#wanted to strike a balance here
quinn-pop · 6 months
okay fine i’ll bring back the egg. sorry for the pun but i’ve been sitting on this for a while because i can’t decide what to name them
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(thinking they/he???)
they love being warm and must be approximately as snug as a bug in a rug at all times <3
didn’t give much context before but we’re going with that the egg was abandoned in winter horns and recovered by a group of waddle explorers
there wasn’t a lot of (known) writing on dedede’s species so figuring out what to do from there was kinda hard and they didn’t really know anything for certain, but between a little research, a gut feeling, and dedede and mk already used to Parenting, they passed the egg onto them to look after and well. yeah
it was definitely a rollercoaster for dedede, to be given hope that there were others like him after all - so it was only natural he’d take it very seriously. he spends a lot of time with them and they’re very clingy because of it. he says they’re like a duckling
being so big also comes with problems because as clingy as they are, they outgrew being able to be held by other people pretty fast lol
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“meta pls stop looking like ur gonna punt our kid”
anyway i guess i’ll introduce the other kid next? between the two of them uhh dedede had a very tiring few years. stay at home dad problems i guess. on top of being a king lol
he probably realized how grateful he was that kirby was so independent lol..
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the real enemy is everyone (meta especially) having a busy schedule
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ilovedthestars · 4 months
fic writer ask game: 20 and 23?
Thanks for sending in an ask, bardic! (This one is for this ask game)
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
A lot of my titles are either super generic (i.e. "Deployment Center," my first fic on ao3, which is just a pre-canon missing scene which takes place in the deployment center) or they're a thematically relevant phrase or word from the fic itself that i thought summed it up well enough to be used as a title. The latter ones are more interesting, although I think often people don't notice (or at least don't comment on it) when the phrase comes up in the story.
Acceptable Mission Cost is probably other people's favorite of my titles! In fact i think i chose that as the title because when i shared the first chapter on discord, that was the phrase people picked out and had Emotions about. The title gets called out in comments pretty often, which i think is a sign that it's working well with the fic. I'm happy with that.
I think my secret favorite, underdog answer for this is what happens to rogue secunits. It's a really short snip that i archived from a discord conversation, and i didn't have a title so i just pulled a line from the fic, but i think I picked a good one. I think it's clever the impression the title gives you vs. the impact when that phrase actually appears in the fic. No one has ever commented on this, so i don't know if it's actually clever, but i like it XD
23. How do you choose where to end a chapter (if you have multi-chapter works)?
I really like dramatic chapter endings! Cliffhangers, twists, or just a cool sounding line of dialogue right at the end. (This is probably apparent for anyone who's read the most recent few chapters of Old Unit, Young Unit, where i just kept doing dramatic twist ending after dramatic twist ending lol.) I've mentioned before that I'm not great at dramatic beginnings, and most of my first lines are pretty boring, but I like to stick the landing, so to speak.
Idk, I think i just have a chapter length that generally feels good to me (somewhere in the ballpark of 1-5k words, often around 2-3k). When I hit that wordcount I'm usually ready for either a natural end to a scene (when i'll try to end it on some kind of engaging emotion or tense moment of reflection from the narrator or something) or a dramatic moment that makes for a good cliffhanger. (My chapters do tend to get longer and longer as multi-chap works go on, lol. I haven't figured out a way to keep them more consistent.)
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asking honestly: how do we address conspiratorial thinking in this fandom without people getting their feelings hurt?
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butchsophiewalten · 9 months
iirc you said martin apologized for the edited alcala picture in the past. was it via the twf discord or something? i believe he'll likely retcon it but it still troubles me a lot. i know one could argue if he just replaced it in the reupload it would or wouldn't have "fixed" things but idk i really wish he did. keeping it in mind is far from a problem but it's frustrating. not something you can really help me with, i'd just like to hear another fan's opinion on the situation
I actually don't recall him ever directly apologizing for the Rodney Alcala thing, but when I was checking the discord server just to see if I could find anything for you, I did see a secondhand account mentioning Bravvy saying something about how Martin did not know who Rodney Alcala was when he created Jack's missing poster in TWF1. Which I obviously can't verify in any meaningful way, so make of that what you will. (But I don't think it's an unreasonable claim to make. Martin isn't even American, I don't expect him to have an encyclopedic knowledge of American serial killers, even though I don't think ignorance necessarily excuses him of any judgement here.)
That said, Martin has talked before about wanting to broach topics related to real-world tragedy sensitively in The Walten Files, so I don't think this is something he'd like, dismiss as not being a big deal, even if he's never gone out of his way to bring him up. But I absolutely agree with you about wishing he had replaced it in the Company Introductory Tape reupload. I was honestly really expecting him too? And it left a pretty bad taste in my mouth that he didn't
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peaches2217 · 11 months
I’m fleshing out a fankid. I’ve got an entire fic in the works revolving around a fucking fankid.
Someone stop me. 😭
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discountsoysauce · 6 months
3 chapters of the death note AU planned out so far and we're only just seeing Victor. Oh boy.
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splattermouth · 11 months
I'm v tired right now so apologies if this doesn't make much sense, but. You talking about the genre of Val's story and by proxy, Volo's changing makes me wonder what that looks like from the outside.
Like, how do people who know and interact with Val and/or Volo perceive what's happening? Do they even know there's been such a shift as caused by an inexplicable yet horrifically powerful being that can't be wholely described in words? Do they see something wrong yet there's some kind of deliberate mental block preventing them from feeling that whatever's happening is out of place and they react as if everything is completely normal even though it absolutely isn't?
Do they know but get a vague sense of dread or malaise when they think about, are near, or visibly see Val and/or Volo and they don't know what it is but it prevents them from getting any closer? That it's another block but the block is their own fear rather than something possibly created by Jacred? That the feeling also stemming from Volo is like a metaphysical "virus" that more like... makes him function as an extended area of effect of that feeling of dread Jacred emanates?
I'm just throwing ideas out bc I find existential and meta horror fascinating, and some aspects of your interpretation of the pokemon world and how it and glitches function feel similar to my own. (especially that one post about Val's entire personality being unwound and stitched back together feeling in a similar vein to my explanation for Fukakai's existence, though the way it came into existence was much more destructive.)
Eughhh... tl;dr is "if the genre of the story relating specifically to these two characters (if it miraculously doesn't involve Irida) has shifted, how do others from outside this perceive what's going on?"
The way you describe the shift and the context of it being caused by a truly eldritch being causes the setting of the story to give me "chronic wasting disease" vibes.
Not just those "it looks like a deer but when you get close you realize it's not" posts, as that implies it never was normal, no, but "it was once a perfectly normal and healthy deer but something happened and there's nothing that can be done about it as it gets perpetually worse, and due to the nature of what happened, you have no clue of exactly when it changed."
A "It's a deer but not, it's very being is decaying and rotting, and it's behavior is completely uncharacteristic of what it should be. It's uncanny and makes you feel distinctly unsafe."
It's like the setting of the story got rotated at an angle and it seems to stem from a plot relevant character not aware of the "fabricated" existence of their world deviating from the script and Whoops! :)
It makes the world itself feel oppressive once the illusion of the world being "real" is broken. Like it's a box. A universal derealization that tugs at the mind...
I am so sorry about this long ask, I speak in paragraphs. I love things like this and there being a personal witness to the horrors as they develop and overtake.
It also gives me vibes of this: [https://www.tumblr.com/arceusbeta/729654972896116736/graphics-cafe-graphics-cafe-heartbeatmotif?source=share]
So like, when I say specifically Volo’s genre changes halfway through, I just mean like metaphorically, or like, from a literary stand point. Nothing about him Actually Physically Changes, even after Jacred comes into play. But Missingno’s presence DOES completely shift the story off its axis, like you said. Up until Missingno finds Val in Hisui again, the story of Legends Arceus is SUPPOSED to play out the exact same way, albeit now with Val here. (As an aside, Val is very similar to Ingo at first, in that him falling to Hisui was an unintended variable added to the rest of the Hisui casts’ lives and personal storylines. But otherwise, both Ingo and Val are just regular people. Their presence doesn’t suddenly change the paths anyone else is on, and really doesn’t majorly alter the course of history all that much. Up until Missingno appears and throws everything out of whack, Rei and Akari will still be sent to seek out all pokemon, Volo and Giratina will still attempt to tear up spacetime and collect plates, the whole nine yards.)
BUT. Missingno and Jacred are NOT normal humans, and in fact, they resist the natural order of things by their very nature. Missingno and Jacred are both faulty pieces of ‘code’, imperfect, ‘broken’ designs that do not mesh with the strings of time and space and existence that Arceus has woven, and in fact, unravel them at the seams. Their literal existence does not follow the current rules of nature Arceus laid out, tl;dr. Jacred’s creation is the catalyst for a literal genre shift in real time, going from a big fun fantasy adventure, to like some psychological, even survival horror. Volo just remains unaware of this shift til its too late.
(And everyone else is also unaware for most of the story, I suppose? Though by the time Jacred shows up, both Val and Volo are pretty isolated from the rest of the cast due to Volo’s Bizarre Adventures in Bad Decision Making, very unfortunately for Vo. I think the only other ones who’ll even know something’s wrong with Val at all are like. Irida and Cogita. And only bc Volo just has to outright beg them for help I think. Still planning how I want that to work out, but defo Irida at least gets involved in the endgame).
As for being able to tell if something’s wrong, once Val and Missingno start to fuse, people absolutely CAN sense Something, but not in any way they could really put into words. The best way I can describe it is like. You know how one of the biggest signs of an oncoming heart attack (and like a few other health issues, I believe. I assume) is a sudden sense of dread? Like a sudden feeling that Something’s Gone Wrong In Your Body, before any Actual Physical symptoms show themselves. It’s like that I think. 
Physically, no one would feel any different around a missingno’d Val, at least not in the early stages of fusion. Physically, Val looks no different. The only maybe Slightly noticeable thing is little changes in behavior, things that can easily be written off. I think until Jacred is formed, Volo only ever describes Val as ‘sick’, even if he isn’t fully sure what ‘being sick’ even means in this case. But people around Val still get Something in their body, their mind, telling them Something Is Terribly Off Here, even if they can’t particularly articulate that feeling. A Missingno’s default state is disruption, after all. It naturally disrupts any systems in place, even if one doesn’t know just what they’re feeling or what those systems even are. And the sheer damage being done won’t rear it’s head til much much later and much much Too late.
Also fun to think about how, again, Jacred’s mere presence throws the entirety of Arceus’ plans and strings of fate out of wack. And yet Jacred does not view itself as a villain or in opposition to Arceus and the orderly little story It’s writing. Jacred doesn’t view Arceus as some kind of cruel creator or anything. I hardly think it’s even aware of Arceus’ existence, or if it is, it doesn’t make it too apparent that it cares lol.
I don’t think Jacred views itself as Anything necessarily, not a hero or a villain. Fusing with Rival Trainer Valentine does make it Behave like a fusion of both the protagonist And the rival trainer classes, for sure. It acts fucking weird, and its personality and morals are fucked and inconsistent because of that fact. But again, I don’t think it Views itself as any particular role, if that makes any sense lmao.
But I Do think on some level, it believes its shattering of the natural order is freeing to all those who inhabit it*. It thinks what it’s doing is a net positive. It fused with a human after all, someone that has feelings and hopes and dreams and all that good stuff. And bc of that, Jacred loves Volo just as much as Val does, even if Jacred isn’t quite sure What it’s feeling all the time. Even the Missingno that took Val itself, while seemingly more intelligent than most other Missingno, it was still just fulfilling a need to Survive. Like It does manipulate Val a bit, but it’s more akin to that fungus that controls the minds of ants than just naturally being some Master of Charisma and Wit.
Anyway, probably all the more reason to not upset Jacred lol. Missingno may not have been fully malicious on its own, but Jacred definitely COULD be if it wanted to. It has the capacity to now.
*(Even though, in the deepest, most forgotten layers and worlds. Everything is pure chaos. Everything and everyone having collapsed in on itself into nothing but an amalgam of corruptions and ‘coding errors’ that have little chance of being pieced back into anything resembling Anything. It’s something equivalent to a hivemind, but with any trace of personality or coherent thought gone, really. Most Missingno in general are just ‘broken’ people and pokemon. Beings whose ‘code’ has decayed and been malfunctioning for god knows how long, with no legends or myths or deities to keep their worlds from falling apart, but still beings that try to carry out their ‘code’ to the best of their abilities regardless. (I think specifically of that one glitch ‘mon thats just like. Its name is just the female symbol and all it does is play a buggy version of the battle theme and softlock you.))
In conjunction w everything else said, (and related to the one computer infecting the other w poetry, which my god. I ADORE btw, tyyyy ;;; ) have also been thinking very much about how. While Volo absolutely DOES think Jacred is fucked up and wrong and shouldn’t exist and should just let his friend go. At the same time, I see Jacred as a sort of temptation for Volo. Like they Finally have the one thing in front of them that could answer all of their burning questions about the universe and their place in it. It promises them a better world (Aren’t you happy? Aren’t you excited? You’re finally going to be free!). In some ways, Jacred is everything Volo’s ever been looking for. And Jacred is More than happy to show them! Because they are Good Good Friends!! But there’s still that ever-present guilt that this is Val’s body and Val’s voice and by submitting to Jacred, is he not giving permission to the thing in his lover to further reshape and rewrite Val’s existence as a whole? Volo’s always been so selfish, after all, hasn’t he?
Anyway ty for th ask i always appreciate themmmm!!!
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paralien · 6 months
the constant juxtaposition between wanting and needing people to see just how badly you're hurting and giving you comfort and attention, but also the need to come across as cheerful and friendly so people won't get exhausted by you bc peoples pity is finite and God do you need the attention
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heart-bones · 11 months
went shopping at closet child today ( TДT)
felt reeeeeeally silly I couldn't even bring myself to say like "Hello, I'd like to take this, please." but I managed anyway! I found something that's even oversized on me (ToT)
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leclerc-hs · 6 months
73 Questions with Mrs. Leclerc - cl16
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pairing: husband!charles leclerc x fem!reader summary: in which you do a 73 questions interview with Vogue OR charles can't help but third wheel your interview warnings: none??? just cute fluff basically, NOT PROOFREAD word count: 2.1k author's note: I actually got a request by someone to do this and thought it was such a CUTE idea and concept. I obviously didn't do ALL 73 questions cause that would've taken forever. But thought this was a cute little piece to do. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to let me know what you think don't be shy !! xoxo
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
THE DELICATE FOLDS of the pale pink sundress fluttered like petals in a gentle breeze, framing your figure with a soft, ethereal elegance. As the front door yielded to the push, the fabric danced around your legs, caressing the tender skin of your thighs with a whisper of touch. Your radiant smile illuminated the scene, a beacon of joy amidst the fluttering fabric and nervous flutter of butterflies in your stomach.
“Hey!” The male voice chimed brightly, his tone cheerful as a songbird greeting the dawn, echoing through the air with an infectious energy that mirrored your own bright smile.
