#volturi guards
wendigo-volturi · 4 months
The Volturi having a s/o who is squeamish (idk if that’s right) at the sight of blood and it makes them feel sick
Please, and thank you xx
Aro finds his s/o's squeamishness endearing, as it's a stark contrast to his own fascination with blood and violence.
He takes extra care to shield his s/o from any gruesome scenes or bloody encounters, always making sure they feel comfortable and safe.
Aro often delights in teasing his s/o about their sensitivity, but he never pushes them past their limits.
Marcus is unfazed by his s/o's squeamishness, seeing it as just another quirk that makes them unique.
He is gentle and understanding when his s/o feels sick at the sight of blood, always ready to comfort them and help them calm down.
Marcus values his s/o's well-being above all else, and he makes sure to prioritize their needs and comfort in any situation.
Caius is not particularly bothered by his s/o's squeamishness, although he does find it mildly annoying at times.
He tries his best to be patient and accommodating towards his s/o, but he can't help but feel frustrated when their sensitivity interferes with his plans.
Caius may tease his s/o about their squeamishness, but deep down he respects their boundaries and will do whatever it takes to make them feel comfortable.
Jane finds her s/o's squeamishness amusing, often using it to tease and playfully taunt them.
Despite her playful teasing, Jane is actually quite considerate of her s/o's sensitivities and goes out of her way to make sure they are not exposed to anything that might make them feel sick.
Jane enjoys taking care of her s/o when they are feeling unwell, finding it oddly satisfying to comfort them and make them feel better.
Alec is patient and understanding towards his s/o's squeamishness, always ready to provide comfort and support when they feel sick.
He is gentle and kind, never pushing his s/o past their limits and always making sure they feel safe and cared for.
Alec values his s/o's well-being above all else, and he would do anything to protect them from harm or discomfort.
Felix is practical and straightforward when it comes to his s/o's squeamishness, always taking proactive steps to prevent them from feeling sick.
He is attentive and attentive towards his s/o's needs, making sure they are never exposed to anything that might trigger their sensitivity.
Felix is a strong and reliable presence for his s/o, always there to support and comfort them through any challenging situations.
Demetri is empathetic and caring towards his s/o's squeamishness, always making sure they feel comfortable and safe in his presence.
He is attentive and considerate of his s/o's sensitivities, never exposing them to anything that might trigger their discomfort.
Demetri is a supportive and reassuring partner, always there to help his s/o through any difficult moments and make sure they feel cared for.
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simpfordemetri · 3 months
Volturi reaction to reader dressing up as the Dracula for Halloween!!!
✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧
He was on duty watching the door tower to protect the Kings wifes ,and actually he was almost done ,only a few hours left
But suddenly he heard your laugh and your horrendous try of hiding it
And there you are,wearing a cape,fake fangs and fake blood coming down your mouth,as you pretended to have claws and jumping onto him while letting out a growl mixed with your laugh
And of course he catched you but he was literally shocked because his mate was finally loosing their mind and oh my god
As her brother,she has mixed reactions
To shocked,to a little smile on her face to confused again
She will explain that Dracula did in fact not exist cause she take things a bit too literally
So you have to grab her face and give her and soft peck on the lips while whispering to her to have a bit fun
Somehow you got her to call you Miss/Mister Dracula all day
Not infront of the King tho and she would love if you keep your amazing ass off of the throne room
He literally picks you up and go show all the castle how CUTE you look because you are an artwork and deserves to be put in a museum
Only Felix is allow to laugh at you when he sees you,otherwise he would throw hands with any guards
Now he wants to be Dracula too
He already have the fangs (does he)so he bet he can do better
Anddddd he loves you just for this
He is laughing his ass off and probably all the castle is hearing it
Try to put into words how ridiculous but also sweet you look but he just stutters because of the laugh
He will tease you for it for YEARS
“Maybe we have to leave you in Transilvania with the Romanian coven uhm?”
Thats what Jane said and thats why Felix throwed her across the room for the first time ever
She wants her costume too
Why didnt you bring one?Matching costumes?
Now she is pouting because why you thought it was a good idea to make this alone
No she does not care if its a just for the vibe she wants the match and wants it now
Probably ends up going out at night with you in your silly little Dracula costumes and have fun
Making out in the middle of the streets while you refuse to take out of your mouth the fake fangs
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volturissideslut · 2 years
Can you do the guards meeting their human mate during New Moon when Bella goes to save Edward. Maybe their mate is Bellas sister or friend or something.
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖌𝖚𝖆𝖗𝖉
In this you're bellas sister. Also currently listening to Stephen Sanchez's album "what was, not now" and was vibing and a bunch of words came to my mind so enjoy my word vomit
also I keep accidentally clicking post instead of save draft so if its incomplete just wait a minute
Was actually zoned out until he glanced at you and his world came to a crashing halt
his banal daydreams freezing like an idle painting in the background as images of you and him for eternity consume him and in that moment all he knew was you
he was surprisingly content with that too and it's only after that that the situation dawns on him
oh glorious you
trapped between a vicious king and a vicious girl, all to consumed by an eternity of her own, about to trade her sister for her lover
Alec's stomach lurched as he dreamed up a perfect nightmare, one leaving him so inconsolable he was unable to contain himself for the first time in forever
heaving forward with a newfound desperation, he stops the swan girl he hadn't cared enough to learn the name on as a wrathful fire burned within him
they would not end his eternal love before he even got to know them, it would be a tragedy to great to bear
Marcus, gifed with the ability to see these eternal binds between lovers, halts Aro in his actions
reaching out his scarred and shaky hands, Aro grants Alec a favour - no doubt to be returned soon - and allows him to take you to his chaimbers
Jane - just the name sends shivers down the spine of those who know, those who have heard, and those who can guess
not you though
it confounds her that you can look at her with such soft curiosity as she leads your party to the overzealous throne room
surely you cannot feel the connection? human concepts of emotion are pathetically watered down compared to the theatrics of a vampiric spectrum of infatuated devotion to sickening abhorrence
one she has delivered the Cullens back to the king she let's it finally weigh on her - she has met her forever love
casting a glance to her master, she allows him into her mind with a simple touch and he immediately gratifys her allowing her two minutes only to pull yiu to the side eventually but for now she is needed
she has waited for you for forever, she can wait five minutes more; though she is surprisingly chipper, allowing a miniature smile to grace her features
unlike the usually sadistic ones, this one held a worlds worth of impatience as she would only take her eyes off of yiu for a minute at a time
though she could not touch you, she could not feel you, for now it was enough to listen to your heartbeat and know you were alive and had finally arrived
not that she'd ever tell you this, as for now she must remain stoic and not let your sister in on her little secret love
oh she couldn't wait to have you all alone away from that pest you call family
Silence replaced his ever racing thoughts as a wonderous scent made itself prominently known in his mind
the opera of the elevator had left an era of awkwardness around the group bu still he found himself subconsciously inching further from his guard friend and more toward you, the source of his unbridled euphoria
without any hesitation his hand enclosed around your wrist as the elevator chimed and opened
neglecting to realise his meal was arriving at the castle, he practically dragged you to his chambered only interrupting his mission to give a sharp glare to Felix when he called for him
for now he just needs you
he needs to hold you close to his chest, wrapped tightly in your arms while he gently explains anything and everything to you
Felix would have to infer the situation for himself and tell the kings about his whereabouts
surely he his absence would be excused, he was not necessary for this one and the unforseen circumstance of meeting his mate needed to be accounted for. He would not allow her to witness the horrors of a trial before they had even spoken yet
Ignited deep within him, the fire and passion for his infitiy grows the moment he lays his eyes onto you
looking into your eyes was ethereal, a bond worth more that all the gems and treasures in the world growing deeper and deeper and the seconds pass
neither of you had said a word to each other and yet there was some agreement between the two of you that, be it God, the universe or whatever lays dormant behind the story's of the stars had placed you both on this earth for one reason: eachother
it was destiny in his eyes and perhaps even yours that you two would be each others infinities
the light in his eyes and the joy in his heart was rejuvenated the moment your eyes and souls connected and already he dreaded a life with you not by his side
any distance could not be far enough that he would do all withing his power to return to you
He could not care less about the other girl here for her mate- he has met his infinity and that was all that mattered to him now
okay wow this is an edit from about an hour later and I've stopped listening to the music and read it and I hate it
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archoniluthradanar · 1 year
Demetri and his Accidental Mate
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This is in response to a request by @kpopgirlbtssvt
It is an anniversary date, one special for guard and tracker Demetri, since it involves the day he joined the Volturi. Aro and his brothers decide appreciation is in order for all the work he has done for the coven. His skills as a tracker are formidable, and he had proven his worth many times over. So as a reward, Demetri would be given an extra meal ticket, so to speak. It was going to be a surprise though. A pair of young humans in their prime. One man and one woman were taken to his room by Felix and Santiago. They complied mutely, unsure what was going to happen. Felix locked the door as soon as the couple were thrown into the room, leaving a short note on Demetri's door, saying, Happy Anniversary, Demetri, from your Volturi family.
As soon as Demetri had returned from a short mission and had finished reporting to an oddly quiet Aro, he found himself happy to be going to his room for some much-needed peace and quiet. Before he had even reached his room, he heard pounding coming from inside his door. Someone was in his room, and yet sounded desperate to get out.
Irate that someone should have accidently gotten themselves locked in his personal quarters, Demetri unlocked the door and pushed it open. Inside, he was surprised to find two cowering figures moving slowly away from the door. One sniff told him they were human. His throat began to burn with the thirst. It had only been a week since the coven had feasted, yet he was hungry. Then he remembered the note. Of course, these humans were a gift from the masters. Then he must enjoy the pair to honour their gift to him.
Approaching the man, Demetri inhaled deeply and knew how pure his blood was. No illegal drugs, no medicinals, no disease. A perfect specimen to slake his thirst. His eyes darkened when he grabbed the man by the throat, pulling him closer. Venom filled his mouth as his thirst grew, but his meal would not be offered immortality. Death would be his fate.
Demetri moved faster than could be seen by either human, his teeth latching on the man's throat. Warm blood filled his mouth, his neck muscles gulping down the rich fluid. As his thirst was being quenched, Demetri made note of the female watching them.
The woman who had been locked in with his male victim saw the attack and screamed, her mind unable to reconcile what was happening. Demetri drained the man and let his body fall to the floor. He turned to the screaming woman, who had run to the re-locked door, pulling on the handle in a futile effort to escape. She gazed at the man with black eyes coming toward her. Fear permeated her entire being, when she saw blood on the tall blonde's lips.
She held out her hands and shook her head as she backed up. "No, please, don't."
Demetri was at her side in a flash, his left hand wound within her long hair, tugging her head to the side. His right hand ripped her sleeve away from her shoulder, baring the soft skin to his eyes and his mouth. He bit hard, sucking the warm red fluid as it filled his mouth. Like the man, her blood was pure of any foul taste. She struggled in his arms at first but that slowed as she weakened.
Suddenly Demetri felt sick, his mind rebelling against his thirst. He pulled away from the woman, feeling a pain in his chest. He looked down at her, sensing a growing attachment he could not explain. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to his bed. He was about to lick the wound on her neck to close it so that it would heal, but he saw his venom was already in her body. Demetri knew her existence was in a state of flux, his venom doing the job of making her organs obsolete and transforming her body into that of a vampire. An immortal. His mate.
