#vp pt. 2
lizhaoyu · 4 months
Why so shy? PART 3
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(A/N: Hello, gaymers. I don't know why you guys are shipping Iso x Clove and Iso x Gekko or Iso x Deadlock when you guys should CLEARLY ship ME WITH HIM instead. Anyway, I already wrote parts 3 and 4 in advance, I just forgor. Enjoy thirsting, gaymers.)
(GN!Reader x Iso) Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (You are here.)
That was no longer what you were feeling right now.
You were too busy running away from the medical ward and back to the privacy of your room.
Maybe it isn't Iso. Maybe it was you. Maybe it was your fault for getting ahead of yourself. Maybe it was your fault for assuming that Iso liked you in the same way that you do.
Maybe you shouldn't have gotten your hopes up.
You stop in front of your door, panting heavily. You had to prevent your tears from falling out of your eyes, especially outside of your room.
Your eyes slowly started blurring from the tears as you tried to pry open your door.
notnownotnownotnownotnow, your mind raced.
You successfully unlocked your door and stumble inside.
Finally, you're alone, just as you always were. You let the tears fall from your eyes, staining your cheeks and clothes.
You shouldn't have gotten your hopes up. Maybe then, you wouldn't be crying, you wouldn't be in pain, you wouldn't be in this situation—
A knock on your door interrupted your thoughts.
You immediately wiped your tears away and sucked everything up, before approaching your door.
"W-Who is it?" You ask through the door, trying your best to sound like you weren't crying.
"It's me, Omen." Omen's gruff voice was muffled from the outside.
You sniffle, slowly getting up and opening the door slightly, enough for you to peek out and see Omen.
"Hey, Omen... Do you need something?" You ask, albeit a little too quiet for your liking.
"Greetings," Omen nods.
"I've noticed that the atmosphere around the HQ seems a little darker than usual," Omen's 'eyes', which were just three slits, moved as he spoke.
"The shadows also seem a little unstable." Omen continued.
"I've already checked up on Fade, and she is in great condition. You however..." Omen paused, 'looking' at your eyes intently.
"I came to check in on you. The hallway leading here was especially dark, and it felt heavy." Omen nods.
"Oh- No, I'm okay, Omen. It must be someone else's ability...?" You reason, although you were bad at lying.
"But you are the only one with shadow-related abilities in this hallway." Omen tilts his head. If Omen had a real, human face, you'd probably see a very unimpressed expression on it.
"Well, shit." You sigh.
"I am your mentor. You can tell me," Omen paused.
"Though I may not understand nor offer any help, I am here." Omen continued.
is it just me or Omen is so very OOC rn lol, you thought.
"...Come in." You sigh, sliding the door open wider, wide enough for Omen to come in.
"Thank you." Omen nods, walking in your room.
You slide the door shut and turn to Omen, who took a seat on your desk chair. You were comfortable enough around Omen, as he was your mentor and your very first friend in the VP.
"It feels even heavier here," Omen breaks the silence.
"I take it that your problem must be even heavier on you." Omen turns to you as you sat down on you bed.
"It's just like what I have told you in the past. Your emotions affect your abilities greatly," Omen nods, clasping his hands together.
"Take Neon or Reyna for example." Omen continued.
"To lift the heavy energy emanating from your abilities, you must let out your emotions; Talk to someone." Omen nods.
"Or like how Reyna does it: Take it out on others." Omen visibly sighed, but no sound of it comes.
"However, I know that you are better than that. So, let's discuss what you are feeling," Omen 'glanced' at you.
"I... I don't know if you'll understand, Omen. It's... about love." You sigh.
this is so cringe bruh who even says its about love bro, you thought.
"I do not expect myself to understand, either. I am not profound in the topic of love," Omen shook his head.
"But I will listen." Omen continued.
"Communication is key, either you tell them, or you tell me. Either works fine," Omen looked around your room
damn bro when did omen suddenly know about love and communication bro im cooked, you thought.
But confessing to Iso? Hell no. You're already hurt by the current situation, you'd be stupid to confess and expect a different outcome.
"It's... about Iso." You sigh, rubbing the back of your head in hesitation.
"The new recruit? I see," Omen nods.
"I've... been interested in him ever since he first arrived," You sigh, averting your gaze.
"I thought I was making progress; That if I pursue him and show him that I like him, he'd feel the same way." You murmur, eyes locked onto your fingers.
"He was starting to say things that might mean something more, in a more than friends way." You say, recalling the things that have happened a few hours earlier.
"It even went as far as him asking me to go out and get some food," You lower your head.
"But I was stupid. I got ahead of myself." Tears started welling in your eyes.
"I started assuming that he liked me back; That he felt the same way." You stifle back a sob.
"So, it was really painful when I heard him asking Sage out on a date," You bit your lip, trying to hold back your tears.
"It was my fault for assuming that he likes me too." You held your hands to your face.
"...I see." Omen nods quietly.
"You can't have everything you want," Omen starts.
"And it's not that easy." Omen shook his head.
"But you have to understand that maybe Sage and Iso have a lot more things in common that you and him," Omen explained.
"Or what maybe Iso likes Sage more, maybe he's had his eye on her since he came." Omen nods
You could feel your heart breaking, slowly shattering into pieces.
"But I'm not saying that to hurt you," Omen shook his head.
"I am opening your eyes to see the truth; To see that you're not the only one for Iso." Omen continued.
"You're not the only one who may have an interest on Iso," Omen shook his head, 'looking' at you.
"Not everyone wins, and you must learn how to accept that; That Iso likes Sage and not you." Omen's words sent a pang of pain in your through your heart.
not you. notyounotyounotyounotyounotyounot-
"The shadows are suffocating." Omen says, snapping you out of your trance.
"I'm sorry, Omen." You sigh.
"Acceptance. Learn to accept it." Omen looked at the closed curtains of your window.
Maybe this was for the best. If Iso wanted to be with Sage, who were you to oppose that? You're just a friend.
Everything was just a friendly gesture.
"I understand. I know better now," You took a deep breath.
"Thank you so much, Omen." You smile softly, drying your tears.
"Do you really know better now?" Omen asks.
"I do, thanks to you. I'm really grateful for that." You nod.
"It's good that you're still learning from my words." Omen nods, standing up from his seat.
"You're the best mentor I could ever ask for, Omen. I'm always learning from you." You smile at him, also standing up.
You walk with Omen to the door, sliding it open for him..
"I expect only the best from you. Don't let this weigh you down." Omen nods, walking out of your room.
You slid the door shut as Omen left your room.
Omen's right. Even if you thought that Omen was a little too out of character earlier, whatever he said was right.
You sigh and walk to your desk, before noticing a little purple octopus gun buddy on the chair that Omen said on.
Omen must've left it on accident. You took it into your hands and headed for the door to chase after Omen.
You slide the door open and wow. Reality and fate must really enjoy hardfucking you in every single angle, huh?
In front of the open door of your room, outside the hallway was Iso with a small smile on his face.
"There you are." Iso smiles, taking out one earbud off of his ear.
whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck, you thought.
"Are you ready to go?" Iso asks.
go where? to heaven? yes im so fucking ready, you thought.
"Uh... huh?" You murmur.
"Did you forget? We're going out for hotpot, remember?" Iso chuckles.
"Oh, right," You avert your gaze.
I FUCKING FORGOT, you thought.
How were you gonna do this? You can't face Iso now.
"Is something wrong? You promised that we'd still go despite my injury," Iso tilts his head.
well shit it might be my fault for promising, you thought.
"I wanted to thank you for healing and saving me." Iso smiles, nodding.
"Right..." You nod hesitantly.
"So, are you ready?" Iso asked.
"Um, yeah." You step out of your room, sliding the door close behind you.
"Nice. Hm?" Iso smiles, then looks at your open palm.
"What's that?" Iso asks, gesturing to the octopus gun buddy.
"Oh... This is Omen's gun buddy. He must've forgotten about it and left it in my room." You show him the gun buddy.
"I was gonna return it to him, but maybe in another time." You shook your head, pocketing the gun buddy.
"Anyway, where are we headed?" You look at him.
"I know this hotpot place in the city. It's not that famous and crowded, so we can chill while eating," Iso smiles, pocketing his phone.
"I mean, we could just buy ingredients for hotpot and make it here, like what me and Sage did..." Iso paused.
Your ears rang. Sage again.
"But since it's gonna be about thanking you. I want it to be extra special." Iso smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.
Your heart started beating faster.
No. Remember what Omen said. Don't get ahead of yourself.
Your mind was blank, trying to block out any thought.
"There's a mall near the hotpot place. We could go there if you'd like." Iso smiles.
Why's he acting like he has so much time? Doesn't he have a date with Sage?
Shut up. That's none of your business.
"Let's head to the city." Iso smiles, nodding his head.
You and Iso arrive at the bustling streets of the city. You looked around, observing the food stalls. Some were colorful, some were simple and bland.
Maybe going out with Iso to the city isn't so bad. It could take your mind off of things.
"What kind of food do you like?" Iso asked, walking with you through the bustling street.
"I don't really mind anything, nothing specific." You shook your head, shrugging your shoulders.
"What about flowers?" Iso asked.
Why's he asking that?
"Well, I've never really received flowers, soo... I don't think I have anything I prefer in mind." You shook your head again.
"Do you like lilacs?" Iso asked, question after question.
"I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions." Iso smiles sheepishly.
"It's okay," You smile, shaking your head AGAIN. STOP SHAKING YOUR HEAD BRUH
This is just him getting to know you in a friendly way.
"Lilacs... I think lilacs are beautiful. Back in my college years, I used to research about lilacs." You hum.
"They have a lot of meaning to them. I think I'm confident that I love lilacs," You nod.
"Lilacs are related to your title, right?" You ask.
"Mm, yeah." Iso nods, his hands in his pockets.
"How about a dream date?" Iso asked.
"Huh? How'd it come to that all of a sudden?" You laugh.
It's getting difficult trying to ignore the thoughts.
"Sorry, was that too personal?" Iso chuckles.
"It's alright, no harm done." You smile.
"Before you answer, let's head to the hotpot place so we can get comfortable." Iso suggests.
"Good idea. Lead the way, then." You nod, trailing behind Iso.
Following Iso proved to be difficult in this lively street.
You lost Iso a couple of times. But thankfully, Iso was tall enough to so you could see his head above the others.
In one instance, you lost track of Iso and simply walked ahead. What startled you was the hand that suddenly grabbed your wrist.
"Hey, where are you going?" You turned and was met with Iso's lavender eyes with a worried expression on his face.
"Oh- Sorry! I lost you and I thought you were just walking ahead." You smile sheepishly.
"You can hold onto my arm so we don't lose each other." Iso offered his arm for you to hold onto.
There you go, you couldn't stop your face from flushing.
ohmygod im litereally about to bust bro someone call cleanup aisle my underwear cuz i have the niagra falls here with me, you thought.
You had to mentally reprimand yourself to stop getting ahead of yourself. Iso only offered it because you keep losing each other.
You nod hesitantly, holding onto his arm.
mygod he's so close to me dude im boutta bust the biggest nut ever, your mind raced, as well as your heart.
Holding onto Iso's arm surprisingly went well, and navigating through the crowd became easier.
Oddly enough, when you and Iso got away from the crowed, he didn't shake your arm off or move away.
It was more than enough to have you overthinking again.
Okay, stop. Friends do this too, you know?
You and Iso arrived at the hotpot place that he talked about.
Iso went ahead, opening the door for you.
You smile, mouthing a small thank you and entering the restaurant.
While you checked out the place, Iso went to the receptionist for the table. The place looked to be a Chinese restaurant, with some Chinese writings on a red banner or paintings that you may or may not understand.
The tables and chairs looked to be made of red wood, with Chinese-style teapot and cups place in the middle of the table.
The atmosphere was calm and there were at least four groups of three in sight.
Your thoughts came to a halt when you felt a tap on your shoulder and see Iso with two menus on his hand.
"Hey, ready to take a seat?" Iso smiles at you, offering you the menu.
"Yeah," You nod, taking the menu.
You followed Iso to a table for two and sat down.
"So, about your dream date..." Iso paused.
"Oh, right. I don't really have a preference, but I think cafe dates or library dates are really good." You pondered for a moment.
"Dates that are peaceful and calm seems to slow down time, which means I get to appreciate and enjoy the date for longer." You smile at him.
"How about you? Do you have any preferences?" You ask.
"I like museum dates. The pictures I could get from it would look wonderful." Iso nods.
"Have you ever been on a date before?" You blurt out before you could stop yourself.
"Well... Today will be my first time." Iso smiles sheepishly.
Oh. His date with Sage.
Your ears started ringing again.
"We should order," Iso's voice snapped you out of your trance.
"Oh- Right. Sorry, I spaced out." You smile apologetically, looking through the menu with Iso.
Two hours had passed, it was now the afternoon. You and Iso walked around near the lake, talking and laughing, getting to know each other better.
Although you knew that this was nothing more than a friendly gesture, it wasn't so bad.
"We should head back to HQ," Iso sighs, his hands in his pockets.
"Yeah, we should." You nod in response.
He still had a date with Sage, after all. Who were you to take up more of his time? Maybe he just wanted to go out with a friend before his date.
