rebisgender · 4 months
hhhh i wish i had a pc so i could try to 3d model my ideal zombie apocalypse weapon :(((( its essentially a combination of an irish hurley and a maori wahaika, which (in theory) would combine the length and durability of the hurley with the power of the the wahaika, so that way i could crack skulls with ease without having to worry about getting close enough to be bit, and unlike a sharp weapon like an axe or machete you wouldn’t have to worry about the blade getting stuck, you wouldn’t have to worry about sharpening it, and it would be lighter so you could swing it more before getting tired! tho this is all theory and i haven’t done much research on the wahaika so i don’t know if weight is an important factor in its power
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wolfshearart · 8 years
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Little Blue Penguin marching off to war
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bm-pacific · 3 years
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Club (Wahaika), Brooklyn Museum: Arts of the Pacific Islands
Size: 18 11/16 x 1 3/16 x 4 1/8 in. (47.5 x 3 x 10.5 cm) Medium: Wood
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met-africa-oceania · 4 years
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Hand Club (Wahaika [?]), Metropolitan Museum of Art: Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas
The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY Medium: Wood
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ii-and-the-sun · 4 years
The updated mobile “About” page
Name: Gavmieltus, the Gāriq
Aliases: The Second, Gāriq, Wrecking Ball, That Damn Couch Hog, His Chosen
Gender: Female
Allegiance: Imperium
Home Planet: Dedin
Number: II
Discovery: 2nd, 007.823.m31
Legion: Sunbreakers
Legion Colours: Scarlet and gold
Icon: Eight pointed sun with a central eye
Personal: Gavmieltus isn’t particularly tall amongst her siblings, standing at 314cm. She’s heavyset, with broad shoulders and a powerlifter’s build, optimised to destroy any wall in her way and pin enemies with sheer bulk. Her skin is dark and warm hued like her father, the Emperor, and heavily tattooed. A series of facial tattoos depict her life on Dedin and her status, while a vine twists around her left forearm and a snake does the same to her right leg. The galaxy visible from her home planet spans her upper back and shoulders, merging into Terra’s across her chest. Her hair is wavy black, barely beyond her shoulders, and frequently pinned into a low-effort bun to keep it out of the way. Her eyes are upturned and dark, although somewhat amber in colour if in the light.
Armour: Crimson power armour with gold accents. Gavmieltus’ armour is bulky, even beyond her broad build. While primarily simple, details such as the three willow leaves shaped into each couter and the twisting vines inlaid in gold on her right vambrace add personality.
In contrast to the general bulk of her armour, she favours less restrictively large pauldrons. On the uppermost layers of her right shoulder is the facial plate of Ansiel, the creature that raised her, with complicated symbols of scrimshaw etched and laid across the front. Her gauntlets are close-fitting, to allow maximum dexterity, but end in sharp-pointed talons to maintain destructive power. There are three white bands painted around her left vambrace, and a singular circle on her rerebrace.
Her plastron is thick and heavy, designed to withstand heavy blows and the falling of entire buildings. The symbol of the Sunbreakers is painted across it. An ever watchful golden gem was once embedded in the center, but the traitor Icandus tore it out of its setting. The empty bezel remains.
Wargear: Given the fighting style of the second legion, it should come as no surprise that Gavmieltus wields a massive shield, the Daybreak, offensively, using its broad planes and her own strength to snap bone and crumble stone. It bears the symbol of the second legion. In her right hand she carries the thunder hammer Duty of Ansiel. Gavmieltus shows the utmost respect to her weapons through her extensive care for them. Every weapon she wields is given a careful name.
The last of her weapons is a wahaika carved of the hardwood trees native to Dedin and decorated with traditional feathers and ligaments. While theoretically a weapon, the Ashen Hail has never seen combat, instead used for the ancient purpose of speeches and shows of dedication.
Personality: Pragmatic and charismatic. Gavmieltus holds an intense loyalty to each and every one of her siblings, regardless of her feelings on them as a person, and the protectiveness of a mother over her legion and the Imperium at large. She’s headstrong, throwing herself into combat and personal interactions both with a hearty joy for life and belief in the good of people. Although the nearest civilizations to the jungle she was raised in are heavily respect based, particularly in the case of one’s elders, she expects none of that to be used in regards to her.
Since the start of the heresy, she has tempered considerably, often locking herself up for long periods and going through bouts of shame and rage for what has happened to her family, but she still has a duty and she will perform it. She has grown to hold her feelings closer to her chest, haunted by the war -- a sharp contrast from the once open woman she once was.