Demetri slipped her underneath the blankets on his bed and sat beside her. She was pretty, with long light-brown hair. He hadn't noticed her eyes, not that it mattered. They would turn red soon enough. Her lips were full and dark pink. He felt himself drawn to them, but it was the tug in his chest, the need to have her with him that bewildered him. He had not been looking for a mate, but was that even his choice.
While he was thinking, the woman began to stir, moans coming from her parted lips. Demetri knew the pain that would follow. He quickly kicked off his shoes and took off his jacket, and went to lie beside her. He would be there to hold her while she endured the change.
As her cries grew louder, he hugged her, whispering in her ear, assuring her he would be there for her. He came to the realization she was his mate and accepted that. She was his to cherish and love. He only had to wait until she woke, then he would explain everything to her.
Moans turned to cries, cries turned to screams. There was nothing to be done but for Demetri to wait. And he did. He was eager to see the woman turned so he could speak with her, tell her about her new existence, and how they belonged together.
A few days later, the woman awoke. She looked up to see the man who had killed her friend standing over her...and she screamed.
Demetri, shocked, attempted to calm her down. But she would not stop screaming... until suddenly, she did, going completely silent. She backed into a corner in the room and cowered as she sunk down to the floor.
"I'm Demetri. Please, you don't have to fear me." He leaned down to take her hand, but she shrunk away from him. "Look, I have to go take care of something. It's safer if you stay here. I'll be right back." He flashed to the door, locking it behind as he left.
The woman rose and ran to the door, bumping into it when she finds she can't stop in time. What just happened, she wonders. She grabbed the door ring and pulled on it, the door slightly tearing off its hinges. Again, she is confused. Demetri arrived just as she is about to pull the door off its hinges completely. He has an unconscious human in his arms.
Setting the body on the floor, he holds out his hand to the frightened newborn. "This is for you, my love. You must feed. Can you feel the burning in your throat?"
Seeing her slowly nod her head encourages Demetri. At least she understands him. She comes to stand by him but doesn't let him touch her. He shows her what to do by kneeling on the floor and lifting the unconscious person, turns his head and bites him. The woman needs no more encouragement than that. She bites the man's throat and begins to swallow his spurting blood, until there is nothing left. She wipes blood from her mouth and licks it off her hand.
"Do you need anything else?" Demetri asks.
She shook her head, still standing feet away from the vampire talking to her.
"Is there anything you want then?" He looks at her torn shirt. "New clothes maybe?"
She looks down and frowns, then looks up at Demetri and nods.
He flashes to his desk and brings her a pencil and pad. "Here, write down anything you want, anything. Then we'll talk. I promise, I won't hurt you," he says. When she finishes the list, he takes the pad from her and reads the list. Books, magazines, a TV or DVD player with some videos. Lastly she wanted a stuffed animal or two. A dog or cat, monkey or lion, she didn't care. Just something to hug. Of course she didn't know Demetri would have wanted to be the thing she hugged.
When Demetri saw the request for candy on the pad, he told her, "I'm sorry, you can't eat this kind of food anymore. I'll explain later." Demetri called Chelsea on his cell, asking her to come to his room. He gave his friend the list and some money, and thanked her for doing the shopping.
"Now come here and sit beside me." She sat at the far opposite side of his sofa, watching him carefully. "What is your name?"
"Carolyn. And you're Demetri."
He smiled at her. "Yes, that's right. You see, you've changed, Carolyn. You're not...human anymore. You're like me now. A vampire."
She began to laugh, then realized she had killed a man. "You did this to me."
"I did, but I didn't know what you would be to me. I stopped drinking from you but it was too late. You were already being changed."
"So...I'm a vampire too?" She saw him nod and thought that explained the odd things happening to her.
"And worse," Demetri said, smiling awkwardly "you're my mate. My wife, in human terms."
She slouched on the sofa, wanting to cry, but realized no tears were coming.
He tried to make her outlook seem better. "As long as you're here, you can have anything your heart desires. Look, let me show you around the castle. You can see it's just an ordinary place where our coven exists. It's our home and it will be your home too." He held out his hand to her, which she took tentatively, and followed Demetri out of his room.
He showed her the garden first, the places she could sit and enjoy being outdoors. "You must be careful not to be seen by humans in sunlight." He should her his hand, which was now sparkling as the sunlight illuminated his skin. He smiled when she reached out to touch him, that mere touch causing his body to shudder slightly.
Demetri then took her back indoors to show her the audience hall, the throne room, the secretaries' area, and the library. He explained the hierarchy. She had obviously not met the masters yet.
He spent the next few days getting her acclimated to life in the castle. He introduced her to his best friend Felix, and the other more important guards. He cautioned her about the lower-level guards, both new and less vital guards. Although she was a vampire, she was new herself, might not be seen as welcome yet.
One day, while Demetri was off on a short mission for the coven, Carolyn wandered the halls, learning to get her bearings. The castle was huge inside due to the lower-level floors unseen by humans outside. She ran into a group of guards she didn't recognize, who surrounded her. Their smiles looked more like leers, as they reached out to touch or push her.
"This must be the newborn Demetri created by accident." Gossip traveled within the castle quickly. "She's pretty, but doesn't seem to have much newborn strength. See how scared she looks."
"Demetri got himself a good one alright," one said while laughing at Carolyn.
Then out of nowhere, a flash appeared and began to tear the arms and heads from the four delinquents. No warning, just final death.
Carolyn backed against the wall, shaking her head and looking quite frightened. When Demetri was done destroying her assailants, he frowned, seeing fear in her expression. But then she ran toward him and hugged him, kissing his cheek.
"Thank you, Demetri, oh thank you. I didn't know what to do. If you hadn't shown up..." She hugged him tighter, making him feel happy. So simple an emotion, but it gave light to his immortal soul to know she wasn't afraid of him anymore.
His hand cupped her cheek, and he leaned in to kiss her lips gently. "You're my mate, Carolyn, and I'm yours. Your life will be more important to me than my own."
"We'll learn to love each other?" she asked, so innocent, since Demetri was the first man she'd felt anything for.
"We will," he replied literally grinning. "Come, my sweet, Heidi will be here soon with our next meal. If you need anything, I will be there with you."
Carolyn didn't know how long it would take for her to get used to being a vampire, but with this man, her new love at her side, she wouldn't be alone in her new existence. Taking his hand, she followed him to the throne room close beside him.
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volturilovers · 1 year
Rosanna and Claudia
Why I used Amber Heard as face claim for Rosanna and Claudia is how people thought she was and who she really was. Family dynamics isn't always twins vs parents or siblings vs parents. Siblings can be abusive to. In this case I used Amber as mera specifically so you can differentiate the two very clearly. I don't personally like Amber Heard as I am on johnny Depps side on the matter however I couldn't use a better face claim for an "not so likable" character as Claudia then I got the idea of making a twin for her with opposite personality and embody how a abusive sibling can act
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volturiprincess · 7 months
Alec Volturi x vampire mate reader
Summary: Alec has been distant from y/n, will his mate forgive him Warnings: Slight curse words, angst to fluff A/N: You know the satisfaction of finishing a one-shot is beautiful. Im also glad Alec is my second one, love this man of a vampire. Also whenever I write for the twins, they are aged up. Enjoy :)
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(This scene is perfect, that eye movement was everything, I could watch this GIF for hours if I could. But like sir who let you look that good?)
I was sitting in the library with Felix and Demetri just talking about our latest mission that the three of us had recently.
“You know the satisfaction I had when I sunk my teeth into that human, she was such a pain in the ass, and it made it better that her vampire mate was watching, but….. I got to say Felix the amount of times I have seen you rip heads off, it's always more satisfying than the last one”
Felix smirks “Thanks y/n, you know it never gets old either and you are right that human girl was annoying, glad she got what she deserve”
Demetri spoke up “I never understood how a human and a vampire can be mates, it's just how can that be you know, like I feel if they ever had intimacy or something that poor human would be dead in a minute”.
We burst out laughing at his comment, “Dem you never fail to make me laugh” 
He shrug his shoulders “What can I say it's a talent”
I roll my eyes at his comment and Felix says “Where’s your mate and Jane, I thought you were going to spend the day with him anyway or something”
I said casually with a hint of sadness“I was suppose to be with him today, but he canceled last minute, he said he had to do something important”
Both guys looked at me and Demetri was the first to talk
“More important than you? y/n that's been like the 10th time he has canceled on you this past month, how in the world are you not pissed at him, when was the last time you two spent quality time together?”
I thought about it for a minute trying to remember but then I realized it's been a very long time, maybe a half a decade already. We haven't even had sex in that time either. I looked at the boys
“Um…maybe a couple of years?”
Their eyes widened at that “A couple of years?” they responded in unison.
I nod hesitantly “I didn't even realize it's been that long, son of a bitch, has he been avoiding me or something?”
Felix shook his head in disapproval “You know that's not fair for you y/n, have you even brought that up to him”
I shook my head “I mean I just….You know your right Felix, this cant be going on like this, maybe I should I give him a piece of my own medicine”
Demetri eyes widen like a child who was given a treat“Oooo I like the sound of that”
I smile slightly but then I sense Alec entering the library which causes me to internally panic. I ignored him sitting next to me and instead I went to the bookshelves and looked for a book to read. In the corner of my eye I see that Alec looks at me with a bit of a confused look but then an idea pops up. My power is being able to move things with my mind but I could also telepathically talk to others. I use my power and send a message to Felix to improvise with the upcoming plan I'm about to do.
“Felix? Can you help me get that book that's up there?”
I look at the mountain of a vampire who is instantly by my side. “Of course cara, which one do you want?” 
I could see that Alec’s eyes have narrowed at the sudden interaction “That one called Philosophy of Athens”
Felix nods and reaches over me to grab the book and I just look up into his face when he is reaching up, he looks down to me with a devilish smirk and I just wink in return. I knew Alec will be fuming with anger but he deserves payback. Felix hands me the book and he slightly brushes his lips on my jawline which catches me off guard for a minute but I fake an innocent look at him while he just winks and walks back to his previous spot. I stand there for a minute and I see that Alec has disappeared. I look around the library and Demetri speaks up
“He left after Felix gave you the kiss, you should of seen his face, if looks could kill, Felix would of been six feet under”
I roll my eyes and ask “Should I go after him or…?”
Demetri shakes his head “Y/n you got a reaction out of him, you need to keep going so he is the one that comes up to you, he is the one that has been pushing you aside, now it's your turn”
I nod “Your right Dem, this is the start of a new era”. They both smiled mischievously.
1 week later..
It's been a week since the library incident and Alec still has not come up to me, I know the game I am playing is dangerous. I mean come on he's one of the infamous twins who are the most intimidating and ruthless and yet here I am ignoring and pushing him away. It has been so hard to be this way with him, I love him so much that just being like this is torture, I think I would rather have Jane use her power on me then have to be like this with Alec and that is saying something.
On Alec’s part he still is acting the same, he has not even dared to look me in the eye or even been in the same room as me for long. I also noticed that recently I have been aching for Alec more than usual, I literally want him to be with me again, at this point I would take anything from him even if he just looks at me. 
