#w oah both of you
Time out
Clarissa is a 28 year old European-Canadian immigrant pansexual prostitute, who is known for her beauty and hourglass figure, fit body as being the most fertile and intelligent woman but she is the most mistreated but is paid handsomely but on then unfortunately she'd gotten pregnant from a paid blindfolded prostitution session and got even more paid sessions and she was careful this time unknowing that she had high-fertility and that her birth control didn't work and know 9 months later on her due day, nervously waiting for the first session of her day. "C'mon get here quickly, I want this over quickly." waiting alone for her clients who paid for normal 3-10 minute sessions and the worried prostitute suddenly feels a strong contraction and she held her big belly and massages it out. "Oi, man that's the tenth time of the day." and unknowingly having closer contractions by every moment and the first of four clients comes in a woman named Jenny comes in and immediately strips down and so does Clarissa and excited are the two girls and one pins down the other and uses two fingers to shove deep in to Clarissa's vagina and the prostitute throbs her legs and hips and feels the baby slips down against the vagina and then Jenny goes in with the full fist, shoves it in but not to deep. Yet moaning and throbbing the hips and legs of the satisfied Clarissa the pleasure ends quickly as the time is up.
Standing and dressing up, Clarissa take a seat crossing her legs in a tight fitted red and black striped mini-dress and the client leaves, now waiting a sudden sharp contraction hits her belly and she throbs, grunts, holds the side of her belly with one hand, straightening her back against the couch but then the lone Clarissa waits for the next client, then the next client, Alicia walks awkwardly into the room and undresses herself and then Clarissa follows along taking her mini dress off and her boobs bounces, Alicia then pins the prostitute against the bottom of the couch and slams her body against the heavy pregnant belly of Clarissa and the woman throbs and shudders as the baby's head slightly pops out and Alicia proceeds to lick the pussy of Clarissa and after that starts sucking her breasts and only having 2 minutes left she goes all out by grabbing the vibrator and shoving it up her vagina and puts the vibration to MAX and shakes the cervix up and makes Clarissa throbs and twitch but then the sessions times up and now she pulls out the vibrator and the prostitute moans and gets up and get dressed and backs to sitting on the couch with crossed legs.
Another 15 minutes later the impatient Clarissa feels a sharp contraction in her belly and she slides down with her crossed legs holding her big pregnant belly and she grunts and throbs but then sits properly again but then she feels the baby slide down even farther and she leans forward and holds the side of her belly "Hoo, Oh wow. Bloody hell could please be a little kind I am kind of struggling here and it seems you won't stop at being painful l-AAH, W-oah Oh, Fuck you". Then returning to her normal position and sighs and waits for another 5 minutes and then finally the client comes round to meet her and it's a guy named Dylan and he closes the door behind him, though he strips naked and then Clarissa stands up and strips, she feels the baby slide down farther but ignores it and then Dylan walks closer to Clarissa and pulls her and pins her to the wall and shoves his penis in deep into her vagina and Clarissa moaning and groaning knows this won't last long and Dylan also know this he goes all out, shoving in deeper and faster and gets more groans and moans from the prostitute and even has sex while dragging her across the ground and on the couch, eventually he hits so deep, Clarissa orgasms and Dylan cums into her and they end the session with clean up and dressing up but know Clarissa holding on to her belly with both hands and gripping tightly because she got a huge contraction that she silenced the noise of pain "My fucking goodness, Why? Right now, really. HoOh OooOOooOh my fucking goodness gracious".
Now just contractively waiting for the next 22 minutes untils the clients come and it's another woman her name is Darline and she first has a conversation with Clarissa, "Sorry I'm late, Traffic got in the way but I'm here so anyways how's your day?" Clarissa responds "I'm doing great and your my last client for the day." Darline exictedly responds "That's good atleast we can talk before getting to the sex and you know what let's get to it." They strip naked and by surprise Darline brought a huge vibrator and ties Clarissa with tight bondage and shoves the the vibrator and it just barely fits and she turns it on to the max and the tight vagina of Clarissa starts throbbing and Darline starts sucking her breasts and milks her but through all of the moaning, groaning and throbbing of her vagina she felt the head slightly slide down further into her birth canal, The vibrator pops the sacs over the baby's head and as she cums, her water breaks and when she got taken off the vibrator and removed of bondage she said breathing fast "Wow, you... are very good with this, Huh?" Darline replies "Yes I am and you we're extra wet for me huh?" She responds "Yes I was but next time don't make it too high cause it's causing contractions." Darline Says "Oh, I am so sorry! I'll lessen next time." Clarissa in pain "O-Oh, its f-fine." Darline gets dressed and gets up to say Goodbye and leaves.
Clarissa still naked on her knees, realizes what happened and that her water broke. "Shit!, My boss will kill me I need to make him think I'm not yet, due". She gets up, Gets dressed and then a contraction hits her, She grunts and bends over the couch. Now rocking back and forth, Clarissa powers through and cleans up and gets back to her seat, now waiting for her asshole boss to get here and pay her, then a contraction hits her she places a hand on her belly and checking to see if her vagina is fully dilated at 10cm underneath her thick, tight underwear which is now biting against her burning pussy and she tries not to push waiting and her pained paitience being challenged she waits as long as she has to, her boss comes over eventually Mr. Richard enters the room and Clarissa stands up to give a handshake but feels the baby slide down and gets a strong contraction, crowning a slight unnoticable bulge appears at the skirt of Clarissa's red and black striped tight fitted mini dress and as that is going on she gives a strong handshake while holding the side of her belly and they take a seat to discuss things and gets paid a lot of money before starting the discussion.
"So how have the clients reacted towards you?" Clarissa replies "Positively, Mostly and being very nice and getting to the point most of the time, their quite nice actually good people" Mr. Richard replies deeply "They find you nice and great along with quite sexual, that's good being beautiful etc. Etc." And they go down the list of very satisfied customers and being estatic, Mr. Richard gives an extra amount of money to Clarissa and being an asshole mistreating boss he also asks "If you can could you please, flash your breasts and leave them like that until the end of discussion". Clarissa unwatingly exposes her big bouncy round titties. "There, that how you like it, Sir". Mr. Richard gets closer and fondles the sensitive big round breasts of Clarissa and she painfully groans and shrieks at one point and Mr. Richard continues down to her belly and slaps it hard creating a singeing pain throughout her belly and rubs her thighs and thens stops and return to his seat "I am going to have to increase the threshold of clients that you have sessions with and I'll pay you more in return and this is decided and final." Clarissa being fine about this statement is struck with a contraction and a pain that came back with a vengeance, she holds the center of her and bottom of her belly tightly gripping the cloth of her tight fitted mini dress and gritting her teeth being used to pain Clarissa shows no expression of pain at all and listen intentively continuing of what he last said "Now could you please stand up, Clarissa" As she stood up straight she could feel the baby's head plummet down and the bulge gets bigger along with Clarissa gritting her teeth and tightly holding the her belly, Mr. Richard notices the bulge and walks over to Clarissa and takes under her dress skirt and sees the bulge in her tight underwear. "Oh, I see. Do we have a little accident here?" She replies solidly "No, Sir." Mr. Richard being who he is put his hand against the baby's head and slightly pushes it back in, Clarissa pissed, tightening her grip and wanting to hurt her boss grunts quietly and throbbs. "Good cause I'll fire you and hurt you and this little bastard kid if it's ever born in here, understand" Mr. Richard said. Now terrified Clarissa takes more vigilance with pushing and bearing down, returns to her seat and crosses her legs as tightly she could making the baby slide back inside a small amount, wincing and aggresively throbbing, Clarissa hides her pain and continues their disscusion, knowing the end of her shift is the end of their discussion but remembers she has to finish her documents and then she can end her shift as Mr. Richard leaves, Clarissa gets up and opens the door to the document storage room but bends over, holds her belly and gasps by a strong contraction, straightening her back and taking a deep breath, Clarissa walks to her file cabinet and opens it, she leans against the cabinet and looks down and holds both sides of big taut and rock hard smooth belly and takes a constant amount of deep breaths to calm herself down and collects the files she needs to finish signing as grabs the pen on the rough yellow folder she opens the folder to find the unfinished document and she eventually finds it behind four stapled papers and signs it in red and she closes the folder and puts it back in her file cabinet and walks out of the room and closes and locks the door and she then ends her shift walking out of the building trying to painfully waddling as far as she can possibly go but the baby's head is slowly and quickly inching forward, leaning her side against the wall her gloves hands now encircle her belly and she grits her teeth to hold in the baby as hard as she can and the in consequence baby's head and neck squeeze themself out of her burning pussy enlarging the bulge in her dress's skirt in her thick underwear, Clarissa walks and calls a taxi quickly as she sees Mr. Richard trying to follow her and she akwardly sprints into the taxi and locks the door.
"G-Go to ■■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■ ■■ Please" The taxi driver drives off out of the empty allyway and is going towards the highway but Clarissa grunts as quietly as she can to push and her tight underwear makes it hard and fighting against her underwear and a she feels silent snap and the baby slides down and out of her pussy quickly and Clarissa grabs the sliding baby and pulls it up to her chest to calm her and smiles and whispers to herself "Ha- h H-aah, Yes, I'm a mother." she cries happily and she reaches home.
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werenotadulting · 3 years
Routine Procedure pt. 2 & 3
(Hello friends. Before we continue, a disclaimer. This story is intended for mature, 18+, kink-friendly audiences. This post contains sexual content.
This story may seem, uh, pretty fucked up. The product that caused Mike's incontinence is purely fictional, but the story can still seem plausible within the realm of reality. Which makes the actions of the characters....well, pretty fucked up. I don't want to spoil the story, but I will leave with this.
Aren't we all, in our own way, a little fucked up?
I'd woken up as we turned onto our street.
"Hey sweetie. We're almost home."
"Huh, wh-...where are we?" I blinked a couple times, my eyes adjusting to the light.
She took my hand in hers. "You're in the car, on the way home from the hospital. There's something I need to-"
Suddenly I was wide awake.
"Oh man, I had the weirdest dream. I was in recovery and all the sudden the doctor is going on about how something went wrong, which is crazy, right? Like it was the easiest of surgeries, so it's not like something could ever go wrong."
Kate just stared straight ahead as she pulled into our driveway.
"Let's talk inside."
"You have to remember to check it every couple of hours, Mike. I can do it for you if want me to."
I glared at her.
"Jesus Kate, don't you think I know that? It's bad enough I have to wear this stupid thing, but you don't have to keep reminding me like I'm some kind of child!"
Was I overreacting? Maybe. Did I have every right to be upset about what I'd woken up to in the hospital? Absolutely. Did Kate deserve me taking my anger out on her?
No. She didn't.
I took a deep breath, counting to ten in my head.
"Okay, listen. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you, I just...I feel like my life just got turned upside down. You're only trying to help and....I'm sorry," I finished lamely.
Kate, noticing my shirt had become tucked into the back of my pull-up, pulled it out.
"I understand, Mike," Kate said, looking at me with sympathy. "You didn't ask for this, plus that whole thing with the clause in the paperwork. There's not much we can do but move on and learn to cope." She stood up, smiling at me. "But on the brightside, no medical bills, plus they're offering to cover the cost of whatever supplies you need. I'm going to be here every step of the way, helping you out however you need it."
Despite her positive outlook, I wasn't swayed. "Oh, sure, great." I laid the sarcasm on thick. "I get to spend the rest of my life peeing myself. The brightside is oh so blinding."
