ultimatemistomakesart · 3 months
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Artfight hitlist people!! Had a lot of fun drawing these sillies!
(In order: Palmer - Flight180 || Skylark - KatfishGlimmer || Birchkit - Kira_II || Bea - BitOBunny || Luna - Ashworks44 || Waspeyes - Pokarceus)
My artfight is here
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Racoonpaw and Turtlenose!
1: Racoonpaw doesn't mind that he was born from the outside, found alone beside his sister on the edge of the territory as kits, cause Rosetail's love is enough. While his sister, who allowed Thistleclaw's words about being chase out if they didn't show they were worth the prey that they were given made her thrive for a role that wil keep them in the Clowder, Racconpaw was fine with just being in the background. Cause he has Rosetail's love, and he knew that she would never allow them to be chase out.
2. Sometimes though he wishes that he was Rosetail's child by blood and sometimes he likes to imagine he is. Their tails were the same, though Rosetail's was covered in scales and was lighter in color.
3.He loved helping the monarch push in more brambles into the nursery, listening to Thrushnose and Specklescorch on which way was the saftest for the kits inside but was dangerous to those who tried to attack. He was ecstatic when the Bishop gave him not only a Warrior who was focus on crafting but the Bishop's Guard himself Sparrowsong. He didn't let it go to his head, but he felt a bit of pride that he was given to someone so immportant...though he could do without the stares burning into his scales
4. He never liked fighting, and fighting over the stones just push more of that into his heart. Let him hunt, let him weave thorns and brambles, but actually clawing someone? No, feeling the blood on his claws sicken him. And he felt complete disgust as he stared into the prone form of Stonepaw, whose ears he had just torn, the dissaproving look of Softwing, he didn't even feel Sparrowsong nudging him away. He finally came to himself later, and then felt more disgust when Thistleclaw compliment on how he taught the Riverglade apprentice to think again on trepassing on their stones.
5. When he met Stonepaw again, during the night of a Gathering, he sputter out apologies. But the other just laughed and told him to pay no mind, that the next time he will return the favor. Racconpaw did not understand why he felt so warm when he stared at them, while his heart flutter at that smirk. But he pushed it out of his mind and called him a fish-face.
Before Thundergrowth, his name was Ethan, and he grew up in a group. It was so different than the Clowders, always moving, never staying in one place for too long...and he hated it. He hated how his paws were always so sore, even when he was sitting down. When his group were staying for a break he met Adderfang, who saved him from an adder...when he learned of the Clowders, a place where he can stay but still have freedom and saftey? He never looked back, never hesitated.
2. Sheepear, Hedgehogtail, Jaygrowl and Thistleclaw almost made him regret his decision. He never realizes that the Clowders were so hostile to those who happily join them. He hated the looks, the whispers, the jeers. But...he had Stonefall, Fuzzybush, Hazeflight and Waspeye to back him up, to cheer him on. And when Bishop Goosefeather gave him praise and thank him for his loyalty, he felt giddiness at the looks of shock on his bullies faces.
3. He was name Turtle at first for how shy he was when he first enter Thundergrowth, it then gain a new meaning when he rally up a group to regain Loonflower's three kits that were taken by their father, Reedfeather of Windmoor. He gain the title nose for his excellence tracking skills which he put to good use during the Great Famine, even though he wishes there were more he could had done.
4. He never expected to fall in love with anyone. But one day, passing the border of Startovden and seeing Sablewhisker, back then Clarisse, he couldn't help but stumble. Hearing her laugh as he gets to his paws instead of a scream of fear made him feel warmth. He never expected someone, who while a Drifter like he was once one, but from a group who was friendly to the Kingdoms who find him anything but scary. But he never smells fear from her, never saw disgust. And his heart soar when she decided to join, to be with him. And he lived up to his name, always being by her side, protecting her from those who would wish her to flee.
5. Sometimes he wishes he thought before he charges into something. Sometimes he wishes that he had turned around and refuse the offer, sometimes he wishes that he had the same urge as his family to keep moving. But when he steps into the nursery, staring at the two small bodies curl up and wiggling next to Sablewhisker's belly, watching them grow up to be two brave strong warriors, watching one of them have kits of their own...he learns that he doesn't have to regret everything of his choice...not when it gave him his friends and family.
