#volks ryo
armeleia · 4 months
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I never really saw myself being the type who would have multiples of a particular sculpt, but somehow I have ended up with a gaggle of Volks Nonos - the Nono Collective, as we call them in our little house. :D
In the top pic, you can see everyone together. Left to right, we have:
Kuno - Volks SD10 Ryo (Nono13/F-11) on a modified SD13 body in PS normal
Ino - Volks FCS F-11 SDGr Boy in PS Sunlight
Aino (aka Twinkie)- Volks SD10 Nono (F-9) + SD13 girl body, dyed tan
Tsukino - Volks SwD Nono on an SD13 girl body in PS white
Nono -Volks SD10 Nono (F-9) + SD13 girl body in PS normal
Yukino (aka Noneko) - Volks YoSD Nono
They're all siblings, with the exception of Yukino, who is a persian housecat. Aino, Ino, and Nono are triplets and the other bigs as elder siblings.
The Collective is mostly complete... unless I can get a cheap YoSD Ryo, an old-skin, original release fullset Nono (preferably the blond kimono one, but I'd take the Miko one). I lost a Y!J auction over the weekend for a tan SD10 one-off Nono (IT WAS SO EXPENSIVE), so I will likely keep looking for something like that... but honestly, these guys take up WAY TOO MUCH SPACE in an tiny house, so I am completely happy stopping the collection here.
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wickedsick · 1 year
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So he doesn't want to take over the family business. What does he want?
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Asked and answered.
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Ryo is a good friend. I hope he sticks with the crew.
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Oh, that's cruel. God took this simple desire and twisted it into a tragedy.
Also, love Gina in the background like
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Oh my God, are we doing Magical Girl secret-identity stuff now?
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Guess not. Anyway, I love that apparently Fuuko's mannerism of calling everyone "Mr." and "Ms." has rubbed off on everyone- at least when referring to her.
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Wow, she really does just say shit and people go along with it.
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Lot to talk about here.
Fuuko used Unluck to make Shen trip and fall?
Oh, his pants fell down.
Ichico being hip with the youth
Ryo getting what I assume is his best Chem grade yet.
Old-timer and baby Isshin together.
Gina tapping into Nico's greatest fear- callbacks. Also, love Vampire Billy and Grandpastein in the background.
Sean and Ryo buddies. That's my new otp right there.
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I hope that the quests you're glossing over mean that we're going to actually have more seats at the roundtable next time we see it.
Out of images, so I'll continue this in a reblog.
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meowunmeow · 8 months
Undead Unluck Characters and Their Puns
This is gonna be a very long post so please bear with me, guys. I love languages and this is my domain so.
I will only add the appropriate information for the puns depending on how simple or complex it is.
List will be based on their negation ability reveals (or introductions, I'm inconsistent) up until the latest chapter so anime-onlys be warned!
Fūko Izumo (出雲風子, Izu-mo Fuu-ko)
Unluck (不運, fu-un)
Her pun is rather simple. The kanji 雲, meaning cloud, can be read as "un", while 風, meaning wind, is straightforward in the fact that it sounds similar to "fu" as in 不.
Simply put, her name can be read as "Fu-Un" just like her ability!
There's also the bonus cloud + wind combo.
Andy (アンディ, Andi)
Undead (アンデッド, andeddo)
This one is already explained by Fūko lol.
Void Volks (ボイド・ボルクス, Boido Borukusu)
Gina Chamber (ジーナ • チェンバー, Jiina Chenbaa)
Unchange (アンチェンジ, anchenji)
Hers is actually a really fun one. It got my head scratching until I read the manga in Japanese lol.
Simply reverse it into "Chamber Gina" then cut out the first syllable of each name. "Chen" and "Ji", which becomes "Chenji" as in "Change"!
Rip Tristan (リップ • トリスタン, Rippu Torisutan)
Rip as in the "rip-air" in "repair".
Top Bull Sparx (トップ • ブル • スパークス, Toppu Buru Supaakusu)
Tatiana (タチアナ, Tachiana)
Untouchable (アンタッチャブル, antacchaburu)
"Tachi" in "Tachiana" is a pun for "Tacchi" as in "Touch"!
Chikara Shigeno (重野力, Shige-no Chikara)
Unmove (不動, fudou )
His is also very fun, I only noticed it during the undercover high school arc where his name was written in Ryo's notebook and Nico held it up.
