#walkind dead
magicalflowerlight · 1 year
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Walking Dead〡S2E11
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maggiewhos · 8 months
I want to write a fanfic... but im too lazy 😭
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scentedpepper · 3 months
Missing | TWD
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Summary: The group reverberates with a somberness upon your potential death
Content Warnings: Mention of Major Character Deaths from previous seasons, S5 and below spoilers
Not too sure how I feel about this one
Could be read as GN for the most part (he/him used a few times, 'Father' used once, 'Brother' used once)
Was originally supposed to be centered around Daryl and Rick, but somewhere along the writing process, I devlled into just about every other member of the group
Ya'll know how many last names I had to look up for these tags
7 days.
Seven days of them searching for their found family member who went out to investigate and never came back.
Glenn thought for sure that maybe with all the shit they have been through, the apocalypse must have treated you a little kinder.
That was assuming you were already dead.
Which Rick, in all his glory, continued to remind everyone that until there is evidence, there are just as many possibilities as there are stars in the sky.
He thought it was a strange fit, all doom and gloom, it wasn't like Glenn to carry around the carcasses of such negative presumptions about his loved ones, but nonetheless, he had just the same.
An ever present reminder as the fire was stoked by Glenn's constant fidgets, his spaced-out breaths being released with the baggage of endless possibilities.
"Glenn's gonna lose it when he sees this one. "
Is what Daryl said to Rick on the night of day 5, your shirt clenched in hand, approaching the church with footsteps so heavy you could mistake them for Walkers.
The worst part, Rick thought, was how he had found it, which further fueled the possibility that couldn't help but arise.
A decaying Walker's den where there was a mass majority of bodies wearing clothes; Not Walker corpses.
Hopeless and without explanation Rick approached camp with a grim expression that took root in his features.
And when Daryl had handed the shirt to Glenn after he feverishly chanted let me see it, let me see it, over and over, Daryl observed the way his hand shook when he snatched it and how the same hand came up to rub his face after he confirmed in his own mind that, without a doubt, it was yours.
Maggie had to take the shirt from his hands and when she felt the dirt and grime ragged against her skin, she almost burst at the seams, Rick knew by the strain in her brows and the way her hands turned into fists at her side.
She was the first person Rick had questioned upon your missing presence, wanting to know who you had walked out with last night and who stayed behind, wanting to pinpoint possible places you might be, or routes you could've taken.
Her response was ridden with anxious adrenaline, her lips chewed raw in worry, bouncing on her toes before stomping off and pulling everyone together to go looking for you.
There was no conversation within the group but a mutual agreement.
Naturally, the first person they looked to for some account of wrongdoing was Gabriel.
You had always been so intuitive, like you were the one who could read minds not him.
The others felt so comforted by you, Gabriel assumed.
He was only too accustomed to the fact that everyone saw the good in you, the positive, and while that brought him a modicum of solace, there were times where he couldn't help but wallow in envy.
A man of God and yet, it was you who they looked to, as if you were Christ himself.
As if you were his light.
Gabriel couldn't understand this fascination.
When he had confronted you about it, rather presumptuously, Gabriel was too quick to gauge the situation and allow his ego to speak for him. Said confrontation also happened to occur right before Maggie and Sasha who shared pointed looks with each other as they watched the scene unfold before them.
You were quick on your toes, always had been. Back on the farm, when Shane had been more akin to a wild boar, you were always the first to confront him. Always calm, or whenever you spoke you at least had the appearance of it, always matter of fact. Even when your voice raised or when anger was seething through you, it seemed like everyone just stopped, and listened.
It was one of your redeeming traits, sharp tongue laced with facts that wouldn't hesitate to point out things that were missing, contradictions, positions and beliefs.
It left some satisfaction amongst the ton when Gabriel pushed out of Judith's designated room, nearly knocking Carl off his feet as the door came with his exit.
A flustered look had replaced him, no doubt having felt the embarrassment, as if he had been burning inside.
After a beat, he had apologized under his breath and carried himself in haste towards you.
Unfortunately, this incident occurred the last night anyone had seen you.
