#voltron Zarkon
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Another Voltron thing I'm working on Enjoy
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the-geek-librarian · 2 months
Ive been having A shit lot of VaniMegi thoughts these days, why?
Fucking Voltron au man... they fit the roles of Zarkon and Hovera so perfectly i want to cry
I know that Voltron is known for having a bad fandom, but. I'm losing my shit ok? (Spolers for Voltron bth)
Vanica pulled a Zarkon and manipulated her friends into making the rift larger just so she can try to save her wife???? MAN.
And Megicula goes across different Universes just to find one where her wife and child are alive and where she can stay with them. IM DYING MAN
Also they would slay in Zarkons and Hoversa clothes ok? Even when Hovera is Haggar Megicula would look good in those cloths. And Vanica just looks good in armor
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xochitai · 3 months
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kickis-conan-king · 3 months
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Dear Reader fanart! (again) This time an Actual Scene instead of just random doodles. Dear Reader is truly a new fandom classic at this point, so if you haven’t read it, do!!! If you have read it, and loved it, please please go flood @heavilycaffeinatedsblog with praise and love and appreciation etc
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minamorsart · 10 months
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@loturaweek2023 Day 6: Wardrobe Updates Welcome
In which Allura visits Lotor in his dimension and meets his parents! 💖💜 Inspired of course by Across the Spider-verse as well as the Sincline-verse AU!
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shatterinseconds · 10 months
lance gets keith (and the rest of the team) to play smash or pass so he can figure out keith’s type. keith, who realizes what’s happening, says smash on the weirdest choices to mess with him
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jiveyuncle · 4 months
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I don't normally post my traditional stuff, but I wanna hype up authors when I can. This scene has been stuck in my head since I read it. Happy to finally get it down.
Fic: Take On Me by infinitesongbird on AO3
You can read the fic here:
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Could would Lotor, Shiro, Keith and Zarkon (separately) react to finding out that the males of their boyfriend's (m!readers) species can get pregnant? M! reader's species is basically a cat-human hybrid. I don't care if it's smut or fluff.
(feel free to take off Keith or Shiro if there are to many characters)
Hey, Anon!
I'm sorry for taking this too long!
The characters are kinda ooc, but I hope it's acceptable!
I wanted to make this as fluff, but I put some spice in it. Don't worry, it's safe.
Although, I have to admit-
I'm a Lotor simp
×❢ About my work ❢×
ooc, fluff, smut, male reader, cat human hybrid reader, no pronouns used for the reader, no proofread
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Character(s): Takashi "Shiro" Shirogen, Keith Kogane, Prince Lotor, Emperor Zarkon, You| (Y/N) |The Reader
Ship(s): The characters x You| (Y/N) |The Reader
Form: Headcanons
𝐋𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐫, 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨, 𝐊𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐙𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
[Credit goes to the creators of the gifs!]
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogen
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• he is actually pretty surprised
• firstly, because you are a male and you're pregnant
• but don't worry, he traveled through the galaxy and he saw weirder stuff than this
• secondly, he didn't believe that the pregnancy test will be possitive and you guys made it!
• like you came up to him and told that the pregnancy test was possitive and he was like "What's that, hon?"
• BUT YOU GUYS MADE IT! And this is what matters. And ofc the baby's health too, but you get my point
• so it was kind of a good surprise for him
• he's not so crazy about it
• Actually, he never had a crazy, energetic personality, so that's normal from him.
• but he will do his best to keep you and the baby healthy
• he'll also sit down and just talk softer when he's around your belly
• he'll be ONE OF THE most cheesy ones
• also, he won't like it, when others are cursing around you bc of the baby
• HE'S SO DAD!! (I mean he's the dad of the Team Voltron, so what did u expect? -)
Keith Kogane
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• he'll just stand there and say "... What?"
• Even if he doesn't show any sign of excitment, you know that he's happy about it.
• You two WILL have serious conversations about he can be a good father, and yes, you know that you're two are ready for this child.
• will be more protective around you than ever
• he's afraid that the baby will get infected by Lance
• "Stop it, you'll make my child(ren) stupid."
