#wagers on whether or not it gets flagged?
woodchipp · 10 months
seems like I'll have to try and dissect Omocat's motivational speech myself because clearly no one seems to believe the people who actually worked with her for some reason
here goes nothing
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"In a sense, [burn out] makes you lazy and unproductive."
IMO, starting off your Motivational™ speech by falsely equating burn out with being lazy is quite the huge red flag.
"I can vouch that you are all, for the most part, nice people."
Note the unusually passive-aggressive "for the most part".
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"If you find yourself not being able to focus or that your productivity is getting really slow, it's probably time to take a break."
Which is why you suddenly became "uncomfortable" with the prospect of having to pay MelonKid royalities four days before the game's launch after they have overworked themselves to get your game out and took a break.
Makes sense.
By the way, how do people explain this, then?
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"Things like working quickly and efficiently are like. What you're supposed to do."
idk about people who side with Omocat but to me, it seems that overworking themselves is what Omocat expects of her employees. and to me, that seems kinda shitty
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"Instead of thinking of things that I should have or deserve, think of all the things you already have."
This is quite literally Cartoon Evil Corporation-tier rhetoric. bruh
"Think of deadlines as a demon you have to continually give nourishment and sacrifice to or else it will destroy our game. And every time you work on the game, finish something, you're saying fuck you to that demon."
What in the actual fuck are you talking about. Is that supposed to be motivational?
Also... how is giving this hypothetical "demon" nourishment saying "fuck you" to it? what a brilliant metaphor
"Something you can all use is I get to work with my friends on a video game, which I think is pretty cool."
girl these are not your friends you're discussing headcanons about your favorite fictional characters with in the wee hours of the night. these are your employees, and I think there's a pretty big difference between the two. the fact that some of them may have a certain amount of passion for the work they're helping to shape is undeniable, but I'd also wager that your employees expect to be compensated for their work. they're not doing all that shit for high-fives and pats on the back from you
and given that a member of the dev team who sided with Omocat was apparently perfectly willing to call MelonKid, allegedly one of their own "friends", a "demon", I have to question just how "friendly" the dev teem actually was with each other
"I believe that this game has to be potential to be something really great. And new, and fresh, and even classic."
Black Space is Yume Nikki with the serial numbers filed off. The entire plot twist is Silent Hill 2 with the serial numbers filed off. There are multiple indie RPGs that have executed the plot beats (and, in some cases, the general premise) OMORI features way better than OMORI itself did.
With all due respect, your game ain't shit.
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"You are here and you believe in OMORI, a game that is full of thoughtfulness and meaning for its creators and for its audience."
1) Ah yes, isn't trivializing the act of suicide into a gameplay mechanic (that is required for progression) and setting the main protagonist's final suicide in the bad ending to a pop song just so Thoughtful™ and Meaningful™? Fuck off
2) Whether your work is actually thoughtful and meaningful isn't really up to you. You don't get to decide how your audience reacts to your work.
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ASOS; Steel and Snow: 16 SANSA II (pages 220-226)
While Sansa has her measurements taken for a surprise new gown, she recalls her recent interactions with Margaery and Dontos over the upcoming wedding(s).
She needed a new gown, that was true. She had grown three inches in the past year, and most of her old wardrobe had been ruined by the smoke when she'd tried to burn her mattress on the day of her first flowering. ... The comment made her blush. Yet the last time she'd gone riding, she could not lace her jerkin all the way up to the top, and the stableboy had gaped at her as he helped her mount. Sometimes she caught grown men looking at her chest as well, and some of her tunics were so tight she could scarcely breathe in them.
That's fucked up. A lot of shit in this series is fucked up, but the fact that Sansa couldn't even get clothes that fit her until the queen ordered it? That's fucked up. It's a power play on Cersei's part, possibly Joffrey's, depends on whether or not it even occurred to him. But even aside from the casual reminder of how little power and authority Sansa has, it's degrading.
Now, if y'all will excuse me for just a moment. *hefts the steel chair of justice* I have some ... 'grown men' in need of a serious conversation...
I'll wager this gown was Margaery's doing somehow, or her grandmother's.
I'll wager it's not. But that's because I know what's happeneing before Joffrey's wedding. "Oh, sooner, much sooner, her Grace insists."
But it's scary that after all this time, Margaery just had to be kind to her a little, and Sansa's first thought was "Margaery's doing something nice for me" and not "nothing nice is free, if I don't know the price, it's because it's something I'm not likely to be willing to pay"
It does speak to Sansa's desire for the world to be a nice as it looks at the surfaced, of her preference to see the good in people. And i love that for her, that even after everything, that's something they couldn't take, but she's not safe, she's still in the lion's den (ha, appropriate simile is appropriate) and she needs to be more suspicious of everything in order to protect herself.
Like literally, "- and all else befitting a... a lovely young lady-" that pause should have raised some red flags.
The cousins took Sansa into their company as if they had known her all their lives. They spent long afternoons doing needlework and talking over lemon cakes and honeyed wine, played at tiles of an evening, sang together in the castle sept...
lemon (cakes) = 🥛
Sansa wondered what Megga would think about kissing the Hound, as she had. He'd come to her the night of the battle stinking of wine and blood. He kissed me and threatened to kill me, and made me sing him a song.
Ahhh, so this is the false memory kiss I've heard so much about?
Going back to that chapter where Sandor puts his hand over her mouth and holds her so tightly she can't wiggle free, and there's "He yanked her closer and for a moment she thought he meant to kiss her. He was too strong to fight. She closed her eyes, wanting it to be over, but nothing happened."
I can see how, especially given that there was a sense of violation already just from the trespassing in her room and the manhandling, and Sansa was not having a good time mentally or emotionally with the war outside, I can see how her mind could have easily confused things. She felt violated, and there was a moment where she was very much expecting that specific violation to occur, our minds very easily rewrite situations, it would make sense for Sansa's mind to give a more concrete for to her sense of violation.
(Especially when she's been molested by other men, including Dontos who does force kisses on her.)
But I would honestly also not be surprised to find out GRRM had the kiss happen in one version then forgot he edited it out. Continuity is hard.
I don't see why this has given her such a hard-stuck label as The Most/Only Unreliable Narrator though. Like, what? does she keep going back and changing the details 'oh he used tongue actually'?
- and Sansa's merlin brought down three ducks-
Fun Fact: Merlin's are the UK's smallest bird of prey. Sansa's wolf, Lady, was the smallest of the litter.
GRRM keeps giving her the teeniest predators.
"It's brave of you to warn me, but you need not fear. Joff's spoiled and vain and I don't doubt that he's as cruel as you say, but Father forced him to name Loras to his Kingsguard before he would agree to the match. I shall have the finest knight in the Seven Kingdoms protecting me night and day, -"
And Cersei had Jaime. But that didn't stop Robert.
She's so brave, Sansa thought, galloping after her... and yet, her doubts still gnawed at her.
It's easy to be brave when you have money and support and you haven't been on the receiving end of someone's violence. It's not really bravery, after all, it's ignorance.
Sansa's been brave as well, staying alive when she could have taken a tumble from a window, surviving Joffrey, the court, all of it.
Yet the more she thought about it, the more she wondered. Joff might restrain himself for a few turns, perhaps as long as a year, but soon or late he will show his claws, and when he does... ... Sansa was surprised that Margaery did not see it too. She is older than me, she must be wiser. And her father, Lord Tyrell, he knows what he is doing, surely. I am just being silly.
No, you're not.
You have information, first hand, that they don't, and even though you've tried to tell Margaery, she doesn't actually want to know. (Ignorance and Arrogance are far too alike in dignity.)
As for Lord Tyrell? Even if we disregard Olenna's opinion of him, you're working on the assumption he's like your father, that he cares about his daughter as anything other than a trade piece/brood mare for a grandson who can sit the Iron Throne.
That he wouldn't let the marriage agreement be made until Loras was a Kingsguard says he does care, but to be honest? Vibes so far? That was more about the political power and bragging rights that come with having a son in such a position, and it gives his gay son a convenient excuse for not taking a wife, ever. (not that he knows Loras is gay iirc?)
...*casually smacks Dontos and his 'give your Florian a kiss' with the steel chair*
The heir to Winterfell, she would think as she lay abed that night. It's your claim they mean to wed. Sansa had grown up with three brothers. She never thought to have a claim, -
With the timing of things, you do get the feeling that team Lannister knew the Red Wedding was on the way.
In Sansa's dreams. her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya.
Awww, she does still think of her sister.
That must be why Cersei is having it made for me, so I don't look shabby at the wedding. (...) She wanted to look beautiful fro Willas Tyrell. Even if Dontos was right, and it is Winterfell he wants and not me, he still may come to love me for myself. Sansa hugged herself tightly, wondering how long it would be before the gown was ready. she could scarcely wait to wear it.
Oh sweetheart, no.
She deserves someone who loves her for her own sake, and not her dowry. She doesn't deserve to be used as a political pawn. Or to be sold like cattle. (none of our girls (or boys) do, but this is about Sansa right now.)
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rs3471055 · 1 month
Tiranga Color Trading: Exploring the Vibrant World of Predictive Trading
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Tiranga Color Trading is a dynamic and engaging approach to trading that shifts the focus from traditional financial markets to color-based predictions. By blending the excitement of trading with the simplicity of color choices, Tiranga Color Trading offers a unique and interactive experience for users. In this article, we'll delve into what Tiranga Color Trading is, how it works, and why it might be an intriguing option for your trading pursuits.
What is Tiranga Color Trading?
Tiranga Color Trading is a type of speculative trading where users make predictions based on colors rather than financial assets like stocks or currencies. tiranga color trading The term "Tiranga," which refers to the Indian flag's tricolor, hints at the use of multiple colors in the trading process. Users select colors they believe will be the winning choice in various trading rounds, with outcomes determined by random selection. This method combines elements of chance with strategic decision-making, creating a fresh and exciting way to engage with trading.
How Does Tiranga Color Trading Work?