“Hey!” You respond with effervescent warmth, your smile stretching across your face like a sunbeam breaking through clouds. With a graceful gesture, you swing the door open wider, revealing the inviting warmth of your home’s foyer. The soft light spills in, casting a golden glow over the polished floors and elegant furnishing. The first thing to notice is the giant painting of a Ferrari Formula One car, hung high above the entry way table.  
“Look who we have here! It’s Mrs. Leclerc!” A delicate blush warms your cheeks, a subtle reminder of the tender affection that tingles within you whenever you’re addressed as such. Though you and Charles have been together for many years, your marriage has infused your relationship with a fresh sense of intimacy and closeness. And despite that it’s been almost five years, the title of “wife” feels forever new and unfamiliar.
“On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?”
“I would say 8, so I’m super excited!” With a gentle click, you shut the front door behind you, enveloping the foyer in a tranquility as you made your way down the hallway to the kitchen. Along the way, you stooped to pick up a scattering of children’s toys that lay scattered like confetti on the polished wooden floors, offering a quick apology for the perceived “mess.” However, you couldn’t help but inwardly smile at the orchestrated chaos around you. While the house was meticulously maintained by the cleaning company before the video shoot, every detail was carefully curated to strike the perfect balance between lived-in warmth and elegance, ensuring a setting that felt both inviting and authentic to you and the viewers.
“Any reason for that?”
In the heart of the home lies a kitchen adorned with a stunning green cabinet motif. The cabinets, painted in a rich emerald hue, exude an air of sophistication and charm, perfectly complemented by gleaming brass hardware. Sunlight filters through the vast array of windows, casting a warm glow over the polished marble countertops. 
“You mean other than the fact that the kids go back to school soon?” You and the interviewer let out a soft laugh as you made your way behind the kitchen island, opening the fridge in a smooth motion to pull out a water bottle. “Want one?”
“No, but thanks though!” His voice is light-hearted. 
As the fridge door remains open, a tantalizing glimpse is offered to the audience of its well-stocked interior. A colorful array of fresh produce fills the shelves, showing an abundance of vibrant fruits and crisp vegetables. Among the healthy offerings, assortment of juice boxes catches the eye, adding a playful touch to the wholesome scene.
“That’s a lot of juice boxes you have in there.” He makes a comment, it’s not a question, but you take it as one.
“Two kids and a husband,” You start, your tone light and casual before lowering your voice into a conspiratorial whisper for the camera, “who practically is also a kid, results in a lot of juice boxes.” With a playful wink directed at the lens, you punctuate the statement, adding a touch of humor to the scene. Setting the water bottle down on the expansive kitchen counter, you resume your easy demeanor, effortlessly blending candor and charm for your audience.
“Hey!” Your head shoots over, the camera seamlessly following your gaze to where Charles, your husband,sits on the floor of the living room, two of your kids, aged two and three, beside him with an abundance of toys strewn about. “I heard that!” Charles retorts with mock offense, a playful grin lighting up his face as he joins in the banter.
The living room exudes a chic sophistication with a distinct Formula One flair. Charcoal-gray walls provide a sleek backdrop, accentuating the mounted flat-screen television. A striking statement piece dominates one corner—a display of artwork showcasing all of the racetracks Charles has conquered – infusing the room with a sense of triumph and energy. A plush white sofa, adorned with an array of vibrant red pillows, invites relaxation and style. Across the room, a sizable shelf proudly showcases a collection of racing helmets, some belonging to Charles and others gathered over time, adding a personal touch to the space. Below the television, was a long console table that was adorned in various plants and photos of your family. You couldn’t help but smile as you glanced at them.
With a casual wave of your hand, you dismiss Charles’s playful interruption, maintaining your position at the kitchen island as the camera refocuses on you. The gesture carries an air of affectionate familiarity, a gentle reminder of the dynamic energy that permeates your bustling household.
“If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?”
“Definitely Austin Butler.” You answer almost immediately, no hesitance in your voice.
“Hey!” Charles’s playful yelp echoes through the room once more, accompanied by the joyful laughter of your children. One nestled in his lap, the other engrossed in a picture book, their presence adding warmth and vitality to the room. You share a knowing smile with Charles, the affectionate banter a familiar melody to your family life.
The laughter of the interviewer joins the playful exchange. The camera effortlessly captures the dynamic interaction between all of you with ease.
You roll your eyes playfully, “Restez en dehors de ça.” Stay out of this!
“Arrête de faire semblant de vouloir faire l’amour avec quelqu’un d’autre que moi!” Stop pretending you want to make love with anybody but me!
With a mischievous gleam in your eye, you turn back to the camera, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of your lips. “Can I change my answer?” You inquire, injecting a hint of playful anticipation into your tone.
“Sure,” the interviewer replies.
“You’re supposed to say no,” You quip with a chuckle.
“Oh, um no?”
With a playful pout, you glance over at Charles who is already staring at the interaction. A smile adorned on his face like he is in complete awe of you, regardless of what you are saying. “Sorry honey!” You wave your hand around. “Answers are final!”
Leaving the kitchen behind, you make your way towards the backyard, where the promise of relaxation and leisure awaits. Stepping through the door, you’re greeted by the sight of a large pool shimmering under the sunlight, its crystal-clear waters beckoning for a refreshing dip. Surrounding the pool, lounge chairs are strategically place, some on the pool’s ledge, inciting you to bask in the sun while enjoying the cool water. A wide arrangement of pool floaties from unicorns to racecars litter the pool as well.
It’s a breathtaking sight: a vast expanse of bright blue skies stretching overhead, adorned with barely a wisp of cloud in sight. The warm rays of sun dance upon your skin. With a stylish flourish, you slip on a pair of your favorite Ray-Bans, a subtle nod to your husband’s sunglass collection. 
“Vintage or new?”
You ponder for a moment as you stand in the backyard, a breeze blowing your hair behind your shoulders. “Depends, but definitely vintage.”
“Window or aisle seat?”
“Aisle, although Charles likes to take the aisle more.”
“What are three things you can’t live without?”
“Wait, do my children count as two of the three?”
“Up to you.”
“Okay, so my two children. And my lip gloss.” You laugh, pausing for effect. “Kidding! My two kids, and my lip gloss…” You pause, jokingly. “And my husband of course.” The light-hearted remark reflects the joyful chaos of humor and love in your life. “He’s really the sweetest man. I’m so lucky.”
The glass door slides open with a whisper, and into the frame steps Charles, his presence incessant. With a carefree demeanor, he approaches you clad in a pair of baggy jeans and a plain white t-shirt that stretched at the seams from his muscles. He presses soft kisses to your cheeks, the stubble of his own rubbing against your smooth skin, his love evident in each tender kiss.
“Désolé,” Sorry. He apologizes before pecking another kiss to your cheek. “Tellement ambrassable.” Just so kissable. He places one more on your cheek, your face bright red from the camera’s catching all of this.
“Looks like he can’t be far from you for very long.”
Charles looks at the camera, a glint in his eye with a large smile, like he was the happiest man on earth, and nothing could dampen his spirits. Especially with you nearby. “Est-ce que tu la vois?” Do you see her?
The interviewer, unaware of Charles’s words, simply nods in response behind the camera lens, acknowledging the affection in his tone. Later translations will reveal the depth of Charles’s words no doubt. Elle est tellement belle. Bien sûr, je ne peux pas rester loin longtemps.” She’s so beautiful. Of course, I can’t stay far long.
Your face is bright red as Charles remains at your side.
“Where are the kids?”
“Put them down for a nap!” Charles answers, his arm slung over your shoulder as he leans on you comfortably. 
As the interviewer continues the questionnaire, Charles can’t resist interjecting with playful remarks and comments on almost every question. His spontaneous interruptions add an element of humor and spontaneity to the video, turning what could have been a standard interview into an entertaining and engaging exchange.
“How do you define beauty?” “My wife.” “Charles, the questions are for me!”
"What do you love most about your body?" "That's an easy one...I think her--" Charles begins, but you swat his chest and cut him off. "I love my arms. Not because they're that nice but they give me the ability to hold my children." Charles clicks his tongue, hating that you even implied something about yourself as 'not that nice'.
"Least favorite color?" "Red." Charles lets out a large gasp with a string of phrases in French, clearly hurt by your response. "It's a joke, mon amour!" "How did you know you were in love?" You look at Charles then, his eyes already on you, a soft smile pulling on both of your lips. "I can't remember a time when I wasn't in love with him. Probably when I realized I would rather be awake in the middle of the night, since he was traveling so much, just to talk to him for even a few minutes, instead of going to sleep." Charles plays with the ends of your hair, twirling the ends around his fingers as he chimes in. "We've known each other for so long. But, when I first met her, it was like meeting someone I've known my entire life. There was no awkward silences between us. We just clicked."
“Diamonds or pearls?” “Pearls.” “Mon chou, don’t lie.” “I’m not!” “The diamond on your finger says otherwise!”
“If you made a documentary, what would it be about?” “Charles’ brain. I seriously question what goes on in there sometimes.” “Hey! It’s only you…”  You raise your eyebrows at him, like he’s a liar. “And racing.” “Definitely racing.”
“If you had a tattoo, where would it be?”
Charles smirks deeply, like he knows something the world doesn’t, the interviewer picks up on it. “Wait, you have a tattoo? Can we see it?”
“No! It’s for me only.”
You playfully swat at Charles’ chest, a playful blush coloring your cheeks as you both wander throughout the house, showcasing its beautiful décor. Despite your embarrassment at Charles’ antics, you can’t help but be thankful for him easing your nerves. You weren’t one for the public eye, normally. So, when you agreed to this interview it came out as quite a surprise.
“Okay final question of the day.” 
You both stand by the front door, the interviewer on the front step outside of the home. 
“Hugs or kisses?”
“Definitely ki—” You don’t get to finish your answer as Charles’ fingers grasp onto your neck, his fingers sprawled along your jawline as well, and tugs your face into his. He shuts the door as soon as his tongue slips into your mouth.
It’s a few seconds before you push him off you. “You’re unbelievable!”
A giant smile spreads across his face as he looks down at you. “Only for you, mon chou!”
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jamespotterismydaddy · 9 months
Capture the Flag
luke castellan x reader
pt 2
A/N: now that i'm writing for other fandoms, feel free to let me know if you only want to be on a hotd taglist. But now, please enjoy the strongest swordsman in camp halfblood
TW: MAJOR SMUT, slight bondage, rough smut, violence, lowkey dark(ish)!luke
word count: 1,699 words
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You want Luke Castellan’s head speared on your sword.
It’s like you spend every minute preparing for capture the flag because of him. He spends every last minute of each game cutting down your teammates and stealing your flag, so now it’s time to change the tactic. You ditch your father’s usual battle advice of going for the kill and hope that defence is the best offence for once. You also pray that he will guide your sword anyhow. So there you stand, guarding your flag with two of your most vicious teammates. You dodge the blue team’s first attack that was supposed to draw you off. You may have a short temper but you aren’t stupid. And you’re more than pleased to see the look of surprise on Luke’s face as he approaches.
“Fucking Ares kids.” He grumbles, sword drawn.
“Were you not expecting me, Castellan?” You ask with a vengeful smirk.
He goes right for you. You’re the biggest threat there but he likes to think you’re not even close to his skill level. You would believe that the man plans to cut you down and then your teammates. He always aims for the glory of it all.
“How’s your team gonna get our flag if you’re here?” He asks as he makes the first swing. It’s much better to start off on offence and he’s the one coming at you.
“Who cares. When you’re done, so is your team.” You block him, hating to be on defence but he’s too quick.
“Gods, you didn’t plan ahead of that? There really isn’t anything in that pretty little head of yours, is there? Other than rage of course.”
  You’re a hothead. He knows it. You know it and it doesn’t take much to rile you up. When you’re riled up, you get sloppy. At this point, you don’t care if he guts you, you go for the little fucker’s ankles. You’re actually surprised when he stumbles from blocking your attack. It’s a stupid mistake, especially for him. Though, you aren’t going to let a chance like this slip by. You keep pushing him back, trying to leave him no chance to think in between swings. He trips over a log behind him, the sword falling from his hand. He has no chance now, not on the ground and you won’t be letting him get up.
“Who’s the idiot now?” 
He looks at you as you approach slowly, taunting him. He then grabs his sword and makes a break for it. You’re too shocked to even keep him down.
What the fuck.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Luke Castellan run from a fight. Not in your 4 years at camp. So you chase after him.
He’s fast, faster than you but you push yourself. He trails away… and away. Then you lose him. 
“Godsdamnit!” You scream into the woods as you jog around where you last saw him. 
You know you can’t stray for long if you’re not fighting Luke so you turn to make your way back to the flag. That’s when he jumps out at you with his sword swinging. You barely have time to block and it puts you off your balance. He swings at you again and again. You fall as you continue to block the merciless strikes. You’re practically holding your sword in the air and hoping for the best. The best doesn’t come as the weapon flies from your hand. He descends on you, straddling your waist as he holds the blade to your throat. He’s smirking.
“You don’t try nearly hard enough.” He says to you. “I know you’re not very clever but hades, my teammates probably already have the flag over the barrier.” 
That’s when you realize how easily you were deceived. Luke didn’t run from you because you bested him; he ran to draw you off. It was a pathetically simple plan and it worked. The heat rises to your cheeks from humiliation. He grabs your two hands and pins them above your head, his grip gentle but also firm.
“I’ll put you in your grave.” You spit out at him.
“Will you now? While I have you essentially restrained?” He’s clearly amused.
You struggle beneath him with all your force but all you manage to do is roll your hips against him, earning a groan from the man. You feel it too, the burning ache between your thighs. You want him. Worse yet, he wants you.
“Let me up.” 
“No. I think you quite like how I have you pinned to the ground.” He smirks.
“You’re delusional.”
“You’re wet.”
He slips a knee between your thighs and rubs it against your clothed pussy. It takes everything in you not to whimper.
“S-Stop.” You stutter out.
“Make me.” He murmurs, continuing to make you grind down on his knee as he leans down and forces you into a hot kiss. You hate how you kiss back, so hungry for him. Your mind is clouded with lust for a moment before you realize the advantage he is giving you. You never technically conceded.
As swiftly as you can, you wrap your free leg around his waist and use your whole strength to throw him off you, startling him enough to free your hands.
“You bitch.” He groans as you jab him in the stomach to try and give yourself enough time to grab your sword but it doesn’t work. He grabs you by the ankle and yanks hard. You slam to the ground right on your stomach. He moves to restrain you by sitting on your thighs so you can’t move your legs and holds your hands behind your back. You clearly didn’t consider how inevitably stronger he is than you.
“Shit.” You whine. His hold isn’t nearly as gentle this time.
“That was a cheap fucking shot.” He says cruelly. He’s pissed now.
“Fuck you. Castellan!” Gods it goes straight to his dick when you call him by his last name. He grips your hair with his free hand and pulls back hard so you have to look at him. You whine again at the sharp pain.
“You just can’t play fair, can you, princess? Maybe I won’t either then.”
 He drops your head and you hear him rustling with something. You realize it’s his belt when you feel the leather against your wrists. He’s binding you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Your voice is full of rage but to him, you just sound petulant. 
