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bathroomforless · 2 months
Discover the timeless elegance and reliable functionality of our basin pillar taps at Bathroom4less. Crafted with precision and high-quality materials, these taps offer a durable and sophisticated solution for controlling water flow in your basin. Our curated collection of Basin Mixer Taps also provides the perfect fusion of form and function, adding a touch of sophistication to any bathroom. As a leading online bathroom retailer, we offer the best quality bathroom products at the best prices on our own branded bathroom products and well-known UK bathroom brands. Shop now at Bathroom4less to transform your bathroom with the finest bathroom taps available.
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I think what annoys me so much about living in the UK with the current real struggles (cost of living specifically) is the apathy that people seem to have towards actually being angry about it and finding it unacceptable.
Everyone seems to have just accepted that this is the way things are now (bad) and will always be (worse), but worst of all is the belief/acceptance that things WERE ALWAYS JUST LIKE THIS which is just plain wrong.
It used to be the case that EVEN SOMEBODY on the bottom rung of society, say somebody unemployed who wasn't ever going to be able to work again or get themselves out of that situation... would be provided an affordable WHOLE HOME for themself by the council, which would be paid automatically from benefits they were automatically entitled to without having to jump through hoops and be constantly re-tested by an agent trying to trip them up.
That home might be small, and it might not be the best quality. But it would have a bedroom, a kitchen space, a bathroom, and small lounge all for that person's use, maybe even a garden as well - and that used to be understood as THE BARE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE socially for any adult to have.
Nowadays you have working adults being charged what might be 60% or 70% of their salary just for A RENTED BEDROOM in a shared house. Never mind how people living on benefits are managing.
And what that means as well is in practice:
they might not have space to store food or belongings
they will probably only have partial use of a fridge
they won't have any control over who is in their home at any time because it is a shared house, including such basics as being able to use the bathroom whenever they like. etc.
It's great to see people protesting about causes abroad that matter to them and that the government here is turning a blind eye to or signing off on suffering related to, sure.
But there needs to be some outrage and will to change this kind of thing too. This isn't acceptable either, and rolling over to accept it now only opens the door for nothing ever to change and a mountain of ill mental health issues to be built up until one day sooner or later it suddenly explodes and leads to everyone affected spiralling irreversibly.
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drdemonprince · 1 year
(Not the original anon, just responding with some thoughts, I hope that’s okay and that my tone comes across as respectful.)
I think it’s disingenuous to pretend that the only difference between Vyvanse and heroin could be a moral one. It’s precisely because I don’t see any difference in the moral value of those two groups of drug users that I want both of those groups to live full lives, not die early deaths due to drug use. In my country heroin is the main hard drug associated with extreme poverty, I don’t think it’s right to equate it to even the most controversial & harmful of prescription psychiatric drugs.
It sounds like you and I have values that are pretty much aligned -- except that your final statement seems to imply that a medication being prescribed somehow imbues it with a quality that makes it inherently less risky or damaging than a non-prescription drug.
Given the number of lives claimed by the opioid epidemic and the number of people who become chemically dependent upon other pharmaceuticals, do you really believe that to be the case? Doctors used to push hard-core barbiturates on bored housewives and to this day they still force psychiatric patients to take incredibly strong anti-psychotics that can cause heart attacks if a single dose is missed. Fetanyl is famously deadly, and it's also a prescription painkiller. Marijuana is approved for medical use in many states in America, but it's highly illegal in the UK. And one of the reasons that heroin is so dangerous to take is because it can only be accessed through a shadow economy where there is no accountability for contaminated doses, and use is so highly illegal and stigmatized that users are forced to quietly overdose in dingy bathrooms rather than controlled access sites.
Do you see the point I'm getting at? You and I might have certain emotions about certain drugs and we might not want people to die or to suffer and that's all well and good -- but that's not an objective reflection of what using a drug has to look like, or what it would look like, in a world where certain drug users weren't oppressed. There are actually a lot of really disturbing side effects and habit-forming qualities associated with many ADHD stimulant treatments, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't have access to them or should be demonized for using them. I simply also believe the same thing about heroin and weed and caffeine and cocaine. This doesn't mean I'm waving my hand around and saying all substances are equally safe -- the reality is that all these substances come with risks, and people use them for a variety of reasons, and that we should accept that reality and work around it rather than trying to make it not be the case.
