#wallstreet sucks
jonkleringjerster · 10 months
the comic bro obsession with characters being matched up and battling (like bvs) and arguing about who would win on the power scale is so stupid. and i’m glad that the comics know this and just actively fuck around like when they made alfred break supermans nose with his fucking cranium
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little-annie · 3 months
Sex worker Eddie meeting his boyfriends family for the first time. Imagine his surprise when he sits down at the Harrington's dining room table only for one of his regulars to sit down at the head of it. The man he knows as Richie, who has a slew of mommy issues and a rather prominent foot fetish sits down like he owns the place. Which Eddie supposes he does. Though that doesn't stop Richard from turning a ghostly shade of white upon meeting Eddie's eye for the first time that evening. Who knew the man that pays to call him Mommy and suck on his big toe every Wednesday night at the Hilton is the same man who has beaten Steve to a bloody pulp not once, but twice before. The fucking prick.
There's an immediate tension that's began to fester in the room. Thick and uncomfortable. It kinda feeling like a ticking time bomb that's bound to explode any minute.
"Richie," Eddie greets Steve's father with an extended hand, bright, joval, like reunited old friends, noticing the way Steve's attention tears away from the conversation he'd just been having with his mother.
Because you see, Eddie's told Steve about Richie. He's told Steve about a great handful of his clients but especially this fucker. This supposed Wallstreet hot shot who begs to lick Eddie's foot until he's shaking simply over the taste of it, who calls Eddie Mommy and cries every time he comes. Who is such a pathetic bitch that Eddie can't help but go home to Steve and laugh about it.
Steve's mother notices the tension too but seems non the wiser to the cause, smiling warily between the two when she asks, "Oh Honey, how do you two know each other?"
"Work," Eddie replies with a sadistic smirk, sitting a little straighter in his seat compared to earlier when he was anxious to meet the famed fuck up of a father Richard Harrington.
And because he can't help it, because he knows he's already dropping Richard as a client now that he knows who he is, Eddie can't help but add, "How's your mother these days, Rich?"
Steve snorts into the wine glass that he'd began to rather hastily down to Eddie's left, trying to stifle a laugh so sharp it nearly sounds like a sob.
Eddie can't help but feel the slightest bit proud when Richard looks about two seconds from throwing up.
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jame7t · 15 days
I keep getting ads that just say "Let the gobbler get it", why does corporate America want to promote the gobbler as a sexual archetype?
"Promote?" Buddy, the gobbler already sucked & fucked his way through wallstreet. You think you can compete?
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dontcryminecraft · 1 year
q!tubbo grew up scrounging on the streets of wallstreet and learned by overhearing businessmen and women on their phones until he grew up old enough to get a cheap suit and spout off enough buzzwords to get a internship/part-time job at one of the businesses... idk im insane it's my first day of university and my wifi sucks so bad i can't watch his stream half the time so here just take this shit backstory for qtubbo
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transgenderer · 6 months
~rhapsody for a wallstreet transbabe~
money understander, penis expander,
whip out ya dick and let that shit meander
call me a chaser cause I crave a gynander
with a business sense to make ol' ayn rander
sellin shares and bonds at the stock exchange
got my bare ass fond of your cock deranged
yeah i'll suck that shit till i melt ya brain
just so i can cop a feel of them
capitals gains!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [air horn] [air horn] [air horn]
Mostly pretty good but the capitals gains double entendre doesn't make sense to me. Is it just because like. She gained breasts?
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yanzinator · 3 months
If I found out Jews run the world, I'd start sucking up to the Jews I know and try to get on their good side. Maybe I can get a few perks, idk
Any tips?
If you get them Gefilte Fish (not jarred) you'll get a super long tongue. Bring Chraimy or Challah or both and we can get you set up with a job at wallstreet banks. You can work from home so you don't have to go to the US dw.
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cyberthot666 · 1 year
I’m so over this weird ass “uwu women shouldn’t have to work. little ladies are too delicate for the workforce. it dims their auras” bullshit. it’s just 1930s “a woman’s role is in the home” bullshit propaganda repackaged with a modern twist. it’s giving woo woo “step out of your masculine energy queen” bullshit. if you are against women being mistreated in the workforce, maybe campaign for women’s employment equality. or even just change the way you think about women …. that might help. instead of regurgitating as many buzzwords you can think of so that the wannabe stepford tradwives eat it up. like we get it. your privilege as a male allows you to move up the corporate ladder without facing nearly as many hurdles as women do. so now you think your income entitles you to your very own little trophy wife to keep safely tucked away at home. imagine anyone saying this about men. like oh! work must suck so bad for men :( they shouldn’t be on wallstreet they should be frolicking in a field. literally shut the fuck up and get back in the office fancy boy.
