#waive constitutional rights
you ever set out to write some terrible OOC crack-treated-seriously porn but you have to do some kind of setup for it and then you end up with this and you're like damn it I just wanted to write a scenario that all but three people will loathe why are these characters being emotional so rude
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genuflecting · 2 months
absolutely insane that after sending in state troopers to arrest 21 peaceful protestors on my campus (including a professor from the department I'm joining for my master's this fall), all of whom were not released until nearly 24 hours later (the last three of which I spent outside the county jail protesting their unlawful arrest) my university expects me to just. go back to writing my final papers! nothing to see here!
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reality-detective · 2 months
● Confiscated private and corporate assets
● Seized the NYSE
● Blocking the property of those involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption.
human trafficking
● 13848 imposes certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in any of the United States
● Maintain American leadership in artificial intelligence
Khazarian assets confiscated
● Among the top 3 executive orders - many DS assets were confiscated and DS Agents reversed
○ 13818, 13848 and 13959
● The Space Force has EVERYTHING under control!
● DS money will be used up quickly
● All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican etc.)
● Wall Street, Washington DC, Vatican and City of London - all dead
● OPERATION: DEFEND EUROPE. This started March 17th 2020 and takes over the Vatican, it's the mafia and it's seizing all the Rothschilds central banks
● Brexit has severed the Vatican's ropes and stripped the Royals of all assets
● We're going to Tesla and metals instead of oil and gas
GESARA – Global Economic Security and Reform Act
● It should be implemented on 10/11/2001. Stopped by the Khazarian false flag event on 9/11
● Elimination of the national debt of all nations of the world
● No taxes. Only a fixed sales tax of around 15% on new goods
● Waiving of mortgages and other bank departments due to illegal government activities
● Back to constitutional law - get rid of the corrupt law of the sea
● Newly elected leaders - only 10% of current governments
● World peace for 1,000 years
● Eliminate all current and future nuclear weapons on planet earth
● Gold Standard!
● Introduction of new hidden technologies - 6,000 Tesla patents. free energy
● Build and rebuild in all countries at 1950s prices
● The power back to We The People. Global distribution of wealth
● Odin project = World EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)
Do your own research 🤔
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flowerandblood · 5 months
Copyright & Fanfics
Fanfic authors have copyright on their work and it is protected by law, like any artwork. It stems from moral copyright, which people who enjoy stealing plot ideas, gifs or fanarts confuse with economic copyright.
So from the outset:
moral copyright protects the author's indefinite and indissoluble bond with the work. It results from the creator's emotional and intellectual involvement in the creation of the piece. This bond cannot be extinguished. It cannot be transferred or waived.
The rights cover the author's contribution to the work, what he gave of himself − the things he independently invented and the way he described them − in other words, all the things that don't make up the canon, are not source material or are not obvious (you can't say that someone independently invented that the characters breathe, have sex, the way it happens, because it's related to the culture we live in and the predetermined rules).
What fanfic or fanart authors don't have the right to do is to profit financially from their work unless they get permission from the creator of the source material − HBO, for example. Some people risk a lot by doing this and in cases where someone does it on a large scale it can end up in a lawsuit.
However, creating fan content for free is not only not illegal, it is actually covered by (moral) copyright.
Some people clearly have a problem separating what can be 'stolen' and what can't, so let's get more specific.
[ what is not subject to copyright ]
− tropes
Let's not kid ourselves − often old tropes are used in new fandoms within other characters. A trope is just a template that dictates the time period and subject matter, however, there are so many ways to resolve it that an infinite number of dissimilar works can be created.
− the use of canon and source material
We cannot have someone steal from us something that is not ours. If certain dialogues or scenes have been used in a TV series, a book or, for example, explained by actors in interviews, it is not ours, it is just generally accepted knowledge that anyone can use.
− things attributed to everyone's life
People eat breakfast and dinner, take baths, text, communicate through computers, take public transport or cars. These are normal things, and the mere fact that a character in someone's story 'drove a car' or 'ate breakfast' is no discovery or plagiarism.
[ what constitutes plagiarism ]
− copying someone else's style of expression
Anyone who writes knows that authors create their own distinctive style quite quickly, use their favourite words, combine them in their own specific way. They structure dialogue differently, divide paragraphs differently, narrate characters' minds differently. If someone wants to write a particular lead as we do, it's easy to spot what I'll deal with in the next section.
− copying plot solutions, dialogues, characters' thoughts with only slight modification
By this I mean those solutions that are invented by us. For example, in my story where Aemond is the Young Pope, my authorial solution is not that the action takes place in the Vatican or that my heroine has to kiss his hand like every pope.
My authorial solutions are that they have breakfast together in the garden, their conversation on the roof, his interview, what my heroine helps him with and why, his story, the fact that he compares my heroine to Bernini's sculptures, all their dialogues, intimate scenes and other side characters that I invented for the plot.
If someone writing their story used the things I mentioned in the previous paragraph it wouldn't be inspiration, it would be plagiarism − I spent hours making it up, and what? Someone would think it was good material and rework it for themselves?
What does not fall under "plagiarism" in this story − all the references to the source material, i.e. The Young Pope − the fact that the protagonist smokes, that his mother is a nun, that the action takes place in the Vatican, that he wants to bring about a revolution, that he exercises physically and walks around in a white tracksuit.
− the sequence of events not following from the canon, i.e. the so-called storyline
I don't mean that the characters meet and have sex, because let's agree that's the general sense of smut fanfic. It's about how it happens − where and why the characters meet, what happens to them next, their conversations, dilemmas and so on.
The fact that my male character from The Man in the Black Mask is actually a completely different person that everyone thought, what happens to the protagonist's mother and herself, what happens afterwards to her and her father, Aemond's backstory − it was all a product of my imagination. If someone wanted to write a new sworn protector Aemond and used my plot solutions leading to similiar results, it would be plagiarism.
− dialogues and creating tension in intimate scenes
We can all agree that when it comes to smut and sex scenes, we all go in circles because the number of ways it can be done is very limited, so I would be very careful with accusations in these areas. However, still, what an author can do, and what makes these stories so popular, is to create tension through full dialogue and gestures − and copying these can already be something clearly proven.
to sum up
One or two paragraphs like ours for an entire story may be a bit of an exaggerated accusation, unless of course they are copied word for word. We have to follow logic. Sometimes it's better to ask an outsider who doesn't write:
Hey, do you think these two paragraphs are similar?
We, as people accustomed to and connected with our works, can find "references" to our work very quickly, but it may turn out that a person from the side will make us realize that the similarity to the essence is distant and comes down only to the fact that the scene takes place, e.g. in the car and the hero is sad, but that's it.
Sometimes it is better to think carefully before we want to be "inspired" by someone and before we "accuse" someone of this "inspiration". It is worth taking screenshots and comparing the two works if we feel that someone may have been inspired too much.
If we find this to be the case, such common areas should be highlighted and preferably a screenshot should be sent to the author with a request for clarification, retaining all evidence beforehand, of course.
Remember that everyone has the right to explain themselves.
However, if we do not receive a reply and we see such a person publishing further, it is worth to write publicly about our observations and simply warning that this person may be copying other people's work (unless the quotations, dialogue and sentences are almost identical, in which case the word "certainly" is needed).
I generally caution authors against using the word "inspiration" and looking for such in fandom. Look for them in literary classics, where no one will accuse you of plagiarism.
Personally, I read the stories of only 2-4 people, my closest friends, whose works I adore, but also thanks to the limitation of their number, I know what they write about, what their plots looks like and that I will not be "inspired" by them in any way, even involuntarily − apart from improving my language, which is always a good thing.
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greater-than-the-sword · 10 months
One of the questions I plan to address in my public comment about generative AI (which will probably turn into a veritable doctoral thesis paper) is the issue of the opt-out model.
The opt out model is antithetical to copyright law as it currently stands because under US copyright law, people have copyrights by default, and do not have to register anything to automatically get exclusive rights to their intellectual property, whereas in the opt-out model, people have to assert these rights to get them.
More broadly, it's antithetical to the US constitution in general, which assumes people have their rights by default and those rights should be respected unless they've been actively waived.
Furthermore, any discussion of a universal opt-out model creates undue burden on the copyright holder, since not all venues of art are major social media platforms. Any opt-out scheme has to take into account people who host their own domains, and ask are we going to demand this person has the technical knowhow to create opt-out flags before they have the right to protect their art? As well as art collections already posted.
In the extreme end of this, opt-out schemes have to account for fringe scenarios like if a representative of OpenAi walked past your painting exhibition and started taking photos with the intent to train ai on them. You can quickly see then that the concept of opt-out and red flag signals are extraneous to the discussion of what rights the copyright holder has.
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zvaigzdelasas · 4 months
[VoA is US State Media]
The White House said Thursday that it would accept the results of Indonesia’s presidential election in which Prabowo Subianto, a former army general who for more than a decade was banned from entering the United States because of allegations linked to human rights abuses, has claimed victory.[...]
In 2020, the Trump administration dropped the de facto ban on Prabowo’s entry into the United States that was imposed over accusations of human rights abuses, including the abduction and torture of pro-democracy activists during the 1998 ouster of his then- father-in-law, President Suharto, and involvement with military crimes in East Timor.
Prabowo denies the allegations and has never been formally charged.
Pressed by VOA on whether the Biden administration was comfortable with Prabowo’s track record, Kirby underscored that human rights have been “the very foundation” of Biden's foreign policy.[...]
Jokowi defeated Prabowo in previous elections, but this year signaled support for his former rival through his eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, 36, who ran with Prabowo as vice president.
