#vrains speculations
pleuvoire · 2 years
can’t believe that the “even-numbered yugioh series have gay romance” rule is still holding up eight series in and on its most blatant iteration yet
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beathewithdrawn · 1 year
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so we already know Celina and Alito are coming and this pretty much confirms we're getting the rest of the barians too which is reassuring because there was speculation some of them might not make the cut but they all did so yay XD
since Alito's gonna be roaming and Celina's gonna be an unlockable character we probably won't get Yuri until October or so - meaning Alito will have his unlock event probably in September (or maybe August)
there's been a lot of speculation we're going to get a GX character soon since it's been a while since they released one, so they'll probably come in at August
apparently it's most likely to be Atticus (reddit users will know better than me since I don't keep up with GX that much)
other possible characters are Adrian, Yubel and Jesse (but Atticus is pretty popular so I'm guessing it'll be him)
however VRAINS also hasn't had a new character for quite a while since Varis was released (which was around January or so) so we're probably going to get a character or two from there as well pretty soon
goes without saying these next few months are going to be pretty interesting so let's wait and see what happens
edit: someone told me Yubel and Jesse are already here so that's proof I don't keep up with GX as much as I should - guessing the next character will almost certainly be Atticus then
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merryfortune · 1 year
eat your feelings (the White Rose)
Written for Year of the OTP: May
Prompts: Flower Language | Domestic | Pet/Child acquisition | “Who are you?” | Sunshine | Fantasy/Mediaeval AU
Title: eat your feelings (the White Rose)
Ship: Respectfulshipping | Ryoken/Spectre
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,780
Tags: Alternate Universe - Gardenverse, Canon Retelling, Mid-Canon, Feederism, Disordered Eating, Complicated Relationships, Hopeful Ending, Love Confessions
   Spectre had always known he was a Flower Eater.
   His carers, however, did not always know. They wondered, they speculated, they puzzled over how this infant had survived in the cold and in the night, in the lonely and the wild but it was truly that simple as Spectre understood the world as a creature who had needs that required to be satiated. 
   Anything from before he was abandoned and from after he was found altered very little to the facts of life that he prepared. Spectre was a Flower Eater. He had a Mother who loved him. These things were just that impossible to the adults who found him and tore him from the foliage that had given him every sustenance that he needed under the moon and stars.
   Her leaves when rustled by the wind were a lullaby. The twigs that Spectre sucked on produced trickles of sap, milk to his tongue and thus provided sustenance to his body. He was embraced, well and true, by his Mother Tree and he embraced, well and true, what it meant to be a Flower Eater.
   The matrons at the Orphanage, however, were worried it was pica. Why else would Spectre insist on eating leaves and petals, whatever he could find in the gardens or the lawns of the Orphanage’s site when there was perfectly good food on the table? The prognosis it took to make the knowledge of his own self - his status as a Flower Eater - official made him very expensive and the Orphanage was already on a shoestring. However, it was the kind of thing prospective adopters wanted to know. Medical conditions, mental, physical, and other. 
   The category of “other” entailing being a Flower Eater, for example. Like having a stomach more akin to that of a ruminant’s than that of a human’s, for example. Or the tilted disposition common to those who were unsatiated Flower Eaters.
   Being a Flower Eater was a condition which could make the sufferer - the blessed, in Spectre’s opinion - more than a little unstable in the worst of conditions. Not to mention make them hunger for plants, particularly flowers, usually to a detriment. Hence why the Orphanage had no idea what to do with him when he returned from his six months of death by misadventure alive. Not necessarily well given the starvation and electrocution he had, in their words, endured but definitely alive. 
   And, for better or for worse, smiling. From ear to ear no less. As he spoke animatedly, excitedly, of how much he had enjoyed this incident becoming known as the Lost Incident amongst the guardians and adults who were a part of this hush-hush secret.
   In the end, this all made him even more expensive in the eyes of the Orphanage matrons and manager. Obituaries, death certificates, now yet more medical bills from his hospital stay after his rescue. It was all too little wonder why these things never ended up being reversed when Spectre ran away a second time. This time, willingly into the arms of the folk who had kidnapped him the first time.
   Or at least that’s what Spectre had wanted and planned for. Waiting by a sickly fire outside their base of operation, hoping for someone to come and find him, to return him to those fun times where he had a purpose. Where he was wanted.
   Instead, he was found by Ryoken and Ryoken was, well, Ryoken.
   Spectre didn’t want to be ungrateful but what followed that fateful moment of them meeting, it didn’t meet the expectations he had made up on the spot. When he had seen Ryoken, the twinkle in his eye in the dim of the storm, Spectre had all sorts of certainties and stories that he was convinced would be true. This meeting was destiny.
   Therefore it stood to his ego-driven reason that Ryoken was his and all his and everything he needed. He would be a Florist. He would be someone who intimately understood the thrills and spills of the Incident, why it had resonated for Spectre in such a good (debatable) and unlikely way for him. He would be the balm to every wound and the answer to every question.
   And thus, Ryoken wasn’t a Florist. He wasn’t another of the Incident - not like Spectre was, anyway. He was just Ryoken. A boy who very desperately wanted to be normal. To have a normal father, to have a normal friend, to have a normal childhood where he was not witness to his friend undergoing the trials of mad science as perpetuated by his father. There were mysteries that he couldn’t divulge, not even to Spectre.
   But Ryoken did his best considering the awful circumstances he had been born into as the so-called good scientist’s son. The hand of cards that he was dealt gave him anything but he learned to play them and play them well he did.  
   That included learning how to manage Spectre and as much as Spectre prided himself on managing Ryoken, it went both ways, too. Vice-versa. Spectre took care of the day to day. Laundry, cooking, grocery shopping. That sort of thing. Ryoken took care of the less than mundane. Hacking, organising cyber terrorism, and, of course, providing flowers for Spectre to eat.
   Now Spectre would say he was fine to starve. He enjoyed it, even. He had done alright during his six months of captivity and even before that. It wasn’t like there were any Florists in the Orphanage that he had previously belonged to and he was fine just scraping what he could here and there. Even from his own garden and hobby in gardening. 
