#watch as I once again get into a ship barely anyone is into
hucowboyification · 3 days
Poolverine and 10 please?
10- "We're really going to fuck here? What if someone sees us?"
It'd been an easy job. Get in, stab, claw, and shoot all the fuckers in the warehouse to death, get out. No one was left alive; not even the cleaning crew.
Making a quick getaway wasnt strictly necessary; given how blood-soaked they both were, it probably would've made them more suspicious. But the surrounding area had been terrorized by that group for so long that everyone turned a blind eye to the two mutants booking it down shaded alleyways, and the adrenaline made for great foreplay, so they ran anyways.
Logan pulled Wade down an alleyway, around a corner, and then into a dead end, where a brick building towered over everything.
Deep scratch marks in sets of threes littered the face of the building; hundreds, if not thousands of sets, some clearly much older than the several months Logan had been living in this universe.
"Climb," Logan instructed, lacking anything in the way of real urgency. It was made even less urgent by Logan tugging Wade's mask off and pressing him briefly to the brick wall for a deep, but surprisingly gentle kiss.
Once he was released, Wade did as he was asked. Fortunately, Logan had the forethought to make sure that people with normal hands could get to the roof, though just barely; it was a tough climb, even for Wade, and he had to question if it was really the only way up onto the roof, or if Logan just wanted to watch his ass as he made his way up tedious hand-and-foot-holds.
"Used to love coming up here," Logan sighed once they'd both reached the roof, leaning shoulder-to-shoulder against a boarded-up maintenance entrance. "Quiet. Good views. Hard to climb for most people. Back... back where I'm from, it got torn down years ago."
Wade, using the little good sense he had, didn't pry or crack a joke. He didn't particularly feel like regenerating any limbs tonight, thank you very much.
"But, anyways," Logan continued, giving Wade a sharp-toothed grin. "Thought it'd be a good place to bring you to catch our breath after a job. Be nice to spend an evening together without worrying about waking anyone up."
"Wait, do you mean-" he leaned in close, exaggeratedly whisper-shouting in Logan's ear- "S-E-X?"
"Yes, you goddamn loser, I mean fucking." Logan snorted, bumping his forehead against Wade's shoulder. "Up here, alone, under the stars."
"Aww, Wolvie, that's so romantic! We're really going to fuck here?" Wade gasped in mock surprise, bringing his hands to his face. "What if someone sees us?"
The twitching of Logan's lips gave away his attempts so suppress a laugh. "Who the fuck would see us, moron? It's the middle of the night, this is an abandoned building, and we'd see if anyone came on a nearby roof." Then he grinned. "Besides, what do you care? I always thought you'd be an exhibitionist."
"Oh, I am an exhibitionist, peanut, but you never know. There are cameras everywhere these days.
With a brief, disparaging "Jesus Christ, Wade", Logan dropped to his knees, nuzzling gently at Wade's already hard cock under his suit.
Then, the claws came out, moving towards the fabric of Wade's pants, and-
"Hey, no, no, no! Soft paws!" Wade shouted, swatting Logan's hands away and getting his fingers quite scratched up in the process. "I'm not sewing this up again! God, the knife hands are hot, but can you use your fingers to unzip me like a normal fucking person for once?"
Reluctantly, Logan did as ordered, sheathing his claws and unzipping his pants without ripping them (and Wade's skin, though that was of less concern) to shreds.
If there were cameras around (and of course there were- whatever the dicks at the TVA said, he's the main character here), they'd be getting quite a show.
Send me an ask with a number and a ship!
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crosshairlovebot · 5 months
you good? / crosshair x gn!reader
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pairing: crosshair x gn!reader (no y/n). reader has a nickname.
description: crosshair returns to you on shore leave to find you unwell, so he takes care of you.
word count: 2,521
needed to write a crosshair version of the hunter one i did. i love him so much i can't even talk about it properly. hope this brings comfort to anyone who's reading and sick. you deserve a gentle crosshair looking after you.
also posted this on ao3. feedback is welcomed, reblogs are appreciated.
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Crosshair had intended to use his unexpected shore leave to surprise you. To knock on your door and see you light up at the sight of him. That feeling always made him warm inside, to see you happy that he was standing in front of you. He relished in the feel of your arms being thrown around his shoulders and wrapping him tightly. He could live inside your arms if the galaxy let him. His chest would expand with contentment when you would gush about how happy you were to see him, knowing that happiness was not only in response to no longer being alone in your cold, quiet Coruscanti apartment, but also the knowledge that he was okay, and safe, and alive in a war that only seemed to become more endless as the fighting went on.
Crosshair would let you fuss over him, give him real food, let him have a warm shower before you would both fall into bed together, wrapped in each other’s arms – feeling like he had never left. It was easy to pretend he was just a man when he was alone with you. To get lost in the normalcy of sharing a home. You’d both play pretend for as long as you could before the inevitable end of his all too brief shore leave would sneak up on you both, and he would be shipped out again, for who knew how long with only infrequent comms for both your comforts. 
He had been looking forward to the familiar routine of his shore leave, to seeing your entire body lift once you opened the door to him, but those hopes were dashed when he knocked on the door and you opened it, blanket wrapped around your shoulders like a cloak, sniffly and half-closed eyes.
“Crosshair,” you croaked, excitement clear in your voice before you began coughing into your blanket. “You’re home.”
“Ca’tra,” Crosshair breathed as he took in the sight of you, concern immediately spiking inside him. “You’re sick.”
“It’s nothing,” you brushed off, sniffling and stepping aside so Crosshair could enter the apartment. “I’m so happy to see you.”
“It’s not nothing,” Crosshair scolded as he watched you press the close button on the door and shuffle into your tiny living room without even hugging him like you usually do.
You had made a bed on the couch, full of pillows and other blankets. The holo was on and playing some movie he didn’t recognise. You sat down, making a sound that made it sound like walking and standing had been a big effort for you. He shrugged off his pack and placed it by the door before he moved to crouch in front of you, hands on your knees.
“How long?” he asked, looking at you.
You tried breathing in, but your nose was blocked. “Was feeling a little off yesterday but woke up today feeling much worse.”
Crosshair stood up and he watched your neck crane up to follow his gaze. He placed one hand under your chin and the back of the other against your forehead. You were warm, but not feverish. With the coughing and sneezing, it must just be a bad cold. He knew you didn’t take much time to relax, usually opting to keep busy to distract yourself from his absence. He guessed it was all catching up with you, the exhaustion manifesting itself into sickness.
“Have you been to a med droid?” Crosshair smoothed a hand over your hair in a gesture so soft, that on a regular day, he would’ve watched you close your eyes and smile in response. Instead, you barely reacted before pulling away gently.
You were more unwell than you were letting on.
“Too expensive. Too much effort,” you coughed before letting yourself fall on your side, head hitting one of the many pillows as you groaned.
Crosshair watched you, crease in his brow. He sat down on the caf table, elbows on his knees. “Tell me what hurts.”
You huffed and curled yourself into a ball. “Throat. Head. I’m so tired.”
Crosshair looked at an empty plate on the floor next to the couch. “Have you eaten?”
You breathed through your mouth, rubbing your nose. “Small things. Crackers. Bread. Low effort stuff.”
Crosshair let out a breath. He hated seeing you like this. He’d never been sick, since clones had been engineered to be immune to nearly all diseases, but to not feel like yourself didn’t seem like something he would enjoy.
Crosshair pulled a blanket out from the many under your legs, and you frowned at him as you watched him drape it over you wordlessly. He pulled it up to your chin, the way he liked as a cadet before he bent over to tuck you in.
It wasn’t even a decision for him to take care of you during his brief shore leave, more like something he was willing to do simply because he loved you.
When you loved someone, you tried to do anything you could to make their life easier, to release them of their burdens and carry them yourself.
Crosshair would shoulder all your burdens unasked, no matter what they were. The act of caring for you wasn’t and would never be something you had to ask for. He was glad he was here, that way he knew you would be well taken care of under his watchful eyes.
Though he had become better at articulating his love for you with words, the best way for him to show how much he loved you was still with actions.
“What’re you doing?” you croaked, brows furrowed at him as he pushed the blanket around the edges of your body.
“What does it look like?” he replied tersely as he adjusted the pile of pillows you were reclining on, making sure they were supporting your head properly.
“Cross, you don’t have to take care of me,” you told him.
Crosshair only scoffed in response as he took in the rest of the living room.
It was messier than you usually kept it, with several plates and empty cups littering the floor and the caf table he sat on as well as small piles of discarded face napkins.
He started gathering up the dishes before walking them over to the sink. He hated mess, and he knew you did too, so the fact that you hadn’t at least taken the used dishes to the sink told him how sick you really were. He started rinsing them before he placed them in the small bench-top dishwasher he’d helped you pick out a few shore leaves ago.
“Cross,” you said from the couch, having made yourself sit up and ruin his perfect tuck-in job.
He couldn’t be annoyed at you, no matter how hard he tried.
Crosshair ignored you as he made his way back to the couch to gather up all the face napkins and put them in the trash.  You said his name again, this time falling into a coughing fit as your breath caught in your sore throat. He grabbed a clean cup from the cupboard and filled it with some water. He came back over to you and sat on the coffee table, holding the cup out.
“Drink,” he ordered softly.
You gave him a look like you weren’t happy with him. But he didn’t care. He wasn’t going to leave you to fend for yourself, not when he was here. It was his job to look out for the people he loved.
You wordlessly took the cup, and the bottom of it immediately went on your knee, like you lacked the strength to bring it to your lips. Crosshair sighed. You needed some proper food in you. He took the cup from you as he shuffled closer then placed his empty hand behind your head.
“Head back,” he told you. You did what you were told, and he helped you take a few sips of water. After, he ran his thumb across your lip to catch a stray drop. His hand stayed for a moment so his thumb could caress your cheek. He wished he could take this away from you.
“Cross, I’m okay,” you tried to tell him.
“No, you’re not,” he said, placing the cup next to him. “Lie down. Rest.”
“I’m not good at resting,” you grumbled.
“Too bad.”
You groaned and the strain on your throat only made you fall into another coughing fit. Crosshair gave you another sip of water before he tucked you in again, tighter this time so you wouldn’t get up.
Once he was satisfied you weren’t going to move again, he told you he’d be right back before quickly going to your bedroom. He stripped out of his armour and blacks before taking the speediest shower of his life and dressing in the spare clothes he kept here.
Now in loose pants and a threadbare short-sleeved top that smelt faintly like you, Crosshair padded barefoot into the living room again. He was relieved to see you in the same position as before, eyes closed. He watched you from the doorway for a moment and looked at how small you looked on that couch. He didn’t like the thought that if he hadn’t come home when he did, you would be suffering through this by yourself, without him to care for you.
He tried to move quietly, but your eyes cracked open once you heard him enter the room, a small smile on your lips. Crosshair returned it and came and sat back down on the caf table, facing you.
“You good?” he asked, placing the backs of his bare fingers on your cheek. You pulled a hand out from under the blanket and grabbed his, moving the backs of his fingers to your lips, kissing them gently. He smiled, warmth blooming in his chest at the simple gesture of intimacy. It’d been a long time since he felt your lips on his skin.
“Better, now that you’re here,” you told him honestly, your voice scratchy.
Crosshair smiled. He liked being here as much as you liked having him here.
“You’re all warm from the shower,” you smiled, pressing your face against his hand, holding his arm close to you.
“Been a while since I had a decent one.” The corner of his mouth tipped up. You chuckled and kissed his palm. He let you cradle his hand and arm, and he would’ve let you hold onto it forever, but he wanted to make sure you were taken care of before he wrapped himself around you.
“Hungry?” he asked. He frowned when you shook your head, nose rubbing against his wrist. “You should eat something. Even if it’s small.”
He sighed when you wrinkled your nose at the thought. He went through what he remembered from the Kaminoan training module on nat-born illnesses. “Have you taken anything?”
You nodded. “I took something a couple of hours ago when I woke up.”
“Did you eat then?”
You nodded again. He would have to be satisfied with that. Maybe he could get you to eat something when you were due to make more medication, but for now, he just wanted to let you rest. He’d try again later.
He searched your face, his mouth pressed in a line. He wished he could do something more for you, it frustrated him to not be able to fix this easily; that he had to wait it out with you. He was patient when it came to sniping, he could lie in the same position for hours before taking a shot with no difficulty. But he was not so patient when you were in pain or unwell. He felt himself scowl. It was the restless and useless feeling he hated. Crosshair never liked feeling useless.
“I feel bad,” you told him in a small voice.
Crosshair’s spine straightened in alarm. “What can I do?”
“No, I mean, I feel bad about this,” you gestured to yourself lying on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, poorly.
“You?” He couldn’t hide his surprise. “Why?”
He was just silently commiserating about how bad he felt that he couldn’t absorb your pain and experience it just so you wouldn’t have to. Why would you feel bad?
“It’s your time off,” you told him, your hold on his arm tightening. “You barely get any and now it’s ruined because I’m sick.”
Crosshair let out a breath. Is that what you thought? That your being unwell was an inconvenience to him?
He shook his head. “It’s not ruined.”
“We can’t even do anything fun. I’ve been wanting to take you to this new diner that opened a few levels up. I haven’t even been there because I wanted us to go together.”
Crosshair smiled at the thought. “There will be other times, ca'tra.”
You let out a frustrated breath. Crosshair crouched down and smoothed your hair back off your face with his free hand, and you watched him with those eyes of yours that rivalled even the most beautiful of stars. Crosshair leaned forward and placed a lingering kiss on your forehead. When he pulled away, you were looking up at him with slanted brows, like he was the single most amazing thing you’d ever seen, and that made his chest tight with the kind of feeling he’d only ever read about.
Never in the entire galaxy did he think he would ever be loved the way you love him.
You yawned as Crosshair stroked your cheek softly, tenderly. “You should sleep.”
You tugged on the hand you still had gently. “Lay down with me?”
Crosshair stood up and shut the holo off before lifting up the edge of your blanket. You wordlessly shuffled over and when there was enough room, he lay down next to you. His feet dangled off the edge, his frame too long for the piece of furniture.
You wriggled around trying to find a comfortable position in the narrow space of the couch, before you finally settled to lying half on top of him, head on his chest, arm wrapped around his torso, and leg hooked around his hip.
Crosshair grunted as he adjusted his position, he predicted he would not be moving from this spot for some time. He didn’t care. He’d let you lie on him until you were back to normal, and even then.
He let out a breath as he draped the blanket over you both, tucking it around your frames. You relaxed on top of him, and there was something so comforting about having your body right next to him like this. He rubbed a hand gently up and down your back as you sighed, the breath all broken with your sore throat.
“Thanks, Cross,” you whispered. Crosshair smiled and kissed the top of your head. He didn’t need to be thanked. He’d do anything for you.
“Love you,” you murmured as your breathing became deep and even as you fell asleep. Crosshair tightened his hold on you as your heartbeat pressed into his. He loved you more.
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banner art by @vimse thank you reading! i love writing soft crosshair so much :') it's literally my mission to fill the crosshair/reader tag with soft crosshair fics
🏷️ @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @moodymisty @nahoney22 @freesia-writes @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @bobaprint @crosshairsnose @jesseeka @thegalaxys-edge @chopper-base @shredderwest @leavingkamino @r2d2staser @beckbucket @pb-jellybeans @mylifeisactuallyamess @padawancat97 @littlecrowtime @jedipoodoo @ezras-left-thumb @lovelycurls @fruitsaladtree @literallydontlook @burningfieldof-clover @queencousland101 @clonethirstingisreal @skellymom @hopelessromantic727
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ataraxiaspainting · 2 months
The Country of the Blind.
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Yan Blade x GN (Stellaron Hunter) Reader. 
Synopsis: You had one job. You already hear Kafka’s scolding from several galaxies away.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, hostage situation/forced servitude, descriptions of corpses/violence, and manipulation.
Word Count: 1k.
“You were supposed to guard the cargo.”
Blade doesn’t move his legs a single inch toward or away from you. He continues to wipe the blood off his sword with two of his fingers, silent. You were used to violence and death at this point of your life; hell, you grew up surrounded by it all the time.
But… this… this is…
Unnecessary, and against the protocol Kafka had told both of you before setting you off on this hijacked ship. No bloodshed unless one of the employees acts up, and even then you two keep it to the bare minimum it takes for them to get back to work. We still need them.
“Do you have any idea what this means for me?” You glare, crossing your arms as you look down at the mush of what used to be a human at your feet. 
“Mm.” Blade murmurs.
“What the hell is all of this then?”
“You don’t get to tell me what to do.”
“Yes, I do,” You huff.
When Blade looks at you, you feel your heart drop to your stomach. He’s reverting from being mara-struck again, but the unnatural light in his eyes is still there, watching you.
Will… you be next?
He wouldn’t.
“I told you back then, [First]. I’ll repeat it as many times as I need to.”
He crouches a bit – slowly, but uncaring of the corpse he steps on to get closer to you.