History: As all her siblings were, Gavmieltus, the second Primarch, was snatched as naught but a babe by the Gods of Chaos and flung across the galaxy. The unnamed child landed in the deep jungles of Dedin, a feral world. There she was found by a creature that was perhaps mythical to the common people, but was known to Gavmieltus simply as Mother. Ansiel, a birdlike creature with a face seemingly covered by a natural mask of bone and the voice of a human, named and raised the young demihuman, teaching her what she had learned over centuries of life. She encouraged the young Gavmieltus to interact with the people that lived outside of the jungle, sensing her natural ability as a child of Emperor to lead and rule, although neither of them were aware of this relation.
Because she never truly related to these people or lived among them until she was much older, Gavmieltus became somewhat of a legend herself, the girl who could live in the unliveable deep jungle, who spoke with the tone of Ansiel of the Deep Wood and could fell any challenger, man or woman, with ease. It was at this time she became known as the Gāriq to the people of Dedin, a word meaning Breaker of Suns, given it seemed a perfectly reasonable feat for someone such as her. She lived like this for many years, at day a human woman, at night simply another inhabitant of the jungle.
Thirty-three years before her rediscovery, approximately two years before even the start of the Great Crusade, the tribes of the Tubad and Ceawea broke into war. It was violent and cruel, using newly developed weapons with no heed for humanity. While Gavmieltus had seen the feral, vicious fightings of the inhabitants of the deep jungle and the inherent cruelty of humans, this unbridled, animalistic disregard for life disgusted her. She set aside her reservations in interfering with the five civilizations and stepped in. She did not fight for any one side, revolted by both of their actions, but focused on the defense of the innocents.
This practically humanitarian dedication to life and protection drew the attention of a young maiden-healer by the name of Miveya.
Miveya was fascinated by the Primarch, and throughout the war, they interacted many times. After the end of the long three years, Miveya sought out Gavmieltus. They shared only a short conversation, but Gavmieltus retreated back to her place of raising, isolating herself from humanity once again. Ansiel, sensing her reservation, grew tired of her Primarch level melodramatics after a mere fourteen standard months, and sent her demi-human daughter back into the world once again, telling her in no uncertain terms that she was to learn to coexist with her kind, and would be expected to live amongst them.
Miveya found the Primarch once again, and now knowing that one had to be blunt with the admittedly socially stunted second Primarch, revealed her affections. Uncertain of how to proceed, but certainly not perturbed by this, Gavmieltus “Gāriq” and Miveya lived together under a common law marriage until the return of the Emperor to collect His lost daughter. She developed a strong loyalty to her father and his crusade.
Miveya died barely less than two decades later, at the age of seventy-two, to the grief of the long-lived Gavmieltus, who possessed a more than mortal lifespan.
Gavmieltus had only a loose grasp on Imperial Gothic and the social understanding of the complicated yet contradictorily simple culture of Dedin. It was in their closeness and her mentorship during his early years that she grew to trust Ysegith, and in the destructive nature of battle that she found camaraderie with Icandus. She considered them to be among the brothers that she trusted the most, which has made the heresy difficult and painful for her.
Throughout the Great Crusade, she for a time became a household name. Although time and age had lessened her careful tendencies, Gavmieltus and her children, the Sunbreakers, became known for their ability to topple entire systems with a regard for civilian life that was unfortunately uncommon amongst the legions. She and the legions of Ysegith and Icandus worked together frequently on large scale projects, combining their unique talents into an unstoppable force of war and growing closer.
It was then that Icandus declared his intent to go against the Emperor and the Imperium at large, alongside their siblings of Jezebel and Aobe-Myātaip. He begged his siblings to come with him, but Gavmieltus, having long since dedicated herself to His cause, denied his plea. Icandus went through with the plan, and Gavmieltus, betrayed and hurt, vowed that she would kill him with her bare hands and took on the role of the Emperor’s Executioner.
During one of their battles, the very one in which he tore the gem from her plastron in a desperate attempt to escape her grasp, she came close to achieving her vow. Ysegith, who she had thought to have chosen the side of the Imperium, fought her until he and Icandus could escape via the warp. Now alone, Gavmieltus returned to Terra to be by her Father’s side and defend Him.