   He didn’t really want to ask more of Ryoken for fear of being either greedy or a burden. The two worst things that Spectre could fathom as a character flaw at any age. He had learned young, well and true, how easily things he liked, loved, and cared for could be taken from him. 
   He had already had illusions of the person he wanted Ryoken to be to him shattered quite early, too. It wasn't his fault, it wasn't anyone's fault, it was just the way it was and Spectre accepted that. By his own volition, rather than get caught up in what he wanted badly but couldn't have, Spectre had long since dashed all dreams of there being such people without either condition as a Florist or Flower Eater spontaneously developing either status. 
   He’d heard whispers at the Orphanage, that there was a rumour that it was possible. Everyone knew the stories about the birds and bees, how that applied to normal people but it was way, way much more romantic to gossip about how that pertained to the subset of people known as Florists and Flower Eaters. The symbol of the white rose, known as the Vine Rose, and how Florists never produced them except under the condition of complete and genuine, utterly sincere love: a relationship milestone known as the Boutonniere. 
   In theory, though he was a child and a rather baleful child at that, Spectre could have a lapel and Boutonniere with a Flower Eater. But he didn’t want that with anyone, wanted it with someone who was normal, who was not encumbered with these statues. But even then. There was something else people talked about, there was this thing called an Arrangement. A fake or false boutonniere wherein any person previously considered normal could start to develop flowers from their bodies or find themselves eating flowers to no detriment. 
    No, no. It was impossible. Surely. That it was just Wishful thinking: Spectre’s greatest enemy, he had found.
   There was so much misinformation and tutterings about how difficult he made things medically but the scientists who took care of them after the Incident. All the sources that Spectre had heard this sort of thing from, were young and dumb and stupid, or upset that Spectre couldn’t just do as he was told, eat and behave as he was told, and just for Christ’s sake, be normal. Completely and totally unreliable, not a single peer reviewed source to be inspected. That lack of evidence… That would dispel all those myths, wouldn’t it? That is what Spectre would remind himself.
   Ryoken was Ryoken. Spectre was Spectre. So having Ryoken feed Spectre like a Florist, it just didn’t seem right. It was too eerie and whimsical. So this was another flight of fantasy Spectre didn’t want to unduly put on Ryoken…
   But Ryoken disagreed.
   Maybe it came from guilt, maybe it came from the glint of hunger in Spectre’s eyes but Ryoken insisted. He wanted to provide for Spectre when it came to satiating his condition as a Flower Eater. Spectre didn’t really get it but he appreciated it. This was the bare minimum that Ryoken wanted to give unto Spectre for his loyalty. The credit they could give a living corpse who couldn’t be pampered like the child he had once been.
   This was the manifestation of the tip-toe tango between their powers that were.
   The Lieutenants. The good doctor himself. The Ignis. It all seemed so terribly ill-advised.
   Their relationship should have never really have come to be. Quite frankly, no one should have found Spectre on that specific night. Ryoken knew. And Spectre, meanwhile, refused to acknowledge anything but his own ego, his own pleasure. They should have been incompatible. Instead, they were thick as thieves, children growing up too quickly as the mad science that brought them together, for better or for worse, needed yet more tending - eradicating - to it.
   Spectre never complained, however. He was loyal to Ryoken and that’s what mattered most. More than his Ignis, more than the life he had left behind in the Orphanage. 
   For that, Ryoken decided that his second-in-command in Hanoi activities deserved a little bit more than pittance. Even if he couldn’t actually produce flowers like Florists could. He could at least pretend. He wanted to at least pretend because he believed the evidence that these were a pair of conditions that one was born with and not one that could develop, spontaneously or otherwise, over time. 
   Although… some did rumour and there was anecdotal evidence but no… surely not. What was documented about these types of people was they were born that way. Either a Florist or a Flower Eater, or not either.
   Florists were the counterparts to the Flower Eaters. They were the minority of how a person could be. It was just how they were born. Florists were people whose bodies could produce flowers and other plants from their fluids, these flowers were more like parasites however, feeding off the energy and body of their host. They could be removed easily enough. Scissors, knives, razors. Anything could work.
   However, Flower Eaters were generally considered the best removal as these flowers, though inedible to anyone normal, to them were a precious delicacy. Allegedly soothing the difficult faculties of a Flower Eater, sadistic eccentricity and the like, bringing them back down the preferred placidity of those who were without the condition. 
   Spectre would deny himself as perfectly normal without actually being normal given his eating habits. But then again, he was someone who had enjoyed teasing and bullying, being electrocuted and starved so maybe he ought to be quiet on the subject. He was typically quiet on the subject, save for when Ryoken wanted to indulge him with a treat. He just felt simply too tired for it. Undeserving of it, also, considering one lesson of his childhood: only the victors ate.
   “You don’t have to do this, you know. I am perfectly capable of feeding myself.” Spectre replied, huffy.
   “I want to do this.” Ryoken said.
   He sat in Spectre’s lap, plucking flowers from a bouquet he had bought in advance of this intimate moment. It was just them, under a tree in the old backyard that they used to play in. The moment was - in all actuality  should have been - fleeting. They had long since considered abandoning Kogami Mansion, either to nature or to the bank but they still held on.
   Still sat in its grass, in the shade of its trees. A gentle breeze played with their hair as they allowed their embraces to entwine. It was nice to pretend that everything was fine, that everything could be sweet and serene. Though they both knew what turmoil lurked beyond both their surfaces even as they came chest to chest. Mouth to mouth. Petal to petal. Fed, swallowed, kissed.
   “Now open your mouth again.” Ryoken said as he kept a petal pinched between his fingers.
   “Ah.” Spectre pouted as he followed the instruction.
   Ryoken smiled to himself as Spectre allowed himself to be fed. The petal tasted sweet in his mouth. Ryoken liked to pick at random, Spectre didn’t have any preferences, of course. He didn’t believe beggars could be choosers but Ryoken had selected morning glories for this particular session.
   “I care about you, you know that right?” Ryoken mused as he watched Spectre close his eyes and chew the petal. The morsel was tiny and drawn out for amusement and indulgence, mostly Ryoken’s more so than Spectre’s.