 “What you need.” Is his simple answer.
He shifts down so he sits, or rather kneels, with your legs between his. He’s amused by your renewed writhing as an attempt to escape. It is pitiful really. Oh well, he’ll have you writhing for a different reason soon enough.
His fingertips glide across your waist, to your hips and then to your thighs, causing your back to arch upwards slightly, your stomach dipping. He brings his lips down to your ear, his voice is deep and lustful as he says, “Your body seems to know what it wants.”
“I’ll kill you.” You promise.
“Oh, i’m sure you will. But right now, you fucking belong to me.” He yanks on your hair again so you have to look at him and your eyes water from the pain. “I think you like me hurting you.” His other hand slips between your thighs to rub your clit and you let out a strangled moan. “For a girl who is so controlling, it’s interesting how badly you enjoy me manhandling you.”
He yanks your pants down and slips your helmet under your hips so your ass stays high in the air with your chest to the ground.
“This is fucked up.” You say.
“You love it. Your panties are soaked.” And he’s completely right. You’ve never been so turned on before but not a lot of men are as strong and good-looking as Luke Castellan.
He pulls your panties down and groans at the sight of your dripping pussy. He begins to palm himself through his pants and unzips them. “You have about three seconds to tell me if you don’t actually want this.”
You are silent and he chuckles. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” 
Before you can even prepare yourself or form a thought, his fat cock is shoved inside of you, splitting you open.
“Ah, Luke!” You moan at the pain and pleasure.
“Gods, this is the tightest little pussy i’ve had.” He begins to fuck in and out of you relentlessly, giving you no time to adjust. “Yeah, you’re good for me now, baby. Such a good little cocksleeve.” He punctuates his last words with hard thrusts, the head of his cock bullying into you each time.
All you can do is repeat his name like a mantra as you get pounded on the forest floor by the strongest swordsman in camp. It’s even worse as he begins to rub your clit again, sending you so close to the edge.
“Never gonna have enough of you after this.” Luke murmurs as he feels you squeezing around him. “My good girl.” 
That’s what sends you tumbling over the edge, bringing Luke with you as you do. He never could’ve kept going, not with the way your walls were squeezing around him. He pulls out almost instantly so he can watch his cum spill out of you. He doesn’t wipe it. He just pulls your panties back on and fixes the both of you up. You’re thoroughly spent, he can tell by the way you pant as he releases your wrists.
“You okay?” He asks as he helps you sit up. He grabs your hands so he can kiss the marks on your wrists. After all you’ve done, that’s the act that makes you blush furiously. 
“Um, yeah.” You breathe out.
“I’ll be nicer next time, I promise. Somebody just had to put you in your place first.” He grins wolfishly.
“Next time?” 
That’s when you hear the horn. The blue team has won again.
He pecks a kiss to your cheek. “Time to claim my kleos.” He says cockily before jogging off to meet his team.
taglist (comment to be added):General: @valeskafics @urmomsgirlfriend1 @girlwith-thepearlearring @darylandbethfanforever9 @lovellies @juhdoche @papichulo120627 @watercolorskyy @ophelialaufey @aerangi
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esoteriamaya · 2 months
Astro thoughts : short n sweet <3 Jupiters Moment
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Jupiter in the 1st - Beneficial factors play a lot with this group. However they have to work harder to get it. It is because their life is based of their beliefs, they have to work to maintain a certain mindset to keep the luck from straying away. Have beautiful spirits and are capable of anything, that is because they chose to walk that path & not by how easy it looks.
Jupiter in the 2nd - Needs peace & stability at all times. Good looking. Money making abilities are stagnant until they learn to grow with their consciousness. Not everything is what it seems, so try to be on the look out for something new and different. Thats when the luck begins. Take a risk, and use your intellect to get what you need.
Jupiter in the 3rd - Needs a lot more quiet time, hermit mode. Have gifts in astrology here. Some may op for a new path every few months or so. It's because their destined to know a lot in this life and go after anything that interests them at the moment. Could be open to trying new relationship tactics and going with the flow much easier. Have a different perspective than most & they dont keep quiet about it for long. Mature presence. Very odd but likeable at the same time.
Jupiter in the 4th - Royal family. Heritage & traditional values are stored in this vessel. Mysteries and traditional secrets from the family bloodline may come out at some time. This is a very special house placement because its so much to explore in a short time.
Have faith in your lineage, you're the one who breaks the code!
Jupiter in the 5th - Creativity flows through these cats like no other. Very special essence and can be well liked by almost anybody. This comes from their talents btw. If you're good at drawing, singing, dancing, acting, etc. You might catch a lot of attention on you at some point. This placement gives me Johnny Bravo energy. like you're capable of getting the girls to like you with just your looks and personality. Just dont get to happy, no body likes a super boastful guy ;)
Jupiter in the 6th - Unique flow when going after what they love. They work the hardest when its something they know is divinely ordered for them to achieve. They don't mean any harm, their just trying to get their needs met. Super optimistic when live seems to be in order and balanced. But when off balanced, it seems as if a fire has striking them and they become the great dragon. Don't stare at them to hard, they'll begin to overthink a lil.
Jupiter in the 7th - My my my, this is what I call a royal placement. Because this gifts an individual with a great sex life. Could be unattainable to say the least. You're not everyone's 'favorite' but your presence is also something that people want to receive. How that work? You have a value to you that keeps you at bay from onlookers that don't have nothing to give, but something to take. Be more weary with the company you keep, you don't know how good you got it, and how special you are.
Jupiter in the 8th - Very deep, raw personas who are captivated by the knowledge they receive in the dream realm. They have a lot of issues very psychologically, and this gets deeper with the maturing of their path. They have a light & dark persona but its given to sustain balance in this life & the after life. They have integrity and morals and most times it is based of tradition. Other times, their really a rebel, and go after everything they came for. Because what's a life to live when you can't live it freely?
Jupiter in the 9th - Free spirits and ultra loving character. Can be a bit of a know it all but thats fine. This house is their rightful home, so a lot of good energy can be bestowed on them from time to time. Great luck. Adventure is something they should seek from all ages of their life. It is good to have someone around when going on many great journeys of the soul. These people could be a friend you never forget.
Jupiter in the 10th - Likeable nature. Their personalities fit that of the audience they are naturally connected to. Very bountiful energy. Could look like they got it all going on, but deep inside you may not know the true darkness they carry. This is a capricorn ruled house, so they tend to battle some challenges here and there. But with great restraint & an amazing mindset to go with it they come back on top, each and every time.
Jupiter in the 11th - Sweet personas and balanced personalities. They could be in a lot of groups and can know a lot of people with just their smile and cool personality. They could end up being in groups where they are teaching something to a large mass of people. Could be very inspiring and open to anyone they meet.
Jupiter in the 12th - They feel things a lot heavier than most would like to believe. They see the world differently than their peers and this could make them the odd ball at times. Their personalities mesh well with artistic individuals because they've mastered the eye of sight. Meaning that their good at understanding things from a point of view only them and God could understand, but that doesn't mean that it can be explained. In other words, they are extremely complex to the human brain, not an individual you can describe. Very spiritual, very contagious energy. Bright speakers and just super angelic.
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alygator77 · 2 months
ᰔᩚ motherhood and matrimony I ch 3 ᰔᩚ
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ꨄ︎ pairing. au ceo! satoru gojo x single mom secretary fem! reader
ꨄ summary. satoru gojo, the arrogant and irresistible heir to a billion-dollar corporation and the son of your boss, the ceo... but when satoru’s father dies unexpectedly, his inheritance hinges on a stipulation: he must marry and have a child, but the child doesn't necessarily have to be his, right? together, you strike a deal: a fake marriage that promises financial stability for you and corporate control for him. as the lines between business and emotion blur, you must decide if your partnership is purely contractual or if it could evolve into something real.
ꨄ︎ warnings/tags. 18+ MDNI, nsfw, enemies to lovers, opposites attract, fake marriage, slow burn, smut, fluff, bit of angst, reader is single mom who recently broke off her engagement, satoru being a cute step dad, naoya is your crappy ex, some triggers of domestic abuse (emotional abuse but it can be a bit suggestive/interpreted as physical, from naoya not satoru) » 【note, this chapter contains explicit sexual content (m masturbation)】
ꨄ words: 13.3k
ꨄ a/n. oh wowie, here it is. i hope ya'll enjoy this chapter and thanks for reading ♡
ꨄ taglist: closed (ao3)
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ch 3 // fractured realities
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Streams of light filter in through the drapes of your bedroom, casting a soft glow across the room.
A groan escapes your lips as you feel a dull throb on your temple—a reminder of the countless glasses of wine and champagne you indulged in at the gala. But as fragmented images of the evening flood your mind, your headache doesn’t end there.
You kissed Satoru Gojo.
Correction—you kissed the hell out of Satoru Gojo.
Each detail is more vivid than the last—the warmth of his breath, the firmness of his hold, the taste of him, and his soft groan that you swallowed against your lips.
God, it felt too real, too intense.
You sit up in your bed, rubbing your temples as you try to shake off the lingering effects of last night’s revelry, but you can’t ignore the fluttering sensation that stirs within—your cheeks growing hot from the memory.
Ugh. Being hungover and flushed is not a combination you enjoy.
When did Satoru start having such an intense effect on you?
You want to blame it on a lapse of judgement—perhaps the alcohol lowered your inhibitions? Sure, let’s go with that. That feels better than admitting that maybe you secretly wanted to kiss Satoru Gojo.
He’s insufferable after all—you can’t stand him…right?
Fuck, this is confusing.
Why does it feel like there has been a subtle tension between you and Satoru that has been simmering beneath the surface for a while now, each interaction, each glance, adding fuel to the fire?
Every shared look carries an unspoken promise, every touch lingers a fraction too long, leaving your skin tingling and your heart racing. It’s as if you’re both walking a tightrope, balancing on the edge of something profoundly transformative.
Are you imagining things?
Silently cursing yourself, you know these thoughts you’re having will only make things more complicated. This is simply a contract—nothing more.
Transactional. Business.
With a deep sigh, you swing your legs over the side of the bed, hoping to shake off these intrusive throughs with a stretch of your muscles.
If only it were that simple.
Perhaps a shower will help clear your mind—a chance to cleanse yourself from the remnants of last night’s indulgences.
Shuffling towards the bathroom, a yawn escapes your mouth as you rub your eyes tiredly, reaching for the door. But the moment you open it, you freeze in your tracks.
With nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, Satoru stands outside the shower, droplets of water glistening on his bare chest, each bead tracing the defined lines of his muscles. You can’t help but notice the way the water trails down his torso, accentuating every ridge and curve. It’s as if he’s been sculpted from marble, each detail painstakingly crafted to perfection.
For a moment, neither of you move—a stunned silence filling the room as your eyes lock.
His damp hair sticks to his forehead in an almost boyish manner, contrasting sharply with his otherwise commanding presence, and your eyes trail downwards…
The smooth contours of his abs carve a path down towards the towel hanging precariously low on his hips, leaving little to the imagination.
Your heart races, and you feel a blush rushing to your cheeks. Your eyes flicker back up to Satoru’s and fuck, he caught you—eyes twinkling with amusement as his lips slowly curl into a self-satisfied grin.
“Good morning to you too. Enjoying the view?”
The heat in your cheeks intensifies as your eyes widen, blinking rapidly, trying to snap yourself out of your daze.
“I... I didn’t realize you were in here,” you stammer, voice higher than usual.
Satoru’s smirk widens as he reaches for an extra towel, rubbing it against his head to dry his hair. He then drapes the towel across his shoulders and meets your gaze with an alluring glint.
“Well, if you wanted to see more, you only had to ask.”
Pressing your lips together in protest, you try to regain some semblance of composure. Satoru had always teased you—don’t take it too seriously, you tell yourself.
Clearing your throat, you advert your gaze, though the crimson hue still remains on your cheeks.
“Don’t flatter yourself. It was an accident—besides, you’re the one who forgot to lock the door.”
Satoru lets out a contemplative hum, feigning innocence as he walks towards the sink.
“Guess I’m not used to sharing a bathroom,” he leans against the counter and crosses his arms, eyes surveying you with a mischievous glint, “You’re to blame too though, could’ve at least knocked. Unless, you were hoping to join me?” he grins.
Your eyes widen, and you can feel the blush creeping up your neck.
“In your dreams, Satoru.”
A low chuckle escapes him as his stare bores into you—oh how he lives for this. Satoru’s always loved seeing you flustered, but this? This is something else entirely, a new level of satisfaction he hadn’t anticipated.
“Sure, sure,” he pauses, then tilts his head to the side. “But you’re still standing there, aren’t you?”
You swallow hard, eyes flickering between his face and his chest, unable to decide where to look. His satisfaction grows with every falter in your gaze, his knowing smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Each glance is a step deeper into a trap of your own making, an unspoken admission that he holds more sway over you than you care to admit.
“Just... put some clothes on, please. And yes, I’m standing here because I’d like to take a shower. Aren’t you done? Why are you still here.”
“Oh sure, I’m done. You can shower, but aren’t you gonna return the favor? Do I get a show too?”
Your breath catches in your throat at his boldness, the heat in your cheeks spreading down your neck. The intensity of his gaze pins you in place, a silent challenge that sends a shiver through your body.
“Not a chance,” you reply, trying to keep your voice steady. “This isn’t some kind of peep show.”
Satoru gives you an annoyingly innocent pout, rubbing his neck with a sly grin, eyes twinkling with amusement.
“Tch. Too bad. Would’ve been a great way to start the morning.”
You roll your eyes, pushing past him to get to the shower.
“Out,” you command, pointing towards the door.
He raises his hands in mock surrender, still chuckling as he walks out.
“Alright, alright. Enjoy your shower, princess.”
You lock the door firmly behind him—heart pounding and your thoughts in disarray. As you step into the shower and the warm water cascades over you, you can’t help but replay the scene in your mind, each word and gesture etched vividly in your memory.
He’s just teasing—you remind yourself as you try to push away the fluttering feeling in your chest. Don’t take his words seriously, your relationship is a charade.
You close your eyes, letting the water wash over you, but the confusion remains.
Fuck. This is getting complicated.
The moment you close the door firmly behind him, Satoru leans against it for a moment, his smirk fading into a more contemplative expression.
He runs a hand through his hair—the sight of you, wide-eyed and blushing, had done more to him than he cared to admit. Exhaling slowly, he realizes that he’s in deeper than he thought.
As his thoughts drift back to the kiss you had shared at the gala, a familiar heat pools in his lower abdomen. The way your lips had felt against his—soft and inviting—the memory of your taste, the way you fit so perfectly against him…fuck. It stirs something primal within him.
He can’t deny the growing attraction he feels. After seeing you there with your cheeks flushed and your eyes surveying him, he had wanted to pull you closer, to see if your lips were as warm and inviting as he remembered.
Satoru groans as he adjusts his towel, feeling the fabric brush against his growing erection, trying to focus on anything other than the way you looked at him—the way the framework of your sleepwear accentuated your curves, the indent of your nipples peeking through the thin satin of your tank top. God, his desire only intensifies.