"It was a really long day, babe," Kate said, hushing my attitude and moving behind me as she started to rub my shoulders. "What do you say you take a couple of those sleeping pills, zonk out for the night, and see what kind of fresh perspective tomorrow brings, huh?"
Sleep did sound like the only brief respite I was going to get from this hell.
"If you'd like, I can check you during the night to see if it need changed. That way you can just sleep and not have to worry."
"Umm no, it's fine. I just put it on, so it should last me overnight. You'd probably only wake me up anyway. Thank you though," I said, giving her a small smile. "I'm glad at least one of us is handling this well."
It wasn't until around midnight that Mike finally got comfortable enough to sleep. As Kate looked in on him, she could see that he was still a little restless, tossing and turning as if having a bad dream.
For a brief second she had second thoughts, but quickly shoved them aside. No, she wanted this. Mike needed this. She had waited so long. It was for the best. She looked down on him lovingly.
"Sleep well, my sweet boy. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be just as interesting as today was."
Even when he took sleeping pills, Mike was notoriously a restless sleeper. And she may or may not have poked a couple holes in the pull-up. Mike didn't bother to check, and why should he?
After all, accidents happen.
Part 3
The first thing that hit me was how cold I was.
That didn't make any sense. I'm in bed, I shouldn't be cold. I grabbed the covers to push them back and immediately realized why I was cold.
The bed, the sheets, the comforter, all of them, were wet.
I saw then why the bed had gotten wet. No. Soaked.
Tossing and turning in my sleep, the pull-up, I presume, had not stayed in place. Meaning the bed had gotten soaked. Meaning I had gotten soaked. Hence...
Kate walked out of the bathroom, her hair wrapped in a towel with a second around her body.
"Hey babe. I had to get up to get cleaned off, because I was covered in...well, yeah. Are you okay?"
I got up and began balling up the sheets and bedspread. "Oh I'm just peachy. I pissed all over myself like a baby last night, so that was fun. I also will continue to piss all over myself no matter what I do, and I'll be stuck doing laundry every day for the rest of my life!"
I threw the bedding on the floor in disgust. Kate took my arm, tenderly, and stopped my tantrum.
"Hey, listen. Strip down, and go take a shower. Take that stupid thing off, get out the loofah, and scrub. I don't want you coming out until you're good and relaxed, you hear me? I'll wash the sheets." As she was saying this, Kate was already moving to take the mattress protector off of the bed.
"No, Kate, stop. You don't have to-"
"Get. In. The. Shower."
"NOW!" I can only describe the look she was giving me as domineering. I'd never seen her like this. "Don't make me ask again."
Sheepishly, I began to disrobe.
Kate's voice returned to its normal, caring tone. "Once you're all washed up, meet me in the living room, please. I want to talk to you about something."
Kate was sitting on the couch when I walked out. She pat the cushion next to her, indicating she wanted me to sit down.
"Mike, sweetie. I want you to listen to me without interrupting, okay? And please remember that all I'm saying comes from a place of love and wanting you to be happy," Kate said, her big hazel eyes looking at me imploringly.
"Umm...okay, sure yeah. What's up?" I sat down next to her.
"First, I wanted to reiterate that I understand how frustrated you must be right now. But I don't want to be the target of your outbursts. It's not fair." She paused, looking at me, and I just nodded that I understood.
"Second, I think we both can see that the whole pull-up thing isn't working. I don't want another surprise like last night." Here she stopped again, turning to grab something from behind the couch. She pulled a plastic package out and set it on her lap.
"The hospital gave us these to try if the... if we wanted to try something different," she said, pulling a white rectangle out of the package. It made a rustling sound as she grabbed it.
"Is that a....I am not wearing a diaper!"
"Mike, please, stop. Just listen. You said you wouldn't interrupt." She moved the package back to the floor, keeping the diaper on her lap.
"I'm just asking you to try, for both my sake and yours. Please?"
She didn't continue, so I took that as my cue that I could speak, but I didn't know what to say. I sat in silence, thinking, for what felt like hours.
She had a point. I had slept terribly, which was likely to make me even more irritable. But on the other hand, could I really stand to go through the embarrassment of wearing a diaper? Although I suppose it is preferable to having wet pants. I couldn't imagine the humiliation I would feel if I were to leak all over myself in public.
Finally, I broke the silence.
"I've....I've never had to put on or change a diaper before..." I said finally, hanging my head.
Kate perked up, that smile I loved hinting on her lips.
"I can help with that, babe. Just at first, until you get the hang of it. And if they don't work, we will move on to the next thing, okay?"
"Are you sure d-diapers are the best option?" I had to struggle to get the word out. "How do you know they will help?" I said, unable to take my eyes off of the plastic object on her lap.
"For one, pull-ups are pretty much already diapers. We'd just be changing them even more often."
She picked up the diaper and stood up, pulling me by the hand.
"Second, judging by the fact that I'm going to have to clean that couch cushion, I'd say we need to at least try something."
"Lift up so I can slide this under you."
I obliged, holding my butt up in the air as I lay on the freshly cleaned sheets. I tried to look anywhere but at Kate.
Kate unfolded the diaper, fluffing it slightly. She positioned the diaper under me and I lowered down onto it.
"You know, this doesn't have to be all bad," she said, as she picked up a bottle of baby powder. Why did we even have baby powder? Where did that come from?
"Oh, really? Explain to me what about having my girlfriend change me into a diaper isn't all bad." I continued to stare pointedly at the ceiling.
"For starters," she said, dusting powder on my groin, "there's this." Suddenly, she reached down and began slowly stroking my cock.
"Whuuuuu-oah boy. Um just w-what do you think you're doing?"
"I'm rubbing in the powder, clearly," she said, and I finally looked to see that devilish grin back on her face. "You don't seem to be protesting that...hard," she giggled. "I figured since I'm down here, I might as well make myself useful." Without further preamble, she lowered her mouth and took me inside of it.
"That's..uhhh....o-okay...." I trailed off, lost in a mix of confusion and pleasure. It wasn't long before I was finished, and Kate was sitting back up. She wiped the back of her hand across her mouth and swallowed.
"Wow, you must have enjoyed that, I don't think you've ever cum so quicky."
I was too stunned to speak. My gaze had returned to the ceiling, but I wasn't focused on anything.
Kate started to move again, and I heard that crinkling sound. She pulled the diaper up and taped it snugly in place, securing me into the first of what would soon become my all-too-familiar thick and crinkly underwear.
"So tell me, Mike," she said, patting the front of the diaper as she looked over her handiwork, "was that all bad?"
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dajaregambler · 3 years
HeliosR - Faith Beams Card story “In the end, bad guys get….”
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Translation of Faith Beams’ 4* “Sweet Chocolate Spell” card story from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.
Faith: Ah, getting called again…. Whatta pain….
Faith: Fuuh, how exhausting….
Faith: ……….
Faith: Even if I block it doesn’t stop, maybe I’ll turn my phone off again for a while--
Keith: Oh, if it ain’t Faith. Lazing around?
Faith: Lazing around… Is that something you say to someone right when you see them?
Faith: ….Well, can’t say that I wasn’t
Keith: Knew I was right. Ya can’t just go waltzing around all willy nilly outside with the way you are now
Faith: If you like, know what’s up then don’t bother m---
???: Big trouble-nano~~~~~!!!
Keith & Faith: ?
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Jacqueline: Big, big BIG trouble-nano~~~~~!!!
Keith: Jacqueline? O-oi the hell’s up… No need to be running around…
Faith: What’s the big trouble?
Jacqueline: Faith-chama!
Faith: Eh
Jacqueline: Sit down there-nano!
Faith: W-what? What do you---
Lily: Wait, Jacqueline. Don’t rush into things on your own.
Keith: Oah, Lilly too. …The hell’s all this ruckus for?
Lily: ...There’s actually a bit of a problem at the entrance right now.
Lily: Exactly as I was going down with the elevator…. Occasionally I run into Jacqueline there and we go together.
Jacqueline: Jacqueline was on my way to go take a walk
Lily: And as the elevator doors opened once we reached the entrance floor, a tremendous scene was to be seen.
Keith: T-tremendous scene….?
Lily: Dozens of young girls were crowding in front of the tower, and the staff were holding onto their dear life while fending them off. As if it was a spectacle in a zombie movie...
Jacqueline: Jacqueline hates zombie movies-nano・・・
Lily: And then I heard it. How these young girls were gathered together, screaming “Let us see Faith Beams!”
Faith: …..!
Lily: I sensed that I had to confront the person in question himself for things to settle down.
Jacqueline: The culprit-nano!
Keith: Faith… What did ya do this time around?
Faith: N-nothing really….
Lily: Everyone was holding up their smartphone to show it too…. If I’m not mistaken, this all happened because you didn’t live up to the promises you made, and ignored their calls, or am I wrong?
Faith: Ugh…. how did you know?
Faith: I can’t go out to meet them with how things are right now
Faith: Even so I still got calls and messages non-stop, which made getting in touch with them personally such a pain in the ass… I just left it be….
Lily: Haah, as I suspected….
Lily: I had a hunch that’s how it went. It’s obvious that horrifying sight is not a gathering of mere fans.
Jacqueline: Faith-chama, who are these girls-nano?
Faith: Eh, um… girlfriends…?
Jacqueline: ・・・Girlfriends?
Jacqueline: But, there’s so many of them・・・
Keith: Eveeeryone’s his girlfriend~ Right, Faith?
Faith: Keith…...
Keith: Oops, sorry sorry. It’s just funny-… I mean, it slipped out without thinking…..
Faith: ……..
Jacqueline: Eveeeryone’s his girlfriend・・・? But isn’t a girlfriend the person you love the most in the world? Is everyone that for you?
Faith: Aah-... Um…..
Lily: Adulterous men ought to be exterminated from this entire world.
Faith: !?
Lily: That is what I personally believe in. But since it came out without a second thought… I’ll make it clear right now.
Lily: Whether you have one girlfriend or a dozen of them, your actions right now were in poor taste.
Lily: ...Think it’s a bother? Don’t make me laugh. It’s your fault for creating a situation like this in the first place.
Lily: If you cannot meet them then you can’t, however, you’ll have to explain to all of them what the situation is like right now. In a sincere way.
Faith: Gh……
Keith: Puh...huhuhu… Nice one, tell him some more, Lily
Lily: Keith, this isn’t the time for you to be laughing about it either.
Keith: What!?
Lily: You’re also the type to whine about ‘how it’s a bother’, you know. If anything, you’re no different than him.
Lily: If you’re dealing with a girlfriend or not…. Actually the gender of the other doesn’t even matter in the first place. Both of you need to be more honest towards people in general. 
Jacqueline: Yes-nano! Being honest is important-nano!
Keith: Gweeh~~~........
Keith: But, Lily. Don’tcha often go on about how “Girls are cute so I’ll forgive them” or something----
Lily: Shut it, Keith.
Keith: Sorry Ma'am.
Faith: Haah…..
Faith: Feel like I got thoroughly beaten up without anything being held back but… Well, even if I didn’t mean to cause trouble I did do something bad.
Faith: And also think that the way I did things wasn’t good either…..
Faith: I’ll go convince these girlfriends that are waiting downstairs to go back home today.
Keith: ...Good luck out there. I’ll come and pick up your bones if it took a turn for the worse.
Faith: …….
Lily: Hold on
Lily: If you go right now, it will only be adding fuel to the fire. I cannot let you go knowing that there’ll be even more chaos.
Lily: I’ve only come here to confirm the situation with you to begin with. I will be handling it myself.
