#was doing job in Churu
wornkindness · 3 months
our fat cat is no longer a fat cat
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inherstars · 2 years
Of Cats
Rough couple of days.
We have six cats, aged from 10 months to 12 years. For better or for worse, they're our kids.
The second youngest (Jolly Roger) went off his food and started vomiting on Wednesday. We gave him 24 hours to feel better, and when he didn't we got him into our regular vet Thursday afternoon. No fever, no guarding, he was otherwise acting normally. They gave him something for nausea and some sub-q fluids and said to bring him back in Friday AM for an x-ray if he didn't improve.
He ate half his food Friday night and kept it down overnight, but his half-brother (Happy) threw up his dinner. All the other cats were going off their food as well. We decided it might have been the food and, since Jolly kept his dinner down, we didn't go in for the X-ray on Friday.
Friday night and Saturday, back off his food and more vomiting. His brother stopped eating and was throwing up, as were some of the other cats. Seemed viral, which is strange considering they're all indoor. By Saturday I was worried enough about Jolly that we decided to take him to the emergency vet.
Still no fever. Slight weight loss. ER vet took x-rays and found what he described as something "troubling" in his stomach that he thought could be an obstruction. Advised exploratory surgery, so we signed off on it. Left him at 11:30 that night, stayed up until 3:30 last night waiting for word of how it went, but the vet never called. Other cats still alternately refusing food or vomiting up everything they try to eat.
Sunday AM and the vet calls, says that there were some non-food items in Jolly's stomach, but nothing causing an obstruction, and nothing out of line with what most cats probably eat off the floor in the course of being infuriating morons anyway. Some other findings -- low white blood cell count, swollen lymph nodes, inflamed pancreas, but nothing of interest on biopsy. Still waiting on cytology results, but started him on a broad spectrum antibiotic and anti-parasitic just in case. Thinks it's probably something communicable since the other cats were affected as well.
The other cats are hopefully, slowly, please please please on the mend. Happy threw up his breakfast but ate a very modest dinner and managed to keep it down. We just offered him some more and my husband said he inhaled it, he's sitting in my lap and purring like he owns the world at the moment.
Rosie ate 3 churus in a row and kept a small dinner down as well. Spencer hasn't been sick but he's been on and off with his food (which isn't super surprising, as he's on a prescription food that he's not a huge fan of to begin with.) Link has been completely unaffected this whole time. Pym is barely eating, but Pym barely eats even at her best, so I suspect that's just Pym being Pym. She ate most of a Churu, but she's sour with me because I tried to pill her and it's clearly the worst thing that's ever happened to her. She's been off her Prozac for 2 days now, which isn't helping.
Had to REMIND the vet to call me and tell me what the fuck is going on with Jolly. They didn't feed him breakfast but supposedly offered him dinner that he didn't touch. They're going to try again tonight, and remove his cone in case that's putting him off.
Link and Happy were wandering the hall crying for him last night. Broke my heart into a million pieces.
When all is said and done we'll probably be at around $7,000 for this mess. I understand the emergency vet was just doing his job, and we could have refused the surgery, but I do feel like everything was pointing to it being viral.
But they're worth it, I in no way begrudge them the cost. We're going to have to shelve some plans we had and scale down some other things, but we'll make it work.
Lord but I am stressed and tired, though. I want to take off tomorrow and deep clean the house, but don't feel like I can. Maybe I'll just do a thorough clean of the office while I'm working.
Made Marc his tofu scramble for the week, however, and my tofu egg salad for lunches. My friend who is going through chemo received the gifts I got her and seems touched and happy. I wish she'd let me help more, but I'll do what I can for her. Small wins. I'm sad and frustrated and angry about things I can't do much about, but I'm trying to stay positive.
Tomorrow I'll do my best and refocus on my goals.