The contract was clear—no emotional entanglements. Yet here he was, aroused as his mind is consumed by you. He can’t help but wonder…what would it be like to explore this connection further, to let go, to give in to his curiosity completely.
Would it be so bad to just…fantasize?
He hears the shower turn on from behind the closed door—God, he can just imagine what it would be like to slide his hands all over your bare body.
Reaching down, he unwraps the towel from his waist, his cock slamming against his abdomen as it springs free from confinement. He curses under his breath; this wasn’t supposed to happen. He shouldn’t be thinking of you like this, but he can’t help but reach down and grip the base of his girth—he needs this, he wants this.
He needs you.
A soft groan escapes his lips as he begins to stroke himself, his hand moving slowly as he traces a familiar path over his length. There's a dull thud as Satoru's head hits the door, his eyes fluttering shut as he gives in to his imagination.
He can picture it vividly in his mind, the way the water would slide over your body, the way you'd respond to his touch... fuck, he can practically hear the little gasps and moans that would escape your lips as he touches you, the sounds that would drive him wild.
He bites his bottom lip, his hand moving slowly, trying to be as silent as possible. The thought of you, just on the other side of the door, excites him even more.
His breath comes out in short gasps as he imagines you, wet and wanting under the spray of the shower. The way your body would arch beneath his touch as he slides his digits between your warm walls. The water would run in rivulets down your body and you’d shiver under his touch, whispering his name, begging for more.
His breathing grows heavier as he speeds up his pace, envisioning you on your knees before him, your head bowed in submission, wet and flushed, looking up at him with a half-lidded desire in your eyes.
He wants you so desperately it's painfully evident in every movement—it’s almost too much to bear.
Your name slips from his lips – a desperate plea rather than a simple invocation. Fuck, it feels so good to have your name rolling off his tongue as he does something so indecent.
He can almost feel your hot, wet tongue swirling around his sensitive head, tasting him, savoring him. His free hand trails down to cup his balls, rolling them gently between his fingers as he pumps faster, just as you would while you take every inch of him in your pretty little mouth.
“Fuck…” he hisses through clenched teeth, his pace quickening as he chases the release he so desperately craves.
He shouldn’t be doing this, especially not right outside the bathroom door. But in this moment, he can't bring himself to care. Nothing else matters but you.
He pictures himself taking you right there, pushing you against the tiled wall, claiming your mouth in a fierce kiss as he thrusts himself deep inside you. The image of you quivering in pleasure drives Satoru further into madness. His strokes become erratic, desperate.
Satoru's entire body tenses, muscles coiling tight as he throws his head back. A desperate whine slips past his clenched teeth “Fuck…I’m gonna…”
His hips jerk erratically, pumping his cock in time with the spasms wracking his body. He whimpers as spurt after spurt of hot cum coats his stomach and chest, the sticky fluid painting his skin with evidence of his forbidden desires. Your name falls from his lips like a prayer, each syllable punctuated by another forceful stroke as his hand continues to move, milking every last drop.
Panting heavily, he slumps against the door, his heart pounding in his chest while his spent cock twitches with residual pleasure. As he slowly comes back to reality, he realizes what he's done.
This wasn't supposed to happen—he was meant to tease you, not end up teasing himself. But there was no denying the effect you had on him anymore.
What the fuck is he thinking? This can’t happen again.
He needs to take another shower.
Stepping out of the shower, you wrap a fluffy towel around your body as the warm steam curls around you. You begin to head back to your room, but the moment you open the bathroom door, you are caught off guard, immediately met by one of the house staff, holding out a freshly laundered robe.
“Good morning, ma’am. Your robe.”
“Thank you,” you hesitate slightly, trying to offer a polite smile.
Taking the robe, you begin to make your way to the walk-in closet, yet another staff member is waiting with a selection of outfits.
"I've picked out a few choices for today's events, Mrs. Gojo."
You take a deep breath, "Thanks, I'll take a look."
It’s barely morning and you already have staff at your beck and call—sure, they mean well, but it’s suffocating. You’re not one for a lot of attention.
As the staff member steps aside, you examine the array of outfits.
Your eyes scan the elegant dresses, tailored suits, and chic ensembles neatly arranged on hangers. It’s not quite as elegant as the gala, but it’s clear that Satoru must have something important planned for the day. Each outfit exudes sophistication and class, far more extravagant than your usual attire.
As you run your fingers over the fabric of a particularly stunning dress, a ball of nerves settles within you. The thrill of wondering what Satoru has in store is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. You select the dress, hoping it aligns with whatever he has planned.
After slipping into the elegant dress, you make your way to your vanity. But just as your fingers curl around the handle of your hairbrush, a maid materializes at your side, yet again.
"Good morning, ma'am. Can I assist you with your hair today?"
Is a moment to yourself too much to ask?
Your headache from last night’s wine lingers, and the incessant stream of people is beginning to fray your nerves—it’s really too much.
Offering another polite smile, you try to mask the mild irritation simmering beneath.
"No, thank you. I can manage.”
The maid nods and steps back, only for another staff member to glide in right behind her, almost as if choreographed.
This one carries a gleaming silver tray adorned with an array of high-end skincare products, each bottle and jar meticulously arranged, their labels promising luxury and perfection.
"Your skincare routine, ma'am."
You close your eyes momentarily, trying to remain patient, your voice as calm as you can manage.
"I appreciate it, really, but I have my own products."
The staff member hesitates, her expression a mix of confusion and professionalism.
"Of course, ma'am," she replies, inclining her head respectfully before retreating.
As the door closes behind her, you release a long, weary sigh. The constant attention is smothering, and you long for the simplicity of your old life.
Those quiet mornings, the sweet solitary moments where you could just… be – without the pressure of performing or living up to impossible standards.
But like it or not, this is your reality now. Guess you’ll just need to find a way to navigate it without losing yourself in the process.
By the time you make it downstairs, Haru is already seated at the elegant dining table, her small hands fiddling with her silverware. Satoru sits at the head of the table, reading through some documents.
The table is laden with a lavish breakfast spread—perfectly arranged fruits, pastries, and an assortment of gourmet dishes. The scent threatens to overwhelm you as the lingering effects of last night’s indulgence in wine and champagne churn in your stomach.
"Good morning," Satoru says, glancing up with a grin, looking annoyingly refreshed.
Rubbing the temple of your head, you attempt a tired smile.
Satoru watches you with amusement as you slide into your seat. The rich aroma of the elaborate breakfast instantly greets your nostrils, prompting a groan to escape your lips.  
"How are you feeling?" he quirks a brow.
"Like I drank half the wine cellar," you grimace.
Satoru leans back in his chair, his grin widening, and Haru giggles, watching you with wide curious eyes as you bury your face in your hands.
“Mama sleepy,” she declares with the wisdom of a two-year-old.
“Yes, Haru…Mama is very sleepy,” you mutter, peaking at her through your fingers. Despite the hangover, that innocent laugh brings a small smile to your face.
Satoru chuckles, setting his documents aside as he reaches for his mug.
"You should’ve stuck to the champagne, lightweight," he teases, bringing his coffee up to his lips.
You shoot him a half-hearted glare.
"Not helping."
A chef sets down a plate of perfectly arranged eggs benedict directly in front of you with a flourish, each element meticulously placed. The aroma wafts up and you instinctively push the plate away.
"Actually, do you have any toast? With jelly?" your voice tinged with a mix of disgust and desperation.
The chef looks momentarily puzzled, a slight furrow forming on his brow, but he nods politely.
"Of course, ma'am."
You abruptly get up, deciding to find it yourself. Making your way to the nearby pantry, you move with purpose as you begin rummaging through the neatly organized shelves. You feel Satoru’s amused gaze following your every move. Turning, you see him leaning back in his chair, a bemused smile playing on his lips as he watches you with evident curiosity.
“You're like a college student after a party. All this gourmet food and you want toast?"
Your fingers brush past jars of exotic spices and imported oils until you finally find what you’re looking for—a simple loaf of bread and a jar of ruby-red jelly. The familiar, comforting sight of them brings a small, satisfied smile to your lips. You turn to Satoru, holding up the items triumphantly.
“I just want something simple.”
As you set the bread and jelly down on the counter, Haru, perched nearby with wide and curious eyes, giggles at the sight.
"Mama wants toast!" she announces gleefully, her little voice echoing through the kitchen like a bell.
A grin curls up your lips as you unclasp the bread bag.
"Yes, mama wants toast," you say, popping a slice into the toaster. Leaning casually against the marble countertop, you shift your gaze to Satoru. “Anyways Mr. Gourmet, what’s the plan for today?”
Satoru leans back, his eyes narrowing playfully as he studies you.
"Well, I was thinking we could go over some things regarding Gojo Corporation. There are a few upcoming projects I’ve been meaning to discuss with you and I’d like your insight."
You arch an eyebrow, mildly caught off guard by the suggestion.
"Really? You usually handle all that on your own."
He nods, the movement slow and deliberate.
"True," he concedes, "but as my wife, I think it’s time you start coming back to the office with me. I want you to be more involved, and it’s important for everyone to see us working together as a team."
Your eyes widen in surprise.
"You want me to be more involved? I’m just a secretary."
Satoru shrugs with a casual air, but there’s a determined edge to his voice that tells you he’s thought this through.
"I’ve taken on a lot more responsibilities lately, and I could use your help. Besides, your insights have always been valuable to me.”
You open your mouth to respond, but the sudden pop of the toaster pulls your attention away.  Turning your focus to the toast, you carefully spread jelly across the warm slice, but the task does little to settle the fluttering sensation in your chest.
This is a big ask.
You've always been behind the scenes, a secretary who knew the inner workings but never sat at the table where decisions were made. And now, here he is, trusting you with responsibilities that feel like they belong to someone else—someone more experienced, more confident.
It’s strange, surreal even, that Satoru would entrust you with such a significant role. Even if this is just a charade, this role requires more than just understanding the business. It requires being a partner in the truest sense.
“So…you’re serious about this? Gojo Corporation, we’re doing this together now?” you ask, returning to your seat, your voice carrying a hint of uncertainty as you search his eyes for reassurance.
Satoru nods.
“Absolutely. I think it’s time we show everyone what a true power couple looks like,” he replies, punctuating his words with a wink.
Leaning forward, he rests his chin in the cradle of his hand as he props his elbow casually on the table. His gaze locks onto yours, a glint of something more behind his deep blue eyes.
“Besides,” he continues, his voice softening slightly, “the office just isn’t the same without you.”
You take a slow bite of your toast, savoring the buttery warmth as it spreads across your tongue, but it’s nothing compared to the unexpected warmth blossoming in your chest at his words.
“Yeah, right,” you murmur, “You just want to make me do all the paperwork."
His grin broadens, the corners of his mouth lifting into that familiar, dangerously charming smile that always seems to disarm you.
"Guilty as charged."
Haru reaches out eagerly, her tiny fingers wiggling with impatience.
“Toast!” she demands with all the confidence and adorable assertiveness of a two-year-old.
You tear off a small piece and place it into her eagerly awaiting hand. She takes it with a giggle, her eyes lighting up as she munches happily.
As you lift your toast back up to your lips, you catch Satoru’s gaze lingering on you. There is a subtle shift in his expression—a depth of emotion, a certain tenderness that makes you wonder what he could be thinking.
"What?" you ask, a hint of defensiveness creeping into your tone, though you’re not entirely sure why.
He doesn’t respond immediately, letting the silence stretch as a grin tugs at the corners of his lips. There’s a mischievous glint in his eyes as he finally speaks.
"Nothing," he eventually says with a playful yet genuine edge. “It’s just... interesting to see you choose something so ordinary.”
“Sometimes less is more.” you counter, a hint of challenge in your voice. “Besides, not everyone grew up with chefs and staff at their beck and call. It’s a bit much sometimes.”
Satoru leans back in his chair, the smirk widening as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“Oh? Are you saying my lifestyle is too much for you?”
You gesture broadly around the lavish room.
"Look at all this,” you exclaim, your voice tinged with a mix of awe and exasperation. “The staff, the gourmet meals, the constant attention. It's like I'm living in a palace. I can't breathe without someone trying to do something for me, and I can’t even cook for Haru without feeling like I'm stepping on someone's toes."
The words spill out before you can catch them, each one landing with a weight you hadn’t fully anticipated. There’s an undercurrent of something deeper in your tone, a tension that has been simmering just below the surface—an unease that you’ve been trying to push aside, but now, in this moment, it bubbles over, impossible to ignore.
Satoru’s gaze sharpens and he arches an eyebrow as he catches the subtle shift in your demeanor.
"You miss cooking?" his voice softening with genuine interest.
“Yeah, I do,” you confess, your voice tinged with a mix of longing and resignation. “It’s one of the few things that makes me feel grounded, like I’m in control of something. Plus, Haru loves my cooking.”
He regards you with an intensity that catches you off guard.
“I didn’t realize you felt that way. You know… you’re welcome to cook whenever you want. This is your home too, after all.”
There’s a brief pause as he seems to mull something over, his eyes distant before snapping back to yours with a newfound determination. He leans forward slightly, his eyes locked onto yours.
“How about this—you cook dinner tonight? I’ll tell the chef to take the night off.”
You blink, momentarily taken aback by the offer.
“You’d really do that?”
"Why not?" he says with a shrug. "This is your home now, for the next year at least. Besides, it’ll be nice to see you in your element, and I’m curious to taste your cooking."
A spark of excitement flickers within you at the idea, the thought of returning to something familiar and comforting lifting your spirits.
“Alright then,” you agree, a playful challenge in your tone. “But don’t complain if it doesn’t meet your gourmet standards.”
“I’m sure it will be perfect,” he responds, his voice filled with a quiet confidence that sends a ripple of anticipation through you.
He leans in closer, his elbow resting on the table as he tilts his head, his intense gaze locking onto yours. The proximity makes your heart skip a beat, the air between you charged with an unspoken connection.
“I’m looking forward to it,” he adds, his voice low, almost a whisper, as if sharing a secret meant only for you.
You hold his gaze, trying to maintain your composure, though you can feel a flutter in your chest.
“Just promise me you won’t hover in the kitchen,” you quip, lifting an eyebrow as you lean back slightly, creating a bit of space to steady your racing heart.
Satoru’s grin only widens, a playful glint sparkling in his eyes as he mirrors your movement, leaning back as well.
“No promises. I might want to learn a thing or two."
You cross your arms, challenging him with a smirk and a pointed look.
“You? Help out in the kitchen?”
The disbelief in your voice is clear, though a small smile tugs at your lips. The idea of him, the polished and ever-confident Satoru, navigating the chaos of a kitchen is almost too absurd to imagine.
He laughs, a rich sound that fills the room, raising his hands in mock surrender.
“Hey, I can follow directions,” he protests, his grin broadening. “Just tell me what to do.”
You roll your eyes playfully, shaking your head in mock exasperation.
“We’ll see about that,” you quip, though there’s a part of you that’s curious—maybe even hopeful—that he might actually surprise you.