I miss his piercing burgundy eyes that always leave me in a trance or how his jawline tightens when I would brush against him slightly. Even to how he stands so elegantly when we are at our guard meetings with the Kings. Or how his smirk can literally make me feel weak in the knees but I would never give him the satisfaction in telling him the effect his smirk gives me because I know he would tease me for years to come. I miss how we cuddle either in our shared chamber or under the willow tree I am currently laying down, it was our spot that we would spend hours at.
I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice someone was calling my name until someone slightly kicked my foot and I finally sat up and snapped my gaze to the person. It was Jane and she had that emotionless look as usual, she was the one to speak first 
“Why are you here alone, I thought you were going to train the newborns with Felix and Demetri?”
I was going to do that today but the guys knew I was not feeling it and noticed I am not in a right mindset so they gave me the day off
“They gave me the day off”
She nods slightly “Still does not answer my question”
I look down defeated “He doesn't want me anymore, he won't even look at me anymore or even leave those little love notes in my favorite books”
There was a silence and I thought she left but she talked again “You think my brother does not want you anymore?”
I nodded and if I could cry I would at that moment “He doesn't even come into our private chambers as often”
There was that tense silence again “Have you spoken to him about this?”
I shook my head “How can I when I don't even know where he is half of the time and he wont even come to me anymore, he keeps canceling our date nights also”
At that point I wanted to shake Jane to get her to tell me anything about Alec, I was that desperate but I used my telekinesis to hold me down so I didn't actually jump her.
She spoke up again “I don't know what is up with my brother, he won't say but I can tell there is something wrong, I would assume you would have an idea because when we part ways i thought he would always go to you”
When she said that my gaze snapped up to her again in shock “So not even you know what is up with him then?”
She shook her head and I said “Jane, if I asked you to do something for me would you do it?”
“Of course, you are my sister-in-law after all, your the second person I genuinely like, first being my brother”
I nod “Can you use your power on me?”
I saw her eyes widen at that and she instantly shook her head “No I will never do that to you, why would you ask such a request from me?”
I let an unnecessary sigh out “I don't feel anything Jane, Alec has been distant for a couple of years already, I can feel that sudden small rip in our bond, it hurts Jane, it really does, and at this point I don't think I can even go on in life without him, even when I spend time with Felix and Demetri, I just fake it so they don't question me to much”
She got down on her knees and what she did next would shock others but not to me, she hugged me tightly. I just let her hug me while I just sat there dully, she soon pulled away and said “Y/n I can't bare to see you like this, I haven't even realized that you and Alec have been like this for so long, I don't want to see the two most important people in my life like this anymore”
I don't respond but nod along mindlessly
“Wait here, I will be back”
She left before I can look at her, I decided to lay down again and closed my eyes as I felt my eyes burn with venom, the thing that sucked of being a vampire is not being able to let real tears out, I just feel this burning sensation in my eyes but I haven't felt like this in centuries already. Alec has always made me feel loved and happy, the way that man with only just a touch has me melting for him or when he did those rare smiles I love so much. If I had a heart it would be beating out of my chest every time we are together.
When me and Alec were told we were mates by Marcus, we absolutely loathe each other, we could barely be in the same room without one of us getting annoyed by the other. It took us a good year until we started to tolerate each other. Soon after that year I started to feel the bond with him, I couldn't stand to be away from him for long and I knew he felt the same way because the minute we were apart he or I would go search for the other.
One day he decided to take me on a walk in the gardens, and as cliche as this might sound he kissed me under the moonlight. The moonlight was literally on us when we were kissing, at that moment me and him accepted each other completely as mates. We were inseparable, we started to share a room together and the Kings were more accepting of me and Alec going on missions together without the fear we might rip each other's throats out. 
It felt like we were in wonderland or in cloud 9, when he moved I moved, or when I moved he followed along. We also had a very long honeymoon phase where we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves, every time when we were hanging with the other guards, me and Alec would sneak away and have our intimacy or when we were in the hallways he would give me kisses out of nowhere against the wall, we been caught various times but that didn't stop us from doing it again.
We have been mated for centuries, and not a day goes by that I don't fall in love with him all over again or feel tired of him. He really is my other half but with the lack of Alec in my life it has taken a toll on me, it almost feels like HE is sick and tired of me.
Just that thought could break my non-existent heart, I would end up like Marcus in a way. If Alec were to leave me it's way worse than him being dead. I would still have to see him and be in his presence but not be able to actually be with him.
My mind must have wondered again because I didn't realize a certain someone was sitting next to me. I opened my eyes when I realized it was Alec from the pull of the bond. From that I sat up and he looked right at me, watching me carefully and intensely. He still has that stone face that makes him look so gorgeous, he really is the reincarnation of some Greek god. We stayed quiet watching each other for a while when he finally spoke, hearing his voice again would have made me shiver if I could.
“So you and Felix, huh?”
Even though it feels amazing to hear him talking to me, that question threw me off and made me change moods in an instant.
“Seriously? After months and months of not having full conversations or paying attention to me, you have the audacity of asking a question like that?”
He stayed quiet and I could tell his mind was blank because I couldn't hear his thoughts.
“Why would I ever get with Felix when I have a mate that I love deeply? words cannot describe the love I have for you”
That for sure caught him off guard because he blinked a bit from shock and he spoke up
“Just wanted to hear you say that and get a reaction out of you” and then he winks.
That bastard winked and it was so smooth that I didn't even give what he said a second thought, he left me flabbergasted.
“You really are bipolar, you never fail to surprise me after centuries of being together”
He smiles slightly at my comment 
“And you don’t fail to amuse me with your words”
“Don't think with your wink and smile will make me forgive you that easily”
“Forgive me? For what?”
The way he genuinely looked surprises at my accusation really did set my mood off
“Are you really asking me that? Have you not heard what I said earlier or noticed the lack of us?”
I saw his facial expression shift to tense “So I was ignoring you then?”
 “Obviously, do you remember the last time we went on a date?”
He stayed silent and I knew he was trying to remember and at that moment I can also tell everything that what has been happening these past few years was hitting him.
“Too long ago…”
I nodded “And even then when we made plans you would cancel or say you forgot or are to busy”
He looked down in what I could assume was shame.
“Even if we didn't go on dates, you have been avoiding me like the plague, you don't even look at me as much or even hug me, you can't even bare to be in the same room as me for long, it's as if we are back to when we hated each other before accepting each other as mates all over again but worse”
His mind was still blank 
“I have been miserable without you, I even asked Jane earlier to use her power on me because I don't even feel anything anymore”
He looked at me with shock “You really asked her to do that? But…”
“I did, but she refused of course”
He nodded “Cara mia, I been so stupid, I never meant to hurt you in anyway”
I looked at him “If you really never meant to hurt me what made you act like this toward me for so long?”
He took an unnecessary breath “I don't know, I felt like these past years I was feeling…..off, I felt like being away from everyone but I didn't even realize its been going on for a while until Jane came up to me and smack me and ordered me to come to you”
 “You could of just came up to me and talked or let me into your mind if you can't form words, I have always been there for you Alec”
He looked at me with remorse and in a soft voice he confessed
“I didn't want to be a burden to you or bring you down with me”
I reached reach for his hand
"Alec you will never be a burden to me, we go together in our darkest or lightest days as we always did in the past, there's no I in us”
He squeezed my hand “I never wanted to make you feel unwanted, I just wanted to figure this out alone but I realize I can't without you”
I nodded, “How could you let so much time go by like that without trying to get help from me or saying anything?”
He shrug his shoulders “We been immortals for so long that time kind of blurs for us in a way but that still does not make up for what I done to you, you are my whole reason for being here, my center and life, mi amore ti amo, I will never to this to you again, and if I do then I give you permission to slap me or something because then I would of broken my promise to you”
“Oh Alec come here” I reached for him and he instantly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his laps to deepen the hug.
Just being in his arms again was the best feeling. I fell in love with him all over again at that moment, he is my reason for being and I would not want it any other way. 
A/N: This one was longer than the Felix one (it does not mean I love Felix less 😬) but Its cute. Anyways, Im debating to either do Jasper or Caius next. I have a Jasper one in the drafts but its not that good, I will see who's next.
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the-dawn-star · 9 months
Hii!! Can you do Jane x reader where she’s Jane’s mate but still human. One day some important information gets leaked out and everyone in the volturi thinks the reader leaked the info. (Aro can’t read her mind) So they question her for a long time and when she still says that she didn’t do it they make Jane torture her with her power. As Jane is torturing her someone walks in and says that she didn’t do it. By the time Jane stops the reader is passed out. Everyone and mostly Jane regrets what they’ve done. The reader doesn’t wake up for a few days and Jane is in absolute sorrow. And when she finally wakes up she doesn’t even look Jane in the eyes bc of the betrayal she feels. Just a lot of angst yk:))) Buuut they make up in the end. Thank youuu🫶🏻
A/N: Hi and first of all love this idea. I kind of made this longer than intended and I left it guite open ended but I hope you like it and you don't mind I changed it a bit. Once again Jane is the movie version of the character!!!
+800ish words.
CW: I mean Jane tortures Reader. Heavy angst.
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Your relationship had been a struggle for a long time. You were still a human and now you were moved to Volterra to live with the vampire royalty. It was all so much, but so was your blossoming love for Jane. Your dear Jane. Jane whose main priority in life was protecting the kings and working. It was all that she had ever known, and you couldn’t even blame her for that. But Jane had started to open up to you as time went on. She talked to you about the most mundane things in her life but in truth you could have listened to her for hours.  
Aro hadn’t loved the idea of Jane finding her mate. He was so protective of the girl that he had found hundreds of years ago. And you didn’t make this protectiveness any easier. Quickly Aro had found out that his powers didn’t work on you. Reason for this wasn’t clear but after a bit of convincing Aro accepted you to move to Volterra to get to know Jane better.  
“My love...” Jane had the voice of an angel and that was the only thing that could wake you up from your sleep without making you pissed off.  
You let out a non-committal groan and opened your eyes.  
“I’m sorry but I need to go to work. There has been a problem...” Jane being evasive made you sit up in worry.  
“What’s wrong?”  
“I can’t talk about it yet, just stay here until I get back, okay?”  
You didn’t have time to answer until your mate had left the room leaving you alone on the cold bed.  
With a bit of hesitation, you laid back down and slowly fell back asleep.  
You woke up with your room door being slammed open. Two guards that you didn’t know walked in and didn’t give you any time before ripping you from the bed and dragged you out of the room.  
You begged for some sort of explanation. Anything that made you understand why you were being dragged to the lower levels of the castle... The levels where you weren’t allowed to go. The levels where Jane had to work sometimes, leaving her exhausted as a vampire can be.  
You were thrown into a small simple room, with a tiny table, chair and a bed, if you could call a mattress with a pillow a bed.  
It was a while before you saw anyone but when you finally saw a person you didn’t assume it would be Jane. Your dear Jane.  
“Jane! My love! What’s going on?!” You asked, hurrying to the door trying to reach your love.  
“Don’t..., I know what you did.”  
The love that you had come so used to was gone from her eyes. Her eyes were pooling with venom and her eyes were dark and sad.  
“What are you talking about?” You asked while feeling the anxiety rising up to the surface.  
