#wardrobe assembly service
greytecho · 2 years
Best in Toronto Office Furniture Assembly Toronto
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humanpurposes · 11 months
Just for a Moment, part i
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Tom Bennett has a habit of climbing through her bedroom window whenever he's in trouble // Main Masterlist
Tom Bennett x OFC
Warnings: 18+, mentions of war and death, friends to lovers, angst, fluff, eventual smut
Words: 3800
A/n: Me? Starting another series to avoid updating ongoing fics? No wayyyy. This is going to be a 4 part mini series and their song is When the Sun Hits by Slowdive, just so you know. Also available to read on AO3.
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Tom Bennett had always had a talent for getting under people’s skin.
Kitty knew it when they were kids, when they’d run around the streets of Longsight and the alleyways behind Slade Grove. He would rile anyone up, regardless if they were older or bigger than him. He didn’t even do it for a reason, he just liked to get a raise out of people.
He used to tease her too, for all sorts of stupid reasons, because she was a year younger than him, because her mother used to dress her in shirts and shorts that used to belong to her older brothers, because when they’d buy bags of Yorkshire mix from the shop, she would only eat the red ones. Every Sunday after Church, they’d sit in the park or on the front step of the Bennetts’ house, and Tom would pick out every sweet he knew she liked, and keep the rest for himself.
When Tom was eleven he moved to the big school, where Kitty’s brothers all went, Eddie, Art and Stevie. Eddie was a prefect. He used to come home with all sorts of stories of Tom Bennett, ‘from over the road’. Tom talked back to his teachers, disrupted assemblies, picked fights with other kids, every offence Kitty’s mind could imagine. 
It only got worse when his mam died.
Thursday 12th July, 1928
Kitty had never been to a funeral before. She had a new dress and a black overcoat for the occasion. It was cold in the church graveyard, overcast and windy. Mam had held her hand so tightly she wondered if she’d ever get it back. 
The Bennetts stood together, on the other side of the grave. Lois’ hair was braided into a messy plait that stuck out on one side, the ribbon at the end tied into a knot rather than a bow. She was trying to hold her father’s shoulder as he cried, but she couldn’t quite reach. Tom stood a little further away from his father. His hair was messy, his knees scabbed and bruised, his shirt skewed and the buttons done in the wrong places.
Kitty kept her eyes on him, all through the service, the burial and the wake back at number 27. Tom didn’t cry once.
That night, when she should have been asleep, she lay awake in her bed, listening to her brothers whispering and in the next room as they always did. Sometimes she felt sad to be left out of their antics, but tonight she was glad to be on her own, in her little box room at the front of the house.
Until she heard a tapping on the window.
She froze between her sheets. Was it too late for it to have been a bird?
And then it came again, tap, tap, tap.
With a determined little huff, she rose from the bed, smoothed her hands down the front of her nightgown and drew back the curtains.
“Tom?” she whispered.
He grinned when he saw her, perched on the windowsill behind the glass. 
Kitty raised the window and before she could invite him in he was crawling through it.
“What are you doing?” she hissed.
Tom shrugged and went to sit on the edge of her bed. He glanced around the room, at the little shelf of books, dolls and small wooden animals, the black overcoat hung on the back of the door and the drawings stuck to the wardrobe. He’d been in the Wheelans’ kitchen before, but he’d never been allowed upstairs.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he said, far too loudly for Kitty’s liking.
She pressed a firm finger against his lips. She held her breath, waiting for one of the lads to notice, but they kept on chatting– whatever it was teenage boys chatted about.
“Keep your voice down,” she said.
Tom smiled against her finger and made a cross over his heart.
She sat beside him, swaying her legs while she tried to think of something to say.
Tom reached for a book on her bedside table and flicked through the pages. When he was bored of that, he grabbed her teddy. He tossed it about in his hands and ran his hands over the ancient and matted fur. It had been Eddie’s, back in the day. Every single one of her brothers had owned it before her.
“I don’t like seeing my dad cry,” Tom said.
Kitty frowned. “Why not?”
“I just don’t like it. He’s always been a bit…”
Dad had often mentioned the case of Douglas Bennett. They had fought in the same regiment in 1914. When Micheal Wheelan came back from war, he returned as a self-proclaimed hero. His boys loved to hear his stories and take turns wearing his medals. Douglas Bennett had returned to Manchester a far more troubled kind of man.
“And with mum he–” but he stopped himself with an irritated grunt. “Can I stay here?”
“Not forever, I just… can I sit here, just for a moment?”
Kitty took the teddy from him and placed her hand firmly in his. “That’s what we’re doing, isn’t it?”
From then on, Tom made quite a habit of appearing at the window and hiding in her room whenever he was in trouble.
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Saturday 2nd September, 1939
Being up and out before the boys are awake is a strange feeling, it’s the only time the house is so quiet.
It’s just before dawn. The sky is a hazy shade of dark blue but an orange glow is starting to appear over the rooftops. Mr Gregory wants her in the shop early to help with a delivery.
Something draws her eyes from her black leather shoes on the pavement, up to the end of the street. A figure makes his way down Slade Grove. She recognises the sway of his shoulders and the end of a lit cigarette in his mouth.
“Alright, pretty Kitty?” Tom says when they’re in earshot of each other, taking the cigarette between his fingers. “What are you doing up so late?”
“It’s early,” she says. He’s in a jacket and slacks, and he has a dazed sort of look in his eyes. She can guess where he’s been but it doesn’t stop her from asking. “What have you been up to?”
“Don’t give me that look,” he says, taking another drag. He tilts his chin up and exhales the smoke above their heads through pouted lips. “Just been down the pub, nothing scandalous.”
A likely story. She’s seen the police knocking on their front door twice in four weeks.
“How’s your job in the shop going?” he asks.
It was supposed to be temporary, a little money to make ends meet after dad got laid off from the factory. Six months later and she’s still there. 
“Grand,” she says.
“Can you do me mates rates on a packet of Marlboros?”
“Yeah, if you promise to actually buy them.”
He clutches his chest and his face lights up in an ironic expression. “Of course, what sort of man do you take me for?”
The sort who used to sell cigarettes in the schoolyard— God knows how he got his hands on them in the first place. At that age he could talk himself out of anything. That’s what makes Tom Bennett every parent’s worst nightmare, he’s a troublemaker with pretty blue eyes and an infectiously charming smile.
“I should get going,” she says, taking another step until Tom moves in front of her. Her eyes meet with the collar of his jacket and the hollow of his throat. She can smell the musk of the pub on him, the cigarette smoke and the faded scent of his aftershave.
She looks up to his face and his expression has changed, not quite smiling but amused, smug and somewhat severe.
“What?” she says impatiently.
“Nothing,” he says, unphased, “have a good shift.”
The morning drags on at a gruelling pace. Mr Gregory’s getting on a bit now so Kitty has to do a lot of the heavy lifting, piling boxes into the storage room round the back, going through the stock in the shop, filling the shelves, flattening the boxes and bringing them to the bins outside. It feels like hours of work, but when she looks at the clock it’s not even 9. Eight hours until closing. Mr and Mrs Gregory live above the shop, so at least she gets a steady supply of tea, toast and bits of carrot cake.
By the afternoon she feels her eyes start to close. The morning rush is over now and business will dwindle for the rest of the day. She tries to stay awake, fanning herself with her blouse and nibbling on little mouthfuls of cake.
The bell above the door rings. She straightens her spine and smooths down her apron, ready to put on her best customer service voice, only for Tom Bennett to swagger in through the door.