“You are no Kafka. You can’t control the mara.”
Those words hurt more than they should. But they are true. You’re no Kafka… but you are [First].
“So what? Those orders came directly from her. I am supposed to be your retainer. Stop forgetting that, Blade.” He stands back up, and you can swear your legs are about to give way to the bloodied floor below.
“The point still stands,” With a heavy stomp and a loud squelch, what is left of the worker’s skull is reduced to wet dust.
“It does-”
“However, I don’t forget you’re my retainer, [First], but… it seems you forget who I am, not the other way around.”
You look behind him, to the other poor worker frozen in terror who was supposed to be cleaning this shared room of yours.
“Room service can never be so bad that it would make anyone want to murder someone who makes bare minimum wage.”
“They messed up your order,” Blade rebuttals. “And they forgot to wash your sheets.”
“The point still stands.”
“It doesn’t.” His fingers go back to wiping his sword.
“You’re ridiculous.” You sneer. No response.
A silent warning to shut up for now. Kafka warned you of this when you first followed Elio’s path. Your ‘destiny’ as she and him like to call it. 
“All of us are each other’s destiny. Your hands are my hands. Your words are my words. We lend out our hearts and souls and gain unimaginable joy in return.”
Kafka smiles. You continue to bow to your superiors. Only four wanted to introduce themselves, but you’re aware that there are more. 
“You can stop bowing, [First],” Firefly says after a few moments of silence.
Thinking of it as another order, your spine is a straight line as you salute to her. “Yes, ma’am.”
“You… really don’t have to call me that.”
“Do you prefer sir?” You ask, your face and tone still fierce. 
“Just… Firefly, please.”
“The same for me. Just Silver Wolf is fine, feel free to give me a nickname though… if you’re good at Kaihon that is.”
“Sigh… another NPC…”
“I’m sorry, I am not following.”
“She’s talking about Blade,” Firefly points to the man staring from the far corner of the room.
“Bladie,” Kafka croons. “Come a little closer.”
“The tea just came with oat milk and not soy,” You grumble, crossing your arms. “It’s not a crime-”
“It’s their job to listen to directions.”
“No. That’s your job.” You correct. The janitors came just a few minutes ago once you rang the service bell. One of them fainted while another vomited. A fair reaction, all things considered. Not only are they forced to be on this ship per Kafka’s idea to make it easier to enter this planet’s underwater cities, but your partner just had to act up at any minor inconvenience. 
“I disagree.”
“Sil’s right. You’re… just… so selfish.” You spit out the last two words as if you were choking on sand. Perhaps even small remnants of shells, with how you couldn’t breathe for a fraction of a millisecond. 
“That is part of the job, is it not?” Blade asks. He turns his head to the side. The confusion seems genuine, so you decide not to use an insult as an answer this time around.
“We as Stellaron Hunters follow the Path of Finality. We… fight our destiny, yes. But we still look out for each other.” You rest your bandaged hand on your collarbone area. Blade’s eyes widened at the sight. You aren’t sure why, you had had this injury for a few system hours. Unless…
Unless… he didn’t notice?
Was… he really that distracted with gutting that servant and fantasizing about making swords out of their bones?
You decide not to think about it for now. Partnering up with Blade guarantees a path to the top, but how bumpy and perilous that path is is up to him and him alone. So, you keep quiet. Sip after sip of the chamomile tea, Blade’s breathing gets louder. Wait. No. Slower.
“They cleaned up the mess,” You say, looking out the window to see the beautiful coral reefs all around the ocean floor. “Their family is onboard this ship too, per Kafka’s orders. I’ll attend the cremation tomorrow if they would let me. As for you…” Blade looks at you no further, staring down at his unwashed, red hands. “Just please… guard Silver Wolf’s virus.”
He just nods.
That ends that, right?
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soupbtch · 6 months
Ed notices Stede tucking flowers through his powdered wig in the captain’s cabin as they get ready together. He grows quietly fascinated watching Stede’s fingers as they sort through the flowers scattered on the desk, picking the smallest, brightest ones to loop gently into his wig. He’s never seen anyone handle anything so delicately before.
He steps closer, and Stede looks up and asks, “Would you like some in your hair, as well?”
Ed’s eyes widen at the question before he remembers he’s not attending the party tonight as Blackbeard. He can be anyone he wants. He can be someone who wears flowers in his hair. He might even like it.
“Yeah, sure,” he huffs in a small voice, and Stede gestures for him to take a seat.
Stede reaches around to pluck a flower from the pile. “May I?”
In the past, Ed has never liked people touching his hair; and though he barely knows Stede, he finds himself trusting him anyway.
Stede begins gently placing flowers in Ed’s hair, weaving the stems through his waves. No one has ever touched Ed so tenderly, with such great care as if he were reverent and beautiful and delicate. He feels himself melting into the soft press of Stede’s fingertips against his scalp.
“There,” Stede says quietly. “Go have a look.” He doesn’t need to find a mirror to see how he looks – he can read it on Stede’s face.
From then on, trusting Stede becomes an easier decision to make. Then something natural and instinctual, like breathing. Ed trusts Stede again later that night as he slips the red silk from his fingers, and once more a few days later when he asks Stede to run him through on the deck of the ship. Inhale. He trusts Stede with the next ten years of his life. And still, as he waits at dawn with his feet dangling over the edge of the dock. Exhale.
His vision tunnels. He’s cold. Suffocating.
“Like treading water,” Ed had said a lifetime ago. “Waiting to drown.”
Miraculously, he breaks through the surface. He has to force the air back into his lungs, will them to deflate and hope his body remembers how to fill them back up again.
“Breathing the same air,” Stede says to him. And it’s painful, and he hiccups and chokes, but slowly, gradually, it gets easier. He whispers his goodbye to Blackbeard as Stede lays him gently down on the bed. But his breathing is still jagged, irregular; one step forward before stumbling back.
He’s sputtering on salt water again when he finds a letter in a bottle. He finds the man who wrote it. He’s wielding a sword, and Ed trusts he won’t get gutted this time as he sprints towards him from across the beach. He inhales automatically as they intertwine, pressing their promises to each other's lips.
“Almost ready? Want me to put the flowers in your hair?” Frenchie asks.
“No thanks,” Ed exhales. “It may be our wedding day, but I trust Stede will be here any second now to do it himself.”
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xfgpng · 11 months
“𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠”
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— : [nsfw] unprotected sex, wet&messy
— : wc : 1k
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you never really paid much attention to him or his crew mates. they were a noisy bunch and despite him being a lot more quiet, you knew better than to engage with a group of pirates. they weren’t good news.
it’s why you don’t know how you ended up in his private bedroom, a tray full of delicious desserts that your boss insisted you send up to his room.
“i was beginning to think you wouldn’t show” he grins, arms crossed. you can’t help but notice how strong he is.
his muscles look as thought they’d burst out his tight fitted white shirt and the way he smirks at you sends a pleasant shiver up your spine.
you roll your eyes and place to treats on the nearby table.
“i wasn’t going to” you say dryly, “we’re short staffed at the moment”
“and let me guess, worried your boss will kick you out?” he asks
you sigh. you didn’t want to get into it with him, before you really did end up losing your job.
“are we done here?” you ask, glaring at him as you place your hands on your hips.
“not if you don’t want us to be” he laughs, standing to his full height.
he makes his way over to you and picks up a chocolate covered strawberry. he places it gently against your lips and smiles.
“won’t you indulge me, just for a moment?” he asks and you scoff but open your mouth anyway. you weren’t opposed to enjoying desserts every now and then and it had nothing to do with him and how sexy he was this close to you.
he sucks his thumb, maintaining eye contact with you.
“want some more?” he asks and you find yourself nodding along with him. him being this close to you made you feel all fuzzy inside.
he takes a bite before leaning into your space, he doesn’t touch you or force himself onto you. he just waits.
and against your better judgment, you pull him down and kiss him. he tastes like the chocolate and strawberry but also like the expensive wine your boss kept for important guests.
“fuck” he grunts, gripping your waist and closing his eyes. you can tell he’s trying to calm down but men like him didn’t pass by very often and you never paid attention to anyone if they did.
you’d allow yourself to indulge just this once, they’d be gone by the time you woke up and you were sure this wasn’t the first time zoro got busy and he’d surely forget you once they reached their next destination.
just for tonight, you’d let him have you.
“kiss me” you whisper and he does, pulling you flush against his body and you wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
he carries you over to the bed and lays you down gently. he’s so big, but him hovering above you, makes you feel nervous. you weren’t a virgin by any means but the way he looked at you, made you feel shy.
“did you wear this dress because he told you you’d be serving me?” he smirks, remembering earlier the cute little shorts you’d been wearing.
you knew your boss didn’t expect you to sleep with the customers. you weren’t that kind of establishment but you also saw the way zoro had watched you, eyeing you since the morning when they had arrived.
“no” you lie and he chuckles, biting down on your neck before soothing the sting with his tongue.
“liar” he whispers, running his hand up your legs and stopping between your thighs.
“do you want this?” he asks
“yes” you wrap your arms around his neck again, “please”
“such a good girl” he grins, kissing you again. he slips a thick finger inside your pussy. you’ve seen his hands and they were huge, his finger reaching places you could barely find on your own.
“zoro” you gasp against his lips and he moans, low and right beside you ear.
it feels good and when he leans down to watch you, adding a second finger into you as he watches your pussy clench around him.
“so messy” he licks his lips, feeling his cock twitch at the sight of your pretty pussy. he knows he’s been around but zoro couldn’t stop thinking about you from the moment they stepped off their ship.
you were so pretty and he adored your smile and the way you yelled at your coworkers when they were messing around.
when the crew decided to explore, zoro stayed behind, just to watch you work. you barely paid him any attention and he wasn’t ashamed to admit that he wanted you so badly.
you intrigued him in a way no other women has and he was sure by the morning, he could convince you to go with him.
“zoro” you moan louder, gripping the sheets as he thrusts his fingers faster. he scissors you open, knowing he’d need to get you ready for him.
“please” you beg, no longer feeling shy or embarrassed. you wanted him, you didn’t want him to take his time. you couldn’t wait.
“okay beautiful” he says, pulling his cock out and rubbing the tip against your folds.
as wet as you are, you can feel how heavy and thick his cock is. he’s much bigger than anyone you’ve ever been with and you can’t help but whimper, spreading your legs wider.
it was so hot, the way he pressed into you slowly. it stung, and the tears that gathered in your eyes only made him that much harder. you were so pretty it hurt.
“shit” he groans, snapping his hips forward when he feels you wrapping your legs around his waist.
“zoro!” you scream out, biting your lip to stop yourself from making anymore noise. you didn’t want anyone to hear you or for your boss to find out either.
“holy fuck” he says, gripping your waist hard enough to hurt.
he doesn’t give you a chance to adjust before he’s slowly pulling out again. you can’t think of anything else only him and how good he feels inside you.
“i want you” he says, leaning in to kiss you as he sets a rhythm. it has the bed creaking and knocking against the wall but you don’t care, you just want him to keep fucking you.
“yes” you nod, not sure what you were even agreeing to. you just wanted him to continue.
by the morning, zoro would make sure you belonged to him and only him.
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all-too-random · 1 year
We Don't Waste Food
Sanji Vinsmoke (OPLA) x reader
Sanji notices that you haven't been eating very much.
TW: Reader is implied to be in the process of recovering from an ED. The type/reasoning behind it has purposefully been left vague. Mentions of thr0wing up/feeling sick. Sanji wants to help but may do so in a way that not everyone finds helpful. Also he's kind of pushy in the beginning.
A/N: This is a very self indulgent fic based on my own struggles. If it is something you relate to and this helps, I am glad you found some comfort in it/sorry you relate. If you dont, please be kind anyway :) Also this is my first ever x reader fic in 7 years of writing fanfiction.
"I'm full," the sound glass scraping against wood rang throughout the dining cabin as you pushed your plate out of the way, glancing nervously at your lap, "Anyone who wants my leftovers can have them." Luffy reached across the table, already grabbing for the food on the plate. Sanji's hand reached it first, though, and the blonde chef made eye contact with you as he pushed the plate back to your spot. "Y/N, darling," he said. He was smiling, but his stare portrayed a more serious expression, "We don't waste food." You crossed your arms over your chest, your eyes meeting his blue ones, "I'm not trying to be wasteful, that's why I offered it up. I knew someone would want-" He cut you off, smile disappearing, "You need to eat it yourself. It's your favorite, I made it just for you." You nodded once, acknowledging the effort he put in, "And it was delicious. But now I'm full." There was a certain bitterness to your words, causing Sanji to hesitate. The rest of the crew looked on silently, exchanging nervous glances at one another as the scene played out. You barely paid them any notice, keeping your eyes locked on Sanji as you shoved yourself away from the table and stood up. "We don't waste food. So someone else can eat it, I'm not going to."
Your boots thudded against the wooden floor of the ship as you stomped away, suddenly feeling the need for fresh air. You didn't stop until you were at the edge of the deck. The wind whipped your hair around and you watched the sky turn orange against the clear water as the sun set on the horizon. Tears pricked at your eyes. They rolled over your cheeks despite your attempts to sniff them away, so you gave up. You were alone, anyway. No reason to hide your tears out here. They just didn't get it, you thought. Although it's not like you had ever tried explaining it to them before. You never meant to waste food. You just couldn't stop it. No matter how hungry you felt beforehand, your appetite seemed to wither the second food was in front of you. More than half a portion made you feel sick, and throwing your meals up into the sea felt worse than just offering it to someone who would it eat.
"Nice evening, isn't it madam?" You whipped your head around, quickly trying to wipe the tears from your face. Sanji stood several feet behind you, smiling once again, but still with a grim aire about him. "Yes, it is," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady as you turned back towards the ocean, "Very peaceful." You could hear the heels of the chef's shoes clicking against the wood until he appeared right next to you, resting his elbows on the edge of the ship. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him looking at you, studying your features. "I'm still not hungry," you told him, and you couldn't decide whether or not it was a lie. You were hungry, or at least, you should be. But you knew no more food would stay in your stomach for long. Sanji chuckled, dipping his head down, "Well, I gathered that much, love. I just can't figure out why. Only a banana for breakfast and nothing at lunch, by all means, you should be starving." You looked at him, eyebrows crinkled in confusion, "You know what I ate?" "I keep track," he says, shrugging his shoulders, "Helps me with my meal planning. I thought for sure you'd have a good dinner tonight, especially since I made something I knew you'd love." "I did love it," you admitted to him, sighing into the wind, "I just... don't eat much. It's hard." "Hard to eat?" He raised an eyebrow at you, "It shouldn't be, we have plenty of-" "Not like that," you cut him off, waving your hand through the air, "I know we have food, I just can never hold much of it. When I was younger, I forced myself not to eat... and I must have gotten good at it, because now I can't. And I hate it, because I get so hungry only to push food away, and I feel so wasteful." You could feel tears threatening to fall again, so you laughed, trying to act like there was nothing upsetting about the situation whatsoever. Sanji, however, did not laugh. He looked at you with sad eyes, which was even more intense since the wind was pushing his hair out of his face, meaning you could see both of them. It was quiet for a moment, with no noise but the waves lapping at the bottom ship. Then, the chef let out a sigh, opening his arms. You fell into him, burying your face into his pin-striped shirt. His strong arms immediately wrapped around you, his chin resting gently atop your head. "Thank you for telling me," he said quietly, placing a kiss against your hair, "I'm sorry I pushed you so hard." "It's alright," you whispered back, allowing yourself to cry on him, "You didn't know." He squeezed you tighter, "Well, now that I do know, I'm still worried about you. The way you've been eating still isn't healthy. I'll start giving you smaller portions, so you don't have to feel wasteful. And when you're ready, I'll gradually give you more. Like baby steps. Can you agree to that, my dear?" Pain shot through the inside of your cheek as you bit down, thinking his words over. Recovery was hard, but Sanji was willing to help.... You nodded your head, accepting the offer, "Little, tiny baby steps." Sanji laughed softly, running his fingers through your hair, "Sure, little, tiny baby steps. Whatever it takes, love. Would dessert be a good start?" He raised an eyebrow at you, and you laughed, "Well, that depends... what kind of dessert?"