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smackmybitchup · 9 months
the wolf of wallstreet always sucked to me it was just like a big jerking off session for guys that want a lot of money and a hot wife lol I often compare it to scarface because it rly is a critique of capitalism like he fails in the end the world is not his ykwim
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stuckinotherplaces · 10 months
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
Genre: Thriller/slasher/horror/satire
Pages: 399
Publication date: 1991
3/5 stars, (it was okay)
American Psycho is a first person satirical book following a rich wallstreet guy through his day to day life, from his boring monotonous meetings and dinners and reservations to his uncontrolled murderous rage and bloodlust. The book follows his mental deterioration and internal confusion as his murders get more and more frequent and gruesome while his everyday life gets more and more boring.
American Psycho is a gorey but kind of boring book. It starts slow and reading the beginning felt a little bit unbearable. There were times before things really started that I thought about adding to my DNF list, but I'm really glad that I stuck with it. The first few chapters are just boring. Nothing happens. Bateman goes to lunch and makes dinner reservations and has sex with different women and describes in painstaking detail all the different luxury clothing brands that everyone is wearing. All I could think was "does anyone actually care about any of this?".
The murders start to pick up in the first quarter or half of the book, but they're kind of boring in the beginning too. Stabs somebody, slits somebodies throat. Whatever.
Towards the later half of the book, the murders start getting more and more frequent and elaborate. There's a scene where he decapitates a woman and then fucks the decapitated head, written in detail. Which is one thing this book never lacks, is detail, usually mindnumbing monotonous details about what people are wearing or eating or random chapters about musicians that don't really feel like they belong in the same book. But the murders, gore and guts and all, are written with exactly the same amount of detail as all the boring stuff, and, the murders at least, are well written and interesting.
As the book progresses, and Bateman's drug use gets worse, you can really see his deterioration. Things that he was worried about in the beginning, things like getting caught or trying not to kill people that were close to him, start to not matter anymore. He shoots someone in broad daylight in front of a cop. He mixes up the names of the restaurant that he's currently in. His anxiety spirals. It's hard to tell what's real and what's only real to him. It's written surprisingly well and really reflects the way that it feels to spiral into a psychotic episode, to lose touch with reality.
The multi-way phone conversation chapter where they do nothing but talk about dinner reservations for what feels like years sucked. Probably my least favorite chapter in the entire book. It was un-fucking-bearable. But even that chapter, though meant to be confusing, shows exactly where his mind is at and how out of touch he is.
Most of the book was just boring. Nothing. Filler. Dinner reservations and conversations about how to style clothes and sex with women he doesn't care about and business meetings and renting and returning vhs tapes and weird tangents that seem both out of character and like they should be in a different book and the longest run-on sentences ever written. But it was okay, and worth it to get to the murders and panic attacks.
Not sure why he was obsessed with Trump, seems like a guy like that would think that he was stupid and ugly. Even if it was written before Trump was (openly at least) the raging bigoted cunt that he is today with an orange spray tan.
It ends completely unceremoniously with nothing happening. The guy doesn't die or get arrested or kill himself, he doesn't change. It just ends. I know that the point, I understand the deep themes and satire. I know why it was written the way that it was. I just think that maybe I didn't need 400 pages of nothing to tell me that rich people are bad. Has the vibes of like white men that do acid once and then learn that empathy is good.
I probably won't ever read it again, but I am glad I finished it.
3/5 stars
read from October 28 - November 26 2023
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night-market-if · 2 years
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better and got to spend some quality time with your family. Sometimes holidays made with what you have around the house become cherished memories. We made a Christmas tree out of a broom and some spray painted tumbleweeds and I have yet to find a tree that tops that memory! I completely understand where you're coming from with mixing your passion project with your income. That's the exact reason I stopped selling my art and jewelry. Having it be my job drained all the relaxation and fun out of it. That being said, when this is over and you're in calmer waters again, I hope you have a bit of a break planned out for yourself. I know I shouldn't speak for others, but I do think your fan base understands and supports you, and we'll all be right here when you're ready again. I am very sorry to hear about your husband's company. I will never understand how people can make their income off living, breathing, feeling human beings and then turn around and grind them into the dirt. Ethics aside, they're literally your income? Without happy, supported workers, your company goes under. Their actions and their desires and their words just don't add up. Someone needs to teach these fools basic arithmetic. (I have no idea if an ask or a message is appropriate for this, I generally just hang out on the sidelines enjoying all the content from creators I follow, so internet etiquette is not something I'm up to date on.)
