#vv lore
childe-of-saulot · 5 months
penis on the brain but like, at a distance.
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f1uckinghell · 2 years
Out of all the pack members who is most to least possessive
Most to least:
send me your most obscure or unhinged VV asks
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meimeikyu · 5 months
hi rambles but like. the way bsp magic feels in festivalverse bcs im feeling silly
this is important for lore kinda bcs killer also bcs i like talking about my guys
its under cut bcs this turned out longer than i thought!!! i love them sm <3
Killers - Killers the best way i can describe it is like, bubbly in a way? Its always shifting and moving. you ever seen a video of liquid lava? thats how i imagine his magic. I think itd generally be warm, getting colder when hes in a more 'murderous unfeeling' state and warmer the more emotional he is. His magic is generally unstable, n he uses it minimally,, primarily using his knived over summoning things since it tends to not go great. His magic also has a sort of acidic property, mostly his tears/determination.
Dusts - Dusts is LOUD. that is the best way i can word it. it is bright and vibrant and it is so very LOUD. its extremely hot, and it leads to him overheating often because of it; considering how much magic he has too. its almost electrical like a lightning strike, and has a static like quality to it. and it can definitely burn through things- Generally manifests as a bright lilac colour, or a combination of red and teal. Dust magic is constantly noticeable, even from a distance most of the time, and has a sort of constant anger in it, that makes it feel like its bubbling water that could boil over any second.
Horrors - Compared to the others, horrors is very quiet and. duller due to longterm effects from his head injury and longterm starvation. generally she avoids using it as much as possible, and if he does *need* to use it it drains him very fast, so its a last resort. his magic is almost. the only way i can word it is like round? and generally is a very dark, almost brownish red colour. also due to her low magic, she gets cold much easier. Horrors magic is the least noticeable over all due to her low reserves, and is like a very dim light peeking through a door.
Crosses - Crosses is sharp like a blade. His magic was well trained and hes extremely good at controlling it. hes generally the most 'middle ground' out of them magic wise, being able to control it well but not having as much in reserves. his magic is generally slightly cold, just enough that its noticable. primarily using summoning magic instead of loose magic, and it generally manifests as a more pinkish purple
Nightmares - Nightmare, being a godlike being has interesting magic properties. She has an extremely large reserve of magic, but all of his magic is a sort of cold colder than ice, and can be extremely jaring to feel. Her entire body runs extremely cold due to this, though it doesnt bother her. The majority of the time the way he uses his magic is just through her tendrils. She also has some 'other' magic properties involving emotion and mind manipulation, due to his godlike status. Her aura is surprisingly subtle, and resembles a water-like white noise, constantly there but wouldnt generally be noticed unless allowed.
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hazbinsponsoredbyvee · 3 months
Vox! How did you and Valentino meet, and were you guys always in a relationship, or did it take time for you guys to get to that point with each other?
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"Funny story, actually! I was supposed to be meeting someone for drinks and got stood up. I met Valentino at the bar, bought him some drinks, and we started talking."
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"He was an up and coming Overlord with real talent in his industry. He just needed someone to help him get eyes on his stuff. And I needed content to air. It was a win-win! The sex is just a happy bonus, but yeah, that's definitely been a thing from the start."
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shrewmingledotcom · 3 months
join pararai plush factory (my vv cool server)
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join for the context of this image or something family mention : @yumesickness @kurakurarinzzz @anzphantom
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alexandor · 2 months
I'm going to share my lore notes for Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance. I'm keeping the wording close to the original text, only changing the order of some words so it's more legible.
This doesn't cover base game lore, only the new lore we got from Canon of Vengeance
Some of the lore will be redundant, because characters will have stated it more than once.
These are under a cut because it's so much. The lore is ordered by source. Mastema is last because he's unreliable.
My thoughts, analysis, and notes are shared in parentheses. Information outside parenthesis has is directly stated by the SMT VV characters in question.
Spoilers for SMT V Vengeance, obviously
Edit: spelling mistakes
Egyptian Gods
According to Thoth,
The original ruler is Marduk. There was also a bull god (not directly stated, but likely the god that killed Tiamat). They conspired and cursed the throne to achieve an effect: that the throne will reject all thay bear the divine aspect of a serpent. (This is also stated by Samael)
Atum is the primordial god, the father of the Nile gods. Atum-Ra went to the Empyrean, and discovered that the original Bull God made a rule that prevents serpent gods from holding the throne. Atum transfered the Power of Ra to the successor, Amun. (Koshimizu says that Ra was a former Creator. This likely refers to this Amun-Ra.)