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newguineatribalart · 5 years
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Wahaika Maori Club
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mattsmithco · 7 years
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Another of Pop's carvings. . . #carving #wood #woodcarving #maoricarving #wahaika #pauaeyes #pauashell #handcarved #familyheirloom
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artoutforblood · 6 years
If the LL kids were in RWBY, what would their choice of weapons be(Whether you can take them from other RWBY characters or make them up) and what are their semblances?
Monay would wield a kusari-fundo, simply because I think she’d be like ROTTMNT’s Mikey when she gets a little older! Her ability would be blinding flashes of light that she uses to stun people, Sunlight.
Marie would use a harpoon gun (RWBY’s version of Whirl insisted she get some kind of gun). Her semblance, Courage, would allow her to let go of fear when pushed to her limit so that she can continue fighting. 
An’s weapon would be a naginata, as he prefers to fight people at a distance. His semblance is Silence, and it is as the name suggests. This lets him move without being heard. He doesn’t just use this during battle.
Emilia prefers big swords, and her weapon is a claymore! Her semblance is Growth, allowing her to temporarily take control of plants near her, but flowers favor her. She can use this to trap, strangle, or otherwise hinder her foes.
Izzy would have a gun that shoots burst of dust, like a laser canon, which can pact a powerful punch. Her semblance, Focus, allows her to slow her own time for a bit to get information on the battle and aim.
Brook has a shield that doubles in size so that he can protect lots of people at once. His semblance, Fortify, can heal a mass of people at once, but he can only do it so often without exhausting himself.
Duiri’s weapon is a massive wahaika that, like Nora’s, she can use to launch herself into the air. Her semblance is Absorb, where for a time she takes damage than lashes it back at her foes.
Sunan uses daab son mue, twin short swords. His Semblance is Trace, where he can “trace” things in the air with his swords to create obstacles and other things for a short amount of time.
Sanoh uses blade gauntlets, as she prefers to fight quick and dirty. Her semblance is Comedian, that works like laughing gas, and, despite the laughter, are often joined by tears. She uses this to stun her enemies or allow them to be found.
Sumaira uses a bo staff that doubles as a long crossbow. Her Semblance would be Whispers, where she makes her enemies hear things that aren’t there, this can be used to mislead or scare.
Jedah would use a frying pan that’s also a large, sturdy shield. He chose a fry pan because it’s practical and he can cook and hit people with it. His Semblance allows him to temporarily change parts of his body to resemble other people or other creatures, Change. 
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gemsonahelp · 7 years
Hello! I've also been stumped on this one for a good while. But what would be a good weapon for Jade?
Hm, since I don’t know the role or personality of your jade, I’ll go off of the metaphysical descriptions for jade for suggestions.Jade, which is known as the dream stone, is associated with creativity, healing, and protection. It is also associated with purity and serenity. Based on that, a weapon associated with different types of martial arts- which put focus on training your physical and mental abilities- could work nicely. Another good choice could be weapons used in a more defensive manner too. 
You can also take inspiration for the weapon based on what localities it’s often mined from in real life or the cultures that used jade frequently. Such as India, China, Korea,Māori, or Mesoamerica.
With those in mind, here’s some suggestions:
A Dangpa
A Langxian
A Wahaika (more interesting info on this weapon on this page~)
A Tewhatewha
A Dagger Axe
Wind and Fire Wheels
A Maduvu
A Khanda
A Macuahuitl
A Macana Spear
- Mod Sapphire❤
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quaidheap · 4 years
.1 External & Internal Problem
• During the events of my series of stories, Te Toiroa is a prominent member of the Aouru Movement. A large group of Indigenous Zealandians fighting against the Crown and Zealandian Government. Aouru is led by the famous Mātea Te Pōtiki, The man who created the movement and grew a following through his prophet like exploits and the conversion to his religion of Aouru.
What/Who is Aouru (Important to understanding Te Toiroa’s conflict)
• Aouru is the idea of a single god/power that created the physical world with light. It’s followers believe the prophecy of dark forces with the intent to invade their lands. Matea interprets this as the European settlers that have slowly taken over the land. A chosen few believe that in joining the fight for Aouru will grant them safe passage to the heavens in the afterlife (Hawaiki). Mātea’s stories and tricks make people believe in the movement and join with intentions of protecting their land. The group has been painted as an extreme fanaticism and barbarism cult by outsiders for their brutal acts in war. The group themselves believe to be the warriors and defenders the land needs.