Gibran was able to join Prabowo’s ticket only after the country’s constitutional court created an exception to a rule that candidates must be at least 40 years old. That fueled criticism that Jokowi was trying to create a political dynasty in the world’s third-largest democracy.
Those concerns will largely be overlooked by Washington, considering Indonesia’s pivotal role in the U.S. geopolitical contest for influence with China and international efforts to mitigate climate change. Indonesia is the biggest exporter of coal and claims the world’s biggest reserves of nickel, a key component of electric car batteries.
“If the results show a Prabowo victory next month, then I would expect the U.S. to treat Minister Prabowo the same way that it treated Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi after he was elected in 2014, waiving any remaining restrictions on engagement with him,” Aaron Connelly, research fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, told VOA.[...]
Just as with India, which Washington sees as a counterweight to China, the United States is keen to foster closer ties with Indonesia, home to the largest Muslim population in the world and an important voice of the Global South.
For months, Jakarta and Washington have been discussing a potential minerals partnership aimed at facilitating nickel trade. Indonesia's nickel mining and refining industry has been largely dependent on investment from Chinese companies and besieged by environmental concerns
15 Feb 24
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sissyslavesammi · 5 months
Contract of Permanent Sissy Slavery
I, Sissy Sammi, the undersigned, bind myself totally and completely, without limits to, slavery to the holder(s) of this contract, herein after known as MASTER. (The singular form of the word MASTER is used throughout this Contract, though this word may apply to one or more persons delineated below.)
I acknowledge receipt of one pound (£1) and no other considerations. That, to me, is sufficient compensation. I certify that I am at least 18 years old, am not now physically or mentally impaired by influence of drugs, including alcohol, or other reason where I do not know what I am doing. I am legally and mentally competent to contract in my own name. I am signing this document of my own free will, without coercion or pressure of any kind. No one has made any promises, guarantees, warranties or offered threats or inducements of any kind to get me to sign this Contract. With full understanding of the meanings and implications of this Contract, I specifically desire and request the control delineated and the activities mentioned herein. I specifically desire and request MASTER to force me to comply, if necessary, using any means at MASTER'S disposal without limit.
I understand the Government of the UK prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude. Nevertheless, for my own purposes, I desire to become and be a slave. I am signing this Contract in an attempt to affect that status. I specifically request the courts, the law and government not to interfere. I consider any attempt by an outside authority to in any way limit MASTER’S rights and prerogatives under this Contract to be an unwarranted interference with my constitutional legal right to privacy. I am of legal age and I am legally an adult who knows what he is doing. I specifically want slavery. In the strongest language, I request the government not to protect me from the consequences of this decision. I give up any and all rights of any kind and description. My body, mind, and soul from this day, will be the absolute total property of my MASTER. I specifically waive any and all protection in law or equity, any constitutional rights or protections, and any other rule or regulation that would in any way prevent MASTER from having total control over every aspect of my life. I desire to be placed in a position where I CANNOT change my mind EVER.
Recognizing that a government may not allow a totally irrevocable contract, no matter how much I want one, I agree to the following clause, which, while making this Contract breakable, makes it almost impossible to break. This Contract is completely irrevocable except as provided for in this paragraph only. First, the OWNER of the slave can only cancel it, it’s MASTER. Once slave is enslaved it can never leave slavery unless MASTER allows its freedom. However this contract will make it perfectly clear that will never happen for slave. Once enslaved, the slave will remain enslaved for a lifetime to this MASTER, or another OWNER. Even if a court of law tries to intervene the slave will not be truly free if its MASTER does not give consent. MASTER has the right to force performance in a court of law or equity or by use of physical means as outlined above. MASTER may unilaterally cancel it at any time, with or without reason, although if cancelled by MASTER slave would be sold to another OWNER not set free. MASTER may choose to sell the slave to another MASTER or a COUPLE OR FAMILY MEMBER if HE wishes at anytime. This slave will remain enslaved for the remainder of its natural existence. This contract states more about the slave being enslaved for life and selling in Sections 20 & 22 as the contract continues.
MASTER has total and complete control in every area over slave. Signing this contract will be the last thing the slave will do of its own free will. I agree to MASTER completely, willingly to the best of my ability, at all times and in every way. I hereby totally submit to MASTER without limit and without reservation. I specifically request and authorize MASTER to use force to compel my obedience, with torture and beatings daily or any other method HE so desires to use. I specifically request and authorize MASTER to ignore anything I may say or do that might in any way be considered a refusal or retraction on my part. I will no longer be allowed to speak or think on my own. Signing this contract will be the last thing I ever do on my own. By way of illustrating MASTER’S control, but not in any way limit it I delineate the following subset of MASTER’S rights, privileges, prerogatives and abilities: I also understand I can be beaten to death or very near death if I attempt a serious breach of contract, and this can be done publically or privately in front of others.
TYPE OF slave (Section 4)
The slave will be a hardcore slave meaning it will be used and abused with ABSOLUTELY NO rights and NO limits accept what limits MASTER has set for it stated in this contract, which in this case is NONE. I understand completely that I will be seen as PROPERTY and treated like PROPERTY at all times. I will not be seen any other way and I am aware of this when signing this slave contract. Much as an animal, slave will be treated and used as a filthy dog, owned by MASTER where he has absolute right to do anything he desires or have done as the case may be. Where permissible slave will be collared and leashed naked and on all fours for all to see and be whipped in public whenever he desires. I understand I may be used in public to satisfy MASTER’s desires in a public place or be used by others including his female or male friends in any way he desires. In short, I agree to TOTAL UNCONDITIONAL SLAVERY of an extreme nature and will never be anything other than a slave.
slave’s BODY & MIND (Section 5)
The slave’s body, mind, and soul shall become the property of its MASTER to do with as HE wishes, within the limits set by HIM in this contract. The body I know will no longer be mine, MASTER will OWN it. From my head, down to my toes, arms, legs, ass, to my cock and balls, my person is the complete property of MASTER. MASTER will use my body as HE desires at anytime. The slave’s body will be owned as MASTER would own anything else, to use and abuse at HIS discretion. I will exist for nothing more than the purpose of existing for my MASTER to serve, and obey always. MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate body piercing, tattoos, scarifications, brandings or other body art modifications I will receive. MASTER agrees to have these modifications made by individuals trained in the specific areas concerned. Should MASTER decide to be trained in any of these areas MASTER retains the right to perform such modifications himself. Slaves opinions on style, type, size, placement, etc of any tattoos, brandings, and piercing or other body art, like everything, means nothing to MASTER. He shall have exclusive and unlimited authority on markings just like all other matters concerning slave.
Slave will be naked or sealed in latex at all times. MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate every aspect of my dress and to decide what, if anything, I am to wear, when and for how long.  However, MASTER intends to keep the slave naked when only with MASTER, as well as attending visits to others. I will only function as a stripped piece of property. MASTER has the right to inspect me at any time and in any situation. Note- If something were to arise and MASTER decided to take slave somewhere that required clothing, MASTER like everything about slave will decide what slave is to wear. MASTERs judgment will govern in all circumstances.
slave’s BATHROOM USE (Section 6)
Under absolutely NO circumstances, will slave ever use a regular toilet. I will only be allowed to piss and defecate in a litter box. Slave will always lift its leg like a dog when pissing and squatting while shitting. I understand completely when signing this contract I will NEVER use a regular toilet or pee standing up again. However, for example, this doesn’t mean slave wouldn’t be chained to the toilet. Slave’s bathroom use will be done most of the time in a litter box, but there may be times it could be a potty trainer, outside, but never a toilet. If slave is out somewhere with MASTER for any reason, slave will be provided a litter box to use, and all rules like all other aspects of this slave contract will remain in effect. Slave will also consume all MASTER’s urine and shit when ordered and wherever even in public. Slave also may be pissed on and left in its cage for days as punishment.
slave’s EATING & SLEEPING (Section 7)
MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate the place, time, manner and conditions of my eating, sleeping and drinking. In addition, MASTER has the right to choose what I eat or drink. So with that being known I understand completely I will ONLY be allowed to drink water, and eat only what MASTER allows me to eat. I will only be allowed to eat and drink from a dog bowl or floor on all fours. I will only be allowed to sleep in a cage or floor at all times, unless specified otherwise by MASTER. I understand completely there may be times when I am caged for days, or even weeks at a time. I also am aware there will be times I may not be allowed to eat for long periods of time, just so MASTER can enjoy watching me suffer. However MASTER might provide a water bottle.
slave HYGIENE (Section 8)
The slave will never under any circumstances use a regular shower, or bathing facility. It will only be allowed to wash from a bucket filled with luke warm water. I completely understand I will only use a bucket at all times and will NEVER shower again. I also understand should MASTER decide to clean me she will use cold water and may use soap on me that will be harsh, and that it may burn or be irritating to me. This way the slave suffers even when being cleaned. During times that slave is caged for days or weeks at a time, slave will be provided a litter box to relieve itself in and a bucket to clean itself. Slave may also brush its teeth but it will be done from inside its cage from its dog bowl. Slave’s genital area and ass will be shaved often and must remain smooth at all times. MASTER may at some point decide to shave this slaves head or entire body and she shall have exclusive and unlimited authority on this just like all other matters concerning slave.
slave LIMITATIONS (Section 9)
This section must be clearly stated that the slave will have NO rights or limits of any kind that were not designated by MASTER. The slave will not play any part in deciding what is done and not done to it, and MASTER sets all limitations. As a slave I understand I will have NO rights or NO limits, of any kind that were not designated by MASTER. I also understand I will never have any say or right of any kind and I will exist as nothing more than an owned thing, a slave owned by MASTER. Below MASTER will set the following limitations forth on this unconditional contract of my service and MASTERS total control over me. Except for the limits in this section, slave agrees to No Limits which it agrees to and again was set by MASTER, there are none at all. MASTER is in complete control and I hereby authorize and request MISTRESS from this day on to completely own me and to treat me as I were HIS own body, and do anything painful, harmful, or helpful that He could legally do to HIMSELF. And further more slave agrees to be altered and used in non legal ways also. If a situation exists within MASTER’s circle of friends slave can expect to be routinely emasculated as amusement or as a party piece for all to watch and see.
