers they had trained. They knew that Lila and Leo were destined for greatness, and now was the time to let them prove themselves. "You must be cautious," Aria warned her apprentices. "But do not forget that there is strength in unity." With Xavier and Aria's guidance, Lila and Leo sought out the wise old man who lived in the heart of Myrthos. He listened to their tale with a knowing smile, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. "Be careful whom you trust," he advised them. "But remember that sometimes, taking risks is necessary for a greater cause." With newfound determination, Lila and Leo set out to confront Lord Volkov. Together, they used their combined skills in magic and technology to bring peace back to Myrthos. Their love blossomed as they fought side by side, proving that harmony could be found even in the darkest of times. In the land of Myrthos, sorcerer leaders Xavier and Aria have apprentices Lila and Leo, destined for greatness. As chaos threatens Myrthos, they accidentally meet in a marketplace, developing a romance. They investigate rumors of Lord Volkov's escape, confronting him and saving Myrthos from destruction. Their love grows stronger, ushering in an era of harmony between magic and technology. Upon learning of Lord Volkov's escape, Lila and Leo inform their mentors and prepare to face the villain together with the guidance of a wise old man who warns them about trusting others but also encourages them to take risks for a greater cause. Together, Xavier and Aria support their apprentices in the fight to protect Myrthos, proving that magic and technology can coexist harmoniously. In the bustling marketplace of Myrthos, Lila and Leo found themselves drawn together by fate. As they exchanged whispered words, their eyes met, and they knew that something extraordinary was about to unfold. "Have you heard the rumors?" Leo asked Lila, his voice low and filled with curiosity. "Lord Volkov has escaped from imprisonment." "I haven't heard anything about it," Lila replied, her brow furrowing in concern. "But we must investigate this further. We can't let him destroy Myrthos again." As they spoke, Xavier and Aria watched the two apprentices from a distance, their hearts swelling with pride for the young sorcerers they had trained. They knew that Lila and Leo were destined for greatness, and now was the time to let them prove themselves. "You must be cautious," Aria warned her apprentices. "But do not forget that there is strength in unity." With Xavier and Aria's guidance, Lila and Leo sought out the wise old man who lived in the heart of Myrthos. He listened to their tale with a knowing smile, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. "Be careful whom you trust," he advised them. "But remember that sometimes, taking risks is necessary for a greater cause." With newfound determination, Lila and Leo set out to confront Lord Volkov. Together, they used their combined skills in magic and technology to bring peace back to Myrthos. Their love blossomed as they fought side by side, proving that harmony could be found even in the darkest of times. In the land of Myrthos, sorcerer leaders Xavier and Aria have apprentices Lila and Leo, destined for greatness. As chaos threatens Myrthos, they accidentally meet in a marketplace, developing a romance. They investigate rumors of Lord Volkov's escape, confronting him and saving Myrthos from destruction. Their love grows stronger, ushering in an era of harmony between magic and technology. Upon learning of Lord Volkov's escape, Lila and Leo inform their mentors and prepare to face the villain together with the guidance of a wise old man who warns them about trusting others but also encourages them to take risks for a greater cause. Together, Xavier and Aria support their apprentices in the fight to protect Myrthos, proving that magic and technology can coexist harmoniously. In the bustling marketplace of Myrthos, Lila and Leo found themselves drawn together by fate. As they exchanged whispered words, their eyes met, and they knew that something extraordinary was about to unfold. "Have you heard the rumors?" Leo asked Lila, his voice low and filled with curiosity. "Lord Volkov has escaped from imprisonment." "I haven't heard anything about it," Lila replied, her brow furrowing in concern. "But we must investigate this further. We can't let him destroy Myrthos again." As they spoke, Xavier and Aria watched the two apprentices from a distance, their hearts swelling with pride for the young sorcerers they had trained. They knew that Lila and Leo were destined for greatness, and now was the time to let them prove themselves. "You must be cautious," Aria warned her apprentices. "But do not forget that there is strength in unity." With Xavier and Aria's guidance, Lila and Leo sought out the wise old man who lived in the heart of Myrthos. He listened to their tale with a knowing smile, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. "Be careful whom you trust," he advised them. "But remember that sometimes, taking risks is necessary for a greater cause." With newfound determination, Lila and Leo set out to confront Lord Volkov. Together, they used their combined skills in magic and technology to bring peace back to Myrthos. Their love blossomed as they fought side by side, proving that harmony could be found even in the darkest of times. In the bustling marketplace of Myrthos, Lila and Leo found themselves in a chance encounter that would change their lives forever. "Have you heard the rumors about Lord Volkov's escape?" Lila asked, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Yes," Leo replied, his voice filled with concern. "But what can we do? We are just apprentices." As they spoke, Xavier and Aria, their mentors, watched them from a distance. They knew that the time had come for Lila and Leo to take on greater responsibilities. Approaching the duo, Xavier said, "Lila, Leo, we've been expecting you. The rumors are true. Lord Volkov has escaped. It is up to you two to stop him." Determined, Lila and Leo set off on their quest, leaving a trail of awe-struck spectators behind them. They sought the counsel of a wise old man who lived in the heart of Myrthos. "Remember, my young friends," he warned, "magic and technology should never be trusted blindly. But when used wisely, they can bring harmony to the world." Armed with this advice, Lila and Leo returned to Xavier and Aria for further guidance. Together, they prepared to confront Lord Volkov and save their beloved Myrthos. In the midst of battle, Lila harnessed her magical prowess while Leo deftly wielded his technological skills. United, they overcame their foe and secured the future of Myrthos. Their victory marked a new era in Myrthos: one where magic and technology coexisted peacefully, forged by the love between Lila and Leo and the wisdom of Xavier and Aria. The once-divided people of Myrthos united under their heroes' banner, and harmony reigned supreme. In the bustling marketplace of Myrthos, Lila and Leo exchanged their first glances, drawn to each other by an unseen force. As they began to converse, their eyes sparkled with newfound curiosity. Lila: "Good day, stranger! What brings you to our humble town?" Leo: "I've heard whispers of the great sorcerers Xavier and Aria, and I'm here to learn from them." Lila: "Ah, I too am an apprentice. The rumors of their wisdom are not exaggerated." As they continued to chat, a sense of familiarity grew between them. It wasn't long before the two young apprentices discovered that fate had other plans for them. They found themselves caught in the midst of a dangerous conspiracy, as rumors of Lord Volkov's escape spread like wildfire. Xavier: "Lila, Leo, we must act swiftly. Lord Volkov's return could bring darkness upon Myrthos." Aria: "We will not allow that to happen. But you must be cautious. We have limited information about his whereabouts and intentions." Determined to protect their beloved town, Lila and Leo set out on a perilous journey. Along the way, they met an enigmatic old man who shared invaluable wisdom. "To defeat Lord Volkov," he said, "you must embrace the balance between magic and technology." With newfound knowledge and guidance from Xavier, Aria, and the wise old man, Lila and Leo confronted Lord Volkov and emerged victorious. The town of Myrthos was saved, and so was their love. Lila: "Leo, I can't imagine facing that darkness without you by my side." Leo: "And I couldn't have done it without you, Lila. Together, we proved that harmony can be found even during the darkest times." Xavier and Aria stood together at the edge of the marketplace, observing their apprentices, Lila and Leo, interact for the first time. The air crackled with magical energy as the two young sorcerers locked eyes and exchanged smiles. "I think we may have found a match in them," Aria whispered to Xavier, her voice barely audible over the bustling crowd. Xavier nodded, a proud grin creeping onto his face. "Indeed, they are destined for greatness." As Lila and Leo wandered through the marketplace, their conversation flowed effortlessly, as if they had known each other for years. Lila's laughter filled the air as she recounted a tale of her most recent adventure, while Leo shared stories of his own experiences in the world of technology. "I can't believe you managed to build a robot that can fly," Lila exclaimed, her eyes wide with admiration. "How did you do it?" "With hard work and determination," Leo replied modestly. "And a little help from my friends in the tech community." He hesitated for a moment before adding, "But I couldn't have done it without you, Lila. You've shown me that magic and technology can coexist and even complement each other." As their love blossomed, so did the rumors of Lord Volkov's escape from his prison. The people of Myrthos grew increasingly anxious, fearing that their once-great sorcerer had returned to bring chaos and destruction upon the land. Xavier and Aria knew they had to act, and with Lila and Leo by their side, they set out to confront Lord Volkov and save Myrthos. With the guidance of their mentors and a wise old man's advice, the four sorcerers faced off against Lord Volkov in a battle of magical might. Together, they harnessed the power of both magic and technology, proving that even during dark times, harmony can be found. And as Lila and Leo defeated Lord Volkov, their love only grew stronger, bringing hope and unity to the people of Myrthos once more. In the bustling marketplace of Myrthos, Lila and Leo's eyes met for the first time. Sparks flew as their gaze locked, igniting a fire within them that would never be extinguished. "Hello, I'm Leo," he said, extending his hand with a warm smile. "Lila, it's nice to meet you," she replied, taking his hand gently in hers. As they chatted, their voices blended like the sweetest of melodies, creating an enchanting harmony that echoed through the crowded streets. Little did they know, fate had brought them together for a greater purpose. Rumors spread throughout Myrthos of Lord Volkov's escape from his prison. The once-feared sorcerer sought revenge against the land he once ruled, and with him came darkness that threatened to engulf the whole world. Lila and Leo were determined to stop him, but they needed guidance. Fortunately, their mentors, Xavier and Aria, were always by their side. Together, they trained day and night, their bond growing stronger as they honed their skills in magic and technology. One fateful day, the young sorcerers received a cryptic message from a wise old man. He