That is actually a big conversation that my husband and I had together. I don't like how the company name is being dragged through the mud in this. Because the company is those workers. There is nothing without them there. The person who is doing this, is one man and one man only. That's what sucks. One man is negatively impacting the lives of 1100 employees across two states, just because he doesn't want to share his profits that these employees made him. Its pretty bad when you are being called out by Wallstreet Journal and even they are asking, why are you a billion dollar company and yet you can't seem to afford to pay your employees a decent wage?
Its all bullshit. We all know it is. It's just a waiting game now. And, I am all for waiting. It's the right thing to do. And I would much rather writing be what gets us some money than one or more of us going outside of the home and working during this. It's more important to keep the kids schedules as normal as possible. Besides, with the way everything is in this economy, we'd probably end up losing money somehow.
No, we will weather this storm. And hey, at least I know it's possible to live on less than 2 grand for a family of six. I don't know how it's possible but we've been doing it. LOL
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zalrb · 11 months
So I saw this tweet:
And it refers to this tweet:
And i guess I just wanted to know what your thoughts are? Personally idk if this is true because I’ve never noticed something like this while watching any movie. But thinking back to the Wolf of Wallstreet specifically, I don’t think it’s true for that movie just because I specifically think he elevated Jonah Hills performance. But I’ve also never seen him outside of a Scorsese movie so that could just be Scorsese knowing how to direct him.
It's funny because I hadn't seen these tweets but I had an inkling of what they were going to be about before I read them and I have to say that I have never gotten the impression that he elevates other people's performances the only exception being -- and it's funny because it's the only time I've ever thought he had chemistry with a scene partner -- Kate Winslet. I can see the collaboration there and while Winslet got all the praise for Revolutionary Road, I thought his performance overtook hers despite the fact that I also thought they were collaborative.
But I also don't think he's ungenerous either. It's more like I've gotten the impression that other people have to meet him with the same energy or bigger energy, more gravitas, and not kind of shrink in the Leo-ness of his acting and then they can do something together. So for instance for Wolf of Wall Street, they knew Margot was right for the part when in the audition, she's not cowed by Leo, she gets in his face, and I think she slapped him which wasn't scripted and she thought she blew it but they were like no this is what we need. For Jonah, I don't think he elevated his performance but I remember the first time I watched it and not knowing how to feel about the movie was because I thought they were both acting in different movies, I thought Leo was acting like he was in a drama and Jonah was acting like he was in a comedy. When I watched it again I realized that it worked that way and that Jordan is actually a pretty funny character ("I'm a master diver, do you hear me? A MASTER DIVER) but Leo's humour, to me, got cowed by Jonah's natural ability to be funny and it felt a bit like competing forces but Wolf of Wall Street is actually a perfectly calculated chaotic mess of energies that work.
For The Departed, he's with heavy hitters, he's with Jack Nicholson, he's with Martin Sheen and then Mark Wahlberg has his own big energy so we're not sucked into the Leo-ness of his acting. I wonder if that would've been true if he had more screen time with Matt Damon who I've said is kind of just a guy.
The Aviator, I mean he goes toe to toe with Cate Blanchett, but it's Cate Blanchett, she has gravitas, she has poise, he has to meet her energy.
I'm also very aware that so far I'm only naming Scorsese movies, lmao.
But when you have something like Gatsby, I mean granted it's Gatsby, but do you even remember who else is in the movie or is it just Leo and a Lana Del Rey song?
And that also requires thinking about the roles he chooses because it's more than just being the lead. You have something like Inception, JGL, Elliot Page, Cillian, they all hold their own but they're all characters who are sort taking point from Leo's so their energies are going to be a bit different, Tom Hardy -- I really feel like this is the only Tom Hardy role I actually enjoy -- matches his energy but he's pretty much the only one.
Catch Me If You Can, his character is supposed to be larger than life, he's a teenager giving the FBI a run for their money so he has to exude a certain energy but when I think of Catch Me if You Can, I almost forget Tom Hanks is also in it because Leo and his performance take up so much space and I don't even necessarily mean that his performance is so good it blows everyone else out of the water, it's like what that first tweet said, there's no space or air around him, he takes that all up and I don't think Tom's energy matched that even if he's supposed to be a more understated character.
