#wanna do some of those memes in my inbox
vixlenxe · 2 years
In preparation for the new muse I am also redoing tags to make them more beta friendly wooooo
So general tags
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val-of-the-north · 7 days
Wanted to pop in and just say thanks for all your hard work with lore posts! Elden Ring is such a tough game to get a grasp on, leaving so many things up to interpretation. But in the end, there are also things solidly backed by actual lore, and you do such a great job of referencing and adhering to that canon pretty objectively. We all have our biases when we read this info, which leads us into the realm of interpretation. But when posters like you go to lengths to outline canon lore with screencaps and images to back your interpretations up, it's not just helping me see how you reached a conclusion but also laying the info out clearly so I can decide if I agree with that conclusion.
There's a lot of info that gets missed or plain old ignored in favor of either villifying/woobifying characters depending on what people think of them. And then sometimes people make these huge leaps from A to B that are just mystifying and seem to be purely based on "this sounds good to me so it must be right". It's refreshing to see someone trying hard to just present the facts and go from there, without these leaps of faith and desire to change the characters in one direction or another. It's easy to think you're reading things objectively while still clearly interpreting everything with a certain bias that will paint your favs/unfavs in a better/worse light, so your more neutral efforts are a breath of fresh air!
Hey! That's very sweet to find in my inbox... I am glad people appreciate the way I write my lore posts. I strive to be very objective when I tackle these topics, so I am very glad it's noticeable. I still have room for improvement, I will not lie, but I am surely getting better and better! The use of more images in my claims is something I started to pick up on recently, though believe it or not, I used to do it a looooong time ago too, for sillier stories lol. Now they are here to stay though, and they provide a very neat way to space out posts too.
I am honestly really flattered with your words ahahahah. Characters are probably the hardest ones to keep a purely objective lens on, as I do have my own personal opinions and headcanons on them as well as certain events that involve them… regardless, I try my absolute best to not rely too much on those and simply on things I have structured those headcanons after.
Of course, depending on what the lore I am discussing is about, I will be focusing and highlighting particular aspects over others, because I can't make an entire character study every time one is needed. Things would get really bloated and not as understandable really fast! I also avoid fandom tropes like the plague unless I am purposefully making a meme lol. I do dislike when meme/flanderized versions of characters end up popping up in genuine lore analysis (like "absolutely worthless fool" Godrick and "completely irredeemable fiend" Miquella, but there are many more)
To conclude... thank you so much for this! It was certainly a breath of fresh air that I needed too eheh... but I guess since we are talking about lore posts, I could tease that the next thing I wanna tackle has to do with the soul and body in Elden Ring! It's a topic that has fascinated me for some time, and the DLC actually helped me piece together some stuff I had missed from base game! I will try to make it as good as it can possibly be!
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Officially on summer break today and one of the things I hope to do this break is become a little more active on here. I’ve missed you all 💛
Got a few post in the drafts and I think I’m gonna try to figure out how to schedule posts in advance too.
Already posted a new chapter of Strangers in the Night (art work and chapter info coming soon)
Gonna work on some fic requests some of you all sent in. I’ve got them written down, it’s just the typing it all out. ( I know I kinda hate that I’m like that too, but it’s part of my writing process)
I’ll try to reblog an ask meme so you all can send some questions, but my inbox is open if there are any other questions or comments you might wanna send. Or updates that I might have missed, fandom wise, personal and even fics! I’m planning on getting caught up on some of those soon too.
Hope you all are doing well! Can’t wait to catch up with you 💛
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ceesimz · 3 months
Hey all, happy Sunday👋🏼
I'd like to take a moment to say thank you so much for the influx of support after the post I made on Thursday, it's been beautiful to see. I had some hate and you might've seen a temporary post about it, but that's the only one I was gonna do because I don't want my blog to be a place that gives attention to that stuff.
Those people don't deserve the time of day, but you all who showed such great humanity deserve all the love in the world! I wanna focus on the kindness and compassion I was shown, because that really made a difference. I had people in my inbox saying really nice things and saying the representation would really matter to them, and I got some messages too of support that warmed my heart.
I'm gonna write the story, and I'm gonna take my time with it to make sure I get it right. It's gonna be really important to me and, as it was brought to my attention, other people too, for a chance to feel seen and share the beauty and the struggles of what we live with. I had people say that they wanted to read it to have a chance to learn too. There's a lot of stereotypes about autism and a lot of memes that really give the short end of the stick and totally aren't representative at all. One silly story I make isn't gonna change the world but if it brings understanding to a tiny, tiny community then I'm alright with that.
To my ND people, if there's anything you want me to feature or take on board then lemme know! Inbox or DMs, I don't mind at all, as I said in my last post I'll always welcome you! It's not my story, it's your story too and I wanna make sure it's right. All I ask is you have some patience and it'll be with you as soon as it's written. I'm really looking forward to writing it, more than anything before, and I have a feeling it will be very long because I have an endless list of ideas for it.
Thank you so much again, have a beautiful day!🧡
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tathrin · 1 year
Ehehe, hello, I am here to feed the procrastination gremlin! Those prompts all sound fun, but 21 and 28 are speaking to my heart rn.
Maybe 36 to if you feel up for it but it's your writing and you decide how many you wanna do<3
The procrastination gremlin thanks your mightily! Because I tend to Get Too Long when I write thing, I'm going to preemptively separate these out into their own posts and just assume that I'll ramble too much for it to make sense to do them all in one lmao. Also I will definitely do all three because yes more gimleaf yes. This is an ask meme that I will literally always be accepting prompts for (although if somebody sees this in the tag in like a month or so and wants to send one in, maybe include some context so that I know what that random number I just got in my inbox means? lmao). So, prompt taken from this; anyone can feel free to send other numbers in at any time. Literally.