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sebsbarnes · 6 months
Heyyyy. i have no idea if ur taking requests right now but i have one for when you are. could u do tan x reader where tangerine has an exceptional soft spot for reader and they get on like partner in crime and whenever they are on missions together they are just great buddies who take the piss out of each other the whole time and tangerine kinda just wants to be around her whenever shes around like at gatherings (especially at little parties cuz hes kinda antisocial and shes sort of the same and doesnt want to be by ladybug and marias side all night cuz they are kinda lovey dovey and she gets a little sick of them not confessing their love to each other. i ship ladybug x maria they are just cutie patooties to me) or if she goes out for some fresh air after mission briefings hes by her side and the dynamic is kinda how him and lemon get on if that makes sense. lemon is kinda just amused and shocked that his brother is so fond of her and kinda just loves watching them interact and lemon, ladybug and maria are like amused parents just gossiping about them. i hope u can do this and that it makes sense. love ur works and ur an amazing writer :)
the soft spot i have for tang having a soft spot for the reader ahh<3 so cutie. thank you for supporting me and i hope you enjoy this :) also has everyone been seeing the new aaron pics lately phew!!
tangerine has a soft spot for the reader
warnings: none, prob grammar mistakes! unedited
thought lem and tan worked like magic?... Nothing on you and tangerine
you two almost fought over how seamless you worked together bc it would get so annoying sometimes
"c'mon love, i had him!" tangerine would fake tsk after you cut in front of him to shoot the man you were both fighting
"i'm sorry! i got ahead of myself!!"
he'd roll his eyes and pretend to sulk and you would immediately interrupt him- "literally. don't ever make that face again that was horrifying."
"y'know what was horrifying? that shot." tangerine would jest
sometimes even the people you were fighting would stop in confusion because you two were always laughing on the job
"should we continue...or...? we can circle back to this if you'd like?" the enemy would ask, using his gun to gesture between him and the duo
you always ended up way too injured after missions?? to the point it didn't even make sense. your task could be just stand and observe the surroundings without fighting anyone and you somehow ended up with a limp and a bruised shoulder??? no sense.
tangerine would worry so much because truly how did you become battered and bruised???
"do i need'ta stay with you?" he'd ask, the concern in his voice blaringly obvious, "cuz if i have to i'll make lem take on the rest of this job?"
tangerine would be eye-level with you staring so deep into your eyes it felt like he was had burned holes through them
"i'm fine really tang," you'd always wave off when he asked if you were alright
"i'm serious."
"and so am i tangerine, don't be ridiculous."
and even though you'd deliver the sentence with a smile tangerine felt a pang in his chest. he didn't think he was being ridiculous. he was genuinely concerned for your wellbeing.
you would dismiss your injuries and the aches and pains but tangerine would never
tangerine isn't one for big work events... not even in the slightest. he'd rather take on 15 men at once with his bare knuckles then stand around and pretend to be jovial with people he could not care about
but with a work event that means one thing.... you were also be there! and boy did this make the night enjoyable
tangerine would get gloomy though because you were talking to people that you had previous jobs with
if he found himself extremely bored and you were chatting away with someone he would wander over to you and gently grab you wrist giving it a slight pull
you'd get the hint and excuse yourself before vanishing away with tangerine
and you didn't mind, you didn't prefer talking with many people. if you never worked with them on a mission you wouldn't even look their way or try and start a conversation. you were pleased with the small group of acquaintances you had, but ultimately you liked being alone
"thank fuck you pulled me from that conversation, i could see the gears turning in william's head that he'd ask about the kyoto job."
"and what would that old prick have to say, huh?" tangerine rolled his eyes
there was a lot of...criticism of how the job went down
"probably how the brief case went missing in the first place," you shrug
"well that was lemon's fault."
"welllll," your voice rang out in a high-pitched tone
tangerine's eyebrows pulled together, "now what's that all about? lemon was too busy playin' with his fuckin' stickers."
"you could've checked," you countered
"so it's my fault?"
"it's both of your faults."
"i'm about to get a fuckin' headache," he gruffed
you two would be hanging by yourselves observing the people scattered about before your eyes landed on ladybug and maria
"they should really confess their feeling to each other," you'd say nonchalantly and tangerine would follow your eyes over to the pair
"they like each other???"
you would just shoot tangerine a look like really? you can't tell
"ladybug is always talking about how he feels nervous around her and is at a loss for words. the man who never likes anyone calling or texting him because 'it will ruin his state of peacefulness' literally told me he waits at his phone for her to call and when she doesn't all day he gets upset."
tangerine slowly nodded his and he felt his cheeks warm up.
he was getting red because... he felt that way when you were around or when you didn't text him back
never in tangerine's life did he think he'd be able to relate to ladybug
"hey... what's going on with them?" maria asked lemon who had now walked up
lemon laughed a bit looking over to you and tangerine, both of you observing his phone intently
"y'know... i'm not quite sure. i can't tell if he's in love or if it's just friendly. and that asshole would never tell me anyways," lemon would shrug
you didn't live with the twins but you did live next door
it was much like those sitcoms where the neighbor would just burst through the front door without warning and the owner didn't care
you were tough, don't doubt that, but sometimes you felt scared being in the walls of your apartment alone, even if tangerine and lemon were only separated by a hallway
you didn't admit your fears for awhile but one day after a mission as you stepped outside the building you felt the need to confess
the breeze had been a bit chilly as the sun was setting, you were leaned on the railing with closed eyes when you heard the door open and tangerine's familiar footsteps
"are you ever scared?" you asked him that day
you heard his lighter flick, "at times, yeah. i try not to dwell though."
"i'm terrified in my apartment," you said with a glance to him, the cigarette dangling from his bottom lip
"move in with us," he had said with such quickness
"i spend enough time there being a burden, i could never do that."
"you're never a burden in my eyes."
so while you spent countless hours in their apartment you would clean or cook for them as a form of thank you which they hated.
lemon wacked the cleaning solution out of your hand, "seriously, i'm going to have to start paying you. stop cleaning."
"NO!" lemon would laugh, "just sit down and watch tv. you're stressing me out."
there of course were times they were pleased such as when you found yourself hunched over the stove cooking them dinner after a long mission
they'd mutter how good it smells as they approached the kitchen, their suit jackets thrown to the side and watches being unclipped
"this looks so good," tangerine said his body now next to yours
"how was work?" you asked, grabbing plates to set up the food
tangerine's arms cut you off, his arms sliding around your waist, his head coming to rest against yours. you felt his body relax around you and the weight of him leaning against you. he smelt of cigarettes, blood, and the faintest bit of cologne
"fine, now that i'm home," he muttered into your hair, he hoped you didn't notice the way his arms squeezed tighter when he said 'home'
lemon leaned against the wall of the kitchen, a knowing smile on his face as he observed his brother
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monstas1ut · 2 years
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Characters w/ black! s/o who’s mad at them
__ +18 black coded reader, female reader, nsfw for most, sfw for some, only the Aot men are modern, usage of ‘slut’, Kakuzu uses his tendrils.
__ a/n : Can we talk about how I got so much love from my trafalgar law post? Thank you so much. This is just a small little small headcannon thing.. I needed to write something.. even if it’s shitty lol.
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Trafalgar Law is the epitome of ‘get somebody else to do it’. This is only at first when he notices you’re slamming things, rolling your eyes, or sucking your teeth. The surgeon can barely give a damn when you’re acting like this. Most of the time, he knows it’s his fault why you’re acting this way. Law won’t give you any attention until you calm down though.
When you’re finally quiet and shriveled up in a corner with anger looming over you, that’s when he appears. He will be as calm as ever and this will piss you off even more, but alas, Law isn’t dealing with your bratty self anymore.
If this is a public dispute, Law will in fact use his devil fruit to ‘room’ you away from others. There’s just no way he’s going to argue or let you scream at him in public. His eyes would squint at you as if you’re dumb and he’ll grip your chin with his tattooed hand. This of course only gets you to shut up for a little while.
“You are picking at my nerves. Pulling the strings even, and if you do not stop your petty behavior… I will stop it myself.” His voice would be at a low tone, mixed with harsh intent. His eyes would be directly looking into yours. And if his demand did not frighten you in any way, he would then have to resort to getting closer while his thumb slips into your mouth.
Law had never been so sexual before you.. but he knows how much of a slut you are for him. He just knew you’d wrap those glossy lips around his thumb. Not only did it keep you quiet, but it turned him on.. and he’s sure you were just annoyed from him ignoring you… So, his other hand would slip away and down into your bottoms. The only thing he felt was the shameful wetness.
Maybe you were just horny and mad..
“I will not tend to your every little need if you keep acting like this everytime you want to be a little slut..” he says as his fingers slip inside you.
Roronoa Zoro didn’t even know you were mad. Mad at him? For what? The blonde cook was the one that had to flat out tell him that you were angry with him. That’s when Zoro becomes pissed about you even spilling your problems to Sanji. Then, the whole ship has to hear you two verbally brawl.
He’s a petty asshole alright. He’s hidden every bonnet and scarf you’ve ever worn, and to his disbelief, you had one stashed. He’s also the one to cross boundaries and purposefully watch your bonnet fall off your head at night.. and he will not pick it up. He’s just that petty.. But when he finds out why you’re mad, he may stop.
Zoro will end up doing things under your nose. He’ll bring you something at most. He’ll let you sleep with him again.. but the biggest of them all would be how he apologies. It would be murmurs. You wouldn’t even notice he’s trying to say sorry.. The only time he can do it is after he cums in your pussy.
Makeup sex is the way for Zoro. He cannot just verbally say sorry, it doesn’t feel correct.
“..a-ah!… Zoro~… Fuck-.. Fuck-…!” Once you’re creaming all over his cock and he’s digging his cum in you, he will be a panting mess. But yet, his kisses would be planted all on your back and your neck.. up to your ear.
“…I’m fucking sorry…”
Sasuke Uchiha has either left the building or has laid back to watch the show. This man is the most flip flopping character anyone has ever seen. It really depends on the time and day you get angry. There’s the Sasuke who will sit there and watch you with a hard cock, and there’s the Sasuke who will ignore you for the rest of the day until he comes back.
When you’re yelling, cursing and using your hands to talk, Sasuke gets hard. What can I say? He loves strong, determined women. He cannot deal with weak women who stay cooped up in their emotions and never speak up. This is why a black woman is for him. He has a thing for women who speak their mind… and he doesn’t mind saying sorry with his tip kissing your womb.
However, there’s the other side of him that wishes you would shut up for one minute. He knows he’s most likely in the wrong, but hearing you say it and curse him out kind of hurts his pride. He likes to leave home around this type of situation. Does he come back? Yes.. Does he say sorry for leaving? Sorta. He comes back with a gift that’s for sure, but he doesn’t mutter the words ‘I’m sorry’. Not until you’re doing that favorite move on his cock.
If you say sorry for yelling and screaming while bouncing on him.. he’s in heaven.. and it’s not because you apologized.. it’s because he knows you love him just enough to say sorry..
He also knows you’re too stubborn to say that to anyone else.
“Fuck I’m sorry-… I’m sorry Sasuke-… baby…” It literally makes his eyes uncontrollable. His rinnegan stays the same, however his other eye turns that signature red. It’s like he just wanted to see more with his sharingan…. He wanted to see your brown pussy lips even more, and your pink insides..
Kakuzu is just that one man that doesn’t care. Really. He had more important things to do. If you’re the type to scream and curse him out while angry, then you’re out of luck. If you are the type that says nothing and presents the silent treatment.. then you may have a chance.
There’s something about the silent treatment that gets Kakuzu’s blood boiling. He cannot stand seeing you avoid him, let alone go running to his partner and talking to that silver haired bastard. Kakuzu cannot stand it. He will constantly give you a harsh glare until you talk to him. But, if you’re consistent and you don’t tend to him at all, he’ll only wrap his tendrils around you.
Doesn’t matter if you’re talking to someone or not, he will wrap them around you and take your bratty ass with him. The second that door slams, you’re all tied with his tendrils and he forces you to tell him what’s your problem.. if it’s someone else.. he’ll deal with it. If it’s something he did.. he’ll only apologize by releasing you and buying you a silky scarf the next day. Hey.. he’ll even eat your pussy for a bonus.
“Oooeh… fuck~…” you purred, curling your toes as those black tendril’s kept your thighs parted. You could see just as well. Kakuzu was slurping every drop of juice that came out of you… and his green irises didn’t fail to stare into your soul while he did it..
“Still pissed off, woman?..”
Armin Arlert will be the one to talk things out with you. There are two men on this list who will, and he’s one of them. He will not force you to do anything, let alone fuck you to tell the truth. The blonde will only watch your anger disperse into thin air after he pampers you with services and material things. He knows you don’t care much for money, but he will buy you whatever you want.
He doesn’t want you pissed off at him forever. That’s what he believes will happen anyways. But, to put things short, he gets you happy faster than the rest. He does this within the hour he sees you mad. If he’s made you mad in some way, shape, or form, he’s going to apologize regardless. Even if it isn’t his fault, he’s spitting out apologies and begging for forgiveness.
He will not go straight to sex, as he believes it will alter the way you two go about things. Instead, after he pampers you in such a manner, he will take you out to dinner and he’ll then.. make passionate love to you.. filled with ‘I love you’.
“Armin-… oh-… right there baby…”
“Right here..? Alright baby I got it.” He softly spoke, his cock rushing through you time and time again. His voice was so soft compared to his hips..
“I love you… I love you so much…”
Eren Yeager. Toxic as hell. We all know this man. The first thing he does when he notices how mad you are is ask you. Yes, he asks you what’s wrong. If you comply and tell him.. it’ll be all dandy.. but if you’re a brat and you say that he should already know what’s wrong, you’re in for it.
This man will not only fuck the truth out of you.. but he will be so rough that you’re seeing stars and you can barely remember what you were even mad for. He cares about your feelings, yes, but the fact is that you were trying to be smart.. so he just fucked the smartness out of you.
Honestly though, after Eren does that and when your brain comes back to life, he will hold you. He won’t leave your side and he’ll even lift you and take you to the bath after a while. No doubt, he has his answer now. He got it while he fucked you silly. If it’s his fault, he’ll actually apologize, however if it’s someone else’s fault… he’s gonna grab his glocky and that’s that.
Long story short.. he’s trying to do better about that..
“Don’t try to hide anything from me.. I just don’t like that shit…”
“Okay.. so that means fuck me and make me mess up the sheets..?”
“Well.. Nah…. I just don’t like that smartass attitude, baby. Now cmere’ I gotta fix that” Eren says as he points to your lifting lace front.
Ichigo Kurosaki will only make the situation worse before it gets better. However, this isn’t such a bad thing. His brain can only comprehend women a little. He doesn’t understand why you’re even mad. He’ll have to get a lesson from Kisuke, that's for sure. The lesson being, women are always right.. which isn’t true at all, but it’s a known motto. Ichigo will try to stand by it..
But he’s Ichigo.
The argument between you two will go on for less than an hour before you're laughing and he’s laughing non stop. Either you two saw someone fall, or you ended up watching something that was entirely too funny to not laugh. Not only that, but you two are straight back to holding each other close.
Ichigo is always so tired from dealing with the soul society, so you naturally understand he comes and goes. But, he does say sorry eventually.. with a letter. He cannot verbally say it because he’s a secret tsundere and will blush like hell is on earth.
‘ I’m sorry for being a bastard. I love you.’
Byakuya Kuchiki, the other man who will talk things out. He’s not dumb whatsoever, and frankly, he knows you’re mad just from the way you hold a glass or the way you move your lips. He’s very attentive and cannot miss a beat with you. Another main, obvious example would be when you are doing your hair and you get frustrated too quickly.
The way of approaching you would be quite formal. He’ll ask pretty quick. He won’t hold back, and he prefers you don’t either. He’s such a good man that you’ll most likely be spilling out what’s wrong. Once he knows, he’ll immediately try to fix said problem, it’ll be easier if it’s because of him… However, if it’s because of someone else, they better run like hell.
Byakuya may be pissed at himself if it was him, but someone else??? Not only will he have a long talk with you, but it’ll also be a long talk with that other person.. and you are also tagging along. He doesn’t like when you’re mad, simply because it interrupts the peace and he wants you happy. He’s the dull one here.. he doesn’t need you to be the same.
After correcting said situation, Byakuya would have a meal ready for the both of you.. and he will make sure to pamper you in a bathtub.. he’s also the king of kissing hands.
“I’d love it if you kept that gorgeous smile on your face. Don’t let anyone take that away, not even me.”
ⓒ Monstas1ut (do not copy)
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starlightazriel · 3 months
bee 2
desc: (fem reader) modern au best friends to lovers, roommate az, angsty + smutty, multiple parts (not sure how many yet at least 5)
warnings: 18+, drug/alcohol abuse, reader being self concious, jealous az, SEXUAL TENSIonnn, sex dream
wc: 4.1k
other parts will be found on my azriel masterlist
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I was completely mortified. I could hear Azriel getting ready for the beach in the morning, and no matter how badly I had to pee I refused to exit my room. There was no way I could face him yet.
I hadn't even known how long he had been standing there. Had he heard me moan his name?
I watched my door, listening waiting to hear the front door swing shut. I see darkness under my door and i bite my lip knowing he's standing on the other side.
Don't knock, don't knock, don't knock.
The house was so quiet I could hear him sigh before walking away from my door and I finally heard the front door close.
My phone chimes a moment later as I walk to the bathroom and my stomach churns when I see Azriels name pop up on the screen. i know you worked late i didn't want to wake you up. you gonna come out to the house when you get up?
I swallowed locking my phone again, I'd respond later.
