#was listening to sirens and helicopters all night
barghest-land · 2 months
thanks to everyone who reached out today, im okay. it's scary as fuck living right next to the place in moscow where it happened, cuz i go there often. thankfully yesterday i didn't
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lovebillyhargrove · 6 months
What if
When Billy dies on the starcourt floor, Steve takes his pendant. No-one sees him do it, in the turmoil, all the tears and screaming, the howls of ambulance sirens and cutting sounds of approaching helicopters.
They were at the beginning of something, he and Hargrove. His possession and death ruined everything.
Ruined Steve, in a way.
He keeps the pendant.
A year later, on a stormy July night, it is pouring. The skies seem to have been split in half. Lightning flashes every minute, and fearsome thunder follows.
Steve's downstairs, alone in the kitchen, listening to the wrath and anguish of nature.
One moment, there's an especially loud clap of thunder, and the front door is thrown open with an unbelievably forcible gust of wind.
The lights go out.
There's a dark figure standing on the doorstep.
"I believe, you have something of mine, pretty boy."
Is Billy real? Is he a ghost? Is he a kind ghost or an evil, bitter one, looking for revenge?
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goosetheluce · 9 months
It's Been a While (Gwen Stacy x Fem!Reader)
requested by anon: "can I req one where it's like a little reunion after atsv? Like before she goes and sees her dad she goes and sees reader bc she's been missing for months and Gwen's probably worried at first but readers just too happy to see her again.maybe a little friends to lovers, thank youuuuu☺️☺️☺️"
info: decently angsty, physical affection (kissing, hugging, hand holding), crying, flashbacks, desperate!gwen, gwen 3rd person pov, cussing, use of y/n
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Gwen's entire body was crawling with nerves as she flung out her webs. She surged through her home city with poise and elegance. Her anxiety was shielded on the outside; Spider-Woman always had to be collected, breezy, perfect. Even now. Especially now, considering the news cameras and helicopters pointed at her. She could only imagine the headlines being displayed all across New York:
Vigilante "Spider-Woman" Makes An Appearance After Months
Masked Hero Re-Appears
Ghost-Spider Visits During Violent Era Beginning Without Her
She groaned in frustration, doing her best to outrun the nightcrawlers and news stations. Her father was probably getting his force ready to incarcerate her that very moment. A chill spread across her skin, and it wasn't the frigid rain.
She swung into an alleyway, ripping her mask off to catch her breath. Her time before Miles was put in real danger was ticking away, and this game of cat and mouse certainly wasn't helping. She sighed and sunk down the brick wall in exhaustion. Gwen needed to figure something out before she was cornered in the labyrinth that was New York City.
She listened to the cars screeching in the distance, listened to the bar fights, the laughter of a group of teenage girls past their curfews. It was by no means a city of sunshine, but she desperately missed her life.
Desperately missed you.
Gwen pulled her hood over her head as far as possible, ignoring the sting filling her eyes. She sighed shakily, breath condensing in the autumn thunder.
She needed to see you. Besides, it's not like she had much of a choice.
God, why did I have to make my suit bright fucking white? Maybe then these idiots would leave me alone.
Even now she heard the choppers pulsing in the sky. She wondered with a shudder how many were police force. Gotta get out of this suit.
She slipped her mask back on and set off. See, Gwen would never commit a crime with malicious intent. Hell, she was Spider-Woman, but she couldn't see any other way blend into the city without the chance of bumping into her dad at the apartment.
So she robbed a clothing store.
As gently as possible, but unfortunately that still meant damage. Gwen huffed. Had it really come down to this?
She pulled her arm back, flinching away from the window as she shattered it with a simple punch, even whispered "sorry" as if that changed anything. The shards clinked against the sleek-tiled floor of the Nike shop and she hopped inside with ease.
Don't have much time, she noted. The alert system wailed deafeningly as she shot webs at every security camera and stole the footage for that night. She raced through the store, grabbing a pair of black sweatpants and a navy blue winter compression shirt. She changed right there in the store with the cameras blinded. She swiped a drawstring bag and stuffed her suit and mask inside. She kneeled down to lace up her converse tightly. She still had a long way to go to your flat.
Gripping the strings of her bag tightly, she raced away. The rain had stopped, but the storm still threatened deep rumbles of thunder a couple of miles away. Her swift footsteps splashed through grimey puddles lit by orange streetlamps. The city seemed more perilous than ever as sirens screamed and guns fired, and guilt struck her chest.
Internally thanking her enhanced speed and endurance, Gwen stared up at your window not even ten minutes after she fled the store. Now came the hardest part: facing you, her closest friend, after she joined the society. Truthfully, she missed the warmth gifted to her from your loving arms. Something her dad never gave her before she left.
She paced around the block over and over again, wondering what the hell she was supposed to say to you. "Hey, I'm back after months of radio silence, and don't mind that I just crawled up your wall because it turns out I've been a human-spider freak this whole time. Missed you too."
Suddenly, it didn't matter what Gwen wanted to say anymore, because a police car was turning the corner.
She dashed up the wall and onto the roof, crouching to avoid any nearby helicopters. She released her breath in relief. She shook out her body and rubbed her temples. This was it. She began to crawl down the face of the complex, hoping she'd remember the right window.
Perk number 42 of being bitten by a radioactive spider.
She peered inside the window of your bedroom. It was convenient for her in the moment, but Gwen made a note to scold you for leaving your blinds open. She reached her hand out, hesitated, then curled it into a fist and gently tapped. She squeezed her eyes shut.
She saw you look up from your school laptop in confusion.
It's one in the morning and this woman is really doing homework.
Gwen tapped again.
"Y/N!" she called out softly. "Y/N, let me in!"
She heard a muffled "what the fuck?" through the glass.
"Gwen?" you whisper screamed in disbelief, unlocking your window and pulling it open. Your jaw went slack as Gwen simply jumped off the wall while diving into your window.
"Y/N, before you say anything, let me explain," she frantically rambled. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Please." Her eyes opened slowly to see you. Her body went rigid.
Fuck, she's crying.
Tears were welling and threatening to spill out from your eyes. Your fists were clenched so tightly that your nails left crescent moons gouged into your palms.
"What the hell was that?" you laughed breathily before rushing forward to hug her. You practically constricted her as you wrapped your arms around her waist. She had no idea what to do for a moment. Her own emotions were about to overflow and wash her composure away. Gwen settled for squishing her cheek against yours while holding you tight. As she rubbed your back, your sobs quieted.
You pulled away, wiping the wetness away from your eyes and lips. Gwen's stare lingered as your thumb grazed over your bottom lip out of habit. You stood up a little bit taller.
"It's been a while, Gwen."
Her stance jerked a little, barely even noticeable.
"I know. I've got a lot to explain to you, if you're willing to listen." You nodded firmly, turning around to sit back down on your bed. You patted the space adjacent to you.
Gwen took seat, spreading her legs out comfortably and resting her forearms on her knees. Her posture was slanted; it was still hard for her to make eye contact with you. She didn't want to find anger or disappointment in those eyes she had stared into one too many times. Eyes that haunted her in the most tragically beautiful manner possible.
"I disappeared," Gwen began hesitantly. "But not without a reason. So much has happened in the last two years, I just...I guess it all came to one single point and that was it for me. I had no chances left, no risks to take. It was over."
Her explanation was raw, quivering and vulnerable. Your heart began to race, wondering what she'd say next. You had no idea what was going on; yeah, Gwen did ballet and gymnastics or whatever, but that little trick she did to get into your window was no joke.
She jumped up from the bed and turned to face you.
I have to do this now.
"This is the craziest part, but you have to believe me," she whispered. Fear coated her rocky voice and widened her eyes. You blinked at her in reassurance, smiling a bit.
"Gwen, just tell me. You know I'll listen."
She sighed heavily and grabbed her bag off the floor. "Okay. Give me a second. And don't make any noise when I come out." She slipped into your closet and shut the door silently behind her. The light flickered on and leaked out from underneath the doorframe. You watched her shadow move fluidly.
Inside the closet, Gwen was hyperventilating as she fit herself into her suit. She looked into the body-length mirror sitting on your floor, and a tear traced down her cheek. She was staring at her worst enemy, and she despised who she saw in the suit. Spider-Woman was a different entity.
She turned around and faced the closet door. Gwen placed her hand on the knob, taking a deep breath before turning it and pushing it open. She couldn't look at you, but when she tried, you weren't there. Her blood froze in her own veins.
Gwen was back in that collapsed building, that very same night, staring her father's gun down.
"Why the fuck am I here?" she questioned, panic filling her voice. She looked around, desperately trying to find your apartment, your face. Her movements suddenly were not her own anymore as she involuntarily turned to face her father. Her hands were lifted up above her head, but they sank down. One inched toward her mask.
Her body didn't listen. Her fingers met her chin, grasping the enhanced material concealing her face from the world.
She felt the cool air hit her lips, then her nose, and finally her weary eyes. She watched her father's face contort into horror and disbelief. Gwen finally found the ability to force her eyes to shut, tears spilling out. When she opened them again, she was back in your closet.
"Gwen? What's taking so long?" you called out quietly from your room.
She gasped for air, clutching her chest as she spasmed in silence. She aggressively rubbed her arm over her eyes, biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from crying.
I have to do this. What happened before doesn't matter. I have to save things with her.
Once more, Gwen turned the handle and stepped out. She was relieved to find you sitting on your bed, staring at her.
"Uh, nice costume Gwen, but I was kinda hoping for you to finish your explanation?" you sarcastically jabbed.
"Y/N..." Gwen groaned. "It's not a costume."
You scoffed, becoming impatient.
"Really! It isn't, Y/N!" Gwen frantically begged with you to understand. You crossed your arms.
"How am I supposed to believe you're Spider-Woman?"
Gwen shoved her face into her hands. Her frustration boiled.
"You're gonna believe me after this," she nearly growled, flitting forward and taking you in her arms. She slapped a hand over your mouth to quiet your protest. She pulled her mask down and shot a web out of your window, slingshotting out of your room and into the night.
You were a mile away from your apartment in a matter of seconds while Gwen (Spider-Woman...?) held you firmly in her left arm, tossing you lightly in the air before you landed on her back. She guided your arms and legs to wrap tightly around her back as you let out a shriek. Your hair flew straight behind you in the cold wind.
"Gwen, I fucking believe you now," you choked out into her ear. You could barely speak in your terror. The eyes of her suit went wide and she aimed for the top of another building.
She landed perfectly en pointe, her converse flexing to match the arch of her technique.
"Shit, Y/N, I'm so sorry-"
Gwen's apology was cut short as you gripped her broad shoulders.
"You're motherfucking Spider-Woman!" you yelled in awe. A thick sheet of rain was nearing as Gwen's eyes welled behind the mask.
"You don't think I'm a bad person? Or...or a freak?" she whispered shakily. Your face softened. You slid your hands up from her shoulders, caressing her face. Her eyes squinted before closing as she leaned into your touch. She reached her own hand up and cupped yours. Gwen's soul lit afire as she stared at your gorgeous face, felt the warmth of your love and bare skin.
You simply shook your head.
"What a dumb question. You're my best friend. And when you left, I...I mean, I guess I just didn't know what to do with myself. I lost a part of me."
The words coming out of your mouth felt wrong. Gwen's heart screamed in desolation. Maybe you would never understand.
Best friend.
"You lost a part of yourself, but I couldn't breathe without you," she murmured, bringing her other hand up to find more ways to touch you.
Your heart began to pound as her fingers laced with yours. The rain began to fall over you, drenching Gwen for the second time that night. What did she mean by that? You could have sworn you felt her rapid pulse intensify even more as you experimentally pressed your forehead against hers.
You brought your hands (still cupping her face) down to the base of her mask, forcing her own hands to fall away. You traced circles into her skin before gently sliding the disguise up above her lips.
Gwen painfully rasped your name while her digits found your skin again, this time resting timidly on the small of your back. She needed this so badly from you all these years, even more so as your face became a tale, something she could only dream of.
"Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me. Please, please, please, just kiss me and never let me leave your side again, I'd do anything for you, Y/N-" she began to sob, but you caught her trembling lips in yours. Gwen immediately pulled you deeper into her hold, your bodies fitting together like a beautiful puzzle. Her fingers tangled into your hair and she pulled her mask all the way off. Her hood fell and her blonde waves began to frizz and tighten with the rain.
She savored the taste of your lip balm and the remnants of your bedtime herbal tea, picking you up and allowing you to wrap your legs around her. You pulled away, breathless and eyes filled with the starlight that the stormy midnight lacked.
"I love you, Gwen," you breathed. "But you're back for a reason. I don't know what reason that is, but you have to do it. We're counting on you."
Gwen nodded, dropping you safely and kneeling down to fit her mask back over her face and to allow you to cling to her.
"You forgot something, Ghost-Spider," you teased, sliding her hood over her head.
She scoffed, looking back at you with narrowed eyes. "That's Gwen to you."
In no time, you were delivered back to your warm bed. The rain pattered soothingly against your window while Gwen dried her suit off with a towel you lent to her. She eventually settled for just laying the towel down on your bed and sitting on it.
"So...are you my superhero girlfriend now, or am I about to wake up from the most story-oriented dream of my life?"
Gwen laughed softly. Everything in her life was fucked, but you brought a glow back to her existence. She had something to look forward to now. She pushed her hand to lock with yours.
"For the record, if this is a dream, then you and I are definitely imaginary girlfriends. But, since this is hopefully real life..." she assured, squeezing your hand. "Yeah, I'm your superhero girlfriend." You began to fluster, heat creeping across your cheeks.
Gwen stood up, still holding your smaller hand in her stronger grasp.
"Which unfortunately also means I've gotta do superhero girlfriend stuff," she sighed, brushing her hair behind her heavily pierced ear. She looked at you apologetically as your grip on her tightened.
"Hey, we'll see each other again. I promise," she whispered, pressing a sugary kiss to your lips before backing away, her fingers slipping out of your reach. She pulled her mask down swiftly before turning around and leaping out of your window.
"I love you!" you shouted after her. Gwen beamed as she jumped through the city, posing in a recital-like fashion for the cameras when she lowered to the streets.
The rain didn't feel so cold anymore.
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a/n: thanks for reading!! if you're sapphic and in love with gwen then. definitely check my other gwen fics out hehe. been thinkingggg about a villain gwen x fem!reader au? let me know by sending smth to my inbox as a request or commenting !
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saintgoths · 1 year
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WORD COUNT - 4,223.
RATING 18+ [breast sucking, riding and heavy angst].
SUMMARY - watching someone fall out of love for you when they find out what you actually are.
if you want to join a the last of us discord/joel miller discord here you go! 𓆩♡𓆪
this seems like it needs another chapter...but i'll see if this chapter goes well. comments, likes and reblogs would be appreciated! oh and i think november by two lanes is the perfect song to listen to while reading this.
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It had been at least three months since you had moved into Jackson, and there had been multiple times Joel had suggested for you to move in with him now that you two were together, but all times he had offered you to live with him, you had denied it.
It was known that you two were together, Joel was always found around you, if he wasn’t in patrol, or in his studio, or playing the guitar or with Ellie, he had followed you like a lost puppy. Joel wasn’t frustrated that you had denied his offer numerous of times, but he had wondered why you were so against it.
Though, there had been moments when you would stay over his home, and cook for him and Ellie, they had appreciated your chef skills, still, there would be times when you’d leave Jackson for almost a week without telling them anything, but you’d come back with all sorts of fishes for people to eat or have for pets. Thus, your random disappearances would be forgiven when you’d return with extra food that’ll last Jackson months.
Currently, Joel had been waiting for you downstairs, you had been staying with him for almost two weeks and almost for those two weeks you hadn’t disappeared, but you just had to break the record of you not randomly vanishing and left again.  
Whenever you left, you had always told Maria or Tommy that you were going to fish, you never informed Joel and Ellie, and they had felt uncomfortable by being left in the dark. Every time you’d leave, Joel would wait for you upstairs in his bedroom, howbeit, this Saturday night, you had rebounded to his home and entered in, you had assumed that Joel would be in his room, yet, you were wrong.
His appearance had surprised you but you had remained calm, you had peeled your jacket off your skin, as you had assumed Joel was on task to question you, and you stood correct. “Where do you go?” Joel had asked, and you were smart enough to know he was talking about where you go to fish but you had decided to answer it differently.
“I go fishing,” you lightly replied, you had dragged your coat to one of the hooks near the door and you had felt his eyes track your every move.
“You know that’s not what I asked,” Joel muttered, he had seemed tired but he was nervous and worried when you were gone, he couldn’t let it go. “Why do you never tell me when you’re about to leave?” He desperately questioned, in truth, he was anxious about her leaving one night and never coming back.
“Do I have to?” You had acknowledged with another inquiry; your lips had stretched against your face as you readied yourself to joke about the situation. “Are you turning into a helicopter boyfriend?” You annoyingly teased, while dating Joel you had realised that the man was very possessive and protective, and thanks to the under-water ability of yours, it was stronger than normal.
Joel remained quiet, but his eyes had told you that he’d rather have you tell him than erratically disappearing. “How comes you never ask me to come along? Where do you even get the tools to fish?”
You had but smiled to his inquiry and kissed him on the cheek, “I’ve always had them I just stash them in my home.”
Unsatisfied by your answer, he had looked down to his fingers, he couldn’t force you to answer him but the lack of information had made him insecure, what if you were visiting someone during your trips? Making love to them? Finding them better than him?
“Get ready for bed, I’m going to take a shower,” you gently directed, without another word, Joel had returned to his bedroom, silently gruff and crabbed due to your constant leaving him in the opaque room of secrets.
You had quickly taken a cold shower to wash of your tense muscle and fishy smell thanks to the sea-animals you catch. After you had showered, you had slipped on a short night dress you had bought from one of the attire makers in the town, it was aquamarine blue and it had complimented your skin well.