1. Download and Set Up the App
Get the App: Download the Tiranga Color Trading app from your device’s app store or from a verified source if it's not available on the app store.
Install: Follow the installation prompts to set up the app on your mobile device.
2. Create an Account
Sign Up: Register by providing basic information such as your name, email address, and possibly phone number. Some apps may also require identity verification to enhance security.
3. Deposit Funds
Add Money: Fund your account using available payment methods such as credit/debit cards or e-wallets.
4. Select Colors
Choose Colors: In each trading round, you will be presented with a variety of colors. Select the color you believe will be chosen in the random selection process.
5. Place Your Bets
Wager: Enter the amount you wish to bet on your chosen color. The app will display potential returns based on your stake.
6. Wait for Results
Random Outcome: The app uses a random number generator to select a color. You will receive immediate feedback on whether your prediction was correct.
7. Review and Withdraw
Check Balance: Review the results of your bets and your account balance. You can withdraw your winnings or continue participating in more trading rounds.
Features of Tiranga Color Trading
1. Engaging Interface
Tiranga Color Trading apps are designed to be visually appealing and easy to use. The interface typically includes vibrant color selections and intuitive navigation to enhance user experience.
2. Real-Time Feedback
Immediate results on color predictions keep users engaged and provide instant gratification. The real-time aspect adds excitement and keeps the trading process lively.
3. Gamified Elements
Many Tiranga Color Trading apps incorporate gamified features such as animations, interactive screens, and bonus rounds. These elements make the trading experience more enjoyable and engaging.
4. Secure Transactions
Security is a priority in Tiranga Color Trading apps. They use encryption and secure payment methods to protect user data and financial transactions, ensuring a safe trading environment.
5. Variety of Color Options
The apps offer a range of colors to choose from, providing diverse options and keeping the trading experience interesting.
6. Customer Support
Reliable customer support is crucial for addressing any issues or queries. Tiranga Color Trading apps generally offer support through live chat, email, or other channels.
Why Choose Tiranga Color Trading?
1. Unique Trading Experience
Tiranga Color Trading offers a distinctive alternative to traditional financial trading. The focus on color predictions rather than financial assets provides a novel and engaging way to participate in trading activities.
2. Accessible to All
With its simple mechanics and user-friendly design, Tiranga Color Trading is accessible to both beginners and experienced traders. The emphasis on colors rather than complex financial analysis makes it easy to understand and enjoy.
3. Low Barrier to Entry
Tiranga Color Trading often involves lower stakes compared to traditional trading. This makes it a more approachable option for users who prefer to trade with smaller amounts.
4. Interactive and Fun
The gamified aspects of Tiranga Color Trading apps add an element of fun to the trading process. Interactive features and real-time feedback contribute to a lively and entertaining experience.
Tips for Using Tiranga Color Trading Apps
1. Start Small
If you’re new to Tiranga Color Trading, begin with small bets to familiarize yourself with the app and its features. This approach helps you learn the ropes without risking significant amounts of money.
2. Set a Budget
Establish a budget for your trading activities and stick to it. Avoid spending more than you can afford to lose and be mindful of your overall expenditure.
3. Understand the Rules
Get to know the app’s rules, payout structure, and any associated fees. Understanding how the app works will help you make informed decisions and enjoy a smoother experience.
4. Play Responsibly
Treat Tiranga Color Trading as a form of entertainment rather than a primary income source. Set limits on your playtime and spending to maintain a balanced approach.
5. Keep the App Updated
Regularly update the app to benefit from the latest features, security improvements, and bug fixes. Keeping the app updated ensures optimal performance and a better user experience.
Tiranga Color Trading offers a vibrant and engaging alternative to traditional trading methods. By focusing on color predictions and incorporating gamified features, Tiranga Color Trading apps provide a unique and entertaining experience. Whether you’re looking for a fun way to engage with trading or exploring new approaches to speculative activities, Tiranga Color Trading presents an innovative option that blends excitement with simplicity. By following the tips provided, you can enhance your trading experience and fully enjoy the colorful world of Tiranga Color Trading.
0 notes
aman1236 · 1 month
Tiranga Colour Prediction: Understanding the Trend and Its Popularity
The digital world has introduced a variety of entertainment options, and among these, color prediction games have emerged as a popular choice. One such game that has gained significant attention is the "Tiranga Colour Prediction" game. This game has captivated a broad audience with its unique blend of chance, strategy, and excitement. But what exactly is Tiranga Colour Prediction, and why has it become so popular? In this blog post, we'll delve into the details of this intriguing game, explore its rise to fame, and discuss its impact on the gaming community. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the concept, this comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights into the world of Tiranga Colour Prediction.
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What is Tiranga Colour Prediction?
Tiranga Colour Prediction is an online game that revolves around predicting the outcome of a random color selection. The game is inspired by the colors of the Indian flag, commonly referred to as "Tiranga," which consists of saffron, white, and green. The objective of the game is simple: players are presented with three color options, and they must predict which color will be selected in the next round.
The game is typically played on various online platforms that offer different formats and variations. Some platforms allow players to place bets on their predictions, adding an element of risk and reward. The simplicity of the game, combined with the thrill of making accurate predictions, has made Tiranga Colour Prediction a favorite pastime for many.
How to Play Tiranga Colour Prediction
Playing Tiranga Colour Prediction is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started:
Choose a Platform: The first step is to find a reliable platform that offers the Tiranga Colour Prediction game. Make sure to select a reputable site that ensures fair play and transparency.
Register and Deposit: Once you’ve chosen a platform, you’ll need to create an account and deposit funds if the game involves real money betting.
Understand the Rules: Familiarize yourself with the specific rules of the game on your chosen platform. While the basic concept remains the same, different platforms may have slight variations in gameplay.
Make Your Prediction: In each round, three color options will be presented: saffron, white, and green. Choose the color you believe will be selected in the next round.
Place Your Bet: If the game involves betting, decide how much you want to wager on your prediction. Keep in mind that the riskier the bet, the higher the potential reward.
Wait for the Result: After placing your bet, the game will randomly select one of the three colors. If your prediction matches the selected color, you win!
Claim Your Winnings: If you win, the platform will credit your account with your earnings. You can choose to continue playing or withdraw your winnings.
The simplicity of Tiranga Colour Prediction, combined with the excitement of the betting aspect, makes it a game that appeals to a wide audience, from casual players to those seeking a more thrilling experience.
The Popularity of Tiranga Colour Prediction
The rise of Tiranga Colour Prediction can be attributed to several factors, including its ease of play, cultural significance, and the thrill of winning. In this section, we'll explore the reasons behind the game's growing popularity.
Cultural Connection
One of the most appealing aspects of Tiranga Colour Prediction is its connection to the Indian national flag, the Tiranga. The colors saffron, white, and green hold deep cultural and historical significance for the people of India. By incorporating these colors into the game, Tiranga Colour Prediction resonates with players on a personal level, evoking a sense of patriotism and national pride.
This cultural connection has played a significant role in the game's popularity, especially during national holidays and events when the spirit of the Tiranga is particularly strong. During these times, the game often sees a surge in player activity, with many individuals participating in the game as a way to celebrate and honor their heritage.
Ease of Access
Another factor contributing to the popularity of Tiranga Colour Prediction is its accessibility. The game can be played online from the comfort of one’s home, making it easily accessible to a wide audience. With the proliferation of smartphones and the internet, players can participate in the game anytime, anywhere. This convenience has made Tiranga Colour Prediction a go-to option for individuals looking for quick and entertaining gameplay.
Additionally, many platforms offer free versions of the game, allowing players to enjoy Tiranga Colour Prediction without the need to wager real money. This has broadened the game's appeal, attracting casual gamers who enjoy the thrill of the game without the financial risk.
The Thrill of Prediction
At its core, Tiranga Colour Prediction is a game of chance, and it’s this element of unpredictability that adds to its appeal. The excitement of making a prediction and waiting to see if it comes true creates an adrenaline rush that keeps players coming back for more.
The game also taps into the human desire for challenge and reward. While the rules are simple, making accurate predictions requires a mix of intuition and luck. Players who enjoy testing their predictive abilities and reaping the rewards of a successful guess find Tiranga Colour Prediction particularly satisfying.
Strategies for Success in Tiranga Colour Prediction
While Tiranga Colour Prediction is primarily a game of chance, players often employ various strategies to increase their odds of winning. In this section, we’ll discuss some common strategies that players use to enhance their gameplay.
Bankroll Management
One of the most important aspects of playing Tiranga Colour Prediction, especially when betting real money, is effective bankroll management. This strategy involves setting a budget for how much you’re willing to spend and sticking to it. By managing your bankroll wisely, you can extend your gameplay and reduce the risk of significant losses.
Here are a few tips for effective bankroll management:
Set a Budget: Determine how much money you’re willing to allocate to playing Tiranga Colour Prediction. This should be an amount you’re comfortable losing, as there’s always a risk involved.
Divide Your Funds: Instead of placing all your money on a single prediction, consider dividing your funds across multiple rounds. This approach allows you to play more rounds and increases your chances of winning.
Know When to Stop: It’s important to know when to stop playing, especially if you’re on a losing streak. Setting a loss limit can help you avoid chasing losses and making impulsive decisions.
Analyzing Patterns
Some players believe that analyzing patterns in previous rounds can help them make more informed predictions. While the game is based on random outcomes, observing trends or streaks in the selected colors may give players a sense of what might happen next.
For example, if a certain color has been selected multiple times in a row, some players might choose to bet on a different color, assuming that the pattern is due to change. However, it’s important to remember that each round is independent, and past outcomes do not influence future results.
Balancing Risk and Reward
When playing Tiranga Colour Prediction, it’s essential to balance the potential risk with the possible reward. Higher bets can lead to larger winnings, but they also come with increased risk. On the other hand, smaller bets may result in more modest rewards, but they also reduce the risk of losing significant amounts of money.
Some players opt for a balanced approach, placing moderate bets that offer a reasonable chance of winning without risking too much. This strategy allows players to enjoy the thrill of the game while minimizing potential losses.