The kanji for move is 動 which consists of the kanji 重 from his surname and 力 from his first name.
This one is really smart, actually.
Akira Kuno (久能 明, ku-nou akira) / Un Anno (安野雲, an-no un)
Unknown (不明, fumei )
His first name of "Akira"'s kanji (明) can be read as "mei" as in "fumei".
Un Anno has already been explained within the story, it just sounds like "unknown".
Sean Datz (ション • ダッツ, shon dattsu)
Sean looks like "seen", that's the whole pun. But the "depre-sean" and "damna-sean" jokes really get me lol.
Lucy (ルーシー, ruushii)
Unhealthy (アンヘルシー, anherushii)
Still debatable if it was a joke or she's an actual negator. But considering how she can astral project and see other's astral projection, and Nico (when his ability hasn't manifested) couldn't, it's more likely she is one.
"Ruushii" from "anherushii".
Nico Vorgeil (ニコ • フォーゲイル, niko fougeiru)
Vorgeil sounds like Forget.
I honestly thought he was named Nico as in "Nicotine" because he smoked a lot. Turns out he was named after Nikola Tesla. Oops.
Ichico Nemuri (イチコ • ネムリ)
I love hers so much. Her name is written entirely in katakana instead of kanji, which means it can be read in multiple ways.
The "Ichi" in "Ichico" can be read as "one" as a counterpart to the "Ni" in "Nico" which can mean "two". Add them together, and you can get "three", which can be "Mi-tsu" and the "Mi" as in "Mico"!
Nemuri on its own can be read as "眠り", which means "to sleep" but it can also be read as a combination of "nemu" (sleeping) and "muri" (impossible/unreasonable) which means "unable to sleep".
Backs/Bunny (バックス, bakkusu)
We don't really have much info but it's obvious the "backs" is from "back".
Phil Hawkins (フィル • ホーキンス, firu houkinsu)
Unfeel (アンフィール, anfiiru )
Phil. Feel. Mind blown.
Tella (テラー, teraa )
Characters I haven't figured out the pun yet or unsure about:
• Shen Xiang (シェン • シアン, shen shian) - Untruth
I'd say it's because it sounds similar but not really to "shin" as in 真 meaning truth?
• Mui (ムイ) - Untruth
It could be "mu" as in "none"? Because she's not a negator or... Something else.
• Juiz d'Arc (ジュイズ • ダルク, juizu daruku) - Unjustice (アンジャスティス, anjasutizu)
I guess it's because of anjasutizu?? Not sure.
• Creed Deckard (クリード • デッカード, kuriido dekkaado) - Undecrease (デクリーズ, dekuriizu)
My best bet is "de" from his surname and "kurii" from his first name, but then that makes it "dekurii" instead. So idk.
• Sadako Kurusu (来栖 貞子, Kuru-su Sada-ko) / Kururu (クルル) - Unchaste
I really don't know. Except maybe the "kuru" in her name means "arrive" as in her targets rushing onto her?
• Yusai (友才) - Undraw
Exposing myself as a fake fan because I have no idea.
• Isshin (一心) / Haruka Yamaoka (山岡 春歌, yama-oka haru-ka)
I might be stupid.
• Billy Alfred (ビリー • アルフレッド, birii arufureddo) - Unfair/Unbelievable
The only possibility I could think of is because readers were told that his ability was "unbelievable". I can't really find a connection between his name and "unfair". Unless it's the fact that his name doesn't have a pun, hence breaking the status quo of having name puns, that makes it unfair. But maybe I'm just reaching.
• Feng Kowloon (ファン • クローン, fan kuroon) - Unfade
I keep on accidentally reading his name as "fan clone" and I can't figure out a pun (if that was even one) other than that...
• Latla Mirah (ラトラ • ミラー, ratora miraa) - Untrust (アントラスト, antorasuto)
It could be the "tora" in "ratora" as in "torasuto". But I'm not really sure.
• Enjin (円陣, en-jin) Unburn
Enjin sounds like "engine", yeah, but I can't really see the pun.
• Victor (ヴィクター, vikutaa) - Undead
I'm not even sure if there is a pun here other than "victor" as in "victory" as in "winner".
The logo for "Under" is literally just the 不 kanji flipped upside down.