You had returned to Joel, a big and flirtatious smile stamped all over your face while Joel’s face lightened up from the sulky attitude to the aroused circumstance. You had walked through the door frame and crawled on top of the bed and hiked his lap, he was shirtless, his chest slightly hairy, but just the way you like it, you had gently brushed your fingers against his chest ere you had gingerly pressed your lips against his. While his hands had found way underneath your night gown and to your buttocks, he had felt that you had worn no underwear; moved, he had helped you pull off your night gown and immediately catered to your breast.
He sucked, and flicked his tongue against your nipple, his soft skills had motivated you to moan in desperation of him inside you, you had gracelessly pulled down his lower clothing, your chin had rested against the top of his short strands of hair, in the time you had moved yourself against him, his cock had easily found way inside you, the girth of his length appetising while the both of you had released relieved moans, the coating of your warmth and the size of his shaft in coincide.
In sync you had both rolled your hips together, the length of your arms had surrounded his shoulders during the time that his large hands had guided you to bounce against him, his hands were groped into your buttocks as he was lost into the erotic lust you had swiftly given to him. During the time he had aided the pleasure and bucked his hips upwards he had easily forgotten the upset and confused state he was previously in.
You had moaned his name an abundant of times while your back had slowly leaned towards the rear, your hips without mind convulsed forwards as you tried to catch and relief your orgasm, your mind capricious and lewd as you had felt your eyes spiral backwards and your climax reach its peak, but hungry for his apex, Joel had hugged your body closer to his as he fleshly screwed your cunt. Eager to cum, he had aggressively stroked his cock in your pussy ere releasing his load deep down your cunt.
Tired, he hauled his cock out of you and helped you lay down beside him. With his muscled arm beneath your head, he took in a deep breath and released airy chuckle. “I’m growing old,” he dryly joked, you had known that he was sometimes insecure about his age but you hadn’t cared about it, comfortable you had snuggled against him with a huge smile on your face.
You two didn’t have much of an age difference, but you had looked young and had been mistaken for an age way younger than your actual age numerous of times. “It’s okay Joel, you still fuck good,” you joked and he had pressed his lips against your forehead.
“Get to sleep.”
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“Where were you?”
You’d have to be stupid to assume Ellie wouldn’t have been just as curious as Joel about your previous whereabouts, Ellie was in your life as much as Joel was and Ellie was curious about the world. Curious about everyone around her and could get quite clingy.
“I went fishing, it takes long for me to get the fishes, but I always get the job done,” the two of you had walked down Jackson, you thought hanging around Ellie was the least thing you could do since you consistently disappear without a word.
“I wanna go fishing with you,” Ellie whined while she had tagged along and followed you down the town path like the annoying kid she is, well, the annoying kid you seemed to dearly care for.
She had a father-daughter dynamic with Joel, and with you in Ellie’s life, well, Ellie hadn’t really perceived you as a “maternal” figure, but there was slightly mother and daughter bond the two of you had shared, she spoke to you about things she wouldn’t speak with Joel because she found it awkward to speak to him about it, even though he has been open to speaking about numerous things with her. “Maybe,” you easily shrugged, your hasty reaction had brought a pout on her face but Ellie had quickly moved on from the situation and began speaking about a movie she had wanted to watch because Cat continuously spoke about it.
“Pirates of the Caribbean of Stranger Tides,” Ellie drawled out, she had pressed her index finger against her chin with a curious look on her face, she had seemed totally interested in the movie even if it wasn’t the type of movie she’d watch.
“Really? Pirates of the Caribbean? I didn’t expect that to be the type of movie you’d watch,” you commented, you hadn’t really watched much of those movies but you knew it didn’t necessarily include the things Ellie liked, Ellie liked superhero moves, like Marvel or DC, or the weird corny movies Joel likes.
“Yeah, I know but I just wanna try something new, maybe I’ll like it,” she shrugged, her cheeks had then blazed with redness as you had jokingly nudged her and teased Ellie about her care for Cat. “What’s the movie about anyways?”
“It’s a movie about the discovery of mermaids…or sirens, whatever and true love,” embarrassed, Ellie’s voice had quickly trailed off, her green eyes had avoided the stare of yours and you couldn’t help but place your hand on her shoulder and bring her in.
Your smile was big, you had liked the idea Ellie had someone to distract her from her sadness and loneliness she’d often talk about when she was with you. “That’s definitely not the type of movie you’d watch.”
You had ignored the big pang you had grasped in your chest when she had mentioned the discovery of sirens. It wasn’t like Ellie and Joel were going to make any connections of the discovery sirens to you; as Ellie had comically pushed you away from her, Joel had swiftly made his way towards the both of you, he had seemed happier compared to yesterday and you had hoped the sex you two shared yesterday was the reason.
The moment he arrived to his destination, he had kissed your cheek as a symbol of hello and you had giddily scrunched your nose in response while Ellie had humorously gagged in the background. Before Joel could say anything, you were approached by one of the townswomen, Bella, she was a daughter of one of the butchers in Jackson and was deeply appreciative that you had added fishes to the cuisine.
“[Y/N]!” She brightly called out, Bella was a beautiful woman, she had a similar hair colour to Ellie’s but hers was quite darker and a pair of brown eyes, she had this signature red lipstick she was known for along with her wide smile, “your fishing is incredible, I’m so curious on how you gather so much of a variety.”
You had gleamed, your smile awkward but with your enchanting aura, it had covered the uncomfortable state you were in. “You should start doing group fishing, it’ll be safer,” Bella kindly commented, she had seemed like she had wanted the best for you, and the last thing Jackson needed was their best fisher getting hurt and attacked by Infected.
Joel had chuckled as he placed his arm against your shoulder, “she’s quite the lone-wolf when it comes to fishing.”
“I wanna learn how to fish,” Ellie pleaded, her voice was high and desperate, and it had hurt to avoid her case. It’s not like you would turn into half fish when your skin touched the water, you in truth knew how to control it. On the other hand, what had made it troubling to bring Ellie or any other people to accompany you was the technique you used to get the fishes.
“It’s impressive because you were able to catch deep sea fishes like the Alfonsino and Mirror Dory,” Bella frantically explained, tensely impressed by your experience and ability. “How were you able to catch them?” All at once, you had felt the entire world drop onto your shoulders, mutually, Ellie and Joel had looked at you, along with Bella, they had expected an answer. You had grown to be annoyed of Bella’s presence, but it wasn’t like she knew what you were and had wanted to expose you, this was just a person who was directly curious to how you were able to catch these deep-sea creatures.
You had gracelessly smiled; your body was arthritic as you had attempted to think of an answer. “I was lucky.”
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“Jolly Sailor Bold,” Ellie expressly repeated as she had stuck her eyes onto the screen that had loudly played the movie Cat had given to her. Ellie had sat between you and Joel and had selfishly held the bowl of popcorn to herself, you weren’t really a fan of popcorn so you didn’t really care she had munched most of it, howbeit, the one who was chiefly annoyed was Joel who had a hard time sticking his hand into the bowl.
Apart from the popcorn, Ellie had continuously commented about the Sirens who surrounded the boat the pirates were in, spoke about how they were pretty but scary at the same time. “The Sirens remind me of you, [Y/N], especially the singing, but yours is nicer.”
“She definitely sings like one, don’t she?” Joel smiled while he had glanced at you and observed the awkward smile that had stretched against your face, you did not know how much more you had to awkwardly smile, but if it helped you to keep hiding your identity, you would smile even more.
You had forced yourself to giggle, with your arms crossed you looked back at Joel with a knowing look. “Are you trying to imply if I’m a mermaid?”
“Siren,” Ellie teasingly corrected.
As you pushed yourself to laugh, you carefully shook your head. “No, I’m not a Siren,” you cautiously reassured ere you returned your sight to the screen, you had felt Joel’s long gaze leave you a couple seconds later, he seemed unsatisfied, as if he had wanted you to say something else, disclose yourself and explain your inhuman characteristics, but there was no way Joel discerned that you were a Siren, he couldn’t have known.
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It had been a month, and once again you had left Jackson without telling Joel or Ellie, it had been three days since you had disappeared and Joel had taken the initiative to follow you himself. Perhaps his eagerness would’ve been less ardent if the weather wasn’t as stormy as it was today. The weather was terrible with all the rain, thunder and lightning, before he left Jackson, he had Tommy attempt to calm him and have him stay until the weather had calmed down, even if Tommy was just as worried as Joel, riding out in this storm wasn’t the best idea, but he had to remember that whenever Joel made up his mind, it was hard to change it.
It had taken him hours for him to arrive to where you were, it was the singing that had caused him to stand correct that he finally made it to the correct fishing area, he was confused, not muddled because of the singing, mainly because of the amount of variety of fishes that had quickly swam towards the melody.
He had seen you catch them with a net and dive for more, without any equipment to provide you with aid, you had done it naturally, nevertheless, that was not even the ultimate surprising problem, what took Joel into a state of numbness was the long black tail that had seemed to be connected to the lower side of your waist, it was black with blue shades, beautiful but scary. Though, no matter how stunning your tail was, it had scared him and it took a lot for Joel to be scared.
Joel had gotten off his horse then tied his horse, Old Beardy away before he had dragged himself to follow you; you had sensed that there was someone else with you which had commenced you to swim behind a large body of rocks and change yourself back to your human form. You had hastily put on some of your clothes that had included a black bikini underwear and a short-sleeved top that coloured matched your lower clothing.
Shoeless, you had moved your feet against the sand to view who must’ve been in your area. “Joel?” You quickly breathed, surprised, your arms were crossed against your stomach, you had felt your heart attempt to jump out of your chest, “What are you doing here?” You briskly questioned, your eyebrows were furrowed and skin and clothes damp from the continuous fall of rain, but you hadn’t cared, Joel was here.
He was silent, his mind muddled during the time he tried to piece everything together, you had moved yourself closer to him but he had skimpily moved away from you. “Why were you following me?” You curiously asked, you had been fishing and coming back to Jackson with no injury long enough for anyone to not be worried, but once again, this was Joel, he was protective and would do anything to know that his loved ones were safe.
“The storm,” he barely replied, “I was worried so I came to look for you.” Not too long after his response, thunder had cried out with a breath of lightning not too far, the both of you had barely flinched, the strain between the two of you was far too forceful for it to be distracted by anything else.
“No storm isn’t going to stop me from getting more fish,” you dryly joked.
“I can see that,” he stiffly replied.
You had forced yourself to smile to his bare response. “It was romantic of you to come after me,” you comically said, “we should go back home,” you then gently instructed, optimistic to go back home with your lover, you took another step towards him but he took a step back, this step larger than the last one. You had furrowed your eyebrows; you were in hopes he hadn’t seen anything but today was an unlucky day for you.
“What are you?”
As a consequence, there was the question you had dreaded to hear from him. You had then hugged your body, in a faux confused state, you had blinked a numerous number of times and stiffly laughed. “What do you mean?”
He had blankly stared at you and had wondered how many times have you lied to him and acted dumb to questions he asked before. “There’s a lot of things about you that doesn’t make any sense, one of it you having a tail.”
You laughed at him as your arms weakly dropped to your sides. “I don’t have a tail. Maybe you’ve caught the fever that’s going around Jackson, maybe that mermaid movie influenced your mind too.”
“This isn’t the time to be joking,” Joel rudely replied.
You had easily shrugged, evasive to his questions, “help me carry the fish back to Jackson,” you had then turned your back towards him and began to make your way to your net.
“Don’t avoid this,” he called out as he followed you to where you had stored the fish. “It all makes sense, your strangeness, you leaving without telling me or even Ellie. My unnatural feelings for you, and you have these habits that are inhuman.” You weakly scoffed at his listing, this was one of the last ways you had wanted yourself to be exposed, it was undesirable, but of course Joel was the man who always wanted to know everything. “With the way people easily get mesmerised by you to the point it can get dangerous.”
“Maybe I’m just that beautiful,” you humorously replied, you had turned to look at Joel who displayed a tired and deadpan look in response. “Come on, in this weather you can get sick.”
Desperate and hopeless to prove a point, Joel clenched his fists, he hadn’t moved his feet but watched you attempt to leave but once you noticed he wouldn’t move until he got something out of you, you had rebounded to face him. “There’s just something unnatural about you.”
“Maybe it’s because you don’t trust me,”
Now, it was your turn to be tired, you had been fishing the entire day with no rest, whenever it was stormy, it was easier for you to get fish, but that had meant more work to do. “How can we have this relationship if you don’t trust me, Joel?”
“It’s because you don’t trust me!”
Exhausted and angry, Joel dropped his shoulders, irritated that she had always found humour in everything, or whenever he’d make a good point, she would always make him the problem. His voice was loud, and had mirrored the boisterous thunder that paraded in the sky, his loud response had shocked you into silence, you had finally realised how serious he was, he wasn’t just a curious partner who had wanted to know the secrets of his girlfriend. Your blinds were lifted and you were confronted with the paranoid and suspicious partner who had thought that his partner might’ve been cheating on him.
“You never tell me anything, when you’re leaving to fish, or the random moments you leave and return to your home without saying anything to me. I can tell when someone’s hiding something from me,” he sighed without hope, he had thought maybe it wasn’t the best idea to chase you in this weather, he could feel himself get ill, but there was you, you had barely worn anything and it seemed like the weather hadn’t impacted you at all.
You had remained calm even if you had wanted to bawl your eyes out and you weren’t going to cry because he was angry at you, but it was because what you were about to do now, would change the way he would feel about you for the best or for the worst.
Furthermore, you had changed, without your tail, but you had slowly revealed your inhuman state, your skin had faded into a lighter shade and your pupils had clenched into slits, gills in your cheeks had ripped open and your hands became webbed, your teeth were sharp and your hair had dropped into a longer length. You were beautiful but you were not human.
“Christ!” Joel called out, frightened he had taken a step back, he did not want to see this, see this beast that had been his lover. She had tried to speak and reach out to him, but he had hastily and harshly waved his hands forward, signalled that he had wanted her away from him. His heart was beating fast as he tried all quiet methods to calm himself down. “So, that’s how you were able to catch the fish?”
He had felt crazy, he had felt himself spinning into a turmoil of insanity and he wanted it to all go away, but it couldn’t, someone he used to make love to, the woman he had thought to be his forever partner, was an ungodly creature, one that he couldn’t understand and one he couldn’t bring himself to face. His eyes had avoided you and it hurt you. “You bewitched me,” he stuttered, and the moment he had brought himself to face you, his eyes snapped open in rage, “you spelled me!”
You had hopelessly taken a step closer to him, sadly content that he hadn’t moved away from you, but that was the least of your problems. “No, it was true love! It was all real! Everything I feel for you is true and what you feel for me is true as well!”
“No,” he shook his head, he had pointed his finger towards you, with a look of disgust, this Joel that had stood in front of you, had felt so unfamiliar, but you had to imagine what he must’ve felt. “I want you away from me.”
“We need to get back to Jackson.”
There it was again, pretending like nothing happened, it had caused him to glare at you, annoyed from your avoidant behaviour, he had moved away from you. “I need to get back to Jackson,” he bluntly corrected.
“Do you want me to leave Jackson?” You inquired, hopeful that he’d want you to stay.
Yet, he was silent, but not for long, he had eventually rebounded his gaze towards you, his look no longer the warm and kind gaze he’d usually have for you, this time, he had looked betrayed but bitter. “Do whatever you want just never be in my presence,” he dryly replied ere he unwrapped Old Beardy from where the horse was previously roped to and left you alone in the beach to dismally drown in your own pity.
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songs that fit this song ⬎
⟶ two lanes - november.
⟶ nelly furtado ft timbaland - say it right.
what do you think of this chapter? before i was actually planning to make them watch the movie aquamarine hence the title lol
if you want to join a the last of us discord/joel miller discord here you go! 𓆩♡𓆪
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st0rmyskies · 9 months
you absolutely dont have to answer this, but how would the hsh boys deal with a manhunt for an escaped killer trapping them inside? like, who would be wearing noise cancelling headphones 24/7 for the police sirens, and who would get fed up and go to hunt the guy down themselves? hope things get a little easier for you soon!
Actually I need this ask like you have no idea.
Twilight - The most lowkey nervous of the house. He's incredibly grateful to be living in Time's fortress, but he's also pretty freaked out living so close to or within the search area. He tends to double- and triple-check locks whenever he passes by doors and he'll snap at the others to stop opening windows, although he'll try to laugh it off and not let on how scared he is. Debates for a hot 30 minutes whether he should go visit home indefinitely. He loses the most sleep in the house listening to the helicopters at night.
Wild - He comes up with the most imaginative methods for how the killer might get into the house and terrorize the group, and he loves to share them out loud while working in the kitchen or when passing by the others lounging in the living room. It's pretty common to hear a bunch of them yelling "WILD!!" to get him to shut up now and then. But he's also weirdly not scared. Definitely has a "there's no way that would happen to me" attitude.
Champion - Completely nonplussed. He continues to keep his routine of working out, hanging in his room, going out when he needs to - although he does carry a concealed weapon on him when he leaves. Definitely has a hair-raising "fuck around and find out" aura to him.
Warriors - Gets weirdly serious about the situation at first. He's the first to check doors and windows to make sure they're secure. He keeps the television on the news channel - turned low, of course - for round-the-clock updates. He's constantly checking social media for updates and posting selfies of his arduous ordeal of being stuck inside. By day 5 or 6, though, he's starting to get bored. He's needling his roommates and starting petty fights for no reason, yelling at them when they try to change the channel, and spending way too much time in the bathroom trying new things with his hair.
Sky - Takes things seriously for the first 2-3 days. He keeps his eye on the news with Wars, he talks Twilight down when he can tell that he's a bit panicky, he's the first to gently change the subject when Wild starts to get a new fantasy in his head. By the 4th day, Sky is sick of being inside so much. ALWAYS down to accompany one of the others outside for an errand or whatever, so long as it isn't before 9am.
Legend - Is reasonably unaffected. He’s kind of a shut-in, really. Working with Ravio means that he doesn’t need to leave the house for much. He does like his occasional trip to the cafe but the coffee maker works just as well. When the others begin to get stir-crazy is when he starts to get bitchy and hides in his room most of the time. 