When everyone had risen that morning, one by one coming off the floors of the church and stirring awake those who remained sleeping, you were the only one who hadn't stirred. Because your body wasn't even of prescence.
Almost immediately, everybody went on an emotional and mental frenzy.
Even when the conversation with Gabriel didn't bode well for him. He refuted, if a little pathetically, that you weren't very friendly towards him.
Upon hearing of what had happened just hours before they woke, Daryl seemed to retreat back to the deepest of his old roots.
Begrudgingly, Rick knew this was what they called "fight or flight."
Luckily for everyone involved, Daryl never moved unless there was something to fight for. The man had gained some sort of control over the years of personal development but like a dog, he'd jumped on Gabriel the second tensions rose.
There was a knife pressed against Gabriel's throat when Drayl pushed him into the nearest wall and the preacher did nothing but pray to himself and accept his fate.
Minuets later of interrogation and threatening, Michonne and Tara intervenned, though Daryl seemed none too eager to back off the smaller man, not until he was physically being dragged back and Rick telling him to get a hold of himself.
"He's lucky I didn't slit his fuckin' throat! It was him!" Because back in the day, with Merle at his side, he would've and to hell with anyone who said differently.
Rick saw Carol's lips part to say something, as did Abraham, but nothing came out. That was because Rick cut them off by clearing his throat loudly, hands rising in demand to appease the tension in the church.
"We are going to look for him. It's no secret that we're standing on a ticking time bomb. " He was blunt and direct, his head turning sharply towards everyone and waiting a beat before he continued. "Everybody gets paired off. No one leaves each other's sides. And yes, Daryl, that includes Gabriel. “
His gaze softened upon the archer as he came around to see the anger and frustration but most of all, the pain in his eyes. He wanted to assure him, they were going to find you. But he couldn't find the words to, as his own fingertips surged with doubt and as the rest of the days proceeded, his whole body seemed to become encapsulated by it.
They all began out at once, weapons gathered, determination and grievance fused into them as they exited the church in pairs. The only 2 persons staying behind being Judith and Abraham.
Before the front doors fell, Rick sought out Gabriel, his fingers ghosting over the knob as his stomach tied in knots.
"If you so much as touch a hair on her head, " he was referring to Michonne who'd gotten the unlucky job of catering to Gabriel, "I swear it'll be the last thing you do. " He watched Gabriel swallow a lump in his throat in response. "And if I find out you had an inkling of any wrongdoing, God won't be able to save you. "
It wasn't an empty threat and the conviction in his tone let Gabriel know.
It wasn't just Daryl that was shaken by the fear of your abduction or death, there wasn't a moment where Rick could stop to inhale without thinking about you. How tightly you had embraced him 2 nights prior, when he'd confided that maybe he wasn't suited for this leader job anymore, that he didn't know where you all would go, or if you'd even make it past these religious grounds before succumbing to hunger.
There was warmth radiating off you like a furnace and he couldn't shake the soothing way your fingertips gilded against his forearm as you told him that things would fall into place in time, no matter how difficult it got.
But Daryl was a damn firecracker, this way of his to emote through hostility and intimidation was a way for him to cope with the potential loss of his brother.
You were not Shane.
There's so much Rick could rationalize before he no longer had the will to counter how much he wished you were there now to quell the savagery within his best friend.
Carl couldn't care less at this point, as the rage within him seemed to blaze each step closer to the forest. It burned at his eyes, tearing his hands into fists that felt as if their own knuckles may shatter within the grasp.
Rosita had to stop him.
"What?" He initially sneered at her, pushing out of her grip and continuing to stomp forward until he could feel her nipping at his heels.
"Carl, now is not the time to get some kind of revenge, alright? We'll find the fucker, but getting ourselves killed is not going to help. "
Eventually, she got him to sit down and collect himself which consisted of roughly pacing and rubbing his face with his palms in attempt to scrub the hostility right out of him. He wanted to scream, to fucking yell the earth apart because this wasn't fair, none of this was. He was fueled by Daryl's rage.
