#was just thinking to myself the only reason i like miku more than luka is bc the obly vocaloud songs i know outside games are miku songs
obitv · 1 year
oh my god a luka cover of aishite exists. miku move over
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loganloggins · 2 years
I saw someone on tiktok complaining about how we don’t need a new all male group because of how popular the 4 males in the group already are. They also continued to mention how we need more female groups.
Now I’ve taken it upon myself to calculate how many fanfics each character has, and total it up, to see if the male fanfic numbers add up the way the original stated.
below is the current list of fanfics as of 12/03/23
Ena : 2.805
Mizuki: 2,683
Kanade: 1,674
Total: 9,175
Toya: 2,870
Akito: 3,502
An: 2,112
Kohane: 1,739
Total: 10,223
Tsukasa: 3,966
Rui: 3,767
Nene: 2,299
Total: 12,922
Minori: 0.703
Haruka: 0.637
Airi: 0.707
Shizuku: 0.842
Total: 2,889
Ichika: 0.859
Shiho: 0.913
Saki: 1,728
Honami: 0.876
Total: 4,376
it is obvious from the totals, that the 4 males do have a lot of fanfics written about them. i have also taken it upon myself to write down each vocaloid's fanfic count (unfiltered)
Kaito: 1,680
Len: 2,118
Miku: 2,602
Rin: 1,866
Meiko: 1,195
Luka: 1,299
Total: 10.760
now I've done the liberty of adding up all the male and female fanfic counts, and listed them below with and without the male & female vocaloids fanfic count included.
All men added together: 14,105 (without vocaloids) | 17,903 (with Vocaloids)
All women added together: 24.789 (without vocaloids 31.751 (with vocaloids)
the thing to note is that even without the vocaloids included, the female is DOUBLE the male count.
now there is the issue of "what if a new all male group was added?"
if Prosekai was to add a new group for the 3rd aniversary, they most likely wouldn't only add one, there would be a chance of an all male group, as well as a all female group, and a mix group such as Vivid bad squad and wonderland x showtime. so i calculated the average of the male and female character fanfic counts and added them to the existing total,
the average for the female is: 1.549 while the average for the male is: 3.526, to make it more accurate, i changed some of the numbers for each character.
male 1: 3.116
male 2: 2.356
male 3: 1.342
male 4: 1.122
female 1: 2.585
female 2: 1.476
male 5: 2.324
male 6: 3.681
female 3: 2.342
female 4: 1.549
female 5: 1.119
female 6: 2.533
this is the total, if these characters where added to the existing total.
male total before: 14,105
male total after: 24. 046
female total before: 24,789
female total after: 36.393
these totals were of course calculated with the intent of if they were around as long as the original characters where, so if they just game out, the actual totals would be way less than the totals shown here. and even then, the female total would have way more.
the story behind all this?
there is no coherent reason why ProSekai should not add an all male group. And while the individual fanfic scores may be biased, the total score is not. :) also even if a all male group is added, the chance an all female group is added is way higher. so you guys have a WAY higher chance of getting more female characters than you think so stop complaining.
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epicofevil · 3 years
Character Popularity Poll
Epic of Evil page 40-62
After the conclusion of the “Daughter of Evil” novels and the announcement of this fanbook, we opened up a character popularity poll! It was held on Twitter between June 16th and June 30th, and we received a ton of votes. Here we’ll tell you the order, as well as share some of the red hot comments they got!
1st place with 89 votes
Allen Avadonia (Prince Alexiel)
(Kagamine Len)
Age: 14 at death (485-500)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Race: Orthodox Lucifenian
Religion: Levin, Levia sect
Relatives: Father; Arth I (deceased), Mother; Anne (deceased), Sister; Riliane, Adoptive Father; Leonhart (deceased), Adoptive Sister; Germaine
He’s a servant who works in the Lucifenian royal palace, but in truth he is Riliane’s twin brother, Prince Alexiel. During the revolution he is executed in Riliane’s stead.
-Due to an event that occurred when he was young, Allen as a prince was publicly declared dead. He works as a servant surrounded by his friends.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 02 Kagamine Len of “Kagamine Rin/Len” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
“The Servant of Evil” is the reason I got sucked into AkunoP-sama’s music in the first place.
Allen-kun is the best!
I was really moved by Allen’s kindness at prioritizing Riliane over himself. I think there are probably some people who don’t think he’s kind because he betrayed so many people, but I think “doing it all for the person you want to protect” is itself a different sort of kindness.
Obviously it’s Allen. His words and deeds made me cry my eyes out.
I love how brave he is, and that he was willing to do anything for Riliane’s sake.
He really struck me with how he protected Riliane to the end. I was also about the same age as Allen when I first bought the book, so I was kinda taken in by him being such a naïve young man.
He’s really cool looking!!!
His level of kindness that he devoted himself to his sole blood relative Riliane and ultimately took her place is really amazing…!
He was alright with becoming evil if it was for Riliane’s sake. He did all that for his sister; for Riliane he used his sword to kill people, he can ride a horse, he protected his sister—he’s just really cool!!
What an amazing loyalty he has…Allen supports his sister and the rest!! He’s so awesome, I wanna be like him!!
Artist’s Comments
AkunoP: I rather expected him to be the most popular.
Ichika: Wow, he really was well received.
AkunoP: Unfortunately, he died in the first book, so I wasn’t really able to delve into his character much from the third book onward.
--Rin probably had also moved on from Allen at that point.
AkunoP: I figured things might get pretty dark if I had too many developments that reflected back on the past. I also thought it might not fit with the feel of the third book onwards. However, there’s no way that Rin forgot about Allen, ever. She’s just hesitant to let it show on the outside. And it wouldn’t be all that good for her to show it to anyone, given her position. She’d get found out, lol
--That’s for sure (haha). How about you, Ichika-san?
Ichika: I think he’s sort of like, the most wholehearted character of the main cast. Like coming to help even after he’d already died.
AkunoP: In a certain way, in the latter half he turns into more of a super character than Elluka, lol
2nd place with 35 votes
(Yowane Haku)
Age: 21--26 (born 479)
Nationality: Elphegort--Kingdom of Lucifenia
Race: Netsuma
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Father (died when she was young), Mother (died in 499)
She was discriminated against by Elphe people for being a descendant of the Netsuma clan with white hair and red eyes. She had a negative personality, but that changed when she met Michaela.
--Though she was quite negative, she was able to become a bit more positive through her relationships with Michaela and Rin.
*This character was based on “Yowane Haku”, a derivative of the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 01 Hatsune Miku published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
It’s partially because I really like Haku ane-san, but there’s also her earnest devotion to Michaela, her strength for forgiving Riliane despite having every reason to hate her…I’m not Michaela, but you’re the most wonderful person, for me! Especially how cheerful you were after the revolution in “Praefacio of Blue”, Clarith-san!
I want her to be happy
I like seeing her working so hard.
She feels like the only true “everyman”. So I feel like she’s also the character who “grew” the most. Her meeting with Rin at the monastery on the shore was so sad, I was really touched. I think that Riliane was able to reform as Rin because she had Clarith there for her.
Clarith is so precious, being so negative but also caring for her friends!
I wanna try the brioche that Clarith makes!!
I like everything about her!
I admire her for being so strong.
She’s so dedicated and adorable///
Artist’s Comments
AkunoP: I think she’s the character who grew up the most through the whole series.