#21....on a place of insecurity.
Gimli stared at his reflection in the round silver mirror, his hands paused even though his braids were still half-undone. "Do you ever wish that we had crossed the Sea sooner?" he asked.
Legolas blinked at him, cocking his head in that familiar birdlike tilt of confusion that Gimli knew so well.
"Sooner?" Legolas repeated. "How could we have come sooner?" A frown furrowed his smooth, beardless face; a temporary crinkling of skin that would never show the faintest wrinkle. "You mean before Aragorn died?"
"You're right," Gimli sighed. He tugged at his braids, their once-bright copper laced so heavily with strands of silver that he sometimes felt like he had just walked out of a snowfall. "We could not have, of course. But...do you ever wish..."
"Leaving sooner would not have spared us the pain of his death," Legolas said quietly. "It would only have meant that we would not have been there for him when it happened; only have meant that we would not have been there for Arwen or their children either. Knowing of his death only from stories brought by later travelers would not have spared us anything, I do not think; knowing of his death without having been there ourselves would, I think, have only made it hurt the worse, my dear."
"Yes," Gimli said, "yes, of course. I did not mean—"
He stopped. Legolas had walked up behind him and bent down to look over Gimli's shoulder into the mirror. It should have looked awkward, the sight of Legolas's long spine arced at such an angle, but elves were spindly, lithesome creatures. Wood-elves in particular seemed to be as supple and spritely as saplings, and Gimli had yet to witness Legolas contort himself into a position that strained his pliant bones.
"Gimli," Legolas said, "what is wrong?"
"Nothing," Gimli said. He lowered his eyes and his fingers both, twisting his remaining braids into place as quickly as he could without mussing the pattern of the plaits or dropping strands. He scowled, even though he knew that doing so would only deepen the wrinkles that already lined his eyes. "Nothing is wrong."
Long, smooth fingers pressed gently on his own calloused ones until they stilled. Gimli looked down at the overlap of those long digits across his own, the one set brown and spindly as twigs yet unblemished by time or strife; the other pale as underground mushrooms and gnarled by both time and heavy forge-work.
"Gimli," Legolas said. "Tell me."
Gimli turned his hand so that he could enfold those long brown fingers in his own and gave Legolas's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Nothing is wrong, my love," he said again. "I am only feeling melancholy this morning, it seems. Think no more upon it."
He raised the elf's ageless hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to those smooth knuckles, then released it so that he could continue with his braids.
Legolas did not rise. Instead he dropped lower to fold his arms across the back of Gimli's chair, his bright eyes studying the sight of the dwarf before him in the mirror. Gimli avoided his gaze, focusing instead on the intricate plaits that hung from his chin, but he could feel the weight of Legolas's eyes passing over his face, searching for the answers that Gimli would not give him.
He did not find them.
"Will you not tell me?" Legolas asked at last. His voice was soft, his eyes full of sorrow. "Please?"
Gimli sighed and let the braid in his hands droop loose and unfinished down his chest.
He looked up into the mirror again at last and met Legolas's searching, worried eyes there. He looked at that smooth, beardless, beloved face waiting there behind him; unchanging and unchanged from the day they had first met so long ago and far away in Rivendell.
His eyes flicked sideways to his own reflection, to the wrinkles that time had carved beneath his beard; to the strands of silver that wove through the bright copper braids that hung before him. He reached out and pressed his fingers to the mirror, to the sight of the lines around his eyes, and sighed.
"I would not be so old," Gimli said quietly, "if we had come sooner; that is all. I only wonder if you wish, sometimes, that we had. That is all."
Time did not pass in Aman the way it did in other places; or if it did, then it did not feel as though it did, and it carried no trace of decay with it. Gimli had not aged a day since they had first set foot upon these white shores—but he had aged two hundred and sixty-two years before that.
He was still hale and hearty, for dwarves—especially the dwarves of Durin's line—often lived many years longer than that, and rarely weakened before the very ending of their days came upon them. But he was no spritely youngster of sixty-two, either, moping because his father had deemed him too young to go along on a Quest; nor was he a mature youth of not quite one hundred and forty, boldly striding forward at last upon a Quest of his own, all bright brown eyes and ruddy copper beard.
Gimli was old, now, and he looked it. He could see it every morning when he looked in the mirror to do his braids, or every afternoon when he caught sight of his reflection in the cooling barrels at the forge or in some clear, still pool that held Aman's crystal waters. He could see it, and he knew Legolas could as well; how could he not, when he was surrounded by the contrast of all the smooth, beardless, ageless faces of his people?
"Are you tired?" Legolas asked, and his light voice was a dry croak. Shadows as thick as Mordor's fogs filled his eyes, and Gimli turned from the mirror with a cry and caught Legolas's hands with his own.
"No!" he cried. He knew that Legolas was not asking after Gimli's slumber, or weariness from working the forge; was not asking about anything as simple as a day's ordinary exhaustion. He was asking if Gimli was tired of life; if he was tired of eternity. If he was ready, at long last, to claim the gift of his own mortality.
"Legolas, no," Gimli said, squeezing those spindly fingers so tightly that had they been the frail twigs they seemed they would have snapped beneath the pressure of his grip—but elvish flesh was strong, so much stronger than it looked. So were dwarven spirits, and Gimli had no intention of ever growing weary of the world, not so long as Legolas was in it. "I promise," he assured his elf, raising first one hand and then the other to his lips. "Never, Legolas. I am here with you, and I always will be."