Faith: Eh… really?
Lily: But on the other hand. Promise me that you will be putting an effort into living a sincere life, even if it’s little by little.
Faith: G-got it. I will… take various measures to avoid this from happening again.
Lily: I’d like to see it. ….Now then, let’s go Jacqueline. Keith too.
Keith: EH? Me!?
Lily: You’re his mentor aren’t you. Take responsibility and become a sandbag for these girls. 
Keith: Y-you’re kidding me!?
Faith: …….. And they went off….
Jacqueline: Faith-chama, Faith-chama
Jacqueline: Eventually, it’s good guys who get chosen over bad guys in the end -nano・・・
Faith: ……..
Keith: Curse that Lily…. 
Keith: While going about being honest to everyone~ and whatever. It was damn obvious I was the only one getting the short end of the stick. This is damned oppression!
Faith: Keith, welcome back. ….How did it go?
Keith: Aah. Things got put straight pretty smoothly. Finished things up without becoming a sandbag either 
Faith: Is that so?
Keith: Just as you’d expect….. well not always but, once Lily started explaining everyone got quiet immediately.
Keith: Then aaaall your girlfriends jumped ship to Lily’s side. 
Faith: Eh?
Keith: They all became fans of Lily, saying they’ll stop being your girlfriends…. like “I’ll devote myself to Lily-sama for the rest of my life!” and all that, and happily went home
Keith: Thinking of it, when she was active she had more female fans than you did, y’know. Can tell ya that I remember girls squealing wherever she went 
Faith: Amazing…..
Keith: Well with all of this, it’s solved for now. Make sure to properly say thanks later~
Faith: Y-yeah…. I will…..
Faith: ……… Aha, guess I gotta try to do what I can from now on…..
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bestworstcase · 3 years
it’s feeling gutted about how wasted zhan tiri’s character was hours. like tts really pulled together a few esoteric bits of lore, an evil tree, and some quirky villain of the week disciples and then hired a phenomenal voice actress all so they could… use this character like a cattle prod to make cass do the evil thing. and then killed her off in the most anticlimactic way possible at the end and never elaborated on any of her lore. like. holy missed opportunity batman.
and it’s hard to dissect without discussing cassandra’s arc too, because zhan tiri and cassandra are so intertwined in season three, but even in this regard there feels like so much potential wasted because both of them are so vacuous in season three that they can’t even properly be discussed as foils; they’re just there, making the plot happen more or less by authorial fiat.
and… tts has always had an issue with needing to position rapunzel at the epicenter of everything, to the detriment of other character arcs and also the plot. but it is breathtaking to me that zhan tiri was given such a vital role in the plot without a single drop of character development to go with it, for the sake of her not pulling oxygen from the cass/raps friendship?
fuck THAT.
i’m coming at this from the perspective of someone who was inordinately keen on zhan tiri as a concept from the minute i watched QFAD, and someone who spun a whole character out of her appearances in s1-2 before s3 even started airing and will always prefer my version over canon’s. i’m deeply biased here. but it seems to me that the logical, the obvious thing to do with this character whose sole narrative purpose is to facilitate cassandra taking the moonstone, is to MAKE HER A FOIL TO CASSANDRA.
and it baffles me that tts did not do that. i think perhaps the intention was for them to be understood as foils, but that only works in OAH and even then, only in the most shallow way because it’s all built on the question of whether cass is a villain or not… which is a moral question, only tangentially related to characterization.
but this isn’t really a post about how tts failed zhan tiri as a character so much as it is mulling over bitter snow and like…why zhan tiri is the way she is, because frankly i did not give a lot of thought to who zhan tiri was as a person (“person”) before i started writing og bitter snow—she was very much an intuitive “this feels correct” creature of my imagination—and now that i’m in the thick of the revamp and writing an actual serious story in which she is a significant player i’m trying to… clarify the why of these writing choices for myself.
and it’s about cassandra. at the end of the day that’s really all it is; zhan tiri as i impulsively characterized her is cassandra’s narrative foil. lmao
cass is a character who desperately wants things but cannot articulate her true goal, because she doesn’t know what it is. she is so full of ambition and anger and despair because she has this tremendous unnamed desire that she cannot give voice to and cannot fulfill, and all she knows for sure is she doesn’t have it yet, and the longer she waits for it and the harder she tries to reach it the more she seems to lose. she wants to be a guard. she wants her dad to trust her. she wants to keep rapunzel safe. she wants rapunzel to trust her. she wants…what?
and then she meets zhan tiri in the house of yesterdays tomorrow, and she learns something terrible, and she cuts herself off from rapunzel and takes the moonstone for herself. and then…what?
cassandra’s journey as a character is (or should have been) about unraveling this great internal mystery, about FIGURING OUT what this lack is and how to fill it.
and that is why bitter snow zhan tiri is, fundamentally, hunger. she IS want. she IS desire. she is an insatiable craving that can never be met. she knows precisely what she wants—satisfaction—but that is impossible for her to achieve and she knows that too… but she can’t escape her nature. she can’t stop wanting. she can’t stop taking. but she is so, so old and she has lived and grown and changed herself so much and she’s tired.
so she meets cassandra and feels this kinship. they both are driven by this terrible, implacable urge for something that they can’t reach, and they have both been vicious, selfish, irrational, short-sighted, and self-destructive in pursuit of what they want. zhan tiri can empathize, perhaps more than any other character in the cast, with how excruciatingly painful it is for cass to have this empty feeling she can’t describe and can’t fill, because in a sense that pain IS zhan tiri. or zhan tiri IS that pain.
but cass is also human and she has the potential for relief in a way that zhan tiri does not. and… i think there is at once a compassion and a resentment that grows from this, for cass and for any mortal zhan tiri has gotten attached to over the years. she doesn’t want cass to suffer but she also covets her relief.
and cassandra in turn gets caught up in compassion for this ancient being who is at once so alien and so familiar, and like. i think one of the key reasons s3 was ultimately so unsatisfying is that cassandra never had any…bond with zhan tiri. because in my head there was already this whole vast complicated relationship built on cass and zhan tiri identifying so intensely with each other and cass wanting to understand and coming to see her as not just an advisor or confidante but as a *friend* and someone she wanted to *help* and yet them also being so different in such a small but vital way and the tension that created—and s3 gave me NONE of that. i loved it in OAH when zhan tiri did the “we’re not so different, you and i” but i loved it because it spoke to the character *i* made, the relationship *i* developed, not the one that actually played out on screen where cass didn’t even know zhan tiri’s name.
(and this is not even GETTING INTO how if you want to lean into the s3 zhan tiri backstory tidbits even more you could go absolutely nuts with the ziti+demanitus / cassandra+rapunzel parallels because W H O O F)
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sneakyseventeen · 4 years
Drunk ♥ Jun
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 Member: College! Jun x reader (gender neutral) ft. Bff! Joshua
Genre: Fluff (little bit suggestive but no smut)
Word Count: 2.2K 
↬  Request:  Smth with Jun?? Maybe like him or the reader getting drunk at a party and them confessing?💕
✿ summary: - going to one of Jun’s parties seemed to be a right of passage at your school. After being persuaded by your friend, Joshua, you run into your hopeless crush, the party man himself.
WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol & drinking
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It wasn’t even eight in the evening, and you could already tell tonight was going to be a long one.
After constant pleas and begging from your classmate Joshua, you finally decided to go to one of his friend’s stupid parties. They normally, from what you had heard, were a bit crazy, to say the least. But Joshua insisted they were fun and if anything bad happened he would take you home right away. But the main reason he wanted to drag you along was so you could talk to Jun. He conveniently forgot to mention the last part to you. You had had a major crush on the man for over a year now, and Joshua, yourself included, was getting sick of the two of you not being together. Jun could be odd and a little out there. It was just what you needed to balance your calm and rather shy personality. 
You snapped out of your daydream as you saw Joshua staring at you with a questioning look on his face. His sunglasses dangled from his shirt like his solo cup in his right hand, similar to the clock hands you were staring at above his head. 
Joshua’s shoulder hit yours harshly, nearly knocking you over as you saw a wider than normal smile on his face, as he giggled at his movements. 
“Woah there josh, slow down,” you said carefully, taking the red cup from his hand. You knew he was getting tipsy now, as normally he would protest at your action. 
“We should get going soon,” you said knowingly, “you need to be home, because I know for a fact that you have an exam tomorrow.”
“Hmm.. fineee...” He stopped, pulling your hand in his in another direction, before slurring, “Les’ go find Jun furst.”
Before you could protest, Joshua pulled you downstairs into the main living area. The two of you moved grudgingly through tens of party goers, some dancing, a small group looking like they were experiencing the best moment of their lives, and you had just slipped past a girl yelling at a male around her age.
Before you could think, your eyes caught the man Joshua seemed so desperate to find, as you whipped your vision in the other direction before either of them could notice. Joshua was still moving sluggishly alongside you through hot bodies with you when he stopped, spotting Jun himself. He giggled again, and made another wide smile as he wiggled his eyebrows knowingly.
“God, you’re so tipsy,” you breathed out to him as you rolled your eyes, a delicate pink color coming on your cheeks. Joshua smiled again, but it wasn’t his tipsy smile, it was more like a smirk. But just as you opened your mouth to question his new expression, a finger tapped your shoulder from behind.
You turned around steadily, a slight blush creeping up on your face. Thankfully, the lights were emitting a soft, greenish-blue color, changing every few seconds, now turning an orangery-red. They gave the person who had tapped your shoulder an infatuating glow, as his eyes peered straight into yours, and allowed your flush face to be hidden in the dancing light. Jun looked a little less tidy than normal, but incredible nonetheless. His wine colored hair was a bit ruffled, and his jacket hung off one of his shoulders, hanging onto the other. 
“Hey,” you breathed out, trying to break the tension you could feel rising as you lost track of time staring at him. 
“You look gorgeous tonight,” he admitted. There was a soft glaze over his eyes, that seemed to force you to keep looking at them. You weren’t sure if it was the lights, the alcohol, or if it was simply because you liked him that much. This was the closest you two had gotten since you had met, besides the time you, Joshua, and him had watched a movie together. His scent was light, and smelled of citrus and must, mixed with liquor. 
“Thanks,” you stated, a bit louder than you thought as the music came down a bit. Jun laughed at you as he took your hand. He gave Joshua a look that you couldn't decipher, before the younger man walked off to meet a few friends, leaving the two of you alone, in the large sea of people. 
“It’s too loud in ‘ere,” he whispered in your ear. He glanced behind him at a corner of the frat house near a couch that was empty, raising his eyebrow. 
“Mind if we sit?”
You followed Jun to the couch, sitting next to him as you sighed. You just now realized how much your feet were hurting from your shoes, relieved to let them rest for a moment. Jun was quite calm for being, from what you could tell, super drunk. He was mainly like himself, but seemed relaxed and a bit more flirty than usual. He was laughing a bit more than normal as well, but not as much as Joshua did when he was drunk. 
“You know... I’m glad you finally showed up to one of these,” he started, looking around. 
You faced him, waiting for him to continue as you weren’t sure how to respond.
“I started thinking last year... that I would have muchh more fun if Joshua brought his pretty friend to these parties,” he drawled. He was close to your face now, almost as if he was telling you a secret in your ear. He pulled back, and stared at you with stars in his eyes, as if you were the most interesting thing in the room. 
“I... really?” You questioned, hoping that tomorrow Jun would feel the same, and that it was him rather than the alcohol talking to you. 
“Yeah, isn’t it obvious?? I like you, Y/n.” 