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rnewsworld · 3 years
कार चालक मैनेजर को टक्कर मारकर भागा: इलाज के दौरान मौत,स्कूटी से कलेक्ट्रेट जा रहा था,सामने से आ रही कार ने मारी टक्कर,चूरू में कर रहा था नौकरी,परिवार रहता है जयपुर
कार चालक मैनेजर को टक्कर मारकर भागा: इलाज के दौरान मौत,स्कूटी से कलेक्ट्रेट जा रहा था,सामने से आ रही कार ने मारी टक्कर,चूरू में कर रहा था नौकरी,परिवार रहता है जयपुर
Hindi News Local Rajasthan Sikar Churu Death During Treatment, Was Going To The Collectorate By Scooty, A Car Coming From The Front Hit, Was Doing Job In Churu, Family Lives In Jaipur चूरू28 मिनट पहले कॉपी लिंक मोर्चरी के बाहर के खड़े परिजन। शहर के नया बस स्टैंड रोड पर गुरुवार देर रात एक निजी फाइनेंस कम्पनी ��े मैनेजर को कार चालक टक्कर मारकर भाग गया। जिसकी उपचार के दौरान अस्पताल में मौत हो गई।…
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shibaraki · 2 years
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"C’mon pretty girl, pay attention. Daddy is goin’ in this room, if you follow me I’ll give you a treat".
Tetsuro keeps his voice pitched as if he were crooning to a baby, holding your cats attention with various kissing noises, crouched to hold his hand out at her eye level. He points to the guest bedroom, whispering for her to go in, but she merely blinks at him.
"Stop cheating!"
You bow forward to bat lightly at his shoulder in reprimand and he pouts, almost losing balance on the balls of his feet. The entire point of the challenge was to not coerce your pet, instead waiting to see which person they would look for without incentive.
"I’m not," he replies petulantly, taking on a more childish tone as he turns back to Petunia. "I’m not cheating, am I baby?"
He tucks his chin to him sternum for a moment, doing a poor job of hiding his affectionate grin. "Fine, fine," he huffs theatrically as he stands, wincing as his knee clicks, "let's do it. Gimme a kiss for good luck?"
You avoid his advances, slipping into the main bedroom with your body pressed to the doorframe, fighting a smile of your own. "I'm not takin' any chances," you tell him.
Your sweet old moggy, once a stray and now a certified housecat, continues to groom herself lazily without a care in the world. She's a great, round ball of black fluff, her coat long enough that she struggles to get all of it without straining her neck. Tetsuro had been accosted by her a year ago — the demanding little thing was living behind his office building, and routinely wailed at the glass doors anytime someone entered.
They'd even had a sign up with her picture, asking that she not be let in by the employees. It physically hurts to leave her there, he'd said. And thus, madam Petunia had been brought home with him.
"Ready?" he asks.
"Ready. And don't even think about wiggling your finger in the gap!"
You both shut the doors slowly, eyeing each other up with suspicion through the narrowing gap until the latch clicked into place. Everything is eerily quiet in the hallway, keeping your ear against the wood for any signs of movement. Truthfully, Petunia had never been picky nor had she ever had an obvious preference between the two of you, meaning she could just up and walk away to the nearest sun spot while you both held your breath.
But even so, you wanted a definitive answer. Wait five minutes, that's what you'd settled on. The time seems to drag unbearably slow when you're actually paying attention to it.
Mrph. Your body stills at the sound, hearing paws padding along carpet. It was the chirping noise she'd always make mid-stretch, just before she started to move. Biiig stretch, you mouth silently into the room, knowing Tetsuro had likely done the same.
The shadow beneath your door surprises you. She's snuffling along the seam, and you step a little further back as the silhouette moves closer to your feet. You don't declare yourself the victor just yet — she could still just be snooping things out, deciding which door to choose.
But then she calls out. It's just like her, a displeased complaint at being left to her own devices, withering away without attention. You can hear the difference as she stretches her body vertically up the frame, clawing at the space beneath the door handle.
The guest bedroom opens up first, as expected. "Traitor," he whines, "I thought we had an understanding. I promised you a churu pop!"
Swallowing laughter with your lower lip held between teeth, you peer around the door to find Tetsuro's crestfallen expression directed at Petunia, who is sitting directly in front of your shared bedroom. Upon seeing you, she yowls.
Her tail hooks in greeting as you coo happily, crouching to take her into your arms like the big baby she is. "That's what you get for offering bribes to such an upstanding young lady," you tease, pressing a closed mouth kiss to the top of her head. She chirps, butting against the underside of your jaw.
"Whatever," Tetsuro bemoans, crossing the hallway in a single stride to get to you. Much like a feline, he nuzzles his nose along your temple, arms lifting to encircle your waist. Feeling a little guilty, you relax back against his chest and lean into the touch.
"You upset?"
His soft laughter is warm on your skin, warmer still when he tenderly kisses your cheek, then resting his chin over your shoulder to watch Petunia. "No..." he breathes, the corner of his mouth curved into a small smile. "I guess I can't blame her. You're my favourite, too".
