#was talking to true-blue-sonic about this
icycm24 · 3 months
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First art of the year, ofc its them again
to show affection by sucking cheek like jelly ♥
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tornado1992 · 3 months
No one knows where Sonic lives.
Even in his so called world renowed hero status, there’s way too little that the general public knows about Sonic The Hedgehog, sure, they know what his favorite food is, they know the names of his friends, and they know when his birthday is, but they don’t know where is he from, how is he so fast, or what is his reason to fight.
They know about most of the times he has saved the world, but they don’t know why his shoes don’t get burned by his speed, they know he can turn into a god-like glowy golden being, but they don’t know how exactly the magical jewels that do that work, they know he’s unstoppable, but they don’t know why.
Most people don’t care that much about that kind of information, even if he’s a hero, that’s his own business, even heroes need privacy; but then there’s the curiosity, the enigma, the mystery, most of those questions will be left without a solid answer, but there’s a few that should have definitive one.
Where does someone who can run around the whole globe in a matter of hours live? There’s a lot of theories.
Sonic has enough fame to have several fan clubs all around the world, and between all those fan clubs there’s been a lingering interest in the enigma of where does sonic live, between all the other questions this one is the one that gets the most possible answers, considering factors like his speed, his well known crave for adventure, his love for nature, all of it could make the difference between the right answer and the wrong answer.
At certain point, the curiosity reaches to more general public apart from the fanatism prone, and when in opportunity to talk to him, a lot of people start asking him the same question: “where do you live?” the answers all equal and all different at the same time “right here in the same world as you” “it varies from time to time” “I don’t think you could visit me”
The vagueness, the confusing contradictions, the evasion of the subject; he’s doing this on purpose. They might not know a lot about the blue speedster, but now this sole data needs to be known.
They start asking Sonic’s acquaintances instead of the hedgehog himself, they know they’re not getting an answer out of him at this point, and if anyone could have one, his friends should know it. Turns out that they don’t know.
Most of his friends being more annoyed with the fact that not even they know where he lives than about the people sticking their noses to his friend’s business was a surprise to the masses, and underwhelming, backtracking, frustrating surprise.
There’s an anonymous user online who affirms that not even the hedgehog’s arch nemesis knows where Sonic lives. Reliable sources support the statement.
The waters of nonsense gossip calm down after some time, but the question still remains, left to be more of general curiosity than lingering mystery.
A random day in a random town, a news program happens to be live outside when the speedster passes by and stops to smell the flowers around the area, the reporters ask him for a small interview, he says they have till he finishes picking up enough flowers for a crown.
They ask the same question everyone has asked for quite some time, just a different word, “Sonic, where is your home?”
Apparently the accidental rephrasing change is what finally gets it, as the speedster just says “right now? should be at mystic ruins”
He runs off immediately, the reporters left speechless, the program still on air on TV’s and the web, and the world going wild.
They finally got a straight, solid, specific answer. “That can’t be true” “but it can” “it’s logical” “it’s not” “he must’ve been joking” “he sounded serious” and more and more discussions take place around that single interview, the fan clubs are theorizing again, the general public is now more curious, and the official news from all over the globe need to confirm this by themselves.
So they ask again.
A full week later, a different city in a different country, different news reporters don’t even bother to ask him for an interview, they just run to him the moment they see the blue blur pass by and ask him again “Sonic, where is your home?!” He yells his answer without stopping:
“Last time I checked was in Central City”.
“It’s a contradiction” “then he was joking before” “he might change where he lives weekly” “we need more proof” “that was way too specific again”.
A different continent, two days later, a group of kids manage to record him when he greets them from the other side of a mountain, they ask “Where is your home?!” He yells back “I’m not sure at the moment!”
The confusion only grows, now no one knows if he’s genuinely giving true answers or full ass lying, it would be logical for him to do either. The curiosity becomes a mystery again, and people are legitimately trying to track all the locations he has mentioned to find out what is this all about. Some people even try to track him down. They try.
A whole month later, there’s a celebration near sunset city, a commemoration of some sorts, there’s been a lot of battles in way too little time so people just try to think about the party rather than the motive for it. Sonic attends the celebration along some of his friends.
A local news channel manages to reach him at the chili dog stand where he is waiting for his food while talking to the two tailed fox everyone knows is his best friend. They don’t mean to interrupt, but these opportunities are limited.
They ask the same question, the same word change that they know works: “Sonic, where is your home?”
The blue blur hangs an arm around the kit’s shoulder in a half hug as he grins widely, he says loudly: “right now, it’s right here!”
This time his home was with him.
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sage-nebula · 1 year
Thinking about how Tails was raised by Sonic, so he has an excellent read on Sonic's moods (to the point where Sonic can lie to just about everyone re: his feelings except Tails), but he also knows Sonic well enough to know that Sonic doesn't like to talk about things that are bothering him. Not that Tails won't ever ask, of course, because he wants Sonic to know that if he ever does want to talk, Tails will be there for him. But he knows well enough to not expect anything to come out of him asking. He's used to this pattern.
But also . . . Tails is a fixer. He's a solution finder. If there's a problem, he solves it, or does his best to. So if Sonic is feeling down, well, talking it out won't make Sonic feel better. And it's true that Tails can't fix the actual problem if he doesn't know what it is. But he can do other things to make Sonic feel better. Like for instance, Sonic goes to sleep feeling kind of bad one night, and wakes up the next morning to find that Tails has repaired the outsoles of his shoes to give him better traction / provide better support when he's running. Or Tails will make him cocoa the exact way he likes it without being asked, seemingly out of the blue, or will take his library books back for him and check out a couple more that he knows Sonic has had his eye on.
Just little things like that. Little things which don't solve whatever the actual problem is, because he doesn't know what the actual problem is, but that make Sonic feel cared about and loved even if neither of them say those actual words. (And if Sonic asks why Tails is doing this, Tails is like "just felt like it" because if Sonic doesn't want to talk about his feelings, that's fine—but that means Tails gets a free pass not to talk about his, either.)
Sonic takes care of Tails, but Tails takes care of Sonic, too. They're good at looking out for each other.
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essycogany · 3 months
Rare But Not So Rare Sonic Moments
This may get controversial.
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I welcome anyone else’s view point on this topic. If you don’t agree I’m okay with that. Just because I have a different perspective doesn’t make what I think right or wrong. You don’t have to change your mind. Whatever your opinion is, I respect it. Besides, it’s fun to have different views on something we both love. It gives us a way to see different sides of the coin.
Disclaimer: I’m a person who didn’t grow up with this franchise and only recently got into in early 2022. I have no biases towards any version of this character. Making my opinions about his characterizations mixed.
By the way, I’ll only use Sonic games as examples (for the most part) because this analysis would be too long if I talked about other medias.
In short. Most of his flaws do stir into different medias as well. To be honest, Sonic’s other variants aren’t as different as some may think, but that’s my hot take.
Times The Blue Blur Messed Up
Riders: Sonic lunched Amy along with Eggman into the air with his wind abilities. While knowing Amy’s safety would be at risk. Then left her. Which was the reason she was so angry and aggressive afterwards. He didn’t ever apologize either.
06: Exchanged a chaos emerald for Elise even after Tails warned Sonic not to.
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Unleashed: Was distracted by taunting Eggman.
Sonic: “Well, this is new. Showing remorse Eggman? If you played nice, I wouldn’t have to break all your toys.”
Then became the Werehog. All because he wanted to boost his ego.
Secret Rings: Shahra used Sonic to collect the world rings for Erazar Djinn. Even though it should’ve been expected because she said, “They use to work together.” Ended up not being true.
Black Night: Was tricked into helping Merlina who wanted to create a world that would last forever.
Lost World: Tails once again tried to warn Mr.Impatient about the conch in Eggman’s hand, but kicked it anyways. Then warned Sonic about another trap, he didn’t listen, ended up getting the fox captured instead.
Frontiers: Accidentally helped free The End despite Knuckles and Sage’s suspensions. If his friends, Eggman, and Sage didn’t help him…..Well, it’s in the villain's name.
Side Note: In Secret Rings, Black night, and Frontiers Sonic was rude at points.
Sonic Sassiness
Sonic Sassiness Part 2
Sonic’s Overall Flaws/Mistakes
Some may be from his general characterizations throughout his history.
Sonic rushes into things without a second thought. (Impulsiveness) Sonic can be too reckless, brash, or not take situations seriously.
He’s impatient. (Which was his core trait since his idle animation in Sonic 1)
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He doesn’t listen to his friends warnings. Sonic can be too cocky at the wrong moments. He causes or contributes to world ending consequences. The blue blur can also be too trusting and naive.
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Sonic doesn’t worry about his own physical or mental state and internalizes his emotions. He isn’t able to express himself very well. Therefore doesn’t put the right words together when speaking sometimes.
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Sonic can be stubborn and a bit of a jerk.
Sage: “You are short tempered and short sided.”
And that’s about it. If I missed anything, feel free to let me know.
My Thoughts
A few of these can be seen as Sonic’s strength and weaknesses. Like his willingness to harm himself if it means to save his friends.
The reason Sonic never learns from his mistakes in the games is because he gets away with them. Which is not a good or bad thing per say. (Besides Sonic Riders. There’s no excuse for that.)
The stories never really given him an arc. But I don’t think Sonic’s a perfect or flawless character. If the examples I’ve shown are evidence of anything.
I’d say he’s static, but not consistently. Most static characters I’ve seen rarely stays static anyways.
I also don’t believe Sonic himself thinks he’s perfect. Sonic probably thinks he doesn’t have to change because he’s so sure he should be able to manage things without issue. Everything does eventually go his way. Why should he change?
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I do understand Sonic influences people, but why can’t there be a balance? It’s been done plenty of times with other characters. In books, movies, and tv shows. Animated and live-action.
Movie!Sonic in Sonic 2 inspired both Knuckles and Tails. Helping them better themselves with advice and encouragement. While also going through his own arc of growing up and being responsible.
Tails:“You’ve inspired me. To leave my village. To find you and help you on your mission.”