I couldn't stop thinking about what was going through Azriels head. He was probably judging me. I used the bathroom and went back to my room, staring at myself in the mirror. I felt so ashamed, what kind of person just did that in someone else's bed?
I groaned to myself falling back on my bed pressing my hands into my face. He probably thought that I was obsessed with him now. 'your bed is comfortable?' Thats what I had come up with?
And the women he hooked up with? The ones he would meet in bars or bring home from clubs... They just weren't like me. Even though he never really had anything serious except once or twice, his ex girlfriends? All older than him, seasoned, sometimes even married.
It had been near impossible to focus on any homework or studying I hadn't texted Azriel back, hoping he would just leave it alone thinking I was just busy with school work.
My phone chimes with another text, the afternoon sun was peeking through my curtains, I knew I should get up and get out of the house.
kats looking for you. you should get outside you been in all day.
i have a lot of homework azriel I squinted, looking down at the text I had just sent. Since when did I become so formal with him?
please..for me?
My heart leapt and I read the words over and over, pulling my lip between my teeth. Another message popped up.
and for kat? she's begging over my shoulder and she wants me to tell you her phones dead and that's why she hasn't called herself
I sighed softly, that seems more like it, not for Azriel. For Kat, who probably was telling him what to say.
Kat and I had been fast friends ever since Rhys hired her into the shop, she was an aspiring tattoo artist working out her days at the front desk until she was ready to start her apprenticeship. Our friend ship was easy, she was one of the first female friends that I had ever had in my life that I actually trusted.
She sort of knew about my feelings for Azriel, maybe not the extent, but she knew. It wasnt that hard for anyone to figure it out with the way that I looked at him. Anyone except for him, I guessed. Kat had blatantly asked me about it one day, I remembered blushing furiously and staring down at my drink which had been answer enough for her. She pushed me to make a move for a while and eventually gave up, realizing that I would never grow the confidence or the balls to actually do anything about it.
okay give me twenty I finally responded after a long few minutes of debating wether or not I could handle that right now after what had happened yesterday. It had barely even been twenty four hours.
I shake my head, looking at myself in the mirror again, I looked horrible. My hair was messy and I had dark circles under my eyes from working late and not being able to sleep.
I at least had to shower and blow dry my hair. I couldn't show up looking like this. Even if the fate that awaited me was bound to be relentless torture until I was back in the safe confines of my room. Would Azriel even speak to me in person? I wasnt sure I wanted him to, the embarrassment of what he had caught me doing was enough let alone the fact that he had now seen me completely naked. In broad daylight at that. I didnt look like the thinner taller women that Az usually went for, so when I fantasized about what our first time could be like, the lights were always off.
"You're an idiot," I told my reflection, freshly showered and at least a little more presentable. I put on my cream colored string bikini, some shorts, and tied a hoodie around my shoulders, knowing that soon it would be cold on the beach with the evening approaching, I wouldn't stay that long, but just in case. "Azriels probably going to disown you and kick you out of his apartment as soon as he realizes youre a creepy little fuck that's obsessed with him," I added, grimacing at my expression. "And now youre an idiot who's talking to yourself," I groaned again, wishing I could be anywhere else, or anybody else.
"Where's your mind been at today?" Rhys asks, plopping down in the sand next to Azriel on the outskirts of the group. They had a fire going the group was lively, Kat dancing to the music that Rhys had put on, Cassian watching, a beer in hand talking to Riley, their newest tattoo artist at the shop. Cass and Azriel himself weren't exactly a fan of the guest artist but what Rhys said they had to go with, as the owner of the shop, he always had the final say. Azriel shrugged, taking a long sip of his drink, his eyes flicking to Rhys.
"Just didnt sleep much," he responds, leaning back into the sand.
"Y/n!" Kat screams then, Azriels eyes land on Bee in the distance, Kat running for her full bore. He swallowed hard watching as they stop a little ways from the outskirts of the rest of the group, his eyes raking over Bees body clad in a little bikini. Her eyes land on his too, for a moment, they quickly dart nervously back to Kat. Azriel wondered what she was thinking, he wondered if she would approach him or ignore him all night.
"The fucking tits on her, you pierced those Cass? What kind of nipples does she have?" Rileys voice interrupted Azriels thoughts and he felt his mouth go dry, his entire body tensing.
"Careful," Cassian warned him, knowing exactly how Azriel could be when anyone disrespected Bee, but now it felt different for Azriel. It wasnt just about feeling the need to protect her, he felt... Jealous. "You know that's classified, client confidentiality," Cass smirked and his eyes drifted over to Azriel who was now completely seething. Who the fuck did Riley even think he was?
"She's off limits," Azriel simply says, trying to mask his tone the best he could from the growl that threatened to slip out.
"Says who, you? She's grown," Riley rises to his feet to greet the pair. Azriel can't bring himself to peel his eyes away.
"I'll fuck him up Rhys," Azriel threatened, his beer forgotten in the sand as he watched the three of them closely.
"I got a good lawyer for you when you do," Cass snickers softly, standing to grab himself another beer from the cooler.
"No ones fighting," Rhys says, glancing between the two of them before rolling his eyes. "Why you so touchy tonight Az?" he just shakes his head, trying his best to tear his eyes away.
"I told you, Im just tired," he stood up, brushing the sand off of himself and advances to monitor the situation.
No, no, no no. Don't come over here. Not so soon. I felt like I was going to pass out when I saw Azriel advancing toward us. Kat was annoyed by Rileys approach because she had been trying to figure out why I showed up so late and to ask what had happened yesterday because all I had done was send her 'I need to go live under a rock and die' without any further explanation.
"Bee, you finally left your homework," Azriel speaks, standing directly next to Riley who he'd interrupted, not that I had been listening, I had been internally panicked about this exact moment.
"Well- I um- yeah I got what I needed to done," I lied awkwardly, struggling to get a single word out underneath Az's blatant stare. When had he ever looked at me like that? My gut churned at the thought of what he might actually be thinking. Kat looked between the two of us, squinting, her lips pursing together slightly. She knew she had missed something. He glanced at Riley, annoyance flashing in his eyes and then back at me, I could tell he wanted to say something.
"I can tell you are both dying to get her alone, but I need her first," Kats words had me blushing furiously. Both of them? Dying to get me alone? What was she even thinking? Riley maybe, as he always seemed to flirt with me anytime I would drop by the shop or find myself hanging out with them when Kat or Azriel gave me an invite. But I was almost positive the last thing that Azriel wanted was to be alone with me, maybe to tell me to pack my shit and go. I opened my mouth to say something along the lines of telling her to shut up but she was dragging me away toward the house, away from the beach and the fire they had going. I wondered what the guys were saying, glancing over my shoulder as we walked toward the wrap around porch overlooking the beach. Azriel and Riley were standing there talking now, it looked heated.
"What's going on with you two? Azriel has barely said a word all day and you can't even look him in the face when he shows up," she eyes me, a small smirk threatening at her lips. "You finally fucked him didnt you?" her smirk breaks out in a grin and I pale slightly, falling back into one of the patio chairs.
"I wish. It's bad," I groan, pressing my hands into my face. I didnt even know how to tell her what had happened. I knew it would sound so much worse out loud.
"Im dying to know, you have to tell me," she giggles quietly, her already bubbly voice enhanced with her drunken state.
"He caught me using my vibrator in his room Kat. Im fucking done for," my voice is so quiet that if it wasnt for her laugh I would have thought she didnt even hear me.
"Girl that's crazy. Shit, you have more balls than I thought, maybe more than me," her hand flies to her mouth, my cheeks warm with embarrassment.
"Kat its not funny. I just single handedly destroyed any chance I ever have for him to see me as anything more than the stupid little immature little girl that hes always had to look after," my face is covered by my hands again, and I suddenly wished that I had never even come here.
"You never know y/n," Kat said and I pulled my hands away to look at her. "Maybe this will finally make him realize how much of a woman you've grown into," she added, I swallowed, considering as I looked out to the beach and the water, the boys were sitting around the fire smoking now, laughter could be heard in the distance but I didnt hear Azriels and I paled when I noticed him walking toward the house.
"Hes coming," Kat squeaks out giggling softly and standing up.
"Don't leave me here," I begged quietly, it felt like a rock was forming in the pit of my stomach. She only flashed me a devilish grin before turning around.
"Oh good Az, you can keep y/n company while I get our drinks," Kat threw me one more glance and winked in encouragement, I threw her daggers in response and I suddenly felt naked as Azriel took a seat across from me. The air was cooler now, the sunset quickly approaching. Azriels eyes flicked to my chest, my nipples showing through the thin fabric and his throat bobbed his eyes quickly flicking to mine and I averted my gaze. I couldn't remember him ever looking at me this much.
"Hey," he cleared his throat, and I look at him again, hes blushing. Maybe he was just as embarrassed as I was.
"Um hi," I smile weakly, a blush creeping onto my own cheeks, it was unbearably awkward and I would have to get back at Kat for this some way later.
"So..." he started and I silently begged to any existing higher power to please not let him bring up yesterday. "Are you going to tell me why you were in my room?" he finally said, and I felt my gut reel, wishing a hole would open in the earth beneath me and swallow me up. I shifted in my seat, our eyes met again and there was something new there but I couldn't put my finger on it.
"I told you... Your bed is comfortable," my voice is strained and I felt hot, I wished for him to stop looking at me like that. I couldn't handle his intense stare, I fought the urge to put my hoodie on. He raised his eyebrows, leaning back in his seat, amusement twinkled in his eyes.
"So that's what youre going with?" he cocked his head slightly, tipping his chin up. He was drunk maybe a little high too, I could tell by the way he carried himself, the slight slur in his words.
"I-" I started but couldn't find anything to say, heat pooled in my core at the sight of him, the way his jaw flexed slightly as he waited for my response. "Yeah," I finally mumbled pathetically, he stares his eyes not leaving me I could tell he wanted to ask more questions, wanted to continue.
"What did Riley want?" he then asks, my brows draw together in confusion but I'm grateful for the subject change.
"Riley? Oh, um, there's a piece Ive been wanting to get done and hes only charging me materials we were just talking about it," I swallow, he squints slightly, clearly it was the first he had heard about this, I was sure Riley would have said something.
"Why? You don't want me to do it?" He asked then, an edge in his tone now, a challenge. I swallowed before opening my mouth, and then closing it. My cheeks were blazing as I uncomfortably shifted in my chair, I didnt know how to feel about the air between us. It felt suffocating.
"I- Its just in kind of an intimate place, I didnt think you would want to," Bee finally said, she was fidgeting nervously with her fingers, eyes kept darting to his and then away again.
"An intimate place?" Azriel asked slowly, his eyes narrowing slightly, his spine straightened at the thought of Riley tattooing her, his hands on her. It made him sick.
"Come on guys," Kat interrupted, Azriels eyes flickered to her, annoyance written on his face. He made a mental note to further investigate when he was at the shop the next day. "Drunk never have I ever, Rhys brought a bottle," she giggles and grabs Bees hand, Azriel stands to follow them.
"What are we, twelve?" Azriel asked and rolled his eyes as he follows them back to the group, he watched Bee closely as she pulled her hoodie over her body. He was secretly relieved since he hadn't been able to tear his eyes off of her since she had arrived.
"Oh shut up, it will be fun," Kat says as they approached the group, all finding seats around the fire in the sand. Rhys poured a cup of tequila for every one of them, Azriel smiled seeing Bee out of the corner of his vision, sniffing the liquor and scrunching her nose in distaste. They began playing, quickly all becoming quite drunk, he couldn't keep his eyes off of Bee, he wondered if she noticed. She would just blush and look away every time.
Azriel had to give it to Kat, it was entertaining. They were also certainly learning new things about each other. It was dark now, the only light from the fire and the moon, the waves lapped gently against the beach, and it was kind of peaceful.
"Never have I ever had a threesome," Riley said, Azriels eyes flicked to Bee, she didn't drink, neither did Kat. He took a small sip and her eyes widened slightly but she quickly looked away from him, Rhys and Cass also drank and Riley smirked at the two women. "Maybe we can go fix that for all three of us," he said smoothly, licking over his lip, his eyes were fixed on Bee who was blushing furiously now, Azriel tensed, his grip tightening on his cup.
"Oh shut up, y/n and I could find someone so much hotter to have a threesome with," Kat giggles softly, gently nudging her with her shoulder. "Az, its your turn, you have to go," everyone turned to him expectantly, he shrugged, his eyebrows raising slightly as he tried to think of something to say, he had skipped his last two turns.
"Never have I ever fell in love," he finally said, Bees eyes flicked to him and she looked at him curiously, she took a small sip from her cup along with everyone else. "Guess Im the only one."
"You have no heart," Cass snickered, earning a dirty look from Azriel.
"Or youre all just soft," he said back before beginning to roll himself a spliff, Rhys laughed and shook his head. Azriel couldn't help but wonder which one of Bees dumbass ex boyfriends she had been in love with. There was only a couple, he hadn't approved of either of them at the time. "Bee?" Rhys asked then, watching her expectantly, she shrugs looking up to the sky as if it would give her an answer.
"Never have I ever got off from head?" Bee finally says before looking back at the group, everyone took a sip from their cup. Azriels eyes fixed on her now, and he was chewing the inside of his lip, the spliff he had been rolling finished on his lap now. He imagined fixing that for her, he imagined his lips and his tongue all over her body, the sound of her moans filling the room. What the fuck was wrong with him? The thought made his pants feel just the slightest bit tighter.
"That's a sad life, I can fix that one for you too," Riley chimed in, a smirk plastered on his face. Azriel squinted, cleared his throat, his chin tilting up in Rileys direction. Bee was blushing, her eyes fixed on Azriel now.
"No ones fixing anything for anyone," Azriel shrugged, picking up his spliff finally to light it. He noticed Kat looking between him and Bee an excited light in her eyes, what was that about?
"Never have I ever got caught or caught someone masturbating!" Kat chimes out, Bees face goes completely pale and then red a second later before she looks at Kat a horrified expression on her face. They both drank from their cups, eyes only meeting for a split second. She told Kat about what happened? Big mistake.
"So that's why it's been so weird between you two," Cass is snickering from the corner. "I have to ask though, who caught who?" he adds and Bee rose to her feet, quickly, dusting the sand off.
"Bathroom," she manages to get out before she whirled on the group and started walking quickly back toward the house.
"Well that wasnt awkward at all," Cass laughs again, looking back to Kat. Azriel rolled his eyes, dusting the sand off of his clothes as he stands as well.
"Nice one Kat," Azriel growled quietly, she threw her hands up in defense, apologizing quietly. Azriel didnt really care what they would say after he walked away, that didnt really matter. He just wanted to check on her.
He found Bee pacing back and forth in the kitchen nervously and he leaned against the door frame, watching her curiously. He didnt understand his new found interest in his best friend. She had always just been his best friend Bee...
"It's normal you know," he finally spoke, causing her to almost jump out of her skin.
"Can you stop sneaking up on me?!" she demanded, holding her hand to her chest before relaxing. "Yeah, it's normal but not in your roommates room," she added, Azriels lips twitched, a smile threatening at them.
"You wanna go home?" he asked, changing the subject, he gestured toward the front hall of the house that lead to the front door. She relaxed again, looked toward the window out at the group.
"What are they gonna say?" she bit her lip, looking back at Azriel who drew his brows together.
"Bee, we live together, remember? It's normal for us to leave together."
Azriel advanced, dropping to his knees in front of his bed before her. Bee looked down at him with her big doe eyes, her lips parting in surprise. She whispered his name softly, holding her vibrator to her clit, it buzzed softly and he pushed her legs open more, his fingers gently squeezing the soft skin of her inner thighs. He groaned softly, dipping his head between her legs and gently lapping up her wetness. She moaned his name again, her voice breaking slightly, her free hand found his hair as her body shook gently beneath him, he knocked the toy away, his lips wrapping around her clit and he sucked on her soft skin, moaning against her at the taste, she cried out again, Azriels name leaving her lips-
Azriel woke to the sound of his alarm and he rolled over, groaning and smashing his hand onto the beeping alarm clock.
"Fucking hell," he breathed, his head absolutely pounding from the amount they had drank last night. His cock ached, completely rock solid from the dream he was having. He rubbed his face, rising to his feet. He knew he had too many early clients to take care of that now, when was the last time he even had a fucking wet dream? High school?
Azriel exited his room to go have a cold shower, Bee smacked into him instantly, their bodies colliding, Azriel held her arms to steady her, their eyes meeting. He rose his eyebrows, usually she was in class on Mondays by now. Or on her way at least. Her lips were slightly parted, cheeks flushed deeply as she looked up at him, he could feel his morning wood throbbing between them. "Late?" he finally speaks, his voice husky from sleep. She seems to snap out of it, shaking her head slightly pulling away, he doesn't miss her eyes widen when they settle on his hard cock that was pressed against his boxers. His cheeks warm as he wondered what she was thinking.
"Y-yes," she stuttered, peeling her eyes away from him finally, her eyes flicking back up to his face. "I'll see you later," she choked out before all but running out of the apartment.