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ArgentDandelion’s Undertale Prompts 112
Most timelines: The Purple SOUL demands sauce.
Genocide: After slashing Flowey to bits, the genocidal human decides to make tea from his remains.
Pre-Frisk/AU: Young Undyne runs with scissors. Things do not go well. (from askroyalchildren)
Post Pacifist/AU: Toriel warns Undyne not to run with scissors. Undyne heeds this warning. (from askroyalchildren)
Most timelines: After mispronouncing The Fallen Child's name a few times, someone goes with increasingly improbable mispronunciations. (e.g., Churu, Char-Char, Charmander, Char-grizzle, Charbroiled...)
Most timelines/AU: Sans gets two jobs as a judge and executioner. He also disguised himself to be every member of the jury, like old Looney Toons cartoons. (from askroyalchildren)
Most timelines/AU: Papyrus is arrested for a crime and is put on trial.
AU: The Player, controlling Frisk's body, forces them to do awful/extremely violent things. Rather unexpectedly, Frisk later gains control of The Player's body...
AU: Frisk realizes someone else has control of the timeline...a politically influential anti-monster politician. Frisk must find a way to stop them without them getting suspicious.
Post-Pacifist: Frisk quits the job as monsterkind's ambassador...and gives the job to Flowey.
Post-Pacifist/AU: As some flowers do, Flowey keeps going dormant (seemingly dying) for the winter and regrowing in the spring.
AU: W.D. Gaster manifests in reality....with the body of Prototype Male Alphys. (Alphys was originally designed to be male, but Toby Fox quickly grew to dislike the idea and so added eyelashes to her)
AU: Undyne spends some time with Alphys, but feels zero romantic feelings for her. Eventually she realizes it’s an impostor: Prototype Male Alphys.
AU: Undyne must spot the impostor between an eyelash-less real Alphys and an eyelash-less Prototype Male Alphys. Unfortunately, they look and sound identical.
AU: Mysterious monsters of Hotland talk about the genius of the late royal scientist... A.L. Phys. (Alphys)
AU: Gaster is repeatedly compared negatively to the former royal scientist, A.L. Phys (Alphys).
AU: Undertale and Deltarune characters consider the lives of their respective counterparts nightmares. (e.g., Deltarune Asgore’s counterpart is a king bound by duty to kill/order the deaths of people, Undertale Undyne’s counterpart doesn't know about either Alphys or anime)
Most timelines/AU: Undyne refuses to wear anything made of polyester. Frisk gets nosy about it…
Post-Pacifist/AU: Undyne takes her eyepatch off before sleeping (like with glasses), only to forget to put it back on again as Alphys walks into the room.
Flowey Run: Flowey imitates Asgore's voice while hiding and says very mean things to Undyne.
Flowey Run: Flowey impersonates Asgore. Undyne finds out and utterly destroys Flowey.
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Packers and Movers Jaipur - Available to Service You a True Better
Relocating is a tough job and anyone who has actually done this knows how hard the entire thing can be. You need careful planning to find out what exactly you need to do and how you can make the process simpler. The True Life Packers & Movers that work towards helping out people in their relocation process is the ideal destination for you if you are a resident of India. In any city, whether it is Mumbai , Rajasthan, Punjab or any other place we  provide the services all over India. True Life Packers and Movers is a company that undertakes relocation. Our company's branch is located in Jaipur, Ajmer, Sikar. The True Life Packers & Movers is seen as one of the best Packers and Movers company within India and Rajasthan. There are True Life Packers and Movers moving companies in India which provide customized and full moving services within the country as well as international shifting services.
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The True life Packers and Movers has been a 3 branch of the company :-
Packers and Movers In Jaipur
Packers and Movers In Ajmer
Packers and Movers In Sikar. 
Whether you want to shift your office or your residence it's important to appoint True Life Packers and Movers In Ajmer.  Doing the packaging, loading and unloading of your stuff on your own can appear to be appealing to you, but this is not exactly your job because this work is very stress-full and tedious work.  
You must be hire professional True Life Packers and Movers are suitable trained to do the job in such a way that your goods do not get damaged at all. The True Life Packers and Movers in Jaipur also provide facilities to transport your goods abroad also. The True Life Packers and Movers In Ajmer can also help you out in packing your things and also help in its transportation. The True Life Packers and Movers Make arrangements to pack all the breakable stuff they do not break during the transpiration.