MASTER has the right to limit my movements. MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate my whereabouts at all times and will decide where I live and exist at. MASTER has the right to exercise this prerogative by physically confining or binding me in any means MASTER desires, with no limitations on time or method. I understand that I will be restrained, and the restraints are REAL and that I will NOT be able to get free until MASTER desires to release me. I also understand that I may be in heavy bondage for days or even weeks at a time. I will be in some type of restraints and bondage at all times selected by MASTER. Chains, collar, and cuffs at the very least. So with this being known I completely understand I will be in some type of slave gear for the rest of my slave life. I will be in chastity, collar and ball banded with heavy weights to have slave with stretched testicles while it still has them and this is for life or castration. There will NEVER be a time that my collar isn’t on or my owned testicles stretched and weighted (while still carrying them) or I am not wearing bondage. Note- The slave for absolutely no reason is allowed on any furniture of any kind or permitted to be on anything but the floor at all times unless specified on rare occasions otherwise.
MASTER will not allow slave to use tobacco at anytime while under MASTER’s OWNERSHIP.
’MASTER’S slave will not drink alcohol. There be times MASTER’s slave will be around alcohol but it will not be permitted to drink alcohol. MASTER may may decide to take me into establishments that allow drinking but I will not be given alcohol. However, at times, I may be made to serve MASTER may and his friend’s drinks at home and in any way may demands. I will never drink alcohol, as a slave my only drink will be water and piss even if out somewhere with may unless MASTER may decides otherwise. In that case it will be only under MASTER’S discretion as to time, place, extent, type and method.
There is absolutely no limitation to what types of sexual service the slave may be used for or endure this is to expressly state slave may be surgically altered, castrated in public or private, publically flogged or whipped and fully emasculated. This is NOT a contract for sexual services I shall NOT receive anything of value for engaging in sex. However I completely understand I will be used for the purpose of sexual acts when MASTER commands slave to do so and with whom she wishes. I agree to do so fully, completely, willingly, and to the best of my ability. MASTER will tell me where, when, and with whom and what sexual activities to undertake.  I completely understand as a slave sexually my purpose is to please. My pleasure is none and means absolutely nothing to MASTER.
MASTER may also forbid me or allow me to engage in sexual activities with others. Such activities will include fetish, sado-masochistic, multi-person and other activities considered by some to be deviant. But as this Contract continues to indicate slave is well aware of the deviant things that will be done to it. Except at MASTER’s discretion I agree to refrain from all sexual activity of every kind and description, including self-gratification. If slave is caught masturbating or fondling its balls, while it still carries them, without consent by MASTER it will result in severe punishment or castration of its testicles cruelly and painfully without any notice. MASTER may also forbid me from engaging in any sexual activity of any kind for extended periods of time. I understand that I may not be allowed to touch myself ever. Slave agrees to fully obey all of these limitations if and when they are imposed and for however long they be imposed. Note- I understand I will wear a chastity device that will only be unlocked by MASTER when he wishes it to be unlocked. I also understand MASTER may not allow me to cum for days, weeks, or even months or MASTER may decide to have it castrated and gelded at a time MASTER decides. Mistress has full rights as my owner to seal such chastity, locking it forever or simply having it castrated and remove its testicles completely and turned into a Eunuch slave. MASTER believes that a true male slave serves with its heart and not it balls and as such a Eunuch is more ideally suited for this purpose. Slave accepts this and agrees to become a Eunuch in service. See EMASCULATION/CASTRATION (Section 21).
WORKING (Section 10)
The slave will hold a regular job or have an income. It is signing this contract as slave property. MASTER may order slave to perform physical duties on HIS behalf and may hire out my labor without compensation of any kind to me. Slave will be subjected to work around MASTER’s house daily. The labour will be hard and slave will be beaten while working. It will also at times be subjected to wearing clamps and clothespins while working. I agree to serve diligently, completely and to the best of my ability at all times. I will not receive anything for my work this shall be in the control of MASTER. If slave was to work at another location the slave will still be as it always is. The slave would remain this way under the total watch of its MASTER. The slave will never know any title except slave (it) always. I am not entitled to workers compensation, social security or other insurances or tax. All earning are property of MASTER as I am his property. I will have no say in how MASTER uses such monies. I have surrendered all properties to MASTER in signing this contract insuring I remain an indentured slave. I understand completely I serve under a slave Contract for no compensation and will receive £0.00 in wages. No matter how many hours slave may work it will never see any funds nor make any money. That I am not an employee can be demonstrated by the IRS test that I CANNOT quit this slave Contract.
HEALTH & FITNESS (Section 11)
MASTER may or may not allow slave to remain in great health at all times. I agree, at MASTER discretion to submit to every form of examination by health care professionals, fitness experts and others MASTER deems desirable. I agree to submit to any treatment or course of regiment MASTER orders. MASTER will have full control over my health and life insurance as well as health plan, in signing this contract I agree to maintain employment that offers health insurance.
Like all sections of this slave contract it must be totally clear and precise and there must be no confusion to the slavery that the slave is entering. However, this section is overly important because there CANNOT be any confusion with this paragraph whatsoever because of the nature of the severity of what will occur. MASTER may enforce HIS orders by physical, corporal punishment or various types. Some of the methods of discipline are as follows:  I will be whipped, caned, paddled, and beaten with many different implements. I understand the beatings and whippings are very REAL. They WILL hurt, may leave temporary or permanent marks on my body and I will bruise, from mild to severe. MASTER may enforce HIS orders by physical force at any given time. In short, by MAKING me to do what He wants done, MASTER may apply corporal punishment and/or force either for a lapse in my behavior, or just simply for HIS enjoyment, amusement and gratification. This may include mild to severe torture but some type of torture every day. Again I understand completely that I will receive some form of torture daily. So again I am signing this contract knowingly realizing I will be subjected to beatings and torture. I understand that the beatings and torture will be painful. Slave will accept any punishment MASTER desires to use on the slave. But from time to time, HE may beat slave until bloody or slave may experience some blood release due to certain types of torture.
I submit to this Contract and to the treatment here under entirely of my own free will and volition and for my own reasons. I enter into this Contract solely and entirely at my own risk, knowing I’m becoming a slave. I, for myself, my heirs, my assigns, and all other parties of any description, hereby agree to hold MASTER harmless, and release HIM from all liability of any kind. I understand completely I entered into slavery knowing I would endure many beatings, torture and inhumane things. I have entered it of my own free will. MASTER and other participants in these activities would NOT be liable in anyway, unless it was a blatant disregard of the contract, by MASTER.
By signing this Contract, I transfer control and ownership of all property, real, personal, tangible, and intangible and all copyrights, patents, etc. Anything I now have, will become entitled to, or obtain by any other means during the course of this Contract, to MASTER. MASTER has permission to use any and all assets that belonged to me upon entering this contract. I have set my hand to this contract and my personal will with wishes that it will never be contested in any court in the land. I have placed my life and all that belongs to me in MASTER hand as her property MASTER agrees to use any or all of such properties, copyrights, patent payments, earnings etc., I may have had upon entering this Contract as she sees fit. MASTER may use such funds, properties. There is absolutely NO termination of this slave Contract. MASTER will keep all such property or moneys. Possessions – As a slave I will own NOTHING – not my body, mind, or soul. It will all be the legal property of MASTER. I understand completely I will exist simply as a naked object owned by MASTER. Anything the slave may be provided with and all items on the slave will belong completely to MASTER. I understand completely that as a slave I will own absolutely NOTHING. As a slave for the rest of my life I will not own a single possession again. Power of Attorney by my signature below, I grant MASTER unlimited Power of Attorney to turn to HIS own use and advantage all property described above and to effect any legal transfers or paperwork of any kind and description. To give consent to medical and other treatment: to execute contracts of any sort in my name. To effect and enforce all rights, privileges and conditions of this Contract. And, do anything in my name, which I could lawfully do without exception or limitation. I desire that MASTER be free to exercise this Power of Attorney without any conditions, bonds, oversight, restraint or interference of any kind. Also, according to the state I will be living in, I will sign a Power of Attorney in the form prescribed by law and have it registered with the Courts registry of documents notifying them I am a slave. This and other signed Power of Attorneys lasts indefinitely from the date of my signing the Contract below.
NAME (Section 15)
MASTER has the exclusive right to change my name to anything HE desires to call me, whether it is a new name or something more suitable to a lowly slave. HE may change my name legally or just for HIS own purposes. I will accept my new name and never question it, just like anything else as a slave. I will never deny my name or my identity, of what I am if asked by anyone, or who I am. I also understand that the identity I once knew will be gone forever.
MODEL’S RELEASE (Section 16)
I hereby execute an unconditional, unlimited, irrevocable, assignable, Models Release in favor of MASTER covering all pictures, films, video audio, public performances and recordings of me of any kind, whether true to life or manipulated in any fashion. I waive all rights to inspect the products before or after use and waive my claims for embarrassment or mental distress specifically and all other claims of any sort generally.
