all-about-us-media · 1 year
ALL ABOUT US RADIO FACEBOOK: AAUMedia P: 1-833-369-1444 @aaumedia @allaboutusradio #IntegrityDeterminesMyDESTINY #TrustYourself #BLESSED #youAreLOVED #WalkWithFAITH #WORLDCHANGER
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In every achievements it starts in a single steps.
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taebond-blog · 3 years
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“Trust The Process in your Life” Let go, have Faith, things are unfolding in your life as it should#faith#buddah#god#spiritualwarfare#staywoke#spirituality#godhasaplanformylife#savethechildren#godislove#prayers#trusttheprocess#havefaith#walkwithfaithnotbysight#walkwithfaith https://www.instagram.com/p/CT62AmJr0ha/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nimeaarianastudios · 4 years
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Have you ever felt something inside you so strongly that it feels like it’s calling to you, as if screaming out, or even whispering through the heart. It’s as if you know, but you “just aren’t sure”. There seems to be a reason, a purpose or such a deep sense of passion it fills you up somehow?!? . That’s how I feel about art and design. Expressing myself through vision is just who I am. I look at life from every angle deciphering meaning, perspective from the abstract thoughts, concepts and visual presence that flows through the nature within me. . I am a poet, a painter, a writer, a healer and so much more, but fitting that into boxes online, often feels restrictive. I crave social interaction, and personal interpretation through conversation. . So how do you invite people to have intimate conversations about work you present online? or.. How do you reach the masses and make a greater impact? . By taking it a day at a time, inviting people to comment, to consider the work at hand and to pause for a moment to reflect, not scroll past, but to honestly sit for a minute and look within their online portals to question the bigger picture. . So I invite you in, to have a conversation with me, what do you see? How do you feel? And what inspires you through this piece? . I’m here ♥️🤗🌱 . . . #haveaconversationwithme #loveislove #letsconnect #innerperspective #creativeprocess #mfa #nyc #parsons #possibilities #whatwillbewillbe #trusttheprocess #answerthecall ✨✍🏻🌱 #growthtakestime #walkwithfaith (at Pelham, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL7DjwKA547/?igshid=w0i66t9gi2gd
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iamreesi4life · 4 years
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When they open the world back up to the public, be safe and have awareness my people. Don’t forget that their is still an outbreak they claim they don’t have a cure so#stayblessed #walkwithfaith #thinkwithreason #coronavirus #viralpost https://www.instagram.com/p/B_h69fnnr16/?igshid=58sdvwmcv29g
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irish6605-blog · 5 years
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#itsyourroad #walkitout #walkwithfaith #walkwithpurpose (at Vancouver Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/B55KfzWFPX4/?igshid=a30xhd487ya3
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scubaxsenpai · 5 years
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Cold restless night as the city plays around me. Temptation of losing it all will always play near. Forgetting to grab a bit to eat, as you continue to put your best step toward others. They won't know your pain! They can't image your struggle and yet they judge. Pick the nice ones from the pile; never, learning about their story. We forgot the old tales our parents used to tell, but never forgot the tiles laid in front of us. Now what's left... Down to your last dollar and the choices got easier to make. You feed your family, as you sit alone in the dark; unaware of the call your stomach makes. Drown in a glass of water to quiet the storm, as your mind start to ask????? "Can we continue? Can we make it? Am I losing this fight ?" They don't see your pain, but your eyes say another. Hunger since that lion can't rest without claim another day. The wisdom from the elephant markers laid from your ancestors before you. THEY DONT SEE YOUR PAIN!!!! You don't have time to cry, but you feel their pain. Your struggle will strength tomorrow, but today I shown you the reason this poem is titled "A Rock!" Rock- The status given to the soldier in one's family whom carry the weight of their family pain, and yet shows up day after day to remain stationary. Cold lonely night filled with soreness, as the Lion can't sleep, but sounds of the family he protects sleeps soundly. Now I ask "DO YOU FEEL THIS PAIN!?" Because...... That lion has another battle to win and yet he praise for the well being of others, as he hope to protect the other rocks placed behind him. PC: @impacosuave #poem #poetry #poetrycommunity #naturepics #yourstruggleisyourgift #yourstruggleisyourstory #lion #elephant #youngking #writingmystory #cameramanintraining #storyteller #coldrestlessnights #createabetteryou #rock #beingarock #walkwithfaith #followyourpath #growth https://www.instagram.com/p/B0vSZd2nRkN/?igshid=qrp3xwfmg1sb
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romadesiani · 7 years
JUNE 2017
Hello guys!