Well you are transporting all your precious goods and you will surely not want anything bad to happen to them. So you can hire True Life Packers and Movers. Packers and Movers Jaipur have boxes of special quality where we will pack all the things that you want to carry to your new place. Packers and Movers company will help you further by placing labels on all the boxes telling what is inside the box. In this way, you can unpack easily without having to spend lots of time searching what is put in which box.
The Packers and Movers Jaipur  will even unpack the boxes in the rooms where you want to place the items. Our process is relocation is Packing (the goods will be professionally packed to prevent any damage), Loading, Transporting, Clearing the duty at the state borders, Bringing the goods to the destination, Unloading, Unpacking etc. True Life Packers and Movers  the best company which guarantees you a safe, swift and cost-efficient move. We are always ready to help you in your relocation process.
The True Life Packers & Movers provide the services is:-
Warehouse Facility
Commercial Moving Facility
Domestic Relocation
Storage Services
Residential Moving services     
Industrial Relocation
Export  Packaging.
Over services is available all Rajasthan
The cities are  Ajmer,  Alwar, Banswara, Bharatpur, Bhilwara, Barmer,  Bikaner, Bundi,  Chittorgarh, Churu, Dausa, Dholpur, Dungarpur,   Jaisalmer, Jalor, Jhalawar, Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur, Karauli, Kota, Nagaur, Pali, Partapgarh, Rajsamand, Sawimadhopur, Sikar, Sriganaganagar , Tonk, Udaipur, Hanumangarh.
 Visit The Website : -   https://www.truelifepackersmovers.com/
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sumit-binwal · 4 years
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When u have nothing to do except your JoB..!!! 🤦‍♂️ #wfhlife #workfromhomelife #workfromhomejobs (at Churu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAKo0J7BQoddq4Amap_m0W3t8jQwrOgEIPPtVU0/?igshid=1pfo5niratbgk
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wlreports-blog · 5 years
Chander Agarwal, TCI EXPRESS: India's Inspirational Leaders 2019
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Chander Agarwal, Managing Director TCI EXPRESS: India's Inspirational Leader 2019 Chander Agarwal, TCI EXPRESS: India's Inspirational Leaders 2019
Chander Agarwal, Managing Director, TCI Express is a third generation entrepreneur who has  been inspired by his father, the Chairman of TCIEXPRESS to guide the business to the top position in the country. Success factored by discipline, innovation and great governance.
Years of working in the industry, your contribution reflects versatility and volubility. What has influenced your decision making process at various stages? More than 20 years in business that begun from  Transfreight USA, a 3rd-party logistics provider specialized in lean logistics and primarily served Toyota Motor Vehicles to TCIEXPRESS, India’s fastest growing Express Distribution company as the Managing Director with the responsibility of expanding the organization’s footprint in the country and globally by steering the conceptualization and execution of key strategies related to management and operational needs of the company. Within a short span of 3 years, TCIEXPRESS increased the delivery and pick up locations upto 40,000 and company branches till 680 within India and end of the financial year 2018 Increased Market capitalization to almost INR 30 Billion.   A project or an accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career?   Establishing TCIEXPRESS from TCI-XPS and making It, India’s Number 1 Express Delivery Company. TCIExpress (then called TCI XPS) started operations in 1996, as the express division of Transport Corporation of India. In 2016 TCI XPS demerged from Transport Corporation of India Limited and become TCIEXPRESS an independent company listed to NSE and BSE. Establishing TCIEXPRESS and gaining investors and stakeholders faith was a big challenge. Started from scratch TCIEXPRESS managed to clock INR 30 billion market capitalization with more than 20% revenue growth rate yoy.