Hyrule - Still living his life. Escaped killer or not, Hyrule has a job that he still needs to get to. He's so dead inside at 5:30am each day that he could open the front door to the killer standing on their porch and just say "excuse me" and pass right on by with his work bag on his shoulder. Public transport isn't running, so Time is up with him each morning to take him to and from the hospital personally, which he supposes is a perk. At least Time doesn't expect too much in the way of conversation so early in the morning.
Four - He's quieter than usual and is spending a lot more time in his bedroom with the door locked and the curtains drawn. He'll come down for meals, but he excuses himself anytime Wild starts up with another fantasy about how the killer is going to come in and get them all in their sleep. He categorically AVOIDS the living room with the constant news feed about the situation. Alone in his room, though, he checks on the situation online at least twice a day, and he's watched the surveillance tape loops of the guy more than any of the others.
Shadow - Shortly after the whole circus starts, he's texting Four, offering to have him come stay at Shadow's place, which is much farther from the action. But Shadow has a basement apartment, which would make Four a bit paranoid. So 36 hours in, Shadow shows up outside of Four's window unannounced, nearly giving him a heart attack, and quietly moves in with him until the whole ordeal is closed. Somebody's gotta keep Four from falling apart all alone.
Wind - He literally could not care less, all up until his Amazon orders start coming up as "unable to be delivered due to emergency or weather situation." THEN he's stomping around the house, ranting and raving about the uselessness of the police force and that "It's just one guy!!" and "How hard can this be!!?" Most likely to get into it with Warriors and sent Legend in a disgruntled huff stomping off up the stairs.
Dark - Leaves some food and bottled water out on the fire escape each night like you'd put out milk and cookies for Santa.
Time - For the first few days, he’s the sensible dad. The townhouse is built to protect; he has enough locks and munitions to hold off an army. He keeps the blinds shut and the lights on and informs the boys that it’s smarter to travel in groups, only leave if you really need to, etc. By day 4 when the others are beginning to grumble and get restless, he reminds them to leave it to the proper authorities, but even he is getting a bit stir-crazy, barking at the boys when they’re peeking out the blinds or squabbling too loudly downstairs. On the evening of day 10, Time leaves the house with a duffel bag and only informs Twilight that he has some work to do and to keep the doors locked. He returns 18 hours later, showers, and passes out for the entire night and most of the next morning. He’s immediately more relaxed in the house and doesn’t harp on the others about keeping doors locked and so on. Later that day, the news reports that they’ve found what’s left of the escapee. 
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devnmon · 1 year
Days Gone Bye.
Chapter One: Written in My Stars
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Summary: Daryl and his brother Merle hear about the impending state of doom that's brought the apocalypse on in Atlanta. They hit the road, ending up in a nearby forest where Merle hatches a plan in order to get them "on top again", or so he says..
Daryl Dixon x Reader
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Chapter warnings: Merle Dixon, typical TWD violence/walkers, scary situations
wc: 3.1k
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The distant echo of sirens and helicopter blades filled the sky as Daryl Dixon and his brother Merle drove through backroads in a truck, with the trailer carrying Merle's motorcycle. They'd been ready to travel back into Atlanta, until the two heard reports of people dying and coming back to life, only to become a brainless species of creatures that roamed the Earth feasting on human flesh. Luckily for the Dixon brothers, their hobbies allowed them to adapt somewhat easily to living in the woods.
Granted, nights were terrifying, having to park on the side of the road, taking turns staying up all night to watch for the dead strolling by. Due to the rising number of walkers by day, the brothers found themselves stuck in one area or another.
A while passed before Merle spoke, the two sharing a pack of Daryl's cigarettes and listening to whatever broadcast on the radio they could find. Most of the stations replayed the same message, their outage for any connection to other individuals burning out. Daryl found himself sat chewing on his nails, another anxious habit and coping mechanism he couldn't seem to break.
"Ah shit.. damn tank's empty." Merle glanced down to the fuel indicator, lingering way past empty. Startled, Daryl looked over at his brother as they noticed the truck was starting to slow on its own.
"Guess we're walkin'.." Daryl trailed off as a police vehicle came into view. "Unless..."
The breaks of the truck squealed and brought it to a full stop, getting rolled off the road. Daryl b-lined right for the police vehicle with his knife drawn, clearing his sight line for walkers.
Daryl's better judgment deceived him, knowing there was no possible way a police vehicle this intact would have any fuel or power. As he opened the door, a stench of bad coffee and stale donuts wafted right into his face. Daryl hopped into the driver's seat, checking the console and glovebox for keys to the truck, before ripping the wires out from under the steering wheel to hot-wire.
Once, twice, three times Daryl tried to start the engine up, growing frustrated and sweaty at the dried out truck.
No gasoline, no food, and no useful supplies.
Daryl almost gave up, looking around until he remembered that all police cb radios run on battery power. The truck didn't need to have gas in it, the radio had its own supply of power. His hands shot towards the black box, twisting and turning dials for a more stable connection. He came across repeats of the same message, broadcasted on most of the news and local channels.
He was persistent, relentlessly tuning the radio for any chance of survivors, thinking he failed, until he'd heard a voice from one of the channels. He clamored for the walkie attached to it, finding the button that would communicate his voice with anyone's on the air.
"Hello? Is anybody there?" He panted, waiting for a response, but only getting broken pieces of audio in return. It was nothing he could make out. he was about to try again, until Merle's voice echoed behind him.
"What the hell are you doing over there, huh? Ain't no way you're gonna get through to anyone on that piece of crap." Daryl whipped his head around to where his brother sat, giving him an unbelieving look, shook his head, and continued calling out.
"Anyone?!? Is anyone there? I'm just off of mile 41 on the highway I-"
Daryl was so focused on trying to get in contact with the voice he heard, he hadn't picked up on Merle walking toward him. Out of nowhere, he slapped the radio out of Daryl's hands before he could go any further.
"Ain't nobody there, I told ya! Nobody gon' answer ya, boy! Now you listen to me, we're gonna take whatever shit we can carry, and get the hell outta here before someone shows up! Ya hear me?!"
Always with the yelling, his brother.
"Man, ain't you wanna know if there's people out there? We should at least try!" Daryl scoffed as he threw his hands in the air, hopping out of the truck.
"Both trucks got no fuel, no food. It's a waste of time. I say we leave 'er here, mark it on a map and then come back for our shit when we settle someplace.. You good with that, baby brother?"
"When you come back for your shit, ya mean.. Whatever. Let's jus' get outta here." Daryl gathered his pack and bow and slung them on his back.
"Alright, help me hide the truck." Merle started gathering some branches, but dropped them as Daryl just stood there.
"For what?"
"So my hog don't get stolen, that's why. No reason to leave a perfectly good bike out in the open to rust." He began picking them up again, Daryl helping him do so. They rolled the truck next to the police vehicle, draping the two of them with leaves. Against the trees, there wasn't much to see when the two trucks were covered. The brothers picked up what was left of their belongings, and headed out into the forest.
Merle spent much of the day blabbering on about the kind of misbehavior he used to get into when Daryl wasn't around; but he always reminded him that blood was thicker than water, making it clear to him that nobody would be there for him like his brother was. It was one of Merle's more manipulative tactics of getting Daryl to stay by his side, since the younger Dixon believed that he could only trust family in a time like this.
"So, ya really believe all that nonsense 'bout people comin back from the dead? Chewin' on human flesh? I dunno, man.." Merle's voice cut through the silence of the path they walked.
"Seems believable enough... mean, I haven't seen one of 'em dead freaks yet but when i do, I'll let ya know." Daryl continued to stare out into the distance.
The two were thick as thieves, set loose roaming a large section of a Georgia forest. These woods were familiar to the Dixon brothers, growing up hunting and camping here after their mother died.
Daryl had always been good with a crossbow, while Merle preferred guns, their weapons somewhat a mirror of themselves in a way.
Merle always said everything he was thinking, the exact minute he thought it. Always nitpicking and going on and on and on about things from the old world he got annoyed with, and how he would change it if he could. It was narcissistic and undeniably exactly who Merle was. Daryl on the other hand, only said what upset him when Merle pushed the right buttons. Most times they hashed it out, letting it go after that.
Other times, when Merle had made it so far under Daryl's already thickened skin, was when he truly couldn't tell his brother off. Instead, he took his thoughts out in a journal. Ever since his mother gifted him one, Daryl and his journal were inseparable. He found it comforting to place his thoughts somewhere else, relishing in the fact that he was putting his brain on paper. Daryl never told anyone about this hobby of his, since Merle would belittle him for not being "man enough" and dealing with his emotions a different way. Daryl wouldn't couldn't let Merle ruin his one safe space.
He found it easier to write how he felt more naturally when he was alone. Though he was alone the majority of days when Merle was hunting, he preferred when it was safe for him to let his guard down around himself. Sometimes he wished he could tell these thoughts to a person he loved. He had his doubts to if he would ever have someone like that in his life. But Daryl would wait for that day, no matter how long it took.
The first few days of travel were rough, the two learning to get used to the elements of earth once again. They camped out every two to three days in a different area, their daily activities including collecting tinder for campfires at night, since the summer days cooled down immediately after the sun set. It wasn't until Daryl started catching squirrels that they finally didn't go hungry for days.
One particular afternoon, after his daily, more than always successful hunt, Daryl returned to Merle packing up their supplies and campsite. Daryl didn't expect to be moving this early, since the two had just set up this site the night before. The squirrels he caught flung from around his chest as he walked toward merle.
"What's goin' on? We leavin' already? Man, I jus' got back from huntin' so we could eat!" Slightly agitated that Merle hadn't said a single word since he came over, his heart rate quickened and beads of sweat began to coat his palms.
"We gotta move on, baby brother. Can't stay here forever. Plus, I got an idea." Merle's smirk plastered across his face had the telltale signs of a plan that most likely had an ulterior motive.
The gear Daryl took off of his body clattered to the ground as he began to help Merle pack up their site. Sweat dripped from his forehead onto his arm, his light colored hair damp from being out all day in the heat.
"Yeah? An' what bright idea is that?" He shared a looked with Merle, skeptical at what was about to come out of his mouth. Most of his brother's plans involved violence, or not-so-friendly actions.
"We find a camp.. small one. Not too many people. We introduce ourselves, get to know 'em. Then one night while they least expect it, we rob 'em blind."
Holy shit, my brother's gonna get me fuckin' killed.
Merle's plan left Daryl realizing his brother will never change, knowing his juvie days were most, if not all, due to theft. It was a bad plan that could get the both of them killed, but he trusted Merle more than he doubted him. He only shot him a look of disbelief.
"What? Don't look at me like that, Darlina. You know that's exactly what we got to do in this world, or we ain't gonna make it. Admit it. C'mon.. First camp we find, we just wait for our moment."
"Alright, I'm in." Merle laughed and clapped his hands together, knowing he'd just roped Daryl into another one of his devious plans. The rest of his day was spent wondering silently if he was going to follow every single little thing Merle did, including his plan to rob the first camp they found.
He couldn't be bothered to pester his brother in order to change his mind about it, Daryl knew better than that. Instead, a begrudging feeling washed over him, resent for his brother poking at him.
As night came, the brothers set up camp once again, Daryl going out to hunt for their dinner like he always did. The older Dixon set up the campfire, kindling it and keeping it low until Daryl returned with meat. It was usually always squirrel, but on some occasions, Daryl was able to find a good size bird or slightly bigger animal to sustain them for the night. The two were a good team; always had each other's backs, cracking jokes and whatnot until they eventually ended up arguing again.
This time, it was over who got the bigger piece of meat; Daryl believed he was entitled to it, being the one who always hunts for their food. Merle chose to butt in with his ever so familiar I taught you everything you know about huntin', baby brother, so you should show a little respect.
Exhausted from his travels, Daryl decided to bite his tongue and leave it at that. He scowled at his brother, watching as he chowed down on the bigger piece of meat, leaving his brother the less-meaty other half. Daryl grunted to himself as he ate, picking the bones clean and flicking them off into the distance. He glanced over at his brother once more as Daryl stood, picking up the strap of his pack and flinging it over his shoulder, doing the same with his bow.
"Takin' a piss. Be back." He glanced around the campsite, grabbing the flashlight he'd placed on the log stump near him, "An' put out the fire."
"Whatever you say, Darlina." Merle chuckled to himself, continuing to eat his portion of meat by the fire. He watched as Daryl walked away, knowing he would return sooner or later.
Daryl found himself wandering for a place to sit and relax for a few minutes without the presence of Merle. Grabbing his flashlight, he clicked it on for more visibility of the forest, although he was always aware of his surroundings. Daryl was skilled in everything Merle had taught him, almost better at everything than him. The archer was more precise, more patient, more undetectable when he hunted. Not to mention those skills coming in handy in times like this. His left hand went for his belt, the leather sheath carrying the blade Daryl's had since he was 15. It was a simple hunting knife, with a wooden handle, his initials carved into it as well.
Unsheathing the strap just in case he needed to act fast, Daryl's eyes darted around the dark forest. Only the sound of crickets and nocturnal animals filled the air, still cooling down without the sun's blazing heat. The time was lost to him as he continued to walk through the trees.
Daryl froze in his tracks as he picked up scattered footsteps nearby. The steps sounded human, but he'd been confused by the sound, since he knew Merle wouldn't leave the campsite unattended.
He crouched down behind a nearby tree, pulling out his knife and gripping it in the palm of his hand. As the footsteps grew closer, Daryl turned to the right, a large tree coming into view. This was the perfect spot he'd been looking for, until he bean to hear those same footsteps again.
Staggered, like a wounded animal, but coulda sworn those were human, unless...
In that moment, Daryl reacted the fastest he ever had, whipping his body around just in time to push away a geek one step from taking a bite out of him. This was the first one of the dead he'd come across, so he was a little overtaken by how it repeated to lunge at him, driven by the hunger death brought.
Daryl grasped for its neck, the groaning sound and stench of the dead-body-walking overwhelming him. It took Daryl a minute to realize his knife was in his hand. As a reflex, he plunged the knife into the geek's abdomen, but when it faltered only slightly, Daryl's eyes widened.
Grunting, he pushed the figure back, kicking its knee when it approached again so it fell, still grabbing for him.
"Maybe this'll do it..." He raised his right arm, plunging the blade into its forehead. A slight cracking sound was heard, before the walker ceased movement, lying lifeless on the ground.
Daryl's chest heaved, glancing around cautiously, to check if any walkers decided to tread behind the one he'd already put down. He pulled the blade out of the walker's head, the cracking of it's skull sounding out. His hand tugged at the red rag in his back pocket, cleaning the sharp metal of his knife, sheathing it back around his waist.
The first time Daryl actually looked up from the body below, a small smile cracked onto his face. Though he'd almost been food for a walker, he still thought it was the perfect place to take a seat.
"So that's what ya sumbitches look like, huh? Me, one, geek, zero."
Daryl spit at the lifeless body on the ground, and walked away.
He approached the area he'd spotted earlier, dropping his bow and pack to the ground, reaching for his pack quite quickly. The buckles clinked as his leather bag opened, rough against the skin of his fingertips. Daryl reached inside, his brain knowing what he's grabbing for. As his hand felt around in the pack, the object in mind was book-like, but not quite close. Daryl finally pulled the leather bound journal out of his pack, his hand diving right back in to find his writing utensil. He was picky with those, only wanting to use a specific type because of how smoothly they wrote.
He knew it was irrational to be picky with pens, this was the apocalypse, of course. But he always went out of his way to find more pens every time he went out, never wanting to run out of the right kind.
Daryl muttered to himself as he finally found the pen, stuffed in the bottom, under everything else. Relief washed over him as he undid his journal, flipping through pages of past entries and little drawings of things he saw on the road.
He started a new entry, labelling it 'day one' for the first day of the new world. Daryl only had one rule for himself: don't let anyone know about your journal.
God forbid Merle found out.
Daryl knew the only thing he would hear from him about it was a tangent about how soft he was, how he needed to just face his emotions like "real men do". It was just one bit of the bullshit Merle threw at him. Daryl only threw punches when his brother infuriated him to no end, always going on about some stupid minuscule thing he did before the fall. Though he felt guilty for going along with all the things Merle did, some legal, most illegal, at least he had someone that would always be there. Daryl believed that he would only have family in the end.
For now, he only had Merle.
As he sat, Daryl took the opportunity to look up at the stars that now populated the sky. He took a breath, inhaling as his lungs filled with air, and exhaling, taking the stress from his day today and letting it wash out of his body. The cool air settled on his skin, settling his heart and calming him.
Daryl finally looked down at the page, clicked his pen, and began writing.
Day one
Been out n on the road with Merle since we got back from huntin’ and everyone was sayin' the dead were walkin' round chewin' on people. So we packed what shit we had n left. Been in the woods huntin' and eatin' whatever we could manage. Merle’s been sayin we should rob the first camp we find. Dunno how I feel about it, don’t think random people deserve that shit. They deserve to survive as much as us. Hopefully we’ll find somewhere safe soon.
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A/n: I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this fic! Feedback motivates me to write more, so please don't hesitate to leave some in my inbox!!
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ashtrayfloors · 1 year
Perhaps day becomes night when the signs of the city light up. What were in the daytime complete words, like linwood super foods, become, upon illumination, the mere and bereft od fo. Over the pickup window of the algreens, it is dr e t ru, china market abbreviates to china, flacos auto to flac to. Nightfall in this city—the kind of city where businesses either can’t afford to fix their signs or don’t care to, or just haven’t yet—could be defined as “the moment in which some of the letters of our words disappear.” A few words, however, remain clear and fully spelled in the fresh semidarkness. tension envelopes, for example, never burns out.
Perhaps night begins when the gray-green of dusk meets the sensors built into the dashes of cars. Light sensors lack subtlety. All absence of brightness is to them, as Mary Shelley once described an eclipse, “night, sudden, rayless, entire.” The headlights click on without notice, meet each other on the streets, not quite needed yet except to announce night’s probable approach. Handfuls of cars line up at the now-illuminated signs of drive-throughs. Fast-food workers—elderly women, teenagers, mothers of small children, and people just out of prison—are at the end of their evening shifts or the beginning of their night ones. The workers stand against the aggressively lit backdrop of the drive-through window and lean into dusk to hand out taco supremes or medium fries.