"I had a lot of fun." Iso looks at you, a small smile on his lips.
"Me too. I haven't been going out lately, so this was a nice change." You turn to him with a smile.
"I hope we'll do this again soon." Iso adds.
"I hope so too." You nod.
It made you sad that this was the closest as you can get to going on an actual date with Iso.
But that was okay.
You arrived back to HQ with Iso, seeing Sage seemingly waiting for Iso.
Your eyes met with Sage's as she smiled at you.
she must be really excited to go out with iso, you thought.
You said a simple and quick 'bye' to Iso before power-walking back to your room.
You hear Iso calling after you, which only fueled your tears as you ran away.
Here you were, crying from the start, and still crying in the end.
(A/N: wsg gaymers, what'd you guys think of my long ass updates lol, thanks for reading and supporting Why So Shy? and my other Iso works.)
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fereldanwench · 3 months
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combat poses pt 2 by grovac -`♡´-
vp faq | mod list | pillowfort | twitter | instagram | ao3 ⚠️ do not reupload or edit my shots without my permission ⚠️ ️ 
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niyahniyaa · 9 months
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Imperfect Love
Choi Seungcheol x Reader
Tags: au, smut, angst, heartbreak, fluff, breakups
A/N: This is my first short story. I'm thinking of writing a pt.2 or just making an entire story of it but it depends on how this does. So bare with me.
Synopsis: You and Seungcheol have been happy for a while now. It’s a perfect relationship.…until it isn't.
Credit to my Beta Writer @liyahlisworld
“I’m in the kitchen.” You yell, calling out to your boyfriend who just walked in the house. It’s 5:30 pm, he usually walks in around this time, so you were already expecting him.
“Watcha cooking?” He asks hugging you from behind, the minty scent coming from his breath as he places small kisses on your neck and shoulders. You turn to look at him, setting the spoon down on the counter. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you place a small peck on his lips.
“How does spicy stir fried pork and kimchi with udon noodles sound?” You ask smiling up at him. He returns the gesture kissing you softly on the nose.
“Sounds good Naekkeo” he starts. “ I’m gonna go put my things away, I’ll meet you back at the table ok?” He grabs his bag he previously placed on the couch and walks upstairs to the room. You put the finishing touches on the meat and start to make your plates. On cue, Seungcheol walks into the dining room and sits across from you at the table.
“Anything new today at work?” You ask, sparking a conversation. He shakes his head while slurping up some noodles. “Nothing really.” He starts. “We just got a new VP for Marketing. She seems nice I guess.” He says picking up a piece of meat.
You nod your head taking in this info. He works at Hybe, one of the biggest recording companies in Seoul. He’s the CEO so he gets pretty busy, which is why you like to have dinner ready once he gets home. Being together for 5 years now you’re pretty used to his schedule.
“So how was work,” he asks taking a sip of water, “anything eventful happen?” You work at the local Veterinary Clinic. Today just so happens to be the day that you preformed a life saving surgery on a baby shiba.
“I actually performed a very successful surgery on a pup today,” you start, “I was so nervous honestly, it was super risky and I’ve grown so attached to her on the count of her frequent visits and tests, so my nerves we’re shot!” You exclaim shaking your head. It’s quiet.
You look up instantly meeting eyes with Seungcheol. His deep dark browns staring at you attentively. Listening and taking in every word that came out of your mouth. You can’t help but blush at the sight. That’s when you finally take the chance to analyze him. His black hair lay messily atop his head, some strands hanging over his eyes. He’s wearing a white tank top that exposed his beautiful broad shoulders. You look back up at his face and notice he’s biting his lips.
How long have you been staring? Has he noticed?
“Wow,” He says snapping you out of your thoughts. “Sounds like it was a lot and you have to remember not to get too emotionally involved Naekkeo”. He says gently. He didn’t seem to notice your staring. He straightens up and reaches out for your hands. “Yea I know, they’re just so cute.” You respond as you place your hands softly on his big palms.
“Saw something you liked y/n?” He asks caressing your hands, making soft circles on the back of your hand. He’s staring at you intensely as if he’s trying to undress you with his eyes.
He noticed.
You feel the your cheeks getting warm and you look down shyly. Even after all these years together, he still gives you butterflies like it’s the first time meeting him all over again.
“I was just uh-,” you start. “I just noticed how messy your hair looked.” You say sheepishly. You smile and shake your head. “How is it that you can still give me the same feeling I’ve felt when I first met you Cheol?” You ask him. He smiles exposing his cute deep dimples. “I don’t know?”, he starts. “Maybe it was the spell I placed on you after our first date”. You roll your eyes at his cheesy remark. He’s so cute. “Whatever.” You smirk.
You start to gather the dishes to clean when you hear your phone ding on the table. You put the remaining dishes you were holding in the sink and walk back towards your phone.
Dokyeomie🍕 8:17 pm: Bestieeeeee
Dokyeomie🍕 8:17 pm: Wanna hang out after work this Saturday🥹
Dokyeomie🍕 8:19 pm: Soonyoung is flying in around 3 that day. We could meet at your place after we drop his things off at his hotel.
You’re usually just home lounging around after work. Cheol doesn’t come home for almost another 3 hours after you get off anyways so you could use the company.
You haven’t seen your bestfriend in like a month anyways, and you miss him.
You 8:21 pm: Yea why not, I’ll be home. I miss you my Seokminnie☺️
You 8:21 pm: Didn’t know you and Hosh made up
Dokyeomie🍕 8:23: Yea we’re over it now, she was nobody anyways🥱
You 8:24: Lol yea whatever you say🤣, I’ll see you this weekend ok? Gn bestie
Dokyeomie🍕 8:25: Yay😁see you this weekend gn y/n
“You okay?” Seungcheol asks, damn near scaring you to death. “Jeez Cheollie,” you say holding your chest, “you scared the shit out of me.” You put your phone back down on the charger and start walking towards the kitchen. Cheol following you.
“Seokmin and Soonyoung are gonna come by Saturday after I get off work.” You tell him turning the faucet on. He grabs the towel off the counter beside the sink. Ready to help you with drying the dishes. “Cool, when was the last time you’ve seen each other?” He asks drying a plate. You shrug your shoulders and look over at him. “It’s been a while, he’s been “busy”.” You say using air quotes.
Dokyeom was recently in a relationship. She was introduced to him by Soonyoung, one of our close friends. To make a long story short, she cheated on Dk with Yeonjun, one of Hoshi’s associates, at a party. Hoshi found out and didn’t tell Dokyeom about it. He was pretty mad at him and instantly broke up with the girl. He says that she was a nobody, but they dated for almost a year and Dk grew to love her. It definitely broke his heart, not that he’d admit to it.
“He’s been shelled away in his house since the breakup but if he says he was “busy” then who am I to doubt him”. You say handing Seungcheol a cup. You finish washing the last of the dishes and turn the faucet back off. “As long as they’re alright and are talking again that’s all that matters right?” Cheol says kissing your cheek. Your stomach flutters and you smile.
“Yeah I guess you’re right.” You turn the lights off in the kitchen and living room then grab your phone as you make your way upstairs. Seungcheol grabs your hand as you reach the top of the steps. He pulls you back softly, turning around to meet his hard chest. “I missed you today y/n.” He says biting his lips. He cups your chin turning you into a kiss, your lips instantly reciprocating.
He kisses you softly, stroking his tongue across your lips asking for an invitation. You instantly oblige parting your lips for his tongue to play with yours. He guides you into your room with a hand on your back. You haven’t had him all day. You can never get enough of the way he admires you so passionately.
“Cheollie,” you began, a soft moan escaping as he kissed your shoulder, gently lowering your bra strap. “Shower.” You say, tugging on his shirt. He picks you up bridal style and carries you toward the bathroom. He places you on the sink before starting the steaming shower. You began to take your clothes off, feeling Seungchol’s eyes watching your every move.
You look up making direct eye contact, your cheeks burn as you turn away still unable to maintain eye contact after all this time. It’s not like he hasn’t seen your naked body before. “You’re beautiful.” He says staring at you heatedly. You turn slightly covering your breast, tossing your bra at him playfully. “See something you like Cheol?” You ask using his own words against him. You step into the shower closing your eyes as warm water rushes down your head, flowing like a stream to your toes.
You feel arms wrap around your stomach and you turn around to see Seungcheol looking down at you. You move over slightly letting him into the water. The way it just runs down his head. His hair falling over his face and the way he slicks it back with his hand, it’s driving you insane. God how is he so hot. You look down at his now fully exposed body. His abs glistening against the moonlit ambience in the skylight above the shower. His large member fully erect as it softly pokes your belly.
You place your hands on his abs and slowly make your way lower. “I missed you too baby.” You say softly as you let your hands grip his hard cock. He picks you up suddenly wrapping your legs around his waist as he pins you against the wall.
You moan quietly as his lips find their way back to yours. “Fuck!” You groan as he rubs the tip of his dick along your folds. “I love you so much baby,” he whispers against your lips, “there’s no one I’d rather love-” a kiss against your shoulder, “no one I’d rather fuck.” He groans sliding into you slowly.
“Cheollie fuck!” You shout gripping onto his shoulder tightly. “Mmm, can’t believe I went the whole day without feeling your pussy.” he says moaning. You can never get over how dirty Cheol sounds when he has you like this, begging for anything he’d give you.
“God! You feel so good baby, so tight.” He rambles placing a hand on the wall while using the other to hold you up. In the midst of fucking you crazy, he still manages to make you feel so safe and balanced between him and the wall, never letting his grip loosen.
You feel your body start to tingle as he picks up the pace. He kisses you sloppily, teeth clashing as he moans inside your mouth.
He bites your bottom lip and you let out a moan. You throw your head back as he hits your g-spot, he knows your body like the back of his hand, pulling your strings like a fiddle. “Baby I-I’m g-gonna cum.” You say closing your eyes losing yourself to the pleasure. You drown in the ecstasy his strokes give. Sinking further and further into that hazy headspace.
“Not yet baby, wait for daddy.” He coos caressing one of your tits with his free hand. “I’m almost there baby, fuck.” He says. You look back down to see his eyes closed and him biting his lip. “Fuck me Cheollie…yessss, just like that.” You moan out meeting his thrusts in tandem. You feel him groan into your shoulder and you know he’s close. You lean in, biting his ear and kissing down to his neck. He moans loudly and you know that was it for him. “Shit baby yess…..fuck I’m cumming.” He says rubbing your clit with his free hand pushing you over the edge. You climax together, gripping each other tightly as you come down from your collective high.
“I love you y/n.” He says gently placing you down on your feet, still holding you close as to not let you stumble. You bask in the afterglow, holding him close. You stand on your tiptoes and give him a kiss. “I love you too Seungcheol.”
The sun shined brightly through his office as he walks inside. Seungcheol was placing his bag on the chair by his desk when his assistant walked in. Kim Mingyu has worked for Seungcheol for quite some time now, becoming good friends as years passed. “Some night huh boss?” He says chuckling. Cheol was a bit groggy today, and Mingyu liked to mess with him. “Y/n kept you up late last night?” He laughed placing a coffee on his desk.
Seungcheol glares lowly, no real heat behind it and shakes his head, sipping his coffee. “We ready for this meeting?” He asks grabbing files from his drawer. Mingyu shakes his head, putting a hand in his pocket. “Just about, we’re waiting on your new VP, she isn’t in yet so,” he says checking his watch, “we still have a few more minutes.” Seungcheol rolls his eyes. He hates tardiness, it’s one of his biggest pet peeves in a workplace.
“We have a lot to go over so we have to start now.” He commands walking out of his office. Making his way to the conference room, he groans as he collides with someone. Papers flew everywhere. He bends down to help pick them up but his hand brushes another in the midst. He looks up to meet eyes with a woman. “I’m so sorry.” She says, bowing slightly and tucking her hair behind her ear.
Seungcheol smiled reassuringly. “It’s alright, your the new VP aren’t you?” He asks standing back up and handing her the papers he held. She nodded, staring at Cheol. “Sorry I’m late, traffic was horrible leaving my apartment.” She apologized. Seungcheol nodded, understanding. “Come, we’re beginning now.” He said, leading her to the conference room.
“I’m just happy she’s ok.” You say proudly over the phone. “Don’t forget she has an exam coming up soon, we gotta make sure she’s not scarring too bad or anything from the surgery.” The woman on the other end agrees and says her goodbyes. You hang up and take a deep breathe. You finally get some quiet time in your office. It’s been busy today, from checkups to filing paperwork, you’ve been on your feet all day.
“You alright?” Your receptionist Younji asks stopping by your office. The clinic was slowing down now and there aren’t anymore customers occupying the lobby, so you don’t mind her coming in. “Yea I’m fine, just tired.” You say, your yawn proving how burnt out you were. She smiles and leans against the door. “Long day huh, it hasn’t been this busy in a while.” She comments running her fingers through her hair. She’s right. We haven’t been this busy in almost 3 weeks. “Yea something must be in the water.” You say jokingly.
Your phone began to ring and Younji excuses herself, closing the door behind her as you go to pick it up. It’s Seungcheol.
“Hey Jagiya,” he says as soon as you answer.
“Hey babe, how’s work?” You ask smiling at the sound of his voice. You then hear a few laughs from his side of the phone.