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How do you integrate corporate philanthropy or corporate social responsibility as a part of your business strategies?   TCIExpress believes that CSR needs to go beyond communities and the concept of philanthropy. Our main focus is to create higher standards of sustainability factoring social and environmental impacts for the greater good of people. We want to bring lasting and sustainable development by interventions in areas of education & vocational training, health & disability, women & child development, environment and other emerging needs of society. TCIEXPRESS to serve the nation with a motto of equality and better life for all citizens.   What has been your driving force or philosophy in life? Every lock has a key and every problem a solution. Leaders don’t do the right things, they do things right. That’s a biggest driving force or philosophy in life. Invention and Innovation are critically important and the right permutations bring out the best outcomes.   What are the other philanthropic works you are involved in? TCIEXPRESS involve in HIV/AIDS Control, TB Free India, Artificial Limbs and HIV/AIDS Controls in Health-care. I am personally a sport lover and believe Sports effective way of channeling the energy of youth for productive and meaningful purpose. TCIEXPRESS recognizes sport as a means to promote education, health, development and peace and decided to establish ‘Urmila Sports Academy’ at NangalBari (famously known as Bhorugram) District Churu, Rajasthan.    How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition? For me success is key to satisfaction and happiness. By developing my talent to make positive impact in our business, industry, society and humanity as a whole with love determination is success. We are constantly making things better, faster, smarter or less expensive. In other words, we strive to do more with less.  A recent project or solution to a problem that you have made better, faster, smarter or less expensive? Technology Implementation and making logistics system transparent was a big challenge in Indian Logistics Industry. I emulated and innovated on global best practices to transform logistics practices with the help of Modern Information technologies. We as a team introduced and streamlined structure, Processes, systems based on these technologies in the company to setting high benchmarks for the growth of the company and provide the best services to the customers.    In your opinion what is the most significant aspect of leadership?  Empathy and vision are key to being a good leader. Intuitively, a leader always creates other for succession. The critical ingredient for this of course comes from putting your team first and this is what I always say “People first”. When they believe in you, the will always trust you to give the right directions while they follow your lead and work towards achieving the unachievable.   PERSONAL GRID  One thing you wish to change and one thing you wish to retain about your industry? About 95% of the logistics industry comes into the unorganized sphere. There is competition from the organized as well as the unorganized sector for better service level and to bring Indian Logistics industry as per global standard we want a speedy transition from Unorganized to organized sector. The Humanitarian approach of Indian logistics sector we want to retain.      Whom do you owe your success to? I am a third generation entrepreneur and have always been inspired by my Father, The Chairman of TCIEXPRESS. He has been my guiding light. Coming from a business family it was my imperative that I first learnt the ropes of the business before steering from the top. Certainly my Father has special contribution towards my success.    Best thing about your job?  Working together with my team members in team spirit, creating job opportunities for the society, and wealth for shareholders A message from you to all the future entrepreneurs/leaders?  One must work hard in ethical and sustainable matter. We should always think long term and not go for short term immediate gains. One should be respectful and down to earth in nature  ABOUT THE BRAND TCI XPS was established in 1996 as one of the foremost divisions of Transport Corporation of India (TCI), India’s most admired logistics company.   Read the full article
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elsnark · 7 years
I need to mention before this slips my mind entirely.  YandereDev’s naming ability is no better than KoG’s (though, let’s be honest, most of the time KoG comes up with good names and there are only a few off ones).
Elsword = literally the sword of El.  That’s his job.  He’s the guardian of the El or something.  His name is Elsword.  Guardian of the El.  The El’s Sword.
Elesis = Sister of Elsword.  Something to do with El, too.
Aishi = Love + Death.  That’s it.  That’s what they do.  They love so much they’ll cause death for it.
Myuji Shan = Say it all together and it’s musician.  She’s the leader of the Light Music Club.
Fureddo Jonzu = Engrish pronunciation of Fred Jones.  Copy and paste of Fred Jones from Scooby Doo.
Geiju Tsuka = Artist.  He’s the leader of the Art Club.
Supana Churu = Supernatural.  Geddit?  ‘Cause she’s in the Occult Club.
Midori Gurin = Green Green.  She has green hair and green eyes.
Budo Masuta = Karate Master basically ‘cause he’s the leader of the martial art’s club
Osana Nijimi = Meet Childhood Friend.  Senpai’s childhood friend.
Mai Waifu = It’s... Do I even need to give an explanation?  Who the fuck would name their kid this?  Who the hell would have this as a last name anyway?  Wtf
I could go on but I’m literally feeling my IQ and sanity drop.
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Best Packers and Movers In Jaipur : True Life Packers and Movers
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Moving to a new place can really become a challenging and daunting task even if your new destination is just 10 km from the old one. The need to relocate can arise due to a variety of reasons be it a job change or a personal decision for better prospects and better living. At times even a company may need to shift its quarters from a particular location to another. Relocating bag and baggage is a mammoth task that needs great organizational skills and patience. A through knowledge about the new locality also comes in handy when moving assets such as the family car. It is therefore advisable to hire a True Life Packers and Movers company to take care of all the relocation needs. True Life Packers and Movers is a company that undertakes relocation. Our company's branch is located in Jaipur, Ajmer, Sikar .  If you would want to make your relocation successful and complication free so hire our company .