TV, COMPUTERS, ETC (Section 17)
The slave under absolutely NO circumstances will EVER be allowed to watch TV, use a telephone, computer (other than reason of employment) or any other thing that would definitely be considered a luxury. As indicated by this contract NOTHING in slave’s life will be remotely close to a luxury but instead a constant humiliation and degradation. Slave will have no contact with the outside world of any kind and must maintain its constant focus and dedication on serving, obeying, and pleasing its MASTER. Unless instructed or gifted by Mistress, slave may earn one 5 minute call every month done under MASTER’s instructions.
This statement notwithstanding, I specifically desire none, or at least the minimum amount of government interference in this Contract. If any part of this Contract is held to be invalid, the remainder stands as written and the invalid part is changed as slightly as possible to give MASTER as much latitude and as many rights and privileges as possible. In similar fashion, in any disagreement of interpretation, MASTER desire shall prevail. This Contract may be broken Only by MASTER and there is only one possible way this contract could be broken. The slave cannot break the contract. Once the signing of this Contract is finished the slave will NEVER know freedom again. Below indicates how it can be broken.
MASTER at any given time may sell slave to another listed above. Although this would be unlikely since MASTER has set all limits for slave HIMSELF and has complete and total power over slave. Once this Contract is signed it will remain a slave to someone for life.
Note – I, soon to be slave, understand this contract CANNOT be broken by me the slave EVER. By signing this contract I know I will NEVER know freedom AGAIN.
SELLING OF THE slave (Section 19)
MASTER may choose to sell this slave at any given time at HIS own discretion as mentioned above. Should MASTER desire to sell slave, HE may do so without consent of slave in choice of new OWNER. Slave is obligated to agree to sale and may not choose to end this Contract if MASTER desires to sell slave and discontinue ownership. Slave understands completely, that it will NEVER be free again, no matter if MASTER no longer wants slave. MASTER wants this slave to be a slave always even if sold by HIM. I understand that by signing this contract I am knowingly realizing I will remain a slave for the rest of my life. It does not matter how many OWNERS slave may have, and all of slave’s OWNERS will see that slave is never free again. For example slave could live another 50 years or more, and still will always remain as nothing more than a slave. Slave also understands it may be sold into slavery under even harsher circumstances than this, although unlikely since this slavery is extremely hardcore and harsh. However, slave understands it may be sold to an OWNER that wants to keep it in a dungeon/torture chamber environment for years or to an OWNER that may want to breed slave with dogs/animals, etc.  I, the soon to be slave, understand I may be offered up for sale and be displayed as my MASTER desires for like minded Owners to inspect and bid on. I understand I shall be displayed with no dignity only as property for sale. No matter what type of slavery it is sold in, slave again will accept its position in slavery and will serve MASTER/or a new OWNER to the fullest extent of his ability, just like it had done with MASTER. Once slave’s sale to a new Owner is completed, slave will then be the property of his new OWNER and that ALL provisions of this Contract will remain fully in effect.
Unbreakable final sale means exactly that there is no possible way that this slave will see freedom again for the rest of its life. I understand completely that this Contract is totally irreversible, or unbreakable in any way once signed. The signing of this Contract will be the last decision the slave will ever make on its own. Once this slave signs this contract it is the legal property, possession, thing, merchandise, chattel, and slave of MASTER for a maximum duration period of a lifetime. The word lifetime means just that the slave will be enslaved for life. MASTER agrees that the slave will be enslaved for life. I understand completely there is absolutely NO possible way I will EVER be free again. This slave will never have any other title than slave. It will remain a slave and human property for the rest of its natural existence. I understand once this Contract is signed, the life that I once knew will no longer exist forever. All past life that the slave once knew will be gone and all thoughts and emotions will be dictated by MASTER and slave will be focused 24/7/365 on serving, obeying and pleasing its MASTER.
MASTER may choose at any time to either have me castrated or if competent, castrate me herself however and whenever she chooses without notice or pre arrangement. This may be done as punishment for wrong doing or her pleasure.
MASTER will choose the method and where she has me castrated and I fully consent to this without reservation. I note I may be forcibly restrained when being castrated for obvious reasons.
MASTER is a firm believer in a male slave being castrated and becoming a Eunuch as described, a slave serves with its heart and not its balls. MASTER believes that once castrated the male slave will become calmer and more focused on his desires and wishes without excessive testosterone coursing through the slave hence castration of the testicles. Until such time as he decides on the castration slave agrees to suffer severely in the testicles so it will be better focused and grateful to MASTER to be rid of this pain and torment forever. MASTER states that the slave will never be used for breeding from and so has no need for them once his sadistic pleasures have been sated with testicle abuse of his slave. MASTER also informs slave it is highly likely its testicles may be rendered useless by this torture, before such time and may be castrated so that slave will still be healthy and fit.
MASTER will have total 24/7 control of the sub, in every aspect and as follows:
A. The slave submits ownership of his genitals to MASTER as her property.  MASTER takes complete control of the slave’s genitals.  The slave is not allowed to touch or fondle MASTERs newly acquired property without her consent, however, MASTER has free reign to do whatever he desires with his property as with regards to chemical or surgical castration.
B. MASTER will ultimately decide when/if permission to orgasm will be granted based on variables such as infractions of these terms, the convenience of the orgasm to be granted, or MASTER general overall mood to grant permission.
C. The slave submits to the use and wearing of a locking chastity device to ensure that MASTER’s newly acquired property is kept secure and denies access to the slave’s ability to break the terms of this chastity. MASTER will keep all keys. The slave is not authorized to touch any of the MASTER’s keys. The slave will only be allowed to open the chastity belt in the case of an extreme emergency. MASTER will review the emergency and decide whether the emergency was excusable. An inexcusable emergency will be met with punishment.
D. When MASTER decides the chastity device may be taken off for hygiene and maintenance purposes.  MASTER will decide if he will be the one who performs the cleaning of her property, or if he will trust the slave with the task.
E. The chastity device may be taken off, at any time MASTER wishes, and for any reason MASTER wishes.
F. The slave does not have authority to remove the chastity device from MASTER’s property for any reason. The slave may however, submit a request for removal of the chastity device explaining the reason or reasons for removal, but ultimately MASTER will decide on the approval of the request.
G. The slave will never be allowed to orgasm as a normal male ever. If MASTER decides slave will be anally milked in chastity and consume all it’s spendings. Or MASTER may allow this slave to orgasm while being penetrated anally but again it must consume all of its spendings.
H.  The slave must understand that MASTER believes a male slave has not the right to ejaculate or be used for breeding or have any pleasure from the male ejaculation. MASTER believes a male slave, serves best with its only viable sex organ, that of its owned and trained tongue. Therefore the male slave will never have any penile sexual pleasure from the moment of the signing of this contract, and will ultimately become her Eunuch slave.
I have read this Contract closely and completely understand that I am signing a Contract to enter slavery. There are no other provisions and I know by signing this contract I am willingly entering into slavery, fully understanding there is absolutely NO way out. I understand completely I am becoming Owned property. I also understand I will be a 24/7/365 LIFETIME slave boy, to be used and abused, with NO rights, limits, or any say in anything EVER. I also understand that being a slave is not an easy life as indicated by this Contract but instead a very hard life. I also fully understand I will be subjected to very cruel, harsh, and dehumanizing things by MASTER. I understand as stated above, I will endure extreme torture and extreme beatings, as well as extreme humiliation and degradation everyday regularly. I also understand that the abuse, torture, beatings, etc WILL NEVER STOP. I will NOT ask for my freedom because it would only result in being beat for asking and of course denied. That is the purpose of this Contract so I understand what I am committing myself to. I completely am aware of everything before signing this contract. I have no other questions.
I AGREE to be a slave for the rest of my life.
EXECUTION OF DOCUMENT Date 15 January 2024
slave: Sissy Slave Sammi
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reasonandempathy · 1 year
Looking on from abroad, I don't like any of the recent rulings by SCOTUS ideologically, but they're also clearly correct. The constitution is not in line with liberal or leftwing values. Like I'm not saying "thus these values should not be pursued", but the court's role is to say what the constitution says; and the constitution says "fuck the poor" etc.
They're not though. Before getting into it you need to be aware that there are proper and improper procedures for how these things are done. It makes sense, because otherwise the Supreme Court could pro-actively dictate what the law is and isn't, as you understand.
There have to be cases brought to them, there need to be parties to that case, etc. Does this make sense?
With that said, a brief line about why the recent rulings are actually incorrect.
Dobbs v Jackson (Overturning Roe v Wade) - Arguably the most defensible ruling, it still flies in the face on 50 years of legal precedent, the rulings stand in exact opposition to sworn testimony of many of the judges, and it's still wildly ideologically driven. They were put on that bench to overrule Roe and they took the opportunity to do so.
Biden v Nebraska (No student debt relief) - The Heroes act, which was the law at question, gave the secretary of education the ability to modify or waive parts of the law. The majority opinion is very much a "you're right by what the law says, but it looks wrong to us." They rooted a lot of their ruling on "There's no way that Congress wanted this" despite the heroes act explicitly being for the relief of educational debt during times of national crisis.
Stewart (Gay Web Design) - There is no case. On top of the fact that this is explicitly counter to the entirety of existing civil rights law, precedent, and theory, the web designer was never asked to make a gay wedding website. It was a god damn sham from the word go. It was rooted in a theoretical "wouldn't it be fucked up if I had to do a thing?" It also gives the framework and arguments, in the Justices own god-damnable words, to overturn the Civil Rights Act, Gay Marriage laws, and even a whole host of anti-espionage laws. I actually would like some of those to be overturned, but I'm including them here to emphasize how idiotic, short-sighted, and bullshit the ruling was.
SFA vs Harvard (Affirmative Action) - Also flies in the face of decades of precedent and laws, but more importantly it flies in the face of this own court's other rulings. You may have heard about Allen v Milligan, where the Supreme Court threw out an Alabama congressional map for being really, really racist. That's correct: the map was, but the support for throwing it out was the same argument for the dissent in this case. State bodies can use racial makeup and information in efforts to eliminate racist institutions.
