#wario land the shake dimension
pitagain · 2 years
Old shitpost I made on Twitter
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random wii game of the day
name: wario land the shake dimension do i remember when or where or why i bought it: kept the docket on this one, 25th september 2008, JB Hi Fi Bourke Street any bonus/pack ins/extras: no manual etc: 16 page manual, full colour, 1 page health and safety precautions booklet (leaflet) black (ink), club nintendo card (RVL-NTR-AUS), mines numbered 00008320 impressions: never finished but got a lot of play, the hand drawn art style makes it one of the best looking games on wii, good levels that needed to be cleared and then hastily backtracked to the starting point, fun animations. there's a lot to like about this game. suffers from the different name in different territories syndrome though, commonly known as Wario Land Shake It! in the US and may have other titles elsewhere. i remember being really pumped to play this and found out i was stuck on an all night tender print, which i thought finished on wednesday but dragged out until Friday morning. the game came out on the thursday.
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miloscat · 10 months
[Review] Wario Land: The Shake Dimension (Wii)
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Wario Land 4 2, for better and worse.
Wario's wilderness years continue with this, released the year after Master of Disguise. Many Wario Land games come in pairs it seems, where a second entry refines the concept of a previous change-up. Wario Land 1 had its VBWL, WL2 had its 3, and now Wario Land 4 has Shake It, the first non-shovelware title released by Good-Feel. They went on to make the decent Kirby's Epic Yarn and Yoshi's Woolly World.
I wasn't really a fan of Wario Land 4, so was iffy on the prospect of following it up. The levels here are usually a more linear series of rooms which works better in the format (a bit puzzley followed by a frantic timed run back to the level entrance), but they have more of a problem with missable pickups. TSD does bring back unique treasures, and even has funny descriptions for them like MoD, but there are too many times when you have one chance to get something, and if you fail you have to replay the whole level again (or as I call it, Kirby level design).
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Forced repetition is a big factor here. Each level has optional challenges just for bragging rights, as well as secret maps to new levels which are only hinted at after you've beaten the game. Also, the role of money in this game is mainly to pay for maps to new worlds, which in the latter half of the game pretty much require grinding for cash unless you're playing flawlessly and finding all the extra dosh.
Let me take a step back though. This is a stereotypical early-mid Wii game and the central gimmick is in the title. Played with a Wiimote on its side (one of the least comfortable control methods ever devised), Wario and the player alike do a lot of shaking. Shake to ground pound, shake to escape some traps, shake to... shake. Coins will fly out of money bags, and enemies can be shaken for health or to remove their armour, for example. As a conceit this is... fine, but other uses of motion control such as tilting to aim your throws, or the obligatory vehicle sections (also seen in the Kirby and Yoshi games) are more egregious. Apart from this, the controls feel pretty good (this is the developer's mission statement, after all). Butt-stomps do require a finicky downwards input in the air on the lacklustre Wiimote D-pad, but the limitations of the chosen controller mean there's no unnecessary dash button.
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Let's take another step back, because anyone's first impression of the game should be to be wowed by the graphics. Lovingly hand-drawn sprites cavort over painted backgrounds to give the impression of a playable cartoon, like WayForward's latter Shantae games or A Boy and His Blob. The 480p resolution blown up on a modern TV doesn't do it any favours but this is still a gorgeous game, and I wish we had more like this. Which makes the baffling choice to lock gameplay into a 4:3 resolution all the more galling. By mid-2008 not supporting widescreen seems anachronistic and it would especially help on a platformer where you routinely get shot into high-speed running sequences. Instead there's huge borders on the sides showing how many missions you're failing. Yuck!
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One more step back now to examine the game's story, such as it is, because it opens with a fully-animated cutscene (with subtitled dialogue and no voices whatsoever). The setting is once again a pocket dimension for no reason, with a whole new cast of baddies, a charisma-free antagonist, and a damsel in distress who exists only for one gag in the ending. It's everything I dislike about Wario Land plots. Bringing back Captain Syrup, Wario's rakish two-time pirate nemesis, is a great idea, only she's relegated to shopkeeper with two lines of dialogue outside of the intro and ending. What a waste! And coming off the banter-filled Master of Disguise, saddling Wario with a silent protagonist role was immensely disappointing when the first-time prospect of verbal sparring with Syrup was right there on the table. Charles Martinet has his vocal quips but even the manual is all but stripped of Wario-style snide asides.