Akhirnya gw balik lagi yah. Hahaha, sorry geng, I was quite busy with some stuff. Cuman tenang aja “that stuff” nya itu yang positive kok.
Anyway, how’s your 2017 so far? It’s been a very busy and wonderful year for me so far. Gw ga nyangka gw udah sampe di pertengahan tahun and I am so glad that I took all the opportunity to go closer and closer with Him, with my Daddy God!
Mulai dr mimpin FA, Tuhan gives me another opportunity to lead the Family Retreat for BCS Camp 2017. Yah emang bukan main lead sih, but I’m in charge for NGS (New Generation Session). Gw ga pernah mimpin cuy. Yah kl di suruh ngejagain, ngerangkul, ayolah sini, cuman kl mimpin kayak beginian, event gede kayak gini. WOW! Ga pernah! Cuman Ko Rai dan ce Keke selalu bilang OBEY and keep saying YES. Yodah deh, gw nurut. So far, Puji Tuhan, He helps me with everything. He gave me the boldness to talk to people from different homogeneous group without thinking about “bakal awkward ga yah? nanti ngmgin apa yah? how to start this conversation, etc” Ga ada, bener bener ngalir aja and I know that’s His part. Gw cuman nurut. Hahaha.
He also gave me an opportunity to attend Empowered 21. Wait, wait! Gw attend Holy Spirit NIght dulu deh, Gila, gw ngerasa “basah kuyup” selama minggu itu. Gw cuman dateng ke HSN 2 hari, but with that 2 days, Tuhan ngmng banyak banget ke gw. Di malem pertama I felt nothing, but I talk to myself “It’s okay. Expect more for the next day. Ask Him to give you more of Him and less of you”  and I did it. Di hari terakhir, He gave me another opportunity to share my experience “terima bahasa roh untuk pertama kali”. Itu yah, gw udah bilang ENGGA ke ce keke, Gw ga mau maju, cuman yah emang dia jago ngerayu yah. Akhirnya gw bilang iya. Di situ tujuan gw cuman satu, buta encourage orang-orang yg punya background yang sama kayak gw untuk terus minta bahasa roh WITHOUT ANY DOUBT ABOUT SPEAKING IN TONGUE. Di situ tuh, gw ngerasa banyak point yang ilang, but I know, He’s going to make everything perfect for His daughter. Di hari terakhir pas sesi doa, He asked to pray for one of our FA member. He asked me to approach her and pray about her family. I was like “are you serious? Am I listening to the right voice atau cuman feeling gw doang? Dia duduknya jauh Tuhan” Hahaha, kesel ga sih lo ngeliat gw? dan apa yang terjadi sodara2? SAYA TIDAK BERGERAK. Gw ragu. Jadi gw terus berdoa dong. Trus Tuhan bilang gw 
“RohKu di dalammu lebih besar dari apapun yang akan kamu hadapin di depan nanti” 
Gila, di situ gw yakin itu bukan feeling gw yang ngomong! Karna my biggest fear is MYSELF. Gw takut gw ga bisa ini, itu. Gw ngerasa I’m not capable enough untuk ambil responsibility yang ada di depan gw and when He said that I know that I will get more and more things from Him and IT’S NOT GOING TO BE EASY. Tapi gw yakin Dia jalan bareng gw. I am not alone. Di tambah lagi, malemnya, si bapak wa gw, dia cerita ttg apa yang Tuhan kasih ke dia. He got the same thing man! Dia bilang gw kayak bulldozer yang bakal bukain jalan di depan, tapi gw ga sendiri, ada banyak temen2 yang nopang doa buat gw, KURANG MEWEK APALAGI GW KAK! Hands up! Tuhan baik. Teramat baik.