   Spectre swallowed, “Why wouldn’t I?”
   “I just worry sometimes.” Ryoken replied.
   “Well, do you know I love you?” Spectre asked and he left his mouth open. An invitation.
   “Why wouldn’t I?” Ryoken asked as he filled Spectre’s mouth with two petals this time, both a lilac-blue. 
   “Well I worry sometimes, too.” Spectre said.
   “I love you.” Ryoken told him, affirmed to him. 
   He leaned in and kissed Spectre’s mouth. Ryoken didn’t like the taste but Spectre loved his. Ryoken and flowers. Could there have been a more sublime taste? A duality that could not possibly have been more made for each other that? Well, not to Spectre’s knowledge there wasn’t. It was sweet, it was savoury, it was filling.
   It gave him peace, up until it didn’t.
   Until Ryoken had to break off this kiss, this exchange of nourishment, so he could breathe. So he could cleanse himself of that taste which Spectre didn’t didn’t detect in the bliss and leisure of being a satiated Flower Eater.
   “You’ve been upset ever since the Ignis… since your Ignis perished.” Ryoken commented, he allowed the bouquet to fall limp in his lap, against Spectre’s abdomen, so he may place his arms and hands around Spectre’s neck and shoulders.
   “You said some things that, perhaps, you shouldn’t have.” Spectre replied.
   “I’m glad you're feeling better.” Ryoken murmured. 
   “We’ve had a big few months.” Spectre said with an irate, almost exasperated sigh. He was still rather out of sorts with the failure of the Tower of Hanoi, with his Ignis’s death, with his loss to Lightning, and now how it all entwined as his duty to Ryoken as his second in command… 
   It all just seemed to go on and on. No wonder Ryoken wanted to sook and spoil him. Spectre just had to suffer the overcompensation, he supposed. 
   “Ah. You're still upset then.” Ryoken realised. “It’ll be over soon, I promise. Just one last push against the Dark Ignis, yeah.” Wherever he may be… He had disappeared, even Yusaku didn’t know where he was. It was, however, probably safe to assume that something was about to happen as the creature was not known to go quietly into the night.
   “Yes.” Spectre relented.
   Ryoken pressed another kiss onto his mouth. This one wasn’t quite so sweet as the one before with the taste of flowers vanishing from them both. Even so, Spectre kissed back.
   “I’m sorry.” Ryoken murmured. He kissed, kiss desperately, onto Spectre’s mouth, holding him tight in an embrace. “I love you.” He suckled Spectre’s bottom lip, kneading it gently between his teeth. “Please believe me.”
   “I’m still hungry.” Spectre replied in lieu.
   His reply was brusque, even as he kissed Ryoken back. He closed his eyes and he inhaled deep, the smell of morning glories and the smell of… roses. Sweet, intoxicating roses. The oft cited symbol of romance, good or bad, passion and terror such torrid twins. A fragrance which was familiar and yet made anew in this context, the notes just alien enough to be a species new to him in their genteel quality. 
   Spectre’s heart pounded in his chest. Even though he knew this was Ryoken’s roundabout way of apologising for everything he had ever asked of Spectre’s loyalty, it was still… sincere.
   “I know.” Ryoken replied but it wasn’t much of a reply as Spectre’s tongue entered his mouth.
   Roses. Again, roses. Spectre smelt them, and now he tasted them in Ryoken’s mouth, in the saliva that beaded around his teeth and gums. He became eager for it. Roses were special amongst Florists and Flower Eaters, he had heard anyway. He didn’t know anyone else with either condition, only himself but there was just something special about roses.
   Spectre opened his eyes and Ryoken arched away from him. He gasped, looked pained in his crystalline eyes.
   “You do know.” Ryoken cryptically said through a broken smile. “You do believe me.”
   “Well, why wouldn’t I?” Spectre’s voice went high, offended and cracked as tears welled up in his eyes. “Of course I believe you, of course I love you. You are my most important person.”
   Ryoken’s heart lurched and Spectre saw that, physically, literally, strain Ryoken and so uncovered the mystery of that scent of roses he had been smelling. Tasting. They were coming from Ryoken. He produced one. Even though he had no history as a Florist, he produced a flower - a rose, white rose - from his chest.
   Spectre salivated even though he saw the twinges of pain as thorns and vines opened a wound in Ryoken’s chest, just peeking out past the v-neck of his shirt’s collar. It bloomed, catching the dim sunlight of a placid, cloudy afternoon, turning the petals from the purest white to something grey.
   “May I…?” Spectre asked.
   He’d been raised by doctors, so he knew the concise truth behind terminology but he was familiar with the romanticised ideas, too, running wild with misinformation and fairy tales. The words like Arrangement and Lapel and Boutonniere. He’d never needed any of those things, in his opinion. He had tried not to think about them or how they could apply to him, not even hypothetically out of fear it would make his heart break and his mouth water in hunger. He was content to have Ryoken, just Ryoken, and now, it was Ryoken who was - who could be - all those things to him. 
   Arrangement, in particular, Spectre suppressed himself from thinking of. It was impossible. Surely. Wishful thinking: his greatest enemy. Though it was often his greatest enemies that he was most tempted by, just take a look inside the locked box in his heart where he kept his private thoughts and feelings on Earth…
   Spectre drew up his hand, wanting to reach out to the beautiful flower upon Ryoken’s breast but he was timid. This had to be unreal. The uneaten bouquet of morning glories still in their shared lap. The Vine Rose was the most potent thing that a Florist could produce for a Flower Eater to consume. They were the ultimate symbol of sincere love - and love that was requited. 
   “Of course.” Ryoken said.
   He allowed Spectre to touch him. Spectre’s nerves were electric as he fingered the flower first, caressing all its ruffled petals. He swallowed.
   “A white rose suits you.” Ryoken remarked, worried that Spectre was hesitating.
   “I thought Arrangements were myths.” Spectre said. “Ghost stories, fairy tales… old wives’ tales.”
