asfaltics · 1 year
putterings, 343-339
  legenda, you will horizon; arise how cold it is.   another example of a miracle that never gets beyond a new order. the light might show him a crevice,   a narrow limited circle. that’s the worst, surfeit of agendas,   his fool way the way out
puutterings     |     their index     |     these derivations     |     20230826
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strathshepard · 2 years
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via T Magazine: 
Brooklyn-based Joshua Werber is just one of the floral artists looking at once-humble chamomile in a new light. Here, he used three different cultivars of the flower to add layers of texture to a dramatic free-flowing cascade inspired, he says, by the work of the early 20th-century British florist Constance Spry. Photograph by Kyoko Hamada. Set design by Leilin Lopez-Toledo
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puutterings · 1 year
no matter how cold it is, even though
                                                        necessitates a five o’clock rising hour for the winter also. Even though the work is not so toilsome during the winter months as it is in the hot, sultry weather of June or July when the hay has to be mowed away, or the barley threshed, the milk has to be taken to town every morning no matter how cold it is, and the whole day long a man is kept “puttering around” the yard doing chores.                                                       The work is finished earlier in the evening than it is in the summer...
ex Carl W. Thompson and G. P. Warber, Social and Economic Survey of a Rural Township in Southern Minnesota (University of Minnesota, Studies in Economics, 1; April 1913) : 10 : link
                                                      I’ve got forbears in Minnesota — Blue Earth on the Mann/McVey side, St. Thomas (Minneapolis ? ) on the Ronan/Royayne other — and a 5:00 a.m. rise, and even 4:00, makes abiding sense to me.  
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despazito · 4 months
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Yellow warber
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introvertedswimmer · 5 months
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Yellow-rumped Warber
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dansnaturepictures · 6 months
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18th March 2024: Fishlake Meadows, Lakeside and others
Photos taken in this set are of; Song Thrush at Fishlake Meadows, Greenfinch when cutting through Lakeside, violet at Fishlake Meadows, beautiful views at both, mushroom and ivy at Fishlake Meadows, pond skater at Fishlake Meadows it was good to see a few of them and female Gadwall at Fishlake Meadows. Other highlights from the brilliant walk and time I spent at Fishlake Meadows and in Romsey today were Cetti's Warber and Chiffchaff near constant presences in sound and sight which was delightful, Water Rail, Great White Egret, Greylag Geese, Pochard, Treecreeper, Dunnock, Red Kite, Buzzard, Reed Bunting, Great Spotted Woodpecker heard, my first forget-me-not of the year, daffodils, white deadnettle, lots of lesser celandine and King Alfred's cake and turkey tail fungi with quite a few fungi enjoyed today. Great Crested Grebe, House Sparrow, Wren, Green Woodpecker heard and Grey Squirrel were other highlights on the cut throughs over Lakeside with my first ground ivy of the year seen between the locations.
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this press release from the Department of the Interior:
The Department of the Interior today announced the expansion of four existing national wildlife refuges, which will allow for the voluntary conservation of up to 1.13 million acres of wildlife habitat in New Mexico, North Carolina and Texas.
Investing in and expanding the National Wildlife Refuge System, managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, furthers the Biden-Harris administration’s work to support community-driven efforts to conserve and restore the nation’s lands and waters through the America the Beautiful initiative. Under Secretary Haaland’s leadership, the Department has also established four new Refuges that will help conserve important fish and wildlife habitat, support working lands, and expand opportunities for outdoor recreation. 
The new expansion areas include: 
Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge (NC) may now conserve up to 287,000 acres of floodplain habitat along a 137-mile stretch of the Roanoke River from Weldon to the Albemarle Sound, to support rare and at-risk species like the Atlantic sturgeon, cerulean and Swainson's warbers, bald eagles and migratory waterfowl. The refuge was established in 1991 to protect the forests in the Roanoke River floodplain, considered to be the largest intact, and least disturbed, bottomland forest ecosystem remaining in the mid-Atlantic region. 
Aransas and Big Boggy National Wildlife Refuges (TX) may now conserve up to 150,000 additional acres of habitat in the Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes ecoregion of Texas to support whooping crane, Eastern black rail, Attwater's prairie chicken, mottled duck and other wintering waterfowl. Established in 1937, Aransas NWR serves as a refuge and breeding ground and for migratory birds and other wildlife and is best known as the wintering home of the last wild flock of endangered whooping cranes. Establishing in 1983 and designated an Internationally Significant Shorebird Site by the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, Big Boggy NWR is a stronghold for the threatened eastern black rail and provides seasonal and year-round habitat for large populations of waterfowl, wading birds, waterbirds, and shorebirds. 
Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge (NM and TX) may now conserve up to 700,000 acres of habitat in the Southern High Plains along the Texas-New Mexico border to support sandhill crane, pronghorn and lesser prairie chicken, as well as a full suite of other wildlife that rely on the grasslands, playa wetlands and saline lake habitats of the Central Grasslands. Established in 1935, the refuge is the oldest national wildlife refuge in Texas and is best known for hosting one of the largest concentrations of lesser sandhill cranes in North America.