The voices of the drive-through workers almost carry to the sidewalks as dark falls. The air cools, and drivers roll down their windows so that whatever song plays can drift behind them like whiffs of a rich person’s perfume. At the intersections, there is competing spill off, music against music, or sometimes, if everyone is listening to the same station, music in stereo with satisfied sideways looks from car to car. Motorcycle engines rev with greater pride at night. Perhaps night begins when sound becomes more vivid than sight.
Helicopters—police, ambulance, local news—circle overhead more, make more clatter, become more arrogant, ominous, and loud. They, along with all sirens, warn the rest of the city that despite the apparent permissions of the coming night, the social apparatus remains intact and vigilant. Helicopters are to night as lawn mowers and leaf blowers are to Saturday mornings. They exist to ruin everything wild.
—Anne Boyer, from “The Fall of Night” (Lapham’s Quarterly)
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words2livebyblog · 9 months
Friday, August 5, 2011
On the first night…
Imagine a monster the size of a house outside your building. See it rise out of the East River on a cold December night and settle next to your bedroom window, Manhattan lights from across the river dancing along its scales, two explosions of steam shooting from its nostrils and fogging the glass. Imagine that it loves you and will tear the flesh of those who don’t. Imagine it will never leave you. Let this inexplicably lull you to sleep.
In the morning…
Forget about the monster. Play Tetris in bed. Play well. Decide that if you score over 100 lines then he still loves you. Final score: 99.
Cry on the F train. Make it look like you’re resting your eyes, or concentrating on the music in your earphones, but feel something move from your chest to your throat, like a worm through an apple and let your eyes swell, get fat with tears. Then count the stains on the floor of the train, see them blur and drown, change shape. Trust that the strangers around you assume you have bad allergies this morning. Decide it doesn’t matter. Let them look at you and wonder.
Reach 23rd Street and feel suddenly haunted by two words. Let them arrive like a car accident, a violent Subaru running a red light. Hyper. And sensitive. Put them together and feel your hands get wet. Look up at the digital letters glowing red above the heads of standing passengers, hear the woman from the future’s voice through the loudspeaker. The Next Stop is Hyper Sensitive. Stand clear of the Hyper Sensitive.
Think of your Hyper Sensitivity as a condition, like asthma. Or a limp. Imagine the rest of your life with a limp.
That night…
Have a cigarette by your window and blow smoke at a faded moon. Play a sad song on your stereo, a woman’s voice, or guitar strings. A violin. Try to let it comfort you, knowing it should be his hands playing notes against the back of your neck, rubbing your scalp maybe, or pressing his thumbs into your shoulders. Feel your skin plead for his touch, every small hair on the surface reaching, like a nest of birds, newly hatched, starved.
Don’t enjoy the cigarette. See the smoke camouflaged and lost against your cream colored walls, making it feel like it doesn’t count.
Call a friend. Tell her everything:
You: He said I was a nightmare.
Her: You gave him nightmares?
You: Probably. But what I think he meant was being with me was a nightmare. Working with me was a nightmare. In fact, he said, working with you is a nightmare. You are a NIGHT. MARE.
Her: Ouch.
You: Do you think I’m a nightmare?
Her: Um…
Wait for her to answer.
You: Well, do you think working with me is a nightmare?
Her: Um…
Tell her thanks for listening, but that it’s time to take your dog for a pee. Feel like you swallowed a large boot. Imagine vomiting it into her lap.
Her: You’re not a nightmare. You’re… sensitive.
Walk the dog. Stay a few steps behind her, following like a piece of toilet paper stuck to a shoe. Imagine letting go of the leash and floating away. Know your dog won’t notice, her senses occupied by things living in the dirt and concrete that are more appealing than the smell of your sadness. So float away. Watch your dog get smaller and smaller and keep going. Until all you see is the roofs of buildings, squared shapes like a game of Tetris. Fit them together and watch them disappear. Try to make the world below you disappear. Create an empty canvass of black. And when there’s nothing left, fall. Never landing.
In bed…
Keep the monster from the East River by your window for another night. But this time it is discovered! Sirens and flashing lights, helicopters. Bombs exploding, the monster roars. Create a force field around the monster. Ride it’s back and terrorize Brooklyn.
Sleep and dream of something else entirely. Arrive at your old high school in your mother’s 1987 Volvo station wagon. Get out of the car and realize you’re naked from the waist down. Pretend this is normal, but feel yourself travel through humiliation like a ship through a dense fog. See him among a crowd of loud teenagers and realize you are there to pick him up from school. He is strolling, wearing a backpack full of books. He is happy and talking on a cell phone. He is beautiful. He sees you and his smile fades. He tells whoever is on the other end of his call that he has to hang up. Get scared that your presence is not expected, nor welcome, that you’re a stalker. But then he greets you, kisses you. His lips are withholding. Wake up and realize that every kiss in the real world was like this. Withholding and afraid.
Walk slowly to the F train, a boot in your chest, a bloody corpse handcuffed to your ankle.
During your walk…
Add up your flaws. Organize and separate them physically in your mind like cutlery. The forks from the knives from the spoons from your envy and your resentment from your suffocating loneliness from the smaller spoons and oddly shaped spoons from your angry righteousness and your very conditional loving from the sharp knives and the dull knives from the strange shape of your penis from the chopsticks from the can opener.
Put your flaws in an imaginary box, neatly arranged and placed according to their shape and size. Throw the box in the East River and watch it float away. Imagine shooting at it with a handgun, trying to sink it. Miss. Watch it live loudly on the surface of the water, floating past the Statue of Liberty, bobbing in the wake of the Staten Island ferry, washing up on the shore of a beach somewhere, discovered and opened by him, who recognizes the items in the box like bad memories from his childhood. See him bury the box in the sand.
Get off the F train.  Climb the stairs of the subway station, drag your corpse up 6th Ave. Turn onto 26th Street and run into the last person you’d like to run into.
Them: Heyyyy! How are youuuuu?
You: Goooood. How are youuuu?
Them: I’m greeaaat! You look tired
You: Yeah?
Them: Someone special keeping you up late?
You: Only creatures from the East River.
Them: Huh? You’re crazy.
You: Yeah.
Them: Hey, you still seeing that guyyyy?
You: It didn’t work out.
Them: Awwwwwwwwww, that sucks. You working?
Shrug and sweat. Try to find the courage to push this person into moving traffic. Fail. Realize that your shoulders have reached your ears and that it’s hard to swallow. Hate this person. Lose track of what they are saying because you are watching them die an excruciating death. Get caught.
Them: Um. Are you okay?
Imagine answering no and breaking, shattering into a million pieces of you, an exploding hourglass, dried up rose pedals crushed in a fist. See your self stuck to the bottom of people’s shoes rather than swept away by the wind.
Them: Cheer up, will you? And come see my show!
Go see the show on the off chance that he might be there since he knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who’s in the show. Take a seat in the back row. Notice you are tripping and bumping on your way to sit down, your limbs clumsy and slow, unable to keep up with the speed of your heart. Keep your eyes on the floor and the backs of people’s heads. Every now and then pretend that something has called your attention and forced you to look up. Then search for him and feel the layers of your skin flash hot. Don’t find him. Feel a mixture of relief and misery. Wait for the lights to go down and take your first breath. Be careful not to breathe too deep because at the bottom of your lungs is a sob.
In the dark, watch a show about a young girl who meets an older man. They are both searching for home and find it in each other. They are afraid, but drawn to each other like magnets, like a newborn to a breast. They try to destroy each other. The man understands that in order to save her he must make her leave, so he hurts her, so deeply she barely survives. Weep. Wipe tears from your neck. Allow your face to make different shapes of grief in the dark.
Mary your emotion with inspiration, with progress. Board the train back to Brooklyn and study the strangers around you. Love them. Each of them. Give an older woman your seat and have a better view of everybody from where you’re standing. Die for them, give them everything you have. Feel your toes pulling your socks away from the soles of your shoes to contain your elation, press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and clench your teeth to suppress a stupid smile. Watch a child holding a silver balloon. Imagine buying the child one thousand more.
Walk home from the train with a strange tickle in your groin. Remember the first time you saw him, sitting near him and studying his feet, the amount of hair on his head. His nervousness. The moment you caught him noticing you and the air beginning to sing.
Remember being amazed by all the details, subtle communications, by the way he leaned against a counter and watched a fly travel across the plastic surface of a table.
Enter the front door of your apartment and embrace your dog. Speak to her in a ridiculous voice. Feed her treats. Get on your computer and write enthusiastic emails. Tell someone it’s been too long, make plans. Tell someone else they’ve been on your mind, that you look forward to clinking drinks together in a place with loud music and candle wax dripping onto a bar.
Get on Facebook. Study people’s profiles, read their status updates. “Like” them, post comments. Type his name into the search engine. Look at his profile picture. See a handsome picture of him on a mountain, smiling in a green world. Remember the trip and the moment the picture was taken. Notice the picture has been cropped to remove you from the foreground. Read the posts on his wall. He is making plans. He is going dancing. He will meet a guy named Roger who is shirtless, who has muscles and a gotee. Scroll further down. He is reading about Buddhism. He is discovering Kandinsky. Scroll further. There is a quote:
“A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones.” CHER
Lose touch with the lower half of your body and feel the boot turn to solid steel in your chest. Hear a strange sound behind you. Turn and see that your dog has vomited a thick yellow substance onto the floor. Clean up the vomit.
Get in bed. Hold your pet close to you. Close your eyes but they feel violent behind your eyelids. Listen to your pet’s breathing and consider her death, the inevitability of it. Feel stupid for loving something you know you will outlive.
Stay in bed. Wait for the monster to visit you. Wait until morning.
Stay in bed.
Beg for the day to end, for the hours to blow by without size or significance. Hate the weight of your head, the feel of anything against your skin. Listen to the sound of a neighbor waking and showering, the whistle of a teapot. Hear it mocking you. Know if you get out of bed you will feel the cold chill of shame hiding in your bathroom tiles and pushing against the naked bottoms of your feet. You will see your image miserable with an electric toothbrush in its mouth, you will wish you could shower and be dissolved, melt the skin off your bones and kill the heart that can’t be loved.
Stay in bed. Plead into a pillow. Make the mistake of slipping into sleep. Dream of your mother. She is alive. She is wearing a hat and you can’t see if she is crying. Beg your father not to leave her. Look into her eyes when she offers you a plate of food. Know that if you refuse it, you will lose her again and again and again.
Wake up.
Listen to your phone ring. Listen to it not ring. Wait for the monster.
Another neighbor leaves his/her house. Your dog is scratching at the floor, it sounds like the ugly heart inside you. Stay in bed.
Buy a new game on your iphone. There are zombies and you can shoot them with a number of different weapons. Advance to a high level and buy a chainsaw. Saw their heads off, split them in two and step across their remains. Kill 1,572 zombies. A high score. Get out of bed.
Go to the bathroom. Take your iphone with you. Kill more zombies.
Walk the dog. See zombie bloodstains on the sidewalk. Hear zombie killing music in your head.
Continue walking. Make your way to the river.
When you get there have this fantasy:
There is a small dinghy tied to a dock. You get in it with your dog, untie the knot and float out to see. The world disappears quickly and soon you and your animal are surrounded by water. Heavy, melancholy clouds hover and you can’t distinguish the ocean from the sky in the horizon. It is endless. It is the end.
Your heart is peaceful. Your dog rests her head on the edge of the raft, ears alerting every once in a while to any passing activity on the surface of the water. You fall asleep and dream of nothing, only the presence of water. When you wake up, it’s night out. It is pointless to open your eyes because you can see nothing in the darkness, only the sound of the sea and it sounds like nothing. You can feel the warmth of your animal against your body and your senses strive for something more, reaching for a noise or a shape but can find nothing, only the water and the darkness.
Float further and further out to sea. The darkness burns away and you see the sun rise over a dead calm. An enormous shadow appears from below. The surface bubbles and is broken, the calm is shredded and the monster rises from the deep and is before you, a silhouette of hugeness dripping wet and framed by the kind light of the sun. Have this conversation with the monster:
The Monster: What are you doing here?
You: I’m not sure. Where have you been?
The Monster: Yeah, um…
You: I’ve been waiting for you.
The Monster: Sorry. You brought your dog?
You: Well…
The Monster: Is she hungry? Have some of this.
You: Thanks. You’re very kind. Are you ever coming back?
The Monster: Hm.
You: I sleep better when you’re around.
The Monster: I understand.
You: I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it if you don’t come back to me.
The Monster: Don’t make this weird.
You: Sorry. I’m not myself these days. Or maybe I am myself, maybe I’m exactly me and that’s the problem.
The Monster: Well that doesn’t sound very healthy.
You: That’s what I’m trying to tell you.
The Monster: Right.
You: Can I stay here with you?
The Monster: Um…
You: I like it here.
The Monster: I don’t think it’s such a good idea.
You: Why not?
The Monster: Don’t cry.
You: It’s just… Things aren’t really working out. I’m not sure I have anything good to contribute.
The Monster: Hm.
You: You don’t really want to hear this, do you?
The Monster: It’s not that.
You: It’s okay. I get it. Maybe I should just go.
The Monster: No. Stay a while.
You: Really?
The Monster: Sure.
Spend the day with the monster. Watch it do tricks in the water, turn the surface of the ocean into a Vegas fountain. Talk about things that aren’t painful, things that float through the air like flakes of skin. Sit through silences between the two of you. Watch the color of the air change, the calm of the water reach a stillness that freezes your reflection like a photograph. Stare into the water. Ask the monster to show you the bottom of the sea. Feel surprise when it agrees to. Then take its hand and sink. Think of Virgina Woolf with stones in her pockets, of Holly Hunter with a rope tied to her ankle and attached to a piano.
Go to the bottom of the sea.
When you get there ask for some time alone. The Monster will reluctantly agree and fade from you like a memory.
Sit at the bottom of the sea. Do some thinking. Relive a happy memory. Invent the details that are missing to keep it from slipping away. Think of a childhood pet, the first time you tried a doughnut. Stealing gum from a candy store, getting caught. Remember the fourth grade. Missing every Friday recess because you could never find a way to behave. Remember the first time you learned to hide something in your heart and understand that your very first secret has been hiding inside all this time, shaking just under the skin, afraid of his touch, but longing to be held, released. Set free.
Feel your thoughts lift and float to the surface, your pores flooding and the pain inside squeezed out of you like the final remains in a tube of toothpaste.
Finish the fantasy here.
Take your dog home. Feed her dinner. Make something for yourself.
Call your local cable company. Order movie channels and recording options in preparation for the lonely nights ahead. Forgive yourself for this.
Think of writing some of this down but have a cigarette instead. Forgive yourself for this.
Forgive yourself and eat some ice cream. Do some online shopping, watch porn.
Wake up in the morning one day closer to having cable television. Brush your teeth, take a shower. Walk the dog.
Think of the sea.
Ride the train into the city. Sit across from a handsome man. Feel ignored. Look for the attention of a different stranger each time the sliding doors close. Give a woman your seat. Say your welcome after she thanks you. Imagine her scolding the boys that don’t love you back.
Feel the safety of all the people you don’t know on this train ride, of having them near you. Let them protect you. Let them love you. Until you reach your destination.
Posted by Pedro Pascal at 2:40 PM
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bowserphobia · 7 months
Scattered thoughts under the cut. Mass casualty event, two mass shootings in my town last night and the guy is still out there. Content warning for that.
This is so fucking surreal and awful. I can’t believe it but I can. Scrolling through the internet is insane right now because I’ve read this story and seen these threads and heard these bullshit conspiracy theories a million times but now it’s about MY town.
Last night my sister and I listened to the police scanner to try and figure out what was going on and I don’t think I will ever forget the tone in the responders’ voices as long as I live. Our town was not prepared for this. I live right be the hospital and all last evening there were nonstop sirens and helicopters flying overhead from towns hundreds of miles away. Nothing like this has ever happened here before.
It’s frustrating because it’s the same story. It’s the same thing over and over but now it’s HERE.