He’s changed his clothes and donned a blue jacket instead of the earthy green she had seen him in earlier.
“Did you get enough sleep?” Kitty asks at the heavy look under his eyes.
He grins it off. “Packet of Marlboros please, Miss Wheelan.”
She fetches them from the cabinet behind the counter and places the packet in front of him. His aftershave smells a little stronger now. “Anything else?”
He drums his fingers against the counter, looking around innocently at the array of chocolate bars and the jars of sweets behind her.
“I’ll have a bag of Yorkshire mix,” he says.
She takes the jar down from the shelf. She can hear him breathing steadily through his nose as she scoops the sweets into a paper bag. When she turns back around he’s watching her.
“Nine pence,” she says, swallowing down a nervous feeling in her throat.
Tom counts through some change from his pocket and drops the coins into her hands, a sixpence and a thruppence. His fingertips brush over her palms and his knuckles are scabbed over. She dreads to think why.
“Nice one,” he says once she puts the payment through the till. “What do you make of this stuff going on in Poland then?” he says, popping a pear drop into his mouth.
She’s only been reading the headlines of the papers when she stocks them in the shop every morning, or hearing snippets from dad’s radio. 
“Since when did you start taking an interest in foreign affairs?” she asks.
He reaches into the bag and pulls out a raspberry. “Been reading the news, haven’t I?” he says, holding it out for her. 
She hesitates for a moment before she takes it. She lets the sugar melt over her tongue. It tastes like summer afternoons after school and weekends in the park, tearing at the grass and watching the boys play football because they’d never let her join in.
“That’s where Harry is, isn’t it?” she says, “Lois must be worried.
Tom tuts and tucks the bag into his pocket. “Posh boys can talk their way out of anything,” he says. “Speaking of, I met Madge’s new man last night.”
“At the pub?”
“Yeah. Right ponce in’t he?”
She purses her lips in irritation. She hates it when he does this, poking fun at others until he feels better about himself. “He’s training to be a barrister.”
“Like I said.”
She shrugs. “I suppose there are worse jobs to have.”
“Is that what you’ll do then? Find some rich boy with a big house and stick up his arse?”
It’s not quite the future she has planned out for herself. Her friend Madge is a secretary in Manchester. There are all sorts of exams she had to pass, but it could be doable. Mam’s always tried to put her off it though. “Parents need their girls,” she says.
“I don't think I’m likely to find any of those in Longsight. Maybe I should ask Lois for advice?” she says, trying not to smile.
“Steady there, Kitty, I didn’t mean to get you all excited,” he says, leaning into the counter. His voice is lower all of a sudden, it sends an odd, jittery feeling though her chest and stomach.
He winks at her before he turns and leaves. The bell rings and the shop is quiet again.
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Her feet feel heavy when she walks through the front door. Her bed calls her name but she’s unbearably thirsty. Saturdays are half days and the boys are already home from the factory. Mam’s started on dinner and the others are around the kitchen table. 
Dad waves a blue leaflet at her. “One of Douglas Bennett’s pacifist… things,” he says.
“Do you really think there’ll be a war, dad?” Kitty says, shrugging off her coat.
“If there is, it won’t be long,” he says with a determined nod, “no one wants another war.”
Eddie and Art hum in agreement. The oldest of the four Wheelan siblings, they were born before dad went away to war. Their faces are older and more stern, like they can still remember a time when they didn’t have their father around. They still call Stevie and Kitty “the babies,” which she thinks must make them feel more important.
Stevie’s in good spirits though. “Ran into Lois and Connie on the bus, and Connie personally invited me to their gig tonight!” he says brightly.
“Come off it,” Art grumbles, “she was just being friendly.”
“Kitty!” Stevie sings, waltzing over to her. He takes her coat from her hands and twirls her around the kitchen, to mam’s despair. “Come to the Fiddler’s Bow with me tonight, please.”
“So you can ditch me for Connie once their set’s done?”
“There’ll be other people there,” Stevie says, turning her around to face their brothers, “or ask one of these grumpy bastards to join us.”
“Stephen Wheelan!” their mother chides.
Eddie and Art share a pointed look and shake their heads, already backing away towards the front room.
In the end she decides she’ll just have to brave it. After eating, she changes into a flowy, white blouse and an emerald green skirt, pinning her hair up so it won’t go everywhere as she moves. She hides a tube of lipstick inside her purse. Mam and dad would rather die than let her leave the house with makeup. She only owns a lipstick because Lois Bennett had given her one.
Stevie brushes up well, in a white shirt and freshly shined leather shoes, his hair slicked back with wax. They run into each other on the landing and race downstairs.
Mam gives them the usual instructions. Home by 11 o'clock and not a minute later. One drink each. No smoking. No noise when they get in. 
Stevie’s already pulling a packet of cigarettes and a lighter out of his pocket when they’re halfway through the front door.
And Kitty’s breath hitches when, for the third time that day, she sees Tom Bennett. He’s hovering in the doorway, putting empty milk bottles out. When he notices them, he smiles. “Off somewhere nice?” he says.
“Fiddler’s Bow,” Stevie calls back, “to see Lois and Connie play.”
“She’s down there already,” Tom says, his eyes flickering to Kitty for only a moment, “left half an hour ago.”
He’s in a white t-shirt now, that’s just a little too tight against his torso.
“Why don’t you join us?” Kitty says without thinking it through. “Stevie’s going for Connie, I’ll need a partner once he ditches me.”
Tom looks down at the pavement. His lips are thin and his hands fidget by his side. “I’ve um… got something else on tonight, ‘m sorry.”
Her heart sinks. Any lighthearted hope she had about enjoying the evening dissolves right in front of her. Right, of course, because why would he actually want to spend more than a few moments with her?
“Movin’ on,” Stevie says, steering Kitty down the road with a brief farewell to Tom. “He’s no good, you know that?” he whispers in her ear. “Eddie says he nicks scrap metal from the yard, sells it to all sorts dodgy fuckers.”
“Yeah, I know,” she breathes. Her chest feels tight and suddenly she feels like she wants to cry.
Stevie has a good time at the gig. Lois and Connie are first in the lineup and once their set is over, Stevie makes a point of cheering the loudest. The four of them spend the rest of the night dancing.
When Stevie and Connie disappear outside for a smoke, Kitty drags Lois to the bar, to catch their breath and down glasses of tonic water. Lois drones on about her Harry issue, but having three older brothers who presume every word they say is profound and worthy of note, Kitty knows where to hum and nod without really listening.
They walk Connie home first before the three of them make their way to Slade Grove. The houses are quiet now, save for a few lights in the windows, creeping through drawn curtains. Two policemen are standing outside number 27.
“Have you seen your brother?” one of them calls to Lois when she reaches the door.
“No,” Lois says, “but if you see him before I do, will you tell him he’s in trouble?”
Kitty meets Stevie’s eyes and he raises his brows.
“Piss off,” she grumbles.
Mam and dad have gone to bed, but Eddie and Art are playing cards in the front room— or they should be. Eddie is standing by the window, peering through the curtains. 
“Who are they after?” Eddie asks.
“Who do you think?” Kitty mutters, but she doesn’t stay to hear another rant about ‘troublesome Tom Bennett’, and slips her shoes off before she makes her way upstairs.
It can’t be said Tom doesn’t make an impression on the people he meets. Mam and dad still have a soft spot for him, though less so since he’s started getting into trouble with the police, and the lads seem to outright despise him.