The four final Land Protection Plans for these expansions were developed through public processes and informed by input from local landowners, Tribal leaders, state wildlife agencies, and other stakeholders. The Plans outline land protection priorities for these refuges that will inform the Service’s interest in acquiring parcels from landowners who are willing to sell property (fee-title) or property rights (conservation easements or cooperative agreements) through purchase or donation. 
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
𝐊.𝐉.'𝐬 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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🌸 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
🥀 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
🍄 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
↬ aaron warner :
i love you more than the stars love the sky 🌸
a rare, soft, slow morning.
eyes on me, love🍄🌸
After filming a scene, Aaron suddenly gets a frog in his throat. After getting released from set, you and Aaron head to Burger King late at night. Talk of feelings ensue.
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its-kinda-snowy · 2 years
Tag Game!
I was tagged by @foggysirens to answer a few questions and then tag 9 other people that you want to know better!
Three Ships: dinluke, valeyne (if u know u know), griomer
First Ship: Hijack
Last Song Listened: Tokai by Taeko Onuki
Last Movie Watched: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (an absolutely charming film! I highly recommend it)
Currently Watching: Peaky Blinders (just finished the first episode but its really interesting so far)
Currently Reading: Hellboy, currently on wake the devil!
Currently Consuming: warber
Currently Craving: Home Run In pizza, I would kill a man for one of those rn
No pressure tags! @materassassino @homiecidal-homosexual @kalak @letoscrawls and anyone who wants to jump in!
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aqt-psyc20042 · 4 months
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Grass is greener on the other side
Effects of Green Space on Wellbeing
What are green spaces?
Green spaces are areas designated for leisure and conservation which are covered in greens like trees, plants, and grass (Queensland Government-Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, 2023). It be located within neighborhood or in forests and even in rural and urban areas. Barton & Rogerson (2017) describes green space as “maintained or unmaintained environmental areas, which can include nature reserves, wilderness environments and urban parks”.
Why is it important to wellbeing?
Green spaces prove to beneficial in terms of stress reduction, improvement of mood, boosting immune system, and conducive for physical activity (Queensland Government-Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, 2023). Here is why: nature relaxes and calms us, promote happiness by diminishing anger or frustration, the release of phytoncides reduces stress hormones, and because it provides for physical activities like walking, running, and biking among others (Jimenez et. al, 2021). Not only does it help humans but also the environment because they serve as natural filters and absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It also turns urban areas, usually filled with concrete buildings, to beautiful spaces where one can enjoy cooling and shading effects (Queensland Government-Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, 2023). Moreover, people living in urban areas with green spaces undergo less stress, depression, and anxiety compared to those who are not. It is also interesting to note that benefits of green spaces go beyond age groups and culture (Barton & Rogerson, 2017).
To contribute to “green spaces”, starting a garden at your home not only improves greenery but also adds to the aesthetic. By gardening, you add color to your home depending on what you plant. It is also a plus if you do vegetable gardening as it saves you a trip from the grocery store. Your garden can also act as a place to hang out with family and friends. This saves money on going out while spending precious time with the people you love. If space is really scare, especially living in the city where it is really congested, building a plant wall would be your option. This can be indoors or outdoors and can be a fun activity for the whole family. Another alternative would be house or indoor plants. Some of them are easy to take care of like spider plant, rubber plants, and succulents (Sweeney, 2022). If your area has provision for green space, take time to walk around, run, hike, cycle, or do sports to boost physical activities. According to White and colleagues (2019) spending 2 hours per week in nature is beneficial to health and wellbeing. If straight two hours is not achievable, splitting it throughout the week could be a substitute to just enjoy and bask in the greenery.
Barton, J., & Rogerson, M. (2017). The importance of greenspace for mental health. BJPsych international, 14(4), 79–81. https://doi.org/10.1192/s2056474000002051
Jimenez, M. P., DeVille, N. V., Elliott, E. G., Schiff, J. E., Wilt, G. E., Hart, J. E., & James, P. (2021). Associations between Nature Exposure and Health: A Review of the Evidence. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(9), 4790. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18094790
Queensland Government-Department of Environment, Science and Innovation. (2023). Why are green spaces good for us?