Idc about Ruin.
If any of y'all know any new info, feel free to add on in the tags!
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havraniko · 9 months
A new ancient doll that I received in December, but didn't have neither strength nor time to properly take pictures and post anything.
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She's Volks Nono SD13. According to research, she's not actually Nono (it is modded Nono which is called Ryo, and I like the original Nono better, but this one is sweet too). She'll be 22 in February.
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These eyes are huge but somehow beautiful. They have some purple tint in a daylight. I'd like to change them to smaller iris size.
Sculpted eyebrows are horrendous. So as 20+ years old Volks default faceup. I'll sand them down. But overall, I plan to keep her as oldschool as possible.
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Pretty hands.
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Her default feet are high heel. Cute. Didn't have a fetish for feet until these.
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The pic is crap, but gives the idea.
She's very cozy. And this size is quite comfortable (if there's no need to talk about the pain of sewing for her without a sewing machine). The poses she can make are quite limited, but cute. She gave me some kind of ave feeling. Something... magical. Kind of feeling when you're a kid under Christmas tree at night, I guess? I'm bad at translating my feelings.
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Arrival photo. This is the wig she came with. I'm surprised by great condition, given its age. But it's too big for her.
For now she wears stuff I made for another doll (not a bjd) years ago and waits for me to start torturing working on her.
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dressupheart · 6 months
doll collection rambling don't mind me
i'm selling my volks mika and ryo, i don't do anything with them tbh.
camael needs a new body cos i hate three part torsos and i'm wanting him to be shorter. i have him on a 68cm body cos originally his character was over six feet tall. with all my revisions, he's now like ~5'9" or like 175-6cm give or take. a 62-65cm body would work best, then i can have taehyun on a 68cm body. knowing me, this will change cos i adore the telesthesia & dragon 72cm body...
acchan needs silly little outfits once i pick an era. i like him blonde a lot, but i also love his short black hair. if i stick with the more current era i could have him in the fluffy coat from the kemonotachi no yoru pv, and get another pair of yosd hands to give him the claws. and there's all those black lace tops. but my big issue is shoes. i can't find shoes that will work cos like 99% of yosd shoes are too kiddie looking. i want him to be perfect.
the next doll i'm getting is uriel's new shell, an impldoll eudora. haven't decided on a body yet, i like both of the new impl bodies a lot. taehyun will probably be after uriel.
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curiobjd · 2 years
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Umeko (left) and Usagi (right) dressed in green for the general doll club meeting today.
Umeko is a Volks SD13 Megu
Usagi is a Volks SD Ryo
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dollsonmain · 1 year
Very inexpensive Ryo (which is basically Nono13 head on a boy body).
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tashvi · 4 years
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I'm being glared at by what currently looks like an angry, eyeless nun.
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cereal-bunny · 3 years
Happy Mothers Day to Mikey featuring her somewhat shrunken husband lol
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The Rose was sorted out from a bouquet my brother gifted his gf cuz it was damaged, I used it for the shoot with my dolls, then glued the petals back on and sprayed it with hairspray and hung it up to my wall 💕
Also it's my friends and I in those photos
Maybe look at their insta, they are @/bettysbrotbox @/annikaneki and @/littlebutler.cosplay ❤️❤️❤️
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pasenast · 4 years
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imreadydollparts · 4 years
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I think I’ve been derailed from working on Calliope/GoolioDD because I’m waiting for a Xinyi body to arrive (rather it were MDD but even used MDD are PRICEY) and that’s kind of put her on the back burner for me.
I redid old Gum, instead.
I know, I know, the body and head don’t match. Gum is a Volks NS Oldskin Ryo head that I bought in bad condition so very long ago and have been picking at bit by bit ever since. She’s kind of a pale yellow, now.
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berryevilpoptart · 7 years
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So a couple of years ago now I quietly acquired this Ryo Narasaki head …
I wasn’t sure I was going to post her or no, since I haven’t removed her still glued in eyes or even named her yet.  Let alone get her a body I like (I’m not hugely fond of the SD-16 girl body, except that there’s lots of cute shoes and fashion out there for it).  The body she’s borrowing now – which only really works for bust shots – I got for a different hybrid.