Carl found it somewhat easier to sit there and allow his teeth to sink into his knuckles while he suppressed tears.
Eugene and Tara had wandered the farthest the fastest, the church began to slowly disappear the deeper they strayed into the density of the trees until there was no distinguishable church at all, or street or houses for that matter.
They were silent the entire way, like speaking would somehow shatter the chances of finding you, safe, sound and alive.
So then when Tara did speak, Eugene nearly jumped.
He halted immediately, his body turning as he looked every which way as if you may suddenly appear behind a tree.
"We should turn around and just make our way back. " She whispered.
That was her biggest concern, because with the route they had taken, any further into the unknown, she knew there were no way to familiarize themselves with where they were.
"Rick said to keep searching til sun down and that's just what I intend to do. " There was an anger in his expression and an agony to his voice that confirmed his intentions were anything but logical.
"Eugene. "
And again his body suddenly felt like it wasn't his, or maybe his bones weren't aligned and he was a puppet, a stranger, someone entirely else.
"Eugene, we won't get anywhere trying to force out this search. Please. The sun is already setting, it's near impossible to see 10 feet ahead and even if we were to press further in the dark, they're-"
She didn't need to finish her sentence to know what she wanted to say, the image was still clear in her mind as if she had just watched the last interaction you'd had with her and Rosita. The absolute dejection you allowed her to see in your eyes, the hesitation and restraint you had felt in giving your hugs. She took one and wrapped herself around you and you didn't dare do more than reciprocate the tightness, afraid to hurt her. As if.
After some minuets, Eugene came to and they turned back.
When they got to the church, Abraham was pacing back and forth, doing circles around the confinements of the holy sanctuary with Judith in his arms.
"Where's Gabriel?" Eugene spoke cautiously, realizing the weight in his voice when he did so.
"He's locked in his office. Said to leave him to rot or somethin'. Not a bad idea, the bastards a fuckin killer. "
Abraham was just as convinced as Daryl. No one asked to elaborate because they somehow knew the moment he did, he'd lose his shit. Like a bomb that's set to a timer, ticking away until it explodes into your ears.
"Find anything?" He asked as Tara slid down the wall she had been leaning against since they returned and brought her legs to her chest. Eugene shook his head at him which made the soldier nod back bitterly.
By day two, Michonne decided to conduct a one man search party for the nights. When the moon came out, she snuck off to the woods and scouted the area she had previously searched, for any evidence that may have been missed on the 1st visitation. Which would prove to cause strife amongst the group when Carl found her out four days later.
"What are you doing?" He challenged harshly as he forced himself into the dark brush behind her with Michonne's body jolting at the abrupt arrival of company.
"Are you crazy?”
The boy wasn't the only person who she'd receive these questions from, Tyrese had found himself wandering her way as well.
"Why would you come out here on your own? Have you lost it?" He griped under his breath, tone laced with disapproval as if the woods had just come to eat them alive.
"Well, what are you doing out here?" She retorted back in a whisper yell with a forceful gesture to the man who was just as armed, just as ready as her.
Her efforts were fruitless, though, and no response was heard, which left her walking the same way she came.
Rick wasn't happy about it.
At first, when Carl appeared through the door in the night, he thought his son was the culprit of the secret night searches, but soon realized what has transpired when he saw Michonne making her way inside.
"Everyone is on edge, alright? Everyone is doing exactly what is expected of them, they have been looking and looking and Michonne, it's about time you pulled your head from your ass and sat down for the night. " Rick had said 5 minuets after they'd settled in the privacy of Judiths room. Their voices were lowered considerably so as not to wake the others, but Rick's tone wasn't anything less than a demand.
"So we should just sit around?" She had, then, the urge to spit at him and remind him that you could be dead in the next second. Gone. Poof.
"We are not–" Rick's voice began to rise in octaves but he took a moment to lower the volume. "We are *not* just sitting around. "
There was an enervation in Rick's stance that Michonne could feel pricking her heart strings. He looked exhausted, absolutely strained.