Sweeney, E. (2022, 29 July). 10 Best Indoor Plants for Your Health, According to Research. Good Housekeeping. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/gardening/g40742429/best-indoor-plants-for-health/
White, M. P., Alcock, I., Grellier, J., Wheeler, B. W., Hartig, T., Warber, S. L., Bone, A., Depledge, M. H., & Fleming, L. E. (2019). Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing. Scientific Reports, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-44097-3
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444namesplus · 11 months
Abianbe Adjond Adol Adolea Adoly Aelhird Akath Akbahird Alba Aleibe Alejefoth Aleta Alfreavo Alje Almur Alukaa Ammu Ammunial Ammunialla Amtorech Anza Apolybeichem Arec Areme Arhird Asjilla Asthar Asu Awild Barsbin Bazun Bibo Bize Bohitod Bonome Bonoqoa Boretz Borkibe Boze Bretetji Brosa Cacela Cadrec Calebe Chinjul Chirlas Chirlutji Chlua Chresbibe Chresbiibe Chresbiin Chresjil Chresjilla Chresju Chreskof Chreskopha Cidolla Cirl Cirula Cirulebe Ciruleze Cisjendri Citharebe Clatonca Clatont Cliera Cliokabe Cliokai Cliovo Cliri Culatji Culby Culkon Curay Curenbe Cureze Curilea Cyrel Dattfread Dattleab Dattschilk Datz Deinme Dochal Dochala Dochalebe Dochalla Dochial Dochiali Docmeal Dolu Donze Doraella Dorcu Doreim Dorfe Dorinzi Dylin Ebes Eje Ejefolla Ejefolli Eluze Enda Engred Erabe Ermu Etolzi Faol Faolatji Faolebe Fascil Fascila Fatreca Fatrecei Fatreck Fenrid Ficqoalebe Ficqoas Ficub Finobe Fize Fluranca Flurant Flurein Fobekakt Foiju Foit Foitreca Fonfidon Fornd Fortrim Fortrind Forzerd Forzevotji Fosaet Fradrek Fravorec Fravoreck Freadrech Freavomunn Fretz Frincebe Frinces Frinck Frincues Frincueta Frink Frinz Frioba Fubreca Fudean Fudeanbe Funny Ghesliebe Giin Giinbe Giincliovo Giindochal Giinfaol Giinfrincues Giinloc Giinluoes Giinmurc Giinmurea Giinnobe Giinvaarra Ginnozor Girmuebe Giruto Gisgoci Goagfread Gobobe Gobon Gogjond Gotesjond Gradary Graji Grajil Graju Gratchan Hady Haeber Haeka Haeno Haenrech Haenz Haesa Haevomurea Halabe Halaze Haljot Haljoth Halki Halljoth Halvi Hanre Hanreatji Hardobe Harfort Harmun Harmunn Harpo Harweg Helmu Helvo Helvokird Helzi Hinbe Hinbelura Hins Hinzeh Hirild Hiruld Hoda Hofort Honjir Hosiatji Hulvir Hurst Idrean Idrein Igbes Ilaxes Ilaxindra Ilaxindri Ilebe Ileca Ileze Ilfort Ilfrad Ilien Iljot Ilues Ilwen Ilzun Imulei Imunkabe Inbe Inbeleata Inbeleta Inbemurea Indra Indraa Indrai Indrais Inkoebe Inkon Innoa Innock Inskir Invileme Invileqoa Inze Inzeleata Iodray Ioralea Ioralean Ioreck Iorura Iosist Ipilf Irdon Irlatji Irndt Irsald Irthor Irzeod Istred Itolea Itolei Ivola Ivolhaed Ixal Jebreze Jedebe Jejoal Jendrebe Jendri Jenvor Jerih Joreal Jumuri Kaadrech Kaajir Kaajirech Kaatrech Kaize Kakaar Kejenbe Kepenbe Kiajun Kialla Kibreal Kibreala Klios Klios-tijir Kodeis Kom Kupi
Lai Laze Lazun Leasl Leize Leleibe Lesfoth Leubel Leze Liabibii Likaslios Liora Lioranca Liorant Liori Lirs Loc Locea Locean Loceanbe Locis Lodweg Lokold Lomes Lopizuc Lotz Luec Luoalli Luoes Luoeta Lurantz Luthir Lykaa Lykai Merebe Meren Merl Merlhaenz Mersjin Metfi Metren Metyi Milea Milean Mileatji Milei Mipp Mirvin Misbibe Mitju Mugzilaze Mukile Mulji Mulzuze Munial Muoreca Murbibe Murbin Murc Murcal Murcalla Murcos Murea Mureachresbibe Mureacliovo Mureatharata Murebe Murei Mureinbe Mureos Mureu Mureun Mureze Murju Murkiraji Murlabe Mursiareji Musan Mutheao Muthelvo Muttheao Muttheis Muvolaebe Muxedolein Muxeto Myreim Naal Naalla Nacalybe Nahinbes Nahinn Nahinze Naichem Narg Nast Nata Nataph Natatji Nazes Nazethin Nocula Noculios Noculis Nofeli Nosulpi Noze Oji Olreba Olrech Opi Orkeli Otko Owa Phelep Phelepfa Phelepp Phelepti Pidonoqoa Pizeld Porunoci Porunoqoa Pulinvi Punoi Puphea Qoanbin Rabe Rabea Rado Raenhird Raenhuld Ramy Ratebe Rates Rechanpe Rechird Riboze Richal Rieber Rilph Rinzill Riphial Riybond Riybonvo Ropilph Rot Ruden Ruforju Rufort Rugoze Rulf Rulind Rumuen Rumun Ruvir Ruzeld Saadoa Sert Sharyl Siellioto Siepi Sinthar Siy Sjifunoi Sjiphan Sjiphibe Sjiphinoa Sosbin Spon Sponfi Subesje Sulanbin Sularea Suljir Sylposjir Sylsuen Sylzua Talmu Taporebe Taporen Tarvi Tatusbian Tatusbiin Tebetji Telfort Tellas Tetala Tetalhar Tetali Tharata Thau Thearry Thumus Tijir Toenrid Tolesje Tolinoa Tolzun Tozird Tupbisji Turturi Tusbiin Ucaibe Ukala Ulezuar Ulezui Ulif Ulki Urtrod Uscir Uthmur Utko Utkomur Uvotji Vaarra Vaarratji Vibezuapo Vibhird Vird Virhirdt Virild Virird Virmuebe Virmur Virsat Virt Virtrovo Viurg Viurvis Viurvitji Volphebe Vonos Vonota Vullrith Wannul Warber Warnhar Weabba Welhaldoze Welhalm Welleim Weltrod Wenfread Wiljir Wulf Wulfking Xanoi Xizuar Yinn Yinnock Ypos Ypotji Yvunbe Zejulea Zekabe Zekai Zenbe Zethilea Zidafort Zidoan Zigmur Zinoal Zinoala Zinoalla Zizud Zolex Zorkazend Zuckor Zuckorei Zuncant Zurtenoa Zuul