advised them to seek out a hidden chamber beneath Myrthos Castle. There, they would find the means to defeat Lord Volkov once and for all. With newfound confidence, Lila and Leo entered the castle, ready to face their destiny. As they descended into the depths of the ancient fortress, they encountered Lord Volkov himself. A fierce battle ensued, but ultimately, their combined skills prevailed. Lord Volkov was vanquished, and Myrthos was saved. The love between Lila and Leo only grew stronger as they emerged from the darkness, their hearts bound together in harmony. They had proven that even during the darkest times, light could still shine through, bringing balance to magic and technology alike. In the bustling marketplace of Myrthos, Lila and Leo first laid eyes on each other. They were both apprentices under the skilled sorcerers Xavier and Aria, who were well-known for their unique blend of magic and technology. The pair had never met before, but they immediately felt a connection as if fate itself had brought them together. As they exchanged pleasantries, Lila noticed that something was amiss in the town. Whispers of Lord Volkov's escape from his prison cell filled the air, and it seemed as though everyone knew of his impending return. Despite their inexperience, Lila and Leo couldn't ignore the urgency of the situation. They sought counsel from a wise old man who lived on the outskirts of Myrthos. He advised them to work together, using both magic and technology, to stop Lord Volkov before he could bring chaos to their beloved town. "We must be strong, Leo," Lila whispered as they prepared for the confrontation. "We've trained for this moment our entire lives." "Together, we can do anything," Leo replied with a determined nod. With Xavier and Aria guiding them, Lila and Leo faced Lord Volkov in a fierce battle. They combined their magic and technology skills to overcome his powerful dark sorcery. As the town watched from a distance, they managed to defeat him, bringing peace back to Myrthos. In the aftermath of the conflict, Lila and Leo's love for each other grew stronger. Their success in saving Myrthos proved that harmony could be found even during the darkest times. The people of the town celebrated their victory, and the once-feared Lord Volkov became a cautionary tale. Lila and Leo continued to train under Xavier and Aria, knowing that they were destined for greatness. Their love story became a symbol of hope for the citizens of Myrthos, proving that even in times of darkness, there can be light. As Lila and Leo continued their training, they noticed that something was amiss in Myrthos. The air seemed thick with unease, and whispers of Lord Volkov's escape echoed through the city streets. "We must find out what he's planning," said Xavier, his voice firm but concerned. "I agree," Aria nodded, her eyes flashing with determination. "But we can't just barge into his castle. We need a plan." They gathered their apprentices and discussed the best course of action. Lila suggested, "What if we infiltrate Lord Volkov's castle as merchants? We could gather information from within." Leo added, "And I could use my technological skills to help us avoid detection." Xavier and Aria agreed, and so their mission began. As they entered the castle, Lila and Leo kept a close eye on their surroundings. They overheard conversations about Lord Volkov's nefarious plans to control Myrthos with his dark magic. "We must stop him," Lila whispered to Leo, her heart pounding. "Together, we can do it," Leo reassured her, and they made their way deeper into the castle. Finally, they found themselves face-to-face with Lord Volkov. "You think you can stop me?" he sneered. "We will do everything in our power to protect Myrthos," Lila declared, her voice steady despite her fear. "And we won't let your darkness consume this city!" With a unified chant, they channeled their magic and Leo activated his advanced gadgets. The combined forces of magic and technology struck Lord Volkov down, and he was defeated. As peace returned to Myrthos, Lila and Leo's love for each other continued to grow stronger. Together, they showed that even in the darkest times, harmony could prevail, and Myrthos would be protected. In Myrthos, a city filled with magic and technology, sorcerers Xavier and Aria trained their apprentices Lila and Leo. They were destined for greatness, but they could never have imagined the trials that lay ahead. As whispers of Lord Volkov's escape spread through the streets like wildfire, Lila and Leo couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Late one night, they overheard a conversation in the marketplace. "I heard that Lord Volkov is gathering an army to take control of Myrthos," one merchant whispered to another. Leo clapped a hand over Lila's mouth to stifle her gasp. "We can't let him succeed," Leo whispered urgently. "We need to warn our mentors." Back in their shared room, the apprentices relayed the information to Xavier and Aria. The sorcerers nodded gravely. "Lila and Leo, we must devise a plan to infiltrate Lord Volkov's castle and gather more information," Aria said, her eyes flashing with determination. "You two will be our best chance of success." The following day, Lila and Leo began their disguises as merchants, stocking up on various trinkets and potions to appear inconspicuous. Once prepared, they set off for the castle, hearts pounding in anticipation. Upon arrival, they mingled with the castle's inhabitants, casually asking questions about Lord Volkov's plans. As they gathered information, Leo's technological skills proved invaluable in hacking into the castle's security system and finding a way inside. Finally, Lila and Leo confronted Lord Volkov himself. "You underestimate us, sorcerer," he sneered, conjuring dark energy around him. But Lila and Leo were ready. They combined their magic and technology, creating a brilliant display of power that overwhelmed the evil sorcerer. As Lord Volkov's dark energy dissipated, his defeated form crumbled to the ground. In that moment, Lila and Leo realized they were more than just apprentices—they were the heroes Myrthos needed. And as their love for each other grew stronger, so did their conviction that harmony could be found even during dark times. In Myrthos, sorcerers Xavier and Aria train apprentices Lila and Leo, who are destined for greatness. As whispers of Lord Volkov's escape spread through the city, they sense danger. Overhearing a conversation about Lord Volkov gathering an army, they warn their mentors. Xavier and Aria devise a plan to infiltrate the castle, using Lila and Leo as merchants to gather information. With Leo's technological skills, they find a way inside and confront Lord Volkov. Combining magic and technology, they defeat him, proving that harmony can be found even during dark times. Their love grows stronger, and they become heroes of Myrthos, protecting it from Lord Volkov's evil intentions. As Lila and Leo stood before the imposing gates of Lord Volkov's castle, their hearts raced with anticipation. Lila clenched her wand tightly, while Leo adjusted his gadgets, ensuring they were ready for anything. "We must be cautious," whispered Xavier, watching the guards closely. "Remember, we are just merchants here to trade." Leo nodded and struck up a conversation with one of the guards. Meanwhile, Lila discreetly observed the castle's layout. Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed through the courtyard. "I know you two," Lord Volkov sneered. "You're Xavier and Aria's apprentices! You think you can stop me?" Lila and Leo exchanged glances, then sprang into action. With swift movements, Lila cast a spell to distract the guards, while Leo used his gadgets to disable security measures. Inside the castle, they discovered Lord Volkov's plan: to unleash a powerful curse upon Myrthos. As they confronted him, Xavier and Aria arrived, supporting their apprentices. Together, they battled Lord Volkov. Magic and technology intertwined, creating dazzling displays of power that ultimately vanquished the villain. With a sigh of relief, Lila and Leo realized they had found their purpose. They would continue to protect Myrthos, side by side, as heroes. And in the shadows of their victories, their love for each other grew stronger still. In Myrthos, an enchanting land filled with magic and wonder, sorcerers Xavier and Aria train their apprentices Lila and Leo. Both have shown exceptional talent in the mystic arts and are destined for greatness. Whispers spread throughout the town of a sinister figure, Lord Volkov, who has escaped from his prison and is gathering an army to conquer Myrthos. Lila and Leo quickly warn their mentors about the impending threat. Together, they devise a plan to infiltrate the castle where Lord Volkov is rumored to be assembling his forces. With cunning intelligence and a natural talent for blending in, Lila and Leo take on new identities as merchants. As they navigate through the bustling marketplace at the heart of the castle, their eyes are drawn to a mysterious shop that piques their curiosity. The old proprietor, noticing their magical abilities, reveals that he too is an ally in the fight against Lord Volkov. He shares information on how to enter the secret passages leading into the heart of the castle, where they can confront the enemy directly. "We must use our combined magic and technology to defeat him," Lila whispers to Leo, her eyes filled with determination. "He's counting on us not being ready, but we are stronger together." Inside the castle, the duo uses their magical prowess and clever use of technology to outwit and disarm Lord Volkov's minions. As they venture deeper into the castle, they encounter more challenges, but Lila and Leo's love for one another grows ever stronger, fueling their courage and determination. Finally, they come face-to-face with the evil Lord Volkov himself. In a climactic battle of magic and skill, Lila and Leo use their combined abilities to defeat him once and for all, saving Myrthos from his dark ambitions. As the town celebrates their victory, the heroes are hailed as saviors and protectors of Myrthos, ready to face any future threats together. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the bustling city of Myrthos. A hush fell over the streets as night approached, and within the walls of the ancient castle, whispers spread like wildfire. Lord Volkov had escaped his prison, gathering an army to wage war on the unsuspecting citizens. In the heart of the city, sorcerers Xavier and Aria trained their apprentices Lila and Leo, who were destined for greatness. The young pair knew they couldn't ignore the impending danger. "We must warn our mentors," Lila whispered to Leo as they studied an ancient map in their secret hideout. The following day, at the bustling marketplace, they concocted a plan. Disguised as merchants, they set out for Lord Volkov's castle, hearts pounding with anticipation. "Remember, we must blend in," Lila reminded Leo as they navigated the throngs of people, their cart laden with trinkets and baubles. Upon reaching the castle gates, they were greeted by a guard. "What business do you have here?" he demanded. "We've come to sell our wares," Lila replied confidently. "And to seek an audience with Lord Volkov himself." The guard raised an eyebrow. "Very well, but know this – if Lord Volkov is not pleased, we will cast you out immediately." With a nod, he opened the gates. Inside, Lila and Leo felt the air grow colder and heavier. They knew they were treading on dangerous ground. As they ventured deeper into the castle, their hearts raced, but they pressed onward. With combined magic and technology, they confronted Lord Volkov in his chamber. A fierce battle ensued, but ultimately, Lila and Leo emerged victorious. The evil lord was defeated, and Myrthos was saved from his clutches. As the sun rose over the city once more, Lila and Leo's love grew stronger, forged in the heat of battle. They became heroes of Myrthos, sworn to protect it from future threats. In Myrthos, sorcerers Xavier and Aria train apprentices Lila and Leo, who are destined for greatness. Whispers spread about Lord Volkov's escape and gathering an army; they warn their mentors and devise a plan to infiltrate the castle. As merchants, Lila and Leo gain entry, and with combined magic and technology, they defeat Lord Volkov, saving Myrthos from his evil intentions. Their love grows stronger, and they become heroes of Myrthos, protecting it from future threats. As Lila and Leo stood before the castle gates, their hearts raced with anticipation. Leo: "Are you sure this is the right plan, Lila? We're putting our lives at risk." Lila: "We have to try, Leo. If we don't stop Lord Volkov now, Myrthos will be destroyed." They exchanged a determined glance and entered the castle as merchants, blending in with the crowd of visitors. Inside, they quickly separated, searching for any sign of Lord Volkov or his army. Leo discovered an armory filled with weapons, while Lila found a room full of dark sorcerers plotting their next move. Leo: "I've found the armory! I need your help to disable these weapons and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands." Lila: "I'm on it. Meet me at the north tower in 10 minutes. I'll deal with the sorcerers." As they worked, their combined magic and technology disarmed the armory and neutralized the dark sorcerers. Their teamwork and passion for protecting Myrthos were evident, as they continued to face each obstacle head-on. Finally, they reached the throne room, where Lord Volkov stood, surrounded by his loyal followers. Lila: "Lord Volkov, we've come for you!" Leo: "It's time for your reign of terror to end." Together, Lila and Leo unleashed their full magical potential, clashing against Lord Volkov and his army. The battle raged on as the love between them grew stronger. Eventually, they defeated Lord Volkov, who was consumed by a powerful spell that Xavier and Aria had prepared beforehand. Leo: "Lord Volkov is defeated! Myrthos is safe!" As the sun rose over Myrthos, Lila and Leo stood victorious, their love for each other stronger than ever. They knew they would face more challenges ahead, but with their unwavering dedication to their people, they were prepared to protect Myrthos from any threat that dared to rise against them. This story contains 240 words. In Myrthos, sorcerers Xavier and Aria train apprentices Lila and Leo, who are destined for greatness. Whispers spread about Lord Volkov's escape and gathering an army; they warn their mentors and devise a plan to infiltrate the castle. As merchants, Lila and Leo gain entry, and with combined magic and technology, they defeat Lord Volkov, saving Myrthos from his evil intentions. Their love grows stronger, and they become heroes of Myrthos, protecting it from future threats. In Myrthos, sorcerers Xavier and Aria train apprentices Lila and Leo, who are destined for greatness. Whispers spread about Lord Volkov's escape and gathering an army; they warn their mentors and devise a plan to infiltrate the castle. As merchants, Lila and Leo gain entry, and with combined magic and technology, they defeat Lord Volkov, saving Myrthos from his evil intentions. Their love grows stronger, and they become heroes of Myrthos, protecting it from future threats. In a bustling market square, Lila's eyes met Leo's for the first time. "Pardon me," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "I was told you have the finest potions in all of Myrthos." Leo smiled, his green eyes sparkling with mischief. "And who might you be?" Lila blushed but found courage in her cause. "I am Lila, apprentice to the great sorcerer Xavier. We've heard whispers of Lord Volkov's return and need your assistance." "Ah, so you are the ones," Leo said, nodding gravely. "We've been preparing as well. Come, let us join forces and save our beloved Myrthos." As they stood side by side, a bond formed between Lila and Leo, their hearts beating in unison with the same purpose. With Xavier and Aria guiding them, they prepared to face the darkness that threatened their home. "We must be swift and precise," Xavier warned, his voice filled with determination. "Lord Volkov's army grows larger by the day." "Do not worry, Master," Aria reassured him, her eyes filled with courage. "Together, we are unstoppable." With that, Lila and Leo nodded in agreement, their hearts swelling with pride and determination. They knew that they had been chosen for a reason, and the fate of Myrthos rested in their hands.
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glittter-skeleton · 3 years
So, you want a crazy story?
Basically, in 1939 a Russian mathematician by the name of Alexander Volkov made a book that is “based” on the “Wizard of Oz” called “The Wizard of the Emerald City”. It is, what I can loosest describe, a translation with the serial numbers very vaguely wiped off. Yes, our protagonist is named Ellie, the land is never called Oz and and her shoes are silver. And it is a retelling, as in, not the same words are used and some story bits are changed, deleted or switched around. But it’s the same book, it just is. The main story and conflict are the same, the characters are the same, etc. Yet the original author is not credited because “well, it’s not the same book”.
The crazy thing stars with the sequels, yes, the sequels. They are buck wild and go into very weird and un-whimsical directions that make the world out to be basically a fully fleshed out fantasy world.
The first sequel book continues Ellie’s adventure and returns her to the Magical Land and then two are prequels that establish for the land came to be. And in the forth book Ellie is replaced by her younger sister Annie who takes up her legacy and defeats the original villain from the second books. They’re weird and shitty and remind me of the 2013 movie “Oz” because they expand the world in a very logical and boring way that makes it lose all the freedom and whimsy it had
And this acts like a direct second part to the original! Regarded with the same level of canonicity because, well, it IS written by the same dude! Only problem is, he never wrote the original, yet this is how it’s remembered in the culture.
Man really re-wrote a book he liked and then canonized his shitty fanfiction. Way to go
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fallenlightsif · 3 years
Hey there!! This concept is so cool!! I was wondering if you could tell us more about the ROs please? Thanks so much 😄💜
Of course! I'll try to avoid spoilers but here we go lol!
Florian Vasil is the Crown Prince of Ebia, the only child of Queen Evelyn Vasil and the late King Consort Leander Sidorov, who hailed from Oclesia, an Ebian territory. He watched his father be assassinated at a banquet when he was seven and the mystery surrounding it causes him a lot of doubt and anxiety. He holds resentment to the nobility of Ebia. Very soft with the MC if they have a good relationship, though he is very protective as he doesn't want to lose anyone else.
Emil/Emilia Renaud is the eldest child of the Renaud family, the noblest family in Ebia second only to the royal house. They hold a reputation for producing advisors to the king and queen of Ebia, not to mention they are very powerful mages. Their parents and most of their siblings are very cutthroat and devious, and they usually go along with it to keep the peace. They'd really prefer to be by themselves training or having a nice cup of tea, though.
Marcella Dumont came to Kesdon, the capital of Ebia, as a teenager from a smaller town in Ebia. She was meant to train under your brother, Ezrah, and quickly became his second in command. She tries not to talk about her life of training before she arrived in Kesdon, but gossip says she was from a peasant family. She is fiercely loyal to Ezrah and this transfers to the MC, as she knows how much your brother cares for you, and it's twofold if the two of you also have a good relationship.
Dimitri Volkov is a blacksmith in the village of Myrine, which is located in a territory currently occupied by Ebia called Oclesia. It formerly belonged to Leydon, and the two kingdoms use this land as a battleground. His parents were only civilians and died anyway when one of the conflicts got out of hand. He was taken in with fellow war orphans by the temple and its priestess, Anais Melnyk. He watched his fellow orphans be plucked off by the war, either as soldiers or innocents, and this has lowered his opinion of both Ebia and Leydon. He's hesitant to open up, even more so to someone so close to nobility. If he comes to care about the MC, however, he'd go to lengths he never imagined.
Ariadna "Ari" Novik is a priestess in training who also resides in the village of Myrine. She, along with Dimitri, help watch over the younger orphans taken in by Anais. She was taken in far before Dimitri, whose parents died when he was 13. Her parents were killed very similar to Dimitri's, but she was 6 when it happened. Myrine has no healer besides Anais, so she's training to become a priestess and a healer underneath her to be able to help others. She hopes she can stop other kids from going through what she did. Her goal is to fix things in any way she can, and her morals remain if she enters a relationship with the MC. She would definitely frown upon someone who takes power through hurting others.
Rowan Lozano is the archmage of Leydon and resides in its capital, Valrin. They were born to a peasant family with too many children and too little money. Their magical talent coupled with sheer stubbornness led to being noticed and then being one of the only non-noble mages in the Leydonian army. They rose through the ranks and became archmage under the now-dead King Aleksandr, who had very little care for nobility and didn't particularly care if his archmage was of noble blood if they were powerful. They are what one might consider cutthroat, and are determined to have Leydon win the war to stay secure in power and safety. Their title and skill have been the only things to matter to them in a long time, unless MC comes around and changes their mind.
Orion Morosov is the High General of the Leydonian Royal Army and has fought against the MC's brother, Ezrah, many times. He was born to a noble family formerly of Oclesia which specialized in magic, which he didn't have. His only choice was to become a knight, so he did. He's kept awake at night by many things, and prying the emotional armor off him will take some work. He genuinely wants to love and be loved, but he believes he doesn't deserve it after all he's done.
Cier Katsaros is a mysterious half-elf on the run from something he refuses to disclose, though he assures everyone he did not commit a murder, thank you very much. He currently resides in a tavern in Valrin, renting a room while he hides out from some foreign guards looking for him. One of his hobbies is annoying Orion, who frequents the same bakery he does, as much as he can get away with. He can be described as slippery at best and deceitful at worst, though if he truly cares about someone he might be willing to make a few sacrifices.