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A final step back for the big picture (although may I quickly mention the slow, frustrating boss fights and the further reduced role of status conditions like "on fire" or "frozen" to the point that they're barely there?). I did wonder if the Wario Land series was losing its way with WL4, and sadly it seems so. For me the series peaked with 3, but there's more to the character and his series. Each game has its shining lights and its dull spots, but the identity of the series has morphed over time. It's taken ideas from Mario, Metroid, Kirby, and made them its own. But playing this I felt how Good-Feel had segued from this to Epic Yarn and Woolly World, and in doing so perhaps demonstrated the irrelevance of Wario platformers under Nintendo's overcrowded umbrella. Without a dedicated development team (RIP R&D1), with other puzzle-platformers heavy on environmental interaction jostling for position, and with a successful minigame-based subseries to fall back on, Wario Land just doesn't seem to have a place anymore. The Shake Dimension is now 15 years old and there hasn't been another non-Ware game since. Well, it had a good run. Cheers, big guy.
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is-it-raining-yet · 1 year
The Toadsworth of Wario Land Shake It
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In Wario Land Shake It after the Shake King kidnapped Queen Merelda and the Merfle Tribe, stole the Bottomless Coin Sack and took over the Shake Dimension the Green Merfle goes in search of help and apon finding Wario begs for his help to save Queen Merelda which totally reminds me of Toadsworth in some of the Mario games as they both care deeply about the safety of their ruler of their home and act in a hopeless I'll never see my Princess/Queen again without your help to Mario and Wario. I feel that might've been what the game was going for when they made the character.
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lizardtaro · 1 year
I really like Wario Land: The Shake Dimension’s soundtrack. Sure, it’s not exactly “Wario-like”, if you can call it that... but it has some good melodies and is just fun to listen to. “Wavy Waters (Escape)” is also amazing!
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calamitaswrath · 4 months
I finally managed to get something from my gaming backlog done! I cleared Wario Land The Shake Dimension, and it only took me. . .
About eight months, lol.
Well, now I can finally play Super Mario RPG, which I have since. . . last December.
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nlsplatsmashware · 1 year
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Did you know that Wario Land: Shake It!/The Shake Dimension was the last series on the Wii but the Warioware series may still continue
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going on an anti-hero crusade here probably going to cover a few more to go over the general concept, next we have the greedy garlic guzzling never do well and arch rival to Jump man himself *Wario!*
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showing up in super Mario Land 2 in 1992 this yellow fellow’s been an occasional antagonist/rival to the red capped plumber long enough for it to be placed on a CV and be taken seriously.
Wario’s given role as an anti-hero is one pretty clearly shown in the plots of his mini series those being the Warioland games, in which Wario’s motivations throughout all of these games are self serving, any adventures he’s embarked upon was usually based around the idea of gaining more riches or taking back something that was stolen for him, yeah wario’s greedy to a comically extreme fault, one of his most defining characteristic of his near obsessive love for gold and that’s on full display in the wario land games since his whole goal is to line his pockets with even more stacks of cash than he already has, the existing wealth he’s already got never seems to be enough for this big nosed buffoon and he’s always on the lookout on how to score the next bag of cash. 
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his actions can occasionally lead to some good events or happenstances such as when he managed to save the shake dimension from an evil tyrant in ‘Warioland Shake it’ and Under all the self serving rudeness and greed is someone with some genuinely more heroic qualities however even when wario does Do heroic acts it’s usually because there are greater benefits in it for himself or it was just an accident.
Wario as a character definitely skirts to the more negative aspects of the label of anti hero considering how many of his actions and traits are related to both his greed and selfishness however despite being, just being the weirdest guy you’ve ever met he’s done just another good things even if by complete happenstance or motivated by the most selfish of reasons, the acts are still overall good, so yeah wario’s an anti-hero
enjoy your newfound knowledge on wario I guess.
Wario (no date) Heroes Wiki. Available at: https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Wario#Personality (Accessed: April 12, 2023).
Who is wario? - thesassjacket (2018) YouTube. Available at: https://youtu.be/41o8Vjh-TeU (Accessed: April 12, 2023).
Super Mario Wiki (2023) Wario land: Shake it!, Super Mario Wiki. Super Mario Wiki. Available at: https://www.mariowiki.com/Wario_Land:_Shake_It!#Story (Accessed: April 12, 2023).
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best-nintendo-dads · 4 years
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Shake King
From Wario Land: The Shake Dimension/Shake It!
Look at this big fellow! Love the beard, and spiked cuffs are the best aesthetic, and this guy has girth
He's the main villain of Wario Land: The Shake Dimension, where he took over said Shake Dimension, captured Queen Merelda, and stole the Bottomless Coin Sack, which creates an endless amount of money when shaken.