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444names · 1 year
the entire article on the 1st annual australian international jazz festival from wikipedia + american forenames
Aactoor Abie Abri Acquell Adarl Aded Adord Adoris Adva Agne Albeiterc Aled Alew Allber Ally Almael Alted Alviet Amarla Amelaur Amey Andsa Anger Anicil Annadane Annaduson Annya Antennel Antophea Apperia Apreah Arday Ardol Ared Arialen Aricel Armarrith Arriverna Arry Arse Artim Ashelvick Asted Aurd Aurthurie Banle Bark Barl Baron Bashelict Becca Beck Begandy Begh Beghart Begored Beirence Belicine Bell Bellin Bened Benn Beren Beret Berie Berne Berry Berth Bestianie Bett Bettest Beup Billa Bittay Bothel Bothyl Bottergin Braimiked Bram Bria Brie Brimele Brint Bruberta Bryl Calene Camuelild Carandany Card Carived Carlaida Carrive Cassath Cate Celindy Chandy Chathowel Cheavie Chelbetsy Chelline Chendy Chene Chere Cherevon Chergie Chew Cholis Chry Clan Clath Claur Clewilyn Cluceck Cludium Coddi Comina Cons Core Cort Daria Davia Davie Dawkired Debert Debony Deboures Delmaria Derra Derted Desadvang Diany Dine Dintorya Dium Dizz Doolane Dorice Dormart Dory Dwig Eaderne Eallina Eanna Eatio Edin Eild Elaus Ellyn Elma Elmen Elve Emadel Emaran Encey Estams Esty Etthelvie Eupedo Eupen Evon Felmandy Felyney Fereen Ferry Fess Fest Fing Firmary Floycey Forgio Fori Fraye Fren Fret Gabeul Gencling Genda Geonal Getsy Gine Glaulie Gorethey Grachri Greas Gred Gusie Gwee Hald Hanney Hannort Haprik Harist Heing Heitne Hellauddy Heria Herrie Hertlenny Hery Highley Hista Homie Host Huan Hught Incline Indy Inifteley Itertout Ithena Jace Jacey Jachaneva Jachellin Jacque Jandy Jaroya Jearaluce Jeffanny Jend Jestamy Jild Jimers Joandy Joanney Joellin Joelvie Jois Jonice Jonnie Jort Josed Josila Jossie Jossirma Juadleen Jual Juligh Kard Kartic Kated Kayl Keddy Keirend Kelbego Keliand Keliew Kellia Kene Kenn Kimille Kinde Kirma Kricia Krie Kurdon Kurtney Laran Larra Lasmikara Latralphy Lerth Lestany Lianna Liffora List Locamone Lophawkip Lophia Lorey Lort Loshougen Lostie Lown Lows Lucycey Ludina Ludy Lupcody Lydebt Lyne Lyneugh Mady Mana Mance Mandeah Mando Mands Mara Marcista Mard Mardal Mardell Marilla Marley Marmarrit Maronis Marry Mars Mart Martorest Marylen Matolene Matrober Maula Megaye Melausiew Mely Meria Micky Miel Miella Mighawn Mikelly Mina Mith Monne Mons Moral Moryl Motas Motted Nalyn Nicholy Niel Ninee Noral Noris Ocan Oleang Olyn Opathris Ored Oree Ortiola Pamustio Pappy Patanted Pater Path Patiffane Patrive Pauge Paulin Pedereeth Peraneve Perth Plavia Pord Pral Pred Prephie Quely Ramie Rams Rane Rausie Rectony Reduan Reentoor Reggin Reld Rence Resicia Resling Rive Robel Rogramena Rolins Roly Rona Roniguel Rony Roscia Rotast Roydne Rube Rudrie Sanah Saro Sary Schany Scin Sephill Shapeddy Shard Sheria Shiped Shough Sice Sony Stace Stas Ster Sting Stricia Susiel Susiona Tandrene Tasmillah Tencia Teriannie Teveang Tharta Therfor Therie Thuance Tichel Tick Ticks Tielsam Tine Tomi Tonis Toria Tormard Trace Trah Trie Trist Twen Vannice Velearry Vetcholy Viamert Vicestive Vine Ving Vingert Warber Wars Wartie Wayle Wene Wernick Whealey Wherna Willought Wing Worry Wrom Yeadlen Yearier Yvon
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sillyname30 · 1 year
tbh I don't think they care enough about the warbers plot to bring a guest out of there circle onto the podcast to talk about it
No, they think of the Warblers as competition. Now with the strike they can't bring actors in as guests. When the strike goes on, they are through with season 2. They could bring Grant Gustin in season 3. He was a Warbler and had a bigger role.