Before you can say more, Haru claps her hands together excitedly, her eyes sparkling with delight.
“Mama cooking! Yay!” she exclaims, bouncing in her highchair.
You laugh softly, ruffling her hair with affection.
“Yes, mama’s cooking tonight,” you confirm, the warmth in your voice mirroring the smile on your face.
Satoru watches the exchange with a softening gaze, a rare moment of quiet sincerity passing over his features. But then, with a stretch that seems to shake off the sentiment, he stands up, rolling his shoulders back.
“In the meantime,” he says, tone shifting back to business, “we should probably get ready to head to the office. There’s a lot we need to cover.”
As the car pulls up to the grand entrance of Gojo Corporation, you take a deep breath, trying to steady the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside you.
It feels as though an eternity has passed since you last walked through those imposing doors, yet as you gaze up at the sleek, formidable building, a wave of familiarity washes over you, making it seem as if nothing has changed.
The towering glass structure looms above, its mirrored surface catching the early morning sun and casting a dazzling array of shimmering light that dances across the pavement. The reflections create an almost ethereal glow around the building.
As the sleek glass doors of Gojo Corporation glide open with a quiet whoosh, you and Satoru step through together, hand in hand.
The lobby unfolds before you, just as you remembered—spacious, modern, and a testament to impeccable design.
Polished marble floors stretch out beneath your feet, gleaming like a mirror under the bright, strategically placed lights. The air is filled with a soft, steady hum of conversation, punctuated by the occasional click of heels against the floor.
Familiar faces turn towards you, their polite smiles masking the flickers of curiosity and speculation that dance in their eyes. You can feel the weight of their gazes, each glance a blend of respect tinged with a subtle undercurrent of skepticism.
The whispers are almost tangible, a low murmur that follows you as you move further into the lobby, their eyes tracking your every step.
Your hand instinctively tightens around Satoru’s, seeking reassurance in his steady presence. Satoru’s grip is firm yet comforting, his thumb brushing gently against the back of your hand in a silent gesture of support.
He leads you further into the lobby, his posture exuding confidence and ease, as if he’s entirely unbothered by the attention.
Each of your footsteps against the polished floor brings a flood of memories to you. There’s a palpable sense of nostalgia, a bittersweet longing for the simplicity and familiarity of your old workspace.
But everything has changed, hasn’t it?
Now, you’re his wife—at least, that’s the role you must play.
The weight of that title hangs heavy on your shoulders, transforming the once-familiar surroundings into a stage where every glance, every whisper carries a different meaning.
And Satoru—he has changed too.
The carefree son of the CEO you once knew has evolved into a leader in his own right. The transformation is subtle yet profound, etched in the way he carries himself, the way he interacts with the staff, and the way he commands respect without demanding it.
You can see the weight of responsibility resting on his shoulders, a mantle he has taken up with a quiet determination.
As you approach the elevators, Satoru’s hand slips from yours, the warmth of his touch lingering on your skin as he reaches out to press the button.
The elevator doors slide open with a quiet, mechanical whisper, revealing the sleek, mirrored interior. You both step inside, the soft hum of the elevator filling the space with a steady, soothing rhythm.
Satoru glances at you, his eyes catching the soft light reflecting off the polished walls. There’s a small, reassuring smile on his lips, one that carries a hint of warmth and something deeper—perhaps a silent promise that everything will be alright.
“So,” he begins, his voice casual, though you can sense the underlying focus in his tone, “today we have a meeting regarding a potential corporate merger with Mei-Mei's company.”
“Mei-Mei… I remember her,” you say, your brow furrowing slightly as you search your memory. “Isn't she from that high-end tech company?”
Satoru nods and leans casually against the elevator wall, his posture relaxed but his mind clearly working.
“That’s right,” he confirms, his voice steady and assured. “She’s quite influential in her field, a key player in the tech industry. This merger could be a significant step for us, opening doors to new technologies and markets.”
As his words sink in, you feel a knot of anxiety tighten in your stomach. You swallow hard, trying to push down the unease that’s bubbling up inside you.
“Alright. What’s our approach for the meeting?”
Satoru’s eyes meet yours, his gaze steady and reassuring. There’s a quiet confidence in his expression, a belief in your abilities that helps to steady your nerves.
“We’ll present our strengths,” he explains. “We’ll show them what we can bring to the table, the value we offer. Your insights will be invaluable, so don’t hesitate to speak up. Just be yourself. That’s more than enough.”
You nod, drawing in a deep breath to calm the flutter of nerves in your chest.
“Got it,” you reply, your voice more resolute now, bolstered by his confidence in you.
The elevator dings softly, and the doors glide open to reveal the executive floor, a space imbued with quiet power and understated elegance.
Satoru walks ahead, his stride confident and purposeful, and you follow closely, drawing strength from his unwavering presence.
As you enter the conference room, your eyes immediately land on Mei-Mei, already seated at the expansive table. She’s impeccably dressed, exuding an air of effortless elegance and control.
The moment she spots Satoru, her eyes light up with a warmth that feels just a bit too personal. A slow, sultry smile spreads across her lips as she rises gracefully from her chair.
“Satoru, darling,” she purrs, her voice smooth and honeyed as she glides toward him with the confidence of someone who knows exactly what she wants. “It’s been far too long.”
Seeing her in person brings a rush of memories, sharp and unbidden—the sound of her voice, the way she says his name...
Mei-Mei isn’t just any business associate— she’s the woman who was once poised to step into the very role you now occupy.
Satoru’s father had been persistent he consider her for marriage, a match that had been pushed on him relentlessly.
The realization sharpens your senses, and as Mei-Mei continues to hold Satoru’s gaze with practiced ease, you steel yourself, determined not to let old rivalries or lingering doubts shake your confidence.
Satoru smiles politely, his expression composed and unreadable as he extends a hand to her.
“Mei-Mei,” he greets her, his tone smooth and diplomatic. “Always a pleasure.”
Mei-Mei’s eyes flicker with satisfaction as she accepts his hand, her touch light and fleeting, like a whisper of silk.
Her gaze shifts to you as she releases his hand, a spark of curiosity mingling with something more calculated behind her eyes.
“And who might this be?” she inquires, her voice carrying a subtle edge, as if she’s already assessing your worth.
“This is my wife, y/n” Satoru says smoothly, his hand finding yours. “She’ll be joining us for the meeting.”
Mei-Mei’s smile curves at the edges, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes, which narrow slightly as she studies you more closely.
“Of course,” she says, her tone dripping with courtesy that feels just a shade too polished. “It’s lovely to meet you.”
She pauses, her gaze sharpening with a hint of challenge.
“I must say, I haven’t heard of you before. What family do you come from?”
A twinge of discomfort ripples through you, a reminder of the stark difference in backgrounds. You swallow slightly, trying to keep your voice steady.
“I... I don’t come from a well-known family,” you admit, the words feeling heavier than they should. “I’ve worked with Satoru at Gojo Corporation for the past year.”
Mei-Mei’s smile shifts, the corners of her lips lifting just a fraction, but there’s a condescending glint in her eyes now.
“Oh, I see,” she replies, her voice laced with a faint, dismissive amusement. “How quaint.”
You force a smile, though it feels tight on your lips, refusing to let her patronizing attitude get under your skin.
As you move to take your seat at the table, you watch as she leans in closer to Satoru, her fingers grazing his arm in a gesture that seems almost too casual, too familiar.
“I must say, Satoru,” Mei-Mei purrs, her voice smooth and saccharine, like honey with a hint of venom, “you’ve been doing an impressive job with the company. Your father would be proud.”
Satoru nods, keeping his tone professional.
“Thank you, Mei-Mei. We’ve made some significant strides, and I’m optimistic about the potential this merger holds for both of our companies.”
“Of course, Satoru. I’m sure we can work out something that benefits both parties. After all,” she adds, her gaze lingering on him with a knowing smile, “we’ve always made a great team, haven’t we?”
Determined to assert your own presence, you clear your throat softly and lean forward, your gaze steady and unyielding.
“I’m looking forward to seeing how our strengths can complement each other,” you interject smoothly. “There’s a lot we can achieve together.”
Mei-Mei’s eyes flicker to you. She offers a tight smile, the warmth in her expression barely masking the sharpness beneath.
“Indeed,” she concedes, her tone now laced with a hint of challenge. “Let’s make this a success, shall we?”
The meeting begins, and you do your best to focus on the discussion, but Mei-Mei’s constant flirtation with Satoru gnaws at your nerves like a persistent thorn.
You can feel the tension building within you, your hands clenched tightly in your lap as you force yourself to remain composed, every muscle in your body taut with restraint.
Mei-Mei finds every opportunity to brush her fingers against Satoru’s arm, her touch lingering just a second too long. Her laughter rings out, a bit too loud and a touch too sweet, echoing off the walls of the conference room.
Every compliment she directs at Satoru is overly effusive, dripping with a familiarity that sets your teeth on edge.
Satoru, to his credit, remains the picture of professionalism.
His responses are polite but distant, a carefully maintained detachment that you admire even as it does little to quell the irritation bubbling inside you. He’s skilled at sidestepping her advances with an almost practiced ease, deflecting her attempts to draw him into her web of flirtation.
But despite his composed demeanor, each of Mei-Mei’s calculated gestures feels like a test—a deliberate provocation meant to unsettle you, to remind you of the history that lingers between them.
The subtle, unspoken challenge in her eyes whenever she glances your way only fuels the fire simmering within you.
“So, Satoru,” Mei-Mei says, leaning closer to him, “about the merger terms, I believe we should consider revising the profit-sharing ratio. It would be beneficial for both parties.”
Her tone is persuasive, almost coaxing, as she tilts her head slightly, letting her hair fall in a way that draws attention to the graceful curve of her neck.
But before Satoru can respond, you lean forward, your voice calm yet firm, cutting through the tension like a blade.
“Actually, if you look at the numbers, the current ratio is fair and balanced, ensuring both companies benefit equally from this partnership.”
For a split second, annoyance flashes in Mei-Mei’s eyes, a subtle tightening at the corners of her mouth betraying her irritation. But she quickly masks it with a polished smile, her expression smoothing over as if the moment of discord never happened.
“I see,” she replies, her voice still honeyed but with a slight edge. “Well, perhaps we can discuss this further in detail later.”
Satoru, ever the diplomat, nods in agreement, his tone steady and measured.
“We can certainly revisit that point,” he says, his gaze shifting between you and Mei-Mei, acknowledging both perspectives. “But for now, let’s proceed with the agenda.”
As the conversation continues, Mei-Mei’s relentless flirtations with Satoru are becoming more and more unbearable.
Each coy glance she throws Satoru’s way chips away at your composure, and you find it harder and harder to maintain the calm facade you’ve been desperately clinging to.
Just when you think you can’t endure it any longer, Satoru glances at his watch and suggests,
“Let’s take a short break. We’ll reconvene in fifteen minutes.”
The words are like a lifeline tossed to a drowning person.
“I’ll be back in a bit,” you mutter, barely managing to keep the tremor out of your voice as you slip out of the room.
The moment you’re out of sight, you quicken your pace, your footsteps echoing in the hallway as you make a beeline for the supply room. The small, confined space offers a momentary refuge from the oppressive atmosphere of the conference room.
As you close the door behind you, the faint scent of paper and office supplies envelops you, oddly comforting in its familiarity, like a reminder of simpler times.
You start to rummage through the supplies, your hands moving automatically as you try to distract yourself from the image of Mei-Mei’s hands brushing against Satoru’s arm, her laughter echoing in your ears.
The memory plays on a loop in your mind, fueling the frustration that bubbles just beneath the surface.
You grab a few items—a stack of sticky notes, a box of paperclips—and begin organizing them on the shelf, your movements precise, almost mechanical.
Moments later, the door creaks open, and you look up to see Satoru standing in the doorway, a nostalgic smile on his face.
“Doesn’t look like you’re taking much of a break.”
“I guess old habits die hard,” your voice clipped, betraying the frustration simmering just beneath the surface.
“Seeing you in here brings back memories,” he continues, stepping further into the room, his gaze sweeping over the shelves as if he, too, is remembering the countless times you’d both found yourselves in this very spot, buried in work and conversation.
The familiarity of it should be comforting, but today, it only amplifies the growing disarray you feel inside. You huff, shaking your head in exasperation.
“Since I’ve been gone, it’s obvious someone isn’t doing the supply order right,” you gesture sharply to the cluttered shelves. “Everything’s out of place.”
He chuckles softly, closing the distance between you with a few steps.
“You always were meticulous about these things. Guess no one can do it quite like you.”
Letting out a frustrated sigh, you turn back to the shelves.
“This whole day has been a mess,” you mutter, more to yourself than to him, the words escaping in a rush of pent-up emotion.
Each item you straighten feels like an attempt to impose order on something far more chaotic than these shelves—a futile effort to regain control in a situation that seems increasingly out of your grasp.
Satoru raises an eyebrow, leaning casually against a shelf, his posture relaxed but his eyes attentive.
“Really? I thought things were going well,” he remarks, a hint of confusion in his voice.
You turn to face him, your frustration bubbling over, no longer containable.
“Well, they’re not,” you snap, the sharpness in your voice surprising even yourself. “This merger? It’s a terrible idea. It’s obvious Mei-Mei is just trying to squeeze as much revenue out of this deal as possible, and you’re letting her.”
Satoru’s teasing expression falters, replaced by one of seriousness. He uncrosses his arms, his posture shifting as he takes a step closer, his gaze locking onto yours with an intensity that wasn’t there before.
“What makes you say that?”
You cross your arms defensively, glaring at him.
“The terms she’s proposing are ridiculous. She’s pushing for more than her company deserves.”
“Why didn’t you say something during the meeting?” he counters, his eyes narrowing slightly in confusion.
You throw your hands up in exasperation, your emotions spilling over.
“How could I?” you quip, the words escaping in a rush. “Mei-Mei was too busy batting her eyelashes and finding any excuse to touch you. Every time I tried to speak, she’d cut me off or distract you with some flirtatious nonsense.”
Satoru’s eyebrow arches, and for a moment, a smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes.
“Are you jealous?”
Your cheeks flush involuntarily, and you turn back to the shelves, grabbing a stack of papers and slamming them down with more force than necessary.
“Of course not,” you retort, your voice tinged with frustration. “It’s just... unprofessional.”
He doesn’t back down, the smirk still playing on his lips as he steps closer, closing the distance between you until he’s right in front of you.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous, you know that?” he murmurs, his tone playful, almost affectionate.
That’s the last straw.
Your patience, already worn thin, finally snaps.
“You know what? It's hard enough trying to fit into this world without someone like her treating me like I don’t belong!”
You shove the papers aside, the sound of them scattering across the table punctuating your words, and start to walk past him, needing to escape the confined space.
Satoru’s smirk vanishes as he realizes the depth of your frustration. He grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks, and pulls you back to him. His grip is firm but gentle, his eyes searching yours for understanding.
“Hey,” he says softly, his voice sincere. “I didn’t realize how much this was bothering you.”