Your face was definitely red now, there was no doubt, but you were too shocked to notice. Jun looked at you with wide eyes, looking like a puppy as he pouted at you.
“You know.. righttt??” He smiled a bit now, raising his eyebrows before laughing softly while turning away.
“But... I... I thought you flirted with everyone?”
“Uhm, not as much as I do with you,” he laughed.
Jun stared at you affectionately as he learned closer to you slowly, his eyes fluttering softly. Before he was able to do what you had been waiting for, he seemed to forget about his right hand, as alcohol spilled onto his shirt, as well as you, soaking the both of you. He shot up quickly, a look of alarm spread on his face before he laughed. 
“Sorry... at least I didn’t get y—” 
He stared at you before apologizing, then smacking himself in the face.
You breathed out a laugh, shaking your head and taking in the humorous scene in front of you. Jun grimaced before glancing at the space in the couch previous between you as he opened his mouth.
Jun looked around with wide eyes, as if he was scared someone were to come out of nowhere at any moment and attack him. You got up gingerly and wrapped a hand around his shirt, tugging it slightly towards you. Jun flashed a smirk before you rolled your eyes, asking, “Which room is yours? You should change.” You glanced behind him at the clock on the wall illuminated by an orange glow. It was nearly midnight. 
“And,” you started strictly, “you should get some sleep.”
His smirk immediately dropped as he looked at you momentarily, like he was trying to find something in your eyes, before sighing.
“Okay, but you have to come with me.” 
“Of course I’m coming with you, yo—” 
“Oh, eager, are we?”
“No dumbass, you’re too drunk for your own good.” 
You smiled slightly before frowning. Maybe this was the alcohol taking. 
“Let’s hope Jihoon doesn’t notice the stain on his couch. He’ll kill me.”
You rolled you eyes as Jun pulled you up the stairs, and into the first room on the left. Inside were two medium sized beds with dark sheets, a small nightstand sitting in the middle of it with a light adoring it. To your left was a beige desk covered in papers, trinkets, and plants. The room was quite tidy, minus the closet space to your right. Pairs of shoes were crammed together on the bottom of the small space, hoodies and shirts hanging messily from the top. 
Jun looked around hazily before turning back to you. 
“Sooo... are you gonna change?”
“...What? Oh, yeah.” He turned from you then skimmed through his closet. He pulled a large black t-shirt from a hanger and started taking off his shirt. You turned away, blushing and trying not to look, but not before you saw his toned form. After a moment you looked back, seeing him in his new, un-stained shirt.
“Here, you can wear this one.” He handed you a white graphic tee, around the same size as the shirt he was wearing. 
You pulled the shirt over yours and shifted as to take off your smaller one under the large one, that smelled just like the man sat behind you.
You turned over your shoulder to see Jun sitting on his bed, a serious look on his face. You noticed the glass on his nightstand was empty, happy that he now had something rather than solely alcohol in his system. He patted the spot next to him softly as you walked over. You sat down and stared up at him, his scent overwhelming your scenes.
You hummed, then he responded airily, “You know I really like you, right? Like seriously?”
“I’m not drunk okay!” He said, raising his voice before slouching again. 
“I do like you. You know, you can say it back if Josh isn’t lying.” 
“If he wh—”
“He told me. I know you like me as well.”
Oh my god. You were never trusting Joshua with a secret ever again. Your brain was spinning rapidly trying to focus on one thought. How could you respond to that? Why did Josh tell him? How in the hell did Jun...
“...You really like me?”
Jun rolled his eyes and nodded, a small smile on his face. 
“Have I not made it obvious?”
“I just... why? And why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because, Y/n. Every time I see you my chest tightens up. You’re so caring and kind to your friends, and even people you don’t know, or didn’t know. Like me. I didn’t think someone like you would like someone like me. I’m too...”
“Out there?” You said in a small voice, looking at him through hooded eyes.
“Yeah. You’re so... good and sweet and you do well in school and I’m not like you, I didn’t want to ruin that.”
Before you could respond, Jun continued passionately, “And I thought you liked Joshua, anyways.”
“He, he told you I liked you though?” 
Yeah, he did. But it was hard to believe, because he did it right after I confessed my feelings for you...”
Jun placed his hands over yours as he looked at you again, with that charming look of longing that you had fallen for. Your chest was tight, but it was slowly falling soft as you were putting the pieces together. He liked you.
“I like you too.”
The words came from your mouth before you could stop them, tired and dazed from the party scene as if someone else had said them. But you meant it.
Jun smiled softly as he leaned close to you, you could smell his cologne and it engulfed you, pulling you into his parted lips. He kissed you. It was soft and delicate, like you would break if he was too harsh, and it felt like your surroundings were colored and bright. He pulled back slowly, his left hand on your face, holding you like he didn’t want to end the kiss in the first place.
“Would it make you feel better if we talked about this tomorrow? I’m tired.” 
“Yeah...” you replied softly, taken aback still by his lips on yours. “Uhm, I should go get Josh, so he can walk me home...”
Jun grabbed your wrist lightly, staring into your eyes knowingly.
“He’s probably already sleeping downstairs, the party sounds about over.”
You hadn’t noticed before, but now listening for sounds below, it was nearly silent. The clock on Jun’s tidy desk displayed that it was nearly one in the morning, explaining the absence of noise. 
“I can drive you home, or you can stay here.” 
His tone was casual, something you didn’t normally hear from Jun, especially paired with a could-have-been flirtatious sentence. 
“Mingyu is at his girlfriends, you can use his bed...” 
You glanced at the bed next to Jun’s, before a thud caused you to look up at him. He had crashed on the bed and was now out, sleeping peacefully with a small smile on his face. You sighed, turning off the light and getting on Mingyu’s bed. 
“Goodnight, Jun.”
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This is soo long omg i don’t usually write stuff like this !! And I wasn’t super sure how to end it oops😅 Hope you all enjoyed, I’m going to try a tag list for some of my active followers, tell me if you’d like to continue being in them or if you’d like me to take you off!<3
- madi ❀
tag list: @dwcljh @jkjeonysus @wavyyross17 @beamingwonwoo @nightynightnyx @hwaseongxmars @bubblyybabyy @hanniescafe @ycarat @ilysunyong @saintluxi @jjustjoy @hoshi-loveclub @galactic-hao @mysticalraven @doodlingpizza
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
okay so i Know that it’s highly unlikely that Billy is alive (even though there are so many theories and i personally believe all of them are plausible) but i’m just gonna need everyone + the Duffer Bros to reconsider Billy being alive just so that he can come back to the song The Bitch is Back - Elton John
1. it’s a badass, upbeat song that is also playfully cocky.
“I can bitch/ ‘cause I’m better than you/ it’s the way that I move/ the things that I do” ?? that’s Billy, dudes. that’s Billy finally showing back up and being like: y’all dummies really thought you could have beat up these stupid Russians w/o me? I took on that monster w/ my BARE HANDS. puhlease.
2. it’s perfect for a slow walk out OR for a fast fight scene OR both!!!!! it’s versatile!! imagine the gang seeing Billy again for the first time and they’re all like wOAH is that??? and Steve’s heart is palpitating and Billy has super powers maybe or he’s just super strong Winter Soldier style and he punches a Russian in the face and knocks him against the wall in the process and he’s like:
“Sup, bitches. Took you long enough.”
3. i love Billy and i personally think he’d proudly wear the name “bitch” w/ pride. like.... i just see him being so oddly prideful about it and that this song is his theme song, esp after defeating a whole damn monster. Like “yeah, i’m a bitch. i’m better than all of you little pipsqueaks and i’ve been through so much bullshit, i’m allowed to bitch. now go get me a soda”
anyway, please listen to this song and tell me it isn’t Billy (esp Returning Potentially Strong Soldier Billy) to a T and i’ll just be here eating my shirt bc i need this song to play w/ him on screen
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subtlehysteria · 6 years
I’m busy watching the Jeremy stream so here’s a “basic” summary as I go along
Question 1: What would each of the paladins get Lance for his birthday?
Pidge - a new video game
Shiro - something practical like a new weapon
Allura - handmade Altean necklace
Hunk - he’s birthday cake duty because he’s the best chef in the universe
Coran - some weird disgusting Altean treat
Keith - “not really affectionate” so his presence would probably be enough
Question 2: What would Lance and the paladins do for his birthday? 
Lance is “all about himself” so probably throw a big-ass birthday bash, maybe go back to the mermaid planet and hang out there, or any water-related planet because Lance is a surfer/beach boy. Overall just have a beach party
Question 3: Do the paladins ever wash their clothes seeing as they only have one outfit each?
Yeah, they have to have had some kinda washer/dryer on the castle or maybe they just have seven copies of the same outfit, or maybe Altean tech is so advanced your clothes are washed and dried in 2 seconds. But yeah, they don’t have a change of clothes
Question 4: If Finn (Jeremy’s other character from Adventure Time) and Lance had to switch places what would their reactions be?
Finn would kinda be like woah, what is happening but then pick up a sword and go for it because there’s evil that needs to be dealt with. Lance would probably deal with it worse because he wouldn’t like things changing suddenly and things being out of hand for no reason. He’s comfortable with his life and the people he’s around so he’d probably be a little more freaked out.
Question 5: Which character would Lance play as in SuperSmash Bros and Mario Kart?
For SuperSmash: Link (that’s also who Jeremy plays as) and for Mario Kart: maybe Mario. (Jeremy likes playing as Toad)
Question 6: (this is a long one so gonna try to condense it) What’s the sitch with Lance’s dad and did Lance try and step up as a role model for his younger siblings? How did this affect his interactions with the rest of the team?
Jeremy is “pretty sure” Lance’s dad is still in the picture (welp) and that he probably has a lot of little siblings/nieces/nephews who looked up to him. He’s always wanted to try to be responsible and seen as a role model. This also affects how he treats everyone else as well as his personality, how he's always like “Hey, look I can do it!”.
His definite character arc is him starting out as a little immature and wanting to be The GuyTM but throughout the show, we see that Lance is capable and does have a sense of responsibility. He ends up being very loyal and realises that other people are better leaders at times. He’s learning to know when to follow and when to lead.
We’ll get to see how Lance interacts with his family in season 7 and 8 (!!!). We’re gonna see another side to him. We’ll get to see another side to a lot of characters, their more fun, sensitive and casual sides around their families and loves ones.
Question 7: What was your favourite thing to do at comic con?
The Adventure Time and Voltron panels were scheduled at the same time so Jeremy pretty much Naratu ran to the Voltron panel halfway through. He enjoyed seeing the Star Wars stuff and also riding around San Diego on a moped (whilst trying not to knock people off the sidewalk. Jeremy please honey, wear a helmet)
Question 8: How would each Paladin react to Lance’s birthday. Would he even mention it?
The team takes the small moments to chill. Off-screen there’s probably been a lot of downtime being spent in boredom. They’d probably have a party, cake the whole shebang. It also depends on whether they have a mission. Keith would probably say happy birthday. They don’t have a bad relationship, they’re all friends, practically family. “Probably get a little Keith nod like hey, happy birthday” (imagine Jeremy attempting a Keith impression its adorable). That’s all that Keith would say. He’s “a man of few words”.
Question 9: Lance has always kinda been the second choice, starting with only bumping up to fighter class when Keith got expelled. Will he ever get the chance to be someone’s first choice and not a rebound?