Azriel sighed quietly, missing how easy it had been between them only days ago. He couldn't look at her without wanting to rip her clothes off, he couldn't talk to her alone without her dying to get away, he couldn't even be in his bed without being reminded of her in his bed.
Azriel decided that best friends or not, he would be the one to take care of her next time she needed a roll in the sheets. Maybe then they could act normal, maybe the awkwardness would dissipate. Maybe there was just a weird tension between them now that could be fixed by them fucking.
He had to get rid of his new found curiosity some way. It felt wrong even thinking like that, but he needed to know now. She wasnt just Bee anymore, she was fucking hot, and he didnt understand how he had never even noticed before.
a/n: sorry this took so long!! not proof read yet so if you see mistakes lmk <3 comment to be tagged in the next part
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demonpiratehuntress · 9 months
Buggy x F!Reader (and SLIGHT Shanks x F!Reader)
summary - Buggy has a crush on you and Shanks flirts with you constantly just to irritate the clown captain.
warnings - Shanks, i guess
a/n - this was requested by @faioula16, thank you for requesting again :) I don't know if I'm writing these guys well, but I hope you like it anyway!
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Buggy was in a sour mood. Even more so than usual. His favourite person in the world - sarcasm - had dropped by to visit, and was now currently engaging his actual favourite person in the world. Much to his chagrin.
"How are you doing today, pretty?" Shanks was leaning against the mast, chatting you up.
You giggled at his flirty comment, "I'm okay, thank you. What brings the infamous Red Hair Pirates to this side of the world? I thought you were looking for the One Piece."
Shanks grinned at you, knowing Buggy was watching, "Well I have to say, any treasure pales in comparison to you. Buggy's lucky to have such a beautiful woman on his crew."
Buggy's jaw clenched. His eye twitched. As if he didn't already know that. You were one of his most prized crewmembers, after all. He treasured you like nothing else, and would have told you the same line Shanks had just used, but a bit more flashily, of course.
"You are such a tease!" You suddenly laughed and smacked Shank's arm playfully, and he laughed as well.
"But it's true!"
Buggy growled and grumbled under his breath before getting up, unable to bear watching any more of this. He came up to the two of you and shot Shanks his dirtiest glare yet.
"Aw, what's wrong, Buggy?" The redhead teased, "Did someone wake up on the wrong side of bed today?"
Buggy glared even more, "Will you stop that! Stop trying to steal my treasure, you idiot! Go back to your own ship!"
Shanks just laughed while you blushed and looked confused, "Come on, old friend! I'm just teasing her, there's no harm in that now, is there?"
"Don't call me that!" The clown snapped. "We're not friends!"
You were still stuck on the fact that Buggy had basically called you his treasure. Your cheeks were so hot you were sure the blush on them was bright. You barely heard their argument as you focused on Buggy, more willing to accept how you felt about him after hearing that.
But you still wouldn't tell him-
"Not my fault she's so pretty~"
"Stop that!"
"But (Name) likes it, don't you doll?" Shanks swung his arm around your shoulders, grinning at you and leaning in close. "She likes having someone give her proper attention."
Buggy fumed, and you thought you saw steam coming out of his ears, "Don't touch her like that!" He came and wedged himself between you and Shanks. "Why would she like someone like you?"
"Plenty reasons," was Shanks's casual reply. "The question is, why would she like someone like you?"
Buggy faltered for a second, then glared even more harshly, "Get off my ship, or I'll flashily blow you off!"
You sighed and stepped between them, "Stop it, you two! Can't you be civil for once?! Just once."
They didn't like it, but they stopped. Shanks went back to his own ship, and you turned to Buggy, but the clown was already gone. Having stormed off to his quarters, he wondered if maybe Shanks was right. Why would you like him?
"Because you're nice to me," you spoke from behind him, "You keep me safe. You protect me." You closed the door behind you, and Buggy realised he must have been talking out loud. "You're also funny," you added, smiling softly, "And cute. Handsome, too. I could go on and on about all the reasons why I do like you."
He turned to look at you, in shock, and was amazed to see you looking at him with...love? Admiration? Both. Both.
"No one fights for me harder than you do," you suddenly laughed, "Even if it's a bit excessive, or too flashy."
"There's no such thing," he croaked out, unable to think of anything else to say.
You rewarded him with another laugh, "Fair enough. The point is, I like you Buggy. I really like you. You. Not Shanks, not anyone else. You. I was afraid to say it before, but after hearing you call me your treasure..."
He blushed, "Well-well of course you do, I'm-"
"Buggy," you warned, albeit playfully.
He grinned, suddenly grabbing you and pulling you against him, "Fine, I like you too."
"Flashily," you added, grinning.
He chuckled and just held you for a moment, a bit awkwardly, not knowing what he should do next. You made it easy for him, leaning in to kiss him gently. He responded immediately, tightening his arms around you.
"Now I really need to keep Shanks away from you."
You laughed.
The fact that Buggy was now dating you did not deter Shanks in the slightest. In fact, it gave him an even better way to piss Buggy off.
"So, sweet cheeks, you seeing anyone?"
You laughed and shook your head, "He's right there, you know."
"Oh, I know. But you're so gorgeous it's hard to care."
Buggy actually detached one of his hands to slap Shanks, and you burst out laughing at the shocked and taken aback look on the redhead's face.
"That'll teach you to try and take what's mine!"
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c-e-d-dreamer · 4 months
Top Shelf Love: Chapter 2
A/N: Has anyone else been watching the Stanley Cup Playoffs? Just Me? I haven't decided yet who I want to be in the final ever since my Canes have been eliminated... Anyways! All this to say that it's been fun writing this hockey fic while watching hockey, and I hope everyone enjoys reading this latest chapter :)
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Read on AO3 // Chapter Masterlist // Previous Part // Next Part
Despite having played the Kraken in Seattle once last season, Cassian has to admit it’s pretty nice being on the home side of Climate Pledge Arena. Sure, playing in a place like Madison Square Garden most nights was a dream, one he held since he was just a boy, but there’s something to be said about all the upgrades and modernity that a newer arena has to offer.
Following the director of team services out of the elevator, they come to a set of frosted glass doors, the Kraken logo split between the two. As they step closer, the doors automatically slide open, revealing the locker room, and Cassian barely swallows down an impressed whistle. It’s certainly spacious, even for an NHL locker room, LED lights and the Kraken logo displayed on the ceiling. At least, he won’t have to worry about stepping on it here.
Cassian turns just in time to see a tall man walking toward him, blonde hair cut short and beard trimmed to just a stubble along his cheeks. His grin is wide and easy, revealing the chipped upper tooth on the left side. It’s easy enough for Cassian to recognize the captain of the team, Fionn Donoch. He still remembers watching him lift the Cup back when Cassian was just a teen.
“Wanted to make sure I came down to meet you myself,” Fionn continues, holding out his hand for Cassian to shake.
“Are you sure you didn’t just want to come down and remind me who’s really in charge here?”
Fionn laughs good naturedly at the joke, slapping Cassian on the back. “You’re going to fit right in here. So, what do you think so far?”
Cassian glances around the locker room again, thinking back to the practice facilities he’d toured earlier. “Yeah, it’s pretty nice, all the fancy arena upgrades.”
“Definitely not the worst place to call home, right? Listen, they don’t have the ice down yet, but I can still show you if you want.”
At Cassian’s nod, Fionn leads the way out of the locker room. They pass through a glass lined hallway, Fionn explaining how during game days, it’s lit with blue LED lights, how fans typically line the other side, banging the glass and getting the boys going. Then they’re stepping onto the home bench and the arena floor, and Cassian gets to appreciate what the view will be from ice level. He turns slowly in a circle, taking in the stands, the scoreboards, the afternoon light streaming through the wall of windows.
He takes a deep breath in, and for a moment, he can almost hear it. The blare of the goal horn. The roar of the crowd. He can almost feel the cool bite off the ice against his cheeks. Can almost feel the surety, the peace that comes from having it beneath his skates, from the comfortable weight of a stick in his hands.
“Have you met with Miller yet?”
Cassian shakes his head of the daydream, turning back toward Fionn. “Yeah, I met with the whole staff earlier this morning.”
He and Fionn continue to talk shop, talk the system, before making their way together toward the garage and their cars. Or, in Cassian’s case, his rental car until he’s able to secure a new apartment and get all his things shipped out. He supposes he should check in with that realtor Eris connected him with again.
“If you need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out,” Fionn tells him, offering another easy grin as he hits the remote of his car. “Even if it’s just food recommendations.”
“Thanks, but I’m actually meant to be meeting up with a friend after this. She’s going to give me the whole tour of the city and all that.”
“She, huh? Let me know if I need to pass her number along to the wife. I don’t think they’ve done dues yet for this season.”
Cassian chuckles at the teasing smirk on Fionn’s face, the implication of his words. But then he thinks back to Nesta. Thinks back to the photos of her Instagram, to those icy blue eyes and that damn expression on her face. He can’t deny there’s been a low, simmering heat in his gut all morning, sparking at the fact he finally gets to meet Nesta, finally gets to witness that fire in person.
“Only if I’m lucky.”
~ * * * ~
Large, looping letters declare Grumpy & Sunshine Books above the door, the window display to the left of the door decked out with an artsy display of flowers and hanging book pages. Cassian glances down at the phone in his hand, the Map displayed on the screen there, confirming he’s in the right place. With a nod, he pockets his phone and presses forward, stepping through the front door.
The scent of paper and ink greets him as soon as Cassian steps inside, along with something vanilla. A candle that he can’t see? There’s a table display of books immediately inside, and Cassian casts them a cursory glance, taking in more looping text and what looks to be a variety of cartoon characters on the covers. He weaves around shelves and more table displays, past a wall of vines and succulents and a pink neon sign declaring Most ardently.
And at the very center of the store, Cassian finds the register and the woman he’s looking for bent over a book behind it. Cassian had known Nesta was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen since he first saw her picture, but seeing her in person is another thing altogether. Seeing her standing there in front of him almost has him wanting to drop down to his knees right there in the middle of the bookstore.
Her hair is braided back in an intricate updo, but with her head bent down, a strand of golden brown hair tumbles down her temple and kisses her jawline. Deft fingers brush the hair aside and behind her ear absently, further revealing the sharp cut of her cheekbones. When she turns the page of her book, her lips part, eyebrows jumping, and Cassian thinks he might give anything to see her eyes properly, to see if they spark and flare along with whatever she’s just read.
He’d give anything to have those eyes on him.
“Reading on the job?”
Nesta snaps her book closed, her attention finally rising, and Cassian gets his first look at those blue eyes he’s so often thought about. They’re a similar shade to Feyre’s, sure, and yet so different somehow. They seem to burn with a silver fire that leaves the cool shade of them looking like a storm roiled sea, especially when that gaze narrows on him, her lips pinching into a scowl.
Cassian doesn’t let the reaction deter him. If anything, it only stokes the embers in his own chest, beckoning him into the flames. He closes the final few steps between them, leaning against the register counter with a smirk.
“Nesta Archeron,” Cassian greets.
“Cassian Valdarez.”
His name falling from her lips shouldn’t sound as sweet as it does, especially with the clipped tone she speaks it, but a zing of electricity still skitters down Cassian’s spine nonetheless. What would it take to have her saying his name again? To have her sighing it? For him to taste it?
“So you do know me, then?” Cassian drawls, daring to glance down at her book. A Calanmai Secret. “And yet, you couldn’t answer any of my texts.”
Nesta crosses her arms, leveling him with a hard look that Cassian is sure is meant to send him running. “Most people would take that as a hint. Yet here you are. In my bookstore.”
“Feyre said you’d show me around the city.”
“Feyre asked me to show you around. I don’t recall ever agreeing.”
“I’m starting to think you’re the grumpy on the sign outside,” Cassian chuckles softly, hoping to at least earn the hint of a smile at his teasing joke.
Instead, Nesta settles both hands on the register counter, leaning forward. “Buy something. Or get out of my store.”
Cassian tilts his head, taken back by the harsh reaction. He’ll clearly have to work harder to get her to smile or laugh. Challenge accepted. Already, he can hear Az’s voice in his mind, making a dry comment about his taste in women. Already, he can see the way Rhys would roll his eyes.
“Fine,” Cassian says easily with a shrug, stepping back from the register counter. “The historical section is…?”
Nesta merely points to a bookshelf to his left, so Cassian turns his attention toward it. He grabs the first book within reach, the spine a blue and green. He’s intent on striding right back up to Nesta and proudly purchasing the book, but then he catches sight of the cover. Of the shirtless man that takes up the cover, the model’s skin clearly oiled up so every ridge of muscle is on full display. A tartan hangs low on the man’s hips, and just above the man the title is scrawled, Highland Escape.
“This… is not what I meant.”
Rather than direct him toward the historical fiction section, Nesta crosses her arms across her chest, her lips tugging up into a smirk. And, oh, there’s a real challenge blazing in her gaze now, that fire that had called to Cassian even in photo form sparking in her blue eyes. It’s beautiful, that look on her face, daring him to play.
He glances around the bookstore again, this time with fresh eyes. The greenery on the walls, the different table displays, the pink neon sign with an Austen quote. Of course. He’d heard of bookstores like these, ones that specialize in romance novels.
When he looks back toward Nesta, she has that same daring expression on her face, her smirk already starting to grow as though she’s won. As beautiful as it is, as beautiful as she is, Cassian refuses to back down. Heat flares through his chest as he fights back a smirk of his own, more than ready to keep this game of theirs going. He clears his throat and turns back to the shelf, sliding the book in his hand back into place. He takes his time reading the different titles along the spine before finally settling on a different book, tugging it free and sidling back up at the register counter.
“I’ll take this one,” Cassian tells Nesta with a grin, sliding the book across to her.
Nesta hums, glancing down toward the book he’s selected. Viking Bride. Cassian waits for the mask to slip, to see a hint of a reaction take over her face, but she’s nothing but cool and silent as she rings him up. The transaction complete, she tucks his receipt into the cover of the book, sliding it back over to him.
“Have a nice day,” Nesta offers, her tone mockingly sweet.
Cassian reaches for the book, his fingers brushing along Nesta’s own until she snatches her hand away. “You know, I’m beginning to think you don’t like me.”
Nesta snorts and rolls her eyes. “Whatever gave you that impression?”
“Oh, yeah, Nes, you’re a real ray of sunshine right now.”
“Don’t call me that.”
There’s no stopping Cassian’s smirk at earning that reaction, a little tidbit he tucks away, even as he continues, “but it’s not really fair, is it? I mean, you don’t even know me. This is literally our first time ever meeting. What could I have possibly done?”
Nesta’s face falls, a new emotion flashing through her blue eyes. It’s certainly the cool, haughty mask slipping away, but not how Cassian wanted. He frowns at the sudden change, but before he can even begin to attempt to decipher what that emotion is, what that expression could mean, Nesta turns away from him.
“If I give you a tour of the city, will you leave me alone after that?”
~ * * * ~
Nesta doesn’t know what she expected. She knew, in the back of her mind, that despite never responding to a single one of Cassian’s texts, that that wouldn’t be the last of things. But she can’t say she expected him to show up at her bookstore. Didn’t expect him to stride in with a smirk and an easy confidence, to almost proudly buy a viking romance novel.
She wants to hate that he still looks as good as the last time she saw him at Feyre’s engagement party. His hair is loose, dark curls hanging around his temples and tumbling down to his shoulders. His eyes are a hazel as bright as Nesta remembers, a maze of greens and golds that seem to spark with a flickering flame. And that cocksure smile has no damn right being as attractive as it is.
She wants to hate the way he didn’t back down from her ire, from all the quips she threw his way. Instead, he only seemed to rise to meet her, seemed to enjoy it as though it was a game between them. She wants to deny the way his fingers brushing against hers sent a shiver ricocheting up her arm and down her spine.
And he doesn’t even remember her.
She’d felt stupid that night in New York, but she feels even more stupid now. She certainly hadn’t expected an apology or anything, but this is like a slap in the face. And on the heels of that churning feeling roiling through her gut is anger. It burns red hot through her veins, flaring like a wildfire that licks between her ribs.
“If I give you a tour of the city, will you leave me alone after that?”
Cassian clears his throat awkwardly, that cocksure smirk finally slipping. “You want me to leave you alone?”
“What are you doing here?”
Nesta’s attention snaps toward the new voice, finding Emerie standing just inside the door, her brown eyes narrowed on Cassian.
“Hey, how’s it going?” Cassian answers easily despite Emerie’s clipped question. He holds his hand out toward her to shake, but Emerie doesn’t take it. “I’m Cassian.”
“I know who you are,” Emerie tells him airily, stepping behind the register counter.
She reaches out as she passes, fingers curling around Nesta’s wrist and squeezing lightly. It’s a silent question out of view of Cassian’s eyes, to check that she’s alright. Nesta meets her best friend’s gaze and offers the smallest hint of a nod.