But I would be interested in one of the unknown Warblers. They had not much to do, barely a thing to say. Their main purpose was to dance around Darren (and Chris). On one hand they had a job and got paid, but on the other hand that must be a bit frustating.
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theautisticbarbie · 1 year
A Bird of Praise
Act II
Chapter II: Summer Hues
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter
Word Count: 3,786
Chapter summary: Tara’s summer gets hot and heavy when the house across the street from her’s becomes occupied by the resident bad boy, a California transplant, one Billy Hargrove
Chapter warnings: SMUT! SMUTTY SMUT! SMUTTY WARBER JEAGER MAN JENSEN! MINORS GO AWAY! Okay but also dubcon, oral (f receiving) p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), fingering, overstimulation if you squint, Billy being kind of a douche, creampies, virginity loss, just overall filth. Porn with plot.
The rest of the school year was somewhat awkward for Tara after her and Jonathan’s breakup. One thing was clear, though, from the general way she was greeted whenever she went to pick Will up for his hangouts with Mike, Dustin and Lucas.
Joyce was not privy to their falling out, and by that extent, neither was Bob.
Once summer rolled around, the usual happened for Tara. Her weekend job became a weekday job, she had summer intensives with her school’s ballet team, her mother was constantly away from home because of summer travelling and Daniel was hanging out with friends from this “Hellfire Club” that he joined when the twins started high school. Tara didn’t know much about the club. Just that they played DnD.
There was one thing that happened that nobody on Tara’s whole block was expecting.
The house across the street from her’s was sold.
4819 Cherry Lane. Tara would have never thought the day would come. That house had been sitting vacant for close to three decades. The last family who lived there swore it was cursed and nobody’s touched it since.
Tara wondered with all of her might who on Earth would want that house.
She and her brother staked out the house from their living room on moving day once they saw the moving truck pull up.
“What if it’s a killer who needs a place to hide the bodies?” Tara asked, a hint of dread in her voice.
“Oh well yeah we all know that. We just need to know who to steer clear of,” Daniel said, half joking.
After staking out the move and examining what were very clearly just movers, a car pulled up. The moment of truth.
Out of the drivers seat was a middle aged man who looked pretty mundane and didn’t stand out from a crowd at all. From the passengers seat was a red headed woman who was clearly much younger than him.
“Who’s that?” Tara asked.
“Trophy wife, clearly,” Daniel snarked.
“That could be his daughter for all we know!” Tara chided.
“Then who is that coming out of the back seat?”
A little redhead girl, most likely the age of the party Tara chaperoned bounced out of the back seat.
Tara got a good look at them, but one thing stood out very clearly.
They clearly weren’t happy.
“I should go welcome them to the neighbourhood,” Tara offered, wanting to cheer them up.
“I get the distinct impression that they aren’t here because they want to be. Maybe you should just leave them be,” Daniel said.
Before Tara could offer a rebuttal, a blue car came darting down the road before coming to a screeching halt directly in front of the house.
“Holy shit!” Daniel remarked.
“I know, right? That’s so reckless! The driver could have killed them!” Tara berated.
“Dude! That’s a 1979 Chevy Camaro! How the hell was he able to make it go that fast and stop so clean?���
“Are you even listening?” Tara quipped.
Of course. Besides metal music, anime and Dungeons and Dragons, Daniel had one interest that was conventionally seen as “normal” for teenage boys, and that obsession was cars and motorcycles.
Daniel’s advice to give the new neighbours their space went out the window as soon as he saw that display.
Tara stood inside with her arms folded. She was quite cross with whomever was bold enough to endanger a family with their reckless behaviour.
Out of the vehicle stepped a boy about Daniel’s age with a strawberry blonde mullet, a leather jacket and aviator sunglasses.
And just like that, the sight of a handsome boy quelled all of Tara’s annoyances.
Daniel went outside to greet this stranger.
“Dude! Sick engine!” Daniel greeted.
“Who the hell are you?” the boy asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh! Right!” Daniel said, flustered. “I’m Daniel! Your neighbour from just across the street,” he said, extending his hand.
The boy only looked at Daniel’s hand before turning around to go in the house.
“Just tell me which room’s mine, Neil!” the boy said.
Daniel pulled back his hand and looked at it, wondering where he went wrong when he introduced himself.
“I don’t get it!” he said later that day while Tara was gathering her stuff for ballet practise. She decided she was going to practise her fouettés in the front yard.
“Maybe he was uncomfortable. You DID come off pretty strong sizing up his car. Maybe he thought you were planning to steal it,” Tara said, poignantly.
“Oh fuck!” Daniel said, facepalming and realising that Tara was most likely correct.
While Tara was practising her fouettés, she noticed the boy from earlier stepping on his front yard, having a smoke and sizing up the girl.
Later that night, while they were having dinner, there was a knock at the door. Tara decided to answer to see the boy from earlier.
