#was supposed to go meet a puppy tomorrow but cant do that now. also was supposed to have a snake brought homw today but ykno
be-good-to-bugs · 1 year
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Stressed Reader Comfort!
Hello!!! I am so happy you requested my dear! I am so happy to write for you. Please drink water and take care of yourself. I know it’s a hard time. But don’t lose hope and don’t let stress eat you up. You are loved and you are needed.
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Pairing : Sanji X Reader
Word count : 2.2K
Warnings : Not proof read, Stress, insomnia, Hurt then comfort and a very adorable Sanji
Sanji post Tagging : @ye-rin164
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 Assignment after assignment. Projects, seminars and exams. Forget about dates, you are not even having time to sleep properly since the last month. Still you stayed up many nights writing all the assignments. Researching stuff needed for the seminars. Memorising all the chapters from all the subjects. Praying to get good credits every time. Even sleeping for those 3 hours a day seemed so stressful because of your piled up assignments, which your teachers just dumped on you mercilessly.
Slowly because of lack of sleep and hectic works, dark circles were visible clearly under your eyes. Headaches became regular now. You weren’t able to focus on things properly. You just… tried to go along with the flow of day. Anything you ate tasted bland making you to loose appetite. All you now wanted was a day to just… rest.
Ignoring the good morning and good night messages from a certain someone made you feel guilty. But because of work, you couldn’t even catch a break. Yes… stress was building up in you.
Researching and taking print outs for the next “group” seminar made you work even harder. Yeah as you know how there is at least one person in the group who doesn’t even attempt to do work. Now you had FREAKING two of them in your 5 member’s team. Guess what happened. You three had to now share the burden of the remaining work.
‘Good thing Sanji isn’t here to see how much of a mess I am right now’, you thought sipping your caffeine. You felt lucky that you were at least getting time to take a quick shower every day.
On the other hand, Sanji knew. He knew how terrible your work was getting, making you to give him a single reply every two days, letting him know you were alive. If you didn’t give him that reply, he’d have gotten a panic attack on how you were. No regular messages, no dates, no video calls, not a single god damn normal call. He was really getting worried. But he stayed patient.
Nami and Robin chan suggested him to go and meet you, but he thought if he went, he’d be a problem to you for not letting you finish your work. His heart was earning to see you. To hug you. To make you something to eat. To just… be with you.
As days passed, you were getting more and more annoyed and you started to have breakouts for almost everything and nothing. Even the smallest things were making you cry. Like once You even cried as you saw a small puppy outside your apartment.
You hated to cry. But because of this pressure you couldn’t even control your emotions. You felt like you were losing yourself.
At Sanji’s house, he and Zoro were doing dishes but Sanji couldn’t help but to worry about you.
“Its just a gut feeling but I cant help but to worry”, Sanji sighed.
“If you feel like shit, why not just go to her place?”, asked Zoro
“Tsk, Its not that easy. What if I interrupt her?”, replied Sanji washing his hands after giving the last plate to Zoro.
The green haired man took the plate and placed it into the shelf. He sighed and said, “Look cook. It’s okay to go and check on her once a while, If you are worried. Maybe she needs you too”
Sanji never thought of that. He was always insecure and felt that he might disturb you if he met you. But this gut feeling of his was telling him to atleast go and see you.
“In 5 minutes, I’m leaving”, the blond told his roommate before going into his room. Zoro just smirked before closing the shef door.
You sat in the corner of the room. Your books were still open and you knew you were supposed to study. Then… the negative thoughts hit you. Your brain wanted to play some tricks on you. And it chose this freaking time to do that.
‘Yeah… you are not gonna get good grades even if you do this’
‘Sanji is so hardworking. He’d be so disappointed to have a person like you as his lover’
‘All your assignments are worthless, stop giving yourself enough credit’, you looked into your mirror.
Tears slid down your face. You looked terrible. With messy hair, unwashed clothes, dirty room. You wanted to tear the place down. You were so hurt and pressured.
Your train of thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. You wiped your tears quickly and stumbled as you made your way towards the main door. You swung open the door and your (eye colour) orbs met the all blue orbs. The golden hair smoothly covered one of his eye. His smile brightly as seeing you.
“Aish! Y/N, how many time have I told you to check before opening the do-”, He didn’t even complete his sentence and you ran into his arms, tightly embracing him, making him to take a step back.
He instantly knew something was wrong with the way to you hugged him. He wrapped his arms around your body. You started to cry as he hugged you.
“Sanji… I… I can’t… I hate this. I don’t like this”, you whimpered between your sobs. He soothingly rubbed the back of your head.
Without breaking the hug, he pulled you inside the house and locked the door. Leaning his back on the door, with still you hugging him, he pulled you even closer. He patted your back while you buried your head in the crook of his neck.
“Y/N, look at me dear”, he asked and you slowly looked at him. His expression from worry turned to one of a sad one.
“I missed you so much”, you cried even more looking at him.
“Shhh~~ Y/N, I’m here. Please don’t cry. This hardship will pass away. Don’t let the stress eat you up”, he kissed your forehead as he calmly whispered into your ear.
Actually Sanji was also so hurt because of your situation. But if he wasn’t strong, who would encourage you.
Soothing your tears away, he kissed your eyes.
“I am sorry. I look horrible”, you sniffed and damn yes, he was not happy by the way you said it.
“Don’t ever say that. You are the most amazing and hardworking person. Give yourself a bit more credit”, he shook your shoulders as he said that.
“Listen here, you are tired, but you are still very much beautiful. All you need is a good night sleep”, he said as he pulled you towards your bedroom.
The bed was a mess. Books, papers, laptop, stationary on it. You felt embarrassed as Sanji saw you in your worst state.
“Sorry Sanji for making you see this”, you said as Sanji just made his way into the room and started to quickly clean the bed.
“You are apologising way too much Y/N. If I didn’t support you now, I shouldn’t even call myself your friend let alone your boyfriend”, he said.
Within minutes, he cleared everything up. You went towards the table to continue your work, but then, you felt your wrist being grabbed.
You looked at him and he looked at you with worried eyes.
“Y/N, I never said you should now write your paper”, he said sternly. Even though his voice was deep, his eyes showed worry.
“But I should complete it”, you said but he was quick to pull you towards him. He lifted you up with grace and walked towards the bed swiftly and plopped you on it. You couldn’t even protest because of how quickly it happened.
You tried to get up but then he decided to jump on you and cuddle you. You chuckled at how he behaved like a small child. When he heard your laugh he looked up to you, his head still placed on your chest. Oh how much he wanted to hear that laugh of yours. But you yourself didn’t knew when you fell asleep. As Sanji was looking while you laughed, you almost immediately fell asleep.
He smiled at you as you slept. He woke up and went towards your desk and sat on the chair.
Looking at the assignment that you should start, he analysed what you wrote in the roughly at the side. He took your phone and placed his thumb on the finger print scanner. Yes of course, you guys are having the healthiest relationship. He went towards the pdf of the assignment due dates and found the assignment you were working on. And damn he got angry at how many assignments you were given. The one you were working on was to be submitted the day after tomorrow.
‘Damn… no wonder Y/N had to stay up most of the night for these’, he thought as he called one of the smartest people he knew. No… it wasn’t Luffy. He has the devils Luck to pass his exams.
“Hey Robin chan! This is Sanji”, he said as he looked at the assignment.
“Hi Sanji. What happened?”, she inquired
“Robin chan, I actually need some help”, he started to ask about the assignment and how to collect the required information related to it.
Robin chan understood the situation and started to explain.
“So Sanji, Don’t waste your time searching all the websites. Just go to the websites I told you and you can see almost every possible explanation required to you”
Sanji searched on the laptop as he placed the phone between his shoulder and ear. The un-lit cigarette was dangling between his lips. The habbit of having it made him focus on things even more. But he ofcourse didn’t want to light it and make you wake up from its smell. And for gods sake, it was your divine room. He would never light a cigarette here. Soon he could see the information required to your assignment.
“Oh yes! I got it Robin chan! Thanks for your help”, he thanked her and they both ended the call after the exchanging a few more casual talks.
He looked at some other sites Robin mentioned and found everything that you required for writing this assignment. He actually wanted to write for you but, he knows that you’d feel guilty if he wrote it. So he just searched it for you. Then looked at another assignment which was the next one you had to submit in 5 days from now. So, he started to search for it and found the required information. He looked at the time and noticed that, it was already 2 in the morning. He didn’t even knew how the time passed while he searched for the information.
Sanji stretched his arms and stood up. He walked towards the bad, where you were sleeping peacefully. He smiled at you before kissing your forehead. He hugged you as he slept beside you.
The next day you woke up to the aroma of the food. You woke up from the best sleep you had. It was so refreshing and you felt so much better with it. You got up from the bed and went to the kitchen, where you saw the blond cooking for you.
You hugged him from behind as he grinned at your cute behaviour. “Good morning love”, he greeted you as he placed one of his arm around your shoulder and snuggled closer to you.
“Thanks for making this baby. I am so thankful for this”, you said pecking his cheek. He smiled and continued to make the breakfast.
“Its alright. Well, Y/N, you need to eat before you start writing the assignment. You smiled looking at him. ‘I am sure lucky’, you thought. You ate breakfast and then Sanji showed you the information he collected to write the assignment. Just when you thought you couldn’t fall in love with him more, he proved you wrong.
He was beside you leaning down with the laptop before you two as he was talking about some websites Robin chan mentioned. You placed your hand on his chin and turned him towards you then  pulled him in for a kiss.
“I think, I found the best boyfriend one could have. I’m so lucky”, you said as you hugged him
He blushed so hard when you said that.
That day you both wrote the assignments together and finished them.
“Its okay to ask for help Y/N, I am always happy to help you”, Sanji said as he held the finished papers of the assignment.
You smiled back at him and said, “Thankyou Sanji. I… I’ll ask your help”
So, I hope you liked this one shot. I felt so connected writing this. If you are facing a similar situation. Just remember. You need rest and you can always ask for help. Please give yourself credit and stay positive.
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bridgyrose · 3 years
Godparents also spoil their godchildren. Can we get some of that?
Ruby smiled as she walked back into her apartment, carrying a few bags. “Athena? I’m home.” 
Athena quickly jumped up and rushed over to Ruby, hugging her. “Mama! You’re home!” 
“Alright kiddo, I wasnt gone that long. Just went shopping for a bit.” Ruby finished making her way inside, setting the bags down on the floor. “You were good for your auntie Yang, right?” 
“The kid certainly has a lot of energy.” Yang walked out from the other room and smiled at her sister. “Take care of everything you needed?” 
“Mostly. I Have a few more things I need to get done tomorrow, but I should be fine with taking Athena with me.” Ruby picked up Athena, who was giggling wildly. “Since you were well behaved, I bought a few things for you. But you cant have them until after dinner, okay?” 
Athena pouted, blue eyes getting wide as she tried to use her puppy dog eyes. “Please mama?” 
Ruby sighed and took her goddaughter to the couch. “Alright, just give me a moment to get a few things put away, okay?” 
Athena nodded and fell back onto the couch before running to her room. “Thank you mama!” 
Yang sighed as she watched Athena. “She looks so much like her parents.” 
“Pyrrha and Jaune would be proud of her.” 
“Are you still up for visiting them this weekend? It would be the first time since their funeral-” 
“Y-yeah, I will.” Ruby went back to her bags and started putting a bit of the food she bought away. “And then I’ll need to leave on a mission.” 
“About time you start going back on missions,” Yang teased. “Still not sure how you managed to afford this place and not work.” 
“I put enough away,” Ruby lied. “Had to cut back on a few things to make it all work, but it’s worked out. Athena starts school this fall, so I figure I could start taking a few local missions. Nothing more than day trips for now.” 
Yang nodded and listened to Ruby as she watched her put away a few groceries. “You spoil her.” 
“I’m her godmother. That’s what I’m supposed to do.” A pang of guilt rushed through Ruby as she said those words, knowing how disappointed her friends would be in her if they knew the truth. “And since her parents are gone, it’s now my duty to take care of her too.” 
“Right.: Yang put a hand on Ruby’s shoulder, gripping it. “Nora and Blake think they have an idea on who killed Jaune and Pyrrha. And they want our help to try to prove it.” 
Ruby paused for a moment when she felt Yang’s hand on her shoulder, keeping her composure. “Oh? A-and who do they think did it?” 
“How are we supposed to prove it? She’s been quiet ever since we kept Beacon from falling. Hell, we dont even know if she’s alive.” 
“We dont, but Nora swears she saw someone who looked like her visiting their graves. Its not much, but it’s something.” 
Ruby sighed and finished putting her groceries away, looking at her scroll when she felt it buzz. She quickly looked through the message from the all too familiar number, keeping it hidden from Yang. “I’ve moved on past their deaths. I… I dont want to get involved into this.” 
“Alright then.” Yang pulled away from her sister and started walking out to head home. “But call me when you need me to watch Athena again. Wylan would appreciate having her around.” 
“Dont worry, I’ll let you know.” Ruby waited until Yang left to drop her smile and look at the message again. You’re needed again. Meet me at the cafe. She sighed and cursed to herself a bit. She put her scroll away, put on a smile, and grabbed the toys she bought for Athena to her room. “Alright Athena, I bought a couple more dolls for you and a few snacks. All for my special, little Arc.” 
Athena smiled at her godmother, quickly grabbing the toys from her. “Thanks mama.” 
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Kiibo, Ouma and Komaeda reacting to an S/O that self harms (mainly cutting). Hope you feel better soon!
You literally picked three out of my four faves somehow, damn! Sorry, I only just now saw this, I was going through the ask box for any last non smut things and caught it! I hope this turns out good, I’m going to be shoving a bunch of headcanons in it. And thank you, I slowly feel like I’m doing better! Also, I did headcanons, I hope that’s okay! Warning for Ouma’s, as it does involve the actual act of cutting within the headcanons. Also, I got out of hand with his, and its probably pretty OOC, so I apologize!
Nagito Komaeda:
When you revealed to him that you had on and off issues with cutting and showed him your scars, he knew the feeling
In the past, he’s struggled with the same urges, although it was more with self-degradation than actual physical cutting
But still, he understood how you felt, so when you got up the courage to show him, he hugged you gently and rubbed your back, kissing your tears away
“Y-you aren’t disgusted with me?”
“I could never be disgusted with you, (Y/N), no matter what. Especially not over something I understand so personally.”
“Of course. I love you so much, and a few moments of despair that you’ve felt won’t change that. I want to help you discover your true hope if you’ll let me! I can only hope that trash like me can help you feel better when you feel this way, okay?”
You nodded, poking his side lightly for talking about himself like that, but you did manage a smile
“I wouldn’t have trusted anyone else with this…”
“How about this? The next time you feel like you want to hurt yourself, will you tell me? I promise I’ll try my best to help you get past this, I know you can, even with me by your side.”
“I-ill try… But you too, okay? We can, um, help each other?”
The two of you wound up cuddled together for hours, him rubbing his thumb over your scars as you talked, falling asleep in a little pile on the bed
“Hey, u-um, I need to tell you something…”
Kiibo looked up from what he was doing, smiling warmly at you
“Of course! Whats the matter, sweetie, you look upset.”
You sat beside him on the couch, slowly rolling up the sleeve of your sweater and showing him the thin but numerous scars on your wrist
“What happened? Did something hurt you?”
“S-sort of… I cut myself, Kiibo, a-and I haven’t for a couple months but lately, I’ve been having urges and i-it scares me so much!”
You were crying now, Kiibo more than confused and trying to pull you close
“Shh, shh, you’re okay, I promise you’re alright! I don’t really understand what’s the matter, but I’m here for you, alright?”
You wrapped your arms around his metal form and cried as he ran his fingers up and down your back
As you cried, he took the time to research what you had been talking about
If he had the function to cry, he would be bawling by now, after learning what exactly you meant
When your crying died down he pulled you back a little, meeting your gaze with a worried expression
“I looked into self-harm just now and… I understand why you’re scared. It scares me too, knowing that you feel as though you have to do that to yourself and the roads that it can lead to.”
You sniffled and wiped your eyes, grimacing when you saw how you had dripped tears all over his chest plate
“S-sorry… I didn’t want to upset you or worry you… I j-just-”
“No, no, its okay! I wasn’t saying that to make you feel bad! But… I would like us to make a plan for this. I want to help you get better, but I’m sure it won’t be as easy as it sounds. But will you let me try?”
You nodded softly, feeling his arms go around you to hold you close
“Its okay to slip up, but I want you to try to find me first. I’ll listen to whatever your having issues with, ill do whatever you need me to do to keep you safe. I may not understand this the way a human might, but I think I understand emotions well enough to help you. If not, we could always see about finding someone professional for you to talk to, okay?”
“T-thank you… I was scared you would think I was horrible or weak or something…”
Kiibo shook his head and pressed a kiss to your hair, draping a blanket over your shoulders and tucking it between the two of you so you would be more comfortable
“I have never, and will never, feel those things about you. When I think about you, all I feel is love, so much that it can overwhelm me. I want you to be happy, and I will do everything to make that happen.”
Kokichi Ouma:
The two of you had planned to go on a date that day, you were supposed to pick Ouma up at noon but you had never shown up
And when you didn’t answer any of his texts or calls, he decided to drive over, both worried and annoyed
Your front door wasn’t locked, so he waltzed in and found your bedroom, not bothering to knock at this point
“Heeeeeey! Why did you stand me up? I was waiting for you for forever, no one forgets the Uliti-”
He paused, finally realizing what he had walked in to
You were crying on the bed, blood all over your shirt, especially at your wrists, and you didn’t seem to notice him at all
There was a bloody razor blade beside you and Ouma’s first move was getting that out of your reach, you finally noticing his presence
“F-fuck! Ouma, this i-isn’t-”
“Don’t talk right now, let me clean you up first.”
You just hiccuped and nodded, your wrists stinging as he got you on your feet and into the bathroom, sitting you up on the sink and stripping off your bloody shirt
“Hey, it’s fine, don’t worry. Just relax, we’ll talk when I’m done with you, okay?”
He rolled up his own sleeve to show you a set of pale scars, giving you a reassuring smile when you started tearing up
“This is going to sting like a bitch, sorry.” He muttered as he cleaned the cuts on your wrists with peroxide, making you cry out and jump
As he got the blood off of you and bandaged your wrists, a few tears slipped down Ouma’s cheeks, but he kept the reassuring smile on the entire time
Soon your wrists were both wrapped up and he was guiding you towards the bed, only to notice that there was blood on the sheets
“Go find a shirt, (Y/N)-chan, ill get these off!” He grinned, stripping the bed and finding a new sheet, plus a nice warm blanket
Before long you two were cuddled together, Ouma wrapping his arms around you tightly
“Why did you do it, (Y/N)? And don’t lie, I don’t want to hear lies.”
You nodded and sat up a little, your wrists still aching and your eyes burning from so much crying
“S-sometimes it all just hurts… I cant control anything and I hate it! And I feel so alone and i-its just… I just want to make it hurt m-my way…”
You burst into tears, nails digging into your palm til Ouma took both your hands and held them in his own
“I get how that feels, its been a long time, but I remember. But if I stopped, you can too.”
It was the most serious you had ever heard Ouma talk, not a giggle or lie anywhere to be heard
You tried to pull yourself together but the tears just kept flowing when you remembered what he had gone through, even if it was in the past
“Whoa, whoa, hey! It’s okay! How about this, you promise to tell me when you feel like you want to do this again. I don’t care when, I don’t care where, ill find you and make that urge go away. I love you so much, I know that I like to mess around and I lie, but that will always be true.”
He lifted your face to kiss you softly, wiping your cheeks till the tears dried and you weren’t crying anymore
“Can you do that for me, my beloved (Y/N)?”
You nodded, squeaking when his hands drifted to your sides to tickle you
It was brief but merciless, you laughing till your stomach hurt and begging Ouma to let your free
“What was that? I cant hear you, (Y/N), you’ll have to speak up~”
“A-ah! Kokichi, l-let me gooooooo! I’m -a-ah!- I’m gonna die if you k-keep tickling me!”
He grinned and pulled back, laying down with you on his chest so he could easily pet your hair
“Nope, no dying allowed! No supreme leader lets his lover die! And besides, ill cry if you die!”