“You do? Are you a hockey fan, then?” Cassian asks, unaware of the silent conversation happening without him.
Emerie snorts at the implication. “No. There’s only one hockey fan in this bookstore, and it’s not me.”
“I feel like you don’t like me either…” Cassian comments quietly, tilting his head slightly. “Is everyone the grumpy on the sign? You might want to consider a new name if there’s no sunshine.”
“Gwyn is the sunshine, and trust me when I say you’re lucky that you don’t have to deal with her.”
Nesta has to press her lips together to keep from laughing at the way Cassian’s eyes widen slightly in horror. It’s certainly not a misplaced expression. Gwyn was one of Nesta’s first friends when she first moved to Seattle, and while the redhead is one of the kindest people Nesta has ever met, she’s also the fiercest. Beneath all the bright smiles and easy laughs there’s a viciousness that can and will be released, especially when it comes to those Gwyn cares about.
“I don’t know. You said there’s one hockey fan, right? And I’m guessing it’s this Gwyn. Maybe I do want to meet her. We can talk all things Kraken.”
“Gwyn’s a Nashville fan,” Nesta informs Cassian. “They’re her hometown team.”
And dedicated to her hometown team she is. Nesta doesn’t think she’ll ever forget the first time she and Gwyn went to grab dinner at a sport’s bar, the first time witnessing the way Gwyn ranted and shouted at the large television on the wall.
Nesta waits for Cassian’s face to drop again at this newest tidbit, but what she doesn’t expect is for his grin to grow wider and stretch across his face, for the golds of his eyes to glint. He looks like a child that just stepped foot into a candy store, like this is exactly what he was waiting for, and it has Nesta frowning in confusion.
“My brother plays for the Preds. Azriel. You know, if she wanted, I could probably get her a signed jersey.”
“Gwyn would absolutely lose her mind,” Emerie comments under her breath.
“And what’s the price for this signed jersey?” Nesta dares to ask, squinting suspiciously at Cassian.
Cassian shrugs a shoulder, all faux innocence. “Well, you clearly don’t want to give me a tour, so how about just dinner? You can give me a list of your recommendations then.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“A dinner for a jersey. Sounds like a fair trade to me. Don’t you think, Nes?”
Nesta sighs, shaking her head. “Fine. One dinner and in exchange, you’ll get a Nashville jersey signed. By the whole team.”
Cassian’s smile twists into a smirk, gaze flickering and darkening as he holds his hand out across the register counter. “It’s a bargain.”
Nesta already knows she’s going to regret this, but she reaches forward, sliding her hand into Cassian’s. His fingers curl around her own with ease, his grip surprisingly gentle. His hand is so large compared to her own, practically swallowing hers whole, and the callouses slide against her palm when she pulls her hand back. She has to forcibly shove down a shiver before it can skitter up her spine in reaction.
“Let’s go, then,” Nesta says, gathering up her things where she stored them beneath the register.
She and Emerie share one final look before Nesta leads Cassian out the door and back onto the street. Thankfully, it’s a short walk to one of the local restaurants that focuses on PNW cuisine, a good introduction for Cassian to the city and area.
“So, I have to ask,” Cassian begins once they’re seated at a small table near the back of the restaurant, the waitress vanishing with their drink order.
“Ask about what?” Nesta asks, not even bothering to look up from the menu even though she already knows what she’s going to order.
“About the bookstore.”
Nesta’s gaze flicks over the top of the menu in her hands, eyes narrowing. “Some people like to read, meathead.”
Cassian tips his head back and lets out a booming laugh, earning a few curious looks from the other tables. “Did you really just call me a meathead?”
“I’ve seen you play, seen you fighting other players on the ice.”
“Are you watching my games, sweetheart?” Cassian asks, leaning across the table to smirk at her, those hazel eyes of his glinting in amusement again.
Nesta rolls her eyes, leaning forward as well to sneer, “you wish. I told you, Gwyn is a Nashville fan. I occasionally watch a game with her.”
Cassian hums, and Nesta bristles at the way he continues to eye her. Something about those hazel eyes is almost unsettling, as though he’s looking through her in a way no one ever has. It takes everything within her not to shift in her seat, to simply turn her attention back to her menu.
Nesta looks up again with a frown. “What?”
“History,” Cassian repeats, leaning back casually in his chair. “That’s what my degree is in.”
“I thought hockey players got drafted at eighteen? That’s what Gwyn has always said at least.”
“That’s true, but not everyone joins the NHL right out of the draft. I played for my college team for two years before I was finally called up.”
“And what? You magically finished your degree in two years?”
Cassian laughs again, this time a low chuckle that’s surprisingly warm, that practically wraps itself around Nesta’s limbs. “Lucky for me, there’s this really amazing thing called online classes.”
Nesta doesn’t know what else to say to that, but thankfully, she’s spared when their waitress returns to their table, ready to take their food orders. When she steps away again, Nesta no longer has her menu to use as a distraction, has nowhere else to look except at the man sitting across the table from her. The low light of the restaurant cuts shadows across his cheeks and jaw, the candles on each table flickering in and deepening the hazel of his eyes. The large span of his hand is on full display as he curls his fingers easily around the bottle of wine he ordered, filling Nesta’s glass before he fills his own.
“You never answered my question,” Cassian tells her, setting the bottle back down. “About the bookstore.”
“I told you, some people enjoy reading. Myself included.”
“Yeah, but I remember Feyre talking about how you went to law school, that you’d be terrorizing courtrooms and making everyone regret going up against you. So, what happened? How do you go from lawyer to bookstore owner?”
The urge to lash out, to make a snapping reply that diverts the conversation, claws up Nesta’s throat. She rarely talks about it, about him. The reason she made the move to Seattle in the first place, leaving a gaping wound as big as the distance between them with her sisters. The reason the dream she thought she had, the dream she swore she always wanted, shattered between her fingers like glass, shards cutting deep and leaving her bloodied. The reason she retreated and fell back into the shadows, that Emerie and Gwyn had to pull her out.
There are days where it all still feels so raw, no matter how much time has passed. Days where a sickening feeling will churn through her gut as soon as she opens her eyes. Days where she can still hear his voice, still feel his hands. Days where the voice in her mind morphs into her own worst thoughts, into her mother’s clipped, cool tone.
“My life fell apart, and I decided to open a bookstore with my friends,” Nesta finally answers with a derisive drawl. “Happy?”
Cassian’s face falls, lips tugging down in a small frown. “What does that mean?”
Nesta doesn’t want his pity. It’s the one thing she hates most, people looking at her with pity in their eyes. As though they feel sorry for her, as though she’s weak. When she finally walked away, finally got out, she swore to herself that she would never be weak again, and she’ll be damned if she starts now.
“Last I checked, I don’t have to tell you my whole life story. I answered your question, did I not?”
“You get one dinner as part of our bargain, remember? Do you really want to ruin it?”
Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed): @moodymelanist @nesquik-arccheron @sv0430 @talkfantasytome @bookstantrash @eirini-thaleia @ubigaia @fromthelibraryofemilyj @luivagr-blog @lifeisntafantasy @superspiritfestival @hiimheresworld @marigold-morelli @sweet-pea1 @emeriethevalkyriegirl @pyxxie @dustjacketmusings @hallway5 @dongjunma @glowing-stick-generation @melonsfantasyworld @lady-nestas @goddess-aelin @melphss @theladystardust @a-trifling-matter @blueunoias @kookskoocie @wolfnesta @blurredlamplight @hereforthenessian @skaixo @jmoonjones @burningsnowleopard @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk @ofduskanddreams @rarephloxes @thelovelymadone @books-books-books4ever @tenaciousdiplomatloverprune @that-little-red-head @readergalaxy @thesnugglingduck @kale-theteaqueen @tarquindaddy @superflurry @bri-loves-sunflowers @lady-winter-sunrise @witch-and-her-witcher @fieldofdaisiies @freakingata
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izzabela · 17 days
How about a dark romance between Kuai Liang and fem.reader that Kuai Liang harbors romantic feelings for the reader but he believes she has feelings for Tomas so he takes matters into his own hands when his patience runs thin?
Burn - Kuai Liang x fem!reader
in which Kuai Liang runs out of patience
a/n: scary... i like it
ship[s]: kuai liang , tomas x fem!reader
warning(s): possessive behaviors, toxic!relationship, major character death, post-kanon
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Kuai Liang doesn't see himself an impatient man.
He was patient with Tomas when he first joined the family. He was patient with Bi Han and his rants about the fate of the clan.
Hell, he's patient with the state of the Shirai Ryu and how their numbers are barely there.
But the fire within him, the fire he controls, it has no such concept. The pyro element is selfish, demanding, and all-consuming. It burns fields in minutes, towns in hours, and cities in days.
It can burn a human within two to three hours- but he didn't want to burn anyone, not yet. Not when you were part of the equation.
You were not a flower, but a willow tree. Everlasting, timeless, and beautiful, you were the one thing Kuai Liang didn't want to burn.
But fires have no direction, and they burn without care or reason.
You had gone out of the compound with Tomas for some errands. Harumi had already tasked the other servants with chores of their own, so you offered yourself as help. Tomas was free as well, no one to train for a couple hours.
So, you two left to grab some groceries and whatnot for Harumi. It's the least you guys could do since Harumi had opened her home up.
And so as you and Tomas had a blast immersing yourselves in the village and its culture, you did not know of the embers that began to burn for you.
Kuai Liang stealthily snuck out of his training obligations to watch you guys- well, you.
Kuai Liang had his eye on you since you Harumi had introduced you as an ally alongside his childhood friend.
You supplied weapons and armory, especially with a newfound clan like the Shirai Ryu. But you supplied more, you gave Kuai Liang reason to burn brightly.
He didn't mean for it to become like this, not to this degree though.
At first, he made it his goal to just get to know you. Talk to you, walk with you, even have tea with you, Harumi, and his brother.
But with every conversation, he wanted more. He wanted to know you more than just the leader of your clan, more than a friend.
He wanted to know your likes and dislikes, your dreams, your ideal future- and whether or not he was pictured in it.
It started innocently, truly just to get to know you. However, with every passing look you gave him, every smile, wave, and conversation, he craved more.
He'd be by your side every minute of the day. He would shoot dirty looks to initiates, practically threaten them with fire. Hell, he'd pump-fake Tomas if he got too close.
He just wanted to make sure you liked him too. That you'd see his advances and want him just as much as he wanted you.
Then, it grew more when you came to him all sad and mopey. Frowned face, you confided in him about an initiate that had cat-called you and touched you.
"I felt so... dirty," you cried to him that day. Kuai Liang would never want you to feel like that.
Honorably, he'd stain his hands for you. Get down and dirty for you. He would do anything for you.
You never saw him again, but you did wipe an odd stain off his ear once. Still, you paid no mind when he explained it as a sparring scar.
It's also been a while since you'd gone back home to your clan's manor. You loved Harumi and Tomas and Kuai Liang, but you had a family. A loving mother and father, and two baby siblings.
Somehow though, you always felt obligated to stay. Some looming, dreadful feeling that whispered "no", and gently dragged you back to Harumi's compound.
Still, this wasn't enough. He didn't see you reciprocate, see you return his advances or feelings at all. Still, he waited- waited for you to love him the way he loved you.
He keeps his fire contained, but eventually the fire grows too big for water to contain it.
Kuai Liang continued to watch you from afar. Quietly, like a hawk waiting for a mouse to squeak. His eyes zeroed in on you and Tomas again, and the fire that he's held for months is growing stronger and more uncontrollable.
You had interlinked arms with Tomas to traverse the river of people of the town. You both had bags in hand, and you both were smiling as Kuai Liang watched you get whisked away by the one man he thought who'd know better.
When you two finally had time to rest, Tomas brushed your hair out of your face. You smile, but you get distracted with a flower booth and beeline for it.
Whatever he saw sealed the deal. All of his work, for months on end, was for fucking nothing. The men he's killed for you, the gifts, the little things. How he meticulously kept you away from your family.
How did you not see his efforts?
Kuai Liang hops away from the village, heading back to the compound to prepare for the fire that's about to burn.
Home didn't feel out of place for you and Tomas. Initiates were still out training, but they're waning down for dinner and sleep. The house servants are cleaning up as well, around the courtyard and the halls.
When you meet Harumi and Kuai Liang, they're all smiles and take the bags out of yours and his hands to put away.
Seriously, you couldn't have known what would have happened next.
Earlier during the errand run, Tomas helped you pick flowers for Kuai Liang. You had been preparing to ask him out, tell him how much you liked him, but didn't know how.
Tomas helped by picking flowers that he knew his brother liked. Tomas knew Kuai Liang was a rather simple man, and the flowers he helped you pick were perfect for him.
So, once everything was packed up, everyone had eaten and washed up, you had left your room to gift him the flowers. You were ready, heart practically jumping out of your chest as you approached his room.
However, the pungent smell of death lingered in the room next to his- Tomas's room. It would've been fine if he had gone on a mission, but he was with you all day.
Tomas doesn't hunt anymore, nor is he outside for excessive amounts of time.
Still, you approached the room and opened the sliding door, but nothing could have prepared you for what you saw.
The man you would've called your lover held his brother's torso tightly. A huge hole was in it, and you could see his head dangling lifelessly as blood occasionally dripped out.
You signaled your arrival with the soft drop of your flowers, a light plop on the wood. Kuai Liang turned around and dropped his brother's desecrated body to meet you.
"Oh darling," Kuai Liang cooed, his clothes arms, and face covered in blood and scratches. "Darling, you weren't supposed to be here."
You try to leave, back away and run, but he caught your hand and dragged you in. He trapped you from behind, the cool press of his blood-stained clothes soaking into your yukata.
"K-K-Kuai Lian-" you stutter, but you're quieted as his hand is under your chin, forcing your jaw shut as he forces you to look at his piece of art.
"Isn't this pretty, darling?" he whispered in your ear, nipping and licking it too. You can't help but shake in his arms as the full image made you want to puke.
His legs were gone, separated and to the side from his torso. He was split in half horizontally, and the huge hole in his chest had some crisp marks on the edge. No wonder death smelled so pungent- he burned with it.
Poor Tomas didn't have his eyes closed either, so his dark eyes stare back at you with no light in them.
Kuai Liang forced your head to face him, his lips less than an inch from his. He smiled softly as he pressed his forehead on yours, nuzzling and marking you with his scent and blood.
"This is what happens when you misbehave, other people take the punishment," he moves up to kiss your forehead. "You do not want to disobey, hm?"
To save yourself, you nod wearily. You try to fight back the tremors that shook your core, but it's no use when Kuai Liang has you in his grasp. He practically swallows you whole in a hug, pinning you down on the floor before he gently kisses your pillowy lips.
The flowers you brought are completely stained in red, and the fire that Kuai Liang had fought so long to keep tamed broke free.
Except, he'll use the fire as an example- an example of destruction when left unchecked.
guys i think i'm burnt out
if you don't see another fic after this pls don't dm me, imma just need to turn my brain off for a moment
thanks for your understanding! and hopefully i'll see you in the next fic when i can
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penkura · 5 months
found you! [1/3]
Summary: Twice Penguin found you. The third time you found him.
Note: It's Penguin’s birthday. Why not make this my first post, aye? Nothing really special or to warn about this one, except references to sex, that's it. Fem!reader because that's all I know how to write, sorry. They're all adults here (pretty sure they are in the canon anyway but). Shachi and Ikkaku are in an on again off again relationship because I said so. Penguin calls the Reader by petnames to cut down on using [y/n] and the like.
I don't have the next two parts written yet, but I will be working on them this next week.
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Rolling over in your bed, you pull your pillow and stick your head under it, praying you can drown out the whispered shouting of Shachi and Ikkaku, though you know it’s pretty useless when those two get riled up. It's always in the middle of the night, nearly always at 1:30am, and happens at least twice a week, always in the room you share with Ikkaku. You hear her shush Shachi again, saying you’re sleeping and to keep it down, but he argues with her that she wanted privacy while they fought spoke and this was the best place considering the others still awake through the ship.
Please, please just shut up.
They don’t, still fighting about something stupid, probably Shachi flirting with some girl in front of Ikkaku, that sounds about right you realize as you pull your pillow tighter over your head.
You’d think they’d be a bit more considerate since you’ve been sick with a cold the last few days, but unlucky for you, this is one of the best places for them to fight about their non-relationship. They think they’re so slick, that no one else knows about their hook ups and quiet dates that Ikkaku swears to you aren’t dates, but everyone on the Polar Tang can see they’re both just lying to themselves. There’s been a betting pool on when the two will just commit, Law is even taking part because he’s just as sick of this as everyone else is.
For several more minutes all you hear is hushed, angry whispering, to the point you finally sit up in your bed, wrapping your blanket around you, and going to leave.
“Oh! [Y/N], I’m so—”
“Don’t be. Just don’t have sex in my bed okay? I just washed my bedding.”