“Don’t play dumb! You were the only one I told about the plans! Aro was read everyone's minds already! It has to be you so just admit it please!” 
Jane’s yells bounced off the walls and for the first time looking at her you didn’t see your love. You saw a terrified and angry young woman, who could case you more pain than you could ever imagine. Was this what most people saw when looking at your mate? Danger? Pain?  
“Are you talking about the Romanians? Is this all about that!”  
Jane had told you about Aro’s plan to kill the rest of the Romanian coven, but all the details she had told you were now erased from your mind by time.  
“Yes, it is, so just confess!” Your normally calm Jane, she was panicking.  
You didn’t have anything left to say. You were confused, scared, angry..., alone. Your only ally in the castle, your dear Jane, had left you.  
“Okay..., if that’s what you want...,” Jane’s words were ominous, and your stress level rose to the roof.  
Then the pain started. The pain that Jane had promised you would never feel. The blinding, fiery pain. You couldn’t feel your body anymore, it was just pain. Until it all went away... 
You finally opened your eyes. You woke up back in your bed and for a second it all seemed like a bad dream. You took a deep breath letting yourself sink into the mattress. But your peace was interrupted when you took a look around the room. 
Jane was curled into a corner of the room, eyes glued to you. Her sad eyes. Her black eyes pooled with venom.  
You couldn’t look at her, not right now at least, so you got up from the terribly comfortable bed and walked straight to the bathroom locking it behind you.  
You looked like death. Tired and angry, but you couldn’t do anything about that just yet.  
“I’m really sorry..., you have to believe me, my love. We really thought that it was you...” Jane’s words behind the door didn’t make you feel any better. And to make sure you didn’t lash out you stayed quiet. You had all the right to be quiet after screaming your throat raw.
Feel like you want to support me via Kofi? No preasure tho!
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kimi240302 · 1 month
Come back to me
Part 3
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A/N: Before you read this, I want you to know that my native language is different. So I am very sorry for any mistake. Nevertheless, I hope you will like my story and enjoy it.
Summary: The love story between Alec Volturi and Y/N Swan, was an unexpected one. Both didn't know what to make of each other when they found out they were soul mates. But they worked on it and created a beautiful strong love that not even Bella's hatred for the Volturi could destroy. But as in any good love story, tragedy was impossible to avoid in theirs. It came as unexpectedly as their love itself, and made the Cullens and Bella seem to win, while Alec and the Volturi were losing their light in the darkness.
Alec Volturi x Swan!Female!reader
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist / Come back to me Masterlist
"I will meet you at the graveyard Where you lay down, where you stay now Faced up, cold heart, no longer by my side now Wish we were together, now I don´t know when I will see you" - Cleffy
Y/N smiled towards the sun and ran her hand through the high grass as she followed the man in front of her.
"It's still funny to see you in the sunlight." She laughed. "No one can see us behind the castle, the perfect place… what do you always say? To twinkle in peace and undisturbed ." Y/N nodded with a smile, pausing for a moment, thinking. She started to smile, then ran and jumped onto the man's back.
Gasping slightly in surprise, he placed his hands on Y/N's legs so he could carry her better and laughed softly. "You know you can't make me fall, right?" Y/N wrapped her arms around the black-haired man's neck, "It's still worth a try. I didn't realize there was so much space behind the castle and I've almost been here a year." The black haired one shrugged his shoulders, "You weren't supposed to know either since we were going to build you something nice on a piece of this land and don't get off topic. You're just too lazy to walk. That's why you jumped on my back." Y/N looked at the back of the black-haired man's head and stuck his tongue out at him. "Sticking your tongue out is for 5 year olds." He laughed. Y/N rolled her eyes and mumbled something that sounded like 'grandpa'. Before the black-haired one could say anything to that, Y/N interrupted him, "You said something about building and beautiful and for me."
The man did not answer, just shook his head in amusement, removed his right hand from Y/N's leg and pointed at something in front of him. Y/N looked up and couldn't believe it. She lightly tapped the man's shoulder, who understood her sign and let her off his back. "You're lying this isn't for me, is it?" Y/N looked at the large glass building in front of her, shaking her head in bewilderment. In the meadow stood a huge glass greenhouse, the kind she had drawn over and over again in her notebook.
"Go on," her companion whispered to Y/N. Smiling, she looked at him, paused briefly and blinked. Y/N looked closely at the man in front of her, but she could only blurrily make out his features, his eyes, his nose and his lips. Confused, she shook her head, but turned around again and walked towards the entrance. She paused in front of the doors, slowly, her hands trembling with excitement, she grabbed the door handle.
"What's wrong?" said the man behind her, "I'm scared." "Of what?" "Of the future." Cold hands wrapped around her waist. She was pulled against the black-haired man's body. "As long as I and the others are with you, nothing will happen to you. I will protect you for the rest of our lives. I love you Y/N." The young girl leaned against the body behind her, feeling protected, safe and loved. "I love you too."
The man released his arms from around her, kissing her cheek. Smiling, Y/N pushed the door handle down and took a step into the greenhouse. But as she took that step inside, darkness fell around her and the ground beneath her gave away. She fell as she was swallowed up by the darkness. Y/N screamed, but her screams simply echoed back to her. Just as the young girl thought she would fall forever, her fall was caught by the surface of a lake. Y/N floated on the same spot for a few seconds and looked around in panic. She didn't know where she was, just as she was about to scream for help again, she felt a tug on her ankles. Panicked, she tried to swim away from the spot, but the tug turned into a pull. Y/N's body was pulled into the depths of the lake, while the girl tried helplessly and with all her strength to swim back to the surface. Her lungs filled with water, her arms became limp and the cold of the water began to suffocate her.
Y/N woke up gasping for air and screaming. She immediately looked around in panic, relief spreading through her as she recognized the outline of her room. Y/N realized that it was just another one of her all night nightmares, which made the feeling of relief disappear immediately. Her hair was wet with sweat, her clothes were sticking to her body, tears began to stream down her face again and her breathing wasn't slowing down, it was speeding up. Y/N felt lost and exhausted. She wanted everything around her to disappear so that she could finally be at peace.
"Y/N!" Carlisle had entered her room and looked sadly at the girl. Wrapping her arms around her body, Y/N looked up and towards Carlisle. The tears slowly took over as she tried to form a sentence. The blonde-haired vampire didn't know what to do. Ever since Y/N had left the hospital and moved to Alaska with them, there were hardly any nights when she slept through the night. Every night the young Swan would wake up screaming, let herself calm down, only to spend the rest of the day hiding in her room staring or drawing. Carlisle's thoughts were interrupted when Y/N whispered barely audible to herself, "What's wrong with me Carlisle." She repeated this sentence over and over again, beginning to sway back and forth. The vampire took several steps towards her bed, sat down next to her and took the young girl in his arms. Y/N immediately clawed at him and hid her head against his chest. "I wish I could tell you." He whispered to her, tightening his embrace slightly.
"Do you hear that Bella?" All the Cullens were sitting downstairs in the living room, listening to what was going on in Y/N's room, as they always did. Rosalie had jumped up and was pacing back and forth. She could no longer bear the pain of the girl she loved like a sister. "It will get better eventually…" Bella tried to keep talking, but Rosalie wouldn't let her. The blonde turned to Bella, "Better? This has been going on for a year! It's not getting any better." "She needs time." Bella looked out the window, watching her daughter with Jacob and smiled. Rosalie followed her gaze and let out an annoyed snort. "What?"
Rosalie only shook her head. "When Edward left you, you suffered for five months. Nightmares, no hunger, no sense of life anymore. Now you have your happy ending. Edward by your side as a husband, a child that is not only protected by vampires, but also by a wolf. You live your life, while with a good feeling of conscience you let Y/N experience the hell you had to suffer for only 5 months. Y/N will not get better as long as you keep her away from Alec. It's going to get worse and the reason for that pain is you…." "Rosalie enough!" Esme intervened and tried to calm her daughter down. But she could no longer bear to remain silent, so she just kept talking. "Do you want to lock Y/N up forever and hide her from the world? I don't know if you've noticed Bella, she'll get older, we won't. Y/N will have questions. What do you want to tell her?"
Bella jumped up, "Y/N will have no involvement in this world anymore!" Emmett, who had let his mate speak, laughed, "That's not a decision you can make for her." "I've already made that decision." "That's right and look what you've done Bella." Rosalie literally spat out her name. "Y/N is unrecognizable. All life has drained out of her, any joy she felt has died with your decision, as has the future the universe had made for her."
Bella laughed mockingly. "You want me to take her to him? To that monster?" "He wasn't a monster, not with her." Startled, Bella looked at Jasper. "You too?" He nodded. "We all do Bella, we all think you didn't have the right to decide for your sister." "But…" Bella was interrupted. "Did you know that all the drawings your sister has done in the past year are of Alec? She only draws his outline, his hair and the contours of his face, never anything else. Because she can't remember his features, his lips, his nose or his eyes. That is exactly what hurts her the most. She sees him every night, every night he makes her feel whole again and then she wakes up and can't remember his face and the feeling of being whole again is gone."
Edward looked at his wife, he was always on her side but not this time. Bella sat down in defeat. "I can't leave her to him. He's a monster to me." "I was that to those around me too, until the day Alice came. Alec had changed for Y/N, as had all the Volturi. Just like I changed for Alice." Jasper looked at his lover and she placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him. "Besides, it's not about what you want Bella. It's about your sister and what's best for her." Emmett looked at her urgently. "How do you think I should do it, take her to Rome and drop her off with the Volturi?" "No, you've interfered enough, we all have. Let her go her way and don't stop her anymore." Esme walked up to Bella and placed a hand on her cheek, "Y/N and Alec belong together, the universe has foreseen it. Even if you don't want it to be true, you can't stand in the way of it. You see what this has brought you. One soul is suffering in Alaska and the other is suffering in Rome."
"If he's suffering so much, why hasn't he ever been here to get her? Why did he just give up on Y/N like that?" Bella looked at Esme questioningly. "Because you confirmed his greatest fear. The reason being that something happened to Y/N that would cost her her life and even if it didn't this time, it could still happen from his point of view."
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Alec stood in the greenhouse, as he often did when he had no tasks. He could still remember the day he brought Y/N here for the first time. The first time she walked across the stone-paved path, smelling every flower that had been planted around her. He remembered how Y/N had reached the end of the path and looked with fascination at the fountain with the four pools. Alec remembered how she had jumped into his arms when he had shown her the little corner where she could sit down and paint, draw, read or write. He remembered the evenings he'd spent here with her, how often he'd come here after his duties as High Guard only to find her lost in a book or covered in paint because she'd spent hours drawing on a painting.
Alec had to smile, those were the good memories he associated with this place, but they were no longer the only ones. In addition, there were the bad memories, the ones he had never thought possible in this place, and with these memories Alec's smile disappeared again.
The vampire remembered destroying the fountain with his own bare hands, the same way he had ripped out every single flower when he realized that Y/N's laughter would never echo off the glass walls again. He realized that he would never walk in here again and find his mate covered in paint or so engrossed in a book that not even the end of the world could tear her away. He would never again be able to watch her sleep under the stars, would never again be able to feel her warmth.
