#wall hung toilet unit
Explore a full range of wall hung toilets with soft close seat online at Bathroom shop UK, Wall hung toilets, also known as wall mounted toilets or floating toilets, are stylish & practical. UK's most popular Online Shop for Wall Hung Toilets. Choose from our range of Wall Hung Toilets and get a clean modern look to your Bathroom or Cloakroom.
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frigginconfused · 5 months
A vent post/condensed list of my grievances regarding the state of my current place of living. Well, partially to vent and partially as a cathartic way to keep tabs.
Either way, there is no amount of commission I could do to improve this. I have lived here for maybe two months, and all of this was found out through experience and not actually looking for problems. To preface, I know the question. Why didn't you get a home inspection? Well, you see, had I been involved in the buying process I would have.
It was heated with open flame gas heaters
Undisclosed roaches
Stove top is rusted so bad there's a line on one side that's just missing (not entirely sure if the oven works actually)
Two windows lead nowhere
One window shattered
One window removed and replaced with ply board. There is a window ac unit caulked into it.
That window ac unit does not have a filter… only old dish towels stuffed into it…
Something also lives in that window ac unit.
water pours into the garage when it rains
It looked like a junkyard (we had to rent a dumpster and even that wasn't enough)
There's a blanket hung on the wall, it's hiding a giant spot… I don't know what the spot is.
the furnace is all sealed off, including the vents
the wiring is ALL fucked (and might also all be piggybacked)
there is a circuit breaker AND a fuse box
A single bad outlet may have taken out the power in 2/3 of the house
I don't think under the trailer is insulated at all… There is a fan that leads under it to move warm air down there, intended to keep the pipes from freezing.
The bathroom floor is not secured, and boards are popping up
There is no ventilation in the bathroom and the walls have pieces taken out
pretty sure one of the pieces is screwed in over where the ventilation used to be
there is a draft in the bathroom so bad, that on windy days it blows the bathroom cabinet under the sink open
the toilet is less than two inches away from the claw foot tub
why is there a claw foot tub in a trailer… the step up into it is too high for my mother and there is no grab bar for safety
There is at least one hole in the roof that I suspect an animal lives in
While writing this list I was informed it was indeed a bad outlet which has since been replaced, but also “It is replaced, but the wires are too short and not attached very good” so we cannot use
I also don't think they understand that this is an active fire hazard
I don't have a bedroom, I have a bed in the living room
There are three doors that lead outside. One is the front door. The other two are held closed with boards. (honorary mention the door that leads to the garage, who's handle came off in my hand)
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My little sisters and I all live in the same apartment complex, but I've never been over to their unit because they've never invited me inside and whenever I had to pick them up or drop them off they'd tell me to meet them in the parking lot. This morning, I had to go over and help them deal with an overflowing toilet because maintenance is closed on the weekends (god forbid you have an emergency on 2½ out of 7 days). I got it fixed no problem, but I noticed something fundamentally different between the three of us.
Their apartment is the exact same model as mine, same layout, same 4 bedrooms, same kitchen, everything is the same, but theirs actually looks like a home. They and their roommates have decorated everything for Christmas. There's a tree and lights and stockings, and the kitchen counter is full of appliances and a knife block and a drying rack. They've rearranged the furniture and hung up paintings and have little knick knacks everywhere, it looks lived in and welcoming.
Mine is a cesspit hovel.
My building had a terrible roach infestation all year, so my roommate and I can't leave any dishes or appliances out in the open. The fridge is safe, but the cabinets and drawers were crawling with the bastards, so I had to keep all my food in baggies inside sealed tubs in my bedroom.
The living room is as barren as the day I moved in; it looks like an empty model apartment they'd show off to prospective renters. It's cold and gray (well, actually landlord beige), and I didn't realize why I hated it so much until just now.
Ever since college, I've lived out of boxes because I've been afraid to get situated anywhere; save for the few years I lived in my childhood bedroom at my parents' place, I've lived in a different place every year since 2014. I didn't bother unpacking because I knew I'd have to repack it all up at the end of the year anyway and move somewhere else, so I've never been able to make a space my own. My sisters move apartments every year, and they just deal with it; they don't mind packing and unpacking, that's just one of the things they gotta do, and their apartments are always so much cozier for it.
I've sprayed Raid all over the kitchen and swept out behind the fridge and stove and called pest control two or three times since I moved in in September, and come to think of it, I haven't seen any roaches in weeks. I think the infestation might have been dealt with, this afternoon my roommate has started moving his utensils into the kitchen, so I think I'm gonna unpack for real. I'm hesitant about food, but after a personal inspection I feel confident enougn to put all my pots and pans and plates in the cabinets.
If I'm wrong and the roaches come back with a vengeance, I'll clean everything and repack it back in my room, but for now I think I can finally start to relax. I'm gonna hang some posters in the living room, maybe put out some coffee table books, move the couch and chairs away from the wall. Once I get some money, I'll buy a bookshelf and put all my tapes and DVDs out there for easy access.
This is going to be nice. 2023 has been unrelentingly horrible from start to finish, but 2024 will be better.
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rabbitcruiser · 10 months
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World Toilet Day
World Toilet Day…at first glance, this seems like an unlikely candidate for a holiday and more like some sort of joke, but the day is nowhere as trivial or humorous as it may seem. All in all, it strives to draw attention to various sanitation issues around the world and work towards resolving them.
Despite access to proper sanitation being declared a basic human right, one in three people across the globe, so some 2.5 billion people in total, do not have regular access to a toilet. Additionally, even amongst those who do have such access, unclean and unsafe toilets pose problems of their own, including contributing towards the spread of diseases like cholera, typhoid and hepatitis—in some parts of Africa, diarrhea is one of the main child-killers.
Open defecation is also responsible for increasing the number of sexual assaults perpetrated on women and children. Furthermore, when young girls begin menstruating, the lack of privacy forces them to stay home from school, thus limiting their chances of getting a basic education and, what comes after that, a decent job in the future. World Toilet Day’s ultimate goal is to allow everyone on the planet to take care of their most basic needs without having to fear for their safety.