Ichika: She grew the most as a person.
AkunoP: I wanted a character who could see the revolution and the events around it from the perspective of the average person. That was how I came up with Clarith. Actually, she’s a character I came up with even earlier than Elluka, around the same time as the early four. So I’ve gotten pretty attached to her.
Ichika: It feels really good to see her progression from a passive personality to someone who takes action for herself. Also, her catchphrase of “I’m sorry for being alive” is way too easy to use. I found myself blurting it out once while I was working.
AkunoP: That was originally inspired by Daizai. So that might be a bit dangerous as a catchphrase, lol
Ichika: I make sure I only say it when I’m alone in my room, so it’s alright, haha.
3rd place with 32 votes
Riliane Lucifen d’Autriche (Rin)
(Kagamine Rin)
Age: 14--19 (Born 485)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Race: Orthodox Lucifenian
Religion: Levin Levia Sect--Held sect
Relatives: Father; Arth I (deceased), Mother; Anne (deceased), Brother; Alexiel (Allen) (deceased)
The princess of Lucifenia. For her outrageous policies she is reviled as the “Daughter of Evil”. After the revolution she lives at a monastery, hiding her true identity.
--Having survived the revolution, she started a new life in a monastery as “Rin”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 02 Kagamine Rin of “Kagamine Rin/Len” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
I really love that scene where she accepts whatever Clarith is going to do to her after Clarith learned the truth, because it shows how much Riliane has grown up over the story.
I want her to live and be strong.
In this story with so many feelings intersecting, she is such a cool and strong fantasy girl who fought without being swept away!
I earnestly love her. Just lots of love. From the heart.
She really is kind! And she has a sense of responsibility! And she’s so so cute!! And she was so cute as a small child too, I love her to bits! She did get possessed by a demon and all, but she’s really a good kid!!
I want her to be happy…
I think she’s a character that I’ve come to like as I’ve read through the “of Evil” series. I want to support Riliane with all my might, surpassing so much grief to grow up like that. I mean, what I’m trying to say is that Riliane is really cute.
She’s the yellow flower of evil in full bloom!
Artist’s Comments
AkunoP: I was really unsure of her role in this. I think the people who listened to the original song were largely split into two points of view. That she was just bad from the core, or that it was the fault of outside influences... In the end, she wound up how she is now.
Ichika: I think Riliane’s another character whose personality and general air changed completely between the former and latter halves of the story. There is the change in environment from princess to nun, but I think myself that Allen is the biggest influence.
--Riliane is one of the characters who grew up in a big way.
4th place with 29 votes
Elluka Clockworker
(Megurine Luka)
Age: Secret♥
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia--Stateless
Race: Leviantan
Religion: Levin Levia Sect
Relatives: NO DATE
A sorceress with a mysterious air about her, and one of the Three Heroes of Lucifenia. Under request of the great land god Held, she is on a journey to search for the “Vessels of Deadly Sin”.
--Are her farsighted values, unwavering strength, and the humanity that she sometimes displays the secret key to her popularity?
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 03 “Megurine Luka” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
She’s so strong and smart, and a beauty on top of that! She might seem irreverent but she pulls through when it counts, and always winds up helping people. I also think it’s adorable how bad she is at being straightforward with what she wants to say. She’s surrounded by so much mystery and I’m just caught up in it! I like her and I can’t help but be curious about her!!
She’s strong, she’s so strong, so strong. And that scene where she fought with Abyss was so cool!
She’s mysterious, and when all is said and done she’ll help you out, so I really like her.
Whether she’s making any S-like scowls or looking like a beauty, I love it all!
She’s got this feeling that she’ll pull through when push comes to shove, which makes her really cool.
I’m really enchanted with how, as irreverent as she is, she gets on task and focused in situations where she needs to toughen up and get focused.
She’s a really amazing woman, with a lot of depth. I kinda like how playful she is.
I love how Elluka’s so suspicious.
She acts happy go lucky, but her past that you can glean from the Leviantan Catastrophe and Recollective Music Box is way too sad.
I love heeeer!
That mysterious feel she’s got really kills me! Though I guess I like how free-spirited she is, lol. I really wanna learn more about Elluka’s circumstances!
Artist’s Comments
--She finally showed up on the cover this time!!
Ichika: Seriously…!
AkunoP: That’s just ‘cause she’s a character that never showed up in the original song. You could say it was inevitable in a sense that she couldn’t come out before this point, lol, but I think the inverse of that is that it’s because she didn’t show up before that she’s been so easy to work with. She’s such a mature character that through the whole series she’s had a sort of feel to her that she’s always got some leeway.
Ichika: Elluka’s been such a steady character this whole series. She’s been alive for such a long span of time that she’s gotta be very well-put together mentally. I like characters like that, so I had a lot of fun drawing her.
--There are a lot of opinions up there that they like how she always comes around to helping people, aren’t there.
AkunoP: Well, she is a bit on in years…Er, nevermind.
Ichika: She does seem very helpful.
AkunoP: She’s got a lot of things on the inside that I haven’t written about yet, probably owing to being a character with a lot of leeway, but in her case I do think that she’ll have a lot of opportunities to show up elsewhere, so…That’s in production, lol
--We’ll wait for the Deadly Sins Series with baited breath! Looking forward to it!
5th place with 26 votes
Kyle Marlon
Age: 26(claims to be 22)--31 (born 474)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Father; Previous king of Marlon (deceased), Mother; Empress Dowager Prim, Sister; Ney (different fathers), half-brother; Arkatoir (different mothers), countless other siblings of different mothers (all dead)
The young ruler of Marlon. He’s very vexed at being a puppet of his mother, Empress Dowager Prim. He has a very straight-laced personality with a strong sense of justice.
--Though his status is as a king, he often stands on the front lines and goes out in disguise.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “KAITO” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
His bravery when it comes to Michaela is just too cute!
That he was able to overcome the temptations of a demon a second time, despite knowing a demon’s power and having been reliant on them before, and went out to fight with his own power was just so awesome…!
He may be a troublemaker(?) who inadvertently glosses over his age, but Kyle-niisama really pulled through when it came down to it, and I love him for it!
I feel like he’s the character that gets messed with the most, but I really like him a lot (haha).
My vote goes to the young king who experienced love and hatred, came vast to face with his weakness, and in the end majorly grew up.
He’s so pitiful it’s adorable~ And I think he’s a relatively tasty character!!
I wanna shout it out! I frikkin’ love him!
No matter how he’s wavered, no matter how he’s tempted by demons, in the end he stood on his own two feet. I just love him for that!!
I really like his personality. His conversations with Germaine were really funny!
Artist’s Comments
AkunoP: I’ll say this now that it’s all over, but in the end I did end up liking this character. Only, I didn’t actually want to write him as being that cool.
Ichika: He participated in the revolution, he fell in love, he transformed into a demon…Now that I think on it, he’s a busy guy.
AkunoP: I feel like he’s the character that single-handedly undertakes the idea of “human weakness”. I mean, I don’t think he’s that cool if you look at just his actions, lol.
--The comments calling him “precious” and “incompetent” really stood out.
AkunoP: That’s cause he’s not a hero at all.
Ichika: Looking at him overall I guess he is pretty incompetent...lol
--There was also a comment calling him the “hunky sad king”(haha).