   Ryoken laughed this soapy little laugh, “Me too.” he agreed. They had been brought up on the same facts and figments, after all. For the most part, at least.
   But the one that they had been told together. Universally. Was the legend of the Vine Rose, what it meant for a Florist to produce a white rose and what it meant for a Flower Eater to consume one. Didn’t matter if it was in a medical paper or in a movie, the significance was fairly consistent: it was a declaration of sincere love, it hurt to produce but was bliss to consume. 
   Even though it was meant to be impossible for them… A person who was normal and a person who was abnormal, Spectre took heart and he plucked the Vine Rose from Ryoken’s breast. There were paper-cuts, some deep and some shallow, in the wake of it but the scant blood, it didn’t mould further or turned to yet more flowers. He wasn’t a Florist. He never was and was never going to be but this was still precious.
   “I think this is a good sign, don’t you?” Ryoken mused. “That even we can bloom in adversity.”
   “Me too.” Spectre said and he inhaled deep the perfume of Ryoken’s Vine Rose.
   His stomach lurched, his mouth watered. Spectre had never been more enticed into hunger before a flower before. Flowers grown normally were fine but suddenly like artificial candies before the real thing - or the closest to the real thing as he could get from a Florist who wasn’t a Florist.
   Spectre opened his mouth and Ryoken held his breath, he watched, eager, as Spectre ate the rose. It was the most delicious thing that he had ever put inside of his mouth. His heart skipped a beat and he wanted more. More, more, more. It got him excited.
   Ryoken chuckled again, “A white rose suits you, I think. Suits us.”
   “Agreed.” Spectre nodded. “It symbolises devotion.” He licked his lips and he looked pleading onto Ryoken. “So, that makes you my Lapel, yes?”
   “I believe it does.” Ryoken bowed his head, a discrete but utterly pleased smile on his face as he allowed his fingers to ghost through the heads of the morning glory flowers still in their lap.
   Spectre’s stomach growled, “Would you be so kind then? As to feed me more?” he asked.
   “With pleasure.” Ryoken said.
   And thus, Ryoken kept feeding Spectre the petals, now of the morning glories again. As they did so, the sun began to come out more from the clouds. The shade they were in darkened, sharpened but it was more genuinely joyful. The consecration of a Boutonniere, the binding of two hearts belonging to that of a Florist and a Flower Eater. Or in their instance, the binding of an Arrangement between a Flower Eater and the one that protected him most. Or so they both supposed. It lightened the mood somehow, made the actions of love less out of repentance and more out a desire of good quality.
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arkadiaasks · 18 hours
Greetings! Do you a theory what type of writing style Yoshida uses and what is it based off like anything with inspirationals? I can't even tell what he based off the story he was inspired by to this day?
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I assume you're ESL (English Second Language) because I'm not sure what you're asking.
Yoshida Shin? Fairly stock science-fantasy anime writer writing style, to be honest. He's not exactly innovating but the IP he writes for is not meant to be innovated on, in particular.
Like inspirations?
I think most of the Orichalcos arc is generally vibing on original material, but stock tropes and he mentioned he had focused on the arc making emotional sense but not good coherent sense.
There's speculation the Orichalcos arc was inspired by a kernel idea used for Reshef of Destruction and Yu-Gi-Oh! R of "Kaiba Corp gets undermined by someone connected to Pegasus who serves a dark ancient god, and steals the God Cards" that is speculated to be an idea Takahashi meant to use or had considered but shelved to avoid unnecessarily lengthening out the manga.
He seemingly knew enough Enochian for the Seal of Orichalcos.
GX Season 4
This mostly seems like Yoshida drawing on like Gnosticism, Kabbalah and general Jewish mysticism, as well as exploring a primordial Chaoskampf deity who existed before the world as we knew it was born.
But it's also just generally a meditation on the last semester(s) of High School is some of the most tense and uncertain parts of a young person's life as they make the first step into adulthood.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's (Dark Signer)
He was mostly working with the outline given to him from meetings between Takahashi-sensei and the producers, and Takahashi was probably drawing on movies and manga from the 80s and 90s.
5D's was apparently some recycling of another manga idea the mangaka, that he handed over for an anime, running on popular reincarnation tropes.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's (Yliaster)
A lot of this is drawing on the crisis of Getter Rays, i.e. the danger of endless evolution (that also inspired Spiral Power in Gurren Lagann) and the Meklord Emperor designs probably derive from mecha shows from the 70s and 80s.
ARC-V (Manga)
I'm not sure of the exact inspirations but this is all fairly standard time travel fare. Including the whole "Mom with hots for her son" subplot, very common time travel cliche.
This is basically heavily based off of the cyberpunk genre as a whole, so if you want to understand what he's going for, read Snow Crash and Neuromancer as introductory works to the genre.
I have not read OCG Stories, so I cannot say, but of what I've glimpsed, it's all fairly stock.
But basically Yoshida seems to be a creature of 1970s to 1990s Japanese pop culture, sci-fi and fantasy if you're trying to figure out what's inspiring him.
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saeitoshi · 5 years
is it possible that ai and roboppy both got human forms through absorbing bohman and haru’s data? because their physiques are fairly similar to each other:
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i also enjoy how this episode most likely alludes to how ai and roboppy can be in the real world with android bodies:
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and is even referenced in the new opening as well:
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pendulumprince · 6 years
It’s 2am where I’m at and I’m half asleep so maybe this’ll all sound like garbage in the morning, but the more I think about it the more Ryoken being an AI would actually make sense.
I’m serious. It would explain Yusaku’s connection to him via Link Sense, both in the present and during The Lost Incident.
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And it would also explain how Ryoken can solve the ignis alogrithm. Iirc only he, Kogami, and the other ignises can.
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It would also give greater explaination to why Kogami likened deleting the ignises to killing his children. It was a weird thing to say because he grouped the objects of his destruction in with Ryoken, as their “father”.
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We know that Kogami barely gives a shit about humans, but I imagine he thinks they’re at least a small step above AIs. So why would he “insult” his son this way, unless he considered them to be of equal value?