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bambuwu-writes · 2 years
Hi boo! 💕 Whenever you want and can think you could do a hc for (let's act surprised) Tsumugi, Omi and Tsuzuru when they are super whipped for their s/o?? like, i want them to love us so much ugh no shame asdfgh take care as always and sending you a big muah! 💕
Emi my bestieeee! <3
come get your man he’s legit talking to the flowers about you
“I’m so excited for you all to grow up big and strong :))) Once you’re all ready I’m gonna take you to meet someone :))) They’re very nice, I hope you like them!” BABE THESE ARE PLANTS,,,,THEY ARE NOT COGNISCANT OF THE FACT THAT THEY ARE GOING TO BE IN A MINIATURE BOUQUET
he is SO precious tho… i feel like in terms of love languages he’d be really into gift giving and quality time
so at least once a week you two either go out for coffee or make some at home and cuddle up in the garden for a nice and slow morning
he also has this really cute habit where, instead of giving you a kiss on the cheek or something, he’ll just kinda softly smoosh his face against you..what a weirdo [read: what a cutie :”””)))]
if you happen to dislike alcohol he absolutely doesn’t mind, but if you do like having a sippy sip every now and then, he is a great person to drink with
azuma and homare loving bringing home nice wines for the adults at mankai to sample during nights in, and guy is always willing to mix a drink or two for his friends
as much as he loves verbally expositing essays about theatre when he’s tipsy, he also becomes a TOTAL cuddlebug its vv cute <333
if you have to get up to grab some snacks or hop into the bathroom real quick, you will come back to tsumu looking the sliiightest bit mopey
he j wants to keep his hands on you :((( make sure you’re still right there with him :((( uk he loves you soooo muuu- OOO you brought pretzels yaaay :D!!!!!! [SILLY BABY,.,.HOLD HIM PLEASSSEEEE]
makes you really nice fluffy omeletts the morning after to make up for anything embarrassing he might have said the night before…. if you give him a little ‘good morning’ peck on the cheek he will brighten up considerably tho.
He,.,he’s kinda obsessed with giving you forehead kissies.,,
Like, he will not leave the dorms, nor let you leave without a forehead kiss, makes him feel safe :)
if you do it back to him he will go to the akigumi groupchat and literally tell them he’s found his future spouse. they cant bring themselves to clown on him. [banri clowns on him the tiniest bit but thats just bc he knows omi is being so honest rn that it makes the kid tear up a little. fuck man, you cant just go and prove love is real to me like this? ewwww???]
he has,,, ok DONT laugh, but…he has burned food bc he was thinking ab you…EMBARASSING right???? [he’s so cute wtf i cant even write this with a straight face ]
not a day goes by where he doesnt either text you or tell you in person how handsome and pretty and cute you are [EURGJK,,,he’s sooooo…]
you will find yourself wondering if he even knows what he’s doing to you…[answer: he DOES WTF WAUUUUGH,,.,]
ok he does this little thing…where like, when he hugs you from behind he’ll always say this precious little ‘hey :)’ so he doesnt scare you [SOBBING..GIMME A MINUTE…], and then he runs his hands up your back, over your shoulder blades, and down your arms before snuggling into the crook of your neck [im gonna SCREEAMM,,,HOW IS HE LIKE THIS…]
loves playing low romantic music while he’s cuddling with you [i’m currently back on my hozier kick and wauughg,.,good music..] and if you start singing along? god help this man i dont even think he’ll be breathing so he could hear you better..
gets all smiley and giggly when you baby him :”) turns out he really melts when someones taking care of him… he will pull you in for cuddles and you will not escape [he will begrudgingly let you go if you really want to, or need to get work done]
Gives you kisses on your temple! It just felt so right the first time he did it and it stuck!
Ok ok, i swear this isnt creepy, i promise i swear i pinky promise!! He really likes just snuggling his face to the nape of your neck, his lips pressed against your shoulder bc he really likes how you smell. It really calms him down.
Like he has stolen your clothes before so he could have you around even when,..,uk,,You The Person weren’t around
he is so used to being in a household of siblings so he thought sharing hoodies and stuff would come natural-WRONG WRONG WRONG DEAD WRONG
he looses his fucking marbles when he sees you in his clothes he is fucked up fr, god spare his SOUL if you swipe a pair of his shorts or sweatpants…he’s gonna have to actually turn away from you for a second to collect himself
like woaaaoww,.,.,.mine?,.,,mine??? like,,not in the objectify-y way but,..,,.omg mine???
cooking for you. 25/8. it will never end. so much yummby food,.,.,thank u tsuzu,.,.
fr like every single time you see him you’re getting fed SOMETHING like if you’re hanging out in the dorms? apron ON stove ON pan BUTTERED. if you meet somewhere outside? you’re either going out for a snack or he came with some food packed w him
he’s such a little weirdo too, like, if he’s in an affectionate mood there is a 62% chance he will lean in as if to give u a kissie and then fucking noms on your earlobe
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lucienballard · 10 months
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Bob George in the ARC NYC stacks. Photograph: unknown/ARC NYC ...
‘No one else is saving it’: the fight to protect a historic music collection ...
It all started in a loft in Tribeca, New York, long before it was a trendy neighbourhood. “I had 47,000 records and nobody wanted them,” recalls Bob George, who had just published a discography of punk and new wave music. “That led a lot of people coming to me and saying you have to save this stuff; no one else is saving it. That got the ball rolling in my loft in what is now fashionable Tribeca, which was an incredibly unfashionable war zone in 1974 when I was first there.”
George turned his record collection into the ARChive of Contemporary Music (Arc) in 1985 with co-founder David Wheeler. The non-profit music library and research centre now contains more than 3m sound recordings or over 90m songs, making it one of the biggest popular music collections in the world. Donors and board members have included David Bowie, Jonathan Demme, Lou Reed, Martin Scorsese and Paul Simon.