Kira Argyris is an elven healer who learned her trade purely for the coin. She didn't want to stay in a secluded elven village like the rest of her family seemed content to, so she set out into the broader world to seek riches and enjoy some of the finer things in life. She's opportunistic and wouldn't hesitate to cause trouble if it benefitted her or someone she loved. While you meet her in Oclesia, she's currently employed by a lady of Leydon's court and ends up in Valrin about the same time the MC does.
Ilaria Thayer is an assassin with a reputation. That reputation being deadly, of course, with her morals being just as murky as her past. She's never missed a mark before until the MC came around. Trying to decide between impressed and furious, even after her employer is killed she tails the MC, being sure to impress upon everyone including you and herself that she's only sticking around you so she can kill you. She's only getting rid of your enemies so they don't do her job for her, it's called work ethic.
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rune-chaser · 2 years
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Alright yeah I can share more art here! More campaign character art! Some sketches older than others. These are all NPC’s that the players have met! Some are player favorites, while some I just like the designs and wanna show off. Little extra tidbits about everyone under the cut! (Players don’t look)
Alani Preskar: She/Her, Aro/Ace: Captain of the ship! All of her crew loves her if not has some respect for her. Unintentionally became a Motherly figure
Gaffer Zarsh: He/Him, Gay: First mate and Alani’s best friend! He 100% is the dad of the ship. Dad noises included.
Dwendali Barbaris: They/Them, Queer: Ship cook and incredibly hot and attractive and can cook very well with limited food.
Kisar Jurra: He/Him: Youngest on the ship and Trying His Best.
Yicta Vestag: He/Him, Gay: LOCAL MESSY GAY. Loves gossip and also a local bard! He’s honestly one of my faves to play.
Shangles Krakendown: He/him: Listen, he’s just a little feral and loud dude and I just think he’s funny.
Rova Nixit: She/He Bisexual: Hired hand and also a bit of an asshole, But also is Extremely Gender to Me Personally, also dating Hex and Amaya
Hex Mire: She/Her: Hired hand and a bit of a wildcard. She’s got some magic up her sleeve and is Not afraid to use it.
Amaya Volkov: She/Her: Hired hand and relatively quiet but is seen to fuck things up with a giant hammer
Keet: Harpy that they decided to keep. But does have the flag of a missing ship! The ship was called The Sunswallower
Sestra: She/Her: Merfolk caravan leader, sells wares to the land folk on Occasion! Also Alani’s Ex. She ghosted her after Alani broke up with her for being too clingy. Also her and Alani 100% Banged. And personally one of my favorite designs up here
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witchesoz · 2 years
Oz Lore: The Black Brick Road
Have you heard of it? The Black Brick Road of OZ was a webcomic that began on DeviantArt, was quite popular on Tumblr and even got its own website! It was a reimagining of Baum’s Oz works, mixed with the tales of Volkov’s Magical Land (the author being Russian but also aware of the original American works), but the whole thing twisted and reinvented into something much more surrealistic, whimsical, dream-like – but also darker. In fact, the story was supposed to be, or rather become, or rather end, in a very dark, gory and depressing way. Unfortunately, the author stopped the project and deleted her DeviantArt account, her Tumblr account and also destroyed the website that hosted the comic. On one side because she was dissatisfied with how the story was told, and on the other side because she realized she had developed her story too much. Her worldbuilding had gotten out of hand and the project as it was couldn’t have been told unless she spent several years working as hard as she could on three different chronologies/series. Now hopefully everything is not lost. The author explained her full plans for the story – the full chronology, character info, all the secrets that would have been revealed and the ending that she had planned, on her wordpress blog. Unfortunately said wordpress blog is now private so you need to have an account there and be authorized by the owner. The webcomic still has a TV Tropes and Idioms page, and numerous pages and drawings of the original webcomic were kept on Pinterest. BUT the most useful things of all is that the author left her Toyhouse account open, and in it she stored a lot of infos about Black Brick Road – as in full character sheets for nearly all of the characters of the story, with extensive biographies, backstories, their role in the story and extensive galleries. I will put all of the links in the description, because I can’t of course sum up everything the author created, but I want to highlight some of the most interesting and useful facts here (plus I collected some info back on the Tumblr account that are now gone and can’t be found on the ToyHouse account).
I) Anyway… In this webcomic O.Z. means “Outer Zone”. The Outer Zone is split into five different countries: the Violet Country in the North, the Blue Country in the South, the Green Country in the West, the Yellow Country in the East, and the Red Country at the center. And of course, everything begins when a young girl named Dorothy wakes up in a trashed house, that just landed on top of a Wicked Witch. A little girl with a little cat, that may actually come from IZ…
When Dorothy arrives in Oz, there are six powers ruling OZ, three “good” and three “wicked”, four Witches and two males: Ichor the Good Witch of the South, Ferret the Good Witch of the West, Godween the Great and Terrible Wizard, Ruggedo the Nome King, Pepper the Wicked Witch of the East and Bastille the Wicked Witch of the North. These six powers are actually childhood friends. A long, long time ago, in the Violet Country, there was a reformatory named the “Motley Horde”, and in it was a Tower – in the Tower, “special” cases, weird kids with weird abilities. These kids were prepared and groomed for the conquest of OZ. These six were part of the original “Tower Kids” (even though there were more, but not all of them did the cut). The four Witches are believed to be sisters, even though they don’t look like each other – they were abandoned as infants at the door of the Motley Horde. All of them share strange abilities, which made some theorize that they come from IZ. They also all received upon one of their birthday a visit from the embodiments of death (characters from another series of the author) who offered them special “Death-Wish” to use, a bit like genies, but of course always with a price and a twist. (Originally the author had planned to have the four Witches absolutely lacking in humanity, able to do the worse thing with a smile and no care in the world, whether “good” or “wicked”. But she later gave them a bit more complexity in terms of personality and morality.) Another interesting point – in this webcomic, the four traditional inhabitants of Oz are reinvented as familiars of the Witches. Well not so much familiars as “Dolls” which are basically inanimate objects given life, including living toys (a la China Country), or the scarecrows of Oz – but also include other strange things such as birds made of scissors. Pepper’s Doll is a giant four-limbed ball named “Munchkin”, Ferret’s is a sort of giant caterpillar with two porcelain masks as a face named Gillikin, Ichor’s doll is a sort of snake made of smoke with two eyes and little wings around its head named Jellikins (Gillikin) and Bastille’s is actually a bunch of Dolls, the Winkies, flying alarm clocks with an eye in them.
Pepper is the Wicked Witch of the Yellow Country (the equivalent of Baum’s Wicked Witch of the East, and Volkov’s Gingema). She is an overweight young woman with curly Venetian blond hair. She is very… childish. Energetic and joyful, but also selfish, short-tempered, violent, lacking in intelligence and always refusing to admit her own faults. She has a huge love for sweets and candies, and this is why during the Conquest she chose to rule over the Yellow Country – because it had all of the candy-making factories and industries of OZ. In fact the Yellow’s Country main theme is food – it is populated often by living meals and dishes, such as hot-dogs that are literal dogs, or crabs made of waffles. Among its most noticeable locations are : the Sea of Tea, the Sugary Desert, the Jelly Valley, the Oil Rock, the Ice-Cream Caps and the Milky Way. Its capital is the Topaze City, where Pepper lives, on top of Sweet Hill. Note however that her fat is not related to her sweet-tooth, her obesity rather being caused by illnesses. She always was a very sick and ill girl, forced to take numerous drugs and medicines. Her main hobby always was cooking – but she can cook cakes and pies as easily as she cooks potions and poisons. She adore all things cute and pretty, especially dresses and hats, but don’t ever get on her bad side – if she is angry she will devour you. Literally, she will take out a fork and jab you and eat you pieces by pieces. Pepper has an obsession with love, finding love and finding her “Prince Charming”. Her overweightness gave her a bad self-image, and she believes only Bastille, the other Wicked Witch, and Ruggedo the Nome King can ever really love her – so she created herself this fantasy of a finding a prince, and she keeps trying to become the girlfriend or to marry all the cute boys she can find, to the point of becoming an obsessive stalker. During her rule in the Yellow Country, this resulted as a strange “dating game” where Pepper would chose randomly one of her beautiful male subjects and forces him to stay in her castle for a while. If he can please her, he will go home with presents (and a good mental trauma). If not, she will hurt him or kill him or devour him, or all three at once. Because the thing is that no one can really like Pepper. Not because of her appearance, but rather due to her personality: she is insufferable. In fact, this shows on how she ruined the Yellow Country – she invaded it by force, spreading destruction everywhere, and then ruled it according to her selfish whims and her neglectful stupidity. What else to say… She was one of the two Witches to create the “life stone” that animates the dolls, by providing one of the two essential ingredients, a special potion. She is said to be “chaotic evil” and that her corresponding insect is the “Colorado beetle”. She has a spiral-symbol on her forehead that can “do” strange things when “activated”. And, of course, she gets crushed by Dorothy’s house.