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Despite him learning how to slow down and plan things out, Prime!Sonic also inspires the different variants of his friends. Thorn, Dread, and Nine. Helping them grow into becoming better people.
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Even in Unleashed Sonic was at his most mature, but it was only after his cocky attitude got him into trouble. So, yes. Inspirational characters can have flaws.
I’ll just say this
Everyone has their own views on how Sonic should be characterized, drawn, played, voiced, animated, and showcase.
It’s fine if you don’t like a curtain interpretation of a character, but to say the character (Especially if they weren’t very consistent in the first place) isn’t acting like themselves now, it’s really hard to argue what self there is to come back to. Because even in the games there are so many different selves for these characters in their own canon universe. From Classic to Adventure, Unleashed, Colors, and Frontiers. (If that makes any sense)
It’s hard to find one place to be in because Sonic’s been in too many places at once. He shouldn’t be held down to one characterization if he’s already been all over the place from the beginning of his existence.
AKA Sonic’s first two shows ever. TAOSTH and SATAM. In both shows Sonic had flaws as well, but never learned from them. Which means he’s been like this from the start. Like everything else about this franchise, his personality is an ongoing experiment that’ll probably never be solved. And I kind of love that. Even if it can be stressful and has it’s own up’s and down’s
All of these unique stories from the games, comics, tv shows, and movies people grew up with are what made this franchise so popular. This is the main reason I became a Sonic fan. Because I learned so much about characterization from this franchise and how to love the different variations of its characters. Finding an appreciation for each of them.
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Everyone’s opinions are valid at the end of the day. At least we all have a version of this character we can love and appreciate. Whether you agree or not I’m grateful you’ve made it all the way to the end. You’re a trooper!
Stay Creative! 💜
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bestjeanistmonster · 3 months
How did Nicky's Sonic's friends react to him being alive and becoming a criminal?
Well uhhhhh safe to say not well
Amy and Tails don't even know who this ‘Harley Quill’ guy even is at first, Sonic did look quite different from Nicky (different quill style, being cobalt blue instead of light blue, having green eyes instead of brown eyes, his muzzle, chest and arm fur being pale instead of tan) but he does seem very vaguely familiar, but they pretty much brush it off cuz they were fairly certain that they didn’t know anyone that’s as batshit insane as he is.
To them he was just Eggman’s new lackey, an extremely dangerous one that’s as fast and unpredictable as the wind itself, the big ass hammer he had with him didn’t make him any easier, and he was irritating as hell. Safe to say the guy was a problem, a problem they needed to solve cuz if they didn’t take him down they won’t have a chance at stopping Eggman, the only reason they could even find as to why this guy was even working for Eggy was out of pure respect and devotion to him and everything he stood for, looking up to him as a mentor figure. So at least they had that answer.
Literally a week since Harley Quill’s debut as Eggman’s new sidekick and Gotham is in complete and utter chaos so they needed to figure something out fast but all throughout Amy and Tails can’t shake that sense of deja vu they feel sometimes when they fighting and bantering with this punk
Then at some point Amy gets kidnapped after Sonic gets the drop on her with his hammer knocking her out and taking her back to the hideout as a hostage but Knuckles manages to find a blue quill he accidentally left behind so they head back to the batcave to scan it and triangulate eggman’s location. They know Eggman's gonna wait to do some sort of attention drawing showstopper to kill Amy off but he won't do anything till Knuckles gets there so it fortunately gives Knuckles the time to run a dna scan
Meanwhile Amy is chained up on a giant dart board (for fun mostly) where she receives a formal introduction to Harley Quill, informing her that his name is ‘Sonic’ and now that he’s not currently trying to kill her she actually manages to get a better look at him in proper lighting with his hood down. He looked very familiar, he sounded very familiar, the way he spoke, his little quirks like the way he rubbed his nose was familiar but who-
The dna test finishes at the same time as it clicks in Amy's head
Then all three vigilantes are filled with shock and absolute horror
They couldn’t believe it, it couldn’t be true, this ‘Sonic’ person couldn’t be Nicky, he was nothing like the Nicky they once knew, the Nicky they knew would never have done the things Sonic had done, the Nicky they knew was dead, it just couldn’t be him, it couldn’t be! …but it was, it was him… he was here, he was alive
They were pretty much in shock, how was he alive? Why was he willingly working with Eggman? What did Eggman do to him to make him like this?
How could they have left him? He was alive this whole time and they couldn’t find him
Knuckles was feeling high-key guilty cuz he had given up on finding him too, thinking that Eggman had killed him but Tails and Amy hadn’t, and now their best friend was a turned into a monster because he didn’t listen to them
They're gonna struggle to fight him for a bit, it was Nicky, he's their friend, Tails's brother, how could they hurt him?
However ‘Nicky’ clearly had no qualms about hurting them
"C'mon, where's that fighting spirit i saw earlier? Run outta steam?"
However when they try to talk him down and reason with him, tell him they know who he is and try to get him to stand down, call him ‘Nicky’ he straight up laughs in their faces cuz he wasn’t Nicky anymore, Nicky was a weak loser who could barely stand up for himself, and now thanks to Eggman he wasn’t that anymore, he even ends up thanking Knuckles for not finding him sooner which rlly fucked him up
Essentially it was a clusterfuck of a situation and Amy and Tails were devastated. But they couldn’t deny the hope that they had that they could eventually get Nicky back, bring him over to the good side with the power of friendship and leave behind this ‘sonic’ persona and just come home, even though down the line Tails’s outlook on the situation would sour and become more bitter cuz he thinks that Nicky just abandoned him for a fucking clown of all things
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pand1on · 2 months
do ants read really small books
Word Count: 1166
Summary Being a superpowered ant unfortunately doesn't mean Matilda is exempt from learning some basic reading and writing skills. Turns out learning like most people do doesn't work so well for her. Sonic helps bring some fun into it.
Matilda was reading a book. Well, she was trying to read a book. 
She sat in lush grass under an old oak tree. Reading inside had been a completely futile effort, and she had hoped that a blue sky instead of a pale ceiling would make her practice a bit easier. 
It didn’t.
The sun was too hot, the air was too still, the world too quiet. 
Most notably, the book that Shadow had given her was painfully boring. Matilda’s eyes kept glazing over and she quickly forgot words she read a moment before, if she could even process them in the first place. Sounding out words was not as helpful as it was supposed to be, many of the sounds didn’t resemble anything she’d heard before, and even the act of translating the image of a word to a sound was a struggle. She found herself staring at the same page for an untold amount of time, as if looking at the words hard enough would imprint them into her mind. Her focus was not on reading, but on how she should be reading. How it should not be this difficult, if she was to believe what everyone told her. 
Reading was not as difficult as writing, which was in turn not nearly as difficult as math. She thought, maybe, that practicing reading would be an easier method of being productive. Maybe it would provide a small victory she could bring home to brag about and use as a bargaining chip to buy herself a break from learning. 
All it really did was frustrate her.
Matilda was so absorbed in how she was not reading that she didn’t notice Sonic skidding to a stop near her. He leaned on the oak tree to look over her shoulder and startled her when he spoke. 
“Whatcha readin’?”
Matilda jumped. She stared at Sonic, trying to formulate an answer. Her eyes drifted down and she felt embarrassed. “I dunno.”
“Must not be very interesting if you don’t know.” 
Frustration bubbled in Matilda’s chest. She slammed her book shut and tossed it in the grass beside her. The book was suddenly an object of hatred, and she did not want to look at it anymore. It felt like a representation of her failure.
Sonic kneeled down to pick it up. He sat in the grass next to Matilda and turned the book over in his hands. 
“Well no wonder,” he said. “This sounds like it sucks!” 
Matilda hugged her knees to her chest. “Yeah. It does.” 
Sonic gave her a knowing look. “Shadow gave this to you didn’t he?”
“Yeah. He said it’s easy, but I don’t know what he’s talking about,” she sighed. “But I’m supposed to learn so…I’m trying to read it. But it’s hard! And it doesn’t make any sense!”
Sonic tapped his chin, thinking. “What’s hard about it?” he asked. 
“You’re good at reading, you won’t get it.”
“Nah,” Sonic said. “I just do it a lot, doesn’t mean I’d pass a test.” 
Matilda lifted her head and gave him a quizzical look. 
“It’s true! I hated reading when I was a kid, and I’ve always been pretty slow at it.”
“Then why do you do it? Seems like it’s the worst,” Matilda said.
“A good story is worth the effort.”
Matilda started picking at blades of grass. She mulled over the sentiment, and found herself unconvinced. So far her experience with reading was nothing but frustration and feeling like she was missing something.
“How about this,” Sonic said. He reached into his quills and pulled out a thick book bound in forest green. “Let me show you my favorite book. I think it might change your mind.” 
Matilda hesitated, but was curious. “What’s it about?” 
“There’s awesome fights in it. And dragons.” Sonic smiled when Matilda’s antennae perked up and her eyes widened. “If you like it, you can use it for reading practice. But forget about all that for now, see if you like the story.” 
“Okay,” Matilda said. “But if it’s boring, I’m never reading again!” 
Sonic laughed. “Alright.” He cleared his throat for some drama and presented the cover of the book. It was a beautiful deep green with gold leaves around the border and a hedgehog holding an elaborate sword below overly fancy lettering. The edges of the cover were frayed and some of the lettering was fading. 
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. A collection of legends and tales from the land of Camelot.
Sonic had told the truth in saying that he was not a fast reader. He would stutter or reread sentences, much like Matilda found herself doing in her reading practice. Still, she was enraptured. The drama Sonic put into his voice and the excitement of the stories themselves were more than enough to keep her attention. Often Sonic would stand and walk around, he would gesture and lose his place and preface certain sections with an assurance that “now this is the good part”. Matilda found herself doing some of the same. There was no pressure to remain still or quiet, and she felt free to move about and laugh and commentate. 
Some hours passed. By the time Sonic turned the final page, the sky was a dusky orange, and the sun was slowly making its way below the horizon. By the end of the book, Matilda and Sonic found themselves back under the oak tree. Now Matilda was smiling and talking about the stories. She focused on the sword fights of course, jabbing her arm in a mimickry of stabbing a sword as she talked about them. Her sullen attitude from before was completely gone, replaced by a childish excitement much more typical of her. 
