alwaysthesitter · 2 years
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❛  do you want me to spit or swallow ?  ❜ 
“Huh?” Steve looked down at her, obviously incredibly blissed out. He really hadn’t expected to have his blow job interrupted for her to ask that question, especially as he was right on the edge of cumming. His balls had tightened, his abdomen tensing as every inch of him was about to explode, and then she was pulling off, and Steve had to stop himself from either cussing or crying. It had been so long since he had gotten good head, and now here she was asking a question that she probably should have asked before having his dick in her mouth. 
“Uh....” He had to think for a bit, try to get his brain to flow away from his dick and into his one brain cell. Even in the midst of passion, he still tried to be a gentleman, and he simply shrugged his shoulders. “I guess, uh, whichever you’re most comfortable with?” He hadn’t really been the type of guy to necessarily find it incredibly sexy if a girl would swallow. He was just glad to get to blow his load, no matter where it ended up. 
“Like, uh....yeah. Whatever you want to do. Just please, for the love of fuck, get your mouth back on my dick? I was just about to cum....”  @vrykolaka/ @corrodedcoffyn​ 
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sanguinesinners · 2 years
💋 (Peter)
"I don't deserve..."
Peter stalled, blue hues trailing down to stare upon the ground - as if in shame. He didn't make a lot of eye contact with Claire, even though he wanted to. She was like a drug, but it was a problem for him, and he never wanted to get too addicted, as to only hurt her in the end.
But if didn't do this, he may never get another chance.
Without any hestiance, he reached down to clash lips with hers. A more rough approach than his gentle demeanour he had given her, but it was his eagerness seeping through, before another minute had passed, he was gradually ripping at her clothes, trying to let her acknowledge his need for her by letting out spurts of growls every now and then, along with lightly nipping at her bottom lip.
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elezenchaser-art · 1 year
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Hesperos lamenting his new form. New tragic character (who is also a vampire) and of course he's and instant favorite of mine.
Copic Multiliners on paper, color added digitally
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chemical-processes · 5 months
You're all gonna hate me
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thedaily-beer · 9 months
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Beer Zombies + Seven Island Brewery Vrykolakas Triple IPA (Picked up at Windmill Farms). A 4 of 4. This is a huge, bright heavyweight with lots of stone fruit and interesting white wine and tropical fruit. Some melon like notes, too, and the 10% manages to hide quite well behind the juicy fruit notes up front. As this warms you get more booze and bitterness, but amazingly well-balanced for what it is.
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noblejanobii-art · 1 year
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One of the main references I'm updating for Art Fight. This is Eli Agnes, my Vrykolakas. Wasn't originally planning to include her this year but after the theme reveal it felt wrong NOT to include her so here she is!
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briefbestiary · 2 years
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Often considered to be the Greek equivalent of Slavic vampires. The tried and truest way of slaying a vrykolakas is through either flame or lightning.
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darklordazalin · 1 year
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Ladislav Mircea
OOC: A day later than my normal review schedule, but at least I still posted one this week. I was too busy celebration international asexuality day yesterday. 
Formation: 607 BC Power Level: 💀💀⚫⚫⚫ (2/5 Skulls) Sources: Realm of Terror (2e), Ravenloft Dungeon Master’s Guide (2e), Ravenloft 3.0, Denizens of Darkness (3e) CW: Plague
Ladislva, a highly original vampire name that is a variant of “Vladislav”, is a frozen waste of space, which makes his Domain very suitable for him. Sanguinia is a frozen, mountainous Domain where inhabitants struggle to survive. Once an Island of Terror, Sanguinia disappeared after the Grand Conjunction. You’re welcome. We did not need another frozen wasteland ruled by yet another vampire. Though, the Dark Powers disagreed with me, as they often do, and Sanguinia reappeared as part of the Frozen Reaches.
Ladislav grew up a vain man, caring more about his physical features than the people he ruled. He’s said to be handsome, but is not important enough to have any artwork associated with him so, I just picture him to look like every other vampire...That is, they think they’re incredibly attractive but haven’t seen their gaunt form in a mirror for centuries...
When a plague ravaged his land, instead of dealing with it like a responsible leader would, he chose to ignore it and invited all of his spoiled friends to Castle Guirgui where they would spend the plague lavished in luxury and splendor. I believe an author of Gothic Earth penned a similar tail entitled "Masque of the Red Death".
If you do nothing about a disease spreading through your land, it will infect the majority of the population, leaving you with a pile of corpses to rule over, which only desirable if one is a lich...
Unless you lock yourself completely off from society, the plague will eventually find its way to you, which is precisely what happened to Ladislav. First some of his friends were infected, so he decided to throw them over the castle wall to their death, but, upon doing so, Ladislav had been exposed and found himself infected.