"He could– he could be in trouble. " Michonne attempted to keep her voice leveled as she looked around in disdain, her lip trembling and Rick saw this, that she could not come to accept the way things were."I can't bury him." She hissed as a tear streamed down her face.
Rick knew exactly the terror Michonne felt in the pit of her gut and he knew that she was seeing the vision of a funeral and everyone in a heavy sweat of depression and rage. A few dead bodies surrounding the fire pit in the woods while everyone circled around you and Daryl cried.
He had already envisioned it all, envisioned the way Glenn would crack at your loss. While Maggie was reduced to hiccups and broken speeches, she had somehow found the strength to collapse to the floor and refuse help.
Bobs face would fall, for once, it would fall and Sasha wouldn't be able to handle the breath leaving her body, clutching Tyrese, who looked just as devastated, to her to bring her solace.
Carol would gasp but it wouldn't matter because no one would hear her over Daryl's sobs, no one would see the way her lips pulled down at the corners and the lines in her face would tighten.
Rick didn't like to think about how he might react. He imagined it be something similar to crazed. But beyond that, he didn't want to picture it.
And what about his son? Carl who hadn't even fully grown yet. Rick couldn't stomach the thought, the sheer utter torment he'd experience watching his sons body begin to wither. He didn't want to know.
You'd been there while he was unconscious in that hospital bed, through every storm, everything, by his side. You were a father to Carl as much as he was and you'd been nothing short of a supporting role to Rick. There's been times when you just drove the both of them off in the car, taking trips to lakes and nearby parks, anywhere that offered a semblance of normalcy.
You'd scout the places out days before, cleaned the place free of Walker's and set up a picnic on the cool greens of grass or tables. Even once or twice when the fire burned out at night or if Carl's blood started to burn so hot, you'd give them a midnight rendezvous, all three of you climbing up a tree or anything that fit the current circumstances in which the group resided.
Rick had to run a hand through his hair and all he could do was grab Michonne by her shoulders, look her forcefully in the eyes and say:
"We are going to find him. And anyone who gets in the way of that will pay. "
Because he wasn't going to accept anything else.
Which is why he didn't stop Tyrese or Daryl or anybody who wanted a chunk out of Gabriel the morning of day eight when he suggested that they move on.
He even went as far as leaving the church entirely, not caring to put aside personal feelings, not caring how he may look. His expression was sour and drained and at this rate, the only thing he cared about was finding you.
He would have no problem burying his tomahawk right into the preachers skull.
Daryl kept watch most of the nights, refusing rest for the past week because every time he tried, he felt as if it were a ploy. He became distressed each time he was reminded you weren't going to walk in and slumber on the floor next to him or Carol. You weren't anywhere.
It pissed Daryl off beyond belief to know there was an actual possibility that you weren't breathing anymore, weren't thinking, feeling.
His anger had to be one of the few things driving him into the same track less search the next day as he pushed through the forest ahead of Rick.
Things were starting to feel all too familiar and he thought he might find you in a barn just the same as Sofia. But you didn't pop out the doors in any walkers veil, you weren't bloodied nor torn apart. There were no traces of anyone or anything in those forests.
You simply disappeared.
And it left them in another night of quiet.
Spoons scraping agaisnt cans, the faint sound of chewing. A tiny droplet of rain hitting a window pane or two.
That was all.
No one spoke, yet they all sat around a room cramped with anxious bodies.
Sasha's leg brushed against her guns outline, her boots rubbed together, her tongue flicked at her teeth and she felt as if her thoughts were vibrating the inside of her skull, riling her from the depths. There was an eerily absence of anything positive, because at this point no one was expecting good news.
Gabriel's execution was more or less inevitable as each of the nights rolled by. There'd be the lingering aura of danger and anticipation due to the preachers remaining presence. But no one ever mentioned it, let alone had the will to.
It was hard to digest the concept of your loss because not a single one of them wanted to bury you, the group preferred to be broken and you had become like an integral part of what bound them.
Food was beginning to dwindle down the line of low and low to nonexistent.
And as they sat there, in silence, there was collective knowing resonating around them that this would be the last night they spent in the church.