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the-world-of-ignavus · 10 months
Greenwood Dynasties - The Shorerisen
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The long line of caesars, starspeakers, lieutenants and that have led and guided the Shorerisen. Subject to change as the story continues, and more caesars are added. I may eventually start adding pictures for each of the ruling groups and little summaries about what each reign was like and what it was remembered for.
Updated as of Book 1, Embers prologue
Caesar: Waving-Shores - A short furred rossetted gray tom with blue eyes and a light underside
Lieutenant(s):  Pooled-Twlight - A short furred, thick coated braided smoke molly with yellow eyes
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): No Official
Caesar: Pooled-Twilight - A short furred, thick coated braided smoke molly with yellow eyes
Lieutenant(s): Turtles-Splash - A dark brown, thick coated tortoiseshell molly with yellow eyes
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): No Official
Caesar: Turtles-Splash - A dark brown, thick coated tortoiseshell molly with yellow eyes
Lieutenant(s): Raining-Embers - A long furred gray and cream tortoiseshell molly with green eyes
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): No Official
Caesar: Raining-Embers - A long furred gray and cream tortoiseshell molly with green eyes
Lieutenant(s): Bird-Whistles - A small cream furred marble molly with blue eyes and a white belly
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): Silver-Flutter - A long furred silver molly with a white underbelly and blue eyes
Caesar: Bird-Whistles - A small cream furred marble molly with blue eyes and a white belly
Lieutenant(s): Hidden-Glory - A sun-rusted black furred jack with yellow eyes and torn ears
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): Spotted-Skies - A thick furred tortoiseshell tom with yellow eyes and a torn ear
Caesar: Hidden-Glory - A sun-rusted black furred jack with yellow eyes and torn ears
Lieutenant(s): Flooded-Meadow - A short furred golden and white furred molly with yellow eyes
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): Field-Leaves - A dark furred ticked ginger tom with white paws and yellow eyes
Caesar: Flooded-Meadow - A short furred golden and white furred molly with yellow eyes
Lieutenant(s): Isleripples - A long furred dark gray marbled molly with blue eyes
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): Brokenmandible - A thick furred silvery tom with an open scarring on his lower jaw exposing his bottom teeth
Caesar: Isleripples - A long furred dark gray marbled molly with blue eyes
Lieutenant(s): Muddynose - A dark brown broken marble tabby with green eyes
Diplomat(s): Waspeyes - A golden and black furred molly dark darkened paws and tails
Starmender(s): Eveningchill - A golden banded molly with yellow eyes and white belly
Caesar: Muddynose - A dark brown broken marble tabby with pale green eyes
Lieutenant(s): Flashingscales - A long furred ginger tom with a shortened tail and yellow eyes
Diplomat(s): Autumnstars - A short furred calico molly with yellow eyes with a bobbed tail
Starmender(s): Cherrytang - A long furred deep cherry red molly with white forelegs and a white tail
Caesar: Flashingscales - A long furred ginger tom with a shortened tail and yellow eyes
Lieutenant(s): Halfheart - An orange and black tom with a black half of his face and an orange right one with yellow eyes
Autumstars - A short furred calico molly with yellow eyes with a bobbed tail
Pipertail - A thick furred, short coated chocolate tortoiseshell molly with yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Sunriseblizzard - A golden furred tom with reddish tipped limbs and yellow eyes
Caesar: Halfheart - An orange and black tom with a black half of his face and an orange right one with yellow eyes
Lieutenant(s): Wavingstems - A short furred gray marble tom with green eyes
Diplomat(s): Pipertail - A thick furred, short coated chocolate tortoiseshell molly with yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Soaringsedge - A medium furred marble ginger tom with leaf green eyes and white paws
Caesar: Wavingstems - A short furred gray marble tom with green eyes
Lieutenant(s): Dandelionhaven - A long furred golden molly with jade green eyes and white stockings
Nightberry - A black ghost tabby tom with blue eyes and a ragged left ear