You can make judgments based on race if you're getting rid of racism, basically. Which is what Affirmative Action is intended to do. People can argue that it might need to be more fluid, less restrictive, or reconfigured frequently, sure. But that is a legitimate pursuit and application of governmental power.
There are more problems, and more cases, but there's a reason why law schools and firms all over the country are collectively giving side-eye and shit-talk to this Court.
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r-rook-studio · 1 year
OGL Bullshit
I'd been avoiding it because the last few weeks have been brutal, but have a few non-lawyerly notes on why I don't trust the new "playtest" OGL 1.2 bullshit and think others should hesitate as well.
I'd experimented with putting out 5e stuff this year, but I've already pulled it from DTRPG and will be pulling it from Itch on Feb. 1. I'm not going back to D&D 5e as a publisher, DM, or player, and will not be publishing anything under a Hasbro or WotC-controlled license going forward. I still plan to pull everything published under OGL 1.0a by the end of year to avoid yet more Hasbro shenanigans.
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Hasbro's still engaged in a blatant attempt to squash non-WotC OGL game creators, even though they've benefited substantially from that market and recruited most of the full-time D&D team from. Mike Mearls created the OGL-based game Iron Heroes at Malhavoc. Jeremy Crawford co-created the original Blue Rose (the basis for True20) at Green Ronin. Greg Tito has a co-author credit on ACKS. F. Wesley Schneider worked on Pathfinder at Paizo.
While actual attorneys have done a good job on why the CC-BY material they're currently planning to release is bullshit, much of it isn't even original to WotC, who didn't create many of the more distinctive mechanics. For instance, the system now called advantage/disadvantage was a popular mechanic in d20-based fantasy games well before 5e, and appeared in Barbarians of Lemuria under those names way back in 2008.
"Hateful conduct" is a smokescreen. Hasbro execs and their chosen attorneys will be the ones determining what constitutes "hateful conduct" (according to the draft agreement, if I accept the agreement, I waive my right to legally challenge their decisions). If you think those execs and attorneys are going to care or enforce fairly without relentless, aggressive, and widespread pressure, I've got a collection of bridges to sell you.
I won't trust a megacorp with phrases like "obscene" or "illegal": we're living in a decade when drag performance and "flamboyant femininity" could get criminalized in some places and excellent anthologies like Honey & Hot Wax deemed obscene. "You should trust us," is what Hasbro will say. I can't and shouldn't. Even if I like, know, and support current WotC D&D Team, they're not the ones who are going to be making these decisions (they might not even be on WotC's D&D team when Hasbro's decide to threaten to enforce it). Remember how much both Hasbro and WotC have changed as an org since 1.0a went into effect in 2000. I may have met and liked WotC staffers, but they may not be there in 3 years (or even 1 year) and they're unlikely to have any real control over license enforcement even now.
Again, this is "why I'm ditching 5e and will be ditching all OGL 1 material." It's not legal advice, just how I'm making decisions.
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Supreme Outrage!
April 26, 2024
The Supreme Court heard oral argument on Thursday regarding Trump's presidential immunity defense. For clarity, that defense asserts that the president is above the law and beyond the reach of US criminal statutes that otherwise apply to every American. To the shock of everyone—and no one—the reactionary majority expressed sympathy for Trump's defense. The hearing itself was a supreme outrage. While the reactionary majority may not adopt the most extreme version of Trump’s defense, they need not do so to grant Trump a victory. Indeed, they have already granted Trump most of what he asked for: a lengthy delay.
Before I review the debacle that masqueraded as a Supreme Court hearing, let’s skip to the most important part: We have a remedy; we need only be bold enough to claim it. The current court is illegitimate; we must effectively replace it by enlarging the Court to overwhelm the reactionary majority.
Is such a plan reasonable? Constitutional? Wise? Achievable? Yes! Mitch McConnell created an Orwellian rule to deny Democratic presidents the right to appoint Supreme Court justices—and then waived the novel rule as soon as it would apply to an appointment by a Republican. Three justices (at least) lack legitimacy: Gorsuch and Barrett, whose appointments were tainted by the McConnell rule, and Clarence Thomas, who should recuse himself from every case relating to Trump. In short, one-third of the Court that heard Trump's arguments on Thursday had no business presiding over Trump's immunity claim.
Expanding the Court requires only a majority vote in both chambers of Congress and the signature of the president. Those conditions are within our grasp in November 2024. When I first raised this prospect in 2018, it was met with shock and horror by readers, who protested that expanding the Court would undermine its legitimacy. Such objections seem quaint in light of the damage wrought by the Court in six short years.
As Ian Millhiser of Vox wrote today,
One takeaway from today's debacle of a Supreme Court argument is Democrats need to start seriously considering packing the Supreme Court. A Court that would allow Donald Trump to get away with trying to steal a presidential election cannot be trusted.
We have a long list of issues that should drive us to the polls in historic numbers in November. Add to that list that we are burdened with a lawless Supreme Court that cannot be trusted with our democracy or Constitution.
As noted above, the reactionary majority granted Trump a victory before the hearing began by refusing Jack Smith’s request to skip the intermediate step of an appeal to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. The Court enhanced that victory for Trump by refusing to hear the matter on an expedited schedule. And now it appears that the Court will issue a fractured opinion on the last day possible (June 30) that will order the trial court to engage in pointless pre-trial fact-finding about the difference between “private” and “official” acts.
But most critically, the reactionary majority gave Trump a victory by dignifying ludicrous arguments that should have been rebuked and condemned the moment Trump's counsel gave them voice. In failing to reject those arguments out of hand, the reactionary majority bestowed upon them the veneer of legitimacy and respectability they do not deserve.
For example, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked Trump's lawyer,
If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military to assassinate him, is that within his official acts to which he has immunity? Trump's lawyer responded, “That could well be an official act [and therefore immune from prosecution]”
How did we arrive at this point? How is it possible that counsel for a former president could say with a straight face that a president can order the assassination of a political rival with impunity? How could the justices sit silently and ponder counsel’s answer instead of rising in horror and ordering the attorney out of the courtroom? They are feckless. They have abandoned the Constitution in its hour of need by failing to communicate the horror and repulsion such arguments deserve.
The reactionary majority also gave Trump a victory by refusing to acknowledge the constitutional urgency of the attempted coup and insurrection. Rather than focusing on the facts alleged in the indictment against Trump, the reactionary majority crafted ever more fanciful hypotheticals that had no bearing on the case at hand. As expressed by Professor Laurence Tribe,
Today’s SCOTUS argument was more like a hearing in Congress to design an immunity law for future presidents, with Justice Kavanaugh saying “We’re not taking about the present case” and Justice Gorsuch saying “We’re writing rules for the ages” and Justice Alito joining in.
Only Justice Jackson reminded her colleagues that deciding this case was the Court’s task and that it might not be cool to use it as a vehicle for “answering in advance all these abstract questions”!
By engaging in fantasy rather than focusing on the facts at hand, it is inevitable that the Court will send the case back to the trial court for pre-trial fact finding—an outcome that will ensure the case will be delayed until after the election. The Court will thus deny all Americans the opportunity to cast their vote with the benefit of a jury verdict on Trump's guilt or innocence.
Justice Alito reached the pinnacle of bad faith by arguing that not granting immunity to Trump would increase the likelihood that a future president would try to stay in power. Huh? Every president before Trump relinquished power voluntarily without benefit of presidential immunity. If Trump is told he has absolute immunity and wins a second term, what motivation would he have to leave office—ever?
Alito also summited the peak of hypocrisy. In Dobbs, he wrote that there is no constitutional right to an abortion, reasoning as follows:
Constitutional analysis must begin with “the language of the instrument . . .  The Constitution makes no express reference to a right to obtain an abortion . . . .
But the Constitution make no reference to “presidential immunity.” As counsel for Jack Smith argued,
There is no immunity that is in the Constitution, unless this Court creates it today.
Do not expect blatant hypocrisy to slow Alito’s headlong embrace of presidential immunity that appears nowhere in the Constitution. Alito knows no shame in service of his reactionary agenda.
For additional discussion of the oral argument and potential outcome, see
Ian Millhiser in Vox, The Supreme Court is likely to place Donald Trump above the law in its immunity case (excellent legal summary), and
Chris Geidner at Law Dork, SCOTUS approach to Trump's immunity claim likely to delay D.C. case further (substack.com) (deep dive into argument by counsel and questions by justices).
Millhiser predicts an outcome along the following lines:
At least five of the Court’s Republicans seemed eager to, at the very least, permit Trump to delay his federal criminal trial for attempting to steal the 2020 election until after this November’s election. And the one GOP appointee who seemed to hedge the most, Chief Justice John Roberts, also seemed to think that Trump enjoys at least some immunity from criminal prosecution.
As summarized by Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo, The Court is Corrupt. Say It With Me. Per Marshall,
The Roberts Court is a corrupt institution which operates in concert with and on behalf of the Republican Party . . . That’s the challenge in front of us. . . . But things become more clear-cut once we take the plunge and accept that fact.
The courts are not going to save us. The reverse is true. A significant portion of the federal judiciary has been corrupted and undermined by judges loyal to a reactionary religious and partisan agenda above all else. They view the Constitution and statutes as convenient “talking points” when they advance their agenda and disposable trifles when they do not.