She’d be lying if she said he didn’t find him irritating, to a certain degree. Maybe it’s because he’s cocky, maybe it’s because he used to be surprisingly sweet, or maybe it’s because nothing seems to phase him, but something about Tom Bennett makes her restless.
She wipes off her lipstick, takes out the pins in her hair and changes into her nightgown. Her eyes feel heavy, but tomorrow is Sunday, which means the shop will be closed and she can have a whole day of ‘freedom’, so long as that includes helping with the laundry and the dinner.
Dad’s snores are evident and the boys are still distracted downstairs, they’ve even put the radio on by the sound of it.
She’s about to turn off the light when she hears three taps on the window.
He knows it’s unlocked. The window slides up and Tom squeezes through it, slipping his boots off so he doesn’t make too much noise when he plants his feet on the floor. He goes straight to the bed, making himself comfortable over the throw with his hands under his head.
“Lois says the police have been round,” he says quietly.
She looks down at her hands, nervously playing with the fabric of her nightgown. “I saw.”
He turns his head to where she stands. The lamp hits his face like sunlight, catching the sharp features of his face, the point of his nose and the curve of his lips. 
She nudges him closer to the wall, making some space for herself beside him. Her body rests against his. He smells like smoke and fresh air.
“What did you do this time?” she asks.
He doesn’t give her an answer. In a way she thinks she’d rather not know.
His arm falls around her and it feels like the most natural thing in the world. Nights with him are often like this, quiet, just two people existing in the same space.
He turns on his side to face her. “Can I stay the night?”
“Tom,” she whispers, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
“Please, or I’ll have to sleep on a couch in the pub.”
“Are you mad? can you imagine what Eddie’ll do if he sees you walking out my bedroom in the morning?”
“Kitty,” he hums. He brings his hand to her face, gently stroking his thumb over her cheek. His eyes are wide and pleading. “Please.”
It’s in moments like this when she hates Tom the most, when her heart thrums in her chest and she wants nothing more than to lose herself in the feeling of his skin against hers. When their heads are so close together, all she sees are two blue eyes.
Each time she thinks she wants to close the distance between them, something stops her.
Neither of them ever dare to move closer than this.
She reaches to turn off the light and turns back to Tom. Her head falls into his chest and her arm settles around his waist. She falls asleep to the pulse of his heartbeat, the sound of his breath and the warmth of his body.
And by the time the sun shines in through the window, he’s gone.
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Sunday 3rd September, 1939
She appears in the kitchen just after 11 o’clock. Her body feels heavy and her eyes are still tired. She shouldn’t have gone back to sleep after she woke up the first time.
Dad’s fiddling with the radio, Art’s pouring tea into six cups, and Eddie and mam are listening to Steive’s retelling of the previous night. He seems incredibly proud of himself, despite the fact the closest he came to kissing Connie was lighting her cigarette.
She helps Art with the tea. They all like it the same way. Strong, with one sugar and a little dash of milk. 
It might almost be a perfect morning, if dad were listening to something more uplifting than the news.
“How about some music?” she says as she hands him his cup, but he doesn’t take it. His eyes are fixed on the radio, and his hands are shaking.
Art appears over her shoulder and turns up the volume. “Quiet,” he says, and the others fall silent.
A voice speaks through the crackles in the transmission, “consequently, this country is at war with Germany.”
Kitty looks at the faces around her, Eddie and Art glaring furiously, Stevie’s wide eyes and his lips fallen like a child’s, mam and dad’s haunted sorrow.
The transmission ends and she wishes it didn’t, it would save her from the grave silence in the house.
She decides to make herself busy. She washes out an empty milk bottle and goes to leave it by the door.
When she opens the door the two policemen are back, only now they’re walking out of the Bennetts’ house.
Her heart sinks. They have Tom in handcuffs.
His eyes meet hers across the road. He doesn’t make a fuss, or try to protest. He hangs his head as they walk him down the street.
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General taglist: @randomdragonfires @jamespotterismydaddy @theoneeyedprince (comment to be added)
Series taglist: (comment to be added)
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Celebrating Ramadan With Kalim and Jamil
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First of all, I would like to say that all of this is incredibly self-indulgent. I know that everyone has their own traditions and ways of celebrating Ramadan but this is how my family observes this month. I would love to hear anyone else’s input.
Okay, my mother would love to meet them because they are good, respectable boys.
Every year my mother goes abaya shopping where she has to buy three different abayas (one for Eid, one for Taraweeh/Jummah prayers at the mosque and one for everyday wear) and she always gets upset because I’ve been using the same abaya for the past three years and I only get another one once my previous one has been worn down. Well, now she shall be disappointed no longer because not only would Kalim buy me three wardrobe’s worth of the most luxurious abayas known to man with the fanciest matching shawls but he also, most probably, would get her the fancy abayas as well.]
Kalim would win her heart by buying her those really luxurious hijab shawls.
Oh my god, Eid dress shopping would be a whole other monster. After finding out that I buy two dresses/outfits for Eid, he would be like ‘ha you thought’ and just pull up a thick magazine and ask my mother to point out anything and everything she wants me to have - since she’s the one that does all of the Eid shopping - and the next day I’d find a pile of readily tailored clothes in my bedroom.
A few weeks ago, my mother bought me a golden bracelet with my name written in Arabic on it and honestly part of the reason I love it is because it is exactly the kind of gift Kalim or Jamil would give me.
Iftar and Suhoor would be a feast with Kalim, Jamil and the Al-Asim wealth. Like these boys would stroll up with the rich people dates and my mother would be sold (my mum and her dad love dates).
This has nothing to do with the rest of the post but I know for a fact that the Scarabia boys would get my name right on the first try and I love them for that.
(Context: I have an Arabic/Muslim surname and I spent all my life going to a whiter-than-the-antaractic primary school that used to be a church. That place was so white that we didn’t even have proper assemblies, we had ‘service’ where the priest from down the road would come and talk about the Bible to the entire school whilst the 10-20ish Muslim kids would sit at the back of the hall and read books. So whilst I was there everyone would pronounce my last name as the way you would spell it out in english whereas the actual arabic pronunciation is different but since everyone including my teachers, the librarians, my mum and dad’s coworkers etc called me by the western pronunciation, I thought that that was what my name is. It was only after my Arabic/Quran teacher pronounced my surname in its Arabic way that my dad told me that it's the proper way of saying it. Not going to lie, it felt kind of weird knowing that I’ve been getting my own name wrong for over a decade and I still use the English pronunciation to this day)
Similarly to how Kalim would win my mum with dates and clothes, Jamil would win my mum with handmade kunafa. Trust me, my family loves kunafa.
Also, my parents love arabic tea. My mum collects tea sets and her two favourite sets are her Turkish tea glasses and silvery metallic Moroccan tea set. Jamil would see her arabic mint tea leaves and he would offer to brew it for her and it would taste like perfection, I just know it.
There was this one Ramadan where my mum got into Arabic calligraphy so she bought this big canvas and some black paint and my sister and I tore out pages from my cartridge paper pad and used my calligraphy pens and we just sat and tried to replicate the arabic calligraphy art we saw on google images whilst listening to nasheeds and I KNOW that Jamil would love to do this. Like he would come out with a masterpiece after ten minutes and then judge watch me try to make mine look half decent before trying to help me. 
I don’t think Jamil would be allowed in the kitchen when my sister, mum and I prepare food for Iftar since it’s a girls only zone but if he could enter it, I know that he would be all calm and everything would be ready at least ten minutes before the adhan compared to the rat race that happens in my house where there are some days where we are laying the table like a minute before it’s time to break fast.