Jaguarcry - A golden brown rossetted molly with amber eyes and a clawed muzzle
Starmender(s): Saltswipe - A short furred white molly with torn ears and yellow eyes
Caesar: Dandelionhaven - A long furred golden molly with jade green eyes and white stockings
Lieutenant(s): Wovenpetals - A long furred pale brown marble tabby tom and yellow eyes
Diplomat(s): Jaguarcry - A golden brown rossetted molly with amber eyes and a clawed muzzle
Starmender(s): Minnowtrill - A silver-gray marble molly with icy blue eyes
Caesar: Wovenpetals - A long furred pale brown marble tabby tom and yellow eyes
Lieutenant(s): Hemlockfoam -  A cream and white, short furred feather coated tom with yellow eyes
Diplomat(s): Tadpoleswoop - A dark gray spotted tom with green eyes and a lighter belly
Starmender(s): Frogsplash - A brown, short furred sleek coated tom with lime eyes
Caesar: Hemlockfoam - A cream and white, short furred feather coated tom with yellow eyes
Lieutenant(s): Eaglecry - A golden brown marble tabby tom with white front legs and tattered ears
Diplomat(s): Lightshiver - A cream and white molly with torn ears and sky blue eyes
Starmender(s): Weaselsurge - A short furred deep brown molly with a darker tipped tail and yellow eyes
Caesar: Eaglecry - A golden brown marble tabby tom with white front legs and tattered ears
Lieutenant(s): Dwarfminnow - A small, light gray tom with yellow eyes and a tufted tail
Diplomat(s): Morarytwist - A mottled torbie molly with yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Slugprance - A short furred, muscular gray shaded tom with yellow eyes
Caesar:  Dwarfminnow - A small, light gray tom with yellow eyes and a tufted tail
Lieutenant(s): Dancingbirch - A silver-gray marble tabby tom with light blue eyes
Diplomat(s): Morarytwist - A mottled torbie molly with yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Ladybirdsong - A sleek furred speckled tortoiseshell molly with yellow eyes
Caesar: Dancingbirch - A silver-gray marble tabby tom with light blue eyes
Lieutenant(s): Silverbough - A long furred silver spotted molly with forest green eyes
Diplomat(s): Freckleleg - A dark gray spotted tom with yellow eyes
Ladybirdsong - A sleek furred speckled tortoiseshell molly with yellow eyes
 Winterberrytongue - A spiky furred cherry ginger molly with green eyes and white socks
Caesar: Silverbough - A long furred silver spotted molly with forest green eyes
Lieutenant(s): Whisperingnight - A silver smoke marble molly with sharp yellow eyes and white paws
Diplomat(s): Heronwings - A short furred white molly with sky blue eyes and a fluffy tail
Starmender(s): Kelptangle - A curly furred tortoiseshell tom with yellow eyes
Caesar: Whisperingnight -  A silver smoke marble molly with sharp yellow eyes and white paws
Lieutenant(s): Blackberryblooms - A short furred, messy-coated brown marble tom with amber eyes
Diplomat(s): Spiralfin - A cream marble tom with yellow eyes and a cream stomach
Starmender(s): Puffinsnuggle - A thick coated and round black and white tom with tufted ears
Caesar: Blackberryblooms -  A short furred, messy-coated brown marble tom with amber 
Lieutenant(s): Dragonflyeyes - A shimmering, sleek furred tom with orange eyes
Diplomat(s): Birdfluff - A short furred, incredibly messy coated brown tom with yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Wishingbrook - A silver marble molly with aqua eyes and white paws
Caesar: Dragonflyeyes - A shimmering, sleek furred tom with orange eyes
Lieutenant(s): Sapsong - A deep ginger-amber molly with orange eyes and a white locket
Diplomat(s): Salixhood - A gray and white banded tom with blue eyes
Wishingbrook - A silver marble molly with aqua eyes and white paws
Twinklingstream - A medium furred black molly with little white flecks throughout her fur
Caesar: Sapsong - A deep ginger-amber molly with orange eyes and a white locket
Lieutenant(s): Mountainlight - A very large light gray and white ticked marble tom with one blue eye
Diplomat(s): Pawpawtine -  A spiky furred dark gray ticked marble tom with hazel eyes
Starmender(s): Twinklingstream - A medium furred black molly with little white flecks throughout her fur
Caesar: Mountainlight - A very large light gray and white ticked marble tom with one blue eye
Lieutenant(s): Cornelbelly - A bulky and muscular golden white tom with blue eyes and small ears
Diplomat(s): Littlepurr - A tiny white furred tom with flushed limbs and blue-pink eyes