Legolas's smile trembled, but it was a smile. Gimli counted it as a victory, and pulled the elf up out of his crouch and into Gimli's lap. He had too much leg to fit on such a short chair, of course, but the two of them were used to that problem; it was no effort at all to fall into the long habits that had his ankles curling sideways under the chair, his elvish flexibility making easy work of the awkward position.
"Then what troubles you?" Legolas asked. He snaked his long arms around Gimli's shoulders and leaned his beardless cheek down to rest upon Gimli's head. "My love, please. Tell me."
"I am old, Legolas," Gimli said. He unwrapped one hand from the elf's slender waist to press his fingers to the cobweb of wrinkles beside his eyes. "You can see it plainly on my face. Old, as no one else in Aman ever will be."
"Bilbo is old," said Legolas.
Gimli rolled his eyes. "Yes, all right," he said. "And Sam, too. But aside from them, everyone else here is an elf—"
"Or a maia," Legolas interrupted. "Or one of the Valar. Or—"
"My point," Gimli cut him off loudly, "is that age is writ across my face in ways that elvish faces do not age. I am only sorry, my dear, that I can do nothing to erase those lines, these streaks of silver; only sorry that you cannot spend eternity beside a dwarf in his prime of life, but must instead contend with these wearisome wrinkles."
Legolas drew away far enough that he could gape down at Gimli. "Wearisome?" he repeated. "Sorry? Gimli!"
"I know, I know," Gimli soothed, "it is a little enough thing, I suppose, and I am not ungrateful; I am only sorry for your sake, my dear—"
"Sorry!" Legolas said again. "Gimli, you everlasting fool of a dwarf! Is this what you've been fretting over all this time?
"Gimli!" Legolas squawked. "Oh, my beloved idiot! I feared you were growing tired of forever, and were going to have to leave me! Instead you've just been pouting over how handsome you are?"
"Handsome!" Gimli exclaimed. "Legolas, enough. I am sorry beyond words that I made you worry, but that is no call to mock me—"
"I do not mock," Legolas said. His lilting voice for once was as firm as stones. "I adore every inch of you, Gimli. Yes, even the wrinkles; yes, even the silver in your beard!" He shook his head, scowling down at his dwarf. "Perhaps especially the silver in your beard, for it gleams like mithril in the moonlight, even as the ancient lights of lost Trees are said to still gleam in the locks of the Lady Galadriel, oh Lockbearer!"
Gimli sputtered, heat rising fast in his cheeks. He tried to push the elf away, but Legolas tightened his grip upon his shoulders and refused to be budged from Gimli's knees.
"And your wrinkles," he continued in a softer voice, "are the signs that our years together have etched upon your face, even as your clever hands carve beauty into simple metal and plain rocks. How could I help but love them, when they trace our story out upon your face for all to see?" Legolas leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to the sparkle of crows-feet that framed first one eye and then the other, then traced the deep tracks that lines Gimli's mouth and nose beneath his beard. Finally he raised Gimli's hand and pressed a long kiss to those ruddy, wrinkled fingers.
"Legolas, I...I feel I've been a fool," Gimli murmured. He found himself once again unable to meet Legolas's eyes, this time because of the blush that darkened his cheeks with a blaze of hot mortification.
"You have been," Legolas agreed, "but fortunately I knew you for a fool long before I knew you for anything else, my love, and so I am not bothered overmuch."
A watery laugh spilled from Gimli's lips, and he could not help but smile. "And you are as irritating and irreverent as ever," he retorted.
"Of course I am," Legolas agreed, and hopped up off Gimli's lap and the low chair upon which he sat and grinned down at his dwarf with a twinkling smile. "Some things do not change with the passage of time—but even though my face does not show it, I have very much been changed by knowing you, my dear Gimli, and I would not trade a second of it in exchange for a single lifted wrinkle or silvered hair."
"Well," Gimli said, "I am glad to hear it, and sorry now that I did not voice my concerns sooner."
"So am I!" said Legolas. "But I cannot hold it against you when I did not voice mine either, although in my case it was because I feared to pressure you into extending your time in life beyond your own comfort for my sake alone."
Gimli stood and took his elf's hands in his and held them tight. "Forever is only barely enough time to spend at your side, Legolas," he said, "but as it is all the time the world will give us, I will take it; but I will accept not a second less than that, and would not see that time shortened for any reason even if it was only for your own comfort, and not my own. I can think of no greater purpose for one's life than to bring comfort to one whom I so love."
Legolas beamed down at him, his pale eyes bright with unshed tears. "Well!" he said. "That is all sorted, then!"
"Indeed it is," Gimli agreed. He knew that the smile spreading behind his beard was the sort of soft, misty-eyed grin that Peregrin Took had always labeled "absurdly sappy," but he could not help himself; he felt as though he was fairly brimming-over with love, and he could not contain himself from letting it show upon his face, erstwhile sappiness be damned.
"In that case," Legolas said, his damp gaze dancing suddenly with dry mischief, "let me get you out of that tunic and into our bed and I will find all your other wrinkles and properly express my love for them, too."
Gimli decided he could finish his braids later.
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monmuses · 2 months
I hope this doesn't come off as clingy or annoying or offensive, but out of curiosity, how do you manage to get so active? It seems you always have tons of threads with hundreds of partners, and even though you rely on queuing your threads, and have your queue set to 10 a day, it still takes a week to cycle through to your other partners. (This is not a bad thing, I'm commenting on the amount of threads you have queued.) I've been running a few different rp blogs over the years and am constantly struggling to find people to write with, so even if I reblog memes, post starter calls, inbox calls, or post open starters, I have almost no engagement. I don't want to send in meme after meme after meme because after a certain point, I fear I'm annoying the other person.