I don't know if any of that makes sense, lmao.
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mothman-clarice · 2 years
I'm back bitches :)
My hyperfixations tend to shift around a lot every few days so that's why I vanished for a bit but I'm back on my hannibal brain rot so here we go.
This time I'm gonna be writing some rough notes about a fanfic I may or may not write at some point. It's the one I talked about briefly in my patrick Bateman post where I wondered what would happen if he met hannibal. I'll try to make a break in the text so if you wanna wait until the fanfic comes out you can read it spoiler free. This is mostly to help me try to make a story outline.
I originally thought clarice and hannibal would go on a trip to NYC but I soon realized that was a bad idea considering their "status"
So I decided Patrick would go on a trip abroad to Argentina with his new fiancee and that's how theyd meet
It starts with clarice and hannibal perusing the local market. They're looking at some produce when they overhear a man starting to raise his voice
Its patrick in an argument with a shopkeeper over the price of some fish which is rapidly escalating. Think the scene of him arguing with the lady in the dry cleaners
He suddenly stops, looks around and then grabs the shopkeeper by the collar, pulling them close as he whispers through gritted teeth
"Listen here BITCH, I will fucking fillet your ass if you dont shut those cock sucking lips of yours, UNDERSTAND?"
Hannibal and clarice take notice of the situation and silently agree to investigate, doing their best to blend in while getting closer so they can gather more information
Clarice goes into undercover FBI agent mode and hannibal listens while on standby as backup in case things get ugly
The situation isnt descalating so clarice eventually decides to tell hannibal they should try to intervene to protect the shopkeeper, but advises hannibal they should be slow and cautious
She says from the sounds of how he was talking to the shopkeeper (who was a woman) she noted he seemed to use a lot of vaguely misogynist language so she figured hannibal would be better to be the first one to intervene. Hannibal is bigger, older, and overall would command this mans attention better from what little clarice could tell about his character
Hannibal finally clears his throat, "excuse me? Is there a problem here?" He asks politely with a twinge of concern
Patrick stares at hannibal like a deer in headlights, his whole body frozen. All the blood seemed to instantly drain from his face as his mind races, "oh fuck how much did they hear? Was I being that loud? Fuck fuck fuck"
Patrick stands up straight and faces hannibal with a completely shifted demeanor recognizing him as an older obviously well off man similar to himself.
The shopkeeper stares at hannibal and clarice with a look of fearful hope, gazing at them as if they were angels who'd come to save her from certain death
P: "oh no need to worry, it was a minor... dispute." He smiles with gritted teeth.
Hannibal looks at patrick with a sort of side eye, unsure of whether he should pretend to believe him or confront him
Before he can decide patrick pipes up and tries to derail the topic. "Are those oxfords? Midnight blue if I'm correct? I must say you clearly have impeccable taste, sir. And your vest! My oh my you must tell me the name of your tailor!" He puts on an unnaturally wide smile
Hannibal looks over at clarice who nods subtly, gesturing to go along with it
"My tailor? Well I go to Kingsman, they're an english tailor shop that's been around for centuries and served countless members of nobility. They're absolute masters of their craft."
They keep patrick engaged in conversation and slowly guide him away from the now deeply relieved shopkeeper.
"Kingsman, I've definitely heard of them before. I knew you had to be European, I've just never heard an accent like yours before. I must say sometimes it can be boring spending all my time amoung my fellow american wolves of wallstreet," he gives a chuffed smile and straightens his tie.
Hannibal and clarice both immediately understand the kind of person they're dealing with, the dreaded wallstreet yuppie.
H: "Ohh Wallstreet huh? Interesting."
Patrick's chin lifts slightly and his grin grows as he bathes in what he thinks is Hannibal's admiration.
P: "Say, who's this lovely specimen you've got here?" He suddenly notices the gorgeous Clarice standing close to Hannibals side.
Her hair formed perfect shimmering waves which framed her freckled face perfectly. She wore a gorgeous summer dress and a sun hat which gave her a certain feminine softness, almost like Lolita. She really had outdone herself with her appearance today.
"You can call me June, Luca is my husband." She gives him a confident smile and gestures to hannibal who gives a nod to patrick.
C: "And your name is?"