The Arc is not open to the public but has been a vital resource for film-makers, writers and researchers ranging from Ken Burns looking for a song for his series Baseball to the new Grammy Hall of Fame and Museum in Los Angeles needing cover art for its inducted recordings. Now, however, this unique treasure trove is under existential threat.
The Arc cannot remain at its current Hudson Valley premises indefinitely and is in need of a new and bigger home. “We have to move and we don’t know when we’ll have to move and the collection is really at risk because it’s all on pallets,” says George, who dreams of a patron like James Smithson, the British scientist who left his estate to the US to found the Smithsonian Institution. “We’re looking for someone to help us buy a very wonderful property or for us to build a new building on vacant land in upstate New York.”
After growing up in Youngstown, Ohio, George moved to New York in 1974 as a visual arts student and started collecting records as a DJ. In 1981 he released Laurie Anderson’s first single, O Superman, which sold nearly a million copies worldwide and made it to number on the UK singles chart. He was a guest on John Peel’s beloved BBC radio show, sneaking in little-known records from New York, and took music to European broadcasters too. People kept giving him records that other collections turned down.
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Some of the 18,000 recordings in the Keith Richards Blues Collection. Photograph: Arc NYC
“I was doing the book and then doing Peel shows and it accidentally became this large collection that nobody wanted. They kept saying, oh, we collect classical, we collect Broadway, we collect ethnic music. I said, well, I have funk, reggae, African and hip-hop and they said, oh, no, we don’t collect any of that. Forty years later, I say, you put all those together and that’s what music has become.”
The simple goal of the archive, which has always had a peripatetic existence, is preservation. “We have no interest in quality,” George cheerfully admits. “It started that way from the very beginning because there’s no way to tell what’s valuable in the future. Everybody brings their own criteria and tastes to things in their own time. But the future is quite different, as we hope.”
The archive has never received aid from any city, state or federal organisation but its scale gives the Library of Congress a run for its money. It has absorbed major collections from musicians and fans and is home to most of Rolling Stone Keith Richards’ extensive blues inventory.
George dispatched two semi-trailers to a condemned house in Boston sinking under the weight of Jeep Holland’s set of more than 125,000 recordings and over 2,500 signed albums from the likes of the Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley and the Sex Pistols. “Going towards the bathroom, he has a gas stove, the pilot light is on, there are records in the oven. It was just a storage space ... His car had become so full of records that he abandoned it and rented a car.”
George has made repeat trips to countries such as Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Cuba, Japan, Jordan, Laos and Thailand. The Arc contains Demme’s personal collection of Haitian albums. More than 150,000 pieces of world music have been catalogued; there are plenty more to do. “We’ve tried to get as much of that material as possible so that collection is just fabulous.”
The Arc preserves copies of every recording in all known formats. It has electronically catalogued more than 400,000 sound recordings and digitised 200,000 with the Internet Archive – more than any other public university or private library in America. It also contains more than 3m pieces of material including photos, videos, DVDs, books, magazines, press kits, sheet music, ephemera and memorabilia.
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The late Andy Rourke of the Smiths at Arc looking at Smiths records he had never seen. Photograph: Arc NYC
George says: “We catalogued 105,000 singles just recently; we have another 200,000 or 300,000 to go. This is the first way a band at one time got their feet in the water. They put out one or two or three singles. If they did hits, they got the chance to do an album and so much of this material does not exist on LP or CD. Little by little more of it might be streaming because of YouTube, as people can get away with murder on YouTube, which is great, but YouTube will disappear. Everything commercial will disappear.”
Among those who have turned to the archive is the Oscar-winning director Ang Lee, who wanted records by the singer Bert Sommer for his film Taking Woodstock. “The archive is amazing because we don’t know what we have until somebody needs it. We’ve been into the stacks and we found five LPs by Bert Sommer. For me, it’s like I have no idea who this guy is and what he did; he’s sort of a folkie. For Quincy Jones, we just sent him a list of the 8,000 things that he’s either produced or on.
“Research was how we basically stayed alive along with the largesse of the rock stars or celebrities that we had hooked up with. The idea was never to open to the public but that’s what we want to do now. I don’t think it’s untrue that we’re one of the largest in the world and that we want to make that available. We’ve tried to save two copies so there will always be a listening copy and then that would then become a listening library.”
George hopes the new archive will be open to students, educators, historians, musicians, authors, journalists and the general public. An anonymous donor has come forward with a million dollars to help realise that dream but more money is urgently needed. One possible new home is an abandoned IBM campus spanning 34 acres, although that would cost $8-10m. George is considering partnering with an upstate university and has plans to offer residencies for scholars.
“People could come in and produce a work, and that would go out into the world. It could be a blog, essay, tape, compilation, new recording, whatever. We’re really quite un-academic. I’m against it somewhat and I’d like people to have ideas and bring those ideas and put them back into the world as opposed to making it an interactive experience for everybody. I don’t want to be Disney World. It’s nice to have seminars. It’s nice to have listening parties. It’s nice to have dances.”