And lastly, didn’t Kogami supposidly create the ignises to help humanity? We know the real reason was surely to fulfil his god fantasy, but Ryoken thinks his motives were pure. And what’s Ryoken’s driving motivation, his north star, what he calls his destiny?
To help humanity by eliminating whatever threatens it.
If Ryoken is an AI, he’s likely what Kogami wished the ignises were: blindly loyal and ignorant to his true nature. Which could explain why he was shocked when the AIs with free will actually displayed free will, because he was already used to his “son” being easy to manipulate.
Again, I’m half asleep so maybe this all sounds crazy. And it’s probably not terribly likely besides. But I think something like this would be A+ in the same way Revolver=YSP was A+: for the irony. Ryoken will have dedicated his life to destroying AIs, all the while being one himself.
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the-yugioh-theorist · 6 years
Will the Summoning methods be Linked?
I had an epiphany recently about this still-in-progress season of VRAINS, and it has mostly to do with the hypothesis floating around about the re-introduction of all the different Summoning methods. So far we’ve seen a Ritual and a couple of Fusions, and now people seem to think that Synchro will be seen next episode, which is understandable given its title, “Tuning Bullets”. There’s also a rumour that Playmaker will perform a Synchro Summon within the next couple of weeks.
The only issue I have with this, though, is that VRAINS, as a series, introduced Link monsters as a new mechanic, and it changed the game like it had never changed before. Now every monster that gets Summoned from the Extra Deck requires either an open Extra Monster Zone (only one per Duelist, remember, unless you Extra Link) or a present Link monster. This on its own is a huge nerf to all of those other Extra Deck monsters. It’s no wonder everyone exclusively used Link Monsters during the first season.
And yet, now those older Summoning methods are creeping back in during the second season. Fusion is back, Synchro is (supposedly) back, and will we see Xyz later too? Ritual didn’t gain the same restrictions as those three, so it’s OK, but nonetheless, why do this now? From the moment the advent of Link Summoning came about, it’s already been well-established that Fusion, Synchro and Xyz are all dependent on Link Summons and don’t grant any more Summoning power than Link Monsters do; in fact, arguably they take it away. So besides having one powerful monster at a time, is there a point to this? Other than the marriage of Link Monsters with other mechanics via recently-unveiled card effects, the only motivation I can think of so far is fanservice, which seems quite foolish if there isn’t some more transcendent technique to which this can build up...or is there?
I’ve noticed a trend over each of the series, going back as far as GX. In DM, the game was still in its infancy, so at the time there was plenty to explore even with the limited set of cards and mechanics that existed at the time. GX took these mechanics a step further by introducing new ways to Fusion (e.g. Fusion Gate, Miracle Fusion, Dragon’s Mirror, Dark Fusion, Super Polymerization) and, to a lesser extent, Ritual Summon. Then came 5D’s, but here’s what’s important: it wasn’t enough that 5D’s introduced Synchro Summoning, it had to take it to its furthest extremes, including not just new Fusion Monsters that require Synchro Monsters as Fusion Material, but also Accel Synchro Summoning and its further evolutions. Then ZEXAL introduced Xyz Monsters, but not just Xyz Monsters; Chaos Xyz Evolution and Rank-Up-Magic too.
The point is, whenever a new Summoning mechanic is introduced, it’s far from being perfected. The start of a new series shows the birth of these new mechanics, and then they grow and evolve to unprecedented horizons as the series progresses. ARC-V had the grandest example to date with its Pendulum monsters; that wasn’t enough, oh no! It also gave us Pendulum monsters that were Xyz monsters, or Synchro monsters, or Fusion monsters! (Still no Ritual Pendulum monster, though...come on guys!) This ultimately culminated in the creation of Supreme King Z-ARC, which was a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz and Pendulum monster all in one! Granted, the real card is merely a Fusion Pendulum monster, but still impressive.
So what does this mean for VRAINS and its Link Summoning mechanic? I think the writers have greater ambitions for it than anything we have yet seen. Link Summoning had a spectacular run in the first season, and now the time is ripe to witness its evolution. In fact, arguably, we’ve already seen this evolution begin in the form of Link Spells. Of course, the only one so far is Judgment Arrows, and it’s currently an anime-exclusive card, but still, there’s no reason why it couldn’t become a real card. So what’s in store for Link Summoning’s evolution? I’ll tell you what I think could be a possibility: Link Fusion, Link Synchro and Link Xyz.
I’d rather let people foster thoughtful discussion about these mechanics than explain them myself, so I’ll cut this off here. But I will say this: if this is indeed the direction taken by Link Summoning, it’ll surely be something awesome! Let me know your thoughts about this, and feel free to ask if you’re curious to hear more!
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Is Yusaku an AI?
This is a theory that’s been floating around for a while. Personally, I don’t believe it because it would have unfortunate implications for my preferred reading of Yusaku. And ‘m sure some people are going to take scenes/moments from today’s episode as evidence to support it so I'm going to do a bit of both and discuss why I do and do not like/believe this theory.
Yusaku’s likeability as a character would skyrocket. He’s not an asshole because he’s an asshole. He’s an asshole because he is literally inhuman.
It would make for interesting parallels between him and Ignis. Ignis being a wildly free spirit (for an AI) whereas Yusaku is very much happy to live within the constraints Shoichi (assuming Shoichi is why Yusaku is an AI) built for him
It would be the most bitching explaination for Yusaku’s “gift” and I would personally consider it to be  very unqiue take on ESP in the sci-fi genre.
Furthermore, it would definitely ake his and Revoler’s status as enemies to a whole new level which would be very interesting
As  plot twist, it would make for some really grand retconning and I’d love to see how the writers would handle it since Yusaku is - as far as we can tell - completely interactive with the real world and whatnot. 
But that leads into the...
Such a retcon or explanation will feel cheap if it is not handled with exquisitve care. I don’t know if that is trust I want to put into the hands of the ygo writers. If hadled poorly, such a twist would just feel as bland as “and then I woke up” or the “whole experience was drugs”
A lot of people, myself included (as aforementioned in this post’s opening), have read Yusaku’s behaviour in the series as being indicative of autism. If Yusaku was an AI, this reading would become rather insensetive to the asd community and would deliever plenty of unfortunate implications.