History of World Toilet Day
World Toilet Day was created by the World Toilet Organization in 2001. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations said: “We have a moral imperative to end open defecation and a duty to ensure women and girls are not at risk of assault and rape simply because they lack a sanitation facility.”
He went on to talk about how having to defecate openly infringes on human safety and dignity, and how women and girls risk rape and abuse as they wait until night falls to relieve themselves because they lack of access to a toilet that offers privacy. Another issue is that toilets generally remain inadequate for populations with special needs, such as the disabled and elderly.
Since its inception, World Toilet Day has played a vital role in challenging governments, businesses and other groups to make changes. It has also worked towards breaking various taboos surrounding the topic, in order to facilitate discussion and lead to the creation of better, safer solutions.
World Toilet Day Timeline
3000 BC Pipes carry waste
Even a few thousand years ago various people groups (in Scotland, India, Mesopotamia and more) would use pipe systems to carry waste out of their houses and into rivers or streams.
100-200 AD Group toilets for soldiers
Remains of Housesteads Roman Fort at Hadrian’s Wall in the UK reveals that perhaps 20 or more soldiers would all use a common ‘toilet’ (essentially these were long benches with holes in them) at the same time.
Middle Ages (500-1500 AD) Garderobes are used
Predating the toilet, “garderobes” were little rooms that hung over the sides of the castle. This little closet had a bench with a hole in it where the waste would drop into a moat or pit below.
During this time, many people would also use chamber pots, which would be kept in bedrooms or ‘chambers’ and then emptied (sometimes simply thrown out the window) when full. This function carried on for quite some time.
1596 Flushing toilet is invented
Although its widespread use did not arrive until a couple of centuries later, the first flushing toilet was described by Sir John Harington, an English courtier. This toilet was a pot that used gravity to feed water through it from a cistern that sat upstairs.
1775 First toilet patent issued
Scottish Inventor Alexander Cummings was the creator of the important pipe that ran in an S-shape below the bowl. This ingenious design used the water in the bowl to seal off the sewer gas from below and eventually led the way to mass production of the toilet.
1829 First toilets in a hotel
The Tremont Hotel in Boston, USA installed eight indoor water closets for its guests.
1866 World’s first bathroom showroom
Marlboro Works showroom is opened by English sanitary engineer Thomas Crapper (yes, that’s his real name). At a time when people didn’t speak much about their bodily functions, this public display of toilets was revolutionary.
1880s Thomas Crapper invents the ballcock
Toilets that have this invention, the “ballcock”, are less likely to overflow. Crapper created the floating valve as well as eight other patented improvements for plumbing and sewage. He also did a lot of plumbing for British royalty around this time. 
1910 Elevated water tank
A similar design to today’s toilets, the closed water tank and bowl moves into common use.
1986 Sensor flushes introduced
In Japan, the first toilets with sensors that would flush on their own were used.
2001 World Toilet Organization is created
The World Toilet Organization moves to educate people about the sanitation crisis.  Even in today’s modern times, more than 2 billion people across the world still do not have access to a toilet.
2013 World Toilet Day made official by the UN
In an effort to raise awareness and support for places where people don’t have proper access to sanitation, the first UN World Toilet Day is celebrated on November 19, 2013.
How to celebrate World Toilet Day
I think by now it’s been made abundantly clear that World Toilet Day is far from being a joke, dealing instead with the protection of one of humanity’s most basic rights. So how can you help? There are a number of things you could do. For starters, why not visit the World Toilet Day website, Facebook page or Twitter account and share the message across social media platforms?
This may seem like a tiny, unimportant gesture, but raising awareness about serious problems is one of the things social media does best, aside from bombarding you with pictures of babies and kittens. The more people know about a problem, the more money can be raised to fight it, as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge so perfectly demonstrated. So don’t think your clicking “share” means anything. It doesn’t.
Another thing you could do as a way of observing World Toilet Day Would be of course to make a donation, so if you have the means, know that every dollar helps.
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Home Renovation Quotes Which Won’t Stop Your Laugh
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There is really no spot in the world such as a home. However, a home is the true embodiment of the people who reside in it, and there should be no surprise that it’s such an excellent place for so many of us. And, for the huge majority of the individuals, the home has taken on new significance in the previous year. With much more time spent at home than ever before, it’s good to remember to be grateful for the place that’s been there for you through it all. Our home should be beautiful and comfy so that we can make memorable moments with our families and loved ones. And home renovation is the most popular option for those who want to personalize their living spaces.
According to the recent facts homeowners in the United States invests over $300 billion every year on home renovations & repairs. Some people hire professionals for the task, while others try to save money by doing it themselves. However, when you begin a DIY home renovation project, you may not complete it successfully since specific home renovation tasks require more knowledge than others.
Did you watch the movie The Money Pit, directed by Richard Benjamin and starting with Shelley Long & Tom Hanks? When you’re doing a usual DIY project, for whatever reason, you smash the hammer, miss the nail, make a hole in the ceiling, and rip your hammer out to take some wiring along, too. And then, before you know it, your bathroom renovation cost is more than a toilet paper roll?
Home renovation is difficult, and mishaps occur. We’re here to provide some happiness to assist you in getting through the distress. Continue reading to appreciate the following hilarious home renovation quotes. Place your utility belt on, as well as your protective helmet and work gloves since after reading these humorous quotes, you’ll realize you are not sole in your home renovation catastrophe. After a few good chuckles, you’ll be ready to return in there and flip this project on its head.
“Living during home renovations or repairs is like surviving in the wild, you can do whatever to endure”
Have any of you ever felt that you’ve regressed to the Stone Age? You were only attempting to renovate your kitchenette, not spark a fire for the very first time! Home renovation is wild. There is no way about it. You promptly understand about the walls beneath your walls–the planks, wiring, nails, as well as screws that hold all this together. And, in your mind, knocking down a wall here or shifting the kitchen island over there looks good and wonderful, till that wall supports a piece of your home. In the wild, you do whatsoever it needs to stay alive. It may imply that not all of the walls must be removed.