All he had left was the greenhouse, which had been repaired after his rampage. But instead of the colorful flowers, it had turned into dark colors. Instead of the fountain, there was now a large pond with a statue built by Master Caius on a pedestal in the center. The statue bore the face of the love of his life, wearing a beautiful dress, while her hair perfectly framed her smiling face. On the pedestal on which she stood, the words "In memory of the sunshine that changed our lives forever and reached every cold heart" were engraved. Leaves with candles floated in the water in the pond, as they had done since the day the statue had been placed there. The greenhouse was no longer a place of joy, it had become a memorial to Y/N. Alec loathed it and yet he came here every spare second to stand in front of her statue and mourn.
"Why do you do this to yourself every day?" Alec flinched, but recognized the voice and relaxed again. He turned his head to Marcus, looking at his master, who was watching him with sad eyes. "Because by now it doesn't matter where I am in the castle, I see her everywhere." Alec paused, looking back at the statue. "I'm standing in the throne room, waiting for her to come in with her face and fingers stained with paint to pull Master Caius from his throne to look at her new painting or because she needs some urgent advice from him. I stand in the library looking for her bored face as Master Aro tells her the same story for the hundredth time. I stand in the ballroom expecting you to give her piano or dance lessons. I look through my bedroom window and wait for Demetri, Felix, Santiago and Y/N to fight and shoot each other with Nerf guns all over again. I walk past the secretary and wait for Afton, Chelsea and Y/N to scare her. I go into the kitchen and expect her to stand there with my sister cooking something for herself while she and Jane make fun of something." Alec's voice failed him. He turned to Marcus, looking at him helplessly. "She's not here and yet she's everywhere. Some days it feels like the walls of the castle are closing in on me, trying to crush me as they whisper her name."
Marcus took a step towards him and placed a hand on the younger man's shoulder. "It almost sounds like you're being haunted by someone who isn't dead, but still alive." Defeated, Alec hung his head. "I'm tired, Master. Ever since I left Y/N at the hospital, I've been wondering if I did the right thing. I just wanted to give her a second chance, as a normal person, to protect her. But the more days go by, the more I long for her." Alec stopped talking, which made Marcus look at him questioningly, realizing that Alec's next words were difficult for him. "Y/N and my almost forever. Will haunt me for the rest of my immortal life and I don't know if I can take it."
"Then why don't you do something about it?" "I'm afraid." "Of what?" "That she won't feel the same way I do about her, that if I take her back. Back to the world of vampires, especially the world of the Volturi, that this incident will repeat itself and she'll die this time." Marcus tightened his grip on the black-haired man's shoulder, looking deep into his eyes. "You loved her, she loved you and you'll never be the same again, we all know that Alec. If you feel that way and you can't get rid of these fears to bring Y/N back to us, then you have to let her go. Otherwise it will kill you. I had to learn that lesson the hard way." With that, Marcus let go of him, turned and left the greenhouse, while Alec sank to his knees and placed a hand on his chest just above his heart. Even though it wasn't beating, he felt it breaking in his chest again.
@kisekihany @sparklybuildingsdesign88 @alecvolturiswifeforever @rosedpetal @bofadeezs @xcharlottemikaelsonx @urgirlmoon @julesofvolterra @itsmytimetoodream @smiling2204 @demogorgon-master1 @megaprincesscakes @moonmark98 @silencionyx @valsobsessions @aylinbsx @nessjo @just-a-blue-nerd @lunajay33
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klarolineashur1919 · 9 months
La Tua Cantante Series
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Airpods Save Lives
Demetri Pov
"The meat smells divine today" Felix practically hums out. Whenever the tours came it gave us some kind of excitement. Not that any of us would admit it, we were all so bored. I in a way admired Felix's ability to make excitement from anything even though it could be immature at times. Alec and Jane kept themselves preoccupied in ways that I could tolerate but took years to stomach. I on the otherhand kept myself satisfied with the best thing the world has to offer..women. But even that lately has not had the same effect it usually has for me.
"Hmm" I merely acknowledged until I stopped in my tracks when I smelled the group that was coming. It did smell divine but not how the tours usually smell.
This was different.
It was also extremely overpowering. I wanted to search for and ravish whoever the smell belonged to. Fresh oranges, sweet wine, lavender and ink.
"You can tell someone from this group is rather tasty can't you" Could Felix smell it? Did he feel as I did at this moment? The craving of something unknown. But we were about to find out as the group entered the hall. Me and Felix moved to the side by the assistants desk. The group strolled in with Heidi at the front as usual.
"Demetri" She said sultry trying to get my attention as I didn't even spare her glance worth while. I scanned the group it felt like it went on forever of unwanted faces until my eyes found her.
It was her scent. She wore a orange scented perfume, she just had a glass of wine for lunch, her floral flowy dress was lavender scented from cleaning and she had small smudges of ink on her almost spotless delicate hands.
It all made her so intoxicating.
She was stunning. With her long, slightly wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and a curvy hourglass figure that was complemented by her slender frame.
"Now she's a tasty little thing" Felix said a little too loud that she had to have heard it but her expression did not change from the somewhat bored one she had. I realized she wasn't in awe nor had the enthusiastic interest that everyone else in the tour group had by Heidi's power of persuasion. Then I watched as her eyes darted to something in the side hallway making her leave the group.
"Well thats rare" Felix somewhat interested in the human making a move in her direction before my arm shot up.
"I got it, I'll meet you in the throne room" Without looking at him I make my way towards her.
I watch her as she is analyzing or I should say scrutinizing the Portrait of a Young Man painting. It wasn't my favorite painting of Raphael's but I didn't think it deserved the amount of scrutiny she was giving it. Her nose scrunched, the lines on her forehead and her eyes almost closed by how hard she was trying to see the even smallest details of the painting.
"Give peace a chance..Let the fear you have fall away" I jumped slightly at the sudden angelic melodic voice that came from her as she stepped back trying to look at it from a different angle. Her hands rested at her bag that laid on her hip preparing to open it. I faked a cough to make my presence known but she did not turn to me as she took her phone out from her purse. I moved towards her quickly taking her phone from her before she was able to take a picture.
"Umm excuse me" She said in a sweet surprised voice as she turned to me. If I had a breath it would have stopped as I looked into her eyes.
They were so blue they reminded me of the Aegean Sea.
They reminded me of a home I once knew and I thought long forgotten.
"What's wrong with your eyes?" She said gently grabbing her phone from my hand. My eyes looked like hers once I think. Now they're not as pretty.
"It's a medical condition...you shouldn't have left the group" She placed her hair behind her ear showing a white plug in it. She took it out.
"Is this real?" She pointed to the painting. She hasn't broken eye contact from me nor my eyes from her. This was quite an anomaly for me.
"Yes what makes you question the authenticity?"I say amused by this creature. I usually take human girls in the privacy of dark corners and be done with it. But her...I wanted to make this last.
"Well for one it's been lost for almost a hundred years, this is a Raphael painting correct?" She says trying to be polite but about to burst from this discovery she found.
"Correct, artist are you?" I said conversational but she precedes to put the plug back in her ear. She turns from me much to my displeasure as I watched her hips start to sway away from me.
"Architect major with an art history minor" She said walking in the opposite direction of where she should be going but stopping in her tracks almost immediately at the next painting. She does the same act as the last much to my amusement. She starts huffing in and out analyzing every detail of the Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence. I make my way over to her. My shoulder an inch from hers as I stood facing the painting as she did. She gives me a side eye understanding I wasn't going to leave her. She goes to her ear pressing on the plugs.
"Is this a replica?" She says now finally suspicious of her surroundings if she wasnt before.
"They're all real...love" I stare down at her as she comes closer to me. Every fiber of my being was restraining myself from ending this. I wanted to relish this, savoring it like one does a fine wine.
"Are you in the mafia?" She whispers and I laugh heartily at the question.
"Now what would give you that idea?" I say coyly as I lean closer to her, my eyes landing on her slender neck. Her pretty little neck.
"Because this painting was supposedly stolen by the mafia" She said matter a factly moving from me realizing how close I was to her. I clenched my jaw at the distance between us. I wanted us closer. I had the feeling even if I skin to skin with her wouldn't be close enough for me. But she seemed absolutely uninterested in me, enamored with what was around her.
"Violet, blue, green, red to keep me at arm's length don't work..You try to push me out..But I just find my way back in...Violet, blue, green, red to keep me out...I win" She gives a mumbled hum of the words not fully singing them out knowing that I'm there close behind. She accepts that fact along with that all the paintings she sees are real. She doesn't analyze them viciously like she did before. Now just taking them in like they should be. But I am analyzing every detail of her. The flutter of her eyelashes, the curve of her hip and the way her hair bounces as she walks. She turns her head to me behind her, giving me an excellence view of her perfectly structured jawline.
"Are you art thieves?" She says innocently genuinely curious. I chuckle at her guess. I look at her ear looking at the plug realizing sound was coming from them.
"What are those things?" She looked at me confused. I lift my hand slowly towards her tapping the back of my finger lightly against one of the plugs.
"Oh..they're airpods" She looked at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world and I had absolutely no idea "they're like earplugs or headphones." I mouthed a little "oh" as she let out a little giggle at my ignorance.
"I'll have to warn Heidi about those" I say more to myself as me and her walked side by side down the hall, further and further away from the throne room. We're getting close to a intersection, one hall leads to a cellar and the other leads to an exit. Decisions...Decisions.
"Was Heidi the lady in charge of the tour?" I simply nod while I think of the fact this girls life is in my hands. Do I truly want to snuff out the sun? I'm quite thoughtful about the decision as I firmly placed my hands behind my back.
"She's kinda an airhead isn't she?" I whip my head towards her uncontrollably crackling at her statement.
"Heidi?" I say absolutely bewildered by the statement. I don't think Heidi has ever been described as an airhead?
"Well I know that is kinda mean. I really am not into girl shaming but..she has all this to show"She twirled around then kept walking "and she said a lot of words with really nothing of substance behind them. I did listen a little to her in and out...I don't know I preferred music over her" My hands tighten behind my back as I stare at her. Her hair when she spun I got a delightful whiff of her shampoo.Citrus. Fresh oranges. Her blood would taste so sweet.
"Like this castle has to be from the 12th century-" She looked at me curiously as I stared at her clavicle. That would be a wonderful place to take a first bite.
"11th" I muttered out. We made it to the intersection, cellar for a drink or exit for her life.
"Oh" She tilted her head up to the ceiling an spun slowly on her heel around "I can picture that..there is some roman designs" She smiled to herself. Her eyes sparkled. It's funny I lived in this castle going on a thousand years and always found it a dull place mostly except when we used to have parties. But in one day she saw the beauty in it.
"Are you a lover of Artemisia Gentileschi?" I asked as she was about to turn down the hallway to the cellar, stopped to look at me.
"Yes...why?" She smirked cutely. I smile at her for giving me that answer. I take her hand in mine and lead her through the hallway with the exit.
"Hey how do I know you're not taking me in some dark room to have your way with me" She said half jokingly. I just smirk to myself. She would be so delicious but for some reason it seems like it would be a waste. It wouldn't even be a minute before her life would be gone and she would be gone. Her beauty, her smile, her voice..everything about her I could just take in an instant if I chose to.
"Your hand is so cold" She did a little tug on it. I turn to her and say nothing. I stare in her eyes for a moment and she looks at me amused.