Sonic let her talk, listening intently until Matilda was interrupted by the sound of approaching rocket skates. Matilda leapt up at the sound, immediately starting to tell Shadow about the stories she’d just been told before he’d even stopped in front of her. Shadow listened, but looked past Matilda at Sonic, who held up the book. 
Sonic stood and held the book towards Matilda. “Safe to say this might be some fun practice?”
Matilda nodded enthusiastically and took the book in her hands. “I love it!” She hugged it to her chest and leaned slightly forward, dropping her voice. “It’s a lot better than that other one.” 
“Glad to hear it,” Sonic said. “And hey, it’ll still be hard, but at least it’ll be a fun read.”
Matilda looked hesitant. “Um…Could I practice with you sometimes?” 
“Of course kid,” Sonic said. “I’ll make sure I’m more fun than whatever this guy’s doing.” He gestured at Shadow, teasing. 
Shadow rolled his eyes, but did not comment. 
Matilda beamed. “Okay!” 
Goodbyes were exchanged and Matilda scampered off homewards, expecting Shadow to follow.
Although Matilda herself had not read, she had a new excitement for the idea of it, and the prospect of practicing was no longer absolutely sickening.
Sometimes all it takes is swordfights and dragons and room to run around.
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kaylas-world-0 · 1 year
🍀𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕀𝕤 𝔸 𝕃𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕪 ℕ𝕦𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣🍀
Pairings: Tails+Nine+Mangey+Sails x Female Human Reader
Summery; The four Tails' ﹙Prime﹐ Nine﹐ Mangey﹐ Sails﹚ fighting over the reader
A/n: Does anyone want to be in the tag list?
AFAB/Female Reader// comfort and slight angst//Everyone is +𝟷𝟺
Word Count: 4208
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✎ 𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲, you sighed in relief.
You turned towards the messy saffron furred friend of yours, "Let me know when you're done up there, okay?" You spoke slowly and gently for him to understand. Picking the leaves out of your hair as you cautiously watch his back in case he drops down.
You glance at the peaceful forest as you remove the leaves stuck in your hair from moving too much on the apple tree. Feeling calm and easy around such a nice environment. Closing your eyes you breathed in the cool morning air. Hearing leaves rustling with the soft wind and birds happily singing. Resting without any disturbances. With peace once again.
The trees were the right size as it's supposed to be. You give a small smile at that, remembering back at the Boscage Maze.
Years have passed since the Prism incident. You managed to fix everything along with Sonic. But you couldn't have avoided the great pain that would have happened had it not been for Nine. You combined the shattered universe correctly, but if it isn't for Nine, your friends would pay a great price for it.
After Nine had found a way to fix it, he clung to the smallest chance that their world might still exist along with the original. Not only did it help to put our universe in order, it also caused him to continue to live separately in other universes that were now split from ours. Their universe was no longer dependent on ours. Pieces of our own universe were complete. And now they had an independent universe of their own too. No longer part of a puzzle to be completed, but a finished part of their own.
Truly a home without any exaggeration to it. Boscage Maze without its massive trees. No Place without its great body of water and floods. New Yoke City without its Eggmans and metal hunk of cities and bots.
And... Prime... Tails, he exhibited a new invention shortly after the events with your help. Reaching to other worlds for little visits, coming and going as everyone wishes. It was not a surprise before the project done Nine appeared in your world, giving a hand, causing it to finish much faster. He found a way to travel without the shards before Tails did...
Causing this to become some kind of... friendly race. To see who is going to invent lots of useful stuff...
It was truly a dream come true. Everyone can live in peace together, walk and talk wherever they want as they wish.
You are one of the people who is really happy about this. Because it's giving you the opportunity to see your friends more! And today, your favorite foxes decided to give you a little visit!
You yelp in fear when something falls behind you with a thud. You swiftly turn around and come face to face with innocent sky blue eyes. You exhale a shaky breath. You reach your hand over the basket in his mouth. You murmur a 'thanks' with a smile and take the basket full of apples. To your surprise, no apples were spilled on the ground, despite his swift landing.
Hearing a whine, you turned to glance at him. He was looking at you with those innocent bright blue eyes of his, face slightly tilted to the side.
Your expression quickly turned into glee. You bent forward and carefully placed your handmade basket on the floor. Your smile widened when you heard his cute purr as you took his face in your hands. You stroked his soft cheeks and stroked the back of his ears. You finally petted his bangs leaving him in his own melting state.
"Thanks for looking out for me, sweet cheeks." He grinned with the new nickname, showing his cute fangs. Bouncing on his knees he snuggle his body to your legs quickly running away after.
You chuckled, "Hey, wait up! We need to leave these apples to Vanilla, remember?!" You shouted after him in the apple field.
You watch him sprint off until halting to a stop before he can disappear around the trees and bushes. He turned around leaping on his feet.
You chuckled, walking towards him, with the basket in hand, cautious to not drop an apple, "Be patient! I'm coming!"
He turned around and sprinted off.
"Hey! What did I just said?!"
You huffed after he disappeared from your sight.
You chuckled, shaking your head in disbelief at his impatient behavior. Why is he so excited to go back? Maybe because it's summer and it's hot out here. It's nearly noon too. Yeah, it makes sense.
You quickly went ahead, hastening your steps.
When you finally arrived at Vanilla's house you couldn't spot the messy furred fox friend of yours. You asked Vanilla if she saw a fox running around on all fours but of course, she shook her head with an apologetic look. To make sure you also asked Cream and Cheese, who were cleaning their little flower garden but they didn't spot anything either.
You gave up and left the apples you picked with Mangey to Vanilla and bid your goodbyes. He didn't even visit their house to say hi? You're now a little worried. He was the one always making sure to say hi to... literally to anyone he can see in his way.
You made your way home alone. You felt confused when you couldn't find the nine tailed fox watering the garden or the pirate painting on the walls or the wild fox running around messing with the two. But their material stood on their places, untouched.
The painting stood half made on the white wall. Pressing your hand over the dried part, you guessed he was drawing the sky with the blue tones he was using, or the ocean but it was too light colored to be ocean? You thought he wanted to see something else other than the ocean... or anything like it. Because his entire life was spent drifting in the ocean.
Maybe you were wrong. Or maybe you should stop... guessing... before he finishes it.
You decided to look into the second option, where they can all gather in the same place. The Workshop.... probably... you're going to use your luck with that... You're unsure with Mangey...
The moment you approached the said place, you were surprised by the loud noise coming from inside.
Nine and Tails were constantly sharing glares and tension for absolutely no reason, but you could tell why. Nine never had the opportunity Tails had. But the part that worried you immensely was the shouts from Sails and Mangey. You were shocked, how wouldn't you, Sails had mostly avoided arguments and had a calm demeanor even though he liked the adrenalin. Mangey on the other hand never cared at all.
You quickly entered the password and walked in, frowning at the scene. No one noticed your presence and continued arguing.
You swallowed harshly under the heavy atmosphere. It seems you just come in time when everything starts to get heated.
You heard Tails shout before you can react, "--was with me before all of you! I know her the best! She belONGS HERE! NOT IN YOUR PHONY WORLDS—!!"
Nince quickly barked a remark, "She Do NOT. SHE DIDN'T EVEN BORN HERE—"
You tighten your fist, hadding enough, "That's ENOUGH!! STOP THIS ASAP!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU?!!"
At that moment, a great silence fell on them. They were afraid you could hear their puffs of breath, from fighting and yelling... or their pounding heartbeats that seemed ready to get out of their chest at that minute. Their cheeks flushed with your sight, from embarrassment that you found the form they are in. Afraid to speak up, they were covered in silence.
You carefully look over them. You notice a mechanical gadget Tails invented not a long time ago (a weapon, such coincidence that he made just after Nine's arrival) in his hands, it was frozen in the midair before he shoot it, all of Nine's metal tails were stretched, grasping each one of them in one place, one hand gripping Tails' head and the other frozen into a fist in mid-air. Sails' cutlass is also frozen in midair, before he could cut off one of Nine's inorganic tails. Sails' metal hand held another one, while Mangey was biting one of his tails. Their faces were all turned towards you, all pale in fear, frozen.
A few taps echoed around the workshop under your feet. You waited with your arms crossed over your chest, "Well? Any brave fox is gonna explain what conflict happened here before deciding strangling each other is the best option?"
They were having a hard time swallowing while glancing at each other in vain, no one had any idea what to say— how to explain.
They quickly parted away, coughing and avoiding eye contact.
Even though Mangey is obviously the only one who doesn't need any explainings to do for obvious reasons he still felt ashamed of what he just did. He knew he was also gonna get a scolding for his actions when these painful moments ended...
The first one to speak was surprisingly Nine, but the words didn't amuse you at all.
"That sorry excuse of a fox started it." He pointed at Tails with one of his metal ones, arms crossed over his chest sternly, still refusing to cooperate.
Tails scowled, without hesitation he raised his gun, shooting his metal tail causing him to stumble forward.
Nine quickly glared at him with an animalistic growl, ears pressed sharply on his head, his tails raised up threateningly.
Sails gripped his cutlass, "Mate, ye shouldn't 'ave done that there. Even I know when to stop." He smirked.
Mangey lowly growled at him. Sails glare back, "Flay yer shriveled tongue. Or I'll make ye fish bait."
Before Tails can give a harsh remark Nine lunges his tails towards him causing him to jump out of the way.
Nine looked back towards him, Tails landed next to Sails who raised his cutlass in defense. Nine turn to them with a glare. Tension in the air.
Before they can fight more you swiftly hold Nine's shoulder, angry and worried, before they can harm each other. He gives you a side glare.
He quickly looked away when you glared back.
"Okay, that's enough. I'm asking- No demanding everyone to get out, NOW."
"But—" Sails start until he swallows nervously when you sharply turn to him, "Goin' out. Yep, understandable. 'ave a nice day, fellas. Take care o' yerself." His metal hand thumbs up while he walk off along with a sulking Mangey.