Starmender(s): Tidecall - A dark blue tom with a white underbelly and white flecks
Caesar: Cornelbelly - A bulky and muscular golden white tom with pale blue eyes and small ears
Lieutenant(s):  Fireweedtongue - A lavender marble tabby tom with blue eyes and white belly
Diplomat(s): Frozenpetal - A short furred muscular white tom with blue eyes
Starmender(s): Flurrybelly -  A black and white furred molly with dark blue eyes and a fluffy stomach
Caesar: Fireweedtongue - A lavender marble tabby tom with blue eyes and white belly
Lieutenant(s): Mistymorning - A light blue-gray molly with yellow eyes and torn ears
Starspeaker(s): Creekserenade - A light blue marble tabby tom with white forepaws and a white tipped tail
Caesar: Mistymorning - A light blue-gray molly with yellow eyes and torn ears
Lieutenant(s): Shiftingfronds - A long furred silvery ticked tabby tom with blue eyes and white belly
Starspeaker(s): Crayfishwhiskers - A dark blue-gray tom with longer whiskers and yellow eyes
Caesar: Shiftingfronds - A long furred silvery ticked tabby tom with light blue eyes and white belly
Lieutenant(s): Urchinback - A messy coated russet molly with a lighter underside and paws
Starspeaker(s):  Crayfishwhiskers - A dark blue-gray tom with longer whiskers and yellow eyes
Caesar: Urchinback - A messy coated russet molly with a lighter underside and paws
Lieutenant(s): Crawlingmouse - A small, sleek furred brown tom with yellow eyes
Crayfishwhiskers - A dark blue-gray tom with longer whiskers and yellow eyes
Scallop - A cream flame-point tom with ice blue eyes
Shoalstride - A short furred, sleek coated silver tom with sky blue eyes; (Keeper, Featherfall)
Caesar: Crawlingmouse - A small, sleek furred brown tom with yellow eyes
Lieutenant(s): Crashingskies - A long furred and gray and white tom with blue eyes
Shoalstride - A short furred, sleek coated silver tom with sky blue eyes; (Keeper, Featherfall)
Swanmeadow - A short furred, muscular tom with orange ears and blue eyes; (Keeper, Rushnose)
Caesar: Crashingskies - A long furred and gray and white tom with blue eyes
Lieutenant(s): Agatedrift - A medium furred, mostly dark gray tortoiseshell tom with a darker head and mantle. He has a deep scar under his left eye to his chin.
Swanmeadow - A short furred, muscular tom with orange ears and pale blue eyes; (Keeper, Rushnose)
Palethroat - A long furred low contrast gray marbled molly with white toes; (Keeper, Seaweedclaw)
Caesar: Agatedrift - A medium furred, mostly dark gray tortoiseshell tom with a darker head and mantle. He has a deep scar under his left eye to his chin.
Cloudmumble - A short furred dark gray marble tom with heavy scarring around his neck
Jaspershanty - A medium furred brown tom with a torn right ear and a white splash on his chest and throat
Cottonberry - A thick-furred mostly white molly with a gray tail and bright blue eyes; (Keeper, Fishnose)
Hollowsky - A golden-brown spotted tom with orange eyes and a lighter underside; (Keeper, Fishpads)
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determined-blazeau · 1 year
Heir of Thunderclan
Huge blue-gray tabby tom with patches of white along his back and legs and torn light blue frills along his shoulders; green eyes and silver horns
Wears leather forearm braces with a scarf crafted of black sheep wool with his ears pierced with a shell snail
Son of Icewillow of Thunderclan and Stormveil of Riverclan
Nephew of Drizzlepool of Riverclan
Littermate to Leopardscratch Sibling to Slushpaw, Minnowpaw, Willowpaw
Trained by Waspeye
Determined, Reserved, Compassionate
Transgender male/Aroace/(he/him/they)
Woody Harrelson (Haymitch Abernathy: Hunger Games)
Name implies a cat who is determined with a sharp tongue
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femalefirestarau · 2 years
Warrior Cat Profile: Mousebite
Name: Mousekit, Mousepaw, Mousebite
Rank: Warrior
Parents: Sparrowsong (Sire), Waspeye (dame)
Siblings: Wildstep
Voice: Collen Wheeler (Mystique: X-men evolution)
Orientation: Cismolly
Identity: AroAce
Mentor: Swiftbreeze
Apprentice: N/A
Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A
Description: small dusky brown molly with soft fur; yellow eyes
Quiet and always staring, many Catriles are very nervous around Mousebite but no one ever doubts her loyalty to Clowder. The only reason she is in fact a simple warrior is because she doesn’t see the point. She is good at fighting and hunting and that should be enough to not be a burden to her clan.