Di Empowered 21, gw juga di ingetin tentang itu lagi. OBEY and DON’T BE AFRAID. Slap slap! Hahaha! Cara Dia buat ngmg sama domba yang rada bebel gini kali yah. BERKALI KALI! HAHAHA. Banyak banget sih yang gw dapetin tuh. Sampe bingung gimana cara mulainya. Cuman gw inget, Sara Castelanos bilang “It’s not me, It’s YOU” Dia ingetin gw buat punya the same vision as He has for me. 
Don’t settle for earthly vision but settle for HEAVENLY VISION. 
Wow! Dia seumuran gw, btw guys. Gw cuman bisa bilang “wow, yes God. Okay. Right!” Setelah itu gw mikir dan mikir. 
Gila ini panjang banget sih yah, cuman masih banyak banget, gimana dong? Lanjut ga yah?
Okay, bokap gw akhirnya angkat tangan dan siap buat terima BAHASA ROH! Wow!! GILA! Di situ gw cuman bisa bantu doa sambil berbahasa roh dan nangis sejadi jadi nya. Buat kalian yang ga tau. Gw bukan berasal dr gereja yang berbahasa roh. Gw selalu debat sama bokap buat hal ini. Seriusan. Sampe di satu titik kemarin gw bilang ke Tuhan, “Tuhan, aku iri sama orang orang yang bisa bertumbuh di gereja yang sama dengan orang tua nya, Yang bisa cerita  pertumbuhan imannya dengan orang tuanya. Aku ga bisa. Aku pengen papa bilang papa bangga sama pertumbuhan iman aku. Aku rindu itu Tuhan.” Gw doain ini tuh pas sore. Tauga, pas malem2 kita lagi ngobrol tiba2 bokap bilang “Papa bangga kamu bisa pelayanan. Papa bangga kamu di kasih Tuhan tanggung jawab di gereja, tapi tetep jaga kesehatan.” Gimana gw ga mewek sih? Baik banget yah Tuhan! Gila! T__T
Besoknya tuh di gereja Om Djo share ttg bahasa Roh dan di ajak buat altar call untuk siapapun yang mau terima bahasa roh, and you know what? BOKAP GW ANGKAT TANGAN! Itu yah, gw antara seneng dan takut. Seneng karna dia mau terima. Takut kl dia ga dapet pasti bakal debat lagi nih kita. Gw cuman bisa doa sama Tuhan, mewek, bahasaroh, dan terus terusan kayak gitu. Sampe gw blg “It’s okay God. If he cannot get it now. It’s well with my soul. It is well with my soul. It’s okay Lord.” 
Trus pas lunch dia bilang, 
“Papa udah di doain 3 orang, ttp ga dapet. papa udah serahin semuanya. papa bilang Tuhan ini aku hambaMu, pakai aku sesuai rencanaMu. aku mau terima bahasa roh Mu. lepaskan aku dr segala roh2 jahat yg mungkin masih ada di dalamku. Aku berserah.” 
tapi papa denger Tuhan bilang 
“Ladang kamu bukan di sini. Kamu ga butuh senjata itu buat melayani Aku. Bernubuatlah.”
Itu jawaban dari doa gw selama ini tauga sih! Gw cuman bisa bilang Thank you Tuhan. Engkau baik, sangat baik. Dia jawab doa gw dan dia jawab doa bokap gw yang mnrt gw tuh super humble banget, Itu tuh yah, gw bisa ngerasa pas dia doa, dia tuh kayak tanggalin semua pernak pernik dan jabatan dia yang ada di bumi and humbly come to God and ask for that, and He gave him that answer! 
Yah, gitu deh. Gila yah. Baik banget. Ga ngeri gw. Siapa gw bisa experience this kind of goodness dari Dia coba. Thank you Jesus!