"So if I'm ever found alive and they ask me the name of the assailant, what should I tell them?" I winced as she dropped her hand from mine before the question. I wanted her to touch me.
"Demetri"I slowly drawl out "And when I see your face on the news what name will I see?"
"Nina" It almost came out as a whisper but I heard it. As I also could hear the screams start but she didn't seem to hear them.
"Here we are" I stop in front of our designated painting and she started to laugh at it. The Madonna and the child was one of our many Artemisia Gentileschi paintings but Jane had all of her famous ones on the other side of the castle that was where I didnt want her to be.
"Really out of her paintings this is the one you have?" She giggles as I just look down at my shoes like a boy. She does stop giggling to appreciate the painting eventually.
"She looks so tired" She says more to herself than to me. Then I really look at the painting myself to see what she means. I see it too in the mother's eyes. I never noticed that before probably never cared. I watch her as she looks over the painting really taking in ever detail of it.
"You should paint me it would last longer" I look down again with a smirk.
"Can I?" I say more flirting than serious. She turns to me blushing and my smirk deepens.
"What am I going to be your Rose to you Jack?" She leans closer to me making start to tense even though I was taken back by the reference. I need to brush up on current entertainment.
"Ahh-" I freeze as I can sense someone coming.
I look behind me seeing the reason why we're here..the exit.
I take her hand and hurry her to the door. We go down stairs and stairs. I have to be mindful of my speed seeing I had to keep a human one. Something came over me that I had to get her out that was my only thought at this moment.
"Where are we going?" But her question is answered when I open a door to the outside practically throwing her out. Then the sun light making me step back into the darkness.
"Wait" She places her hand on the door before I close it and I didn't want to hurt her.
"Will I see you again?" She almost whines out.
"Yes but don't come back here..meet me at the front of the clock tower at night fall...goodbye" I said it quickly as I slowly closing the door.
"Goodbye" I heard quietly right before the door closed. I regretted how it ended but there was reasoning behind the abrupt departing.
"Well this is quite unusual behavior...for you" Felix leaned against the wall at the top of the stairs.
"The girl didn't hear or see anything, no laws were broken" I say stiffly making my way past him.
"That may be but the why is what I'm curious about" he hanged his head over my shoulder mischievously. He wasn't going to let this go.
"It just felt like a waste" I shrug looking almost dazed not wanting to think what I had just done and the why.
"A waste...yes a waste of food. Bloody Demetri if you didn't want her you could've given her to me. But Im surprised why didnt you want her?"He was going to nag and nag until he got an answer to his liking.
"I wanted her...but it just felt as it would have been to quick" This was making me nervous. I haven't felt nervous since the incident with the Cullens. But this was a different kind of nervous, I was worried for her.
"Fine then I'll meet her later at the clock tower-" If on instinct I slammed Felix against the wall my hand around his throat.
"She's mine...I'll take care of it" I shove him back stalking away.
She was mine.
I hated to admit it but I knew it to be true.
She is my cantante.
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
How they feel when they find out you're their Mate Headcanon
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She never, ever wanted a mate (and honestly, never thought she'd find hers at all, further adding onto the dislike of finding hers), all she needed was her brother (plus Demetri and Felix [which she won't admit out loud, ever]) and then you came along and changed her life, for better or worse. She still hasn't decided but y'all are working on it a little bit every day and that's all her brother could ask her (on your behalf)
Not once did he think he'd ever find his mate (or admit it to his sister that he actually wanted one [he'd never hear the end of it, something about betrayal and abandonment] he doesn't want to hear it period) and then he found you while he was out on a mission and things definitely changed for him plus the rest of the guard and got his sister to like you
He was not expecting to meet someone like you, not at all. I mean, the quiet little thing that you were, dude lost it when he put two and two together. Man, was he floored, and everyone knew it before he actually had the guts to admit it (especially when Marcus flat out mentioned your connection growing stronger during a meeting or when he did tell the big guy that you two are mates)
He was even less ready than the others. He was the last person to expect to meet his mate, especially someone who could match him, in more ways than one. For example, the first time you two met, he naturally tried to charm you only for him to be the one who was enamored, something that did not shock the other (it also didn't help when Felix teased him about it, damn them living for eternity)
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wendigo-volturi · 4 months
guards when their s/o is having a bad day
1. Jane would make sure to brew a calming tea for her s/o and wrap them in a warm blanket, softly stroking their hair as they talk about what's bothering them.
2. Felix would cook a comforting meal for his s/o, like a hearty stew or pasta dish, and sit with them at the table, holding their hand and listening to their worries without judgment.
3. Alec would draw a warm bath for his s/o, adding soothing essential oils and playing soft music in the background. He would sit beside the tub, gently massaging their shoulders and giving them encouraging words.
4. Demetri would suggest going for a walk in the gardens of Volterra, holding his s/o's hand and letting them lean on his shoulder as they talk about their troubles. He would pick flowers for them and make them laugh with his witty jokes.
5. Jane would bring her s/o their favorite book or movie to distract them from negative thoughts, cuddling them on the couch and offering a shoulder to lean on.
6. Felix would take his s/o out for a leisurely horseback ride through the countryside, letting them relax in the fresh air and taking in the beautiful scenery together.
7. Alec would suggest a cozy movie night at home, complete with popcorn and blankets, allowing his s/o to snuggle up against him and feel safe and supported.
8. Demetri would surprise his s/o with a homemade dessert, like their favorite cake or cookies, and sit with them at the kitchen table as they indulge in sweet treats and share stories.
9. Jane would take her s/o for a nighttime stroll under the stars, holding hands and sharing intimate conversations about their feelings and dreams.
10. Felix would tuck his s/o into bed, brushing gentle kisses on their forehead and whispering sweet nothings in their ear, ensuring they feel loved and cherished before drifting off to sleep.
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simpfordemetri · 3 months
How would the guards react to their mate asking for soft sex instead of their usual rough sex?
⟳ & ♥︎
✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧
To everyone surprise ,he enjoys soft ,gentle and sweet sex every now and then
He will still be in charge of course because you know the deal right?
But if you don’t ask he will be the one to do it, or if you are not being comfortable with him being rough and still not say anything,expect him to stop and have a long talk with you
Your head will be between his hands as he looks at you closely while moving his hips slow and gentle
Still hitting all the right spots inside you
More foreplay will be done as he will take more time pleasure you
Sigh,like big sigh
Its just not for her,doesn’t really know how to work with it ,but she wants to pleasure you and try her best to make you comfortable because sex is something really vulnerable at least for her
So she will do it,however you will notice how sometimes she have to restrain herself or even you have to shout her name so she came back and focused her attention on being soft
Overstimulation is still on top of the table,and choking you too
Just…don’t ask for it too much ,okay?
Okay babe whatever you say
We all know Demetri is this type of men, agreeing with everything you say or ask ,he will be fine
He even put you on top while grabbing gently your hips and guiding your movements
He enjoys moments like this, he loves soft sex as he swears he can beel the mate bond growing between you two
Lots of praising and love promises will be done during the act
Interlacing each other fingers cause he needs to be as close as you as possible ,skin to skin is really necessary to him
Soo,if you are human the sex between you two is already soft and gentle
Cause he is too scared of hurting or crashing you
Caressing your sides as he pushs into you and creating a safe word if you have to stop any moment
So you bet he tries his best ALWAYS
But once you are changed,you beds will be bought every week
And probably a new shared room
There is no place for soft sex no more
She is kinda like Demetri,whatever you say darling
You want rough sex where she ruin your insides and make you faint from pleasure?You have it
You want gentle sex where she kiss you down all your body with her fingers leaving lingering touches everywhere? Got it
Everything is fine to her,and she will catch on very quickly what you need
So there is almost none necessity to ask
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volturissideslut · 2 years
How do you think the guards would react to a human mate that is a historian and is particularly obsessed with what time periods they come from? I love your writing btw I just began an obsession with Felix and Caius. Your work has been saving me since I can’t find a lot for them specifically. :) 
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖌𝖚𝖆𝖗𝖉 + 𝕮𝖆𝖎𝖚𝖘
I have a major bias for Caius Marcus and demitri myself and its annoying because there is loads for the guard and not a lot for the kings which is why i started writing in the first place, to make more king content
He was born around 1300 bc according to Google (sorry if this is completely wrong) and not very much is known about this time to modern people because a lot of it was lost in time
He would love the fact you were interested in him and his past and history in general
would 100% make everything wayyy more dramatic and make himself seem amazing from when he was human
"so then I saved the pregnant woman from drowning even though I could barely lift her while carrying the food for the whole village-"
really enjoys talking about it though and going through the memories he buried long ago
Alec and Jane
don't ask them about it
They won't tell
their past is really traumatic and they were isolated most of it
they will however gladly talk about any other era they remember as a vampire
Alec is more likely to talk about it than Jane but even then it's still not much
Jane may just start giving you the silent treatment and ignore you for a while until you get the hint to leave it alone
he was born around 1000 AD (according to Google)
similarly to Caius, he love to brag and seen stronger
some stull went down when he was human but at the same time he is quite fond of some memories
tries to recall but they are not in great detail
is so happy you are interested in him and his life and his past and gets excited when you ask about a really small detain most historians don't know about and will go on small little excited tangents
will happily tell you what you want to hear
little cuddle dates where he lays on your belly or chest and just rambles for ages about whatever time you want while you play with his hair
According to Google, he was born in 1500 Southern Italy
looking at how tall and strong he is, he was probably a fighter, and he was good at it
would show you any scars he has from fights that he still has after turning and would tell you the stories of each one
when he has a little spare time he would take you to the area he grew up in and show you where everything used to be
you two would read literature about it together all the time and he would tell you what was right and wrong about it and how certain things were slightly different
museam dates looking at artifacts
he'd teach you old Italian too
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Can u write sweet headcanons for Felix Volturi? Pretty please 🥰
Ask and you shall receive!
A/N: It's tragic that my boy Felix got so little screen time. Anyway, the mate can be either human or vampire in this one. Have fun!
TW: none
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Felix Volturi Sweet Headcanons
Felix is taller than the majority of people, thus it's safe to assume that he will also be taller than his mate. Having said that, I can absolutely see him comparing hand sizes with his partner as a sweet gesture.
Now, if his partner is taller than he is, he is genuinely impressed. They now hold the title of being the palazzo's tallest pair. Congratulations to them, I suppose.
On a more serious note, I believe Felix is intrigued by modern forms of entertainment. He's just fascinated about everything, whether it be watching a movie or listening to a podcast. Given his… past, he is appreciative that people have discovered other ways to enjoy gory fights without endangering the lives of actual people (ironic given that he's a vampire)
So he loves to sit with his mate to watch a favorite movie of theirs, maybe listen to their favorite podcast.
Given his old age, Felix is also highly versed in literature and a few languages. Although he would never hold himself to the same standard as his masters, he is quite educated. What I mean is that he is willing to assist his love in learning them.
CUDDLES. That's it. He loves to cuddle with his mate.
I believe that vampires get tired (mentally not physically) as well (despite what SM says) and they need to "recharge". That is why Felix enjoys wrapping his arms around his partner and burying his face in their neck. For him, that is recharging.