Nine grumbles under his breath as he drags himself out along with others. Grabbing his hoodie and pulling it over his head, his ears still flat on his head.
You hold Tails' shoulder, who flinches with your touch, "Not you, you are staying. We need to talk. And you guys are going to wait for me in front of the Workshop! No going somewhere else!!" You shouted behind them.
You watch them leave with a sigh while Tails sweated next to you. He glanced up at your stern figure as your face still facing the doors, making sure they all leave without any more trouble. He quickly looked away suppressing the urge to clear his throat. Swallowing harshly instead.
With a stern face you glared down at him. Before you can open your mouth he quickly spilled out, stuttering in panic, "It-it wasn't because we've been jealous!!" He quickly slapped his face, "I mean... NOT, I said not.... jelly...." He started to question his IQ after he made this obvious mistake.
You tilted your head confused, "Jealous?"
He leap in his feet, "Jeliou—? No, no, I meant jelly. Want some jelly?" He pulled out a bowl of jellybean and handed it to you.
You rolled your eyes, you could question this later, where he'd gotten it all of a sudden.
Your eyes landed on his blood stained lips, eyes softening, "Oh, Tails..." you sighed frowning.
You gently hold his head, leading him closer, examining his injuries.
His body stiffen, face burning, sky blue eyes focused on your worried features.
Running your thumb over his injured lip, he hissed, winching away from your touch, you took a step back.
"I don't understand why you're so prone to hurt each other." You rubbed your face in distress.
He looked away glaring at the ground, mostly frowning to himself.
You glance at him, "Tails... it's hurting me... please... tell me what's wrong. I don't understand why you're fighting like this. No reason should ever lead you to fight like this." You whinched when your voice cracked, but nothing else hurted more when he kept refusing to look at you.
He tightly closed his eyes, breath hitching, "No, no please, please don't be disappointed..." he whispered pained.
You hold his shoulders urging him to look at you, "I'm not. I'm just... confused... This isn't like you. This isn't like them. Even Nine doesn't get involved in a fight so easily if there's not a good reason...." You paused, "They're your friends, I don't—"
"They are not my friends..." he grumbled slowly, "They are my counterparts..."
You reasoned, "That does not change the fact that no matter what, you guys shouldn't have been fighting to death. Fuck the reason! It would be so weird to kill your twin!!" You shuddered with the image of your friend's bloody corpses on the ground.
You glance at him frightened, "If I wasn't here in time... would you guys really...?"
His eyes softened with your trembling voice, he closed his eyes tightly and sighed. He glanced at you, "I... We... Well— I—..." He groaned, why couldn't he find anything to say to you?
He panicked with your hassled face, "We weren't going to kill each other..." he sounded unsure. He panicked once again with your frightened face, "I SWEAR"
You sighed, "I... believe you... Are you going to tell me what's wrong exactly?"
"I... can't tell you." He finally puffed out, "I'm sorry it's just... I can't!" He rubbed his face.
He gazed at your disbelief eyes, "Because we need to say it... together... it's not only me that I have this...... problem. If this is going to happen we'll have to tell you together... And I don't think some of us are ready for this." He rubbed his arm, his face showing pure sorrow.
You tapped your arm, puffing a breath out, "Alright fine."
You rubbed your face, "I want this to be over. I know it's uncomfortable for you too. If whatever this is going to end after you told me—"
He hissed, cutting you off, "It's not— I'm going to break that thing..." He glared at the invention that allows your friends to travel between worlds and dimensions.
You rubbed his head, messing his bangs, "No one is breaking it. You have to learn to accept their presence."
He snarled, "It wasn't a little fight and you know it... it has been going on for a long time. I want them to go NOW! They are occupying my space I—!!" He finally had enough, trying to reason with you.
You scowled, "Do not raise your tone for such nonsense! You're acting silly! We're going to do something about this right now! You need to understand me too! I love all of you! Don't you see how painful it is for me to see you guys hate each other's guts before you even try to get to know each other!? I know I can't change how you feel but... Can't you try... for me?..."
He paused, eyes softening, "You think I haven't tried? Nine hated my guts even before I met him. Mangey literally doesn't know how to communicate and Sails is just—" he made a face, "Confusing."
Your eyes soften with a weary chuckle, "Please hang in there for me. If you really get to know them you'll like them too. I promise.
He huffed, "Yeah sure... get to know my counterparts... Sounds great."
You gently hold his hands, "I just wanted you all to get along... Most of their lives weren't easy. They are our friends... coming here to have a little fun that's all... Please don't make it more difficult for them..."
He glanced at you, "What about us?"
You blinked, "What do you mean?"
He took his hands away, "You were spending all your time with them since they came. I feel like they are going to move in here seeing how much more time they spend here than in their own world....Just to see you...."
You freeze.
Holding your mouth he glances at you, consfuse.
You start to giggle and then laugh, you can't hold yourself back.
Tails feels embarrassed, his ears flatten on his head, tails wrapped around himself, fur on edge, shoulders raised in defense. Did he spill something again?
But more so you laugh he finds himself eased, mesmerized by your laugh he watches your happy expression, listening to your cute giggles. Cheeks flushed from laughing too much. He grinned somewhat happily that you're laughing to... him. At least he made you laugh.
He finds his own face getting warm when you hold his hands after taking a deep breath, you grinned up at him wildly, "So that's what it was." Still chuckling a little bit you take some more breath to calm yourself down.
He timidly covered under his bangs, a poor work of hiding his huge blush over his cheeks.
You chuckled, gently pulling him over, murmuring along the way of how he hadn't changed since he was eight.
You stopped just before you opened the door, turning to his flushed figure.
You gently squeeze your hand around his, he glances up at your soft lips, "Look Tails. I love every one of you so dearly. Everyone's place is different. I love you without distinction. But it saddens me more than anything to see you fight with each other like this. Please try to be a little nice to them?" You pleaded.
He stared at you, mouth closing and opening in surprise, "I..." he muttered. He cleared his throat, his sky blue eyes flushing away from yours, nodding quickly.
You give a small smile, "Thanks..."
You two stepped outside.
You give a deep sigh when you notice the tree looked distressed and nervous, avoiding your eyes. You figured they might have heard the whole conversation you two had. That means you don't need to talk more with each of them. But for now....
Seeing the tight atmosphere still going on between them. You pressed your lips into a thin line in disappointment.
At least Mangey and Sails calmed down, seems to be back to their old selves, just a little gloomy from previous events. Unlike Nine... who is glaring at the ground with pure hatred.
No one said this is going to be easy. Nine was always the hardest to get along with. Nevertheless they all need a little talk to get through if you want them to understand how painful this is for you.
You sighed for the millionth time that day, smiling to ease the tension. You coughed to get their attention. Leaving Tails' hand, which was difficult... seeing he was holding for dear life.
Sails and Mangey perked up, Mangey being the one to quickly stumble his way to you. Sails too ashamed to face you, he nervously looked away. Mangey snuggles his face to your legs, gazing up at you with his puppy eyes, whining while tears wells up in his eyes.
You pressed your lips into a thin line, trying to look away from his glassy eyes.
You finally sighed, giving in, patting his head, messing his already unkempt fur, "Your apology accepted. But I did not forget what I saw. You need to learn the consequences for your actions." Damn, he is too cute for you to stay mad at him.
He nodded, whimpering, accepting his fate in his own way, sulking.
You glance at Nine who quickly looked away, folding his arms over his chest defensively. You made your way towards him, causing his body to stiffen even more, tugging his hoodie, burying his face in the darkness.
You heard him grumble, "If you want an apology forget it."
"I didn't come to find one." You smiled.
He scowled, "What do you want? I'm not guilty for what I did or what I said."
You nodded, "I know."
You two stare at each other.
He swallows, fighting the urge to look away, disturbed with the intense staring, "Don't look at me like that."
"Like what?"
He looked away, "Like..."
You raise an eyebrow waiting for him to finish.
"...Like I'm something... special..."
You chuckled leaning back, "But you are someone special Nine." With those words his body eased up, his eyes softened and tails flicked out of its metal hidden place.
He shook his head with a soft smile, "Can we get this over with already?" He huffed, flushing away from your prying eyes.
"Alright, alright." You chuckled.
You turn to all of them, who are staring at you with a glint of envy.
Your eyes landed on Sails who quickly looked away with an awkward cough, picking on his bandana.
He stutters, goosebumps covering him, tails on edge, "Aye, ma'am?"
"I told you to not call me that."
"Right, m..m..aaay Cap'n?" He chuckled nervously.
You two started.
"I'm taking it as an exception."
"Thank the stars...." He sighed in relief.
You glance around, "Where is your sword?"
He panics, his metal arm raising pointing towards a direction, "I throw it in a ... mini... lake?"
Nine sighed, "It's a pond, Sails."
You give a stern look for the two, who quickly shut up. You don't want to start all over again.
"Do you want this over as well?"
They nodded.
You glared, "Then start to get along with each other, right now."
Sails stepped in dazeled, his metal hand pointing down, "Wait, right right now?"
You unfold your arms, "Yes." You wait for them to do something as a hand rests on your hip.
"What are you guys waiting for? Go for it! Come on!"
Mangey glanced around eyes landing on a yellow rose, he smiled and walked towards it, gently getting it from the ground with its roots. He gets up from the ground and walks back to the group who is watching him intently.
He smiled and reached his hands towards Nine, who was greatly surprised, he sheepishly grinned, with a hoarse voice, "Sorry." He gets the words out from his vocal cords.
Nine gently picked the fragile rose out of his hands, laying its roots in his palm. He grimaced with the dirt staining his gloves and the weird feeling of the roots.... Then he blinked... this was the first gift he was receiving from his counterparts. No. It was the first gift someone ever gave to him. He is going to bury it in a vase where it could stand before his eyes? Yes.
Wow... did he really just think about accepting a gift from... someone? He glances at you while you congratulate Mangey for what he did.
His eyes widened when your eyes met with his. He looked down at his hands... Well, he didn't have any other choice but accept it anyway. He smiled softly.