“Hey, I won’t be home til late today baby,” he starts. “Me and a couple friends are gonna go for some drinks after work.” He tells you. You nod your head at his statement. A weird feeling sinking in your stomach. “Well Seokmin and Soonyoung will be there to keep me company so that’s alright.” You tell him, remembering your messages with Dk earlier that week.
“Okay great, I’ll see you tonight then.” He says. “I love you.” You hear him kiss the phone receiver and you can’t help but chuckle at his action. “I love you too Cheollie, see you later.” You hang up and place your phone back on your desk. It’s 1 pm right now. You’ll be home soon. Just a couple hours left. You think to yourself, leaving your office.
“I don’t care how much money you give me, I’m not jumping into a pile of cow shit. No!” Seungcheol says laughing. He was at a bar not too far from Hybe building and everyone was a few shots in by now. Mingyu laughed loudly, holding his stomach. “Quit asking stupid questions Gyu.” Seungcheol laughs. Everyone was laughing or engaging in their own conversations. The woman from earlier, Naeyon, giggles lightly. “Yea that’s a disgusting question anyway.” She says taking a sip of her soju.
“Ok,” Mingyu starts, finally over his laughing fit. “What if y/n was at the bottom of said shit pile, would you then jump?” He says raising his eyebrows. Seungcheol chuckles to himself. “If y/n was stuck at the bottom of a pile of cow shit,” he began, “I would personally shovel my way through to her.” He says sipping his drink. “Happy now?” He asks lifting his bottle. Mingyu claps while laughing. “Ladies and gentlemen, our CEO.” He says causing the rest of their colleagues to clap unknowingly.
He shakes his head while looking down. Naeyon takes a seat in one of the stools away from him. Trying to grasp his attention. “So you have a girlfriend I assume?” She asks looking up to Cheol, catching his attention. He nods his head while sipping his beer. “Uh yes, yes I do.” He looks away for a second then meets her eyes again. “As a matter of fact, I should be getting home now.” He says grabbing his jacket.
She grabs his wrist before he could completely stand up. “Let me buy you one more drink.” She offers smiling lightly. “I mean we are gonna be working together, might as well get acquainted right?” She suggests beckoning him to sit back down. He looks at the watch on his wrist, 8:45 pm. I’ve got time. He thinks to himself. “Just one more.” He says sitting back down.
“Really?” You laugh out as Soonyoung finishes up his story. “That’s so petty Dk.” You say to your bestfriend. Soonyoung telling you how Dokyeom blocked him on everything. He even deleted his social media so Hoshi couldn’t contact him while they were fighting. “What?” Seokmin asks shrugging his shoulders. “That was a dick move and you know it Soon.” Dk said crossing his arms. You knew the whole situation still rubbed him the wrong way. He’s been your bestfriend since freshman year of high school. You knew him like the back of your hand.
“I apologized Dk. Really I’m sorry.” Soonyoung says sincerely grasping Dokyeom by his shoulders and shaking him. “I vow to never ever keep anything from you again.” He says holding out his pinky finger. “I promise.” Dk rolled his eyes, finally unfolding his arms and locking pinkies with Hoshi. “Good.” You say clapping your hands and standing up. “Anybody want another drink?” You ask walking towards the kitchen. “Yeah sure.” Hoshi says. You grab three bottles of Soju out the fridge and walk back to the living room. You hand the bottles over plopping back down. “Thanks baby.” Seokmin says opening his bottle.
“So where’s Seungcheol, shouldn’t he be coming home by now?” He asks changing the subject as he takes a sip with a raised eyebrow. You look at the clock hanging on the wall. 9:45! It is late isn’t it? You think to yourself. You shake your head as if to shake the thought away. “He’s out with a few friends from work, he told me earlier that he’d be home late.” You reassure them. They exchange a look to each other. “Unless he’s really out with some slutty assistant of his.” Hoshi laughs already tipsy.
You laugh uncertainly taking a sip of your drink. “While Mingyu is very handsome, I doubt Cheol would make any advances on him”. They laugh, holding their hands up in surrender. You then think back to the conversation you and Cheol had earlier this week. “There is this new VP that was hired on Monday.” You don’t know why you told them that or why it was even on your mind. Still you couldn’t shake the sinking feeling of his call from earlier. “He said she’s nice.” You finish looking away and rolling your eyes at yourself.
“HELLOO?!” Dk says loudly, smacking the couch. “He’s obviously out with her, right now!” He shouts, completely sure of himself. Hoshi laughs at Seokmin’s sudden outburst. You shake your head. Cheol would never. Besides they’re coworkers. You reassure yourself. “No, come on Dk,” you began, “Cheol would n-.” Your sentence was cut short by the door being swung open. Seungcheol walks in smiling big at you.
“NAEKKEO!!” He yells excitedly. He’s drunk. He turns and closes the door behind himself. He stumbles toward you, tripping over Hoshi and falling onto Dk. “Too much to drink huh Cheol?” Dk asks pushing him to the empty space beside him. You shake your head and walk towards him, checking his face. You brush the hair from his face, looking into his eyes. “Why would you drive like this?” You ask standing up with your hand on your hip. “I made it home didn’t I?” He sasses.
Dk stands up grabbing his now empty bottle. He walks to the kitchen and tosses it inside the bin. “On that note, I think it’s time for us to go.” He says to Hoshi clearing his throat. Soonyoung grabs his and Seokmin’s jacket and walk towards you. “It was great to catch up,” he says hugging you, “see you again soon y/n. Don’t be a stranger!” You walk them to the door, also receiving a hug from Dokyeom. “Love you bestie, thanks for coming over.” You say pulling away. “See you soon.” He says before heading out the door. You close it behind them, locking it in the process, you take a deep breath before making your way back to Cheol.
He’s sprawled across the couch, his eyes now closed. You shake your head as you pull him up. Jeez he’s so heavy. You say to yourself, wincing at the sudden pressure on your shoulder. “Come on Cheollie, you have to help me a little. You say as you walk towards the stairs, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you keep him from stumbling. He lazily helps you carry him up the steps, tripping over a few in the midst.
You finally make it to the room and you push him onto the bed. He lands forcefully, face first. You place his bag on a chair by your vanity and look over to him. He seems to be asleep now. You shake your head as you began to undress him, starting with his shoes. As you were beginning to take his pants off, you hear a ding, coming from his bag. You walk to the chair you placed it in and look inside. His phone screen lights up the dark space inside as you reach for it. It was a text from an unknown number.
Unknown 10:15: Hey it’s me☺️, just making sure you made it home
Unknown 10:16: You seemed a bit drunk when you left
Unknown 10:17: Anyways just checking on you haha, see you on Monday
“You okay baby?” Cheol asks, suddenly awake. You nod holding his phone up for him to see. “You got a message from some unknown number.” You tell him walking towards the bed. He takes it and looks at the screen briefly. He shakes his head and tosses his phone to the side. “It’s nothing.” He reassured grabbing your hand. “Come here.” He demands pulling you on the bed closer to him. He kisses your lips and you could smell the alcohol on his breathe. You push him back, staring into his eyes. “Take this off babe.” You tell him, referring to his buttoned up shirt. He lazily unbuttons some, but you finish it off for him. “Goodnight beautiful.” He says turning over. You kiss him on his cheek and lay beside him. Trying not to get suffocated by the constant thoughts in your head, you close your eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.
“Knock knock.” Seungcheol looks up from his computer to the voice coming from his office door. It was Nayeon. It’s been two months now that she’s been working here, and since then, she’s grown quite comfortable, too comfortable. “Can I come in?” She asks interrupting Cheol from his work. “Sure, is there something you need?” He asks her. She shakes her head, closing the door as she walks in. He looks confused as she walks up and takes a seat across from him.
“I just wanted to tell you that sales have been great since changing the initial marketing technique.” She says referring to their last meeting. He nods sitting back in his chair. “Yes I’ve noticed,” he started, “great job you’re doing.” He says smiling. She blushes, tucking her hair behind her hair. “Thank you Cheol, your ideas really helped.” She says, cheeks turning red. Seungcheol stares at her, surprised by the sudden nickname, a name only close friends used.
“Is there anything else you need?” He asks her shifting in his chair. She looks at the watch on her wrist and looks back up at him. “I’m just about to head out for my break,” she starts, “let me treat you to lunch.” She’s grinning widely. He looks at his watch and sighs. I’ve gotten a substantial amount of work done so why not? “Sure there’s a cafe across the street from here that we could go to.” He says standing up. She smiles also standing up. “Great.” He follows her to the elevator and steps inside with her once it arrives.
“So how do you like the job so far?” He asks her breaking the silence. She turns and looks up at him. “It’s great really. Everyone’s nice and I have an awesome boss.” She smirks flirtatiously. He smiled shyly rubbing the back of his neck. “Just keep up the good work and you’ll breeze by.” He says nicely changing the subject. They make it out the elevator and to the lobby, the warm breeze caressing Cheol’s skin as he steps outside. She follows closely beside him as they cross the street into the cafe on the corner.
“Can I get two medium iced americanos with two pumps of sugar and caramel drizzle, and can I also get two sandwiches on a toasted croissant please?” He asks the woman at the counter, once they get inside. She tells him his price and he pulls out his wallet to pay. “Hey, I’m supposed to be treating you remember?” Nayeon says stepping in front of him. He shakes his head and gently moves her out the way. “I’m a man, I couldn’t.” He says handing over the bills. They stand by the end of the counter and wait for their order to be called.
Once they get their food, they sit at one of the few tables by the window. “You didn’t have to do that.” She says taking a sip of her coffee. He shook his head before taking a bite of his sandwich. “Now you owe me.” He says covering his mouth. She grinned, looking down shyly. “So tell me about this girlfriend of yours,” she started, “she seems like a lucky girl.” Seungcheol chuckled to himself. “Nah, if anything I’m the lucky one. She’s amazing.” He says looking away.
Nayeon smiled not reaching her eyes like earlier. “Well then you’re lucky to have each other.” She says pulling at her sleeve. “I mean how did she score a catch like you?” She asks staring into Seungcheol. He shrugs, cheeks turning red. Looking at his watch he begins to stand up. “I think it’s uh- time to get back.” He says clearing his throat. “Of course.” She said grabbing her bag and standing up. They tossed their trash and she followed him back across the street into the large building. They throw their now empty cups into the bin by the elevator before stepping in.
After what seemed like forever, the elevator doors close. Then suddenly, before he could react, Nayeon is connecting her lips with him. She kisses him deeply before he shoves her away looking down at her. “W- what are you doing?” He asks her stepping back. She steps forward trailing him. “Come on, she doesn’t have to find out.” She says before forcing herself back onto his lips. They kiss for a few seconds before he comes to his senses. What the fuck am I doing? This is wrong. He thought to himself before pulling away again.
The elevator doors finally open up to the 16th floor and he quickly steps out. He rushes back to his office but is stopped by Nayeon calling his name. He turns around just as she’s walking up towards him, stopping beside him. “She doesn’t have to know.” She calls again before walking off. He finally steps into his office and closes the door. What the fuck?
Its been two weeks since the incident, and Nayeon continues through their work day as if it hasn’t happened. “See you tomorrow Cheol.” Mingyu calls out as Seungcheol walks past him, leaving the office. He waves back at him and steps in to the waiting elevator. Before the doors could close, Cheol hears someone yell out to him. “HOLD THOSE DOORS PLEASE.” The voice yells. He quickly puts his hand out so the doors don’t shut and the person walks in. It’s Nayeon, holding her bag and a few other things. “Thanks Cheol.” She says smiling up at him.
He doesn’t say anything. Just looks up at the numbers above the doors as they count down to the garage. “Giving me the silent treatment aye?” She asks nudging him lightly. He walks out once they reach the garage, still not saying anything. He finally gets to his car and he suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder.
“Cheol,” she began. Turning around he cuts her off. “Don’t call me that.” He says sternly. He looks up and sighs heavily. “I have a girlfriend Nayeon, this can’t happen.” He says pointing to the two of them. She grins and looks down at his lips. Before she could act, Seungcheol clicks the button on his car key and climbs in, tossing his bag on the passenger seat.
Nayeon taps on the glass lightly asking him to roll down his window. Just drive off Cheol. Don’t entertain her. He thought to himself. He sighs and eventually rolls it down. “She doesn’t have t-.” She’s again cut off by Seungcheol’s deep voice. “Stop!” He says a bit loudly. “She does because she’s my girlfriend and I love her.” He tells her, as if to remind himself. “Ok so you don’t mind me telling her how you came on to me in that elevator two weeks ago?” She threatens. He looks at her, puzzled by her remark. “Just leave me alone.” He says before driving off, leaving Nayeon standing there alone.
This shit sucks. Oh to be a woman. You think to yourself while hugging your stomach. It’s that time of the month for you and you can barely move. I’m hungry, you thought to yourself. “Shit dinner!” You say out loud. Cheol would be home any minute and you haven’t started cooking yet. You look at the time on your phone and throw yourself back on the bed. Fuck. Takeout it is, you thought. You open up the food delivery app on your phone and start scrolling through the endless choices. “I’m really craving some pizza right now.” You say out loud to yourself.