Bastille is the Wicked Witch of the Violet Country, or Wicked Witch of the North (the equivalent of Baum’s Wicked Witch of the West, and Volkov’s Bastinda), a tall and slender dark-haired and pale-skinned woman. She is a totalitarian ruler of the Violet Country, feared and respected by her subjects, but she actually is the complete opposite of Pepper, never falling into mindless destruction. She may be aloof, ruthless and condescending, but she judges everything fairly, if not strictly. Under her cold and stern appearance, she is a woman with trust issues, strong beliefs and a strict personal set of morals, as well as great devotion to those that she cares about. But she is also the kind of woman that refuses to feel love as not to “soften” or “weaken”. Stoic, smart, educated, her two main passions are sewing and biology. She did not “invade” her country like Pepper. Pepper was the first one to launch the Conquest by invading and destroying the Yellow Country. Soon after Bastille appeared to the royal family of OZ and threatened to unleash the same destruction on the land if she wasn’t given the Violet Country, she even took the daughter of the royal couple hostage to make them accept. As a result she took the North without harming its people or resources, and while she became a dictator, under her rule the country’s production and well-being skyrocketed. Under her rule, the Violet Country became an industrial region, centered around science. But it is still a very creepy and sinister region, as proven by its most notable locations: the Grave Grove, the Copse of Corpses, the Creepy Creek or the Wicked Thicket. Bastille rules from her Clockwork Castle, in the Amethyst City. Bastille was always fascinated with the questions of life and death, especially since she was a very frail child that had several near-death experiences, and because Witches are unable to reproduce. She did experiments on animals to try to find more about it, and she is the one that created the “life stones” that animate the Dolls. For that, she mixed two ingredients: a potion that only Pepper can make, and her own “Sand of Life”. This precious sand was actually given to her by the Deaths – Bastille was the first one to make her Death-Wish, by wishing to know the secret of life. She was given an hour glass filled with this “Sand of Life”. It is only later that Bastille discovered that this hourglass was actually HER hourglass, that this sand represented her own life. When she created all her Dolls, including an army of soldier Scarecrows, she wasted her own life, that is why she is so frail and weak now. Ever since she stopped creating new dolls and merely recycled the old ones, carefully taking back and hoarding the life stones.  But this Sand will end up being her doom – she had received a prophecy, “After the house falls, Bastille dies” and indeed after Bastille’s death she sees her hourglass is running out of sand, which makes her paranoid. She tries to trick fate by trying to remove all possible threats to her – including Dorothy and her gang. And in defense, at one point they will poor a boiling potion on her Sand, melting it and melting Bastille as a result. Her other main power is that one of her eyeballs can actually be removed from its socket and answer any question asked – she was born with this specific ability. But the eye can only answer by telling what everyone knows is true, or what everyone believes is true, which leads to its information being biased. It also can see things hidden or invisible. “Evil Lawful”, associated with the praying mantis, she has a slight accent that makes her replace the “w” with “v” and the “th” with “d”.
Ferret, full name Ferret Lie, is the Good Witch of the West, or Good Witch of the Green Country (the equivalent of Baum’s Glinda, Good Witch of the South and Volkov’s Stella). The Green Country is centered around notions such as glamour, entertainment and capitalism, and her Witch represents those notions perfectly. Some noticeable locations of this country are: the Mellow Meadows, the Doves Coves, the Glamorous Glades, the Orchestra Orchard, the Mirror of Fears, the Mawkish Mountain and the Fame Lane. Ferret lives in her Flying Fortress, above the capital of the Green Country, the Emerald City. She is a very… controversial figure in OZ. Yes, she is a Good Witch, who “conquered” her region not by force, but by kindness. When Jinjur with her army of rebels overthrew the royal family and conquered the Ruby City at the center of OZ, the last princess of OZ, Zee, asked Ferret and her sister Ichor for help. They kicked Jinjur out of the Ruby City and as a result, Zee rewarded them with the two regions that hadn’t been already conquered by Wicked Witches, the West and the North, turning the two Witches into national “heroes” and “Good Witches”. But that was when people still ignored that Ferret was one of the brains behind the idea of conquering OZ… or that she had a hand into convincing Jinjur to attack the Ruby City… and that she had promised to her boyfriend, who is Oscar Diggs, the Ruby City to rule over, explaining why he was put in charge right after Zee stepped down from the throne. (Because yes, in this version Glinda and the Wizard of Oz are together). Ferret is a manipulative woman, with many layers to her plans, and always with a plan. As I said, Ferret represents her country perfectly. Just like her country is a commercial one based on trades and economy, Ferret is a merchant, a saleswoman, but a manic and foxy one. She can grant you any wish, make any of your dreams come true – but always to a price. She may appear as a sweet, kind and benevolent figure, but she will still force you into a Faustian deal with a big smile. And she also corresponds to the notions of glamour and entertainment: she is a show woman, a “superficial actress” in the author’s words, glamorous and flamboyant, always changing her clothes, colors and hairstyles nearly everyday, a true Lady Gaga. A chronic liar with a dramatic and quirky persona, the thing is that Ferret hides her true feelings. She learned, through the hardships of her life, how to put a fake smile on her face, and how to please people by telling them what they want to hear, and she plays this whole “act” for so long that now she forgot completely her real feelings, she is a “mask on an empty shell” drowning in denial. Quite funnily, she also wears a real mask over her eyes – it is explained by the fact that she actually isn’t born with real eyes, but with screens instead of orbits, resulting in her ”eyes” being actually digital pictures showed on the screens. Ferret is also indirectly the cause of many of the horrors that befall her sister – that she saw die one by one. For example, she always desired to learn how the Wicked Witches created the Dolls and gave them life, but they always refused to share their secret with her. She sent a spy to steal Pepper’s recipe for her potion, and the spy succeeded, but caused a lot of harm, deaths and damage for both the Witches and civilians. And later she was the one that sent Dolly/Dorothy and her friends to fetch the Life Sand out of Bastille’s hourglass, not knowing that this would cause Bastille’s death. Her ruling of the Green Country is described as “rash”. She mostly focuses on her deal, her business as well as her public persona (which pays off given that she is loved and appreciated through all of OZ) but for all the technical details, administration and “real” ruling, she leaves it to associates and underlings. Associated with both flies and butterflies, she is a “Chaotic Neutral” Witch. Oh yes, and she is obsessed with poppies, putting them everywhere she can.
As for the last of the four Witches, her name is Ichor – the Good Witch that rules the Blue Country (the equivalent of Baum’s Good Witch of the North, and Volkov’s Villina). A “true neutral” Witch associated with the cicada, she is actually dead when the events of the webcomic. To be precise she killed herself, which shook deeply the three other Witches, leaving only behind a note destined to Bastille, informing her that she would die soon after the “house falls”. Each of the Witches has a special characteristic. Pepper has her strange swirl on the forehead, Bastille her magic eye, Ferret her screen-eyes. Ichor’s specific characteristic was that, outside of her hair, she was completely invisible – not only that, her voice also couldn’t be heard by other people. As a result, she was often overlooked or ignored as a child by other people. This marked her, despite all the love and attention her Witch sisters gave her. Ichor often tried to be noticed by using her magical powers, mostly telekinesis, but it often ended up pretty badly since she was the “weakest” of the Witches and thus had a very hard time controlling her powers, leading to accidents or disasters. The “mother” of the Tower Kids offered Ichor a violin, which she learned to play, and tried to use music to help her control her powers and her moods. It worked, to an extent. But outside of that, Ichor also had the dreadful habit of causing or getting into trouble, only to flee from it, due to her inability to deal or cope with it, half out of fear and cowardliness half out of shyness and self-loathing. In fact one of the first Dolls Pepper and Bastille created, named Jellikins, was created to be the mentor and guide of Ichor. But her bad habits culminated in a dreadful accident – losing control of her powers, Ichor accidentally pushed Bastille down a cliff, breaking her spine. Afraid, Ichor fled, hiding away and leaving Bastille to die. Hopefully she was found and saved – she had to be in a wheelchair until Pepper used her “Death wish” to heal her spine, to the cost of Bastille’s body becoming very frail. Bastille never hated Ichor for that, but she deeply despised her “sisters” cowardliness and habit to flee from troubles, thus dooming others. Ichor still hoped to regain her sister’s love and trust, but this only stayed a hope, she never actually did anything to regain it. Pepper was the most aloof of her sisters. Ichor helped her during the conquest of the Yellow Country, amplifying Pepper’s destruction with her own magical music, but she always refused to hurt people. Ichor also saw Ferret slowly craft her fake persona and take on her role of the always-happy saleswoman, and felt her “drifting away”, resulting in the invisible Witch realizing she could never be certain of the authenticity of her sister’s feeling. When the last princess of Oz, Zee, went to Ferret and Ichor for help, and when the Good Witches vanquished Jinjur’s army, Zee offered to Ichor the ruling of the Blue Country as a “thanks gift”. Ichor was thrilled to have an entire country to rule, thinking of it as a new and exciting experience. It proved itself much more difficult than she thought, but she still held on, supported by Jellikins and by her people that – while creeped out by her appearance and powers – still loved her. As a bit of geography, the Blue Country, in the South, has for capital the Sapphire City, with at its center the Ivory Tower, Ichor’s residence. It is a very… calm country. Very quiet, very foggy, a bit eerie, it has locations such as the Lace Lake, the Domino Domains, the Gale Dale, the Stream of Dreams, the Obscure Ocean, the Hush Underbrush or the Uncanny Canyon. Now, the last straw that broke the Witch’s back was a dreadful incident – good friends, almost family of her boyfriend, needed a dire help, else one of their own would die. They begged Ichor to contact the Wicked Witches, the only ones able to help, but Ichor was too afraid of Bastille to do so, so she refused to help them. Which lead not only to her breaking up with her boyfriend, but also to all of this little group dying in atrocious ways. Falling into depression, Ichor started giving up on ruling her country, stopped appearing in public, locking herself in her tower. The people who loved her quickly considered her inept and useless. While the other countries changed, for the better or the worse, her own country stayed still, not evolving, not regressing, burying itself under “dust and cobwebs”. Then she died, killed herself. The end. Or is it?