Ichika: lololol
AkunoP: I think that’s perfect lol
--You can’t even get him to follow-up(haha)
6th place with 25 votes
Age: 1028--1033 (appears 16--24 on the outside)
Nationality: Elphegort--Kingdom of Lucifenia--Stateless
Race: spirit--Elphe
Religion: Levin Levia sect (publicly)
Relatives: Held (lord), Michaela (same race)
A sorceress who was a spirit incarnated into a human. She searches for the “Vessels of Deadly Sin” alongside Elluka as her apprentice. She has a very level and calm personality, but she also has a side that’s very caring about her friends.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Artist Vocal character “Megpoid” published by Internet Co., Ltd.
Fan Comments
I really love the way she talks. And I don’t think I’m the only one who got excited at her wearing glasses in Praeludium. Her and Elluka make a really good duo. I’m really looking forward to seeing their actions in the Pere Noel period in the novels to come. I’m guessing she’s the one who made that handgun.
She’s so cool and awesome! Her glasses really suit her!
She’s very blunt but I really like how that contrasts with how caring she is for her friends.
Her clumsy broken speech is just so incredibly cute!! And she’s so strong!!
I’m just…really interested in Elluka and Gumillia’s journey after this!
The fact that she put on glasses…And I’m very intrigued as to this “important person” that she decided to stay human for!
I wish she could have stayed with Michaela forever.
Obviously it’s Gumillia!
7th place with 19 votes
Germaine Avadonia
Age: 20--25 (Born: 480)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia (erased)
Race: Beelzenian
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Adoptive Father; Leonhart (deceased), Adoptive Brother; Allen (deceased)
The adoptive daughter of one of the Three Heroes of Lucifenia, Leonhart, as well as Allen’s adoptive older sister. She is the “red-armored swordswoman” who garners acclaim as the leader of the Resistance.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “MEIKO” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
She’s really stylish. I admire her.
I think it’s so cool that she’s such a gallant woman. I wanted to become someone like her too!!
Those words she said when she came face to face with Rin in the last novel and realized it was Riliane just left me speechless. I really like Germaine’s weak and strong points.
I really love her big-sisterly disposition and compassion. I want her to be happy (。・ω・。)
A woman swordswoman is so cool! She’s so amazing! I feel like she’s the hottest person in all of Daughter of Evil lol. Her line “Just what in the world is evil” in Yellow is my favorite line in all four novels. I want to read how she wound up in Beelzenia after the Revolution.
That line she says during the work about how fast her wounds heal unexpectedly won me over all at once.♪
8th place with 17 votes
Ney Marlon(Phatipe)
(Akita Neru)
Age: 18--23 (age at death) (482--505)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia—Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Behemo sect
Relatives: Mother; Empress Dowager Prim, Older Brother; Kyle, Several other siblings of a different mother, Adoptive mother; Mariam
Mariam’s adoptive daughter, who takes up a position as head of Marlon’s Special Maneuvers Task Force. From a very young age she was raised by IR as the subject of magical experimentation.
*This character was based on “Akita Neru”, a derivative of the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 01 Hatsune Miku published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
Through the work I thought she was a villain the whole time, but after reading Praefacio of Blue I realized that she was actually just a very sad girl. I wish she could have been happy.
The sad end of her life, continuing to be led around by the nose by Prim and a demon, was just tearjerking.
I love her rampaging in the duel scene in Praefacio.
I would be in utter bliss if Ney stabbed me.
I won’t forgive the people who used Ney like that. She’s just too sad. Even though really she was a good kid…
Her crazed expressions, her outfit, I just love everything about her.
She did a lot of horrible things, but Ney was also a victim of the vessels of deadly sin…Also, I absolutely loved Ney wearing Lady Conchita’s dress!
Her crazy face is the best!!!
9th place with 11 votes
Gast Venom
(Camui Gackpo)
Age: 39 at death (461—500)
Nationality: Stateless
Race: Asmodean
Religion: NO DATE
Relatives: Little sister; Sarah (deceased)
A skilled swordsman who bears the moniker, “Demon of Asmodean”. He is searching for one of the “Vessels of Deadly Sin”, the “Venom Sword”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Artist Vocal character “Gackpoid” published by Internet Co., Ltd.
Fan Comments
I’m really intrigued by his past. I want to learn more about him, and at the same time I’m hoping we get more info on his excessive sister complex.
You really gotta hurry up with his past mysteries surrounding his sister, Sarah…!! I really like samurai, so I adored the scene where he was fighting with a Japanese sword.
I think he’s really pretty lol. And I liked his how he let Allen hire him because he sympathized with him. During the work I wanted to learn more about the past they alluded to.
It’s too bad he’s only in one book. I wanted to see him do more.
I’m really curious about his sister!
He didn’t show up much but he was really cool!
10th place with 10 votes
Gallerian Marlon
Nationality: USE
Race: Marlon
Relatives: Wife, daughter
Kyle Marlon’s descendant. He’s the head judge of the Dark Star Courthouse of the international alliance of USE, founded between the four countries of Marlon, Levianta, Elphegort, and Lucifenia in the year 898. He treasured his daughter, but she passes away in an incident.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “KAITO” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
I love the greedy juuudge!! Also the fact that he has a kid. I bet he’s a good cook too. I’m really looking forward to the novel for greed in the new series.
He’s so cool! He’s such a kind father, worrying over his daughter! If you want help, show me the money!!!
I really love the corrupt, miserly judge! The fact that he’s a father who’s caring for his daughter that we learned at the end of Praefacio…Makes me wonder if he’s actually a good guy.
I like Gallerian-san.
First of all, I’m just crazy about the middle-aged, fatherly Galle-sama. I can’t help but be enraptured with him as he persists in pushing his own will even until the very end! I hope he can achieve his utopia!
11th place with 9 votes (tied)
Yukina Freezis
(Kaai Yuki)
Age: 9—14 (Born: 491)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Father; Keel, Mother; Mikina, Little Brother; Shaw, Younger Sister; Aile
The eldest daughter of the Freezis household. She is an exceedingly popular novelist who made her debut as an author at nine years old. She has created a great many popular works, and her name lives on in posterity.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Vocaloid student “Kaai Yuki” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
Fan Comments
I like how she’s just brimming with curiosity. And that scene where she reunited with Clarith was great.
I love how strong-willed she is!!!
Actually, I was always watching over Yukina’s adventures with my heart racing, like I was her big sis or mother lol
She’s so cute!! I was so excited when I saw that Gallerian-san was reading the books that Yukina-chan wrote in the distant future!!
She’s really grown up… I really wanna read that “Crow” fairytale that got brought up in Praeludium.
11th place with 9 votes (tied)
Chartette Langley
(Kasane Teto)
Age: 26-31 (Born: 474)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia (erased)
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Father, mother
The head of the Langley unit in the Beelzenian Empire. She is the bearer of extraordinary strength, wielding an enormous sword. She was originally a maid that served in the Lucifenian palace.
*This character is based on “Kasane Teto”.
Fan Comments
She has a very lively and simple personality. I think she’d be a fun person to hang out with.
She’s a power fighter who wields a longsword, and I really like her straightforwardness.
I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I read all four books just because I wanted to read about her gallant figure in it.
She’s one of the few characters in Daughter of Evil to live for the moment rather than being stuck in the past, and it’s really incredible how she’s more about taking action than dwelling on things!