He gave you puppy eyes and you smiled a little, nuzzling his chest. “Liar.”
“Nope! That one’s true!” He was back to his normal self, for the most part, playing with your hair as you both let the silence wash over you for a bit, till you spoke up
“Sorry for ruining our date today, if you wanted we can still go out…”
“And move when I’ve got you on top of me? Nope! We’ll go out tomorrow or something! Oooooh, I can take you on a DICE heist!”
Ouma giggled at his own joke, but it did make you smile despite the pun.
“Thank you for helping me… No ones ever really cared…”
“Well, I do, so get used to it! I’m not about to let you be sad, that would be really shitty of me! I love you, and I always will.”
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kaywinette · 7 years
Clementine gets sick and has to stay in bed, and to make sure Clementine doesnt do anything stupid, Javi stays with her. @protectcabba2k requested some Javier and Clem bonding time and this is what I came up with! Its not the best but my excuse is that i got no sleep lastnight! Im really sorry if its not what you wanted, but I hope you enjoy it!
The last time Clementine was this sick, she had trudged through a blizzard for days, fallen into a frozen lake, then had to again trudge through the snow for who knows how much longer. Currently, she was freezing under a thick jacket and two blankets, and ultimately bedridden. Kate had Eleanor come over earlier to check up on Clem, and it turns out she just has a normal cold.
"It's really nothing to worry about. As long as she stays in bed she should be fine in a couple of days. Maybe even tomorrow if she gets enough rest." Eleanor shrugs in the doorway to Javis apartment.
"Thanks, Elle, we'll see what we can do," Kate smiles before waving goodbye to their friend. Once the door is closed she turns to Javi. "Okay, I think we both know that there no way Clementine will stay in her bed if she's here alone. Maybe I can skip my work for the day to stay with her?" Kate offers, but immediately Javi shakes his head.
"No...I can stay with her, I've taken responsibility for her, so I'll watch over her for the day." Javi smiles, and Kate just rolls her eyes.
"You're making it sound like she's a puppy you found on the streets." She laughs, "Okay fine. Just make sure to keep her fed and watered." Kate teases. She leans in to press her lips to Javis cheek. "I'll send Gabe up later to check in on you two. See you."
The apartment is silent for a few minutes after Kate leaves, and Javi thinks of what his parents use to do when he or David got the cold as kids. Recalling his Ma's soup recipe that was supposed to cure any illness in seconds, Javi moved to the kitchen. Meanwhile, Clementine was still suffering in her room. She eyed the book on the nightstand next to Gabes bed, which was across from hers. He read it every night and never seemed to get tired of it. Clementines curiosity was just about to burst at the seams. She had been wanting to ask him to read some of it to her for the longest time now, but could never build up the courage.
Slowly, she pushes herself out from all of her covers, suffling over to Gabes side of the room. She's about to pick up the book when Javi knocks on the door to her shared room. Not wanting to get scolded for being up, Clementine quickly retreats to her bed and under her covers again.
"Come in," She calls weakly to the man, who then slowly walks in.
"Heya Clem, how're you feeling?" He asks, giving the teen a smile as he walks over, holding a bowl and spoon in one hand.
"I dunno. Stuffy I guess?" Clementine shrugs, her voice a little nasally from her blocked nose.
"Yeah, you sound stuffy." Javi sends a grin, which gets a glare in response. "But hey, I made you some soup," He then holds out the bowl, and Clementine slowly takes hold of it, not wanting to spill it anywhere.
"Thanks," He actually gets a smile from the sick girl. He's about to leave the room again, but he's stopped. Clementine had reached out and grabbed him gently by his sleeve to get his attention. She opens her mouth, but seems to second guess herself. Javi watches her eyes dart between him and something on Gabes nightstand. Slowly, Javi looks over and sees Gabes book that he had carried around with him for years.
When Clementine notices that Javi figured out what she was looking at, she cringes. She has never been good at being subtle.
"Did you want to read this? I'm sure Gabe wouldn't mind, he's read this over and over again for years." Javi explains as he goes to pick up the book, flipping it over to read the title. He makes his way back over to Clems side of the room, holding the book out to her. The girl hesitates though, keeping her hands on the bowl in her lap.
"I...I want to, but I can't." The girl says with a sigh of defeat after a few moments. Javi cocks a brow at the teen, looking between her and the book like she had done moments ago.
"Clem, Gabe would gladly let you borrow the book. I'm sure he won't get upset if you read it without asking." Javi almost rolls his eyes at the girls apparent stubbornness. Clementine holds back a groan because of course Javi wouldn't get it.
"No... I mean... Javi I literally can't read it." Clementine basically whispers the end, and Javi faulters, his hand dropping to his side as he puts two and two together. The way Clem always asks someone else to read AJ his bedtime stories and the way Clem would stare at the posters for mandatory New Frontier meets for too long before turning away to find someone who knew what was going on.
"You never learned how to read?" Javi suddenly blurts out, and Clementines face flushes in embarrassment.
"I learned how to read a little!" The teen protests before faltering, "I just...kinda forgot? Its weird," She frowns, leaning back against a wall. "When I turned eleven, my old friend found a book for me, like for a birthday gift. And when I tried to read it, nothing made sense to me, like it was a different language. I guess because reading isn't exactly needed for survival, my brain just got rid of the ability." Clementine weakly explains.
Javi slowly sits next to the sick teen, who was clearly upset by the fact that she didnt knows how to read. A part of him felt warm and happy at her explanation, not because he's excited that she doesn't know how to read, obviously, but because she's sharing private information with him, which she rarely ever does. All he knows about her past is that shes been with multiple groups, and all have ended in sorrow. So the fact that she's opening up to him makes him feel like she's accepting the fact that she's a part of his family now, whether she likes it or not. Slowly he starts to turn the book over in his grip before he comes to an idea.
"I can read it to you if you want? And I can help you learn?" He offers, giving a cautious smile, which she slowly, but surely returns.
"Yeah...I'd like that," Clem responds, and Javi gets comfortable.
He moves to sit shoulder to shoulder with the teen, the book in his lap where they could both see the words, and he starts to read to her. He reads a whole chapter before its Clems turn to read aloud.
She struggles quite a bit at first, squinting at and trying to sound out words, and she often has to let Javi read them aloud to her. She then repeats a word multiple times to get used to it before moving on, only to repeat the system again on a new word. Shes surprised that Javi wasn't getting annoyed at her, in fact, he seemed to be enjoying it! Eventually, she finishes the page and leans back with exhaust.
"Cant you just read it all to me. I'm sick." She says, pulling a pout, and Javi can't believe his ears.
"Did you really just pull the sick card on me?" He asks in surprise, but she continues to pout at him, bringing a hand up to rub her neck.
"Also, can you go get me some water, my throat is dry. And an extra blanket, ooh and if we have any, some headache medicine, I think your voice is really starting to make my head hurt," She continues on, the pout fading into an amused grin at the adult's annoyance. "Please...I'm sick," She's trying to hold back a grin now as Javi stands up.
"You can be a real pain in the ass," He grumbles, taking the empty soup bowl from her lap. He goes to grab all the things Clementine asked for, but when he comes back, he's surprised to find the girl passed out and drooling on her pillow.He cants help but laugh, his annoyance fading as he sets the water bottle and pain pills down on her nightstand before covering her with the extra blanket he brought.
He makes sure to take her hat off for her, setting that on the pillow next to her head. And Javi can't help but brush some dirty hair out of her face.
"I hope you feel better soon Clem," The adult gives a smile at the sleeping teen before he makes his way to leave her room. He hears shuffling on the bed and turns to see that Clementine had turned to lay on her side, her back now facing him, but he can still hear what she has to say.
"You're a pretty good guardian Javi, thanks." She mumbles tiredly in her half asleep-half awake state.
"And you're a pretty good kid Clem," Javi responds, even though he's positive the girl's already asleep.
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gottalovetheletos · 7 years
Bright Lights, Big City. Series. Chapter 1.
Okay, so I wasn’t going to release this new series yet but I cant hold off. I think I’m going to do one more chapter to each of Jared’s and Shannon’s series. I was then going to release this one but screw it. I’m super excited for this and have been thinking about it for a few weeks. I hope you like the start of a new series!!!
Authors note:  I’ve tried to proof read it, but knowing me there’s still mistakes lol. Anyway a new series. I’m very excited about this one. I hope you are too. Enjoy. 
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1,895.
Bright Lights, Big City. Chapter 1.
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“I guess it’s time to finish off the planning for the charity opening day” I said to myself as I walked into my home office. I worked as an coordinator of a charity called ‘Bright Lights, Big City’. We had many departments from helping the less fortunate and going through hard times to rebuilding homes destroyed by natural disasters. That was my department among a few more. I had organised all of the volunteers and how they were all getting there and a sponsor, we needed them . I had reached out to many celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, John Mayer and even Prince Harry from England, worth a shot but hadn’t yet received a reply. I mean in past projects we’ve had Demi Lovato, Liam Hemsworth and Ed Sheeran. 
  We’d had a few celebrities to help sponsor us and bring in extra helpers because of the 'celebrity endorsement’, so to speak, we were using them, but for a good cause. I sat at my very tidy desk and logged into my email. It was taking it’s time to load so I turned around to plug my phone into the tower speaker to play some music. The first song was House of the rising sun by the animals. Just as the song was ending my emails had loaded, 17 new emails. I went through every one of them. Most were about the deliveries for the construction materials. As I replied to each email Kings and Queens started blaring through my speakers. Singing along I checked the second to last email. 
Subject: Bright Lights, Big City Sponsor. Oh my god this was it, 2 weeks before we are supposed to start and we have a sponsor, thank goodness. So I scrolled down to read the email. Hello, Y/N/&/ Y/L/N.  I’m writing to you to confirm that Thirty Seconds To Mars would like to sponsor your charity as I had done some research and they were impressed by what your charity has done for everyone you’ve helped. They also liked all of the past and current projects and would like to sponsor more in the future.   Please get back to us so we know you’d still like them to be the sponsor for this project. I will then be  able to give you contact details as well as receive yours. I hope to hear from you soon. Kind Regards The office of Thirty Seconds To Mars.    My hands were over my mouth as I sat there in shock. They’d been my favorite band for years and now they’re going to sponsor a charity project that I am in charge of. Holy crap! To be quite honest I forgotten that I’d sent them an email about this but then again I had reached out to a lot of celebrities. I replied back to the email. Hello, Office of Thirty Seconds To Mars, I’d like to gracefully accept for Thirty Seconds To Mars to be our sponsor for this project. Let me go through the plans and I will email you back tomorrow with my details. Thank you once again for agreeing to sponsor this project. I and the people we will be helping cannot thank you enough. Yours sincerely Miss Y/N/&/Y/L/N. I was shaking from the excitement. Still no time for that now. I can be excited later I now need to find a location for all of the volunteers to meet so we can discuss the plans for the buildings. I rang up a few meeting room places close to the location of our project so we could easily walk there and I found one. For this place I would only need to bring my own laptop as they had a projector there which was handy. I could now tick that off of my check list. As I’d finished for the evening I decided to sit in the back yard so I could breath in a little fresh air. I took my vape pen with me so I could take a few puffs to help calm me down, the adrenaline was still coursing through my veins as I sat there and thought about what was happening. I watched my dogs roam around the dimly lit yard. I had a great dane rescue who I named blue as his color was blue and I had Tank my Husky rescue, I called him tank because he was a stocky thing that would knock anything over in his path and there was Nellie the Chihuahua mix, she was my first dog, small but feisty, definitely the leader of the pack. The boys needed to be re homed together and people usually don’t want 2 big dogs, well puppies. They were only 8 months old but had been together since 5 weeks as the person who gave them to the rescue bought them way too early and didn’t want them once they both teamed up and destroyed the house. Once they were at the rescue they were trained to not ruin furniture and trained to be fairly good dogs. I mean they’re still puppies so I’m  a little lenient with them. But I’d never change them in any way, they are my babies, I’ll be it big babies, but babies none the less. I called them inside and locked the doors. I was on the computer for so long that it had passed dinner time so I didn’t bother. I went upstairs to have a shower, then laid in bed after. I couldn’t sleep, I was thinking about all the things I needed to get ready. I was going through my mental check list in my head. I had the materials. ✔️ the storage for materials. ✔️ the sponsor. ✔️ the meeting room. ✔️ the transport. ✔️ the volunteers. ✔️ the blueprints. ✔️ the tools. ✔️ As I was going through them ticking more and more off I started to feel better and more prepared. Checking things off my list was like counting sheep and before I knew it I was asleep.  The next two weeks flew by what with all the preparing I was doing. I had finished my presentation and a speech for the first day and was now packing it all into my bag ready for tomorrow. The office of thirty seconds to mars and I had been emailing back and forth. For a sponsor they sure wanted to know every detail of my plan, which was a little intimidating because our other sponsors had never wanted such detailed descriptions of what was going on, but it was fine. I felt pretty organised. That night my bag with my laptop, paperwork and handouts were by the door. I was showered and had my outfit picked out for tomorrow which was fairly business-ey. I was in bed reading over the final plans for tomorrow. Once the clock hit 10 pm I decided to go to sleep.   *beep beep beep beep beep* “Uggghh” I sighed to myself. I rolled over to see that it was 6 am. I slammed my hand down on the alarm and scrambled out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to go to the toilet and wash my face. After I made breakfast for myself and the dogs and sat at the table. I let the dogs out while I got dressed.
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I’ll admit this outfit was not suitable for a construction site but I’ve done this enough times to know I can climb a ladder in heels and a skirt if needed.  I fixed my hair, let the dogs back in and got ready to leave. I grabbed my bag and car keys had a last check in the mirror. I closed the door took a deep breath and tried to think positively. I arrived at the meeting place where everyone would be arriving in about half an hour. Plenty of time for me to get hooked up to the projector. Luckily they had already set the chairs out for me. About 150. Staring at the empty chairs made me feel slightly nervous, but I can do this. About 10 minutes before everyone would be arriving on the buses I heard a commotion outside so decided to investigate. I went to the front desk and asked what was going on. “Well Miss, it’s some band, they’ve come to see you”. I stared at the man with wide eyes. “Me? What’s the bands name?” I ask him. “Thirty something something, at least I think that what they were screaming outside” he replied. 'Oh god’ I thought to myself. I went back to my meeting room to wait for them and to try and calm myself. I gave it a couple of minutes and there they were. Well two thirds of them. Shannon and Jared walked towards me. “Hi, I’m Jared ad this is Shannon are you the coordinator of the Bright lights, big city organisation” Jared held out a hand for me to shake. “Hi yes I am. I’m Y/N/&/Y/L/N. Do forgive me but may I ask why you’re here?” I didn’t want to sound rude but sponsors don’t usually show up until we’ve finished all the work and we have the little celebration party at the end. “Well my brother thought it would be a great idea if we came along to find out whats going to happen and if we could help in any way” Shannon answered not looking too happy. “You don’t look like the type of girl who does this very often. You’re dressed to girly. Who’s actually in charge of the building here?” he added. “Well actually I have been coordinator of about 30 very successful projects and I am in charge, thank you very much” I defended myself. People started coming off of the buses and into the venue. The two men went to the back of the room and took seats. I turned around and tried to gather my thoughts. I wondered why Shannon was annoyed with me already. Was it the way I was dressed. Did I do something to piss him off. I cant loose the sponsors already. I shook the negative thoughts out of my head and turned back around to see the room full of people. “If we’re all ready and seated I’d like to get started” I announced with a smile. “I’d like to thank each and every one of you for volunteering and agreeing to help with this project. As you know” I flip to the first slid. “The area we will be working on was affected by a very big storm that passed through. It has taken over 200 homes and we are all here to help build them back up so I hope you’re good with tools” I gained a little laugh. I looked over to Jared and Shannon. Jared was listening to my every word and Shannon was busy on his pone looking more and more annoyed. I was just hoping it wasn’t at me. I carried on with the presentation and at the end I introduced out sponsors. It lasted around 45 minutes. I sent everyone for a coffee break then we’d get onto the buses so I could show everyone the location and where we’d be starting tomorrow.
Chapter 2. 