Now, we talked about the ladies, but we also need to talk about the gentlemen! On the Good side, Oscar Diggs! At the time of the comic, he is known as Godween (the equivalent of Baum’s Wizard of Oz and Volkov’s Goodwin), the ruler of the Red Country – a country at the center of Oz, associated with the body and organs (notable locations include: the Capillary Caverns, the Pneumonia Pool, the Wounded Woods, the Mouthful Moor, the Brain Barren and the Knee Knoll). Godween resides in his Palaver Palace, at the center of the Ruby City. A giant jack-in-the-box, apparently blindly following the orders of Ferret, he is the one that sent Dollie and her gang go get Bastille’s sand. But back in the days, he was a normal-looking young man, named Oscar Diggs. Excitable, optimistic, sociable, a bit too prideful, he was a good actor and a big book-reader that always dreamed of joining a circus. Ironically, he wasn’t one of the Tower Kids like the Witches or the Nome King. He was merely a member of the “regular” Motley Horde, an orphan sent there due to petty crimes such as pickpocketing. He met the Tower Kids and the Witches one day, and decided to manipulate them, becoming their “friend” so they could help him escape – however he soon became truly attached to them, and even had a big crush on Ferret. Bastille and the future Nome King both built a blimp in order to escape OZ and go to the fabulous IZ, but it was Oscar that went on this blimp by mistake, and he was the one that went to IZ. He came back several years later. He tried to find a normal life in OZ as a librarian, but he was found back by Ferret and the Witches, and included in their plan for the conquest of OZ – Ferret used Oscar’s knowledge of IZ technology to scare the very superstitious Jinjur out of the Ruby City, which secured the Good Witches position. In fact, Ferret became Oscar’s girlfriend, and she promised him the Red City as his domain (he got to rule over it when the last princess of Oz abandoned the throne). Oscar used his knowledge of IZ technology to make people believe he was a Wizard, when he really was not. He also refuses to talk much about IZ (which is implied to be our world). He had pictures of it, but they were stolen by Ichor. Despite not speaking of it, Oscar kept dreaming of IZ and he sincerely wished to return there. Ferret became very jealous, suspecting that he had another lover there. Fearing that he would leave OZ, Ferret decided to use her “Death Wish” to make Oscar completely submissive to her. Which resulted in Oscar being turned into a giant, mindless Doll – Godween, a brainless, heartless puppet only dedicating to pleasing and obeying Ferret’s every whim. This incident had a huge, huge toll on Ferret’s mental health, I can tell you that.
As for the “Wicked Wizard”, he is none other than Ruggedo Quareria, aka the Nome King. (a mix of Baum's Nome King and Volkov's Urfin Jus) Long ago, the Nomes lived in colonies of the Violet Country. Working in the mines, spending most of their time underground, they were fantastic mechanics, good workers and the ones that offered many resources of Oz. But they were also rude and mischievous, vengeful and unpleasant, only tolerated for the wonderful gift they offered OZ. People accused them of every crime, including kidnapping children to make them their slaves. It all went down when the current King of the Nomes, Roquat Quareria, made a deal with the Snowbank family (the equivalent of Ev’s royal family, but here living in the Yellow Country), humble candy-makers. He offered them wonderful machines that quickly made them the most powerful candy makers of the Yellow Country. But in exchange, Roquat asked for his share of the profits and the wealth of the Snowbank family. And since the machines needed to be rewound, and only Roquat had the key, he greedily raised the prices of his rewinding, until he asked the leader of the Snowbank family to offer his whole family to slavery. Snowbank did, but then he poisoned Roquat and many of the Nomes with a special delivery of body-rotting candies. The Nomes being now without a ruler, and half-dead, the people of OZ quickly saw here an opportunity to eradicate their troublesome “neighbors”. All of the Nomes colonies were reduced to ruin and nearly all of the Nomes killed, except for some that fled underground. And except for Ruggedo that was found as a baby near the ruins of a Nome colony. Swearing vengeance on the Ozians for destroying his race, and wishing to create a doomsday device that would annihilate all of the Outer Zone, he only managed to receive during his childhood many injuries that prevented him from really creating performing machines. Later caught and sent to the Tower, he proved himself mistrustful and antisocial at first, but quickly started to develop feelings for Bastille, who helped him refine his machinery and create better devices, becoming a very good craftsman in the process. Ruggedo ended up sharing with her his childhood dream – while he was mocked by the other Nomes for being a “failure”, he kept dreaming that he was secretly the heir to Roquat and their rightful king. Bastille promised to make his dream come true. During the Conquest, Ruggedo united the leftover Nomes under the promise of getting revenge for the crimes against their race. Allying himself with Bastille, they threatened together the royal family to obtain the rule of the Violet Country – the Nomes even built a tunnel that led to under the royal palace in order to kidnap the last princess of Oz as a ransom. Once the Violet Country was theirs, Ruggedo recreated the Nome colonies, and they returned to their peaceful life. Ruggedo tried his best to change the Nomes ways, in order to be seen under a better light by the other Ozians, but he never managed to do so, still being seen as in league with the “Wicked Witches”.
And that’s it for now folks! There is much, much more to say about this webcomic, but I’ll keep it a little surprise Xp But yes, if you want to know more, go check the links in the description. (Prepare yourself, Dorothy is not who you think she is…)
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Now, all of the info concerning the project and most of the surviving art can be seen in the artist's Toyhouse page for the project:
I suggest you go check it out because there are TONS and TONS of info I haven't included here, such as a reinterpretation of Ozma's story, the true identity of Dorothy, new backstories for the well known "companions" and much more!
You can also check the TV Tropes and Idioms page of the webcomic:    https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Webcomic/TheBlackBrickRoadOfOZ
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rabid-citrus · 2 months
istg if i see another smartphone in a movie based on a book written in 20th century that's NOT sci-fi and cannot possibly have smartphones in it i will riot. STOP! NO! YOU ARE BANNED FROM FILMMAKING! JAIL FOR 1000 YEARS!
no more gamer/gen z slang in movies based on kids books written in 1960s, no more smartphones in 1930s series reboots, no more 21st century buzzwords, we're using period-accurate language now.
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nevertoomanyspiders · 7 months
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YEAH1!!!!!! I'm so pleased with this.
heavily borrowed from John R. Neill's design of the Tin Woodman, his design is so daaamn gooooddd as well as bits and pieces of W. W. Denslow's design.
he's so cute and simple and also very emotive. also, trying to draw metallic things with a monowidth brush is a nightmare so I switched things up a little.
apparently in Alexander Volkov's Magic Land series, he's the Iron Woodman. whatever material he's made of, he's a good, steadfast fellow.
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
V, be prepared for me to send you a few through out the day 😁💕
To start off with, I had to go with some Ernst ones
"This isn't what I had in mind when I yelled fuck you" with Ernst 👀
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“This isn’t what I had in mind when I yelled fuck you” with Ernst Schmidt x Fem!Reader
V's Drabble Birthday Celebratio
Come for me Can <3 I am all yours!! Thank yo uno much for always inspiring me!
You stared at your screen intensely, hands with your fingers tangled together with your chin resting on top of them.
You had to stare at it or you would flip. Schmidt and Volkov, again at it. Yells and shouts filling the room as you just wanted to put an end of this. It wasn’t hard enough to not go home for the last two years. You even had to stand those two nagging at each other daily.
You looked up at Kiel shaking your head, you just slammed your hands on the table standing up and leaving, you needed to go back to your cabin, take a break, then come back when everyone was calmer. A failure put everyone on a bad moment, but those two were just looking for excuses to fight.
“Where are you going?”
Schmidt called out and you stopped a few steps from the door before turning around “Excuse me?”
“Yeah, where are you going? You’re also an engineer this idiotic mess falls on you too” The heavy silence the followed was nothing but alarming, you weren’t Volkov. He was aggressive and looking actively for confrontation, but not you. You walked your way back at him, head leaning on side as you arrived close enough to feel his body heat.
“Go on” you muttered, Volkov smirked because he fucked up big time. Volkov and you weren’t a close item, but he knew you enough to know how an attentive person you were, how much effort and care and borderline OCD check ups you did on everything.
Schmidt’s jaw clenched as he took off his glasses, like he expected a punch or something.
“I will repeat it for you to understand and I will make it simple” he said nodding slowly like a condescending teacher “This enormous machine cannot work if you don’t finally straight up that pull, I work tirelessly to give you all the informations and the datas but something in your magical duo of dumbasses doesn’t work and turns out, surprise surprise, that once more it is a mechanic failure”
Your eyes were blown with anger by now, blood pumping into your brain as you understood pretty clearly how easy it was the wish to strangle him.
“For your information” you interrupted him “mechanics is an exact science, if one thing doesn’t fit then it doesn’t work, as you said you give us the informations so maybe the fault lays upon the fantasy land your calculations live on" You just had to snap back at him, you glared at him before he said anything and moved to walk away again, just trying to put an end to that.
“This terrible mess is on you, and you know it”
“Okay, it is on me if it makes you sleep at night” you said without turning around and clapping your hands as you stepped out of the control room to your quarters.
“You’re behaving like an idiot”
“Fuck you”
Your answer was coming from the hallway by now, his brain was lost and he followed you instantly.
“Drop it Kiel, she will snap his neck if he keeps pushing her buttons” Volkov muttered behind Ernst’s back.
You were getting inside your room when you heard his fast pacing and how he put an hand to stop your sliding door from closing and forcing it open.
“Don’t dare to say that again” he growled closing the space between the two of you in the blink of an eye, the door closing behind him. “What? How incompetent you can be or fuck you?”
“Don’t swear, we are talking”
“Oh, you don’t like me swearing Daddy? What are you going to do? Tell Mom Ling that my potty mouth hurt your feelings? Are you putting me in timeout?”
