#was he just hoping he got the chance to read it while alastor wasn't looking so he wouldn't destroy the fuck out of his guide booklet
onesidedradiostatic · 19 days
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can we talk about how sir pentious was told to kill himself by vox but still decided nah I'm still gonna keep and READ stuff with his face plastered on it
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circeyoru · 3 months
Hello you amazeing writer!! I'm here and for starters, I just wana say HOW MUCH I LOVE YOUR WRITEING HDHDGDGDG
*Cough cough* Anyways...I am here to add a sprinkle of angst, cause it feeds my blood-lust /j
I remember reading a non-canon version of your "Unwanted soul" fic, where the reader gets redemed (like Sir Pantious) and at the end, they het back to hell while keeping some of the angelic fetures (like the wings) and Alastor ripped them off, ignoreing readers crys (sience now he wasn't under contract).
I was wondering...what if, after all that, reader woldn't actulay fully forget Alastor? Personaly, I really REALLY hate feeling any kind of pain, even if it's as small as a paper-cut, so what if reader gets so upset over all that that they ignore Alastor and just start feeling mode down than usual?
Go to MASTERLIST for the works. This ask is for {Unwanted Souls}. The specific mentioned ask is this, so give them a read before this.
The angst is back. Prepare yourself, really, I mean it...
Yes. Reader/you will and do shut down after the stunt Alastor pulls. It's similar to the state you were in before your suicide on Earth. But! Alastor's keeping an eye out for everything and anything you do so you don't get the chance to plan your third death.
Needless to say, you regret coming back because Alastor was and is beyond your control. If you had his soul, you'd destroy it. Alastor knows, that's why he's not offering it anymore. He did consider it, but the way you were unresponsive to him, he trashes the idea.
You don't talk to him, you don't listen to him, you don't look at him, and you don't acknowledge him. You know, any form of reaction and attention you give him, be it good or bad, he'll take it all with gratitude, and you're not giving him that pleasure. Not what you went through because of him.
Alastor does everything to coax you into looking at him again, he knows he can't threaten you because that's what you want. If he was angered enough to kill you or attempt to do so, you win and he'll be left with nothing. No more you. He can't let that happen. He tried returning with wounds or accidentally harming himself while making your meals. No reaction.
He asks you what he did wrong, what can he do for you to at least go back to the way you were. He didn't like how you were like a doll or a broken puppet. It was so agonizing to see you like this, even worse when the reason was him. You didn't even touch the anime and books he brought for you, not even the phone, or tablet, or laptop. Nothing.
After a long long while, you made up your mind. A plan brewed. One that will give you your eternal sleep.
"I want a feast with my favourites." You spoke so softly one day. Yet Alastor heard it loud and clear, he nodded, it has been forever since he heard your voice. The last was when you were begging him not to rip off your wings and halo that took you away from him. He got to work, saying he'll be back soon and asked for your patience.
Patience. You've given him too much. Your eyes burned with fury when his presence left the apartment and your home domain. You took your blank notebooks, summoning angelic weapons one after another around your bed. The angelic steel stacked up as did your exhaustion. Your eyesight blurry and your body heavy. Just a little more and you'll sleep. The feeling was so similar to when you embraced death the first time. Then you fell asleep. Forever.
When Alastor returned, he was terrified to find you surrounded by angelic steel. His mind didn't register that you were the one to summon them, like the time you saved him all those years ago. He only rushed forward to you, ignoring all the wounds on his legs as he walked pass the deadly material. He tried shaking you awake. You're eyes didn't open, your body was cold. Heartbeat? It was so weak.
He shouted for you to wake up. He pleaded and begged. He apologized. He was wrong. He was all wrong. It was all his fault. Just wake up. Please! He needs you! He can't live without you! You can't abandon him again! Not again! Please!
Before, in the canon of my story, you woke up because Lucifer told Alastor what to do. But here, he never knew about your relationship with Lucifer, nor would Lucifer tell him how to wake you up. Lucifer watched from afar as you slowly died from your powers that drained your very soul. Saving you wasn't an option, he said he'd respect your choice and won't question them. He's keeping it, he's your friend. When you were going on with your plan, you too realized that the only true friend you had was Lucifer.