While extremely loyal to those who are close to her, it is hard for her to bond with others, the most Catriles that she talks to are her parents, her brother and his family, her mentor and right now the newest warrior Addertail.
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fenrirtheyapper · 2 years
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Day 3 of #glitchtober2022 - Wasp . As always, original image generated via @stability.ai 😉 . Originally i wasn't a huge fan of the base piece, but with a handful of effects it's grown on me! What do y'all think? It's a little bit abstract, i hope the waspeyness shows through! . @jrdsctt @glitchartistscollective . #glitch #glitchlab #glitchart #glitchartist #creepy #spooky #scary #distorted #glitchmusic #industrial #noisemusic #metal #electronic #underground #undergroundartist #witchhouse #glitchlab #mirrorlab #chromalab #aiart #ai #art #artist #digitalartist #digitalart #artistoninstagram #artoftheday #picoftheday #myart #art #glitchartistcollective https://www.instagram.com/p/CjQaNErOXV7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sandygola · 3 years
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Peacock + Pear - my 11th #coloricombo - Bug Eye: Wasp - part of a month long creative color challenge dreamt up by @lorisiebert.studio and @estemacleod. There are fifteen colour duos to inspire and enthuse. @bastilleday14 #explorecolour #creativechallenge #estemacleodclass #coloricombo #colourspark #beinspired #doitfortheprocess #colourstory #makeart #bugeye #waspeyes (at Bloomfield, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUIjXtXL-I7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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trialsofthestars · 4 years
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Waspeye and Vixenfang as well as their four kits! From right to left, Chickenpaw, Marshpaw, Foxpaw and Dappledpaw! They look cute now, but their family has some issues!
This was commissioned from @flypaw! I love their art so much and I’m grateful their commissions were open!
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osinyy · 5 years
@thedeafavenger | THAT THING WE TALKED ABOUT
It was hard to get on the plane, even though Nadia had known from day one that she’d be going back to California. She’d had such a good time in New York, met such great people. Not to mention there was a certain asshole she was actively avoiding back home.
Sure enough, two days later she was trying to get Clint on the phone. “Hey, Clint? It’s Hope.” She really ought to have told him her preferred name, but it was what it was. “What are you up to?” She was trying to keep her tone light and casual, but there was tension hiding in her voice. 
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certainlysleepy · 2 years
Also one eye is now know as waspeye and while she just recently retired because of her failing sight sheepear is terrified of her
“Waspeye” sounds so badass and absolutely fitting. Also YES he should be afraid of the badass grandma with the awesome name ✨
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bearskinloch · 5 years
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Sungaze, warrior of PrairieClan, mother of Waspeye and Trufflestar
mean looking mom but is actually sweet and still babies her children
do not steal my art or designs!
