#voucher pay
couponpay · 3 months
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voucher pay, couponglobal.com, https://www.facebook.com/couponglobal
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pybun · 10 months
i hate the implications that everythings gonna need a handheld device to function. like some restaurants dont have menus and ask you scan QR codes to see their digital menu. or app versions of a website having better features and/or the website """encourages""" you to use their app instead
i get handheld devices are cheaper and portable, p much more accessible than a desktop... but if everythings dependent on one thing then thats the opposite of accessible
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benanazauce · 8 months
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quick little thingy of hobie!!
got the spiderverse art book (I am so unbelievably happy) and realised I wasn’t drawing hobie’s hair as accurately as I’d like to. I tried to stay true to his hair type here and improve on how I normally draw it. i’m definitely still working on it!! please tell me if I need to improve on anything if you have knowledge on wicks and black hair types as I’d love to be able to draw hobie as accurately as I possibly can ^^ I’d also like to know to be able to draw character designs with similar hair types in future!!
I also researched more punk clothing for this drawing (specifically 1970s punk)!! hopefully I drew his clothes authentic enough. gave him a ramones shirt too because I like the ramones hehehehehssmsmsmwj
tried a different ish artstyle with more sketchy line work and a transparent pen!! also gave him obligatory battle scars
okay that’s enough said this post is getting too long thank you for looking at my little sketch-artstyle-study thing hope you like it and please lmk if there’s anything I can improve on!!!!
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toastsnaffler · 1 day
taking an extra half an amfexa before I leave work bc [redacted] (popular artist) is playing my city tn and I'll need it to cope with how awful the traffics gonna be when I'm on the bus 💀
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Finally saw the D&D movie.
Honestly was a very fun film to watch. It was very much like watching a Oneshot, with backstories and critical successes and failures. It had a lot of references that dedicated fans would love.
I feel bad Hasbro shot themselves in the d*** with their whole Wizards of the Coast fiasco. This movie probably would have been much better received.
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th3p0rtalmaker · 9 months
Happy Update Guys!
Thank you so much to everyone who liked and reblogged my last update! (Especially to those who reached out to me directly to offer support, prayers, and send donations!) Having a support network of online friends has been crucial for me during this period of my life, and I could never put into words how grateful I am for all your love and support! While I did have to spend Sunday night of this week sleeping outside, things have taken a turn for the better! Monday morning I was able to get help from the employees at Miriam's House. They found an available bed at a local shelter, and sent them an official referral for me. I was able to move in with my belongings and meet my new roommate Monday by afternoon! I'll be staying for roughly 2 months. I did an intake meeting with the program manager, and we discussed the available programs that I qualify for but need a referral in order to enroll (like housing vouchers). She and I will be working together, starting next week, on getting me enrolled in the programs with the necessary referrals, as well as pursuing my case for disability payments. In the meantime, I'll still be working on my various projects (writing Incarnate, drawing tutorials for Hector and Adira, and my first amv) and offering creative writing mentorship through my Patreon!
If anybody wants to send me a donation, my Venmo and PayPal are also available:
Venmo: kmckenzie22
Paypal: RissaRooKangaQueen
Full Name: Karissa McKenzie
(If you live outside the US, PayPal has a branch called 'Xoom' for making international transfers. Message me for details!) Again, thank you all so much!
(@batata-doce-com-farofa @meechatuck @nerdasaurus1200 @adventuretolkienlover @subject-2-change @majorabbey @fortune-maiden @initforthecache @soreiya @tbspirits)
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
Ren seeing my absolutely ungodly collection of Leviathan photos that rivals even his own stash of photos of us.
Seeing my piles and piles of sketchbooks teeming with drawings of Leviathan.
Seeing me spend hours reading fanfiction and playing obey me.
But also finding the few photos I have of him, in a folder simply labeled with a heart.
The few pages I have with detailed drawings of him with cute little confessions written around it.
I want him to see me staring at my phone, having his chat pulled up giddily waiting for him to text.
I want him to know I love him to bits and pieces.
But nobody compares to Leviathan lmao.
(But it’s okay Levi can be my 2D boyfriend and you can have the real me Renren<3)
✦゜ANSWERED: "nobody compares to Leviathan" Ren doesn't need demon vouchers/irl money to come home sjfaksfajsk /j
But for real though, he'd be very moved to see all of the photos, drawings, and confessions dedicated to him, and would probably just sit on the floor in silence for a bit as he takes it all in and calms his racing heartbeat.
Ren probably wouldn't take any of your personal items if he knew they meant a lot to you, but he'll definitely snap a few pics of them to look back on later. He would also give you little personal drawings and confession notes of his own, and would use them as a way to casually remind you of how much he loves and thinks about you.
He would also let you use his credit card for Obey Me! (and anything else, really), but only if you promise to spend more time with him afterwards (and to only pull for Levi because they have similar vibes lmao)
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realmikedirnt · 5 months
It Is So Fucking Expensive To Live Out Here
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girlonthefireescape · 3 months
I saw Poor Things twice back in January, and I just now saw a gif set that reminded me why I was so annoyed with this movie and will forever be annoyed with people calling it a feminist movie, or a movie about bodily autonomy and female desire, or a movie about sex positivity, but ignoring the fact that Yorgos et al chose for Bella to have no visible body hair with the exception of her pubic hair. They chose not to address menstruation. They chose not to address sexual or reproductive health with the exception of that one line right at the end. She also has no real friends, female of otherwise, aside from maybe Toinette, but the movie also keeps this relationship frustratingly vague. That one sex scene between them is presented so out of context, I'm still annoyed by it.