My favorite headcanon is that he is an extremely tender lover. His mate got scared of something? He soothes them by whispering sweet nothings into their ears. Felix also kisses their hands and palms if they worked hard that day. He essentially tries to be as delicate as possible. He behaves in this way whether his lover is human or a vampire.
Felix spends every spare moment with his beloved because, like Demetri, he is also frequently busy. When he is not with them, Felix enjoys discussing their mate with his friends (mostly Demetri). He enjoys praising them and sharing their accomplishments with others.
While staying respectful to his fellow guards, Felix occasionally amuses his s/o by gossiping. NOT about serious stuff that will damage their reputation; he just gossips about little things. (Usually with Demetri by his side). He also gossips about some of the executed vampires if his beloved is interested. (once again, not sharing private info, just silly things)
That being said, his mate can expect to befriend Demetri because they're kind of a package deal. They date one and befriend the other.
Felix is the kind of vampire man who enjoys hearing his partner talk about their interests. He enjoys hearing his lover's enthusiasm for a certain form of media, even if he personally isn't interested in it. So yes, he would listen to his mate explain the plot of their favorite show.
I imagine Felix would use old-fashioned nicknames or call his significant other by their name when referring to them. He might give his partner a nickname in their native tongue if they are from another country.
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volturiprincess · 2 months
From the other side
Demetri Volturi x F newborn vampire
Warnings: Foul language, death, mentions of a Emetophobia, I bash on the Cullens here A/N: This was a request by @kpopgirlbtssvt, I got to say I enjoyed working on this. Its been a while since I worked on an actual long one-shot request but I hope the wait was worth it, and I might of changed some ideas on the request slightly (but still stayed on topic). Enjoy💙 Word Count: 4k+ (wow)
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(He's just so gorgeous🥰)
“I think she’s waking up”
“How do you know?”
“Well you can see her eyeball moving Emmett, I'm no doctor but I think that is a sign she is waking up”
“Oh well sorry Mister Smartypants, didn't know I was in the presences of an expert”
“Focus, should we fetch Carlisle? He said he would be back soon but what if he’s already here?”
“I'll check, you stay here incase she starts moving around, wouldn't want her newborn instincts to kill Nessie”
Why do I feel so strange? Where the hell am I? Maybe I should wake up, maybe the one with the southern accent could give me answers. I force myself to wake up and when I do everything seems so different. Everything seems so focused, enhanced, so…perfect. When has my vision ever been this good? I know I've been neglecting my glasses quite often but even with my glasses on I never had such good eyesight, I always thought I never needed them. I sit up slowly to check my surroundings. Crap! Where am I? What even happened to me? 
Just left my final class of the day, Anatomy is such a pain in the ass really. Why did I decide to take both Anatomy 1 and Genetics in the same semester? But I mean it's worth it, get the harder classes out of the way and then I can maybe squeeze in other classes I am interested in before graduating. I clinged my heavy textbooks to my chest tighter as I tiredly made my way to my small apartment. I got lucky that this place was cheap compared to living on campus, and the bonus to it is that my place is about 5 minutes away from campus. I heard the school bell ring signaling some class has ended, instantly I'm surrounded by a swarm of students like me. All of them either off to  their next class, or home, or even getting a late lunch. I was slightly pushed around until I managed to find an opening but not everything can go to plan. As I was trying to get to the opening someone shoved me a bit too hard and the books I was clutching flew out of my arms, I went along with them.
I heard a simple “My bad” and then I was met with silence. I hurriedly picked up my stuff and saw how people just looked but didn't help or offer a hand. Situations like this makes me want to just disappear. Just be able to get to point A to B without any mishaps. I composed myself mentally and continued my walk to my apartment. Considering it's only 5, it's already pitch black. I don't like walking alone at night, sure I’m a night owl, but I like to be alone in a safe space. As I'm walking I felt that weird feeling of being watched, it's like a sixth sense to me at this point, please tell me it's just my paranoia and not real. I do a quick scan and I'm met with no one but silence that makes an exception to the far off train horn. I hurried off trying to shake off that paranoia until I bumped into what I thought was a wall (ended up being a ‘human’)and then I was met with darkness.
I felt my eyes fill with tears but I soon noticed they would not fall, I tried blinking but nothing happened. I went to wipe my eyes with my hand instead but felt my hand move abnormally faster. Okay what the heck? I know I sometimes have my days where my reflexes kick in or not but I have never been able to move that fast. And as if on cue my throat felt so dry, I felt like I could drain the pacific and yet that would not be enough to satisfy the level of thirst I have. I tried swallowing but noticed that it didn't even help or even do anything.
“Carlisle should be here soon with something to subdue the thirst”
My gaze snaps to the man who is casually keeping guard at the door. The way he stood made me think he was maybe in the military or something. Why is he beautiful? His blonde locks styled perfectly and his eyes… Are they gold? I have never seen that type of eye color on someone before, I mean I have read a book where one of the characters had pirate gold eyes but in person that’s strange.
“Wh-wha- where am I?”
The way his gaze slowly met mine gave me the creeps, it was like from a scene of a horror movie, where if you spot something from a distance and then you blink, they are right in front of you, killing you.
“Carlisle will answer your questions”
“Why can't you?”
“I'm not in a position to be telling you stuff, all I'm here is to keep you calm since you are a newborn”
“A newborn?”
And then I was met with silence, he turned away from me so he was back to facing the wall like he was previously. 
“Could I at least get your name?”
“Jasper Whitlock, ma’am”
What feels like ages, another man walks in with a big guy. The first one seems like he is the one in charge around here, he seemed nice. He had a calm presence within, but the other guy seemed like he was ready to pick up a fight, probably the muscles around here. Now that I'm thinking about it more, am I in some sort of mafia? But these guys don't seem all that scary, maybe the big one and the Jasper guy. The calm one got closer to me and offered me a cup.
“Here drink this, it should help with the thirst”
I crabbed the cup hesitantly, hoping it wouldn't kill me, and drank it desperately. Finishing it in milliseconds, I did feel a small relief but I still had that feeling of an intense thirst. 
“We will give you more later but I think you deserve an explanation”
“You think”
He smiled gently but nodded “Well to start of you are not human anymore, you might of picked that up slightly since you have woken up”
Not human anymore? But what could I possibly be then? What have they done to me? Am I a monster now?
“You are now a newborn, a vampire to be exact”
That right there was the biggest mick drop of my life. What does he mean i'm a-a vampire? Those exist? I thought they were just myths, that they are just some made up thing that people build up over the years. But now I'm somehow one now? This shit can't be real, he probably has me on some drugs on something. Yeah that's right, probably drugged me and I'm trapped in some dream or something.
“I can see your in denial, there’s really no way to really explain it but you really are a vampire, that cup you drank from was filled with blood, deer blood to be exact”
Oh heck no. I drank blood? I never had a problem with blood, I mean I have a major in the medical field for a reason. Just can't get over vomiting, that's just a big phobia of mine, someone throws up and I'm literally about to faint. But enough of that.
“You gotta be joking here, vampires do not exist, there just myths”
“Well with all honesty here, I assure you I'm not joking, not with the times we are facing now”
“And what is that?”
“Well my family and I are in a bit of a dilemma, you see we have engaged another coven of vampires, and they are threatening to kill our family over a misunderstanding”
“Pardon my language, but what the fuck? What do you mean ‘another coven of vampires’ and a supposed death threat, there's more of you guys out there?”
The big guy chuckled slightly at my foul language and I heard him mumble a “Oh I like her, she’s way more funny than Bella”
“Yes well you see, our kind if basically spread out around the world, this other coven of vampires are living in Italy, but this coven is basically like our government, royalty you can say even, there more dangerous than us, they feed on human blood and they have gifts that can wipe out humanity in an instant”
Ok this other coven sounds scary, wipe out humanity? What the hell did this guy and his family do to anger them anyways, must be pretty serious.
“So let me guess this straight, you and your family have angered this powerful coven of vampires who can in your words wipe out humanity and…are doing what now?”
“Well we been gathering witness to help us avoid a fight with this coven”
“I see but what exactly did you do to anger this coven of powerful vampires then?”
“My son and his new wife had a baby”
“A baby? I'm sorry I don't see a problem here”
“Vampires cannot recreate, that's what I thought until my then human daughter-in-law got pregnant”
“Ok? Still not seeing a problem here”
“I guess an easier way to explain is as I said vampires cannot recreate, we are biologically not able to do such thing between two vampires, but between a vampire male and female human, it's possible but the problem here is the Volturi believe we have created an immortal child, which we didn't”
“I see so then why do they believe you created an immortal child? And also what is an immortal child?”
“An immortal child is a child what was turned into a vampire, there stuck as a child for eternity and cannot control their thirst or be calmed or even age, they are in modern terminology are illegal, and to answer the other question, apparently hybrids are not common and they did not know about them existing”
 The more he answers my questions, the more I think I am definitely dreaming, no way in hell is all of this real. Why am I even being roped into this? I was just some human who was just trying to be a Physician and now that dream is out the window because I'm apparently a vampire now. I need to wake up, this cannot be my life right now, I have so much to live for still. Sure I was quiet and not in some relationship but I still liked the life I had. 
“Now the real question here is, why or how am I even part of this?”
They were all quiet instantly and none of them were making eye contact with me. Ok weird… I mean even the big guys amused look was gone and that guy answering my questions with a small smile was also gone. Something here does not feel right. Someone burst into the room, which freaked me out a bit because this guy along with his buddy looked intimidating with all their leather and the intense red eyes. I felt a weird current roll down my body and then I heard gasps. The Jasper dude looked at me with wide eyes, well everyone was looking at me with the same wide eyes. 
“She’s gone!”
“No I don't think so Emmett, she’s gifted”
“What are the odds of finding one that is gifted”
“Not very likely”
Why are they all talking about me as if I wasn't there?
“Um i'm right here”
The ‘nice’ one spoke up first “Well it seems you have a gift miss, your invisible currently”
“Seriously?” I looked down and as he said I am indeed invisible. Maybe that weird current I felt earlier was me triggering this. Should I tell him this?
“How were you able to do that?”
“I don't know, I um felt a weird feeling run through me after those two over there came in”
“Vladimir and Stefan triggered it? Hmm it seems it came from fear then, interesting”
So those are their names, I wonder who is who. My wild guess is the platinum blonde is Vladimir and the dark haired one is Stefan. 
As if he knew I was talking about him, the platinum started to speak “So you were desperate enough for witnesses that you created a newborn? That’s low even for you Carlisle. At least she’s gifted but even then she probably has no combat skills so she won't be able to tear heads off if the time comes”
Ok y/n, let's think about becoming visible, I don't like how they're just staring at me like that, and also speaking smack about me either. Smoke started to surround me for a minute and when I looked at my hands to see I was now visible. Again I heard the gasp. 
“How did you do that?”
“I was just thinking about wanting to be visible”
“Well that’s good to know how your gift works”
“I guess”
Carlisle, it took him like thirty minutes to tell me his name, started to explain the situation more and even introduced me to the other members of his family. Jasper along with his friend taught me some basic combat skills in case a fight broke out with the confrontation. But the weird thing I discovered was when I met the infamous son, Edward, I was able to read his mind when he was reading mine, he gave me a funky look each time and tried to reduce his thoughts as much as he could. 