After that Sails decided to hunt for his cutlass with Mangey. They come back home all muggy and breathless. Seems they had fun. Sails gifted his cutlass to Mangey.
Tails decided to help Nine with the garden while Sails and Mangey painted the white wall fully. They randomly painted a sky and a forest.
Before the day ended you caught Nine helping Tails in the workshop. Without any fight... Not physically helping but that's also an improvement. Tails doesn't seem as bothered as before. Nine is still not letting anyone near and handling his work with his metal tails... but seeing no one showing it in his face about it anymore made you smile.
The next morning you guys decided to watch a movie. After a long discussion you guys choose to watch a pirate movie, because of Sails' long pleadings.
Nine made popcorn with you and actually handed it a bowl to everyone himself. But he sat away from the group for the rest of the movie.
Mangey eated everyone's popcorn and no one minded.
Sails made some moves to show off his skills and you guys genuinely laughed about that.
Even Nine cracked a smile and rolled his eyes at his silly moves.
His words caused Sails to grin and challenge him to a duel. Nine didn't agree but after you worded your thoughts about how cute it would look he somehow agreed.
Sails and Nine ended up scoreless?
In the end you talked to each of them separately, explaining how you felt when they fighted like that.
They agreed to not fight... physically. Of course they still fighted here and there but like promised nothing serious.
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Translation: I’m back and I’m making it everyone’s problem
So yes, I saw the new pages, and as it turns out I was right about Sonic! As suspected, he’s hiding how he really feels about his new bodily features, and I think he’ll continue to do so for the rest of the comic. The finale for this series is right around the corner, and this issue is gonna have a lot of Eggman fighting, so based on what we already know… Yeah. Unless Sonic’s development is intended to be kinda rushed or last-minute, I don’t think he’s going to stop faking his optimism. It also has to be remembered that Sonic doesn’t always have to fake said optimism because he is at heart a hero and a snarky little gremlin. During the earlier days of the comic, Sonic was seen being elated at the prospect of Shadow willingly keeping a secret for him. Bro danced and sang all the way home just because someone was being nice to him. But even still, he’ll most likely continue faking his true emotions at least until the very end of the comic when things go back to normal for him. Because at the end of the day, Sonic is a happy little guy who just does what’s best for him and his friends, and that is that.
About the secret base, I honestly find it so funny and so realistic that the Chaotix have to basically beg for new cases in order to pay for their home and the secret base. It’s like families who thought they’d have enough for two homes but then a year or two goes by and they’re like “Oh crap, we’re broke.” It makes so much sense and it’s so funny to me! Meanwhile the others just appreciate the fact that they have a secret base and not the fact that they pay for both homes. 🤣
Chaotix: 🥲 Yeah yeah we’re fine we’re not broke we’re totally alright 👍🥲
OH AND HERE IS SOMETHING I JUST THOUGHT OF. There is of course a reason why the Chaotix have a secret base, and I wondered for a second why they would need it in the first place. They’re detectives, journalists, problem-solvers. In their field of work, it doesn’t take too much effort to become targets of the government. So, in case they got noticed by either GUN or some other important people, they have a back-up place where they could continue their work in secret. I think they specifically anticipated GUN, because they make a point to mention them in their explanation in the newest page. Probably not something SuperEm thought too hard on, but uh. I did. So… Guess I did their job for them???? idk I thought it would be cool to flex my worldbuilding skillz
Now I wanna talk about Rouge here. She, along with Amy, know far more than they let on and I’m wondering if that will have a part to play in Sonic’s story moving forward. In the newest page, we see him standing awkwardly and trying to grasp the fact that his friends knew about him for a while! He figured Tails might have taken the hint a while ago because he knows Tails better than anyone, but Amy?? That’s a different story. The two haven’t properly interacted in a while, almost 2 years (Or maybe 1 year I’m terrible at this) in our time and a week or two in their time. Amy and Rouge have been investigating Dark Gaia and Sonic’s new form for probably a month or so, meaning that they’ve known for a long, long time! I think Knuckles and the Chaotix were the only ones left in the dark the longest. So if Sonic were to find out about this, how would he react?? I’m thinking it wouldn’t be too different to his reaction about Tails and everyone else knowing, but him and Amy have had a rocky relationship status over the years, so it could also be different. I doubt we’ll get to see anything since it doesn’t make much of a difference to the blue blur at this point in the comic, but if we do I’m excited to see how he’ll react!
Now I’m going back to Sonic for a bit because I noticed something intriguing about him in the newest page. In the first panel, we see him standing awkwardly with his hands tied behind his back, fidgeting with his fingers impatiently. Then we see him immediately walk over to Shadow, who’s waiting for him outside. When he opens the curtain, we see him squint upwards towards the sky, a warm light seeping onto his face and his whole stature seeming softer. (For lack of a better word) Thematically, this sequence of movement/expressions is used to indicate a character’s growth, or to just show that they are willing to become better. I mean, that’s my takeaway from that. I’m not a theatre/film professional. All I do is stare at animations and talk about each frame as if I know stuff. But for me that’s the kind of vibe I’m getting from this page, that Sonic is learning or growing, and that he’s willing to step out into the light and be fine with who he is. Earlier on in the comic, he would’ve requested for Shadow to come inside or for him to not be seen by others, but now that he’s been through quite a lot and after being appreciated by the small snowy village, he feels much better about himself and is thus willing to just. Walk outside for a bit and talk to someone. Sonic is learning how to be around people again, learning to trust others with his secrets, and I love that for him.
Again this most likely is not SuperEm’s intention and I highly doubt those were the actual the thematically correct rules, so if anyone is reading this and is a film/comic geek, please Please PLEASE correct me via a reblog or a comment. I need some correction desperately please. I don’t wanna spew incorrect information.
Now, I would go ahead and talk about Shadow because he clearly has a lot going on in his brain, but OH MY GOD THIS THING IS HUGE. PROBABLY THE BIGGEST ASK IVE EVER WRITTEN HERE ON THIS FINE WEBSITE CALLED TUMBLR. So please do yourself a favor and give your eyes a break because holy crap I did not skip any corners for this one. Your pupils will thank you later, I promise. Go read a real book or go outside or something, please.
Anywhizzle, thank you so so so much for reading this whole thing, and have a good day/night!
(Also SuperEmeralds, just know that I adore your outdoor backgrounds so so much and they are not being overlooked. Your background skills are amazing and I’m so hype for what you have in store for the next few pages)
i think it is interesting how split the opinions are on sonic having learned nothing throughout the story and sonic finally having accepted his flaw and adapting. the mirror snap has divided the thoam theory community like no other askfjhasjkfhajk
who says they're paying for that run down place though? trust me i think super hard about literally everything, im sometimes embarrased abt it bc literally no one ever points most of my little details out but it makes me happy to connect dots so i just keep doing it
though sonic already reacted in a way, he knows everyone knew. granted the explaination happened off screen because quite frankly i didnt want the same conversation to happen twice back to back with the end of issue 8 and the beginning of issue 9, its better to just fill in the blanks yourself with everything.
the way i wrote sonic's emotions after waking up hopefully convey everything going through his mind well. there's a whole lot more pages to this so rest assured it's not over! your interpretation definitely makes sense! though i'd def disagree with the idea that in an earlier state of the comic sonic would've called for shadow to come inside? if his secret came out earlier in the comic he would still have reacted similarly and learned his lesson equally. the difference with the way it is in the comic is that he learned more about himself, and shadow, by dragging out the resolution to his (non)problem
thanks btw i love drawing environments and ur gonna get a good view of some really cool stuff soon ^_^
btw i have a name.. u can call me talaka, it's a little awkward to be called by my @ lol
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rubywolf0201 · 2 months
I don’t know what made me draw myself to Matakara ever since BUCCHIGIRI?! was first revealed last year in May in the teaser other than cute sunshine puppy boi.
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But after watching many episodes esp the last one yesterday, I come to the conclusion that a lot of his recent actions, be it shown onscreen or subtle, reminded me of Princess Elise from Sonic 06 (yes that one game that drove the franchise to ruin but that’s not what we are talking about)
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I mean 16-17 year old teenage redheads who may appear mature at first glance but deep down, they’re not as mature as you think they are. Elise’s case is that she was forced to rule Soleanna at a very young age and while she is put together, she is also emotionally vulnerable such as when she had repeated visions of the bloodthirsty demon sealed within her kept showing her visions of Soleanna burned to the ground.
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Matakara is of the same vein as well.
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For a long time since visiting the Honki temple for the first time with his brother, Matakara has always sensed the dark shadows watching over him, which made him afraid. Mitsukuni said that the dark shadows appear because of how it sensed the weakness within people’s hearts. And well it is true in some sense in that despite being a pretty good fighter, Matakara is emotionally immature, possibly even stunted.
Right after his childhood best friend abandoned him to a group of older kids bullying them, Matakara believed himself to be weak and kept clinging on to the idealized version of Arajin, which the latter never asked for nor did he lied about. Even after showing off his true colors even back in earlier episodes, Matakara kept believing in him and it wasn’t until Episode 8 that Arajin confessed to him that he is not the cool and strong person Matakara believed him to be.
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This shatters Matakara’s worldview because right after his brother was taken from him to be placed in juvie for maybe 2-3 years, Matakara tried to build himself up and kept on believing that he has to do it for both Mitsukuni and Arajin’s sake. So to hear from Arajin about how the latter isn’t the strong and cool person that Matakara thinks he is, it proved to be devastating for Matakara.
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The way how both handled the inner demons within them (or Ichiya in the case of Matakara)
Princess Elise has been shown initially that whenever her emotions are about to go out of control, she is either shown to clasp her hands together to make sure she doesn’t cry lest she releases Iblis or just hug someone out of instinct.
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But over time, she stopped doing so to symbolize how her bond with Sonic has made Elise to handle her emotions better in a way that can confide it to the person closest to her. The only time it got out of hand is when the villain killed Sonic out of a sneak attack, that was when Elise started crying, which released Iblis.