So the day before or two days before Eid, my mother or her friends would invite all of the ladies and their daughters for a henna party where we pay a professional to come and put henna on our arms (and sometimes feet) and we play music and sing and dance and eat sweets and it's a whole thing. Kalim would be upset that he can’t join us but he’d understand since it’s a girls only party and there will be women who want to take off their hijabs and relax but he would pay for like ten of the best henna artists he knows and order food for us and he’d be such a sweetheart like he’d be so happy when I’d show him my designs and he’d talk about how his siblings would wear henna and he used to wear it before he got tattoos.
So, my family likes to celebrate my dad’s lunar birthday since he was born during Ramadan and then, since my sister and I made a big deal of it, my parents decided that they’ll also celebrate our lunar birthdays as well - and by ‘celebrate’ I mean that my mum would order takeaway from our favourite restaurants for dinner - and I can so see this as a thing that Kalim would do only he would treat my lunar birthday as an actual birthday with cake and presents and the whole she-bang.
I kind of want to introduce Kalim to my grandma only to see his reaction to her calling my little sister ‘shaytan’ (satan/devil) as a term of endearment.
Speaking along those lines, I also have a very artistically talented friend who shares the same morbid humour as me and as a gift she made me a canvas with the words ‘Kullu nafsin thaiqatu almawti’ (Every soul shall taste death) written in arabic calligraphy that I have hung up in my bedroom and I would love to see Jamil or Kalim react to that just being one of the first things they see.
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ghoulseason · 10 months
Rehearsal is wrapped for the day, and Papa is already gone to prepare for the evening service. Most of the ghouls shuffle out of the hall to follow him, the ones that have already attended services earlier in the day peel off to help the Sisters prepare the dining hall.
Phantom hates Vespers, although since he's been summoned it's been hard not to hate everything. It's been a difficult adjustment to life on the surface. He feels out of sync on the best of days, a waste of space on the worst.
Early on, Papa had placed him under the care of Dew and Rain, and that was where Phantom found himself most often: sandwiched between the pair while they spoke to each other over him. Even in the pews of the chapel, he had to strain to follow Papa's voice over the whispers back and forth.
(Someone once told Phantom that Dew was one of the more devout ghouls in the abbey, and everyday he wonders if they were fucking with him.)
Vespers passes more slowly than usual, and Phantom can feel himself falling asleep. Other quintessence ghouls in the abbey are permitted to follow their nocturnal instincts, but as a member of the Ghost Project, he's required to stay awake during the day with the rest of the ghouls. It just results in him not sleeping, except for the naps he can steal if he manages to finish his tasks for the ministry early.
Papa finishes the service and dismisses the assembly to dinner, where no doubt he'll be asked to lead another long-winded prayer of thanksgiving. Phantom waits back while the chapel empties and then walks himself in the opposite direction of the crowd. He doesn't care if his stomach is growling. If he's going to keep up with performing, he needs to crash before his second wind forces him up for the night. He makes it back to his room, and before he can even take his boots off, he's asleep on top of the covers.
Hours later and it's dark out. There's laughter from the common room. Phantom stretches and notices that someone has draped a blanket over him. They've taken his boots off and placed them in front of his wardrobe. There's a plate of food on the nightstand, and a reminder that he's welcome the join the rest of them whenever he's up to it.
mattins - lauds
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
Have you noticed that Taylor doesn’t ever wear designer products on her day to day life? Not a criticism ofc just an observation considering the fact that she’s a multimillionaire and most multimillionaires wear a lot of designer products, especially handbags. She seems to be very low maintenance
ehhhh i'm sorry to burst your bubble, and i hope i can do it in the most reassuring and gentle way. but that's not accurate unfortunately, unless your scope of what makes something "designer" is it has to be one of the major houses (gucci, prada, LV, etc). and that's not an accurate outlook in general any more either because fashion has diversified well beyond the major houses. she seems to have a mix of average consumer stores like Aritizia and reformation and free people (which still run you hundreds of dollars sometimes for a piece of clothing and are arguably not affordable) and the like along with a fair share of Stella and the Row and other boutique brands that have sticker prices of 500 - 1k on average per pair of pants. gucci suits they are not, but they're still high end clothing and very expensive to own the volume that she appears to own. and in my experience, most extremely wealthy people don't dress in chanel and gucci and all that every day. they wear basics just like everyone else, pants and tops and sweaters, they're just very high end basics. like t shirts from james perse or cords from the row and things like that. also in my experience, most extremely wealthy people in their everyday life aren't trying to show off their wealth with their clothing. fellow wealthy people will know the difference between a cashmere and a wool sweater and the cut of a really expensive blazer vs one from ann taylor. little details like the type of buttons and stitching can give away how expensive something as simple as a button down shirt is compared to it's cheap counterpart. those who have money can spot it and will know their equals.
i also want to add that wearing high end clothes or not doesn't make someone high maintenance. a lot of celebrities that you see work very hard to look good when they're in their "everyday life" and that's not to say they hire a hair stylist at 8 am to make their hair look good for a plane ride. it's more general life maintenance things. just for clothing alone, most famous and wealthy people have stylists that act as "shoppers" for them. Every few months, or however often the client insists, they will assemble a room full of casual clothes that they've selected for the client based on the client's personal style. The items chosen are meant to act as a wardrobe, not styled outfits, so the client can feel confident that as they choose their "everyday outfits" all of the items will go together well and make them look polished. wealthy and famous people don't have the time to shop for themselves, or they're not good at assembling a mix and match wardrobe like that so employing someone to do that task and also have good, relevant taste for them is invaluable. yes taylor wears an aritizia sweater but her shopper might have set her up this past winter with a slew of them in the right shades and cuts to compliment her figure and skin tone. she might occasionally shop for herself online, but it's more likely with her busy life that someone is on the payroll to do that for her.
beyond clothing, as far as what it takes to maintain a wealthy and famous person's image, i mean the amount of treatments they undergo on a regular basis to maintain clear skin, tight skin, the perfect shade of hair color, a body type they're trying to maintain, well maintained nails, and so on and so forth. you'll never see it and it'll never be noticeable to you because it's all in the service of coming off "naturally" beautiful. when in reality, a celebrity is using an extensive daily regiment of serums, lotions, and sometimes topical fillers that are personalized by clinicians specifically for them, and often shipped to wherever they are, be it film sets or vacations. they're also undergoing state of the art technological treatments such as routine laser hair removal to keep their bodies hairless, which yes needs upkeep, it's not one and done. or other topical treatment machines that zap cellulite or remove imperfections on the skin like moles and freckles. sometimes even botox treatments to the armpits or other areas that sweat or get odorous so they don't perspire noticeably. there's also the frequent trips to salons or even home visits where they have their roots touched up or undergo chemical treatments to keep their hair texture soft and fluid even on their "off" days. not to mention what they ingest, anything from a fridge full of prepared juices and other concoctions that is kept stocked by a nutritionist to meals routinely prepped and portioned out for them by a personal chef that no doesn't come every day, but will come once a week to prepare their meals ahead of time. all of this is maintenance, and not talked about because it destroys the illusion that these famous and wealthy people are simply "genetically" gifted and therefore we should idolize them for how special they are. when in fact no, they have entire armies of people working in the shadows as architects of their unattainable beauty all so that we look at a photo of them walking to get a coffee and go "wow she's just so beautiful! i wish i was as beautiful as her." but that is not natural beauty and it's so impossible to attain without that army and constant upkeep.
i cannot speak to how taylor swift runs the underpinnings of her life, and she likely will never talk about it in detail, nor will any celebrity as an act of self preservation. Nor is it a value judgement of her as a "good" or "bad" person. it's simply the reality she lives in as a wealthy and famous person with the pressures and expectations that brings. But I can suggest that you think twice when you see a celebrity or wealthy person who looks to be in an "every day" situation and find yourself in awe of how they just.... look like that easily. in reality they spend countless hours and millions of dollars pinching and pruning and tightening and manicuring and curating in the most subtle ways possible to make it look as natural and as easy as rolling out of bed like that. and while she herself is likely not be the kind of bratty, snotty wealthy person you typically would call "high maintenance", i can assure you her overall life is, in every possible way, very much high maintenance.