His frown was evident as you kept pushing him like that, his hand flat on your stomach pushed you against the wall, a very terrible intimidation technique, you thought. “Stop it Y/N”
“I am not stopping Ernst, you have to learn to fucking respect other’s job, to keep that mouth shout and move on, until then you can fuck yourself out of my room”
He grasped your suit pulling you harshly and you slapped him by instinct, you didn’t mean to go physical, but the reaction was instinctive. He stopped like that for a moment looking up at you with fiery eyes
“Fuck you, then”
He hissed as he leaned in and closed the space between the two of you with a kiss, it wasn’t really a kiss, more like an hardcore battle of lips, teeth and tongues. None of you willing to let the other win.
The tables shifted and you were getting into a different kind of argument, your hands undoing his suit pulling the zip down in one motion while he didn’t care about it as much. His hand nested between your legs securely and begun rubbing you from over your clothes, he had to put extra friction on it, but he was damn good at it and you hated to give him the satisfaction of the early excitement you were feeling for him.
You whined softly as he smirked against your lips, that smirk grazing your skin made you wish to slap him again.
You put both of your hands onto his chest and pushed him off you and he stumbled back as you pushed him once more until his legs hit the back of the bed and he sat down. You stood straight between his legs wide spread while you undid your suit yourself pulling it down, it wasn’t a sexy strip tease, you were just getting naked, showing him what he wasn’t touching yet.
A smirk rose to your lips as his erection was evident by the time your last item dropped on the floor. “Somebody is eager” You smirked as you pushed him once more to lay on his back before straddling him pulling down his bottoms slowly pumping his hard on with your hand.
He cursed in German and you smirked “so you know how to curse too”
Your satisfaction into seeing him controlled by you like that was never-ending, you were naked like that, your wetness inviting him and yet you kept just pumping his cock.
Then you did it, you finally guided him inside you and he suppressed a loud groan in the pillow beside his face, your mouth opened as he was damn big and it was too long since you had sex last time.
You put your hands on his chest forbidding him to raise or sat up as you decided the pace moving your hips nice and good. He clearly was flustered too and it showed, you were really starting to enjoy yourself, his hands resting mildly onto your hips as you followed the waves of your own pleasure.
“Y/N” Volkov’s voice called out and you let Ernst go to lean over your bedside and press the button to lock the door “Are you alright?”
He asked and you quickly replied “Just needing some alone time”
That’s when you felt Ernst slip from underneath you getting behind you, one hand onto your shoulder, the other on your hip as he thrusted inside you.
You had to bury your face into the pillow to keep quiet as he didn’t give you time to adjust but just begun to fuck you for good, blowing the light away from you.
“Do you want to talk about it? Schmidt is an asshole, I didn’t think he would attack you too”
You moved your hand to tell him to slow down and he did, he put his hand on your chest making you stand on your knees, he buried still deep inside you as his other hand moved from your hip onto your clit rubbing it so nicely.
“No don’t worry, he is just a fucking idiot” you said earning more stimulation on your core and you just couldn’t help yourself with that provocation “I just need to take a shower and calm down”
“Fine, I will look up those sector A7 pipes”
You said and muffled your pleasure as much as you could, as soon as Volkov steps left you Ernst pulled out and pushed you onto your back crawling between your legs as he resumed his hard fucking.
“This isn’t what I had in mind when I yelled fuck you”
He stared at you as you said and a smirk opened onto his lips “Are you sure?”
His question remained unanswered, his hands onto you, his hips snapping so fast that you reached your orgasm biting his shoulder. It could be seen as you losing against him if he didn’t came few trusts after you.
He supported himself onto his arms as you stayed in that position for a moment, he slowly opened his eyes looking down at you.
The silent agreement simmering into the air.
“I need a fucking shower”
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vesuvianmess · 3 years
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Art by @jilljoycearts Drexxel is @vesuvianmess Vell is @deathbyarcana
A short fic recounting how these two met, pulled (with some edits) directly from a currently running roleplay.
Quick Warning: Contains mentions of stalking and harassment
"You are very welcome, have a good rest of your day!" He waved the group off with a smile. "Hiya, what can I get you?" He asked another.
Flitting back and forth from group to group, he greeted every single person with a genuine smile. There was nothing more satisfying than seeing others light up with joy. He’d taken up working at the bakery part time to help with some expenses of running his own shop. And he had to admit, the smell of fresh baked bread may have influenced that choice. The job was never boring as the market was always flooded with people, locals and travelers alike, all looking for something. Still, he only worked with Selasi during the mornings and early afternoons. When he’d had his fill, he would return home to open the doors to his own little business.
But today, he had something a little different in mind. Instead of selling little animal pelts, herbs, bits, and bobbles, he was in and out again in a flash. Having changed into something much more comfortable for the heat, he pulled a wheeled cart behind him to the town square. Near the fountain, he’d found the perfect spot and pulled the cover off the cart. It would take him a little time to set everything up, but once it was done, he noticed people already beginning to gather around. Some faces he'd seen many, many times before. Others, much more new. Taking a seat on an overturned wooden bucket, he twirled a pair of drumsticks between his fingers. 
“Hello Vesuvia, I’m bringing you a special late afternoon show! Now then," he sat up a little, the line of his back straightening. "For those of you new to my show, we have fun here! Here's how this goes!" making a grand sweeping gesture to the gathered crowd, he continued on. "You may request a song but there is no guarantee I will play it. I will not tolerate pushing, shoving, or otherwise harmful activity during my shows. And, as always, tips are appreciated but not required, come stay for awhile and feel the beat of the sound! I'm Drexxel Volkov, and may luck be forever in your favor!" 
It started with a small metallic chime, a shortstop of little taps on the rims of the set. But before long the square was alight with the beating of drums. His whole body moved in time with each beat almost as if he were dancing along to his own song. Small children bounced and tugged at their parents' sleeves, urging them to get closer. New comers stood with delighted expressions, some even getting a little antsy standing in one place, others giving way to bouncing their bodies to the rhythm. 
There was nothing better than this, looking out into the crowd as he thrummed away the minutes, flipping the sticks and singing along even though nobody could hear him over the heartbeat he'd created. 
The crowd was thick as usual but new faces stuck out easy to him. Even with the prick of sweat beginning to roll down his forehead, he was able to focus enough to make everyone feel included in his performance. One face in particular he stopped at for more than a split second. A taller man with vivid blue hair, dark skin, and a sort of shaken demeanor. He looked….out of place perhaps amid the crowd, like he could bolt at any moment. Drexel found himself stealing glances at the man throughout his show, a dizzying knot of butterflies in his gut as he saw the man start to meld into the hum around him. The thrill of the performance carried him through like a tidal wave crashing against the shore, his fiery passion shining through clear as day. Every movement felt natural, every breath felt like a whole new beginning. Drexxel never came from a background that favored this sort of thing, rather it was something he'd picked up on his own time. He had the extra energy to spare and needed an outlet to help with it. Besides, he always did like seeing people smile and what better way to do that then get them moving? 
Into the second song now and he felt a wave of static run through him. Someone in the crowd was a magician. He could feel it. Even through the loud beating of drums and the crashing of cymbals the low electrical humming filled his body. He was sure of it. But was this magician able to sense him as well? That he did not know. He wasn’t sure precisely where the feeling was coming from, but he was determined to draw it out. With it toying at his mind, he decided it was time to show off just a little more. After all, using magic was a good way to lure out another magician. 
Drexxel simply waited as he beat along in time to find the perfect moment to really show off his moves. Normally he would have saved this bit for later in the evening, but he just had to do it now. After feeling that little pang of magic, he knew he had to show whoever was producing it, that they weren't the only one with fancy magic at their fingertips. Just a moment longer....
When the final chorus of the song hit, he let it loose. His drumsticks sparked and crackled to life, enveloped in searing hot flames. With his sticks now burning with intense heat, he slammed away at his drums with more grandeur and energy than before. With each hit fire roared from the contact point, creating a dazzling display of towers of fire in varying sizes. If anything were to draw this other magician out, it would be this. 
By the end of the show, much to his dismay, this fellow kin had not revealed themselves. It was a bit of a shame really, he would have loved to have someone join in his performance. What a dazzling display that would have been. He could only imagine what kind of magic would have complimented his own.
"Thank you all for joining me this afternoon!" He gave a bow, his hair falling a bit loose from his bun. "It's a hot one out today so make sure to stay hydrated and get some good food in your belly!" 
 He stood and lifted his arms over his head in a long stretch before using the rad cloth tied to his side to wipe away the sweat that cling to his skin. The show was over, but people still lingered in the area, some tossing coins into an open bowl near the drum set, others approaching Drexxel with questions. He was small for his age of twenty-five, standing at mere chest (or just below) level with most other adult’s that spoke with him. He had a thin, but decently sturdy frame with most of his strength apparent in his legs. Most people would know him for a scar that ran along his right cheek. Whenever asked about it he would simply tell them he didn’t remember where it came from but knew he’d had it most of his life. 
The town square was still bustling with people as he began to pack up his things. Above it all though, he could hear footsteps approaching him. He paused a moment then spun on his heel to come face to face with a regular to his shows. The man was leagues taller than himself and had a strange look to his eyes. He was holding a piece of paper, crumpled and damp with sweat in his hands. Drexxel heard the man speak but didn’t quite catch the words. 
“I’m sorry?” He responded back, urging the man to repeat himself. When he did, a chill ran down his spine. “...Go out with me. Dinner.” He pushed the paper into Drexxel’s hands. “You’re so pretty.” 
The smaller pulled the note apart just enough to read it. In shaken scrawl it read:
‘Don’t make a scene. I’ve been planning this. You and I belong together.’
He’d seen this sort of thing before in books and screenplays. Some secret admirer gets too confident and goes after someone who isn’t interested and it becomes a problem. Problem being a kind way to put it. Harassment was a better word for it. Bold of him to make the attempt in broad daylight, let alone a busy square. In the kindest way possible, Drexel looked up at the man and spoke.