Matakara is more of a 50/50. He has inner demons in the shadow that keeps appearing out of nowhere and how he is the only one to sense it. Those dark and creepy shadows tend to appear whenever Matakara is down on himself or if there is a weakness. But when he got into Minato Kai through pure hard work and the friends that he have made in Zabu and Komao. And that is when the shadows had stopped appearing for the time being, tho they did not disappear completely.
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However, I want to point out that unlike Elise who managed to keep her shit together despite not having any form of support group except for her servants, maids, possibly her tutors and ministers, she turned out for the better.
Matakara once he got Ichiya due to Akutaro’s manipulations (well maybe it could be Ichiya who knows really), Ichiya does whatever he can to break Matakara’s will and pointing out how things like friendship and kindness are nothing but weakness. The last straw was when Ichiya brought up on how weak willed Mitsukuni is and that is when Matakara succumbed to the anger and hatred that Ichiya has set up, making the blue majinn to take over him completely.
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Anyways TLDR; Princess Elise and Matakara are one and the same IMO, with the only differences on how they handle themselves and their emotional maturity.
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sapphicmumrik · 10 months
“This feels strange,” Eggman muttered to himself as he helped Tails shift the Master Emerald back into place on its altar, its brilliant glow gleaming from underneath the ash dusted across its surface. It tempted him, like it always did, its siren song like the world’s most precious treasure. The glow glinted against his specs before Tails nudged him, the young fox giving him a pointed look.
“Unless you want that again, I don’t think you should think about it,” the kit warned, his nose wrinkling from the stench of sulphur still lingering in the air. The lava had slowed its run, now having cooled and formed hard rock around the surrounding surface area, blocked from advancing further across the island by the trench Sonic and Super Amy had formed around the emerald shrine.
Super Amy. Still weird to think she could turn Super.
Eggman snorted, adjusting his specs with a finger or two. “I wouldn’t dream of it, fox. Though I would be interested to run some tests on the guardian…” Tails rolled his eyes and shifted away from the scientist, swatting him with his tails as he did so and earning a “out of curiosity!” as he started down the stairs of the shrine. Taking one last, longing look at the Master Emerald, Eggman sighed and turned to leave as well, though in a different direction. He wasn’t interested in sticking around for the heroic aftermath, the thought making him want to retch.
Amy had since powered down, the golden glow leaving her quills and fur slightly frazzled and a tingle in her veins. Knuckles’ head rested in her lap, her fingers gently tracing his dreadlocks as he fought some terrible dream, face twitching. Lingering rage? She couldn’t tell while in this depowered form, looking up as she heard Sonic whistle lowly.
“Who knew Knux had it in him?” The blue hedgehog was bent over, picking up some stray rock and if Amy looked closely, she could see it had formerly been lava. He turned it over in his paw, a thoughtful look on his face, and lifted his head to meet her gaze. Sonic of all people remembered Perfect Chaos, how the watery creature had slammed him into buildings and tossed him around like salad. He also remembered the hurt and fear and anger in his head, the flashes of how Chaos had been hurt in the first place, so long ago. “He’s never talked about anything like that.”
“When have you ever known Knuckles to talk about something?” Amy raised an eyebrow, her fingers curling back and brushing his forehead with the back of her hand. “Or asked?”
“True.” Sonic rolled the lava rock in his paw before dropping it, watching it clatter to the ground and splinter. “I’ve never seen him like that.”
“The chaos energy readings were off the charts.” Tails landed between them, shaking his head to brush some stray ash out of his fur. “How he achieved such a perfect form without the use of the Chaos Emeralds I don’t know, though he’s always had a special connection with the Master Emerald as long as we’ve known him.”
“Maybe…” Amy glanced away slightly, chewing her bottom lip. “I could sense something guiding him, connected to his heart like it supported his…lifespan.” Both boys looked at her, clearly wanting to know more but also incredulous. “He felt…I don’t know…older than he should have.”
“Well, we don’t know much about him,” Tails said, crossing his arms over his chest as though to mimic Sonic’s very pose at that moment, though more thoughtful. “Knuckles doesn’t…divulge much about his past.” That troubled him. Tails flicked his eyes over to his friend, still shifting restlessly in Amy’s lap. “If this has happened before he hasn’t mentioned it but…I noticed on the few times we’ve been here that the land around the shrine seems to be old lava, and the tunnels in Lava Reef are massive…”
“So Knux can turn into a giant lava kaiju, big deal.” Sonic shrugged. “He’s still our friend.” There were murmurs of agreement and his ear twitched, turning his attention to the echidna. “Hey, I think he’s waking up.”
Amy stilled her caresses, placing her hand on the ground next to her as she watched Knuckles open his eyes. He blinked back the sun’s glare, raising a paw (his mitts had been singed off by his transformation, long discarded), before he lowered it, looking up at her in awe. “A goddess…?” he murmured, causing her to giggle.
“No, silly, it’s just me, Amy.”
He blinked up at her and Amy felt her stomach drop and blood turn cold.
There was no recognition in his eyes.
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tomatoderby · 24 days
My timelapse of my Jancy True fanart!
[Video ID: A 60 second timelapse of me drawing Jancy True standing tiredly in her detective agency, listening in on Grendan, Rose and York's conversations. (They're talking about rhinos, a knockoff Sonic plush and wild trains.) She is wearing a white buttoned shirt under a formal blue jacket with a high collar, brown gloves, blue pants, a red sash over her left arm and another red sash over her stomach. She is resting part of her weight on a gold cane and there is a pen in her jacket's left pocket and a gold eye shaped pin. Behind her is two desks, a bookshelf, a little table upon which a flowerpot sits, and four stained glass windows. End ID]
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draininkiss · 6 months
What's a Blue Daisy Mean? (Sonic x Amy)
I saw this post by Junichi Kanemaru (voice of Sonic) where Taeko Kawata (voice of Amy) gifted him a blue daisy with a cute note in-character. Even though the roles are reversed, I just wrote it naturally as it came to my mind. It's not proofread, so there may be some mistakes in punctuation. I'm sorry in advance.
“Augh! Sonic, I just don’t get you sometimes!” “What’s there to get?” Amy couldn’t help but let out an exasperated sigh as she slapped him on his shoulder. “You not only called me out here in the middle of nowhere, but you rush by doing your boost thing once, twice, three times, hand me a flower – a blue daisy for that matter – and then you claim we aren’t on a date?” 
She looked away from him as they walked, trying to control her breathing so she wouldn’t crumple the flower’s stem in her hands from her frustration.
“What am I supposed to think about that? That we’re still just friends?” Sonic sniffed and rubbed his nose to soothe the itch, his blue quills jostling with the slight breeze. “Is there something wrong with being my friend?” He looked over at her, eyes half-lidded and a coquettish smile on his face, “I think you ought to be grateful I’m not running away from you like I used to.” “So you admit you did it on purpose?” “Yeah.” “Just to mess with me?” “Yep!” “And you somehow don’t think that’s a problem?” “Not in particular, no.” Crunch. The grass gave way to Sonic’s weight as he suddenly sat down, causing Amy to nearly jump out of her own skin from the unexpected shock. “Sonic!” She turned to look at him, “What is it now?” With a loud, toothy yawn, Sonic began to snore loudly in faux-sleep. His tan chest heaved up and down in an exaggerated manner, body so unnaturally stiff you’d think he was a corpse being reanimated by the forces of nature. “Sonic,” Amy said in a stern voice, her shadow blanketing over him as the sunlight hit her bare back, “I’m not in the mood to play around.” “Who said I was playing?” Sonic countered, “I’m trying to sleep – it’s exhausting having to deal with people all day, you know?” “You barely talk to anyone outside of PR speak!” “I talk to Tails!” “He’s your little brother! Of course you’re gonna talk to him! You live in the same house!” Opening one eye, he gave a toothy grin before sighing and rolling over onto his stomach dramatically, “Ah, and what an unfortunate circumstance that is!” Crunch crunch. So she was going to walk away and pout this time, huh? “You know, I’m surprised you’re not offering your house to me,” Sonic chided, holding himself up with his elbows, “The old Amy would have jumped at the opportunity to share a room with me.” “Not true,” She placed the daisy behind her ear, already tired of holding it, “Even back then, I would have had you sleep on the couch. I was infatuated with you, but not your wet fur smell.” “It’s gritty! It’s natural! If anything, you’re weird for smelling like strawberries all the time!”
“You really don’t like strawberries, do you?”
“I ate one that was a slug motel when I was a kid,” An involuntary shiver caused him to jostle and assume a sitting position, “Been grossed out by them ever since.”
She turned suddenly on her heel, nearly slipping as the wet dirt shifted with her, “And you didn’t think to tell me?!?”
“You obviously like them, so no, I wasn’t gonna.”
“But that’s just terrible! I was here enjoying myself, thinking I smell great, and now you’re telling me I reminded you of when you ate slugs by accident as a kid! Why wouldn’t you just tell me to my face that I was gross!”
“Because you aren’t gross,” He corrected, “Strawberries are gross.”
She walked over to him and crouched down on the balls of her toes, wincing as she tried her hardest not to get her dress covered in dirt. Before she could think too hard about it, though, Sonic had sat her down by the trunk of a tree, disorienting her as she felt her back hit the tree with a sudden thud.
“You know, if I had known you were so clumsy, I wouldn’t have had your face printed on my bedroom rug.”
“Oh really?”
“...Okay, maybe I would have. What’s this about me not being gross then?”
“Every hero needs an admiring fan… I’ve got a natural charisma, so you chasing me around was never off-putting. The sudden back-breaking hugs were, yeah, but I never minded seeing you.”
“I’d mind seeing me! I was so insecure that you had forgotten me, after I got a makeover and everything…” She pursed her lips, flattening down her quills which had been unruly from the humid summer air.
“Forget you? Pssh, nah!” Subtly, he put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer so she was leaning on his chest, “I was a bit confused since I didn’t recognize you with the new look, but no one could ever forget a voice like yours going ‘SONIC!’”
He started laughing as she pulled away from him, the loud, raucous sounds dying down into snide chuckles as her peachy-pale muzzle glowed pink like the rest of her.