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ssaakuraaa · 2 years
songs 2 listen 2 at full volume/my fav songs
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dream of you
fantastic baby
fire saturday
girls like us
girls talk
step back
DUMB DUMB - somi
run away - txt
ancient dreams in a modern land
back door
the baddest
the baddest female
beam beam
beauty full
black mamba
black or white
blow your mind
bon bon chocolat
the boys
breaking out
bring the noize
burn - sunmi
butterfly - wjsn
can’t get you out of my mind
cast pearls before swine
cause i’m god girl
cherry - itzy
cheese in the trap
close to me
crazy kids
comme does garçons
#cookie jar
cooler than me
cool for the summer
dangerous in love
kill this love
ddu du ddu du
do it again
don’t give a what
i’m the trend
dumdi dumdi
don’t know what to do
do what we like
dun dun
electra heart
empire - gidle
everybody’s got a $ecret
fake & true
flipp!ng a coin
forever young
funky boy
get it
get loud
get up
girls are back
good girl
gotta go - sunmi
got that boom
the great mermaid
happily ever after
hate me, hurt me, love me
hide & seek
hot - twice
hot summer
i am the best
i don’t miss u
i’m not cool
in my dreams
in & out
umpah umpah
sunny side up!
tiki-taka (99%)
in the summer
is this bad bitch number?
july 7th
killing me
la di da
hi high
love dive
love fool
love foolish
love line
love spell
love to hate me
lucid dream
luv me
make me go
how you like that
pretty savage
mary jane holland
mirror mirror
mr. taxi
highway to heaven
my bag
my heart skip a beat
never stop me
nobody like you
not friends
oh sorry ya
love it if we made it
bees & honey
pieces of love
ping pong - hyuna&dawn
ping pong - cherry bullet
pretty psycho
paint the town
queen - 3ye
queen - twice
really bad boy
rollin’ - brave girls
run the world (girls)
say my name
see u later
sexxx dreams
shake it
shot clock
shut down
sorry not sorry - itzy
stay tonight
stuck in my head
super moon
sweet & easy
thank you
ting ting ting
trick it
turn it up
turn me on
va va voom
pound the alarm
ven para
wa da da
want it?
we go
what’s your name
whatta man
what the flower
who dis?
wild wild west
wish you were sober
wow thing
yeppi yeppi
you and me together
you better not
yummy yummy love
zoo - red velvet
expectations - girls day
the long night
rum pum pum pum
that kavka shishido song that’s like dadida idk the translation💀
holler - girls generation
home - yezi
like a cat
locked inside a door
perfect world
baby blue love
fuK u lol
no love again
oh my summer
pretty boys
psycho - soyeon
follow the white rabbit
people watching
breakfast at a funeral
fire - taeyeon
fire - 2ne1
i`m a B
red lights
selfish - moonbyul
lovers in the night
bother me
show! show! show!
lxxk 2 u
your teeth in my neck
heat - loona
fairy of shampoo
good boy gone bad
running up that hill
rock with you
what you waiting for? - gwen stafani
chi mat ba ram
hula hoop
so bad
butterfly - loona
cherry (real miracle)
love cherry motion
what you waiting for - somi
dumb dumb - red velvet
good day
i’m so sick
like this summer
love shhh!
mayday - sohodolls
heart attack - loona
blue flame
ready or not
dancing queen - girls generation
pose - loona
sassy me
don’t call me again
sweet summer day
slow down - stayc
jackpot - red velvet
sweet talk
top girl
that that
falling in love
after school
hello - joy
feel my rhythm
buenos aires
good luck
b.b.b big baby baby
catch the stars
ring my bell
that’s a no no
the night is still young
short hair
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daggerzine · 1 year
Sleepy Gonzales- Mercy Kill EP (Light Organ)
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You may not have heard of Sleepy Gonzales(me neither), but you soon will after this EP drops. Another great band out of British Columbia via Surrey. According to Discogs, they’ve only released a few albums; but if you check out their Bandcamp page, you’ll find a whole lot more. Two brothers, Beni and Cristian Hobson-Dimas met Ally Lowry in grade school. Throw in bass player Nick Moniz, and you have the band. The EP starts off with “Skylight,” a soft piano driven ballad. Gorgeously sung by Ally. Then the guitar kicks in and builds and builds ending with fireworks to seal the deal. The lyrics add to the mood, “I am a skylight, Seeping in, I don’t wanna be someone, Who never lets the sun in, What am I so proud of? My little accomplishments? Where am I even going? Who’s really listening? … I notice the leaves and the way that they fight, to grow an arm or two in the dark they wither and dance and hold onto chances.”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bDyChJdqHw 
Next up, “Destrøyer” shifts to an all-out wall of distortion. Lead, raspy male vocals take control leaving Ally’s vocals to the background. Another tale of wild times that ends in a sea of screams. “Said "I just don’t need it." Still found me in the yard out cold; Said they just don’t see it; Where we’re from, this ain’t an issue.” “Freaking Out” highlights the boy/girl harmonies of the band. Another fast-paced rocker.  The tense lyrics truly add to this song. “I am freaking outside and I know that you’re no good for me and I am no good for you, but I’ll stay with you all day, all night, if you ask me to. Those helicopters flocking over the beach, They are storming like killer bees coming to get me.” Track 4, “Couch Song,” slows things down a bit with Ally on lead vocals again. A sad song about family life struggles coupled with pursuing dreams. “Dad’s on the couch again; Mom’s on a rant again; You’re on the road again; And I’m shifting gears again.” The EP ends with the title track, “Mercy Kill (single edit).” Another showcase of the great boy/girl harmonies. A dreamy swirl of sound that you hope will never end. A crazy song that tells a story, but of what? Police, flowers, sharks, lobsters, who knows? But it adds to the mood. “A valley of sirens, At least 2 or 3 police carry me…A closet medicating lily of the valley daydream…To mistake the two while you’re taking out the shark teeth…Seeing Lobster body, Steaming pot lid, becoming a ceiling.” 
Despite touring through the US numerous times, looks like we’ll have to wait to catch these guys live. Not seeing any upcoming shows listed on their website. Mercy Kill is a great EP filled with a variety of sounds to tide us over until another full-length album surfaces. Looking forward to that, as well as, checking out the rest of their tunes on Bandcamp. ERIC EGGLESON
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
🖤 Mon 1 June 🖤
Louis issued a thoughtful personal statement: "as a white privileged man" it begins, and goes on to condemn police brutality and say "I want to let the black community know that I stand with you, and with anyone protesting in support of racial equality." He emphasized the need for individual change, said "to support this I have made private donations to a number of charities... I am with you. Black lives matter. All my love," and posted a graphic labeled 'I understand that I will never understand. However, I stand' as well as linking to a Black Lives Matter site with news, donation pages, personal resources, and more. I appreciate that he doesn't fall into the trap of supporting only certain protesters as other celebs are doing and the link is an excellent and thorough one. He also liked some of other peoples' statements on the issues earlier in the day, possibly he was making notes to write his own, including a post from Obama on strategies to sustain the current momentum and the DMAs' statement on anti black racism in both America and their native Australia.
Meanwhile Niall took to twitter to share his thoughts in a less formal way, by ranting about Trump mostly. He shared the same resource list that Louis (and lots of other people) posted, tweeted #theshowmustbepaused in support of the music industry's Black Out Tuesday tomorrow (Louis also liked a post about it) and wrote, "Let’s protest safely people. look out for each other. It’s time to really educate the younger generations that there should not be hatred based on the colour of the next persons skin. Only love. I go to bed tonight thinking of all my friends in America and hope they are safe."
#Louis Tomlinson#Niall Horan#who am i shading here with the other celebs thing you may ask? listen take your pic it's a sea of bad takes out there#but Gigi in particular is on my last nerve right now#Eleanor otoh posted a link to upcoming protests in London‚ nice‚ tho the accompanying selfie from the backyard of the mansion#strikes a somewhat jarring note#it's difficult to care about any of this tbh I'm sure many of you can relate#and these people seem less real to me than they ever have. what's it like to not hear sirens and helicopters all night after curfew#to not be in martial law and with people getting sick#can't relate!#Niall#Louis#I've critiqued the Harry and Liam's statements so i guess i should round it out:#Louis and Niall:#they both unconsciously center whiteness#Louis when he talks about how 'we' can support 'those facing issues' which low key assumes the reader isnt one of those facing issues#and Niall just talks about educating younger generations when he means younger White people (or he should)#so that's my complaint there#but i believe the reason is that neither of theirs was written with help from pr people so I think Louis especially did great#and his error is in keeping with his strength as a person which is that he very much speaks for himself and from his experience always and#and empathizes with others by relating things to his experiences#and niall's isn't an actual formal statement so I'll assume if it was it would have been...a bit more#1 june 2020#welp that was a fun distraction time to resume my nightly anxious hyper focused civil unrest tracking
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levworship · 3 years
look who finally wrote again smh. ngl, this one was pretty fun. small bakugou filth for the night.
cw: dubcon, fem reader, mean dom katsu, mf is a wanted criminal, degrading, ending kinda dark but not really, naive reader, poorly proofread.
word count: 770
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there were plenty of words that people could use to describe you. some may say that you were rather ambitious, while some may argue that you’re plain old annoying.
however, it was becoming increasingly evident by the minute that perhaps the best words to describe you would be painfully naive.
it was embarrassing in the cutest way possible, the way you’d so easily allowed a wanted criminal to not only wriggle his way into your home, but into your pants as well.
it truly was like something straight out of a shitty lifetime flick. just a few moments prior you’d been watching him in a long stretching car chase on your local news, just barely able to catch his name through the frantic nature of the broadcast. and if it wasn’t already obvious enough from the seemingly never ending list of crimes he’d committed in the past year alone, even katsuki bakugou’s appearance reeked of nothing but trouble.
you’d been able to register this from the moment his wanted poster was displayed on the television screen and all over every social media platform. and still, still, here you were, bent over like an eager puppy slut and allowing him to take your cunt however he wished.
katsuki bakugou was filthy. this was something you soon came to realize. it was evident in the way he carried himself, and especially in the way he treated others around him. but it became particularly obvious to you as his rough thrusts had you nearly head butting the television with every push. you damn near scream as he nudges against your gspot in just the right way.
“shut your filthy trap and listen, bitch.” he snarled, his calloused palm roughly grabbing at your cheeks and forcing your lips into a pretty pout. “‘re gonna miss somethin’. want you to know how fuckin’ dirty you are for fucking a low life criminal like me.”
you knew you should feel absolutely disgusted, both with him and with yourself, but fuck you couldn’t ignore the way your cunt was absolutely gushing around him. his crude words combined with his reckless pounding had you seeing stars in a way you never had before, and in the moment you couldn’t care less about all the people he’d hurt. not with the way his rough hand had moved down to pinch and clumsily rub at your clit, all while he continued to spew absolute filth at you.
“s-so mean” you managed to slur through your dick driven haze. bakugou spared you nothing but a scoff, hand coming down to smack and grab at the meat of your ass. “and why the hell should i respect a slut like you? practically threw this pretty pussy on me— shit, baby. keep squeezin’ me like that — threw this pussy on me ‘soon as you opened the door. must’ve been real — fuck — real fucking desperate for some good dick.”
you knew that you should push him off. should tell him that he’s wrong, and that he’d simply managed to dig his way into your head just as he’d probably done to all the other people that he’d hurt, but any clapback you had for him died just as soon as it came as your orgasm crept up on you.
“gunna cum...” you couldn’t tell if you were screaming or whispering at this point, but either way bakugou seemed to pick up on this. you let out a long whine as you felt him drag his thick cock out of you. your hole clenched around nothing and you had to physically bite back a whine from the uncomfortable emptiness.
“ba— mmph!” your eyes went wide when a palm was slapped over your mouth, and as you took the time to allow your heartbeat to calm down, you could now better focus on the distant sound of sirens.
“would ‘ya look at that” bakugou chuckled, roughly tapping your cheek to get you to refocus on the news broadcast. however, rather than the older clips of previous car chases, you were instead met with a helicopter perspective of a house.
your house.
“damn. thought i’d at least get to nut before they got me again.” he tsked as if it were simply a minor inconvenience. you were dumbfounded, mouth opening and shutting repeatedly as no words formed.
“gonna catch flies like that princess. come on.” his hand tangled itself in your hair, pulling you up until you were flush against his chest. his breath tickled your ear as he spoke his next chill inducing phrase.
“how about you play my pretty little hostage, hm?”
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thirsts and requests for haikyuu and bnha are open.
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theanonymouswriterb · 3 years
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Dusk til’ Dawn
Prologue: The Queen saved the King
Paring: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Mafia Au Series
Warning: SMUT, literally porn on paper 😗, lots of fluff, violence, gang, bratty!reader, dom!tae, daddy!tae, daddy kink, babygirl kink, punishment, bigdick!tae, rough sex, make up sex, lots of after care, pregnancy kink, oral!sex, deep throating and everything in between🤧
Warning in this chapter: just blood, wounds and guns, well a gun
Word Count: 5.1k
Kim Taehyung, Now a feared and well known crimes boss but not was he always the man that he is today, searching for the women that saved him on the day that changed his life forever. Willing to sacrifice everything to find the women that could tame him.
One day after 5 years she shows up in his night club, will he be able to hold himself back from taking her and claiming her as his queen or will he do what he do everything in his power to make her his?
A/N: Hi, this is the first chapter that I’m releasing and it’s basically the prologue of how they met, hope you guys like it, if you want to be tagged please tell me and don’t forget to leave some feedback. Also I might be releasing chapter 1 tonight or early tmr, I just need to read though it for mistakes. Much love 💕😗 -B
Next chapter
Five Years Ago
The sound of police sirens roams the city, as darkness and fog rain down on Seoul city. Helicopters roaring the skies and the bad guy trying to hide. Kim Taehyung, A man being tracked down by polices and rival gangs from a exchange gone wrong, blood spewing from his stomach and bruises on his face as he runs through the alley. The only thing in his mind right now is to survive the night and make it make it back home alive, or at least die trying.
He keeps running and running for his life as he hears footsteps behind him like the devil is chasing me to take away his life and drag him to hell but he isn’t ready to die yet! Not just yet. He still has a lot more things to accomplish and until he does that not even the devil himself can drag him to hell.
The cut in his stomach is deep and the pain his unbearable but he has to keep it up and there’s no stopping cause if he’s stops he’ll get caught like a mouse in a trap. But he is no mouse, no fucking mouse at all. He’s a fucking mighty lion, no a fucking Dragon that’s roaring and will get his revenge on the people that played him, the ones he thought were family and sold him out. He will kill who ever gets in his way but he’ll just have to survive the deadly night as it calls out to him .
The pain keeps worsening and worsening but he doesn’t know what to do but clutch onto the stomach and hope for the best. A dragon doesn’t die easily, it’s gonna take more than a pack of Hyenas to take down this mighty Dragon.
But the Dragon wasn’t always like this, he had a family, that until he was left in front of an adoption center with no note no fucking idea of where he came from or who his parent were, he spent all his life trying to find out what happened that night that someone decided to leave him, was he not worth the love that a baby deserved? Was he that worthless that his parents gave him up for adoption? Was he not enough. These sentences rang through his mad all his life up til now, the day he’s praying to what every god is listening to him to not let him die, he will keep fight on and on until he’s on top of the food chain.
Kim Taehyung grew up to do bad things, very bad bad things, join gangs at a very young age, was made into the leaders puppet and rose up slowly to be the right hand man of the Cobra gang.
The cobra gang was well known gang of youths in their 20s doing wilds shits like shootouts with the police and drug dealing and selling girls, the reason Kim Taehyung joined the gang at such a young age was to survive, he didn’t like the idea of selling people, doing drugs or anything as such but he had to survive, in a world full of
Cobras and Hyenas he had to survive. He mad a living out of this and he rose to be the right hand man of the Cobras but oh man, that didn’t didn’t go down well.
Did it!?
The thing that burns him was that he was never a Cobra, never was and never will be.
A few miles away at Seoul estate town houses ~
Walking into her house Y/N sighed, “can this day get any worse” she flopped down in the sofa and looked at her phone, hoping for a call from a certain someone, but what was she hoping for?
She got up from the sofa and strutted up to her master bedroom. From the ceiling hung a huge diamond chandelier, to the side floor to ceiling widows, fine famous artwork hung on the walls and in the middle room, her queen sized bed made for the queen herself. Her room was every girls dream, a large space with with many expensive things, a humongous walk in wardrobe filled with designer clothings, shoes, purses and more. Y/N could get anything she wanted, whether it’s cars, houses, clothes, she could get anything she wanted, but she was no brat. Well maybe sometimes.
Walking into the closet, she took her suit attire off, she was promoted to the creative designer of Givenchy and got everything she wanted on her way up the ladder but the pressure on her shoulders were too real. She looked at the mirror in mirror in front of her and saw her figure, she was a beautiful girl no doubt about that, she was fine as hell, the only thing that could fault her was her mind, the mind that thinks she could be a failure to her family.
After changing into a white tank top and joggers she walked back out into her bedroom and down towards the living room that Intertwined with the kitchen.
Y/n turned the kettle as she walked from the kitchen to the living room, she sat down on her sofa and smiled as she turned in the tv “ finally, I get to sit the fuck down” she groaned. As she scrolls through Netflix a call comes through a phone. She looked at her phone screen and smiled at the name of no one else but her best friend E, short for EziKia, a girl she has known since she was a baby, their fathers grew up together and were very close with each other and that’s how they greet up to know each other. “Hey bitch” her best friend spoke “ how was work?!” She continued. As Y\N looked at the TV she replied “girl it was a disaster, you know how I get when I have to present my work”. “I know” her best friend laughed “But I’m sure you did fine and I’m sure they loved every bit of your design for the new collection” her best friend smirked as she spoke, “I’m already proud of you, I’m fucking excited for the new collection to drop”
Y/n’s a young girl, she always grew up with her parents love and affection but couldn’t find her place in the world, alright she had everything she wanted from her parents, finding love within her self was hard. Yes she has confidence, yes she’s amazingly breathtaking and beautiful, she doesn’t need anyone to tell her then cause she knows that and she knows she bad and she can get everything she wants in this world. She knows she worth all that. But why is it so hard for her to find love, not with any man but within herself, it is almost as if she hides behind this facade of confidence. Her insecurity’s ushers to come out of her but she builds this facade to hide it front he world. And the one thing she is most scared of is losing her family if she doesn’t make them proud. She feels as if it’s hard to love herself and make everyone else proud of her.
Y/N groaned as we moved on the sofa and said “I hope so, enough about me and my day, how was yours?” Ester sighed “ my day was amazing until I got home and got into an argument with my Khai” Y/N rolled her eyes and asked “what was the argument about this time?!” “ He dreamt that I cheated on him and he got mad at me!” Y/N couldn’t hold I get laughter and laughed out loud “ what the hell, now that is too funny”
“ well now he’s still mad at me for no reason and I won’t be the first person to apologize cause it wasn’t me fault to begin with”. EziKia replied
“Well it was your fault” Y/N began “ you cheated on him” “In his dream”they both said at the same time.
Ezikia and her boyfriend Khai have been dating for a while now and they’re hopelessly in love but they argue about the summery things in the world, which is why Y/N think they’re a perfect match cause they’re literally dumb and dumber.
The kettle hissed and Y/N spoke “ what’re you up to now anyways” as she Stirred her tea waiting for ester to reply. “ nothing if I’m honestly just playing games at the moment” she laughed out,”what about you”. “ just made some tea and about to watch haunted on Netflix” Y/N replied and she sat down on the sofa and pressed play.
A moment of silence filled the room.
“Have you spoken to J yet?” The voice of her friend E rang through the phone
“Who?” she replied
Sighing out in frustration her friend spoke “ You know who Y/N, you can’t stay mad it him forever he’s also your friend”
“I’m not mad at him E” she hushed out looking at her phone.