You look up at him, your vision blurring slightly as tears threaten to spill over. The vulnerability you’ve been trying to hold back finally breaks through, and the words tumble out before you can stop them.
“It’s just... it’s not easy being here, Satoru,” you confess, your voice trembling with the weight of your emotions. “I feel out of place, like I don’t belong and I’m constantly being judged. It’s like everyone’s waiting for me to fail.”
He tilts his head slightly, his gaze softening as he studies your face, reading the depth of your distress.
“This isn’t just about Mei-Mei, is it?” he asks gently. “Does this have anything to do with that guy at the gala last night? The one that was overly familiar with you at the bar?”
You blink in surprise, taken aback by his perceptiveness.
“What? No, this is different,” you stammer, caught off guard by the sudden shift in the conversation.
“Is it?” he presses gently, his thumb tracing soothing circles on your back of your hand. “Because I saw how he looked at you. And how uncomfortable you seemed.”
You shake your head, a mixture of frustration and exasperation bubbling to the surface.
“Naoya was just being his usual self, trying to provoke me,” you say dismissively.
“Naoya, huh?” Satoru’s voice hardens slightly, his expression darkening at the mention of the name. “He didn’t just try to provoke you. He was trying to undermine you in front of everyone. Who is that guy to you?”
The intensity in his gaze makes your heart skip a beat, and you can see that Satoru isn’t just curious—he’s genuinely concerned, and more than a little angry.
The protective edge in his voice tells you that he’s not going to let this go easily, and you realize that he’s picking up on more than you’d like to admit.
You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as you weigh your words carefully.
“He’s... he’s Haru’s father,” you finally admit, the words leaving your lips in a hesitant whisper.
Satoru’s eyes widen in shock, the sudden revelation hitting him like a physical blow.
“What? Haru’s father? Why didn’t you tell me?” There’s a sharpness in his tone now, not out of anger, but out of the raw emotion of being blindsided by something so significant.
You drop your gaze, unable to meet his eyes, the weight of your past suddenly feeling like too much to bear.
“I didn’t want to burden you with my past,” you say quietly, your voice thick with regret.
For a moment, there’s silence, thick and heavy between you, and you can feel the tension radiating off him.
But then, gently, he lifts your chin with his fingers, forcing you to meet his gaze. His touch is tender, his expression softening as he looks into your eyes, searching for the truth in them.
“You’re not a burden,” he says firmly, his voice steady, leaving no room for doubt. “And Haru is part of your life. That means she’s part of mine now too.”
You hesitate, the weight of his words settling over you as you struggle to find the right response.
“Satoru, I... I just didn’t know how to bring it up,” you admit, your voice trembling slightly with the vulnerability of the confession. “I didn’t want to complicate things. It’s just… I feel like I’m constantly being tested, like I have to prove myself over and over again.”
The words spill out in a rush, the pent-up emotions you’ve been holding back finally breaking free.
He sighs softly, his expression softening as he reaches out, his fingers brushing a loose strand of hair away from your face with a tenderness that makes your heart ache.
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me,” he says, his voice gentle, but there’s an underlying seriousness in his tone. “But we can’t have any more secrets between us during this arrangement. If we’re going to make this work, we need to be honest with each other.”
The sincerity in his eyes, the warmth in his touch—it all combines to create a sense of safety, a reassurance that you’re not alone in this, even if this is just a charade, it’s the comfort you desperately need.
Tears well up in your eyes again, threatening to spill out as your emotions overwhelm you. You nod, swallowing hard to keep your voice steady.
“I understand,” you whisper, “no more secrets.”
Without a word, Satoru pulls you into a gentle embrace, his arms encircling you with a tenderness that takes you by surprise.
He holds you close, his presence a steady anchor in the storm of emotions swirling inside you.
“Good,” he murmurs, his voice soft but firm against your ear. “You do belong, y/n. And I’m not going to let anyone—Mei-Mei, Naoya, or anyone else—make you feel otherwise.”
As he speaks, his arms tighten around you, pulling you closer, and for a moment, you simply melt into his embrace, letting the warmth and security he provides wash over you.
Your heart races as his hand slowly moves up, fingers gently threading through your hair, his touch so tender it makes your breath hitch. You can feel the steady rise and fall of his chest, his breath warm against your ear, grounding you in this shared moment of vulnerability.
But then, you pull back slightly, looking up at him, and it’s only then that you truly realize how close you are.
Your faces are mere inches apart, and the intensity in his gaze is almost overwhelming, drawing your attention to the way his eyes flicker down to your lips.
Your breath catches in your throat, your pulse quickening as you feel the magnetic pull between you, the tension thick in the air.
Slowly, almost hesitantly, he leans in, his lips hovering just a breath away from yours.
Your eyes flutter shut, anticipation building as his lips draw nearer.
But just before they brush against yours, a sliver of doubt crosses your mind—the reality of the situation, reminding you of where you are, and what you are to each other.
You pull back slightly, your voice barely a whisper.
“We should probably head back to the meeting.”
Though you say the words, your voice lacks conviction, betraying your true feelings.
Satoru’s eyes search yours for a moment longer, his forehead resting gently against yours as he takes a deep breath, the sound filled with a mix of reluctance and understanding.
He slowly pulls back, his hand lingering on your cheek, his thumb brushing your skin with a tenderness that makes your heart ache.
“Yeah, we should,” he agrees softly, though his tone carries the weight of unspoken emotions.
His hand slips from your cheek, the absence of his touch leaving you feeling a bit colder.
“Let’s get back to it.”
As you re-enter the conference room, Mei-Mei is already seated, her perfectly manicured nails tapping impatiently on the table.
She looks up as you and Satoru take your seats, a sly, knowing smile playing on her lips.
“Ah, there you are,” she says, her tone dripping with faux sweetness, the honeyed edge barely masking the underlying condescension. “Shall we continue?”
Satoru clears his throat, his expression carefully neutral as he regains his composure. There’s a subtle shift in his demeanor, a steely resolve that wasn’t there before.
“Right, let’s continue where we left off.”
Mei-Mei’s smile deepens, saccharine sweet and just as poisonous, as she resumes her position with an air of unshakable confidence.
She leans forward slightly, her fingers stilling as she clasps her hands together, a picture of poised professionalism.
“Of course,” she purrs. “Now, as I was saying, the merger terms we’re proposing are quite favorable, especially considering the current market conditions. I’m confident that with a little cooperation, we can reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Perhaps we can revisit the profit-sharing ratio?”
Her words are delivered with the precision of someone who’s used to getting her way, but you can feel the subtle shift in her gaze as it flickers toward you, her eyes cold and calculating.
You glance at Satoru, seeking the silent reassurance that only he can offer in this moment.
He meets your gaze and gives you a subtle nod, the unspoken signal you’ve been waiting for. Your heart pounds in your chest, the adrenaline surging as you realize that this is your moment.
It’s now or never.
Summoning every ounce of courage within you, you rise from your seat, your voice steady and clear as it cuts through the tension in the room.
“Actually, we’ve reconsidered,” you begin, each word carefully measured. “After reviewing the terms, we’ve decided that moving forward with this merger is not in the best interest of Gojo Corporation.”
Mei-Mei’s eyes widen in surprise, her carefully crafted facade slipping for just a fraction of a second. The shock in her expression is almost imperceptible, but you catch it, the brief crack in her confidence before she quickly regains her composure.
“Excuse me?” she demands, her voice sharp with incredulity. “Are you saying you’re rejecting our proposal?”
You meet her gaze unflinchingly, standing firm with a resolve that surprises even you.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying,” you reply, your voice steady and unyielding. “The terms you’re proposing are not equitable, and it’s clear that your company stands to gain disproportionately from this deal. We’re not interested in a partnership that doesn’t offer balanced benefits.”
Mei-Mei’s smile tightens, the corners of her lips pulling into a strained curve as she processes your words. Her composure is slipping, the veneer of control cracking as she realizes she’s losing her grip on the situation.
Desperation flickers in her eyes as she glances toward Satoru, clearly hoping to find an ally in him.
“Satoru,” her tone laced with forced sweetness, “surely we can discuss this further—”
“I trust my wife’s judgment completely,” Satoru leans back in his chair with a calm confidence, a proud smile playing on his lips as he watches you take control of the situation. “If she says the deal isn’t right for us, then we won’t proceed.”
The finality in his tone leaves no room for negotiation and the impact of his words is immediate.
Mei-Mei’s expression falters, the last traces of her confident facade slipping away as frustration and disbelief flicker in her eyes. She forces a tight smile, nodding curtly, her eyes hardening.
“I see. Well, it’s your loss. Our offer was quite generous.”
You hold her gaze, unflinching.
“We’ll find another opportunity that aligns better with our goals. Thank you for your time.”
Mei-Mei’s eyes narrow slightly, but she says nothing more. Instead, she gathers her things with an icy precision, each movement deliberate as she rises from her seat.
The tension in the room is palpable as she turns on her heel and strides toward the door, her demeanor frosty, the sting of defeat evident in her rigid posture. The door closes behind her with a soft click, the sound echoing in the suddenly quiet room.
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, the tension slowly melting away as a surge of relief and empowerment floods through you.
The adrenaline rush of standing your ground leaves you feeling both exhilarated and slightly shaky, but there’s also a newfound confidence simmering beneath the surface—a realization that you’re more than capable of handling whatever comes your way.
Satoru turns to you, his smile widening with pride as he meets your gaze.
“You handled that perfectly,” the warmth in his voice is like a reassuring embrace.
You return his smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over you.
“Thanks. I guess I just needed to find my voice.”
And find it you did.
As the sun begins to set, it casts a warm, golden glow through the expansive windows of the Gojo residence kitchen.
The light dances across the sleek, modern space, highlighting the clean lines of stainless-steel appliances and the smooth, cool surface of marble countertops.
You stand at the kitchen island, surrounded by a colorful array of ingredients—vibrant tomatoes, fragrant basil, and glistening cuts of meat, each carefully selected for the evening’s meal.
Satoru walks in, rolling up his sleeves with a playful grin lighting up his face.
“So, Chef,” he says with a teasing lilt in his voice, leaning casually against the counter as he takes in the scene before him. His blue eyes sparkle with excitement, “What’s on the menu tonight?”
You glance up from the cutting board, catching his gaze.
There’s a lightness in his demeanor, a boyish enthusiasm that makes you smile in return. The way he looks at you—like you’re the most interesting part of his day—sends a flutter of warmth through your chest.
“Nothing fancy. Just some homemade pasta and a simple salad. I hope that’s okay with you, Mr. Gourmet.”
“Sounds perfect,” he grins, moving to your side, ready to help. “What can I do?”
You hand him a cutting board and a knife, pointing to a colorful pile of vegetables waiting to be prepped.
“You can start by chopping these for the salad.”
He takes the knife, looking at it a bit awkwardly and glances at you with a sheepish grin.
“Alright, let’s see if I remember how to do this without losing a finger.”
You can’t help but watch with amusement as he makes a few tentative cuts, each slice uneven and clumsy. It’s clear he’s out of practice—or perhaps he never had much to begin with.
The sight of him, usually so confident, struggling with something so simple brings a smile to your face.
“Here, let me show you,” you say, moving to stand beside him.
Sliding closer, you place your hand over his on the knife handle, your touch gentle yet firm.
“You want to keep your fingers tucked in like this,” you instruct, demonstrating with your own hand, ensuring his fingers are safely out of the knife’s path. “And use a rocking motion with the knife, letting the blade do the work.”
You move his hand with yours, the rhythm of the knife creating a soothing pattern.
Satoru watches you intently, the proximity making your heart race. The warmth of his hand beneath yours sends a shiver up your spine.
As you continue to guide him, your hands move together in sync, and you can’t help but notice the way his focus shifts from the vegetables to you, his blue eyes flickering with something deeper than just concentration.
“Got it,” he murmurs softly.
You continue to guide his hand, feeling the rhythm of the chopping become smoother.
“Like this?”
“Exactly,” you reply, meeting his gaze, your heart fluttering at the intensity in his eyes. “See? It’s not so hard once you get the hang of it.”
He chuckles, and his eyes remain locked on yours, a playful spark mingling with the more serious undercurrent in his expression.
“Not hard at all, especially with such a good teacher.”
The moment lingers, the air between you charged with a newfound intimacy. Reluctantly, you step back, breaking the spell as you release your hold on the knife.
“I think you’ve got it from here.”
Satoru nods, his eyes lingering on you for a moment before he returns to the vegetables with a newfound determination.
There is a new awareness in the way he handles the knife, as if he’s carrying forward the memory of your touch.
The two of you work in comfortable silence for a while, the only sounds being the rhythmic chopping of vegetables and the sizzle of garlic in the pan.
It feels oddly domestic, a far cry from the high-stakes world of corporate mergers and charity galas.
The simplicity of this moment, shared in the soft light of the kitchen, is a refreshing contrast to the complexities of your usual lives.
“You know, I never imagined I’d be doing something like this,” Satoru admits after a while, his voice breaking the silence. “But I’m glad I am.”
You glance over at him, catching the sincerity in his eyes, and you can’t help but smile.
“Cooking is kind of therapeutic for me, you know,” you say, your voice thoughtful as you turn your attention back to the task at hand. “It helps me clear my mind, and it’s something I can control, unlike so many other things in life.”
Satoru watches you for a moment, his expression softening as he absorbs your words. There’s a quiet admiration in his gaze, one that you can feel even without looking at him.
“You know, I gotta say, you’re really good at this.”
“Hm? Cooking?” you ask, glancing up at him with a curious tilt of your head.
“No,” his voice softens. “Balancing everything. Being a mother, dealing with me, and now standing up in that meeting. You’re incredible.”
His words catch you off guard, the sincerity in his tone wrapping around your heart like a warm embrace.
Your cheeks flush at the unexpected compliment, a warmth spreading through you that has nothing to do with the heat of the stove.
For a moment, you’re at a loss for words, the gravity of his praise settling in. You turn your attention back to the stove, stirring the sauce with a renewed focus, using the task to steady yourself.
“Thanks, Satoru,” you finally manage. “That means a lot.”
As you continue to cook, the tension of the day begins to melt away, replaced by a sense of calm that settles over you like a warm blanket.
The kitchen fills with the rich, mouthwatering aroma of simmering tomatoes, fresh basil, and garlic, the scents mingling together to create an atmosphere that feels both comforting and intimate.
Satoru moves beside you with surprising grace, each motion purposeful and smooth, belying his earlier claims of inexperience.
You find yourself stealing glances at him, admiring the way his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, exposing the toned muscles of his forearms as he works.
There’s a quiet concentration in his expression, a focus that draws you in, making it impossible not to notice the way he’s completely absorbed in the task at hand.
“Looks like you’re a natural.”
Your words earn you a grin, his usual playfulness shining through.
“Don’t jinx it,” he warns, making a particularly precise cut with the knife, his movements confident and sure.
You laugh, the sound light and carefree as you turn back to the sauce simmering on the stove.
“I think it’s time to taste this,” you say, stirring the rich, fragrant mixture with a wooden spoon. “Want to give it a try?”