“BABE?!” You hear the door slam shut and you knew Seungcheol was home. “UP HERE!” You yell back. He walks up the steps to your room and plop himself on the bed next to you. He’s still thinking about what happened at work and he’s reluctant to tell you. “How was work?” You ask him snapping him out of his thoughts. He sits up running his fingers through his hair. “Stressful.” Is all he says before getting up and walking to the bathroom, taking his phone with him.
“How so?” You ask as he cracks the door. It’s quiet. You can faintly hear typing coming from his phone. Seungcheol types out a message responding to Nayeon’s previous one.
NCoworker 5:30: Come on Cheol. It wasn’t that bad was it?
NCoworker 5:31: Ik you enjoyed it a little right?😌
Cheol 5:45: This has to stop. I love y/n and nothing you do will change that.
NCoworker 5:46: I won’t tell her Cheollie. I promise.
Cheol 5:46: Meet me in my office tomorrow during lunch. This’ll be over soon.
NCoworker 5:46: If you say so. I’ll see you at work. Goodnight love.
“Who you texting?” You ask, making him jump slightly. He turns around quickly locking his phone. “Just Mingyu telling me about his girlfriend.” He lied. You nodded, part of you not believing him, but you quickly brushed that feeling away. “Takeout tonight?” You ask holding up your phone. You’re still undecided so you ask for his opinion. “I kind of want pizza and wings, but if you want something else we can choose the latter.” You tell him walking into his chest, wrapping your arms around him. He’s warm and his heart is beating quite fast. He seems nervous.
“You ok?” You ask looking up at him. He nods and leans down to kiss your nose. “Pizza it is.” He says walking back out of the bathroom holding your hand. You quickly order the food and lay on the bed, letting his hand go. Seungcheol is by the closet undressing. “You know I love you right?” He says randomly. You nod, somewhat confused by his question. “Of course, why what’s wrong?” You ask, brows furrowed. He just shrugs and walks back towards the bathroom, stopping by the door. “Just wanted to make sure you knew that.” He says before walking in and closing the door behind him.
You look over to where he was previously standing and noticed he left his phone. That sinking feeling returns and the next thing you know, your grabbing his phone quickly running back to the bed. Opening it, you didn’t really expect to find anything, you’re not even sure what made you want to go through it. You click on his messages and something immediately catches your eye. “Goodnight love.” Who is that? Your head immediately floods with thoughts. You click the message and your heart jumps.
NCoworker 5:46: I won’t tell her Cheollie. I promise.
Cheol 5:46: Meet me in my office tomorrow during lunch. This’ll be over soon.
NCoworker 5:46: If you say so. I’ll see you at work. Goodnight love.
What the fuck? Who is this? Is he- No. You instantly brush the thought away. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t! Before you could think of anything else, you quickly close out of everything and place his phone back where it was. You hear the water turning off, signaling that he was done showering. You grab the remote and quickly put something random on tv.
A movie began playing loudly as he walks out of the bathroom. “Watcha watching?” Cheol asks smiling at you. He walks into the closet and began dressing himself. You can’t help but sit and think about what you saw. Who is N. What won’t she tell someone. Why is she calling him Cheollie? So many thoughts flood your mind that you didn’t even hear Cheol calling your name. “Y/N!” He says snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Everything alright?” He asks drying his hair. You look over at him. He’s wearing a black T-shirt with some grey sweat pants. His hair loosely hang over his face as he continues to dry it. “Yea everything’s alright.” You say lowly. At least that’s what you told yourself. Just then you hear the doorbell ring. “Must be the food.” Cheol says rushing downstairs, taking his phone and his wallet with him.
Your phone begins to ring. You look at the caller ID to see that it’s your dad. Shit. Here we go. You reluctantly answer.
“Hey dad.” You say, fake excitement in your voice.
“Don’t sound to eager to hear from us.” He says, noticing the sarcasm. “Your mother and I are in town and we would like to see you.” He tells you. You roll your eyes. Terrible timing. Just as I’m starting to make assumptions on Cheol’s whereabouts at work. Your dad never really liked the idea of you and Seungcheol being together. Said he didn’t like the looks of him. Cheol was just a COO at the time. Working underneath a now close friend of his, Kim Namjoon. The elder really favored Cheol and his work ethic and promoted him within a couple years after his retirement. Still, my father didn’t think he was good enough for me.
“Great,” you start, throwing your head back. “What time would be good for you guys?” You ask. You can hear your mother on the other side saying something. Seungcheol walks back in with a plate of pizza and some wings for you and him to share. You get up and walk to the small table in your room. “Tomorrow night. We can grab dinner and catch up.” Your dad says finally. Seungcheol makes a small gesture as to question who was calling. You hold up a finger, telling him to wait a second.
“Sure dad, so I’ll meet you guys tomorrow night at 9.” You tell him. He agrees. Then hangs up. You sigh deeply before taking a bite of your pizza. “That your parents?” He asks handing you a bottle of water. You nod looking over at him. Your mind rushing back to his messages as you continue to stare at him. “Anything interesting happen at work today?” You question hoping he would let you in on whatever those texts were about.
He shakes his head. “Just constantly trying to boost sales for our clients and what not.” He says biting into a piece of chicken. “Gotta keep our clients happy.” He says drinking some of his water. He didn’t tell you. Since when did he start keeping things to himself? Since when did he lie to you? Again thoughts crowding your mind.
You didn’t want to think the worse. But then why would he be lying to you. Why couldn’t he just tell you. You shake the thought away. He wouldn’t. “Could you take this downstairs?” You ask Seungcheol, quickly losing your appetite. He furrows his brows. “You going to bed?” He asks watching you climb back into bed. You nod your head without saying anything else.
Shit. Does she know. She couldn’t possibly. Seungcheol thought to himself. Maybe meeting her parents is what’s upsetting her. They don’t have the best relationship. His mind racing as he took the food downstairs to the kitchen. Just then he got a call from his phone. NCoworker displayed brightly on his screen. What the fuck? Why is she calling him so late?
Seungcheol takes a glance to the top of the steps before hesitatingly answering.
“Hey there.” Nayeon says flirtatiously. He runs his fingers through his hair. What was he doing? Why did he answer? “What did you want Nayeon?” He asks quietly. “I figured you would still be awake.” She says giggling slightly. “I’d love your company right now.” He shakes his head at her remark. What the fuck was her problem? “What the fuck is wrong with you Nayeon,” he begins “This ends tomorrow.” He says to her before hanging up.
“Yes two pumps of sugar.” You tell the barista at the cafe. You decide to surprise Cheol by bringing him lunch. You tell yourself that what you saw yesterday was just a misunderstanding. At the same time, you thought it would be a great time to bring him lunch, NOT because he said he would be meeting this N at that time. Though that was also sitting in the back of your mind, nothing wrong with a little lunch pop up right?
You park your car in the garage that connects to Hybe building. Walking towards and into the elevator, you began to get feeling again. Why? It’s not like I haven’t been here before. You think to yourself. Something was different though. A faint nervous feeling. Nervous because you didn’t know what you were walking into.
Finally reaching the 16th floor of the building, you walk until you reach the section his office was in. Mingyu spots you and gives you an endearing smile. “Hey y/n. Nice to see you again.” He says standing up to give you a friendly hug. “Should I let Cheol know, h-.” You basically yell cutting him short. “No!” You shout making him jump slightly. “No,” you continue less loudly now. “I brought lunch for him and wanted to surprise him.” You say showing him the bag and the coffee. He smiles and nods understandingly. “Got it, you know where to go.” He says returning back to his work.
You began walking down the long hallway, making your way to his office. As you reach it, you notice the door is closed. You can faintly make out two voices, one being Cheol’s, the other sound like it belonged to a woman. You instantly walk in, swinging the door open widely. You see Seungcheol and this woman standing uncomfortably close to each other. He notices you and quickly back away.
“What’s this?” You ask staring at him. He looks over at the woman and then back at you. “You must be y/n.” The woman chimes excitedly. She quickly walks up to you bowing. “I’m Nayeon.” She says smiling. N. This has to be her. You look at Cheol who still hasn’t said anything. “Yes,” he finally blurts out, “this is my girlfriend, y/n.” He says still staring at you. He blinks quickly and look away. “What’s going on?” You ask him. He walks up to you and kisses you softly on the lips. You notice Nayeon shift slightly on her feet.
“We were just discussing uh-,” he starts thinking to himself, “some major marketing plans we had for our clients.” He said looking down and noticing the bag in your hand. “You brought me lunch?” He asks you. You couldn’t gather any words, your mind was running a marathon. “I’m the new VP, I’ve been here for about two and a half months now. Cheollie and I here have been working pretty closely.” She tells you happily, staring endearingly at Seungcheol.
“Cheollie?” You repeat, questioning her choice of words. “Yea,” she says all giddy, “we’re basically partners.” She says nudging him. Cheol looks at you and puts his head down. “Nayeon please excuse yourself.” He demands to her. She instantly obliges and closes the door behind herself. You look up at Seungcheol as he guides you to a couch in his office. “Cheollie?” You repeat again, staring deeply at Seungcheol. He grabs your hand reassuringly.
“It’s nothing, I promise it’s nothing.” He says staring into you. You shake your head at him. “It doesn’t seem like nothing Cheol, she seems awfully close to you.” You say, your cheeks turning red. Is this why he’s been lying to you? “I saw the messages Cheol.” You tell him. His eyes widen, he clears his throat trying to remain calm. He swallows thickly and looks back at you. “She’s been coming on to me.” He admits with his head down. You scrunch your face at his remark. “I’ve been avoiding and dodging her advances. I promise nothing has happened or will ever happen.” He promises squeezing your hand tightly.
You didn’t say anything, just nodded. Nothing could escape your mouth. There was a knock at the door, you both look up to see Mingyu standing there with a few papers and folders. “Sorry to interrupt you guys,” he says quietly. “Cheol I have the Chairman on line 3, he’s waiting to hear from you on the recent changes made to the company”. He says before excusing himself.
You finally speak up. “I have to go, there’s some things I have to grab before meeting my parents tonight.” He nods but grabs your wrist before you can leave. “There’s a company party being thrown later,” he says, “we’re celebrating the release of our new group, maybe you could come by after dinner?” He asks. You force out a soft smile. Maybe there really is nothing going on. Maybe he’s telling the truth. He would never lie to you, right?
You go in for a hug, which he returns. “I’ll try ok?”
You take a deep breathe before shaking away your nerves. You were standing outside the restaurant your parents told you to come to. You always got a nervous feeling when seeing them again. They’re very judgmental and you long for their approval. You finally walk inside approaching the man at the front. “Hi! I have a reservation for Lee.” He looks up and down his list, nodding his head after finding your last name. “Yes, the rest of your party are already here, follow me.” He says walking off.
As you walk deeper into the restaurant, you see your parents sitting at a circle table towards the back. Your mother notices you and stand up to greet you. “My kitten!” She says excitedly. You smile and walk into her welcoming arms. The scent of blossoms and peaches cloud your senses. You pull away looking over at your dad. He stands up bowing to you with a gentle smile. “Long time no see,” he says dramatically. He then pulls you into a tight hug. “Your mother and I missed you.” He admits shyly. He pulls your chair out for you to sit, he takes his seat after helping your mother. You smile endearingly, shocked by your dads’ words. You fell out with your parents once you started dating Seungcheol.
Your dad just couldn’t get behind the fact that you decided to move in with him, and your mother stands behind every decision he makes. Basically disowning you once you moved away, you haven’t really spoken to them much from that point, so it’s pretty relieving to hear this. “I’ve realized over these past years that he isn’t going anywhere,” he starts,“so I’m willing to give him a chance my Bear, for you.” Your dad finishes. You instantly go in for another hug. Finally.
Shit. Who made this drink? Seungcheol thought to himself. He was now sitting at one of the tables on the far side of the conference hall, now on his 3rd or 4th drink by now. “Enjoying the party?” Mingyu asks him walking up to take a seat beside him. Seungcheol holds his cup up with an eyebrow raised. “Who made this drink?” He asks taking another sip, his head beginning to feel fuzzy. “I don’t know, strong isn’t it?” Mingyu questions scrunching his nose up. Seungcheol nearly finishes his drink, the strong taste in the back of his throat.
“You coming back out there?” Mingyu asks standing back up. Seungcheol blinked rapidly, his drink almost catching up to him. “I gotta run to my office really quick.” He said standing up, stumbling slightly before catching himself. Mingyu pats him on the back and makes his way back to the party. Seungcheol walks out of the party towards the elevator. Fuck, this shit is strong, he thought with a shake of his head. Finally the elevator arrives and he presses the 16 for his main office level.
Making his way around the dark space, he finally reaches his office, walking in and closing the door behind him. He sits on the couch that’s awfully comfortable to him right now. He really left to get away from the loud music. The party was nice, but he needed some quiet time for the moment. He kicks his feet up to be fully laid out on the couch, with his arms tucked comfortably behind his head. Just then he heard his office door swing open and close. Fuck.
Dinner was amazing. You and your parents touched on a lot of your problems and your dad is even willing to create a mutual relationship with Seungcheol. You pick your phone up and text Cheol telling him that you were on your way to his company’s party.
You 10:35: Heyy Cheollie, dinner went great☺️
No answer. You put your car in drive and hold your foot on the break.