Not that anyone dared to speak it, not even Rick, who gazed afar into the burning light of a candle and contemplated.
Carol noticed first, maybe it was her nose, fine tuned for the scent of trouble and like a dog trailing a rabbit, she jumped up with a clatter and darted towards the front door.
But she didn't even get halfway across the church, with Rick trailing closely behind her, along with the others who were all clammering to their feet, when the doors burst open on their own, the cool whip of wind entering the room as the room itself seemed to rise up in temperature.
There, with a trail of blood drops, a scarily dehydrated and filthy body fell into her arms.
It was you.
And the sigh of relief felt as if you breathed the air back into everyones lungs. It reanimated the whole church.
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honey-ros3ss · 1 year
Late Nights
Daryl x Fem Reader smut
⚠: oral fem!receiving, fingering
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It's late at night and I keep twisting and turning trying not to wake Daryl up. "hmphh, this is so annoying" I whispered frustrated. "W'll yea' quit yer movin" "I'm sorry Daryl I can't sleep" I say sighing dramatically
"R'lly couldn't tell" he gruffed out sarcastically. I sighed and looked at him, he stared back at me looking dreamy with the dark sky's light illuminating on him he just looked so sexy.
"W'tcha starin at me like tha' for got something on my face" he brought his hand up to wipe his face, I reached up and grabbed it "no you don't" I said as I giggled. "You just look so-" I stopped my self as I couldn't find the word. "So wha' " he asked curiously.
"so alluring" I say as I reach up to cup his face and kiss him passionately, as our tongues were sliding against each other's slow but rough he grabs me by my hips and sits me on his lap, my hands dragging along his back up to his hair pulling slightly releasing a groan from him I start grinding down onto him. I let out a soft moan into his mouth as he grabs my ass.
I release the kiss to take of my shirt having no bra underneath. He kisses down my neck as his hands explore my body he wraps his arms around my waist and flips us over. I release a small gasp. He starts attacking my neck kissing and sucking on it leaving lovebites as he goes down slowly as he reaches my breast he sucks so softly but so great he reaches over and massages my other breast I feel myself becoming wetter as the seconds go by, I release a soft moan.
"Tha' feel good baby" he mumbled against my nipple making me shudder. "Oh my god yes" he released my breast with a pop and does the same to the other. He continues to kiss down my body, as I shudder at every kiss as he reaches my core. Pulling down my underwear.
He spreads open my legs settling between my thighs hooking one of my legs on his shoulder, as he kisses my clit and I moan softly. He brings his fingers to my pussy feeling how wet I am "damn baby all this for me" "y-yes all for you" he shoves in two fingers stretching my hole and slowly starts feasting at my cunt, my back arches and I let out a loud moan not caring who hears me.
My hand reaches down and intertwines with his brown locks. He sucks at my clit as he fucks me with his fingers curling them reaching my g-spot. He licks up and down my slit slurping up my juices. He adds a third finger and mind goes fuzzy "ohh fuck DARYL!!"
All I hear is him slurping up my juices and my moans. My hips buck up into his face as he nibbled on my clit "oh m- nghh fuck!" My thighs start closing around his head he opens them back up with his elbow. My legs start shaking and my eyes roll back I start clenching down on his fingers "Daryl I don't think-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before I came. He took out his fingers and lapped up my cum.
I started squirming feeling overstimulated he held me down by my hips "mmm yea' taste good, you still got another in yea' ?" As soon as he finished his sentence he started rubbing at my clit fastly. "UNGHH" I tried pushing his hand away as it was no use because suddenly my body felt like it was sent to oblivion as I squirted, my juices going all over his face and the bedsheets. He kissed my thighs as I came down from my orgasm breathing heavily.
My eyes were getting heavy, he came up and kissed my face bringing me close to his body covering us both up with the blanket "how ya feelin' sunshine" he said slight smirk on his face "tired, thank you Daryl, I love you" I said as I kissed his chest "I love yea' too" that was the last thing I heard as I fell into a deep slumber.