You know the easiest way to deal with a plague? Quarantine and extremely strict measures to enforce it. That’s how I fought the Crimson Death that spread across Darkon. People rarely remember that though and focus more on the times I lost myself in my own experiments instead of governing...but that’s why I appointed Barons to look after the settlements. I digress...Ladislav caught the disease himself. When this happened, he turned to alchemical experimentation and studying bodily humours. Not the brightest of individuals, he decided it was a good idea to drink the blood of healthy people to rid himself of the disease. This is what happens when the ignorant layman experiments with 'natural' remedies.
Regardless of his foolish efforts, Ladislav was sort of successful, if his goal was to become a Vrykolaka. A Vrykolaka is a vampire that has been tainted by disease. Their bodies display the ravages of disease, but they do not suffer from it themselves. They can, however, spread disease to their victims through their long, filthy claws. They drain bile and emotions as well as blood from their victims and perhaps more disturbingly, they do so through a barbed tongue instead of the more traditional vampiric fangs.
Now, a Darklord, Ladislva rules with a casual malice and only for his own amusement. He will ignore his subjects, which they are glad for, to brood in his castle for months on end and spends most of his time attempting to find a way to cure himself of his undead condition. Let me know if you find something, not Vlad...I am interested in such things myself, though I highly doubt one of your remedial skill will succeed.
No picture, barely a story and yet another vampire. Ladislva gets 2 skulls simply because he is, at least, not your standard, run-of-the-mill bloody sucking overgrown tick like every other vampire in the Mists. 
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sanguinesinners · 2 years
💋 (sebastian)
Slender digits had brushed at the raven strands of Claire's hair, pushing some out of her face - His icy blues scanning her beautiful visage before he trailed his fingers down to hold her chin up, making sure she had leveled her gaze with his.
Though he had a somewhat stern stare, he made sure she knew that he was in control. Something he liked the most.
"The scent of your skin is divine" He whispered, making sure his touch wasn't distracting her when his other free hand had roamed her backside, giving her a soft pinch and pull of her flesh through her dress.
"I will be sure to taste every inch of you before you leave this room tonight" Lips collided with Claire's after he spoke, his actions more heated than they had been prior, as though he had shown his dominance now he had her caged against the wall. Carnal moans slipping through his lips once he had parted them from moving his kisses down to her neck, and then to her heaving, perspiring chest...
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fiixer · 1 year
Misc. Headcanons! (always accepting, tbh) // @vryolakas
🤸‍♀️ - How active is your muse? Do they exercise regularly? Do they do things like yoga? What else do they do to keep fit and active? Are they flexible? Can they do parkour?
Active is the name of the game.  The power, speed, balance, and flexibility (he is rather flexible; not gymnast bendy, but still respectably so. Citing the kicks at Anton as proof ) he has didn't just pop up out of the blue - he has worked his ass off for it all, and he continues to do so.  It helps with his work, after all.  Jordi isn't what most would consider a gym rat by any means.  Most of the workouts he does are outside a gym setting; jogging along the city streets at night, lifting in his apartment - he doesn't have a big, fancy set up or anything, but he's got what he needs to get the job done - body weight stuff, that sort of thing.  He does have a particular niche, though.  As mentioned in a few posts about his fighting style, he's very obviously a martial artist, and a damn good one.  That's yet another thing that doesn't just happen.  It takes continuous work and practice, which he continues diligently.   Yoga is a big, No.  It's fun to watch other people do it, but it is not and has not been his thing at any point.  As for parkour, could he do it?  Yeah, he probably could.  He's mindful of his body movements, knows how to fall, is able to take a hit if necessary.  Jordi could absolutely do parkour.  Does he, though?  No, not really, at least not in the traditional sense.  You generally won't find him jumping between buildings, or pulling off that flashy shit, but hurdling smaller obstacles in his path like they're nothing?  Scaling a wall or jumping off a higher point to the ground, to catch up with someone he's after?  The practical parts, he absolutely does, though he'll question whether they really count as 'parkour'.
💘 - What is your muse like when they're in love? What does your muse find attractive in someone else? What are their love languages? How do they show affection? Do they show any distinct signs that they're in love?
Oh, gross.  The L word.
It's a complicated thing, because as a general rule, he doesn't do that kind of thing.  Jordi does not allow anyone close enough to risk those icky feelings popping up, viewing people as part of the business and nothing more.  That said, he's still human and feelings happen.  It's not pleasant, but they do, and when they do, his first instinct is to get the hell away from them.  He'll put some distance between himself and the object of his unwilling affections for a while in hopes that, whatever that warm and fuzzy feeling was fucked off and he could go back to normal.  This could mean anything from sparingly answering their calls to adding a few days to his travel time when he's running around for work.  How effective his methods are really depends.  If it's just an inkling of weird affection for someone, then keeping away from them might help it fizzle out, but if he's in deep?  If he ignored that inkling and now he's caught in a full-blown wave?  The distance isn't going to last long.  He'll try, but it won't.  