Conclusion: Is Tiranga Colour Prediction Right for You?
Tiranga Colour Prediction has captured the attention of many players with its simple yet engaging gameplay, cultural significance, and the thrill of making predictions. Whether you’re a casual player looking for some entertainment or someone who enjoys the challenge of prediction games, Tiranga Colour Prediction offers something for everyone.
However, it’s essential to approach the game with a clear understanding of the risks involved, especially if you’re participating in platforms that involve real money betting. By employing strategies such as bankroll management and pattern analysis, you can enhance your gameplay and increase your chances of success.
We hope this guide has provided valuable insights into Tiranga Colour Prediction and its growing popularity. If you’ve played the game, we’d love to hear about your experiences! Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts on Tiranga Colour Prediction. What strategies have worked for you, and what advice would you give to new players? Your feedback can help others navigate the exciting world of Tiranga Colour Prediction!
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stevensaus · 3 months
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In the days around the first political debate in 2024, a particular political idea kept resurfacing (again): The idea that Joe Biden is a bad candidate not due to his age, but because he supports --- these are direct quotes, not sarcasm quotes -- "genocide" in Palestine, passed laws that "imprisoned Black men", and so on. Their point -- express or implied -- is something like "they're both the same, they all are oppressors, they're all oligarchs," etc. I am not going to argue whether or not any of those things -- or whatever other policy complaint you have about Biden or the Democrats -- are true. I am also not going to argue whether or not they are important. There's three simple reasons for that. Voting is harm reduction. You can have multiple political strategies Voting alone is not enough Yes, I've read the essay "Voting is not Harm Reduction." It literally begins (emphasis mine): Though there are some political distinctions between the two prominent parties in the so-called U.S., they all pledge their allegiance to the same flag. Red or blue, they’re both still stripes on a rag waving over stolen lands that comprise a country built by stolen lives. We don’t dismiss the reality that, on the scale of U.S. settler colonial violence, even the slightest degree of harm can mean life or death for those most vulnerable. Voting is not Harm Reduction It accurately points out that the idea of "'voting as harm reduction' obscures and perpetuates settler-colonial violence," to which I'd add it also obscures the oligarchic control and self-reinforcing class and race structure of the system. That is, it does so if that is the only thing you do, and that you continue to give that lesser evil a pass on the evil they do. The whole concept makes the presumption that the only action that one can take is voting (or otherwise working within the government structure)... and that not voting has a larger effect than voting. It's like a secular version of Pascal's wager. If voting has no effect because both parties are the same, then I might as well vote, since it won't make a difference. However, if voting does have an effect, particularly one that "can mean life or death for those most vulnerable," then I should vote. The absurdly low individual cost to me of voting makes the ethical math worse. To explicitly choose to not vote when that result could literally mean the difference between life and death to someone in a more vulnerable position than myself is a staggering amount of arrogant privilege. HOWEVER. That does not mean -- and has never meant -- voting is enough. It also does not mean that the party/group/individual I voted for cannot be criticized when it does awful stuff. That idea -- exemplified by the GOP's term "RINO" to get people to toe the ideological line -- is closely associated with fascist rulers (see: Russia, China, North Korea), so... yeah, I'm gonna criticize "my side" when they're wrong. That's all we need to say about that. But voting also still isn't enough. There are many ways to take political and social action, and if you can't think of any, there's local and national groups that I'm sure would be happy to have your help. I don't just mean PACs and political parties (though they're certainly included). Here's some other examples: Dayton's Have A Gay Day is not an explicitly political group, but they definitely have an impact in our area not only in supporting those who need assistance, but in promoting equality. The Interfaith Alliance forges "powerful alliances among people of diverse faiths and beliefs to build a resilient, inclusive democracy and fulfill America’s promise of religious freedom and civil rights not just for some, but for all." The Major Taylor Project "breaks down barriers to cycling for youth of color in King and Pierce County" in Washington State. Taking action includes small actions like speaking up when there's something bigoted said at the office. By pestering reporters and editors to, oh, cover a race fairly. And so on.
If there is a benefit I gained from reading "Voting is not Harm Reduction," it is remembering that direct action does not mean it has to be explicitly within the political process and that voting -- even when it does reduce harm, is not enough. Featured Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay https://ideatrash.net/2024/07/voting-is-harm-reduction-but-voting-is-also-not-enough.html?feed_id=183&_unique_id=668ca3df322d0
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can you use vpn with draftkings
VPN for DraftKings
Title: Exploring the Benefits of Using a VPN for DraftKings
In the realm of online sports betting and fantasy sports, DraftKings stands as a prominent platform for enthusiasts to engage in their favorite games and competitions. However, accessing DraftKings from certain locations or regions may present challenges due to geographical restrictions or local regulations. This is where a Virtual Private Network (VPN) comes into play, offering users a reliable solution to bypass such limitations and enhance their DraftKings experience.
A VPN functions by rerouting your internet connection through a server in a different location, effectively masking your actual IP address and providing you with a new one associated with the server's location. For DraftKings users, this means gaining access to the platform from regions where it may be restricted or unavailable.
One of the primary benefits of using a VPN for DraftKings is the ability to unlock geo-blocked content. Whether you're traveling abroad or residing in a region where DraftKings is not accessible, a VPN allows you to connect to servers in locations where the platform is fully operational, enabling seamless access to all its features and functionalities.
Moreover, a VPN enhances security and privacy while using DraftKings. By encrypting your internet traffic and masking your IP address, a VPN ensures that your online activities remain private and protected from potential threats such as hackers or unauthorized surveillance.
Furthermore, using a VPN can also help mitigate the risk of account restrictions or bans imposed by DraftKings. By connecting through servers in different locations, users can avoid triggering suspicious activity flags that may arise from frequent access attempts from a single IP address.
In conclusion, incorporating a VPN into your DraftKings experience can significantly enhance accessibility, security, and privacy while ensuring uninterrupted enjoyment of the platform's offerings. Whether you're a seasoned player or a casual enthusiast, leveraging a VPN can open up a world of possibilities for maximizing your DraftKings experience.
DraftKings geo-restrictions
DraftKings is a popular online sports betting and daily fantasy sports platform that offers a wide range of sports events for users to wager on. However, one key aspect that users need to be aware of when using DraftKings is the issue of geo-restrictions.
Geo-restrictions are imposed by DraftKings in compliance with the regulations of the specific region or country where the user is located. These restrictions prevent users from accessing the platform if they are in a location where online sports betting or daily fantasy sports are not legal. This is important for DraftKings to ensure that they are operating within the boundaries set by local laws and regulations.
Due to the nature of online gambling laws varying greatly from one place to another, DraftKings enforces strict geo-restrictions to protect both the user and themselves from potential legal issues. Users attempting to access DraftKings from a restricted region may face issues such as being blocked from the site or being unable to deposit or withdraw funds.
To avoid any inconveniences related to geo-restrictions on DraftKings, users should always ensure they are accessing the site from a location where online sports betting and daily fantasy sports are legal. Additionally, users should familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions of DraftKings to understand the geo-restrictions in place and prevent any disruptions to their gaming experience.
In summary, understanding and adhering to DraftKings' geo-restrictions is crucial for a seamless and enjoyable online sports betting or daily fantasy sports experience. By being aware of these restrictions, users can ensure they are using the platform responsibly and in compliance with the law.
Using VPN on DraftKings platform
DraftKings is a popular platform for fantasy sports and online betting enthusiasts. For those looking to enhance their online experience on DraftKings and ensure their privacy and security, using a VPN can be a valuable tool.
A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, creates a secure connection to another network over the internet. By using a VPN on the DraftKings platform, users can protect their personal information, such as their location and IP address, from potential hackers or data thieves. This added layer of security can give users peace of mind when participating in online betting or fantasy sports.
Furthermore, using a VPN can also help users bypass geo-restrictions that may prevent them from accessing DraftKings in certain locations. By connecting to a VPN server in a different location, users can mask their actual location and access DraftKings as if they were in a different region where the platform is available.
It's important to note that while using a VPN on DraftKings can enhance privacy and security, users should always make sure to comply with the platform's terms and conditions. Some VPN services may be blocked by DraftKings, so users should choose a reliable and reputable VPN provider to avoid any issues.
In conclusion, using a VPN on the DraftKings platform can provide users with added security, privacy, and the ability to bypass geo-restrictions. By taking advantage of this technology, users can enjoy a more secure and seamless online experience while using DraftKings for fantasy sports and online betting.
IP masking for DraftKings
IP masking is a technique used by many online services, including DraftKings, to enhance user privacy and security. When you connect to the internet, your device is assigned a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address, which can be used to identify your location and potentially track your online activities. However, with IP masking, your actual IP address is hidden and replaced with a different one, creating a layer of anonymity.
For DraftKings users, IP masking offers several benefits. One of the key advantages is the ability to bypass geo-restrictions. By masking your IP address, you can access DraftKings from any location, even if the platform is not available in your country or region. This is particularly useful for users traveling abroad or living in areas where online gambling is restricted.
Moreover, IP masking can help protect your personal information and secure your online transactions. By hiding your IP address, you reduce the risk of cyber threats, such as hacking or identity theft. This is especially important when engaging in online gaming and financial transactions on platforms like DraftKings, where sensitive data is involved.
Overall, IP masking is a valuable tool for DraftKings users who prioritize privacy, security, and unrestricted access to the platform. By concealing your IP address, you can enjoy a safer and more anonymous online experience while participating in your favorite sports competitions and fantasy leagues.
DraftKings location spoofing
DraftKings location spoofing refers to the practice of manipulating one's geographical location in order to access the platform's services from regions where they may not be legally permitted. DraftKings is a popular online gaming platform that offers fantasy sports contests and sports betting in jurisdictions where it is licensed and regulated. However, due to varying laws and regulations across different regions, access to DraftKings may be restricted in certain areas.