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SOOO WHAT DO YALL THINK 😭 this is my first fanfic and my first time writing smut 😫💗
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emodaryls · 4 months
I saw your little!Daryl post and it warmed my heart! I was wondering if we could get more of that?? Being a cg myself, sometimes I just really wanna comfort that sweet boy. Could you maybe do something where he maybe gets anxious or overwhelmed but he’s in public when he starts to regress and he cries but the reader knows exactly what he needs, so they take him home, knowing he would be too embarrassed to be little around others. No worries if not since you said you weren’t sure how to write him! 🩵
"You'll be okay."
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Little!Daryl x reader
A/N This sounds so sweet 🖤 This one will probably be a bit shorter sorry abt thatttt.. also sorry for the delay omg Fluff, 573 word count
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You and Daryl were wondering around the Commonwealth. It's the middle of the afternoon, and just about everyone's going out to get lunch. As you and Daryl made your way through a busy, crowded area, you noticed daryl becoming increasingly anxious by the amount of people. It makes him feel small and stuck. His hands started to fidget nervously, his eyes darting in all directions. He slowly got closer to you, seeking your comfort. You quickly pulled him aside to a less crowded area, and put your hands on his shoulders. "Hey, hey.. whats wrong?" You ask, looking at Daryl with a concerned expression. He looked down, his eyes glossy with unshed tears. He feels so vulnerable, so nervous, so scared. You felt terrible for him, and you wiped a tear that began to fall. "Do you want to go home?"
He nods with a slight grunt, looking down at the ground and blinking away a few more tears. You brought his head to the crook of your neck, and he just stayed there, letting out silent sobs. His hands wrapped around you, gripping the fabric of your shirt. His grip tightened and loosened a few times, and he tried his hardest to not cry harder. "Lets go home.."
And home you two went.
You tried to avoid any overly crowded areas to not get him worked up again. Once you got home, you led him to the soft, plush couch and held him close. Neither of you needed to speak. You shifted into a more comfortable position with a sigh, and Daryl rest his head on your chest. You scratched his scalp a bit, and he pretty much purred. He brought his thumb up to his mouth, beginning to suckle on it. You smiled softly, brushing some of his hair back to get a better look at his face. "You had a little freak out huh, bug?" You say, your other hand rubbing his shoulder gently. Daryl nods, his thumb still in his mouth. "You're okay.. you'll be okay." "Would you like some snacks?" You ask, and he nods again. You get up, leaving him on the couch. You walk over to the kitchen, grabbing some of his favorites. They were these biscuits that are made for babies when they're teething. Along with that, you got a small box of apple juice. You took the straw out of the wrapper before poking it through the hole. You returned next to him on the couch and handed him the biscuits and juice. You watched as he snacked on them, becoming more calm by the second.
Once he was finished, he leaned into your side, and looked at you. He mumbled something about wanting his pacifier, so once again, you rose from the couch and went to you and Daryl's shared room to get it. You opened the door and headed straight fo the beside tables, opening the drawers until you find his pacifier. Then you head back to the kitchen, turning on the faucet to rinse off any small fuzzies, dirt, or dust that may have stuck on. You then sat next to daryl, he leaned into you, and you popped the paci into his mouth. He happily started suckling, his eyes slowly closing from sleepiness and comfort. Soon enough, he was asleep, cuddling you, and suckling on his paci.
Daryl's just a sweet boy, and he deserves to be treated as such.
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maritamorgado · 3 months
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ikvgai · 7 months
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band--psycho · 10 months
Negan x Reader - The Princess And The Bodyguard
For my amazing friend @little-diable 15k celebration! Congratulations again love!
Prompt in bold - Since her marriage the tales of her beauty had grown still greater. 
I hope you all enjoy this!
Warnings - Smut (under the cut), arranged marriage, death threats (18+)
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“You’re an ass, you know that,” Y/n hissed as Negans thumb drew circles on top of her overly sensitive clit. 
He’d been teasing her for hours, bringing her to the edge of her release and then denying her at the very last second, just to do it all over again. 