                                  Packers and Movers in Jaipur :-
You can contact them anywhere from the various our branches located all over India. We have  offices in major cities and towns so that we can assist you in your relocation plans in any corner of the city. All major states of India office packers and movers in jaipur services  are available. Our main branch in Jaipur, Ajmer, Sikar Rajasthan has a dedicated team of specialist workers in all offices. Transfer involves processes services like packing, moving, loading, unloading, unpacking, re-arranging, etc.
                                  Packers and Movers In Ajmer :-
The True Life Packers and Movers in Ajmer  can provide you with the essential services for resettlement and the best solutions for any problem which may be encountered along the process.Our True Life Packers and Movers in Ajmer  We will do the hard work and we are committed to address every concern of clients. Hiring a our  company would mean speedy service delivered in the most coordinated manner. With the help of our company, all your goods, most especially the delicate ones, will arrive at their new place on top condition. The company will take care of everything from packing, loading, transmitting, unloading, rearranging and many others. The True Life Packers and Movers In Ajmer  makes use of the most modern technique packing to ensure that your breakable and delicate items will not be compromised during the transport.
                                      Packers and Movers In Sikar :-
A competent True Life Packers and  Movers   moving company will have years of experience in dealing with relocation needs of individuals and that of a corporate. It can adeptly use its expertise to decide upon the factors such as the rules and regulations for transporting assets like an automobile, careful packaging and handling of household goods and the needed paperwork. When you want to hire the services of Packers and Movers in Sikar movers and packers it is best to research a little into their background and find out their previous track record. Past references can help you decide on the company that you want to hire for your relocation help from our company . When the safety of your personal belongings is to be handed over to True Life Packers and Movers In Sikar moving company, it is best to be reassured of our dependability and credibility.We are always ready to help you in your relocation process.
 The True Life Packers & Movers provide the services  is:-
·         Export  Packaging
·         Storage Services
·         Commercial Moving Facility
·         Domestic Relocation
·         Transportation
·         Residential Moving services     
·         Warehouse Facility
·         Industrial Relocation
Over services is available all Rajasthan
The cities are  Ajmer,  Alwar, Banswara, Bharatpur, Bhilwara, Barmer,  Bikaner, Bundi,  Chittorgarh, Churu, Dausa, Dholpur, Dungarpur,   Jaisalmer, Jalor, Jhalawar, Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur, Karauli, Kota, Nagaur, Pali, Partapgarh, Rajsamand, Sawimadhopur, Sikar, Sriganaganagar , Tonk, Udaipur, Hanumangarh.
 Visit The Website :-  https://www.truelifepackersmovers.com/
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Packers and Movers In Jaipur
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Relocating to a different place involves shifting the complete household. The True Life Packers and Movers can handle the packing in a hassle free way. True Life Packers and Movers is a company that undertakes relocation. Our company's branch is located in Jaipur, Ajmer, Sikar. That are famous for providing quality, quick, cost-effective and reliable shifting or relocation services among clients and customers. 
Our company help you  assistance in your relocation there by making the process easy and stress-free. It is compulsory that you have to approach only a particular location to contact these people, rather you can contact them anywhere from the various our branches located all over India. We have  offices in major cities and towns so that we can assist you in your relocation plans in any corner of the city. Our company  of the major qualities of a good moving company is that it can assist you in all your relocation  needs whether it is residential relocation or commercial relocation. 
The True Life Packers and Movers in jaipur offices of packers and movers services  can also provide be seen in all major states of India such as Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam ,Bihar Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab ,Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal etc. Our Main Branch Rajasthan in jaipur All these offices have a dedicated team of expert workers to help their clients in the relocation process such as packing, moving, loading, unloading, unpacking, re-arranging, etc.
Expert Packers and Movers in jaipur understand the nature of your goods and therefore, pack them with good quality of material that better suits the nature of the item. A good packing and transport is the proof of reliable services of a company. Apart from that, we  quality  services also assure you safe and secure transportation of goods. However, the process of relocation can be divided into two categories including residential relocation and commercial/corporate relocation. In the commercial relocation category, we can include shifting like corporate relocation, office shifting, business relocation, shop shifting, industrial goods shifting, etc.