Again, I hope this doesn't come off as annoying or offensive, I just want to be able to write, and you seemed like the person to ask. I love your work 💜💚
unprompted asks - always accepting!
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hello hello!! i love these questions, they're never annoying or offensive for me when you just wanna know more. it's totally okay! i don't mind them.
but with being active, it's really just knowing time management and knowing when i can write and if i have enough writing juices to do so. activity is weird for me because i have days where i'll answer EVERYTHING and days where i can barely write one or two words, and it happens. some people are higher activity while others are more in the middle or very low activity. my other partners also run on a queue and a lot of them treat their blogs as a fun hobby, and there's no harm in waiting for stuff.
finding partners is not hard, it's really just "oh you like this? i like this too, let's write!" most people here are SUPER chill and do this for fun. i would look for any promo posts of blogs that are posted by your mutuals or you - those are huge in finding people, same with those roleplay masterlists for various fandoms. some look like these examples here: overwatch, the witcher, cobra kai, scream, ouran highschool hostclub. these are some of the easiest ways to find people because it networks you to other partners of similar interests!
for me, when it came to writing, it really takes a lot of getting out of your comfort zone with talking to people and interacting. as easy as it is to reblog or post inbox calls & starter calls, a lot of it is also reliant on you reaching out for stuff. that requires interacting with their inbox calls & starter calls, sending asks, etc. start small, too, don't try pushing yourself to interact with EVERYBODY, sometimes you can work on just writing with one or two partners, which isn't bad! it takes time to work up that courage and be confident in your writing, because that will help you be more comfortable and getting more interactions that way.
and i promise you are not being annoying to your partners if you're trying to get yourself out there. sending asks is the EASIEST way to start threads and interactions, so NEVER be afraid to send stuff. unless the other partner has said that they prefer plotting & starters over asks or have their askbox closed. you're not causing any harm when you send stuff, because most of the time, people love getting asks.
but yeah, tl;dr work on coming out of your comfort zone and opening up to approaching people, because sometimes you have to. everybody here has some form of anxiety and it takes one person to take that step forward to get stuff going. always know that this is a hobby, so don't treat it like it's a full-time job, it's just something fun! but it takes work to know what you can write, who you write with, etc. you're gonna deal with problems and issues with finding partners, but don't let it push you away!
i do appreciate your kind words though, you seem like a really sweet person! i hope you find decent partners soon for your blog and i hope this stuff helps! ♡
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Hiatus status
I think I'm going to tentatively come off hiatus. I've still been dealing with some shit health issues, so I will probably be slow.
Things will also be a bit different. I don't want Tumblr to be a toxic place for me. I don't want to get on and feel stressed out, left out, or anxious. So, I may be a bit more selective with who I follow and interact with.
I also may be revamping/reposting my rules. I can also be at fault of forgetting to read people's rules, but I just wanna get a clean slate re-start.
Most of my asks from prior to the hiatus will be deleted (I have some that were sent more recently that I may keep), I only have two drafts, so those will be kept and replied to.
If you want to do anything new, feel free to tag me in random shit, come in my inbox, DM me, send memes, whatever.
This applies to all of my accounts (@theking-ofhearts, @oukiyaba, @daisukesano, @thelittleniragi, @theangelicbanda, I can't remember the name of my Aguni blog rn...)
Thanks for understanding. And if you don't, feel free to hit unfollow or even block. I don't care anymore.
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hoshinomulti · 4 months
— — — — ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ — — — —
゚。Rule 1 ✨
Don't be afraid to chat with me in my inbox! They're always open to chat! And you can ask anything in the askbox! Anonymous or not. Memes or starters, it doesn't matter! I just wanna interact with all of you ^^
゚。Rule 2 ✨
Please do *NOT* godmod my ocs or muses. Not only will it make me feel uncomfortable, i will kinda get upset at it. If you keep godmodding my ocs or muses, you will be blocked
゚。Rule 3 ✨
If I ever do something that makes you uncomfortable, or if something isn't right to you, please let me know. I wanna make sure this is a safe place for everyone. And I also can be dumb sometimes lol
゚。Rule 4 ✨
If I ever forget to reply to your post, tag me, message me, I don't care. School might take a toll on me and make me forget about our roleplay
゚。Rule 5 ✨
Yes, I do Multi-ship. If you ever wanna ship with my OCs, let me know and we can work something out. I'll probably only do ships with minor muses and muns just for the sake of my own comfort (I said 'probably', meaning that I don't know yet. Just give me time to think this through)
゚。Rule 6 ✨
Everyone is welcome here! Minors, adults, whatever! Just no personal or non-rp accounts. They will be blocked if they follow
゚。Rule 7 ✨
There may be some dark themes here and there, so please softblock me or don't follow me if that makes you uncomfortable
゚。Rule 8 ✨
Like I said before, school might take a toll on me, so don't rush me for replies.
゚。Rule 9 ✨
As mentioned in pin, mun is a minor, so there will be no nsfw or disgusting or disturbing things. If I see any of that, you will be blocked
Geez, I kinda sound like a mom saying that now lmao
゚。Rule 10 ✨
I almost forgot! Please don't judge me for what I like. I may like some things people don't, but that doesn't mean you can straight up disrespect me for it.