In some areas, Lance has been the first choice e.g. the first paladin of new to pilot the Blue Lion. As he grows as a person he’s become more dependable. Going forward, people would choose him for different types of missions. “I think he’s gonna be somebody’s first choice, not just a rebound. He’s a funny guy, a good-looking funny dude, he’s got lots of skills so yeah, he’d be someone’s first choice. Heck yeah!” (insert adorable smile)
Question 10: if the members from Make Out Monday (Jeremy’s band) were paladins which lions would they pilot and why?
Zack - Black Lion, he has a good vision for everything, the backbone, creative and smart, “the leader”
Jeremy would still pilot red. He’s the right-hand man kinda guy
Seth - probably pilot yellow, he’s the drummer, he holds everything together
John - maybe the green lion. He’s smart, has to be precise with his guitar solos
Question 11: We’ve seen Lance isolating himself a lot by playing video games and training alone. Will he have some time to bond with any of his teammates like Keith or the Real Shiro? And will there be any Garrison flashbacks for Lance like there was for Keith in season 6?
This season as they’re travelling back, there’s gonna have to stick together. They’re gonna be cramped and having to spend a loooot of time with each other whether they want to or not, so some of the comedy will come from that. There’s a lack of resources since they no longer have the caslte, so they need to bond with each other and become a tight-knit group again. There’s gonna be interactions “with Real Shiro, Keith (now that he’s back), Allura, pretty much everybody.”
As far as flashback go, there are a lot of flashbacks with Shiro and Keith. There are flashbacks with a few of the characters, whether they feature a lot or a little Jeremy can’t say. Jeremy can’t really remember off the top of his head. You will at least get to see Lance with his family a lot when they get back to Earth.
Question 12: Out of everyone on the team, who takes Lance the most seriously? Who would give him the strength and room to grow into who he truly is? Who do you think is the best person to help him realise his full potential?
Shiro is a good leader and can see potential in all of his teammates, even if they and others don’t see that themselves. He would be a good candidate to help Lance see his strengths and hidden abilities and help him grow. And as Keith becomes more of a leader, he’ll start getting some of those leaderly qualities as well. Allura as well will also be a really close friend to help Lance reach his full potential and visa versa.
Question 13: Have you learnt more about Cuba since voicing Lance?
Jeremy’s tried to expand his knowledge on Cuba. He thinks their food is awesome and loves the culture.
Question 14: What drew you to Lance as a character and made you want to be his voice?
He’s a very fun character, to have funny one-liner’s and be the comic relief somtimes is great and its a blast to make the rest of the cast/crew laugh. He was attracted to the project because it was Dreamworks, Netflix and also the makers of ATLA and LoK which he loved watching. He looked at the profile and was like “Yeah, I can do this. He’s basically Space Sokka soooo”
Question 15: What would Lance’s favourite meme be?
“Lance is like a living meme.” “Probably anything that has stupid flirty cheesy humour”, or the Drake meme (that’s Jeremy’s favourite as well)
Question 16: What song would Lance sing to impress a significant other?
One of his favourite songs is Sexy Back by Justin Timblerlake (Jeremy why), but he would probably sing something more like a serenade song. All Of Me by John Legend is a great song, so if he tried to impress someone that would be it.
Question 18: Seeing as the paladins have been in space for at least a year, do you think Lance’s family have stopped looking for him/think he is dead? How did Lance and Hunk’s family find out they were missing? Did the Garrison send them a message or was it through a newscast?
People have definitnely noticed they’re gone. Both Hunk and Lance’s families are very loving and caring, so they’d continue to search for Lance and Hunk until they got a definite answer, they probably don’t assume they’re dead.
They probably would have gotten a message from the Garrison.
Question 19: What was your favourite song you wrote for Make Out Monday (Jeremy’s band)?
His favourite to write was Bullet For Your Sweetheart and Kissaphobic (both are really awesome, they’re definintely worth a listen!)
Question 20: Have you watched Voltron in any other langauge? Seeing as every voice actor for the different dubs has their own version of Lance, if you had to meet any of the other Lances, what would you ask them?
Voicing the character, you have to have a good understanding of them and what they would like/think of things so that when you peform the lines they feel more natural. You also work with the writing team and creators because they also have their own ideas of who the character is, its very much a collaboration.
Jeremy’s never met anyone who’s played the dubbed versions of his characters. He heard a Finn dub the one time and its interesting to hear how they interepted his voice.
He thinks the most interesting question to ask would be what their first impression was when they heard his performance.
Question 21: Would you associate any Singing At Last songs with Lance? What songs would you attribute to Lance?
Jeremy’s favourite song is Turning Page. He doesn’t really know any other songs so he asked the questioner what she would reccomend. She answered Venus and Mercury (she was really sweet). 
Question 22: If you were stuck out in space without a fast way back to Earth, what would you do on your trip back?
First off he’d panic, but hopefully try get some communications device to let people know he’s alive like, “Houstin there’s a problem, I’m stuck in space.” If he couldn’t figure out a way to get home, he’d make the best of it, settle down on a nice planet, enjoy the local delicacies. He reccomends trying to crash down on a beach planet and hand out with the locals. 
FINALE - everyone from the livestream sang happy birthday to Lance (there was a bit of a time delay but its the thought that counts!)
Jeremy’s parting words: I never cease to be amazed by the passion and love you have for all the shows I get to be a part of, the characters and me as a person. I’m really thankful to have such great fans and that you love the work that I do. If it was not for you guys I wouldn’t be able to do the work that I do. So I’m very thankful for you guys and I think you guys are just awesome. You guys make me happy and put a smile on my face and you guys are just a great bunch so thank you.”
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deutchmendes · 5 years
below the cut you can find a compiled list of 100+ problematic fcs and receipts to support the claims as well. we are by no means telling you not to play these fcs, (apart from the obvious racists, abusers, etc.), however, it is necessary to acknowledge that everyone on this list is problematic, thus, they should all be held accountable for their actions. it is imperative the community is aware of who they’re using and then they can make an informed choice of whether or not they would like to continue using said fc. without further ado, here’s the List™ you’ve all been anticipating / dreading from us.
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alex pettyfer - domestic abuse
alexis ren - n word
alissa violet - n word
arnie hammer - in a movie that glorifies pedophilia adapted from a novel written by a straight man
ash stymest - dated a minor for 2 years (lily rose depp)
bella hadid - n word, racist tweets
bella thorne - n word, made fun of eating disorders, cultural appropriation
blackpink - mocked native american culture in their boombayah song, jennie’s use of the bindi in ddu du ddu du video
blake lively - got married on a slave plantation, said woody allen empowers women
brendon urie - rape / racist jokes, fat shamed
bts - did a photoshoot with nazi symbols at a holocaust museum, said the n word alot, colorism, general racism, misogyny, lyrics contributing to rape culture, fatphobia, made of eating disorders, rm wore dreads once and more
camila cabello - n word, bullied normani
camila rowe - dressed as a pregnant sharon tate for halloween and idolizes both manson and roman polanski, n word multiple times
cardi b - transphobic, racism
chantel jeffries - accused of allegedly stabbing someone
charles melton - fat shaming tweets
claudia tihan - n word
cole sprouse - made insensitive/racist jokes about tyler the creator, compared blm to cannibalism, emotional abusive to ex girlfriend, discredited jughead’s canon asexual identity
colton haynes - blackface  
demi lovato - sex worker prank to her bodyguard involving sexual assault
dinah jane - made fun of black women / dark skinned woc on her twitter, claimed she was black despite not being black, culture appropriation, and supports trump
dom sherwood - said a homophobic slur
donald glover - made rape jokes / said a man can't get raped, fetishizes asian women, ableist, said the f slur & r slur
dove cameron - said depression is a choice
dreamcatcher - profits off native american culture
dua lipa - appropriated gay culture with “homo” shirt, n word
dylan o’brien - stole native american artifacts and laughed about it, starred in american assassin (an extremely islamophobic film)
dylan sprouse - racism
eddie redmayne - played a trans chara despite being cis
eiza gonzalez - blackface
elle fanning - worked with woody allen, played transgender teen despite being cis herself, refused to apologize for working with woody allen
emma roberts - domestic abuse
emeraude toubia - culture appropriated, lashed out when ppl were trying to educate her
exo - multiple instances of racism, colorism, homophobia, blackface, ableism and more
gal gadot- zionist, accused of emotional abuse
(g)i-dle - used henna in their latata music video  
gigi hadid - made fun of asians, other general racism
gregg sulkin - said n word in snapchat, dated bella thorne while she was still a minor
hailey baldwin - n word, racist tweet
halsey - kissed underage fan
harry styles - white feminist, ignored a black fan and only interacted with their white friend
hayley kiyoko - n word, general racism
herizen guardiola - dated a minor
hilary duff - multiple instances of culture appropriation, dressed as a pilgrim with her husband as a native american
holland roden - racist
ian somerhalder - threw away his wife’s birth control without her consent, sexism
jack gilinsky - verbally abusive to his ex, madison beer
jared leto - is cis and played a trans person, sexual assault
jared padalecki - rape jokes
jason mamoa - made comments/jokes about rape
jennfer lawrence - sexism, transphobia, misogyny, ableism, culture appropriation, fat shaming and more
jensen ackles - rape jokes
julianne hough - blackface
justin bieber - animal neglect (left his monkey in germany and never claimed the monkey after being told he needed the proper documentation), wrote he would’ve hoped anne frank would’ve been a belieber when he visited the holocaust memorial, pissed in a mop bucket, egged his neighbor’s house, cultural appropriation, dreadlocks, punched a pap, almost ran over a pap, said “being gay is a choice”, doesn’t believe in abortion, used the n word and the word kkk in a song, spat on his fans, spit in his neighbors face and threatened to kill them after being told to drive careful, made prince’s death all about him, pretended to be in a wheelchair to cut lines at disneyland and has a diu
keith powers - said men can’t be bisexual
kelsey chow - claimed to be native american and she isn’t
kendall & kylie jenner - racist pepsi ad and victimized herself after being called out for it (kendall), offensive wheelchair photoshoot (kylie), stole designs (kylie), cultural appropriation: used pictures of tupac and notorious b.i.g. (without permission) for their fashion line, appropriated chola culture for their fashion line, designed a handbag shaped like a chinese takeout box, used a tan emoji despite being white (kendall), wore dreadlocks, wore cornrows multiple times despite being called out (kylie) and for a photoshoot (kendall), blackface (kylie), put the n word on a birthday cake for her friend (kylie), wore a bindi (kylie), wore indian nose ring to coachella
kiko mizhuara - blackface, culture appropriation
kj apa - liked fat shaming comment, posted a misogynistic picture, dating a minor, liked a slutshaming post
lana del rey - culture appropriation and more
lauren jauregui - rape jokes, homophobic slurs, n word, henna photoshoot, called psychiatry a joke and tweeted vaccines give autism and more
kristen stewart - worked with woody allen
lili reinhart - discredited lesbians by calling them “fanfic”, queerbaits fans, minimized depression on twitter
little mix - culture appropiation for their salute tour, culture appropiation again, perrie has multiple counts of culture appropriation, jesy wore dreadlocks
lily macapinlac - racism
lucky blue smith - trump supporter
lucy hale - bodyshamed herself on instagram, appropriated baby hairs
machine gun kelly - n word, sexualized black women
maggie lindemann - accused kesha, a rape survivor, of lying of rape
mamamoo - multiple instances of blackface, culture appropriation and more, hwasa said the n word in irreplaceable cover
marina diamandis - culture appropriation and blackface
megan fox - biphobia
melissa benoist - homophobic comments about ship ‘supercorp’, played a muslim character in islamophobic film, patriots day
melanie martinez - accusation of rape, problematic lyrical content
michael fassbender - abuser
momoland - culture appropriated in their baam video, nancy made jokes about eating disorders
naya rivera - domestic battery assault charge
nct - jaehyun sang along/mouthed the n word
neels visser - trump supporter
nicki minaj - shamed sex workers, culture appropriation/fetishization of kimino, racist stereotypes in song and snl performance of chun li
nicola peltz - dated a minor (anwar hadid)
nina dobrev - johnny depp supporter, culture appropriation
noah centineo - claims to be latino and took a latinx role when he is in fact white, supports logan paul,
rihanna - multiple instances of culture appropriation
ronni hawk - trump supporter
sabrina claudio - n word, racist remarks
sara sampaio - n word
selena gomez - all lives matter, woody allen supporter, wore a bindi multiple times despite being called out and more
shay mitchell - n word
sophia turner - made a joke about coming out as pansexual on instagram, n word
tana mongeau - filmed dead body and later deleted the video
taylor hill - made fun of indian accents, made fun of a muslim man with her bf, culture appropiation
taylor swift - cultural appropriation, romanticized imperialism, victimized herself at the expense of a black man, white feminist, posed w someone wearing a swastika on their shirt, more culture appropiation, slut shames constantly in her music, said in a song, picture to burn, she would tell her friends her ex was gay as if it were an insult
thomas doherty - said depression is a choice
timothee chalemet - worked with woody allen, in a movie that glorifies pedophilia adapted from a novel written by a straight man, lied about his contract forbidding him from speaking out on woody allen
tyler posey - came out as a joke on social media
uriah shelton - alm, abuse allegations
vanessa hudgens - countless instances of culture appropiation
wendy (red velvet) - made fun / stereotyped black girls
wjsn (cosmic girls) - appropiated indian culture
zayn - alm, racism, fat shamed, appropriated black culture and more
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shuicheese · 5 years
okay can i say a huge massive thanks to the amount of notes i got from both of my Kai art i’ve posted so far w oah i--
  thank you for the 30+ notes as of now!!