“You’re the worst person ever! You don’t deserve to be called a hero! Jerk! Creep!”
She began to punch him lightly on his head, his ears folding down as he quickly started to laugh again. A light huff signified the pink hedgehog was done with her onslaught of blows, and so she assumed her position next to him as she had, her arms crossed as she readjusted the blue daisy that was inches from Sonic’s nose.
“Do you know what a blue daisy means, by the way?”
“I know blue flowers usually mean something impossible. I’m just grateful you didn’t pick a rose.”
“So you read up on flower language too? Great! Then I guess I don’t have to explain what it means.”
With that, he took the flower from her hair and began to fan out its petals with his fingers, gloved cotton scratching against the delicate daisy as Amy looked over with an apprehensive glance.
“... This isn’t your way of rejecting me, is it? I’d rather you just tell me directly if I’m causing an issue.”
“Nope,” Sonic kept his gaze forward, his fingers still fanning out the petals, “I’m guessing you haven’t read about blue daisies in any of the books you bought from the department store.”
“Sonic, I…” She sighs, “No, they don’t have a chapter on blue flowers in any commonly sold book.”
“Figured. Well, if you need to know what this means, it means good health and a long life! If you ever stopped following me, I’d think the worst had happened to you, Amy.”
Shock. She didn’t really know how to reply to that, so she didn’t.
“I’ve never known you to be insecure about your feelings. I can’t really say everything that’s really on my mind – I’m very critical of my thoughts and my surroundings – so I’m surprised you’d think I’m bothered by you being around me.”
She bit her lip and looked away from him, placing her hands in her lap as she let him keep talking.
“Amy, I’m a pretty spontaneous person. Tails has always been living alone just like me, so I’m not too worried if Eggman shows up at his house, since it’s my house. But you? You’re just a regular girl. You live in an apartment and you buy groceries, for crying out loud! Tails buys groceries, yeah, but he does it in a mech-turned-race-car. Even Rouge doesn’t entirely adjust to human life like you do.”
“So you’re just saying you pity me because I’m just a city girl? Is that it, Sonic?”
“Hey, don’t get snappy! I’m not finished!” He chided her, one hand held up to act as a barrier from her grit teeth.
“I’m saying you’re really strong despite being a city girl, Amy. I don’t wanna disrupt your life any more than I already have. Little Planet, I just thought you were an annoying groupie - I’ve dealt with my fair share of those… but maybe I was wrong about it.”
She looked up at him as he began to rise from the tree trunk’s roots, carefully placing the daisy behind her ear as she felt her cheeks heat up all over again.
“Look, I’m not the type of guy to be in a relationship now,” She could only see his back as he began to walk away from her, “But that doesn’t mean I’m entirely opposed to the idea.”
Before she could get up or even say anything, he was gone. It was like she had just walked herself to this field alone, the only real indication he had been there being the blue daisy behind her ear.
She groaned in frustration as she balled her fists and began to stomp her feet in the dirt.
“Sonic, I really, really don’t understand you!”
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fruitsofhell · 9 months
It's time for me to unleash the inner crazy Metal Sonic lover within myself and talk so so much about this mother fucking fucker Chaos Sonic!!! (image taken off a post by @/littleaipom)
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Ok so what I love so much about Sonic Prime is how much mileage it's getting out of the multiverse concept. It's a good multiverse cause it's surprisingly simple compared to the sort of MCU clusterfuck we associate the term with now. It's just Sonic AUS! And I really love that cause to me if anything screams Sonic media, it's AUs and canon divergence and wacky takes. I think this series is great at that, internally and with inspiring that in fans. What also makes it so great in Sonic Prime is that it has so much confidence in that. In the entire show the only normal characters are Sonic and Shadow, everyone else Sonic makes a connection with is a whole new spin on the old cast and its GREAT. I love Nine to death especially, he's definitely one of the best shatterverse characters.
But I think I have a definitive new favorite character now in Chaos Sonic, because he is that fresh new confident take on an old character but with such an underutilized one in Metal Sonic. I adore Metal Sonic, he's my favorite Sonic character and in my opinion the absolute most slept on. Sonic's robot doppelganger should absolutely have as much love as Shadow - his more serious and hardened antihero rival - and Knuckles - the stubborn immovable object to Sonic's steadfast unstoppable force. But he doesn't!! And it's tragic!! There is so much to do with Metal, with the Sonic created by the man who hates him more than anything, one of his first true rivals who was made to be his perfect antithesis, yet we get so little. But atleast in Chaos Sonic we get an awesome fucking take on him!! It's not Metal, but like I said about Sonic Prime as a whole, I LOVE how this show plays with the characters.
I see a lot of people pitting Chaos and Metal Sonic against each other or putting down one when talking about the other, but they're really just amazingly complimentary takes on the same character. The way it would be weird as hell to say either Nine or Tails is the better version of the character or something. Chaos Sonic's personality is of course what stands out the most between him and Metal Sonic, and while for some people it makes him unbearable or insulting to the OG Metal, it's one of the things I love most about him too. It's the complete opposite of what Metal and most robo-doppelgangers in the series, and especially Metal, are known for. Metal Sonic is all of Sonic's deadliness but none of his heart - he is a Sonic stripped of everything that makes him that energetic blue hero and reduced only to his power, speed, and obedience. He's a very cold a serious take on the robo-doppelganger that encapsulates the theme of classic Eggman, which was to do what nature did but better and deadlier. He's a very dehumanizing take on what Sonic is to his enemy, a potential tool like the rest of the animals and natural resources he abuses. Chaos Sonic is less like the (classic) Sonic Eggman wishes he had, but what (modern) Sonic is to him - this annoying, vain chatterbox who still manages to trounce you no matter how little he takes the situation seriously. Metal Sonic feel like a cold and calculated project driven by nothing but Eggman's frustration that something free and alive that he should have control over him still eludes him, and Chaos Sonic like just a project of pure spiteful mockery. Which I think very well represents how the relationship between Sonic and Eggman has changed to pit them more often as equals with their back and forths. And I really love how well both of them use this assignment to bring out these different aspects of Eggman and Sonic's relationship.
I think Chaos Sonic also specifically speaks to the New Yoke universe very well more than just being Sonic but more annoying. He is absolutely annoying and talkative just to mock Sonic, but stuff like his comments about Sonic being "smelly" and how he wants to be a brand star bring to mind really fun ideas about how he's like a commercialized version of Sonic too. I would love if he was integrated into New Yoke and you could see the Egg Council using him as a brand and he just loves it because he's an equally capitalistic jerk. It's a fun twist on Sonic's ego next to the more obvious one, that if Sonic didn't have his convictions he would very easily fall in line with the vanity of Eggman's worldview. Those are the moments that kind of make me wish that normal Metal Sonic had more speaking roles where him being an anti-Sonic in ideology could show. We atleast have the funny projection of him torturing animals from Sonic CD. I do still think that through Metal's sole commitment to beating Sonic and proving himself superior he does an equally good job at being that ideological opponent though, just in a quieter way befitting his era. Chaos Sonic represents Sonic's vanity in a personality sense with his want to be in the spotlight, and Metal Sonic in purely mechanical sense - just wanting to prove nothing but the fact he is better. And that single-mindedness makes him a great foil to Sonic who is a very wild and free-spirited person and never lets his ego and need to be the best define him more than his loyalty to those ideals. Meanwhile Metal Sonic entirely defines himself by his abilities and need to be a specific identity created by others. Something that makes him really damn tragic in a way I wish for the life of me was explore more.
Chaos Sonic doesn't HAVE to be an existential tragic mess... but I mean if they're gonna bring him back, he should have moments of that on top of just being awesome to watch fight and emote. OH MAN I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN INTO HOW EXPRESSIVE HE IS. Once again, something totally different from Metal Sonic that only improves both characters in my eyes. I can't get enough of either of them! Whether it's Metal Sonic's intimidating silence or Chaos Sonic's "teehee giggle ^_^" attitude towards violence, I think both have some great chilling moments to them. Chaos Sonic's voice too is so good, it's probably my favorite voice performance in the show. It just has so much energy, and makes every line sound so genuine no matter how stupid. But at the same time he has good range too! When his voice gets low and serious or angry it's effective (atleast to me)! I mean that guy managed to make "You're too slow!" sound playfully venomous, I love it. With Metal Sonic it's maybe a bit harder to pin down what makes his stoicism work so well. Every character in the classic era was silent to a degree, so it's hard to say his silence stands out. But that's actually I think where I'd say his lack of expressiveness is genius. He manages to mimic the look of Sonic in body and face so much more naturally than any of the other doppelgangers but still in this sleek and blank way that is just amazing. Like I stare in awe at the design of this beast. Classic Sonic is very good at providing character through expressive animation and sprites, and Metal Sonic's lack of any yet ability to still feel like he has the face of a character and not just some robot makes him intimidating.
Which brings me to their overall designs. Metal Sonic is such an enduring Sonic character despite the long list of robo-Sonics because as I was saying before, the design is just too good. It is beyond aesthetically pleasing, straight up gorgeous - which makes him so effective. He truly does feel like Sonic's equal and possibly even superior in mechanics and LOOK, he makes his mechanical and flesh peers look clunky and outdated by comparison. Sonic but polished to an unnaturally perfect finish, with those dead glowing red eyes that house none of his soul. Genius fucking design. I woefully cannot say that I think Chaos Sonic is an equal in that, but it might be physically impossible to make a better Metal Sonic, and he does come damn close! Specifically because he does take the cue of the more natural eyes (every other sonic-robo has some sort of distinctly robotic visor), but still does something new and catching with it in the bike helmet-like screen. It takes everything perfect about that aspect of Metal and builds on it for this version of him, the dark void of blank pixels is replaced with a very beautiful yet icy blue that contrasts the red eyes very well. I've seen many fan designs that use those red eyes for expression, but it is best a choice here than on the original Metal for the reasons I said above. It's so clear how much fun the animators are having with using them to emote without making it feel too natural by giving him a mouth or something. I also really like his chest rocket, it feels a lot more streamlined than Metal's, which helps with how energetic and mobile he is. Metal screams sleekness and speed, but in a very artificial way with how much his rocket takes up his design. Like I said, there's no beating Metal due to the sheer simple brilliance of his design that is totally a product of such a complex concept being perfected in the classic era. In general Sonic Prime tends to make designs a bit more complicated than what would pass as the peak of series design, but they still own in their own right. Chaos Sonic is a great example of this where he is noticeably more busy of a design than Metal but with very clear shapes and colors that make him fit in with the overall series style.