Our remedy is at the ballot box. We must give Joe Biden control of Congress and a mandate to reform the federal judiciary—starting with the Supreme Court. We can achieve that goal if we are disciplined and tenacious. Put aside all disagreements and reservations to ensure Democrats win control of the executive and legislative branches in 2024. Then we can begin the long, slow work of repairing the damage inflicted in a few short years by the reactionary majority empaneled by Trump, McConnell, and The Federalist Society.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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Judd Legum at Popular Information:
Black women make up about 8% of the population in the United States. But, according to a report by Project Diane, firms founded by Black women received 0.0006% of total funding from venture capitalists between 2009 and 2017. In recent years, the amount of venture capital funding awarded to firms founded by Black women has remained far less than 1%. Further, a study by Palladium Impact Capital found that "Black women entrepreneurs in the United States suffer the largest gap between their total capital demand and the amount of investment capital they receive when compared to other demographic groups."   Nevertheless, some people believe that in the status quo, Black women are receiving too much venture capital. They argue that Black women are benefiting from illegal racial preferences. And they are suing to put an end to it. The focus of the litigation is the Fearless Fund, which runs the Strivers Grant Contest, a program that awards $20,000 to four small businesses that are majority-owned by Black women. A group called The American Alliance for Equal Rights (AAER) sued the Fearless Fund, arguing the grant contest constituted illegal racial discrimination. 
AAER bills itself as "a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to challenging distinctions made on the basis of race and ethnicity in federal and state courts." In practice, it files lawsuits on behalf of aggrieved white people who believe they are being harmed by programs designed to benefit racial minorities that face widespread discrimination. Edward Blum, the president of AAER, told the New York Times in 2023 that "systemic racism" does not exist. Blum also rejected the idea that "racism" was part of the country at its founding. AAER's most famous legal victory was a successful lawsuit arguing that "race-conscious student admissions policies used by Harvard University and the University of North Carolina" were unlawful. In the Fearless Fund lawsuit, AAER argued that the Fearless Fund's grant "violates section 1981 of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race when enforcing contracts." That law was originally "intended to protect formerly enslaved people from economic exclusion," but is now being turned on its head by AAER. 
This week, a federal appeals court handed a victory to AAER. In a 2-1 decision, a panel found AAER was likely to succeed on the merits and issued an injunction suspending the Fearless Fund's grant program. The decision was written by two judges appointed by former President Trump.  Blum celebrated the decision while waiving away concerns about the systemic exclusion of Black women from venture capital funding. "Our nation’s civil rights laws do not permit racial distinctions because some groups are overrepresented in various endeavors, while others are under-represented," Blum said. 
The real meaning of civil rights law
Do civil rights laws really prohibit initiatives like the Fearless Fund's grants to businesses owned by Black women? Other courts have rejected challenges to similar programs. In November 2023, America First Legal (AFL) — an organization run by Trump advisor Stephen Miller — sued Progressive Insurance on behalf of a white business owner to stop a program that awarded $25,000 grants to black-owned small businesses. The money could be used toward the purchase of a commercial vehicle. The white business owner represented by AFL claimed he began filling out the application before realizing it was limited to Black-owned businesses.
The 3-judge panel on the 11th Circuit ruling against Fearless Fund is a victory for the right-wing White grievance industry and a loss for Black women.
See Also:
CNN: Federal appeals court blocks Fearless Fund from issuing grants to only Black women
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The Illinois Supreme Court on Friday upheld a Democratic-backed ban on assault-style rifles and large-capacity magazines enacted after a deadly mass shooting in Chicago's Highland Park suburb in 2022 that left seven people dead and dozens of others wounded.
The state's high court in a 4-3 vote rejected arguments by a group of plaintiffs led by a Republican state Representative Dan Caulkins, that the ban violated the Illinois Constitution by not applying the law equally to all citizens.
Democratic Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker in a statement called the ruling "a win for advocates, survivors, and families alike because it preserves this nation-leading legislation to combat gun violence and save countless lives."
In January, he signed into law the measure, the Protect Illinois Communities Act, which bans the sale and distribution of many kinds of high-powered semiautomatic "assault weapons," including AK-47 and AR-15 rifles, and large-capacity magazines.
Justice Elizabeth Rochford, a Democrat, wrote that the constitution's equal protection and special legislation clauses did not bar the state's legislature from treating certain citizens differently than others by exempting them from the law.
Those exemptions applied to people who complete firearms training while employed in law enforcement, the military and private security and individuals who already owned the prohibited guns before the ban was enacted.
"The Act attempts to balance public safety against the expertise of the trained professionals and the expectation interests of the grandfathered individuals," Rochford wrote in an opinion that was joined by three of her fellow Democratic justices.
The ruling reversed a lower-court judge's ruling in the plaintiffs' favor. Justices Lisa Holder White and David Overstreet, both Republicans, and Mary Kay O’Brien, a Democrat, dissented.
The plaintiffs also argued the law violated the right to keep and bear arms under the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment. But Rochford said the plaintiffs waived that argument by not raising it at the lower-court level.
That Second Amendment argument is central to separate ongoing federal lawsuits also challenging Illinois' law.
The conservative-majority U.S. Supreme Court last year in striking down New York state gun limits on carrying concealed firearms announced a new legal standard requiring firearms restrictions to be "consistent with this nation's historical tradition of firearm regulation."
That ruling has made it more difficult for lower courts to uphold new or existing gun regulations, several of which have been declared unconstitutional.
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reality-detective · 10 months
● Confiscated private and corporate assets
● Seized the NYSE
● Blocking the property of those involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption.
Human trafficking
● 13848 imposes certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in any of the United States
● Maintain American leadership in artificial intelligence
Khazarian assets confiscated
● Among the top 3 executive orders - many DS assets were confiscated and DS Agents reversed
○ 13818, 13848 and 13959
● The Space Force has EVERYTHING under control!
● DS money will be used up quickly
● All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican etc.)
● Wall Street, Washington DC, Vatican and City of London - all dead
● OPERATION: DEFEND EUROPE. This started March 17th 2020 and takes over the Vatican, it's the mafia and it's seizing all the Rothschilds central banks
● Brexit has severed the Vatican's ropes and stripped the Royals of all assets
● We're going to Tesla and metals instead of oil and gas
GESARA – Global Economic Security and Reform Act
● It should be implemented on 10/11/2001. Stopped by the Khazarian false flag event on 9/11
● Elimination of the national debt of all nations of the world
● No taxes. Only a fixed sales tax of around 15% on new goods
● Waiving of mortgages and other bank departments due to illegal government activities
● Back to constitutional law - get rid of the corrupt law of the sea
● Newly elected leaders - only 10% of current governments
● World peace for 1,000 years or longer.
● Eliminate all current and future nuclear weapons on planet earth
● Gold Standard!
● Introduction of new hidden technologies - 6,000 Tesla patents. free energy
● Build and rebuild in all countries at 1950s prices
● The power back to We The People. Global distribution of wealth
● Odin project = World EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)
- Benjamin Fulford
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lifeofresulullah · 3 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Farewell Hajj and the Death of the Prophet (pbuh)
Farewell Sermon
After praising and thanking God, the Prophet recited the following sermon, which contains unchanging and ageless criteria, to more than one hundred thousand (one hundred and twenty thousand) Companions and actually to all Muslims and the mankind:
“O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be among you again.
O People! Just as you regard this month, this day, this city as sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust.
O my Companions!
Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Do not return to your previous deviation before me and do not kill one another.
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly.
O my Companions!Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Truly, the usury of the Era of Ignorance has been laid aside forever. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. God has judged that there shall be no interest and the first interest that I abolish is the one due to Abbas ibn ‘Abd'al Muttalib (Prophet’s uncle).
O my Companions! Every right arising out of homicide in pre-Islamic days is henceforth waived, and the first such right I waive is that arising from the murder of Rabi`ah ibn Al-Harith, grandson of Abdulmuttalib (my uncle’s son).
O people!
Today, Satan has lost his power to affect you and to establish sovereignty in your land. However, avoid following him in small things; if you obey him in small things, he will be glad.
Avoid them to protect your religion.
O people! I advise you to show respect to the rights of women and fear God about them.  You have taken them as your wives only under God’s trust and with His permission.You have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve. If they allow anyone you do not approve into your house, you can beat them slightly. The women have the right to their food and clothing in accordance with the custom.
O Believers!I have left you with something which, if you hold fast to it, you will never go astray; that is, the Book of God.
Believers! Listen to my word well and memorize it! Every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim and that Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim that belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly.
My Companions! Do not oppress yourselves; you have rights over you.
O people! God Almighty gave the rights of everybody to their owners in the Quran. A will is not necessary for inheritance. A child that is born belongs to the owner of the bed. There is deprivation for a person that commits fornication. A person cannot attribute himself to anybody except his father or his master; if he attempts to do so, may the wrath of God, the curse of angels and the curse of all Muslims be upon him. God Almighty will not accept the repentance and witnessing of those people.
O people! Your Lord is one; your father is one, too. All of you are children of Adam. Adam was created out of dust. The one that is the most valuable in the eye of God is the one that fears Him the most. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab except by piety and good action.
O People! Tomorrow they will ask you about me, what will you say?”
They said, ‘We witness that you carried out the duty of being the Messenger of God, You carried out your task faithfully, and you advised us.’
Thereupon, the Messenger of God raised his blessed index finger and then brought it down over the congregation and said,
“O Lord, be my witness! O Lord, be my witness! O Lord, be my witness!”
They Perform the Noon and Afternoon Prayers Together
When the Messenger of God ended the Farewell Sermon, which is a lofty and sacred lesson for the humanity, Bilal al-Habashi started to call the adhan for the noon prayer. The Messenger of God and the Companions listened to the adhan in awe. When the adhan ended, Bilal recited the iqama. The Messenger of God led the noon prayer for that magnificent congregation. Then, iqama was recited again; this time, the Prophet led the afternoon prayer. Thus, the Prophet combined the prayers of two different times with one adhan and two iqamas.