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alyarisudesu · 3 years
Faith Beams Card Story “In the End Bad Guys Get...”
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Faith: Ah, getting called again…. Whatta pain….
Faith: Fuuh, how exhausting….
Faith: ……….
Faith: Even if I block it doesn’t stop, maybe I’ll turn my phone off again for a while–
Keith: Oh, if it ain’t Faith. Lazing around?
Faith: Lazing around… Is that something you say to someone right when you see them?
Faith: ….Well, can’t say that I wasn’t
Keith: Knew I was right. Ya can’t just go waltzing around all willy nilly outside with the way you are now
Faith: If you like, know what’s up then don’t bother m—
???: Big trouble-nano~~~~~!!!
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Keith & Faith: ?
Jacqueline: Big, big BIG trouble-nano~~~~~!!!
Keith: Jacqueline? O-oi the hell’s up… No need to be running around…
Faith: What’s the big trouble?
Jacqueline: Faith-chama!
Faith: Eh
Jacqueline: Sit down there-nano!
Faith: W-what? What do you—
Lily: Wait, Jacqueline. Don’t rush into things on your own.
Keith: Oah, Lilly too. …The hell’s all this ruckus for?
Lily: …There’s actually a bit of a problem at the entrance right now.
Lily: Exactly as I was going down with the elevator…. Occasionally I run into Jacqueline there and we go together.
Jacqueline: Jacqueline was on my way to go take a walk
Lily: And as the elevator doors opened once we reached the entrance floor, a tremendous scene was to be seen.
Keith: T-tremendous scene….?
Lily: Dozens of young girls were crowding in front of the tower, and the staff were holding onto their dear life while fending them off. As if it was a spectacle in a zombie movie…
Jacqueline: Jacqueline hates zombie movies-nano・・・
Lily: And then I heard it. How these young girls were gathered together, screaming “Let us see Faith Beams!”
Faith: …..!
Lily: I sensed that I had to confront the person in question himself for things to settle down.
Jacqueline: The culprit-nano!
Keith: Faith… What did ya do this time around?
Faith: N-nothing really….
Lily: Everyone was holding up their smartphone to show it too…. If I’m not mistaken, this all happened because you didn’t live up to the promises you made, and ignored their calls, or am I wrong?
Faith: Ugh…. how did you know?
Faith: I can’t go out to meet them with how things are right now
Faith: Even so I still got calls and messages non-stop, which made getting in touch with them personally such a pain in the ass… I just left it be….
Lily: Haah, as I suspected….
Lily: I had a hunch that’s how it went. It’s obvious that horrifying sight is not a gathering of mere fans.
Jacqueline: Faith-chama, who are these girls-nano?
Faith: Eh, um… girlfriends…?
Jacqueline: ・・・Girlfriends?
Jacqueline: But, there’s so many of them・・・
Keith: Eveeeryone’s his girlfriend~ Right, Faith?
Faith: Keith……
Keith: Oops, sorry sorry. It’s just funny-… I mean, it slipped out without thinking…..
Faith: ……..
Jacqueline: Eveeeryone’s his girlfriend・・・? But isn’t a girlfriend the person you love the most in the world? Is everyone that for you?
Faith: Aah-… Um…..
Lily: Adulterous men ought to be exterminated from this entire world.
Faith: !?
Lily: That is what I personally believe in. But since it came out without a second thought… I’ll make it clear right now.
Lily: Whether you have one girlfriend or a dozen of them, your actions right now were in poor taste.
Lily: ...Think it’s a bother? Don’t make me laugh. It’s your fault for creating a situation like this in the first place.
Lily: If you cannot meet them then you can’t, however, you’ll have to explain to all of them what the situation is like right now. In a sincere way.
Faith: Gh……
Keith: Puh…huhuhu… Nice one, tell him some more, Lily
Lily: Keith, this isn’t the time for you to be laughing about it either.
Keith: What!?
Lily: You’re also the type to whine about ‘how it’s a bother’, you know. If anything, you’re no different than him.
Lily: If you’re dealing with a girlfriend or not…. Actually the gender of the other doesn’t even matter in the first place. Both of you need to be more honest towards people in general.
Jacqueline: Yes-nano! Being honest is important-nano!
Keith: Gweeh~~~……..
Keith: But, Lily. Don’tcha often go on about how “Girls are cute so I’ll forgive them” or something—-
Lily: Shut it, Keith.
Keith: Sorry Ma'am.
Faith: Haah…..
Faith: Feel like I got thoroughly beaten up without anything being held back but… Well, even if I didn’t mean to cause trouble I did do something bad.
Faith: And also think that the way I did things wasn’t good either…..
Faith: I’ll go convince these girlfriends that are waiting downstairs to go back home today.
Keith: …Good luck out there. I’ll come and pick up your bones if it took a turn for the worse.
Faith: …….
Lily: Hold on
Lily: If you go right now, it will only be adding fuel to the fire. I cannot let you go knowing that there’ll be even more chaos.
Lily: I’ve only come here to confirm the situation with you to begin with. I will be handling it myself.
Faith: Eh… really?
Lily: But on the other hand. Promise me that you will be putting an effort into living a sincere life, even if it’s little by little.
Faith: G-got it. I will… take various measures to avoid this from happening again.
Lily: I’d like to see it. ….Now then, let’s go Jacqueline. Keith too.
Keith: EH? Me!?
Lily: You’re his mentor aren’t you. Take responsibility and become a sandbag for these girls.
Keith: Y-you’re kidding me!?
Faith: …….. And they went off….
Jacqueline: Faith-chama, Faith-chama
Jacqueline: Eventually, it’s good guys who get chosen over bad guys in the end -nano・・・
Faith: ……..
Keith: Curse that Lily….
Keith: While going about being honest to everyone~ and whatever. It was damn obvious I was the only one getting the short end of the stick. This is damned oppression!
Faith: Keith, welcome back. ….How did it go?
Keith: Aah. Things got put straight pretty smoothly. Finished things up without becoming a sandbag either
Faith: Is that so?
Keith: Just as you’d expect….. well not always but, once Lily started explaining everyone got quiet immediately.
Keith: Then aaaall your girlfriends jumped ship to Lily’s side.
Faith: Eh?
Keith: They all became fans of Lily, saying they’ll stop being your girlfriends…. like “I’ll devote myself to Lily-sama for the rest of my life!” and all that, and happily went home
Keith: Thinking of it, when she was active she had more female fans than you did, y’know. Can tell ya that I remember girls squealing wherever she went
Faith: Amazing…..
Keith: Well with all of this, it’s solved for now. Make sure to properly say thanks later~
Faith: Y-yeah…. I will…..
Faith: ……… Aha, guess I gotta try to do what I can from now on…..
0 notes
sunguarded · 6 years
" Go, Sohone! " A translucent fingertip pointed straight ahead, directing the path of their journey-- with legs draped over his broad shoulders, and a firm, determined grin to match her elated cry. There was only enough time to secure herself until her body lurched backwards from the force of his kick off; slim arms clung onto his head, waxen curls bouncing out from behind them. Readjusting to the speed and unaccustomed height, her voice cracks. " W-oAH! Ca-areef-uul! "
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  “ c’mon, glim! who do you think you’re talking to? you’re safe as long as you’re with me! ”
  sohone was indeed surprisingly fast for someone his stature. though he wasn’t nearly as agile as mune, his training as guardian of the sun lent to his speed. it was nice though– just having a good time with his friend. not having to worry about being a guardian for the time being, just him, her, and his ego playing into the fact that he didn’t notice a rock jutting abnormally out of the ground until it was too late. 
  the pair fell down the hill, sohone obviously rolling faster and louder down due to his size. when they finally reached the bottom, sohone immediately looked to see if glim was alright. when it was confirmed that she was indeed safe, they both started to laugh. 
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  “ see? haha–! totally safe. ” 
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make-me-imagine · 7 years
Prompt: “I dare you to kiss me”
Characters: Reader x Cisco Ramon
I don’t do one shots for the flash (only imagines) but because this is a short/prompt thing that I didn’t need to really know much about the show for, I decided to do it :)
Prompt from THIS list. Feel free to send one in :)
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“Okay!” Cisco started as he skipped into the room holding an old board game. The power had gone out at STAR labs and you both were waiting for it to come back on so you decided to play a game. “Loser does a forfeit” he said while opening the box.
“What kind of forfeit?” you asked curious.
“How about a dare? The winner gets to dare the loser to do something.” he said with a mischievous smile. Thinking for a moment you agreed.
“Dammit!” you cried out as Cisco won, he got up and did a little dance. 
“Alright, dare time!” he started while leaning against his chair. “I dare you to kiss me.” he said bluntly. Shock filled your face, as you started blushing. Noticing your reaction he quickly started trying to make up a new dare” “I’m sorry, that was inappropriate, umm, I dare you-” he started looking around the room thinking, while also avoiding your gaze. 
Thinking about his original dare, and deciding what the hell, since you had like Cisco for a while you got up and walked towards him. He turned to look at you, and before he had the chance to ask what you were doing you grabbed his face and kissed him. Breaking the kiss a moment later, all he could muster out was a quiet “woah.”