Satoru nods, stepping closer, the space between you narrowing as he joins you at the stove.
You scoop a bit of the sauce onto a spoon, blowing on it gently to cool it down before lifting it to your lips for a taste. The rich, tangy flavors explode on your tongue, the perfect balance of sweetness and acidity.
“Mmm, I think it’s almost perfect,” you murmur, savoring the taste, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment as you let the flavors linger.
“Almost?” he asks, his voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of challenge.
You smile, opening your eyes to find his gaze fixed on you, the intensity in his blue eyes sending a shiver down your spine.
“Here, taste,” you say, holding the spoon up to his lips, your hand steady.
He leans in, his movements slow and deliberate, every inch closer making your heart beat a little faster. His eyes remain locked on yours with an unspoken intensity, and as his lips close around the spoon, you find yourself holding your breath, waiting for his reaction.
There’s a brief pause as he savors the sauce, his expression thoughtful.
“Wow, that’s delicious,” his voice low and sincere.
Just as you’re about to smile in response, you feel a light touch on your lip. Before you can react, Satoru reaches out, his thumb gently swiping at the corner of your mouth where a bit of sauce had lingered.
The unexpected contact sends a jolt of electricity through you, your breath catching in your throat.
Without breaking eye contact, he brings his thumb to his own lips, tasting the sauce with a playful smirk that leaves you momentarily speechless.
“Now that’s perfect.”
The simple gesture, so intimate and unassuming, leaves you flustered, warmth spreading through your cheeks.
The kitchen seemed to grow smaller and the air thicker.
You quickly turn your attention back to stirring the pasta, desperately trying to steady your racing heart and regain your composure as you move the spoon in slow, deliberate circles.
“You always know how to make things interesting,” you manage to say, your voice betraying the flutter of nerves that Satoru has stirred up.
He chuckles softly, a sound that vibrates through the small space between you, and you feel him step closer until his chest is nearly brushing against your back.
The warmth of his presence wraps around you, cocooning you in a sense of comfort and something more—something electric.
“I could say the same about you,” his breath warm against your ear.
You turn slightly, your breath catching as you realize just how close he is. His blue eyes, so focused and intense, lock onto yours, and the world seems to narrow to just the two of you.
Satoru leans in, his voice dropping to a soft murmur that sends a shiver down your spine.
“You have a way of making everything more exciting, y/n.”
You swallow hard, your throat suddenly dry as your eyes flicker to his lips and then back to his eyes.
The pull between you is magnetic, undeniable, and you struggle to maintain your composure.
“Maybe it’s just because you’re so easily entertained,” you tease, your voice barely above a whisper, trying to diffuse the intensity of the moment with a hint of playfulness.
He grins, the expression sending your heart into a wild flutter.
Slowly, his hand moves to rest on the counter beside you, effectively trapping you in place. The gesture is subtle yet commanding, his body language exuding a quiet confidence that leaves you feeling both exhilarated and breathless.
“Or maybe it’s because you’re just that captivating,” he counters, his voice a hushed rumble that sends another wave of warmth through you.
“Okaaay, Mr. Smooth Talker,” you manage to say, your voice tinged with nervous laughter as you attempt to regain some semblance of control. “How about you help me with the garlic bread?”
The suggestion is your lifeline, a way to shift the focus and calm your racing heart before you’re completely lost in the moment.
Satoru’s grin widens, clearly enjoying your flustered state.
“Whatever you need, Chef,” he replies, his tone lightening as he pushes away from the counter and moves to the other side of the kitchen.
The distance between you offers a brief reprieve, allowing you to steady your breathing and refocus on the task at hand.
Get it together—this isn’t real.
The table is set with a simple elegance that mirrors the meal you’ve prepared—fresh pasta topped with a rich, fragrant tomato sauce, golden garlic bread still warm from the oven, and a crisp, colorful salad that adds a splash of vibrancy to the setting.
Haru, already seated with her eyes wide in anticipation, swings her little legs under the table, her excitement palpable.
“Mama, pasta!” she exclaims, her voice filled with childlike wonder.
Her gaze flickers from the steaming plates to the basket of garlic bread, her small hands already reaching for a slice as if she can hardly wait another moment.
Satoru chuckles as he takes his seat beside her, his smile widening at the sight of her enthusiasm.
“Patience, Haru,” he teases, ruffling her hair affectionately. “Let’s wait for your mama to sit down.”
You join them at the table, a soft smile playing on your lips as you take in the scene.
Carefully, you begin to serve the plates, starting with Haru. You scoop a generous portion of pasta onto her plate, the rich tomato sauce clinging perfectly to the tender strands.
“There you go, sweetie,” you say with a smile, placing the plate in front of her. “But remember, eat slowly, okay? We have all the time in the world.”
Haru nods eagerly, though you can tell she’s barely restraining herself. Her little fingers curl around her fork, her eyes never leaving the plate as she prepares to dive in.
Next, you turn to Satoru, serving him a plate with equal care.
The pasta glistens under the soft light, the aroma of garlic and herbs wafting up as you set it before him.
As you place the plate down, his eyes meet yours, and in that brief moment, there’s a silent exchange—one of gratitude, warmth, and something deeper, something unspoken but understood.
“Thank you,” he murmurs.
You nod in response, your heart warming at the connection between you, simple yet profound.
Meanwhile, Haru’s eyes widen even further as she finally takes her first bite.
The flavors burst in her mouth, her little face lighting up with pure delight. She chews enthusiastically, her expression one of sheer happiness, and you can’t help but smile at her reaction.
“Yummy!” she declares, her mouth full as she grins up at you.
Her words are filled with such genuine enthusiasm and innocence that it makes your heart swell with pride.
Satoru watches Haru with a fond smile before he too takes a bite of the meal you’ve lovingly prepared.
His expression shifts almost immediately to one of pleasant surprise, his eyes widening slightly as the flavors settle on his palate. He chews thoughtfully, savoring the blend of fresh ingredients and the care that went into the preparation.
“She’s right. This is amazing, you really outdid yourself.”
A smile spreads across your face, a warmth blooming in your chest at their praise.
It’s a simple meal, nothing extravagant, but the way they’re enjoying it makes it feel like the most special dinner in the world.
“I’m glad you both like it. It’s nice to be able to cook for you.”
As you begin to eat, the room fills with the sounds of contentment—Haru’s happy chatter as she dives into her meal, Satoru’s occasional hum of approval as he tastes each dish, and the gentle clinking of cutlery against plates.
The meal continues and the three of you fall into an easy rhythm, the conversation flowing naturally.
Haru tells stories about her day, her voice animated as she shares every little detail. Satoru listens attentively, his focus on her unwavering, his smile growing with each of her excited exclamations.
At one point, Haru insists on feeding Satoru a bite of her pasta, her giggles bubbling up like a stream as she carefully maneuvers the fork towards his mouth.
Satoru, ever the playful one, exaggerates the motion, opening his mouth wide and making a show of how delicious the bite is. He rolls his eyes in mock ecstasy, his exaggerated reaction sending Haru into a fit of laughter that rings out like the purest music.
The way Satoru looks at Haru, with such genuine affection and warmth, causes a tightness in your chest—a beautiful, almost overwhelming sensation that swells within you.
His eyes are soft, his smile unguarded, and in that moment, you can see just how much he cherishes these little interactions with her.
It’s a sight that tugs at your heartstrings, making you realize just how deeply he’s become entwined in both your lives.
Taking in this moment, you feel a deep sense of contentment, a quiet happiness that fills your heart to the brim.
This scene, so ordinary yet so special, feels like a moment you want to hold onto forever.
It is a culmination of everything you’ve been striving for—a sense of belonging, of family, of home.
Ah, but this isn’t real—just a charade.
Just as this warmth settles in your heart, a pang of bittersweetness follows.
Yet, despite knowing the truth, you can’t help but wish, just for a moment, that it could be.
Haru, now tired from all the excitement, leans against Satoru, her small head resting on his arm. Her eyelids grow heavy, her earlier energy now spent, and she begins to drift off, her breaths becoming slow and rhythmic.
Satoru glances at you, his eyes filled with a tenderness that makes your breath hitch.
“You know,” he begins, his voice low and sincere, “I could get used to this. We should cook more often. Sharing meals like this... it’s nice.”
Your breath catches in your throat, and for a second, the line between reality and pretense blurs. You nod, but your mind races.
This is just a charade… right?
Yet, as you look into Satoru’s eyes, the warmth there makes you question everything. Maybe, just maybe, there’s a part of him that feels the same way you do—a longing for this to be more than just an act.
The late afternoon sunlight filters through the curtains of the Gojo mansion, casting a warm golden grown across the living room.
You sit on the couch as Haru plays on the floor, completely absorbed in her toys, her little hands guiding her dolls through an imagined world of adventure and make-believe.
Her soft giggles and murmured conversations with her toys bring a smile to your face, filling the room with a sense of peace and contentment.
Satoru had business to attend to, and before leaving, he made sure you had the rest of the day to spend with Haru.
It’s a rare and treasured opportunity, these quiet hours spent together, free from the demands of the outside world.
As you watch Haru, you feel a deep sense of gratitude for this time—this simple, unhurried togetherness that feels so rare in your often chaotic lives.
But then, the doorbell rings, cutting through the tranquility like a sharp knife.
You glance toward the door, your heart giving a slight, uneasy flutter.
Pushing aside the apprehension creeping into your chest, you rise from the couch, taking a steadying breath as you approach the door.
When you open it, you’re met with the sight of a stern-looking man in a crisp suit, his expression as unyielding as his posture.
There’s something about his demeanor that instantly puts you on edge. He’s holding an envelope in one hand, his grip firm, almost as if the paper holds some kind of weight beyond its physical presence.
“Mrs. Gojo?” he asks, his voice flat, businesslike.
The formal tone sends a shiver down your spine, and you nod cautiously, a sense of dread unfurling in the pit of your stomach.
“Yes, that’s me,” you reply, your voice a little more tentative than you’d like.
Without another word, he thrusts the envelope into your hands, his gaze unwavering as he says,
“You’ve been served.”
The words hang in the air, heavy and ominous. Your fingers tighten around the envelope as confusion and alarm spike within you.
“Served? For what?” you ask, your voice betraying the anxiety that’s quickly rising.
The man’s expression remains unchanged, impassive.
“Custody of Haru. Mr. Naoya Zenin is filing for full custody,” he states matter-of-factly, as if it’s just another routine task for him, another case on a long list.
The shock of his words hits you like a physical blow, your breath catching in your throat.
For a moment, you stand there frozen, the reality of the situation slowly sinking in as he turns on his heel and walks away, leaving you standing in the doorway, the envelope clutched tightly in your hand.
This can’t be happening.
With trembling hands, you tear open the envelope, your eyes darting across the densely packed lines of legal jargon. Each word seems to blur into the next as your heart pounds furiously in your chest.
This is happening.
A cold wave of dread washes over you, settling deep in your bones as the reality of the situation begins to take hold.
Just a few feet away, Haru is still playing in the living room, her laughter and cheerful babble a stark contrast to the turmoil that’s unraveling in your mind.
She’s completely oblivious to the storm that’s brewing, her innocence a painful reminder of what’s at stake.
As you stand there, frozen in place, your phone buzzes, snapping you out of your daze.
You glance down at the screen, your stomach knotting as you see Naoya’s name flash across it. With a sense of dread, you unlock the phone and read the message.
Naoya Zenin: There, hopefully I finally have your attention. I suggest giving me a call if you want to avoid this all.
The words hit you like a punch to the gut, a toxic mix of fear and anger bubbling up inside you.
Your hands shake uncontrollably as you stare at the message, the smugness practically oozing from each word.
You force yourself to take a deep breath, trying to steady the whirlwind of emotions threatening to consume you.
With shaky fingers, you dial Naoya’s number. Each ring feels like an eternity, and when he finally answers, his voice is dripping with satisfaction.
“Y/n, I was wondering when you’d call,” he purrs, his tone as smooth as ever, but laced with an unmistakable undercurrent of smugness.
“What the hell is this, Naoya?” you demand, your voice trembling with a mix of fury and fear. “You’re filing for full custody of Haru?”
There’s a pause, and you can almost hear the smirk in his voice when he finally responds. He chuckles softly, the sound sending chills down your spine.
“I see you got my notice. Good. It’s time we discussed Haru’s future.”
The casual tone in his voice, as if this is just another business deal, ignites a fire within you. But before you can respond, he continues, his voice turning colder.
“I’m sending you an address. Meet me here tomorrow. Oh, and y/n.” his voice drops, becoming even more sinister, “I strongly suggest you don’t involve Satoru—unless you want this to become a nasty custody battle.”
His words hang in the air, a thinly veiled threat that tightens around your chest like a vice.
You stand there, phone in hand, the weight of his ultimatum pressing down on you.
The line goes dead.
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strap in guys we are approaching some angst 🥺 oh if only reader knew how down bad satoru is for her 🥲 i actually really struggled with how i wanted this chapter to be structured, there are a lot of scenes i ended up writing that i opted to move to a later chapter because i just felt it was too rushed. the slow burn of this relationship is really important to me, so ultimately, i think it was for the best. would love to hear your thoughts! thanks for reading my fic 🫶🏻 → onto the next chapter ꨄ
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briarpatch-kids · 1 year
Let's talk mobility aids!
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Canes are for when you need to take a little bit of weight off of one side of your body, need a little help with balance, or need a little extra stability when you walk. It's an easy mobility aid to find and get, and it's pretty easy to figure out how to use. Have the cane sized so the handle sits at wrist level, then hold it on the opposite side to the one that hurts. Match your cane strikes to the steps on the hurt side. It will hurt your arm, elbow, and shoulder sometimes, but having a properly sized cane will help.
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Rollators are kind of the "next step up" in support. They come with more restrictions, you get limited to ramps and stuff, but they're also the least restrictive wheeled mobility aid because they're light and easy to pick up and toss around. They also have a seat a lot of times and a basket so you don't need to carry stuff. They're for when you need a place to rest, something to lean on when you walk, better balance assistance than a cane, and less weight bearing than a cane. I also found that it helped me with fatigue quite a bit. There's two main kinds, euro style like the first, and regular like the second. There are other fancier ones but I'm covering the basics here.
Rollators are my favorite mobility aid and I've used everything from canes to a fancy high grade power chair. They're just the perfect balance of help and freedom. They provide so much support for how far they go.
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Arm crutches are pretty neat! They're a lot more ergonomic than a cane. In fact, some people use a single arm crutch as a cane. They distribute the weight a little better, so it's not all on your wrists, and they support you better than a rollator can. The major cons I found are that they take two hands to use so you can't carry much and I had a really hard time trying to learn to walk with them. A lot of people who use forearm crutches have other mobility aids and use the forearm crutches when they want to or need to walk.