“I desire I would transform into a Sim when I think of the housework & improvements that need to be done”
Click, click, and click again. And now we’re done! How many of you have tried your hands at The Sims? When compared to real life, housework and home repairs are EASY PEASY in that game! You merely press some buttons, and there you have it! Work is in progress. Wait a few moments, then walk down to your fridge, prepare some hot cocoa, pop some popcorn, and return to BOOM. The project is completed. What a treat it would be to be a Sim during a home renovation. You could even be able to acquire some nasty and insanely efficient window and door upgrades!
“We are having guests; your job is to hang these color patterns on the walls to make it appear as though we’re doing anything with this home”
Okay, Okay! We’ve all experienced occasions when we overestimated the timespan of a project. But have you ever set up a project merely to appear to be working on something? This pair is doing everything correctly. A few hasty color samples are hung up to give the impression that a home remodeling project is in the works. This place isn’t always a shambles!
“When I said I needed a better floor, I really expected some new tile”
Oh Yes, undeniably. That is something we are all aware of. It sounds fantastic! In theory, it appears to be practical! In our minds, it ought to be a piece of cake! Wait, did someone mention cake? The fun part is having a concept and thinking about it, but the step-by-step approach is when things get…well…unfunny. But here’s where we’d want to say something: Don’t give up on your dreams. Make grandiose plans. Always dream big. Dream your dream so many times that the steps are all set out in front of you. The more you dream, the better you will be able to envision and complete your project! And don’t forget to laugh out loud along the way!
“So, the CAT attempted some renovations… I ate him because I knew you’d detest it. You are quite welcome”
Even Though They Try, Animals Are Not Renovators! Isn’t it worse to come home to a pet’s remodeling job than an incomplete renovation project? If you’re in the midst of a DIY home remodeling, with dust everywhere and wood pieces were strewn around. Perhaps your porcelain sink has been shattered. But at least you don’t have to clean up the rubbish that Fluffy has strewn all over the living room. Or perhaps you do! In such a situation, we grieve for you.
“Home renovation has become so expensive that you’re playing rock-paper-scissors to discover which child won’t be attending college”
You could be feeling this way when lying in bed at night, running statistics through your brain, remembering you also have to fix the wall the hammer went through. It’s sometimes helpful to crack a joke and remind yourself that the endeavor is just that: a project. And even if things go out of hand, you’ll be able to breathe through it and finish the job. Just be mindful of how much time and money you invest in it. Make a spending plan. Then, create a larger WHAT-IF budget and ensure that both can be satisfied without generating stress.
“Then there was a huge explosion behind me, and when I looked around, he was gone”
Yikes! At the very least, you’re not the nails in your home renovation, are you? This amusing home renovation quote is ideal for looking at just after you’ve banged the hammer down on your thumb. While you’re icing that black and blue nail, try to chuckle some of the agonies away by reading a blog like this!
“They’ll adore the style I’m incorporating into this floor”
Chester Chicken might harm your concrete patio, driveway, or pathway! But it’s unlikely. However, you may recall a time when a friend, pet, or stranger inadvertently left a mark in your curing concrete. Or perhaps you and your family decided to take the cosmos into your own hands and make your mark in stone. If you do, please be sure to include a date so that the moment is never forgotten!
“Take it easy, man!! You’re going too far ahead of yourself”
He’s all set to renovate the roof before there is even a roof!  You’ll be able to giggle at this comedy, whether you’re building a new home or remodeling an existing one. It occurs that people get ahead of themselves. At the very least, you don’t have this funny guy up in the sky.
“You just had one job”
“You only had one task,” as the term goes, may be applied everywhere, including outside of house remodeling. But it’s especially amusing in the context of home remodeling. Smaller tasks should be straightforward, such as screwing in the light switch, installing the toilet bowl lever, or bolting on the door handle. But people frequently mess them up, and when we do, it’s hard not to chuckle.
We hope you liked these hilarious home renovation quotes, and they definitely make your DIY home renovation endeavor a bit less stressful by making your face smile. If you need any professional help to make your home stand out, you can contact Homednb. Here, we hire trusted and reliable contractors to help you get the job done! We offer an escrow payment protection service that secures payments, so contractors get paid based on agreed-upon milestones.  You just tell us about your project and we will find a vetted contractor that is suitable to complete your job! Stay tuned with us to keep yourself updated with the latest home renovation trends as well as interesting facts about home renovation!
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theretirementstory · 2 years
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Greetings from a wet Bar-sur-Aube where the temperature is 9c. We have had frost, mist, rain, sunshine and some days, temperatures of 14c, quite a wonderful week for me to do my walking.
It has been a very “strange” week, with three visits to the laboratoire…..no need to go into that now, baking again after quite a break, and taking the bull by the horns and contacting people for next phase of works “chez moi”.
I have also been “crowned” “coronated” call it what you will but the dentist has now implanted (well glued probably) my new crown, thank goodness. That has cost me an 💪 and a 🦵but means I can smile again (or is that grimace).
Anie rang and invited me for “Le gouter “, as I was expecting the plumber, I said I would let her know later in the day. I was invited for 17:00 but “Sods Law” the demonstration against pension reform was still in full flow which meant a snails pace in traffic movement. I eventually “abandoned” the car at the bottom of the town and “ran” (well tried to walk quickly) to her house at the top of the town. When I got to the top, yes you have guessed it, the traffic was moving normally. The “upside” was that I got my walk in for the day. We had lovely homemade apple tarts and (I suspect, bought) panattone.
Here is this weeks poetry excerpt, it is from “Winter-time” by Robert Louis Stevenson
“Black are my steps on silver sod;
Thick blows my frosty breath abroad;
And tree and house, and hill and lake,
Are frosted like a wedding cake.”