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Thundergrowth Clowder
Bishop : Bishop Lilystrike {Bluestar/Willowbreeze}- a long furred blue/silver thick pelted molly with black horns and blue eyes. Icewillow has golden brown scales creeping up the back of her neck* Sibling: Lilystrike, Thistleclaw
Heir: None
Guardian: Sparrowsong {Halftail}- a very dark mackerel tabby tom with white horns, yellow eyes and pine green scales on his chest. Sparrowsong has a very short tail Apprentice: Raccoonpaw
Sibling: Patchbelly
Mate: Waspeye
Children: Wildrunner, Owlglare
Soothepurr: Featherwhisker- a long furred, thick pelted smooth silver- gray tom with light yellow eyes and teal gold scale crawling across his belly. Featherwhisker has yellow horns and yellow eyes. Apprentice: Spottedpaw
Waspeye {One-Eye}- pale gray virtually blind molly with scars all over body and shredded ears along with patches of violet scales. Her left was clawed out and the wound has since healed shut- her remaining eye is a foggy yellow
Mate: Sparrowsong
Children: Wildrunner, Owlglare
Jaygrowl {Robinwing/Dappletail}- a small brown molly with patches of orange and black scales with thick sleek fur. Dapplewing has white horns and amber eyes
Parent: Mumblestep
Sibling: Thrushnose
Mate: Specklescorch
Children: Lionheart, Finchdawn
Patchbelly- a small black and white tom with green gold scales crawling on his face and shoulders. Patchbelly has white horns and yellow eyes {Patchpelt}
Sibling: Sparrowsong
Thistleclaw- a huge gray and white tabby tom with uneven patches of yellow green scales crawling on his face and spiky fur. Thistleclaw has black horns, amber eyes and spiky fur that is said to be softer than it looks Apprentice:Tigerpaw
Siblings: Icewillow, Nectarpool
Child: Sleetsong
Rosetail- a gray ticked tabby molly with a bushy tail with red rose scales at the end. Rosetail has white horns and blue eyes
Parent: Poppydawn
Children: Racoonpaw, Spottedpaw
Lionheart- a large golden tabby tom with thick fluffy mane around his neck like Leo’s mane. Lionheart has patches of black scales; brown horns and green eyes
Parents: Specklescorch, Dapplewing
Sibling: Finchdawn
Mate: Frostnip
Turtlenose- a brown and white tom with golden brown scale legs and two white toes. Turtlenose has white horns and orange eyes and was formerly a Drifter
Mate: Sablewhisker
Children: Wisteriafog, Fireflydawn
Sablewhisker- a black spotted tabby with indigo scales crawling on her shoulders. Sablewhisker has silver horns and blue eyes and was formerly a Drifter
Mate: Turtlenose
Children: Wisteriafog, Fireflydawn
Sharpwatcher- light gray ticked tabby with white scales going up his legs. Sharpwatcher has small ears, black horns and copper eyes
Parent: Sheepear
Sibling: Frostnip
Frostnip {Frostfur}- a long furred speckle gray molly with white scales splash across her face. Frostnip has white horns, small folded ears and blue eyes
Parent: Sheepear
Sibling: Sharpwhisker
Sleetsong {Whitestorm}-a snowy white tom with tufted ears and patches of silver scales crawling on his face that shimmer in the light. Sleetstorm has black horns and blue eyes.
Parent: Thistleclaw
Mate: Wisteriog
Childrem: Tulip, Fern
Fireflydawn- a chocolate brown mackerel tom with an orange scaled tail. Fireflydawn has white horns, orange eyes and small ears.
Parents: Turtlenose, Sablewhisker
Sibling: Wisteriafog
Owlglare {Mousefur/Darkstripe}- small solid black molly with silver scales crawling up her tail. Owlglare has a pink nose, white horns and orange eyes.*
Parents: Sparrowsong, Waspeye
Sibling: Wildrunner
Wildrunner {Runningwind}- a lithe light brown tabby tom with black scales going across his face. Wildrunner has brown horns and green eyes.
Parents: Sparrowsong, Waspeye
Sibling: Mousetooth
Nightsnap {Nightkit}- sleek black molly with with darker strikes. Nightsnap has silver scales crawling up her face and neck, white horns and green eyes
Parent: Panthershade
Siblings: Mistsong, Tigerpaw
Raccoonpaw {Redtail}- a small brown furred tortoiseshell tabby tom with pale marigold scales going across his face and shoulders. Raccoonpaw has a vibrant ginger tail, amber eyes and white horns.*
Parent: Rosetail
Sibling: Spottedpaw
Spottedpaw- a dark tortoiseshell molly with white splotches on her face and belly. Spottedpaw has blue-black scales crawling up her back, amber eyes and black horns.
Parent: Rosetail
Sibling: Racconpaw
Tigerpaw- a large dark brown tabby tom blessed with the stripes and claws of Tigris. Tigerpaw has flecks of white scales crawling up his face and belly, red scales going across his throat, white horns and amber eyes.
Parent: Panthershade
Siblings: Mistsong, Nightsnap
Blazepaw- a long-furred bright flame-ginger molly blessed with the rosetted coat of Pardus with black scales crawling up her legs and belly. Blazepaw has a white chin, tip tail, black horns and arm-webs; green eyes. Formerly of Stratovden.