You can't handle Alastor, you shouldn't have thought you could. You shouldn't have accepted Alastor.
You shouldn't have saved him that day.
Alastor deserves to suffer while you enter your eternal slumber.
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wolfoftheblackflames · 3 months
Don't mind me, I've been taken into a chokehold by cuteness again, enjoy!
(Takes place just after episode 5 and before episode 6)
It was just another normal day in the hotel. Everyone was off doing their own thing. Husk went out with Angel and Cherri to a bar while Alastor visited Cannibal Town for a feast with Rosie. Lucifer relaxed on one of the couches in the lobby, reading a good book with Charlie happily scribbling away at more plans for the hotel. He smiled fondly at his daughter, sparing her a glance. "Already busy as a bee, I see." He spoke warmly, smiling at her.
Charlie looked over at her father and giggled. "Well, I can't help it, I have that meeting with Heaven in a few days." She replied. However, her brows furrowed as she started to fidget. "I just hope it goes well, I'm so nervous."
Lucifer looked over at his daughter, his eyes softening. "Charlie.." He placed his book down and went over to sit beside his daughter, placing one of his hands on her shoulder. "My little apple pie, I know Heaven won't be easy, but I'm so proud of you." His red eyes sparkled, but they soon flashed some worry. "I'm sorry I can't go with you, which is why I'm here now, to help you if you need it."
Charlie sniffled a bit and nodded. "Thanks, Dad. I think I'm going to go walk around for a while, clear my head." She lightly moved his hand away and stood up from the soft velvety seating. Lucifer watched as his daughter left the room but blinked, spying a certain someone peeking out of the kitchen.
"Ah, Maggie, perfect timing!" He smirked once Charlie was out of earshot. "I need your help with something." He walked over to Vaggie, who tilted her head at him.
"It's Vaggie, sir, and what do you need help with?" The moth demoness replied, looking curious at the King of Hell.
Lucifer took Vaggie lightly by the arm and dragged her into the kitchen with a cute grin. "As you saw, my little apple pie is looking a little nervous. So I was thinking, why not we bake something for her to help calm her nerves? You know what she likes, right?" The man replied a little nervously since it's been awhile since he made Charlie something that wasn't a rubber duck.
Vaggie blinked but rubbed her chin, liking the idea. "She really likes sweets, so why not something like cookies or a cake?"
Lucifer beamed and used his magic to poof in some ingredients. "Excellent, so um, do you know how to make those? Or should I get the boys to run out and grab some?" He looked a little awkward since it had been just a month since he got out of his slump and started to get to know his daughter again.
He blinked, earning a chuckle from Vaggie. "I think she'd like it more if it was hand-made, sir. And no, I haven't exactly tried baking, so we could learn together?" She scratched her cheek offering a chance to bond with her girlfriend's father.
Though what seemed like a bonding time between the two turned into a messy fiasco as smoke surged out of the kitchen, causing the princess to yelp and rush over. "What in hell happened in here?!" She wafted the smoke as Razzle and Dazzle began to ventilate it.
Vaggie and Lucifer looked a little sheepish at her as the king held what looked to be a slightly burned batch of apple shaped cookies with little ducks painted on them. "Uh note to self, don't let your dad use the fucking oven. No offense sir." Vaggie dusted some soot off her shirt.
"None taken.." Lucifer laughed nervously and gulped. "We uh... Wanted to surprise you sweetie? Sorry if they look kinda bad.." He motioned to the cookies on the tray.
Charlie couldn't hide a snicker, which turned into a full-blown laugh seeing both the people she loved covered in soot. "You're lucky everyone else is out today." She teased as soon a screech was heard. "Uh oh.."
Nifty came in looking like a feral little gremlin, her lone eye bulging at the sight. "My clean kitchen, I just dusted in here not to long ago!" She whined and soon swatted at the trio with her feather duster. "Out out out, this mess needs to be clean!" She giggled wickedly as the trio moved out of the small demon maid's way.
"You got in trouble, sir." Vaggie chuckled as Lucifer laughed sheepishly.