So the next phase of works is for a new toilet and washbasin. I had a quote from my plumber back in 2020, however, when I asked him at the end of last year about replacing the items he said “you buy the washbasin and I will fit it”. Now I have worn some hats in my time but “plumber” or “purchaser of sanitary ware” is not one of them. How on earth do I know if this, that or the other will work? I asked my neighbour for her plumbers phone number and I made an appointment for him to visit and prepare an estimate. When he came out he said it was not possible for a wall hung unit as it was just a stud wall! The pedestal had never been fitted to this basin and the guy wiggled and pushed it and got it in place. After he had gone, I went into the toilet and there was a terrible stench, it appears as if all the wiggling has caused a problem with the siphon so now when you wash your hands the water runs onto the floor. 🤔solved one problem created another! However, his estimate was €400 cheaper than the previous plumber (2 years ago) ok, so no new basin, but I will have new tap and siphon on existing one. Oh have you noticed I am now understanding more about sanitary ware. 😂
As it was the resumption of the knitting group this week, I had volunteered to make the cake. Now what was I going to concoct? I decided on a lemon and sultana cake, the previous ones I had made were delicious. Well I mixed it up using a hand mixer (an ounce less sugar than the recipe) and it really looked good in the tin, but when I cut into it on Friday it was quite dense and although I had used rather a lot of lemon the taste was quite bland, oh dear, not a good start I fear! It was lovely to be there with old and new friends. One of the new ladies was unable to attend this time but she had sent me a message wishing us all a good afternoon and saying she would see us next time. I am so happy in my new role as “Brown Owl” “Arkela” or should it just be “Big Knit”? I showed the little hats and bootees I had knitted, it was suggested that I may be able to donate them to be sent to Turkey or Syria following the earthquakes. I will check that out, in the meantime I have knitted another hat and one bootee, it is just something small and simple to knit.
Life is being life, I am afraid, giving us the up’s and the down’s. At times we feel that things could not get any worse and it is at times like that, that it is important to look for the light….. it maybe just a tiny pinprick at the moment but if you keep reaching it will become a lot brighter. Life’s course is never smooth, there are bumps along the way and sometimes it feels like you have a mountain to climb, it makes for a stronger person. To anyone who feels that there world is falling apart, take heart, it may be the world as you know it now, but there is another world out there waiting to be discovered. I am sure there are people who are feeling this way right now, not just those affected by war, earthquakes but by loss in one way or another.
There is also a lot buzzing around in my head. I am planning a little something for next week (more of that later). Plus we are hurtling towards spring when thoughts will return to my garden. In the meantime, I am taking each day as it comes, not looking too far into the future as in doing so we can miss out on a great deal of the present.
I wish you all a good week, until next week!
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esselbathfittings · 8 days
Pick the Perfect EWC for Your Bathroom Space
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When we say European Water Closet or Western toilets, it is to the design which is enhanced to be very sleek and worthy, in other manner it is that the design is integrated with multiple other mechanisms that might not be found in any other simpler toilet seats. EWC hence, creates an ecosystem of the bathroom with the outlook as well as the built-in advanced features.
Even if not for the looks the Western toilet works better than a traditional toilet setup, it is due to the integration of multiple features which makes it more flexible While a regular toilet seat is just the lid and seat part that sits on a standard toilet bowl, an EWC or western toilet is a complete unit that includes both the bowl and the flushing mechanism. It is all curated to make a better toilet seat for an experience in the bathroom.
One Piece EWC/ One Piece Toilets
One piece EWC curates a design that has a single unit for every combination or setup of the tank or other parts. The major development with one piece EWC or western toilet is that it eliminates the need for multiple joints making them almost invisible. Now these joints might be of no relevance to you only if you didn’t know that they will have less chance to be clogged. This is because the absence of joints in between of tank and bowl makes it easy to flow and even better for the cleaning process. The installation process with one piece toilet also makes a lot of difference with one piece of EWC, as the single unit of EWC is not exactly hard to install. They are all ready to be installed. One piece EWC will use much less amount of water and yet flush better due to an efficient flushing mechanism.
Few options for One Piece EWC
EARL- One-piece water closet with seat cover EAST- One-piece water closet with seat cover ELMO — One-piece water closet with seat cover
Wall Hung EWC/ Wall Hung Toilet Seat
Let us take a shot at the big space bathroom. More than showers and a few other accessories you can minimize your bathroom with the EWC you choose. Wall hung western toilet is mounted and fixed on the wall. More than beating gravity from inside the wall, it takes the minimum space in the bathroom and makes the area more open to new requirements.
By beating gravity it does not beat gravity, while we must ensure that the base does not touch the floor which makes the floor clear to clean and has a very fair advantage with hygiene. Nevertheless, the design of the wall hung toilet Seat always has complexity during the installation because beating gravity behind the wall takes time and effort and to give a chic appearance it is required to keep it that way ensuring safety for the longest time. It is also required to have a strong wall support that will further create support for the structure of the wall hung EWC.
Few options for Wall Hung EWC
ECAR — Wall Hung Closet with UF Seat Cover EDIA — Wall Hung Closet with PP Seat Cover ELECTI — Tankless Wall Hung WC with electro Flush, UF Soft close slim seat cover
Conventional EWC
Have you seen the very retro style of the western toilet? If not then here is one such western toilet which has the traditional mechanism. In conventional EWC, the tank is mounted on the back of the bowl, and the flushing mechanism is typically integrated into the tank. This is what we call a traditional bathroom, retro-styled. They are easy to be installed and do not need too much work while installation. Although they might catch more grime at the joints and require frequent maintenance. The flexible installation makes it easier to clean and maintain. Furthermore, these toilet seats must use more water than the modern western toilet unless they are designed with water-saving features.
Few options for conventional EWC
EACT — Conventional EWC square with seat cover EBAR — Concealed — Conventional EWC EBIO — Universal with seat cover
The types of EWC or western toilets depend on your preferences, if you need a minimal look go for wall wall-hung EWC, if you need a sleek design with efficient function function, go for a piece EWC and if you need a traditional western toilet, go for a conventional EWC. all play a major role with the preferences but most importantly look for the needs for each with your bathroom style and design. With bath fittings, Essel also has paved its strength in the trust of all these types of western toilets.
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bathroomwarehouse · 3 months
Toilet Bowl promotion
You should think about your options when choosing a new Toilet Bowl if you're intending to remodel your entire bathroom or your current bathroom. Unsure about the options available? Visit our showroom so that our advisors can offer you advice as well. mixers  Singapore and sleek, sophisticated, and luxurious toilet bowl types are both available in Singapore.
