elyx-syl · 1 year
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Three types of friend Mahjarrat
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tinswag · 8 months
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Thinking about this severely underrated [and current disaster] ship....
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stellarana · 8 months
Zaros assigning roles to the Mahjarrat be like:
(Please note that this is very inaccurate, I do understand the actual lore I’m just simplifying it for comedic purposes)
Zaros: Ok, so, Zamorak, you have the strongest psychopathic tendencies out of all the Mahjarrat, the right place for you is leading the army. You get to be in charge of Hazeel, Zemouregal, and the chubby nerd.
Wahisietel: Wait what?
Zamorak: *evil laugh*
Zaros: Sliske, you seem to be the troublemaker of the group so you get to be in charge of the secret police.
Sliske: *not listening, busy scaring Wahisietel and Jhallan with a large tarantula*
Zaros: Trindine, you actually have the skills that would make you best suited to the role I just assigned to Sliske. And you seem to already have a bit of a grudge towards him. You get to be his secretary.
Trindine: WHAT. NO. 
Zaros: Alright you’re not his secretary but you’re still going to be working for him and won’t really be able to do much without his permission.
Zaros: Let’s see… Ah, Bilrach. You seem eager to do anything to please Zamorak. You’re going to be under Azzanadra’s command.
Bilrach: What?
Azzanadra: MY command?
Zaros: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, you’re the Pontifex Maximus.
Azzanadra: The what?
Zaros: You get to wear a hat.
Azzanadra: *puts on the hat and some cool sunglasses* Let’s go.
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skyotters · 2 years
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Mahjarrat character reimagining - RuneScape (featuring @jaxyys OC Vhael)
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hauyne-scalywinged · 1 year
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sacredshadow · 10 months
Gielinor has been getting colder, and with the festive season approaching, I thought I would give you some of my winter/christmas Mahjarrat headcanons.
Since Freneskae is all hot and lava-y, the cold temperatures of the Gielinorian winters were quite a shock to the Mahjarrat. For the first few years, as soon as it got cold, the Mahjarrat would refuse to do anything except sit around a huge bonfire, practically inside it.
Fortunately, the humans of Gielinor shared a wonderful invention they had to help combat the cold: fluffy blankets. That provided the Mahjarrat to be able to get some things done in the winter, provided that nobody would mind that they looked like a moving pile of fluff. Fortunately, they adapted to the cold and are now usually fine with going out in the winter, but prefer not to.
Since winter usually meant holidays in the Zarosian empire, Azzanadra and Sliske would usually like to just stay in bed all day under about a ton of blankets. Azzanadra would sometimes get up to do things and would usually cope ok with the cold, but if Sliske needed to get up, he would take about 95% of the blankets with him. During that time of the year, most Mahjarrat would walk around with a blanket draped over their shoulders, making them look slightly less frightening to the humans.
Azzanadra managed to find a particularly good blanket that instantly became the favourite of both him and Sliske. It became known as "The" Fluffy Blanket, even though they had several other fluffy blankets. That blanket was a source of most arguments, as they both always wanted to sleep under it. Azzanadra tried to resolve this by purchasing another one, completely identical apart from the many stains, actually even fluffier, as the original had been through a LOT of use. Of course, neither of them wanted to take that one, as giving up The Fluffy Blanket was a sign of weakness. So they ended up behaving like children who both wanted the same thing, with neither willing to let the other one have it. It became something of a sign of power. The strongest of them would get the honour of sleeping under the beloved Blanket, but Sliske would usually steal it from him as soon as he went to sleep. Winter was one of the only times when Azzanadra and Sliske would not fight about who got to sleep under The Fluffy Blanket and instead embrace that it was in fact big enough for them both.
When Wahisietel learned of the human ritual of giving each other christmas presents, he, of course, wanted to give it a try and managed to convince a few friends to participate in this tradition. When the time came for gifts to be opened, he realised he had failed to brief the other Mahjarrat on what kinds of things were typically given. Needless to say, it was a lot crazier than expected.
After that, Azzanadra and Wahi seemed to start a tradition they would do almost every year from then on until when things got all f##ked up and the God Wars started. Azzanadra would come over to Wahisietel's place for drinks and a chat, but would usually end up staying the night. They would exchange a few gifts of books and things they had enjoyed over the past year, and then spend a few hours reading, sitting cuddled up on the couch (or a few hours staring at the wall because they may or may not be high on lantadyme). Sliske would sometimes join them but leave early, claiming he had better things to do than hang out with "nerds". It was quite a nice break from their usual busy lives and Wahi really missed it while Azzanadra was trapped in the pyramid.
Sliske will usually celebrate the holidays by ruining other people's, unfortunately.