Parents: Jake, Nicole
Siblings: Sean, Ruby, Sootpaw
Monarchs and Caretakers
Head caretaker: Specklescorch {Speckletail}- a cream golden classic molly with splashes of dark red scales going down her back and tail. Specklescorch has yellow horns and green eyes.
Mate: Dapplewing
Children: Lionheart, Finchdawn
Thrushnose {Thrushpelt}- a pale grayish brown with white scales crawling up his chest and neck. Thrushnose has white flecks across his snout, brown horns and green eyes
Parent: Mumblestep
Sibling: Dapplewing
Mistsong {Mistkit}- a gray molly with a white locket and belly. Mistsong has sky blue scales crawling up her legs and down her spine, black horns and amber eyes
Parent: Panthershade
Siblings: Nightsnap, Tigerpaw
Finchdawn {Goldenflower}-a golden tabby molly with gray torbie patches with blue scales across her shoulders and back legs. Finchdawn has a short tail, white horns and green eyes
Parents: Dapplewing, Specklescorch
Sibling: Lionheart
Children: Coyote, Jackal
Wisteriafog{Willowpelt/Brindleface}- pale gray spotted molly with white scales along her back; silver horns and blue eyes
Parents: Turtlenose, Sablewhisker
Sibling: Fireflydawn
Mate: Sleetstorm
Children: Tulip, Fern
Coyote {Sand/Bright}- a cinnamon tabby molly with torbie patches and a white belly. Sand has red scales crawling up her back and legs, green eyes and white horns
Parent: Finchdawn
Sibling: Jackal
Jackal {Swiftpaw/Longtail}-a pale sandy furred tom with dark black stripes and white splotches. Swift has silver scales on his toes, ears and legs with white horns and blue eyes.
Parent: Finchdawn
Siblings: Coyote
Lynx- a cinnamon torbie molly with dark brown tabby patches and yellow feathers on her shoulders and throat. Lynx has green scales going across her face, yellow eyes and black horns. Under the care of Thrushnose
Tulip {Graystripe}- dark gray tom with darker gray feathers along his spine. Tulip has bright teal scales along his shoulders and legs, black horns and yellow eyes
Parents: Wisteriafog, Sleetsong
Sibling: Fern
Fern- pale gray molly with darker flecks and a white belly. Fern has green scales along her throat and crawling up her face, white horns and green eyes
Parents: Wisteriafog, Sleetsong
Sibling: Tulip
Mumblestep {Mumblefoot}- a small graying brown tom with thick fur that is patched. Mumblestep has orange scales on the back of his neck and chest, white horns and amber eyes. The oldest cat in Thundergrowth
Children: Dapplewing, Thrushnose
Panthershade {Leopardfoot}- a sleek raven-black molly with white splotches on her face. Leopardshade has pink scales crawling on her legs and the tip of her tail, silver horns and green eyes.
Child: Tigerpaw
Sheepear {Smallear}- a gray tom with very small folded ears, one which has a nick in it. Sheepear has black scales crawling up his throat and down his chest, black horns and orange eyes
Children: Frostnip, Sharpwhisker
Poppydawn- long haired dark red molly with an extremely bushy tail. Poppydawn has golden scales going down her back and legs, brown horns and amber eyes.