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oldmemz2017 · 7 years
can i get a boy from deh? 5"9' ugly as fuck. blue eyes and brownish (??) hair. Music and someone holding me are really the only things that calm me down. I like to sing and act, but at the same time im so damn afraid of both lol. Im ftm and i've been on testosterone for 3 months now!! I'm insecure as fuck and depression and anxiety take up a lot of my life and it sucks. They affect me so much it's rlly bad. basically i need someone to hold and kiss and comfort me 24/7 that'd be great thx
in deh, I ship you with CONNOR MURPHY!- you are sO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL- W OAH- Connor is just blown away seeing your face he luvs u sm- also he is really proud of u omg- nobody touch Connor's boy you'll be beaten to a pulp- let's be real here - Connor has a lot of issues - but he doesn't everything in his power to give u constant 24/7 love and support - he calls u a lot. Hearing your voice calms him down - you guys BLAST music in connor's room- in kinda pisses off Larry but he's happy that you guys are happy together - speaking of which - ZOE AND CYNTHIA LOVE YOU SO MUCH- "Connor can ___ come over for dinner?"- that happens a lot- I love my boys - woah
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Does Your Mother Know
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  While listening to Abba’s Does Your Mother Know. I started thinking this would be a good song for Dinozzo. Hence this was born. 
Gibbs x Sister Reader
Tony x Reader 
Gifs arent mine. 
“Hello Timothy.” “Have you seen Jethro?”
 You purred peaking down at the young agent from beneath your sunglasses.
Originally posted by playbill
 “I haven’t Y/N.” “I’m sorry.” The man replied politely as you scanned the familiar landscape of the bullpen where your younger brother Leroy Jethro Gibbs worked as a Special Agent for the NCIS.
 “Gibbs is downstairs with Ducky.” Ellie replied from her place at her desk.
 “Thank You Bishop you’re a doll.”
 You replied flashing her a small smile as you headed towards the elevator the soft click-clack of your heels hitting the floor as you did so.
 A soft sigh hit your lips as you entered pressing the button thankful to have some peace and quiet after the hectic day you’d had at your publishing company.
  Jethro your younger brother by two years had joined the Marines like your father. You’d joined the Peace Corps before moving to New York City. 
Within the first two decades of living in the Big Apple, the name Y/N Gibbs had soon become a common name throughout the world. 
You started by making your way working with some of the greatest writers of your time.
 By the time you’d reached your mid-thirties, you’d already written seven best-selling series.
 People loved your work and most were devastated when close to ten years ago now.
 It had been evident it was time to put up the pen for a while and work on helping other future voices in the writing world.
 After decades of blood sweat and tears, Shannon Kelly Publications was born.
 The company was set right off of Times Square and it had been your baby from the beginning.
 Owning one of the largest publishing companies throughout the world did have its perks but it didn’t really do much for your love life.
 Of course at your age, you doubted you’d ever find one at this point. You’d never been married focusing on your steady career than a man or a family for that matter. It used to bother you but now it was part of your life.
 It didn’t have to do with the fact that you weren’t a beautiful woman for your age because you’d aged very well.
 Standing at about 5’4 you had your mother’s warm brown eyes and a small thin nose followed by a head of well-earned lovely hair the color of snow. 
Being a Gibbs you had your little brother's stern can-do attitude not to mention his stubbornness. Without it, you doubted you’d ever have gotten where you currently are today.
 The doors opened as you strode towards autopsy.
 “What the hell are you doing here?” The silver-haired man questioned his usually stern face lighting up into a grin.
Originally posted by lucifersagents
  “What is it a crime now to surprise your baby brother from time to time?”
  A soft smile lifted your lips as the man pulled you into a firm hug.
 “I just wasn’t expecting it is all I mean with my old age and all.” Jethro purred placing a kiss on your temple.
 “Are you calling me old?” You questioned eyes narrowing as you threw a hand to your hip.
 “At your age my dear you are as lovely as ever.” 
Ducky retorted making the short distance from the autopsy table you were currently leaning against and capturing a soft kiss on your knuckles.
  “Donald always the charmer.” You grinned kissing the doctor's cheek. 
“On the contrary my dear it is you who’s the charmer.” He states sending a cute smile in your direction.
 You retort nodding a friendly head in the young assistant’s direction.
“Miss. Gibbs.” 
“Jimmy how many times do I have to tell you.” 
“It's just Y/N.” 
A wink in the man’s direction caused him to flush with embarrassment.
  “I’ll go pick you up some coffee.” 
 “I’ll be back!”
 You sighed blowing the man a quick kiss before stalking towards the elevator once more.
 “Well... Well... Well…” What do we have here?” Tony grinned his green eyes scanning on your form as he made his way from Abby’s lab.
Originally posted by sassykbex
 “Hello Anthony.” 
You purred with a slight roll of your eyes as you both made your way into the tiny cramped elevator. The doors shut forcing you to stand there in awkward silence.
  Tony had been pining after you ever since he met you years ago. 
You figured your age would scare the younger man off, but Anthony Dinozzo was a man who knew what he wanted.
 Not only that he would fight for that said thing until he either got it or he went home with his hurt pride and tail in between his legs.
 The man’s advances throughout the years had been anything but subtle.
 That didn’t mean you weren’t a strong straight forward woman who made it clear you’d never be anything more to the boy than his boss's older sister.
 He might be sexy with his charming charisma and wicked green eyes that would make any girl think such shameful thoughts they’d be in a confession booth for years.
Originally posted by lesbiansrule-theworld
 Tony was old enough to be your son. Hell in this day and age he could probably be your grandson even.
 He was and would entirely be off-limits no matter what kind of tricks he thought he had up his sleeve. You would play dirty if it came to that, thankfully it never had.
 “So… what’s a devastatingly beautiful woman like you doing all the way out here.” “Instead of somewhere classy with silk bed sheets?” he purrs peaking down at you through thick eyelashes. 
“What did you have in mind?” 
“Your place?”
 “Because I’m pretty certain when I was there.”
 “I didn’t see any silk sheets in your bed.”
 “What was it?” 
“Oh, that’s right let me see?” 
“That’s right!” “ Star Wars sheets wasn’t it?” You confirmed sassily.
 “You can’t confirm that Sweetheart?” 
“Oh, and why can't I?”
 “Because they weren’t my sheets.”
 “ Alright whatever you say.” 
The words had barely escaped your lips when Tony leaned forward his chest brushing against yours as he hit the elevator making it stop with a soft jolt.
 The movement although small paired with your tall shoes and your age, not that you’d ever be woman enough to admit it caused you to stumble forwards into the man’s strong arms.
  “You alright there Beautiful?” 
He whispered his mouth just above your ear. His hot breath made you involuntarily shudder. 
“I’m fine.” 
The sound of your voice surprised you instead of bold and stern it came out soft and unsure.
   “Is there something you wanted Dinozzo?” You snapped peaking up at him through your eyelashes.
 “Oh, I think you know very well what I want Sugar.” He purred leaning down and letting his lips brush against the soft skin of your neck.
 “Oh Honey you and I both know that’s not going to happen.”
 As nice as it felt in his arms you knew it was wrong to even consider sleeping with a man his age especially when your brother was his boss.
 Your tiny hands traveled up his chest pushing him away from you. His eyes flashed as he gave you a look you couldn’t quite place.
 A squeak hit your lips as he suddenly had you trapped against the wall and his body. 
Both of his arms were on either side of your head as his lips lifted into a wide grin.
Originally posted by mywickedlovelyy
 “Hey Sweetheart.”
 “What the hell?” You growled making no motion to move.
 “I know.” 
“You know what?”
 You snapped irritated as he leaned down until his lips were pressed to your ear. 
“I know… you… want… it as bad as me… if not more.” He whispered pressing a kiss against the hollow of your throat making you shiver. 
 Well, I guess it’s time to play his dark games too you thought. Leaning forward you place a leg between his thighs peaking up at him with the best seductive glance you could muster.
 “Baby you might think you’d be able to take all this on… but…” You paused shoving him backwards.
  “You’re only a child.” 
Originally posted by enews
“I’m not a child.” 
“I’m young and free spirited.”
 “Oh really?” You question raising a curious eyebrow in his direction.
   “Really.” Tony purred his eyes darkening with lust.
Originally posted by justbacktothegoodolddays
 “If that's your attempt at flirting with me you’re at a pretty poor start.”
 “I can do better than that honestly.” 
“We’ll see?” You smirked leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss along the skin that was just above his collar.
 “W-oah what are you d-oin-g?” He stuttered.
 “Only showing you why this could never work.”
 The next movement caught you off guard. Tony’s large hands cupped your face gently as he brought his lips to yours.
 You melted as the kiss started soft and gentle before you both began fighting for dominance.
Originally posted by zivalovesparis
  “Wait… this… isn’t… right…” You whined as Tony began placing soft gentle kisses along your throat and exposed collarbones.
  “I don’t care.” 
“I’ve been crazy about you ever since that first time I saw you wearing that black Alexander McQueen waistcoat and pink silk scarf. “
 “You remember that?” 
You question eyes growing wide that he would remember such a vivid set of details from over a decade ago.
 “Of course Sweetheart.” “I haven’t been able to get it out of my head since.”
 “Does your mother know you’re into such old women?” 
“If she were here.” ”I doubt she’d be surprised.” He confirms pressing a kiss on your nose. 
Originally posted by justbacktothegoodolddays
“Let's get out of here.” 
You purr straightening your clothing before pressing the elevator back on.
Needless to say, Gibbs never got his coffee and he was without an agent the rest of the day.
  Your brother may or may not have almost died of a heart attack when he found you curled up in Tony’s bed wrapped securely in the younger man’s arms.
 He may have threatened to kill him after he got his breathing under control but you were too thrilled to care.
 Sometimes younger is better you realized as you stared at the beautiful young man beside you with the wicked green eyes.
Originally posted by ifyouwillsayityouwillsayitloud
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additionallysad · 7 years
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Easy Makeover: Taking A Neutral Living Room From Plain To Polished http://ift.tt/2o41tth
I love a baller room makeover as much as the next person (Lisa Vanderpump’s closet? I could stare at it for HOURS), but scrapping all of your existing stuff and completely overhauling every nook and cranny of your room isn’t always realistic, especially if you don’t have a Housewives-sized budget. Sometimes using what you have and just getting a few new things to revive the entire room is the sweet spot (have I mentioned how much fun I had staging my friend’s house to sell a few weeks ago?!). So when my best friend asked for some help with her bare bones living room, I immediately started shouting out ideas and scribbling sketches like a lone weirdo playing solo Pictionary.
You can see where we started below shortly after they moved in. Pretty sparse with just a rug, sofa, armchair, and tufted ottoman. It’s their “formal” living room, so the TV and big cozy sectional is elsewhere – but this room still gets lots of use (by the kiddos, for holiday entertaining, for spirited adult game nights, etc). After the move she was feeling so underwhelmed by how her existing stuff looked, she actually had convinced herself everything needed to be craigslisted so she could start over.
In her mind that felt like the only option since she was so tired of the things she had, and she just couldn’t imagine them ending up in a space she truly LOVED. But her current reality = three young kids (and a cat). So after some pretty deep talks about what we coined “that sticky fingers and rogue Cheerio dust life” – all off which will be around for at least five more years – she realized she would much rather wait a few more years to update her sofa and rug with something awesome that her kids would probably be a lot nicer to when they’re a little older.
Enter Captain Optimism stage right (that’s me, btw – my other aliases include Sergeant Enthusiasm and Petty Officer Peppy).  I was all “Woah, woah, woah – this stuff is neutral enough that it can work with anything! Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater.” Then we took a long conversational detour to discuss how weird that whole baby/bathwater expression is, but eventually circled back to the task at hand: me successfully convincing her to Tim Gunn it in there (aka: make it work).