Amon was not a bull god, but was horned. He ruled for a very long time, until the power of Ra was stolen away by heretical demons that invaded Egypt (note: it is spelled "Amon" in this dialogue box, but it may be a misspelling, as that spelling never appears again, and is in the context of Amun).
According to the various Quadistu,
A Horned God killed Tiamat.
The throne cycle has it that when a god ascends the Empyrean and sits on the throne, they become the new Creator. (Note: verified by events in game).
Aogami (as a complete god/nahobino) is a dragon-slayer. Aogami, and all dragon slayers (dragon slaying gods?) are the descendant of the horned god that originally killed Tiamat.
Samael, serpent god and husband of the Quadistu
According to Samael
The first ruler was the bull god Marduk. (Note: seems to imply Marduk and the horned god are one entity, as opposed to two as Thoth claims).
Marduk and the bull god cursed the throne so that his reign would persist, even should his rule be challenged. (Note: he does not specify which "he." I presume Marduk). The system that governs this world allowed it, perhaps because it wouldn't stymie the continuation of the cycle.
NOTE: (the bonus superboss fight with Satan indicates that Satan is an agent who is here because the Nahobino has interfered with the cycle. It's not stated in SMT VV, but from other SMT games' lore he's likely an agent of the Greater Will)
So the serpent following gods want to erase the curse, the systems, and this world that has been wrought with oppression.
Samael summoned the Quadistu from another world to this one.
According to herself,
She is (a?) goddess of creation, her duty is to lead the god to the throne.
Long before the first human being, the entity who oversaw this world created a bridge to the throne.
Director Hayao Koshimizu / Tsukoyomi
According to Koshimizu,
Since time out of mind, the gods would do battle for the right to rule the world.
He later states again that: before current creator, many gods fought viciously for the right to the throne.
Before the current Creator reigned, Baal the god of harvest ruled, and before Baal Ra the sun god. (From Eyptian god info, presumably Amun-Ra).
The most recent creator removed all gods's knowledge, rendering them demons, and hid the Knowledge in a tree.
Humans ate the fruit of Knowledge (note: at the prompting of a "serpent") that the Creator hid away in the Garden of Eden, thus binding divine knowledge to their souls
NOTE: (this information likely means that originally, humans and gods weren't two halves of the same being.)
Demons want human souls to restore their former selves.
Armageddon was when the Condemnation was lifted.
With Atsuru- his Knowledge- dead, he cannot create the world as Tsukoyomi. (NOTE: He regularly agrees to be used for the protagonist's world, whatever that may be).
After fusing, Koshimizu says that since he and the protagonist can fuse, the Creator is likely dead. (Presumably, this applies to all Nahobinos, including Aogami, and is not just the fusion of him and the protag specifically).
Proto-fiends are gods created to protect Japan. They have three- a domestic affairs unit (Tsukuyomi), a combat unit (Aogami/Susano'o), and a command unit (Amaterasu).
There have been many Aogami units, to the extent that no more can be made. There have been many Tsukoyomi units, but not as many as Aogami units.
There has only ever been one Amaterasu unit.
Amatersu disappeared 20 years ago when her Knowledge became (I've lost the exact wording- powerful/a goddess) in her own right.
Apparently, an Amaterasu unit can only be made under special circumstances (also stated by one of the staff in the Bethel HQ).
The goddesses of Japan are guarding an artifact that is an important part of Amaterasu. (Source: the sidequest "Heroes of Heaven and Earth." Koshimizu is in this quest and confirms what is said).
When NeoTao says she is goddess of creation, her duty is to lead the god to the throne, Koshimizu backs her up (or at least clarifies) by calling her a guiding goddess.
Miiman are what happens when a god and their Knowledge tried to reunite before the Condemnation was lifted. (This indirectly states that the condemnation was a real, tangible law/effect. While not directly stated by the Miiman, according to info from Koshimizu, it ended when the Creator was killed by Lucifer).
(Reminder, Mastema is a known deciever, at minimum lying by omission, if not outright. Some of his info contradicts info from other sources, even multiple. So it should be taken with a grain of... salt.)
Mastema claims that destroying the throne would mean all human souls are forced to wander in the Abyss. (This contradicts information from Canon of Creation, and is likely untrue, or only a segment of the truth. Generously, he may be referring to what happens after death, but the point still stands).