J short for Jungkook was Y/N other friend, they were very close, they loved each other but they both didn’t have the guts to tell each other that, it could fuck up the friendship but it was only friendship right?, they would always fight and instantly make up but this was different, they weren’t speaking but it’s not like it’s her fault....right? J was always a nice guy, treating her the best, they would always flirt with each other but it wasn’t anything serious, it was always just games but when she saw him kissing another person, her heart felt like it exploded and she felt like she had been betrayed and betrayal was too real to bear.
But how could this be a betrayal if they aren’t in love? That’s what they both keep telling themselves right?
He’s not her responsibility and she doesn’t love him like that, but she keeps lying to herself and he betrayed her and so she can’t let it go. Not just yet, she just needs to stay mad at him just a little longer.
The rain began to fall as she spoke to her friend, they laughed and continued speaking, hours has passed and the clock struck midnight and they said their goodnight and they both hung up. As she continued watching the tv, the rain outside came worse, Turning into a thunder storm. The wind whistled outside and lighting struck and she could hear the Thunder roaring. She began to shiver at the should and the flashes outside her windows “ why the fuck am I sacred of thunder” she whispered to herself as she continued to watch the series, it still came as a shock to her at how she was some what scared of the sound of thunder and lighting but she’s able to sit through and watch a full series of horror stories by herself at night.
Hours and hours had passed as she watched the series and she felt her eyes beginning to fall close and she then drifts of to sleep on her cloud like sofa and feels like dreams.
She dreams about her future, what it would be like if she followed what her parents told her to become, maybe then she would think she wasn’t such a Failure to her family.
Although her parents were always supportive, Y/N felt that she wasn’t enough, she saw the look on their face of disapproval when she said she wanted to become a fashion designer, it was like she disappointed her parents saying what she said and wanting to become a designer instead of a doctor. But her parents were always proud of what a women she had become and loves her deeply. However she felt that just In case her fashion career doesn’t workout, she learnt a few tricks from her older sister who was obviously a doctor about how to deal with someone is had been wounded.
The man still on the run 10 minutes away~
Kim Taehyung on the other hand was also having the worst fucking day of his entire life! How could this get any worse, first the drug and money exchange gone wrong with the rival gang, obviously he was set up to fail by you know who and now he’s not just running from the gang who are out to kill him for more money and truce between the gangs as Kim Taehyung’s boss thought he was out to take his place on the Cobras throne.
Now with the police are after him too, since he was like the “ right hand man to the king “cobra” he knew a lot about him and the police where out to shut all the bullshit down but Taehyung had his loyalty, but how loyal can a ‘dog’ be if he’s been abandoned but he never snitches. Running from the gangs, Taehyung has a run in with the police and they saw him at his venerable place, bruised up and cut deep, so they decided to take him out to show the “king cobra” what they could do with his “people”.
But obviously that was fucking useless cause they used him and played him hard.
And Taehyung was no longer a cobra at this moment of betrayal, Kim Taehyung knew where his loyalty lies and that was with himself, he will get his revenge on everyone that played him, the cobra, the police & his family.
He continued running as his life depended on it, but he never looked back to see if he was being followed he kept his eyes straight forward and went on. The rain kept pouring on him as he ran and ran and ran like there was no end to the road, he suddenly slowed down as he crouched down in pain and held his stomach, “fuuuck” he groaned. He wasn’t going to let today be the day that he died, he had a lot to live for if he wanted his revenge. He got up again clinging to stomach and continued walking. As he approached a few blocks of town houses, he had to get out of the rain and get some help of else he might die, he walked up the stairs to bang in the door but there was no response. He then continued to the next few houses but there was still no response. He groaned in frustration as there was no one to help him. He then saw a light at the end of the block of houses and walks towards the light, walked up the stairs and banged on the door as if trying to break down the door.
He continued banging on the door as if it was his last resort which it was, he whispered out all his might but the only thing that came out was a soft breath “please help” he never thought he would have to resort to begging but here he was outside a strangers door, hair and clothes drenched from the storm asking for help not knowing if the person inside would be kind enough to help a poor stranger in need.
As if he gave up, he leaned against the door and shut his eyes closed, but then he heard foot steps coming from the other side other door and the locks clicked and the door Swung open. He looked up slowly from down at the strangers feet to the face and he saw the stranger in front of him, “wow she’s beautiful” he thought to himself,
“Thank you” he sighed out of relief as his vision became blurry and everything went black.
At Y/N House ~
Y/N woke up from her sleep hearing banging on the front of her door, she lifted herself up from her sofa that was way to comfortable to leave the room and groaned out “ who the fuck is banging on my door at the hour”.
As she got up she realised that she fell asleep on the sofa and left the lamp on.
She looked at her clock and it was almost 3 am, she then whispered “ why do I always either get waken up or wake up at around 3am” as if she was scared and her suspicions came creeping in the back of her mind. And she thought ghost always wonder around at 3 AM. She then was pulled from her thoughts by the loud bang at the door again and she slowly made her way to the front of the house and she saw a figure standing outside, she thought to herself thinking she shouldn’t open up the door to strangers at this hour, as she slowly turned to leave she suddenly hears a cry of help “please help” the stranger whispered silently.
As she heard the cry of help, she thought to herself “ I should probably help this person” “ but what if the pardon is a Pedophile or someone really dangerous” as if her demon and angel thoughts were fighting each other she huffed out a breath and walk towards the door turned the lock opened the door. There stood a tall man twice her size, built like a Greek GOD, dressed in a suit that was drenched from the rain droplets of water falling from his fringe a hand holding onto his stomach that was bleeding, bruises on his face and the other hand holding onto the doorframe. The man then looked from down at her feet, then his eyes lifted up to her face, she then saw him smile for a second then his eyes suddenly shut closed and he fell forwards towards her.
Her eyes grew wide was she was trying to hold her balance and trying to hold a man twice her size that just fainted at her door step. Not knowing what to do as the man’s head laid on her shoulder, she then whispered “ fuck it” then leaned sideways and the man dropped to the floor. Sighing she looked down at the stranger that passed out on her, who she then dropped to the door, frustration and guilt overpowering her mind and she closed her eyes and thought for a moment.
She then crouched down, grabbed him from under his armpits and dragged him a little further into the house and closed the door. She then began to slowly drag him through her house to the living room, “ damn he’s fucking heaving” she choked out. After a though 20 minutes grafting him through her house, She then was able to lay him on her couch that she adored very much and said “ well maybe that wasn’t the best idea” as her white couch began to turn red form blood stain that fell form the stranger. Then her eyes turned to the gun that sat perfecting in the holster wrapped around the mans body. “Shit”. Her face was stoned cold from shock, asking herself why this man had a gun on him and why he was bleeding and she palmed then slapped her forehead, sighing out loud in frustration and anger at herself for helping this possibly dangerous handsome man.
She looked at him and for a few seconds fought with her self, asking herself if she should still help this stranger for all she knows he could be really dangerous. She shook off her thought and went into her bathroom to the her first AID kit to help this poor, passed out man on her couch. She ran back into the living room, crouched down lifted his shirt to tend to his wounds and bruises.
As she opened up his shirt she saw how beautiful he was built, the tone muscles that covered him and the tattoos that bloomed on his chest. She also noticed that he had many scars in his body, the ones where it shows be fought for his life.
As time passes, she stared at the beautiful but bruised up stranger and couldn’t help but feel bad for him, she thought of many things that he must have gone trough and couldn’t help but wonder who this man is.
Time deciding to go really fast~
The clocked struck 7:30 am and very loud pound bang came though the house from the door at the front. Y/N opened her eyes slowly and saw the stranger lying into of her, she hadn’t know that she fell asleep looking at the stranger and she drifted into her thoughts. Then the loud bang pulled her from her thought and she hurried to her feet and went to the door. The door opens and she saw a group on men in uniform. The mother-fucking police. “ Hi miss, sorry to disturb you this fine morning, We just wanted to ask you a few questions if that is ok” she nods her head and the police proceeded to ask the questions. “ Did a man came knocking on you door last night?” She hesitated for a moment and shook her head no and the made some notes in their notebooks and proceeded to ask another. “ Did you see or hear anything suspicious last night” she shook her head again said “ no officer” and the officer furrowed their eyebrows and said “Miss your are not lying to us are you?” she then replied “ no “ and they ushered “ Miss you need to tell us if you saw anything cause this man is a very dangerous man and he killed a lot of people and we need your help” The silence loomed around them but Y/N didn’t say a word. Although she just heard of how dangerous this man was, she helped him and already lied and there was no going back.
She could be arrested for helping a criminal and lying about it. The shock on her face was clear but she payed it off well and shook her head in disagreement and said “no officer, i didn’t see anything or any man of any sort” and smiled softly hoping to get them off her back.
The police stared at her as if they knew she was lying carried on saying,
“ Then miss what is this blood stain that is here on your door step?” She was surprised as she didn’t realize there would be blood at her door step even though a bleeding man was just at her foot steps a few hours ago. She then huffed out trying to sound as smooth as possible, then lied “ You see officer, last night I came home late From my boyfriend house and I forgot my underwear at his house, you know what happened there” she winked “ I came on my period and bled on the floor and I forgot to clean it up” she then thought “what the fuck was I thinking lying to the police like that, this is embarrassing” They’re not gonna believe that are they?
As she opened her mouth to speak again she stopped her herself as she saw the flustered faces on the officers, they then said “ oh, sorry miss, s-sorry to bother you and thank you for your help” then then bowed and turned and walked back to their car.
Y/n shocked at her own words hurriedly shut the door and leaned against it and spoke” fuck that was embarrassing”. As she turned she was greeted with a shirtless man with patched of wounds that SHE patched up holding a gun towards her head. Her eyes then widened in shock but not fear, “ so this is how your gonna treat your saviour?!” She spoke, the silent that came after could Pierce through someone like a knife, he then softly growled in a low husky voice “ thank you “ and lowered his gun. “You’re welcome “ she said as she rolled her eyes, bumped his shoulders and walked past him back towards the kitchen.
He then turned to follow the small girl that helped him last night. As they entered the kitchen he spoke lowly “ so YOU were the one that was bleeding in front of your own door” he asked, she then said with confidence “YES, the reason I said that was to save your ass and I don’t even know you” she turned to look at him and met his ice cold gaze, if looks could kill she would be dead right now. “ that’s right, you don’t know me” he hushed out “ so why would you help me” he raised his gun again. “ Will you stop raising your gun at me” she shouted, he then touched his stomach in pain. She then asked with worry in her voice “ are you ok”.. nothing, there was silence as she watched him crouch in pain. “Yea....I’m fine for now” he whispered, y/n furrowed her eyes brows and looked at him with sympathy and said “ do you want some pain killers?” He nodded and she turned on her feet to search trough her drawers for pain killers and sprung back into the kitchen to give home the medicine. She watched as he gulped down the pain killer with a glass of water and smiled, relieved that she was able to help him. She then broke the silence, “ since I don’t know you, want to tell me who you are?”
“No” he bluntly said he got up to pick his shirt up from the side of the sofa and put it on. “Also, who gave you permission to take my clothes off” he said glaring at her. She then scoffed “ dude, you seriously need to get you anger and manners in check, I helped you and this is how your repaying me!” His gaze soften at her words but then he frowned again saying “you don’t have to tell me every minute that you saved me”
Y/n couldn’t believe what the hell was going on, this man she just saved from DEATH itself never mind the police, DEATH! was treating her like this. But maybe he was right she thought, maybe she didn’t have to shove it in his face every minute that she saved him, “sorry” she said Turning from him as he was finally dressed in his bloodied clothes.
As she walked away, he slowly turned his head and leave into the kitchen, he thought to himself that he should be great full that this beautifully kind stranger helped him when no one else would. He then followed her into the kitchen and watch her make food for them. He watched as she busied herself in the kitchen with her task and a smile crept of his face. There was literally and angel right in front of him but he couldn’t give her the satisfaction of that and so his smile disappeared as she turn to look at him.
They then stared at each other for a few minutes and as if time slowed down he couldn’t believe his eyes, it was like love at first sight, he couldn’t believe he was falling in love with this stranger at their first meet but it couldn’t be love could it? He’s just great full for her helping him...isn’t he?
“What are you staring at” she broke the silence
“Obviously not you” he replied harshly
He has to be rude and he can’t fall in love with her not now and not ever, because of who he is, if he falls in love with her she could be a target to the gangs and it’s not like she’s in love with him anyway, she’s probably so scared for him and wouldn’t want anything to do with him after he leaves. He thought and sighed.
Y/n watched him as he lowered his gaze and thought to her self what this stager has gotten himself into that he’s running from the police, he’s such a beautiful and muscular man with tattoos that covered his body and instantly she almost fell in love. ALMOST. She was just glad she was able to help him and continued looking at him in pity.
A few moments had passed and she continued making the breakfast and he gazed up at her and watch her work.
She could literally be the light of his world but his world is to damn dangerous.
A few minutes later she had made breakfast, she turned and shoved the plate towards him “ Eat . You’ll need the energy” “thanks” he whispered and they both ate in silence. “I’m Taehyung” she looked up towards him as he broke the silence “I’m Y/N” “nice to meet you” he countered and then said softly “thank you for saving my life Y/N”.
Then awkward silence filled the room.
She shyly looked up from her plate and broke the silence again saying “ Why were the police looking for you?”
“ That’s none of your business” he said harshly and glared at her with his Piercing eyes
“Well it’s now my business since I helped you, why the were the police chasing you?” She shouted back
“ I don’t give a fuck that you helped me, I can literally kill you right now” laughing as he spoke out.
“ You really have a rude temper you know that?” She glared
Gazing back at her slowly, he opened his mouth to speak.
“I know” he spoke softly as if she just tamed him.
He watched as she got back to eating, and he watched the way she ate her food and how her lips moved as she continued speaking..as if he couldn’t like her more than he already does, everything she does changes him and makes him weaker than he currently is.
She was a girl full of sassiness and confidence but was also very kind and warm hearted and he couldn’t help but fall hard.
Was it wrong?
He got up as her gaze came up to meet his face,
He then leaned in over the small table and pecked her lips with his.
Out of shock her hand landed in his beautiful bruised face and he groaned out in pain “fuck, I deserved that” as he leaned back in his chair.
“ yes you deserved that!” She shouted back and he rose from his seat, rounded the table and approached her, grabbed her face and kissed her hard on the lips , flames rose up Y/N face and she shoved him backwards and slapped him hard again “ the fuck is wrong with you” she screamed. Taehyung held his face and smirked saying “ thank you for saving me princess”, he turned, put on his blazer then left, Y/N still shocked from what just happen lifted her hands to her lips and touched her lips softly with her fingers as she heard the door closed.
That was the first and last time last time they both saw each other.
The King just met his queen.
Tags: @sugarplummies
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I Can Do Anything I Want | Part 2
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Psycho Tom Holland x Male Reader
Requested from no one.
(damn Tom be looking sexy)
Warnings: Violence, psychotic Tom, all characters are above the age of 18, talking about parents dead, character death, blood.
Background: It had been 1 year since the last Purge. 1 year since you lost everything. You now live with your aunt/uncle, who lives in another state. You thought you escaped the grasp of Tom. but you were wrong.
Tom is 21 and you are 19.
M/n: Male Name
L/n: Last name
A/n: Aunt name
U/n: Uncle name
H/n: Husband name
W/n: Wife name
Word Count: 2748
(choose uncle or aunt. And the husband or wife names. And you’re not married)
And reminder! This was heavily inspired by the Purge movies.
Hope you enjoy it! Sorry if it’s bad! Probably many grammar mistakes and errors. And the ending was rushed cause I ain’t good at writing action scenes.
And reminder! This was heavily inspired by the Purge movies.
FLASHBACK (1 year ago, just after the sirens blared.)
As you were driving to the hospital, you could see smoke rising in the distance, helicopters flying overhead, police sirens, and fire trucks. And just normal traffic as usual. Crazy how life can just return to normal after a night of chaos.
“Hopeful there’s a room still open.” the strangers, who you didn’t know were chatting. It's true, the day after the Purge hospitals would be packed with people trying to seek medical aid.
The radio was on detailing the events of last night, “Just after 7:00 AM, March 22nd Pacific Standard, the Annual Purge has been concluded. Reports are coming from all over the nation that this was the most participated Purge yet….
You stopped listening, not wanting to remember what happened. The night you lost everything and everyone you love. All because someone had feelings for you but couldn’t just walk up to you like a normal person.
The car came to a stop, and the strangers got out. The door to the backseat opened and felt hands on you as they held you up. “Stay with us until we can get a room.” the stranger said while holding you.
The three of you walked into the hospital trying to ask if there is an open room. “Uhh, excuse me, is there an open? This man needs medical aid.” the man said to the receptionist. You could hear he was desperate. ‘This guy doesn’t even know me.’
The receptionist was typing on their computer before responding. “Yes, we have a room available, you can take your friend and the doctor will be there.” the man nodded, and a nurse came to escort you.
“Here is your room and the doctor will be here in a moment.” the nurse said, before closing the door.
There was a silence between you three before you broke it. “Why are you helping me? Why didn’t leave me there?” you said while trying to get up but they put you back down. “Hey, lay back. We helped you because you're a human, and it’s in human nature to help others.” the one on the left replied.
“What are your names?” you questioned while looking at them. “My name is Sam and my twin brother here is Harry,” Sam replied, you felt like you heard their name before but couldn’t place a finger on it. “My name is M/n. M/n L/n.”
They smiled at you. “We’re going to be good friends.”
After a few days, your Aunt/Uncle contacted you saying how sorry they were, and they will be glad to take you. You gladly accepted their offer and moved to Texas. (where your Aunt/Uncle are)
You told Sam and Harry about you leaving and they said their goodbyes. But what you didn’t know was that Sam and Harry are actually Tom’s brothers.
Time skip (March 21st, 2031, 6:50 PM. 10 minutes before the 14th Annual Purge begins.)
It was 6:50 PM, 10 minutes before it started. Your Aunt/uncle was rich just like your parents. And your aunt/uncle was like your parents, they didn’t support the Purge at all but acted like they did. Cause if they didn’t then the NFFA would shut down their business and take away all of their money.