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daisy-mooon · 8 months
This may be a British thing but we genuinely need to talk about these modern housing estates that pop up wherever there's a spare patch of land on the outskirts of a city or town. Every house is minimalist and flat. Each house looks quite big but they're constructed specifically so that two small houses basically joined into one with the doors on opposite sides so you don't notice anything. They all have garages and en suite bathrooms but the garage takes up a third of the house and the en suite is so small you can't use it. The walls and floors are THIN like you could genuinely punch through them. The outsides all come in the same shade of white mixed with 4 variations of brown (usually a pale brown to let you know that they're modern). The estates don't connect to the streets normally and you can only get through on one road, which usually connects to a very busy road which makes the traffic ten times worse. When i say that they spawn wherever theres a spare patch of space, which means WHEREVER theres a field or some trees of a bit of nature, I mean it. Not even five years ago I remember a fuckton of fields in my town and now they're fucking gone and replaced by stupid housing estates. They're fucking TERRIBLE and responsible for the deer and wildlife that used to regularly wander onto our school field to be spooked off. I'm not fucking joking we used to see deer 5 times a month on our school grounds and the moment they started building shitty housing estates around it they vanished. The fields that used to surround it are no longer there because of these stupid houses. Each house seems like a "starter home" except they cost the same as the average house and often more because of how "nice" they are. If anyone who invests and wants more of these shitty modern minimalistic UK housing estates I hope you fucking explode. Fuck you bitch stop ruining local wildlife for the shittiest quality housing ever.
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five good things
Seeing as I've been at this for ten years and I haven't done one for a little while...
I am so enjoying pinging back and forth with the lovely @mihrsuri on in-universe historical nerdery in her Tudors OT3-'verse! This sort of meta self-referentiality brings me so much joy and I'm so enjoying playing! <3333333
I have the week after next off work for my birthday and oh I cannot wait. Work hasn't been nearly as draining since I got myself onto HRT, but I'm still tired and in need of a break.
What else OH YEAH WE HAVE A NEW CAR :D :D :D the little Vauxhall failed his MOT for the first time in 12 years in early January and we'd already had to have quite a bit of work done on him, and then the missus' friend was selling an Audi TT for a very sensible price and I've always fancied a TT, and after a certain amount of identity-crisising because I have always been very economical and couldn't quite get my head round the idea of being allowed to do something frivolous, well...I now own an Audi TT. XD It's the nicest car, although it's five years older than the Vauxhall it's in fantastic condition and so much nicer and omg I love it. And the little fella has gone to my friend who had been without a car for 18 months and borrowing and hiring because second-hand prices in London where she lives had gone through the roof because of the ULEZ scrappage scheme, so...win win win all round. :D
The @bi-widower-dads February fic recs are out (here and here) and some kind soul recommended love remains - thank you SO MUCH! <3333333 I've been feeling a bit discouraged lately but between that and some lovely comments on my fics and a lovely message from @seagull-energy and collaborating with @mihrsuri I am feeling rather better :)
There are hundreds of pink blossoms on one of my peach trees (the other one only has buds on it but this one is in full bloom - bit weird, they usually flower at the same time, but the slow one is more shaded than the other so who knows) and it is absolutely gladdening to see.
I have discovered that John Lewis stocks Lumene so I have been ordering myself some lovely Finnish skincare - Lumene stopped shipping to the UK for a while (thank you so much Brexiters ugh) but they seem to have started up again now; but JL has been having some good offers lately so I've been taking full and shameless advantage. Also now apparently I am middle-aged and middle-class enough to have a John Lewis account XDDDDDD
We are in the throes of having a new boiler fitted (the guys are here right this minute), after ours finally gave up the ghost at the end of January. We've been getting by on the immersion heater for hot water and electric heaters for warmth and mostly the weather has been fairly mild so it hasn't been too bad, but omg I am so looking forward to having a working (and more economical) boiler you guys. Also our plumber is hopefully going to sort the bathrooms out for us later in the year and omg I've wanted that for YEARS (it sounds grander than it is, we have a tiny house, just we have a bathroom, an en-suite with a shower in it, and a downstairs loo), they're such shoddy quality thank you developers who built our house and so hard to clean because they're all hard-to-reach corners and dust-gathering ledges and ridges, definitely designed by someone who'd never done a day's cleaning in his life...so we're going to redesign them and hopefully get a bit more space and stuff that's easy to clean and clean around, I cannot WAIT.
I've been doing 'five good things' for just over ten years, I can't quite believe it. It hasn't caught on yet, but there's still time!
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Best Prices on complete shower kits! A great range of concealed and exposed complete shower packages. Complete shower kits are available in a wide range of styles from BathroomshopUK. Top brands such as Burlington, Hansgrohe, and many more! View our Luxury range of Complete Shower kits. From top designers and in a range of traditional and modern.