By just moving in some stuff she already owned and purchasing a couple of accent chairs, a pair of super inexpensive bookshelves, and three pieces of art that she adores – we breathed a ton of new life into her old stuff (btw, her neutral sofa and armchair are more tan and less pink in person than they look in these pics). Plus everything we added will not only work with this existing stuff, but should she replace their seating or their rug down the line, well, these new pieces will play nicely with whatever else she chooses.
The main “projects” in the room were the gold display shelves flanking the couch. They were a DIY effort that we tackled together and they only required two $50 Ikea shelves, this gold spray paint (the primer is built-in so it’s just one step, and it’s the best gold color I’ve found), and this marble contact paper. As for the how-to details, after we assembled the frames of each bookshelf (leaving the actual shelves aside), we spray painted both of them with a few thin and even coats of gold spray paint and allowed them to cure outside for two days so they wouldn’t stink up the house or get dinged up when we brought them inside.
Here’s a detail of the bottom shelf (you can see the top shelf in the pic above). All of the middle shelves are glass, but the top and bottom were solid metal – so when we dressed them up with the marbleized contact paper, we only covered the visible side of each one. It was sorta like wrapping a present where you just fold an inch or so of excess around the backside of each one. The contact paper didn’t affect the fit, so they still slid right into place. It was an idea that she found on Pinterest a while back and had always wanted to try – and it could not have been easier.
The other high-impact addition was the art. The large piece on the back wall is this photograph from Minted (in the 40 x 30″ size with the whitewashed herringbone frame – my favorite of theirs). The other two that were added to the mix are Paris View and Day in Paris (both 24 x 18″ with the same whitewashed frame).
The art was definitely the splurge (the total for all three pieces came to around $480 with a discount code that we googled) but thanks to such inexpensive Ikea bookcases, and the fact that they kept their existing sofa/chair/rug/ottoman instead of rebuying any major pieces, the makeover still came in under budget. Best of all the art has become their new favorite thing in the room, especially because of what it represents to them. She and her husband go to France once a year (he goes for business, and she gets to tag along for fun) so they love having a little bit of France in their living room. I know, I’m jealous too. #NeverBeenToEurope
The funny thing is that everyone who walks into the room says “Woah, that’s such a cool picture of your husband!!!” because he wears a bright orange jacket like that all the time. So people literally think the guy in the foreground is him, which leads to some pretty hilarious “I can’t believe you think I can take a picture like that!” revelations from my BFF. Sometimes she’s like “oh, you know, just a little snap I got on my phone...”
Also: this is Kitty Purry (named after Katie Perry’s cat by their oldest child). I like her because she matches the art. Also because she’s a sweet kitty who only occasionally makes my eyes itch thanks to my stellar cat-intolerant genetics.
Let’s bring it back around to the before shot one more time, just to show one last “zone” that we added to fill out the room.
The only other purchases for the room were the two $65 ghost chairs that we added on the exposed edge of the rug, which help the seating area feel more complete and extra functional (now we can squeeze in two more butts on game night). They actually already owned two of these acrylic chairs in their dining room, so I just dragged them in here to test them out. We liked that the clear acrylic lets your eye travel through them (if they were larger or more solid it might feel like a jarring “wall” of chairs in your face). Once they were sold on the look, they just ordered two more so they weren’t short on dining room chairs. And that side table between them? That’s a basket they already had turned upside down. How’s that for using what you have?
We also brought in (and anchored!) a leaning mirror they already owned for one last hit of gold in the room. She got it a few years ago at West Elm, but it’s back in stock in brass (it tends to go in and out, so here’s a similar one on Wayfair). And for the accessories on the shelves, we just used stuff she had around the house – some magazines stacked horizontally, framed photos, boxes, vases, and these perfectly-sized lamps that put out a nice glow at night. Most of their books live on built-ins in the other room, so these shelves got to be more decorative and light.
For anyone else who is faced with bare shelves, or crazy cluttered ones, my best shelf-styling tip would be that a few larger scale items are better than a bunch of little busy or piddly looking ones, and I love decorative boxes, stacks of mags and books, framed photos, and a few vases – perhaps with some cheap grocery store flowers if you’re feeling fancy (we paid $4 total for the two bunches that you see in the after pics).
Here’s a little board full of ideas if you’re looking to fill out your shelves with items other than the books & magazines you already have on hand:
1 / 2 / 3 /4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
This probably isn’t the last time you’ll see this house (you’ve actually already seen their son’s room, and we’re slowly working with them on a bunch more). But I just couldn’t wait to share this tale of turning a room’s frown upside down with just a few new items. Total time spent: around 5 hours including planning, measuring, assembling, spray painting, marble-papering, ordering things online, and hanging prints. Taking a detail shot for the post just as Kitty Purry saunters by: priceless.
*This post contains affiliate links
The post Easy Makeover: Taking A Neutral Living Room From Plain To Polished appeared first on Young House Love.
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vincentbnaughton · 7 years
Easy Makeover: Taking A Neutral Living Room From Plain To Polished
I love a baller room makeover as much as the next person (Lisa Vanderpump’s closet? I could stare at it for HOURS), but scrapping all of your existing stuff and completely overhauling every nook and cranny of your room isn’t always realistic, especially if you don’t have a Housewives-sized budget. Sometimes using what you have and just getting a few new things to revive the entire room is the sweet spot (have I mentioned how much fun I had staging my friend’s house to sell a few weeks ago?!). So when my best friend asked for some help with her bare bones living room, I immediately started shouting out ideas and scribbling sketches like a lone weirdo playing solo Pictionary.
You can see where we started below shortly after they moved in. Pretty sparse with just a rug, sofa, armchair, and tufted ottoman. It’s their “formal” living room, so the TV and big cozy sectional is elsewhere – but this room still gets lots of use (by the kiddos, for holiday entertaining, for spirited adult game nights, etc). After the move she was feeling so underwhelmed by how her existing stuff looked, she actually had convinced herself everything needed to be craigslisted so she could start over.
In her mind that felt like the only option since she was so tired of the things she had, and she just couldn’t imagine them ending up in a space she truly LOVED. But her current reality = three young kids (and a cat). So after some pretty deep talks about what we coined “that sticky fingers and rogue Cheerio dust life” – all off which will be around for at least five more years – she realized she would much rather wait a few more years to update her sofa and rug with something awesome that her kids would probably be a lot nicer to when they’re a little older.
Enter Captain Optimism stage right (that’s me, btw – my other aliases include Sergeant Enthusiasm and Petty Officer Peppy).  I was all “Woah, woah, woah – this stuff is neutral enough that it can work with anything! Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater.” Then we took a long conversational detour to discuss how weird that whole baby/bathwater expression is, but eventually circled back to the task at hand: me successfully convincing her to Tim Gunn it in there (aka: make it work).
By just moving in some stuff she already owned and purchasing a couple of accent chairs, a pair of super inexpensive bookshelves, and three pieces of art that she adores – we breathed a ton of new life into her old stuff (btw, her neutral sofa and armchair are more tan and less pink in person than they look in these pics). Plus everything we added will not only work with this existing stuff, but should she replace their seating or their rug down the line, well, these new pieces will play nicely with whatever else she chooses.
The main “projects” in the room were the gold display shelves flanking the couch. They were a DIY effort that we tackled together and they only required two $50 Ikea shelves, this gold spray paint (the primer is built-in so it’s just one step, and it’s the best gold color I’ve found), and this marble contact paper. As for the how-to details, after we assembled the frames of each bookshelf (leaving the actual shelves aside), we spray painted both of them with a few thin and even coats of gold spray paint and allowed them to cure outside for two days so they wouldn’t stink up the house or get dinged up when we brought them inside.
Here’s a detail of the bottom shelf (you can see the top shelf in the pic above). All of the middle shelves are glass, but the top and bottom were solid metal – so when we dressed them up with the marbleized contact paper, we only covered the visible side of each one. It was sorta like wrapping a present where you just fold an inch or so of excess around the backside of each one. The contact paper didn’t affect the fit, so they still slid right into place. It was an idea that she found on Pinterest a while back and had always wanted to try – and it could not have been easier.
The other high-impact addition was the art. The large piece on the back wall is this photograph from Minted (in the 40 x 30″ size with the whitewashed herringbone frame – my favorite of theirs). The other two that were added to the mix are Paris View and Day in Paris (both 24 x 18″ with the same whitewashed frame).
The art was definitely the splurge (the total for all three pieces came to around $480 with a discount code that we googled) but thanks to such inexpensive Ikea bookcases, and the fact that they kept their existing sofa/chair/rug/ottoman instead of rebuying any major pieces, the makeover still came in under budget. Best of all the art has become their new favorite thing in the room, especially because of what it represents to them. She and her husband go to France once a year (he goes for business, and she gets to tag along for fun) so they love having a little bit of France in their living room. I know, I’m jealous too. #NeverBeenToEurope
The funny thing is that everyone who walks into the room says “Woah, that’s such a cool picture of your husband!!!” because he wears a bright orange jacket like that all the time. So people literally think the guy in the foreground is him, which leads to some pretty hilarious “I can’t believe you think I can take a picture like that!” revelations from my BFF. Sometimes she’s like “oh, you know, just a little snap I got on my phone...”
Also: this is Kitty Purry (named after Katie Perry’s cat by their oldest child). I like her because she matches the art. Also because she’s a sweet kitty who only occasionally makes my eyes itch thanks to my stellar cat-intolerant genetics.
Let’s bring it back around to the before shot one more time, just to show one last “zone” that we added to fill out the room.
The only other purchases for the room were the two $65 ghost chairs that we added on the exposed edge of the rug, which help the seating area feel more complete and extra functional (now we can squeeze in two more butts on game night). They actually already owned two of these acrylic chairs in their dining room, so I just dragged them in here to test them out. We liked that the clear acrylic lets your eye travel through them (if they were larger or more solid it might feel like a jarring “wall” of chairs in your face). Once they were sold on the look, they just ordered two more so they weren’t short on dining room chairs. And that side table between them? That’s a basket they already had turned upside down. How’s that for using what you have?
We also brought in (and anchored!) a leaning mirror they already owned for one last hit of gold in the room. She got it a few years ago at West Elm, but it’s back in stock in brass (it tends to go in and out, so here’s a similar one on Wayfair). And for the accessories on the shelves, we just used stuff she had around the house – some magazines stacked horizontally, framed photos, boxes, vases, and these perfectly-sized lamps that put out a nice glow at night. Most of their books live on built-ins in the other room, so these shelves got to be more decorative and light.
For anyone else who is faced with bare shelves, or crazy cluttered ones, my best shelf-styling tip would be that a few larger scale items are better than a bunch of little busy or piddly looking ones, and I love decorative boxes, stacks of mags and books, framed photos, and a few vases – perhaps with some cheap grocery store flowers if you’re feeling fancy (we paid $4 total for the two bunches that you see in the after pics).
Here’s a little board full of ideas if you’re looking to fill out your shelves with items other than the books & magazines you already have on hand:
1 / 2 / 3 /4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
This probably isn’t the last time you’ll see this house (you’ve actually already seen their son’s room, and we’re slowly working with them on a bunch more). But I just couldn’t wait to share this tale of turning a room’s frown upside down with just a few new items. Total time spent: around 5 hours including planning, measuring, assembling, spray painting, marble-papering, ordering things online, and hanging prints. Taking a detail shot for the post just as Kitty Purry saunters by: priceless.
*This post contains affiliate links
The post Easy Makeover: Taking A Neutral Living Room From Plain To Polished appeared first on Young House Love.
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