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so i finally told my dad we broke up. its been like three weeks since we last talked and it will probably be another week until we get to talk. i hate that you havent called. i hate that this happened. i still want to do well on my finals. i want to tell you i did well in my classes. i want you to know that as much as this fucking sucked i can handle whatever you throw at me. i asked a few people what i should do when and if you call. should i meet you half way? should i tell you to come to my house? should i go to your house. theres really no private place to talk besides one of our cars or your bedroom. and even your bedroom is risky because if one of your family members see me i dont know what id do, and if you say one sweet thing to me im gonna cave and take you back right away. we need to start over. do you think youd want to start over? im sorry for everything i said if it pushed you too far over the edge, i just felt left out of our own relationship, do you know how that feels? when people ask how you are and i dont even know that answer? it doesnt feel well. you were in my dream last night, i think i posted about that earlier. it was nice to have you by my side, it felt warm. i woke up upset though. i miss you a lot. i want to enjoy myself and i have but it wasnt as fun without telling you how it was or even having the chance to invite you out. i told nicole about us, her face dropped when i told her it was almost two years. this month has been the worst. i want to get you something for christmas, but what would you even want? i cant get you a dog. you have a chain now. i havent heard you say something that you wanted in so long. plus if i got you something for christmas, would it even be worth it? maybe i shouldnt. i dont want you to feel obligated to do something you dont want to. i woudlnt really put up a fight if you asked me to come over. i might bitch a little to see if youd actually make the drive over to me, but i wanna see the house i love the way your mom decorates. i also really want to be in bed next to you more than anything in the entire world. i want you to want to be with me, but in a few days well find out! hopefully youll call wednesday night, but i know its not like you to. hopefully thursday you will call. then i know you really miss me. but if i have to call you, im gonna be a little hurt. i mean if you call, already were off to a much better start. i want to call you right now, but youre probably asleep since you have work tomorrow and like things are hectic with school. i really want you to call i hope you know that i really really really want you to call. i want to work with you on this, i want to know youre getting better but with each day that passes and you not making any effort, i just think that you dont care about me anymore. is that selfish? you said you were doing this for yourself and i should respect that and i know i push but it was only to better us. it was only to make sure that you were okay and we were okay and i just started feeling like we werent okay. unfortunately i was right. we werent. im starting to think im only right about the bad stuff. i think well work things out thought. i mean we both love each other an incredible amount, the only questions that stand are if you want us to work things out and if you still love me. i mean i still love you so much i cant stop i say it to my family my friends people i never met, im not scared to tell people that i love you. im just scared of what they say. hows your family? hows your mom? i hope you got her the best christmas gift ever, that woman is an angel. are you getting a puppy for sure? i guess well find out. god youre so cute. i just hate that i felt underappreciated. i hate that you pushed me way off to the side. i understand a little every once in a while, theres no need for me to know everything 100% or be with you ever chance you have a day to yourself, but i wanted you to come back and it was starting to feel like you werent there ever. i mean ever. i have so much to tell you, i have so much to ask you, its gotten to the point that i get mad when people smell like you. like what the fuck? i got my period three days before i was supposed to. maybe that was a good thing because now i wont be so emotional when i see you. i keep getting extreme anxiety attacks where all i want to do is run away and escape all responsibilities but at the same time these responsibilities are the only thing keeping me from thinking of you, and not thinking of you relieves my spliting headache or me not being able to eat. am i doing better? i mean physically yea, i feel better but its like im working from the outside in. like i pretending to be okay and strong for so long that im starting to believe that im okay and im strong enough to get through this. or maybe its all the praying ive been doing. nothing crazy and not my usual prayer, but asking for the strength to get through the next week and the courage to hear your answer. maybe its these posts that are allowing me to say what i usually cant make into words or even tell people without them jumping in or telling me to move on or telling me they dont know the answers. i just want to be on speaking terms with you. i also want to know if you changed my contact. and if so what did you change it to? that would also give me some indication to how you felt during the month. i thought that id just ask for your phone and call. you might not see it coming but i want to know. i dont want to look through it, just see what pops up. you probably just changed the emojis. i coud see you doing that, but still. you thought of me as your wife. i thought of you as my husband. i still want you to be my husband. i still think about you like alllll the time, even taking exams or going out. i think were still in a relationship but like not really? i mean i danced with a guy let a few guys buy me drinks, got two guys numbers and saw a guy i knew in school who we used to play flirt with each other. it all felt wrong though. maybe too soon, but every time someone went to talk to me, i wished it was you or i wished i couldve said that i was in a relationship and talked your ear off about how im so proud you found a major that youre happy with and you see yourself doing. i just want you to be happy, of course i want me to be what makes you happy too, but if i dont i want you to be happy first. also theres been this bug flying around my room, i could really use your help.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
yandere girls and other such things
Belkia: T_T "But I want to be a meister..." *spins--and is now in Black Star's outfit, while Black Star--* Black Star: o\\\\\\o tsubaki: O////O;; otogiri:......*siiiighs* Black Star: "GIVE ME BACK MY CLOTHES, YOU BASTARD!" Belkia: "Nope! I got to get to school! Later!" *runs* -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Wakey-wakey..." akaderu: *opens his eyes* hey babe... Kepuri: "Good morning...Sleep alright?" akaderu: yeah...*stretches* Kepuri: *smiles* "Same..." *kiss on the cheek* -elsewhere- Lawless: "Huh..." *marks something in his book* soul: *writing down notes* Lawless: "Yo. What did you get for #4?" -elsewhere- stocking:....hey, star-tails, could you not sit so close to me? Belkia: *shiny eyes* "Okay!" *pushes Kid out of his seat, takes that one* Kid: "Ow!" stocking: hey! *she goes over to kid* are you ok, kid? Kid: "Y-Yes, I'm fine...I don't suppose finding other seats would be preferable..." stocking: lets sit up front. Belkia: "Yay! Up front!" stocking: you just stay right there! kirika:.... Belkia: *puppy dog eyes* "But please?" Gopher: -____-;;;; "Could you please shut up, you obnoxious street magician?" kirika: yeah, _some_ of us want to get shit done. *is playing pokemon go* Belkia: "..." *leans at Kirika* "Maybe...I need to show you and your boy-toy a trick..." kirika: *CLAWS* do you want me to flail you? Belkia: *smirks, as he holds up a sword* "How can you without your hands, kitten?" Gopher: >:< "Away from her, vile cur!" kirika: *grabs them and HEADBUTT SLAMS them together* shaddap, im trying to get a meowth. Belkia: x____x Gopher: x< student: wow. she certainly is savage. Kid: *thumbs up to Kirika* kirika: *grin* Stein: "If you are all done bashing in each other's brains, let's get back to today's lesson..." kirika: alright. -elsewhere- Yohei: "Feeling better?" chie: much. thank you. Yohei: *smiles* "I love you..." chie: *smoooch~* Yohei: *sigh* "Just hang in there..." chie: april cant get here any sooneeeerrrrr... =3= Yohei: *nods* "I'm sorry how difficult this has been." chie: it's fine...it'll all be worth it. *rubs her stomach* Yohei: *smiles* "He'll be loved..." -elsewhere- Higan: *painting in his room...* -door bell rings- Higan: "???" *steps out of his room, goes to the front door...* "Yeah?" ayami: um...excuse me sir...is...mr belkia here? Higan: "...Who's asking?" *eyes her up and down* ayami: we....went to dinner...a few...days ago... Higan: "...Oh. Um..." *smiles, holds out his hand* "I'm Higan." ayami: nice to...meet you.....are you..belkia's father? you...look somewhat...similar.... Higan: -_-;; "I am not..." ayami: oh... Higan: "I'm afraid no one by that name is here. Maybe try down the street...unless...Say, you thirsty?" ayami: ....some....tomato juice...if you...have any... Higan: *smiles, gestures her to come in...* ayami: *she sits down on the couch* lavender: hey. ayami:...h-hello.... Higan: "Lavender, this is-- I'm sorry, ma'am, I did not catch your name." ayami: ayami....kazuho.... lavender: oh? Higan: "She is looking for someone, and I was just going to...get her a drink." *smiles* "Please, keep her company for a few moments." lavender: alright. so, ayami, what brings you down this way? otogiri:....you just let her in? *cold glare* you better not try anything. Higan: "Little old me? Never..." *gets the tomato juice, returning to the living room* ayami: my family....works often...so i....im left home a lot.... lavender: i see. Higan: *offers the tomato juice* "And you say you know someone named Belkia?" ayami: yes. he sent me....such heartfelt words......i...want to see him more.....i...want to be his special person...*twitches* Higan: o_o;;; ("Okay, on the crazy-hot binary, this woman just went to full-on 'crazy'...") "Ha ha...Um...'Fraid no one named Belkia is here right now...Ha ha..." *nervous laugh* lavender: haha.... ^^;;;;;; Higan: "Well, too bad--guess this visit didn't turn out as you wanted--" ayami: do you...know where....i can...f-find him?? Higan: "...N-No?" ayami:.....i'll...go then......*she exits* lavender: well that was all kinds of creepy. Higan: *sigh of relief* "Jeez...The women Belkia attracts." otogiri: there's a first for everything. Higan: "Jeez...You know, there are hot girls, and then there is that girl...Yikes." otogiri:....*CHOP* Higan: T_T "Ow..." tsubaki: we're home! lavender: welcome back! Higan: "Yeah, hey...How was school?" tsubaki: eventful as always. Belkia: "Yeah! I can't wait to go back tomorrow!" lavender: oh, you had a visitor today. Belkia: *shiny eyes* "My sugar plum?" lavender: she was kinda quiet....and twitchy. otogiri: and if it was miss pheles, she wouldnt be here to visit you. Belkia: *color drains from his face* "...We have to move. Now." tsubaki: we're not...doing that... *sweatdrop* Belkia: "THEN I NEED RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY!" otogiri: *scalpels in hand* tsubaki: no. Higan: "Relax. I only said you weren't here, not that you live here. She comes around again, we just pretend you don't live here." tsubaki: that seems like a good plan. Belkia: Q~Q "Good for all of you..." -elsewhere- Relan: "Any plans for after school?" shinra: maybe go to the arcade? Relan: *nods* "Sounds good!" -elsewhere- Shinoda: "Frozen apple salad." nea: *nom* nice. Shinoda: *smiles* "Happy to hear." *takes a forkful* "Mmmm...Tasty." -elsewhere- Kid: *rubs her hand* "Glad to be away from school?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "Same...I'm glad you are safe." stocking: ...um, kid? you've been rubbing that one finger for a while.... Kid: o\\\\\o "Oh. Sorry. I had...better give attention to your other fingers..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *rubs along her knuckles* "...Stocking? You have such elegant, strong hands..." stocking: *blush* Kid: *laugh* "You also pack quite a punch with these." stocking: why yes i do. Kid: *small rub of his cheek* "Yes...I can remember." stocking: ...?? Kid: "...Do you remember...an unfortunate time, when our bed broke...and you hit me?" stocking:...kid...*she touches his cheek* Kid: *small laugh* "I have been in so many fights...and your punch ranks high on that list of forcefulness. My strong angel..." stocking: *kiss* Kid: *kiss* "I love you..." stocking: mmm~ Kid: *hugs her, small pant* stocking: k-kid? *small blush* Kid: "??? Yes?" stocking:...n-nothing. Kid: "Are you sure?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Hey there, Sister!" kirei: oh, hello. Tsukiyo: "How you doing? Been hanging with the Commander?" Mr. Tsubaki: *staring at Tsukiyo* -_-; kirei: i've just been attending to things at the shrine. fang-hua: hmm? (thinking: two tails?) Tsukiyo: "I can imagine..." 7w7 Mr. Tsubaki: *still frowning, as he approaches Tsukiyo...* kirei: i have though! Tsukiyo: "Like with Beni-Hottie...Probably been _real_ busy, huh?" Mr. Tsubaki: *approaches Tsukiyo's hand, sniffing* kirei: e-eh? w-what are you saying? Tsukiyo: "You know...maybe long nights...up late...in bed..." Mr. Tsubaki: *frowns...huddles down, wagging his tail, ready to pounce...* kirei: w-what?! fang-hua: tsukiyo! you're embarrassing her! Tsukiyo: "Oh, come on! There's nothing embarrassing about some ladies talking about how they want Benimaru's hands all over their--" *POUNCE* Mr. Tsubaki: *knocks down Tsukiyo, licking her face, happy barks* Tsukiyo: o_O "GET THIS SLOBBERING MUTT OF OF ME!" fang-hua: aww, i thought you'd like being licked all over. Tsukiyo: "NOT FUNNY!" Mr. Tsubaki: *devious look...* *long lick from her neck up to her chin and lips* Tsukiyo: o_______o "AAAAAAAAH!" fang-hua: O,O; kirei: oh...oh goodness. Tsukiyo: "Dog germs! Get him off me!" *pushes Mr. Tsubaki off* Mr. Tsubaki: *leaps over to Kirei, hiding behind her legs and whimpering* kirei: *picks him up* now that wasnt very nice...you poor thing... Mr. Tsubaki: *puppy eyes* Tsukiyo: *glares at the fox* "Keep that flea-ridden beast away from me! Gah! I probably got infected by him! Or rabies!" fang-hua: i think you only get rabies if you're bitten...even then... Tsukiyo: "That thing is awful and dangerous! Look at how violent it is!" Mr. Tsubaki: *pants happily at Fang-Hua* fang-hua:.... Mr. Tsubaki: *leaps down, sits before Fang-Hua, lowering his head to be petted* fang-hua: *pat pat* Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ Tsukiyo: "...Sister? You have him neutered yet?" kirei: o.o Mr. Tsubaki: Q~Q *hides behind Fang-Hua's legs* Tsukiyo: "It's a fair question! Next thing you know, thousands of these ugly monsters crawling all over the village..." fang-hua: *chop* dont be rude. Tsukiyo: *pouts* "Just keep that monster away from me..." Mr. Tsubaki: *downcast look, whimpers* fang-hua: you hurt his feelings....(thinking: this fox...it acts way too much like a person....) Tsukiyo: "...I'll apologize, when it apologizes to me. Let's hear an apology, foxy!" Mr. Tsubaki: -_- -elsewhere- Meme: *humming* mio: zzzz.... Meme: *smiles, moves some of Mio's hair out of her face* mio: =w= Meme: *whispers* "Sleep well..." -morning- fang-hua: so what did you want to do? Tsukiyo: "I have ideas..." :3 fang-hua: *sweatdrop* Tsukiyo: "Let's start with some breakfast--how do donuts sound?" fang-hua: like breakfast donuts? or waffled donuts? Tsukiyo: "Maybe a lemon one, too. I used to get a birthday donut every year...So tasty~" fang-hua: ah, i see. Tsukiyo: "Then after breakfast, let's go try on outfits, visit the spa, and make one important stop~ What's your favorite donut flavor?" fang-hua: i guess i like just the plain donuts. with maybe a bit of powdered sugar. Tsukiyo: "Just the basics, huh? Me, I like it all: frosting, sprinkles, filling...So good." *points to the cafe* "There! Let's go to that one!" -elsewhere- Patty: "Kiddo? Stocking? Time to wake up..." stocking: mmmn? Kid: *groan* "Patty? Why are you in our room?" Patty: "I picked the lock." ^^ stocking: *yaaawns and nuzzles kid's chest* =w= Patty: "...Ooooooh! I should leave you two alone..." Kid: -_-; "Yes, that would be for the best..." stocking: hmm? Patty: *nods* "Well, if you need anything--" Kid: "Eight more minutes of sleep, please." stocking: zzzzz.... Patty: *thumbs up...exits and shuts the door* Kid: *sigh of relief...* -later- Kid: *stretch, yawn* stocking: is it the weekend yet? Kid: "I think so, yes." stocking: *checks the calender* Kid: *hugs her from behind* stocking: hehe~....seems patti's birthday is coming up soon. Kid: "And I have the perfect gift for her. You have additional ideas what to get her?" -elsewhere- Relan: "Ready to run?" mikami: ready! Relan: *smiles* "Okay!" *starts off at a good pace* ryuuko: *timing them* Relan: *small pant, trying to speed up a bit* "Doing okay, Mikami?" -elsewhere- himawari:....... Touma: "Will you do as I instruct?" himawari:....yes... Touma: "Good...Now, stay quiet. I have to finish a task first. And don't try to escape..." himawari:........ Touma: *exits to check in the hallway...* Touma: *returns...locks the door* "Do you know what I want, Himawari?" himawari:...... Touma: "Control. That's what we all want, yes? The ability to influence our world, for something better...more noble...easier...with less struggle." himawari:..... Touma: *holds her by her chin* "Control...over the forces of nature. If I command a vampire, then I command powers no human has before..." *tightens his grip* himawari: *wince* Touma: "Do you know what real control looks like?" himawari: *trembling* Touma: *releases her shackles* "Real control...is knowing that I could free you from every restraint...and you still will do as I ask." himawari:........... Touma: "Now that I have freed you, let's begin...Disrobe." -elsewhere- Tool: "Okay, Io, which shirt do you want to wear today?" *holds up two* io: uu! *points to the one on the left* Tool: "Okay! Good choice!" *puts his arms up* "Arms up, kiddo!" io: *arms up* ^u^ Tool: *puts the shirt on Io* "Awesome!" *takes their hand* "Ready to walk on out?" io: *nod nod* saki: ^^ Tool: "There's Mommy! Walk on over to her!" io: *waddle waddle plop* O.O Tool: "Aw, it's okay--you can get up again..." io: *tries to* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Mmm~ That's great. Could you get in between the toes, please?" fang-hua: *sweatdrop* Tsukiyo: "How's the face-mask working out for you, Fang? Doesn't it just rejuvenate the skin?" fang-hua: it's nice. Tsukiyo: "Yeeeeeeeeah--ooo! That tickles! Ah...My pores are screaming in pleasure." fang-hua: <->;;;;; Tsukiyo: "Oh, yeah...Ahhhhh, such a good massage..." -elsewhere- Emine: *sitting in the corner* -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Have you seen Maki?" maki: yo. Takehisa: "Ah, hello...How is your day going?" maki: doing good. Takehisa: *nods* "That's good...Have time for some tea?" maki: sure. Takehisa: *pours some* "...Did you get a haircut?" maki: i just got it trimmed a little bit. Takehisa: *nods* "It looks good." maki: ^^ Takehisa: *serves tea, sits across from her* "How has training been today?" -elsewhere- tinker: aaaand all set! Jun: "???" tinker: i updated the net launcher! this should be able to catch more jinn in a jiffy! or maybe a jinn-ffy? Jun: "...Okay, points for that alliteration." tinker: ^^ yumikage: uugh, really? Tsurugi: *covered in forehead bandages* "So...How do you want to test it?" hyakuya: what the heck happened to you? Tsurugi: "...Bed problems." hyakuya:....really? Tsurugi: ._.; "...Yes?" hyakuya:.... Tsurugi: "..." *hides behind Jun* yumikage: ?? hyakuya: ?? Tsurugi: "...MAFURA! DEFEND ME ON THIS ONE!" mafura: ~?? Tsurugi: *hides behind Mafura* yumikage: *glare* Jun: *picks Tsurugi by the back of his neck, tosses him towards Yumikage* "Go take care of him. Mafura, how are you feeling?" yumikage: dont drop him on me! mafura: mafura-chan's ok. Jun: "Take care of Tsurugi, I'll watch out for Mafura..." *looks at Mafura* "Want something to eat?" mafura: whats 'melon bread'? miss tinker mentioned it... Jun: *smiles* "Can get you some...Ever done cooking?" mafura: ~??? Jun: "I guess not...I already made the dough, so why don't you help me with making the melon bread, then we can eat some?" mafura: *nod nod* Jun: *smiles* "Kitchen is over here...We'll roll out the dough..." mitsuba:....*mutters* oh fuck, shitty cheek tattoo is back... Touma: "Hello, all." *nods to Mitsuba* mitsuba: *death stare* hyakuya: .... mafura: hello mr touma ^^ Touma: "Hello, Mafura. How are you adjusting?" mafura: mafura-chan's happy. mafura-chan has lots of new friends. especially mr tsurugi! *she hugs tsurugi* ^^ Tsurugi: o\\\\\\o Touma: *serene smile, creepy voice with an edge* "Oh, really?" mafura: *she nods* mmhmm! mr tsurugi really likes mafura-chan too! Tsurugi: D: "I-I-I-I-I mean, it's...It's not quite--It's, um--" Touma: ^^ "And when is the wedding...?" yumikage: D8< Tsurugi: "THERE IS NO WEDDING AND NO SEXY TIME HAPPENED!" mafura:....