• Te Toiroa’s intent to join was to protect the land and people from war, something that has directly affected his life. And to also fight against the government who were responsible for his best friend Billy’s death. (Billy was a bushranger that fled Australia with a large bounty on his head). Before joining the Aouru/Rīnatu, Te Toiroa grew his name as a vigilante driving off groups of soldiers seizing small maori villages. Over the years with the group, Te Toiroa grew a liking towards one of the members named Kuri whom he befriends. Their brotherly friendship was widely known in the group.
• During the years past the groups prime, The members including Te Toiroa realise the insane lengths Matea was willing to go to continue the fight, go against their own morality. Matea in the end grows mad, beginning to distrust those around him. His paranoia leads to the slaughter of many surrounding villages and tribes whom he believes betrayed him and sided with the government. Te Toiroa is conflicted. He knows the group he joined with good intentions has gone beyond sane, but he feels he needs to persuade others to join him in leaving before he leaves himself. Especially his best friend in the group Kuri, who insists on staying and following Mātea to the end. Does Te Toiroa leave by himself not wanting to be involved in a violent group killing not only innocent Europeans but innocent Maori too, Or does he stay for as long as it takes to persuade Kuri and others to join him and question the authority of Matea. Choosing his principles, good morals and honour or loyalty to his friend and possibly saving his life even if it means being involved in acts of murder.
.2 Interrogating my character and his world
• How old is your character?
Early 20s
• What is their relationship with their parents?
Te Toiroa loved his mother, remembering her being a very kind hearted woman doing her best to take care of him and his brother while his father would be away fighting for their Iwi. His parents both died young, murdered by a rival invading tribe. He was very young when it happened.
• Who raised them?
After the death of his parents, Te Toiroa and his brother took care of themselves in the wilderness. During the course of his teen years, he was raised by Billy Sullivan.
• Do they have any siblings?
One younger brother named Te Whiti. Te Toiroa had a strong and tight relationship with his younger brother before he died. Acting as the mature adult in the relationship, Te Toiroa did his best to take care of Te Whiti at a young age.
• Are their any significant social interactions or events in that past that influence their character?
The death of his parents and tribe leading to his and his brothers escape. Surviving together for a few years taught Te Toiroa how to be independent and mature.
Meeting Billy Sullivan. Te Toiroa wouldn’t be the man he is without meeting Billy. His personality, traits, skills and knowledge were all brought down from billy. Nearly every social interaction between these two has had a influence (either significant or small) on Te Toiroa’s character.
Billy teaching Te Toiroa how to use the bow and arrow, and crafting his Koi spirit mask, basing it off of Te Toiroa’s wooden tiki necklace. These are the two factors that give Te Toiroa the inspiration to create his own alter ego to act as a vigilante, saving the innocents from war.
• Are they married? Or have been married?
• Does your character have relationships? Romantic or otherwise?
No romantic relationships at this point in his life. He has had friends in the group and from his past.
• Te Whiti
• Billy Sullivan
• Kuri
• Tuma
• Tohu
• Teihorangi
• Ihaia
• Matea
• If a social class exists in their world, to which one do they belong?
Te Toiroa would be considered a commoner in the social structure of the Indigenous Zealandians. Amongst the social structure of European Zealandia, Te Toiroa would be placed in the lowest class.
• Does your character have children?
• Is your character religious, or do they have a mentor, someone they put on a pedestal?
Te Toiroa joined the Aouru movement with intentions of fighting the Zealandian government, and with no religious intentions. Te Toiroa’s beliefs are open to interpretation but aren’t openly expressed to others, it’s a subject he has no interest in. As for a mentor, Billy Sullivan would have been the closest thing to, but his advice is never religious.
• How has your character’s upbringing shaped their view of the world?
The cold reality of the world is something Te Toiroa had to contain knowledge of at a young age. It shaped him into a smart and resilient young man, a survivor, someone who we’d consider now to be street smart. It also taught him to believe that being independent and a cynic is the only way to truly survive on your own. Meaning that walking into any situation means expecting the worst scenario and defending yourself and appearing strong is paramount to any other alternative.
• Does your character have chosen accessories/clothing/tools/weapons
Te Toiroa always wears his tribal tiki necklace which he kept from his childhood. In terms of clothing, Te Toiroa has no default set, however he does prefer little amounts of clothing when in combat to be faster with less interference. His preferred weapons are a whalebone wahaika, a gift from Teihorangi, and his bow from Billy and arrows in which he must continuously craft in quantities.
• Does your character have preferred other things, food, places
Te Toiroa’s struggle with his upbringing made him develop no preference when it comes to food or a certain place. He is very resourceful with whatever location he stumbles upon and an opportunist when it comes to food (Any edible food is good food).