"Yeah... My bad." The short king replied with a small smile. "Well I should be going now, um nice seeing you and good luck!" He rushed out since Nifty came back out waving a knife.
Charlie snorted and took a cookie from the tray. She smiled fondly at it and bit it, only to nod a bit. "It isn't half bad..."
"Really?" Vaggie looked at her not convinced.
"Ok it's bad. But you two worked so hard on these, sorry..." Charlie winced unable to hide her disgust. Vaggie chuckled softly as Charlie finished the cookie. "What's so funny?" She looked over at her girlfriend.
"Can't believe you just ate that. You could've thrown it away hon." Vaggie looked at Charlie taking her hand. "Still it's sweet of you to do so."
Charlie chuckled and nuzzled Vaggie, only to get soot on her nose. "Ah even here there's soot?!" She whined as Vaggie grumbled.
"Seriously don't let your dad use the oven again. I don't think it'll last with him around." She pinched the bridge of her nose as Charlie laughed.
The two retired to their room as Vaggie needed a shower to get the soot out of her hair. It had also become a darker grey as a result. Charlie, however, looked fondly at the photo of her parents that rested on the wall. "Thanks dad..." Her eyes softened, she felt new found courage swirl inside her, maybe the trip to heaven would go well, but also it felt nice to have her dad back in her life again. A soft kiss to the cheek broke her out of her trance as the blonde looked over. "All better?" She teased with a cheeky grin.
"Mhm, c'mon, I think aside from terrible cookies, some cuddles and a movie would help ease your nerves." Vaggie gave her a soft smile as the two soon curled up on the couch in the room together. Charlie relaxed in Vaggie's embrace, casually laying again the smaller woman's shoulder while her girlfriend lightly massaged her back. The two enjoyed their lazy afternoon together for tomorrow was the big day.
(Hiya! Yes I tried again with another Chaggie fic... I can't help it, I also tried my hand at our smol baby dork boy Luci. Thanks for reading!)
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Blitz, Alastor, Vaggie and Octavias reaction to finding reader sing a jazzy somber Voltaire song like "In the Land of the Dead".
Their reaction to finding reader singing a jazzy tune
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He'd been working late, the Imp having to go through a mountain of paperwork he'd been ignoring. Hoping it was all disappear if he ignored it for long enough.
But alas, no such luck. And while he usually wouldn't hesitate to bring work home with him, he knew he wouldn't get any work done if you were around for him to annoy/flirt with.
He'd gotten enough done to justify to himself calling it a day, and had driven himself home.
And he'd just gotten home when he heard the tell-tale sound of the shower running.
Hearing this and knowing Loona wasn't home, the Imp quickly grew a wicked grin, many exciting thought zipping through his head.
So, getting his shoes off, the Imp discarded piece after piece of clothing as he approached the shower.
But as he opened the door, he heard some of the most exciting, jazzy singing he'd ever heard.
Which was strange, because you didnt really sing.
Blitzø loved music, and so did you, but you'd hardly mumble lyrics, let alone sing.
And here you were, singing your heart out in the most jazzy, excited tuned he'd ever heard. It was a bop.
And you could imagine how surprised you were when you'd opened the shower curtain only to find you half naked Imp S/O standing in the doorway. Staring at you in clear shock.
You both stood there for a second, before you asked how long youd been there.
Blitzø just told you long enough, asking you how you could sing so well. And more importantly, why you hadn't sung for him before.
Letting out a sigh, you grabbed a towel, covering yourself before sitting down on the toilet.
Youd tell him you used to sing a lot, even doing so professionally for many years. But you got the attention of some very powerful, very dangerous people.
People who wanted you to work for them, singing and... doing other things.
So you stopped.
Blitzø took it rather well, asking if you could sing for him sometimes.
You just smiled, promising to sing for him some times, the two of you sharing a tender kiss.
After a few moment you realised Blitzø was still mostly naked and unshowered.
You glanced at the shower And with a smile you asked if maybe he'd like to hop in with you again.
Blitz just grinned, practically tearing his clothes off as you got into the shower. Blitzø assuring you he'd make you sing.
Alastor often spent his days out of the house. The overlord handling buisness or dealing with a potential threat.
But more often than not, he was just looking for something to entertain himself with.