The foreshadowing that has most strongly implied this theory feels quite weak. The most obvious in being in today’s episode when Ignis questions whether or not Yusaku is an AI. Anything prior to that moment, I ever picked up on personally but if you are failiar with this theory, which I am not overly, then I’m sure you can think of examples
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bluebeirry · 7 years
Ai/Ignis- Playing Playmaker?
Random VRAINS theory time!
So re-watching episode 1 and I notice something funny: there’s several times in the episode where we see Yusaku through the lens of a nearby camera. Interesting, but then it doesn’t happen again in future episodes.
Not only that, but in the first on-screen duel Playmaker has, we see Ai/Ignis clearly watching the duel in hiding. Then a few episodes later (I think ep 3 but I’m not positive), we learn that Ai knows that Yusaku doesn’t like attention. He dismisses it as “knowing many things when you’re on the net,” but that got me thinking.
What if the camera-scenes in Episode 1 aren’t just funny shots- what if Ai was actually watching Yusaku specifically? If so, it explains why Ignis knows that “Yusaku doesn’t want to stand out” and tries to excuse having this knowledge with a vague statement about the internet itself- he doesn’t want Yusaku to know that he used to spy on him. As I looked into this, I started noticing a number of interesting things.
Long ramble-list beneath the cut, you can skip to the second list to find the conclusions I draw from the evidence listed in the first list.
The first and second camera-shots occur in Yusaku’s classroom, when he’s talking to Naoki. It’s around the beginning and end of Yusaku’s Establishing Character Moment- when he shows his intelligence by analyzing Naoki, his hidden affection by saying three nice things, and- most importantly- this is the scene where he mentions the “three monster zone” type of dueling. A scene that gets replayed later, when Yusaku realizes from this very conversation that he already knew about speed duels.
When Ignis is spotted, it’s due to him manifesting right where four standard-issue drones were hanging out. You can tell they’re standard issue because they show up a few episodes later to punish those guys who are speed dueling illegally. They weren’t made to seek Ignis, and they’re not very inconspicuous.
When Akira is meeting with the “chess board,” Bishop says “Is it trus Ignis has reappeared?” “Reappeared,” not “been seen recently. Though nobody says “we haven’t seen Ignis in five years,” they go over why catching Ignis is important. Which is something that you don’t do for a job someone performs on a regular basis, unless you’re reprimanding someone for failing repeatedly. Bishop seems very calm and neutral towards Zaizen, and Zaizen contributes to the explanation. When someone is being chewed out, it’s generally best to let the talker talk, but when someone is going over a task, contributing your own knowledge of the task makes you seem equipped and prepared for the job.
Likewise, Specter and Revolver seem to have a similar type of talk. Furthermore, Specter says “We’ve found a lead on Ignis.” Not “we have a good lead” or “we’ve found another lead,” “we’ve found a lead” as though this is an unusual event. Furthermore Specter brings up Playmaker and says “he’ll interfere,” but Yusaku has never heard of Ignis before this day, so Playmaker couldn’t have interfered in any previous attempts to catch Ignis. So Playmaker hadn’t interfered in the past for this mission and there’s no particular reason given for Specter to think he’d start interfering now- unless it’s just that Playmaker has been interfering in every mission, so of course this one will be no different.
The third camera-shot happens outside the van- more than that, it also shows something on the screen popping up several text boxes around the van itself. This didn’t happen in the first and second shots. Also, the van is where Shoichi keeps his technology.
Shoichi says that Den city’s network security has been strengthened after Yusaku asks if there’s anything new. Furthermore, Shoichi presents the information that SOL tech is looking for something and that it’s an AI like this is new information- he says “It seems SOL Tech is looking for something,” not “Like that time...” or “It’s similar to the one they used when...” Also, “I heard it’s an AI program” is said after Yusaku asks “what for.”
The fourth camera-view shot happens when Yusaku and Shoichi are working on making a trap for Ignis. Now the camera doesn’t show the computer screens, but if Ignis is in the camera it’s pretty likely he got to it through the computer its attached to- and thus can see what Yusaku and Shoichi were doing on it. Also, the camera on the computer actually blinks- and IRL when someone hacks a computer camera, you can sometimes tell that they’ve done so because a light next to the camera will go on, or will blink at a changed pace, or start blinking (depends upon the model, as far as I know).
When escaping from the scan, Ignis says over and over “Where’s an escape route! Where? Where? Where is it!” Not “I need to escape!” Not “An escape route? A hiding spot?” When you’re tackling a problem, especially with computers, there’s almost always multiple methods to try to find the solution. But Ignis latches onto one possibility and sticks to it- he needs to find an escape route specifically.
If my initial theory is correct, that the camera-POV scenes are all shown from Ignis’ POV, then I can draw the following conclusions from these scenes.
Ignis knew that Yusaku is intelligent, and that he knows about Speed Duels, before he was captured
Ignis either made a very stupid mistake, or he can’t determine the surroundings of an area he manifests in on VRAINS.
If it’s the former, then he made a mistake in a situation where he has no apparent reason to be under stress, pressure, or any other condition that commonly lead people to make stupid mistakes. This was after five years of successful evasion, and you’d think if he was in the habit of regularly making stupid mistakes he’d have been caught earlier, or at least people would be tracking him regularly.
If it’s the latter, then we have the same argument as above- why wasn’t Ignis captured earlier, or at least spotted.
We can tell that Ignis hasn’t been regularly spotted, from the conversation Akira has with Bishop. It seems this is the first chance SOL Tech has had to catch Ignis in five years.
Likewise, from Revolver and Specter’s conversation, it seems that Hanoi hasn’t seen any hint of Ignis in years either.
Ignis analyzed Shoichi’s van- and likely figured out how advanced the van is, so he knows Yusaku has access to good computers.
More proof that nobody’s seen Ignis until he messed up that day.
Ignis knew that Yusaku and Shoichi were planning to make a trap for him.
Ignis wasn’t just trying to get away- he wanted to get away by one specific means. The specific escape route that Yusaku and Shoichi built for him. He was looking for something someone had made for him.