Actually it doesn't matter a lot that what kind of relocation you have to execute because any of these relocation will ultimately result in a tiring and stressful day. You may even get into trouble wondering what to do and how to do. But you will feel happy to know that with the help of True Life Packers and Movers company  you can perform all these jobs within no time and without any stress. So, do not ever feel low in seeking help of  professionally Packers and Movers In Jaipur. We are always ready to help you in your relocation process.
 The True Life Packers & Movers provide the services is:-
Domestic Relocation
Industrial Relocation
Export  Packaging
Warehouse Facility
Storage Services
Residential Moving services     
Commercial Moving Facility.   
 Over services is available all Rajasthan
The cities are  Ajmer,  Alwar, Banswara, Bharatpur, Bhilwara, Barmer,  Bikaner, Bundi,  Chittorgarh, Churu, Dausa, Dholpur, Dungarpur,   Jaisalmer, Jalor, Jhalawar, Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur, Karauli, Kota, Nagaur, Pali, Partapgarh, Rajsamand, Sawimadhopur, Sikar, Sriganaganagar , Tonk, Udaipur, Hanumangarh.
  Visit The Website :-   https://www.truelifepackersmovers.com/
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Packers and Movers in Jaipur
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True Life Packers and Movers is a company that undertakes relocations. Our company's branch is located in Jaipur, Ajmer, Sikar. That are famous for providing quality, quick, cost-effective and reliable shifting or relocation services among clients and customers. Our company help you  assistance in your relocation there by making the process easy and stress-free.
It is compulsory that you have to approach only a particular location to contact these people,  rather you can contact them anywhere from the various our branches located all over India. We have  offices in major cities and towns so that we can assist you in your relocation plans in any corner of the city. Our company  of the major qualities of a good moving company is that it can assist you in all your relocations needs whether it is residential relocation or commercial relocation.
The True Life Packers and Movers in jaipur offices of packers and movers services can also provide be seen in all major states of India such as Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam ,Bihar Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab ,Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal etc. Our Main Branch  Rajasthan in jaipur All these offices have a dedicated team of expert workers to help their clients in the relocation process such as packing, moving, loading, unloading, unpacking, re-arranging, etc.
Expert Packers and Movers in jaipur  understand the nature of your goods and therefore, pack them with good quality of material that better suits the nature of the item. A good packing and transport is the proof of reliable services of a company. Apart from that, we  quality services also assure you safe and secure transportation of goods. However, the process of relocation can be divided into two categories including residential relocation and commercial/corporate relocation. In the commercial relocation category, we can include shifting like corporate relocation, office shifting, business relocation, shop shifting, industrial goods shifting, etc.
Actually it doesn't matter a lot that what kind of relocation you have to execute because any of these relocation will ultimately result in a tiring and stressful day. You may even get into trouble wondering what to do and how to do. But you will feel happy to know that with the help of True Life Packers & Movers company you can perform all these jobs within no time and without any stress. So, do not ever feel low in seeking help of professionally Packers and Movers In Jaipur. We would properly pack all the office furniture and hardware based on its frailness to ensure that no damage occurs during relocation.
We are always ready to help you in your relocation process.
 The True Life Packers & Movers provide the services  is:-
·        Warehouse Facility
·        Commercial Moving Facility
·        Storage Services
·        Industrial Relocation
·        Residential Moving services     
·        Transportation
·        Industrial Relocation
·        Export  Packaging
·        Domestic Relocation
Over services is available all Rajasthan     
The cities are  Ajmer,  Alwar, Banswara, Bharatpur, Bhilwara, Barmer,  Bikaner, Bundi,  Chittorgarh, Churu, Dausa, Dholpur, Dungarpur,   Jaisalmer, Jalor, Jhalawar, Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur, Karauli, Kota, Nagaur, Pali, Partapgarh, Rajsamand, Sawimadhopur, Sikar, Sriganaganagar , Tonk, Udaipur, Hanumangarh.     
Visit The Website :-      https://www.truelifepackersmovers.com/                                       
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wlreports-blog · 5 years
Chander Agarwal, TCI EXPRESS: India's Inspirational Leaders 2019
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Chander Agarwal, Managing Director TCI EXPRESS: India's Inspirational Leader 2019 Chander Agarwal, TCI EXPRESS: India's Inspirational Leaders 2019
Chander Agarwal, Managing Director, TCI Express is a third generation entrepreneur who has  been inspired by his father, the Chairman of TCIEXPRESS to guide the business to the top position in the country. Success factored by discipline, innovation and great governance.