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lenreli · 7 years
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Happy national Aboriginal day from an Aussie-born Maori~ (They/them)
 + a wahaika we have. One of two, and the other mainly features a tiki. Mum loves her tiki's...
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bm-pacific · 3 years
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Club (Wahaika), Brooklyn Museum: Arts of the Pacific Islands
Size: 18 11/16 x 1 3/16 x 4 1/8 in. (47.5 x 3 x 10.5 cm) Medium: Wood
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met-africa-oceania · 5 years
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Hand Club (Wahaika [?]), Metropolitan Museum of Art: Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas
The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY Medium: Wood
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ii-and-the-sun · 5 years
The Gāriq
// Oof, I meant to do this a while back, but here’s the about page for mobile users!
Name: Gavmieltus Gāriq
Aliases: The Second, Gāriq, Wrecking Ball, That Damn Couch Hog, His Chosen
Gender: Female
Allegiance: Imperium
Home Planet: Dedin
Number: II
Discovery: 2nd, 007.803.m31
Legion: Sunbreakers
Legion Colours: Scarlet and gold
Icon: Eight pointed sun with a central eye
Personal: Gavmieltus isn’t particularly tall amongst her siblings, standing at 314cm. She’s heavyset, with broad shoulders and a powerlifter’s build, optimised to destroy any wall in her way and pin enemies with sheer bulk. Her skin is dark and warm hued like her father, the Emperor, and heavily tattooed. A series of facial tattoos depict her life on Dedin and her status, while a vine twists around her left forearm and a snake does the same to her right leg. The galaxy visible from her home planet spans her upper back and shoulders, merging into Terra’s across her chest. Her hair is glossy and straight, barely beyond her shoulders, and frequently pinned into a low-effort bun to keep it out of the way. Her eyes are upturned and dark, although somewhat amber in colour if in the light.
Armour: Crimson power armour with gold accents. Gavmieltus’ armour is bulky, even beyond her broad build. While primarily simple, details such as the three willow leaves shaped into each couter and the twisting vines inlaid in gold on her right vambrace add personality.
In contrast to the general bulk of her armour, she favours less restrictively large pauldrons. On the uppermost layers of her right shoulder is the facial plate of Ansiel, the creature that raised her, with complicated symbols of scrimshaw etched and laid across the front. Her gauntlets are close-fitting, to allow maximum dexterity, but end in sharp-pointed talons to maintain destructive power. There are three white bands painted around her left vambrace, and a singular circle on her rerebrace.
Her plastron is thick and heavy, designed to withstand heavy blows and the falling of entire buildings. The symbol of the Sunbreakers is painted across it. An ever watchful golden gem was once embedded in the center, but the arch-traitor Icandus tore it out of its setting. The empty bezel remains.
Wargear: Given the fighting style of the second legion, it should come as no surprise that Gavmieltus wields a massive shield, the Daybreak, offensively, using its broad planes and her own strength to snap bone and crumble stone. It bears the symbol of the second legion. In her right hand she carries the thunder hammer Duty of Ansiel. Gavmieltus shows the utmost respect to her weapons through her extensive care for them. Every weapon she wields is given a careful name.
The last of her weapons is a wahaika carved of the hardwood trees native to Dedin and decorated with traditional feathers and ligaments. While theoretically a weapon, the Ashen Hail has never seen combat, instead used for the ancient purpose of speeches and shows of dedication.
Personality: Pragmatic and very charismatic. Gavmieltus holds an intense loyalty to each and every one of her siblings, regardless of her feelings on them as a person, and the protectiveness of a mother over her legion and the Imperium at large. She’s headstrong, throwing herself into combat and personal interactions both with a hearty joy for life and belief in the good of people. Although the nearest civilizations to the jungle she was raised in are heavily respect based, particularly in the case of one’s elders, she expects none of that to be used in regards to her.
Since the start of the heresy, she has tempered considerably, often locking herself up for long periods and going through bouts of shame and rage for what has happened to her family, but she still has a duty and she will perform it.
History: As all her siblings were, Gavmieltus, the second Primarch, was snatched as naught but a babe by the Gods of Chaos and flung across the galaxy. The unnamed child landed in the deep jungles of Dedin, a feral world. There she was found by a creature that was perhaps mythical to the common people, but was known to Gavmieltus simply as Mother. Ansiel, a birdlike creature with a face seemingly covered by a natural mask of bone and the voice of a human, named and raised the young demihuman, teaching her what she had learned over centuries of life. She encouraged the young Gavmieltus to interact with the people of the five tribes that lived around the jungle, sensing her natural ability as a child of Emperor to lead and rule, although neither of them were aware of this relation.