~? weeds? Touma: "Perhaps Mr. Tsurugi and I should speak...in private." Tsurugi: o______o mafura: ~? yukikage: *pulls mafura close to him, giving touma the stink-eye* Jun: "Sir, please...I think Tsurugi will be fine. And can stand for a less severe punishment." Touma: "...What were you about to do, Jun?" Jun: "Make melon bread?" mafura: *nod nod* Touma: "Perhaps have Tsurugi assist...Make him salivate for that bread..." Jun: "???" mafura: ~? Touma: "Tie up Tsurugi...torture him with the smell of the bread." Jun: ._. Tsurugi: o___O Touma: *smiles, sweetly* "Kidding!~ I have work to attend to, anyway, too busy to punish Tsurugi..." Tsurugi: *sigh of relief* Touma: "I have hired employees for that. Yumikage, punish him." yumikage: give me one good damn reason i should do anything you tell me? Touma: "Because I'm the boss. And punishing Tsurugi may be fun for everyone involved." yumikage:.... hyakuya: *resisting the urge to flip him off* Tsurugi: "I like this plan!" *on knees in front of Yumikage* "Punish me!" yumikage: YOU'RE MAKING THIS WEIRD! Tsurugi: "HE'LL KILL ME OTHERWISE! I"ll take you!" yumikage: YOU WANNA GO?! mitsuba: wait, what? O-O Tsurugi: "I AM UP FOR ANYTHING, SO LONG AS IT DOES NOT INVOLVE TOUMA KILLING ME!" *hugs Yumikage's legs* yumikage: h-hey! O////O;; Tsurugi: *rubs his cheek against Yumikage's feet* "PUNISH ME! PUNISH ME SO HE WON'T!" yumikage: LETGOAMEIMGONNAFALLOVER! hyakuya: fine i'll do it. Tsurugi: "..." *looks Hyakuya up and down* "...Okay, sure. That's better than Touma tearing out my organs." Touma: "...True enough." -KICK TO THE FACE- Tsurugi: X___X Touma: "Oooo, even I felt that one." shinoa: well, she is a former delinquent. Touma: *claps* "Bravo." hyakuya: *poisonous glare of hate* Touma: "I will get back to work. Mafura, tend to the injured Tsurugi." mafura: *hugs tsurugi* Tsurugi: o\\\\\\\o "...Thank...you?" Touma: *closes the door* Jun: *glares at Touma's door* yumikage: he's been in his office a lot more often recently..... mitsuba:....that guy....i dont trust him. yumikage: you and just about every other person who's met him. me included. Jun: "...Mafura, let's get to baking...while our friends keep an eye on Mr. Touma." mitsuba: keeping an eye on who now? mafura: ok! Jun: *stares* "You heard me. Pay attention to him--see what he is doing..." mitsuba:...right. Jun: "I'm depending on you..." *smiles at Mafura* "Let's get you some melon bread made..." mafura: *she nods* -in the hall- mitsuba: *mumbling* *at the door* *Sounds of grunts and a slap* mitsuba: ??? *presses her ear against the door, she can hear a woman whimpering* ???!!! Touma: "Quiet. Now." himawari:...... mitsuba: ?? Touma: "Good..." *hands over her back* "Like this." mitsuba: 0_0 (thinking: what the everloving fuck is going on in there?!) himawari: *shivering* Touma: "Now. Or do you want it to hurt more?" himawari: *she winces and does as told* Touma: *quiet moan* himawari: *biting her lip, tearing up* Touma: "...Don't you cry. You do that, you'll make it hurt worse." himawari: *her tears sting the wounds on her cheek* Touma: *clutches her chin* "Stop." himawari: !! Touma: "What? What pain can you feel?" *slight chuckle* "Someone like you, in pain? What pain? You don't even have the _soul_ to feel pain." himawari:......*silent whimper* Touma: "I said..." *SLAP* "Stop." himawari: ah! *winces* mitsuba: !!! Touma: "Quiet." *holds her down...* "Let's do this already...Enough playtime." mitsuba: !!!!!! *knocks on the door* oi! open the fucking door! Touma: "!!! Shit..." *stares at Himawari* "You hide. Now." himawari:......... *frozen still out of fear* Touma: *glares, grabs her by the back of her neck, dragging her to the bookcase* himawari: *wince* mitsuba: YOU BETTER OPEN THIS DOOR OR IM GOING TO BREAK IT DOWN! Touma: "One moment..." *pushes the bookcase aside, shoving her inside* himawari: *small whimper as she hits the floor* Touma: *shoves the bookcase shut...then adjusts his clothes before turning...* "Door: open." *Mechanical whirr* *Door opens* mitsuba: im comin in! *about to kick the door down* *Door opened and...* Touma: *behind his desk, signing paperwork* "...What?" mitsuba:....touma. Touma: "Sanguu, what is it?" mitsuba:....did you hear any weird noises coming from in here? i heard some weird sounds in here.... Touma: "...These walls are so paper thin. Someone in the other room is probably watching some video." mitsuba:.... (thinking: paper thin......yet made out of steel.....) im pretty sure i heard them coming from in here.... Touma: "Check the air vents--they carry so many noises, including Yumikage's snoring." mitsuba:.....i'll just be going then... Touma: "Yes, please do so..." mitsuba: *she exits* (thinking: something's up....i dont trust that smug sack of fucks for a moment...) Touma: "..." *returns to the bookcase...* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "D'aw--that's so cute on you!" fang-hua: ^^; Tsukiyo: "Can't you just see yourself, walking through the village in that? You'd turn a lot of heads~" fang-hua: (thinking: i'll be turning heads alright...not what i really want to do... -_-; ) Tsukiyo: *pouts* "Ah, Fang...Don't look like that. You have very attractive qualities..." *pat on the shoulder* fang-hua: hm? Tsukiyo: "You're kind, generous, patient...you're there when someone needs you to be." fang-hua: well, i try my best. ^^; Tsukiyo: "..." *hug* "You are a good friend." fang-hua: thanks. ^^; Tsukiyo: *sniff* "Thank you..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Mmm..." stocking: *asleep in his arms* Kid: *kisses her forehead* ("So happy to be resting...") stocking: *nuzzle* Kid: *hums* -elsewhere- sachiko: zzzzzz Spirit: *pulls the sheet over her, smiles* sachiko: *smiles* Spirit: "Get some sleep..." *kiss on her forehead* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *reading, taking notes* kim: zzzzzzzzzzzzz Jacqueline: *yawn...* *closes her book, stumbles to bed...* -morning- Jacqueline: "Mmm..." kim: .... *puts whipped cream on jackie's hand* *tickles her nose* Jacqueline: *scrunches her nose in annoyance...moves her hand...and...* *SPLAT* o__O kim: SMACK CAM! *saves vid on her phone* Jacqueline: D: "KIM!" *leaps out of bed* kim: *tanuki mode and hides* kui kui kui kui~ Jacqueline: *dripping in cream, down on all fours, looking under the beds and desks* "Get back here, you little trickster!" *grabs under a bed* kim: TICKLE ATTACK! *tickles her sides* Jacqueline: "AAAAAH! HA HA HA! K-KIM! NO FAIR!" *tries to grab at her* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: ^^ "Such a good day yesterday." fang-hua: it was nice to get out once in a while. Tsukiyo: "Can we try to do that more often? Or...hang out?" fang-hua: well- Tsukiyo: *puppy dog eyes* fang-hua: a- !!! oh! commander! Benimaru: "Good morning, Kohana. Happy belated birthday, Tsukiyo." Tsukiyo: -w- "Thank you, Commander Beni-Hottie..." fang-hua: *sweatdrop* good morning to you too, sir. Benimaru: *nods* "I hope you two are ready for work..." *hands them instructions* "You will be busy today." fang-hua: oh boy Tsukiyo: *pout* "I hope the assignments are decent..." Benimaru: "We are still searching for dopplegangers, and I want you to visit the temple--" fang-hua: right. Tsukiyo: -_-; "That darn fox..." kabuki: .... Tsukiyo: o___o;;; *nervous laugh* "I-I didn't mean you, buddy! I meant that little...you know, the little tiny fox...thing." kabuki: oh....but i think he's quite adorable... Tsukiyo: -_-; "What, you like a fox licking your face?" -elsewhere- Kepuri: *whispers* "This is your wake-up call..." akaderu: mmmn... *blush* Kepuri: *cuddle* "Sleep well?" -elsewhere- Kid: *washing dishes* stocking: *helping* Kid: *smiles* "Sorry to rope you into this..." stocking: its fine, really. Kid: "You're quite quick at it..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "At washing and drying...Sorry. You're so quick and agile at so many things." stocking: but i can take it slow too~ *wink* Kid: ^\\\^ "I know..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *scrubbing* "You know...bubbles..." stocking: maybe taking a bath together~? Kid: "Oh, yes..." -and so- stocking: ahh~ Kid: *swims up alongside her...kisses her cheek* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *hug...slight grope along her* stocking: *soft moan* Kid: *kisses along her neck* stocking: ahhh~ *lightly grinds against him* Kid: *grinds back* "Ah~ Stocking..." stocking: *licks kid's lips* mmn~ Kid: *reaches for her lips, making a small bite* stocking: mmn! >///< Kid: *his hand reaches for her breast...small squeeze, as his tongue slips by her lips stocking: mnh! *licking along his tongue* Kid: *groan, touching her tongue, his hands now working at her breasts* stocking: mmngh~! Kid: *grinding against her, panting...his hands hold her sides, trying to match her rhythm* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: -\\\\\\- "So embarrassing..." kim: still cute tho. Jacqueline: "Hmph...Why did you prank me like that?" kim: well its just.... 7///7 you have cute reactions. Jacqueline: o\\\\o "...'Cute'? Kim, I...would think that word is more appropriate...for you..." kim: 83 ~? Jacqueline: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- Arthur: *practicing his sword art* shinra: *he just finished and is looking at the clouds* Arthur: "Just going to be staring at the sun, then?" shinra: just......havent been sleeping well. Arthur: "??? Maybe take a nap?" shinra: i guess....but.... Arthur: "...Nightmares?" shinra: i guess..... Arthur: "Something real, or something that could never happen?" shinra: i had a dream....asakusa engulfed in flames.....and a demon... Arthur: "...Yikes." shinra: it feels so real... Arthur: "...I'm no psychic, but maybe you should seek one..." shinra: i dunno..... Arthur: "..." *pulls out a slip of paper* "Here...I did find someone who does this kind of stuff with tarot. Someone Tamaki knew." shinra: the girl's dorms? Arthur: *nods* -and so- shinra: ..... Kana: "...Who brought this sad sack to our home?" shinra: TTuTT (thinking: why do kids hate me so much these days?) Kana: "Stop crying like a small child. I will read your tarot fortune..." shinra: *ahem* right. Kana: *lays out the cards* "Pick one." shinra: *he takes the one between the middle and the right* Kana: *holds up the Fire Card* "Fire." shinra: is that an actual tarot card? Kana: "Indeed. The Element of Fire. A sign of birth, creation, vitality..." shinra: *he nods* Kana: "And this creation will come from everything around you burning by just your touch, spreading death, destruction, and misery..." shinra:............. Q______Q Kana: *holds out her hand* "That will be $5.00, please." shinra: D8 Kana: "...What? You can't be that surprised..." -elsewhere- Stein: *reading* aya: *cleaning things off* Stein: *puts a bookmark in* "Need help?" aya: im ok. *she smiles* valentine: *she smiles* Stein: *nods* "Maybe drinks?" -elsewhere- Rino: "Her royal highness still sick in bed, Miss Gabriella?" gabriella: she's been doing better. Rino: "That sucks..." *holds up kitten* "She's not allergic to cats, is she?" gabriella: i dont think so? if all else fails, you can take the cat home with you. Rino: *nods* "Okay..." Hibana: *walks up, sniffles* "Oh, you brought back that cat..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *playing with the twins* hikage: kon kon! hinata: hehe ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *leaping up and down, cheerfully* kirei: they sure seem to be happy. reimi: *she nods* Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs...looks at Reimi* reimi: hmm? what is it little guy~? Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; *studying her...lays down at her feet* reimi: ?? do you want to be pet? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *lowers his head for petting* reimi: *pet pet* hehe~ Mr. Tsubaki: *sniff sniff...* "!!!!" *opens his mouth and--* *CHOMP* reimi: ow! Mr. Tsubaki: *growl* reimi: TT^TT hinata: mr fox, that wasnt nice! Mr. Tsubaki: *growling, barking at Reimi* kirei: sister reimi! are you ok? reimi: Q-Q im going to bandage myself... Mr. Tsubaki: *BARK BARK! BARK BARK!* hinata: whats wrong? kirei:...... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *calms down, cuddles against the twins, shivering* hikage: *frowns and pets* Mr. Tsubaki: ^^; *calm down more...* -elsewhere- Higan: *making pottery* naho: *also attempting. she's trying to make a mug* Sakuya: "...Mine just looks like a messy cigarette ashbowl..." lavender: at least its something. try making the best of it. you can give it to higan as a gift. Higan: *nods* "Every artist starts somewhere..." Sakuya: "How's yours coming, Lilac?" lilac: .....*its flat* Higan: "...Nice plate." lilac: t-thanks..... -elsewhere- Kid: *cuddle* stocking: ^w^~<3 Kid: "That was great..." *picks another grape from a plate* stocking: ahh~ *opens mouth* Kid: *feeds her the grape* "Bon appetite~" stocking: *nom* hehe~ Kid: *bites into a strawberry, some of its juice dripping down his chin* stocking: *lick~* Kid: *shudder* "Aaaaaah~" stocking: *smirks and licks the other side* Kid: "Oh...You know me so well..." *smiles* stocking: *smooch* hehe....we should get married someday.. Kid: .\\\\\\w\\\\\. "...Yes." stocking: hehe, yeah....that would be nice. Kid: "...I love you...and I...want..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "..." *hug* "I would like that, too." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "...So...I..." ef: hmm? Jacqueline: "...Mai? Have you ever tried to tell someone something, only to trip over your own words?" ef: more often then not... ^^; Jacqueline: "..." *sigh* "I feel stupid." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Okay, I finished interviewing people in the southwest district. How did you do?" fang-hua: northeast district is cleared. Tsukiyo: *sigh* "I need a break. Ramen?" fang-hua: sounds good. Tsukiyo: "Awesome!" *opens the curtain to the ramen shop and sees* o___o *A stranger in a kimono is sitting at the shop, with noodles out of his mouth* "Stranger": o____O *sluuuuurp* fang-hua: hmm? Tsukiyo: *whispers* "You recognize that guy?" fang-hua: not really. Tsukiyo: *whispers* "This hot guy may be an interloper, the one who is infecting people...with hotness." fang-hua: -__-; Tsukiyo: *whispers* "Follow my lead..." *walks over, sits to the right of the Stranger* *serious voice to ramen shop owner* "Pork ramen. Extra carrots." Stranger: "???" fang-hua: *sigh* Tsukiyo: *eyes the Stranger up and down* "So...attractive pretty man...Why do you look so familiar?" Stranger: "!!!" *nervous laugh* "Just...one of those faces I guess..." *glances at Fang-Hua* fang-hua: dont mind her, she's..flirty. ^^; Tsukiyo: "SERIOUS FLIRTING!" *leans forward* "You been up to any no-good rotten behavior in this town...?" Stranger: ("!!! Did she recognize me?") "N-Not in this town..." fang-hua:....this town? 0_0; Stranger: "!!!" *nervous laugh* "Not in this town have I done anything bad--or in any town!" Tsukiyo: "..." *sluuuuuuurp* "...What's your name, Stranger?" fang-hua:... Stranger: "...Katsura?" Tsukiyo: *serious stare* "...That's really pretty." Stranger: o\\\\\o "...Thanks?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *napping* *snoring* tsubaki: zzzz.... Black Star: *turns...*cuddles against her* tsubaki: u///u Black Star: "..." *kiss on the cheek* -elsewhere- Relan: "??? Tarot?" shinra: yeah...i hoped it would help, but instead it just made me feel worse... Relan: "...I tried not to give much thought to those future-seeing things...Granted, my mom also thought those things were of the devil--" shinra: ......*hug* Relan: "!!! ..." *hug, pat* "You'll be fine, Shinra..." shinra: *hug* thanks, rel. Relan: *strokes his back, hums lightly...* "You'll be fine...You'll get through this." shinra: *he nods* Relan: *kiss on his forehead* "You are strong, fast, brave..." shinra: *blush*...hey rel....did you...wanna stay the night? i-if thats cool? Relan: "..." *nods* "I would like that..." -elsewhere- Johannes: "I DID IT! I have finished it!" metsu: do i dare ask? Johannes: "CLEAR. COLA!" *holds up a bottle* "Fresh brewed!" metsu: ah. Johannes: *pours some out* "Cheers!" ???: NO! NONONO DONT STALL NOW! SCOOTER WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! AHHH! metsu: oh? Johannes: :3 *hops up the stairs like a bunny* sayaka: i swear im cursed... come oooon! wha....FUEL EMPTY?! Q____________Q Johannes: *pops up behind her* "_We_ have fuel..." sayaka: O_____________________O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Johannes: "Hiya, sweet pea! I made a new crystal-clear cola! Want a sip?" sayaka:....................(thinking: i'd rather drink the fuel.) Johannes: "??? What's wrong? You always get that look when I see you..." sayaka: IMFINEREALLY!.........*siiiigh* alright, i'll take the plunge. *GULP* Johannes: *smiles widely* "Tasty, yes?" sayaka: ...its not all that bad, actually. Johannes: *shiny eyes* "YOU REALLY LIKE IT?!" sayaka: its tingly, but its nice. ^^; Johannes: *sniff* T_T "You don't know...how much your validation means..." sayaka: um...thank you...i think. ^^;;; Johannes: "...Hey, you're out of fuel? Wait here--I'll bring you some!" sayaka: (thinking: maybe im just blowing all this out of proportion. maybe i really was just being paranoid.) Johannes: "Yo, Metsu-Metsu? Where is the extra gasoline?" -later- Johannes: "So, your tank is all filled up?" sayaka: all set! thanks. do i have to pay extra for this or...? Johannes: "Maybe...you could pay me another way..." sayaka: O____________________________________________________________________________O uhhhh how so? (thinking: I WAS RIGHT THE FIRST TIME FUCKING DRIVE THE FUCK OFF!!) Johannes: "We...I, don't get many visitors here...Maybe next time you're around, we can have some tea upstairs? Talk?" sayaka: ....i'll consider it. Johannes: *puppy dog eyes* "Maybe next Saturday?" sayaka: uhhhh.....i'll consider it. Johannes: "..." *sad nod* "Okay...Well, have a good day..." -later- Johannes: *sipping on a root beer he now made* T_T metsu:....why do you always seem to follow that girl? Johannes: "...She reminds me of someone...Maybe something I lost in myself." metsu: hmm? Johannes: "...A desire to do the right thing...a little too shy to say aloud what she thinks..." *small smile* "Just a bit of axe-craziness..." metsu: *sweatdrop* Johannes: *sigh* "I guess it's just not in my control...The curse of being a scientist..." metsu: (thinking: and the age gap makes any sort of romantic relations impossible.) Johannes: "...Think I'll take a nap..." -elsewhere- Lawless: "Aaaaaah..." licht: now what are you whining about? Lawless: "I'm boooooooooored." licht: what do you want me to do about it? Lawless: "Play a song?" licht: *he plays a tune on the piano.* Lawless: -w- *starts yawning, lies down* licht:...*puts a blanket over* pleasant dreams, you shit rat. Lawless: "Zzzz..." -morning- Kid: *cuddle* stocking: =w= Kid: "...How did you become so beautiful?" stocking: genetics i guess~ Kid: "...I hope those genes pass on..." stocking: with you as a daddy, im sure they will~<3 Kid: *smiles...rests a hand over her stomach* "I...want that future." stocking:...me too. Kid: *smile...kisses her cheek* "You know...practice makes perfect..." stocking: 7w7~<3 Kid: *embraces her, kissing her lips* -later- Kid: "Aaah..." *kiss* "Feel okay?" stocking: y-yeah. Kid: *looks at her* "..." *nods* "I love you..." stocking: i love you too kiddo~ Kid: *smiles* "...Shower? Dress? Breakfast?" -elsewhere- mitsuba: im telling you! something's going on here! yumikage: you're damn right! Spreading rumors that I’m gay is one thing, but implying that i fuckin SNORE?! NOW THEY'VE CROSSED THE LINE! Jun: "What, you don't snore?" yumikage: NO! YOU HAVE NO PROOF! tinker: just know that we accept you, regardless of your sexuality or snoring. yumikage: D8< Jun: "Now, Mitsuba, what do you mean 'something's going on here'?" mitsuba: i'm serious, i heard weird noises in touma's office. i think there is some 50 shades bullshit going on here! hyakuya: *almost gags on her toast* shinoa: hmm? mafura: ~? Jun: "...Who else would be in Touma's office?" hyakuya: let me just state that i doubt any female, genetically or otherwise, would ever want to do anything with the walking douche canoe. yumikage: HA! good one! Jun: "...Tinker...What surveillance equipment you got?" tinker: i could hack the camera system to check the offices..though im probably risking my job. Jun: "...Hmm...Could someone _outside_ of our organization hack the cameras? Plausible deniability..." tinker: maybe... *looks at her phone* oh 707, if only you were real. yumikage: ??? Jun: "Seven-Oh-What?" tinker: >w>;;; mitsuba: hmm? oh, isnt that that korean dating sim? mystic massager? tinker: it's mystic messenger! >3< Jun: "..." *snort* -elsewhere- Relan: "Feel better?" shinra: thanks. *he smiles* Relan: *smiles back* "...You are handsome." shinra: *blushes and brushes relan's hair away from his eye* Relan: *blush, small nervous laugh* shinra: *smiles + kisses* Relan: *kiss* ~<3 -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "I'm telling you, Kabuki, this guy was weeeeeeeird." kabuki: really now? Tsukiyo: "Yeah, real jittery. Never saw him around here before...yet something familiar..." kabuki: oh? Tsukiyo: "Yeah...Just can't place the face...or the neck...that ass..." fang-hua: tsukiyo! Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form* .