You 10:37: I’m otw ok? I love you❤️
You put your phone down and began making your way to him. Now that your dad loosened his hold on him, you could get them to have a proper meeting together. You couldn’t wait to tell Cheol about it. Driving through the beautiful luminous city lights Seoul has to offer you smile to yourself, it’s so pretty at night, and you rarely go out at night so you don’t get to enjoy this view much.
You finally reach Hybe building and park your car in the adjoined parking garage. You get to the elevator and quickly press the button to the lobby. Fuck. I forgot to ask him what floor the party would be on, You thought reaching the lobby. Walking out, you see the sign with celebratory balloons hanging from it. You approach it to see that the party is on the 12th floor. You sigh and walk back towards the elevator, getting in and pressing the number 12 button.
You finally reach the 12th floor and greet the security guard you’re so used to seeing during your visits. “Nice to see you Ms. Lee.” He says letting you walk past him. You enter to see Mingyu dancing wildly in the middle of the room. You stand by the front laughing as he jumps and does some crazy moves with his arms. He finally spots you and runs towards you. “Y/n!” He says all excitedly. Your instantly pulled into a hug. You giggle at his sudden action. “Where’s Seungcheol?” You ask him after he let you go. He snaps his fingers as if trying to remember. “Ohhh yea,” he starts, “he went to his office.” He says now offering you a drink. You take it and thank him, walking back to the elevator.
When the doors opened to his floor, you couldn’t help but get this cold feeling. It was much different in here at night, an almost eerie feeling. You walk around the dark almost unfamiliar area, finally making it to the hallway that homed his office. Suddenly you hear voices, a man and a woman it sounds like. You can’t really make out their words, you’re too far. Who else would be here at this time?
As you’re close to approaching, you realize it’s coming from Cheol’s office. Finally getting a little closer, you can clearly hear it. “I promise I won’t tell her,” you hear her say, “she doesn’t have to know, this’ll just be our little secret.” She says, sounding seductive. You stand there trying to listen more. Then it’s quiet. You’re hot. You’re ears are hot. You quickly run down the rest of the hallway and burst through the door. Your chest heavy. You can’t breathe.
Walking in, you see Cheol laying back on his couch. His hair disheveled, shirt unbuttoned and pants halfway down. What the fuck. On top of him sat Nayeon, the very person he told you not to worry about. She quickly climbs off him, pulling her dress back down. Seungcheol quickly stands up, staring at you deeply, as if he’s trying to read your mind.
Your mind was racing. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t. Cheol would never. Your previous thoughts flooding your head. Five years. Five years of a relationship that he just let go of. Did he not care? You thought he loved you. He said that he would never hurt you. So many promises he made to you gone in an instant. You couldn’t breathe. Your chest heaved heavily. Oncoming tears stung at your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. Not right now, you couldn’t let them see you like this. Let her see you like this.
“Y/n.” Seungcheol said softly, as if he was proceeding with caution. He grabbed your hand and you quickly snatch away. “Do not fucking touch me Cheol!” You warn him, backing away. He looked at you with regret in his eyes. He looks a mess. Shirt still opened and pants pulled back up but unbuttoned. You look past him to see Nayeon grabbing her things and quickly running out of his office. You stand there quiet, thinking of your next words.
Seungcheol walks slowly towards you with his hand out. “Please Naekkeo, here me out.” He says using your nickname. A nickname that once made you feel warm and loved. Now it just makes you feel cold and unwanted. “Don’t call me that!” You snap at him. “You don’t get to call me that.” You say, pushing your tears away. You sniff and look away. Fighting the water works that were welling up the more you looked at him.
“Why?” You ask, not fully sure you wanted to know the answer. “It didn’t mean anything, she’s a nobody.” You’ve heard that before. Everytime a guy says that a girl is just a nobody, most of the time, she’s a somebody. You look at him shaking your head. “You lied to me Seungcheol.” You look up hoping your blurred vision would go away. “I clearly see why you haven’t answered any of my texts.” You say biting your lip. He runs his fingers through his hair and moves to grab your hand again.
To no surprise, you pull away again. “Y/n I-.” He’s cut short by your outburst. “YOU LOOKED ME IN MY EYES AND LIED TO MY FUCKING FACE SEUNGCHEOL!” You yell. “Please” he says tears filling his eyes. Smack! Your hand stings as you hit him. You don’t know what came over you but you hit him. You were hurting. You felt betrayed, embarrassed, and above all broken. “I hate you,” you spat. He stood there tears now rolling down his face. You quickly turn and began walking out, not wanting to be there anymore. “Y/n” he says, grabbing you wrist. You turn to look him in his eyes. “Fuck you Seungcheol.” You snatch away and run out. Leaving him there alone.
My Cheollie🍒 11:45 pm: Y/n please
My Cheollie🍒 11:45 pm: Let me explain
My Cheollie🍒 11:46 pm: I love you so much, I would never do anything to purposely hurt you
My Cheollie🍒 11:47 pm: Talk to me
My Cheollie🍒 11:48 pm: Believe me she doesn’t mean anything to me
My Cheollie🍒 11:48 pm: You’re the only one I want to be with
My Cheollie🍒 11:49 pm: Please come home
My Cheollie🍒 11:49 pm: I need you baby please
You lay there in the bed staring at the messages that Seungcheol sent last night. You couldn’t bring yourself to reply to any of them. You spent the night at Seokmin’s place, not wanting to go home. He has a spare bedroom so he didn’t mind you coming to stay. You knew Cheol would be returning home that night and you didn’t want to be there once he arrived. You hated the way he made you feel. You hated the way he looked at you when you walked in his office. Why did he do it? You thought to yourself while staring at your lock screen. A picture of a painting you and Cheol painted together displayed brightly.
“How you feeling?” Dokyeom asks popping his head in the room breaking you out of your trance. You look up at him, wiping the tears you didn’t even realize started falling. He comes in and takes a seat on the bed, staring into your sad eyes. “I’m so sorry best.” He says holding his arms open, welcoming you into an embrace. You quickly sit up and fall into his warm body. He holds you tight, rubbing your back.
“What now?” You ask him through loud sobs. “We started a life together,” you start. “Just us and each other’s company.” You hug Dk tighter. I’m gonna have to completely start over. What will I tell my parents? “I have to start looking for my own place.” You say pulling away from him. He smiles softly and supportingly. “You can always stay here with me until you find one.” He replies. You force a smile out and chuckle slightly. “I love you Seokmin, thanks for always being there for me.” He pulls you into another hug and kisses your forehead. “I love you too y/n.” He says pulling away and standing up. “I’ll always be here for you.”
It’s been two weeks and you finally gather the courage to go back to Cheol’s house. You’re there to get the rest of your things and return your key. For the past few days, you’ve been visiting whenever he was at work and taking a few clothes and personals. It’s 6:30 pm and you would’ve come earlier but you were at a meeting with a landlord for a potential apartment across town. You knew he would be there but you weren’t ready to face him just yet. It’s now or never. Come on y/n we can do it. You mentally prep yourself.
You walk up to his door and unlock it with your key. It still works. Are you surprised though? Making your way inside, you notice how dark it is. An unwelcoming type of darkness. “Y/n?” You walk further in and turn the lights on in the living room seeing Seungcheol sitting in a lounge chair by the window. “I won’t be long.” You say quickly making your way upstairs. You hear him following behind you which you pay no mind to.
“Where are you going?” He asks sloppily. He’s been drinking. He stands there watching you grab several suitcases you stored in the hallway closet. You ignore him as you open them up and quickly begin packing your things away. “Y/n answer me.” You stand up instantly meeting eyes with him. “There’s nothing for me to say to you Seungcheol.” You take a deep breathe and push past him going to your vanity. You grab your jewelry, taking each out of their own spaces and tossing them in a small bag.
“You haven’t been returning any of the messages I’ve been leaving you. Y/n we didn’t speak in two weeks. Where have you been?” You feel your irritation raise and look up to glare at him. Why is he speaking as if he’s done nothing wrong? Like he didn’t fully cheat on you with his coworker. After telling you nothing was going on. “YOU CHEATED ON ME CHOI SEUNGCHEOL. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. YOU-” You cut yourself off feeling the frustration rise in you.
He stumbles back trying to catch himself. He grabs the side of the vanity, balancing himself. “I love you.” He says walking closer to you. It’s now that you finally get to analyze him. He’s wearing a black tank top and a pair of adidas pants. His hair has grown longer and falls messily over his face. You can smell the alcohol on his breathe. “You did this Seungcheol. Not me”.
You finally finish packing ignoring everything he’s had to say to you. Your bags are in your car and you’re gathering the remaining of your things. Walking into the bathroom to get your personal hygienic items, you can’t help but remember the last time you and Cheol showered together. You were happy, everything was ok. How could it all go so wrong in the span of a couple of months. You shake your head and wipe the single tear that fell down your face away.
You walk out to see Seungcheol now sitting on the bed holding a bottle of water in his hand. “Don’t leave me y/n.” He says sluggishly. You look away and make your way for the door, stopping briefly. You turn to take one more look at him. “I hope it was worth it”. You say staring at him. This time he doesn’t say anything. Just stares back at you. You turn back around heading towards the stairs. When you finally reach the door, you hear his voice. “Don’t walk out on us, please.” He begs from the top of the steps. You stand there. Memories you shared flooding your mind. You sigh deeply, sobs threatening to burst from your chest. You grab the doorknob and head out finally closing the door on the love of your life.
“I’m sorry.” Seungcheol says after you close the door. 
What have I done?
133 notes · View notes
bp-zb1fics · 1 year
Started: 30.04.2023
Last updated: 09.06.2023
Total fics: 30
Zerobaseone (Zb1)
Kim Jiwoong
writing soon~
Sung Hanbin
-> you do like me? - student council pres bin x vp reader
-> a little crazy - overprotective bf bin x s/o reader
Zhang Hao
-> a real kiss - jealous zhang hao x reader ft. jiwoong
Seok Matthew
-> easy to love (cananda oppa?) - finale seokmae x secret s/o reader
-> because it’s your birthday - bf seokmae x reader (suggestive)
-> no, it's not lasik - uni seokmae x foreign student reader
Kim Taerae
-> thinking about - bf taerae x reader (suggestive)
-> tall & handsome & will take care of you - intimidating ricky x childhood friend reader
_> tall & handsome & wants birthday kisses - childhood friends ricky x reader
Kim Gyuvin
-> the perils of asking you out - pining gyuvin x male reader ft. protective younger brother gunwook
Park Gunwook
-> the perils of confessing to you - gunwook x crush male reader
Han Yujin
-> Shy, shy, shy - new student yujin & class president male reader
-> Shy, shy, shy pt. 2 - friends yujin & male reader
Boys Planet
Lee Hoetaek
-> me and you under - bf hui x reader (18+)
Lee Seunghwan
-> smells like cowards - seunghwan x crush reader
-> so pretty - flirty won x reader
Chen Kuan Jui
-> it was only just a dream - bf jui x g group reader
Wang Zihao
-> sunbaenim - zihao x college sunbae reader
Jay Chang
-> if this was a movie - jay x g group reader
-> tonight i'll take you away - over me jay x makeup artist reader (18+)
Na Kamden
my heart keeps on - finale kam x ldr secret s/o reader
Park Hanbin
-> give me a kiss~ - bf phanbin x g group reader
-> perfectionist - phanbin x s/o reader (suggestive)
Lee Jeonghyeon
-> ridiculous but you're mine~ - bf leejeong x reader (suggestive)
-> doll~ - bf leejeong x reader (18+)
-> tied up in the mirror~ - over me leejeong x reader (18+)
-> fill your heart with me - bridgerton au leejeong x fem reader
-> so without meaning - highschool au leejeong x reader
Kum Junhyeon
-> yelling - bf junhyeon x bp trainee reader
-> you didn’t have to say it like that - finale aftermath junhyeon x s/o reader
166 notes · View notes
bunnyjoyce-blog · 4 months
Quality Time Pt 4
In understanding how Schroeder and Lucy might each have Quality Time as their love language, we can look at different strips which have the pair hanging out indoors or walking outside together, where Schroeder is typically not hostile and where Lucy is not overtly flirting with him. In these cases they are often comfortable together (at least until the punchline in some cases). These were more common in the 50s and 60s, but in multiple cases, Schroeder and Lucy can be suitable companions.
5/20/54 — He’s happy to tell her about his new record
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1/15/55 — Schroeder opens up about how he feels about music.
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3/18/1955 — They both listen to Charlie Brown read about Beethoven
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6/11/56 — both playing in the sand/dirt with Charlie Brown
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11/4/56 — He was willing to listen to her music box and was polite, then wanted to share his music box. From his POV he was probably trying to share something he personally enjoyed with Lucy.
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8/9/57 — Schroeder opens up to her and shows vulnerability.
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2/14/60 — Schroeder walks with Lucy and Linus on St. Valentine’s Day
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9/28/60 — Schroeder reads aloud about Beethoven.
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12/9/60 — Lucy helps him announce Beethoven’s birthday (which she has done on multiple occasions)
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12/28/61 — From their body language, you can see that Schroeder is voluntarily walking with Lucy. Here Schroeder offers helpful advice to a problem Lucy is facing. (Look at that smile in the 3rd panel.)