Because she never truly related to these people or lived among them until she was much older, Gavmieltus became somewhat of a legend herself, the girl who could live in the unliveable deep jungle, who spoke with the tone of Ansiel of the Deep Wood and could fell any challenger, man or woman, with ease. It was at this time she became known as the Gāriq to the people of Dedin, a word meaning Breaker of Suns, given it seemed a perfectly reasonable feat for someone such as her. She lived like this for many years, at day a human woman, at night simply another inhabitant of the jungle.
Thirty-three years before her rediscovery, approximately two years before even the start of the Great Crusade, the tribes of the Tubad and Ceawea broke into war. It was violent and cruel, using newly developed weapons with no heed for humanity. While Gavmieltus had seen the feral, vicious fightings of the inhabitants of the deep jungle and the inherent cruelty of humans, this unbridled, animalistic disregard for life disgusted her. She set aside her reservations in interfering with the five civilizations and stepped in. She did not fight for any one side, revolted by both of their actions, but focused on the defense of the innocents.
This practically humanitarian dedication to life and protection drew the attention of a young maiden-healer by the name of Miveya.
Miveya was fascinated by the Primarch, and throughout the war, they interacted many times. After the end of the long three years, Miveya sought out Gavmieltus. They shared only a short conversation, but Gavmieltus retreated back to her place of raising, isolating herself from humanity once again. Ansiel, sensing her reservation, grew tired of her Primarch level melodramatics after a mere fourteen standard months, and sent her demi-human daughter back into the world once again, telling her in no uncertain terms that she was to learn to coexist with her kind, and would be expected to live amongst them.
Miveya found the Primarch once again, and now knowing that one had to be blunt with the admittedly socially stunted second Primarch, revealed her affections. Uncertain of how to proceed, but certainly not perturbed by this, Gavmieltus “Gāriq” and Miveya lived together under a common law marriage until the return of the Emperor to collect His lost daughter. In this process of retrieving His reluctant child, the Emperor slaughtered Ansiel when she looked to prevent a total stranger just up and leaving with the child she believed that He had abandoned, when she had raised this fledgling that she did not even share a species with. Gavmieltus was understandably enraged and grieved at this proceeding, and held it against her father for many years. Although she still mourns this loss and honours the memory of who she considers her mother, she eventually came to terms with it and developed a strong loyalty to her father and his crusade.
Miveya died barely less than two decades later, at the age of seventy-two, to the grief of the long-lived Gavmieltus, who possessed a more than mortal lifespan.
Gavmieltus had only a loose grasp on Imperial Gothic and the social understanding of the complicated yet contradictorily simple culture of Dedin. It was in their closeness and her mentorship during his early years that she grew to trust Ysegith, and in the destructive nature of battle that she found camaraderie with Icandus. She considered them to be among the brothers that she trusted the most, which has made the heresy difficult and painful for her.
Throughout the Great Crusade, she for a time became a household name. Although time and age had lessened her careful tendencies, Gavmieltus and her children, the Sunbreakers, became known for their ability to topple entire systems with an unfortunately uncommon regard for civilian life. She and the legions of Ysegith and Icandus worked together frequently on large scale projects, combining their unique talents into an unstoppable force of war and growing closer.
It was then that Icandus declared his intent to go against the Emperor and the Imperium at large. He begged his siblings to come with him, but Gavmieltus, having long since dedicated herself to His cause, denied his plea. Icandus went through with the plan, and Gavmieltus, betrayed and hurt, vowed that she would kill him with her bare hands.
During one of their battles, the very one in which he tore the gem from her plastron in a desperate attempt to escape her grasp, she came close to achieving her vow. Ysegith, who she had thought to have chosen the side of the Imperium, fought her until he and Icandus could escape via the warp. Now alone, Gavmieltus returned to Terra to be by her Father’s side and defend Him.
The heresy wrought by Icandus is still ongoing.
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newguineatribalart · 4 years
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Maori Wahaika whalebone weapon
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bone-art-place-blog · 6 years
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Large Carved Stone Wahaika Maori War Club From New Zealand. From our featured artist section in our online gallery at The Bone Art Place. https://boneart.co.nz/collections/sculptures
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