That sack of coins alone is enough to convince Wario to take him down! He's not at all interested in saving anyone though...
As the name implies, Mr Shake King here is skilled at shaking, the main mechanic of the game. When Wario fails to escape a level with a rescued Merfle in time, the Shake King appears and shakes all of his treasure away! Poor Wario!
In fact, along with the shaking, Shake King also shares a lot of moves with Wario, such as his shoulder charge and earthquake attack, so he may be parallel version of Wario...
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But then it gets all meta, since Wario is a parallel to Mario, making Shake King a super duper twisted version of Mario, right?
Anyway,., Shake King deserves more love, hardly anybody talks about him or his source game, so lets all make an effort to give more love to this hairy shakey king
I want him to shake me,
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pitagain · 2 years
#365DaysOfVGM Day 42:
Launchpad Labyrinth (Wario Land: Shake It! [2008])
Perfect choice for festivals, cuz of those Horns and Beats. It’s hard to find stellar 2D platformers as good-looking as this, so why not try it out?
(Length before loop: 1.5+ minutes)
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I love the Shake King, he’s basically Wario’s Devil Trigger form
A bigger, stronger, scarier, badder version of himself
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garymattress · 6 years
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Happy 10th anniversary to Wario Land: Shake it!
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is-it-raining-yet · 1 year
Why I love Wario
I love Wario especially in his Wario Land series. It's so much fun to play him as the main Anti hero. I want to share something I love most about Wario which happens in his later games and that is not only how all his adventures are about him obtaining treasure but also about what he mostly does intentionally in the process, which is being somebody's hero. In Wario Land 1, VB Wario Land & Wario Land 2 Wario mostly just got a lot of treasure at the end of the game and that was that, but the last 3 games in the series Wario actually saved lives and worlds intentionally or without caring.
In Wario Land 3 Wario ended up stuck in a Music Box world and needed to free the ruler to get out and collect treasure on the way as well and after Wario set the ruler free he was revealed to be a clown monster named Rudy who lied about being the ruler and tried to kill Wario. Once Wario defeats Rudy all the creatures Wario was fighting transformed back into the inhabitants of the Music Box World and thanked Wario for rescuing them. Wario had no idea they were in trouble and needed saving but in defeating Rudy he saved the Music Box World.
In Wario Land 4 Wario reads in the newspaper that a Golden Pyramid has been discovered and Wario's first thoughts are "I'm going grave robbing" and sets off for the Pyramid with a black cat following him in and after going through the whole Pyramid collecting treasure he meets the Golden Diva who attacks him and after he beats her he runs out of the Pyramid with the huge sack full of treasure he came for along with the black cat and after the Golden Pyramid collapsed the Black Cat transforms back into her true self as Princess Shokora much to Wario shock. While entering the Pyramid just to steal its treasure, by defeating the Golden Diva, Wario unintentionally lifted the curse Princess Shokora has been under for who knows how long, and she was eternally grateful for it.
In Wario Land Shake it a Merfle went to Wario begging him to save his friends and Queen Merelda from the evil Shake King, which Wario wasn't to interested in until the merfles the great treasure that the Shake King stole, the Bottomless Coin Sack which motivated him to agree to help and once he defeated the Shake King and restored peace to the Shake Dimension he throws Queen Merelda aside in the middle of her thank you then grabbed the Bottomless Coin Sack and quickly went home not caring that he had just saved an entire kingdom and only caring he got what he wanted afterwards.
And that's what I love about Wario, while he has the power and skills to be a hero he usually does it unintentionally or with selfish motives, which is why I love him so much.
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lizardtaro · 2 years
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marioalmanac · 3 years
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Merfle (Wario Land: Shake It!)
Again, I wish we knew more about the Shake Dimension's residents. Oh well, at least their little elfish design is great.
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cosmicsponge2004 · 3 years
For the love of GOD, Help Me!!!
I NEED the sizes for these games in Wii Blocks!
Metroid Prime Trilogy – Metroid: Other M – Xenoblade Chronicles – The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword – Punch-Out!! – Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn – Kirby’s Epic Yarn – Wario Land: The Shake Dimension – Donkey Kong Country Returns – Super Mario Galaxy – WarioWare: Smooth Moves – Mario Sports Mix – PokePark Wii – New Play Control! Pikmin – New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis – Mario Super Sluggers – Mario Party 8 – Super Mario Galaxy 2 – Pokemon Battle Revolution – Kirby’s Adventure Wii –
PLEASE Reblog this with the file sizes you know as a caption!
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