Check out our showroom today for exclusive in-store deals whether you're looking for toilet bowl promotions in Singapore. You can browse the exhibition of designer and high-end stuff.
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Bathroom Experts
We offer a large selection of sanitaryware, including the most popular toilet bowls with built-in technologies like tornado flushing and rimless toilet bowls that effortlessly clean the entire bowl with only one flush. Looking for the finest offers on additional kitchen and bathroom necessities.
We have the greatest prices in Singapore if you're looking for a toilet bowl, kitchen sink, or even a kitchen tap. Our products are perfect for the modern house because they are minimalist and seamlessly blend in with any interior design style. No wonder we are regarded as one of the top toilet bowl firms.
Trusted suppliers of toilet bowls in Singapore
A discreet flushing system might be a classy choice for your bathroom. We provide one of Singapore's most popular options for your toilet bowl: concealed flushing systems. This maintains the design consistency throughout the entire installation, along with our own wall-hung toilet bowl. With this most recent toilet bowl promotion in Singapore, your bathroom will feel much larger and is a terrific space saver, especially for compact households. Trying to find something more traditional? With our conventional one- or two-piece toilet bowls, which have been tried, true, and adored for centuries, we have you covered.
Several designs: adapted to your own requirements
To match the atmosphere of your unique bathroom, you can select from a variety of toilet bowl collections, including avant-garde, modern, and classic. You can choose from shining chrome or elegant white when it comes to surface coatings. The Metropol Classic line sports exquisite gold highlights and gleaming chrome finishes. The mixers also come in a variety of shapes and silhouettes, including round or angular sections. either rounded or linear patterns. This produces images of independent elegance.
installation that is covert Shower mixers and toilet bowls were integrated into the wall in a modern manner.
The technology on the shower mixers for concealed installation
Vanishes behind the wall. You will have more room to enjoy your showers as a result. The tried-and-tested is built into the wall. Choose a hidden mixer you like, and you'll have a lot of choices for future improvements and tweaks. Learn more about hidden mixers here.
What is the best way to find the shower mixer for my bathroom?
Using a lever or two independent handles on a Zucchetti shower head singapore, you can easily adjust the water volume and temperature. You enjoy a level of shower luxury unmatched by any other thanks to your central control unit. You may choose from a range of types and styles, and you can also obtain mixers and taps that match your washbasin, bathtub, and bidet. How to make your bathroom look uniform overall.
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Simple to operate
Shower mixers can be controlled with a single lever, a twin-lever mixer tap, or an intuitive button (Select). Use a single lever mixer from the Talis line to keep it simple. Its thin pin handle allows you to adjust the water volume and temperature. The two classic star handles make the two-handle Logis Classic shower mixer distinctive. You can change the water source on the mixer's diverter where numerous showers are used, such as an overhead and hand shower. Thanks to tried-and-true Select technology, the Shower Select line even allows you to switch over with the push of a button. The pinnacle of shower convenience is Select.
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bathroomssydney · 3 months
Sydney Waterproofing Services for Bathrooms : Reasons Why to Have It
The bathroom plays a crucial role to streamline your daily life. Since, it is the integral part of the residential structure, it is important take good care of this space. However, most of the time homeowners don’t pay attention that this space should get which result it becomes the most worst space that hamper divinity and health of the family members. In such context, it is important to invest on Sydney waterproofing services for bathrooms that would rightly match all your expectations while making your bathroom relaxed.
Here are the good reasons that waterproofing your bathroom is a good idea. 
Stops the Leaks 
Water always finds the shortest and easiest way downward when gravity is at work. Water can easily begin to seep through and quickly find its way into the bottom floor of your home if a weak spot, crack, or gap appears in the sealant between your walls and bath. This could show up as lower level damp walls and ceilings, or even worse, water droplets collecting on light fixtures, which would indicate a dangerous mingling of water and electricity. This can be avoided with a tanked room, which offers a completely waterproof seal beneath the floors and walls.
No Fear from Damp and Mould
Although you can see what's happening on the outside of your walls and floor, you are blind to what's going on underneath. In the process of remodeling your bathroom, you might have removed tiles to expose damp, decaying-looking plaster or plywood. This is brought on by water seeping through the outer layer and into the brick, plaster, or wood—all of which are typically not treated for such things. You can avoid moisture by putting a waterproof barrier between these surfaces and your top layer. This will stop condensation from building up.
Better Insulation 
Waterproof boarding is an excellent insulator in addition to stopping leaks and moisture buildup. If your bathroom has any exterior walls, you are aware of how chilly those walls can feel to the touch, particularly in the winter. For this reason, your bathroom needs larger thermal units to keep it warm. You ultimately pay more money as a result of this. In addition to keeping the heat inside, waterproof boards will partially save your energy costs.
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Better Insulation 
Waterproof boarding is an excellent insulator in addition to stopping leaks and moisture buildup. If your bathroom has any exterior walls, you are aware of how chilly those walls can feel to the touch, particularly in the winter. For this reason, your bathroom needs larger thermal units to keep it warm. You ultimately pay more money as a result of this. In addition to keeping the heat inside, waterproof boards will partially save your energy costs.
Making the Bathroom Spacious 
You can begin adding additional stylish elements to your bathroom, including a wall-hung toilet and hidden cistern, wall-hung basin, and practical niches for your necessities, by erecting a stud wall with waterproofed boards. In order to create a really modern open-plan shower, you may also decide to make your bathroom a wet room and remove your shower tray. All of a sudden, your trendy bathroom was interesting!
Creating Suitable Bathroom Environment 
Due to its frequent exposure to moisture, the bathroom is referred to as a "wet area." This leaves it vulnerable to moisture and the formation of mold. To stop water from leaking, bathroom waterproofing will put up a barrier between the concrete, tiles, and plaster. They instantly stop leaks, mold development, and moisture buildup on walls. This contributes to the creation of a cozy and healthful restroom.