I really love this dummy. Her appearance is adorable but it’s too bad she isn’t at all in how she talks lol
13th place with 8 votes
(Hatsune Miku)
Age: 1028—1033 (as a human she dies at 16)
Nationality: Elphegort
Race: Elphe
Religion: Levin Held sect (publicly)
Relatives: Held (lord), Gumillia (same race)
She was originally a spirit, but she became known as a “diva” when she was reborn into a human. After ending her life as a person, she continued to watch over the world as Held’s successor.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 01 “Hatsune Miku” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
I want it so she can be happy with Clarith (>_<)
I was really moved by her kindness *
She was so precious, and she was so kind helping out Clarith
I really like her duet with Clarith. I was a little surprised at her being yuri (?)in Wiegenlied, but I think their feelings towards each other, mutually surpassing a friendship, are awesome. I hope she does her best as the new Held god.
I knew she was going to die. I knew it, but, but…I really wish she could have been happy.
14th place with 7 votes
Riliane (Lily) Mouchet
Age: 25 (Born: 480)
Nationality: Marlon (formerly Kingdom of Lucifenia)
Race: Lucifenian
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Father; Gaston (deceased)
The original commander of Retasan fortress, with a strong-minded personality. She hates the name Riliane, and so goes by “Lily”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Artist Vocal character “Lily” published by Internet Co., Ltd.
Fan Comments
Gosh I love her ♪( ´0´)ノ
I love her strong-willed personality. The whole time I was reading the book I thought, she’s so cool.
I really love that awesome atmosphere she’s got!
I’m sure I’m not the only one that went all, “It’s Lily!!”. I just love this handsome tomboy general, she’s so awesome. I think it’s her remarks that made it so that Germaine was able to move on ahead. I also love her partnership with Yukina-chan. They’ve got such a great height difference, lol
15th place with 6 votes (tied)
Keel Freezis
(Hiyama Kiyoteru)
Age: 27--32 (Born: 473)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Wife; Mikina, Children; Yukina (eldest daughter) Shaw (eldest son) Aile (youngest daughter)
A merchant who serves as the head of the merchant trade association. He’s also friends with Marlon’s king Kyle. He’s a doting father, and so when it comes to his children he’s relentless.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Vocaloid teacher “Hiyama Kiyoteru” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
Fan Comments
Love his being a sappy parent and his affection for Yukina. And I’m also intrigued by his conversations with Kyle.
That doting father is just the best!!
The disconnect between his harsh, bad-friend tone towards Kyle and his unending devotion to his daughter is so lovable.
That doting father Keel is adorable lol That scene where he gets furious at Kyle for hugging Yukina was just the best lolol
Him being a loving father is amusing, but his face as a merchant and his friendship (mean friendship?) with King Kyle is also just right on point.
15th place with 6 votes (tied)
Nationality: Elphegort
Race: Elphe
Relatives: Father (deceased), Mother (deceased)
Notes: A boy from Yatski village. Had an unrequited love for Clarith. After Clarith and Michaela fled to Aceid, he enlisted in the Elphegort military. During the Green Hunting he ran to the forest to help save Michaela and Clarith after they were cornered, but he was murdered by the Lucifenian army chasing after them.
Fan Comments
‘Cause he helped guide Clarith and Michaela until the end. But it was so sad that he couldn’t tell Clarith how he felt about her. I hadn’t been expecting him to write that scene with Yukina and the rest praying before his grave in the third book, so I was really happy for that.
Because even though it was Clarith he really wanted to protect, he protected Michaela, and was so kind.
I wish he could have been happy with Clarith!
He was the hottest guy in the whole work. I wish he could have done more.
17th place with 5 votes
Leonhart Avadonia
Age:  38 at death(462—500)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Adoptive children; Germaine, Allen (deceased)
Allen and Germaine’s adoptive father. He’s one of the Three Heroes, and works as the head of the guard for the Lucifenian royalty. Like Germaine, he likes to drink.
*This character was independently made based on VOCALOID “LEON” published by ZERO-G.
Fan Comments
I cried when he died.
His interminably direct personality is so cool.
Those kids have him as a dad, or else this dad has them for kids. They’re a family, even if they’re not related by blood.
I love the older guys ha ha I love him so much, I was so disappointed at how quickly he died in Cloture.
18th place with 3 votes
Anne Lucifen d’Autriche
Age: Died at 42 (457—499)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Husband; Arth I, Daughter; Riliane, Son; Alexiel
The former queen of the Kingdom of Lucifenia who possessed both strictness and grace, and also Riliane and Allen’s birth mother. She was friends with Empress Dowager Prim of Marlon.
*This character was independently made based on the VOCALOID 2 “SWEET ANN” published by PowerFX.
Fan Comments
She didn’t get much screentime, lolol but I think she’s great with her dependability and grace.
I would have liked to see a record of her child-rearing work when Riliane and Alexiel were still little ankle biters. Maybe she was an unexpectedly scary mom (and conversely maybe King Arth spoiled them).
I think she was a fantastic queen. I tear up when I think about how the twins’ fates would have changed if she’d still been alive…Also, I’d be really happy if we could see her again in something set in the past.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Mariam Phatipe
Age: Died at 32 (468—500)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Race: Asmodeanian
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Adoptive child; Ney
A very skilled secret agent, and one of the Three Heroes. Also a former associate of Gast’s. Her duel with Chartette during the revolution was talked about as the “Battle of the Heavenly Yard”.
*This character was independently made based on VOCALOID “MIRIAM” published by ZERO-G.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Aile Freezis
(Tsukuyomi Ai)
Age: 10 (Born: 495)
Nationality: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Father; Keel, Mother; Mikina, Big Sister; Yukina, Big Brother; Shaw
The second daughter of the Freezis family. She takes after her mother in appearance and personality, and so has inherited her mature standing. She’s had a weak constitution ever since she was young, and for a time Mikina would be constantly tending to her.
*This character was based on the VOICEROID character “Tsukuyomi Ai” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Prim Marlon
Age: 48 at death (457—505)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Lucifenian
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Husband; Previous King Marlon (deceased), Son; Kyle, Daughter; Ney (deceased), Younger brother; Presi (deceased)
The Empress Dowager of Marlon, and Kyle and Ney’s birth mother. She’s a Lucifenian noble, born from the Rogzé family.
*This character was independently made based on VOCALOID02 “PRIMA” published by ZERO-G.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Arkatoir Marlon
Nationality: Marlon
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Race: Marlon
Relatives: Father; Previous King Marlon, Mother, Half-brother: Kyle, countless other half-siblings (all dead)
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Banica Conchita
Age: 29 at death (296—325)
Nationality: Beelzenian Empire
Race: Beelzenian
Relatives: Father; Muzuri, Mother
The figure who serves as the model for the fairytale “Vampiress Vanika”. She earned great distinction improving on Beelzenia’s food culture.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “MEIKO” published by Crypton Future Media.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Nationality: NO DATE
Race: Jakokuan
Religion: NO DATE
Relatives: NO DATE
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
The Demon of Gluttony
Race: Demon of Deadly Sin (takes on the appearance of Banica)
Vessel: Glass of Conchita
The demon that dwells in the “Vessel of Deadly Sin, Glass of Conchita”. She is trying to become the “Master of the Graveyard”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “MEIKO” published by Crypton Future Media.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Abyss IR
Nationality: Marlon--Stateless
Religion: NO DATE
Relatives: NO DATE
A sorceress secretly working in the shadow of history. She’s the one who taught Prim about the “Vessels of Deadly Sin”, and always carries around a red cat. What is her true identity--?