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Massacre of Ahab’s Descendants
1 Now Ahab had seventy sons in Samaria. So Jehu wrote letters and sent them to Samaria, to the rulers of the city, to the elders, and to the guardians of the sons of Ahab, saying, 2 “Since your master’s sons are with you and you have at your disposal chariots and horses, a fortified city, and weapons, 3 select the son of your master who is the best qualified, set him on his father’s throne, and fight for your master’s house.” 4 But they were utterly terrified and said, “Look, two kings could not withstand him; how then can we stand?” 5 So the steward of the palace and the governor of the city, along with the elders and the guardians, sent word to Jehu, “We are your servants; we will do anything you say. We will not make anyone king; do whatever you think right.” 6 Then he wrote them a second letter, saying, “If you are on my side and if you are ready to obey me, take the heads of your master’s sons and come to me at Jezreel tomorrow at this time.” Now the king’s sons, seventy persons, were with the leaders of the city, who were charged with their upbringing. 7 When the letter reached them, they took the king’s sons and killed them, seventy persons; they put their heads in baskets and sent them to him at Jezreel. 8 When the messenger came and told him, “They have brought the heads of the king’s sons,” he said, “Lay them in two heaps at the entrance of the gate until the morning.” 9 Then in the morning when he went out, he stood and said to all the people, “You are innocent. It was I who conspired against my master and killed him, but who struck down all these? 10 Know, then, that there shall fall to the earth nothing of the word of the Lord that the Lord spoke concerning the house of Ahab, for the Lord has done what he said through his servant Elijah.” 11 So Jehu killed all who were left of the house of Ahab in Jezreel, all his leaders, close friends, and priests, until he left him no survivor.
12 Then he set out and went to Samaria. On the way, when he was at Beth-eked of the Shepherds, 13 Jehu met relatives of King Ahaziah of Judah and said, “Who are you?” They answered, “We are kin of Ahaziah; we have come down to visit the royal princes and the sons of the queen mother.” 14 He said, “Take them alive.” They took them alive and slaughtered them at the pit of Beth-eked, forty-two in all; he spared none of them.
15 When he left there, he met Jehonadab son of Rechab coming to meet him; he greeted him and said to him, “Is your heart as true to mine as mine is to yours?” Jehonadab answered, “It is.” Jehu said, “If it is, give me your hand.” So he gave him his hand. Jehu took him up with him into the chariot. 16 He said, “Come with me and see my zeal for the Lord.” So he had him ride in his chariot. 17 When he came to Samaria, he killed all who were left to Ahab in Samaria, until he had wiped them out according to the word of the Lord that he spoke to Elijah.
Slaughter of Worshipers of Baal
18 Then Jehu assembled all the people and said to them, “Ahab offered Baal small service, but Jehu will offer much more. 19 Now therefore summon to me all the prophets of Baal, all his servants, and all his priests; let none be missing, for I have a great sacrifice to offer to Baal; whoever is missing shall not live.” But Jehu was acting with cunning in order to destroy the servants of Baal. 20 Jehu decreed, “Sanctify a solemn assembly for Baal.” So they proclaimed it. 21 Jehu sent word throughout all Israel; all the servants of Baal came, so that there was no one left who did not come. They entered the temple of Baal until the temple of Baal was filled from wall to wall. 22 He said to the keeper of the wardrobe, “Bring out the vestments for all the servants of Baal.” So he brought out the vestments for them. 23 Then Jehu entered the temple of Baal with Jehonadab son of Rechab; he said to the servants of Baal, “Search and see that there is no servant of the Lord here among you but only servants of Baal.” 24 Then they proceeded to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings.
Now Jehu had stationed eighty men outside, saying, “Whoever allows any of those to escape whom I deliver into your hands shall forfeit his life.” 25 As soon as he had finished presenting the burnt offering, Jehu said to the guards and to the officers, “Come in and kill them; let no one escape.” So they put them to the sword. The guards and the officers threw them out and then went into the citadel of the temple of Baal. 26 They brought out the pillar that was in the temple of Baal and burned it. 27 Then they demolished the pillar of Baal and destroyed the temple of Baal and made it a latrine to this day.
28 Thus Jehu wiped out Baal from Israel. 29 But Jehu did not turn aside from the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat that he caused Israel to commit: the golden calves that were in Bethel and in Dan. 30 The Lord said to Jehu, “Because you have done well in carrying out what I consider right and in accordance with all that was in my heart have dealt with the house of Ahab, your sons of the fourth generation shall sit on the throne of Israel.” 31 But Jehu was not careful to follow the law of the Lord the God of Israel with all his heart; he did not turn from the sins of Jeroboam that he caused Israel to commit.
Death of Jehu
32 In those days the Lord began to trim off parts of Israel. Hazael defeated them throughout the territory of Israel: 33 from the Jordan eastward, all the land of Gilead, the Gadites, the Reubenites, and the Manassites, from Aroer, which is by the Wadi Arnon, that is, Gilead and Bashan. 34 Now the rest of the acts of Jehu, all that he did, and all his power, are they not written in the Book of the Annals of the Kings of Israel? 35 So Jehu slept with his ancestors, and they buried him in Samaria. His son Jehoahaz succeeded him. 36 The time that Jehu reigned over Israel in Samaria was twenty-eight years. — 2 Kings 10 | New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVUE) New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition. Copyright © 2021 National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. All rights reserved worldwide. Cross References: Exodus 22:20; Exodus 32:4; Leviticus 26:25; Numbers 11:12; Deuteronomy 2:36; Joshua 9:5; Joshua 9:8; Joshua 15:56; 2 Samuel 4:2; 1 Kings 12:28; 1 Kings 14:23; 1 Kings 16:31-32; 1 Kings 18:40; 1 Kings 19:10; 1 Kings 19:17; 1 Kings 21:19; 1 Kings 22:6; 2 Kings 5:6; 2 Kings 8:24; 2 Kings 9:8; 2 Kings 9:14; 2 Kings 9:24; 2 Kings 11:1; Psalm 39:1; Jeremiah 41:5; Matthew 22:11; Galatians 2:9
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tanyapositive · 1 year
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Shades of Africa www.shadesofafricajm.com Tel/Whatsapp 876-797-7591 Fashion Consultant Services Learn more https://shadesofafricajm.com/categories/Fashion-Consultant-Services/ We offer expert advice and make recommendations to individuals or companies about how to expand and develop a wardrobe that promotes their social and public image. By assessing a person’s personality, career goals, and body type. As a Fashion Consultant, we also recommend clothing and accessory choices that will enhance your appearance and boost your confidence. We also assemble clothing and accessories for print and television programs, ad campaigns, editorial features, celebrities, models, and other public figures, or work with fashion companies, or retail environments. As Fashion Consultants we work in the following areas: Personal fashion consulting, providing fashion advice to clients Personal shopper Wardrobe or show styling Editorial Styling Commercial Styling Corporate Styling Photography studio styling We work with: Movie Director Schools Make-up Artist Fashion Merchandiser Public relations Fashion Blogger Fashion Designer Photographer Wedding Planner Retail Fashion Model Talent Agency Event Management #fashionconsulting #fashiondesigner #OnlineShopping #billionairemindset #ethiopia https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBJJS3umrN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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free99us · 10 days
Elevate Your Space Discover the Best Home Decor and Furniture Store for Your Needs
Creating a home that reflects your personal style and meets your comfort needs involves more than just choosing a few pieces of furniture. It’s about finding the perfect balance between functionality, aesthetics, and quality. Whether you are furnishing a new house, renovating a room, or simply updating your space, a visit to a reliable home decor and furniture store can provide you with the inspiration and products you need. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what makes a home decor and furniture store exceptional and how to choose the best one for your unique requirements.