First Sign
It was after the afternoon, near the evening. The Messenger of God was on his camel, Qaswa. Meanwhile the following verse was sent down:
“This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion”
When the Messenger of God recited this verse, the Companions became very happy and joyful. Only one of them was crying: Hazrat Abu Bakr… The Companions did not understand why he was crying. They asked him. He said,
“This verse indicates that the death of the Messenger of God (pbuh) is near; that is why I am crying.”
What Hazrat Abu Bakr said and understood was true; this verse was the first indication that the time for the Messenger of God to pass away was approaching. Since all of the things that needed to proposed and conveyed were proposed and conveyed, the duty of the person who proposed and conveyed them would end.
Sources mention that Hazrat Umar also realized that secret.
From Arafat to Muzdalifa
After the sun set on Friday, the Messenger of God went to Muzdalifa from Arafat on his camel, Qaswa, accompanied by Usama b. Zayd. Meanwhile the time for the evening prayer ended and the time for the night prayer started. The Messenger of God led the evening and the night prayer with one adhan and two iqamas.
From Muzdalifa to Mina.
The Prophet spent the Friday night in Muzdalifa. After performing the morning prayer there on Saturday, he went to Mash’ar al-Haram.
The Messenger of God said to his Companions, “Collect small stones to be thrown at Jamra” and showed them how to throw the stones.
Then, he threw seven small stones at Aqaba Jamra one by one. He uttered “Al­lahu akbar!” each time he threw a stone. Meanwhile, the Companions threw stones at Jamra in the same way.
After throwing seven stones at Aqaba Jamra, the Messenger of God returned to Mina.
Sacrificing an Animal
The Messenger of God went to the place of sacrificing. He slaughtered sixty-three animals, one animal for each year of his life, with his own hands. He had his hair cut. He gave his hairs to his Companions as a memento. It was an indication that the time to leave his Companions was approaching. His following words strengthened this indication: “O people! Learn the procedure and principles of hajj from me. I do not know but you might not see me here after this hajj.”
Khalid b. Walid Gets Some Hair of the Fringe of the Prophet
While the front part of the hair of the Prophet was being cut, Khalid b. Walid said, “O Messenger of God! Give me some of your hair of the fringe.”
The Prophet accepted his wish, gave him some hairs from the front part of his head and prayed God to make him victorious all the time. Khalid wiped those hairs over his eyes and then placed them into the front part of his cone.
Due to the hair and prayer of the Messenger of God, Khalid became victorious in every battle that he joined. As a matter of fact, the Prophet said, “Wherever I sent Khalid, that place was conquered.”
The Prophet’s Circumambulation of Ifada
The Messenger of God went to the Kaaba to perform thecircumambulation of Ifada (Ziyarah) before noon on the first day of Eid al-Adha. He ordered the Muslims to go there, too. He performed the noon prayer after the circumambulation. Then, he drank water from the Zamzam Well.
The Messenger of God returned to Minah toward the evening of that day.
The Prophet Throws Stones on the Second and Third Days
On the second and third days of Eid al-Adha, when the sun moved toward the west, the Messenger of God went to the first Jamra near the Mina Mosque on foot. He threw the seven pebbles one by one. He uttered, “Allahu akbar!” as he threw each one of them.
Then he went to the second Jamra and then to the third Jamra, also called Jamratu’l-Aqaba. He threw seven stones at each jamra one by one. He uttered, “Allahu akbar!” as he threw each one of them.
Going to Muhassab
It wa Dhul-Hijjah 13, Tuesday.
The Messenger of God went to the stony place called Muhassab from Mina. His tent had been set up there. He said to his Companions there, “May God enliven and brighten the faces of the people who listen to my words, memorize them and then convey them to other people. It is possible that a person who understands my words will convey them to a person who will understand them better. Know it very well that three things will not allow hatred and jealousy into the hearts of Muslims.” He listed them as follows:
“Sincere deeds for the sake of God, advising and obeying Muslim leaders, following Islamic community in creed and righteous deeds…”
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newstfionline · 3 months
Friday, April 5, 2024
Vocations (WSJ) Graduating high schoolers are flocking to the trades, with the number of students enrolled in vocational-focused community colleges up 16 percent as of last year. The percentage of students studying construction trades is up 23 percent and the percentage of those working in HVAC and vehicle maintenance is up 7 percent. Enrollment growth is vastly outpacing four-year college programs as a whole, which saw enrollments creep up a paltry 0.8 percent.
As obesity rises, Big Food and dietitians push ‘anti-diet’ advice (Washington Post) Jaye Rochon struggled to lose weight for years. But she felt as if a burden had lifted when she discovered YouTube influencers advocating “health at every size”—urging her to stop dieting and start listening to her “mental hunger.” She stopped avoiding favorite foods such as cupcakes and Nutella. “They made me feel like I was safe eating whatever the hell I wanted,” said Rochon, 51, a video editor in Wausau, Wis. In two months, she regained 50 pounds. As her weight neared 300 pounds, she began to worry about her health. The videos that Rochon encountered are part of the “anti-diet” movement, a social media juggernaut that began as an effort to combat weight stigma and an unhealthy obsession with thinness. But now global food marketers are seeking to cash in on the trend. One company in particular, General Mills, maker of Cocoa Puffs and Lucky Charms cereals, has launched a multipronged campaign that capitalizes on the teachings of the anti-diet movement. It has showered giveaways on registered dietitians who promote its cereals online with the hashtag #DerailTheShame, and sponsored influencers who promote its sugary snacks. The company has also enlisted a team of lobbyists and pushed back against federal policies that would add health information to food labels.
Biden Administration Presses Congress on $18 Billion Sale of F-15 Jets to Israel (NYT) The Biden administration is pressing Congress to approve a plan to sell $18 billion worth of F-15 fighter jets to Israel, as President Biden resists calls to limit U.S. arms sales to Israel over its military offensive in Gaza. The State Department recently sent an informal notice to two congressional committees to start a legislative review process for the order, a first step toward the department’s giving formal authorization for the transfer of up to 50 of the planes. The deal, which would be one of the largest U.S. arms sales to Israel in years, would also include munitions, training and other support.
At least 241 people have died in El Salvador’s prisons during the ‘war on gangs,’ rights group says (AP) At least 241 people have died in El Salvador prisons since the start of President Nayib Bukele’s “war on gangs” two years ago, according to the organization Humanitarian Legal Relief. Ingrid Escobar, director of the rights organization, said they received 500 reports of deaths in state custody, but they have confirmed about half, including two minors. In March 2022, Bukele announced a “state of exception,” waiving many constitutional rights to combat the gangs that have terrorized the Central American nation. Since then, El Salvador has arrested 80,000 people—more than 1% of the country’s population—throwing them into prison, often with little evidence of their ties to gangs and almost no access to due process. The prisons have been likened to torture chambers, with horrifying conditions.
Argentina’s Milei takes his chainsaw to the state, cutting 15,000 jobs and spurring protests (AP) Argentina said Wednesday that it had cut 15,000 state jobs as part of President Javier Milei’s aggressive campaign to slash spending, the latest in a series of painful economic measures that have put the libertarian government on a collision course with angry protesters and powerful trade unions. Presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni announced the job cuts in a news conference, portraying them as key to Milei’s promised shake-up of Argentina’s bloated public sector. Hundreds of defiant employees—some notified of their termination last week and others before that—stormed their workplaces in Buenos Aires and nearby cities on Wednesday, beating drums, decrying their dismissal as unjust and demanding their reinstatement. Milei campaigned for president while brandishing a chainsaw—promising to fix Argentina’s long-troubled economy by chopping down the size of the state. However, his efforts have hiked inflation, making it even harder for struggling Argentines to make ends meet.
Pressure in UK to suspend arms sales to Israel (BBC) More than 600 legal experts, including three former UK Supreme Court judges, have called on the British government to suspend arms sales to Israel. The letter argues the exports must end to "avoid UK complicity" in potential breaches of international law, such as the Genocide Convention, citing South Africa's case against Israel at the UN International Court of Justice. Israel rejects the claim of genocide as "wholly unfounded". Scrutiny of arms sales follows the killing of seven humanitarian workers, including three British citizens, in Gaza in an Israeli strike on Monday.
After terror attack, Russia sees U.S. role (Washington Post) In the aftermath of last month’s terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue outside Moscow, Russian officials not only have blamed Ukraine but also have repeatedly accused the West of involvement—even though U.S. officials insist they gave Moscow a specific warning that the Islamic State could attack the venue. If the U.S. warning was so detailed, it raises further questions about Russia’s failure to prevent the country’s worst terrorist attack in two decades. But rather than publicly confronting questions about their own actions, Russian security officials have disregarded the claims of responsibility by the Islamic State. Instead, they have insisted that U.S. and British intelligence were involved in helping Ukraine organize the strike.
The true toll of the war in Ukraine is measured in bodies (AP) The true toll of the war in Ukraine—and the odds faced by each side—can be measured in bodies. More than half a million people have been killed or seriously injured in two years of war in Ukraine, according to Western intelligence estimates—a human toll not seen in Europe since World War II. The question of who prevails is being increasingly shaped by which side can tolerate higher losses. By that measure, Moscow has the upper hand. Russia had 3.7 times more men of fighting age than Ukraine in 2022, according to World Bank data. That means that though Russia has sustained nearly twice as many casualties as Ukraine, according to Western intelligence estimates, on a per capita basis Russia’s losses remain lower than Ukraine’s. “Manpower is another currency,” said Nick Reynolds, a research fellow at RUSI. “The Russians with their industrial base and larger manpower can expend manpower and materiel at less cost.”