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Shaw Freezis
(Tsukuyomi Shouta)
Age: 12 (Born: 493)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Father; Keel, Mother; Mikina, Big Sister; Yukina, Little sister; Aile
The eldest son of the Freezis family, and Yukina’s younger brother. He’s cheeky, but he’s also a young boy who puts his family first. He’s studying know-how on modern commerce as Keel’s heir.
*This character was based on the VOICEROID character “Tsukuyomi Shouta” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Mikina Freezis
Age: 32 (Born: 473)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Husband; Keel, Children; Yukina (eldest daughter), Shaw (eldest son), Aile (second daughter)
Keel’s wife, and mother of three. She has a very good eye for people, but when it comes to her children she turns into a bit of a worrywart.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID2 Artist Engine01 character “SF-A2 codename miki” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Eve Moonlit
(Hatsune Miku)
Age: NO DATE (~014)
Nationality: Elphegort
Race: Elphe
Relatives: Husband, children (stillbirth), two adoptive children
The “Original Sinner” who was the impetus for the creation of the “Seven Deadly Sins” and the “Vessels of Deadly Sin”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 01 “Hatsune Miku” published by Crypton Future Media.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Sateriasis Venomania
(Camui Gackpo)
Age: NO DATE (~137)
Nationality: Beelzenian Empire
Race: Asmodean
Relatives: NO DATE
The duke of Asmodean in the Beelzenian Empire. He used a “Vessel of Deadly Sin” to cause the “Venomania Incident”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Artist Vocal character “Gackpoid” published by Internet Co., Ltd.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Trauben fruit
Producing area: Entire Evillious region
Classification: Flowering vine
Traits: The fruit grows in bunches, and can be made into things like wine.
We counted 366 votes in all!
Thank you for all the poll responses!!
15 notes · View notes
imnobodyuknow · 3 years
Surpri--  Oh...
So, a few weeks ago, I shared a Vocaloid drawing entitled “Life is Good,” which showed four different Vocaloid characters enjoying the good things in life.  That phrase, “life is good,” while true, is a bit of an incomplete description of life, as I’m sure you know if you’ve lived it long enough.  For that reason, I decided to do something I don’t usually do, especially with characters I like -- draw them experiencing some of life’s more difficult parts.
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In the top-left corner, Hatsune Miku is dealing with a sudden burst of anxiety:
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In the top-right corner, Megurine Luka is sobbing under a deluge of depression:
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In the bottom-left corner, Kagamine Len is showing frustration with himself as he deals with shame:
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And in the bottom-right corner, Kagamine Rin is grappling with one of the most insidious (and destructive) emotions ever to be grappled with -- anger:
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What inspired me to draw these depictions of some of the ugliest parts of the human experience, you ask?  The human experience itself.  While I don’t like to dwell on negative emotions (or think it’s even a good idea), I find it very helpful to acknowledge and study them in order to have better control over them.  One of the best ways to do so, I’ve found, is to describe them in as much detail as possible.  As someone who is no stranger to all four of these emotions, I decided to describe them in a visual way, using these members of the Vocaloid family to illustrate them.  Not surprisingly, I found it to be somewhat cathartic.
I did have some context in mind for the Vocaloids, however.  In Miku’s picture, she just made a startling discovery that left her disillusioned; the lightning in the background represents this sudden shock to her system.  In Luka’s picture, she recently broke off a loving relationship with someone, which left a deep wound in her heart; the pouring rain symbolizes the sorrowful state of mind she’s in.  Appropriately, she’s also wearing pajamas with weeping willows on them.
In Len’s picture, he found himself doing something he knew to be wrong, and is now struggling not to hate himself for it; the spotlight shining on him represents the harsh criticism he faces from his conscience.  And finally, in Rin’s picture, she is attempting to push an angry memory out of her mind, only to have it replaying over and over again and burning her up as much as it did when she first experienced it, which is illustrated by the fire in the background.  I hope that life hasn’t this unpleasant for you, but if it has, know that you’re not alone.
And also...rejoice that you’ve made it through those unpleasant moments!  If there’s anything good about them, it’s that they’re in the past, where they belong.  And when the good times arrive (and they will), you’ll have all the more reason to celebrate them.
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(Art by Miku_tap_jp)
Besides wanting to project some of my negative emotional experiences onto paper, I also wanted to try drawing characters with some different-colored lighting -- purple for Miku, blue for Luka, and red for Rin.  It turned out to be a lot easier than I anticipated, especially since they each only needed a few different shades of the same color.  I also wanted to see how well I could convey strong emotions realistically with pencil and colored pencil.  As I often do, I looked at my face in the mirror to get some of the details right -- the wrinkles in Miku’s forehead, the pattern of teeth in Luka and Rin’s mouths, and Rin’s hands.  For the last one, I took a picture of myself just to make sure her hands looked believable.  Here’s what that looked like:
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Making the flame background behind Rin, on the other hand, was a bit more of a challenge than I anticipated.  It ended up looking only kind of like the picture I used for reference:
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Colored pencil has its limits, unfortunately...plus I didn’t think it through all the way.  X |
Interestingly enough, this picture was partly inspired by a similar one I once found of the Doki Doki Literature Club characters dealing with their own specific struggles.  It’s a little too disturbing to share here, but it reminded me of what made me enjoy that game -- the harsh reality that was injected into its otherwise cartoonish characters.  As unpleasant as it was (not to mention being overexaggerated at certain points), it made them that much more relatable.  You could say it was a helpful reminder of something I already mentioned: None of us are alone in our struggles.
An interesting thing happened as I was finishing up this drawing -- I’ve been reading a daily devotional called The Upper Room, and the reading that day included these words:
“Life is hard.  Loved ones might die despite our faith and prayer.  We may get divorced even when we trust.  Diseases can be incurable or fatal.  We may pray, live faithfully, and trust God, yet still face unthinkable tragedies.
“But even knowing this, we can continue to pray and live for God -- to believe that God is good, right, and lovely, and that God’s ways are peace.  Even when things go wrong, God is still by our side in the struggle.  And we can find joy in knowing we are never alone.”
This bit of insight seemed to go perfectly with this drawing’s message, so I thought it was worth sharing here.
Another interesting coincidence(?) -- Easter is coming up in just a week from today!  I don’t know about you, but I’m about ready to see some light in the darkness, and what better way to celebrate it than to remember the new life given to us by Jesus’ death and resurrection?  Whether you’re someone who celebrates it or not, I hope you’re able to handle every trial life throws at you, and that you won’t forget to focus on the good times.
Life’s still good, after all.  ; )
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yukin0umi · 5 years
Polaris: Kakome, Kakome
Inspired by “Kakome, Kakome” sung by Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka
(Psst. Hey @ask-linkuei-grandmaster, this is also inspired and based off of the RPing I have been doing with you and Hanzo. Just though to let you know.)
“I’m starting to think this mission wasn’t such a good idea…” Yuki muttered, her voice muffled by her bandanna over her mouth. She walked through the moldy hallway of an abandoned building, being careful with every step. Every five minutes, Yuki heard children laughing, crying, or screaming. Something wasn’t right.