“Hi! Nice to see you again! Sorry about my brother, by the way. He’s such a weirdo when it comes to cars and motorcycles!” Tara took a breath and recentred herself. “I’m Tara, by the way.”
“Billy. I didn’t realise I lived across the street from a pretty girl. Guess I got lucky.”
Tara blushed. “So what brings you to my doorstep, Billy?”
“I figured a pretty girl like you could show me around town sometime. I’m not familiar with the area.”
“Oh really? Where are you from?” Tara asked curiously.
“California,” Billy answered, flashing a charismatic smile.
“Oh wow! I have a pen pal in California! Is it true that all the movie stars live there?” Tara asked with stars in her eyes.
“Quid pro quo, beautiful. You show me around this town and I’ll tell you everything there is to know about the west coast.”
“Would tomorrow work? It’s my day off!”
“It’s a date, gorgeous.”
The next day, Tara was lounging on the couch with a book, casually waiting for the agreed upon time for their agreed upon tour.
“Aren’t you supposed to be showing the new neighbour around town?” Daniel asked.
“Yeah, but that’s not for another hour,” Tara pointed out.
“And that’s what you’re wearing?” Daniel asked, pointing out that she’s dressed rather leisurely.
“Well, yeah. I imagine we’ll be doing a lot of walking and it’s super comfy! It’s not like it’s actually a date or anything! Mom told me that’s just something people say.”
“Uh, yeah, Tara. That’s exactly what he meant for this to be.”
The mortified look on Tara’s face and the silence that accompanied it were deafening.
“I can’t go out like this! I need to change!” she said, rushing to her bedroom.
“Big brother saves the day once again,” Daniel said, cracking open an RC cola and cracking open his manga.
“Being born 11 minutes before me does not make you my big brother!”
“It literally does.”
Tara frantically looked for the best outfit to make a good first impression for her date.
Billy, meanwhile, was also taking time to make himself look good. Cologne, extra time on his hair. The works.
Tara finally decided on an outfit, a yellow sundress with floral appliqués.
The time came and when Billy picked Tara up, he opened the car door for her and everything, leaving her pleasantly surprised. Jonathan never did that for her.
No. Jonathan wasn’t going to have space in Tara’s head today. Today was about her and the cute new boy who struck her fancy.
The date itself went pretty well. Tara showed Billy all of the landmarks, as well as Hawkins High School, where he would be going in the fall.
That’s how she learned that Billy lived with his father, Neil, his stepmother, Susan, and his stepsister, Max, who would be attending Hawkins Middle School in the fall.
“So why did you leave California? What brought you to our neck of the woods?” Tara asked curiously, eager to know more about her handsome date.
Billy visibly tensed after being asked that question, causing Tara to back down. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”
“It’s fine,” Billy finally said. “I guess my old man just wanted a change of scenery. I honestly don’t know what the hell he’s thinking half the time.”
Thankfully, that awkward bump was short lived, and the two finished off strong with dinner at Enzo’s.
After dinner, the two went back to Tara’s house.
“I had a great time,” Tara said, blushing.
“Who said it had to be over?” Billy asked, closing in for a kiss. “Why don’t you invite me inside?”
“Oh! Yes of course!” Tara said, opening the door, worried that she had broken some social norm. “Please come in!” Tara looked to the sides and noticed her brother’s motorcycle wasn’t in the driveway, so he must be with his Hellfire friends.
Billy let out an amused chuckle before coming inside.
Billy closed the door behind him and resumed kissing Tara.
The kissing became heavier and heavier, before Billy pulled away. “Why don’t we take this upstairs?”
Tara remembered her interaction with Jonathan and was able to surmise exactly what going upstairs entailed.
Tara was still a virgin, but on the other hand, Billy was really handsome and she would love for her first time to be with someone like him.
All the same, he had a right to know.
“I would love to,” Tara started, “but first, there’s something you need to know.” Tara drew a sharp breath. “Okay, here goes. I’m a virgin, so I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“No problem,” Billy said. “I’m happy to lead the way.”
Billy took Tara’s hand and led her upstairs. “Just tell me which room is yours, madame.”
Once the two were in her bedroom, the kissing resumed.
“Do you have a condom?” Tara asked.
“We don’t need one. I’m clean and you can’t get pregnant if you’re a virgin.”
“You can’t?” Tara asked naively.
“Nope. A virgin body doesn’t have the necessary components to hold a pregnancy. That doesn’t come until after a few fucks.”
Perhaps if Tara read less fairytales and history and more anatomy and biology, she wouldn’t have thought she was bleeding to death when she got her first menstrual cycle and she would know that everything Billy is saying right now is absolute rubbish.
“Well, as long as we’re being safe,” Tara said as she naively kissed him.
“Of course, gorgeous.”
Billy gently kissed her hand, trailing kisses up her arm to her shoulder before kissing her neck and placing hickies along from her windpipe to her jawline.
Tara closed the gap between them and kissed him deeply, which he reciprocated. Their tongues battled for dominance before Billy swept her up, tossing her onto her bed.
Tara felt something tingling between her legs, tightly rubbing them together.
Billy hovered over her, sliding his hand between her legs and rubbing her over her panties.