And that's coming from the person who's been harassed for what she likes on the bird app. It happened multiple times and I do not wish to speak of it-
゚。Rule 11 ✨️
I didn't mention this either, but doubles are totally allowed! I just like seeing the same muse interact with each other, if that makes any sense
゚。Rule 12 ✨️
I've been seeing this rule around so I may as well mention this myself:
If the person who made the icon or the art sees their work on my profile and wants me to delete it, I will be glad to do so. I respect all artists here
゚。 Rule 13 ✨️
I forgot about the god dang lengths... uh... you don't have to worry about matching lengths with me. I'm not really good at matching lengths myself, heh ^^"
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Passwords. Um... yeah, you don't have to send any passwords considering how uncomfortable y'all get with those. You can just like this post below to show that you've read the rules (or don't. I can't really make you do anything lol. Mostly because our interactions we have can show that you've read the rules and respect my boundaries)
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭! 𝘏𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘺] ࿐ྂ
—— —͙ – -
˚ ·
* ˚ ✦
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whump-n-comfort · 1 year
🔪 this is a sideblog! if you see interactions from a blog called @halorocks1214 in your notifications, that's me :)
🩹 on that note, I go by Halo! I use she/her and he/him pronouns and am proudly aroace 💚💜
🔪 I'm one of those guys that has always been into whump as a kid—I REALLY enjoyed the kidnapping episodes in animated shows lol—but didn't have a name for that enjoyment until I got onto Tumblr and immediately felt at home with all y'all cool people 😎
🩹 as you may have seen by this blog's title and description, most of this blog's motif is sharing hurt/comfort content! I will be upfront and say that I project a loooot onto my faves, which is why I like to see them comforted so much (touch starvation is a bitch 😔) and in general prefer "soft whump" most of the time or explicit happy endings for the harder tropes i'm into
🔪 however, I still also enjoy whump because of its core foundation: being able to beat the shit out of your favorite character. sometimes, I will find something that does not have comfort in it that I want to share because it's simply too good not to! if all you're here for is that sweet sweet comfort, feel free to blacklist the tag #no comfort to avoid those sparse posts :)
🩹 outside of that, I tag art as #art and gifs as #gif as well as gifsets as #gifset when applicable; #whump trope for the posts that get more descriptive and #whump prompt for the posts that are more quotes/"fill in your characters here"-type interactions; #whump meme is self-explanatory and #whump community is for sharing love to all you lovely people out here browsing this corner of Tumblr; I occasionally tag #fave whumpee on characters that have stuck with me through the years (characters in the tag liable to change as time goes on); and of course, #~my stuff~ are the posts where I'm OP; #before whump was here is a cheeky tag I use for specific moments I remember feeling strong whumperflies for growing up but still had yet to learn about the term "whump" lmao
🔪 everything else is up in the air as tagging goes. I try my best to catch as many descriptors in a post as I can, but I'll admit some stuff could slip through. let me know if you think a post is missing something and I'll be sure to add proper tags 👍
🩹 my squicks are mainly things like pet whump, mind break, forced full-nudity, betrayal/broken trust between close characters (if it's because of a "twist villain" then that's fine), and heavy NSFW, so, for the most part, you won't see those on this blog, but my philosophy has always been that if it has comfort, I'm willing to give it a shot, so even if it's really rare, it could happen. remember to just let me know if I'm missing a tag!
🔪 my inbox is always open under the "💌 insert rambles here 💌" button if you ever wanna submit whumpy thoughts. I try to post everything I get, so feel free to hit me up! all answered asks regardless of what they contain will be tagged with #ramble tag
🩹 I will occasionally take requests in the form of "[A] replied to [B]" scenarios, sentence starters, or if you are feeling particularly nice, requests about my OCS! (questions and inquiries about them are always welcome regardless of request status) be sure to watch the "REQUEST:" blip in the description to see whenever they are open as I will switch "CLOSED" to "OPEN" to signify they are, and if they are open because of something like an ask game, I will convert the status into a link that will take you to the original game so you don't have to scroll through a bajillion things to get to it
🔪 as mentioned, this is 99% a SFW "soft" whump blog, but I still support my more NSFW and otherwise "dark" whumpers! I am a firm believer in that there is no "correct" way to enjoy whump. whatever your reason is that makes you enjoy it is valid and as long as you are properly tagging your content then keep on doing stuff that brings you joy :) we may not interact with each other all that often because of squicks or personal preferences, but just know that I will have your back and defend your right to write whatever you want ❤️‍🔥
🩹 I do believe those are all the topics I wanted to cover, so if you managed to make it this far, thanks for checking out my blog, and most importantly, the whump community in general! If you decide to stay, well, then hope you enjoy it to your fullest capabilities :D
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queenharumiura · 10 months
name — Neo and on some other blogs An-chan
pronouns— She/her
preferred comms — I get webhooks alerts to replies and asks, and tumblr very rarely alerts me to ims, but it is available to those who prefer communications via tumblr. Discord is the most reliable.
name of muse — Haru Miura on this blog and many more that i'm too lazy to list out on other blogs.
experience in RP — Around 16 years I think. Crazy as it is, I started out on Quizilla when you used to be able to message people. Then I moved to a proboards site when a friend invited me to join one she created. Was there for a long time. Dabbled a bit in RP'ing with a group on DeviantArt. Did a bit of skype rp from there. Then I moved to tumblr rp. I may have attempted to dabble in discord RP and ye- it's not exactly for me, but I can do it. I hate feeling limited though.
best experiences— Any iteration of: "You know, you made me change my mind on how I see Haru." Truly, the biggest serotonin boost I'd ever need in life. This is my goal in life. What I aspire to do with my writing. Not RP, but I got a Haru hater to like Haru after reading a few of my fics years back. You thought you were going to hate read and give hate? Jokes on you, I OPENED YOUR EYES.
pet peeves/dealbreakers — If you've reposted fanart without credit nor permission and i've talked to you about it and you dismissed my concerns about reposting fanart, i'll instantly block you. It's in my rules for a reason. Tho- I suppose that's just breaking my rules so maybe it doesn't count as a dealbreaker?