These are the compelling reasons for why, you should invest on Sydney waterproofing services for bathrooms. With all these significant benefits, your bathroom will be a clutter-free and enjoyable space. 
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orynbathstore · 4 months
Designer Toilet Seats: Adding Flair to Your Bathroom Décor
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In the world of interior design, every aspect of a room contributes to its overall aesthetic. This includes often-overlooked elements like the toilet seat, which, when chosen thoughtfully, can elevate the entire look of a bathroom. Designer toilet seats are becoming increasingly popular for their ability to add flair and personality to bathroom decor. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of designer toilet seats, exploring their features, benefits, and how they can enhance your bathroom's style.
Understanding Designer Toilet Seats
Designer toilet seats are crafted with both aesthetics and functionality in mind. They are available in a wide range of styles, colors, and materials, allowing homeowners to select a seat that complements their bathroom decor. Whether you prefer a sleek, modern look or a more classic, ornate design, there is a designer toilet seat to suit every taste.
Features and Benefits of Designer Toilet Seats
Materials: Designer toilet seats are typically made from high-quality materials such as wood, plastic, or ceramic. These materials are chosen for their durability, comfort, and aesthetic appeal.
Colors and Patterns: Designer toilet seats come in an array of colors and patterns, from bold and vibrant to subtle and understated. This variety allows you to add a pop of color or a touch of elegance to your bathroom.
Shapes and Sizes: Designer toilet seats are available in different shapes and sizes to fit various toilet models, including round, elongated, and D-shaped seats. This ensures a perfect fit for your toilet, enhancing both comfort and aesthetics.
Incorporating Designer Toilet Seats into Different Bathroom Types
Designer toilet seats can be incorporated into various types of toilets, including European Water Closets (EWCs), One Piece Closets, Wall Hung Closets, and traditional western toilets. They add a touch of luxury and elegance to any toilet, regardless of its design. When looking for a sophisticated upgrade, consider Oryn provides designer toilet seats for a blend of style and comfort.
European Water Closets (EWCs): EWCs are a type of toilet commonly found in Europe and are becoming more popular worldwide. They typically feature a sleek, modern design with a tank that is hidden within the wall or integrated into the toilet bowl. EWCs are known for their water-saving features and are often favored for their contemporary look and efficient use of space.
One Piece Closets: One Piece Closets are toilets where the tank and bowl are fused into a single, seamless unit. This design not only gives the toilet a sleek and modern appearance but also makes it easier to clean and maintain. One Piece Closets are known for their durability and can add a touch of elegance to any bathroom.
Wall Hung Closets: Wall Hung Closets, also known as wall-mounted toilets, are mounted directly to the wall, with the tank hidden behind the wall. This design creates a clean, minimalist look and can make the bathroom appear larger by freeing up floor space. Wall Hung Closets are popular in modern and contemporary bathrooms for their sleek appearance and space-saving benefits.
Traditional Western Toilets: Traditional Western Toilets are the most common type of toilet found in homes and public restrooms in Western countries. They consist of a bowl and a separate cistern or tank that holds water for flushing. While they may not have the same modern appeal as EWCs or Wall Hung Closets, traditional Western Toilets are known for their durability, reliability, and ease of maintenance.
Enhance your bathroom's appeal with designer toilet seats from Oryn Bath Store. These seats offer a simple yet effective way to add flair and style to your space. With a wide range of styles and designs they can complement any bathroom decor, making it more inviting and stylish. Whether you're aiming for a sleek, modern look or a classic, elegant space, Oryn Bathstore toilet seats can help you achieve your desired ambiance.
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tapronlimited · 6 months
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Guide to Buying Toilets
This guide to buying toilets from Tapron breaks down the essential considerations for selecting a new toilet, covering types like wall-hung, close-coupled, and back-to-wall units. It focuses on the importance of choosing the right style, functionality, and size for your bathroom space, emphasizing personal preference and design alignment. Additionally, it introduces rimless toilets for their hygiene benefits and lower water usage. This comprehensive overview aids in making an informed decision tailored to your bathroom's aesthetics and functional needs. For a deeper understanding, you can read the full guide here.
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lavishbath · 6 months
Elevate Your Bathroom With Smart Toilets In Sydney 
Setting up smart toilet wall-hung units, and smart toilet bidet, on your toilet, will enhance your bathroom. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your bathroom into a luxurious oasis of comfort and cleanliness.
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julietookoff · 7 months
February 2024 Annual Update
February 2024 Annual Update
Remarkably, the RV hasn't sold yet, even after a price reduction. It has been sitting on the consignment lot for 2 years. Corny runs the generator monthly. We've replaced the headboard and added 2 Ikea chairs. When it sells, we plan to get gutters and screen-in the back patio.
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I did sell all the Yugi-oh and Pokemon cards for about $600. We also did well on a $400 leather sectional and a $250 grill/smoker. We bought 3 units at one facility in August and both about died of heat exhaustion.
I went solo to the Bamarama Mega event (GC9TB1Z) February 2023. I had a great time and kept busy with daily events - sometimes twice a day. I tented at Gulf Shores State Park and enjoyed the sound of the gulf waves and the woodsy bike trails. At one point I noticed a camper next to me was that kind of person who spreads all their stuff out on the picnic table. After dark, I woke up to a ruckus and figured raccoons were raiding their goodies. I never opened my eyes, but it sounded like the raccoons dragged the neighbor's stuff right next to my tent to eat it. In the morning, my tent was unzipped about 8" and my cheese was gone! The little rascals know how to unzip tents and lift up cooler lids! It was a little unsettling that they/it was right next to me in my tent. I made sure to have the zipper pull up high from then on. I found a local grocery store I loved, Rouse's, with lots of good take-out food and a dining area with microwave. Their lawn chairs were so cheap I brought one back for Corny.