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mischief-maker-me · 5 years
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BJD for sale/ trade: To the best of my knowledge, this head started its life as a Volks Ryo. They were purchased via Den of Angels from a seller who had begun and aborted modifications to the mouth. I finished the mods to the best of my ability, and while I'm really proud of the work I've done, they just never really fit into my collection. My hope is that someone out there can give them a good home! I never had a certificate for this head, but feel confident that the original headplate and stamps/carving on the interior of the head speak to the head's authenticity. I am open to reasonable offers and trades. In the event of a sale, buyer pays shipping; in the event of a trade, each party to cover shipping, provided trade is located in the United States. Purple eyes are not included. #legitbjd #volksryo #bjdmod #bjdforsale #proartist #volksbjd https://www.instagram.com/p/B82njKtAdkA/?igshid=oeq1jnqsoao3
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specialgels · 5 years
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List of nicknames and all the meanings I smashed together to make them (or not)
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Yuri; Yuuri---how his name was pronounced originally and would be written as, no actual meaning except for lily in Japanese really, should probably change his nickname to fit his border symbol better but I'm attached to Yuuri so whatever.
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Estelle; Luna---moon in Latin, she's the Child of the Full Moon which is reflected in her symbol though I couldn't find a good way to add star into the nickname so it stays as Luna.
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Repede; Inaken---ina comes from inazuma (lightning in Japanese), and ken comes from tanken (dagger in Japanese, also his symbol), he has lightning motifs in his design as his scar and tail, and is the fastest party member in Vesperia.
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Seifer; Mareki---mare is latin for sea and ki comes from kiba (fang in Japanese), he is, after all, a pirate and Aifread’s trusted first mate.
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Lyra; Dolgari---dol comes from dolce, which means to play sweetly and softly, and gari comes from fengari (moon in Greek). She’s a Child of the Full Moon and is very sweet and cute with a great love for music.
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Luke; Hiyoko---hi can be written in the kanji for fire and his name means "light of the sacred flame", hiyoko by itself is chick in Japanese which he technically is because he's been mother henned and he's also actually seven so he's baby.
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Spiritua; Marum---malak (angel in Arabic) and aurum (gold in Greek), her status is of an angel, and the color that her wings take is a beautiful gold color. She will also make sure that justice is served, and would not mind breaking a few laws for that purpose.
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Nidhogg; Kairyo---kai comes from kaiju (monster) and ryo is altered from ryuu (dragon), it quite literally is both of these as ruinators are monsters and Nidhogg takes very much after its namesake.
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Wilardo; Oplos---gun in Greek without the s, that's literally it, I'm pretty sure the s is just there to make it sound better.
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Efina; Ryuusa---ryuu is dragon while usa comes from usagi (rabbit) which her head ribbons resemble, usa is also intended to be altered from uso (lie) like the lies she's born to eat.
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Sakura; Yinghua---which is just sakura in Chinese. Though her homeland is based in Japan, her name is already Japanese, so I went for Chinese because it sounds nice and Honkai Impact 3 originated in China anyways.
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Bronya; Volk---wolf in Russian, she was born in Russia and had the nickname "Silver Wolf of the Urals" the first time she was a child soldier, but she loves Homu so much that ended up being her symbol instead of a wolf, so she's one of the very few whose nickname has no relation to their symbol.
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Mei; Murai---murasaki (purple in Japanese) and raiten (thunder and lightning in Japanese), her color scheme tends to lean towards purple and she is the Herrscher of Lightning. When using her Herrscher powers, the lightning is purple. 
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Sirin; Tsarian---tsaritsa (queen in Russian) and angel. As a Herrscher, she is effectively God’s angel in her world, and has been given though power by God to boost her ego enough that she calls herself the queen of Honkai.
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Froze; Koori---ice in Japanese, fits her name and the fact that her favorite food is frozen yogurt, hence her symbol.
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Ruphas; Maftera---comes from mavros (black in Greek), ftero (feather), and pteryga (wing), her black wings are pretty much the best way to identify her.
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Ai; Gaifuka---music note in Japanese (gakufu) but altered to sound like a reasonable nickname. If I had another reason for the nickname, I don't remember it.
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Akira; Seiki---seishin (spirit in Japanese) and setsueki (blood in Japanese), his power is Bloodmetry, touching blood will allow him to see a vision in the past that caused a strong emotion, and he hunts down spirits in order to purify them and save his sister during the game.