Of course, he began spending lots of time with you, both in and out of the house, but you still found you were often left along for great lengths, if you weren't out and about with your radio Themed s/o of course.
And this particular day, you'd been left alone, and took the chance to peruse Alastors extensive library.
And in said library, you'd began humming a tune.
Said tune steadily growing in your chest, until you began an all out sing along, breaking into a song straight out of the 1920s.
You jumped about the place, singing your heart out in a spectacular somber about the vast assortment of books you'd read.
It was a little cliché, but still a fun song.
And it'd be just as you finished, giving a bow to the rows and rows of books, that you'd hear vigorous clapping.
Freezing, you slowly turn around, finding none other than Alastor standing in the doorway, absolutely beaming.
He'd shower you in praise, on you in a second flat, practically throwing you into the air.
His enthusiasm and pep would be infectious, you quickly caught up in his excited praise.
After a few minutes of him showering you in attention, the man would settle, asking why you never told him.
Youd go silent for several moments before telling him about your past, telling him your musical abilities brought you a boat load of trouble.
At that Alastor would be silent for several moments before quite literally swooping you off your feet, boldly assuring you such issues were void now that you were with him, and he'd be expecting you to sing whenever you'd like, the Radio demon unable to approve more of your newfound singing.
Youd just lean into him, the two of you sharing a tender moment, you thanking him. Promising to sing as you pleased.
Alastor just smiled, telling you that's all he could ask for.
Vaggie wasn't happy.
Ever since that accursed Radio Demon had shown up, she'd been pushed aside and talked over, Charlie's idealism causing her incredible stress.
She was walking back to her room, hoping to get some time away from everyone, maybe getting lucky and finding you there.
It was as she made it to your floor, intending to hide away in your shared room, that she heard the darndest thing.
It was music.
Coming from your room.
Getting closer, she noticed the music was very lively, all over the place, and it instantly popped into her mind that Alastor could be in her room.
So, with hot vinegar in her vains and a scowl on her face, she stormed to her room, practically kicking the door open.
But instead of finding that Red Prick, she found you, dressed in a bath robe, your room covered in candles, a table set up and rose pettles scattered around the floor.
And you, standing on a cupboard, caught mid song, staring at her like a deer in headlight.
Well, at least you weren't a certain Other deer.
She asked what was going on, a little smile already on her lips.
So, getting down, you would explain. Telling Vaggie how you knew she was under a good bit of stress lately, with all the big decisions Charlie had been making. So you had set up an especially romantic dinner date for the two of you in hopes of helping calm her down.
Vaggie was touched, giving you a big hug and a smooch, you quickly turning and putting her in her seat.
You presented her with her favourite comfort food. Perhaps not the most romantic, but you knew it would help calm her down.
And it would be as you ate, the moth demoness just beaming, the demoness would ask about your singing, the girl not knowing you could sing so well.
You would lament that was intentional, you hiding your vocal abilities.
You'd tell her about your past, and how youd actually planned on telling her about it, believing it was an appropriate time in your relationship.
But with Alastors arrival, you'd gone right back to hiding it.
You explaining how Alastor had been around a long time, and you were fairly sure Alastor would remember you if he heard you sing, and well, you weren't confident he would try and use it against you.
So you'd played it safe and kept it hidden.
But when you were preparing your romantic rendezvous, you'd put on some music and... you just got a little too into it.
Being swept up in the rhythm.
Vaggie found it all rather cute, thanking you for opening up to her, and of course, setting up your romantic dinner.
The moth standing you up, thanking you with a tender kiss. Telling you she'd like to see you sing some day.
You just kissed again, telling her it was a promise.
Music was a common thing amongst Hells nobility. Most households having at least one member adept in the musical arts.
Not to mention, it was very common for nobles to learn several instruments over their lifetimes.
Although much of that came from Their Lords fondness for the musical arts.
But regardless, music was an intrinsic part of Demon culture. Octavia herself was practically raised on her father's music. The girl sung to sleep more times then she could possibly count.
And you, being a fellow noble, would be much the same. Growing up with a firm grasp of music.