Jadi, yah. Gw siap buat jalan terus, maju terus sama Tuhan. Mau apapun yg gw hadepin nanti, gw yakin, RohNya di dalamku, lebih BESAR dari apapun yang ada di depanku!
Sign out!
with love,
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grind2dagreen · 5 years
Can you think of some people,companies, or activities you allow to have your energy that is not adding value to you⁉️If so, let’s talk about it. After all it is #talkaboutitthursday #onlygainz #meditate #thinkaboutit #bewilling #therapy #fruitfulrelationships #inkitout #positivesharing #energy #mantra #atmopshere 🆙 #walkwithfaith #knowyourworth #dailywordsofwisdom #greatsayings #speakonitstroman #AstroGang💚 #ReadySetNowGoGreen #Grind2DaGreen #G2DG ©️⛓‼️🌎 Ashaunte Stroman🦉 ⚡️Tag Share Comment Like ⚡️ • • • Turn on post notifications 🔗📳🆓 if you digested these words, please share message #savetocollection (at Power of Words) https://www.instagram.com/p/B25HGZ2FJZC/?igshid=hwb89sjy8g0t
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myluckysoul · 6 years
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Trust Your Dopeness hoodie is here. What better way to kickoff fall, then with a super soft and comfortable pullover hoodie that inspires you to believe in yourself. #Friday . 15% off with code FRIDAY15 www.luckysoulusa.com . · · · · · · · · · · · · · #faith #believe #trust #belieber #walkwithfaith #lifequotes #inspiration #hardtimes #LuckySoul #healyourself #girlswholift #fridayvibes #godisgood #lifeisgood #anythingispossible #usa #stophate #fitness #motivationalquotes #clothes #fallfashion #mensfashion #womensfashion #streetstyle #blessed #dodgers (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo2IjhTHLPl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vmr63ev992hj
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nimeaarianastudios · 3 years
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The world is yours to grab. That energy it comes from within, focus deeply on the vision you have for yourself and stay true to your heart and there will be no need to wonder, why you wander. Sometimes we need to stray from the path in order to find a new one. Make no mistake, there will be doubts along the way, but that doesn’t mean you need to stop believing in you, or your dream. So just keep going! You got this 🖤 _______ #powerofthought #pureintention #motivation #tuesdayvibes #grabyourdream #walkwithfaith #trustyourheart #followyourintuition #stepbystep #instagood #quoteoftheday #visionaryartist #yourwordisyourbond #wordshavepower #infinitepossibility #possibleisyou #positivevibes #keepit100 (at Fonthill, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPlYcGSN1vs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mosheblack · 6 years
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Just one of these dayz where I can't see any color a ruff moment I'm leaning on the most high (GOD) 🙏 #imtrynna #thestruggleisreal #believeingod #stillstanding #walkwithfaith #onelife
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irish6605-blog · 5 years
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#vintagedecor #chalkbossdesigns #walkwithfaith (at Victoria, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzYEnLIAxQN/?igshid=a5urjwkhntmq
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biatchiise7en · 7 years
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Because sometimes all you just need is to walk with faith. #walkwithfaith #wanderbae #wanderer #wanderlust #igdaily #igers #fall #fallenleaves #faith #hope #love #newbalance #shoes #shoegasm
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rianakiprox · 8 years
berusaha seperti mereka, berjalan maju dengan tegak bukan dengan ragu.. #inspirasi #semangat #berjuang #mencobadanberusaha #memanggilsenja #walkwithfaith #trustHim (di Mj9)
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myluckysoul · 7 years
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Our most popular selling tee the past 2wks is coming to an end. This has been a fun collaboration with Mr. Preacher and we're looking forward to to our next release in September. Buy 👉 www.luckysoulusa.com ******************************** *** #faith #believe #trust #belieber #walkwithfaith #lifequotes #inspiration #hardtimes #LuckySoul #healyourself #supersoulsunday #sundayvibes #godisgood #lifeisgood #anythingispossible #usa #stophate #oneworld #motivationalquotes #tshirt #fallfashion #mensfashion #womensfashion #southerncharm #blessed
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