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Shorty paid cash for a house in a college town in northwest Indiana. He got a charming old fixer-upper for a steal of a price. It was built in 1911 and has the original wood trim and door hardware. He's replaced the roof, furnace, water pipes, added a toilet downstairs and done tons of stuff I can't remember. Work keeps him busy and there's lots of overtime. We went up to see him in August. I crocheted edgings on some housewarming washcloths and gave him a cross stitch of his house. We walked to Bruno's Pizza, Allie's cafe for a "polish", 7-11, Family Dollar and a chinese place. We found a Cane's, Ben's pretzels at the mall, and an Amish buffet - Das Essenhaus in Midland. We came back for Thanksgiving. Corny had just installed a diesel heater in the van. It snowed a couple days and got down to 16 degrees. It sounded like an army marching on the roof for 14 hours when Shorty had the roof done. We made ourselves useful and put plastic over his windows. I gave him a Granny square quilt for Christmas and started a camo quilt for my Dad's birthday.
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Dad's afghan
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Aurie's napghan :0)
We stopped at the Barn and got my bread machine and sewing machine out of storage. We're making good use of both. I've hemmed a lot of pants and made some things I can't talk about yet . . .
My bedroom walls kept getting bigger and more bare, so finally I hung some tapestries by my bed and 8 Walter Alois Weber bird pictures I took out of a vintage book.
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I placed about a dozen geocaches near home - Red Ends: A bison tube cable-tied to a red-diamond sign where the pavement ends. Before long, a Low-life with No-life glommed onto them and kept armchair logging multiple fake finds with multiple fake accounts. For fun??? I started archiving them after deciding finding is much more fun than maintaining geocaches.
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Medically, I have been making good use of a diet pill, a CPAP, and a hip injection. I had been limping around in pain for the last few years, avoiding as much walking as I could and taking 600mg of ibuprofen 2-3x per day. After the shot I was off the pills and could walk again! It's been 5 months and just now starting to wear off. Corny got me an awesome Trek bike for Christmas. I love - love - loved my Raleigh Eva, it fit so well, but it was a little tough on my forearms. This was even more comfortable! I was crying after my test ride!
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Beacon 12 Theaters is just down the road, a mile or so from home and has $6 Tuesdays. They also have free drink refills. I take a few Taco Bell items and see 3-4 movies every few weeks. Speaking of tacos, me, Corny and Shorty all got taco passes: a Taco Bell taco every day for 30 days for just $10. We only missed a couple days. Shorty works right next to a Taco Bell. He also got a nacho fries pass, but we figgered it was too unhealthy for us at our age. We watch the "Drops" every Tuesday for good deals. One Tuesday they had a "Live Mas" blog-type show to talk about their new chicken items. I was just poking around and clicked on a bell symbol at the very bottom - and found the secret free "Cravings Menu Pass". Corny and I were 2/1000 nationwide to win our 30-day passes for a cravings menu item. I'm hooked on the $2.99 nachos.
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In September we 3 took a van trip to Georgia to work on geocaching in every county. Poco wasn't loving it. He would hardly eat. Then he started to hesitate getting into the van. When he got in and immediately jumped back out, we got the hint that he wasn't feeling well and headed home. He does great on a straight highway, but when we start doing a lot of turning he must feel carsick.
My little Piggie died :0( I thought she would outlive her life expectancy since I spoiled her so much with fresh veggies and timothy hay, but no. I miss her. She is buried next to Dolly.
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In November we had a "clean out the garage" yard sale and made about $1600 ($250 of that was vintage game stuff). We sold a mountain of clothes for $1/bag. Afterward we made 5-6 trips to Jericho thrift store to donate the leftovers. Corny is enjoying the garage. I got him two big shelves for Christmas. He loved them so much, he got two more. He installed a garage door opener and racks for the rakes, shovels and hoses.
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Oh yeah, and we got married since we're nearing social security age.
Life is Godd! We fit out.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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World Toilet Day
World Toilet Day…at first glance, this seems like an unlikely candidate for a holiday and more like some sort of joke, but the day is nowhere as trivial or humorous as it may seem. All in all, it strives to draw attention to various sanitation issues around the world and work towards resolving them.
Despite access to proper sanitation being declared a basic human right, one in three people across the globe, so some 2.5 billion people in total, do not have regular access to a toilet. Additionally, even amongst those who do have such access, unclean and unsafe toilets pose problems of their own, including contributing towards the spread of diseases like cholera, typhoid and hepatitis—in some parts of Africa, diarrhea is one of the main child-killers.
Open defecation is also responsible for increasing the number of sexual assaults perpetrated on women and children. Furthermore, when young girls begin menstruating, the lack of privacy forces them to stay home from school, thus limiting their chances of getting a basic education and, what comes after that, a decent job in the future. World Toilet Day’s ultimate goal is to allow everyone on the planet to take care of their most basic needs without having to fear for their safety.
History of World Toilet Day
World Toilet Day was created by the World Toilet Organization in 2001. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations said: “We have a moral imperative to end open defecation and a duty to ensure women and girls are not at risk of assault and rape simply because they lack a sanitation facility.”
He went on to talk about how having to defecate openly infringes on human safety and dignity, and how women and girls risk rape and abuse as they wait until night falls to relieve themselves because they lack of access to a toilet that offers privacy. Another issue is that toilets generally remain inadequate for populations with special needs, such as the disabled and elderly.
Since its inception, World Toilet Day has played a vital role in challenging governments, businesses and other groups to make changes. It has also worked towards breaking various taboos surrounding the topic, in order to facilitate discussion and lead to the creation of better, safer solutions.
World Toilet Day Timeline
3000 BC Pipes carry waste
Even a few thousand years ago various people groups (in Scotland, India, Mesopotamia and more) would use pipe systems to carry waste out of their houses and into rivers or streams.
100-200 AD Group toilets for soldiers
Remains of Housesteads Roman Fort at Hadrian’s Wall in the UK reveals that perhaps 20 or more soldiers would all use a common ‘toilet’ (essentially these were long benches with holes in them) at the same time.
Middle Ages (500-1500 AD) Garderobes are used
Predating the toilet, “garderobes” were little rooms that hung over the sides of the castle. This little closet had a bench with a hole in it where the waste would drop into a moat or pit below.
During this time, many people would also use chamber pots, which would be kept in bedrooms or ‘chambers’ and then emptied (sometimes simply thrown out the window) when full. This function carried on for quite some time.