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rose-from-ashes · 2 years
Periodically, over Wahisietel's time in this world, he'd sensed a powerful magic. Something almost overwhelming, if it weren't for the fact that it was so concentrated in one place, enough to avoid filling the whole area. With it came a sense of being watched, every time- sometimes, it was far enough away that it was barely noticeable, and sometimes, it felt like something was looming right behind him.
Only now did that same magic appear in a corporeal form he could actually see. He was in a bar when he was approached by a man, who seemed perfectly normal, save for that magic drenching every part of his body. He seemed moderately wealthy judging by the quality of his clothes, middle aged judging by his features, and he moved casually, almost too much so, a bit too comfortable settling in beside a stranger like Wahisietel.
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courtiers · 1 year
real truths about the zarosian empire there weren't enough evil scientists. yes i know zaros was an evil scientist but i feel like as emperor he should've given up the evil experiments and focused on the empire. bilrach wasn't an evil scientist he was an evil architect. ok zemouregal did do that war machine made of corpses but that was NOT science that was just his nasty hobby. all the rest of them were backbiters (enakhra, akthanakos) culture enthusiasts (sliske, wahisietel) or just generally creepy (zamorak, trindine) etc. azzanadra gets a pass because he was the first gay pope.
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smokescholar · 2 years
🗝 + Nabor's death :3
He couldn't speak. His throat was hoarse, as dry as the Kharid. He had to excuse himself for a moment, if he was going to discuss something this painful, he at least wanted to be drunk beforehand. Anything to dull what would inevitably come.
The bottle slammed down, threatening to splinter the wood in front of him. Not of anger, no. Well, not entirely. Being gentle was hard when one was not paying attention to restraint.
"Nabor..." Shaking hands poured the drink, threatening to spill on the table as he overpoured; downing it like a shot. "Nabor was everything to me. He was family, he was...the only good that came out of Freneskae. He was living proof, raw, physical proof that we could be more than what we were told. That despite everything...despite it all, the Mahjarrat were not broken." Another shot, he coughed.
"He was a beacon, even on Freneskae. He was kindness, a spark, a reminder that things could be okay. He was the closest thing to a parent I, or any of us could ever ask for. He was family, and I lo--"
He shook his head, gritting his teeth. Another shot. Another shot. Another shot. Another shot
"He was the strongest Mahjarrat I knew." He tapped the side of his head, nearly hitting the bottle. "He could do things I never thought were possible. He truly was a genius of his craft. When I...when I felt his lifeforce vanish, the world lost something of great importance. Nabor is irreplaceable. No one could do what he did, no one could even scratch the SURFACE of what he did. When I felt him die..."
His fists struck the table, wood splintering and biting into his hands. "I SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING. AZZANADRA SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING. IF HE HAD JUST USED HIS DAMNED HEAD FOR ONCE NABOR WOULD STILL BE HERE. I didn't have the power to keep him safe, but Azzanadra could have. Azzanadra had power, he could have saved Nabor. If he had just used his head for once in his LIFE, and stopped listening to Zaros' WHISPERS. He would have saved him. Nabor died in a way that is seen as torture to us Mahjarrat. slow, dragging over years. No one deserved that. NABOR DID NOT DESERVE THAT."
"Everyone I love goes away, and it can all be traced back to Azzanadra! DAMN HIM. NABOR DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE, HE HAD DONE NOTHING WRONG. I will never forgive him for what he did to Nabor."
Snarling, Wahisietel got to his feet; knocking the table aside and sending the glass bottle crashing to the floor in a spray of shards and liquor. He vanished from sight, the only audible noise was a soft...sobbing? Surely Mahjarrat cannot cry...
I Don’t Wanna Talk About It || Accepting
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zorialdiamond-blog · 2 years
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Runescape Art Community Art Fight, Post 1! Man, was I waiting for this...Go Phoenix Gang!
(The relevant Tungles I can remember: @enkoro-rs @ravonthewitch @fiendoffreneskae)
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elyx-syl · 2 years
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Ritual of the Mahjarrat (2011)
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tinswag · 2 years
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Bonus: they are together and happy and there is absolutely no beef between them. Wahi has never felt ignored or underappreciated ever. Everything is fine! 👍
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stellarana · 11 months
Me: So why do you Mahjarrat all wear those skirts?
Azzanadra: Well, they’re not really skirts-
Sliske: They’re surprisingly comfortable
Wahisietel: And they look good.
Akthanakos: Well, it is a bit hard to ride a camel with them on.
Sliske: No-one knows if you’re not wearing anything underneath. }:)
Me: Are you saying there’s nothing under that skirt…?
Sliske: That’s right ;)
Azzanadra: ITS NOT A SKIRT
Akthanakos: *takes a few steps away from Sliske*
Me: So under the skirt there’s NOTHING, then your legs?
Azzanadra: NOT A SKIRT!!!
Sliske: *smiles and nods* You can see if you want to be sure.
Wahisietel: I’m afraid it’s true.
