wav48k · 1 year
If I can ask was there a resolution with the husky? Did he ever get to where he needed to go?
yes! he was safely returned to his owners within 20 minutes of showing up. hes actually very nice too it was just a fucking terrible picture of him lmao
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bunny-lovers · 8 months
🤝❓️ for the ask game! ^^ (@raylex)
Hope you & your f/os have a wonderful weekend & thank you for the ask! 😊 @tulaytullahs @mnyehlike @kaijus-love-zone @warriorbrevi @cien-fleur
🤝- How did you first meet?
Rumi and I met when she saved me from the villain. After she beat the villain, she went up to me, asking me if I was okay. I almost couldn’t speak ‘cause of how strong & badass she is. I love her muscular arms, it’s so attractive to me. When she flex her arms, I find it so hot. Ever since she saved me from the villain, I started to have a huge crush on her. When I got home, I lay on my bed, looking at the ceiling & thinking about her nonstop. I was so attracted to her!
💬- What was the first thing you said to each other?
About a week after she saved me from the villain, I saw her again walking in the street. I walked up to her & thank her for saving me. Rumi said it’s no problem, I’m just hopping around & kicking the bad guys’ butts!
❓- Who asked who out?
I asked Rumi out!
🗓- What was your first date like? Where was it?
We went on a stroll on our first date & it was very lovely! It was at the park. While we were out, we went to get a bite to eat.
😘- What was your first kiss like? Where was it?
The first kiss was sweet & soft! It was at somewhere private after she & I met in person at the coffee cafe.
🎁- What was the first thing they bought for you? How about you for them?
Rumi bought me a black cat necklace sterling silver moonstone with rose gold star. I bought Rumi a sterling silver bunny pendant necklace.
💵- What was the first thing you bought together?
Kitchen utensils
📺- What was the first TV show you started together?
🎥- What was the first film you watched together?
Imagine Me & You
🔑- Who asked who to move in with them?
I asked Rumi to move in with me.
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the-videodame · 11 months
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Happy halloween dame!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! (even though im just now seeing this at nearly 1 am the next day lmao)
you get:
local wifi names of the apartments in this complex
[extra context: my roommate and i's wifi is called 'be gay do crime']
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vaguely-lavender-er · 11 months
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October drawing challenge with COOL GUY @warriorbrevi : Growth
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ectoplaasm · 9 months
This is a callout post for @warriorbrevi :
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geckokiss · 2 years
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HI my name's Bridge and I like to draw silly selfship art!! I'm a stoner lesbian, I'm 23, and use they/them pronouns.
2022 came with a lot of life changes all at once, and I kind of fell out of the community for a while. But I've made so many amazing friends here, and remaking didn't seem right... So I've revamped my blog! You may formerly know me as whirls-conjunx :]
My main f/o is Gun.dham Tanaka from Dang.anronpa, but you can check out my self ship carrd here for my full list! I like to draw a lot of self insert art, talk about queerness in the selfship community, and interact with mutuals ❤️
If you follow me I'll likely follow back and interact from @warriorbrevi!! I'm super stoked to be back in the community.
Hello again, homies :")
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infernalyearning · 5 years
👏 1️⃣💙 megatron talk abt ur bf 👀
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I suppose I can speak a bit more on behalf of my conjunx.
👏 - What’s your favorite habit of (Y/N)’s?
Nightwatch has a habit of emoting with his wings. He is incredibly easy to read when you know what to look for.
1️⃣ - What’s the first thing that attracted you to them?
The first time I saw Nightwatch he was running. I originally thought perhaps it was cowardice that sent him into the arms of the Decepticons but he has proven time and time again that his tenacity is what truly shines through from him. I saw that glimmer of determination on his face that day, I saw it again when he volunteered to be part of Shockwave’s experiments. Every moment he looks at me, I see that burning in his spark.
💙 - What’s the greatest sacrifice that you’ve had to make for them?