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liu-lang · 1 year
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fostering cats in beijing was really good for my mental health and it put me in touch with a community of animal lovers. taikoo lives paris and mango's forever home is in the UK. so when the opportunity came up to earn a little extra money in pet care, i thought it would be really nice to have animals in my life again.
now i'm house-sitting / dog-sitting for a family who is on summer vacation in europe (they're european). they have a 3 year old french bulldog named pavlo. this experience is teaching me that as much as i love dogs, i'm a cat person at heart and my lifestyle is more conducive for a cat. pavlo is a pandemic puppy and has never been left alone before so a major stipulation and why it was so hard to find someone is that i have to stay in their house. they also live quite far out in queens (like past the last stop on the 7 train). it actually works out since i'm a short enough distance where it's convenient for me to still stop by my apartment every 2 to 3 days.
french bulldogs are ... notoriously high needs dogs bc they're brachycephalic. i believe he already has had surgery for BOAS. he was the runt of his litter, has a merle coat, partial heterochromia in both eyes where each eye is half blue and half brown, apparently his snout is not as pushed in as it should be (i cannot imagine what other difficulties breathing he would have had if his snout met the breed standard bc he is struggling as is) and the pink nose he was born with didn't turn fully black.
he only drinks bottled european mineral water from a natural spring and after his walks, his paws get wiped down with baby wipes and he gets a spoonful of greek yoghurt to cool down, his favourite treats are freeze dried single ingredient salmon. his meals are a concoction involving his 100% human-grade ingredients pre-portioned fresh dog food and his supplements (like bovine colostrum ??) and dog-safe bone broth and fish oil. he needs eye drops consistently, doesn't know how to use the stairs so i have to carry him up to bed every night, has immense separation anxiety where i can't go to the bathroom or take a shower by myself (i do understand they've been selectively bred to be entirely dependent on their owners) and most terrifying of all for me is when i take him on walks, he sounds like a pig and i'm afraid he might get heat stroke / asphyxiate any moment.
understandably they have cameras around the house - which i thought was for me but then i realise the level of sight they were at and they were for the dog. the dad of the family told me that once he rushed home from his work day bc the cameras didn't detect any movement from pavlo all day - turns out he was just stuck on the stairs trying to go up them looking for his owners who were just out of the house at their jobs.
taking care of him brought this article to mind... i have complicated feelings about how much care this dog needs and the ethics on this breed's existence considering what it takes to give him the best quality of life he can have due to all his medical problems. the interesting thing is when i take him on walks, everyone he approaches says one or both of these things 1) he is so cute 2) does he have asthma ? is his breathing okay ? ... and i awkwardly smile and say he's okay, just excited but it really troubles me that ppl can really look at him and feel such endearment when i feel more distress and pity.
he is still a very sweet, loyal and cuddly dog and i'm glad for his sake that his family found someone he clicked with.
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winntir · 2 years
I've never read or watched Harry Potter in my life. This comes from being raised in a conservative household that believed watching it would get me into witchcraft (yeah, one of those household). As such, it's something I've had more of a "Hey, I wonder what that party's like" interest in it than anything substantial.
That is to say, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Harry Potters fans are giving every excuse under the sun for why they don't have to worry about the ethics buying Hogwarts Legacy. I've seen the "No ethical consumption under capitalism excuse" yesterday. Like, of all the things to make that excuse with, this is it? What makes these fans so willing to ignore Rowling's very public bigotry just to buy a video game?
For the record, J.K. Rowling believes transgender people are part of a Jewish conspiracy to allow pedophiles and rapists into the opposite sex's bathrooms. Ever since then, people have analyzed and critiqued her previous and current works for their bigoted content (including a bit about autistic people trusting enough to join terrorist cells). How anyone feels comfortable giving money to this antisemitic transhpobe reveals the active and passive bigotry in her audience.
I look at Hogwarts Legacy and begin to think that we shouldn't so readily ignore the world and just indulge in entertainment. When you do that, you risk allowing the worst of the world to keep happening. We know Rowling has donated to charity causes, but if there's anything from Scott Cawthon we should learn, it's that the private donations are more important than the public ones.
(Edit: This was written before it was found out Rowling is donating to funds to keep Scotland in the UK, a position the trans community takes issue with because of England's parliament blocking a Scottish bill to improve the quality of life for transgender people. This is was largely speculation, not a prediction, and you should still be worried who she's donating to behind closed doors.)
And the buying public would give her more money for that if they by getting this game. Those royalties would go towards the further tormenting of trans people, and for what? To dress up as a wizard? You can do that without giving money to someone who so public doesn't deserve a single penny of it, and you can do it with friends in the real world.
Please, do anything but buy anything thing that Rowling makes a profit on. Whatever it is, it won't be worth the misery you have the privilege of never seeing.
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kissofcashmere · 2 years
Old Draft: Cold as ice rn my pressure is so low it’s stinging throughout the body n my chest is paining my lips are quivering wid any like sensation my chest feels too tight & weird.
Click on the inspiration board for better quality, it looks best however in my camera roll cuz it gets rasterised once published on twitter n other social media apps
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I had created these moodboards long back. I was talking about them the other day, ppl will hate ‘em cuz they might find them childish idk but there’s a lot of significance attached to each one. I’m not in the state to elaborate further but you can read my article which is scheduled for 7th Mar it has all the details www.lilacnights.com/post/my-little-barista I have never felt so numb before my bp is too low and I’m feeling like this is my last day.