\\\\. Tsukiyo: "...What? I know he's a suspect--but I can still find the good in anyone...mostly physically." fang-hua: that's fairly classic you. -_-; Tsukiyo: *smiles* "See? I have gotten more mature with age!" *spots the fox* "Oy, you! After what you did to the sister, you think I'm letting you out of my sight?!" Mr. Tsubaki: "!!??" *Tsukiyo picks him up* Tsukiyo: "You're going through obedience school! Say hello to your new teacher, you mutt!" Mr. Tsubaki: o_____o fang-hua: ^^; Tsukiyo: "We'll start with _not biting people, and not licking them_!" Mr. Tsubaki: XP fang-hua: ^^; Tsukiyo: "...Kabuki...Get the puppy treats...and the taser..." Mr. Tsubaki: .____. -elsewhere- Gopher: "...Not that embarrassing..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "You been adding any souls to more dolls lately?" medea: not recently. Shotaro: "Read any good books lately?" medea: just some horror novels. Shotaro: "Neat! You like horror films?" medea:...i view them for critique purposes. Shotaro: "??? Critique them how? Like, the writing or special effects?" medea: the idiodic characters for messing with things they shouldnt be messing with. Shotaro: "Oh, okay! ...Do you being here?" medea: i suppose. Shotaro: *smiles* "I'm glad...because I like having you here. And Emine does, too--he just doesn't say it aloud since he's a grumpy pants." medea: *she nods* Shotaro: "...Well, I'll let you get back to work! If you need anything, just give me a holler!" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *reading in the backyard* kim: seems the snow is melting away...its gonna be spring soon. Jacqueline: "Yes..." *one of her hands is a lantern, to keep them warm...she is staring down at her book, not looking at Kim* "It'll be nice to see the flower bloom again." kim: say, is graduation in spring? Jacqueline: *finally looks up* "Oh! Yes, it is..." kim: neato! Jacqueline: "..." *closes her book, looks at Kim* "Do you still want to move into our own place?" kim: i didnt get the lease on it for nothing, hehe~ Jacqueline: "..." *smiles, blushes, nods* "Thank you...I'm looking forward to the move." -elsewhere- Shinoda: *glaring at a grocery store manager, holding up a bruised apple* soul: hmm? -elsewhere- Witch Judge: "Surprisingly, your missions have been successful: you have been quiet, discreet, far more demure than usual." kinuta: ....oh? Witch Judge: "...Yes. That is the extent of my compliment. Congratulations on your work: Maba is pleased with you." *presses a button on a remote, loosening the shackles on Kinuta's wrists* kinuta:...*smiles* Witch Judge: "Keep up this behavior, and your treatment here will be more pleasant." -elsewhere- Hibana: *deep breath* gabriella: feeling better? Hibana: *nods* "I just hate these colds." -elsewhere- Johannes: "Mmm~" sayaka: ._____. metsu: this is.... Johannes: *smiling widely* "Cozy, isn't it? Just a nice get-together between friends..." metsu:...right. sayaka: ._______________. Jeje: "...Creepy." Mikuni: "More tea for Lady Honeydew!" *holds up his doll* Johannes: "Of course!" *pours some* "Some for you, sweet pea?" sayaka: sure... Johannes: *pours some into her cup, still talking* "It means a lot to have new company here at the shop! After all, we try to attract a diverse clientele, but with the costs of operations, space, electricity--" sayaka: eheheheh...heh.... ^^;;;; Johannes: "Oh! Is this enough tea? Or more?" Jeje: "You have it filled to the brim." -_- sayaka: QuQ (thinking: OWOWOWOWOWOWOW THAT IS HOT) Mikuni: "Best be careful, 'cause that stuff--" *swings his hand* metsu: !!! Jeje: *dosed in tea* -____-;;; Johannes and Mikuni: "...Whoopsie." Jeje: *begins firing at Mikuni* Mikuni: *dodging* "Can't we talk about this? I mean, we have company! You don't want to hit her!" Johannes: "DON'T YOU DARE HIT HER!" sayaka: *cowering under the table* Q~Q metsu: jeje... *she has new bags at the ready* Jeje: "..." *hugs Metsu* Johannes: "???" *sees Sayaka under the table* sayaka: is it safe? Johannes: *nods* "Jeje has been placated..." *offers a hand* sayaka: *she gets up* *looks around* -its like the shoot out didnt even happen- Jeje: *calmly sipping tea* Mikuni: *sipping tea with his doll* Johannes: *smiles* "Just that kind of place we have here..." sayaka: right...hahaha..... .w.; Johannes: "...Thank you for visiting." *smiles* "I hope it has been okay." -elsewhere- Zuno: "When is your birthday again, Mono?" mono: june 3rd, why do you ask? Zuno: "Assi! Write it down so we may get Mono an excellent gift!" Assi: "On it!" -elsewhere- Hugh: *grumpy* tetsu: want some blood? uzuki: *cleaning futons* kaori: *dusting* Hugh: *nods* tetsu: *arm out* here you go. Hugh: "..." *small bite* -elsewhere- Wes: "How about this hotel?" liz: looks good. *she smiles* Wes: *smiles* "I hope so...The atrium has a good view. Plenty to do in town for us, Patty..." liz: *she nods* Wes: "Some great restaurants, concerts, beaches..." liz: *she smiles* Wes: *smiles* "You'll be a graduate soon enough..." liz: yeah. Wes: *holds her hand* "I'm proud of you." -elsewhere- Belkia: *on the phone* "Uh huh...Oh, it'll be $7,000 for that security system? Okay, sure. Yeah, I got my credit card here. First name Tsubaki, last name Nakatsukasa, number--" -CHOP- otogiri: you have the wrong number. *she hangs up* Belkia: Q_Q "Why do you want me to die?!" otogiri: you're immortal. -_-; Belkia: "SHE COULD KILL ME WITH SUFFOCATION! SUFFOCATING ME WITH HER PRESENCE!" naho: want me to talk to her? Belkia: "Yes, Naho! Talk to her! Talk to her with your fists! And a mace! And knives!" naho:.....*sweatdrop* Belkia: "Let her know I am not interested! At all!" naho: i'll let her down easy. Belkia: "Yes, let her down a mineshaft--BRILLIANT, NAHO!" naho: NOT WHAT I MEANT! >n< Belkia: *hands her a sword* "Take protection." naho: *sweatdrop* Sakuya: "Um...I think maybe backup should go, too." naho: *she smiles* i'd appreciate that. im not really built for conflict ^^; Belkia: "...Huh. Now that you mention it, you are kinda scrawny. Bring Sakuya with you. And a tank." naho: 737 i may be small, but that just adds to my cuteness factor. >Xp Sakuya: "Yes, it does." naho: ^w^~<3 Belkia: "Do your best finding her...She has been haunting the spots I used to go to." naho: alright! Sakuya: "So, what, visit magic shops, Stocking's house--" Belkia: -w- naho: gallow's manor it is! Sakuya: "Okay, off we go!" -later- Sakuya: "Seen them around?" stocking: yeah. im thinking of becoming friends with her. Sakuya: "...Okay. Um, why?" stocking: she keeps that pest away. .....wow, that actually sounds kind of petty of me. Sakuya: "Hey, trust me, if Belkia was stalking me, I'd think like you are. But he's losing his goddamn mind and making things suck back home, so we want to figure out how to get this girl to back off a bit." stocking: hmmm...actually, i think she lives just down the road from here.....! maybe someone should pretend to be his girlfriend? naho: i nominate otogiri! Sakuya: "Seconded!" stocking: al...right then. ^^; Sakuya: "Great! We'll bring Otogiri right over--" ayami:....excuse me.....are you....belkia's friends....? Sakuya: "Um...Yes? I mean, 'friend' might be a bit overly gracious." ayami: is he....here? naho: not really. Sakuya: "Look, um, we have to tell you that Belkia is not interested in you because--" ayami: w-what.....? hehehe....thats....really funny...he does...have a wonderful....s-sense of humor...doesnt he?! Sakuya: o___o;;; "Um...I wasn't...joking?" ayami:.......*trembling* y-you...you're lying....h-he has to be interested....he...went out of his way to...give me that card.... Sakuya: "...Maybe that card wasn't intended for you?" stocking: O-O;;; yeeeahh...that was meant for me, but i had it donated, cause i cant stand him. ayami:............................................................................. Sakuya: "Ma'am? Are you okay--?" ayami: ahhhh.....i wonder......if she disappeared...would he....finally understand? *she has a knife on her and rushes at stocking* stocking: !!! Sakuya: "Shit!" *tries to grab Ayami's wrists* ayami: i'll kill you......i'll kill you~ eheh....AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! DIE DIE DIE DIE DI- *WHOOSH* Kid: *holding Stocking in his arms...and Ayami's knife* stocking: ah- Sakuya: "...Wow. That was fast." ayami: ?!?! naho: wow! Kid: *glares at Ayami* "You made a mistake." *sets down Stocking, holds her hands* "Are you okay?" stocking: yeah...just a bit startled.... ayami: ah....what should i do.....what should i do..... Kid: *holds her, looks at Ayami* "I assure you, while Belkia may be attracted to Stocking, she and I are together. You have nothing to fear about Belkia having her in his life...But what you should do--" Sakuya: "You should get over it." ayami:......... stocking: that's a bit harsh. naho: jeez. o.o; Sakuya: "It's the truth." *holds Naho's hand* "Or else you miss something even greater." ayami: ....no...nononononono......i was....so happy......i dont...know where....else to go......maybe if i vanished.... naho: that's wrong! ayami: ?? Sakuya: "..." naho: i understand that it hurts.....but there's lots of people in this world to meet. im sure you'll find someone. ayami:...no.....no one......would even....waste their time with me... Kid: *whispers* "...Stocking, I think she needs medical help, not police..." stocking: *she nods* Sakuya: "Ayami...Don't give up on yourself. You are a person, and you deserve to love yourself..." -later, after she was taken to a psyche ward- Sakuya: *shaking* otogiri: so that's what happened? naho: yeah.. lilac:...*pap pap to sakuya's head* Sakuya: "I feel badly for her...I thought this was just some joke on Belkia...but it's not funny." naho: at least she's getting help now... Sakuya: "I hope so..." naho: *hugs* Sakuya: *holds onto her and Lilac* Belkia: *sigh of relief* "Well, I'm content--" -elsewhere- Kid: "I'm sorry." stocking: its fine....alls well that ends well, right? Kid: "I hope so...I am angry with that woman...but I sympathize with her." stocking:....*hug* Kid: *hug* "I am so glad you are safe..." stocking: *she nods* Kid: *strokes her back* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: "I love you..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "There. Now aren't you obedient~?" Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form* T_T *shuddering at the sight of Tsukiyo* fang-hua: O_O; Tsukiyo: "And _that_ is how you train a pet! Here you go sister!" *hands Mr. Tsubaki* "He will not be biting any more innocent people!" kirei: ^^;;; Mr. Tsubaki: *nuzzles against Kirei* kirei: ^^; Tsukiyo: "Hey, Sister? I also wanted to know whether you saw some suspicious guy in a kimono around here?" kirei: hmm? not that any of us have seen, no. Tsukiyo: "Well, be careful if you do--I don't trust that very attractive man." Mr. Tsubaki: -___-; -elsewhere- Johannes: "Thanks for coming! Get home safely!" sayaka: ok. *she drives off* metsu: that went somewhat better than expected... Johannes: "See? I can be on good behavior! And once I follow the tire treads--" -CHOP- metsu: no. Johannes: D: "I was kidding!" -elsewhere- Yohei: *smooch* chie: hehe~<3 Yohei: "Almost done with your meal..." chie: yeah. Yohei: "And I was thinking...you up for a walk tomorrow?" chie: sounds good. *she smiles* Yohei: "Great...Maybe stop by the park, watch some of the kids playing?" chie: =w= Yohei: *chuckles* "You pushing our child in the swing..." chie: *shiny eyes* Yohei: "Our child in the sandbox...playing with new friends..." chie: *squeeeee!* Yohei: *smiles* "I knew that would make you happy." *holds her hand* -elsewhere- Meme: *playing a racing video game* "Almost got it..." kim: *smirk* Jacqueline: "???" Anya: "Go, Meme!" Meme: "Rounding the last corner, and--" -the next day- Stein: "...Care to introduce yourselves?" hyakuya: Akane Hyakuya, hey. mitsuba: *muttering before clearing her throat* Mitsuba Sanguu. shinoa: Shinoa Hiiragi, a pleasure. misono: !!!! Stein: "Okay, thank you. Go have a seat over there..." *points to Misono next to some empty chairs* misono: O__O;;; shinoa: seems we'll be seeing each other more often now. ^^ Lily: *butterfly form* "Hu hu hu..." misono: *shuddering* y-y-yeah.... O_O;;; Arthur: "...Huh. Never knew Misono had a girlfriend." misono: YOUJUSTSHUSHYOU! Arthur: "?!! Jeez, what's eating him?" madoka: not sure. misono: *slumps in his seat* Q______Q;;;;; shinoa: ?? Stein: "Enough 'Love Connection' hijinks. Let's begin today's pop quiz...in which, whoever gets the answer wrong will go 'pop.'" -elsewhere- Black Star: "At least today should be quieter without interruptions..." tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: "...You ever think of a vacation away from this?" tsubaki: like what? Black Star: "Depends what you're up for. Tropical? Cold? Maybe something closer to your home?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *staring at the stacks of books* "...I can't believe someone returned this many all at once." ef: wow... Jacqueline: "I guess we get to work..." *stands on a chair to grab a book from the top of the pile* -elsewhere- Shinoda: *collapsed on the floor* "Apples...Need...apples..." nea: *she hands him one* here you go Shinoda: *weak smile* "Thank you..." *small nom* -elsewhere- Akitaru: Q____Q "I can't believe I pulled something..." serina: ^^; Akitaru: *winces, as he turns on cot* "So embarrassing..." serina: we're only human... Akitaru: "Yeah...Just getting older, I guess." serina: *she nods* Akitaru: "Could I get another hot compress?" serina: ah, right. *she goes to get one* Akitaru: *small groan* "Such a pain to be laid up like this..." -elsewhere- Relan: "Mind if I steal a fry from you?" iris: oh, here you go. Relan: "Thanks." *nom nom* "Mmmm~" >w< -elsewhere- Medusa: *grunt* neian: zzzz.... Medusa: *looks in her bed, sees Neian...calms down, holds her* "At least you're asleep..." -elsewhere- Rino: "I'm here! I just got out of school and--" rino's mom: hey sweetie. *the cat is on her head* TTuTT -elsewhere- Kishiri: =w= -elsewhere- Kid: "Any plans after class?" stocking: how about we go to the movies? Kid: "I'd like that. Anything you've been waiting to see?" stocking: *shrug* Kid: "Well, what are you up for? Something good, or something so-bad-it's-good?" stocking: something good. Kid: *pulls up movie listings on his phone* "Oh, maybe this one--'Paris, je t'aime'?" stocking: hmm, sure. Kid: *smiles* "It is made of short films, so some are comedic, some are romantic...some a little scary." stocking: sounds cool. *she smiles* Kid: "I'll buy you candy, too..." stocking: ....*HUG* marry me please. Kid: o\\\\\\\o "I-I-I-I-I--" stocking: ^w^~<3 Kid: "...Stocking, I...um...When...Or...Perhaps..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "..." *holds her hand* "I love you...and I will always be by your side." stocking: hehe~ *smoooooch* Kid: *smooch, hug* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *at business party, twisting the screw on a bug toy before setting it down in front of coworkers' children* "And here it goes..." *the toy starts skittering along the floor* child: woah! child 2: so cool! akaderu:.... Kepuri: "Awesome, right?" *winds up another toy* "How about you race these two?" *looks up, smiles at Akaderu* -elsewhere- Anya: "Hello, Licht." licht: hey. Anya: "How were your classes?" licht: going well, you? Anya: "Quite alright...Are you busy right now?" licht: why do you ask? Anya: "Would you be interested in coffee?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *steps into the shrine* kirei: commander. *she nods* Benimaru: "Sister...How are things?" kirei: well, as for yourself? Benimaru: "...Okay. Just confused." kirei: oh? how so? Benimaru: "These...impersonators. And not knowing what else to do..." kirei: ...... Benimaru: "Could you...meditate with me?" kirei: um...of course. Benimaru: *nods, as he sits* "Thank you..." kirei: *she smiles* Benimaru: *breathes in and out...shudders a bit* kirei: hmm? Benimaru: "Sorry...Struggling to focus." kirei:.... Benimaru: "I guess I was never good at meditation. Just feel blocked..." kirei:.........*tentatively holds his hand* Benimaru: "..." *small squeeze* "Thank you." kirei: *small blush*..... Benimaru: "..." *small gulp* *takes her other hand* kirei: ah... Benimaru: "Will you help me...?" kirei: with what? Benimaru: "...Just hold my hands...while I try to focus..." kirei: r-right... Benimaru: *smiles, nods* "Thank you..." *closes his eyes, trying to steady himself and his breathing* -elsewhere- Kid: *watching the screen...puts an arm around Stocking* stocking: *nuzzle* Kid: *passes the candy to her* stocking: *nom* =u= Kid: *puts a piece of fruit licorice in his mouth...* -elsewhere- Anya: *sips* -elsewhere- mafura: ~? Tsurugi: "...What? You okay?" mafura: ^w^ yumikage: you two havin fun? *he took them to the park* Tsurugi: "...I think Mafura is. You like the swings?" mafura: *she nods* mitsuba:..... O/////O Tsurugi: "Well, let's play on those. I'll push you..." Mikuni: *whistling, holding his doll* mafura: ~? Tsurugi: "???" *then spots Mikuni* "!!! Oh, hi there, Kuni-chan~!” Mikuni: "??? Tsurugi? You and your girlfriend, huh? What was your name? mafura: mafura-chan's name is mafura. ^^ Tsurugi: *nods* "What she said!" Mikuni: "...I see...Mafura, is Tsurugi treating you well?" mafura: *she hugs tsurugi* hehe~ Tsurugi: o\\\\o *trying to play cool* "S-See? We're happy! Very happy! Lovey-dovey happy!" Mikuni: -_-;;; "Yeah...I see." mitsuba: >/////>;;; Mikuni: "Yo, Mitsuba? This for real or just some gag?" mitsuba: IWASNTLOOKINGATYOUSHUTUP! Mikuni: "??? ...Why _wouldn't_ you look at me? I get a lot of people staring..." mitsuba:.... yumikage: -_________-; Mikuni: "So, Mitsuba, how happy are Tsurugi and Mafura? Or is this some joke?" mitsuba: dont go asking me! its not my buisness! Tsurugi: "Darn right it's none of your business! And we are happy! Right, sweetie?" Mikuni: "..." *holds up his doll, assumes falsetto voice* "That sounds like bullshit--" mitsuba:... (thinking: they're both weirdos!) Mikuni: *holding up the doll to Yumikage* "When's the wedding date for Tsurugi and Mafura? Or is this a sham?" yumikage: *SMACK* get that thing outta my face!! D8< Mikuni: D:< "You dare slap my precious dollie?!" yumikage: ... (thinking: IS THIS GUY ON CRACK?!) Tsurugi: "I'm so sorry that you're jealous--" Mikuni: "...Ha ha ha! Nope!" mitsuba: *backing up* o_o Tsurugi: "Yes, you are! You're jealous of me and love muffin!" *holds Mafura's hands* mafura: *tiny blush* Mikuni: "..." *smiles at Mafura* "I wish you the best Mafura." Tsurugi: "???" Mikuni: "Because if he hurts you, _you let me know, and I'll break him_." mafura: ~? Tsurugi: owo; Mikuni: "I have to get back to work, so toodles!" *waves* -elsewhere- Kid: "I thought that was a fun film." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "I'm glad we went." *holds her hand* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Care to take a walk for a bit?" stocking: sounds nice. Kid: *looks around* "Not as busy out today." stocking: *she nods* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *sighs* "I feel a little more at ease." kirei: that's good. Benimaru: *nods* "Thank you for your assistance." *stands up* -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Thanks for putting up with the business party at work." akaderu: no problem....you looked....really nice. 7////7 Kepuri: *confident smile, but blushing* "Of course I did--I'm awesome at looking both professional and elegant!" *hugs his arm* "And having you there helped with that." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *under a pile of books* -elsewhere- Izuku: *holding back a supervillain from attacking children* ochako: dont worry, you kids are gonna be ok! Kid #1: "Beat him up, Deku!" Izuku: *struggling to hold back the villain* "Huh?" *tries to pick up the villain* Villain: o_o Izuku: "Ochako...Tap your antigravity on him..." -tap- Villain: *confused grunt, as he starts floating up, waving his arms as if trying to fall down* Izuku: *sigh of relief* "So heavy..." ochako: ally....*jumps and kicks the villain into a wall* OOP! Villain: "AAAAAAAAAAHHH--" *CRUNCH* "...Owie." -whistle blow- teacher: and that concludes the test. ochako: *release!* *she runs over to the 'villain'* you ok? "Villain": "My face feels like it hit a ton of bricks..." momo: fortunately, the padding in the mask should have lessened the impact. Villain: T_T "It still hurt..." *whimpering* "May I go to the nurse now?" momo: very well. *removes the mask, revealing....* Hanta: x_x "Owie..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Mom, need me to do anything?" setsuna: do you think you can wash those dishes over there? *washing one set* Shotaro: "On it!" *picks up one dish carefully, starts washing* "Feeling okay?" setsuna: of course, why wouldnt i? Shotaro: "Hee hee, just checking! I know you're working hard...Want a vacation or a spa day?" setsuna: im alright. Shotaro: *nods* "That's good--" Emine: *loud scream* setsuna: ?! Shotaro: "?!!" Emine: *falls through door of the kitchen--tied up in rope* Shotaro: "...What?" Emine: *trying to maintain his dignity* "...I think I upset Mono. Now I am tied up." setsuna: oh...oh my. Emine: "Please hide me..." -elsewhere- Relan: "Any plans next weekend?" mikami: im planning on visiting my parents for the weekend. Relan: "Oh, that should be good, right?" mikami: *she nods* Relan: "Maybe I'll go to the movies..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Feel okay?" lilac:....*nod* Sakuya: "..." *pat on the back* "Thirsty?" lilac:...*nod* Sakuya: "I'll get you some water...Want a soda?" lilac:....im ok.... Sakuya: *nods* "Okay..." *goes to the kitchen, fills up a glass, returns with the water to hand to Lilac...