After losing a bet, Yuki agreed to ask Kuai Liang to give her the scariest mission he could find. When he asked why, all she said was that she lost a bet with Frost. Kuai Liang looked wary but before he gave he the mission, he asked if she was absolutely sure about taking it. The female cryomancer said yes.
It was a recon mission that took place in an abandoned building in Shimane Prefecture in Hiroshima, Japan, only to observe and report back to the Lin Kuei with probably all her limbs still together. Reading the report, it said that there was abandoned children that were being experimented on by strange scientists. That alone made it creepy. Nobody said that the building would look like it hadn’t been inhabited in about half a century or so.
Yuki was snapped out of her thoughts when she saw one of the children pulling her long braided hair. The child look like she was ten years old with dirty black hair, and a dark kimono on, along with no shoes on and dark blue eyes. She looked like she was dead.
“What are you doing?” The child asked, making Yuki hesitate. “All the kids should be in the playroom right now.”
“Uh…” Yuki didn’t know what to say or do. Knock her out or actually follow her to see where she goes. “I’m not a kid…” ‘Smart, Yuki. Real smart.’ The child didn’t answer back but did pull Yuki’s braid as if the Lin Kuei was on a leash towards the end hallway to the last door. “Ow! Yamete! Stop pulling my hair!”
The little girl stopped when she reached a door with the light on, opening it to reveal children, all covered up in bandages, one was missing an arm, and all of them looked at Yuki. “We have a new friend. She wants to play with us.”
Yuki’s eyes shrunk at that. “Wait a second, what?” Her eyes wandered around, and then she saw the reason why Grandmaster Liang was worried and hesitant to give her the mission. She saw two people, both male and covered in bandages, with the Lin Kuei symbol. They both looked at her as if she was a tasty piece of meat, and just kept on staring as they both stood up and walked towards her. “Uh, min’na?” Yuki’s whispered words didn’t reach them as they grabbed her arms and threw the female cryomancer to the floor. One of the children brought one of the scientists and he studied her, taking her chin in his hand. He smiled and Yuki could sense the malicious intent behind it.
“I want you to come with me. We’re going to play a little game called ‘Kagome, Kagome.’ I’m sure you’ve heard of it.” His name tag said Akihiko and he stuck a syringe in Yuki’s arm, knocking her out. Before she closed her eyes, the last thing Yuki heard was, “Another Lin Kuei? We’re getting quite popular with them. She’s probably an asset who’s too emotional. The girl will die.”
The next time Yuki woke up, she was in the middle of a circle of scientists who were hiding something behind their backs. All of her weapons and Lin Kuei clothing were gone and replaced with simple hospital clothes. Even her white and blue tipped hair was taken out of its braid and was flowing down her back. “What the hell? What’s going on?” As she voiced her concerns, one of the scientists came to her and tied a blindfold around her head, covering her eyes. ‘Are they trying to make me feel like Kenshi? ‘Cause it’s not working.’
“We’re playing Kagome, Kagome, Yuki Hanabi, one of the female cryomancers of the Lin Kuei.”
That got Yuki’s attention. “How do you know my name?”
“We have two of your comrades. They know your name, where you’re from, your alias, and your relationship with Sub-Zero.”
“Grandmaster Liang has nothing to do with this!”
“Sub-Zero has to do with everything. Including you, the Lin Kuei, and his fire breathing fiancé. Once you’re out of the way, I’ll go for Scorpion, then your teacher. Not like he’ll ever notice you’re gone.”
That last sentence sunk in. What? “...This is not Kagome, Kagome...isn’t it? You’re going to kill me for your personal gain, then Master Hasashi is next on your hit list.” Yuki summarizes.
The scientist who sounded like Akihiko chuckled. “Smart girl. Too bad that beautiful brain of yours will be ours soon. And in the literal sense.”
“I’ll kill you myself before I’ll let that happen.”
“How can you do that with all your weapons gone and your powers temporarily neutralized? By the time it wears off, your pretty little head will be ours.” Akihiko turned to his coworkers and held his machete tightly. “Now then, let’s begin. Let’s play Kagome, Kagome.”
Back at the Lin Kuei temple, Kuai Liang was pacing back and forth in his study. Yuki has been gone for more than about two days and was debating on whether to contact the Special Forces that three of his students went missing on a mission. He already contacted Hanzo Hasashi about the situation and was already on his way to the Lin Kuei temple. He looked at Yuki’s sketchbook and the drawing she did of the temple on her first days at the temple. What if she never comes back? What if she’s dead already?
Kuai’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard knocking at the door. When he opened the door, he saw Hanzo and the pyromancer hugged Kuai Liang and pressed his lips to the cryomancer’s. When he let go, he cleared his throat. “Kuai, I heard what happened. How long has Hanabi been away from the compound?”
The Lin Kuei sighed as he looked at the map once more. “She’s been gone for nearly 48 hours minus the time difference. The other two have been gone for about a week. I’m worried. This mission should’ve taken about five hours at most, including the trip back. Yuki’s quiet and precise, but even she should be back by now.”
Hanzo frowned at his fiancé’s worry. Yuki and her comrades should be back, but they’re not. Yuki’s radio was still on, but it wasn’t her voice that was permeating through it. The voices were singing…”Kagome, Kagome?” Hanzo whispered in confusion.
“What?” Kuai Liang asked.
“Kagome, Kagome is an old children’s playground game. Basically a group of children form a circle and chant a song around the player playing the oni in the middle. By the end, the oni blindfolded has to name off the person behind them. I’m guessing in this version, Yuki’s the oni blindfolded in the middle.” Hanzo explained, making Kuai’s eyebrow raised in wonder. “Since this mission is in a very historical building with a very horrifying background. Not even I dare to go in.”
“Yes, there are children there, younger than all three of the Lin Kuei warriors. However, they were all born around seventy years ago.”
The Lin Kuei’s eyes shrunk. “They shouldn’t still be children. They should be full grown adults.”
“Exactly. This is why everyone in all of Japan has a brain and avoid that place. Speaking of brains… Yuki’s a dead woman unless we can stop this. And get the Special Forces involved.”
Kuai Liang nodded in agreement. “Right, I’ll let General Blade know of our situation.” Once Hanzo looked at the map, trying to pin out where the abandoned building was, the cryomancer sighed. “Please be okay, Yuki. I’m coming.”
What was one hour felt like it was going slow at a snail’s pace as Yuki felt the scientists walk in a circle around her, chanting the song until she flinched. Akihiko was smiling maliciously as he saw the small cryomancer on the door blindfolded and helpless.
“How does it feel? To know that you’re going to die very soon?” The head scientist asked
“How’s it feel that my friends will be coming soon? When Sensei Liang gets angry, even I wouldn’t be in the same room as him.” Yuki asked back, using the same threatening tone.
Akihiko took her chin and pulled her towards him, trying to intimidate the female cryomancer. “You’re so pretty and cute. I can’t wait to chop that cute head with pretty hair off.”
Yuki felt her ears twitch, hearing something...or someone. It sounds like footsteps towards the lab. Akihiko kept sweet-talking her, attempting to make her shake, but it was all for naught. The air, due to lack of ice powers, actually felt colder than before. The chill felt…familiar. ‘Sensei, hurry up. Please.’ As Yuki was still bound, she was unable to move since not one of the scientists wanted their subject to fight them off.