Speaking of the other bathroom moodboard, my parents had just given me a raw area even 10 yrs ago when I was in my teens my living conditions were very poor I was inexperienced and I had no help (even now I don’t) so I don’t want ppl to assume I’m very happy with all my stuff or I have my family’s support & that I’m just being “whiny” for no reason. They don’t care about me… they pretend in front of strangers. The bathroom was partially tiled (I’m not in the state to write my pressure is severely low so is my heartrate n I’m very numb) it was partially tiled it was embarrassing, one cud even see the raw grouted masoned wall there, the tub had no skirting it was again just a drop in tub which they’d dumped inside (haphazardly) there was fungus growing on my shampoo and other Bath stuff, I can barely breathe rn I am not obliged to give any explanations there was no towel ring or even a wash basin stand I wud wash my hands in the outside bathroom I wud go all the way there now I’m bed ridden (luckily I renovated everything) I was made to cry when I called someone from urban clap to fix a stand there and what’s worse is that he fixed it in a slant manner it was so tilted that my clothes would get wet the WC was leaking so were all the attachments in the shower area but my mother kept challenging me and fighting as to why I had to renovate it (I used it that way for TEN LONG YEARS an entire decade) I was made to cry LIKE HELL even in my horrible health condition and I was abused a lot…
I had somehow renovated it in 2021, unfortunately now I’ll have to do it again because of some major fault on the plumber’s part + other irrémédiable issues. I was also surprised to learn that our own Indian brand is keeping their classic range only for show here at the orientation centre and EXPORTING everything to UK & Dubai where they already have other alternatives such as Drummonds and Burlington, they have the entire set with the crutch and the hand shower THERE whereas in India everything has to be purchased separately and that too they have DISCONTINUED the crutch (HERE) without which its useless, our own crutch which is made in Rajasthan is exported there and they’ve kept this classic range only for show, everything is reserved for exports. Whatever looks ugly or has that local masculine design (every other local brand has the same products only the labels differ) is kept for Indians, we are beggars or what? All the classic, heritage stuff is sent there for what? To compete with other rival brands? They are so stingy and frugal when it comes to Indian customers that they kept only ONE piece/unit in the thermostatic model and divided that also into 2 halves, just like Greek God Zeus who had split soulmates out of intimidation, the top part is sent to Delhi and the back concealed component is kept for Mumbai! How stupid? It has been rendered useless for both the cities now. I somehow procured the crutch from an old stock (box packed) and I was continuously getting a rusted concealed back unit (thermostat which is super pricey) from everywhere cuz they were rotating the same damaged piece, I somehow got in touch with another dealer and ordered it from the main hub but it was the same one from that “pair” which had no front component cuz that was lying in Delhi. So I got the front also from an old stock it has scratches but at the back of the plate so they won’t be visible. It has those beveled edges typical hotelier style which I wanted since long but I can’t elaborate further like I said, I can explain everything detail probably in person… wish I had someone to talk to I’ve always been passionate about designing and interiors in fact everything, give me any topic. All I want to say is STOP smuggling what’s meant for us - Indians… all the way to UK & Dubai. You are an Indian brand, I love the quality and make I was so excited for this I’d planned it since Nov, I got it somewhere in the first week of Dec or so (last year) but we were still struggling for the top thermostat (front and back both) and hell no I’ll never put those ugly local designs in my bathroom. I have my soap jar and other apothecary stuff there I will never compromise. I’m a lot into designing… I was going to recommend everyone to pick both your brand as well as this particular range but then I realised people won’t be able to buy anything cuz you don’t keep all this stuff for Indians. We want the crutch which comes with the Victorian set, it’s an essential, and the entire range all the models (black and white both) I was so happy with the make and mechanism but I ended up being really disappointed.
I can’t write much, people even buy your freestanding bathtubs in India we have all started buying that I’ve seen the reviews, for such bathtubs we require bigger spouts too and this was much more ideal I even opened the autocad to check if the thermostatic one which I’d selected had a single outlet or not cuz I didn’t want anything with a diverter I have a bathtub I needed something right there for my hand to reach while sitting inside the tub hence we had to spend more and I didn’t want the 3 way one, this set has a different spout which is better than the ones we are commonly getting in abroad they all have a flat nose, whereas this has a round ribbed border which looks more expensive and a mesh filter plate inside, I needed one with a crutch cuz I don’t have more room there to fit both my soap tray as well as the shower bracket and I’ve optimised whatever space I had skilfully to keep all my apothecary jars and everything to have a full sized vanity, a free standing almost 1700 mm bathtub… (cuz again you don’t get smaller ones in India where bathrooms are matchbox sized) and all kinds of other things even wall art and frames.