"Oh, like you would be any smarter."
"I am."
• 3 months after you've revealed to him that you're pregnant, he have finally accepted that he is ready to be a great and ideal father to your child(ren). He placed your palm into his. "You know... I was thinking, (Y/N)... Maybe... Maybe you're right. I can be a good father to our child(ren)." he looked up at you with a determined sparkle in his eyes. "And I'm so ready for it."
• he's not a big crier, but this will be definitely bring his emotional side out. But just for you and your baby(s) only
Prince Lotor
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• ♪ he knows, he knows, and I know he knows ♪
• okay, but seriously, when you mentioned that the test was positive, he'll just stand there and smirk at you and say
• "I already know that, Darling."
• and he also knows that he's happy about it
• definitely that type of person, who already has a whole construction plan of the baby's room
• he'll probably kiss your belly at sex
• also, I think it would turn him onthat how sensitive you are
• "Oh my..." he laughs at your whimpers. He did nothing yet. All he did was just touching your chest with his cold fingertips. And you are already beneath the plesure as you begging him for more. "You're so sensitive for me, Dear."
• He tries to spend as much time with you and the baby as he can. He doesn't want to give your child the same parenthood, like his was. He wants to be better, than his father.
Emperor Zarkon
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(Mind if I do past Zarkon? As the Black Lion's paladin? I hope you don't mind it-)
• he could already sense that you're pregnant, so he wasn't so surprised
• though, he was still happy with you
• in the Garla Empire it's quite dangerous to have a child, don't you think so?
• but don't worry, he'll watch out for you
• IS the other cheesy one
• he'll just knee down and kiss your belly while asking "So, how's my babygirl / my big boy?"
• he had some doubt if he could be good father, but he swallowed it quickly
• i mean you chosed him. If he wasn't a good father figure for your beautiful child(ren), why would you choose him, right?
• i would say that he treats you like a prince —just like his son—, he does that everyday so-
• but after all, he's really greatful to have a child (or more) with you, and he's more than ready to be the father of your child(ren)!
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depressocafe · 10 months
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Zarkon: Discipline and behavior is important-
Alfor: Get Laid Z.
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b3anieperson · 3 months
I've been doing a reweatch of Voltron: Legendary Defender.
I believe in his free time, Coran was doing unreasonable amounts of cr*ck c*c*ine in his bedroom before he went to bed, and when he woke up. This man is fucking crazy.
*¹a *²o *³a - vowels ommited.
Coran scares me.
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"Allies And Enemies"
Hope you enjoy my take on Queen Merla (hopefully would love to draw her more)
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cozycringe · 2 months
Been developing my Voltron/Wings of Fire AU some more and finally came up with some more designs
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Started getting lazy after Allura, but I managed to fit most the characters I wanted to design before my hand got tired.
Since the paladins are phyrrian dragons, it made sense for the aliens to be pantalan dragons to me because they’re on a different continent n stuff.
Allura and Coran are both silkwings and also the supposed last of their kind
Zarkon is a beetlewing, they’re canonically extinct but he’s like a gajillion years old so I think him being an extinct dragon race is pretty fitting. Haggar is a silkwing but it’s not very apparent with her hood, so most dragons assume she’s a hivewing (the galra are hivewings in this AU). Lotor is a hive and or beetle/silk hybrid, he’s just a silly guy fr.
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pussycat-scribbles · 1 year
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This ko-fi sketch comm of beefy Galra Keef was so fun to draw ;o; I hadn't drawn him in so long!
Please consider supporting me on Patreon or buying me a Ko-fi if you enjoy my art!! It helps me pay my bills and spoil my pets ;o;
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voltron dying on a glue trap
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klanced · 1 year
zarkon: it is pride month, haggar. you know what that means
haggar: huh
haggar: my lord?
haggar: do you want me to make like
haggar:   gay robeast
haggar: what
zarkon: 😏
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mx-giraffe · 3 months
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Hey there, hi, I was just wondering. Are yous okay? Cuz what’s uh what’s up with that, guys?
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