Individuals may attempt to bypass these restrictions by using techniques such as virtual private networks (VPNs) or GPS spoofing apps to make it appear as though they are accessing the platform from an authorized location. By disguising their true location, users hope to gain access to DraftKings' offerings despite being physically located in a prohibited jurisdiction.
However, engaging in location spoofing to access DraftKings from a restricted area is against the platform's terms of service and can result in severe consequences. DraftKings employs sophisticated geolocation technology to detect and prevent users from accessing its services unlawfully. Those caught attempting to circumvent geographical restrictions may face penalties such as account suspension, forfeiture of funds, and permanent bans from the platform.
Furthermore, location spoofing poses risks not only to users but also to DraftKings' integrity and compliance with regulatory requirements. By knowingly allowing individuals to access its services from prohibited jurisdictions, DraftKings could face legal and regulatory repercussions, potentially jeopardizing its operations and reputation.
In conclusion, while some individuals may try to use location spoofing to access DraftKings from restricted areas, it is a violation of the platform's terms of service and can have serious consequences. Users should respect the laws and regulations governing online gaming in their respective regions and refrain from attempting to bypass geographical restrictions.
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travelbuddysindia · 11 months
Three Relaxing Things To Do In Alleppey, Kerala, In India
Located on the southern coast of the Arabian Sea in Kerala, India, Alleppey (additionally called Alappuzha) is slowly turning into the vacation spot of preference for tourists seeking out a few relaxation and rest in India. With a cool, clean weather year-spherical, Alleppey is effortlessly visited at any point of the 12 months. Located an hour from a main metropolis, Kochi, Alleppey is also related by using buses and trains to maximum small and principal towns in Southern India. Monsoon season influences this city for handiest two months of the year, permitting high season to reign for ten months - and it doesn’t disappoint. With kilometres of sandy seashores, a lovely ocean and interconnecting backwaters that weave themselves via the metropolis, there’s plenty to stay up for in Alleppey. Your Passage to Paradise Kerala trip package from Bangalore for Unforgettable Memories!
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1. Sail down the tranquil backwaters 
If the hustle and bustle of visiting in India has gotten to you, Alleppey’s laid-lower back attitude will entice you. Don’t be amazed to meet travellers who have visited this town, nicknamed The Venice Of The East, several instances in the last decade. Get chatting and also you’ll be extra than possibly to satisfy long-time period travellers who've decided on staying right here for a few months (or maybe a 12 months!) to write a book, get a wreck or participate in an artist residency. The easy mindset of Alleppey is epitomised by using its well-known backwaters. Tranquil waters which might be related as a ways as Kochi to the west and Varkala to the east, a journey down those backwaters is a have to! The costs variety from 200 INR (three USD) to 2000 INR (30 USD) depending for your mode of delivery (canoe, houseboat, luxurious boat) and whether or not you want a meal on board and in case you’re doing it best for an hour or , or the complete day. Hint: If you’re on a price range, flag down a central authority boat transporting locals and get the same experience for 10 INR (zero.15 USD).
2. Lay down on the beach to ease your issues away
The most famous aspect to do in Alleppey is to lie at the beach. With kilometres of untouched, serene, tender, sandy seaside looking ahead to you, throw down your towel. When the heat gets unbearable - among 12.00pm and four.00pm - disguise away at any of the numerous seashore-side restaurants on offer (India Coffee House is your cheapest and best wager in phrases of great). Most lodges are at the beach itself, giving vacationers their own private segment of the beach, but walk down a little further and revel in how the locals enjoy the seaside. From five.00pm onwards, locals flood this phase of the seaside and don’t be amazed if many households, particularly on the weekend, have a sundown picnic for dinner. It’s a stunning experience and with the metropolis corridor located right here, you’ll more regularly than no longer encounter a few sort of event - specifically on Sundays.
3. Get a taste of the vastly unique neighborhood existence
If you’re staying by way of the seaside in Alleppey, there’s now not a variety of hobby round you. To get a few exhilaration or to see how the locals in town stay, take a rickshaw for 50 INR (zero.Seventy five USD) some kilometres into metropolis. Explore the several streets that criss-go over the canals. Eat a few banana chips, enjoy a local meal and if the site visitors and energy remind you an excessive amount of of mainland India, make your manner back down to the seaside. But, before you do, flip off onto the dual carriageway to Kochi and discover the surrounding villages. It’s recommended to lease a scooter for four hundred INR (6 USD) and explore similarly villages. Understand the nearby subculture better, see how the fishermen work on land, revel in a local Keralite meal, which especially contains of fish curry, and get absorbed with the aid of the villagers’ day by day existence. It’s quite not like the relaxation of India. Kerala Adventure Awaits Let Our Kerala tour from Bangalore Create Your Perfect Getaway!
Alleppey is secure, amusing and relaxing for all visitors
Alleppey is renowned for its protection. Ask the locals or different foreigners and that they’ll let you know the same aspect. One can experience comfortable taking walks around at night time and with the severa bonfires and traveller parties that appear on the seashore, you could experience safe right here 24/7. Alleppey may not be the most exciting region in India, but it has one of the quietest and high-quality beaches you may believe. Combine that with the pleasant, hospitable humans and you’ll see why many foreigners stay here lengthy-term or hold coming back.
Suggest Read:
Explore Kochi via the eyes of a foreigner
How to plan your Kerala backwaters tour
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eric-raleigh · 5 years
Requested by @energiefeminine
I promise I’ll proof this later for errors, but it’s waaaaaaay past my bedtime. I wanted to get this done.
“What are you wearing right now?”
Eric felt his cheeks erupt into flames, and he knew he was blushing straight to his equally red hairline. “You did not just ask me what I’m wearing…”
Aaron huffed a laugh on the other end of the phone before continuing on in a smarmy tone. “I bet I can guess.”
“Oh? You think so?” Eric smirked, a playful challenge in his words.
“I do. I bet you’re in bed in those cute polar bear pj bottoms and one of my t-shirts. Sandy snuggled up next to you, the TV on mute.”
There was a hesitation on Eric’s end of the line before his eyes darted around the corners of the room. “What...did you install cameras in here or something?”
This time a full-bellied laugh erupted from Aaron, and Eric could hear the smug smirk on his partner’s face. “Nope, I just know you that well.” There was a small pause before Aaron spoke again, tender adoration in his voice. “What shirt are you wearing?”
“You seem to be omniscient all of a sudden,” Eric returned with feigned impudence. “Why don’t you tell me?”
“I’d rather take it off of you instead.”
Again, Aaron’s voice dipped into a sultry quality, and Eric blushed again. “Someone’s feeling feisty”
“I’ve been stuck with my parents for two weeks,” Aaron complained. “I miss you, and I’m lonely.”
He’d gone to help his mother out with cooking and taking care of the house after his father had fallen down a set of stairs and broken his leg. “I miss you too, babe.”
“Come on,” Aaron cajoled gently. “Tell me what you’d do with me if I was there.”
Eric sighed softly, but couldn’t help but smile, and unable to resist teasing, “You mean other than make you rub my feet?”
Aaron chuckled softly, but didn’t rise to the bait.  Eric sank back against the pillow, nudging Aaron’s dog until the mutt got annoyed enough to jump off the bed and find a less irritating place to sleep. His fingertips rolled the drawstring of his pajama pants idly as he let his mind envision that Aaron was there.
“I’d curl up against you while we watch TV. Let my fingers drag up and down your forearm like you like. Then I’d start to nuzzle your neck, kiss along your jaw until you either kissed me back or I made you kiss me. I’d move into your lap, straddle you and pin your hands back against the headboard and attack that little spot behind your ear that drives you wild.”
Aaron exhaled a soft, sensual puff of air, and Eric could tell the man was imagining the scene...and probably touching himself. The thought was arousing and Eric slid his hand into the elastic waistband of his pj pants, skimming his abdomen before palming himself.
“I’d feel you getting hard...grind against you a little...Make you beg me to suck your cock.”
“Er…” Aaron breathed, lost in pleasure.
Eric’s lip corners turned up into a smirk and he held the phone with his shoulder as he pushed his bottoms down with is other hand. “You like that, baby? You like when I suck your cock?”
“God yes,” Eric could hear Aaron breathing heavily into the receiver. “Your mouth is always so warm...so wet. You take me so deep I feel like I’m gonna cum in the first five seconds. I even love when you accidentally scrape me with your teeth.”
A scoff forced its way out of Eric, and he rolled his eyes automatically. He hated his bottom teeth; the incisors had always been crooked, two of them slanting at a slight angle and crowding out the third so that it was pushed back out of alignment. These were the teeth that usually ended up scraping the underside of Aaron’s cock if he got a little too overzealous, and Eric was always mortified when it happened.
“I do,” Aaron asserted, knowing exactly what the scoff was about.
“You’re the only one who does…”
There was a stunted laugh on the other end of the line before Aaron quipped, “You have other boyfriends I don’t know about?”
“Yes,” Eric deadpanned. “They’re all over here right now. We were in the middle of a massive P&P party when you called.”
“Why am I never invited?”
Eric could hear the smile his lover was wearing in that moment, and smiled in return. “Blame your dad for breaking his leg, you could have been here with a mountain of cocaine and ecstasy and god knows what else.”  Neither of them had ever done any hardcore drugs--a little experimenting with pot in college, but nothing illicit. The sheer idea of being involved in that scene was ludicrous in Eric’s mind.
Aaron was chuckling again, an easy, lighthearted rumble that pulled at Eric’s loins. He loved whenever they bantered like this. Sinking down against the pillow, Eric’s hand started to move on himself again.  
“So what would you do while I’m sucking you off?”
There was a low, sultry hum as Aaron fell back into the mood. “Watch you take every inch of me, run my fingers through your hair...pull it a little bit.  Let you bring me close to the edge, but stop you before I cum.”
Eric licked his lips unconsciously.
“Then I’d make you get on all fours,” Aaron was starting to pant slightly again. “Eat you until we didn’t even need lube--” That never came to fruition, they would always, always use lube no matter how slick either of them were, but it was a sexy thought nonetheless. “Tease you with just the tip before I slowly burying deep inside of you.”