Kuai Liang walked around the halls of the old building with Hanzo next to him, trying to be quiet and cautious. They knew Yuki was around somewhere, along with the two other Lin Kuei. “She’s here. I can feel it, Hanzo.” Kuai whispered, walking up the creaking staircase carefully.
The pyromancer waved his hand around, his flames being a source of light. Until he stopped in front of an old door, hearing chanting and someone talking. “Kagome, Kagome…” He whispered. Hanzo turned to Kuai, feeling confident. “Hanabi’s in here. I know it.”
“Is there another way to get in?”
“No. This is the only one.”
“Alright.” The Lin Kuei placed his hand on the door and focused on freezing the door to get in. Once the whole door froze, Kuai Liang kicked it open to reveal scientists circling someone, all of them having machetes behind their backs.
“Who goes-” The head scientist stopped once he saw the two grandmasters of fire and ice. He held onto Yuki’s neck and held the machete there. “Ah, Sub-Zero and Scorpion. I figured you would come for your precious students. Especially her.”
Kuai Liang’s hands covered themselves in frost with rage. How dare he? Threaten and capture three of his students? Especially one who’s close to being a daughter of some sort to him? “Yuki? Are you alright?” He asked, trying to keep whatever patience he had left.
Yuki choked on her words a bit, due to the grip on her neck. “I’m alright, Sensei. They disabled my cryomancy, took away my weapons and tied me up.” She took a sharp breath, trying to relieve the pressure on her neck. “Also, I’m starting to see how Kagome, Kagome is part of this and I officially hate it now.”
Akihiko presses the sharp weapon to Yuki’s neck, drawing blood out. “Well? Any last words, Hanabi?”
She looked at the scientist with a straight face, looking fearless once more. “I won’t be the one dying tonight. The same can’t be said for you and your associates.”
When Akihiko was about to swing the machete, Hanzo, with his kunai, struck and pulled him. “GET OVER HERE!” Kuai froze the other two scientists and went to Yuki and began to untie her.
“Where are Wang and Luo?” Kuai Liang asked, freezing the rope after failing to untie it.
“In a room full of children. Sensei, they aren’t the same.” Yuki answered, breaking the bonds, then giving Kuai Liang a hug. After being surprised for a few seconds, he returned the hug. “Thank you, Sensei.”
“You’re welcome, Yuki. How long is your cryomancy disabled till?”
“For a few more hours. I still need my stuff.”
Hanzo, who just cut someone’s head off, turned to them. “I will gather Hanabi’s things. You get your students.”
Leading her teacher to the end of the hall, Yuki opened the door and showed him the room full of children, including the two Lin Kuei warriors, Luo and Wang. All the children looked at them and walked towards them. “Wanna play with us?”
“No, I’m good. I’m here for only my two students.” Kuai grabbed Wang and Luo, froze the children unconscious, and walked out. “That was easier than I thought.” He and Yuki walked off with her two comrades in hand, but the female cryomancer began to falter behind. “Yuki, are you alright?”
“I’m okay. I think they gave me something else though and everything is really hot and kind of spinning.”
“Your body isn’t used to being without cryomancy for so long. You could be getting sick.” He felt Yuki’s forehead, her feeling very warm. “More than likely, they gave you something that will slow you down with symptoms of a cold. I promise you can rest once we get back to the helicopter. The Special Forces are here and will help you, Luo and Wang.”
Hanzo came running to them, holding a bag with Yuki’s clothes and weapons inside. “I have her things. We should start going.” Everyone nodded and began to get to the exit.
Yuki perked up at the sound of her name and looked around, everyone was quiet on the way back. She sighed. Maybe the fever was going through her head.
‘Yuki, you should be able to recognize me…
There it was again. Yuki officially deemed herself crazy and hallucinating.
‘It’s me. Yuki-onna.’
Yuki found herself in a dark room with a yokai all in white standing behind bars. It was Yuki-onna, the yokai Yuki claimed to have killed her parents. “What the hell? Why are you here?”
Yuki-Onna chuckled. ‘Why am I here? Stupid Quan Chi after what happened about twelve years ago. He put me in you.’
Yuki’s eyes shrunk. Quan Chi…? It wasn’t Yuki-onna? “I don’t understand. I saw you freeze my parents to their death.”
The yokai scoffed, flipping her jet black hair. ‘Quan Chi disguised himself as me then put me in you, making your already genetic cryomancy even stronger. Then he killed your parents, hoping to get an angry reaction from you. I was too much for such a little girl, causing you to faint. That was what really happened twelve years ago.’
Yuki began to shake. All this time, the yokai she had been blaming, was innocent this whole time. Yuki got on her knees and bowed to Yuki-onna. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry! I had been blaming the wrong person this whole time!’ The little cryomancer began to cry, not noticing that the Snow Woman’s hand was petting her hair.
‘My vessel, it’s alright. You were a little girl and never heard of that sorcerer. Now that you and I are one, we will have to find a way to coexist with one another. Like Scorpion with Master Hasashi.’ Yuki-onna soothes, petting Yuki’s snow white hair. Yuki wiped away her tears and stood up. ‘Now then, since Polaris is your alias, I would suggest you call me that.’
“Just like with Scorpion.”
Yuki-onna held Yuki’s hands, feeling the cold through her. ‘Get some rest, my dear. I will take over for now.’
“Please let them know. I don’t want to scare them.”
‘You have my word, Hanabi.’
“...Yuki!” Kuai Liang’s voice snapped Polaris out of her thoughts, making her jump a little. “We’ve been calling your name and you didn’t answer. Please be more attentive next time.”
“So sorry, Sensei. I was in my own thoughts.” Polaris’ voice sounded a bit deeper into an alto range, and although Kuai Liang didn’t notice it, Hanzo did.
Hanzo walked to her and took a look at her face, Yuki’s left eye was in a total pale blue color, as if she was dead, but clearly alive. “Who are you and what have you done with Yuki Hanabi?” He asked with some pieces of a threat in his voice.
“Yuki Hanabi is currently resting up. I have permission to take over her physical body until we arrive at the helicopter.” Polaris answers, making the two grandmasters confused.
“What? Who are you?” Kuai Liang asked.
“My name is Yuki-onna, I am very sure that Yuki has told you about me.” Kuai Liang eyes shrunk. ...How?! “How I came to be inside her is a very long story, but right now, we must avoid the children and remaining scientists until we reach the Special Forces.” Polaris walked forward, past the confused assassins. “I will also be her reservation for Hanabi’s cryomancy, in case if anything like this happens again.”
“Like a back-up power.”
“Exactly, Hasashi.”
Reaching a turn, the group saw the injured Akihiko and his remaining coworkers, all with machetes in their hands. “You tried my hand, Hanabi. Now you will die without playing a fun game.”
“Kagome, Kagome was never fun anyway.” Polaris responds apathetically. Once the scientists ran towards her, Polaris blew on them and froze all of them instantly, leaving Akihiko alone and shaking in his boots. “How does it feel? Knowing that you will die soon?” She took his machete and cut off his arms cleanly. “This is for the innocent children you turned into science experiments.” Polaris then cut both his legs with her spiked ice, making him fall to the ground, staining his lab coat in a puddle of his own blood. “This is for my Lin Kuei comrades.” She then aims her iced paint brush and ice kunai at his neck. “And my sensei.” She stuck the weapons in his head then cut his head off with her blade, pinning it to the wall with a paintbrush before the head hit the ground.