Patrick is a little taken aback by her assertiveness but tries to brush it off. "Patrick Bateman. I'm from New york city, I'm visiting Argentina with my fiancée. I must say it can be quite breathtaking. Judging by your fair faces I'm assuming neither of you are from here either," he chuckles with his eyes trained on hannibal
C: "Oh yeah we immigrated here a few years ago. Couldnt stand the cold of Canada and needless to say we never looked back."
For a very brief moment Patrick's irritation became barely visible on his face, merely a twitch of his brow and lip as he cast a glance at clarice. However, Hannibals keen eye was able to spot this microaggression. Despite this he continued to play along, wanting to investigate this figure further.
H: "how about we go get some coffee and chat, my treat." Hannibal put on a smile.
P: "I think that would be lovely, thank you!"
They made their way to a local cafe, ordered their drinks and settled at a table when clarice spoke up.
"Oh would you excuse us for a moment? I need to ask luca about something privately."
"Of course! Take your time," yet again that creepy ass grin.
The couple walk outside and stand close with hushed voices.
C: "what do you think so far?"
H: "Clearly he seems to have a distaste for confident women. He threw quite a rude look at you whenever you spoke."
"Yeah I thought I felt some aggression coming off him too. Not surprising considering how he was yelling at that woman before."
"So what are we thinking? Should we keep up the investigation? Someone who treats honest workers like that surely is too violent to mingle with the public."
"I think we should, theres something about him... something that feels especially wrong. Like he's not just a guy with anger issues, theres gotta be something more."
I'm gonna stop there for now. I feel like I've got a good flow going. Hopefully I kept it at least somewhat engaging lol, I felt like I was getting a bit too involved in their small talk at certain points but I hope I fixed that. I'm excited to see where my brain takes this idea! :D
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sanfranlvrs · 2 years
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hehehehe corporate clash ocs 🤪🤪🤪
i made my own cog type based of the “wolf of wallstreet” title, if that isnt already obvious. Wally (name to be changed) is the charismatic type, an idol amongst the bossbots. he’s as humble as he is prideful, lmao
his bff is Charlie, a yesman who just wants to go home. he’s a bit of a misfit bcos despite being a Yesman, it’ll be real with its superiors when he thinks that the ideas they pitch are stupid. not like they’ll listen anyways
Wally likes that about Charlie, which is why he’s made him his personal assistant. which sucks for Charlie cuz he’s not the social type, and Wally is a socialite and always in the public eye
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beboslatkice · 6 months
wrap plagerism sandbeak tigger scarf hand down neck gasp fall wipe remains muslim failure faggot b want 2 b moses sucks tigger wannabe bigger manhood any sexual act as a.c.t (play) write dyslexic disappoint tetragrammaton chaldean lesser than “nationalist” “coffee” shit eaters romancing lost disassociate beheading kill kill death recording human violations Ni laws govern Satanic Further speak less violated on commission NDA abdulaziz algasim Sodomy Abdullah correct declaration immoral live omission unnatural force confusion spell casting Gay Way Death Krampus Conjure IT Pmy Amy Stuprum (proof of service attached) (signature of attorney) “I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true & correct 3rd” 8.613(f)(g)(a) placement Clerk’s stamp archive Ni petiotion(er) i.f a.t.t.e.m.p.t jus a fax [“U.S”] Date/Currant/Elder Agency Program Diversion freeborn nomagic muggle personal slight Jim Crow law policy “hurt not disappointed” segregation as placement Hail White Power at Eternity/Texaco vs. othersagebasilleftplagiarismredundant atheistic agnostic peanut shits brainless p body definition letter (ing) researcher theorectical stupid faggot look fake away on apostlepaulbitchtiggersemanswallowercumonbeard methamphetamine sharp placement pain further ElmCreast13th light show headinsandHumayun nebuchadnezzar literal ugly retard nostalgic former rape torture beating humiliate Cuckold extreme annotate inception eternal Moloch Paimon The God covet{wind}earthquakes “…….” [after] emulsifier use letter {Q} as slander Walmart Hassam sum type way Taco bitch sand coochie aftershock sold in every Walmart Come And Check Yahoo Dare Heckler & Koch weapons contracts Beelzebub Satan Devil Paimon Moloch Valak Bael Nudy(BIV) FEMA camps operation occupy wallstreet matthew kidder Aflac moderna Democrate veagan (ism) retard alibi literal shit eaters less then/than humanitarian new rat world order petri dish sickle cell disease white boy chemical castration prostration unholy Reveng inc.. Dimension Franchisee interstellar from “kinda got sexual psychical torture” adiyaman from the (pain)as pro placement “BLK site” extremist drama mello extra minority can spread Annotation: supplementary info Augustus Adolf Elizabeth Per-30sometypeway Council prejudge xes violet treadstone