“Yes…” Eric was the breathless one now, his hand stroking as he gobbled up the images being fed to him.
“I love being inside of you, love the way you feel on my cock,” Aaron confessed, a soft moan leaving his lips.
“I love you being inside of me. Love the way you grip my hip with one hand and my shoulder with the other.”
“Fuck...yes,” Aaron swore, puffing out several heavy breaths.
Eric stroked faster, trying to match Aaron’s pace despite the fact that he wasn’t sure how fast Aaron was working himself. However, he’d grown accustomed to the sounds the man made during sex and felt he had a pretty good idea.
“I love it when you pound into me, the sound of our bodies slapping together…”
“Yeah? You like it a little rough?”
Eric blushed softly, “I like it when you smack my ass.”
Aaron moaned in response, several more heavy breaths Eric’s only response.
“How close are you?”
“Very. You?”
Just the idea of Aaron getting off to this conversation ratcheted up Eric’s arousal level, pushing him closer to climax. He knew he’d peak as soon as he heard Aaron cum. “Almost there.”
“I wish you were here with me, riding my cock…”
The image of fucking in Aaron’s parents’ guest room was somewhat enticing. His parents still hadn’t completely accepted he was gay, insistent that this was a phase and he just needed to meet the right girl. It would feel almost like karma to bring Aaron to climax in that house. Some kind of justice or retribution for all the shit they had put Aaron through over the course of his life. Eric would make sure to be loud as hell just out of spite.
“I wish I could feel you cum inside of me.”
“God...fuck...yes, Er,” Aaron spoke through gritted teeth. “I’m so fucking close. I’m gonna cum…”
“Cum for me, Aaron.”
There was a muffled sob that sounded far away and the sound of rustling.  Eric could imagine that Aaron had dropped the phone to bite into his hand in order to keep from crying out as he came, and the mental picture of his lover in the throes of an intense orgasm, sent him careening into his own release.
It took several moments after the last wave of his orgasm passed for Eric to slow his breathing back to a normal rate. His lips were dry from panting, and he licked them as he reached for a couple of tissues on the nightstand. “That was a first…”
“Yeah, but a good one,” Aaron still sounded breathless, but Eric could hear the lazy, sated smile painted on his lips.
“A very good one.”
“I love you so much.”
The words always managed to make Eric’s heart flip in his chest. He bit his lip as his face cracked with a wide, happy grin. “You know... I always had a hunch.”
Aaron laughed softly.
“I love you, too,” Eric followed up sincerely.  “Come home soon. I miss you.”
“Soon as I can and not a minute later,” Aaron promised. “I’ll talk to you later, babe.”
“Goodnight, Aar.”
“Goodnight, Er.”
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mitigatedchaos · 3 years
Network Rot
Why you should never use a microwave?
Microwaves make your food radioactive and release harmful radiation, which raises your risk of cancer. Microwaves destroy the nutrients in your food, increasing your risk of nutrient deficiencies. Microwaves cause plastic containers to release harmful chemicals into your food.
Can microwaves explode?
Yes, microwave ovens can explode. If microwave ovens have faulty wiring or are misused, they can emit smoke, catch fire or explode.   Certain foods like grapes, water, and whole eggs can also trigger fires in ovens. Let’s now take a detailed look at microwave oven explosions.
Is it bad to microwave vegetables?
But the truth is that cooking in microwaves is not only perfectly safe, it is one of the best ways to cook vegetables to preserve their nutrients. When it comes to cooking vegetables, exposure to heat causes the breakdown of some nutrients, such as vitamin C.  The microwave does both.
Article found on DuckDuckGo, while searching for information on whether it’s safe to microwave tater tots.  (Yeah, yeah I know you’re supposed to use an oven, but I don’t know how long the temperature needs to remain at whatever amount to kill bacteria, etc, and I don’t want to wait 30 minutes.)  The blog itself has nice design presentation, but it’s unclear just what’s going on here.
The ‘about me’ page sounds human enough, but for the post itself, it’s unclear whether it was written by a human, or whether the site in general was put together by SEO algorithms.  The other sites are pretty much all like this too, with the exception of a blog post from 2010 about (from skimming...) someone accidentally putting a plastic bin in the oven.
Which of course means,
You can’t trust the blog post, since there’s probably no human behind it, and the information may have been automatically copied without any heed to whether it’s correct, or the context.
You can’t trust the answers on quick answer websites, since a human may have copied them from a robot blog post.
There have been a lot of questions about how older styles of information institutions can survive in the information age.  During the 00′s, the wide availability of reasonably reliable information through general search made it seem like they were becoming obsolete.
But it seems that automated spam may bring back pre-y2k information norms. 
There’s a lot I could say about the ecology of it, and blah blah blah, but...
There’s a chance for the older knowledge-making institutions to restore their place, if they can stand to avoid being partisan hacks.
In order for the decentralized model to compete as a way of society to acquire knowledge, it’s going to need a decentralized, network-based way of flagging what is and isn’t a bot/spam.  Basically, a social network whitelist approach - e.g. I trust shieldfoss on what isn’t spam, then trust the people he trusts, and so on, and set a search depth on how many links out that goes.  (This has issues with potential isolation and groupthink.  *I* would trust zexreborn about what isn’t spam even though I disagree with most of his takes, but others might not make that distinction.)
It could be worth it to establish a search engine that websites pay a small annual fee to be listed on, if only to be able to hire a human being to check if they’re legit or not.  Reports could then be in the form of wagers, where the reporter gets money if they’re deemed correct that a site is a bot, and loses money if it’s deemed they were wrong about that.
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messengerhermes · 2 years
"For the record, if you've ever done anything for attention, this poem is attention, title it with your name." --Andrea Gibson
Look, if you confide in someone that you're lonely, or feeling isolated and struggling with that, and they later on accuse you of being needy, of using people for attention (especially if you're spending time with people they don't like)---there's a flag there and I'd wager it's red. Relationships--romantic, platonic, familial, sexual--are all two way streets. You are not somehow bamboozling a friend, family member, lover or partner, if part of the reason you spend time with them is their attention and interest in your life feels good! That's supposed to happen. Spending time with a loved one should feel good and fill up your cup just as you fill theirs. Relationships should be built on mutual care and affection, not just one person pouring endlessly into the other with no reciprocation. I confess, this urging is quite personal at the moment, because I'm realizing someone I trusted and cared for deeply has been doing an odd thing of criticizing some of the people I love for not showing up for me enough, while also questioning me about whether I have tricked myself into loving other people because I like that they give me attention. They've pushed me that I need to stop being disappointed when my creative work doesn't get feedback from people, both loved ones and strangers, because I need to create for the sake of creating. (Which is not terrible advice, but also humans don't exist in a vacuum, and having the validation of "oh someone on the other end is actually enjoying this," does a lot for the creative spirit.) This has fed my brain gremlins in ways that make me doubt myself and feel ashamed for being hungry for attention. It's left me, in some ways, more lonely than I was months ago. I've struggled to write, to paint, to create, to call friends, to confess my feelings to people over the last year because part of me does all those things for attention. And if I was doing those things for the attention of others, then I must be insecure. There's a difference between wanting your efforts and existence to be acknowledged and loved and being insecure. I think we've slid so far into the space of "love and value yourself! Self confidence! Don't hold onto rejection, don't wait for other people to affirm you, affirm yourself" that we've shifted away from the value of having a strong sense of self into an unattainable standard of hyper-independence. Or maybe I'm projecting my personal journey onto a larger cultural pattern I see in the United States that seems to be a way to drive us away from community care and collectivism and sell us a bunch of wellness industry trash. Anyway. If you express being lonely, that your needs for attention aren't being met by people in zyour life, and you're told that's a you problem and you need to change your relationships with others, then get a "no, not like that" when you do go out and find people who love and give you attention in ways you like--be wary of the people who blame you for your loneliness then criticize you for finding good company.
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genuineformality · 3 years
Febuwhump Day 17: Self-Inflicted Wound
Six of Crows, Kaz Brekker, CN: self-harm disguised as crime
Kaz leaves Big Bolliger to watch his captured Grisha while he stalks out of the warehouse to head back to the Slat. This is a stupid move; his Wraith is in the wind and while he trusts Bolliger about as far as he can throw him, having that muscle at his back would not go amiss. His left ear is still ringing ever so slightly from the last time a rival gang tried to take him out.
Kaz is not in the mood to be smart.
There’s a cafe in the Financial District that transitions in the late afternoon to a bar for well-heeled young merchers to compare the virtues of their deals. It’s a good place to learn a great deal about trade from people who are too young and too tipsy to keep their secrets, or their wallets.
Having decided on a direction, he quickens his pace, even though his leg aches and he will definitely regret this in the morning.
He lifts a wallet from a lost tourist who was holding a map of Ketterdam upside down. He does the deed while helping the tourist reorient themselves, and once he’s a block away, he removes half the kruge and drops the wallet in the street. It will either be a gift to a canal rat or perhaps the tourist will find it again.
At the canal, he flags an idle gondel, pays his way with the tourist’s kruge. When he is closer to the Financial District, he climbs out while his leg registers a strongly worded complaint, starting in his toes and shooting up through his hip.
He snarls at the gondelier who tries to grasp his elbow to help him out.
The Financial District is busy at this time of the afternoon, with younger merchers pouring out of their counting houses. Kaz looks like one of them, or would were it not for the blood on his collar. One, more observant than the rest, recoils when he sees Kaz’s bloodied shirt and frown. The rest don’t seem to notice one more slender young man wearing their uniform, so long as it’s well tailored. When he lifts one of their wallets, he doesn’t leave half the kruge.
He enters the cafe-come-bar, finds a table, orders a better class of kvas than his own club usually serves. And then he waits and while he waits, he watches.
It doesn’t take long before a mercher takes a seat at his table before realizing his mistake, Kaz’s lean frame so identical to the rest, he could be mistaken for any of them from behind. The young man blushes, stammers, but Kaz drains his drink and thunks the glass on his table loud enough that the young man jumps.