Me: *takes a few steps back* there’s nothing under the skirt eek
Sliske: 😈👗(why no skirt emoji?)
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skyotters · 2 years
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RAC Art Fight - volume 3
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ventussolder · 2 years
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waow ,,,
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sacredshadow · 5 months
First encounter + dogs.
And I mean a species looking simmilar to Icthlain, I wonder what their first reaction would be
Ok, so Icthlarin is based on a jackal, an animal closely related to the dog (same genus). In RuneScape, jackals can be found in the area that the kharidian-zarosian war would have been fought, so presumably there would have been some around back then, but presumably they would have been avoiding all the fighting and maybe only coming out to scavenge and have a look around at night/when nobody is fighting. But apparently jackals can and have been domesticated, so I’m going to assume that the menaphites would have done that and the first dog that the Mahjarrat come across would be a jackal being kept as a pet by a soldier. 
Also please note that at this point the Mahjarrat have little to no understanding of the Geilinorian common tongue, but I’ll put in all of that dialogue, just assume that unless I say otherwise, the Mahjarrat don’t know what it means. They will be speaking Freneskaen, which I will be putting in bold like this. They also will be speaking a bit of Geilinorian but don’t really know that much of it.e it
“I think it’s alive…” Wahiseitel ventured, examining what looked like a crumpled brown pile of fabric next to the containers of supplies, alerting Azzanadra and Nabor to the mysterious object. Now that he took a closer look, it was moving with a regular rhythm. Azzanadra crouched down beside is friend, Nabor observing the situation by peering over his shoulder. Yes, Wahiseitel seemed to be right. It did seem to have features that a crumpled piece of fabric wouldn’t. Closed eyelids were close to little white shiny shards poking out from a slat that ran just above where the fabric seemed to fold around, ending near something that could be a nose but Azzanadra had to poke to be sure.
Suddenly it stirred, the sudden unexpected movement sending all three of them scrambling over each other to get away as it sprung onto four spindly sticks and cowered against one of the supply containers, the sticks bending as it whined and tried to get as far away from them as possible. “Yeah, I think it’s alive.” Wahiseitel repeated.
“It looks a bit like Icthlarin. The head, I mean.” Azzanadra observed, closing one eye and tracing his claw around the shape of it. “Yeah… Maybe they’re related? It’s kinda small, it could be his child?” proposed Nabor, crawling a little closer but flinching back when it let out a growl that Azzanadra then echoed. Nabor continued his analysis. “But why would he leave it unattended like this? Surely he would either be keeping an eye on it, or get someone else to. Maybe we should bring it to him?” He attempted to approach again, this time getting down to its level and purring gently and soothingly until it started to relax and even look towards him. And of course, that was when Sliske decided to show up.
“Don’t worry Nabor! I’ll save you!” Sliske cried as he ran in, pushing Nabor to the side and scooping the creature up. He then proceeded to drop it, and as it fell yelping, he brought his foot up to propel it in an arc through the air that ended with it slamming into a human just walking out of a nearby doorway. “Wait, Sliske! That’s Icthlarin’s-“ But it was too late. The human nearly fell over as the baby Icthlarin crashed into their side, bumping the little dish of brown mush they had been holding onto the ground. Nabor and Wahiseitel ran over to make sure it was alright, but the human had already scooped it up and was cradling it in their arms, glaring at Azzanadra and the other three Mahjarrat.
“Oi! What the fuck do you idiots think you’re doing with my dog?!” The human yelled, the menacing effect of them slowly walking over to confront them ruined by the way they were gently whispering to the creature and the fact that they were absolutely defenceless against four much larger and more powerful opponents. “I think they said ‘My’, doesn’t that mean something belongs to them?” Wahisietel mumbled. “Maybe it’s their child?” Nabor theorised. Azzanadra shook his head. “It doesn’t bear much resemblance to them…” But maybe human young just looked like that? He hadn’t seen any yet, and this was certainly not what he wanted to have as his first experience with one. “Wait, that’s their child? Oh shit. I though it was some sort of enemy that had snuck in.” Sliske whispered quickly before disappearing much more quickly than he had arrived.
That… was actually some good logic. And probably the only reasonable excuse they had. “Uhh… Enemy?” Azzanadra asked, pointing to the child. “No! Not enemy! Friend!” The human yelled, stabbing their finger through the air at the child. “Friend.” Azzanadra repeated. That must be the child’s name. Wahisietel nodded. “We sorry hurts friend.” The human made a noise that sounded like  maybe it was trying to growl but ended up just letting air out without much noise. “Don’t ever come near me or my dog again.” The human muttered. “They don’t want us to do that to them again” Wahiseitel translated. “What, kick their child into them? You would think not.” The human let out a huff and began marching back inside, Friend growling at them from over their shoulder. “Well, that went pretty smoothly.”
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