Ikkaku turns bright red and she throws her pillow at the door when you close it as you leave, making you giggle just a bit. You know better than anyone how their fights end, you don’t want to come back to your room tonight at all.
Instead, you start to make your way towards your captain’s office, knowing Law is still wide awake, probably working on a plan or just revising a medical book. Having known him nearly as long as Penguin, Bepo, and Shachi, you’re not surprised when you finally get there and knock on his door, trying to push back a cough when you hear a soft ‘come in’ and open the door.
Law barely looks up at you, giving you a slight glance with a raised eyebrow while you walk over to the couch in his office.
“Can I help you?”
“Lovers spat in my room.”
He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose but not looking from his book. “Again?”
“How do they fight all the time but you and Penguin don’t?”
“Perks of having been together almost a decade. We know everything about each other and are too committed to screw it up at this point.”
As you lay down, pulling your blanket around you more, Law watches you before speaking again.
“That’s my napping spot, you human cat.”
“Shh,” glancing over your shoulder, you put a finger to your lips, before snuggling further into the couch, “I sleep. I’m still sick.”
“Then go find your boyfriend.”
“He’s still on night watch. He’ll come find me.”
Law doesn’t get another word in before you fall right to sleep, he rolls his eyes in response, turning back to his desk.
He knows Penguin will come find you, he just kind of wishes you’d keep your sickness to your own room or the infirmary.
Penguin does come looking for you once his night watch shift is over an hour later. He first goes by your shared room with Ikkaku, but the sounds he hears make him blush bright red before he quickly turns and goes towards the men’s bunks. If that’s going on in there, you’ve definitely left to sleep elsewhere. You’ve probably snuck into his bunk bed to get away from the non-couple on the ship, it makes his heart clench a bit at the through, you having to leave your room still under the weather and needing some peace an quiet.
Not like the men’s bunks are that much quieter, but at least there’s not active sex happening in there right now (at least, he hopes there isn’t). He’s already starting to unzip his boiler suit before he’s even fully in the men’s bunks, just wanting to crawl into bed with you and sleep finally, even though morning would be soon, he can at least get about four more hours before it’s time for breakfast.
Perfect plan, and tomorrow’s our day off~
Unfortunately, you aren’t even in his bed, causing his excitement to disappear and his shoulders to slump, before Penguin looks over to Clione and Hakugan nearby.
“Have either of you seen [Y/N]?”
Clione shrugs while Hakugan shakes his head, both responses making Penguin pout a bit while he slips off his boiler suit to just his tank top and boxers to sleep in.
“She’s not in her room?”
“No, well,” his face turns red again and the other two men are quick to realize that Shachi isn’t around and what that must mean, “I sure hope she isn’t…”
“Ugh, those two again?”
“Do they forget there’s a designated room for that?”
He shrugs, starting to prep his bed to bring you to it once he finds you, remembering the day Law awkwardly told everyone there was now a room only for extracurricular activities, and sex anywhere else wouldn’t be tolerated if it was found out. Sometimes people slipped and brought someone back to the wrong room, or Ikkaku and Shachi argued in your shared room and it escalated once they worked things out, like tonight. You and Penguin were at least smart enough to either use the designated room or, if you were docked on an island, rent a hotel room away from everyone else just for that night.
As soon as his bed is ready, Penguin takes off to find where you’ve gone for some peace and quiet. There’s very few places on the Polar Tang that aren’t bustling with people doing various things, whether playing cards, having animated discussions, or performing maintenance where needed. The current, most obvious places for you to sleep would be the designated room, Law’s office, or the nearly empty infirmary. He does make a stop by your room but continues on as he still hears sounds he doesn’t want to, moving quickly towards the infirmary first to see if you’d dragged yourself there. You hate sleeping in there unless it’s your only or last option, but even when he gets there and pokes his head in, Penguin doesn’t see you on one of the beds at all, only catching sight of Uni who you’d somehow given your cold to. Knowing you practically never go to the designated room, not without him at least, the only other place you could possibly be is Law’s office, so he starts to make his way towards the captain’s room.
You may not have known Law as long as Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo, but the two of you have become close ever since you joined. Your home life having gone from comfortable to hell, leading you to beg the small group of Pirates that landed on your island for help ended up being the best thing to happen to you. It wasn’t Law you ended up clinging to and begging for help, not even Penguin. It was Shachi who had been checking out the island with Penguin, the two teens at the time bringing you to the small group of about seven people, Law agreeing to hear your story before he offered you to join them after you’d made known you were a decent cook and seamstress. Stereotypical hobbies for a young woman, but with how your family was, it was all you could do to make money for you and your mother at the time. You’ve since learned how to fight, martial arts and a metal baton being your choice of weapons. You’d moved from being a dual chef and seamstress to being more help in the mechanical aspects of the ship, while still working on the crews clothes when needed.
While Penguin did find you attractive as soon as he met you, it was still another two years before he said anything, eventually confessing to you with your favorite flowers in hand, his face bright red which made you grin before you kissed him as a response.
You’ve been together ever since, Penguin doesn’t think he could ever be happier than he is now.
Finding Law’s office door cracked open leads Penguin to briefly knock on the doorway before stepping in, not waiting for a response from his captain and friend.
“Hey, Cap! Have you seen—”
“On the couch.” Law nods his head back towards where you’re sleeping, not bothering to look up from his book once again.
Once he sees you, Penguin smiles just a bit before thanking Law, walking over quietly and giving you a small kiss on your temple which wakes you enough to crack open an eye, the slightest smile as you realize who just woke you.
“Hey there, pretty girl, I found you,” he gives you a soft smile before starting to help you up, making you wrap your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his waist as he lifts you up, “Got kicked out of your room?”
“No…I left cause they were arguing.”
“Ahh that explains it. Let’s get you to my bed then.”
You hum as a response while Penguin grabs your blanket, you briefly looking over to Law who just watches the two of you, making you smirk.
“Told you he’d find me.”
Your captain rolls his eyes before bidding you both goodnight as Penguin starts to leave and head back to the men’s bunks, you greet your other crewmates with a slight wave once you’re there. Penguin leans forward enough for you to release him and lay on his bed, scooting towards the edge to give him space to join you once he’s laid your blanket out over you again. He joins you as soon as he’s gotten enough of the others to quiet down, letting you wrap your arms around his middle while he does the sane to your shoulders, kissing your forehead and tucking your head under his chin.
“Thanks for coming to get me.”
“Of course~” Penguin sighs contently while you bury your face in his chest, you really do just make him so happy, “I’ll always come find you.”
“Love you, Peng.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
You’re asleep quickly, Penguin stays awake and watches you for a few moments, while more lights are shut off in the room and a few of the other men snicker over how whipped they believe their older comrade is for you. He doesn’t pay them any mind really, he just loves you enough to take care of you however you need. For a second, he looks to his nightstand and remembers the small box he picked up a few days ago, smiling to himself at the thought of finally, finally, asking you to marry him once he talks to Law about it, but that’s for another day as he starts to drift to sleep.
Definitely gonna marry you soon.
“You’re finally going to ask her??”
Penguin nods with a shy smile while Shachi and Ikkaku both grin, her letting go of his arm to give their older crewmate a tight hug.
“That’s so wonderful, Penguin! She’s definitely going to say yes!”
“You think so…?”
“Dude,” Shachi pats his friend’s shoulder roughly, making Penguin look at him, “She’s been with you for almost ten years now, right? There’s no way she’ll say no.”
Ikkaku nods in response, still grinning brightly at the thought of you and Penguin getting married at last. She’s the one that’s heard your wishes for a small wedding with him, if he ever wanted it, you were waiting for Penguin to make the move and ask. You told her you were content just dating him, but actually tying the knot had been on your mind more recently.
“She’ll for sure say yes. She’s told me how much she wants to marry you!”
That causes Penguin to blush slightly, still smiling as he scratches at his cheek before pulling the small box in his pocket out to show your two friends the ring he’d already picked out for you. Ikkaku snatches the box and opens it, swooning a little over the simple ring he'd picked out. A thin silver band with your birthstone fixed on it, exactly what you’d told her was one of your options for a ring, Penguin must’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it since Ikkaku hadn’t told him a thing about your wants. Either that or he’d seen in a magazine or maybe even asked Law about it, considering how close you were to your captain.
“When are you going to ask her?”
“Our tenth anniversary is in a few weeks,” Penguin nods while he takes the ring box back from Ikkaku, quickly slipping it back into his pocket and checking to make sure you haven’t snuck in, “So, I’m going to ask Captain if we can dock at an island then. I’ll find a place to take her to dinner and ask her after that.”
Ikkaku nearly swoons again, instead sighing dreamily and leaning on Shachi’s shoulder.
“That’s so romantic…why aren’t you like that?”
“I’m sorry, am I your boyfriend? I thought we just friends with benefits.”
“Excuse me?!”
Penguin sighs, still with a smile, as Shachi and Ikkaku start to argue. He’s beyond thankful the two of you don’t have such issues after being together so long. If you two fought like that, there’s probably no way he’d even consider marrying you, he thinks. He loves you too much to screw around with other women, to argue with you about it too. No one else compares and he’s sure some would say he’s crazy for having settled on you at just nineteen-years-old, but he doesn’t care.
“Hey, Peng~” he’s not even a little surprised at you coming up behind him, slipping your arms around his middle and making him smile as he looks over his shoulder and down at you, “What’re they arguing about now?”
“Ah…just if they’re a couple or just friends with benefits.”
“Hmm…” You watch the other allegedly lovely couple of the Heart Pirates, before shrugging. “Would be easier if they’d just settle down with each other already, yeah? Like you and me.”
He can’t wait to finally make you his bride.
Nodding, Penguin keeps the smile on his face, setting one of his hands on yours, and realizing how excited he really is to ask you to marry him in a few weeks. How glad he is that he and Shachi found you on your home island twelve years ago, and helped you convince Law to let you join. How happy it makes him to think about his long past confession and your reciprocation of his feelings.
“Yeah. Like you and me, sweetheart.”
He can’t wait to finally make you his bride.
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writingshushf1 · 1 year
Hey this is my request
Yn is the daugther of sebastian Vettel , and she is leading for the worldchampion ship and Mick schumacher is in love with her , after she wins her First worldchampion ship Mick asks her to be his girlfriend .
And some weeks later mick meets sebastian and he is like finaly
With alot of fluff thanks
i see the light
Summary:   it's warm and real and bright. and the world has somehow shifted. all at once everything looks different, now that I see you
Rating: +14
Warnings: none
Word count: 2k
Note: IGNORE THE AGE PROBLEMS, JUST GO PAST THAT- we all been through. also sorry for the story not being on its 100%. AND AGAIN, I'M NOT TAKING NEW REQUESTS, JUST FINISHING OLD ONES
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You, Y/n Vettel had grown up in the fast-paced world of Formula 1. Because of your father, none other than Sebastian Vettel, you've always been around the track, watching him race and learning from his skills. You always have been fascinated by the sport and knew from a young age that she wanted to follow in your father's footsteps.
Growing up, you became an accomplished driver in your own right, competing in lower-level circuits and honing your skills. The dream was to one day race in the top tier of the sport, alongside the likes of her father and his rivals. And Sebastian was the one to support you. He always made sure you weren't getting things only by the “Vettel” last name - and also taught everything he learned. So having your dad around as basically your coach, was one of the best things you could’ve asked.
Sebastian was a good father - even though your parents were fresh out of high school. For him, it wasn’t a surprise you wanted to take his steps in life, since you grew around mechanics and cars. Maybe he would’ve preferred if you only stuck into engineering, but since you’re his daughter, your ambitions were higher than anyone else. 
Meanwhile, Mick Schumacher, son of the legendary driver Michael Schumacher, was also making a name for himself on the track. Like you, he had grown up around the sport and had inherited his father's skill and passion. You two had known each other for years, competing against each other in various circuits, but you had never been particularly close except for barbecues involving your family and his, usually you would hang out with Gina - even if she was a little older than you two.
But life goes on and both of you grew up.
When you made your debut in Formula 1, driving for Ferrari, like a dream coming true. You quickly proved yourself as a force to be reckoned with, and before long you were leading the world championship standings. Mick, who was driving for Mercedes, couldn't help but be impressed by your talent and dedication. Of course, since you were competing against each other, you usually only made small conversations. 
The media thought that was strange, two sons of unbeaten legacies barely exchanging words around the paddock? Were they hiding a relationship? Or did they have issues with each other? These questions also lingered in the minds of fans, they wanted to know what the mystery was. 
But the reality was not that exciting, you just... Never stop talking beyond a few dates a year - made by your families. It wasn't because you hated each other, far from it, there was a gigantic respect between you two, it was just that way anyway.
Until one day, he offered you a ride back to the hotel, it was raining and you had the same habit as your father - to go by bike to the track. You spent hours talking in your hotel room, drinking wine and sharing embarrassing stories. He was a very sweet person and clearly, you couldn't understand how you had never spent a little more time with each other.
At the next GP, buzz started about the sudden closeness, but you always made it clear that it was just friendship and respect in your relationship.
As the season wore on, Mick found himself falling for you more and more. He admired your fierce determination on the track, but he also found himself drawn to you off the track. He loved your wit, your intelligence, and your infectious laughter when the interviewer asked something funny. Schumacher knew how much he wanted to be with you, but he was too nervous to tell you how he felt. It was a tough sport after all, especially for you, being in a male dominated space where they’ll eventually try to tie you together with every male driver on the grid or try to minimise your accomplishments. It was wiser to not be with you, because he didn’t want the backlash to fall on your back. He asked Corinna about it, the German needed a piece of advice, since his heart wanted to pass through PR, the teams, your entire racing lives just to have the minimal chance to be by your side.
On the other hand, you were entirely focused on the championship. You had dreamed of winning it for years, and now that it was so close, you could hardly think of anything else. You worked tirelessly with Ferrari, studying statistics, improving the car and preparing for each race. If this was going to happen, it should come the right way.
Abu Dhabi, it was now or never. You were too nervous, during the trip you couldn't sleep much more than two hours. On Thursday night, after the media day, you just needed some company, so you searched your mobile for his number. Within minutes, the phone that was almost across town was ringing and within seconds, his sweet voice could be heard.
"Hey... Is everything okay?"
"I'm nervous. I can't sleep or eat properly. If I don't rest I don't think I'll be able to win."
"Hey, hey, hey... Breathe, slowly. Do you need company? I can come over."
"But it's so far away... And you need to rest too, the championship is between us and Max."
"I can manage, come on, send your hotel and room."
After almost 30 minutes, a light knock at your door. Schumacher was wearing his blond hair half dishevelled, dark sweatpants, blue hoodie and slippers.
"Thank you..." You mumbled as you felt him pull you into a warm hug.
"Your voice gave me the munchies, so... Do you want to talk or just coexist together?" He murmured against your hair.
"A movie and coexist together?"
You didn't make it to the end of the film, with Mick's arms wrapped against your body, the warm embrace and the comfort of being with him there, next to you, gave a calmness you hadn't expected.
Already in the Paddock, over the weekend, your glances and smiles were full of delicacy and a flirtatious undertone. It seemed that Thursday night had turned a key in how you approached each other.
Finally, the Sunday race. You were leading the standings, but your closest rivals - Max and Mick, were hot on your heels - no one wanted to let it go. It was a nerve-wracking race, with you and the boys swapping the podium placements back and forth. But in the end, you emerged victorious, crossing the finish line first and claiming the world championship.
The moment seemed to have frozen, the shouts over the Ferrari radio, imagining his father and brothers celebrating with happiness, everything seemed like an intangible dream until the moment of passing the chequered flag. Still finishing the lap before going to the pits, you felt tears fall on your face, they were the happiness of proving that you were more than a surname, but an indomitable force.
As you celebrated with her team, you couldn't help but feel overjoyed. Achieving your lifelong dream, and being surrounded by the people you loved most. At the party, you were now no longer smeared with champagne, but dressed up, wearing the team’s colours.  Still, you weren't sober anymore, so when you felt a tap on your shoulder, you bluntly turned around to see Mick standing there, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
"Congratulations," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "You were amazing out there."
You smiled, feeling your heart flutter in her chest. "Thank you," you said. "It's been a long road to get here."
“I know. You fought like no one to be among the 20 most talented drivers.”
“So nice of you to say that.” You played along, holding the roses.
Later, only the two of you were in the outdoor yard, everyone had moved to the indoor area because of the light serene air. You were sitting on the lawn, stargazing. No words seemed necessary at that moment, so when your hand found his, you said nothing, just let your fingers intertwine in a gentle gesture.
When your eyes met his, you could tell he looked nervous, so you put your free hand on his knee, looking worried.
“Are you okay?”
Mick nodded. "Listen, Y/n, there's something I've been meaning to tell you for a while now. I...I know this might not be the best time, but I just can't keep it inside any longer."
“You can tell me, you know. We’re always honest with each other.”