So I needed one with a crutch provision not a bracket, secondly the long bend exposed pipe would’ve been difficult to put there as I have a highlighter tile which is running throughout the bathroom lastly it had a tap not a spout which is a bit unappealing moreover its not long enough to enter my tub completely so all the bubble bath solution would’ve ended up at the edges (cuz it has to be poured right under the faucet in running water) and last but not the least this was my main reason - we could’ve spent half the amount but we opted for the thermostat mainly because the 3 way one had a pull and twist knob on the tap to switch between Bath spout and hand shower and I wanted the one with a lever/dongle cuz of my previous experience (which was horrible) with Kohler no offence and with wet hands it’s anyway difficult but yeah Kohler’s spout was faulty. I wanted to make a budget bathroom so I got from there but I went wrong because I also realised that all my stuff is very common Kohler has only one design or product in each category and they are promoting the same 1-2 things everywhere which means I ended up with something really common, faulty and boring. Nothing vintage or whatever we want, just the typical semi modern 2003 stuff. I’m very happy with this one (I haven’t used it yet but I saw all the functioning with the lever and knobs) and this is exactly why I wanted it, I have put the entire thing together as a set & I matched the the bottom mixer with the thermostatic one on top for my overhead shower to have 2 separate modes, I’ll be able to use the overhead along with the hand shower BOTH AT THE SAME TIME secondly I was looking for a budget mixer again but that too was discontinued and we anyway would’ve had to upturn the outlet flang or whatever from behind cuz it was meant for filling pails and buckets, now after the thermostat my shower portion is gonna have a modern touch because of how they’ve designed it, when you are paying so much you are getting that typical shower console look with black insets, they aren’t illuminated because they are not digital (that is usually there in a 50k to 1 lakh unit) however you do get the console with that typical look and everything since its an automatic model and I even edited all my stuff including the renders to make them more realistic for my moodboard cuz I was not able to find real life images. Ab naak mat kataiyen cuz ppl might show interest and none of this is easily available for Indians… it’s the classic range which should be manufactured and supplied in full swing/bulk please do that why is India always lagging behind? There’s an entire cult following including me for this Victorian style everywhere in abroad but in India we are not getting it easily especially in Mumbai.
- Zara Sauleh
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chaletnz · 2 years
Crossing El Salvador: Cerro Verde to San Miguel
We left Cerro Verde for what would be a two day affair to cross the borders getting us to Nicaragua where our real trip continued. I woke up very early to try and get a lukewarm shower at the campsite rather than the cold ones everyone else had been getting. It was a good way to refresh, and then I packed up ready to load my bag onto the van and have breakfast. Deme and I went back to the cafe but having learned from our mistake, we just ordered the regular cappuccino this time! Others in the group did paintballing while the rest of us took our morning easy. The group returned to the bus ready for our five hour drive to San Miguel sweating and covered in welts and bruises. Georgi had been shot particularly hard as she had accidentally hit Max in his manhood and he'd been given a free redemption shot that turned into him emptying the gun on her. The ride was long and dull and broken up only by some gas station stops for snacks along the way. We'd left around 11am from our campsite and had expected to arrive around 5pm to San Miguel. Traffic was quite heavy as we passed through what seemed like El Salvador's only main road. We stopped for lunch at Comida Mercedes in Cojutepeque which was, in a word - chaotic. Walter had attempted a Spanish lesson during the drive and taught us the names of some fruits and vegetables that we might like/not like and lettuce and cabbage which we should not eat at all until we reach Costa Rica due to pesticides. There was a stop to ride a boat around Laguna de Apastepeque for one dollar each, the music was blaring and we all crammed into the boat. The boaties rocked it from side to side to where I was a little nervous that either the boat would fill up with water, or we'd flip over and fall in the lake. After circling the lake and waving at everyone we came across the boaties helped us all back onto land. We got back into the minibus and after a couple more hours we had arrived at a mall in San Miguel down the road from our hotel. We had about 30 minutes to use the toilets, buy some snacks for the long day tomorrow to cross two borders, and look around the mall. We tried to find souvenir magnets for El Salvador but the only ones for sale were $7 and terrible quality. Instead I went to the supermarket to spend some money on some snacks for tomorrow. The cashier didn't believe the $20 bill I paid with was real so they had to check it out, and then he didn't have enough change either so I was stuck waiting for him to get change. I ended up being the last one back to the bus and felt so guilty taking my seat when everyone else was ready. Our hotel was a few more minutes away and then we could check in and shower at last! Walter made a reservation for us in the hotel restaurant and about half the group showed up. I sat with Tyrza, Wout, and Boukje, the Dutch speaking trio as well as Jess, Emily and Cam from the UK. Boukje and Jess split a grilled fish platter and Wout, Tyrza, and I split a barbecue grill platter. It was huge! It came out with chicken, beef, and sausages, as well as about 4 large potatoes cut up on the grill, a bowl of garlic bread, and 4 dipping sauces/salsas. Split between the 3 of us, we only paid about $9 each and ate until we were stuffed. With a few cocktails tacked on there it was still less than $20 for a relatively nice restaurant dinner and drinks. After dinner we headed back to our rooms for an early night before our 4:30am departure tomorrow morning to get to the border. I saw Emily and Georgi sitting in the lobby in a panic that the receptionist couldn't speak English and they needed a taxi. Georgi had dyed her hair again (after dying it two days earlier while at the campsite...) and it had gone fully orange. They were on a mission to try and find some toner but keep in mind these are the two who didn't even know the words to ask for a bathroom in Spanish, going out alone at night when we needed to be ready to leave at 4:30am! I told them to take a photo of the hotel sign and how to say "help" if they ran into trouble and wished them luck.