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4/8/63 — Schroeder tells Lucy about his purchases and volunteers information about feeling depressed.
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7/19/63 — Out walking together
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3/28/64 — He asks HER opinion on his hair.
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3/29/64 — Schroeder accepts a doughnut when Lucy offers him one, and the two discuss Charlie Brown being their manager.
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6/22/65 — He sought HER out when he was upset.
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7/31/65 — He agreed to be her assistant for her psychiatrist booth.
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7/3/69 — After Lucy hurt herself roller-skating, Schroeder genuinely tried to talk to her about it (but Lucy thought he was making fun of her).
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1/29/73 — He hangs out with the VP siblings at times.
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5/17/73 — Hanging out with Charlie Brown & Lucy
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11/12/76 — having a casual moment together 
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12/18/81 — Schroeder shares his original composition with Lucy.
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I don’t know about you, but if I completely disliked someone, I wouldn’t open up to them about feeling depressed or show them all the valentines I received. I wouldn’t ask them if they thought I needed a haircut, and I probably wouldn’t voluntarily ask for their opinion on something I had written. Although you can debate as to whether Schroeder returns Lucy’s romantic feelings, he seems to consider her a good friend.
Conclusion: As we can see, Schroeder and Lucy both have Quality Time as their love language, but due to different dialects, they often experience miscommunication. Even so, they both appear to enjoy their time together (regardless of Schroeder’s complaints).
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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imkillerbae · 1 year
Would you do a sequel in plush drama? I feel you are talented at long stories ❤️
Snap Drama (Valorant Yoru x Reader) (Plush Drama pt 2)
Summary: You file a leave and you miss Yoru so you send him a snap.
Word count: 3.5k
CW: Fluff, Fem!Reader, Phoenix, Jett and Neon slander, crab talk, mentions of celebrities I dont know)
Art is also by me
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The windows were left open, the midnight air was cold as it blew against your curtains. The stars were bright against the indigo sky, and you stared at them quietly, hugging your black cat plush against your chest.
You were on leave from the VP, currently residing in your home with your family. And while you enjoyed the time you had with the folks, you couldn’t help but wonder how everyone was in HQ. Especially Yoru.
When your leave papers were signed, he was away for a mission and wouldn’t be back until further notice. You didn’t know why, but you felt bad leaving without saying goodbye properly.
With a heavy heart, you packed lightly for the trip. But you didn’t forget to pack Yoru Jr. with you, since you didn’t wanna feel lonely in the plane. And during the flight, you itched to send him a text, or call him. It’s not like you needed to tell him any of this. But it just felt wrong not to. You shook the thoughts away: you can’t jeopardize his mission just so you could update him about something he may not even be interested in knowing.
It was a week after you left that he got back from the mission with Sage, Sova and Reyna. He was jetlagged, hungry, and aching in places he shouldn’t be. But all he wanted to do as he stepped down the Vulture was to give you this keychain he bought from Bangkok, a trinket he managed to snag with limited time.
His brows knit together as his eyes roamed the field, the agents coming to greet them, but there was no sign of you anywhere. He grits his teeth as he approached Phoenix. “Aye, man! You don’t look too hot,” he laughs, doing their handshake. “Yeah, and? I’ll get patched up later.” He replies curtly, brushing the dust off his jacket, looking around as covertly as he could, hoping that you were just late or something.
“Whatcha looking for?” Phoenix asks, also looking around. Yoru’s eye twitches in annoyance but he shakes his head. “No one. Doesn’t matter.” With that reply, Phoenix quirks an eyebrow before smirking. “Ah, I see how it is,” he smiles widely, elbowing Yoru. “If you’re looking for Y/N, she’s on leave. I’m surprised you didn’t know?”
Yoru raises a brow. He knew about your scheduled leave, but he thought that it would be approved later than anticipated. He gripped on the keychain he held inside his fist. “Wasn’t looking for anyone,” he shrugs, but winces at the aching on his arm.
It was Phoenix’s time to raise a brow. “Is that right? Say that again, and I’ll believe you,” he laughs, shaking his head. Phoenix found it funny how hard his best friend tried to hide how much he liked you, and yet everyone could see how enamored he was. But no one wants to play cupid unless they wanted a bullet through their stomach, curtesy of Yoru.
Except for Phoenix of course. He had the balls to play with fire.
Yoru hissed at him and his teasing, huffing. “I don’t have time for your nonsense right now Phoenix. Go unpack or someshit. Make yourself useful,” he rolls his eyes, pulling the jacket off him. With the soreness he had, it was getting heavy. “Oh, but am I really talking nonsense?” He jokes, snagging the keychain from Yoru’s grip by the loop, spinning it around his fingertips. “Another knickknack huh? If you keep being such a chicken, she’s gonna have enough shit for a yard sale.”
Yoru blushed, blood rushing from his neck. After his first move of giving you that cat plush, he’s been building up the courage to give you something a little more overt with his intentions. His intentions being along the lines of ‘I like you and I want to spoil you’. “What the fuck are you on about? T-that’s not for her. I just found that lying around some place,” he defended, too tired to retrieve the thing from Phoenix.
“Oh yeah? I’ll keep it then if it isn’t too important. That alright with you?” Phoenix challenged, reaching his hand out, the hoop of the keychain dangling on his fingertips. With a smug grin, he jingles it, mocking Yoru as he tried his best to look disinterested; his red face giving him away. “Doudemo ii. It’s trash anyway,” he grumbled and rolled his eyes, walking towards the HQ entrance, bumping his shoulders against Phoenix in annoyance.
“You know, you gotta make up a better excuse than ‘I found it some place,’ she’s not some lost and found box!” Phoenix calls out, and Yoru’s eye twitches as he turns around to give Phoenix the middle finger. Why was he a million times more annoying today? And why did he have to meddle so much?
But as much as he hated what Phoenix said, he was right. He needed to make up a more sensible excuse; he can’t just keep giving you stuff and hope the message comes across clearly. He needed to make a move.
But that’s easier said than done. Actually, it’s not easy saying it either.
Recently, anytime he’s talked to you, his brain would lag, trying to form the right sentences. It wasn’t like him to be so careful with his words, being known to be quite the opposite. But with you, he found himself wanting to be more sincere. Unfortunately for him, that wasn’t his style, so he just ends up being quiet. He never stuttered, and yet you always had him too stunned to speak.
When he stumbles on his words, he gets so mad at himself that he distances himself from you sometimes. He always thought of himself as a confident man, egotistic even. And yet you were able to stun him with just a smile. And when you say his name, oh god. He found it so cute, his heart clenches at the sound. Why was he so bad at communicating his feelings?
After a trip to the infirmary, a relaxing bath and a long nap, he was well rested. Unfortunately, this resulted in him not being able to fall asleep at night time. A warm towel was propped on his neck, his hair down from its updo. He sat on his chair, propping one leg up. He stared at himself in the mirror, eyes narrowed. He was annoyed with himself and his inability to communicate properly beyond the battlefield. It was frustrating. He could tell how confused you were with his mixed signals, and he was trying his best to set himself straight.
He looked at his phone and thought of you. Somehow he wanted to overcompensate and send you a text. He just wanted to talk to you and not fuck up. Unbeknownst to him, you felt the same way.
It was already late at night and yet you still wanted to text him. You wanted to know how he was, how his mission ended, and tell him sorry that you weren’t able to meet before you left. Fuck it, I can’t take this anymore, you thought to yourself. Yoru was brave enough to hand you gifts, you should be brave enough to send a text.
But what text should I send?
Picking up the phone was the easy part. Typing down words seemed daunting. You scratch your head, biting your lip. Plus, where do you even send it? You wouldn’t be caught dead sending anyone flirty messages in VAL-SECURE. Scrolling through your apps, you see Snap. Perfect. You should send him a photo!
But of what?
God this was getting more complicated than it needs to be. Your palms sweat as you stare at yourself in the screen. It would be too forward sending a selfie out of nowhere. You look around and see your plush, and ding! An idea comes to mind. You send a picture of the cat instead and captioned it with a ‘hi :>’
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As soon as you saw that the message was sent, you threw your phone to the bed and stared off into the distance. The act of spontaneity hitting you like a brick wall.
You sent the Kiritani Ryo a fucking Snap.
It’s not like you’ve never texted each other before, but it was mostly just updates about the protocol or missed mission details. But this was Snapchat. You didn’t even know if he used that. You knew he had social media but never posted anything, only using it to check on others or troll Phoenix.
Out of nervousness, you hug the poor cat plush. You reminded yourself that it was already late, and he may not even reply. You felt a pang of comfort then sadness at that fact. Much to your chagrin, you see the light of your phone pulse. A notification. You look at the phone, mortified.
Yoru on the other hand stared blankly at the photo you sent, finding himself too stunned to act on it initially. Blood rushes from his neck to his face, his ears almost steaming as he stared closely at the picture. He felt his heart clench. It was… so cute…
Even if you weren’t in the photo, he found it adorable that you brought the plush with you. He also couldn’t help but imagine you in bed with your pyjamas, lying down as you send the cute picture. He rubs his forehead with his free hand, baffled and in awe. It took him a few moments to register the fact that he had to reply something.
Looking at himself at the mirror, his brows raise. He checked himself on all angles and smirked to himself. His hair wasn’t done up but he looked good regardless, something he took pride in.
But as soon as he opened the camera, a blush crept up his cheeks.
He was sending YOU a fucking SELFIE at 12 AM.
Anytime he tried to get a good photo of himself, the blush was very evident. He tried every good angle, but he couldn’t hide how flustered he was. God, you got him taking selfies at 2AM. He didn’t even like taking photos of himself!
Out of desperation, he instead sends a photo of half of his face. He captioned it with a simple ‘hey.’ Fuck it.
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After it sent, he froze in his seat, his face red like a tomato. He was screaming angrily at himself on the inside for that horrible angle but not a sound left his lips. He sat the phone down on his lap, pulling out his comb and combing his hair in panic.
It was laughable how easily you’d turn this narcissistic and egocentric jerk into the most self-conscious and shy person ever.
Seeing the photo on your end, you gasp and squeal. You bit your lip, trying to drown down your excitement. You saved the photo and smiled. He was so adorable. You didn’t expect him to send you anything of this sort. Breathing in, you prepare to reply.
> Lol why are u still awake? You chat, then holding down the phone to your chest. Surprisingly, he replied rather quickly this time.
>> I could ask you the same thing. You laugh to yourself. The way he chats is similar to the way he talks; blunt and dry.
> Couldn’t sleep. Thought I’d bother you for a bit. You replied honestly.
He stares at your last message for a little while. He smiled a little to himself, the last sentence sending butterflies to his stomach. On your end, it seemed he was typing out something long, but you were dismayed to see his actual reply.
>> Oh.
Oh. What could he mean by that? You sat there for a bit, thinking about what to reply. You were starting to think this was a bad idea, sending him a text knowing damn well he was tired from the mission. Maybe he wasn’t in the moo—
>> How are you holding up there
Your eyes widened as he sent another message.
> It’s fun for the most part. Got to hang out with family. Hard dodging questions about my *job*
> But it does get a bit boring sometimes. There’s not much to do around here.
> How about you? How was your mission btw
As you sent your replies, he patiently waits for you to finish your thought. It takes a while for him to reply, thinking carefully about what to say. Although he is a bit glad that his brain doesn’t lag as much through text.
>> You brought the plush huh
That was all he replied after a long while. You pout as he dodged the question.
>> I hope he’s good company when you’re bored.
He was really happy to see that you brought the cat with you. It gave him a bit of an ego boost. But he’d never tell that to you.
> Oh yeah, he is. I was scared of missing the VP so I thought I’d bring a piece of it along with me.
2 minutes pass.
>> that’s good.
>> nothing too exciting about the mission. Bangkok has pretty good food. We kicked ass. The usual.
>> I got you a keychain but one direction took it for himself.
> Did you just call phoenix… one direction????????????
>> He’s a brit and he sings. Makes sense.
> you cant just call him that😭
>> better yet: No Direction. Because his aim is shit and he’s a fucking idiot.
> OMG😭😭😭
> what does that make Neon👀
>> idk. Imitation lea salonga maybe
>> kinda like imitation crab. It’s good but not quite the same with the real thing
>> had to look up filipino singers for that one idk any
> mans really comparing neon to a crab😭😭😭
>> correction: lea salonga crab. This isn’t some normal crustacean.
>> it’s got the karaoke buff
> hahahaha!😭
While you laugh at his silly remarks, Yoru on the other hand was sweating in his seat, his hoodie suddenly feeling a lot heavier.
Since when did he get so chatty?
He was trying so hard to be funny, it was pathetic.All he needed now was to smear lipstick on his nose and he’d be a fully fledged clown. He sighs and gets out of his room, walking to the rooftop for some air.
> To be fair, Neon’s hairdo does look like crab pincers.
>> ?
> Now I cannot *unsea*
> badum tss
> hehe
>> wow
>> im blocking you now.
> No pls
>> beg
> WTF😭
He smiles absentmindedly as his legs guided him up the rooftop. His hoodie did enough to shield him from the cold night air, the mellow moonlight illuminating his steps. His hair flows with the breeze from the ocean, and he could see the stars vividly. The HQ was isolated from the world in an island, which made the sky all the more clear. He stood in front of the low railing and propped a foot up on it, taking a lighter and lighting up a cigarette. He huffs out smoke which was immediately blown away behind him.