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Letty; Ameko---ame is candy in Japanese and ko means child, she loves candy and sweets, it's pretty fitting.
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Rick; Shihato---comes from shiro (white) and hato (dove), he sacrifices himself to ensure Letty's safety, a dove's the animal drawn on his rules list in his and Letty's room, and it can also be assumed that he has wondered if he only exists because of Letty's love.
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Misane; Nekoro---comes from neko (cat) which is her favorite animal and her BitPhones are shaped like cat ears, and kokoro (heart) which is the kanji that her first name is written as.
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Kay; Karasu---crow in Japanese, she's the second-generation Yatagarasu (three-legged crow), the end of her scarf is in the shape of a bird's wing, and she's about as chaotic as a crow.
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Ryuuga; Gintatsu---comes from gin (silver) for the color of their hair, and tatsu (dragon) from one of the two symbols they have.
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Polka; Theoma---comes from theos (god in Greek), and ptoma (corpse), it's quite literally his title of Corpse God but backwards and mashed together.
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Misaki; Aimara---comes from ai (love in Japanese), aima (blood in Greek), and arachni (spider), apparently her assassination target fighting back earns her admiration/love though she still does kill them (or end up getting killed in Polka's case), and her shawl has a spider web print on the back of it.
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Kou; Raikotsu---comes from raiten (thunder and lightning) and kotsu-anzen, his exorcist arts activate and look like lightning, and a kotsu-anzen is an omamori for traffic safety, which is the type of omamori that Kou wears as an earring.
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Harpae; Argel---haarburste (hairbrush in German) and mirror (spiegel in German), her hairbrush is her Regalia and she dislikes looking into mirror because they reveal her true form, which is also why she went blind. Argel itself is a Welsh name meaning refuge, which is what she tried to be for Goldia.
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Kon; Kisai---kitsune and kasai (an alternate world for fire in Japanese), as a kitsune, she’s skilled with both illusions and fire. 
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Titania; Neraias---neraida (fairy in Greek) and vasilias (king in Greek), though they are called demons by humans, their species were once called fae in the past. Additionally, they hold the position of Demon King within their realm. 
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Imigo; Nikane---ni (two in Japanese) and kane (bell in Japanese), comes from the fact that he’s a twin and that the bell he has in his hair was what allowed Mai to enter the higanbana garden and find what she needed. 
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dreamtigress · 3 months
Queer Ficlet Friday
Tagged by @tinyarmedtrex, thank you!
The Rules: Copy the following prompts or make your own, post what fandoms you write for & your followers can request one of the prompts with a ship, character or fandom for a ficlet. Have fun! 
🌈 For all of June, Ficlet Fridays will be Pride themed. Last one! This week's prompts are the meanings behind the original Gilbert Baker pride flag 🌈
🩷 Hot pink: Sex ❤️ Red: Life 🧡 Orange: Healing 💛 Yellow: Sunlight 💚 Green: Nature 🩵 Turquoise: Magic 💙 Blue: Serenity 💜 Violet: Spirit 👀 Wild card: send me some other pride-related prompt ya want written 🤷‍♀️ Dealer's choice: you pick the pairing, I'll pick the prompt (or something of my own) and write away
My twist on this: Pick any of my SoC/Grishaverse OC's! I have a slew of queer OC's, and I would love the chance to explore with some of them a bit more than I already have. Options below!
Oxana/Zurye (F/F)
Ryo/Omar (M/M)
Nico/Mikhal/Meril (M/M/GNCF)
Nico/Mikhal (M/M, 'cause they get to explore alone.)
Jeter/Rook (M/M, will keep this one PG-13)
Cory/? (bi boy flirts with EVERYONE.)
Yancy/Lang (GQ/M)
Senn/Kalu (M/M)
Oxana/Isabel (when they were together.) (F/F)
Tij/? (before she was with Volk) (F/F)
Also cool with doing Jesper/Wylan, too! (M/M)
OR Jes & Wylan flirting with Erwin Alva, Merchant Council member. (M/M/M)
Soft tagging: @hotpinkmure, @kezzzx, @discessio, @intosnarkness, and @tough-n-dumb, if any of you want to participate!
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fruitsaladdolls · 7 years
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My Volks Devilman Ryo and Satan outfits arrived the other day. My doll for these outfits shipped today, I can’t wait to try these outfits on him!
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