To show they supported the NFFA and the Purge, they decided to hold a party for those who are rich. And try to convince them to donate money to the “saviors” of this country.
You were dressed properly to fit the event. You didn’t like how stiff the outfit was but you had to deal with it. “Aunt/uncle name, is this necessary? Couldn’t we have just-- avoid this whole thing and let these random people in?” you complained to your aunt/uncle/name.
“M/n-- we’ve been over this, we have to act like we support this holiday! You don’t want the government finding out about this now do you?” you shook your head. “Good, now- how about you go talk some people down there.” you nodded and left the room.
(6:55 PM, 5 minutes till commencement)
You walked down the stairs to see many rich people dressed in elegant clothing, expensive jewelry, and other things.
You walked down the stairs into the crowd hoping to avoid everyone but that didn’t happen. Some random kid came up to you and said, “Hey, I heard what happened to your parents. They sacrifice their lives for the better of this country.” he then just walked away. ‘What the fuck?!’ you were shocked and angered by him. But you had to contain yourself.
(6:58 PM, 2 minutes till commencement.)
Many people came up to you saying the same thing, “your parents sacrifice themselves for the better of this country.” this annoyed you dramatically. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming tonight. I gather you here this fine evening to celebrate the night that saved this country. And maybe convince some of you to open your wallets and donate to the NFFA.”
You could tell that it was a fake smile but you went along with it. You weren’t really listening until the last part. “We will lock down the front and backdoors for obvious safety reasons. So, does anybody want out?” your Aunt/uncle’s husband/wife said. Everybody in the crowd said no.
You turned around to see the windows being blocked by barricades. Once it was done, the screens lit up showing the American flag with an eagle. Everybody started clapping and cheering.
(6:59 PM, 1 minute till commencement.)
“Now can everyone direct your attention towards these screens?” everybody began turning to the left or the right. You were at the front of the whole thing.
Then the screens turned blue and the signature sound of the emergency broadcast sound. Everything came back to you.
“This is not a test”
“This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government.”
“Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted.”
“Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed.”
“Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours.”
“Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7 AM when the Purge concludes.”
“Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn.”
“May God be with you all.”
The sirens blare meaning the 14th Annual Purge has begun. “Now everyone enjoy yourselves.” your aunt/uncle said before walking back to their office.
All of the memories from last year began to flood your head. You walked away from the crowd to cry. ‘It's all coming back.’ you wished this damn holiday never existed if it never came into reality. Maybe your parents would have still been alive.
Timeskip (12:00 AM. 5 hours later.)
It had been 5 hours since commencement. All you did was watch live streams about what’s going on outside the defense system. Like last year, people were killing each other, street blocks on fire, and block parties. ‘The usual. Things never change.’
You got up and walked into the hallway to your aunt/uncle with their husband/wife. “Hey,” you said in a sad voice. “Hey, M/n what’s wrong?” “Everything is coming back to me.” they looked at you with pity.
You just walked away and went near the window. For some reason the window wasn’t barricaded, you might have to talk to your aunt/uncle about that.
Just then a group of people began charging at the building. They all carried weapons with flashlights on them. You didn’t know who these people were but you had to warn your aunt/uncle.
“aunt/uncle!” you yelled trying to gain their attention. Then an explosion went off. ‘They broke through the barricades.’ you ran faster until you ran into them. “aunt/uncle, they broke--” “we know M/n, we have to get out of here.” you guys ran downstairs until gunfire went off.
You heard people screaming, as you were about to go down the stairs. There were bodies piled against. It looked like 10 bodies. “Come on M/n!” your aunt/uncle grabbed your arm trying to escape the massacre.
You heard an all-familiar voice. “Find him!!!” Tom has found you but you didn’t know-how. ‘How did he find me?!’ you didn’t have time to pause and sit around.
Your aunt/uncle and their husband/wife pulled you into a room where the window was open. “Come on! Let's go!” you three jumped out of the window, running away. You see the left side of the mansion on fire.
“We can’t stay here.” you then followed them to a secret garage where the cars were kept. “Hop in.” you opened the door in the backseat and closed it. The engine was starting and after 2 minutes you were good to go.
You guys drove away, watching the manor go up in flames. Tom saw you guys pulled but he wasn’t worried about finding you. He had a plan set in motion.
(So if you're wondering how Tom found you, well it's because, in the Purge universe, there is an app called Finders-keepers where you can track down someone's phone. It can pinpoint where they are. So that’s how Tom found you.)
Time skip (1:00 AM, 1 hour since the commencement and the massacre)
“Where are we going aunt/uncle?” you questioned since you guys have been driving for an hour. “I called a friend of mine, we’re going to stay at their place.” you nodded your head.
“We’ll be arriving soon so get ready to run.” you nodded already getting things ready. “Just how far away do they live?” “Will we live in Barton Creek (Austin, Texas) and they live in Rosedale.” your aunt/uncle replied, you nodded but then you realized something.
“Isn’t Rosedale close to downtown?” “yes, yes it is. That’s why we gotta be careful.” you guys drove and you could see smoke in the distance, along with gunshots ringing in the air.
We drove for an extra 30 minutes before arriving at our destination. “Alright M/n, be prepared to run.” you nodded getting yourself ready. “They already have an entrance for us, so on the count of three, we go. One, two… three.” you guys quickly got and made a dash for the back door.
“Please let us in!” your aunt/uncle frantically knocked. No one wants to be caught out on Purge night. The door opened allowing us in. “Come in!”
Once you, your aunt/uncle, and their husband/wife walked in the defenses went back up. “We’re glad you made it here. Come sit down.” you guys took a seat and you just sat there listening.
After they are done talking, they allow you to take refuge here until the night is over.
Time skip (4:30 AM, 3 hours, and 30 minutes later.)
Everything was going alright until your aunt/uncle pulled out a gun and shot one of the housemates. “Why did you do that?!” Everybody was now taking cover. “I knew you were cheating on me! I saw everything. And I thought I could use this night to vent out my anger!”
You never thought your aunt/uncle would do this sort of thing. Then they went on to say. “This is my right given to me by my GOVERNMENT!” aunt/uncle said before someone else pulled out a gun. It was now a gunfight. They were shooting all over the place.
You decided this was your time to get out of here. Before you left, you noticed there were an extra gun and the table. You grabbed and got out of there.
(why is there a gun on the table? Plot convenience)
Now you were back into the streets on Purge Night. Just like last year. Everything was repeating itself.
You were running for a while trying to avoid any gangs that were in the streets. You could find dead bodies everywhere along with blood all over the streets. There was one time you found multiple dead bodies hanging from a tree-like they were hanged.
(5:00 AM, 2 hours till the Purge is concluded)
30 minutes have passed since the little argument that turned bloody real quickly. You still had your gun keeping it locked and loaded.
You’ve been to shooting galleries before just practice, so you know how to use a weapon. The streets were trashed with debris and cars on fire. Houses were robbed, some on fire, and many more dead bodies. ‘How can any agree this is okay?’
You then began to think about how you lost everything. You lost your mom and dad, friends, and your aunt/uncle. You think they died. Anger began to fill you up as you wanted to kill the one who took everything from you.
Now you were the one who was going to hunt Tom down. But luckily, Tom was on his way to get you. And you were in for a surprise.
You were suddenly grabbed, and pulled into an alley. When you looked at them, it was the two wearing tuxedos and masks. ‘Are they the same guys from last time?’
They then removed their masks and their identity shocked you. It was SAM AND HARRY?!?! You were shocked. ‘They work for Tom….’
“Yes, M/n we work for Tom. in fact were his brothers, younger brothers. So it's natural for us to help him.” before they could pull you more, you pulled out your gun and began to fire.
This caught them off guard. You were able to shoot Harry in the legs as he fell down and the same goes for Sam. they both tried to shoot you but you took them out first. This was marked the first you Purged anyone.
‘Tsk, tsk.” you turned around to see Tom walking towards you. “So you really killed my brothers?” he sounded angry at what you did. And you fired right back at him. “Now you know what it's like to lose someone you love! You killed everyone I had ever loved!” Words couldn’t express how angry you were.
You were so angry, you lost all senses and attacked Tom. the sound of gunfire ringed in the alleyway. You shoot Tom repeatedly in the chest before he dies. When you came back to your senses. Tom’s lifeless eyes looked at you. For some reason, you were crying, this man took everything from you and….
You just kept crying until…
“M/n, Wake up! Wake up M/n!” you heard someone yelling your name. Then you woke up and looked around to see you’re in a room. You looked to your right to TOM?! Next to you with nothing on. (ya’ll didn’t have sex)
“You okay M/n? You were crying in your sleep?” you were confused by what he was saying. “It was all a dream?” ‘It must have been a dream since Tom would be dead!’
“Must have been a crazy dream?” you didn’t waste any time and kissed Tom. he was shocked but kissed you back. “So what happened in that dream of yours?”
Total word count: 5,660
98 notes · View notes
minjoonalist · 4 years
Buzzkill | Ksj. 18+
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Pairing: Boss!Seokjin x Driver!Reader
Rating: Mature
Genre: Request, PWP
Word: 6k
Discription: In which your boss has a consistent streak of being the biggest wet blanket.
Warnings: soft dom!Jin, sub!reader, penetration, fingering, unprotected sex they have sex on a stolen car, cursing, explicit wording, slight degradation, Quickie 
A/N: so this is request I received and decided to turn it into a mini fic for a cute little bean, I’m sorry took a second but I do hope you enjoy it sweetie! 😘
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There was nothing more thrilling than the violent purr of the engine surrounding your senses, the harsh wind whipping through your hair, the exhilarating sound of power that brought you and your crew mates through the dark silent streets of an unknown neighborhood and especially the pride that came with knowing everyone would end up praising you for your extraordinary skills as a getaway driver. You’d only known them for about three weeks, but that was plenty of enough time to showcase your abilities and impress them. They would compliment you, lifting your ego for the complicated turns and cheering you on for the risky maneuvers that allowed all of you to get off scot free with more than five hundred thousand dollars...you loved it, every single part of it.
It was moments like this where Jimin snaps his hands to applaud your fearless energy, Hoseok, the personified can of sunshine boosts you for whipping the fast car in front of a massive truck as a means to shake the three police cars chasing you down the highway. The kid, known as Jungkook- widening his eyes in amazement and slight fear once that same truck misses all of you by a hair as you exited fast lane.
It was a thrill and one you found yourself living off of recently.
The adrenaline and rush of everything you had done, bringing life to the boring, mundane one you’d use to live before. How you were just some pretty accountant by day, kissing the asses of rich old men with too much privilege on their hands- but only to turn around and take care of it for them by night time...in other words you were robbing them blind and just the thought alone always had you grinning ear to ear, even while you turned the unharmed vehicle into the hidden garage that your crew mates owned. It was fun, yet rewarding every time and nothing anyone did could ever ruin that-
“That was dumb.”
“Excuse me?”You balk.
All too quickly, the rush of your misdeed had drained away from your body and suddenly the air had gone incredibly still. The three men currently residing in the back of the car, pauses just as perplexed as you were in the driver’s seat- your eyes glued to the platinum blonde male staring you down in the passenger.
Arms crossed, his pearly teeth nibbling on a silver lip ring- Jin, otherwise known as Kim Seokjin and your boss, meets you with an unimpressed gaze “You heard what I said, that was stupid and reckless.” He continues, voice devoid of any kindness as well as having irritation enter those black irises.
You shake your head, blinking a couple of times just to make sure you’re understanding him and maybe you weren’t in some dream. “I’m confused...what are you talking about?” your voice lifts slightly with outrage while you turned the key in the ignition to shut the car off.
Jin’s face only hardens “Don’t make me repeat myself, that bull crap stunt you pulled back there could’ve nearly killed us. We were lucky that truck driver only hesitated from hearing the police sirens just before that exit...like I said, dumb.” The tense outburst between all of you, was enough to throw the entire atmosphere and stun you all into silence.
Well all except Hoseok, as the optimistic member, he suddenly reaches forward to pat Jin on the shoulder from the back “Hey man, She was great back there- Lighten up.”
“Yeah Hyung, the important thing is that we’re all alive and we each have a hundred thousand dollars in our pockets without anyone catching on.” Jungkook decides to chime in as well, peering around for confirmation- which he does receive. “There's no telling what could have happened if she didn’t.”
You on the other hand didn’t reply to the hurtful insult of the soured male beside you and neither did Jimin, Too busy trying to cope with the foreign reaction of your driving skills and that you were being scolded for actually doing your Job. As you sat there listening to the both of them defend your honor, you’d hoped some of it might have gotten to the quiet grouch raining in on your thrill, but instead it only increased his anger. Which only caused Seokjin to turn his attention to the three men in the back.
He sends an expectant look to Hoseok “I’m sorry...do you and Jimin not have money in the back of this car to go count?” He presses harshly “Instead of worrying about the brat, I suggest you tend to your duties.” Seokjin snaps his fingers, causing the dark haired male to flinch and send you all a beaten look before backing down. Within the next few seconds Hoseok opens his back seat door, getting out grumpily and causing a chain for Jimin to follow him. They both walk around to the back of the car, both of them coming into your vision on the rearview mirror. You catch sight of Jimin, a short wink coming from him with two hits to the closed trunk signaling you to pop it open.
Immediately, you oblige.
Meanwhile Jin turns around to Jungkook, the poor kid’s Adam Apple bobbing up and down as your boss looks at him sternly. “Well?”
“Um, I-I should probably help them?” He says a bit unsure, his pitiful posture within the middle seat, making your soft spot for him ache.
His knees knocked together, rough hands rubbing nervously across his muscular thighs- which makes you wonder how he could possibly be so wrecked from one man and yet keep a calm composure when facing the lethal obstacles of obtaining glorious amounts of money. Nonetheless, you don't have much time to process before the kid is scurrying out of his seat, doing the same as his friends and opening the back seat’s door to let himself out-leaving the both of you inside with silence.
“...Well that was uncalled for.” You finally mumble after a few seconds go by.
From beside you, Seokjin Sighs tiredly- almost ruefully before completely ignoring you. The skip in your heart beat from the situation only serves to remind you of how much adrenaline you still had running through your system.
Just like that, Seokjin had immediately ruined the mood like always and if that weren't enough to have you fuming from the buzzkill, then what he said next did him no Justice. “Aw the brat can’t handle criticism all of a sudden?”
Your face turns sour “I can when that person isn’t being a dick.”
“It's never stopped you before.”He scoffs “ Pointing out a selfish move like that doesn’t make me the bad guy Kiddo, unfortunately for you, you have a hard time seeing that fault.”
Your anger spikes, watching as he rests his head back. Even more now that the adrenaline in you had become noticeable and part of you wondered if he was riling you up on purpose.
It wouldn't be the first time…Seokjin had pissed you off plenty of times before in-fact the man had been giving you a hard time since the first day you began. You couldn’t recall a single memory where you and your boss had a pleasant conversation with each other, not when you brought him the damaged and stolen vehicle of your ex to his garage and especially not when you had to explain the wreckage it’d received after you crashed it in an impromptu street race after your break up.
Now that you were thinking about it, you remembered how you even managed to land the job in the first place…Right, because maybe it didn’t help that your ex happened to be very good customer of the garage owner and that if it weren’t for him- you’d be facing a few years behind bars at the moment. Agreeing to never tell the poor soul the whereabouts of his precious child unless you agreed to work a few jobs for him.
Before then, he’d already been aware of your talent, hearing about it constantly from his babbling friend and always dreading the long convos of another man bragging about his girlfriend, who ‘knows how to drive a stick shift in more ways than one’. You grimaced from the crude comment when Jin had mentioned it to you and it’d been a pleasure knowing he wouldn't be able to say it anymore, Although the man himself had no problem bringing it up just to toy with you on the matter.
So yeah you kind of owed it to him, especially when he’d taken the liberty to fix the car up for you...but still...It doesn’t mean he gets to be an ass right now.
“You’re right Jin, It's not like I'm risking my life too,” The man rolls his eyes as soon as you speak “-Or that I managed to lose three police cars and a helicopter that nearly caught us from a misdirection you gave prior.” You huff out from your nose, your face turning so red Seokjin could've sworn he’d seen steam coming from your ears.
He then hears it before he sees it, the sound of an opening car door and shuffling coming from his side, only to see you clamber out of your seat angrily and turn his way. “You know what, forget it, we got the money... If you think what I did was selfish, fine, but I’m done, I did what you asked and I got us the hell out of there. So do us all a favor and take that damn stick out of your ass for once.” You snap at the older man, not giving him a chance to reply before slamming the car door in his face and also not noticing the way he shamelessly eyes you from his seat.
From behind the car, all three men freeze from your sudden outburst- their shocked expressions morphing while seeing someone so calm suddenly go-off on the most intimidating person here. You clear your throat from the awkward air surrounding you…maybe now would be a good time to leave. You think to yourself, your feeting shifting to turn away until one final sound of a slammed car door stops you as well.
Seokjin steps out, his own aura turning for the worst, but he doesn't plan to take it out on the others. No in-fact even as the three quickly move into action from seeing him appear as well, he doesn’t spare them glance when his eyes ignite on fire from your words. Seokjin’s nostrils flare, inked arms flexing at his sides under a light pink button down and the back of his neck gone completely red, bringing the tiniest bit of fear in you, that you’d gone too far.
Oh and you did.
“Jungkook.” The air practically vibrates with the bass of Seokjin’s voice. The younger stops in between Hoseok and Jimin, eyes widened with curiosity of hearing his name.
“Y-Yes?” he answers quickly.
Seokjin glances at him, an honest emotion written on his face- giving you whiplash from the sudden change of character. “Go home. It's late and the last thing I need is for your older brother to jump down my throat about where you’ve been. Tell Namjoon I’ll be making your drop Tomorrow morning.” He says with finalty. Namjoon...That name itself was enough to punch you in the gut and had it not been for the crippling rush plaguing your body- you’d be feeling quite nauseous at the mention of your ex-boyfriend.