Not necessarily a peeve but more of a turn off, but I really don't like it when someone has the repeat energy of 'No one would want to rp with me, I don't see why I bother,' 'Did anyone miss me? No? Okay' etc. It probably sounds petty of me, but I don't like it. It dismisses the efforts of those who have been trying to connect to you, and I come onto tumblr to have fun, so I don't want to come here and feel bogged down. The energy actually disheartens me and brings my own mood down because I end up sympathizing with them too much. For the sake of my own mentality, I end up distancing myself.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — I enjoy fluff and angst a lot. Smut... depends... on the muse... and relationships... and how comfortable I am with the mun. I'm big shy in general so it can take time to warm me up to talking about smut in regards to muses. Once I'm used to talking to you about it and i'm comfortable with you, i'm pretty open about it. Truly, I'm big on troll humor though, so crack humor kinda threads really have my heart. If you wanna talk smut with me, you gotta be the one to bring it up because 99.5% of the time, it won't be me bringing it up first.
IF we aren't shipping, then you better hope one day I even reblog a risque meme for you to inquire about it. I'm a lil wary about talking about it to begin with.
plot or memes — Plots, as some of us know that i'm not very keen on memes as my relationship with the inbox is not positive. Still working on it though, one blog at a time. Memes are fun when i'm in the mood for them. This goes for reblogging them or sending in to people.
long or short replies — Both are fine with me, and both are great in their own right. Long ones are nice as they give you a lot to explore but it also takes a while to reply to and it can tire me out. Short threads are short and simple. They're nice, and then you get me being suddenly inspired and whoops- suddenly it's a long thread. (short replies = 3 paragraphs in my mind).
best time to write — I'm finding myself to be more active in the night hours, so the PMs. I do tend to be high inspiration in the AMs, but i'm usually at work or low energy. So that's when I spend the time thinking of what i'll write and then stow those ideas for when I do have the energy.
are you like your muse?: I've been told that I'm very much like Haru, and it's mostly in some habits, i'd say. Haru is a way better human than I am. Fit for life. I, a dehydrated prune is not fit for life. We both share our troll heart, our tendency for conspiracy thoughts, dramatics, speaking in third person and such. Basically, consider me the unhealthy introvert AU for Haru.
Tagged by: @ryuusake
Tagging: I don't tag
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thegoldenshi-shi · 2 years
Sunny Simp Anon here!
I had ordered the zine when preorders first started and when I saw that you were in the zine many months later i got very excited!!
I took a pic and sent it to Smooch and shared the rest of the art with them and their friends and we loved it all and I love what you did with Jazz ans Prowl!!
The officiator: Any one object?
Prowl: *silently glaring*
Jazz: *had a cannon* :D
Also they look so good and I want to frame your art on my wall but I cant because it’s in a book but it’s so pretty and I love it and i want to hug it but it’s paper and akskdldkdk
Many conflict here you see
Also personal update myself, I probably didn’t do good on one of my exams today because i forgot there was an exam and I didn’t have my book and it was open book and so like, i didn’t do good but it is what it is
Also I want to hold your sideswipe so much, he is such a pretty boi and when he pops up he overtakes Sunny for a minute and is the star of the show and he knows he’s a pretty boi and will use it
I want to hold him so badly and domestic soft thoughts are my enemy cause I want them to be happy and heal from their pain and they are twins and they know each other the best and they went through hell and back and deserve good things!!!
Let Sunny become a famous artist again, let Sideswipe help with selling his brother’s paintings and also maybe own a lil bar and stuff also Bob being his cute self and get doted on and Sunny also maybe makes vent arts and let out his pain
I do personally headcanon that Sunny makes some vent arts but keeps some of them secret cause he doesn’t want to worry Sides too much with how he feels and it helped to just draw it out
Also me and my friends in the JazzProwl discord server made a lil meme thing into a bug angsty au and then we talked about the future after they mostly heal and it was from dark and angsty and stuff to more fluffy but still some angst(it’s with the Elite trine but i am gonna ask if we wanna include other ships and other lil stories besides the elite trine’s)
Anyways! I hope to be in your inbox again soon but some smaller things jn my life came up that needed my attention so I had to focus on those for a lil bit but i will return
-Sunny Simp Anon💛
Oh! You ordered a Monochromatic zine?
That's so exciting! I just got mine a few days ago~ I'm so happy to hear that you like my piece! I was really nervous about it because it was kinda spoofy compared to the others. It's pretty silly even by my normal standards hehe As far as my digital work goes, Sideswipe has been given so much love lately. It's great that his "pretty boi" status has been recognized. I purposefully designed him to look more friendly and open, so if he's making you think soft domestic things then I have done my job correctly hehe. On the subject of Sunstreaker's art habits, I think all artists make vent pieces at some point, writers and other creative mediums too (I know I do). So Sunny does probably have some pieces squirreled away here and there, I agree. I'm glad you're having fun on the JazzProwl server, and hope you get through whatever requires your attention now.