In short, Ignis wanted to be “captured” by Yusaku. He deliberately set himself up so that he could get close to Yusaku, orchestrating the mass-search because he knew it would get Yusaku’s attention. Yusaku didn’t just catch Ignis- Ignis chose him.
Remember in yugioh we’ve had characters who manipulate our heroes before, especially using the Wounded Gazelle Gambit. It wouldn’t be too far off for Ignis to be lying about the lack of memories- to be putting himself in this role for a reason. Some of them are pretty good actors- at least until the audience finds out their true motives, at which point the camera focuses on every little slip-up to ensure that the viewers understand what’s really going on in this person’s head.
Furthermore, it would explain why Ignis is so warm and helpful to someone who literally kidnapped him. He sees Yusaku as a partner and not a captor because Yusaku didn’t make Ignis do something he didn’t want to- Ignis holds no grudge against him because Yusaku is doing exactly what Ignis wants.
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dragontamer05 · 7 years
So I was right. while comatose in the physical world Revolver's dad's mind remains trapped in the Cyverse. And serms to be presumably helping his son. Oooh the Chess piece people- likely the heads/ higher ups of SOL tech know or know of Revolver's dad. What if his dad is like the creator/founder of the Cyverse and or SOL tech. Or just the original head of KoH and everyone thinks dead/ comatose. Also what if the reason they're so desperate to get Ignis is he like has info stored somewhere in his memory banks on SOL tech like really sensitive info ( potentially incriminating) Like whay if they are behind Yusaku's missing memories and hotdog mans missing lil bro. Abd just using KoH as scapegoats ( ready having say a reputation of not being so good)
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bonebreakjack · 5 years
Each of the Ignis could represent what the lost kids wanted from themselves
Miyu=Truth(Aqua). The most obvious one of all what had kept Miyu going was wanting to apologize to Aoi. Aoi lying for her got her friend in trouble when she wanted t tell her mom the truth even if she had been punished for it. 
Takeru=Logic/Calm(Flame). For the longest time I had a hard time making this post cause I couldn’t figure out what Takeru would have wanted from himself so much when Flame came to be the way he is...until episode 116. Takeru explain before he was kidnapped he had fight with his parents and ran off. Essentially he got emotional and angry letting it cloud his decisions that led to him being kidnapped. meaning that he saw is he had been calmer, if he hadn't let his emotional control him he would have been home instead. Flame is thus born due to Takeru’s desire to be calmer and think things through.
Spectre= Connection(Earth). Spectre had a hard time connecting with people as a child(not that uncommon really and can be helped with therapy). But he never got the chance for that before he was kidnapped. So he connected with nature instead. Now Spectre is an odd one in that he enjoyed his experience, and I believe his desire with connection not only comes form nature but also with the world.
With Hanoi this actually is Spectre wish coming semi true, he is connected to the world through Vrains and Hanois cause. Being apart of something grander then him. He also developed a connection with Ryoken.
In Earth words “He just socially awkward”.
Windy’s Origin= Freedom/Peace(Windy). This was the hardest to do but I based this mostly off of how the other Ignis perceived Windy before Lightning altered his personality, how he acted to get an idea of how his Origin was. This is based on Windy’s Element which is wind, and his Monk Ai. Windy is born from his Origins wish to be Free and untied by mortal things. 
Specifically to be freed form his situation, similar to a caged bird. We don’t know how his life was like before he was captured, but form we saw he had friends, he had parents. So we can assumed he may have had a normal boring life before and after the incident. Thus causing Windy to have a carefree mischievous nature which is more like how I think his Origin wanted to be.
Jin= Strength/Power(Lightning). This one was a head racker but then I read the post about Jin being possibly the worst duelist out of this kids and Lightnings behavior makes more sense. Lightning is born from Jin’s desire to be stronger, to be powerful enough to get himself out of the situation he was in. 
Jin essentially learned that being weak was bad, this in turn passes to Lightning who sees his origin as Weak so he must be the opposite to succeed. If your strong and powerful people can’t hurt you and you can’t hurt yourself. Lightning probably initially thought that if he pushes Jin harder then he will eventually learn what not to do and become stronger as result. So he upped the punishment, but instead of strengthening Jin it broke him instead.
Another detail to reflects need to be stronger could be his older brother. A tibit I found odd in the series when they mentioned how and why Shoichi was fighting and becoming a hacker. They deliberately mentioned that the older brother was really into sports as in playing them. It would make sense if Shoichi is stronger due to that, and maybe that’s a quality Jin admired before he got captured. It could also be that his brother was someone who protected him with that strength.  Jin wish could be for his brother to save him with his strength or even that he was strong like his brother.
Jin wanted power to save himself.
Yusaku= Love(Ai). Yusaku wanted someone to love him and in turn love someone the same way. He seemed incredibly eager to go with a child he just met while the sun had been going down(presumably going home). I’m not sure how it work in Japan cause I know kids are allowed to wander but I’m pretty sure it’s not normal to be allowed so late.
It incredibly strange how out of. all the Lost children Yusaku was the only one who can’t remember his life beforehand. That’s like 2-3 years of developmental memories that are just gone! Why is it only he lost them?
A theory I have is either Neglect or an orphanage to begin with. He either didn’t have a family that cared for him or no family at all. Thus information in his head that he dumped out due to his trauma of the incident. I think that Yusaku may have actually had no one to begin with, so he wanted someone to love him. He may have been the happy lonely child type that relied on having friends to keep him happy. 
Ai has a very interesting name, because while it is a simultaneous pun for A.I. and Eye, but anybody with basic understanding of Japanese knows Ai is also the word for love.There no way that wasn’t deliberate, fans would jump on that too.  Ai is technically the closest person Yusaku has to a family, and while initially he was using Yusaku to get back home he genuinely cared about him as his Lost kid. Ai didn’t have to do alot of thing he did for Yusaku during the duration of the show, but he cares so he did it anyway even when his Lost kid was an ice prince.
This is all speculation and rambling but It helps me write each Ignis a bit better. And I wish the show didnt have to end so soon so we could have known what was up with that. So many answered questions.