But, well, your style was quite energetic. Hectic one might say, and for your parents who identified themselves with the more refined aspects of demonic culture, your singing was deemed unsightly.
And throughout your relationship, Octavia would only know the more traditional style your parents forced in you, never hearing how you truly sang.
But it would be one day, Octavia had decided to pay you a surprise visit.
The girl easily navigating the halls, knowing the way quite well. And it would be as she opened your door, hoping to surprise you, that she first heard you really sing.
You were moving across the room, singing your heart out, really getting into it.
Octavia was in awe.
She had never seen you so into a song. Never seeing you get passionate about a song.
Sure you'd sung before, but it was always classical material, and you never really got into it, it was never really you singing.
And after finishing your prime tune, you'd turn, finding Octavia in the doorway, utterly beaming.
You wouldn't say anything, just turning away from her, wearing a sullen expression.
Octavia would approach you, gushing over your singing, asking why she'd never heard you sing like that.
You just sullenly told her how it was improper, and you shouldn't sing like that. It was unbecoming.
Octavia just snorted.
Looking up, you found the Princess on the brink of lauger.
You, utterly bewildered, asking what was so funny. A little indignant in all honesty.
Through a rather adorable giggle, the girl explained that, well, demon royalty was the most deplorable and deviant of demon kind, only surpassed by the Sins.
So to act like a you, a noble merely singing a certain way was un-befitting a young demon, was funny.
You felt a little silly after that. A smile quickly over taking your face, the both of you sharing in a laugh.
Holding the girl close, you shared a simple kiss, thanking her for helping you grow and mature and all that teenage crap.
That made Octavia giggle, asking if you'd sing for her.
With a smile, you promised she'd hear you sing, but you'd just sang and you can't force perfection.
That made her giggle and the two of you shared a kiss.
Just 3 more to do and requests will be opened. Just hold on Y'all.
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So I saw this post, and I thought the idea was really cool. Truth be told I am a wee bit uncomfortable with seeing Alastor being sexual, but that's just because I'm somewhere on the asexual spectrum. But that's just my personal opinion, but I do like the idea of regular Angel dropping into an AU were Alastor is a pimp.
I think it be cute and funny to see Angel’s reaction to this version of Alastor.
So being somewhat of a writer I couldn't help myself but try to write a one-shot of this. Hope you'll enjoy it. I don't really know anything else of how Angel got there or what the rest of the word is like in terms of the hotel or anything so, I'm just relying on my own head cannons for that and going off the artwork.
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Artist of work above:
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Normally waking up, for Angel Dust, would always involve something that was the cause of disturbing his sleep in the first place. In the past, it had been his regular johns that left or the pain they inflicted on the night prior. But recently it was either Vaggie yelling in the lobby or the princess of hell herself knocking on his door. And sometimes if he was unlucky, it would be Valentino calling.
Those were the wost.
But this morning, when Angel awoke, he heard something he thought he'd never hear.
It had taken him a few moments to register that it was in fact quiet in his room. And he assumed that perhaps he'd woken up in the night again and that was the reasoning. But the small bit of hells light peaking through his blinds and into his room suggested otherwise. It was always a little brighter out when it was daylight out in Hell.
His room was still a little dark though because of the blinds. And as Angel sat up he couldn't help but notice another thing.
It smelled weird.
Not weird in the sense that the room was old, hadn't been tended two in who knows how long. Or even that mild odor that always lingered. That would always make Angel's nose scrunch up.
No, it smelled....sweet? Almost like strawberries.
Unable to lay there a minute longer Angel pushed himself up in his bed. Finding that it was more comfortable than usual. Something didn't feel right..something felt, off.
He pressed the ball of his palm to his forehead as he squeezed his eyes shut. Realizing his head did hurt just enough to call it a headache. Was he hungover? A fever dream maybe?
Angel pushed the thought aside, he was too tired for this shit. He needed food at the very least. And if the hotel was quiet? Well, it just meant he could ease this headache away until Vaggie woke up trying to chew his head off.
Pushing off the bed, Angel's feet stepped over anything that could be cluttering the floors per usual. Although nothing did. As he opened the door to his bedroom, allowing the hallway light to fill his room he briefly caught his pig sleeping in his bed in front of his own.