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bestbathroomm · 2 years
About Best Bathroom
Bestbathroom.Guide provides you with the latest news, shopping tips, and valuable recommendations on bathroom appliances.
Our force public benefits very newly big update the newest information and reward the best deals with best price value to readers. We are people who have experience in the bath's stuff industry, including reviewers, bloggers, and others who know very well about bathrooms.
We sour understand there users need a trustable and becoming close head and tail to get suggestions about the probably island high-end quality bath products. Our force promises big give you the all of realistic experience about the products that we recommended big you on our website.
With the understanding there our dearest readers need real-life reviews about the products they want big find, we aspiration big make quality contributions big bring the best bao ban for the readers that trust us.
We sour explain the feedback of our readers to help improve the website and reach more people. We will always listen your feedback and try our best to bring cheap manufacturers big you.
We believe there together, we can share our experiences in the bath industry big everyone who needs it.
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Our team
Thomas Kinkades is the Experts of Best Bathroom. Responsible for content moderation for Best Bathroom. With the craving big bring households and businesses in United States, UK, EU, Canada,... the best bathroom with the almost uninterrupted price range and best quality.
Thomas Kinkades has over 15 good working as a freelance writer and editor at prestigious lifestyle journals. He specializes in producing SEO and affiliate content in universal areas, including bathroom stuffs, heath, fitness and tech. He is such a know-it-all kind of person. Such as you have any questions, he can give a useful answer right away!
Linda Karin covers all related to home stuffs including bathroom stuffs, kitchen and garden stuffs At Bestbathroom.Guide. She has experiences with all the newly bathroom stuffs since she is in love with the idea of helping people adjacent to her choose the best products for their home. She knows what is best for readers and loves big reward teaching on how to enjoy world big the fullest!
Address: 1323 Ram Trail, Las Cruces, NM 88001, United States
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giffywallsuk · 1 year
Giffywalls is the most precious and trusted brand for beautiful custom wallpaper, offering a wide range of designs for walls, rooms, houses, offices, bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens, nurseries, and dining rooms UK and all around the world. We aim to help you create the perfect ambiance in every space with our unique, high-quality Giffywalls wallpaper.
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sophsun1 · 2 years
I know you're totally against a reboot and I think currently they're SUPER overdone, but like a good QaF.... retelling for the 2020s would be fun (for me!)
but just this was not that, his 70 year old mom coming out as a Lesbian after she gets finger banged in the bathroom of a queer Jazz bar by the lesbian partner of her son's best friend who's also the mother of her grandkids? it's like soap opera mad libs!
also like I'm sure the script went through A LOT of re-writes, so at some point it might have been QaF and they wanted to keep Justin/Nate but fully hired a 24 year old to play a 17 year old and they did NOT look like they were in high school nooo nooo NO
also Ryan O'Connell like he already made a FULL 2 season TV show being that SAME character, 20something with CP, a co-dependent disability mom, failure to launch, moving out, "am I unfuckable in gay world as a disabled person?" etc like Special was a good show why would you do it again as a bad subplot of a lesser show?
also also the flashback.... like... how they kept bleeping the deadname, and like Brodie big sin is calling Ruthie that but it's bleeped out just... like... seems so weird? choices just choices, like it's either too upsetting/insensitive to trans viewers to do, or its not, censoring the word (even though you can clearly lip read what name it is) doesn't change the scene? it just makes it weird?
clearly can go on all day about that fucking trainwreck madness
Hey anon!
It was just a hot mess and at times to me I felt like 'are they deliberately taking the piss here is it supposed to be comedic?'
But the thing is I don't want to watch a third retelling of the Brian/Justin story we've been there done that. We got the original vision with Stuart/Nathan and then the US retelling of that and their own canon universe with Gale/Randy. They are both amazing in their own ways we don't need a 2022 one of the same people. Not to mention both the actors and characters of Brodie/Nate had no chemistry and were cringe.
Be original! Be unique! They had the template there they had more poc/trans characters/disabled characters and diversity but then totally failed on the execution.
None of these characters were likeable or made me feel for them because any moment of sensitivity or care was immediately followed up by some insane plot twist. Brodie's argument where he used the dead name felt so forced and was never even addressed fully afterwards because suddenly he was in love with Ruthie so yk let's just skip over that. The ending in the rain with the kiss was a choice it was both offensive and cliché.
Julian as a character was one of the better ones and it was refreshing to see him as a disabled character navigating his love life and place in the community but of course was then muddied with crazy soap opera love twists.
Brodie being involved in 1435 storylines at once where his mother/brother/best friend and her partner were all involved in some group swapping sex partners plot was just fucking bonkers.
I never cared about these characters because the show chose quantity instead of quality and never fleshed out one plot properly. The uk/us cast made me love the characters, hate them, empathise with them because they felt relatable and like real people the reboot were just like a joke. Not to mention the standard of actors were just higher in previous versions.
Like you say there's so many things that were wrong with the show we'd be here forever talking about it. But yk saving grace it's been cancelled so no fear of a part two 😌
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