Don't rush through anything, I will still be here when you get done hehe.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
🌻 HI ⭐️ ANON!! this is honestly so cute and i love it
my favorite character is, surprise surprise, venti. a silly bard whos actually a very deep and loveable character and he brings me sooo much comfort and i love him and i wanna smooch his cheeks and give him a forehead kiss and hug and—
onto next question. i like both but i have an obvious bias toward dogs cuz i used to own one!! but like. i think both cats and dogs are very cute and funny and i like them
do you maybe know this meme with a sunflower in the wind, with a face that lipsyncs "im a survivor". yeah. i joked in my friend's inbox that i am the said sunflower and from that point on, i just started to sign off my asks with the sunflower emoji. and at first it was just on my friend's blog, but with time it just... became my calling card everywhere. if u ask my friends to assign me a flower theres quite the chance theyll say sunflowers
sending some questions back!! to u aphe too <3 what is your favorite drink of choice?? is it tea. water. coffee. hot chocolate. juice? if u were to pick a favorite genshin constellation, which one it would be??? if u have anything to share, a funfact or something u did today, please feel free to do it!! <3
YEAHH ANOTHER VENTI FAN...... i did NOT expect that from 🌻 anon tbh! he deserves all the forehead kisses.
hmmm... for drink of choice, i think flavored water actually!! i genuinely don't like unflavored water and i know that sounds insane but it Doesn't Taste Good. yes water has a taste. and i do not like it. i would drink it if i had to though, like for bloodwork and stuff. but hot chocolate IS very good depending on my mood. AND GENSHIN CONSTELLATIONS aajshsksgjg venti's constellation is soo. RRRHSJSHJFHF. i like razor's a lot though!!!!! picking a favorite is so hard but it would be between those two. or one of the other archons' constellations.
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inspotlight · 1 year
ok so i know i dont have to like. justify myself for not being super duper online, buuuuut im gonna anyway: i'm still heavily grieving and the last week and a half have had some significant firsts without my nanny, so ive been throwing myself into reading (and even more so, absolutely inhaling audiobooks) so i'm just doing whatever i can at the moment. i have a bunch of stuff drafted and i fully intend on working through it in the next few days & not dropping anything, but if you would like threads dropped or would like new threads or to plot, you're more than welcome to hit me up for any of that. im also spending more time on my fear street multi right now bc i found a bunch of fan made audiobooks of the fear street and point horror books on youtube so im heavily leaning into all of that for spooky season, so if you wanna interact w/ any of those babies, that multi is @shadysideohio. also, we kinda randomly booked a trip to denmark two weeks ago and i leave on the 2nd so im just. really trying to get things queued for while im away. so like. drop me your open starters or some ask memes into the inbox or throw me starters or like my starter call (that i might have actually lost idk) but i feel like ive been Disconnected from neens blog the last week or so and i just wanted to make a post to say that i am still here fully just. also still going through it.
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defountaine · 1 year
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independent + private roleplay blog for FURINA DE FONTAINE, of mhy's GENSHIN IMPACT as judged by SINCLAIR ( 21 ). crossover + oc friendly. low activity due to college ( junior yr ) + old laptop.
rules under cut.
not spoiler or leak free
i tag triggers as “ trigger // “ 
for the main verse ( gi ), i'm almost entirely caught up on the main story.
hc heavy.
i use she/he/they for furina. she looks like both a woman and a twink and it's giving me gender envy, okay. genderfluid furina is so real to me.
generally novella because i love writing a lot!!
scarce activity bc my laptop is fucked up ( most of the keys are stiff lol ) + full time college student. i am literally doing a research proposal this semester.
aforementioned keyboard thing may lead to typos
i tag a lot of my ooc posts ( since a majority of the time they’re useless ) as “ irrelevant // ” as to not clog up peoples dash 
sometimes tumblr doesn’t send my asks so if you’ve liked for an inbox call and you don’t receive it, thats why 
mutuals can ask for discord<3 i encourage it actually since im active there more often but im very anxious and tend not to initiate conversation unless i feel like we’re very close 
if i ever bother you lmk<3 i’ve been told i can get a little spammy at times and i’ll admit i do get easily excited so if i need to tone it down just let me know!
if i’m following you i’ve read your rules !! i’ll assume you’ve done the same if you decide to follow back!
i only have access to the beta editor, sadly. i can try and pull some bullshit but i don't know if it'll work. my apologies.
those who are of age and have characters of age can smut with me. that said, furina is probably not gonna be very easy to fuck. trauma and all that. unless we have pre-established stuff. that's always fun. that said, don't follow just to fuck him, please. gore is also welcomed.
i love shipping, so lets do it! platonic, romantic, rivals, familial etc.. love ‘em all! planned or entirely natural, either is fine! if you wanna ship with me just ask! i have no preferences, not really, and i can say the same about furina. both she and i are down to clown with just about anyone. it doesn't even have to be healthy! ( to the tune of tmnt ) codependent toxic yuri/yaoi !
full time college student with very limited time to do rp nowadays. i really enjoy writing and all but being rushed to reply makes me lose motivation. however, if i do miss a starter/don’t reply to a thread for a while you can tell me about that!
despite me saying this, all in all i probably follow almost everyone back as long as they have a rules + abt page i can find! i don’t follow personals but if you’re a hub or your rp blog is a sideblog, lmk so i can follow you there!  if you have a rules + abt page and i don’t follow back LET ME KNOW. sometimes tumblr doesn’t give me notifications and i don’t pay attention to follower count for the most part. i’m really not picky and im not trying to be mean or ignore you ! 
any sort of hate will not be tolerated. if i see you picking on anyone or you pick on me , i will block you. that’s not the way i roll.
this is pretty standard , but please don’t control my muse or anything of the sort. 
 i am not a meme archive blog , so if you do rt them please consider sending them!!
just please turn them into separate text posts, please!!
y'know. no racism, homophobia, transphobia or pedophilia, incest, and all that gross stuff. instant block. literally just be normal.