* lilac:..t-thanks.... Sakuya: *smile* "Any time...You been sleeping okay?" lilac:...yeah.... Sakuya: *nods* "...You know, I get bad dreams..." lilac: ?? Sakuya: "And sometimes I have to remind myself that that's all they are--just dreams." lilac:...... Sakuya: "And when I wake up, I know you're here, and Naho is here, and our family is here..." lilac:...... Sakuya: "...You're really strong, Lilac. I depend on you." lilac: ........*finger twiddling* Sakuya: *smiles* "So thanks for that!" -elsewhere- *There is a house on fire* Arthur: "Crap!" shinra: *running for it* tamaki: *following* Arthur: *coming up behind them as they approach the house* "What could've caused this?" tamaki: *she notices a squad of fire officers taking care of things* looks like the 4th brigade is here. officers: oi, beat it kids, this is 4th brigade training here. shinra: oh. *BOOOOOM* Arthur: -_-; "And it looks like the 4th has it under control. I think you need our help..." officer: oh...that was just Itagaki. Arthur: "Itagaki? Who's that?" officer: one of the 4ths problem children. the other one being moriyama. shinra: *remembering*....*shudders* Arthur: "How bad can this one be?" *BOOOOOM* officer 2: miss itagaki! please calm down! Arthur: *steps back before debris hits him* "Yikes..." juria: IM JUST GETTING FUCKIN STARTED! COME ON! GIVE ME SOMETHING TO BEAT THE FUCK UP! shinra: O_O;;;;; Arthur: *stands in front of Tamaki* tamaki: D8< hey, im not made of glass! juria: who the fuck're these punks? YOU WANNA GO?! shinra: O_____O;;; tamaki: you weenie. Arthur: *to Tamaki* "I would be an awful boyfriend if I let anything happen to you..." *to Juria* "No one seeks a fight. Not when there is a fire to contain." juria: WHY Y- *shock* GAH!.....tch-, you got off lucky. *returns to the training* tamaki: what's her deal? soldier: she was in the hell blaze gang. tamaki: ah. Arthur: "So, a shock collar?" soldier: *he nods* Arthur: "Why do you even let them in a brigade? Aren't they too dangerous?" soldier: we're doing our best to keep her contained, especially given that she's one of the hell blaze gang's 7 oni. tamaki: FOR REAL?! Arthur: o_o; "Yikes..." shinra: oni? Arthur: "Some really awful knaves, earning that name of 'oni' or 'demon'..." tamaki: from what i heard, the oni of the hell blaze gang are like high ranking officers. there are 7 of them, each representing one of the deadly sins. soldier: as you see, miss itagaki represents wrath. Arthur: "Hmm...Seven sins? Like, greed, gluttony, all of that?" soldier: yes. -elsewhere- Black Star: *with a black eye* -_-; tsubaki: what happened now? *getting ice* Black Star: "I should've knocked...and avoided the door." tsubaki: *putting the ice on* mind telling me? Black Star: "I was trying to get everyone together for dinner--and when I got to Higan's door...The things I saw." tsubaki: .____. lavender: in retrospect, maybe we should have locked the door. Black Star: "Maybe you should've...I didn't need to see Higan bending like that." tsubaki: *mentally humming to tune that out* Higan: "Could've been worst. At least you didn't fall down the stairs." Black Star: "COULD YOU STOP JUST STANDING THERE IN A TOWEL, HIGAN?!!" naho: *cringe* IM BLIND! Sakuya: *covers her eyes* Higan: "What? I'm covering the bits." -elsewhere- Meme: D: "That many bells for a home loan?!" mio: you could always make a few trips to the island. Meme: "I don't have enough medals for the diving suit." T_T kim: have you tried catching bugs? at night you can get some beetles that sell for a lot. Meme: "Well, it is late enough now, so I could try..." *gets on the ship* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Spot anyone, Fang?" fang-hua: no. Tsukiyo: *pouts* "Nuts. Been looking for these dopplegangers for weeks, and no sign of them." *sighs* "Want to call it a night?" fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: "Cool. Maybe get some food or--" *spots someone exiting the shrine--* o____o "Is that...Beni-Hottie?" fang-hua: ?? Benimaru: *exiting the shrine, waves at Kirei* kirei: *she smiles* Tsukiyo: "...Oh snap." Benimaru: *smiles at Kirei, departs* -elsewhere- Kid: "One more scoop of ice cream?" stocking: yes please~ Kid: *scoops, and drops it into her bowl* "And..." *holds up the sprinkles* stocking: i love you! Kid: -\\\\- "I love you." *opens the sprinkles, adds a few...* -elsewhere- Tool: "Time for bed, kiddo." io: *yaaawn* Tool: "See? You're yawning already..." *sets Io in crib* "And all good children need their beddy-bye time..." io: =w= Tool: *pulls blanket over Io* "Night, kiddo...Love you." -elsewhere- Ponera: *sigh* "Dull..." shaula: saaaay, how's about we crash a party! Ponera: "Really? Where?" shaula: there's a big ass party outside of paris. Ponera: *shiny eyes* "Oh, French! Oui!" shaula: hey sis! you in or out? Medusa: "...And who exactly would be babysitting?" shaula: beatrice, duh! Medusa: "...I will need to see her resume and references." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *reading in bed* -morning- Kid: "Good morning~" stocking: ^^ *smooch* Kid: *rubs her back* "Ready to start the day?" stocking: yep. Kid: *smiles, gets out of bed* "What would you like for breakfast?" -later- Patty: *nom nom nom nom!* stocking: thanks for the meal~! Kid: *smiles* "You're welcome. Sweet orange muffins, yogurt with strawberries..." -at school- Lawless: *looking through the book* "Trust me, I heard the teacher say something about a pop quiz." licht: *writing something down* Anya: *reviewing her notes* hyakuya: ...... Anya: *looks at Hyakuya* "You have your notes?" hyakuya: yeah. Anya: *nods* "The quizzes can be a bit tough, so good luck..." hyakuya: noted. Anya: ("She seems rather formal.") Lawless: "???" shinoa: *already has her notes set up* *shiny shiny* mitsuba: *writing* Lily: *whispers to Misono* "Looks like they are fitting in..." misono: *he nods* shinoa: ?? misono: *looks away* .///.; Lily: "Fu fu fu..." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Those fire gang people were something else...Scary." tamaki: no kidding. Arthur: "Just glad they aren't in our classes--" juria: oi, move it brat. i want to get a drink from the fountain. Arthur: o___o;;; *suddenly steps back...* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *walking through town* reimi: ...... Benimaru: "Good day, Sister." reimi: mornin commander~! Benimaru: *nods* "How are you today?" reimi: doing well. looking forwards to warmer weather. Benimaru: "Indeed. The grass will return, the flowers will bloom..." reimi: and then we'll host the flower viewing festival! Benimaru: *smiles "You sound excited. It's good to be so passionate." reimi: ^w^ Benimaru: "...How is Sister Kirei?" reimi: she's doing well. -elsewhere- Kepuri: *smooch* "I'll be home after work, okay?" akaderu: ok. Kepuri: "..." *pats his cheek* "I love you, babe." -elsewhere- Patty: *asleep in class* denki: >u< *he drew on her face* Patty: *tosses a bit...talks in her sleep* "Mmm...Giant gummi bears...eat them all before the cops get here..." *yawns, opens her eyes* denki: *in his seat with a halo over him* eijiro: *hanging the paper halo over denki's head on a string attached to a stick* Patty: "...Aw, crap, I died, didn't I? And Heaven is just full of douche-bros?" liz: *GLARES* denki: OwO;;; eijiro: >w>;;; Patty: "??? What's up, Sis? I got a boogie in my nose?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *crosses out a date in her calendar, circles another one: "Graduation"* kim: so excited! Jacqueline: *small giggle* "Y-Yeah...That'll be a big day..." *smiles* "Just have a few more tests and assignments..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *working out* miwa: doing better i see. Akitaru: *smiles* "Yeah! Thanks to great medical care! Just pacing myself, though--I lowered my weights by 20 pounds until I'm back to normal." miwa: ah. Akitaru: "Aaaaaaand..." *sets down weights* "Done. Time for the cool-down." *stretching* "How's your schedule going?" miwa: busy. since misora had to go home due to a family emergency, padma and i had been working extra hard. Akitaru: *nods* "That's rough. Everything okay for Misora?" miwa: i hope so. Akitaru: *nods* "It's good for her to get back to family...I do worry about her." miwa: ...... -elsewhere- misora: GUESS WHO'S BACK MOTHERFUCKERS!! >8D arrow: .... -___-; Haran: "You're late." misora: sooorry, just has a bit of traffic on the way in~ ^^ dahlia: at least she is here. Haran: "Hmph. I guess we have to discuss updates. Misora, what updates do you have from your 'brigade'?" misora: im just gonna get settled then~ (thinking: hopefully i dont have to run into that disgusting little worm today!) arrow: -___-; Jonah: "EVERYONE! I have created ART!!!" misora: *INCREASES WALKING SPEED* Jonah: "!!!! Well, hello, my masterpiece~" misora: GO DIE IN A HOLE YOU WRECHED SHIT WORM! Jonah: "D'aw, are you trying to hurt my feelings, my delightful buttercup~?" misora: *SLUGS HIM WITH HER SUITCASE* DIEDIEDIEUNTILYOURDEAD!! Jonah: "HA HA HA! Yeah, baby! I like it rough!!!" misora: EW! DISGUSTING! *SLAMS THE DOOR* arrow:............................. -___________________________________________________-;;;; Jonah: *a bloody mess on the floor* "...She digs me." Haran: "No, she does not." arrow: yes. most likely with a shovel. burying you in a shallow grave. Haran: *flat laugh* "Amusing." Jonah: "Hey, as long as she wants to touch me all over, I'm okay with that~" arrow: *cringe* consider yourself lucky she didnt burn you alive...................this time. Jonah: "I could just re-shape my features into someone more handsome to suit her tastes..." *pout* "Please tell me I'm still pretty." arrow: you are pretty. (thinking: pretty irritating) Jonah: ^\\\\^ "Ah, thank you!" *smiles widely...and a tooth falls out* arrow: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Patty: "So, boys, what did you learn~?" denki: my balls.... Q.Q eijiro: not to make you angry. Patty: "Yep! Don't piss off a Brooklyn Devil! Now, because I'm so kind, I'm going to give you boys a 30-second head-start before I chase you down, rip your arms off, and beat you with them~" -they then ran the fastest they had ever ran in that point of their sad sorry lives- *They were later found in a trash compactor along with Mineta* -elsewhere- Yohei: *on a park bench with Chie, handing her a cup of tea* "Here you go." chie: thanks. *sips* *leeeeans in* =w= Yohei: *puts an arm around her while pointing to the park* "All those kids..." chie: yeah.... Yohei: "...I can't wait to see him out there playing..." chie: >w< *A child runs by them--and trips onto the ground* chie: !!! *small shadow picks them up* Child: "???" *looks at Chie...smiles* "Thanks, ma'am!" *runs back to playing* Yohei: *smile* chie: ... >////< Yohei: "See? You got this parenting thing down." -elsewhere- Konro: *slight wince as he walks with Kabuki* kabuki: are you certain you're alright? Konro: "As best as I'm going to be...But we'll wrap up this round of security checks early so I may recuperate." kabuki: right. Konro: *walks along, when he sees the twins* hinata: *playing hide and seek* what time is it mr fox? kabuki: about 2:15. hinata: !! Konro: "Something wrong, Hinata?" hinata: you guys startled me! >n< Konro: "Oh...Were you not talking to us?" Mr. Tsubaki *fox form*: "???" hikage: *hiding* *giggles* Mr. Tsubaki: *sniff sniff...* *follows the sound to Hikage* -elsewhere- Anya: *checking her phone* mio: waiting on a call? Anya: "I don't know...I keep checking more than I used to." mio: ah. Anya: *sighs* "This is stupid. He won't call." -elsewhere- Kuro: *holding up an expensive video game system* mahiru: O_O;; Kuro: "Also, your credit card is maxed out." mahiru: *KO* X_X Kuro: "...So, do you have an HDMI cable. The box didn't come with one." -elsewhere- Ponera: *practicing* " 'Bonjour'?" -elsewhere- Kid: *flipping through a book* stocking: whatcha readin~? Kid: "I'm still stumped on some history..." stocking: ah. need some help? Kid: *nods* "Do you remember what we covered in history class today?" stocking: i think so. Kid: "It surprises me...these wars, these relics...and we still haven't found them all." stocking: yeah... Kid: *sighs* "Maybe I'm too close to this...Want to get a soda for a quick break?" stocking: sounds good. Kid: *puts bookmark in, walks with her to soda machine* "How is your studying going?" stocking: doing well. im going to begin the basic study for exorcism this saturday. Kid: *nods* "I'll make sure you get plenty of sleep." stocking: *she smiles* -elsewhere- Arthur: *looking around the corner* shinra: yo. Arthur: "Shhh!" shinra: ?? Arthur: *whispers* "I'm keeping an eye on those oni gangsters." shinra:...there's just one. juria: *crushing soda cans* Arthur: "...Huh. Wonder where the other one went." shinra: other one? Arthur: "I thought there was another around here..." *looks around* "Just trying to figure out what is up with these people." -elsewhere- Emine: *under the bed* mono: *reading* Emine: *attaches a device to the bottom of the bed...* mono: *still reading* Emine: *slips out from under the bed...out of the room...* mono: ?? Emine: *pulls out remote, presses the button...* *The bed starts leaping up and down, like a hydraulic car* mono: ACK! EMINE! D8< *The bed bounces closers and closer to the ceiling* Emine: "Just fulfilling my bad deed. Nothing personal." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "...So...Think something's up with the Commander and the Sister?" fang-hua: w-what?! O///O Tsukiyo: *shrugs* "I mean, he seemed friendly waving at her after leaving the temple. Just a feeling I get." fang-hua: people wave to each other all the time! Tsukiyo: "Yeah, but the Commander was smiling in a way that I haven't seen him smile at other people." fang-hua: .....whatever the case, its not our business to be prying into people's social lives. Tsukiyo: "Yeah, but I want to know whether the Commander is still available!" fang-hua: *sweatdrop* Benimaru: "Available for what?" Tsukiyo: "!!!" fang-hua: WE WERENT SNOOPING! Benimaru: "???" Tsukiyo: *slaps a hand over Fang-Hua's mouth* "So, Commander...Want to go on a date with me?" ^^ fang-hua: TSUKIYO!! Benimaru: "...No. Because I am not attracted to you in that way." Tsukiyo: D: "...Oh." fang-hua: well, there's plenty of other guys who'd like to go out with you, tsukiyo. Tsukiyo: T_T "They aren't as hot as the Commander...and they are pervs." Benimaru: "...Kohana, may I have a word with you? In private?" fang-hua: what about kabuki?...!! oh! right sir! Tsukiyo: *sniff* "I don't think he's interested...You go talk with the Commander. I'm going to cheer myself up by torturing that small fox..." Benimaru: "...Are you and Tsukiyo okay?" fang-hua: of course...you know how tsukiyo always is... Benimaru: "Yes. I just assumed being direct and honest with her was for the best. Is Tsukiyo giving you trouble?" fang-hua: well.... -she explains the situation- Benimaru: *pinches the bridge of his nose* "...Darn." fang-hua: im really sorry about all of this. i know this isnt any of our concern. Benimaru: "It is fine. I am a public figure. This happens. I just think that you and Tsukiyo may be misinterpreting certain details." fang-hua: *she nods* not trying to pry too much but...did you want to clear things up maybe? j-just so we're on the same page... *rubs arm* Benimaru: "..." *sighs* "This is rather private, but...I trust you not to spread around what I will tell you, okay?" fang-hua: i wont, but im not forcing you to tell me, sir. Benimaru: "...I am still frightened of these dopplegangers. I don't know where they are, who they are, whether they are in front of me...And I turned to Sister Kirei to help with meditation to calm my nerves through this investigation." fang-hua: ah. reimi: *unseen, but listening*.... Benimaru: "That is all that occurred..." *sigh* "That is a lot to get off my chest, but I feel a bit more relieved informing you of this challenge." fang-hua: dont worry. i wont tell anyone about this. reimi: *walking away* (thinking: how interesting....the sister is also a highly regarded figure.....it'd be quite a shame if something happened to her....during the festival of flames...kurukuru~) Benimaru: *nods* "Thank you, Kohana." fang-hua: 7///7; r-right. Benimaru: "..." *awkwardly stands to exit* -elsewhere- Kepuri: "I'm home!" -elsewhere- reimi: .....*entering a warehouse* ???: "There you are..." reimi: evening.... girl: *she looks at 'reimi' frightfully* 'reimi': how's the sister doing? ???: "Shaking in her boots." 'reimi': or in her sandals rather~ kurukurukurukuru~! ???: .....either way, our eye in squad 0 returned to base. as soon as we give the signal, they'll be arriving here. ???: *flat, unenthusiastic* "Ha." *looks at the girl* "...What, not funny to you?" reimi: *the real one* ....................... ???: *nudges elbow* "Laugh." 'reimi':......*generates a small fire tornato by the girl's feet* reimi: !!!! ???: "I'm not hearing laughing. Come on. It's not hard. Even I can do it." *still flat* "Ha." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *counting dollars* "Not a bad haul from work." naho: im beeeeeat! *lays on the couch* Sakuya: *smiles* "You were running around so much." *pats her back* naho: =w= Sakuya: "Want something to drink?" naho: miss tsubakiiii. can i have blood? i worked so hard.... tsubaki: well, i guess. *small cut on the finger* naho: thanks~ *lick lick* Sakuya: *small stomach growl* -\\\- tsubaki: do you want some too? Sakuya: *meek nod* tsubaki: ok. *she offers her finger* Sakuya: *small lick* "Th-Thanks. I'm good--" Belkia: "HEY! EVERYONE! FREE BLOOD!" tsubaki: OwO; otogiri: *chop* not so loud. we're getting noise complaints. Sakuya: "??? I guess neighbors wouldn't want to hear about blood and vampires." tsubaki: ^^; lavender: *nom to the forearm* Higan: "Me next." tsubaki: ^^;; Black Star: -_____-;;;;;; "Look, maybe you guys shouldn't all hog her. I mean, I'm here--" Belkia: "FEED ON THE TINY BLUE-HAIR MAN!" otogiri: *CHOP* Belkia: *collapsed on the floor* Higan: "...I'll feed on Black Star." Black Star: "F-Fine...Just not the neck." -later, after otogiri patched them up- Black Star: o_o; "So much blood..." tsubaki: well, best to call it a night..then... *stumbling over* Black Star: "!!!" *goes to reach, but--* Sakuya: "Wow!" *catches her* "Careful." tsubaki: t-thank you. Sakuya: "Let's get you to bed..." tsubaki: *she nods, walking to bed* Black Star: *sighs* "Gonna need more blood than this..." Sakuya: "Here you go..." *opens the door for her* tsubaki: *she lays down* night.. Sakuya: "Good night. And thank you..." -elsewhere- Emine: *in the corner* "I just had to do my bad deed..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Ready for bed?" stocking: zzzzzzzzzzzz Kid: "??? I guess that's a yes..." *carries her to bed* stocking: =w= Kid: *lays her down, lays beside her, pulls up blanket...* *small smooch* stocking: mmmmn~ Kid: *hugs her* "I'll see you in the morning. I love you." -morning- Kid: *small snore* stocking: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *Alarm goes off* Kid: *groan* "Huh?" stocking: zzzzzzzz Kid: *gets up, turns off the alarm...stretches* "I feel like I hardly slept..." stocking: *hug* zzzzzz Kid: *smile* ("I guess a few minutes won't hurt...") *lies down, holds her* stocking: mmmmmn.... Kid: *strokes her back, hums lightly* -elsewhere- tsubaki: *awake before everyone else* Belkia: *passed out on couch* Black Star: *snoring in bed* tsubaki: ^^; *making coffee* Higan: *asleep...sniffs at the smell of coffee...* "Mmm..." tsubaki: ah. good morning. did you want some? Higan: *nods* "Yes, please." *sits at the table* "Feeling better? Have some OJ?" tsubaki: i'm doing well. a bit tired, but surviving. Higan: "Cool, cool...Doing okay in school?" tsubaki: *She nods* hard to believe i'll be graduating soon. Higan: "Any plans for after graduation?" tsubaki: hmm. still thinking that through. Higan: "Maybe you should do what I did: tour a few countries, find yourself, join the circus..." tsubaki: right... ^^; Higan: *sips on coffee* "Seriously, though, I do appreciate having a roof over my head...and for Lavender." tsubaki:....are you..y'know...a thing? Higan: "Just good friends." tsubaki: ah. Higan: "...So, you and Black Star are...?" tsubaki: hmm? well.... >////>;; Higan: "...Uh huh. Kinda know that feeling." tsubaki: hmm? Higan: "Wondering whether to take something to the next level." tsubaki: ....its...complicated..... Higan: "...And Tsubaki?" tsubaki:........i worry.... Higan: "Yeah...A lot of us do." tsubaki:....so he really saved all of you then...huh? Higan: *nods* "We were all dying when he found us..." tsubaki:....... otogiri:................................ Sakuya: *yawn, enters, having overheard* "It's true..." *pulls up a chair* "At his worst, Mr. Tsubaki did accomplish that much." tsubaki: ah. good morning. lavender: *streeeeetch* mornin.... *aaand she's walkin around in her undies.* Sakuya: *nods* "Morning, Tsubaki. You sleep okay? I--" *spots Lavender* o____o tsubaki: ^^; good morning lavender. Higan: *smiles at Lavender* "Cold?" otogiri: *not even shocked* lavender: just a lil chilly. *she sits down on the couch* Sakuya: *looking at the wall* "Can't imagine why..." lavender: *turns the tv on* tsubaki: ^^; did you want anything? lavender: some coffee would be nice. tsubaki: alright then. Sakuya: *gets some food from the fridge...* otogiri: belkia, its morning. Belkia: *hugging his pillow, kissing it* "Your lips taste like butterscotch..." otogiri: .....belkia. wake up. *nudge nudge* Belkia: "Huh...? Oh. Morning. How's it going?