> hey
> is it okay if I call?
He stares at the message for a moment, his heart clenching again. He looks around nervously, gritting his teeth. He’d love to, but he might fuck his words up. His foot taps impatiently against the concrete floor, trying to decide how to reply.
> or not
> it’s okay if not
Seeing that, he presses the call button out of impulse. Pressing the phone against his cheek, he waits for you to answer.
You jumped when your phone started ringing, with his face plastered over the screen. You blushed, your spontaneity paying off. Clearing your throat, you breathe out through your mouth. Pressing the answer icon, you smiled.
“Hey,” he says through the phone, blowing out smoke. “Hi,” you squeak, lying on your side with the plush to your chest. “I almost thought it wasn’t you sending those messages,” you laugh, and he jerks an eyebrow upward. “How so?” He asks curiously, sitting down on the concrete, his back to the moonlight.
“Well, you’re not exactly the type to use social media often, let alone snap.”
“That depends heavily on who tries to reach me.”
He could hear your slow breaths, and your voice sent tingles up his spine. He loved the way you spoke. He could listen to you talk all night. “So you’d be okay with me sending you messages sometimes then?” You ask with a large smile, and he huffs out smoke before replying. “Anytime,” he replies bluntly.
Write me a novella if you’d like. I’ll be your biggest fan.
He hears you laugh, and the butterflies in his stomach rage. “Why does it sound so windy there?” You ask him curiously, turning on your other side.
“I’m in the rooftop.”
“Huh? Why?”
You raised a brow, then your eyes narrow. “Huh, I didn’t know you smoked.” You pout a bit as you said that, and as if he saw it, he purses his lips. “Only when I’m nervous,” he says in defense, biting the cigarette slightly. “Why would you be nervous haha,” you chuckled.
“Hn. You could say you have that effect on me,” he admits honestly, blushing lightly. There was no point lying about that. You also blush at that remark. You didn’t understand the whole meaning of it but it was enough to make you grin like an idiot.
“It was unfortunate that I left without saying bye properly to you… a-and Sage and the rest. I was wondering what souvenir you’d like to have?” You ask, your socked feet rubbing together in anticipation. He’s silent for a moment, staring at his shadow.
“Make it up to me by getting back here safely.” And soon, he thought.
“What, you miss me already?” You teased, and he chuckles.
“Hm. You could say that.” He replies after a bit of silence.
“Admittedly, the whole place seems a lot duller than usual whenever you’re not around. Even Joon-he’s big mouth can’t liven the whole place up.” He adds. He remembered how his heart dropped when he didn’t see you waiting for him when he got back.
“Really? Phoenix not giving you enough headaches to keep you entertained?”
“Oh, plenty. He’s even more annoying today. He took my fucking keychain, that bitch.”
You laugh as he spoke about his best friend, the protocol, the mission, while you told him about your day, the constellations, Jett’s secret stash of kimchi, and everything else under the moon. All your drowsiness left your body as you talked the night away, your conversation lasting for hours. Even if his seat was uncomfortable, he was happy to be on the rooftop just listening to you rant about the randomest things. This is the first time in a while you’ve both talked this deeply. Ever since he realized he liked you, it got hard for him to talk to you this way. Who knew that all it took was for you to make the first move.
As you talked, he noticed that dawn was coming soon, and it was getting early already. He didn’t feel sleepy, but he could hear you yawn every now and then. As much as he wanted to keep talking, he didn’t want to get you too tired.
“You should sleep.” He says, standing up and dusting his pants. He looks at the moon, still bright in the sky. “Yeah, I know,” you yawned, huffing. “How long has it been? 3 hours?” You chuckled, looking at your clock.
“Yeah. Sumanai, I shouldn’t have kept you up too late.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I enjoy talking to you. You were the highlight of my night… and morning I guess.”
“Hm.” He blushed, looking at the moon. It gave him butterflies knowing you were both looking at the same thing, even though you were miles away from each other. “Go to sleep.” He suggests, and out of drowsiness, you nod in response. “Good night Ryo,” you smile, closing your eyes.
He doesn’t drop the call yet, hesitating. “Hey, Y/N?”
“I forgot to say something.”
“What is it?”
“Suki da. Oyasumi.”
He then turns the call off, leaving you a bit confused. What did he say? Oh god, he was gonna be so mad if he found out you were too sleepy to understand anything right now. You were gonna have to ask him what the hell he said later, but right now, you needed to sleep.
Yoru on the other hand stared at the sunrise peeking through the clouds. He watched as the sky turned from blue to orange, the ocean waves fiercer than hours before. The wind was cold, but his heart and stomach felt warm and giddy. He doesn’t know whether you heard him or not, but that doesn’t matter.
All that matters is that he meant it.
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nightmare13 · 2 years
Yang Jungwon
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One shots
Lost cause
Synopsis: since your brief friendship with your crush, yang jungwon, ended in radio silence, you’ve been determined to keep him at arm’s length. jungwon, convinced that you’ve grown to hate him during your months of disconnection, is equally as determined to win you back.
Genre: high school au, friends(?) to lovers, slow burn warnings. cursing, one mention of piss
Word count: 8.5k
Stars on your ceiling
Synopsis: you’ve heard countless stories of how your parents met, and of the vivid dreams that brought the two of them together. still, once you begin to have soulmate dreams of your own, it’s hard to enjoy getting to know your supposed other half when your best friend occupies your thoughts instead (and when your soulmate doesn’t remember these shared dreams ever happening).
Genre: soulmate au but not really, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, fluff + angst
Word count: 21.7k
$3 Coffee
Synopsis: Yang Jungwon works evening shifts in a late-night convenience store. You attend evening college classes. How did you end up being so awkward that you made the store workers feel as if they were bothering you, and then end up walking out with a $3 coffee you didn’t even want?
Genre: Fluff, Short story, Strangers to crushes.
Word count: ~3k
X - part one;
Synopsis: what do you get when you have a stupid asshole of a bestfriend (who’s completely head over heels for you, should he add) and a fucked up ego that refuses to admit any form of defeat? you guessed it: the summoning of a jealous ex-boyfriend who dumped you two years ago, and is hell-bent on winning you back.
Genre: angst, fluff, slow burn, exes au, college au
Word count: 28.5k+
Social Media AUs
Diamond league
Synopsis: in which lee heeseung creates a minecraft server for his friends and all sorts of chaos ensues, including the budding romance between you and yang jungwon
Genre: social media au (smau), crack, fluff, slice of life, horror/mystery (for pt. 2), gamer au, youtuber/twitch streamer au, (one-sided) enemies to lovers
All clear!
Synopsis: for as long as you’ve been on jyp university’s badminton team, your team’s main rivals have been hybe university. the rivalry goes way back, and as the team captain, you’re well aware of your team’s disdain towards the hybe team - but it just so happens that you’re secretly dating hybe’s team captain, yang jungwon. and since tournament season is coming up soon, the rivalry between hybe and jyp is stronger than ever, and you and jungwon both know that if the secret got out, conflicts would arise. you’ve heard of enemies pretending to be lovers, but have you heard of lovers pretending to be enemies?
Genre: smau, fluff, crack, angst but only a teeny bit i Think, secret relationship
A project and a guitar
Synopsis: jungwon is just a boy who plays guitar for fun and that can't stop himself from looking at you in class, he never thought of talking to you even if he had the biggest crush in the whole world, but what happens when a project forces him to make a move on you?
Genre: smau + written chapters, highschool!au, fluff, slight angst, strangers to lovers, kinda slow burn, love triangle (?) but not really.
The language of flowers
Synopsis: jungwon’s just every bit in love with the student council president who keeps visiting his flowershop OR in which you find solace in a flowershop, and its owner’s grandson finds solace in you.
Genre: strangers to lovers, fluff
Unexpected partners
Synopsis: Jeon YN has had a crush on Yang Jungwon since Freshman year. To Jungwon, she is the perfect VP. That is until YN announces that she isn’t going to be running for StuCo in senior year.
Genre: SMAU. Friends to Lovers. Highschool au. Angst. Fluff. Comedy.
Admiring you!
Synopsis: You’ve never had good luck with dating. You just couldn’t seem to make it work. You were led to believe that was how things would always be. You had no idea but, Jungwon, one of your classmates has been crushing on you for a long time. But because you are you, you never paid attention to him in class. After seeing him staring at you for a time, you finally identify him as a barista at the aroma café. Will anything ever change for you? Will you be able to establish a committed relationship at last?
Genre: high school au, smau, fluff, lots of crack, strangers (?) to lovers, classmates to lovers
Silent treatment!
Synopsis: yn and jungwon, the middle school best friends everyone thought would get into a relationship when they entered highschool. well, they were definitely wrong. after entering highschool, jungwon finds new friends and slowly starts to ignore yn. as much time went on, they became strangers once again, until yn decided to leave. jungwon never noticed that she left, that was until he went for family dinner at yn’s parents house. regret, pain, guilt, is all the boy could feel when her parents mentioned that one of her best friends decided to ignore her, like they were strangers again. as the years of highschool goes past, jungwon becomes closed off, only talking to his friends, wishing he still had her. but what if yn returns for the last year of highschool? will jungwon make an effort to become friends again? or will she be the one ignoring him this time?
Genre: ex friends to lovers, reader ignores jungwon in first bunch of chapters, reader is closed off, fluff, angst, reader is stubborn asf
Project: stay single
Synopsis: when being the youngest and only girl of the park household, strict parents and overprotective brother and cousins are a given. therefore, park y/n sworn off dating until she enters college (not that she had much of a choice). but when the awkward but terribly cute yang jungwon is placed in her lab group, she finds herself wanting to break the number one rule in her family—no dating till college. or maybe they could be just friends, right?
Genre: smau, high school au, strangers to friends to lovers, mutual pining (?), instant attraction, forbidden love but not really, fluff, (attempted) crack, slow burn cause they’re two socially awkward kids
Synopsis: Lee Hyerim is a firm believer that the male dominated world of pro-gaming should not be limited to strictly males. What happens when XXGZ’s manager hears of Hyerims extreme gaming skills and scouts her to join their team, thus being the first female pro-gamer? Once XXGZ’s members hear about Hyerim joining their team they were appalled, there’s no way they’re going to replace their former member Lee Heeseung, with a girl- no matter how good she is. Not to mention that once XXGZ’s leader Yang Jungwon meets hyerim he starts falling for her- which is prohibited and one of 5 of their only rules.
Genre: e-sports romance, tsundere jungwon, ???slow burn???, mutual pining, simp jungwon
Mystery Player
Synopsis: life is unfair, that’s what yn tells herself everytime her extremely bad wifi throws her out of the server in the middle of a game. but when she gets disconnected, once again, while playing with the best game-buddy she has ever had, yn is ready to flip the universe off. enraged about the loss of her unknown game-buddy, yn throws her frustration out on twitter in a long thread, recalling every little moment that happened during the four hours of playing with her “soulmate” (yn’s words). unfortunately, the long thread suddenly finds it’s way onto her public twitter and not her private. what a shame that she only realizes it once the notifications start flooding in.
Genre: smau, fluff, crack, meet-online, online friends to lovers!au, gaming!au
My Prefect Crush!
Synopsis: After one whole year of crushing over your house's prefect, the universe seems to have listened to your prayers since the headmistress decided to choose you as the new prefect. A perfect opportunity to get closer to your crush, right? What you didn't expect was finding out that, maybe, the prefect Yang Jungwon wasn't just as perfect as you thought he was.
Genre: modern hogwarts au! // smau!
More recommendations to be added
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hagiographer13 · 9 months
2023 Kassandra Kalendar VP pt 2
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July - December 2023 2/2
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theparkerpapers · 1 year
Smile for Venom: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 team previews their spin on a classic villain
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[...] Before Intihar heads to San Diego Comic-Con to promote the title on the Hall H grand stage with senior narrative director Jon Paquette and senior art director Jacinda Chew, all three spoke with EW about creating a unique take on the classic villain of Marvel comics.
"It's really interesting when you start thinking about what makes him different than Spider-Man," Chew says. "The symbiote is often known as an allegory for the darkness that the host is fighting against. So what makes him an anti-Spider-Man?"
[...] "We wanted to try something very different, and I don't think you can get much more different from Doc Ock than you do Venom," Intihar explains. "It's about power, it's about strength, it's about being slighted, it's about Peter being involved much more in the creation of Venom. I think that's what attracted us."
"One of the things that is great about Spider-Man as a character is he's always got to make sacrifices," Paquette adds. "The symbiote provides a lot of grist for that mill, so to speak."
[...] According to Paquette, the story is about "what happens when that darkness takes over." It's not just Peter who's impacted by the symbiote. "It's the loved ones and the family around the host who has to see what's happening to the person that they love," he adds. "There's a lot of juicy drama that we can get from that."
As for the look of Venom, Chew confirms there are specific story details that had a direct impact on the character's design. The spider insignia is one of them. "One of the challenges we had throughout production was, how much does [Venom] talk?" she says. "I remember we did some concepts early on [of] does Venom have lips? Does he laugh? Does he smile? Does he frown? It's a fine line between making this creature scary and intimidating, but then also, I guess, relatable."