Luo, Wang, Kuai Liang, and Hanzo just stood there in awe, not knowing that Yuki, or Yuki-onna, was even able to do that. They all thought the same thing…
Polaris then fainted, Kuai being quick enough to catch before she hit the ground. He picked her up to rest in his arms and looked at her bloodstained hospital clothing, and hair, wondering even how or why Yuki-onna was now part of his student. Hanzo placing a hand on his shoulder interrupted his thoughts.
“Kuai, we need to go before the children arrive.”
They went through the rest of the orphanage without any other encounters.
When Yuki woke up, she was back in her room at the Lin Kuei temple, covered in bandages, in her pajamas, and with an ice pack over her head. She sat up from the covers and held her head, trying to remember what happened before, but coming up blank.
“I see you’re awake.”
Yuki turned to see Kuai Liang, holding an ice pack and a cup of tea. “Yeah, I suppose I am. I don’t remember what happened after I put my head in the clouds.” She accepted the cup of chamomile tea, as he changed the ice pack on her head.
He looked at her, surprised. “You don’t remember? Not one bit?” His knowledge with worldly beings came from Hanzo and his experience with Scorpion, but he remembered everything. Yuki didn’t.
Yuki shook her head, being mindful of her headache blooming. “No. Not one part.” She held her now pounding head, making it harder to think. The Lin Kuei Grandmaster noticed it and helped her lie back down and relax. “What about Wang and Luo? Are they alright?”
“Wang and Luo are fine and are recovering. Right now, you need some rest.” He tucked her in, hoping to have her head back to sleep.
“What about training? I-”
“You will take some days off from training to recover. Right now, head back to sleep. Your fever is being quite pesky.”
“My cryomancy didn’t come back yet?”
“I’m afraid not. The doctor said that it will be a bit longer till your powers come back.” Kuai Liang even per her hair, hoping to calm her anxiety. “Right now, rest.”
Before Yuki fell asleep, she muttered loud enough for Kuai Liang to hear, “Arigato, chichi…” She didn’t say anything after that.
When the Lin Kuei Grandmaster closed the door, he saw Hanzo behind him, smiling. “What?” He asked.
“Do you what she just said to you?” Hanzo asked, the smile not leaving his face. Kuai shook his head, knowing that Yuki speaks only Japanese sometimes. “She said, ‘Thank you, father.’ She called you her father.”
(So sorry for the crappy ending. I didn’t know what to end the story. Happy Halloween, I guess...?)
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padawaniisms · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://xn--80akibjkfl0bs.xn--p1acf/2017/03/08/21-facts-tag-with-my-dumb-face-and-a-cute-yoko/
21 facts tag with my dumb face and a cute yoko
ttgl all on mah wall, well yoko at least. you should see my wall with the other anime things. and the closet door i’m working on with the vocaloid things mua hahaha. anyway like 700 (not really more like 7) of you tagged me for the 21 facts thing so i’m going to muster up 40 things about me let’s see if i’m interesting or not (not). 1. i’m just now watching sailor moon. i’m on episode 29. 2. i don’t really do anything except watch anime and that 70s show. 3. i love that 70s show. 4. my favorite animes change constantly but usually includes six animes. black jack and psg are always on that list. 5. my favorite animes at the moment are black jack, panty and stocking with garterbelt, school days, baka and test to shoukanjuu, gurren lagann, and elfen lied. 6. i actually still need to finish baka and test season 2 but i’m waiting for the dub to come out because the dub is better than the sub. i still think of it as a favorite 😛 7. i like gore anime. i can deal with gore/horror movies live action but i don’t like to. i hate hate hate seeing like dead things and blood in real life. its weird. 8. for the longest time i spelled weird like wierd. idk i’m dumb. 9. my favorite thing to eat is oreos. 10. i hate myself because i’m fat and ugly. 11. the only thinspo that works for me is knowing how badly i want to do a Yoko (gurren lagann) and Black Rock Shooter cosplays. 12. i’m already running out of things to say lol. 13. i speak a little bit of german. ja. 14. i want to learn how to speak japanese but i’m to lazy. 15. i’m almost taller than my 21 year old brother lol. 16. i’m turning 16 on August 18th woot. 17. i have no motivation to drive even after i got my learner’s permit. 18. even though i only have like $30 i’m still looking for a used pullip online to make my next vocaloid. 19. i’m still trying to sell that red and orange wig if anyone is interested. 20. don’t tell my mom but my dad and i planned a retirement party for her! 21. i’m really cheap because i have a huge spending problem. once someone tells me "just go ahead and spend the money" like when i’m out with my friends or whatever, i will go ahead and spend ALL my money. 22. i’ve been begging my parents to homeschool me since 6th grade ps i’m going into 11th grade come the next school year. 23. i really really really want a seifuku. 24. i wish i could live on dr. pepper but that would make me gain another 9395 pounds. 25. about this time two years ago i told myself "there is no color i’d ever want to dye my hair, makeup is stupid, and nail polish is tacky." see where i am now? 26. i have really bad social anxiety. people constantly point out how quiet i am. i’m only myself here on the internets because if you call me weird i can block you~~~~ 27. when i tried to tell my parents i believe i have social anxiety they said "you’ll get over it". i was so mad i went upstairs and cried. 28. one time i read all six signs of depression in a book and just said "literally me". it was kinda terrifying idk. 29. i’m excited for july c: 30. you may not know it but i am literally Stocking Anarchy 31. i write a personal fanfiction where i have an OC named Kimi Yoshikazu who is my alter ego and she is similar to that of a female Black Jack and yes it is a Black Jack fanfic and yes her and Black Jack end up together i have issues oKAY. 32. i want to do a black jack cosplay more than anything. 33. i’ve drawn sketches of a fem!black jack. 34. my best frand an i video chat almost every night and we look for our teachers on facebook, twitter, tumblr etc. we’ve found most of them actually. WHAT IS A LIFE. 35. my favorite vocaloids include Kamui Gakupo/Gackpoid, Megurine Luka, Hatsune Miku, Macne Nana, Gumi/Megpoid, and IA — Aria on the Planetes. (in order btw) 36. in no order (look what i did there lol), my favorite fictional characters include: Black Jack/Kuroo Hazama(ok he’s my number one fave), Stocking Anarchy, Tomoe Mami, Dead Master/Yomi Takanashi, Mizuki Himeji, Lelouch Lamperouge/Lelouch Vi Britannia, Donna Pinciotti(well it’s a love/hate relationship), Charlie Harper(2&1/2 men ftw), Red Forman, Kitty Forman, Yoko Littner, and Lucy/Nyu. i have a lot of favorite fictional characters. and they aren’t all anime bE PROUD OF ME. 37. i’m excited to see the Human Centipede Two. i know that sounds weird. yeah i’ve seen the first one. 38. i wish i wasn’t allergic to cats :c 39. the only reason i like French Bulldogs so much is because of my brother’s girlfriend’s dog Eddie (Edward Snorton) 😀 40. i try 2 hard jus lyk u. bye.
Posted by kimberly °(ᵔᴥᵔ)° on 2012-06-09 02:49:08
Tagged: , Photo Booth , me , yoko , littner , plush , red , hair , girl , selca
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