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *tossing in bed, groaning* fang-hua: zzzzz Tsukiyo: *sits up, looks around* "What time is it?" fang-hua: *yaaawn* 6:30 am... Tsukiyo: "...Huh. Time to get up, or sleep in?" fang-hua: time to wake up. Tsukiyo: "Great..." *stretches* "You want the shower first?" -elsewhere- Meme: *snuggle* mio: zzzzz.... Meme: *wakes up, sees where she is* "Oh..." *kisses Mio's cheek* mio: >//////< Meme: "Morning!" mio: .////////////////////////////////////////////. m-mu-muu-mornin.... Meme: *smiles...then looks confused...pulls up sheets* "Oh, good--I still have my clothes on!" mio: right...... *still flustered from the kiss* Meme: "Ready to start the day?" *hug* -elsewhere- Yohei: "Morning." chie: *yawn* mornin.... Yohei: "Feeling okay?' chie: yeah.... *rubs her stomach* Yohei: *lays a hand over, whispers* "Morning, son." chie: *she smiles* one more month... Yohei: *smiles* "One more...Have to do something to celebrate." chie: *snuggles* Yohei: "Maybe some good food, music..." chie: yeah. Yohei: *gets out of bed* "Ready to start the day?" -elsewhere- tsurugi: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... mafura: zzzzzz Jun: *knocks on the door* "Tsurugi, time to get up." tsurugi: zzzzz mmm...kuni..chaan....zzzzzz... *drooling* yumikage: oi! get up! tsurugi: zzzzzzzzzzz yumikage:.....if you get up, we'll pay you 20 bucks. tsurugi: *JOLTS AWAKE* yeeees? 83 Jun: o_o; "Huh...Good incentive. Well, hurry up and--" *stops* "...Are you alone in there?" tsurugi: *looks down* OwO;;;; uhhhh.... mafura: *yaaaawn* ^^ -later- tsurugi: im not sure why you got so mad, yumi-chan. could it be that you're jealous~? yumikage: ha. funny. Jun: "Enough yakking--eat up your breakfast." *passing out plates* mitsuba: mornin... hyakuya: *yawns* shinoa: good morning~ Jun: "Hey! Everyone sleep okay? Minus Tsurugi and Mafura..." mafura: ^^ *nod nod* hyakuya: yeah. mitsuba: 7.7 y-yeah. Jun: "??? You okay, Mitsuba?" *passes a plate of food* mitsuba: yeah. just studied a lot last night. yumikage: oh, we got orders to investigate a rogue subclass by portside district Jun: *nods* "Be ready, then--don't want anyone falling into the water." yumikage: yeah. good ol' touma told us to get there after dropping the girls off at school. Jun: *picks up his keys, twirls them* "Well, finish up getting ready for school..." -later- tsurugi: hey jun-chaaaan, when we're done here, can we go pester kuni-chan? yumikage:...... -__-; mafura: ~? Jun: "Nooooooot quite sure that's the best idea..." tsurugi: pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? pweety pwease with sugar sprinkles and a cherry on top? <83 Jun: "...If I take you there, you promise not to cause damage, physically, emotionally, or psychologically?" tsurugi: pinky swear! yumikage: he's crossin his fingers! tsurugi: *whistling* Jun: "...Whatever. It moves the plot along." tsurugi: yay! 8D Jun: "Okay, just need to pull over...And we're here." yumikage: alright then. *looks at mafura* mafura, could you stay and guard the truck for us? we know you arent trained in combat, so it'd be appreciated. mafura: *nods* Jun: *opens the back of the truck* "Grab what you need." -elsewhere- Johannes: *humming, as he's writing notes* metsu: *setting up stock in the shelves for the day* Jeje: *slithers up the stairs* "Mikuni...Get up already." Mikuni: *snoring* Jeje: "..." *picks up a doll, tosses it at Mikuni* Mikuni: "Ow!" metsu: *has already changed into a work uniform* Jeje: "Get downstairs, now." *slithers away* Mikuni: *grumbles* Jeje: *spots Metsu* "..." -\\\- metsu: he does realize it's 11 in the morning, doesn- Mikuni: *yawns, comes downstairs* "Alright...How is inventory?" Metsu: ah. everything's all stocked up. Johannes: *scribbling furiously* Mikuni: *thumbs up* "Great...I'll go back to sleep--" Johannes: "I'VE DONE IT! We can now brew beer!" metsu: (thinking: this can only lead to disaster.) Mikuni: "Um...Congrats? Just don't serve it." Johannes: "What? We can all drink!" Jeje: "You shouldn't." metsu: please do not. Johannes: "Doing it--FOR SCIENCE!" *stands up--and stumbles* "...Ow." metsu: *siiiighs* *she ended up patching him up. again.* Johannes: "Thanks, Nurse!" Jeje: *glares at Johannes* Mikuni: *already hosting a tea party in his own little world* metsu: *siiiiighs* =.=; *pets jeje's head* Jeje: -\\\\- Johannes: "I'll be in the lab, whipping up something new!" -elsewhere- Arthur: "Still no idea what those oni are about..." shinra: at least it's just one of them. Arthur: "True...But someone should keep an eye on them." -elsewhere- Lawless: *standing on stage* "I knew him, Horatio!" licht: *watching* Lawless: "A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy!" Anya: *watching as well* -elsewhere- Tool: "Anything you want me to do for Io? You need a break?" -later, elsewhere- kyouko: uncle shiro! we're home! Rin: "Yo!" momo: welcome home! Shiro: "Hey, slugger!" *pats Rin's head* Rin: -\\\\\- Shiro: "How are you, Kyouko?" kyouko: doing good. i'll be heading off to work in a few minutes. Shiro: "Well, be safe out there. And be home in time for dinner!" kyouko: alright! priest: amazing how far she's come since she first started living here... priest 2: yeah, back then she almost never left her room...given what happened though, you cant blame her... Rin: "...Yeah..." Rin: "Just glad she is keeping busy." -elsewhere- Gopher: *standing on his head* inori: ?? what are you doing? Gopher: "I thought more blood to my head would help me with this test." inori: i see. Gopher: *trying to steady himself* "I just...want to do better...Show I'm smart." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "So...throwing water balloons will be a good deed?" Emine: "Yes. It waters the lawn." Shotaro: "...But won't it get people wet?" Emine: "They need a bath." Shotaro: "Oh, okay!" *aims* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *petting Mr. Tsubaki* "Perhaps train this little guy to hunt down our dopplegangers?" kirei: it's a possibility... Mr. Tsubaki: ^w^ Benimaru: "Has your pet been giving you any trouble?" reimi: oh no. none at all. ^^; Benimaru: "...Oh. That's good. Especially after the incident--" Mr. Tsubaki: *staring carefully at Reimi* Benimaru: "--we want to make sure this creature is obedient." reimi: yeah... owo Mr. Tsubaki: *glares at Reimi* Benimaru: "Sister Kirei, how is the shrine holding up?" -elsewhere- Higan: *sips* "Tasty..." lavender: nice to get out once in a while. otogiri: i suppose. Belkia: *BURP* "Tasty breadsticks!" otogiri: *sweatdrop* -she's designated driver- Higan: "So uncouth." *points to a waitress* "Hey, Lavender--what you think of her?" lavender: hmmm. which one? Higan: "The brunette with the nice tush." lavender: nice indeed. otogiri: -___-; Belkia: "Jeez, you two. Can't we just have a nice meal and leave it at that?" *has stacked the condiments into a tower* otogiri:... (thinking: at least you arent hogging the blue tooth jukebox with that damn skeleton song again...) Higan: "Oh, stop whining. Hey, want some music?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *sigh* "So much quieter..." tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: "..." *holds her hand* tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: "You've been working so hard--you deserve a major break." tsubaki: *she nods* i guess. Black Star: "You want anything? Dinner? Maybe take a bath or go for a walk?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Pizza's here!" kim: awesome! mio: neat. Meme: "Yay! I'm starving!" Anya: *looks at the box* "Hmm... -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel okay?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "Want anything? Maybe a drink?" stocking: some tea would be nice. Kid: *nods, begins to heat water* "Any luck with studying?" stocking: yeah. still trying to learn all of this stuff. Kid: "Maybe putting it into practice would help..." stocking: maybe i'll head to the park to check up on things. Kid: *nods* *finishes heating water, brews it* Kid: "It will be a good job for you..." stocking: *she smiles* at least i'll be able to understand myself better....if it makes sense? Kid: *smiles* "I think so..." *hug* stocking: on the downside, i'll probably be seeing mr triple A batteries more often... Kid: *pats her hand* "You'll be able to deal with him. He's a little weenie anyway." stocking: i bet he is. *snickers* that sword has to be compensating for something. HAHAHA! >XD Kid: *holds up his pinky finger* "Indeed." *wiggles his finger* stocking: *snickering* Kid: "You'll be fine: you're smarter than him, faster, stronger..." stocking: ^w^ Kid: "And of course, far cuter." *snuggle* stocking: awww. Kid: *smooch, before taking up his cup of tea* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *kicking a rock* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Want a dessert, too?" lilac: ...*tiny nod* Sakuya: *smiles* "Cake? Ice cream?" -elsewhere- Assi: "Mono? You aren't still all shaken up by what Emine did, are you?" mono: TnT Assi: "...I'm sorry. Maybe I can help you get back at him?" mono:...what did you have in mind? Assi: "Well, I have had to memorize a lot of details for Zuno over the years, and I have memorized Emine's daily routine...including the exact spots where he steps in the house, when he showers, eats...So I suggest starting with putting a bucket over the bathroom door when he goes in..." mono: wow thats.....somewhat weird. n-not saying its bad or anything! Assi: "??? I'm just thorough. And have a good memory. For example, you use the toilet every afternoon at exactly 3:4--" *SLAP* Assi: D: *crashes onto the floor* "Ow." -elsewhere- Patty: *running in the backyard* "Better hurry up!" julie: *running* Patty: "Or I'll get to Home before you!" *runs for the pole* liz: *she smiles* Wes: "Patty's really good with kids, huh?" liz: she sure is. Wes: "I shouldn't be surprised." *smiles at Liz* "She had a great role model." liz: aww. Patty: "Wes, you're turn!" *slaps his back* "TAG! YOU'RE IT!" Wes: "OMPH!" -elsewhere- Mikuni: -___-;;; "Why are you here?" tsurugi: oh whats wrong, kuni-chan? jealous of out looove~ *smooches mafura's cheek* mafura: ^^ yumikage: *calm fury* Mikuni: "Dude, you are acting creepier than Johannes." Johannes: "I HAVE TURNED STUFFED ANIMALS INTO FOUR-COURSE MEALS!" Mikuni: "...Marginally." mafura: ~? tsurugi: you're just jealous that the only girl you've gotten a date with is your widdle dollies~ Mikuni: *forced smile* "I only hope you and Mafura find the happiness my dolls and I have--although that is a large order to fill." yumikage: now if you excuse us, we'll just be leaving now. tsurugi: alriiiight. come along, muffy-wuffy~ mafura: ^^ Mikuni: "Good day--" Johannes: "Don't any of you want to sample barbecued teddy bear?" -elsewhere- Yohei: "And that's the last book I wanted..." chie: alright. i think we'll be having this parenting thing down pat by the time toru's here with us... Yohei: *nods* "Been memorizing most of these books...I think. Still trying to figure out Heimlich on a baby." chie: O_O Yohei: "You can never be too careful. And if Toru was kidnapped. Or trapped in a burning building. Or drowning--" chie: *trembling* Yohei: "... !!!" *nervous laugh* "I-I won't let any of that happen, of course!" chie: Q_Q Yohei: "..." *awkward hug* chie: TT~TT my babyyyy..... Yohei: "Toru will be safe...He has us." chie: r-right..... -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *fox form* "Zzz..." -early morning- Kid: "Hmm..." stocking: *already awake, studying* Kid: *reads the note...smiles* -later- Kid: *sitting for breakfast* stocking: *yaaawns* Kid: *smiles* "Hello, study-bug." stocking: hey kiddo. Kid: "How was studying?" stocking: busy. still trying to wrap my head around all of this. Kid: "Something confusing? Could I be of assistance?" stocking: just trying to memorize all this. *she's studying the 5 exorcist branches in the true cross order* Kid: *nods* "Well, if I can help, with flash cards, or quizzes..." stocking: maybe we can visit the building? see if they have tutoring sessions in? Kid: *nods* "Sounds good. I'm free today." stocking: *she smiles* -and so- stocking: i think this is the place. Kid: "Looks big..." stocking: ah right! key, key... *checks her bag*.. *she found it* *smiles* seems like dad's still watching out for me. Kid: *smiles* "Yes, he is. Ready for your studies?" stocking: guess we're takin the tour. *she opens the door*.....i have no idea where im supposed to go. Kid: *looks around for signs or...* "Maybe someone is around." stocking: *looks* Rin: "Yo, Stocking!" stocking: ah! rin. glad to see you're in. we were just looking to take the tour...but no clue where to start ^^; Rin: "Ha ha ha! Yeah, kind of overwhelming. I'd say start with the cafeteria--but I know that's not what you're looking for. You wanted to find maybe the classrooms? Or teachers' offices?" stocking: that sounds like as good a place to start as any. Kid: *smiles* Rin: "Right this way, teach! You're not far from the classrooms..." stocking: ^^; *she follows* Kid: *follows as well* Rin: "Just behind these doors, young minds are being molded into--" *opens a door--and has a book thrown at his face* "...Sorry to interrupt." stocking: so...you're in the same class as....yukio, was it- O.O; Yukio: *holding another book* "Indeed. Rin, what have I said about interrupting classes--" Rin: "I was just giving a tour to a potential new teacher!" *picks up Stocking, puts her into the classroom* Kid: ._. stocking: hey! jeez... -_-; i can walk you know... paku: isnt that girl just a few years older than us? Bon: "Jeez, they're making teachers younger and younger now." Yukio: *sighs, waves* "Hello, Stocking. How are preparations going for your exam?" stocking: doing well. still havent got this all memorized yet.....mind if we have a seat. ^^;; Yukio: "Certainly. There are some seats over there..." -she takes her seat- Kid: *sits beside her* Yukio: "As I was saying, we're looking today at familiars--" stocking: *she smiles* Yukio: "They are helpful only so long as you command their respect. Otherwise, they can turn on you." *Kuro pops up out of Rin's shirt* Rin: o\\\\o stocking: awww. how cute! Rin: "Yeah...Kuro is really helpful, too." Yukio: -_-;;; ("They stopped paying attention to my lesson...") izumo: *a-HEM* Rin: "??? Oh, hey, Izumo. What's up?" izumo: the class? stocking: ah, right! sorry about that. Rin: ._. Yukio: "--and familiars are valuable. Stocking, what are some types of familiars?" stocking: um....cats? OwO;; Yukio: "Yes! And Rin?" Rin: "...Other cats?" Yukio: -_-; izumo:...fox spirits are another example. Yukio: "Right again. As well as plants..." *writes on the board, tracking types and their abilities* stocking: *taking notes* Kid: *trying to take notes as well Rin: *staring at the board...* Yukio: "And you have to be careful of some of the familiars should they get out of control--when you lose authority over them." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *reviewing her job application* kim: where are you going to be working? Jacqueline: "Well, I have a few applications. One at the library, another in clerical." kim: ah. Jacqueline: "How about you? Still with the zoo?" kim: yeah. Jacqueline: *nods* "You do well there...How do you get along with coworkers?" -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Ready?" naho: *already in uniform* ready~! Sakuya: *hands her the tray, as he approaches a table* "Welcome! May I take your order?" -elsewhere- Relan: Q~Q *running* ryuuko: *running* Relan: "Are your sides aching like mine?" ryuuko: no. Relan: "Oh...Just me then..." mikami: *pant pant* TT.TT Relan: "!!! M-Mikami? Hanging in there?" mikami: y-..yeah... Relan: "O-Okay..." Relan: *tries to run a bit faster...* Relan: "W-We been around this part of town before?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: T___T fang-hua: its getting a bit warmer now... Tsukiyo: "Yeah...Can stop bundling up soon..." *pout* "You like the warmer weather?" fang-hua: i guess. Tsukiyo: *sigh* "Maybe the summer will bring better luck..." *looks around the village* "And more flowers." fang-hua: *she nods* Tsukiyo: "..." *sigh* "Remember when we went on that camping trip?" fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: "I miss that...New people. Travel. Swimming. Even the bugs and animals weren't that bad." fang-hua: .... Tsukiyo: "...Fang-Hua, why did you take this job?" fang-hua: i guess, i wanted to use my abilities to help people. Tsukiyo: "...I think I just didn't want to hurt people with mine." fang-hua: .....care to elaborate? Tsukiyo: "Well, people tell me I'm so...emotional. An this community kind of thrives on being destructive. So what harm could one more destructive...'animal' like me cause?" fang-hua:.....tsukiyo.... Tsukiyo: "...Sorry. Just rambling." *tries to put on a smile* fang-hua:...if you want to talk about it- Tsukiyo: "I...think that's enough for now. But thank you." *wrings her hands, nervously* fang-hua: well...im here whenever you need me, ok? Tsukiyo: "..." *wipes her face, nods* "Th-Thanks." -elsewhere- Higan: *mixing paint* lavender: *asleep, shuffling slightly* Higan: "..." *starts his new painting, keeping an eye on her* lavender: *shaking a bit* Higan: "???" *sets down his paint and brush, approaches Lavender* lavender: mama..... Higan: "..." *covers her in a blanket, lays beside her* lavender: *calming down a bit* Higan: *strokes her back* lavender: mmmn.... Higan: *hums lightly* lavender: .....zzzzz.... Higan: *holds her, closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Tool: *hands Io the ball* "Now put it in the basket..." io: ^o^ *she did it!* Tool: *claps* "Yay, Io! Congrats!" saki: good job, io! *hugs* io: hehe! Tool: *smiles, as he pulls out his phone and snaps pics* saki: wave to the camera, sweetie. Tool: *waves at Io* "Say 'hi' to Mr. Camera!" io: hiya! Tool: " 'Hiya!' says Mr. Camera!" io: ^w^ Tool: *takes a few more pics* "Saki, these will upload into your cloud..." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *brings a motorcycle into the garage* padma: oh? shinra: neeeeat! sayu: WOAH! Takehisa: "...I wanted something for quick errands. Not a mid-life crisis." shinra: right. Takehisa: "It runs mostly well but needs some additional repairs...maybe help from an automotive expert." shinra: maybe. Takehisa: *nods* "Where are the Commander and Maki?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *playing ball with children* toshio: ako, over to you! ako: ok! Benimaru: *smiles* "Watch your left, Ako..." ako: *nod* Benimaru: *receives the ball, bounces it up and down* -elsewhere- Stein: *putting drops into a beaker, swirls it* valentine: *putting away files* Stein: *takes notes* "This blood is not reacting as expected." valentine: oh? Stein: *nods* "I received it from a source regarding a few flame beings..." valentine: *she nods* Stein: "Usually, these drops would react with any organic chemical...yet I am not getting that reaction from this flame being's 'blood.'" valentine: .... Stein: *writes a few more notes* "I will need another sample to compare..." -elsewhere- Gopher: *standing in the hallway, outside the boys' locker room...in just his boxers* D: kirika: *lends him a coat* here. Gopher: "T-Thank you!" *puts it on* "Stupid jerks..." kirika: want me to beat them up? Gopher: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- Hibana: *looking at cloning tube* "Any updates?" gabriella: the new batch of angels should be ready in about a few days. Hibana: *smiles* "Excellent..." *lays a hand along one tube* -elsewhere- Lawless: *in hedgehog form, eating a strawberry* romina: daw, cute. Lawless: -w- *nom nom nom* kranz: *taking pictures* licht: .... Lawless: *finishes eating, smiles...* *tiny burp* -elsewhere- Kuro: *wearing a fast food employee uniform* -___-;; "Why do _I_ have to work to pay off the cost of the video game system?" -elsewhere- Kid: *closes his notebook* "How do you think sitting in on class went?" stocking: i think it helped a lot. i learned a lot of new stuff too. Rin "Hey, awesome! Want to see more of the school?" stocking: sure! Rin: "Awesome! Cafeteria's got great food...but for a price." stocking: well, i did bring this. *platinum card~* Rin: *shiny eyes* "Aaaaaaaaawesome...I can afford to eat the rich people's food!" -and so- Rin: *claps his hands together* "THANK YOU FOR THIS MEAL!" *digs in* Kid: ._. "Oh my..." stocking: bon appetite, boys~ Kid: "Thank you..." *starts eating his noodles* Rin: *eats, swallows, wipes his mouth with the napkin* "Stocking, you should meet some of the younger students, too." stocking: i guess so. Rin: "I think you'd like them--they're newbies to the school like you." stocking: ah, i see. Rin: *waves at some new students* "Yeah, they need some close guidance." stocking: *she smiles* *One student walks their food to their table--only to have a bully knock down their food and pour milk on their head* Kid: "?!!" stocking: hey! what the hell is the big idea! *sword aimed at them* Shiratori: "?!! Jeez, girl, put that thing down! No need for blades in the cafeteria..." stocking: ....*she puts it down* fine, but you just leave this kid alone! they're not doing a thing to you! Shiratori: *drops the empty milk carton, grins, winks* "Later." Kid: *already with a towel* Rin: "It's okay...We'll buy you your lunch, kid." student: t-thank you... Rin: *smiles* "What's your name?" student:.... !!! *she hides behind stocking* stocking: eh? student: s-scary...