The Importance of a Home Decor and Furniture Store
A home decor and furniture store is not just a place where you buy items; it’s a space where your home transformation begins. Here are some reasons why these stores are vital:
Diverse Selection: Quality stores offer a wide range of products, from sofas and dining tables to decorative accents and lighting, catering to various styles and preferences.
Expert Advice: Many stores employ design experts who can offer valuable advice and help you make informed decisions based on your space and needs.
Quality Assurance: Reputable stores provide high-quality products that are durable and aesthetically pleasing, ensuring that your investment lasts for years.
Inspiration: These stores often showcase beautifully curated rooms that can inspire your home decor choices and help you visualize how different pieces can work together.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Home Decor and Furniture Store
Finding the right home decor and furniture store involves more than just proximity or convenience. Here are key factors to consider:
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1. Product Range
The variety of products offered is crucial. A good store should provide a comprehensive selection of furniture and decor items across different styles, from modern and contemporary to traditional and rustic. Look for stores that offer:
Living Room Furniture: Sofas, coffee tables, entertainment units, and accent chairs.
Bedroom Furniture: Beds, nightstands, dressers, and wardrobes.
Dining Room Furniture: Dining tables, chairs, bar stools, and buffets.
Home Office Furniture: Desks, office chairs, bookcases, and filing cabinets.
Decor Items: Rugs, lighting, wall art, mirrors, and decorative accessories.
2. Quality and Craftsmanship
Quality should never be compromised. Ensure that the store you choose offers furniture made from durable materials and superior craftsmanship. Check for:
Material Quality: Look for solid wood, high-quality upholstery, and robust metal frames.
Construction Techniques: Ensure that furniture pieces are well-constructed, with sturdy joints and finishes.
3. Customer Service
Excellent customer service is a hallmark of a great home decor and furniture store. This includes:
Knowledgeable Staff: Staff should be well-informed about products and able to offer design advice.
Delivery and Assembly: The store should provide reliable delivery and assembly services to ensure that your furniture arrives safely and is set up correctly.
After-Sales Support: Look for stores that offer warranties and handle returns or exchanges smoothly.
4. Design Services
Many top-tier stores offer design services, either in-store or through home consultations. These services can be invaluable if you need help creating a cohesive look or maximizing your space.
5. Price and Value
While quality furniture often comes at a higher price, it’s essential to find a store that offers good value for your money. Consider:
Price Range: Ensure the store’s pricing fits within your budget.
Sales and Discounts: Look for stores that offer sales, discounts, or financing options to make your purchase more affordable.
6. Customer Reviews and Reputation
Research customer reviews and the store’s reputation. Positive feedback from other customers can provide insights into the quality of products and service you can expect.
Spotlight on Exceptional Home Decor and Furniture Stores
Let’s look at some renowned home decor and furniture stores that have consistently delivered quality, style, and excellent service.
1. West Elm
West Elm is known for its modern and contemporary furniture and decor. They offer sustainably sourced products and a variety of styles that can suit any home. Their design services and commitment to quality make them a favorite among homeowners.
2. Pottery Barn
Pottery Barn offers a wide range of furniture and decor items that blend classic and contemporary styles. Their collections are known for durability and timeless design. Pottery Barn also provides design consultations to help you create the perfect space.
IKEA is a go-to for affordable, functional, and stylish furniture. They offer a vast selection of products that cater to various needs and preferences. IKEA’s flat-pack furniture is perfect for those who enjoy DIY projects.
4. Crate & Barrel
Crate & Barrel is renowned for its modern, sophisticated furniture and decor. They offer high-quality products and excellent customer service, making them a top choice for those looking to invest in stylish, long-lasting pieces.
5. Wayfair
Wayfair provides an extensive online selection of furniture and home decor, catering to all styles and budgets. Their user-friendly website and customer reviews make it easy to find the perfect items for your home.
Tips for Shopping at a Home Decor and Furniture Store
Measure Your Space: Before shopping, measure the rooms where you plan to place new furniture. This ensures you select pieces that fit well and suit your space.
Have a Plan: Determine your style and needs before you shop. Having a clear idea of what you’re looking for can help you make more focused and satisfying purchases.
Test for Comfort: If possible, visit the store to test furniture for comfort and quality. Sit on sofas, chairs, and beds to ensure they meet your comfort standards.
Mix and Match: Don’t be afraid to mix different styles and pieces to create a unique look that reflects your personality.
Ask for Help: Utilize the expertise of store staff. They can provide valuable insights and help you make the best choices for your home.
Elevate Your Home with the Right Store Finding the perfect home decor and furniture store can transform your living space, making it both beautiful and functional. By considering factors like product range, quality, customer service, and design assistance, you can choose a store that meets your needs and helps you create the home of your dreams. Whether you prefer the timeless elegance of Pottery Barn, the modern flair of West Elm, or the budget-friendly options at IKEA, the right store is out there waiting to help you elevate your space.
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Designing Budget-Friendly & Stylish Modular Kitchen Interiors
In the realm of interior design, the kitchen stands as the heart of the home—a place where culinary creativity thrives, and cherished memories are made. However, achieving the perfect balance between style, functionality, and affordability can often seem like a daunting task, especially when it comes to designing modular kitchen interiors. Fortunately, with the right approach and a few savvy design tips, creating a budget-friendly yet stylish modular kitchen is entirely within reach.
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1. Plan and Prioritize
Before diving into the design process, take the time to carefully plan and prioritize your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as layout, storage requirements, and essential features to ensure that your modular kitchen design aligns with your lifestyle and budget.
2. Optimize Space Utilization
Maximize the available space in your kitchen by utilizing every nook and cranny efficiently. Incorporate clever storage solutions such as pull-out drawers, corner cabinets, and vertical storage racks to make the most of limited space while keeping clutter at bay.
3. Choose Cost-effective Materials
When selecting materials for your modular kitchen, opt for cost-effective yet durable options that offer both style and functionality. Consider alternatives such as laminate or thermofoil cabinets, which mimic the look of more expensive materials like wood or metal at a fraction of the cost.
4. Focus on Functional Design
Prioritize functionality in your modular kitchen design by focusing on ergonomic layouts and practical features. Invest in space-saving appliances, such as slimline refrigerators and built-in ovens, that offer efficient performance without compromising on style.
5. Embrace Minimalism
Embrace the beauty of minimalism in your modular kitchen design by opting for clean lines, neutral colors, and streamlined finishes. A clutter-free aesthetic not only creates a sense of spaciousness but also lends a timeless elegance to your kitchen interiors.