The sensation she was met with caught her off guard, making her throw her head back.
Billy let out a soft chuckle before planting a kiss on her lips, dipping his hand into her panties.
“Jesus Christ, you’re so fucking wet.”
“Wet?” Tara panted, confused, promoting Billy to slide his middle finger into her opening.
Tara shrieked at the sudden intrusion, causing Billy to let out a raspy chuckle. “You really are a virgin, huh?”
Tara gasped as Billy placed open mouth kisses onto her, taking in the smell and taste of cigarettes, along with the addition of Billy’s ring finger entering her.
“Just relax, gorgeous,” he said as he began scissoring her open.
Daniel touted about how great sex was and how amazing it felt. Tara had even occasionally overheard him when some nameless, faceless girl spent the night with him only to be gone before she came down for breakfast.
But this didn’t feel amazing at all. It felt overwhelming and even a bit painful.
“Wait! Billy! Stop! This hurts!” Tara finally uttered.
Billy cooed at her almost mockingly. “I know, sweetie, but it’s only for a bit, and then it’s pure bliss afterwards.”
Tara whimpered as he continued his ministrations.
“Come on, gorgeous. You said it yourself. You’re gonna be 17 in November. That’s kinda old to still be a virgin, don’t you think?”
Maybe Billy was right, Tara thought. Maybe this was like a blood draw or a shot, or being held down or sat on when she had a meltdown or threw a tantrum, where it doesn’t matter if it hurts. It has to be done.
Billy scissored her open one last time before removing his fingers, licking them clean. He peeled her panties off before tossing them to the side. Her pussy was beet red from all of the stimulation, her clit was swollen and sensitive to the touch. Billy gently brushed a finger against her sensitive nub, making her cry out.
Suddenly, he pulled her upright, before pulling her dress up and over her head and off her body, tossing it to the side. He ran a hand over her back, stopping at her bra, kissing her deeply before unclasping it, tearing it away and exposing her breasts.
Tara suddenly realised how nude she was and covered herself with her arms.
“Ah ah ah,” Billy tutted, grabbing her arms and pulling them off her body. “You don’t get to act all shy after my fingers have been in your pussy.”
“Shouldn’t you take your clothes off, too?” Tara asked, her face reddening.
“Calm down, Eager Beaver. We’re getting there.”
“It’s Eager McBeaver.”
“I know what I said,” Billy quipped, lying her down on the bed again.
Billy grabbed her leg and kissed up to her thigh, closing in on her swollen clit before giving it a few kitten licks.
Tara threw her head back. This had to be what Daniel was referring to. This actually did feel nice.
Billy took the bud into his mouth and proceeded to suck it HARD.
Tara cried out as her body jolted with the sudden pleasure.
Suddenly, Billy popped his mouth off and went back to lapping at her clit.
Tara was gasping in pleasure as he continued.
“Cum for me,” he said, taking the bud into his mouth again, putting his middle and ring finger inside of her, fingering her for good measure.
Tara was overwhelmed by pleasure, eventually reaching her peak and crying out.
Billy removed his fingers, licked them clean and began unbuttoning his shirt.
By the time Tara regained her bearings, Billy was down to his boxers. His body was sweaty and he was hungrily looking down at her with a tent between his legs.
He pulled them down, allowing his cock to spring free. The tip was angry red and it was absolutely weeping with pre-cum.
One thought went through Tara’s mind as he pumped his shaft. How in the world was all of that possibly going to fit inside of her?
“Uh, Billy… how big is that?” Tara asked, a hint of fright in her voice.
“10 inches. You’re the third person to ask.”
Tara looked up at him and swallowed thickly, to which he responded with a gentle kiss to the forehead. “Don’t worry, babe. I know what I’m doing.”
Billy’s hands wandered to Tara’s fairly large breasts and he pinched her nipples hard, causing her to jolt up. He then slotted himself between her legs, rubbing his tip along her slit.
“Deep breath, princess.”
Tara took a deep breath and held it, screwing her eyes shut and waiting for the moment to come.
Billy pushed his head past her entrance, moaning in ecstasy as her pussy lips wrapped around his girth. When he felt her hymen, he pulled back and slammed forward as hard as he could, snapping their hips together.
Tara’s eyes flew open as she let out a strangled cry, tears prickling the corners of her eyes.
Billy gently shushed her as he stroked her face. “It’s okay. It’s all over now. From here on out, it’s pure bliss.”
Billy paused, giving her time to adjust to his size, before he began thrusting.
The sounds of the bed creaking and the headboard banging against the wall polluted the room with Billy’s husky moans.
The burning sensation Tara felt eventually turned to pleasure, eliciting orgasmic cries.
Tara held onto Billy’s back for dear life as he picked up the pace, panting and moaning into her ear.
“You’re not a virgin anymore,” he panted. “From now on, you’ll be my little sex slave.”
He lifted his head, looking Tara dead in the eyes. “Say it,” he said, punctuating it with a particularly hard thrust.
Now wait just a darn second, Tara thought. Since when was she going to agree to sexual slavery to a man she just met yesterday?
“Say it!” Billy demanded, thrusting harder.