Mastema claims that in the past (unspecified time period), goddesses choose new Creator. Creator (unspecified) viewed this as a threat, and sealed the goddess Yoko (/Tiamat?) away 18 years ago. (Judging from the timeline, the unspecified Creator is likely the most recent one. [Personal read: He makes it sound like whichever Creator this is was, presumably, the first to do so.] By goddesses, he likely means the creation/guiding goddesses, like NeoTao. However, he is very vague about both points.)
Mastema claims Lucifer killed the Creator (18 years ago?) after Armageddon. (This is verified by other sources).
Armageddon was 18 years ago. The demons won (verified by other sources).
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dood1e-bug · 4 months
Info/ideas, story bits etc. about Mantis boy
Name: Percival (last name)
Age: late 30s early 40s
Height: 5'6
-Before the show-
-Growing up being somewhat knowledgable with machines and tec. Percival was hired working at a lab in New Jersey. The scientist that hired him are apart of a group working on making cryptid soldiers (a few of the scientists where apart of the honey island project that disbanded years ago in that episode "Ghost in the machine") they had a good bit of research to kickstart what was left off and make their own machine, get it up and running. Some tests where made here and there eventually..
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Percival ended up being one of them. Of course he was not happy, Before the scientist could try to restrain the mutated bug man he managed to break out and started lashing out at the men that stabbed him in the back. Before more men showed up Percival escaped from the building to hide away.
Month or so go by and of course he couldn't stay hidden forever there've been a couple of times where he'd been spotted rumors/speculation go flying around about a giant mantis looking creature roaming around Musconetcong river. A certain show host heard about the creature, how perfect another giant bug maybe even an extra hand for his servant.
A warm spring night Percival was out hunting and spotted a glowing light, two men stood across the river. One standing closer to the water held out his hand offering a way to help him with his bug problem for a deal.
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Percival had seen this man before on TV, merch basically everywhere, this man was V.V. Argost. He had no idea why a television star wanted to help it seemed so shady...but if Argost really knew how to fix this mess hes in it's worth whatever he has planned..right?
Argost did keep his side of the deal and fixed his bug problem...kinda. Percival is back to being human but can still change back to his bug form.
Percival now dubbed Percy by Argost had so much he had to learn especially fighting and keeping his new human form from accidentally changing back to his mantis form. Munya was tasked to help teach him though the two didn't get along too well for a while (these two are both assholes I can see them bickering/butting heads for some time in Weird World, Percys usually if not always the one to start crap)
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Little over two months later and Argost brought in some other men for a very important job a Ancient stone apparently stolen from him by a group of scientist broken up into three pieces.
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(This is where I'll leave it off)
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windcarvedlyre · 4 months
wrt "Can humans become god" sometimes I wonder if any Fontainian could have became a god, or if Focalors was a Special Oceanid-turned-human
Ooo, yeah.
Assuming the only reason humans don't become gods is Celestia suppresses them, I'm leaning 'maybe Celestia was suppressing most of them too to keep up the facade, but made an exception for Focalors out of necessity/because she was close to Egeria/because she remembered Fontainians' origins'??
Perhaps a factor in Celestia being so pissed at Egeria turning oceanids into humans was it fucked with the boundaries of the hierarchy they're upholding. It could imply humans aren't that fundamentally different from Teyvat's other races.
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Posting some old silly sketches of Cliff and Krik from Vehicle Voltron because Im hopeless
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The Great Supa War of 2023 : As Told By a Ghost
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childe-of-saulot · 5 months
they're into my off-putting and scary vibe until i accidentally bite off their penis with my vagina teeth and then all of a sudden im an "abomination" and "OH MY GOD IM FUCKING BLEEDING OUT" Get over yourselves, its like being back in the fucking iron ages again >:(
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f1uckinghell · 11 months
Can you tell us more about the pack living in separate houses? Do they all know this is going to happen eventually? Do they have sleepovers?
Honestly, the main reason for it is convenience. With all the pups, the main house just becomes way too small, especially as they grow older, and the "one room for each adult" concept kind of stops working along the way. Lando and Carlos decide to build their own little nest for them and their daughters, but close enough so they aren't really apart. The houses are right next to each other, the new house is built basically in the yard of the old one, so they can literally see each other from their windows and it takes only a few seconds to go over. and YES they do have sleepovers of course! they still do sleep together (in the non-sexual sense of the word, but also in the sexual sense lol) a few times a week. But at the same time, especially as newlyweds and as a new family, it's good for Lando and Carlos to have their own space.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Look at my boy!!!