When had he'd bought nuggets that?
Another stray thought to be pushed aside.
With his head hurting too much and his eyes heavy with the aftermath of sleep, he failed to notice the decor and layout of the building he was in. Heading down the hall to the left, he did not come to stairs but just into a decently sized living room.
As he rubbed his eyes, taking in the room he realized this wasn't the hotel.
"Musta ended up at someone's house.." He reasoned himself with. But that didn't explain fat nuggets being in that room. Or the lack therefor of a random john.
He didn't care right now. At the very least he needed coffee. His feet managed to carry him over to the kitchen separated only by the counters. Something that actually looked better than it sounded.
Tired mismatched eyes looked around for the coffee machine. As they landed on the pink and white-colored machine there was a small sticky note attached to the front of it. He leaned in, his squinting at the note to read it.
'Hey, Angie I know you'll be a little tired after last night. Shit was wild! I gotta head out because some of us have boring jobs. But I prepped the coffee just press the button. See you later, have fun. Good luck ;) '
Angel knit his brows at the note. So he was at Cherri's house? That explained things a little better. But he didn't see how her job was boring. The headache was probably due to last night. Whatever had happened.
He looked over the six buttons on the top of the coffee machine. Finally, pressing the 'begin brewing' button, he sighed in relief.
As he leaned against the opposite counter of the coffee machine he crossed his arms. He glanced down at himself briefly, noting he was still in his usual suit. One of which was a little torn in some places. None of them looked to be claw marks though, rather...burn marks.
The spider settled for holding off any questions until he got his caffeine. He closed his eyes once again, ignoring the mild pounding of his head. So much so that he was practically deaf to the footsteps coming near him.
And with the beeping of the coffee machine Angel's eyes jolted open once again. But as his gaze wandered, in the corner of his eye something caught his attention. He turned his head in that direction and immediately stumbled back, falling into the floor.
Out of everything that could ever happen in his afterlife. Seeing the radio demon, standing in front of him in only his boxers was certainly not something he expected.
His face burned with the color red. Okay, this had to be a fever dream now. There was no way Alastor would even come close enough to allowing something like this.
Angel remained on the floor, staring at the redhead. The demon in question only remained leaning his arm on the wall as he looked at Angel as if he were the crazy one.
"I'm surprised to see you up," the demon paused. His eyes tracing up and down Angel's body for a moment. "And fully dressed at that."
His voice...what happened to his voice?! There was no radio filter on it at all. He just sounded, normal. But to Angel, it sounded weird.
A million thoughts raced through Angel's head as he continued to stare at the redhead. The deer demon rolled his eyes pushing off the wall, and as he approached his hand moved prompting Angel to immediately cover his face.
He waited for something, anything. To be punished for whatever he'd done yesterday because dammit he couldn't remember!
But none of that happened.
"Angel darling, what are you doing?" Came Alastor's confused voice. And with the lack of a radio filter, he could actually hear the confusion in it.
Slowly Angel opened an eye, still finding that confused smile. At least he was still smiling, otherwise, he may have lost his sanity entirely. "Come on now, you can’t stay there all day." A laugh escaped him although it hardly sounded like Alastor's laugh. "Unless you'd rather go again?"
Go again? What?
Angel took Alastor's hand, assuming that this was Alastor and Angel hadn't finally gone insane.
With ease, the redhead pulled Angel up. It seemed his physical strength was still there. He watched the redheads eyes scan his body again. When had he ever looked anywhere but his face?
"What are you wearing?" He heard the man ask. Angel wasn't looking at him. He couldn't. "This certainly isn't one of my works. Well, so long as you change once we head to work."
‘My works’?
"I can't have my darling wearing something as hideous as that." Angel huffed, he actually liked his suit. It was one of the first things he'd gotten from Valentino once arriving in hell. Back when the man wasn't using him as a punching bag.
Angel finally chanced a glance at Alastor who was pouring the coffee. The longer Angel stared, the redder his face got. The colors going even as far as the pink on his chest.
He's shirtless. He's pants-less! He's almost fucking naked!