Billy smirked. “What’s a matter, princess? Dick got your tongue?”
The squelching noises were absolutely obscene. Their bodies were covered in sweat.
It all came to a head when Billy’s hips began to falter. “Oh fuck… shit… Tara! I’m gonna…” he thrusted as hard as he can. “Gonna cum! Fuck!”
A string of curses flew out of Billy’s mouth as he shot thick hot white ropes into Tara’s cervix.
Eventually, he collapsed beside her head, panting heavily into her ear.
“Fuck… that was… fuck…”
“Is that a good thing?” Tara asked, also catching her breath.
“Hell yeah it is.”
After the two caught their breath, Billy rolled off of her and reached for his boxers.
“Hey, do you maybe wanna cuddle and spend the night?” Tara offered.
“Wish I could, princess,” Billy started, putting his clothes back on, “but Neil said he would break every bone in my body if I didn’t finish unpacking the boxes in my room by tomorrow. Some other time, though. We definitely have to do this again,” he finished, kissing Tara on the forehead.
“By the way, uh…” Billy started as he put his leather jacket back on, “you might wanna take it easy for the next few days. You’re gonna be sore down there for a while.”
The next morning, while Tara was making iced coffee for herself, she looked at her brother, who was cooking bacon and scrambled eggs.
“Hey, Daniel, can I ask you a question?”
“What’s up?”
“Do… when you have sex… do girls ask you to say weird things?”
Daniel almost aspirated his spit. “Huh?!”
“Well… okay promise you won’t tell mom first!”
“Wait, Tara, did you fuck the new neighbour?”
“I said you can’t tell mom!”
“Holy shit,” Daniel murmured, turning his attention back to the stove.
“Well, do they?”
“Sometimes? What happened? And please spare me the gory details!”
“Well, he kinda called me his sex slave.”
“Oh. Yeah, that happens. Guys never mean it when they say shit like that, though. It’s just a heat of the moment thing. That’s all.”
“Is that why he left after?”
“Well, I asked him if he wanted to spend the night, and he said that he couldn’t but that he would next time. He seemed kind of in a hurry to leave, to be honest.”
Daniel sucked in air through his teeth, as though he knew something Tara didn’t.
“What?” she asked.
“Tara, there isn’t going to be a next time. That was a hook up. He just wanted to hit it and quit it.”
“Oh,” Tara said, dejected, looking down at her coffee.
Once again, she blew it. And she blew it with a cute guy, too. One whom she will have to look at every morning and probably every day when school starts again while he entertains other girls.
“Are you okay?” her brother asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.
“Yeah, I’m gonna go get ready for work.”
At the book store, it was pretty relaxed. The only customers were the occasional child being dragged in by their parents for the summer reading program.
Tara decided to use the down time to alphabetise the kid’s section. She winced in pain as she crouched down to the bottom shelves.
“Chica, are you okay?” Alanna asked, approaching her to help.
“Yeah. This really cute guy moved in across the street and we went on a date and the night ended kinda rough. I’m still kinda sore down there.”
“Girrrrl! Spill! Spill all of the dirty details!”
“Okay, well, this guy—“ before they could finish that thought, a thunderous engine roar pulled up to the front. The two heard what sounded like Billy arguing with a child before said child stormed into the store.
“Hello! Welcome to A Literal Haven! How can we direct your reading adventures today?” Tara asked.
Tara took another look at the child and recognised her as Max, Billy’s stepsister.
“I’m here for the summer reading program,” Max responded.
“Not a problem! Last name?” Alanna asked, looking through the summer reading files.
“Mayfield. It might be under Hargrove, too. My stepfather is the one who signed me up, but only cause my mom asked him to.”
“Max?” Alanna asked pulling out her file. “Cool, I’ll explain how it works—“
Suddenly the bell jingled, indicating that another customer walked in. “I’ll see to that!” Tara said.
When she went to the front, she saw Billy there with his trademark charismatic smile.
“Hi, there! What brings you here?” Tara asked curiously.
“Well, I thought I saw you when I dropped off my stepsister and I just had to see it for myself.”
“Yup! This is where I work!” Tara said, flustered and blushing.
“So what time are you off?” Billy asked.
“Come again?” Tara asked.
“Well, I was thinking that maybe you could give me some good book recommendations, seeing as how you work here and all.”
“I would love to do that!” Tara declared.
Truthfully, looking back on the events that transpired the previous night, it might be for the best that it wasn’t going to be a regular thing, but one could never have too many book-reading companions, especially since apart from her boss, there weren’t that many people who would discuss with her the deeper meanings of certain pieces of literature. And because Franklin’s genre and literary tastes differed very greatly from Tara’s, who preferred fairytales and children’s adventures, that narrowed things down even further.
“Great! That’ll be nice. You know, I never thought I’d have a girlfriend not 2 days after moving here.”
Wait, so he wanted to be her boyfriend? He meant it about there being a next time? Geez, people really confused Tara sometimes.
I guess that’s okay, Tara thought. But she was going to have to set and enforce some serious boundaries about what was and wasn’t acceptable behaviour in the bedroom.
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lrmartinjr · 2 years
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brooklynbridgebirds · 2 years
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Ovenbird Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 3 uplands
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