Funny enough but also traumatizing, he was always thinking about his honeymoon with his wife. I do not need to know how his child was conceived. When I met Alice a similar thing happened, she spaced out (which I found out she does when she has a vision) and I saw me with another figure, a man to be exact. The man in the vision was gorgeous, I never knew such a person could exist, he looked like a greek god. I think I might have another gift but I'm not sure I should tell Carlisle, there's just something off about why he won't tell me about how I became a vampire or what happened to me that night. 
Today is the day of the confrontation. Just last night I found out about vampires and now I might face death himself. And just today I found out werewolves or shifters exist, is everything in the books true then? I can feel my chest curl into itself and I feel myself internally hyperventilating. Can vampires do that? Well if they can that is exactly what is happening to me. I was placed between Vladimir and Stefan because apparently I should blend in and be more in the background then in front with the others. The Cullens think if the Volturi find out about me they might face a punishment of some sort.
But these two vampires are freaking me out slightly, they had an eye on me constantly, as if I were some criminal or something. With the confrontation I am fighting the urge to just disappear, I don't want part in this. It's not like I could be of help anyways, I can't really turn invisible on command, it just happens and turning visible doesn't always work when I want it to. The other gift I have, I still have no idea how it works or what it is exactly. 
Everyone is standing on guard waiting for the Volturi to arrive. I think the longer we wait the longer I feel my anxiety rise. I saw Vladimir move slightly, I followed his gaze to see a whole army of cloaked figures, they all moved in sync and let a smaller group move forward, those are definitely the kings with their guards. When they all stopped walking, they removed their cloaks and my eyes widened in shock. Why are they all really good looking? The big guy looks even more scary than Emmett, he’s basically towering over everyone. The other two I see are what I can assume are twins, they look alike except for the girl having blonde hair and the guy having brown hair. I heard the others say they are the most dangerous ones. I look at the kings, the only one who looks like he would kill everyone is the blonde one, he seems like the anger issues type of guy- err vampire. 
It seems I forgot to analyze another guard, he was slightly out of my view but how can anyone ignore his presence. I think this was the guy from Alice vision, in person he's more gorgeous. His lovely blonde hair styled to look like spikes, how his face is so symmetrical, he was indeed handcrafted by the gods.
I saw his gaze shift to meet mine, and oh dear gosh, a strong feeling overcame me. I don't even know what this feeling is, it's like an invisible string is trying to pull me toward him. I want to give in but I'm scared of what this is and I'm also scared that I might die right here. His focus was on me the whole time as the others spoke, there was even a point where he turned to the bored looking vampire to ask something which concluded with a nod from him. 
I don't even know what to center my fear right now, the fear from what is happening or the fear of this strange feeling I have with the breathtaking vampire. My attention on him was paused as I saw the blonde twin try to do something but that Bella girl used her shield, the blonde girl even looked at me but something odd happened. She clutched herself as if she was in agonizing pain and fell to her knees, my eyes widened slightly as her twin brother was at her side trying to somewhat resolve her pain.
Even the other Volturi members were shocked, the same twin boy turned his gaze to us and the anger that reflected his eyes was the most terrifying thing to witness. Out of his pure instincts he released a black smoke that also came out of my hands. I started to panic and the witnesses around me were also panicking, a bunch of them hissed for me to stop but I didn't know how or what was even happening.
A loud stop from the Volturi's side made everything go back to normal, the smoke was gone, the girl who was in pain stopped clutching herself and the boy's face was back to its resting form. Even the smoke I somehow had coming out of my hands had vanished. The king in the middle was the one who shouted stop from what I can tell.
“And who is this? She seems to have a very similar ability to one of my guards”
Carlisle who still had a confused looked form the earlier actions done by me “She’s part of Vladimir’s and Stefan’s coven”
The way the two vampires looked at Carlisle at the mention of their name would have left him buried six feet under. I could tell whatever plan the doctor had in mind was not planned. I mean even I was not aware of the plan to start off with, I was just told to stay quiet in the back and not turn invisible until they commanded me to. Vladimir not wanting to be thrown under the bridge or face any death just like me didn't let his voice be unheard 
“Still low of you Carlisle, he’s lying to you”
The look on the vampire king's face can be best described as if someone stabbed him in the back.
“Oh? Please do tell”
“She’s a newborn that Carlisle himself turned just recently”
“Oh my, bring her forward now”
I looked around the witness who was just staring at me as if I grew a second head. Carlisle gave me a look to go to them, so I walked toward the other coven, twiddling my fingers to try to calm my nerves down. So this is it then? This is how I die? As I got closer the elegant vampire kept his gaze on me, it almost looked like he was forcing himself to not go to me, like he was chained down. When I was a good ten feet away from them the tall muscular vampire one grabbed me. He had a strong hold on me, if I were human, painful bruises would indeed be forming at that instant. Again that handsome vampire looked like he was about to go to me but he stood his ground. The raven one came to me closer to introduce himself
“Hello dear, what is your name?”
“Now do you mind offering me your hand?”
“My hand?”
He looked a bit impatient but smiled, a creepy smile but smiled nevertheless. “Well you see I have gift of being able to look at every thought and memory with just a touch”
“Oh, I see”
I offered my hand and was instantly reliving my every thought and memory as he said but as for my incidents with Edward, Alice, and the twins I could see his every thought and memory. I saw that he wanted Alice to be part of his coven, he was thinking of just forgiving the Cullens, I even saw memories of the handsome guard who I found out his name is Demetri. It just rolls out so naturally, it's as if I was born to say his name. Aro let go of my hand after a while with a bewildered look
“Interessante, I’m sorry for the troubles you been through, but it appears you have two gifts–”
Before he could continue, the sad looking vampire rested a hand on Aro’s shoulder and he turned to him to grab his hand like he did with me. With this case when I looked at the emotionless vampire I was able to see a red string that was connecting me and Demetri. It was the richests of red I have ever seen, come to think about it, it looks like his eyes. When he let go, Aro made one of the creepiest laughs I have ever heard to humankind, straight from a horror film. 
“It appears our own Demetri has found his mate”
If I could I would shiver at the mention of Demetri’s name. The mentioned name looked at the kings with anticipation, I mean I for sure wanted answers of what is going to happen.
“Felix you can let her go now, she’s no danger to us, on the contrary she’s going to join us”
I was let go by Felix “Join you? Why?”
“Well you see dear you are the mate to one of our guards, and we would hate for him to be miserable or lack on his missions if his mate is not kept safe, maybe with time you could join him in missions”
If I'm getting this straight, if I don't join then my ‘mate’, that’s a strong word to use, will be sad and won't be able to do his job correctly. Or I stay with the people who basically kidnapped me from the life I had, turned me into this bloodthirsty monster –currently I am still thirsty– and just threw me into a situation that I was nowhere prepared for. But again I don't even know Demetri, what if he’s cruel, what if he treats me like the Cullens? My thoughts started to spiral at a point where I was one with my mind and nothing around me existed anymore. If it weren't for the husky addicting voice I would have gone mental.
“Master? May I have a word with her?”
“Go ahead, she’s your mate after all”
I felt the warmth of his soft yet rough hands. I looked into his eyes and he gave me a small hesitant smile, oh I can get used to that. I need to see his real smile now.
“Hello cariño, I am Demetri, I am aware you know nothing about me neither do I about you, but I can promise you if you come with me and my coven, I will give you anything you want, give you a life humans can never come close to having, I will promise you an eternity of love and happiness”
So this is love? The way he speaks is straight from a romance novel. And the way his face glows makes it all more sincere and truthful, heck I just want to run away with him. I was about to say something to him when I heard them. The Cullens along with their witnesses whispering about me.
“A traitor”
“All that hard work to get her here for her just to abandon us”
“I knew there was something off about her”
“Carlisle do something”
“She can’t go”
“If she goes with them, then the Volturi have more power”
“She would be stupid to go with them”
“She was a mistake”
I wanted to use that gift to disappear at that moment, I didn't ask to be placed in this situation to start off with. I was forced and manipulated. 
“You promise”
His hesitant smile turned genuine “I promise amore, forever and always”
Aro literally was beaming with anticipation for my decision, reminding me of a child waiting for the final decision of their parents to let them go to a sleepover at a friend's house. I nodded which caused Aro to clap with joy 
“Magnifico my dear” His attention turned to the vampires behind me “She will be coming with us, if you dare interfere, we will wipe you out without hesitation”
Ok that’s scary but I can tell he’s serious. I could see the blonde king with a proud smirk but Demetri pulled me into his side.
“Nobody will ever take you away from me from now on”
I gave him a weak smile as we walked off the snowy battleground. I didn't ask for this new life, but maybe it won't be so bad with him. 
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the-dawn-star · 1 year
Twilight Headcanon Masterpost
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Volturi Kings:
Volturi Kings x nonbinary!human!mate!reader
Volturi Kings x reader, date ideas (seperate)
Volturi Kings x reader who is in collage (seperate)
Volturi Kings x anxious!reader 
Volturi Kings x Cullen!reader (seperate) 
Volturi Kings x reader, you being turned against your will (seperate)
Volturi Kings x childish reader
Volturi Kings x Reader
Volturi Kings x affectionate!mate (seperate)
You tell that you love them for the first time (seperate)
Volturi Kings Spoiling Reader
Volturi Kings x Shapeshifting!Mate
Mate being Nervous about the Kings Wives
Not knowing the baby's dad
Coming out to the Poly!Volturi kings (seperate)
Volturi Kings x Reader who does ice skating
Volturi Kings "Would you love me if I was a worm?"
Volturi Kings meeting a descendant
Volturi Kings dancing with Reader
Volturi Kings x Reader being attracted to water
Yandere Volturi Kings x Mate!Reader
Volturi Kings x Platonic!Reader guard
Volturi Kings x Singer!Reader
Volturi Kings x Swan!Reader
Volturi Kings x Reader first time
Volturi Kings x Powerful!Reader
Volturi Kings x ProfessionalMagician!Reader
Volturi Kings x Reader who had scars
Kind of general Volturi Kings x Reader
Hurt!Reader shows up in the field
Reader likes Italian
Volturi Kings x Male!Reader
Volturi King x Clairvoyant!Male!Reader
Caius Volturi:
Badboy Caius x Reader
Caius x Reader who doesn't want to stay in Italy
Caius x Exhausted!Reader
Aro Volturi:
SWF alphabets
Aro x Sister!Reader (paltonic obv.)
Aro x Reader comfort
Alec Volturi:
Alec Volturi x Shy!Reader
Alec Volturi x Swan!Reader
Alec Volturi x cinnamon roll!Reader
part 2
Alec Volturi x Bimbo!Reader
Yandere!Alec Volturi x Reader who is in a relationship.
Demetri Volturi:
Mate!Demetri x newborn!Reader
Mate!Demetri x human!Reader
Mix of Characters:
Marcus x affectionate!Reader
Poly!Romanian coven x Reader
Garrett Denali dating hc
Volturi members x actor!Reader
Volturi guards x soulmate!Reader
Marcus affection hc
Marcus x Sister!Reader
Mix of Characters in the same post:
Characters being upset (multiple characters)
Shy!Reader x Twilight!Characters
Twilight Characters x Virgin!Reader
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