His thoughts ran wild, and when Alastor looked over his shoulder he couldn't help the blood suddenly leaking from his nose. (He has a nose it's just very very tiny and hidden.) He turned away, trying to cover it.
All the while the redhead looked at him, confused but amused all the same.
"You are acting very strange today. I don’t think I’ve seen you that red since our first meeting." He said as he added some milk into Angel's coffee before handing it to the spider.
Still holding his hand over his bleeding nose, Angel took the cup but refused to look anymore at Alastor. He heard the redhead humming in front of him.
"Sorry to leave the bed this morning but you usually take very long to wake up." A low chuckle. "Not that I blame you."
Angel choked on his coffee. His heart was racing in his chest and ears. This wasn't real right? And if it was, what the fuck happened.
"I have to say though--" he heard Alastor beside him suddenly and the soft clank of a coffee cup being placed down. Before he knew it a claw was guiding his chin over to the redheads gaze. The look in his eyes, was that..lust?
"--While waking up to you in clothes is certainly a surprise." He pulled the spiders face closer. "I like you better without them."
Without much of a warning, the deer's lips were pressed hard against his. Angel's eyes grew wide as the gears tried to process it. But when the demon's tongue slipped into his mouth the gears broke.
Angel was stiff against the kiss as Alastor pulled back leaving a red-faced spider. His eyes curiously searched Angel's as he wiped a strain of saliva from Angel's agape mouth.
"Strange, that little trick usually has you back in bed with me for at least another hour." Before Angel could question anything the redhead's hand pulled away, claw lingered there teasingly.
"Well, if you wish to head to work earlier today than that is fine. I do have a few things I need to get done at the studio. Unfortunately, the day after New Year doesn't grant us the day off."
Alastor called, as he walked off towards the room Angel had woken up in. As he nonchalantly disappeared into that room Angel just stared.
He stared as his head pounded in pain at trying to process everything that had just happened.
"What the fuck.."
I think I'm going to end it there. I honestly don't know what to think when writing pimp Alastor. Also with the morning scene I wasn’t implying that  Angel is dating Alastor but rather (since Alastor is in Valentino’s place) that Alastor fools around with whoever he pleases. This includes Angel Dust. And safe to say it isn't the first time Alastor’s slept with Angel dust in that Au (Again just my personal head cannon.)
There were a few things I had to just guess on, since he's filling in the spot for Valentino I wasn't sure if he had his radio voice anymore. Or his shadows? I knew for a fact that he probably didn't care about walking around in his boxers but I wasn't sure if he had some humility of walking around just newd. Also, I wasn't sure my mild asexual heart could write that and not die with Angel.
Thanks for reading!
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kittycatgundam · 4 years
Common Frequency
Chapter 2
Alastor followed the new girl after she left the bar until she disappeared backstage. He could not follow her and Mimzy would kill him if he try. He was going have to wait until she back out. He to went get his drink and then went back to his table. Alastor hope that he see the new girl again before the night ended.
Pixie had only a few minutes to get ready to go on stage. She got dressed quickly and brushed her hair. She was due on stage in few minutes taking a few deep breaths and walking out on stage. She was so nervous as her eyes search the crowd. When she saw a very handsome man with short brown hair, brown eyes framed by glasses, wearing a white dressed shirt, and also wearing a bow tie sitting at one of back tables her heart skip a beat. She started to sing her song to him.
When the Pixie's song reached Alastor's ears he look up to see the new girl singing to him. His eyes were mesmerized by her piercing blue eyes. It was like she was a siren and she was her sing just for him. She move his heart something that was unheard of.
Pixie's eyes met Alastor's and she was completely smitten. Afterward she couldn't stop smiling when she thought about him, it was like he had her under some kind of spell.
Alastor found Mimzy and ask her about the new girl. She told him that girl name was Pixie and that she looking for a job. Alastor remember an assistant receptionist position that open up recently at the radio station he host for. He give Mimzy one of his cards with a phone number on the back.
Alastor told Mimzy to have Pixie call the phone number on the back and he put in a good word for her.
Pixie called number on the back of the card that Mimzy gave her and was hired that same day. The job wasn't that hard it was just lot of getting files and paperwork from one end of the studio to the other so it was just alot run around.