I fear the sacrifices Nightwatch and many of our allies have made in the war for Cybertron far outweigh my own… Still, I hold out hope that I may one day be able to repay them.
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aside from the reveal and letting us ask questions, did you have any kind of ending or solution in mind for scam? or did you prefer to make things up as you went?
I am a sucker with a big heart, so Scam was going to have a happy ending, or at the very least... a hopeful one.I intended for him to finally realize who he was and come to his senses, gaining his memories of who he was before all of this.He was going to come to terms with his daughter’s death, which was the event that led him to the cohosts initially.The Broken Cohost was going to stage an escape for him, Lifeli, and Diane, and eventually it would succeed, but not without the death of The Broken Cohost and the almost death of DianeIn the end though, Scam and Lifeli would escape with Diane, and I even intended for a romance between the two of them. Scam would live out the rest of his days with his boyfriend and the dog that he considers as close as his daughter and they would find a way to stay mostly hidden from the rest of the world.
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radiant-flutterbun · 6 years
earthshaker, tidelord, earth?
Earthshaker: Roles my progens play in my lore
My progens are the founders of my main clan, Clan Ton Theon. Nightbane was rewarded the clan’s original territory (they were forced out of it a few years ago) and Icetip brought dragons to the clan with his natural charisma.
Tidelord: Do the element of my dragons matter in my lore?
Sometimes! Some of my dragons are more tied to their elements (and the deity of said element) than others, but each dragon are able to produce magic that is related to their element.
Earth: Do I have flight ambassadors? Why or why not?
No, I’m just not very inspired by the idea. My main clan is already pretty diverse with dragons of all elements, and I’ve already played around with subplots involving dragons from different areas of Sornieth meeting and having to get along, and I’ve explored dragons losing faith with their deities and I just feel like flight ambassadors won’t add anything to my lore.
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ask-bootleg-sgrub · 6 years
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cT: <-Ξ( Thaaaaaatch! You made it fuck yeah!
aG: Ōh, dīd yōū dōūbt thāt Ī cōūld mākē īt?
cT: <-Ξ( Nah, I’d never doubt that, Mizz Explorer Zupremo!
aG: Lāmēst nīcknāmē ēvēr.
cT: <-Ξ( Zhuzh you know you love it.
aG: Ānywāy, why’d yōū cōntāct mē whīlē Ī’m tryīng tō scōūt thē ārēā?
cT: <-Ξ( Why do you think? Queztionz!
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aG: Ālrīght, lēt’s sēē...
aG: Mōst īntērēstīng hōbby? Cōllēctīng, ōbvīōūsly.
aG: Dōēsn’t māttēr whāt, ōr hōw Ī gēt īt, Ī likē hōārdīng shīt.
aG: Nōw thāt Ī’m īn thīs gāmē, my māīn fōcūs īs ōn thēsē līttlē thīngs.
aG: Āppārēntly thērē ārē hūndrēds ōf vāriētīēs ānd Ī wānt ōnē ōf ēāch ōf thēm.
(( @warriorbrevi ))
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vanderdeer · 7 years
pupom ilu and youre always welcome on my dash but i just had a near hernia from that grinch/cat in the hat post
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the-videodame · 1 year
do you have an artfight! I still think about your characters sometimes and would love to draw them for the event :)
AAA THATS SO KIND IM CRYIN... sadly i do not, cause i rarely have the energy :(( id LOVE to do artfight someday when i have the time and energy cause it sounds so so so fun
im still open to lil art trades w/ beloved mutuals tho!! <3
also if i did have an artfight i would wanna be team werewolf just sayin 🐺
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vaguely-lavender-er · 11 months
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October drawing challenge with my sweet @warriorbrevi : Loyalty
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ectoplaasm · 1 year
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@warriorbrevi getting klapollo-pilled
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warriorbrevi · 2 years
so apparently you're supposed to fight the final boss of PLA
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