But, despite her words, Y/n couldn’t deny that she loved every single torturous second of it. 
A dark chuckle fell from Negans lips as he pushed two of his fingers deep inside her dripping wet pussy, flicking her g-spot slowly as he leaned in closer to her.
“Still think I’m an ass, princess?” He asked, his lips ghosting over hers. 
Y/n opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out, instead the only sound that left her slightly swollen lips was a loud moan, as Negans fingers quickly pumped in and out of her. 
“You’re gonna get us caught, if you’re not careful,” he stated quietly, a triumphant smirk tugging at his lips as he placed his other hand over her mouth, quieting the shameless noises she was making. 
Y/n didn’t care. 
She knew this was the last time they were going to be able to be together like this; so she was going to make as much noise as she wanted. 
Negan knew this. 
And he loved it. 
He reveled in watching as her eyes rolled back in sheer pleasure; he loved watching her squirm and writhe underneath him as she desperately chased the release she’d been craving and he’d been denying. 
“You wanna cum?” He teased, feeling her clenching around his fingers at his words; knowing the answer before the words could even leave her mouth. 
“Please,” she begged, once his hand was no longer covering her mouth.
The sound of Princess Y/n begging, that was a sound he would never get tired of hearing. 
“Cum for me,” he whispered as his fingers took up the fast paced rhythm once again. 
And just like that, Y/n fell over the edge she’d been made to teeter on for so long; a symphony of moans and half spoken curse words falling from her lips before Negans hand once again muffled the sinful noises coming from the princess.   
“This is the last time we can do this, princess,” Negan mumbled, pressing a soft kiss on Y/n's forehead, before pulling away from her completely and getting out of the bed to gather up the clothes he’d quickly discarded earlier. 
She knew it was the last time they could do this, she did. 
But she just wanted to be with Negan for a little while longer
“Stay,” Y/n's plea was barely above a whisper, but it was loud enough for Negan to hear; and drew his attention back to her. 
When his eyes met hers, he felt his heart begin to break; even more so when he noticed how her bottom lip was trembling as she tried not to cry. 
He didn’t want to go. 
His brain was screaming at him to just throw his clothes back on the floor, wrap his arms around her and never let go. 
He wanted to stay with her; but he knew he couldn’t. 
“We both know I can’t,” he answered back, sadness filling his eyes as he continued to get dressed, making sure he avoided any further eye contact with Y/n. 
He knew if he saw that sadness in her again, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from staying. 
He hated seeing her sad. 
And he certainly hated being the cause of it. 
But she was leaving. No matter how much he hated the idea of it, it was out of both of their control. 
“You could come with me,” she offered softly, moving off of the bed, the bed sheet wrapped around her body until she stood in front of him,  her gorgeous y/e/c eyes looking up at him.  
“You could be my personal bodyguard,” she continued, lifting her free hand to Negans face, gently caressing his cheek. 
He knew he could go with her. 
Her father had already asked Negan if he would go with her, to keep an eye on her and make sure that she was safe.
And he’d said no. Not because he didn’t want to; he did. 
But because he knew that if he had to watch the man that Y/n was arranged to be marrying, he’d kill him, the second he laid a hand on her, he’d be a dead man. 
Which wouldn’t have been good for anybody. 
Negan knew that this arranged marriage between Y/n and King Rick had to work for the sake of the kingdom. 
Y/n's father was an old man, he wouldn’t be able to rule forever; so Y/n, being his only heir, would have the throne. 
Naturally, her father just wanted her to be safe and looked after when he was gone; that’s why he arranged her marriage to King Rick. Her father knew he was an honorable man who would look after his daughter and his kingdom. 
On paper it was a perfect match. 
Except for the fact that Y/n loved Negan and Negan loved Y/n back.
“I can’t,” he whispered, lifting his hand to hers, wrapping his fingers around her wrist, wishing that he could just stay in this moment with her forever. 
“We both know I wouldn’t be able to look at you with him everyday, without wanting to-” he stopped the final words from falling from his lips, instead it was a sigh that came from his lips instead as leaned down and rested his forehead against hers. 