6. DIY Where Possible
Save on labour costs by tackling certain aspects of the installation process yourself. Simple tasks such as painting walls, installing cabinet hardware, or assembling flat-pack furniture can be easily accomplished with a bit of patience and DIY know-how.
7. Seek Professional Advice:
Consult with experienced professionals to ensure that your kitchen modular designs meet both your aesthetic and budgetary requirements. Experienced designers can offer valuable insights and creative solutions to help you achieve the perfect balance of style and affordability.
In conclusion, designing a budget-friendly yet stylish and best modular kitchen is entirely achievable with the right approach and a bit of creativity. By carefully planning, optimizing space utilization, choosing cost-effective materials, focusing on functional design, embracing minimalism, considering DIY options, and seeking professional advice, you can create a modular kitchen that perfectly reflects your personal style while staying within your budget.
Ready to transform your kitchen into a stylish yet budget-friendly culinary haven? Look no further than Lecco Cucina, the premier destination for modular kitchen and wardrobe solutions in Bangalore. With our commitment to quality, affordability, and exceptional customer service, Lecco Cucina offers the perfect blend of style and functionality for your kitchen interiors.
Visit our showrooms today and take the first step towards realizing your dream kitchen with Lecco Cucina.
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Streamline Your Move: A Comprehensive Guide To Removalist Services In Seven Hills
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Moving to a new location, whether it's across town or to a different city, can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. From packing up your belongings to coordinating logistics, there are numerous tasks to manage. However, hiring professional removalists in Seven Hills can make the process much smoother and more manageable. Here's a comprehensive guide to the various removalist services available in Seven Hills:
Packing Services
Full Packing: With this service, removalists will handle the entire packing process from start to finish. They'll bring all the necessary packing materials and carefully wrap and pack each item in your home, ensuring everything is secure and protected during transit.
Partial Packing: If you prefer to pack some of your belongings yourself but need assistance with certain items or rooms, removalists can provide partial packing services. You can choose which items you want them to pack, and they'll take care of the rest.
Loading and Unloading
Loading: Removalists will efficiently load your packed belongings onto the moving truck, taking care to maximise space and ensure everything is properly secured for transport. They'll use specialised equipment and techniques to safely handle heavy or bulky items.
Unloading: Upon arrival at your new home, removalists will unload all your belongings from the truck and place them in the designated rooms. You won't have to worry about lifting heavy boxes or navigating bulky furniture through narrow doorways – removalists will handle it all.
Local Moves: For moves within Seven Hills or nearby areas, removalists will provide local transportation services. They'll use well-maintained trucks equipped with the necessary safety features to transport your belongings to your new home efficiently.
Interstate Moves: If you're moving to a different state, removalists can also facilitate interstate transportation. They'll handle all the logistics of long-distance moves, ensuring your belongings arrive safely and on time at your new destination.
Furniture Assembly and Disassembly
Disassembly: Removalists can disassemble large furniture items such as beds, tables, and wardrobes before loading them onto the truck. This makes them easier to transport and helps prevent damage during transit.
Assembly: Upon arrival at your new home, removalists will reassemble the furniture items they disassembled, saving you time and effort. You won't have to worry about deciphering confusing assembly instructions – removalists have the expertise to handle it all.
Storage Solutions
Short-Term Storage: If you need temporary storage for your belongings before, during, or after your move, removalists can provide short-term storage solutions. They'll securely store your items in a climate-controlled facility until you're ready for them to be delivered to your new home.
Long-Term Storage: Removalists also offer long-term storage options for items you don't need immediate access to. Whether you're downsizing or waiting for your new home to be ready, long-term storage provides a safe and convenient solution for keeping your belongings secure.
Hiring professional removalists in Seven Hills can streamline your move and alleviate much of the stress and hassle associated with relocation. From packing and loading to transportation and storage, removalist services cover all aspects of the moving process, allowing you to focus on settling into your new home. By choosing the right removalists and taking advantage of their comprehensive services, you can make your move a smooth and seamless experience.
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nmdesiign · 1 month
"Modular wardrobes in Gurgaon" highlight a specific niche within the furniture industry
catering to the needs of residents in Gurgaon, India, who seek customizable and space-efficient wardrobe solutions. Let's explore what modular wardrobes entail and how they cater to the requirements of individuals in Gurgaon.
 Understanding Modular Wardrobes:
Modular wardrobes are customizable storage solutions designed to fit individual preferences, space constraints, and aesthetic tastes. Unlike traditional wardrobes, which come as a single piece of furniture, modular wardrobes consist of separate units or modules that can be combined in various configurations to create a bespoke storage system.
Features of Modular Wardrobes:
1. Customization:
 Modular Wardrobes in Gurgaon offer a high degree of customization, allowing customers to choose from a range of components such as shelves, drawers, hanging rods, and accessories like shoe racks and tie holders. This customization ensures that the wardrobe meets the specific storage needs of the user.
2. Space Efficiency:
 Gurgaon, known for its rapidly growing urban population and limited living spaces, demands furniture solutions that optimize space utilization. Modular wardrobes are designed to make efficient use of available space, whether it's a compact apartment or a spacious villa.
3. Quality Materials:
 Leading providers of modular wardrobes in Gurgaon offer products made from high-quality materials such as engineered wood, laminates, and premium hardware. This ensures durability, longevity, and resistance to wear and tear, even in the face of frequent use.
4.Aesthetic Appeal:
 Modular wardrobes are available in a wide range of designs, finishes, and colors to complement different interior styles. Whether it's a modern, minimalist look or a classic, traditional vibe, customers can find options that align with their personal taste and home decor preferences.
5. Ease of Installation:
 These wardrobes are designed for easy assembly and installation, making them suitable for both new constructions and renovations. The modular nature of the units simplifies transportation and allows for hassle-free setup, even in homes with restricted access or narrow staircases.
Why Choose Modular Wardrobes in Gurgaon?
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1.Tailored Solutions:
With the ability to customize every aspect of the wardrobe, residents of Gurgaon can create storage solutions that perfectly suit their lifestyle, belongings, and spatial constraints.
2. Optimized Space:
In a city where space is a premium, modular wardrobes offer an efficient way to maximize storage capacity without sacrificing style or functionality.
3. Durability and Longevity:
Investing in modular wardrobes ensures that homeowners receive durable, long-lasting furniture pieces that withstand the demands of daily use and changing trends.
4. Enhanced Interior Design:
The versatility of modular wardrobes allows homeowners to enhance the aesthetics of their living spaces while maintaining organizational efficiency.
5. Convenience: Providers of modular wardrobes in Gurgaon often offer convenient services such as home consultations, customized design solutions, and professional installation, making the entire process hassle-free for customers.
In conclusion, modular wardrobes in Gurgaon offer a perfect blend of functionality, style, and space optimization, making them an ideal choice for residents looking to elevate their living spaces with bespoke storage solutions.
Fore more info. Visit us:
Office Interior Designer in Gurgaon
Office Interior in Gurgaon
Laminate Wardrobe Manufacturer in Gurgaon
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hiremyhusbandsblog · 1 month
The Art of Furniture Assembly: Tips for Success
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Have you ever purchased a piece of furniture, only to be daunted by the task of assembling it yourself? You're not alone. Whether it's a sleek new bookshelf, a stylish coffee table, or a sophisticated wardrobe, the process of furniture assembly can sometimes feel like an overwhelming challenge. But fear not! With the right approach and a few handy tips, you can breeze through the assembly process like a pro.