People jump into the sea to escape raging ferry fire in Gulf of Thailand (AP) Panicked passengers jumped into the sea to escape a raging ferry fire in the Gulf of Thailand early Thursday, and all 108 people on board were safe. The overnight ferry from Surat Thani province was about to arrive at Koh Tao, a popular tourist destination off the Thai coast, when one of the passengers suddenly heard a crackling sound and smelled smoke. Videos showed people hurrying out of the ferry’s cabin while putting on life vests, as thick black smoke swept across the ferry. It was later engulfed in fire. Rescue boats could not get close to the ferry out of fear of explosions. A passenger said people had to jump into the sea to be rescued.
Taiwan quake: Rescue efforts complicated by aftershocks, rainfall (Washington Post) Rescue efforts resumed at dawn Thursday to try to free more than 600 people who remained trapped after a 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck off the east coast of Taiwan, as aftershocks continued to rattle the area around Hualien, the epicenter, and forecasts of rain raised concerns about more landslides. The efforts have been complicated by a large number of aftershocks—at least 324—in Hualien county, a scenic coastal region popular with tourists and hikers, and where the damage has been the heaviest. Taiwan officials said aftershocks of magnitude 6.5 to 7.0 were possible over the next three days.
World Central Kitchen founder José Andrés says Israel targeted staff in Gaza ‘car by car’ (BBC) World Central Kitchen (WCK) founder José Andrés has accused Israeli forces in Gaza of targeting his aid workers “systematically, car by car”. Monday’s strike which killed seven members of his staff was not a mistake, he said, repeating that Israeli forces had been told of their movements. WCK workers from Australia, Canada, Poland, the UK and the US were killed as well as their Palestinian colleague. Speaking to Reuters news agency on Wednesday, the Spanish-American celebrity chef said this was not a “bad luck situation where, ‘oops,’ we dropped the bomb in the wrong place”. In a separate interview with Israel’s Channel 12 news, Mr Andrés said “it was really a direct attack on clearly marked vehicles whose movements were known by everybody at the IDF [Israel Defense Forces]”. Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip is in doubt after WCK—a key provider of aid to the territory—suspended operations. “America is going to be sending its Navy and its military to do humanitarian work, but at the same time weapons provided by America ... are killing civilians,” Andrés said.
Gaza is going hungry. Its children could face a lifetime of harm. (Washington Post) Gaza’s children are going hungry. More than 25 have reportedly died of complications linked to malnutrition, according to the World Health Organization. Hundreds of thousands more face starvation as Israel continues its siege. Doctors and nutrition experts say the children who survive the lack of nourishment—and the ongoing bombing, infectious diseases and psychological trauma—are further condemned to face a lifetime of health woes. Malnutrition will rob them of the ability to fully develop their brains and bodies. Many will be shorter and physically weaker as a result. “At the simplest level, if you have impaired nutrition and growth, your brain stops growing,” said Zulfiqar Bhutta, a physician and the chair of global child health at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. In the short term, even less sustenance will be available for the children of Gaza: This week, an Israeli airstrike that killed seven aid workers led several assistance organizations to announce they would suspend operations.
African Elephants (CBS News) For any fans of ancient Roman history, elephant warfare is back on the menu. Unfortunately, it’s the 21st century, so no army of elephants will be marching into Europe anytime soon—instead, Botswana's President Mokgweetsi Masisi has threatened to ship 20,000 African elephants into Germany following a public dispute between the two countries over elephant conservation. It all started earlier this year when Germany announced plans to restrict imports of hunting trophies from Africa. Botswana, which is home to around one-third of the world’s elephant population, quickly objected to the decision because Germany is one of the biggest hunting trophy importers in the world. Botswana has long struggled with its elephant populations, as overpopulation can bring the giant animals into conflict with people. Annual quotas for trophy hunting can be used to control populations while also providing much-needed economic support for local communities, but Western conservationists are more concerned about protecting the vulnerable animals. Masisi said it was easy for German ministers to call for conservation without “elephants in their backyard,” but added that he was “willing to change that.”
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mariacallous · 10 months
(JTA) — For almost nine months, Israelis have been fighting over the future of their Supreme Court. Today, that battle has moved into the Supreme Court itself.
In July, Israel’s hardline right-wing governing coalition passed a law to weaken the court. Opponents of the law then filed legal challenges against it. That put the court in the uncomfortable, and unprecedented, position of ruling on itself: It can decide to uphold the law, strike it down, or send it back to parliament to be amended.
When Israelis on both sides of the debate warned that the country was headed to a constitutional crisis, this is what they meant. Today’s hearing is raising questions no one knows the answer to: What happens if the court strikes down the law, and the government doesn’t respect the court’s ruling? Who takes precedence — the court or the coalition?
For weeks, Israelis have been fiercely debating that question — and even members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government are split on the issue. And while a decision won’t be handed down today (it could take four months), matters are already coming to a head on Israel’s streets, and in its halls of power.
While the Supreme Court’s activities are often closely watched, today’s hearing appears to be riveting many of the Israelis who have been fighting over the legislation on trial. Renewed protests in Jerusalem, where the court meets, flooded streets on Monday, and in a sign of hearing’s reach, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art waived admission fees and is showing a livestream of the court proceedings today.
Here’s what you need to know.
How did we get here?
Soon after Netanyahu’s government came to power, it unveiled a sweeping plan to limit the power of Israel’s judiciary. The Israeli right sees the courts as an unelected bastion of left-wing Ashkenazi secular elites that stymies the right-wing government from passing laws that reflect the will of the electorate.
The plan, in its original form, would have given the governing coalition complete control over the appointment of judges. It also would have let Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, override Supreme Court decisions with a bare majority, among other provisions.
That plan sparked a historic protest movement that has brought hundreds of thousands of people to the streets to oppose the law. The protesters say the judicial overhaul will undermine Israeli democracy by removing the most significant check on the power of the government and by leaving minorities vulnerable to discriminatory laws. In addition to the protesters, world leaders including President Joe Biden have come out against the overhaul, as have large Jewish groups in the United States.
In July, after failed negotiations over the plan and months of civil unrest, the Knesset passed one component of the overhaul along party lines. The law barred the Supreme Court from striking down government decisions it deems unreasonable — a tool the court had used to check the government’s power.
What’s the Supreme Court’s role in the controversy?
One of the roles of Israel’s Supreme Court is to hear petitions against laws that, their opponents say, are unconstitutional. Israel doesn’t have a constitution, but it does have a set of “Basic Laws” that act as a kind of substitute.
Soon after the “Reasonableness” law was passed, a handful of good-government groups and professional guilds submitted petitions against it, arguing that it undermines Israel’s democratic system or that there were procedural problems with its passage. The Supreme Court agreed to hear the petitions all together during the hearing today.
But here’s the twist: The law that was just passed is itself a Basic Law. The Supreme Court has never struck one of those down. That’s one of the main reasons why Netanyahu and his allies are saying the law needs to be upheld.
But opponents of the law note that the process for passing a Basic Law is no different than the process of passing an ordinary law. Therefore, they say, the law shouldn’t be immune from judicial review.
The court is hearing the arguments today — and early signs indicate its sympathy to the government’s opponents. In court today, several justices are arguing strenuously that just because they haven’t struck down a Basic Law before, they have the right to review laws designated as such. They said their power to do so rests in the country’s Declaration of Independence, which has taken on increased symbolic weight during the political fight.
The court must render a decision by Jan. 16 — either dismissing the petitions, sending the law back to Knesset for revision or striking it down. And in parallel, Netanyahu and his opponents are again negotiating over a compromise on the remaining overhaul legislation that has not yet passed.
Why are the stakes of one court decision being seen as so high?
Israelis on the right and left are attaching so much significance to the court hearing — and the resultant decision — because they agree on one thing: This is about way more than the “reasonableness law.” This is about the future of Israeli democracy.
In recognition of the hearing’s gravity, all 15 justices on the Supreme Court will hear the petition — the first time that has ever happened. The justices have also received added security.
On the right, supporters of the law say that the Supreme Court would be breaking with precedent, and further overstepping its bounds, by striking down a Basic Law. On the left, opponents of the law feel the court is the final bulwark of liberal democracy in Israel. In another sign of the unusual times, Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara (whose position, unlike in the United States, is independent of the governing coalition), has publicly sided with the petitions against the law. She is sitting out the hearing because of her public stance.
Dueling protests have taken to the streets, and politicians have issued dire statements. But they’re not only disagreeing over whether the law is legitimate — they’re divided over what should happen if the court strikes the law down.
What happens if the court strikes the law down?
If the court says the law is unconstitutional, the coalition that passed it would have to decide whether to obey the court or not. If it were to obey the court, it would be delivering a major blow to its base, who would see a law limiting the Supreme Court’s overreach stricken down by that very same court.
But if the coalition were to defy the court, it would mean a major break with precedent, and would trigger a constitutional crisis — where different branches of the government conflict with each other, and the state lacks laws to resolve the dispute.
That’s why some of Netanyahu’s most senior allies have gone public saying that the government has a fundamental duty to respect court decisions. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who has tried to act as a moderating force on the judicial overhaul, said, “The State of Israel is a democratic country with a rule of law. I will honor any Supreme Court ruling,”
Other Netanyahu allies have taken the opposite tack. Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana gave a speech last week in which he said the court has no right to strike down Basic Laws and, if it does so, would be acting “against the Knesset and against Israeli democracy.”
Netanyahu, in interviews, has remained noncommittal about whether he would respect a court ruling striking down the law. But he retweeted Ohana’s video.
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