“Not at all,” Kaz says, his rough voice schooled to smoothness, mimicking the educated tones of Ketterdam’s elite. “Care to make a wager?”
This is an old con, an easy one. He chooses someone in the room, makes a wager about whether they’ll lean left or right, or lean forward or back - it doesn’t matter what, something silly, nonsensical, impossible to know. Except that Kaz does know, he’s been watching them move, watching how they carry themselves. He knows, for example, that the mercher with Kaelish-red hair leaning against the bar favors his left side.
Because the wager is so silly, so nonsensical, and for so little money, the pigeon agrees and it doesn’t matter if Kaz wins or loses - and in fact, it’s preferable if he loses the first one. He makes another wager and another, until he has all of the pigeon’s money and the pigeon has no one but himself to blame.
So it goes; before long, the game is done and Kaz’s wallet is gratifyingly full, which brings him to the next part of the game: the one where the pigeon is self-righteously angry and swings on Kaz.
And that, as Kaz gets punched inexpertly in the jaw and his twin needs for touch and pain are satisfied, the first only manageable when paired with the second, is exactly what he is here for.
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solheira · 4 years
@travmsoldat​  // original
“A little one? No, no, of course it must be an even number. A pack of eight sounds like a fair deal to me, yes! Splendid,” he says, not at all picking up on Rapunzel’s stress. King Hubert is a good man, but goodness and insight are two very different things.
And just to rub salt on so fresh a wound, he waves the Lord Erluin and his wife over. They approach, sporting smiles that are hard to place on whether or not they were actually genuine.
“Your Majesty and… the Princess Rapunzel, is it? How nice of you to pay us a visit during such a happy tradition of ours. Your first volksfest with us I take it!”
“My dear, of course it must not be,” chimes Maria. “Her Highness does come by so very often, why, this must be her third—fourth! Perhaps fifth?”
“Friends already! Couldn’t have asked for a more marvelous turn of events. Now why don’t the lot of you make nice and I go off and search for some scrap of food—Haven’t eaten all day you know—”
Any proper Carolingian royal might have begun brandishing their titles now in a demand for respect, civility and subjugation. But not Phillip! Never Phillip. That whole speech would’ve certainly saved him from several thousand fights and scars, but maybe that’s why he’s never been for that type of thing, anyway. He did always love a good scrap.
Amused rather than annoyed, he blinks slow and softly, with an accommodating, quiet smile to match. His fingers recoil to rest once again on his heart.
“Where you are from, yes,” he says, and judging by a dialect he is now very well acquainted with, he can tell just where exactly that is. “Tell me, do you often visit foreign places to parade about the better practices of your country?” He pauses to let that idea slowly sear. “If that’s the case, might I suggest that travel might not be the hobby for you?”
His brows raise and he bites the inside of cheek. What is she prattling on about anyway? Didn’t he simply collide with a person and offer a kindness to make up for it? This stranger is just one shoulder tap away from insinuating that he implore her to sew a scarlet A upon her chest.
“Now let me assure you, my wife and I are confident enough in our bond that our merest interactions with the opposite sex doesn’t, in fact, send us spiraling into the depths of despair and jealousy. Where I come from,” he looks to all the frolic surrounding them, “we extend kindnesses and offers of friendship to more than the person whose ring matches ours. And not everything, yes even something as severe and full-of-stress as a dance, revolves around the pillar upon which that person stands. Awfully strange, I know.”
Eight? EIGHT? She must have heard that wrong. How could she raise eight kids and run a whole kingdom and empire? Just one sounded like a handful and if this child were to carry both her blood and Phillip’s she was sure whoever it was would be a beautiful, amazing, spectacular, handful. Even as adults the parents were troublesome. Imagine a tiny little tot with curly auburn locks and sun-kissed freckles possessing their father’s foolhardiness and her irrepressible tendencies. Now imagine EIGHT.
A hand comes to her chest and clutches the pretty gold necklace she’s worn since her first trip to this kingdom. The future is a long ways away. Just get through this announcement. Smile. Be nice. Don’t make yourself a target. Remember what they told you.
“Actually your husband won that wager. It is my first but I’m sure it won’t be my last.” The curl of her lip is forced but she knows that these two would never be able to tell the difference. There is a moment somewhere in between where the awkward pause stretches for them to respectfully send-off King Hubert and she half expects them to leave then too. When they don’t, her smile falters just a tad.
“Umm,” it takes her just a little time to recover her usual demeanor. She’s looking at this all wrong. This is be the perfect time to win a few people over to her side. The more people who look at her favorably, the easier this new stage in her life will be. “I heard that His Highness Prince Phillip had a hand in your marriage? He must have seen how lovely you two are together and instinctively knew you were meant for one another. Such strong instincts are a blessing for any future king to have, wouldn’t you agree?”
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“It is awwwwfully strange.” She responds with a gumption only available to those who had been handed back their words but still believes the sky was green. It could just be that her thoughts on marriage had forever been ruined by her own experience or that she truly has become just like her mother in her later years as she had always feared. “From my experiences in my travels I’ve always been bombarded with rules for this and that. Kindness and friendship are fine to give and take so long as that is the only thing given and taken.”
She holds her unsteady ground and looks around at the jolly crowd. She had loved crowds before. The mingling smells of perfume and cologne and sounds of heavy skirts sweeping the dance floor became some of her fondest memories. A boy too, with deep hooded eyes and a smile so sad it never failed to make her heart skip. He had made the crowds worth navigating then and the music worth dancing to. Her brow wrinkles once more but this time it is not the prince’s actions that had been the cause but her own reminiscing. She hadn’t thought of her almost lover in so many years and yet she feels his presence everywhere now.
“I knew a man once that would disagree, perhaps his views on love have rubbed off on me more than I could ever dare to admit,” she holds one finger up in pause, “Nuhuh! I’ve not admit nothing to you. Let’s just part ways here. I think I saw flag colors I recognize and wish to be around something more familiar.”
Another twist of her heel and yet another pause still, “May your marriage be filled with the blessings of sun, your highness. Good day.” With that, she disappeared into the crowd.
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lustandlordsrp · 3 years
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The Frost Fair  //  January 18, 1811
Somehow overnight, the Thames has erected a City on Ice. The Frost Fair is a bacchanal with the primary objective to have as much fun (boozy and not) as possible without breaking the ice. Within hours of dawn, the Thames is transformed into a frozen pleasure gardens and thousands pay the entry fee for a slice of the hedonism. Colourful streamer, banners, and flags adorn makeshift tents, stalls made of old oars and wood, and even stalls made from old blankets. 
Carriages carry families down the icy river to park steps away from the bustling crowds. From these coaches, ladies and gents jump down in their ice skates, prepared to explore fair by blade. Women walk around with baskets of hot apples covered by a cloth to warm their hands and heads. Donned in warm cloaks and leather boots, you cross the wooden ramp built connecting street to river. You step gingerly onto the ice. It is a wonder that an entire festival take place safely on ice, but the ice is matted down for walking. With the thought of slipping and falling swept from your mind, you turn your eyes to take in the numerous vendors and tents before you. 
What will you do at the Frost Fair?
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Miss Fortune
Her reputation precedes her: Kezia Bidari, the famed fortune teller. They say, what she sees in the cards will always come true. Far and wide, common folk, nobles, and even royalty have flocked to her store in London, La Fortuna Sanctorium, in the hopes that she may provide certainty in their futures. Endorsed by the King and Queen many years ago, there is not a more renowned and successful cartomancer, nor female entrepeneur in the Ton. You hear whispers that she is offering readings at the Frost Fair.
Only those with burning questions, haunting unknowns, and desperate hopes will find themselves taking a seat before her, baring their souls and futures to the mysterious woman before them.
What future awaits you in the cards?
(Look forward to a secondary post for instructions on how to get your muse’s fortune read and how to interact with Miss Kezia Bidari!)
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Celebratory Printing Press
Trust the media of London to take any sensational event and capture it in ink and paper. The rare occurrence of a frozen Thames is no exception, and numerous printers have moved their set ups to the river to capitalize on the enthusiasm and excitement. Each is offering their own pressings, from souvenir cards to memorabilia broadsheets. Some can make personalized printings with the purchaser's name, and one enterprising press has even produced a pamphlet with a history of the Frost Fairs!
Food Stalls and Gingerbread Carts
The highlight of the Fair is the roast ox. Cooked for over 24 hours on a fire, fairgoers line up for their share of the succulent and tender delicacy. Families of butchers that span generations compete with one another to serve the best roast mutton, mince pies, jugged hare, black pudding, and sausages. Spiced apples can be found at every corner, along with mugs of mulled cider. To appeal to the sweet-tooths, plum cakes, brandy balls, spiced buns, and pancakes abound. For the chance to eat like the common folk, fishermen have lines and lines of oysters to be eaten raw, smoked, or roasted in front of you. Most notably, strolling vendors sell squares of fresh gingerbread, spread with hot dripping treacle. 
Drink Stalls and Fuddling Tents
Tea, coffee and hot chocolate of all sorts and flavours imaginable are sold at tents and carts alike. But it is alcohol at the Frost Fair that reigns supreme. Gingerbread vendors, along with baked goods, sell cup after cup of gin. Youngsters head straight for the fuddling tents that sells Old Tom, a deceptively ardent and potent gin despite its light and sweet taste. 
The fuddling tents, temporary pubs crafted from sails, oars, and barrels, are erected throughout the fairgrounds, and are undoubtedly the most boisterous and raucous spots. Perhaps you would like a mug of Purl; a combination of gin, spices and wormwood wine served piping hot, or perhaps a spiky Brunswick Mum for those who prefer spiced winter ale, or just the finest brandy. The most popular fuddling tent, the City of Moscow tent, attracts all with its Russian fiddlers and rowdy ambience.
Trinket Shops
Tradesmen from all over the world and of all types set up booths to sell their wares. Pedlars circulate through the crowd. Everything from books to toys to sheet music, all of which bear the label, “bought on the Thames”, can be found in every direction. Cups and cutlery with the Thames printed on it are particularly popular. For upscale shopping, one row of vendors sell rare jewelry, toys and upscale trinkets.