She had so many files and paperwork in her hands that she couldn't see were she was going. She bumped into someone and fell to the floor.
"Oops sorry my dear, I didn't see there here let me help you up."
Pixie didn't look to see who man she bumped into was. She was too busy pick the files and paperwork she dropped.
"Thank you, I got to get these papers to the receptionist. You don't have help me pick them up I can get them myself sir."
She was given some of the paperwork she dropped by man she bumped into.
"I don't mind helping nice girls like you who has such a beautiful smile and voice."
Pixie recognized the man as been the same man she'd sing to at the club that night.
"Thank you again."
Pixie was happy to see him again.
Alastor was happy to finally met this mysterious girl.
Soon the owner of the radio station came out of his office and said he been looking for Pixie so he talk to her. There were lot of rumors about what the owner did with girls in his office. Pixie was very frightened that she was going the next girl the owner rape.
Someone had grabbed her and held her close. It was the man from the club, he looked the owner in eyes.
"Pixie has agree to become my new assistant and can't wait to get started. I was going to come find you so I could let you know I found an assistant. Now my assistant and I have something to talk about if excuses us."
The owner just left it at that and just walk away. Alastor was glad he had some power at the Radio station. Been a popular radio host did have it perks. Alastor got away with alot because of his popularity.
"You can let of me now. Am I really your new assistant?"
"Yes my dear, you be helping me with my day to day activities and it alot better then the job you were doing. By the way my name is Alastor and what your name little songbird?"
"My name Pixie and it's a pleasure to meet you Alastor."
"The pleasure all mine, so my little songbird let's you and I have ourselves a little chat."
Alastor and Pixie talked for a long time and it was decided that she would stay at Alastor's apartment but first Pixie need a whole new wardrobe.
Pixie only grabbed enough clothing to fill a backpack which Alastor toss in a near by trashcan.
"If you're going be my assistant you need ti have a better wardrobe then that. I have friends who can show you what to wear my little songbird."
"So you're going turn a worthless woman like me into woman worth been seen with I see how it is."
Alastor grabbed Pixie arm and turn her around to face him. She wasn't going to back down just be treated like some piece of trash or to be some trophy girl just be seen with. Up this point she was just trying to survive and she wasn't going to give Alastor the chance to break her like she some spirited mare.
"My little songbird got a sharp tongue and big mouth to go with it. Listen well my dear you're worth more than you think. I have met alot of women and their's worth doesn't come close to your. I don't thank I'll meet a woman who is more worthy then you."
Alastor let Pixie go and they walked into a boutique call Rose's Boutique together were Mimzy and Rose have been waiting for them.
"Well, didn't think I would be seeing you again sweetie." Said Mimzy as she give Pixie big hug.
"So Alastor, this the girl you wouldn't shut up about. She really is a beauty isn't she. Don't worry my dear leave everything to me." Said Rose as she pull Pixie to the back of the boutique.
Pixie had her new wardrobe. When she enter Alastor apartment she amazed on how nice it looked on the inside. Of course there nice furniture and a fireplace. The apartment was huge two bedrooms and two bathrooms. She never seen apartment this big before.
Alastor showed Pixie around the apartment down stairs is the livingroom, the kitchen, and one bathroom. Up stairs there where two bedrooms which one of them was turn into an office and the second bathroom.
"So only one of the bedrooms is an actual bedroom?"
"Yes, at the time I didn't need the second bedroom so turn into a office but don't worry the master bedroom has enough room in it for two beds. It's only until the office can be turn back into a bedroom."
"Actually is it ok if we keep things the way they are?"
"Don't you want you own room?"
"I never had my own room before and I think I would feel uncomfortable if I had my own room."
"If that what you want my little songbird then it fine with me."
Alastor and Pixie spend the rest night talking and reading a book while listening to the radio. It been a big day for the both of them. Alastor look over to see Pixie had fallen asleep next to him. Pushing her hair from her face he felt his heart skip a few beats. Putting her book aside he put a blanket over her and put a pillow under her head letting her sleep on the couch. He didn't have the heart to move her. He kiss her forehead and whispered goodnight in her ear before leaving to find a new victim to kill.
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