al hol roj irgcqf kataib hizballah assad kremlin dumayr strike site lgbtqi trauma disassociate theory migraine uninformed enhanced Eric Rudolph young Richard Jew’ell Allied Universal FBI buttfuck2debt Melih Uzunyol Ramzi Yousef Mahmud Abouhalima mohammad salemeh nidal ayyad Rahman yasin ahmed ajaj jaish pashtun kabul omar hibatullah akhundzada the ugly stupid hurt fool burqa  
“hypocrite us dew atrocities eternal & Blasphemy disrespect pervert 666 & get away haha loser club”
Scary carton monkey
Freddy Krueger
Hostel Annotation
Iraq & Syria from Pentagram Cross Hermes $60,000 throw
The Exorcist
Book Leviticus
Oompa Loompa Demon Teeth
Literal: Ginger Mustard Gas Monster Yellow Cake Exposure
ChildsPlay Brunette
Jigsaw Mask Roja Remington
BLK “ThankYou” carry away bagget head Revenge Rifle Gun Play
Cassie Boy Knife Split White Hoof Heal Toe Syth
Xenomorph purgatory Gehenna Valhalla Reich UnHoly Realm Power Bleed Blood
Great Depression MkUltra UK totalitarian/Secret The Genocide
Child Labor Perc 30-sometypeway
War Extermination Law
Including Shelter Food Medicine Education
The Mentor PFL. H
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ericleo108 · 2 years
11/18/2022 Click here for Spotify or Apple Music. This is my 24th official release. “The Villian” is a rap track I wrote from the villain's perspective taking about socioeconomic conditions in America. The goal was to bring light to the socioeconomic conditions that the people face versus the wealthy. I tell the story as if I’m the villain, describing what that looks like throughout the entire song. I use the movie “The Wolf of Wallstreet” as inspiration. Usually my music is more clean-cut but rarely does the world present itself so properly. I wanted to know what it was like to join the debauchery, even if it was role-playing.
The cover art came from Gigzlogo from Fiverr. The beat is from KeyAnobeat.com. The track was professionally recorded, mixed, and mastered by Sam Peters at LA Luna Recording Studio in Kalamazoo Michigan. You can stream or download the track wherever music is sold. Thank you for your support. Be sure to follow because new music is released every first and third Friday of every month.
Sure I’ll play the villian
Bitch who you fuckin with  Era era era, era fresh Bitch who you fuckin with Era era era, era fresh
I play the game like the Wolf of Wall Street Now these hoes are workin to call me Smart men hope that their business lasts Bitch I’m busy snortin coke off this hookers ass Don’t pay’um to fuck  I pay’um to leave  And tell um no kissing after suck’n the D She love her career, lucky to be me I employe another fair, nothing to me
Bitch who you fuckin with  Era era era, era fresh Bitch who you fuckin with Era era era, era fresh Bitch who you fuckin with I’m hotter than the summer is  You’re a customers is what it is I like when they’re dumg as shit I’m rich, white, and oppressive Passive aggressive Rob you with a contract And stay its an investment Bitch who you fuckin with Bitch who you fuckin with
I pollute the environment Reign like a tyrant Blame it on blacks  Say it’s because their defiance Look at them callin I stay ballin So i gotta keep attention  To stay apaulin  This like my Jake and Logan Paul shit Make money depicting the definition of audacious  I bitch about taxes  And complain about the back end  Looking good is what the tactic is  Exploiting what the workers did  Force women to have babies And deal with the enslavement  Servitude for family over payment No paid maternal leave In land of free       It’s business over people in the American economy Want your cake and eat it too? That’s reserved for what I do  I convince you not to vote your interests Sucks to be you Your not a product of environment, it’s your fault you failed You didn’t try hard or long enough, the opportunity’s there I make money work for me, while you can’t make ends meet I get cashflow from assets while I’m playin or asleep Propogandize populations to think like my sex Claim its hard work when it’s leverage and a mind set 
Bitch who you fuckin with  Era era era, era fresh Bitch who you fuckin with era fresh Bitch who you fuckin with I’m hotter than the summer is  You’re a customers is what it is I like when they’re dumg as shit I’m rich, white, and oppressive Passive aggressive Rob you with a contract And stay its an investment Bitch who you fuckin with
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
It is truly beautiful.
The unifying power of watching Billionaires cry.
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