Fair Games
Ring toss, spin the wheel, darts, shooting; all sorts of amusing games have been set up. Whether any of them are fair is a debate for another time. Yet isn’t there something thrilling about spending a shilling for the hope of a prize, even if the more logical minded know the odds (and those boxes) are stacked against you?
Puppet Shows
Portable puppet shows pop up throughout the fairgrounds. Many of the shows cater to adults,  showing parodies and satires of mature and comedic topics, including politics to current events. Punch and Judy puppet shows are all the rage and never fail to provoke shocked laughter from its slapstick humour.
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Elephant Demonstration on the Ice
In the distance, shouts of excitement riddle the area. An elephant, majestic in a draped banner, is led across the ice by Blackfriars Bridge into a showing area. Once there, those brave enough may approach the enormous creature (for a fee) and even feed it fruits and bark. 
Ice Skating and Sleigh Rides on the Ice
The obvious winter entertainments are not excluded from the festivities. Metal blades are available for rent, to zip along the ice, though whether it is a more stable or secure method of travel than boots depends on the skater. Ice rinks have been constructed and blocked off for the sport. Sleighs pulled by horses, or perhaps a rowdy group of gentlemen, stand by for farther adventures up the river. All need to be wary of the watermen keeping an eye on the thickness of the ice.
Theatrical Displays
Small stages are interspersed throughout the other attractions, actors braving the cold to give the performances of their life—or at least of the day, before they return to Drury Lane for the evening performances. Scenes, monologues, excerpts from the plays of the moment, put on for free to try and tempt viewers into purchasing full tickets.
9-Pin Bowling
Set up the pins, line up your shot, and try to remember that ice will affect your throw! Is it the attention of a pretty lady on the line, or pride and honor that has been wagered? Your aim may be truer if you haven’t been indulging in some Old Tom.
@silcntpoetics @henrie-latymer @ambrosestclair @eiraeth @isabella-aldwyn @lady-ralston @stedfastasthou @rvlston @benjaminayles @peeress @theiison @sir-michaelhunter​ @sebastian-mckenzie​
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sweatykoalaalpaca · 3 years
How Much Money Will I Earn Through Adsense
How Much Money Will I Earn Through Adsense In case you're taking a gander at Google's AdSense program you're without a doubt asking
 yourself the amount you could make from such a program, and you likely figure you can't make however much you can from customary promoting plans. 
Google, obviously, keeps a lot of mystery with respect to the amount AdWords sponsors pay per each snap coordinated to their webpage and the equivalent applies for the amount AdSense flag holders make from their sites. 
While there's not much, reports flow around the Internet concerning the measure of money a site can procure by utilizing AdSense. Also, numerous individuals (unlawfully) uncover the amount they have been making with AdSense. There are accounts of individuals raising more than 1,000 dollars each month utilizing AdSense. 
There are likewise accounts of individuals surpassing $100,000.00 each month however it's somewhat difficult to accept such stories. Reality to the matter is that on the off chance that you have a little site and you simply need it to help itself, and don't wish to arrive at your pocket for its upkeep costs you can likely do this with AdSense. 
AdSense is likewise excellent for individuals who have a great deal of pages. Regardless of whether the said pages don't create a great deal of traffic exclusively, every snap checks and you can bring in up with a ton of cash by doing this. Furthermore, that simply goes to demonstrate that occasionally amount matters almost as much as quality. 
Who knows how much cash you will make by utilizing Google's AdSense yet you can kind of tell for yourself, before really beginning, by mulling over a couple of things. 
To begin with, is the measure of visits you get each day. While it is highly unlikely to assess unequivocally on this, you can for the most part make a protected supposition that on the off chance that you have a great deal of snaps each day you'll take in substantial income. 
Likewise, this relies upon what is the issue here. On the off chance that your site is tied in with anything mainstream (music, sex, whatever) you will undoubtedly get a ton of pennant clicks. These have a coefficient related with them, called the CTR (navigate proportion). 
Essentially, what it means is that if a huge extent of your site's guests click the advertisements you'll get more cash-flow. What's more, the most ideal approach to do this is to have some famous substance in your site, guaranteeing the connections direct clients towards mainstream things too. 
At that point obviously, there's the position and number of promotions on your site. While you would prefer not to try too hard, having numerous connections will without a doubt produce more pay for you as a website admin. Don't anyway accept, that in the event that you simply add a ton of promotions in a significant segment of your site, guests could generally skip them (and be guaranteed that many do precisely that). 
There's something between a craftsmanship and a science to situating your promotions. Individuals for the most part look in specific spots and never look in others, and realizing this a site creator and additionally website admin can do a lot of things to expand his profit with AdSense. 
All things considered, the measure of cash you make with AdSense relies upon numerous variables. In any case, on the off chance that you have a site with fascinating substance or potentially numerous pages, and in the event that you see a continually huge measure of traffic each day, you can wager you'll rake in some serious cash with AdSense. 
Regardless of whether you're not in the above classes, AdSense is as yet worth utilizing in light of the fact that there's almost no problem in setting it up, and commonly it can help monetarily support the site, while being a pleasant reward to overcome the post toward the month's end.
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Jealous (ITA Special)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 2 Bonus Episode
Warnings: none.
Word Count: Jealous Loki was requested by anon. I don’t know who you are but let me tell you this. I practically wrote this with all my senses closed. Tight. Shut. Just wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote and still kept writing even after I felt I was pretty tired. Don’t know what came over me. It just came out and spread all over here by the mere thought of not writing
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The halls tonight were barely lit but Loki could see why there wasn't much need for the lights in here. The people present in Tony Stark's gala were enough to set the entire estate ablaze. No. Wait. Scratch that. Tony Stark alone was enough to set the Avenger's facility ablaze. The rest of the crowd? The rest of the crowd was just a bonus, adding twinkle effects to the star that was grabbing everyone's attention.
But as it went without saying, Loki himself was grabbing a lot of eyeballs, stares following the man who was looking dapper as the most delicious sin that ever walked in a human form on earth. Both men and women could not keep their eyes off this perfection surpassing Greek Gods- the ones that were supposed to be the epitome of perfection. A lady was even heard cursing 'oh fuck me' out loud as he passed her with a knowing smirk on his face, clearly making her suffer breathlessness for the next few minutes.
The music was quite well for his taste. Loki had to admit, if anyone knew how to party, it was Stark. No one made the best of entertainment like this man.
"Oh come on!" He heard a familiar voice gasp in his direction from the bar. "You really don't want me to win any bet against you, do you?"
Loki watched Scott reflect despair on his face as he gestured at the God with utter disappointment. "You were supposed to put in minimal effort, man. Do you understand what minimal even means? Standing there looking all hot and sexy. Making straight men and lesbians question their sexuality!"
Javier stood next to Scott, taking Loki's entirety frame by frame from head to toe with his camera. Peter, who was watching all of this unfold while eating deconstructed spring rolls, leaned in to whisper to Javier to 'keep today's recording in a safe. You have no idea how much some people would pay just to watch him in a suit.'
"I just put the first thing I got my hands on, Scott," Loki stated, leaning over the bar and gesturing the bartender for a drink that neither Scott nor Peter understood, "not my fault if I am devilishly handsome by default."
"Yeah well the devil's not helping right now when I have placed my bet against you."
Loki smirked his smirk, making the guy behind the bar nearly tip the glass off the edge before hurriedly stopping it from falling. Peter looked into Javier's camera to mouth 'wow' before turning back to Loki and Scott.
"How nice of you to show so much confidence in Y/N, Scott."
Scott jumped at Natasha's voice coming from right behind him, turning to find the assassin dressed in a red gown that hugged her curves with the will of a fish trying to survive on land in a small pond. She herself was catching quite the looks- making a lot of ladies wonder whether what they were feeling was envy or just pure excitement between their legs.
"Of course, Scott," Loki added to Nat's sarcastic statement earlier, taking a sip of whatever mysterious sweet intoxication he had ordered, "give Y/N some credit to wager she could look better than this."
"Okay," Nat interrupted him with narrowed eyes, "you better stop being so smug, Loki, and start thinking about what would happen she kicked your ass."
"Really?" Loki and Scott asked in unison. The latter got Nat's elbow in his gut.
"She's much more powerful than you think, Gourdy," Nat divulged, "you really should give the credit where it's due."
Loki found himself chuckling before his tongue darted out to wet his lips. "You really think the woman who was literally dragged out by you and Wanda to go get herself a dress for this ball will actually take the time and effort to look better than a God? It's good to dream, Natasha but only to a limit."
The green eyes looking at Loki did not stir for a single second while multiple gasps came out from the guys surrounding Loki. "See?" he whispered close to Nat, "even these men agree."
Now it was Nat's turn to smirk and tilt her head, her eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and sympathy. She stepped closer to Loki, taking his tie in her fingers and straightening it. "They are not gasping in awe of you, Loki," she whispered slowly, giving the God time to register every syllable, "they are gasping at the audacity of me winning a bet. Once again." She finished him with a wink before letting her eyes go behind him.
Loki, confused and egotistically pinched, turned around to find how exactly Nat won the be-
Oh. Oh!
You stood on the stairs, a sight fit for Valhalla. No. You were too majestic even for Valhalla. The green flowing over your body like a green stream finding its way down your body to fall with the most sophisticated rush. The straps holding your dress went to the back to twirl around a golden ring and come back down by the waist, leaving your back bare. Your hair was loose unlike the rest of the time, framing your face in light and shadow that was catching more than just Loki's heart. On one side, next to your chest were two green stones cut to perfection, glittering with the dim lights and catching everyone that even had you in your field of vision.
Loki stopped short of breathing, letting the beats from Alina Baraz's Pretty Thoughts fill every sensation he felt in those next few moments.