At first Jungkook makes no effort to move completely bewildered by the sudden order “I...but-”
Jimin gives him a light shove to break his trance. “Go, before you piss him off even more -we got it from here.” he whispers but not low enough that you couldn’t catch it from your side of the car.
Jungkook, looks around to all of you for the last time tonight, muttering a silent confirmation before slowly backing off and heading in the opposite direction. No doubt heading out to his own car. After that is done Seokjin barks the simple orders to the two others “Count and leave.” Insisting how late it is for them as well and if he saw them again tonight- they’ll have more to worry about than whether or not they make it home.
Unlike Jungkook, the both of them agree with no hesitation, grabbing what was left in the trunk and heading off somewhere deeper into the garage without so much as glancing your way or saying goodnight. A strange way to act, considering they were always the first ones to do so and with that- you couldn’t stop the sinking foreboding in the pit of your stomach.
Finally Seokjin comes back to you, expression blank and yet you could still feel the cold chill draping down your spine from the look- A strange mix of adrenaline with the beginnings of a newfound lust rising in your abdomen from the wolfish gaze he sends your way. Across from his side of the car, He snaps his fingers once again and points to you. “Come here.” He doesn’t question and neither do you, your body on autopilot as your slow footsteps reaches his ears. Each step felt non-existent as if you were walking into a trap and it was too late to turn back. You swallow, frowning up at the tense man staring at you while you walk around the car. Once close enough, you stop a few feet away from him, the butterflies in your stomach sending alarms to your head that you had found yourself in this situation with Seokjin.
Strange how it quickly turned to excitement.
He gives you a once over, narrowed eyes zoning in specifically on how far you’d allowed yourself space. He suddenly meets your eyes “Do you like pissing me off?” The male could only ask, crossing his arms together- your own eyes flickering to the tattooed biceps bulging out from the action.
You swallow in your very dry throat. “I could ask you the same thing, you’ve grown quite the record.”
He arches a brow, face hardening from the reply and he suddenly takes a step forward, beginning to circle opposite of the car and towards you. “ I’m not trying to be an ass, y/n.” He starts cautiously.
“You’ve been an ass since the first day we met,” You sputter in disbelief watching him take another slow step. “admit it you don’t like me because you think I broke your friend’s heart. Good news, it's the other way around.” You point out wearily, subconsciously taking a step back of your own towards the hood of the car.
It was no secret how bad of a break up you and your ex had and if anyone knew, it was definitely Jungkook. The constant bickering and fighting between you and his older brother, the poor thing had to have heard every horrible word you both spat at each other within their home and there was no surprise that even he wanted you to end it. Truth be told, you both were wrong, a bad match to put it lightly and the biggest problem seemed to be how easy it was for Namjoon to wear his heart on his sleeve. He was too jealous, too demanding, too sensitive and It's probably why anyone would think you were the one who hurt him, that definitely wasn’t the case.
Seokjin’s Features turn down in confusion, before a sly grin breaks across his face, a reaction you weren't expecting and his brows furrowing in as if the words you were speaking are absolute gibberish. “Is that what you think? That's... Interesting.” he ponders out loud, amusement clear as ever in his voice. “I mean you’re wrong, but you’re right I don’t like you.”
Your face goes flat, from where you stand Seokjin has gotten significantly closer- your entire body on high alert as your boss begins to tower over you. He tilts his head, your instincts screaming at you to run away and yet you don’t move a single inch- your heart pounding in your chest. “Your mouth and narcissistic tendencies piss me off to no end, but you can drive so Namjoon was right about that and If I actually gave a shit about your past relationship- I wouldn’t constantly find myself wanting to fuck a brat against his car at this moment.” He shrugs while bringing himself even closer, those sinful eyes swirling with a much darker intention.
“I-I what?”
Your entire nervous system jolts from the confession, the electrifying mixture of arousal strumming through you more than ever as the visual had gone to your head. It’s not like you’ve never thought of it before, After all you’d be lying to say you weren’t attracted to him- he was insanely gorgeous. However the problem came whenever Seokjin would go out of his way to comment negatively to you or for instance dismiss your every attempt whenever you tried to have a decent conversation with him.
But now that was different, So much that part of you couldn’t comprehend the sudden force of his lips crashing down on yours. A surprised yelp leaving your body from the soft plush fiercely molding against your mouth, accompanied with the searing cold of his silver lip ring. The kiss is completely unexpected and yet for some reason hot licks of arousal pool around within your stomach easily. You breathe deeply into him, two long arms coming to wrap tightly within the curve of your waist and Seokjin’s hand snakes slightly under the warmth of your shirt, resting at the small of your back.
All over, the butterflies you were feeling had gone completely haywire, your body being pressed firmly into his hard chest and on instinct your own hands had braced themselves onto his broad shoulders.
He groans, a startling vibration that has you rubbing your thighs together, managing to catch his attention in the process and Seokjin can’t help but to run his tongue across the bottom seam of your lips. It feels as if your body had naturally melted into him, the dominance in his kiss leaving you breathless and your head had begun to spin as he moves to suck on your bottom lip- wanting entry so bad he had even sank his teeth to elicit a moan from your end.
“Damn I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.” His husky chuckle has you keening into him, the hands on your back roaming up further, when he lifts you more into him. By now Seokjin had managed to slip in completely, the wet muscle maneuvering in every way it pleased, taking over completely and tasting you to the fullest.
At some point you’d managed to get completely lost in Seokjin, all your previous thoughts vanishing within his embrace and slowly you could feel your panties dampening from his touch- a violent shiver racking down your spine once his cold fingertips grazes all the way up on your heating skin. Your back arches, the thick bulge of his erection digging into your abdomen and you nearly grow goosebumps everywhere. Without noticing, your boss had managed to back you up against the car, a muscular thigh parting itself between your legs and rutting up into you, causing you to shiver pleasurably into his hold.
With his lips continuing their attack on yours, you’re still reminded of the silver ring digging into you, your own impulse to latch onto it, teeth tugging slightly to push a faint gasp from him. He feels an immediate twitch in his pants, his own arousal getting to his head and He suddenly parts- “Fuck okay.” You hear him breath, panting as the air finally makes its way back into your lungs and it doesn’t dawn on you what exactly just happened. Perhaps it could have been from the adrenaline running through your system or maybe that it’s been a while since you’ve been with anyone except Namjoon- but slowly you felt yourself slipping away, your fucked out gaze meeting Seokjin’s feral one and you held no ounce of regret.
“Lets try not tugging on that.” He suddenly gives a dry laugh, but there's no denying the deep lust residing in it.
“S-Sorry, we probably should have stopped sooner.” he hears you breathe in response, your eyes clouded with a long gone emotion and there was nothing more he wanted than to bend you over and fuck you mercilessly.
He’s wanted that for a while now, often finding himself wondering what it would be like to have the prideful little vixen rendered helpless under his touch. He wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t like you, but damn if you didn’t turn the man on beyond what would even make sense. To him, you were infuriating and at the same time a forbidden fruit to be eaten. How you’d come to the conclusion he disliked you because of Namjoon he wouldn’t understand, but what he does know is that you were a wild card and one his friend thought could be tamed. He was wrong, and Seokjin could tell the second you brought in the poor scrapped vehicle without an ounce of guilt.
“You’re not sorry.” he whispers lower than ever, catching you by surprise. “If anything you’re the opposite...you’re practically grinding yourself on me.”
Your hands dig nervously into the cloth of his shirt, an untamable throbbing striking you between your thighs proving the truth behind his statement. As if completely drawn to him, all you do was wish his lips were back on yours- your eyes switching repeatedly to stare up at him and that's when you feel it, a movement so slow and torturous it nearly had your knees buckling.
Somehow without being noticed, His hand had begun to move from behind your back, coming around between the both of you and landing at the front of your jeans. He suddenly pops the button open, your zipper being tugged down afterwards and Seokjin watches you cautiously as he slips his hand in and over your clothed heat. His lips part at the feel, your slick wetness drenching the frail material on his hand. “And quite frankly, you’re a terrible liar...aren’t you kiddo?”
You whimper pitifully rutting yourself down onto his hand, enjoying the pressure of his fingers gliding over your slit and rubbing teasing circles around your clit.
“...please.” you find yourself saying to him, your hands clutching him tighter.
“Please? That's new, but I don’t know what you’re asking for.” He frowns, applying more pressure between your folds and then switching to pull your underwear aside. You gasp at the new pleasure, your pussy becoming more and more sensitive to his touch and it was foreign to suddenly feel this way for him, at this point you didn’t care.
“Jin just fuck me already.” You groan, two of his fingers sliding downwards and deeper into your folds, stopping right at your entrance before one sinks in and then the other. Your body tenses, pressing yourself closer to him and he smirks wickedly-wanting to hear exactly those words coming from your mouth.
Seokjin suddenly leans down, bringing his lips close against your ear “That's no way to speak to your boss- If you really want my cock, you’re gonna have to be nicer about it...So let's try again hm?” You gasp, feeling the slow thrusts of his slender digits before he curls them inside. He hums slowly, soft lips caressing over your earlobe and trailing down more to place a soft kiss on your neck. “What are you asking for y/n?” Seokjin tries once more, licking and nibbling on the soft flesh while fucking his fingers a little harder into you.
This time your knees really do buckle, a soft mewl coming deep from within your chest and you don’t hesitate to breathe out what you wanted. “Jin please I need you to fuck me.”
He hums out again, this time as if to think more on the decision...as if he was actually going to change his mind. “Now?”
“ Y-Yes.” He hears your reply, so soft and desperate almost able to rub off on him in the process.
“Right here?” By now you could hear the smile on his lips, which was strange since you’d actually never seen one on him. The idea makes you roll your eyes while muttering another yes, but you bite your lip immediately afterwards- your stomach swirling with warmth from the new action.
It doesn’t last long however, in the next second Seokjin was slipping his hand away from you, placing one last kiss at the bottom of your neck before pulling back with hunger swirling fierce in his eyes. “You know, you sound a lot hotter when you beg.” He teases watching your face screw up into one of your famous glares.
“Fuck o-” You’re being moved before you could finish. He grabs your waist, twisting it with enough force to have you turning away from him and presses your front towards the car.
“Bend.” He grunts when you take too long to catch on.
You yelp in again in surprise, a huge palm pushing towards the middle of your back and suddenly you’re doing just as he says- bending forward over the warm hood of the car. Your ass pushed back towards his front and unable to see anything he was doing. Your body trembles from the new position, feeling Seokjin’s hands run soothingly down your sides towards the back of your ass- giving it a harsh squeeze. “Good little brat.”
Bent away from him, you silently await the moment his fingers would then latch onto the band of your pants and undies. You bite your lip, the cold air rushing around the heated flesh of your ass, his knuckles grazing your hips as he tugs them down to the middle of your thighs. Your pussy clenches to the praise he gives you, wetness seeping out and down your exposed core while also making Seokjin groan out from the sight. He takes in another breath- mouth watering to your drenched core and wanting so badly to taste you in the moment, but there just wasn’t enough time.
“Jin hurry.” you whimper, feeling a single finger glide up your slit once again- taking the opportunity to sway your ass in front him, inviting him.
“Fuck, ” He swallows, his own hands flying for his zipper and you can hear as he undoes himself behind you.
Part of you wondered just for a second if he’d happened to have any protection on him- realizing how you both were out in the open and-“O-Oh.” You suddenly hiss into the silent air.
Seokjin, grips himself at the base of his dick and presses into one side of your cheek to spread you out for him. Thank god he’d prepped you before, your heart racing in your chest as the warm mushroom tip presses into you, gliding up and down your bare core. Eventually when it’s coated enough he stops just outside your entrance, pressing himself in and begins to sink himself slowly into your tight walls.
Hissing again, you gasp at the unbelievable stretch of his girth, your pussy slowly taking him in and molding around him almost to a point where it was slightly uncomfortable- however despite his nature, Seokjin is gentle about it. He rocks himself in, giving you time to adjust to the size of him and there was no denying the gradually growing pleasure that was beginning to take over your body.
“Yes…” you gasp out breathlessly, hands bracing under your body once you feel him reach deep inside you, able to touch the special area of nerves that made up your g-spot...you start to become restless.
“Fuck you’re so tight, I need to move.” His voice comes out strained, grip on your hips tightening a bit more, you simply whimper in return while pushing yourself back onto him fully. In unison, the both of you groan out in pleasure, his slow rocking stuttering from the action.
Seokjin, Takes in a breath- pulling himself slowly out of your heat and snaps his hips back into you. He does this again, pulling back and thrusting into you a bit harder before setting a comfortable pace. With another cry coming from you, it almost takes everything in him not to lose control, his slower thrusts giving you enough to get off and still you need more.
Oh yeah it's definitely the adrenaline.
You whimper, voice cracking as his length hits your g-spot over again. “More...p-please” you try biting your lip.
Seokjin hears you, the untamable emotion riding in his chest fluttering from the request. His hand leaves your hip to bury itself in the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair to pull you up to him. You cry out, his grip twisting in your hair to turn your face towards him. When you do, your breathing stops, dark eyes lit with so passion in them you nearly melt right there.
“Do you want me to fuck you harder brat? Is that what you’re asking?” His deep and breathless voice vibrates on your back. Without thinking you’re nodding your head frantically, a desperate need is filling your eyes that has Seokjin’s will to hold back snapping in half.
Immediately he slams his lips back onto yours, the grip in your hair becoming painful as he pulls out to ram himself back into you. Your hands reach back, managing to latch onto his thighs and you can't help loud cries you set free into his kiss. Seokjin moans too, loving the feel of your body shaking under him and he slowly feels his own resolve. He suddenly breaks the kiss, knowing he wouldn’t be able to last much longer and Seokjin lets you fall forward again, suddenly taking a rougher turn to make you reach your release.
With a deeper snap of his hips, the delicious stretch of his cock begins to turn your legs to jelly, a louder moan falling past your lips and into the night air as another one of his powerful thrusts jerks your body forward. Your torso falls even more, the warmth from the hood caressing your chest and easily you were met with your fucked out reflection. Teary eyes, wild hair and a sweaty face twisted into ecstasy- you shut your eyes before the predicament could truly set in.
How the hell did you get here? Letting Seokjin fuck your brains out in such an open space and loving the thrill of it. His fingers deep within your hair, pulling and tugging you back towards him as he drills himself in and out of you repeatedly, bringing your awaiting orgasm closer and faster than ever, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Such a good little slut, Who would've thought you’d be so whipped for my dick.” You hear him growl from behind you, a large hand connecting harshly with the soft skin of your ass. A tiny shriek is ripped from your throat and you then let out a tiny sob as your walls quivered around him from the action. He chuckles darkly, gripping harder onto your hips as he picks up the pace and begins to pound harder into you- loving every sexy ass moan that leaves your mouth every time he thrusts into you. “Oh the brat likes that? Do you like when I talk to you like a cock loving slut? You don’t want me to call you princess or baby girl?”
Your mouth parts in protest “I-...f-fuck Seokjin shut u-up, yes!” You cry out, As your nerves begin to prickle with the beginnings of your release- your sweaty hands squeaking up against the hood as they try to grab anything to anchor you down and before you know it- he's pressing down harder into your back, his other hand leaving your hair to come and rub frenzied circles around your clit.
“Oh shit, fuck you just gushed around me. I bet you’re going cum.” He pants, thrusts becoming relentless and overwhelming. “ Fuck, fuck yes- keep taking me just like that...wanna cum in this tight little pussy. Do you want to cum on my dick? W-wanna be a good little slut and let me cum in whats mine?”
“Yes J-Jin, Fuck yes!” By now you felt as if your body was going limp, your loud cries turning into drawled out moans and it could be accompanied by his grunts of pleasure as well as the connecting of his hips to your sore ass.
He swallows a fevered moan of his own “Then cum, show me who this pussy belongs to.”
You grow more butterflies in your stomach, hearing him call you his so suddenly when the guy had barely acknowledged you before. It was confusing to say the least, but all the while so fucking hot and you didn’t have the time to truly comprehend it- instead you allowed the pleasure to consume you. The strong feeling of intense warmth abruptly overtaking your body, your toes curling inside your shoes, a sharp squeak escaping your lips and Seokjin could feel your body stiffen under him as your legs shook sporadically from your powerful orgasm.
Seokjin growls out a guttural moan, His sloppy thrusts tipping him over once he feels your walls clenched tightly around him- bringing his orgasm on so suddenly, the next thing he knew, Seokjin was suddenly collapsing heavily over your back with a curse. “Shit!”
You pant trying to ride out your high, hips continuing to rock against him even as his cock swells in you. Sudden spurts of hot cum drench your walls and manages to trigger the aftershocks of your own release.
“Um wow.” You breath out, after staying in your position for a few minutes, both of you trying to catch your breath. Seokjin’s chest could be felt rising and falling heavily onto your back, his length softening within you and it was then then that you finally heard him speak.
“He was right.” Jin mumbles out into the now silent garage, making you frown in confusion.
“Who was?”
Seokjin presses his forehead into your back, his mouth twitching to hide a smile even though you couldn’t see him and his silence probably should have been a red flag for you, however you don’t press any further. Its until the small vibrations of his chuckles and the feel of his chest shaking behind you has you curious as why the man would say such a random statement after sex.
“Namjoon…” Seokjin is full on laughing and before you know it, he's lifting off of you and sliding himself out while making you hiss. Once the joke registers, you find yourself rolling your eyes and you're lifting yourself up as well, wincing from the stickiness between your thighs and that you would need to hurry home fast so you could clean up.
Watching him put himself together, you start to do the same- reaching for your pants to pull them up and you’re sending him a disgusted look while fastening your button “Don't Seokjin, please don’t say it.” You say as you then run your hand up to fix your hair.
Already done, he steps closer to you - sending you a devilish grin that you’d never seen before, the look shocking you in the process and you don’t understand why you were still feeling the strange flutter in your stomach, your adrenaline long gone. Suddenly he pulls you closer, a hand tipping under your chin to have you look up at him and then...
“you really do know how to drive a stick shift in more ways than one.” He whispers dreamily before cackling in an unattractive manner and you don’t think you’ve ever wanted to punch someone more.
“I regret having sex with you.”
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