#voltron tld
insane-ohwhyfandoms · 7 months
six sentence sunday!
rules: post 6 sentences from an unpublished wip and tag 6 people :)
thanks for the tag @emryses! here's 6 sentences from a sheith bdsm thief/mafia au that's been languishing in my docs for two years now 🥲🥲🥲
Shiro pushes him to the ground, pinning his left hand above his head, while his other hand wraps around Keith’s neck. Keith tries to buck the larger man off to no avail, pushing at Shiro’s chest with his free hand; the Champion is immovable. Shiro’s hands tighten around his wrist and neck. Shadows dance across his vision until against his will, his hand goes limp and his dagger falls. Immediately, the pressure lessens.
“What a stubborn jewel I’ve been gifted,” Shiro murmurs.
tagging: @serena-a @icythot-bakubitch @coffee-writes @kairenn-n @kingdomkeys13 @silk-scarlet-ribbons @burglarhobbit <3
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berryblu-soda · 8 months
under the threat of a Voltron relapse, ive taken the excecutive decision to become even more insane abt TLD UvU
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ggaallaam · 6 years
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Some little hope for you all~ *crying*
Those are fake screenshots I’ve made!
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sailorshitpost · 6 years
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kame-artist · 6 years
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ponteas · 7 years
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cozy lotor commission for @hunkitup ⭐️
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comicsonawhim · 7 years
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I started shipping these two lovelies after s3 or 4, but then they were a rare pair.  But after season 5, B O Y it was definitively time to try my hand at fan art again. .  
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not-evil-crow · 7 years
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Old Voltron fan art. I should probably stop procrastinating and do more soon.
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brightgoat · 7 years
ok but this
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is literally this
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and this
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is in no doubt
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zajquor · 2 years
i love how the galaxy garrison probably had years of time to prepare telling humanity about the existence of 'a hostile alien race' between the point where sam, shiro and matt got abducted and the point where sam returns to earth, yet even at the point where sam has already been back for another year they are still not adequately prepared because that's just how humanity currently works lol
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God damn I love the Blade of Marmora outfits.
I mean- damn look at all that great team building in S4!!! So good!!!
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taibu · 7 years
um hi
a netflix noobie here! Now I just got netflix and I’m not exactly sure how it works etc thats why I ask...
How the new episodes of Voltron will come out? Do they all come out at the same time, one per day, etc?? Also if you have other language netflix (like finnish) do the episodes come out right away there too or do you have to wait for the subs/dubs to be done before they put it up there?
help a noobie out here guys! thankx<3
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kame-artist · 7 years
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Fandom Confession
I still haven’t finished Voltron season 2.
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comicsonawhim · 6 years
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Imagine they got really, really drunk.
Based on THIS
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sandersgrey · 6 years
You know when you want a fanfic but you know that you don't have the patience or skills to write it? Anyway someone please write a klance fanfic with time travel in which finale Lance somehow ends up on Earth some time after Shiro disappeared and was declared dead, but before Keith was kicked out, and he has to deal with:
a) looking and feeling younger b) trying to talk to Keith and Pidge without getting punched because they do not deserve to think their family are dead c) well fuck now they wanna go get Matt and Shiro back he really should have expected this and-
d) fuck Allura is still alive isnt she
e) welp good fucking bye I guess but this time he does get to see his family a last time before going find Blue and f) he managed to bring his journal/logs/whatever back in time when whatever the fuck that was happened and thats good bc he knows exactly whats gonna happen and has a better chance at avoiding the worst of it but this is the first time he's reading it and fuck he sure does talk about Keith a lot huh hahahaha... haha... ha...
bonus if Keith was also there for what made the time travel happen and he slowly gets all of those memories back
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