You stepped down the stairs, letting the slit in the dress expose your legs to the light that felt like it existed just so it could shine on them. Your grace when you pulled a strand of your hair behind your ear, exposing the golden earring twisting and dangling down your ears, wanting to touch your shoulders but being denied the pleasure of doing so. Your movement, as you swung your hips when you walked- a sight that was making so many souls stir at the sight in front of them. Too much heat. Somebody crank up the AC!
Someone out there responsible for the tunes seemed to sense the change in the surroundings by your mere presence, turning to the much more sedated and bass-filled version of Can't Take My Eyes Off You, giving the curious eyes a tune to feel their emotions.
Loki, once leaning ever so casually over the bar suddenly had to unconsciously feel the weight on his legs when he watched the smile on your lips painted nude- a shade of transparency- while your eyes glimmered with a playful smoke- a hue of everything that is delightfully shameful. But that was not what hit his heart through his eyes. It was you being stopped short by a man unknown, taking your hand and giving it a light kiss before making you laugh.
Loki felt something inside him twitch. To add to that, every pair of eyes standing next to him- along with that camera- turned to watch him like a bundle of curious hawks.
"Who's that?" Loki tried to sound casual while he took a good swig of his drink.
Nat looked at the man his eyes were pointing to- the one who was bringing you to tears from all the laughing fits he was giving you- and quite reluctantly let her lips leave the straw she was drinking from to speak. "Oh! That's Rhodey's nephew, Matt. He's a wildlife specialist. He removed a species of whales from the endangered list."
Loki, Scott and Peter turned to look at Nat with furrowed brows. Nat raised her fingers before she could hear their thoughts. "No! He did not kill them!"
They could see Matt bringing his hand forward for you as a sign of some formal request.
"Do you think he's asking her for a dance?" Scott whispered over Loki's shoulder.
You were already giving your hand in his, allowing him to walk you to the centre of the room where other couples were dancing.
"Oh my God, they are dancing!" Scott whispered again, catalysing this uneasy feeling rising in Loki's nerves. "Oh my God his hand is on her waist. Oh my God, it's going over her back. Her bare back! Oh m-"
"I can see that, Scott," Loki broke, "I can see all of it, thank you very much."
Scott raised his hands like a white flag, taking a step back as Loki turned around to watch you while the former turned to the camera to mouth his shock.
Loki could see that Scott was right. Matt had his hands on your bare back, holding you close to him, closer than one needs to while dancing- that too in such a formal setting. Clearly, that man did not know the etiquettes of the ballroom. Loki scoffed internally for thinking you would have a better taste in men after your last failed relationship. Right? You could at least show interest in men who knew how to treat their dance partner. Know their footwork, how much to move while you moved, how much to step back as they twirled you and let a mirage of a snake coiling up and over your shoulder with green eyes rest on your right shoulder be created while doing so.
Loki was not hallucinating. It really was a snake. When you twirled and let the lights shine on you, your dress created a phantasm of a golden and green snake running up your being. It was incredibly marvellous- partially because of the intricate design and mostly because he knew Thor had told you about his childhood snake stories this week.
And yet whenever you landed back in Matt's arms, something inside Loki seemed to squeeze. His eyes were not ready to leave the stranger's hands on your skin.
"Anyone can save whales. I don't get what's the big deal about it anyway." Loki did not realise those words leaving him. Nat raised her brows at him while Scott and Peter exchanged knowing glances with each other and the camera, Javier smiling like goof behind the lens.
"And isn't he too young?" Loki took another swig of his drink- before making a face at how disgusting it tasted- and turned towards others, trying not to lose your sight in the crowd. "He must be a little one like you, Parker."
"Wow," Peter exclaimed his hurt with crossed arms.
"He's...he's as old as Y/N," Nat said after a quick mental calculation.
Loki could feel something inside him feel like falling from a great height as Matt dipped you before bringing you back up, all in one full smooth swoop.
Scott and Peter felt their eyes pop out at the cracked pieces of glass sticking in Loki's hand. Nat too had turned to look at the source of the sound. But she, unlike the two men, just furrowed her brows. "Oh, you've glass in your hand."
Loki broke out of a trance from her words, turning to look at the remnants of his drink running out of the broken shards of the glass while the rest were stuck inside his hand, blocking both the blood from rushing out and the skin from healing fully.
"Oh," Loki, much to the surprise of Scott and Peter, seemed unfazed by the whole situation, "I must have held on to the glass too ha-"
"Oh my God! Loki!"
Javier was nearly scared away from the group when he heard you shout from behind him, your eyes- carrying the look of horror- stuck on the pieces stuck in Loki's hand while your body moved on its own towards Loki, taking his injured hand in yours. "What the he- where's Bruce?"
Loki stood there for a moment- which seemed to stretch into infinity- to look at the lines of worry rising all over your face as you tried to get napkins after napkins to stop the blood from dropping, all the while asking him if he was okay. He could see the genuine concern in your eyes on watching him get hurt- the trembling hands trying to be steady just so they could help his. He saw. And he felt; felt much worse than he did before. Why?
Because he clearly could not see you in pain. Being happy with a stranger was far better than the sight of you losing all the glow in you.
"I'm fine," he finally uttered, trying to calm your anxious heart, pulling out the shards from his other hand like it was no big deal.
"Are you shitting me right now!" you announced, grabbing his better hand and pushing it away from his other before pulling it towards the door. "You're coming with me. Come on."
And so, you took him away from the party, up in Bruce and Tony's lab, asking Friday's help for it all, who was happy to walk you through the process of letting her take care of the rest while you stood beside the God and watched the AI work its way around the smallest pieces stuck inside his skin while you bit on your nails.
"I uh-" Loki cleared his throat- "didn't realise you were the competitive type."
You looked up at him, your nail still resting between your teeth, your eyes still in a concerned trance. "Huh?"
"You really went all out with the whole...theme," he mentioned with a smirk, gesturing at your ensemble, making you look down at your dress.
The forceps took out the last bit of glass, sanitising Loki's hand and the workbench when looked back at him, nodded casually. "Oh yeah. Yeah, I was just channelling the irritating snake always hissing around me all day all night, pestering me with those googly eyes and big...noodle body. That's what I was going for."
...clearly not what Loki was thinking.
"What...what snake?"
You turned your lips and spoke with the most nonchalant air, "You."
You pressed your lips, carefully taking your steps back towards the door.
"You-" he moved his now fully healed hand away from the bench to look at you with tanoffended expression- "little-" he stepped towards you, mirroring your careful pace- "minx-" dashing out the door behind your squealing figure roaring with laughter outside.
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thessalian · 4 years
Thess vs Mandalorian Culture
So, here’s Theory Number One about The Mandalorian so far. Yes, I will put it under a cut just in case:
I think Moff Gideon’s dar’manda. Which, if you’re not up on your Mando’a, basically translates to “not a Mandalorian anymore”, and comes on the scale of Bad Things as somewhere between treason and heresy. You get declared dar’manda, you’re ... less. You broke the Creed. You’re done. That’s what Din meant when his answer to “what happens if you take the helmet off where people can see you?” is “You can never put it back on again”.
Which is where I would like to flag up that ... yeah, I know there’s a cinematography-related reason that Moff Gideon couldn’t wear a protective head covering or helmet of any kind ... although even that’s patently false because we see Pedro Pascal’s face exactly one time and we don’t have issues with that despite him being the main character. Anyway, point is that he did not wear a helmet, not even in his freaking TIE-fighter (which has to be beyond your standard Imperial TIE because of a) what it survived and b) you not needing a helmet / rebreather combo to fly it out of atmo - and yes, I know Finn and Poe, but technological advancements do happen in the Star Wars universe, if slowly). Not even when it was eminently possible that one of the people he’d pinned down would have decided, “We’re going to die anyway, so I at least want the satisfaction of putting a blaster bolt through that di’kut’s smug face”.
See, I figure that it’s one of those Creed-adjacent things. “You can never put it back on again”. He no longer has the right to wear the T-visor headbucket. He technically could anyway, but even if it wouldn’t be weird for a man of his position, he won’t. But no other helmet would feel right ... and, more to the point, the act of putting on a helmet again after taking it off where people can see you is probably anathema to someone raised to the Creed. So ... he just won’t wear a helmet at all. Just a thought.
Granted, it’s a thought that’s backed by some other things. Like ... for example, the beskar. Now, it’s pretty clear that for whatever reason (and I’ve already stated my theory), Gideon is very invested in Mandalorian history and culture. Most of the war trophies he was bragging about were from the Purge, after all...
Side note: also he was way too smug about the Purge for someone with no vested interest; that says to me that he feels like the Mandalorians got what they deserved, and when it’s that personal, it’s because a person feels themselves wronged. There is no greater wrong than being declared not-Mandalorian-anymore.
Anyway. Why would a man who is invested in his war trophies to the point of carrying around the fucking Darksaber give up that much beskar? Particularly when it was pretty clearly melted down from the armour of fallen Mandalorians in the Purge, and he keeps everything from the Purge. Well. Particularly if Greef Karga’s not being entirely honest about how he came to give Din that particular bounty, it’s possible that giving that much beskar was partly bait for a Mandalorian, but at least partly bait for a Mandalorian armourer. Gideon had lumps of beskar melted down from damaged armour, but he wanted well-crafted beskar’gam - real Mandalorian armour, crafted by one of their artisans. Given the Purge, and how Mandalorians have been hiding ever since, according to the lore, that kind of run-around is the only way he’d ever get it. So Din got the bounty, got the beskar, made the armour ... and the Client would have made a full report. I’d wager Gideon would have hunted Din down and killed him for his beskar’gam even if he hadn’t gone to get the Child back - sort of a bonus for himself while trying to track down the Child. Now, that’d probably be the case whether he’s just an overly ambitious trophy hunter or a dar’manda who wants what his violation of the Creed denied him, but I’d bank on the latter.
So there you go. There’s my theory. Gideon was a Mandalorian once; now he’s not. Which ... if he was born to Mandalorians, raised to the Creed from infancy, that would make him a very interesting foil to Din Djarin the foundling. I guess we’ll see.
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