Years of working in the industry, your contribution reflects versatility and volubility. What has influenced your decision making process at various stages? More than 20 years in business that begun from  Transfreight USA, a 3rd-party logistics provider specialized in lean logistics and primarily served Toyota Motor Vehicles to TCIEXPRESS, India’s fastest growing Express Distribution company as the Managing Director with the responsibility of expanding the organization’s footprint in the country and globally by steering the conceptualization and execution of key strategies related to management and operational needs of the company. Within a short span of 3 years, TCIEXPRESS increased the delivery and pick up locations upto 40,000 and company branches till 680 within India and end of the financial year 2018 Increased Market capitalization to almost INR 30 Billion.   A project or an accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career?   Establishing TCIEXPRESS from TCI-XPS and making It, India’s Number 1 Express Delivery Company. TCIExpress (then called TCI XPS) started operations in 1996, as the express division of Transport Corporation of India. In 2016 TCI XPS demerged from Transport Corporation of India Limited and become TCIEXPRESS an independent company listed to NSE and BSE. Establishing TCIEXPRESS and gaining investors and stakeholders faith was a big challenge. Started from scratch TCIEXPRESS managed to clock INR 30 billion market capitalization with more than 20% revenue growth rate yoy.
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How do you integrate corporate philanthropy or corporate social responsibility as a part of your business strategies?   TCIExpress believes that CSR needs to go beyond communities and the concept of philanthropy. Our main focus is to create higher standards of sustainability factoring social and environmental impacts for the greater good of people. We want to bring lasting and sustainable development by interventions in areas of education & vocational training, health & disability, women & child development, environment and other emerging needs of society. TCIEXPRESS to serve the nation with a motto of equality and better life for all citizens.   What has been your driving force or philosophy in life? Every lock has a key and every problem a solution. Leaders don’t do the right things, they do things right. That’s a biggest driving force or philosophy in life. Invention and Innovation are critically important and the right permutations bring out the best outcomes.   What are the other philanthropic works you are involved in? TCIEXPRESS involve in HIV/AIDS Control, TB Free India, Artificial Limbs and HIV/AIDS Controls in Health-care. I am personally a sport lover and believe Sports effective way of channeling the energy of youth for productive and meaningful purpose. TCIEXPRESS recognizes sport as a means to promote education, health, development and peace and decided to establish ‘Urmila Sports Academy’ at NangalBari (famously known as Bhorugram) District Churu, Rajasthan.    How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition? For me success is key to satisfaction and happiness. By developing my talent to make positive impact in our business, industry, society and humanity as a whole with love determination is success. We are constantly making things better, faster, smarter or less expensive. In other words, we strive to do more with less.  A recent project or solution to a problem that you have made better, faster, smarter or less expensive? Technology Implementation and making logistics system transparent was a big challenge in Indian Logistics Industry. I emulated and innovated on global best practices to transform logistics practices with the help of Modern Information technologies. We as a team introduced and streamlined structure, Processes, systems based on these technologies in the company to setting high benchmarks for the growth of the company and provide the best services to the customers.    In your opinion what is the most significant aspect of leadership?  Empathy and vision are key to being a good leader. Intuitively, a leader always creates other for succession. The critical ingredient for this of course comes from putting your team first and this is what I always say “People first”. When they believe in you, the will always trust you to give the right directions while they follow your lead and work towards achieving the unachievable.   PERSONAL GRID  One thing you wish to change and one thing you wish to retain about your industry? About 95% of the logistics industry comes into the unorganized sphere. There is competition from the organized as well as the unorganized sector for better service level and to bring Indian Logistics industry as per global standard we want a speedy transition from Unorganized to organized sector. The Humanitarian approach of Indian logistics sector we want to retain.      Whom do you owe your success to? I am a third generation entrepreneur and have always been inspired by my Father, The Chairman of TCIEXPRESS. He has been my guiding light. Coming from a business family it was my imperative that I first learnt the ropes of the business before steering from the top. Certainly my Father has special contribution towards my success.    Best thing about your job?  Working together with my team members in team spirit, creating job opportunities for the society, and wealth for shareholders A message from you to all the future entrepreneurs/leaders?  One must work hard in ethical and sustainable matter. We should always think long term and not go for short term immediate gains. One should be respectful and down to earth in nature  ABOUT THE BRAND TCI XPS was established in 1996 as one of the foremost divisions of Transport Corporation of India (TCI), India’s most admired logistics company.   Read the full article
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