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For those unfamiliar, a bit of background:
I stumbled upon the headcanon that Lloyd Garmadon is an amputee a while back, and have since adopted it as my own. Lloyd canonically lost his arm in the movie (it got put back though (because legos)), but this theory suggests that when Lloyd broke his arm in season 8 he damaged it enough that he later had to get it amputated. He fell out of the sky and broke his arm then was lost in a forest for a day or two. I think it’s reasonably plausible that it either got infected or that the wound was exasperated by his battle with Harumi. Considering everything that went on after, it’s safe to assume he didn’t get medical attention for a while, and that by the time he did, the damage was done.
This headcanon primarily finds itself in Lloyd consistently having an alternate pattern, color, or texture on his right sleeve in later seasons which some have interpreted as a prosthetic. This is most likely not intentional on the creator’s part (especially considering the ninja all have asymmetric sleeve designs at one point or another) but it makes sense and it’s fun.
I also think it adds a lot to his trauma surrounding Harumi’s betrayal if he lost his arm protecting her. Lloyd’s always been a forgiving person and it makes sense that he’d latch a lot of his resentment and hurt onto her if she not only betrayed his trust, but also left him with a physical wound that would last. His disposition was irrevocably changed after Harumi’s manipulation and I think him having a constant physical reminder of the pain would add a lot of depth to his lingering anger and hurt.
My personal headcanon is that he started off using a prosthetic that matched his skin tone. He was never really ashamed of it, he’s always known he and his friends were in danger. He was more upset about how it happened than that it happened. Still, he got hurt protecting someone that he cared about. He ended up losing his arm because of it but Lloyd’s always been ready and willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good. With his friends’ support he bounces back pretty quick. His first prosthetic is pretty stealth, he’s not ashamed of it, but he doesn’t exactly want to advertise his weaknesses. After some time passes, though, Lloyd decides he’s not gonna be able to keep it quiet for much longer and having an openly disabled protector for people to see themselves in is more important. Bouncing off of the energy and support from fans and the disability community alike, Lloyd becomes more comfortable in his own skin and begins to try out the more showy and customized prosthetics his friends (mainly Nya and Pixal) have made for him. He soon comes to enjoy wearing his prosthetic over his gi and even cuts a whole is his sleeve to allow greater movement (and keep it from getting caught in the fabric but shhh).
But yeah. Proudly disabled Lloyd Garmadon my beloved
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hazbinsponsoredbyvee · 3 months
Has Val ever smashed voxs screen?
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"Once or twice. When he's in a temper tantrum, he just starts throwing shit, and... yeah."
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mye-chi · 2 years
not sure if favorite is too broad but moreso "this one interests me the most / i love these characters the most / i like their lore the most" etc etc
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shoyostar · 11 months
pushing your akaashi talk button — spill ! tell me whatever you wish about him, perhaps headcanons or selfship lore? whatever your heart desires !
lately ive just been thinking abt … soo many aus of akaashi just!! hes so :3
but im gonna talk abt some selfship lore for now cuz and im still organizing a lil akaashi royalty au and also bcs vikei is so overshadowed by viesho >_< under the read more bcs this might get a lil long, i love to ramble 💗💗
me and akaashi met in high school, highschool sweethearts trope ueueue <33 same year, we shared an elective!! psychology to be exact:3
and i was having a weee bit of a trouble during a unit but i didnt know most of the people in my class sooo i vv nervously asked him for his notes and he agreed!! surprisingly!! >_< like omg cute boy gave me his psych notes what a lucky girl i am … and i thought that’d be the end of our interactions (sadly)
but!!! class seating plans (which SUCK for me usually..) got changed and he got put beside me!! like wow what my luck again huh.. coincidence? it wasn’t BUT i was still too shy to talk to him so i just used asking for his notes all the time as an excuse ..
eventually we opened up and started eating lunch together and talking outside of class (gave me his number “for class notes”) and our respective friend groups were like hmmm who are u talkin to??? we both denied anything between us (everyone sighed cuz we were a lil obvious) but everything abt us was soo… gf and bf like we didn’t realize how fast we were falling!!
so then one day my friends are going to the mall and are like ohh u wanna bring ur bf? and im like HES NOT MY BF BUT ALSO WOULDNT THAT BE WEIRD TO ASK HIM TO COME W ME BUT ITS A GROUP THING SO— and they shut me up and got me to ask him >_< and i guess(?) that was our first ‘date’ of sorts.
two awkward, nervous lil love birds surrounded by their friends making kissy face sounds and jokes bcs we were the ONLY two people not sitting at the group table and w each other… we were in our own lil world wahhh 😖💗
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