I think those are all, of course, choices that can be made. But why would you? Especially when sexual and reproductive health are major themes in the book. Why intentionally ignore menstruation when the book makes it a point early on to explicitly state that Bella feels no shame about her period because she has always had one and never been made to feel ashamed. The version of Bella in the book menstruates. There was no reason to cut this from the movie version. And even if Bella didn't menstruate, at least one of the women at the brothel would.
Whenever I read a review of the movie that criticises the way the sex scene are shot, I'm also reminded of Yorgos saying in an interview that it was important for him to tell this story from Bella's POV. This makes sense because the book's narrative is filtered so heavily, it's unclear which events are actually real. It's unclear what actually happened to Bella and what was simply made up by the men in her life. But the movie felt like it mostly used this change in perspective to be more explicit about the sex scenes.
Also, how does a movie about an ostensibly bisexual woman only feature one sex scene with another woman? Bella is bisexual in the novel. In the novel, Bella marries primarily because she needs a certain social standing to open her medical practice and be taken seriously. The reason she becomes a doctor in the novel is in order to help other women. She wants to provide reproductive care for other women. She doesn't become a doctor because she likes cutting people open, which seemed like it was the only or at least the main reason given in the movie.
I think in many ways, Poor Things is an intriguing and maybe even excellent movie. But overall, I'm so disappointed by the way it treats those topics. And I'm so disappointed that, when I was telling my friend about it, I had to conclude my review with, "Tbh, I don't think I liked this movie."
Also, I just remembered the "Everyone Is Beautiful but No One Is Horny" essay! I last saw Poor Things in late January but this also seems applicable. It had a lot of sex but also felt oddly sterile. (Or that's how I remember it.)
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arklayraven · 11 months
I always keep seeing people get double or all UR cards in the Nightmares...and I wonder...are they just very super lucky players. Or got the luck advantage because they are VIP members? If that is a thing that is lol
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sunless-sea-above · 4 months
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yrieso · 2 years
something about me is that when playing road 96 i will NEVER choose the taxi. never. i am too scared and jarod is too scary.
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twiyke · 1 year
i love gift giving i love bringing people silly little things like a cat presenting dead animals and wrapping them in bells and whistles and baring my soul through a physical medium
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llycaons · 5 months
Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery where people profit from the exploitation of others.
obviously these are extreme and horrific situations but do you know how much of this training is like 'this is illegal" and then describes something that almost already exists under late-stage capitalism
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treewithabark · 6 months
Just an unnecessarily long post about dog gear I want- scroll by if you don’t want my ramble
So in feb I’m gonna have a treat yo self month because it be my birthday, and I may have a lil extra spending money from working a bunch of overtime during Christmas (I am knackered but I needed the cash and work needed my assistance)
And seeing as no-one likes buying me dog gear as Christmas/birthday gifts I’m gonna buy myself these nice things.
I wanna get Juno a lovely leather collar, nefjas person sent me a link to a German company who make elk leather collars in a martingale style??? Absolute perfection. I’ve been a sucker for martingales for a couple of years now and am reluctant to turn back.
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What a delectable collar. So chic. So stylish. Fancy collar for my non-fancy mutt to strut about the town with (no flooded field walks for that collar)
Gonna pair it with a brand new cute dog tag because Juno currently wears Hana’s old one. I think after a year she’s earned her own tag, don’t you think?
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Lookit!!! So cute!! It’s not Juniper tree but it’s close enough (don’t tell my partner, the tree surgeon, I said that). Would look so good with the collar.
And since my mendota lead is looking real ropey (haha, because it’s a rope?) I’m gonna treat myself to a new one. It’s served me so well but I did not look after it. Now it smells and is fraying and the leather by the clasp is loose. It just looks a mess. Love my mendota lead, don’t love that I’ve destroyed it. I did dabble with the idea of an adjustable lead but they’re all flat and I’m sorry but round leads are superior. I’m not ready to go back to flat. Mendota so comfy, mendota so röund, medota have goldish clasp to match tag and collar ring.
But do I stop the spending there?? I’ve been gagging for a ruffwear backpack but my lord £100 for a backpack??? I know it’s quality, built to last, and most importantly designed to minimise injury but it’s a rather frivolous spend.
My reasoning is that added weight to some walks may help reduce some pulling, she’s so much better but still gets excitable. It can be useful if we wanna go on longer hikes once my partner and I have time to do some weekends away. Carrying water etc. I really want to do a camping getaway at some point and having her carry her own food is adorable and practical. But also it could be useful on days where we want or need to be a bit lazier. Dog needs exercising but we’re burned out/ill? Cool, mile and a half sniffy walk with lightly packed backpack. If I wanna tire her out because we have plans and need her nice and calm? Boom, backpack walk.
Also, backpack cute. Backpack could have patches. Backpack bring joy to look at. Backpack make chronically ill days much easier.
Oh there’s also an adorable martingale collar on Etsy that I want. An unnecessary purchase but I so rarely find a martingale I really really like (I’m picky okay)
But there are things that I could spend my money on that is (arguably) needed more. Waterproof longline, new treat pouch, new walking boots because mine are leaky, dog toys that serve a purpose more than “it squeaks and can be thrown”. I also need a haircut and new prescription glasses but it’s more fulfilling to spend money on the dog.
GAH! Maybe I’ll win the lottery on Friday and I can buy it all. But until then I gotta budget and make informed purchases.
Anyway I just wanted to rant to the void because I usually do all this in my head but I wanna get more active on tumblr and sometimes airing these thoughts helps make decisions. And if you suddenly see me posting Juno in 4k completely decked out in new gear in the mountains? I’ve won the lottery, quit work to travel with dog that has a whole new wardrobe, captured on a top of the line point and shoot 😂
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i had a $35 gift voucher for my local bookstore, but my sister works there which means that i get a 40% off discount. basically i just got 12 books and only had to pay the normal price of 1 book extra.
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