"For us, Venom is the host plus the symbiote," Intihar adds. "You don't get Venom without both of them being bonded together. What Tony represents is that bond. I think, if anything, casting Tony made us feel more confident in the visual design of the character."
More information on Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will be revealed during Thursday's Comic-Con panel, which kicks off at 2:30 p.m. PT in Hall H with Intihar, Paquette, Chew, Lowenthal, Jeter, Bailey, Todd, game director Ryan Smith, and Marvel Games VP and creative director Bill Rosemann.
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postsofbabel · 10 months
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wtlprojects · 2 years
Sugarhill Ddot Signs To Priority Records
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L-R: Orlando Wharton, Executive VP, Capitol Music Group/President, Priority Records, Sugarhill Ddot. Photo Credit: Larry Busacca
Sugarhill Ddot, one of the most prominent emerging artists in New York City, has signed to Priority Records. The 15-year-old prodigy – whose name is a nod to the historic Harlem neighborhood of Sugar Hill, where he grew up – is the first artist to sign to Priority since esteemed creative executive Orlando Wharton came on board at Capitol Music Group (CMG) to relaunch the legendary hip hop label.
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L-R: Sarah Abdallah, A&R Manager, Capitol Music Group, Sugarhill Ddot, Orlando Wharton, Executive VP, Capitol Music Group/President, Priority Records. Photo Credit: Larry Busacca
Orlando Wharton, Executive Vice President of Capitol Music Group and President of Priority Records, said, “We’re bringing New York back. Sugarhill Ddot is a star in the making to ignite the resurgence of Priority Records.”
Sugarhill Ddot added, “Being signed to Priority Records is a blessing. I thought being a signed artist would never be possible. I’m grateful for this opportunity.”
While coming up in the Harlem drill scene, Sugarhill Ddot received co-signs from such artists as Drake and Lil Durk. His releases – which include “Evil Twins” and “Evil Twins, Pt. 2” with the late Notti Osama, “Lost Boy,” “I Wanna Love You,” and “40s N 9s” with DD Osama – consistently rack up millions of streams and YouTube views. Sugarhill Ddot recently opened for Lil Durk. Check out his story in this “Before They Were Famous” feature.
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breezypunk · 1 year
I already have what I wanna do for Fallout 2077 pt. 2 in my head, I just need to put it in VP. But damn it's tiring, lmao. I'm just glad I have all this motivation for photostories lately, it feels really good.
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sorrowfulsoul · 2 years
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ba0shanblack · 1 year
My current WIPs- A game: pt.2.
My luvely author-buddy @10holmes picked snippets from ''Dark Pete Fic'' and ''SXX Bdsm Prompt'' Who am I to say no?
VP Dark Pete Fic: NSFW & watch out folks. It gets TOO DARK.
''Since when are you defending him?'' Pete cut Porsche off and only when the man took a step back Pete realized he was yelling. ''What?'', he went on with a scornful smirk, ''You like him or something?''
Porsche's eyes widened like never before. ''He came to find you!'' he yelled back at Pete, ''He begged me to help him!''
Pete's gaze grew distant.
He was ready to ask why. But then– he knew why. Wasn't it easy to guess? Vegas got a little too bored in the safe house. Missed fooling around. Missed his toy–his pet–his emotional fluffer-his-
''Pete!'' Porsche's voice betrayed he had been calling him for at least a minute now ''What the fuck has happened between you two?''
''Nothing happened,''
''If you hate him so much why do you keep protecting him? You think I'm an idiot?''
If things were different Pete would have said yes, and they would have laughed but right now nothing was funny about Pete's unmet feelings.
It was pathetic-unfair and– infuriating.
He rushed out ignoring Porsche's swearing about him being an asshole. Heading where all of his denied feelings and hopes were trapped behind bars.
Pete stepped toward Vegas and shoved him backwards– inside the cell's tiny bathroom that had no door, but neither a camera in it. ''Pete, what is g–''
Vegas didn't have any time to react before Pete undid his belt and his fingers brushed Vegas' naked skin, grabbing on his core firmly. He leaned his face towards Pete's left collarbone. He wanted to kiss him but Pete's other hand on Vegas' chest pushed him back on the wall. Vegas was looking for something in  Pete's expresion but there was nothing to be found–just Pete's hand moving up and down on him– in a pace that release was about to break Vegas in two any minute now.
He didn't let Vegas raise his hand when he tried to cup his cheek. Wearing an intensely colored detached gaze that made Vegas' heart decay and sink to his stomach.
Pete was whispering something to his ear– the moment he made him come– "Hope this makes it up for the risk you took for me.''
Pleasure died down on the spot and Vegas curled into himself looking at Pete who was already washing his hands on the sink. The disinterest in his features frightfully confusing.
Vegas thought he heard a sob when Pete slammed the iron-door behind him.
It was probably his idea.
SXX Modern AU-Discussing the Scene. Mentions of Fear Play
''I'm not sure I can hurt him that much. Can you? I'm not even sure I'm ok with the fact we brainstormed all these extreme ideas.'', Song Lan confessed nervously.
Xiao Xingchen pecked a kiss on his cheek '' I love the fact that you're being so considerate with him'', he purred leaning on the man's shoulder.
Song Lan let out a muffled sound that could have meant Yeah, whatever.
''Zichen...'' Xiao Xingchen started again, ''We three have been discussing this for months. A-Yang is the one who always brings it up and I'm afraid this whole lingering might have started to get a little kink-avoidant.''
''I'm not kink-avoidant Xingchen!'' Song Lan exclaimed and rolled his eyes to the ceiling, ''We've been in like–what? A 100 BDSM dinners–parties–bondage shows? You've seen me!''
''I know baby, I'm just saying-''
''No, I was just saying this might be way too harsh for him.''
''For heaven's sake! He can safe-word out. He is a consenting adult and this was his idea! What's gotten into you?''
Song Lan's cheeks flushed.
''Nothing–It's just–Look! After I've watched him having this seizure or what the fuck that was–I don't want this happening to him again–''
A 'because of us' lingered in his voice, but remained untold.   
''You really think if there was the slightest chance of him getting harmed I would have agreed to this?''
Xiao Xingchen's tone suggesting he truly wasn't sure about his answer fucked Song Lan up good.
''No,'' he murmured and reached for Xiao Xinghen's hand kissing it, ''Never,''
Xiao Xingchen breathed in but offered a little warm smile. ''The three of us have done similar scenes in the past. The one thing that changes is boundaries will be more open now,''
''Fun fact,'' Song Lan mumbled, ''This isn't just open boundaries. This is specifically designed to evoke anxiety and horror.''
''Yes. Welcome to fear play, where you don’t run from the things that scare you: You step right in! Nevertheless Zichen, the goal remains the same! Have fun– experience emotions– intimacy and connection'', Xingchen twitched his hands in front of Song Lan's perplexed eyes. ''He wants to try it and he trusts us. We can make this a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.''
Song Lan exclaimed and moistened his dry lips nervously.
''Do you want to get through the scene again? Delete some things? It's pointless and off the table for me if you won't enjoy it.'' Xiao Xingchen's voice softened.
Song Lan loved him so much. He was always so eager to stop fighting, come up with a solution, wouldn't hold a grudge, or put on a long face afterwards.
So they went through the scene again and again.
''Can we tell him when he's back home?" Xingchen asked, anticipation buzzing on his features.
''Fine'', Song Lan grumbled.
He couldn't help but admire how Xingchen was so confident about this, but when Xue Yang got to know the news he seemed ecstatic as well.
Song Lan mumbled something about 'killing the both of them if this ended up with someone in the madhouse' followed by Xue Yang's disapproving 'Party pooper of the house'.
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c-40 · 2 years
A-T-2 302 Disco Rap Pt.3
Pt.3 the production is a on the raw side, they're also a little more obscure. Disco rap is passing through its peak in 1982 and once Run-DMC come along disco rap all but disappears
Another conscious rap, this time about cut backs. 40-years and still relevant! The backing music is variation on Good Times by Chic
Flo Lollis - Cut Back (Part I + II)
Part II - it's roughly an instrumental
Doing The Do sees Dr Jeckyll & Mr Hyd rapping over a re-record Bob James's hip hop staple Nautilus. Dr Jeckyll & Mr Hyde were involved with making Rockin' It from Pt.1 and their own big boast single The Challenge, they wrote Captain Rock's records (A-T-2 299) Andre "Dr Jeckyll" Harrell (RIP) met alleged predator Russel Simmons in 1983, he would become VP of Def Jam before founding his own hugely successful r&b and hip hop label Uptown Records in 1986. Between 1995-1997 he was CEO of Motown. Harrell also gave Sean "Puffy" Combs his break in the industry. Alonzo "Mr Hyde" Brown got their foot in at Profile Records where they released their first single as Dr Jeckyll & Mr Hyde - Genius Rap, rapping over Tom Tom Clubs' Genius Of Love. Doing The Do is a bit different, it's not on Profile so I suspect it's release was an attempt to cash in on the success of Genius Rap. They originally recorded as the Harlem World Crew and as you can hear that's who they say they are on this record
Dr Jeckyll & Mr Hyde - Doing The Do
Mike Serrette of South Bronx (A-T-2 301) put out three records under three different names in 1982. Hardkore has K. Tempel (Trapeze?) as the other rapper, I think they only release one record. Boom was co-written by Wayne Brathwaite who arranged Just Four - Jam To Remember which I included in Disco Rap Pt.1 and as I said there Brathwaite was bassist for a lot of Mighty M Productions (A-T-2 299, A-T-2 262) sadly I can't find the instrumental of Boom on yT
Hardkore - Boom
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turisiancom · 10 days
TURISIAN.com - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) mencatat lonjakan signifikan dalam volume angkutan penumpang sepanjang delapan bulan pertama 2024. Dari 1 Januari hingga 31 Agustus 2024, KAI Group sukses mengangkut 299.752.109 penumpang. Rinciannya, 29,9 juta penumpang menggunakan KA jarak jauh, 4,6 juta penumpang KA lokal, dan 244,4 juta penumpang KRL. Serta KA lokal di bawah naungan KAI Commuter. BACA JUGA: Event Experience Travel 2024 Tawarkan Promosi Taman Hiburan Disney, Catat Tanggalnya Tak ketinggalan, layanan KAI Bandara mengangkut 3,6 juta penumpang, sementara LRT Jabodebek melayani 12,7 juta penumpang. Ada juga 95 ribu penumpang KAI Wisata, dan 4,2 juta penumpang Whoosh. Peningkatan yang signifikan juga terjadi di bulan Agustus 2024. KAI berhasil melayani 4,1 juta penumpang untuk KA jarak jauh dan lokal. Atau, meningkat 3,8 persen dibanding periode yang sama pada 2023, yakni 3,9 juta penumpang. Secara keseluruhan, jumlah penumpang KA jarak jauh dan lokal dari Januari hingga Agustus 2024 melonjak 9,4 persen. Yakni, menjadi 34,5 juta penumpang dari 31,5 juta di periode yang sama tahun lalu. BACA JUGA: TMII Berikan Promo Menarik Rayakan Hari Pelanggan Nasional, Apa Saja? Naik 15 Persen KAI Commuter, yang mengelola penumpang KRL dan KA lokal, juga mencatat peningkatan. Selama Januari hingga Agustus 2024, layanan ini mengangkut 244,4 juta penumpang. Naik 15 persen dari tahun sebelumnya yang mencapai 212,5 juta. Sedangkan layanan KAI Wisata bahkan mengalami lonjakan penumpang hingga 73 persen, dari 55 ribu menjadi 95 ribu penumpang. Sementara itu, VP Public Relations KAI, Anne Purba, mengungkapkan apresiasinya kepada para pelanggan atas kepercayaan yang terus diberikan kepada layanan kereta api. BACA JUGA: Selama Liburan Lebaran, Proyek Kereta Cepat Whoosh BerhasilAngkut 2 Ribu Penumpang "KAI berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan, keamanan, dan kenyamanan perjalanan melalui berbagai inovasi," ujarnya. Peningkatan jumlah penumpang ini tak lepas dari perbaikan performa ketepatan waktu kereta api. Pada Agustus 2024, tingkat ketepatan waktu keberangkatan tercatat mencapai 99,85 persen. Dimana, angka ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan Agustus 2023 yang berada di angka 99,76 persen. Sementara  ketepatan waktu kedatangan juga mengalami peningkatan, dari 95,46 persen pada Agustus 2023 menjadi 97,87 persen di Agustus 2024. BACA JUGA: Presiden Joko Widodo Bawa Sederat Artis dalam Perjalanan Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung Anne pun menambahkan bahwa perbaikan ini merupakan hasil dari peningkatan kinerja operasional. Termasuk perawatan sarana dan prasarana yang lebih baik. "Ketepatan waktu adalah keunggulan transportasi kereta api yang membuatnya tetap menjadi pilihan masyarakat," katanya. KAI, menurut Anne, akan terus berinovasi dan meningkatkan pelayanan di berbagai lini untuk memastikan keselamatan dan kenyamanan pelanggan tetap terjaga. Dengan perbaikan berkelanjutan ini, KAI optimis transportasi kereta api akan terus menjadi pilihan utama masyarakat. ***  
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