0 notes
indigo-sails · 8 years
Chiroptera Chapter
START "Woah, where am I?" Demetrie was waste deep in a big, golden field of wheat. --- "Hey Zoey!" "Good morning!" "Notice anything... different?" "Why Demetrie, your hair looks fabulous! I wish my bed head looked that good!" "Notice anything... else?" "To what could you be refering? OO do you have a new power?" "I'm thinking along the lines of something fluffly, drooly, barky..." "Oh you mean Ruben! He's my new doggy and I wove him so much!!" "You're dad won't let you have any pets, remeber?" "Did I say my dog? I meant to say your dog." "I don't want a dog." "Mmm, I dunno, from this angle he looks more like an oversized cat to me." "Zoey..." "Aw fine." ~Let's get him back home.~ --- "Okay so - top five favorite festivals: go!!" "Winter and summer festival, they're not even top two, they are both #1. The tourist festival brings so many cool people, world cultures within summer festial, and spring festival. Top five fav festivals: Go!!" "Fall, summer, spring, tourist, and winter! #1 basically counts for all five. It's just magical, the merry go round is my favorite of all!" "Ugh. On the list of my least favorite things; that forest. It's always so creepy." "Yeah," some sort of dream flash back, "It is." From pov of undergrowth, "It always seems like somethings watching me." shot of dog, speech bubbles in bg, "Same! I always feel that!!" "Tho sometimes,  I feel like I want to go into the-" "--RUBEN!"
"You didn't bring a leash or dog treats or anything??" "No, did you??" "What were you going to feed him??" "Pizza, of course!! RUUUBBEEEN" "H-hey! Not too far ahead!" montage of Demetrie turning round and round, creepy angle and what not. "Wait for me!" Small clearing, Zoey's stopped hands on her head. "Did you see where he went?" "No, I can't find him anywhere." Sudden shake in the under growth, both Zoey and Dem freeze. some sequence of panels and horrified faces, Ruben pops out of the bush with a tennis ball "Do they just inherintly know where to find tennis balls?" "I'm pretty sure that's not how dogs work." something alluding to a giant dark creature luming above them in the dark of the trees. -- some sort of transition. I don't want them walking back *zoey dramaticly fake crys* Good bye, sweet Ruben. -- transition "So you really don't want pets?" "Nope! No pets!" "I mean yeah... Is that weird?" "Not even something tiny? Like a fish?" "Nope. I'd probably forget to feed them. Pets take a lot of work!" "You couulllddd get a cat! They basically take care of themselves!" "No cats. No fish. Hey I'm going this way, you want to come over for some lunch?" "Can't! My dad is going to be home soon! I'm going to clean up, and then im going to convince him to let me have a puppy!!" "Awesome!! Tell him I say hi!" "Will do, take care!! -- Later that day... Dem: "So you're sure you don't wanna come over and play Final Destiny 433?" Zoe: ~"Yeah, my dad said there's a good chance he'll be home tonight, I figured I'd clean up a bit."~ Dem: "Awwww okay," Zoe: ~"Quit complaining!"~ Dem: -beep- "Hold on - it's Joey, I'll patch him through. Hey Joe!" Zoe: ~"Heeeeyyy Joeeeyyy!"~ Joe: "Hey! Are y'all going to the premiere tonight?" Dem: "Premiere? What premiere?" Joe: "Battle Force Galactic Blitztasic, it's in 4-D and they got the Hola-cube back up." D + Z: "SERIOUSLY" ~"OMGGGGG"~  Dem: "How much are tickets?" Joe: "Wait, you don't have tickets? I think they sold out already" "WHHAAATTT" ~"NOOOOOOOooooo"~ Joey: "Hold up, I'll patch Damien through. -- Hey Damien" Dame: "Joey! What's up?" Joey: "I got Zoey n Demetrie on the line - Do you have extra tickets to the premiere?" Dame: "Hmmm. What's in it for me tho?" "Cookies!" "I'll commission you an artwork!" "Am I supposed to contribute something??" -car pulls up in the window-- "Sounds delightful! I'll see what I can do. Deme, in the mean time you owe me one! ‍❤️ -click-" Joey: "I'll see what I can do on my end too." Zoey: "I'll see if my dad wants to come!" -knock at the door- Dem: "I'll... have to call you back." Driver: "Hello Demetrie, the Mayor would like to see you." -- Demetrie is in the back of a limo. He pulls up to a big house, he walks inside. "Hello Demetrie! How are you? Have you been well?" "Yeah of course! If you wanted to check up on me, you could've just called-" "Of course my boy, but where's the fun in that? I called you here for more than that, however. The Gaurd Force Cheif wants to include you on a matter of concern." "Oh" "In the conference room to you're right." -- "As you know, we've been getting more disturbances around the perifery of the forest. This morning, we got a call detailing an attack on the west end of town. No one was hurt, but there was a lot of distruction. Similar claw marks were found at two reported store break ins." Shows pictures of claw marks, windows broken, food eaten and missing. "Demetrie, would you happen to know anything about this?" little shocked, "N-no, sir, I do not." "As you can see cheif, I've already told you as much. "Of course. Well, we don't know what it is yet, but it's big..." -- Some notes for tomorrow: "Between the dream and the meeting with the towns gaurd force, I cant seem to catch a break today" "Demetrie!" Deme hearts n like DAW MA FRIENDS ARE MA BREAK /sobs "Wow, there are so many people!" "This is pretty much the only theater in town, but it looks like people came from over the hill. But any way --- That's not important right now." *clasps shoulders srs face*, "Are you prepared." "I was born prepared." *Zoey geeking out in the background* *wooping and cheering* "Guess it's time!" ----- 27 pages at this point SHots of going inside, future tech. Poster of Battle Galactic Blitztastic. Shot of Giant Popcorn Machine "Snap, I always forget how big that thing is" -- Zoey "Yeah, back in the early 3000s they competed nationally to see how big they could get it. We won, of course." "I thought I was supposed to be the history buff!" "Oh, that's right, I forgot that you're brother used to work here." --Dem Alright - let's get ready - to save - the galaxy! *something about representation and synthetics but bruh its straight up about systemic vioelne and oppression, but because robots and synths dont exist yet, it ends up being an allegory abour race. A relatively explicate one, but like, that seems super sucky. A human element is needed Joseph: "Oh yeah! Allissona Zhang is in this! I've been so hyped for this movie, having diasabled actors play disabled charachers is the only way to go." *cracks open phone screen to look up pictures of Allissona, shows Demetrie* Zoey: "Speaking of representation, have you heard the rumors that a Synth is going to be in this one?" Joseph: "What, you mean the robot?" Zoey: "No, a synth, basically a robot with a human brain, but the original human brain was rejected! It's like a person haunting a robot, so trippy." Joseph: "Nah Zoe, synths were debunked, weren't they? We've never had that kind of tech." Zoey: "Yeah, debunked by the US with the New World Council, but that's exactly what they'd want you to think." Joseph: "Dang, true, very true."
Later that night, the premiere is about to start. Zoey shows up, soft aside about her dad not making it to town. We meet more people/characters? Foreshadowing for shenannigins happinging under the facility. The Bat found its way inside from underground, the large old theater is also connected underground to the clock tower (Yes, the small town has a clock tower xD) Establishing shot of the lobby - the complex is pretty huge! There's a huge fountain of pop corn. As the movie starts, the bat peeks menecingly through the projected screen, everyone panics. As everyones leaving, Joey and Zoey rush to Deme's aide and ask how they can help. The bat squirms out into the lobby, starts feisting on the pop corn. They hide behind a counter on the far side. Demetrie runs with the rest of the crowd, then he slows to a stop. He remembers back to the guard force meeting, he feels intense pressure that he is the one who has to defend against this threat. "I'm the one... who's supposed to... protect everyone." flashback: "I've always had faith in you, Demetrie." Vaugely, fuzzily, he hears his friends calling to him, "Demetrie! Come on!" "I can't go." "Deme, this doesn't have to be your fight." "Everyone's counting on me, I feel like I don't have choice." "Demetrie... Fine. If you stay, we stay." "But-"
"We're here to help, tell us what to do!" "Do??"  "What can we do!! Did you see how big it was??" "Don't panic, let's brainstorm." "Right, right." Zoey: "How did it get in here in the first place??" Joe: "The underground tunnels, it's got to be." Zoey: "The basement has tunnels that lead to the outside??" Joey: "That or the creature burrowed it's way down." Deme: "How do we fight a bat??" Joey: "Bright lights? Loud noises??" Zoey: "Maybe we can lure it outside! Joey: "No, not outside, inside. We'll drive it back underground."
Zoey ends up being the one to distract the bat. She notices that it's sweeping along the floor, picking up popcorn. They are both in the isle near the front, it looks at her, it pauses. The bat poses no threat. Either she reaches over to give it popcorn, or she barely has time to think "Wait... popcorn??" and then the emergency sirens blare inside the theater and she snaps back to the plan at hand. "Wait, popcorn??" The alarm sirens blare, the bat screeches and takes out the whole row infront of it, zoey barely dives out of the way.
They trap them under the theater, then realize that the bat is harmless. To save them, they go either underground or sneak their way out and to the clock tower. The giant bat is trapped under some non essential support beams, and the three are talking about what to do with the bat. Zoey notices that its long tounge is snagging tiny bits of popcorn. She runs over and grabs a bag of popcorn that has fallento the ground. The bat calms down. "Zoey! What are you doing!" "No look, he's harmless. He's just hungry!" -- Bat, Demetire and Zoey are in the bell tower. "So. Now we have a bat." "I think I'll name him Ruben!" Deme face palms, "We're not feeding him pizza." shot of the tower and zoey's speech bubble, "Of course not! Duh, bats are insectovors!" END
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mandarin16 · 8 years
Two Years
Today is two years since the worst day of my life. I’m still angry. And hurt. And ashamed.
Our last few days together are still fresh in my mind. 2 days after Christmas 2014 I’m driving you home from the doctor and I’m very short with you. You ask me why I’m so mad. I say, “I’m tired of you not taking care of yourself.” I should have said more. I should have said how much it hurt me to see you in pain all the time, and how much it hurt that you didn’t seem to care enough about yourself, or anyone else, to start taking care of yourself. We didn’t talk much after that.
New Year’s Eve 2014, you go to the ER. Again. It was the 5th or 6th time that year. You were lethargic and clouded, and needed oxygen. Against the doctor’s orders, you left the ER after 3 hours and came home. I rushed out to spend New Years with my boyfriend. I hardly said goodbye. I should have stayed.
New Year’s Day 2015. It’s a quiet day when I get home. You want to watch a movie with me, so we watch Divergent because you haven’t seen it and I just got it for Christmas. We order Chinese and have it for dinner. After the movie, I go to my room. I stay in there a long time. I should have come out.
When it’s time for bed, I come out to say good night to you and mom. You look at me and say, “Good night, John-Boy,” like you’ve done my entire life. I walk away and say a simple, “Goodnight,” knowing you expect me to finish our bit, but I don’t. When I’m at my door, I hear you say in a soft, sad whisper, “You’re supposed to say, ‘Good night, Mary-Ellen.’” I should have said it.
When I wake up the next day, you are already out of it. Barely conscious. Glazed look in your eye. Unable to stay awake longer than a few minutes. This is a look I have grown used to on you. I didn’t think anything of it. Mom is arguing with you to get in the car so she can drive you to the doctor. You’re stubborn. After she pleads with you, you stumble to the car. I wave you off, saying I hope you feel better. I don’t give you a second glance. I’m a horrible person. 
You don’t come home that night. Or the next day. I don’t come see you. You’re asleep most of the time, and I don’t like seeing you in the hospital. I should’ve come anyway.
On day 3 mom says they’ve inserted a feeding tube and put you on a ventilator. Now I know it’s really bad.
It’s now Monday and I’m too afraid to see you. I keep praying and saying everything is going to be fine. Mom says she wishes I would see you. I still don’t. 
I’m worried now. And scared. I talk to April. She says I should see you. Mom gets a call from the hospital. They say we should probably come down. After 4 days of being prideful and selfish, I come. April comes with me. Family meet us there, family I haven’t seen in years. I have to suit up before I go in your room. April comes with me. She explains what all the wires and tubes are for. I can’t take my eyes off your unconscious face, but it’s so hard to look. I can’t talk. April prays. I cry. I should have come sooner.
The next day, mom is at the hospital a long time. I stay home because I just started classes and I have homework. She comes home and tries to be calm, but I know. “Is he dying?” I say. She nods. I run. I leave and don’t come back for a long time.
Mom calls the relatives. Those that can fly in from all over the country (except your brother, who refuses to “see you like that” and says he will “come down after”). Our house is full of people. The neighbors must think we are having a party. If they only knew.
Despite all this, I try to keep my faith about the situation because I truly believe in miracles, even when those that should also have this level of faith tell me I’m being stupid. 
We meet with the doctor who says that the ventilator is doing all the breathing at 100% oxygen, and because of that your lungs are so damaged, you’ll never be able to breathe on your own. You’re not eligible for a lung transplant because you wouldn’t quit smoking no matter how much I begged, but even if you were eligible, you wouldn’t survive the surgery. The doctor gives us 2 choices: hospice and a ventilator for the rest of your life, or turn the machines off and let whatever happens happen. Mom chooses option 2, despite my pleading. “He wouldn’t want that. We’ve talked about it. He doesn’t want that.” I argue, even though I know in the deepest parts of me it’s true. “Tomorrow,” she says. I don’t sleep that night.
We visit in the morning. I continue praying. Elders and other people from church come to visit and pray. They are believing with me even when nobody else will. I know miracles can happen, and I’m ready for it. It still doesn’t come.
5 o’clock we go back to the hospital, this time for the last time. There are so many family members there. Some who haven’t talked to you, or us, in months, years. I can’t stand to look at them. Where were they when you were well? I don’t have time to dwell on them, or the mental capacity, or emotional state. 
It’s my turn for final goodbyes. I get to come alone. I talk to you, like I should have been doing all this time. I say I’m sorry, and I truly am. I tell you I love you, something I didn’t say often. I regret that now. I lay down across you, hugging you, something else I never did enough of. I look at your tattoos for the last time. And your beard. And your scruffy hair. I cry. I stay for so long, I lose track of time. 
Mom signs the papers. The doctors give you morphine. We come to your side. I can’t look. The doctors turn the machines off. You jerk and your eyes pop open. Milissa screams. Ricky cries. I still cant look. I put my hand on your leg and hold Derek’s hand with my other. The family that can’t fit in the room stand right outside the door, some watching through the glass, others staring at the screen with your vitals. You try to breathe, but your damaged lungs wont let you. And then. It’s over.
I don’t let mom drive home. I don’t trust her ability under this much emotional duress. I play music and try to sing along. Our house is full of family who came to be with us. Everyone is telling stories of you, trying to comfort each other. I say I’m tired and go to my room. I don’t come back out, but I don’t sleep either. 
It’s been two years, Dad. Two birthdays, two Christmases, two whole trips around the sun. It’s not any easier. I’m still ashamed of my actions that week, and the last few years of your life. I can’t watch Divergent or eat Chinese without remembering our last day. I’m still ashamed I didn’t finish our bedtime ritual properly. Too stubborn. Too prideful. Both traits I got from you. I think about you all the time, and pray that God would let you know how much I love you, because I never said it enough while you were here. I’m sad at all the things you are missing. Ricky just turned 18 and will graduate high school soon. Mom had 2 back surgeries. I finally got that puppy you would never let me have. She’s a year old now. You would have loved her. William and Elaina are here and thriving. Milissa is having a baby soon. You’re going to be a grandpa. Derek and I keep talking about marriage, like for real. He doesn’t know it, but every time we do, it kills me inside that you won’t walk me down the aisle. I’m almost done with my teaching degree. I know you would have been proud. Despite all that’s happened, I still have my faith in God. I hope you understand that. You never did while you were here. He’s guided me through all of this, and while I’m still aching, He keeps me safe, like you would. I wish beyond anything that you would have listened. That you would have stopped smoking and taken care of yourself, but that’s neither here nor there now. I just keep going, trying to ache less, and just live life and make you proud. I hope you are proud. I love you, Dad.
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