Manual Wheelchairs
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These are for when walking becomes more difficult than pushing a wheelchair. There's no weight being put on your legs and feet and depending on your needs, you can get really specific with your adaptations if you have a custom wheelchair verses a standard wheelchair. My first custom chair looked like a monster truck because i took in the woods and gravel, my second custom chair after I got sicker has a head rest, a backrest that holds me up, and a little electric box that I can attach that helps me push. The difference between getting a standard and custom wheelchair is dependent on how much money the user has, what kind of needs they have, and what kind of medical access they have. (One is not more "real" than the other.) I highly recommend getting a cushion for under your butt if you have a standard chair without a cushion, I used a standard full time for 6 months and a cushion made a huge difference.
Mobility scooters
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Mobility scooters are for people who can't walk long distances, but can still walk with the help of a cane or unassisted. If you can walk around your house, but not really much else, a mobility scooter might be the aid for you! There's a lot of different styles and battery life lengths and handling abilities so try a few different scooters out if you can.
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Powerchairs come in a couple different types or "groups" depending on your needs. Group 1 is the kind of chair you're probably most familiar with. It's basically for someone who needs a powerchair to get around their house, the doctors, office, and grocery store. You can't do any custom seat cushions or anything, but it's for people who don't need it. Think of like... someone who can walk pretty okay still, it just hurts to walk or they're off balance or a little weak feeling. A lot of times more elderly people will use these, if you're more active look into group 2
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Group two chairs are little more durable, a little more stable, sometimes you can switch the captains seats out for custom seating... They're what a full time powerchair user would use if they don't need specialty functions like tilt or recline. They also often have 6 wheels rather than 4 like the group 1 chairs have.
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Group 3 powerchairs are reserved for specific diagnoses like muscular dystrophy, ALS, and other severe neurological and neuromuscular illnesses. These are also called "rehab" chairs because they're for making sure severely disabled people have quality of life. The tilt function is for pressure relief, though you can also get things like elevation so you can raise and lower your chair, and some of them can recline flat. There are other avenues of moving grade 3 power chairs beyond the joystick as well in case someone can't use their hands or doesn't have them. (Head controls, torso controls, and straw controls called sip and puff are alternatives.) They can go on a little worse terrain than group 1 and two chairs and go a little farther, but if they get stuck they weigh 350 lbs and it's awful.
There's a few other types of mobility aid that I don't know enough about, like ankle foot orthotics and gait trainers, but these are the basic "mobility aid" most people will come across.
If you use another type of mobility aid and want to educate people, add it on!!
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avocad1s · 2 months
In The Eye Of A Hurricane
Requested By: No one. Original Work.
Includes: Dottore, Scaramouche, Arlecchino, Capitano (separately)
CW: Mentions of Characters wanting to hurt or kill you, manipulating, experimenting, the harbingers are a warning themselves, the typical golden blood for the Creator lol
Summary: You’re dropped in Teyvat and hunted down due to your likeness to the Creator. You decide run from your hunters until you run into a Fatui Harbinger camp.
Note: Trying to get back into the gist of writing and i love the harbingers so enjoy this for now :)
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- Inazuma was a dangerous place to be hunted. Once the Shogun laid eyes on you the real archon, Ei, left the plane of euthymia and tried to attack you. However the lighting fast swing of her sword seemed to only graze your shoulder, her foot fell into a conveniently placed hole that threw her off balance.
- You took the chance to run away, not without Kujou Sara quickly chasing after yelling at her soldiers to ‘seize the imposter’
- You managed to escape, somehow. You didn’t want to question the absurd amount of luck. Once you were finally able to settle against the bottom of a large cliff, the wound on your shoulder began to sting.
- You let out a wince, pulling back the cloth to assess the damage.
- … How curious… your shoulder seemed to be leaking …gold? You shake your head quickly, you couldn’t focus on that right now. You were sure Ei would search behind every rock to find you.
- And you weren’t exactly sure what her intentions would be once she had you.
- However you had no time to relax before you were surrounded by multiple people, their faces obscured with masks. They all wore coats and gloves despite the weather
- “How dare you stumble upon our camp? There’s a lord harbinger here you know.”
- They seemed almost boastful by that statement until they noticed the blood spilling out of your shoulder.
- The color drained from their faces. “…I it can’t be… right? Surely this isn’t…”
- The group immediately fell to your feet spilling out apology after apology for speaking out of term. You could only look down at them with wide eyes, feeling a wave of awkwardness as they treat you like a deity.
- “You’re incessant blabbering is hurting my ears. Keep it down.”
- Another young man appears behind the kneeling group. Despite his stature, you could tell he was insanely powerful. His eyebrows were creased as he stares down at them, he then looks up to meet your gaze, then your wounds before his face softened.
- “Lord Harbinger! I-It’s…!”
- “Your Grace, it’s you.” Scaramouche finished. “You’re hurt. Who did this to you?”
- He begins to approach you, but when you take a step back he putting his hands up as a sign of peace.
- “It was Ei… she striked me and then the Tenryou Commission chased me all the way here.”
- The Balladeer lets out an amused laugh, “foolish Beelzebul… can’t even see the truth when it’s right in front of you…”
- You decide not to reply to his chiding remark, it didn’t seem like he was talking to you.
- Scaramouche turns his head to look back at his subordinates a cold glare in his eyes. “What do you think you’re doing? Can’t you see Their Grace is injured? Go get the medical supplies.” He barked.
- The group gets up and immediately scatters, running off to the tents a few meters away with the signature Fatui insignia embroidered in the side.
- The puppet looks back at you, “You can follow me Your Grace. You can stay in my tent for the time being and I can tell you just how unfaithful the Shogun has been.”
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SUMERU + DOTTORE (experimenting & blood)
- For once in his decades of living, Dottore would admit he was a fool.
-The akademiya declared you as an imposter to Their Grace and he knew he had to get his hands on you. Someone stole the face of the Creator? How interesting… he wanted to peer beneath the surface himself to see how it was possible.
- He had noticed you the second you haphazardly stepped into his camp. Subduing you was the easy part, but once he had dragged you into his tent telling his subordinates not to bother him, he began to hesitate.
-He look down at you on his table, looking blissfully unaware he couldn’t even pick up the scalpel.
- What? No! He would killed Kusanali if he had to, what made you so different?
- He curses at himself before grabbing the scalpel pressing it into your forearm. Once blood pours out of the cut he immediately pulls back the sharp object.
- So you were the true creator. Dottore’s eyes were fixated on the small trail of gold blood spilling down your skin. He touches it with his gloved hand inspecting it closely.
- It was just as the scriptures said, blood as gold as the sun with a shimmery look to it.
- The Doctor begins to stitch you back up, picking you up bridal style placing you on a nearby soft surface.
- He sits down next to you, even while sleeping, you look absolutely ethereal. Like Her Majesty the Tsaritsa had said.
- With you in his grasp he could accomplish anything, using you as a bargaining chip to obtain the gnosis would be all too easy
- Perhaps if you believe he was your only faithful acolyte, you would bless him with the knowledge of the stars or even the deepest secrets of Celestia.
- All he had to do was be patient and he was a very patient man.
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- The House Of the Hearth is usually shrouded by darkness. No one knows what happens inside and anyone who wants to escape don’t make it out alive (allegedly).
- Even though children weren’t used to having visitors, Father always tells them how to treat their guests.
- So when Father returned to the house holding you in her arms, your body soaked with your own golden blood. The children immediately sprang into action.
- Her face was unreadable as they quickly began to grab all the medical supplies they had bringing it to The Knave.
- With a steady hand, she fixes you up until you were stable.
- While she was in the room, her hand grasping yours. The children left to buy many gifts they believed you might like.
- The House was good at obtaining and withholding secrets, and Arlecchino will do everything in her power to make sure no one knew of your presence in the house, in Fontaine, or even in all of Teyvat.
- She wanted you all to herself, she wasn’t even afraid of admit it. She will be as sweet as honey, drawing you in closer and closer until you were stuck in her trap.
- Although she would never hurt you! Ever since she was a child and went by a different name she was sure having you would make everything better.
- Arlecchino’s fingers brush your face, her nails dragging down your cheekbone. Even being this close to you now, made her heart race.
- When the children come rushing back in, she immediately shushes them. She wouldn’t allow them to disturb your sleep, but you would soon wake up to healed wounds and as many sweet treats you could handle.
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- It is… unclear what Capitano’s intent is in Natlan. Did he just want to battle the Pyro Archon? Prove that even a human like himself could strike down a God? Or maybe he just wanted the Gnosis. Maybe even both.
- Natlan was considered the nation of war and once you were considered an imposter, your fate was undoubtedly sealed.
- It was like a nationwide bounty hunt, everyone was after your head and no matter where you hid, no where was safe for long.
- Until you ran into a broad chest knocking you down to the ground. You look up with wide eyes.
- You could tell this man was powerful. Way more powerful than anyone else you had ran into (and ran away from). His face was obscured but his long dark hair went down to his shoulders.
- At first he watches you closely, not saying a word then he kneels down to get a closer look at you.
- You squeeze your eyes shut. This was it, this is the end.
- “Your Grace…?”
- You open your eyes, “w—what…?”
- “Are you alright?”
- You were confused, why wasn’t he attacking you?
- He seemed to notice your confusion. “Youre bleeding your Grace. Did someone attack you?” he gestured to the cut on your cheek.
- You didn’t even notice the cut, your adrenaline had been at an all time high that you hadn’t felt any pain.
- You touch the cut, feeling the wetness on your fingers. You lift it up noticing that your finger was coated in gold.
- “I uh… i don’t know…” you say your eyes fixated on the anomaly. 
- He left out a huff, sounds slightly disappointed you didn’t know. “I can protect you.” he says. “I won’t allow anyone to harm you.”
- He holds out one of his large hands and hesitantly, you take it.
- Capitano was extremely gentle with you as he helps you up leading you to his camp. It was like having your own personal knight, you were sure that if anyone came looking to take your head, he would handle it.
- Capitano wouldn’t show it in front of you, but he was livid. Seeing you hurt, knowing that he couldn’t protect you while the two of you were in the same nation sickens him.
- He keeps his anger on the inside, not wanting to scare you as he brings you into his personal tent. For now, he’ll stay with you making sure you’re alright and that all your needs are tended to.
- His righteous nature couldn’t let this go unanswered, he would make sure the Pyro Archon pays for her sins.
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Note: So I am officially back with writing! Trial by Combat will be out soon!
© avocad1s 2024
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hees-mine · 17 days
First time - L. Heeseung
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Pairing: heeseung & fem reader
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, blowjob, handjob, ear licking, cum eating, multiple orgasms, cursing, dirty talk.
Synopsis: wherein your mutual friend decides to approach you in the halls on a random school day, begging you to take his virginity because his friends wouldn’t stop making fun of him for being a virgin at 22. Well, after you’re done with him, he’s going to be the furthest thing from a virgin.
WC: 4,437k
“Y/n, please? I thought we were friends. Don’t friends help each other out?” Walking down the school hall, heeseung follows you along like a puppy would, his master hounding you with the same old question he’s been asking you for at least a month.
You scoff and cut your eyes at him.
The audacity of him to try and make it seem like you were friends to what he wanted was laughable to you. You guys were not friends. You knew him through mutual friend groups and occasionally talked with him, but friends was definitely a reach. “Friends?”
“Yes!” He answers so quickly, and it’s shameless how desperate he sounds to you right now.
“Hmm okay for the sake of argument let’s say we are friends how many friends do you know that do what you’re asking me to do?” You humor him pushing open the exit door to your school with him still hot on your tail.
“All of them!” He lied immediately, saying anything at this point just to get you to say yes.
“So not only are you shameless, you’re also a liar,” you tsked. “And here I was actually thinking about doing it,” you say with a tone of disapproval.
“What? Wait, y/n, no, I’m sorry, I lied. It’s just I’m desperate and saying anything to convince you” he takes long strides to keep up with your fast pace. “None of my friends do that but I’m just sick of being the laughing stock of the group” lowering his head he clutches the straps on his backpack and kicks a pebble on the ground sighing loudly.
“Hmm, so let me get this straight: you want me, barely even an acquaintance, let alone a friend, to take your virginity?” You ask just to make sure you’re getting this right.
He nodded his head, and if the silent confirmation wasn’t enough, he gave you a verbal one, too. “Y-you’re the only girl I know, and I trust you,” he mumbles, embarrassed to even admit out loud that he absolutely has no contact with women other than you.
He really has no reason to trust you, but he just does.
Now that you heard him out a little, you kinda felt bad for him, but it was still so out of left field for him to be asking you this. Although you weren’t exactly opposed to having sex with him, you still didn’t want him to regret anything. “So you want me to be your first? Are you sure? Don’t you want it to be special?”
“I’m sure as long as you’re patient with me it will be special” he turns to you you’re already looking at him with a small smile and he gets embarrassed quickly looking away and clearing his throat awkwardly as he pushes up the middle of his eyeglasses.
All you had to do was be patient with him. That in itself could be really challenging for you because, despite his shy demeanor, he was literally the hottest man you’ve ever seen. That coupled with the fact that it had been a while since you had sex, and just the idea of doing it with him was turning you on right now.
The silence drew on while you were in your own head contemplating this, and at this point, he could only surmise your answer would be a no, so he took a preemptive strike and rejected himself. “It's fine if you don’t want to do it. As you can see, no one else wants to, so I’m not surprised you don’t either. I’ll just get out of your hai-“
“Take me to your place,” you said, looking straight ahead as the both of you walked side by side.
“W-what?” He stutters, nearly losing his balance.
Stopping in your tracks, he stops with you, and you turn to him, gripping the collar of his shirt and pulling him in as he nervously eyes your face up close. “Take. Me. To. Your. Place.”
He gulps nodding his head frantically. “It’s that way” he points in the direction and you loosen the grip on his shirt you gesture him to lead the way and every step he takes from then on is one step closer to him losing his innocence.
He’s never been this nervous before.
When you both arrive to his house the parking lot is empty meaning his parents are luckily still at work and he eagerly lets you inside leading you upstairs to his bedroom straight away.
“Minimal, I like it,” you note. Once you enter his room, it is very spacious but simple and cozy at the same time.
“Thank you,” he whispers, wiping his sweaty hands on his slacks as he shuts the door and locks it.
You took a seat on the corner of his bed, your eyes scanning the room while you waited for him to join you.
But he doesn’t. He’s stood still by his door. He hadn’t moved a step since you entered his room.
“You wanna fuck standing up?” You tease him for just standing there.
Your voice snaps him out of his nervous thoughts. “W-what I- no unless you want to but I-i don’t really know how” his face is a mixture of confusion and worry as he stands by his door feeling a bit unsure about all this or maybe he was just anxious it’s hard for him to tell right now cause he’s too focused on trying to stop himself from shaking like a leaf.
“I’m joking,” you giggle, and you pat the bed next to where you’re sitting so he can join you. “Come sit.”
“Okay,” he says with a small nod and sits next to you.
No wonder he asked you to be patient with him at this rate it’d be half hour before you even got him to take his shirt off but you didn’t mind easing him into it. “Baby loosen up” if anything his posture got stiffer and he wasn’t even attempting to make eye contact with you anymore. “Would you feel more comfortable if I took my clothes off?” You offer.
Finally, he looks at you, eyes wide and pleading. “Please?”
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