i-am-heathcliff-234 · 1 month
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True that 😆
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zanimljivaekonomija · 9 months
"SLUŠAJ TI, NESTOROVIĆU!" Karleuša se javno obratila doktoru...
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duskokuzovic · 10 months
Бранећи Устав и законе Републике Србије, Поштујући њену територијалну целовитост и јединствени правни поредак, Полазећи од тога да је Покрајина Косово и Метохија саставни део територије Србије,РЕКЛАМЕ *У сазнању да из таквог положаја Покрајине Косово и Метохија следе Уставне обавезе свих државних органа и сваког грађанина да заступају и штите државне интересе Србије на Косову и…
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zoranphoto · 2 years
ORBAN IZNOSI POTRESNE OPTUŽBE O RATU DEVEDESTIH! Vučić i Mađar bezobrazno lažu? Nešto spremaju: ‘Pokazuje koliko nas tupavima smatra’
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Predsjednik Srbije, Aleksandar Vučić, ispričao je u takozvanom “istorijskom” obraćanju naciji na konferenciji za novinare, u dramatičnom tonu o “pritiscima” Zapada za priznanje i prijem Kosova u međunarodne organizacije te da mu je premijer Mađarske Viktor Orban dozvolio da javnosti predoči da je bivši predsjednik SAD-a Bill Clinton tražio kopnenu invaziju na Srbiju 1999. godine. Ovom temom pozabavio se srpski dnevni list Danas čiji su sugovornici izrazili sumnju u to da je navedena izjava istinita. “Slušala sam tu izjavu i teško mi je povjerovati u bilo što. Čuli smo i da je Orban zvonio na vrata Margaret Tacher gdje ga je ona izgrdila. Zaista ne znam zbog čega su autokrati ujedno i infantilni likovi koji imaju želju da narodu pričaju pričice, uvjereni da se sve proguta i povjeruje. Moguće je da ne bi bili autokrati da nisu takvi. Ipak, najgore od svega je to što takav pristup građanima pokazuje do koje mjere nas “vođa“ podcjenjuje i koliko nas smatra tupavima”, rekla je za Danas Biljana Stojković, profesorica Sveučilišta u Beogradu i predsjednička kandidatkinja ispred koalicije Moramo na izborima u travnju.     Prema riječima Gorana Miletića, programskog direktora Civil Rights Defendersa, teško je govoriti o izjavama političara u vezi događaja od prije više od dva desetljeća , a koje se odjednom pojavljuju u kompliciranom političkom trenutku. “Osobno sam bio skeptičan u vezi istinitosti ove izjave budući da je iz dostupnih, a kredibilnih informacija iz tog perioda prilično jasno da kopnena operacija nije bila opcija. Ono što Srbiju treba mnogo više zanimati je gdje su 1998, i 1999. bile srpske snage policije, vojske kao i paramilitarne snage i kakva kršenja humanitarnog prava su se tada događala, budući da je narativ o Albancima kao teroristima koji mrze Srbe bio sveprisutan. Umjesto toga šta je Clinton rekao Orbanu, treba nas zanimati tko je naredio asanaciju, prevoženje ubijenih s Kosova u hladnjačama i njihovo kasnije zakopavanje na samo 10 kilometara od centra Beograda u Batajnici. To je naša prava briga”, smatra sugovornik Danas. I za Bojana Kostzreša, generalnog tajnika Lige socijaldemokrata Vojvodine, teško je komentirati ovakav tip informacija jer ne postoji način da se utvrdi njihova autentičnost i kontekst i okolnosti pod kojima je dana ako se i dogodila.     “Ali ono što je sigurno je da je režim Slobodana Miloševića bio zločinački režim koji je sijao smrt i zlo ne samo u granicama republike Srbije nego i u regiji. Svatko tko pokušava opravdati Miloševićeve postupke, od njega napravi žrtvu ili poistovjetiti zločinca s građanima Srbije, želi povratak devedesetih i doživjet će istu sudbinu kao i on. Ako je i postojala ideja za kopnenom intervencijom sretan sam što one nisu realizirane jer bi to dovelo do razaranja Vojvodine”, zaključuje Kostreš. Čotrić: Planovi za kopnenu invaziju jesu postojali Aleksandar Čotrić, potpredsjednik Srpskog pokreta obnove, međutim, kaže za Danas da su planovi za kopneni napad na Srbiju 1999. zaista postojali i sigurno je njima bila obuhvaćena i Mađarska, zato što je na tom pravcu ravnica koja se mnogo teže brani nego planinsko područje.   “Na sreću, do takvog sukoba nije došlo. Ako je Orban na bilo koji način doprinio da se to ne dogodi, hvala mu. Za današnju poziciju naše zemlje najbolje bi bilo da ima dobre odnose s NATO-om, jer je ovaj savez na svim našim granicama, a i na Kosovu i Metohiji”, zaključio je Čotrić. Dnevno.hr Read the full article
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Okeii PZE had to settled with Serbian Käärijä because the real one was busy playing with his boyfriend's balls 🎳
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egyedembegyedem · 2 years
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voskhozhdeniye · 3 months
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dekulakization · 9 months
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I hate these fuckers
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misspeppermint2003 · 7 months
Picrew Animated Portraits of World Politicians 1
I made the first part of Picrew anime portraits of world politicians with this image maker. It was consisting of 12 politicians from different countries.