He was fighting every urge he had to kiss her again knowing that if he did, he’d never be able to let her go. 
“In another life, we're together right?” She sniffled, trying to stop the tears that were forming in her eyes from falling. 
That question….it was enough to break his heart completely. 
“Oh I fucking hope so, princess,” he replied, noticing how his own voice shook a little.
He pulled away slightly, pressing a quick kiss on her forehead before grabbing his jacket, throwing it over his shoulder and making his way to the door. 
His hand hovered over the door knob for a few seconds longer than it should’ve; his heart still fighting with his head; but deep down, he knew this was the right thing to do. 
And with that he left the room, quickly wiping away the stray tears that had fallen from his eyes, before walking through the halls of the castle as though he hadn’t just broken his own heart. 
It had been two years since Y/n's marriage to King Rick, and since her marriage the tales of her beauty had grown still greater. 
Everyone in Alexandria, King Rick's kingdom seemed to love her; especially the king of the kingdom himself, whose love and devotion was clear enough for everyone and anyone to see. 
Including Negan. 
Even though it made the blood coursing through his veins burn with jealousy, he couldn’t deny how much King Rick loved Y/n; and that’s what had made her the perfect target. 
Four days ago, Y/n's father had received word that his only daughter had nearly been assassinated whilst out on a horse ride at the borders of Alexandria.
Y/n's father was too ill to travel the three days it would take to get to Alexandria, which is why Negan was here. 
Not that there was ever really a question about it, regardless of whether he was sent by the King or not, he’d be here. 
Y/n's life was at risk, and there was no way in hell he was going to let anyone harm her.
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ysoandi · 2 years
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Negan: I think we should kiss.
Y/N: And I think you should die but we don’t always get what we want.
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noemitenshi · 10 months
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martyrgraph · 10 months
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norman reedus (400x640).
credit; martyr.
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magicalflowerlight · 1 year
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Walking Dead〡S2E4
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Just started watching and GIVE 👏🏾 ANDREW 👏🏾 CLUTTER 👏🏾 BUCK 👏🏾 ALL 👏🏾 THE 👏🏾 AWARDS!
HE walked so Pedro could run!!
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punchitmrsulu · 6 months
Is there a certain story you would have liked for Rick ? What other shows do you watch ?
Oh, thank you for asking!
I wish they would have explored his relationship with Maggie a little bit more.
I always felt they had a strong siblings energy. My sister and I call them apocalypse siblings. And the few times we got to see them fighting together they complemented each other perfectly, in my opinion. He trusted her completely to hold her own. I always felt they were this awesome dynamic duo and she was kinda the female version of Rick.
The show goes there a few times, like when the two of them go back to Woodbury to get Daryl, when they have to talk to Gregory for the first time at the Hilltop and he asks her to take the lead cause if he does he'll kill him, when she's sick from the pregnancy and they're trying to escape Negan and she tells Rick she trusts him, and when Rick tells her they'll be following her one day. He always valued her opinion immensely.
The show explored it to a certain degree but I feel they could have gone further. I would have enjoyed more moments and conversations between them.
I recently watched 3 Body Problem and liked it a lot.
As for other shows I've watched and really enjoyed recently, I recommend Severance, Pachinko, For All Mankind, Mythic Quest, Staged, The Handmaid's Tale, I could go on forever, there's a lot more, those are just at the top of my head. As for older shows, like 90s era, I'm definitely a massive Buffy fan.
But I think my all-time favorite show is probably Dark. I can't even begin to explain how amazing that show is. It's just on a whole other level.
How about you @jellykelly181 is there something you would have liked for Rick? What shows do you recommend?
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cherrysource · 2 years
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˒ icons made © cherrysource — effect by @miniepsds ˒ do not repost my edits. if you save like or reblog
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aerospectrum · 3 days
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An epoxy to the world and the vision we've lost I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see I'm just a product of the system, a catastrophe And yet a masterpiece, and yet I'm half-diseased
And when I am deceased At least I go down to the grave and die happily Leave the body and my soul to be a part of thee I do what it takes
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