1596 Flushing toilet is invented
Although its widespread use did not arrive until a couple of centuries later, the first flushing toilet was described by Sir John Harington, an English courtier. This toilet was a pot that used gravity to feed water through it from a cistern that sat upstairs.
1775 First toilet patent issued
Scottish Inventor Alexander Cummings was the creator of the important pipe that ran in an S-shape below the bowl. This ingenious design used the water in the bowl to seal off the sewer gas from below and eventually led the way to mass production of the toilet.
1829 First toilets in a hotel
The Tremont Hotel in Boston, USA installed eight indoor water closets for its guests.
1866 World’s first bathroom showroom
Marlboro Works showroom is opened by English sanitary engineer Thomas Crapper (yes, that’s his real name). At a time when people didn’t speak much about their bodily functions, this public display of toilets was revolutionary.
1880s Thomas Crapper invents the ballcock
Toilets that have this invention, the “ballcock”, are less likely to overflow. Crapper created the floating valve as well as eight other patented improvements for plumbing and sewage. He also did a lot of plumbing for British royalty around this time. 
1910 Elevated water tank
A similar design to today’s toilets, the closed water tank and bowl moves into common use.
1986 Sensor flushes introduced
In Japan, the first toilets with sensors that would flush on their own were used.
2001 World Toilet Organization is created
The World Toilet Organization moves to educate people about the sanitation crisis.  Even in today’s modern times, more than 2 billion people across the world still do not have access to a toilet.
2013 World Toilet Day made official by the UN
In an effort to raise awareness and support for places where people don’t have proper access to sanitation, the first UN World Toilet Day is celebrated on November 19, 2013.
How to celebrate World Toilet Day
I think by now it’s been made abundantly clear that World Toilet Day is far from being a joke, dealing instead with the protection of one of humanity’s most basic rights. So how can you help? There are a number of things you could do. For starters, why not visit the World Toilet Day website, Facebook page or Twitter account and share the message across social media platforms?
This may seem like a tiny, unimportant gesture, but raising awareness about serious problems is one of the things social media does best, aside from bombarding you with pictures of babies and kittens. The more people know about a problem, the more money can be raised to fight it, as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge so perfectly demonstrated. So don’t think your clicking “share” means anything. It doesn’t.
Another thing you could do as a way of observing World Toilet Day Would be of course to make a donation, so if you have the means, know that every dollar helps.
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ama2024 · 7 months
Rimless Toilets Market Status and Future Forecast 2023-2029
Advance Market Analytics released a new market study on Global Rimless Toilets Market Research report which presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Global Rimless Toilets Forecast till 2029*.
A rimless toilet is simply a toilet without a traditional rim. Instead of water flowing into the bowl all the way around the rim, a direct flush technique that shoots water around the basin of the toilet rather than the water be redistributed in the manner of a traditional rimmed toilet. The rims are completely open and do not include any ceramic lip under which dirt or bacteria could accumulate. A rimless toilet makes for significantly easier cleaning and a clear improvement in hygiene. The increasing adoption of smart bathrooms globally has driven the market demand.
Key Players included in the Research Coverage of Rimless Toilets Market are:
DURAVIT AG (Germany), PORCELANOSA Grupo (Spain) , GROHE AG (Germany), Hindware Homes (India), Kohler Co. (United States), Toto Ltd. (Japan), Caroma Industries Limited (Australia), Enware Australia Pty Limited (Australia), Ceramica Flaminia S.p.A (Italy), LAUFEN Bathrooms AG (Switzerland), Lecico (United Kingdom),
What's Trending in Market: Demand for Water Saving Technologies
Challenges: Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change
Opportunities: Increasing Demand from Asian Countries including India, Japan, China, and South Korea Expanding Hospitality Sector with Advancements
Market Growth Drivers: Adoption of Smart Bathrooms Increasing Commercial Spaces With Requirement of Less Water Wastage Bathrooms Increasing Building Constructions within Less Spaces
The Global Rimless Toilets Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Rimless Wall Hung Toilets, Rimless Back To Wall Toilets, Rimless Close Coupled Toilets), Application (Non-residential, Residential), Toilet Size (Small, Large), Sales Channel (Online, Offline), Drainage Pattern (P-trap, S-trap)
Get inside Scoop of the report, request for free sample @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/57803-global-rimless-toilets-market
To comprehend Global Rimless Toilets market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Rimless Toilets market is analyzed across major global regions. AMA also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas.
• North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico.
• South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil.
• Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
• Europe: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia.
• Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia.
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newstylebathrooms · 8 months
☑️ Bathroom Renovations Dublin 🛁
A Lovely Full Ensuite Renovation Completed in Dublin 7.
BLACK, New Black Shower, Freya Fully Shrouded Toilet, Sorento Flat Black Towel Rail 500 x 800mm, Sorento Black Angled Radiator,
500mm Perra Wall-Hung Vanity Unit Halifax Oak Perra 500mm Ceramic Basin, BELLA BLACK BASIN MIXER, We Fitted Metro Mirage Blue Rustic Ceramic Gloss Tile
15x7.5cm Vertically on the Walls and Artemis Stone Black Ivory Pattern Porcelain
Tile Matt 450x450 tiles on the floor and it's a Stunning Transformation By NEW STYLE BATHROOMS team 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
What we do: Top to Bottom Bathroom renovation. Plumbing, Electrical and Tiling Services with all types of tiles
Design - Supply - Fit out Specialists
Every job we do is finished to the highest standard. Our prices are very reasonable and competitive. There’s no too big or too small job for us.
We’re making sure our customers are 100 % satisfied from start to finish treating peoples homes as our own and only offering a high quality service
Get in touch with us today to get your free quote, advice and measurements with no obligation
📞 Phone 0870699873
Useful Links:
📧 eMail - [email protected]
🌐 Website - https://newstylebathrooms.ie
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/NewStyleBathrooms
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/newstylebathrooms.ie/
#bathroomrefit #bathroomrenovation #bathroomremodel #bathroommakeover #Bathroomrenovationdublin #newbathrooms #tilersdublin
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