Child: Rosetail
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auraclan info
my first out of three fan clans !!!!! i made an info post awhile back but ive changed some stuff
leader: dreamstar - pale gray-lilac she-cat with green eyes
deputy: addervine - sleek black she-cat with long legs
medicine cat: petalsong (apprentice, blossompaw) - calico she-cat with green eyes
warriors: ravenflight - black-and-white tom with amber eyes appleleg (apprentice, aspenpaw) - fluffy cream tom with green eyes snaketail (apprentice, elmpaw) - dark gray tom with green eyes and a skinny snake-like tail cherryfang (apprentice, peachpaw) - dark red tom with bright golden eyes and an upper-row tooth that pokes out pinedust (apprentice, fernpaw) - dusky brown she-cat with lighter flecks brooktalon (apprentice, willowpaw) - silver-and-white tabby she-cat with blue eyes rapidhawk - dark blue-gray tabby tom with lighter underbelly and chest specklefur - tortoiseshell she-cat with unusually speckled fur mapleflower - dark ginger she-cat with amber eyes spiderstem - black she-cat
apprentices: blossompaw - pale gray she-cat aspenpaw - dappled golden she-cat with amber eyes elmpaw - dark brown she-cat with green eyes peachpaw - pale she-cat with almost-pink/cream fur fernpaw - gray-and-white tabby tom willowpaw - pure white she-cat (full names: blossomleaf, aspenstem, elmwish, peachshine, fernwing, willowheart)
queens: cloudstream - white-and-gray she-cat with blue eyes; mother of aspenpaw and elmpaw vineheart (kits: flowerkit and amberkit) - brown she-cat with green eyes and small cut-off vines that cling to her pelt quailbreeze (kits: puddlekit, duckkit and stemkit) fluffy gray she-cat sires: owlfrost (kits: flowerkit and amberkit) - dark gray tom with lighter flecks sandshade - pale ginger tom branchfoot - brown tabby tom
elders: waspeye - black she-cat with amber eyes copperspot - brown tom with lighter spots along his back birdglow - pale golden she-cat
additional info:
cats are allowed to mate with outsiders and cats from the other clans to avoid possible inbreeding
outsiders such as rogues/kittypets/loners are allowed to be taken in, and are to be treated like clanborn cats
the three clans: auraclan, groveclan and sageclan are separated from the four canonical clans. they believe in moonclan instead of starclan
every first full moon a gathering is held to discuss news and such, but every second full moon a ~special gathering~ is held to participate in fun events
cats give their mates gifts every so often to show that they love them
when a cat dies, they are buried and overtop their burial spot a water-soaked ball of moss is placed. the moon’s energy, coming from moonclan, blesses the water and allows it to trickle down through the ground and onto the cat’s buried body, showing that they allow the cat to be welcomed into moonclan
sires are toms who stay in the nursery and teach the kits about the warrior code, and take care of the kits in ways the queens cant. they arent necessarily always the queens’ mate
and thats all!!!!!!!! :D
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determined-blazeau · 2 years
So as I work on the new new allegiances I was wondering on who will be the parent of who. Because while I can make ocs I need a reason on why thunder will be desperate in bring blaze in…. So… after thunder hd a worse famine that is called the Second Great Hunger Mousebite (mousefur) the only daughter of Waspeye and Sparrowsong decided that she will contribute to her clan and give them more warriors
But once she was in the nursery she despised it…she hated doing nothing… she hated how the other monarchs couldn’t wait to meet their kits… she couldn’t wait to get them out… she couldn’t wait to be able to go out into the forest… she wanted to be out there..looking for materials to build up the camp or to hunt
When the kits were born… she felt nothing… she didn’t feel joy or love…she didn’t feel anything for the two scarps… so… after talking to the Head Caretakers she gave up rights to the small little ones… that while Swiftkit and Cinderkit will know she was their dame and they were related she was not their mother
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femalefirestarau · 2 years
Warrior cat profile: Wildstep
Name: Wildkit, Wildpaw, Wildstep
Rank: Messenger
Parents: Sparrowsong (sire), Waspeye(dame)
Siblings: Mousebite
Voice: Jason Griffith (Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic Adventures 1 + 2, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic X)
Orientation: Cistom
Identity: Gay
Mentor: Scorchflip
Apprentice: Gravelpaw
Mate: Redtail
Kit: Sandpaw
Description: lean light brown tabby tom with black marking, more noticeable around his eyes; green eyes
Never one to stop moving it was no wonder Sparrowsong and Waspeye named him Wildkit and it was a huge relief when Pinestar gave him to Scorchflip, Thunder’s messenger to train as then he would be allowed to go into other clan territory without being attack, allowing his thirst to explore to be realize.
He himself is happy to have his own apprentice, Gravelpaw, but is worried that he will mess things up, as he had never seen himself actually becoming a mentor. It’s been seen his sister, Mousebite to hit him on the head while Bluestar reminds him that he is doing well and it’s ok to make mistakes.
The only Catriles who can calm him and slow him down are his mate and daughter, Redtail and Sandpaw. In fact these two make him think before he acts, to cool down his carefree attitude so that way he can return back to camp for them.
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kninebytes · 3 years
Tumblr media
Waspeye tells a short horror story.
This was a halloween prompt for a group im a part of!! im getting better at backgrounds,, slowly ;w;
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