All this praising and blabbering to say. Metal Sonic is the most important thing to me, and Chaos Sonic is also the most important thing to me cause he and Metal just complement each other so fucking good. That's really what a good alternate take on a character should do! Feel fresh but still very flattering to the blueprint, explore different directions the original character could've taken to make you appreciate the execution of those aspects even more. Chaos Sonic is the best example of the show next to Nine. When I think deeper about it some of the other shatterverse versions don't go AS HARD with this, but they all feel like fun takes that do feel like they came from aspects of the original characters. Plus, that's why Nine is the hook, he is a very well developed "what if" for Tails that explores how much of a difference a friendship can make in someone's life. I also just in general really enjoy it when a story says, "Yeah, sometimes people react to issues by being antisocial as easily as they react by being docile when they don't have the space to be sensitive". It's not like... handled explicitly with that much nuance, but the nuance is there in my heart. Also damn, speaking of Nine I didn't even bring up how cool "Eggman (kinda) tricks Tails into making a Metal Sonic using his knowledge of the real Sonic" is. It's epic, and I actually really hope it's more explored, as well as Chaos Sonic in general. I feel like the writers, animators, and VA had way too much fun with him not to bring him back. I would love nothing more as a poor starving Metal Sonic stan-peasant...
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crusherthedoctor · 8 months
Random thought: Advance 2's entire ending is one of the best moments of the series, showcasing Sonic's core traits through pure animations and expressions, no dialogue whatsoever
From Sonic looking visibly enraged at seeing Cream cry for loosing her mother again, him immediately turning into Super Sonic, giving her a thumbs up with a smile to say "No worries kid! I'll get your mom back! You can stop crying!" and then going off to fight Eggman. People often talk about how savagely he beat Eggman as the Werehog but this moment here, above any other, truly gives me the vibe that he wants to tear Eggman apart for making a little girl cry
Then he saves Vanilla but just before her and Cream can thank him properly he's already gone in search of a new adventure, he doesn't care about being thanked
Is it weird that this game has one of my favourite transformation sequences for Super Sonic? Because it is.
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Don't really have anything to add that you didn't already mention, and I agree with all of it. I think it should be looked at more often than it is as one of the moments in the series that you can point to and go "This is who Sonic really is." Behind all the jokes, behind all the sass, he's a true blue hero who can't tolerate any form of injustice, who does good because he wants to rather than it being an obligation. Very underrated character moment.
It's also great for proving once again why the Eggman Is Not A Villain crowd don't know what they're talking about. Yeah, try painting his kidnapping of a little girl's mother for no reason other than spite in a benevolent light, guys.
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nightfallgazer · 12 days
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Wanted to show my Charlie redesign. All my thoughts on the canon design, my take on Charlie’s personality, and development of my redesign is under the cut.
By the Way: ❌🔥I do not support Vivzipop🔥❌and if you do not like fans redesigns, block the tag and scroll along.
Do not repost/edit/steal my art, thank you.
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My handwriting sucks ass lmao. Anyway, green text is design elements I like and blue text is design elements I dislike.
For my redesign Charlie in her based form:
I tried to make her look older like she is her 30s, not in her 20s. Even though canon Charlie is over 100 years old.
Less red!! I made her suit brown because brown and red look amazing together.
Gave her puffy shirt sleeves because those are my weakness and I want to give her a little bit of theater kid energy.
Her still has her hooved feet but I sucked at drawing regular feet, let alone animal feet but they are there I promise.
She is still 6'5 and dislikes being called ' Charlottle'.
In her Partial Demon Form:
I like that her horns ripped through her skin in the show, I keep that. It looks cool as fuck.
Her eyes became a four-pointed star and her cheek marks become scribbles when she is angry.
My Charlie has more of official title: Charlie Morningstar, Princess of Pride Ring but will earn the title 'Princess of Hell' over time by unleashing her true potential, showcasing her raw power, and developing her leadership skills.
Her personality: Charlie is still a kindhearted person but is not a doormat. If you double crossed her, you are on her shit list, end of story. Do not take her kindness for weakness. Charlie is snarky but is very low key about it. She likes to make sly comments under her breath. Does not swear in front of strangers. She likes to keep a professional appearance but does swear around friends. The only swear words she uses are ass, damn, bitch but when she is upsets, she will throw out a fuck. She likes to go around in Pentagram City to learn and understand the lifestyles of sinners.
For my version of Charlie. I want her to stand out more, like she is a child of the first woman and a fallen angel, she is one of a kind. So here is some of her quirks:
When she is excited, she 'baas' like a goat.
Sticks out her tongue at random moments. You can be having a normal conversation with her, and she will stick out her tongue. You can ask why she did that, but she would shrug and respond, 'I have no idea what you are talking about'.
Goats like stay in groups and cuddle up together when sleeping [according to a quick search I did] When sleeping, Charlie likes to surround her with a lot of pillows, V [I going to give her a different name when redesigning her] does not mind this and finds it cute.
Charlie is a very light sleeper and is not the nicest person when she does not get enough sleep, so you better not try to open up that one of those cakes with the plastic dome lid in the middle of the night.
Devlopment of my redesign:
Canon Charlie's her face reminds of a Sonic character. I think because how big her eyes are and having a black nose. Maybe that is the Sonic fan in me talking lmao. I made the shape of her eyes smaller but still keeping that apple shaped to her eyes. I have no idea what I struggled with designing her hair. I should not try to redesign characters when I am tried.
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For her outfit, I just searched up 'hotel manager uniform' and picked the first uniform I saw.
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kels-orange-joe · 4 months
introduction ^_^ (regularly updates)
haii my name is stitch (not my real name obviously)
and yes as in the chaotic blue creature from lilo & stitch but that’s besides the point
this is my side blog!! an omori (mainly kel) themed one at that. my main blog is @stitchthelilo, and this is specifically for stimboards/sensory boards (well some other stuff too but that’s like the main thing) whatever you wanna call em, it’s also a kel fanblog cuz he is THE BEST OMORI CHARACTER!!! I WILL STAND BY THAT TIL THE DAY I DIE BECAUSE ITS TRUE
nonetheless.. i do take requests! and my status will update when they are open and stuff like that idk
i tend to use emoticons a lot and i’m a lil bit cringe so just a warning
my first time doing this so criticism is accepted with wide arms :)
the stuff you can request is what i have put in the tags section :3 (will further elaborate in rules/boundaries section)
ohh and even if you wanna request something really specific (like combining #sunny’s sketchbook and #character portraits for example) you can still request it as long as it’s something that is a combination of tags that i put
also if you want to request a prompt pls specify if you want it to be dialogue or scenarios
#waves of orange joe = stimboards/sensory boards
#sunny’s sketchbook = art
#character portraits = pfps
#mari’s picnic blanket = flags
#headspace shenanigans = fanfics
#basils’s photo album = headcanons
#white space vibes = mood boards
#space boyfriend’s tape = playlists
#sunny’s inner mind = prompts
#the headspace alter egos = names/pronouns
sfw interactions only!
any fandoms are accepted! some i just know more about better than others which i will get into in a bit, so please do understand.. as that is why the accuracy for some stimboards is off
i have the right to deny your request, ESPECIALLY if it’s something very icky
proshippers/comshippers, dubcon/noncon, nsfw blogs, ddlg blogs, anti-lgbtqia+, anti-religion (muslimphobic, islamophobic, etc. etc), anti-xenogender/neopronouns, anti-otherkin/therian/whateva idrk, racist, zionists, and just anyone who supports anything gross GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS BLOG DNI
please do understand i have a life and you will have to be patient, your requests will be done eventually just wait
just have common sense, if you KNOW something is bad but are still here then go away oml
feel free to just talk to me in the asks! anon or not, i’m willing to just talk, as it isn’t just for requests. you can vent or rant there too if you want, i’ll listen! you are loved remember that <3
any ships are fine as long as they aren’t illegal or anything, a personal favourite of mine is suntan :3
you may request: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, whump, slow burn, nsfw (just not smut, i’d rather not do that on a blog like this.. implied smut is ok though! and gore and heavy topics are fine too), panic attacks, all types of horror, comedy, drama, pining, mutual pining, all kinds of relationships (as long as the toxic ones are not romanticised), and basically just anything that isn’t in the you may not request part
you may not request: smut, proship/comship, dubcon/noncon, romanticisation of gross things (but if it isn’t meant to be romanticised then you can request), just anything gross really
ocs as long as you provide pics and/or info, info is optional though ofc! but if you don’t provide it i am just gonna go off of aesthetic
total drama
undertale/deltarune but moreso undertale
cookie run
the amazing digital circus
murder drones
any object show really lmao
adventure time. however……. i may not be that accurate when it comes to later seasons or fionna and cake, cuz i never actually finished it or watched the spin-off, lmao sorry
gravity falls! same as adventure time though, haven’t yet finished it (but ik bill cipher and allat)
warriors/warrior cats (i haven’t read the books though, might not be accurate sorry)
scp foundation
bbc ghosts
she-ra: and the princesses of power
the sims
among us (as cringe as that may sound, it’s a good game)
my singing monsters
the battle cats
starters movieunleashers
hazbin hotel/helluva boss (i do NOT support vivziepop or her team, i separate content from creator because the episodes can really be good, even if they miss most of the time.. and i love the concept of both shows. I PIRATE IT Y’ALL DW I AM NOT GIVING PRIME VIDEO NOR VIVZIEPOP MY MONEY 😭)
doctor who
good omens
and much more! but i can’t be bothered adding them.. if any more of my interests are in an ask i’ll just tell y’all and edit this
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