“I’d love to, but I have plans this evening. Another show I mean.” 
He felt the prickle of magic in the air again, but it wasn’t coming from the man in front of him. The magician was still in the area. 
"Excuse me, I'm talking to you." the man's voice broke him from his thoughts. "I'll be picking you up this evening."
Drexxel's brow furrowed, the energy around him shifting like hissing smoke trying to catch on damp wood. 
"I'm really sorry, I mean it." He offered a sincerely looking apologetic smile. "But I really must be getting home." He made a move to leave but was stopped when the man caught his wrist. 
"You're not going anywhere short-stack." 
This....could be bad. As much as the crowd had dissipated, there were still people lingering about. Too much of a risk to cause a scene. But every fiber of Drexxel's being was telling him to flee. He needed an out. In the most...nonchalant way possible, he attempted to wriggle his wrist free. 
"Your performance really spoke to me Drexxy. It's like you were composing a symphony just for me." As he was caught in his own little moment, Drexxel pulled his wrist free. But it only lasted a second.
He felt a pull against his skin before he heard a small snap. The man had missed when reaching for Drexxel's wrist and instead caught the beaded double bracelet on his wrist. Beads had gone flying haphazardly in every direction, landing on the stones below like pellets. In that moment he felt the pull of magic much closer than before. This other magician was close. Very close. 
Drexxel was unfortunately used to people approaching him with much more....fervor than he anticipated. However, this particular instance was something else. He'd never had someone so adamant on taking him home. If this were to go on for a moment longer, he was sure to lose his composer. He may be a pretty upbeat guy but he also had a notoriously short fuse. 
That hissing aura was rapidly kindling itself from a crackling campfire to a firestorm. When his bracelet snapped, he felt something in him switch. Rage bubbled up under his skin like pot boiling over on a stove set too high. His fist clenched and a growl escaped him. 
But then, out of nowhere, everything around him stopped. He was about to throw a fiery punch but stopped short when he saw another man between him and his new 'friend'. It was the man he saw in the crowd! He said he was there to help just now. But what was he doing here and how did he…
"How--?" Then it hit him like a hard slap to the face. "So you're the magician I was picking up on!" His anger flickered back to amusement and joy. "I knew I wasn't imagining it! Oh! The helping thing, yes." 
Drexxel offered the newest stranger a warm, bright smile. Without hesitation, he grabbed his hand and shook it furiously. 
"Nice to meet you, I'm Drexxel! What do you say we blow this popsicle stand and get somewhere far away from this creep?"
The other man seemed to freeze up, like he expected a much worse response. His whole arm wobbled when Drexxel shook it. His eyes were wide and his lips parted in shock. It took him a minute to process what the smaller man had said to him. 
“Oh, I…that is….popcicles?” The man felt his face go hot, blood rushing to his cheeks. He was sure the smaller man would mistake him for a tomato. 
Drexxel watched him curiously. It was like watching the gears of a clock turning, the way this man seemed to be having an inner monologue with himself about whether or not he’d made the right call to get involved. He could feel how shaken up the man was, his hand trembling. Not very good at keeping his cool was he? Finally he spoke again. 
“It’s localized. My….my magic…it…I mean I…no, it. It will wear off when we get a distance away. He could follow? I- who, well…popsicles?”
Drexxel had always been good at making new friends and getting people to laugh and smile. He was small, yes, but he made up for his size with seemingly boundless energy. It was nearly impossible to not like the guy. But, he could tell, he kind of took this one by surprise. But it wasn't the first time someone had responded this way. Not often he got to see someone turn that red before though!
Whoever this new guy was, Drexxel had never seen his face in Vesuvia before. And he’dbeen in the city for quite some time now. It'd been since he was about nineteen. He knew almost every face in Vesuvia, even if a good handful of them were only in passing. But this one, this one he wanted to know more about. Consider his interest piqued. 
When time came back and this new magician struggled to make a clear sentence, it was all Drexxel could do to hold in a laugh. Localized magic though, not sure he'd heard of that one before. He completely skipped over the popsicle schtick.
"Localized huh? Hey, think you could use your magic with mine? I'm thinking....a wall of fire!" He still hadn't let go of the stranger's hand. "I could put a wall of fire around him, just tall enough to trip him up of course. You could stop time around it until we get far enough away that your....localization wears off!" Mossy green eyes brimmed with excitement. He gave the hand in his a squeeze. 
"I bet we'll make a great team!"
He could see the man trying to process the words coming out of Drexxel’s mouth. He’ll admit, he was a bit of a fast talker when he was excited. 
“Wall of fire…” He repeated Drexxel’s words, more to himself than the other, considering the idea. Not terribly flawed, he thought. A quick fix but not long lasting. “Worth…worth a shot.” an unsteady voice. “Wait - a team?” Vell had barely gotten the words out before the air thrummed with magical energy and, just as promised, fire sprung to life around the note wielding creep. If the situation weren’t as it was, he might have taken time to admire the flames.
"That's what I said isn't it? A team!" He mused, giving this new friend a wink. 
When time did in fact stop around his flames, the passion in his eyes burned that much brighter. He beamed at this new stranger. 
"Talk about a cool party trick. Come on, let's get out of here." Still gripping that hand, he took off. Hopefully this new friend could keep up with him. 
They took off out of the square, rushing past pedestrians and shopping stalls in a race to escape the area. Drexxel had taken the lead, ducking and diving under obstacles like it was as easy as breathing. He felt his new found companion trip up a few times but he managed to keep up the pace. He was new to Vesuvia and hadn’t the slightest idea where the two of them were headed. Drexxel looked back to check on his new friend at just the wrong moment. The edge of his sandal caught on uneven stone, sending him tumbling into an unattended fruit cart, scattering oranges along the alley. He’d never let go of this new companion’s hand, and in turn, the two of them fell together. The other man now had him pinned, a leg on either side of him. 
“I-- We-- uh…” The stranger fought to find the right words, feeling like a tea kettle ready to whistle. “We fell.” 
Drexxel could feel his own face burning a bright shade. He would have been able to laugh it off if it weren’t for his immediate attraction to this man. Impulse guiding him, he offered the man a toying smirk. “You know, I think this might be fate.” He winked. “And I don’t even know your name.” 
“M-my name?” The other man stuttered.
He tried to stand, pulling on Drexxel’s hands to pull him up as well, only to lose his footing. He fell back onto the stone, the smaller of the two now sitting perched on his abdomen. The look in his eyes was….entrancing. Intoxicating even. He couldn’t look away. “I’m Vell.” 
“Vell…” Drexxel liked the way the name felt when he said it. He let his hands drift to the other man’s chest, watching him with bright eager eyes.
Now, what was that saying about playing with fire?
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caberex · 3 years
this is gonna be a long one boys
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this is the current patronage of the backrooms smp, as in all the characters of people who are still active, not that anyone even remotely cares.
top left (guy with greenish blue line art) is mr dr hare. he is slowly mummifying due to his zombie magic running out and is absoloutely pissed off at his kid for leaving the ARC in order to prevent him from dying (for good reason, she did forfeit control of their research base and the faction she joined is pretty much the only external threat to the ARC).
To the right of him is Theseus, an immortal who has just suddenly realised that when nukes exist even land-based immortality isnt such a guarantee. he is very much a dick but kind of in a lovable way even though he did definitely do at least one genocide.
Kirby has the red lines and tbh he is the most normal man in the whole smp, and he isnt even a man, he is a mushroom. pretty good potion brewer and possible bringer of the apocalypse should a few more magic users die he is probably the person who has done the least murder. he wont kill you but dammit will he eat your corpse (affectionate?)
shen is next to him, with orange lines, and she is a bnunny. shes married to theseus also and tbf she deserves better. probably the favourite character of the bunch.
next image and we're staring off with a bang with volkov (who has red lines if ur following along) where do i even begin with this guy. he was consistiently voted "most likely to own a trenchcoat" in the backrooms smp poll i ran a month back, and frankly that says a lot about him. kind of a soft dictator for the biggest rival to the ARC (the UWRA) he is a deeply troubled man and frankly i find that amusing. turns out, you dont get to purge your political rivals (including ur own family oops) without feeling some semblance of remorse.
amara (in orangey red lines) is just a good person, but shes with the wrong crowd, namely theseus (that 10,000 year old prick). 10/10 moral support and second youngest character at 25 years old, she is the only person who understands what humour is and knows vine is dead. sucks to be her though because everyone but her uses facebook.
iceman dave in fantastic blue lines is up next and frankly most of what i know about him is so confusing im genuinely not sure if hes an alien or just some man in blue facepaint fucking with people. lives with (and is likely very gay for) kirby, and they are the most emotionally stable couple of the group. he's also designated mapmaker, because no one else can be bothered.
well, we're finally at mie, with purple lines. my sweet summer child has recently become embroiled with the URWA in order to not get murdered by the ARC (for reasons) and kickstart the apocalypse, and also receive help with getting her dad to not slowly rot to death, all while going through dragon puberty. this poor bastard is gonna be working eighty hour weeks just trying to get her shit in order, and everyone is going to fucking hate her for it. her dad is gonna hate her because she sold them both out and now his entire home is essentially gone, everyone in the URWA is gonna hate her because shes a magic user and her scientific programs are gonna be expensive (but also prevent the apocalypse, not that the populace knows that), she cannot win. i love her so much
finally velstosia, in grey lines. she has visser 1 syndrome (from animorphs, go read animorphs), which is to say she is almost cartoonishly evil but also somehow much more likable than anyone else. everyone loves her including me except the people who got gassed by her because whoops we've got another war criminal on our hands. lots of honest to god war criminals in our midst tonight.
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