But okay, let's say, someone has managed to fully win him over, or maybe they've got him pining after them.  They've got the drive, power, and ambition that he admires and loves. They take his teasing and eccentricities and give it all right back to him, and now he's wrapped around their little finger.  What to expect.
Gifts are a thing.  He's got money and resources to get pretty much anything he wants, and that extends to a partner/LI, as well.  Friends, too, of course, but to a lesser extent.  If his LI mentions something in passing that they need, or something they really love and want, guess what?  He's going to get it for them, one way or another.  He's taking them out for a nice dinner and they don't have fancy clothes to suit the place they're going?  Fine, no problem, let's go get you something - hell, let's get you a few things, why not, variety's the spice of life.  His LI says no to a date idea because they can't afford whatever he's suggesting they do?  It's a fucking date, I'm paying for you.  Things like that are his first go-to, and they're probably the first indication that he's really into someone, too.  Usually, he'd view those kinds of things as favors to be repaid.  With someone he's interested in?  They come with no expectation.
Physical affection is...tolerated in the right circumstances, where he's usually iffy about it unless he's the one initiating. In private, it's no holds barred. Someone wants to lay on him? Hold his hand? Whisper sweet nothings while they're all cuddled up on the couch? Go for it. He'll give them shit for being sappy and gross, but guess what - he's not going to push them away. The second the two of them go into public, though, the tune changes. Nothing wrong with being seen together, of course. He knows lots of people, he could be hanging around with anybody. The problem arises when it becomes obvious they're together together. He'll be much more reserved about showing any sort of affection. If the wrong people happen to see it, suddenly they've got leverage against him...and the fact that he cares enough about his LI for them to be leverage is a declaration all on its own.
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solarsought · 2 years
@vrykolaka asked: “I don’t even like jalapenos.” (Argyle)
“You don’t like jalapenos?!” Argyle asks, clasping his hands to his heart and stumbling back as if he had been mortally wounded. Never had he heard such a painful phrase, especially from his lady love. Oh the dislike of pineapple on pizza was something he could understand as long as someone actually tried it first but jalapenos? They added the perfect spice and a great crunch they were essential to a pleasureful pizza experience. “Alright no jalapenos I can make a pizza with only half jalapenos you down for some pineapple and bacon or maybe just a classic pep? Whatever my lady desires.”
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seeasunset · 1 year
Hardy Winds with: @vryolakas
“CHOMP” from theo.
Although Vasco is sure the biting isn't meant to be too painful, enough to draw his attention away from the book he's reading, the ache is still there. Then again, it's not one to ignore, though there is an option that he could have ignored it. Continued to read and act as if nothing has happened. If Theo wanted to say something, she should have said something by now. Perhaps she didn't want to say something other than grabbing his attention in some weird way. Despite his better judgment, Vasco let out a small sigh from his lips. The mark being placed between the pages followed by the book closing. His gaze shifted onto the other.
❝And what was that for? The sudden urge to bite? Grabbing my attention in some way?❞ An eyebrow risen up at Theo, trying to see what thought process is happening in her mind right now. ❝You should be lucky that nobody is around to see you doing that. I'm not just talking about the others who joined our group.❞
Kurt? Probably not surprised, given he must have to endure this from time to time. He knew the legate far longer than anyone in the group. Other than Petrus. Even then, Petrus probably didn't get hold in the same light as Kurt or, well, Vasco, in this manner.
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elezenchaser-art · 1 year
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A scene from this fanfiction, which I 100% recommend, in which Hesperos gets to live after getting the brainwashing undone.
Digital art
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chemical-processes · 5 months
Chapter 6 of Deimos
The song she hums is familiar. Lilting and melodic, a lullaby on the edge of his memory. It’s like every moment of his childhood recreated in perfect detail, too clear and full to be a dream. Or: Gotham Memorial Hospital is a powder keg.
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koyls-hat · 5 months
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relicghost · 1 year
Drinks vodka as a way to show that she care him. / from Vianey
Johnny thought he had behaved appropriately on this day, thought that maybe if he was ' good ' then Vianey would light one up for her good ol' pal Johnny, but within six hours did he feel an absolutely vile shiver run through him and if he were able to retch he would.
Vodka ? VODKA.
" V, you're a real BITCH, you know that ?! " He wasn't serious in his vitriol, mostly, but he definitely disliked the sensation of how the nausea from that disgusting drink was making him feel.
@vryolakas STINKY.
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