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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (left), French President Emmanuel Macron (middle) & Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić (right)
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British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (left), Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte (middle) & Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (right)
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Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim (left), Filipino President Bongbong Marcos (middle) & Indonesian President Joko Widodo (right)
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (left), Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad (middle) & Russian President Vladimir Putin (right)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
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eurovision-facts · 2 months
Eurovision Fact #727:
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Sanja Vučić of the trio Hurricane (Serbia 2021) represented Serbia as a solo artist in 2016 with her song "Goodbye (Shelter)."
Participants of Rotterdam 2021: Hurricane, Eurovision.tv.
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millimononym · 1 year
I'm sorry for this post in advance
I'm currently going through the process of (mostly) rewatching Galactik Football and my sister obviously is rewatching with me. And now the fucked up thing is that she says and INSISTS that Bleylock looks like Aleksandar Vučić (the serbian president). A spitting image of him,maybe a little younger, she says. She keeps making Aleksandar Vučić jokes and applying them to Bleylock
I am not joking. He does fucking NOT look like him imo but she's saying this unironically
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She says it's the lips
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duskokuzovic · 1 year
Др Душко Кузовић Побуна је почела у недељу јутро, викендом, као што се у последњој деценији и дешавају сви медијски атрактивни догађаји. Људи су пошли из срца, у доброј намери, а неко је ту искреност злоупотребио. Од нечије деце, браће и очева злотвор је промишљено направио глинене голубове, јефтино топовско месо. Обукао их је у униформу, дао им у руке оружје и без дана војне припреме послао у…
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aijamisespava · 1 year
My Favorite Song From Each Country! Part 3/37: Serbia!
Hello again! I'm back with yet another set of songs for each participating Eurovision Country! I also realized that I have a TON of disclaimers that I haven't mentioned because I'm very forgetful. I'll just list them all down below right now.
Each country being looked at has participated in the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest
The songs looked at are from 2009 to 2023. There may be future editions where I go further back, but this year, we'll keep it like that.
I am horrible at updating my rankings, so all my rankings were either done on a speedrun in December 2021 or after all the songs came out...so there is no listing for countries that have grown on my since then
I am from the US and don't have Peacock...AND THE PERFORMANCES ARE BLOCKED ON YOUTUBE! So, I will only be looking at the songs with their audio, as that's the only way I have heard all songs.
Okay, I think that's it. If there's any more, then I'll probably update you guys in later posts.
For those who are just seeing this on their feed, I'm looking at each participating Eurovision Country this year and picking a favorite from each one. I also share my thoughts about the 2023 songs. However, there are some countries where my favorite is the 2023 song, so I just...share my 2nd favorite afterward.
Let's get to it! Next up is....Serbia!
Serbia is very well known as being the country that won in their first run as an independent country (after being part of Yugoslavia and Serbia & Montenegro) in 2007. And that one win wasn't a fluke as they've constantly have put themselves in the conversation in the following years. And lately, they've been putting out entries that would be considered "risky" to some. But nonetheless, they always make sure they're part of the conversation both before and after the contest!
Favorite Entry: There are very few songs in general where I have a "love at first listen" moment. It's a super cool experience when it happens and those songs alter my brain chemistry in the best way possible. And in the 2023 contest, there have been 2 songs like that. One that you will see me talk about later, but the other one was Serbia's entry "Samo Mi Se Spava" by Luke Black. When I first heard that song, it felt like it was just...waiting for me to find it? What also helped was that I have a WIP soundtrack I'm working on, and something was missing, and this song fit what I was looking for so perfectly. *side note: the lobster is a great touch! My sister got me a lobster plushie that I did in fact name Luke* RANK: 24th in the 2023 Grand Final/PERSONAL RANK: 2nd of 37 Countries
Previous Favorite Entry: For how good Serbia is in the contest, I never really see it high in my personal rankings, I don't know why. However, there was one entry in particular that really stood out to me until 2023 came along and gave us Luke Black. Which is ironic because it was the chosen song for another year Luke tried to represent Serbia: 2016. "Goodbye (Shelter)" by Sanja Vučić ZAA is a very powerful ballad that could be interpreted to be someone standing up in an abusive situation. It was well done and I wish that it was on Spotify so I can listen to it more often. RANK: 18th in the 2016 Grand Final/PERSONAL RANK: 8th of 42 Countries
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Congratulations to Vučić for coming out i guess
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ashmp3 · 1 year
ONLY NOW AM NOOOTTT OKAY genuinely i’m like whatever. Cool. Imaginary piano falls on my head and i smile with piano tiles instead of my teeth but it’s NOT a big deal to me personally idk…. kinda indifferent these days if you couldn’t tell.
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years
At the shaoshan collective, we do our best to remain professional when discussing geopolitical issues, however, there is this man neither of us can in good faith be professional about, the president of Serbia, Aleksander Vucic.
First and foremost this man is built like an alien and by his understanding of geopolitics he must be one. He is a coward, a double-faced snake, an incompetent, a corrupt bastard and most importantly he is a fucking coward.
He sees his people being besieged and harassed in Kossovo and does nothing, he begs the EU and Nato for scraps and he doesn't even receive them, and despite having the backing of 2 major powers, one of which is set to become the new dominant power in the world, he'd rather beg the dying international order of America capitalism that join the multipolar world, he is a betrayer of his people and his allies and deserves nothing vot to get couped. There is no reasonable explanation for his behaviour, not even being under siege by his neighbours is enough at this point to reasonably justify his actions,he is either a fool or a corrupted bastard
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