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mencnfire · 1 year
[Yo, I just want to drop in and spread some love too. I'm super glad that we became mutuals, you have really great taste in muses and you add so much depth to what we already know from canon. Your portrayal goes the extra mile and you really make it your own. I just wish that I had been able to help or do anything for you, so please don't hesitate to bop me when you need someone. You should not feel bad about needing time and space, too- People need to be more empathetic about grief. I really hope that we can continue to explore dynamics with our muses and create awesome threads together! And don't let random bullshit from haters get you down, you are not here for THEIR amusement. You continue doing what you love and enjoy it to your fullest when you can. Your enthusiasm and boundless passion is positively infectious and I'm glad I'm able to be here as a part of that.]
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(( SODAAAAAAAAA. my sodie-pop owo
firstly, right back at you! i have enjoyed our conversations so much & find it so refreshing chatting to someone so down-to-earth / so willing to explore darker themes in a mature / responsible way. i love you & appreciate your honesty and just your general vibes. i feel very comfortable just throwing things at you dlsngksdngsl (legit can't wait to see jae and volgin be sickos together - i dont know if this meme is us or them but im putting it here for you to see lmao )
but also, you have helped me. i think, like a lot of others on here, you've helped just by chatting to me. writing with me. having fun with me. like, our dumb little convos (and the serious ones where we both get all antsy and ranty) have helped a lot because it's taken my mind off of things. it's weird because i'm in the stage of grief now where it feels random. like, sometimes i'll be chill and all's good and then suddenly it hits. it's been hard being so...temperamental? sensitive? i think i've felt the need to constantly apologise because i know that there are people who are like 'urgh how dare you post about irl stuff' - personally, i like knowing my mutuals. how they're feeling and what they're up to. i think it's good to be friends with people ( and its fine too if people dont wanna be! ) i've felt in such a confusing and strange place these last few months that my head's been jelly and i guess i've felt apologetic for that. i don't wanna scare people away by cracking up in those moments of sadness.
BUT ALSO, thank you soda. your words are real and they're kind and i take them to heart. writing my boys has helped a lot during this time ( even if my writing has been STINKY ) - kaz's grief has helped me with my own, keeping heid's heart problems has forced me not to censor dealing with that & looking at the others' sadness has given me a weird place to channel my own. i'm glad that like, my writing can be enjoyed by others ( i really hope it is ) because they help me a lot too and i enjoy doing it. i enjoy writing with everyone <3 ))
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ardenssolis · 2 years
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I posted 1,495 times in 2022
896 posts created (60%)
599 posts reblogged (40%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,495 of my posts in 2022
#answered - 649 posts
#;;inbox - 640 posts
#;v: chaldea days - 515 posts
#;;f.go - 358 posts
#;mini - 259 posts
#;v: ??? - 233 posts
#;ooc jabber - 212 posts
#tenkoseiensei - 180 posts
#;;fgo - 161 posts
#;v: summoned forth - 155 posts
Longest Tag: 87 characters
#the king of kings is fond of a certain ancient blockhead but you didn't hear it from me
My Top Posts in 2022:
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PRONOUNS:  she / her / they / them 
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: IMs usually! Discord is fine too especially for plotting and general chitchat since that IM box is tiny as hell. But it tends to definitely be easier to catch me on here since for some reason, my discord doesn’t always alert me to people talking and left messages kfjsdfhdsfs. Me checking discord to see someone talked to me hours ago -- me sweating wondering if they think I ignored them while I was posting on tumblr. 
NAME OF MUSE(S): Ozymandias
RP EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): Like...over 15 years? I have, quite literally, seen and experienced everything at this point. That’s why my rules probably sound so strict because I am just a tired woman who feels like I aged to 80 sometimes. I don’t play when it comes to my boundaries anymore like when I was younger and allowed things I shouldn’t have allowed for the sake of keeping the peace and being liked. I have been so much happier putting my foot down.
BEST EXPERIENCE: Meeting really great people and continuing to meet great people! Idk I’ve met so many who have inspired me to keep writing and just enjoying this little hobby of mine. Even now I just finger gun at all those individuals and really great mutuals that make my time here on tumblr A+.
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: Getting me excited for stuff and then ghosting me. Then coming to me, getting me excited again, ghosting me again -- rinse repeat like that’s a normal way to communicate with someone. Like I’m not here for that. I’ll softblock or hardblock you in a heartbeat and move on.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I like all three honestly, but angst??? Emotional stuff? GAWD DO I EAT THAT UP. Especially for Ozy because he’s just -gestures at him- Sometimes I want him to really feel things which can be difficult. But the fact it’s difficult is what makes me love it even more.
PLOTS OR MEMES: I don’t mind both since we can basic plot something like oh how they’d meet? Are they friends? Do they hate one another?? That kind of stuff can make interaction so much easier. But memes are certainly the best way to come at me and continue things from there since I don’t do starters. 
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Long replies! But short is nice when your brain is tired and after staring at a computer for eight hours and working HR, my brain is often very tired during the weekdays. So a nice balance of both!
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Normally in the evening. My writing just feels like it flows better for some reason.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): Not even REMOTELY jkfhdskfdkfsd
tagged by: @chaieos​​​ (ilu Lis)
tagging: anyone! take it and talk about yourself! (also tag me I wanna read)
16 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Crossover ships and OC x Canon ships save lives.
17 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
@tenkoseiensei​ said (inbox):
sa vc teehee
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18 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
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If you’re a lot younger than Ozy, chances are he will:
a.) Adopt you as his child
b.) Adopt you as his younger sibling
These are just the rules I don’t make them.
18 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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[Glowing beans. D.o not r.eblog.]
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19 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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