1. Read the Instructions
It may seem obvious, but it's crucial to start by carefully reading the assembly instructions provided by the manufacturer. These instructions typically contain valuable information regarding the tools you'll need, the order of assembly steps, and any specific precautions to keep in mind. Taking the time to familiarize yourself with the instructions can save you a lot of time and frustration later on.
2. Organize Your Workspace
Before diving into the assembly process, take a moment to clear and organize your workspace. Make sure you have enough room to lay out all the components of the furniture piece and keep your tools within easy reach. A clutter-free workspace will not only make assembly easier but also help prevent accidents and misplaced parts.
3. Gather the Right Tools
Having the right tools on hand can make all the difference when it comes to furniture assembly. While the specific tools you'll need may vary depending on the piece of furniture, some common tools include screwdrivers (both Phillips and flathead), a hammer, an Allen wrench (often provided with the furniture), and a rubber mallet. If the manufacturer recommends using a power drill, make sure you have one available as well.
4. Enlist a Helping Hand
Assembly projects are often easier and more enjoyable with a helping hand. Enlist the assistance of a friend or family member to tackle the task together. Not only will this make the assembly process faster, but it can also provide an extra set of eyes and hands to help troubleshoot any issues that arise.
5. Take Your Time
Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither should your furniture be assembled in a rush. Take your time to carefully follow each step of the assembly instructions, double-checking your work as you go. Rushing through the process can lead to mistakes or overlooked details that may compromise the stability and functionality of the finished product.
6. Use Protective Padding
To protect both your furniture and your floors during assembly, consider using protective padding or a soft blanket to cushion the components as you work. This can help prevent scratches, dents, and other damage, especially when handling heavy or awkwardly shaped pieces.
7. Don't Hesitate to Seek Help
If you find yourself struggling with a particularly challenging step or encountering unexpected difficulties during the assembly process, don't hesitate to seek help. Many furniture manufacturers provide customer support services, including online tutorials, troubleshooting guides, and even phone assistance. Additionally, there are often professional assembly services available for hire if you prefer to leave the task to the experts.
Furniture assembly may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and a bit of patience, it can be a rewarding and satisfying experience. By reading the instructions carefully, organizing your workspace, gathering the right tools, enlisting a helping hand, taking your time, using protective padding, and seeking help when needed, you can tackle any assembly project with confidence. So the next time you're faced with a pile of unassembled furniture parts, remember these tips and dive in with enthusiasm. Before you know it, you'll have a beautiful new piece of furniture to enjoy in your home.
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Blue Pearl Woodworks: The Best Modular Wardrobe Dealers in Delhi
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Are you on the hunt for the Best Modular Wardrobe Dealers in Delhi? Look no further than Blue Pearl Woodworks! With over two decades of experience in the furniture industry, we stand as a premier choice for discerning homeowners seeking quality, style, and durability in their wardrobes. Whether you're in search of a single-door wardrobe, a spacious walk-in closet, or a custom-made masterpiece, we have you covered with our diverse range of options tailored to suit every taste and budget.
Why Blue Pearl Woodworks?
Experience: With more than 20 years of expertise in crafting exquisite furniture pieces, we bring a wealth of knowledge and skill to every project.
Variety: From single-door wardrobes for cozy spaces to expansive walk-in closets for the fashion enthusiast, we offer a wide array of wardrobe styles to cater to diverse needs.
Quality Materials: We believe in using only the finest materials, including solid wood, laminate, mirrored glass, and metal, ensuring longevity and aesthetic appeal.
Precision Craftsmanship: Each wardrobe is meticulously assembled with precision and care, guaranteeing a flawless finish and sturdy construction.
Warranty Options: To provide peace of mind to our customers, we offer various warranty options tailored to the type of wardrobe and materials used.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What materials do you use for your wardrobes?
A: We use premium materials such as solid wood, laminate, mirrored glass, and metal to ensure the highest quality and durability.
Q: What types of wardrobes do you offer?
A: Our range includes single-door wardrobes, double-door wardrobes, walk-in wardrobes, and custom-made wardrobes to meet diverse preferences and spatial requirements.
Q: What finishes are available for your wardrobes?
A: We offer a variety of finishes, including natural wood, painted, stained, and veneered, allowing you to personalize your wardrobe to complement your interior decor.
Q: What is your warranty policy?
A: Our warranty options vary based on the type of wardrobe and materials used, ensuring comprehensive coverage and customer satisfaction.
Q: How can I contact you?
A: You can reach us via phone, email, or through our website to discuss your wardrobe needs and schedule a consultation with our expert team.
Elevate the aesthetics and functionality of your home with Blue Pearl Woodworks—the ultimate destination for exquisite wardrobes in Delhi. With our extensive experience, commitment to quality, and diverse range of options, we are dedicated to helping you find the perfect wardrobe solution tailored to your unique preferences. Contact us today to embark on your journey towards enhancing your living space with our exceptional craftsmanship and unparalleled service.
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Streamline Your Move: A Comprehensive Guide To Removalist Services In Seven Hills
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Moving to a new location, whether it's across town or to a different city, can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. From packing up your belongings to coordinating logistics, there are numerous tasks to manage. However, hiring professional removalists in Seven Hills can make the process much smoother and more manageable. Here's a comprehensive guide to the various removalist services available in Seven Hills:
Packing Services
Full Packing: With this service, removalists will handle the entire packing process from start to finish. They'll bring all the necessary packing materials and carefully wrap and pack each item in your home, ensuring everything is secure and protected during transit.
Partial Packing: If you prefer to pack some of your belongings yourself but need assistance with certain items or rooms, removalists can provide partial packing services. You can choose which items you want them to pack, and they'll take care of the rest.
Loading and Unloading
Loading: Removalists will efficiently load your packed belongings onto the moving truck, taking care to maximise space and ensure everything is properly secured for transport. They'll use specialised equipment and techniques to safely handle heavy or bulky items.
Unloading: Upon arrival at your new home, removalists will unload all your belongings from the truck and place them in the designated rooms. You won't have to worry about lifting heavy boxes or navigating bulky furniture through narrow doorways – removalists will handle it all.
Local Moves: For moves within Seven Hills or nearby areas, removalists will provide local transportation services. They'll use well-maintained trucks equipped with the necessary safety features to transport your belongings to your new home efficiently.
Interstate Moves: If you're moving to a different state, removalists can also facilitate interstate transportation. They'll handle all the logistics of long-distance moves, ensuring your belongings arrive safely and on time at your new destination.
Furniture Assembly and Disassembly
Disassembly: Removalists can disassemble large furniture items such as beds, tables, and wardrobes before loading them onto the truck. This makes them easier to transport and helps prevent damage during transit.
Assembly: Upon arrival at your new home, removalists will reassemble the furniture items they disassembled, saving you time and effort. You won't have to worry about deciphering confusing assembly instructions – removalists have the expertise to handle it all.
Storage Solutions
Short-Term Storage: If you need temporary storage for your belongings before, during, or after your move, removalists can provide short-term storage solutions. They'll securely store your items in a climate-controlled facility until you're ready for them to be delivered to your new home.
Long-Term Storage: Removalists also offer long-term storage options for items you don't need immediate access to. Whether you're downsizing or waiting for your new home to be ready, long-term storage provides a safe and convenient solution for keeping your belongings secure.
Hiring professional removalists in Seven Hills can streamline your move and alleviate much of the stress and hassle associated with relocation. From packing and loading to transportation and storage, removalist services cover all aspects of the moving process, allowing you to focus on settling into your new home. By choosing the right removalists and taking advantage of their comprehensive services, you can make your move a smooth and seamless experience.
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