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celepom · 6 years
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Malicious Lighting
I’m not ready for any of what happens next.
Ko-Fi | Commissions | DeviantART | Tumblr Art Tag | Puzzle Peaches
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magpiejay1234 · 3 months
Speculating about Supreme Darkness:
**Since we got Evil HERO support in Legend Duelist 3, this might be actually focused on Supreme King Judai's followers instead of Evil HEROes, as Supreme King Judai has lines for them in Duel Links.
**This also probably means Evil HEROes won't make it to Rush Duels soon.
**Since we already got the Yubel support, it is unlikely there will be any direct support here, though the obligatory Dark Fusion retrain will likely suport them as well. Yubel might still get a bonus card, unrelated to the cards that will be initially announced.
**This set will have at least one card for Shark, like the previous sets since Legacy of Destruction, and will feature a ZEXAL representative, like all previous sets of Series 12.
**Yuri support, if not here, will likely be in the next VRAINS set.
**As with previous Z-ARC support, if there is support establishing a dedicated "Supreme King" archetype, that will require many erratas for TCG localizations.
***This would also likely means next year's TCG World Premiere set may be Player Killer of Darkness focused, King of Yamimakai is actually Supreme King of Yamimakai in Japanese.
****In that case, it would be more likely that Series 13 (April 2026) will introduce the Black Magic Type from the DM manga.
**While the general trend of antagonist cards have been them being purified (Z-ARC, Yubel, Shark's Leviathan Dragon becoming Levirtue Dragon), this probably won't occur here, since it will be contrary to Dark Fusion's mechanic.
**This also means Edo won't be the cover theme in a GX set in Series 12, but he might get another shot in Series 13 instead.
**Though Fujiwara's Clears have been very recently printed, he also will likely have to wait for Series 13.
***However, Darkness himself will likely become a Level 12 card like Red Nova soon given the set's title, possibly before his Deck is fully printed.
**This set also means January 2025 set might be ARC-V focused, since we didn't get any set for ARC-V's anniversary (January 2025 will still be the same Japanese fiscal year).
**This set, if the cover card is about O'Brien Duel, might also cover the obligatory FIRE cover card for Series 12, if we get a Pyro analogue for Dark Gaia.
**Supreme King Judai has no remaining cards that weren't printed, but Judai has cards remaining from Yubel, and Darkness Duels, so next Animation Chronicle might feature them, though there won't be room with Darkness's cards.
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sapphiresring · 5 years
I kind of hope Ai would be evil this arc, just so we can get Revolver spending the rest of the season going “I warned you about AIs bro!! I TOLD YOU DOG!!”
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saeitoshi · 5 years
so the next episode that airs in a few hours has pretty much everyone on the protag’s side meeting up at VRAINS (or somewhere in VR, considering that VRAINS is technically closed from public use after the Bohman incident, but Akira could always pull some strings to privately open it for them)
and we get this screenshot for this upcoming episode:
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it’s interesting that Yusaku and Aoi are talking IRL (referenced by the opening as well) but does this occur before or after their group meeting? 🤔
i’ve discussed this briefly before that the whole Kusanagi reveal would definitely lead Aoi to questioning Yusaku’s relationship to Playmaker. but it kind of all depends on what the writers decided to do.
first of all: did Frog and Pigeon release ALL footage from the duels happening at Mirror VRAINS? we saw direct footage of the final battle between Bohman and Yusaku was definitely aired to the public, but what about the rest?
if the answer is no (which is most likely the case, as everyone would’ve probably swarmed his hot dog truck for answers otherwise), it would explain why Kusanagi is in his “Unnamed” avatar rather than is normal attire. he’ll probably introduced himself as “the hacker helping Playmaker,” leaving Playmaker’s secret identity not compromised.
but my next question is: how “secretive” is Kusanagi’s avatar per se? to our eyes, it practically screams Kusanagi with a different outfit. but theoretically this could be said the same with Playmaker albeit the different color scheme. just because we perceive Kusanagi’s avatar as not very discreet, this doesn’t necessarily hold true to the characters.
but what if Kusanagi’s avatar IS pretty apparent with revealing who he is? what if Aoi figures him out as the “hot dog truck” guy, and confronts Yusaku about it?
you could argue that Aoi’s never met Kusanagi, and that Aoi only has ever been to the truck twice, with the two times being managed by Yusaku temporarily. but Emma certainly has met Kusanagi, and could easily relay this to Aoi.
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pendulumprince · 6 years
After watching these Takeru-centric episodes, I will say that my suspicions towards him have been eased. While he’s here to help Playmaker, at it’s core his motive is self-driven: he wants to be close to his hero(es), since they inspired him to confront his past. Seems perfectly valid and sincere to me.
The dichotemy between his irl self and his VR persona mirrors Yusaku’s, and I’m wondering if that passion and aggression is a part of Takeru that he’s hidden away or a concious attempt to mimic Playmaker. We still don’t know *that* much about him, so it’s still possible his Soulburner persona may fall apart because it isn’t inherent to him. We’ll have to wait and see on that.
I also really love his relationship with Flame, and Flame in general. What a sassy piece of work! And they’re such a breath of fresh air. Compare them to the others: Yusaku and Ai got off to a bumpy start, as a Knight of Hanoi Specter wants to destroy his ignis, and Jin probably wants nothing to do with his. We don’t know who the last two are yet, but even if they don’t care for their ignises (and/or their ignises don’t care for them) I’m glad we have at least one Lost Baby/AI partnership with no hint of aggression.
... at least for now. As I said I’m not really side-eying Takeru anymore, but that could change. We now have an antagonist group whose (presumptive) head can alter/erase peoples memories, and Takeru’s being built up a bit too high a bit too quickly for it to not be worrisome. If he’s less of a Vector and more of a Johan, well... remember what happened to Johan.
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So I think our newest Good Boy™ will heel turn, but probably not of his own violition. Idk what this’ll mean for Flame, but Yusaku going on a hellish crusade to get him back? And possibly hurting people in the process? Sign my ass up.
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