“I’m in love with you. Sorry.” He breathed out, like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. “Look I- I thought about this, talked with my mom, the PR team… Everyone! Ever since we became friends, I was afraid I was going to ruin everything because I was falling in love with you. And I’m sorry if you don’t… I don’t know! Just… I’m not going to be mad if you don’t reciprocate the feelings.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. You had never suspected that Mick felt that way about you. But as you looked into his eyes again, feeling something stir inside your stomach. Butterflies. You’ve always admired him as a competitor, but now you saw him in a new light. It was as if a fog in his mind had cleared. Even if you never thought about it, he had always been an enigma to you. It was good to finally see a solution.
Clearly your speech and your thoughts did not run together, as all you managed to get out of your mouth was:
"I...I don't know what to say." you stammered.
Mick scooted closer, taking your other hand that was on his knee. "You don't have to say anything," he said. "Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what. And if you ever feel the same way about me, I’m going to be waiting.”
“I do.” It was the only thing that could escape your lips.
“I do feel the same, Micky.” You pulled him even nearer, finally closing the gap between your lips.
His soft lips crashing against yours made a sigh of contentment escape your mouth, it was like and your body was dying just to feel a little bit of him. His hands held your waist, while yours stroked his blonde locks. 
A cough from far away interrupted the moment you were having, none other than your chief and Toto Wolff watching the scene from afar. In fright, you each fell backwards, completely red from being caught. But two recognisable chuckles could be heard.
"You owe me a hundred euros." Vasseur huffed at the team boss, cracking a smile.
"We need to have a meeting about this! Next week, at the factory, in Brackley!" he just said loud enough to hear, soon walking in with your father.
You both started laughing uncontrollably, hugging each other.
"That's going to be huge news."
"I think we can handle it." You murmured, giving little kisses around his face.
A few weeks later, you were at your parents' house. Finally you were going to tell them that you were together. With this came some insecurities of yours about a possible negative reaction and Mick's fear of telling a close friend that he was dating their daughter. 
When you walked into the house holding hands after being greeted by Hannah, she gave you both a tight hug. Your father was in the garage - nothing new, he could never stand still, even retired.
"Come in!"
As you walked in there, you were followed by the younger Schumacher, who instinctively put his hand on your waist. When Vettel stood to greet you both, he saw how you both looked, cracking a smile.
"Finally, huh? I thought it would never happen." He cracked a smile.
“Dad!” You cried out, hiding your face in your hands.
“What? I’m right! It was a matter of time until you settled together. Me and your mom, together with the Schumacher’s, we… Somewhat estimated when you would realise that.”
“Oh dear God…” You murmured, soon receiving a hug from him.
“I’m proud of you two. Really.” He broke the embrace and put a hand on the blonde’s shoulder. “You better take care of her or I’ll take care of you.”
“Of course, Seb.”
“For you, it’s sir now!” He chuckled, in reaction Mick also did and you whined at their bad joke.
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sinnoman · 1 month
The Dummy's Dummy
Once again, possessed by the spirit of Macaron (is that their ship name?) I have dumped 5773 words into a google docs and created a fic dedicated to Mammon and Barbatos.
Please sit back and enjoy how stupid these two are... stupid in loooove~
This is cross-posted on my ao3 which I will link here if you prefer to read long fics there.
Mammon, although everyone liked to make fun of his intelligence, was somewhat sensible. He was able to mate for life! Although his mate doesn't exactly know it. No matter, he's sure Barbatos will get the hint someday.
Or alternatively,
Mammon unbeknownst to Barbatos, has mated him. Barbatos learns the crucial lesson of being mated to a crow and how to fall in love with Mammon all the same.
It begins with a song. 
Mammon is surprised to hear a slow clap after he finishes singing. Whipping around, Mammon watches as Barbatos descends the steps of the house and enters the planetarium of the House of Lamentation. The royal steward gives him a small smile and Mammon can feel the heat rush up to his cheeks. Most of it was from embarrassment but a bit of it was flush from the praise he received. 
He doesn’t know why Barbatos was even in his home. Barbatos doesn’t visit often. When he does it’s usually because Lord Diavolo had demanded a change of scenery and wants to hole himself with Lucifer in his brother’s office. Even then Barbatos is often glued to Diavolo’s side tending to his every need as it’s required of him. 
“I did not know you possessed such a voice, Mammon,” Barbatos says smoothly. Mammon can feel his heart beat a pace too fast in his ears. “It was beautiful.” 
Mammon, who feels his brain and nervous system shut down, stands in silence as he stares down Barbatos with a shovel and plant nutrient in his hands. The praise does far too much for how vague it was but Mammon is sure it is not entirely his fault. Relying on instinct alone, he tries his best to make sense of the situation. 
Singing is a vulnerable language for him. Singing carried depth for him unlike how little meaning it has for everyone else. Depending on how he sang, it was very important that he received appropriate recognition for his performance. The last time he sang was to lull Belphie to sleep when he was sick with devil flu. Mammon had been singing this time to the plants in hopes they’d grow steadfast without any problems.
So when Barbatos praises his singing, the small thought of “mate?” that rings in his head makes Mammon consider the steward. 
Barbatos is about the same height as him, only an inch taller. He’s slim, but he makes up for it with amazing posture and honed skills in other areas. Mammon’s sure, from what he’s seen from Barbatos’ bare hands when the steward washes dishes, that Barbatos was well-toned. Under a faux golden moon and diamond stars, Mammon can almost imagine a life of both of them together. 
Yes, Barbatos will do. 
It takes him two whole minutes of standing in awkward silence to process the words before he flushes completely red. “Oh. T-Thanks.” He managed to stumble out. 
Scratching the back of his neck, Mammon lowers his head a bit to hide his face before looking at Barbatos, “Would you like to hear another song?” Mammon whispers as if anyone could hear them. 
Barbatos nods and gives him a look of expectancy. Mammon bends down, placing his shovel and spray bottle down, and slowly walks over to Barbatos closing the gap between them as best as he can without making Barbatos uncomfortable. 
Fiddling with his fingers, Mammon takes a deep breath before he starts to sing softly. This time, it’s not a song with words but rather a tune that Mammon forms precisely just for Barbatos. The melody conceals coos and clicks, as customary of a courting song. Once he’s done, Barbatos claps once again and Mammon feels giddy all over. He’s done it. He’s succeeded in mating with Barbatos. 
“Well done once again, Mammon.” Barbatos praises, putting his arms down once he finishes clapping. “Before I forget, Lucifer is looking for you. I believe you told him you would help him understand a banking transaction.” Barbatos informs him, turning to walk away. 
A clicking sound causes Barbatos to pause before turning back to Mammon. “Did you hear that?” 
“Must be the telescope.” 
In the late hour of the night, after he frees himself from hanging from the ceiling, Mammon shakes Lucifer awake. 
Discombobulated, with spit running down his cheek, Lucifer’s eyes blink one after the other as he sits up looking at Mammon with the hardest look. But Mammon couldn’t care less. 
“I did it, Luci,” Mammon whispers excitedly. 
Groaning, Lucifer runs his face, “What have you done?” 
“I found a mate,” Mammon tells him, grabbing his shoulders and shaking back and forth. 
“Excuse me?” 
Mammon spends the next two weeks embroidering black silk gloves with thread mixed with hues of green and blue. While his sin and instinct urge him to quit wasting time on this one thing and hurry to present many valuable items to his mate, Mammon takes the time to craft his gift to perfection. 
Of course, no matter how much his brothers make fun, Mammon isn’t entirely stupid. It would be taking Barbatos for granted if he didn’t uphold his side of the relationship. So, like a good mate would, he sent his crows to drop off smaller gifts for him. His last gift was a tea bag worth half of what he got paid for his last modeling gig. Sure, it wasn’t anything valuable but his closest familiar (that he named Luce, after Lucifer) said Barbatos did not have it in his cabinet of tea. 
And who is Mammon to deny his mate what he loves?
When he is ready to give Barbatos his gift, he catches him in a partially secluded area of R.A.D. 
“Did you commission this?” Barbatos asks, hands tracing the stitching in awe. There is not a stitch out of place and every teal stitching is practically symmetrical down to the curls of its design. “Or..?” 
“I embroidered the teal parts of the gloves,” Mammon says looking away with a blush. “S-Sorry I gave it t’ya late. Embroidery takes time.” There’s silence as Barbatos fiddles with the fabric in between his fingers. He aimlessly watches as Mammon also begins to fiddle with his fingers as they both linger in the awkward silence between them. But Mammon, as his reputation prevails, is quick to break it. “I noticed yer white gloves get dirty easily. These would be better, right?” 
The hallway they were standing in was practically empty unless you counted the few lower demons who were rushing to get to class before the final bell. A small part of Barbatos, the most logical part, wants to give it back to him. If Mammon had truly meant to give him this gift he would have done so at a better time. Causing him to be late to class is nothing but a hindrance to him and his perfect attendance. But the bigger portion is grateful for it. 
“It would… This is extremely thoughtful, Mammon. Thank you.” Barbatos says, giving him a saccharine smile. 
Another click leaves Mammon’s mouth, causing him to slam his hand over his mouth. 
Barbatos’ eyebrows furrow as he makes the connection, “That clicking sound. Are you the one making it?” 
Mammon blushes hard. “I can’t help it.”  
“What is it?” Barbatos asks, a bit curious. He really should be going now. 
“An angel trait thing. It’s supposed to mimic chirpin’ but since I’m a demon it mimics the clicking of crows.” Mammon explains, not looking Barbatos in the eye. 
“It’s cute,” Is the only thing that Barbatos says as he walks away from Mammon toward his designated classroom. 
The sound of clicking echoes in the hallway before the final bell. 
There’s a chair in the middle of his room. 
Barbatos immediately pauses once he sees it. It stands out as Barbatos rarely kept any furniture in his room of many doors. With red mahogany wood, the chair is polished to the point where Barbatos can see his reflection. The golden cushion of the chair is plump enough to deem it comfortable to sit in. And while Barbatos does like the aesthetic, it makes him panic. 
Someone was in his room. 
Taking a few steps towards the chair, Barbatos uses his magic to check for any curses or hexes placed on it. He finds none. Looking around, Barbatos can’t see anything suspicious that has changed about his room. Keeping it in mind, he moves on with his day. 
Coming back to his room, he finds more furniture. This time, there’s a rug, a couch, and a bed fully covered in sheets and pillows. Barbatos notices the shiny theme that the furniture all share. Nothing important of his is missing but rather is moved around to make space for the added furniture. 
The culprit shows himself as he drags a bureau into the room. Barbatos watches, mouth slightly open at the audacity Mammon has to come and redecorate his room. 
“What are you doing?” Barbatos snaps, making Mammon pause his antics and look at him. 
Mammon gives him a toothy smile, “Putting furniture into the room.” 
“Mammon,” Barbatos says exasperated. “You cannot furnish my room without my permission. Take it out.” 
“H-Huh?” Mammon gives him a look full of hurt and Barbatos is nearly on his last nerve. In what timeline would Mammon care so much about the state of his room when Mammon has his own. 
“Take. The furniture. Out.” Barbatos emphasizes, watching Mammon bite his lip as a whimper escapes him. 
And Mammon does remove all the furniture from his room by the end of the day. 
He also doesn’t see Mammon for the rest of the week. 
“No matter how many times I perform a correction spell, my eyes still end up needing glasses,” Solomon said irritated, his eyes squinting at the paper as he leaned closer to it. In his hands was a packet of evaluations that were going to be discussed at the R.A.D. meeting this afternoon. Barbatos can’t help but chuckle at the banter in front of him. The man had a whole week before going over this packet but, Solomon wasn’t known to do things the moment it was presented to him. 
Simeon hums, “Try pulling the paper away from your face.” He placed his teacup down on its appropriate plate. 
“I tried that!” Solomon exclaims, slamming the packet on the table before he pushes it away. Crossing his arms, he pouted leaning back in his chair. “Do I really need to read this evaluation? It’s not like Lucifer is going to pick at my brain for the information.” 
“What if he asks you questions?” Simeon countered, a playful grin on his face. 
Solomon caught Simeon’s glance, “It’s Lucifer. Chances are he’d end up making the entire meeting just himself talking.” Solomon’s lips flatten into a straight line. “He won’t notice.” 
They fell into a comfortable silence and a small smile fell onto Barbatos’s face. It wasn’t the first time the residents of Purgatory Hall came a few moments early to a RAD meeting. Like his master, Barbatos enjoyed watching the relationship between all of them grow. It was nice to see how awkward small talk could develop to childish quarrels. 
Barbatos places his cup of tea down before clearing his throat. “Simeon, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” The angel perks up at the sound of his name. “Are angels similar to birds?” 
Simeon nearly choked on his tea. “W-What? What brought this on?” 
“Just humor me for a bit,” Barbatos responds, not exactly wanting to dwell on his experience with Mammon. He considered that Mammon’s actions were based on angel habits that he couldn’t quite shake off despite being a demon for centuries now. “Are there certain things that angels do that are similar to birds? Perhaps gifting? Collecting and gathering?” Barbatos says, trailing off once he sees the flabbergasted expression on Simeon’s face. 
It only takes a second but Simeon is quick to answer him, “Any behavior that a bird has, us angels had it first!” He corrects, finishing the rest of the tea.
Beside him, Solomon laughs. “They’re pretty much the same species, Barbatos. You don’t know how many times I’ve caught Simeon and Luke bringing in blankets just to cover the ones they already have on the couch in Purgatory Hall.” He informs smugly, dodging Simeon’s hands as the angel tries to shut him up. 
“Nesting is essential, Solomon.” Simeon huffs. Pouring more tea into his cup, Simeon sucks his teeth, “There is nothing wrong with a comfortable home.” 
“So it isn’t unusual for angels to… nest as you put it,” Barbatos confirms, his mind wandering off to his interaction with Mammon. If Mammon was nesting, why in his room? 
Simeon hums, “Well it depends on the stage of the nest. When either Luke or I bring in new things like blankets it’s for maintenance of the nest we already made. In the beginning stage, we bring in things like—“
“—furniture.” Barbatos interrupts catching Simeon and Solomon by surprise. 
Nodding, Simeon continues, “Well yes, but it ultimately it depends on the angel. Some angels like comfortable things, or colorful things, or even—“
“—shiny things.” Barbatos finishes, almost breathlessly. He looks down at his cup, tracing the rim of it with a gloved finger. He then lifts his head, “Is there a specific reason for one to nest?” Barbatos asks, sounding a little more urgent than he would like. 
Simeon simply shrugs, “Not every angel nests, and not every angel has a reason to nest. I nest because Luke is still a fledging and he needs a safe space or else his development will suffer. However, there are other reasons an angel might nest. For comfort, protection, or to show off.” Simeon finishes, going to take a bite of the dessert Barbatos had made for the meeting. 
“Show off?” Solomon echoes in confusion. “Show off for what?” 
“For who,” Simeon corrects after swallowing his sweet. “Some angels build nests to court other angels.” He informs as if it were common sense. 
Solomon’s face contorts to a shit-eating expression. “Have you ever tried to show off for me?” He says as sweetly as possible. Simeon rolls his eyes. 
“Don’t you have seven hundred wives? Can’t you flirt with one of them?” 
The residents of Purgatory Hall continue to bicker back and forth but Barbatos tunes them out. Simeon’s words repeat in his head over and over again. Courting? Mammon has been courting him this entire time? With a sense of dread, Barbatos goes to stand. 
He has made a grievous and heartless error. And he must fix it immediately. 
When he finds Mammon, the Second-Born hands him a random bottle of wine that he accepts gracefully. 
“When you were bringing furniture into my room, Mammon. Were you nesting?” Barbatos asks bluntly. He watches as the Avatar of Greed stiffens at his words and nods slowly. 
“But ya didn’t like it,” Mammon whispers sadly. A small sad trilling noise escapes him and it pulls at Barbatos’ heartstrings despite him not showing it. 
“I didn’t know,” Barbatos whispers back. “I didn’t know you were courting me.” If he had, he would have at least let Mammon down gently. 
“I wasn’t courting you,” Mammon states, slightly annoyed. Barbatos’ head is practically reeling at his words. None of Mammon’s behavior has made sense and the little bit of information he was able to gain just appeared to be useless. 
“Ah,” Barbatos responds, unsure of what to say next. 
“We’re already mated,” Mammon informs him.
Being Mammon’s mate is… something. 
Mammon had explained that Barbatos complimenting his singing was in fact Barbatos agreeing to a relationship with him. How those two very separate things correlate with one another Barbatos isn’t sure. What he does understand is that it is frankly dumb. 
He expected much more attention and disturbance in his day-to-day routine. Furthermore, he expected this whole courting and mating thing not to last long due to arguing on his part but surprisingly none of that happened to be true. What ended up happening was Mammon treating Barbatos as if they weren’t mated. Nothing truly changed except the weekly gift-giving that Mammon said was absolutely necessary whether he liked it or not. When Barbatos brings it up, Mammon is able to explain. 
“Y’don’t like PDA. I’m okay with taking things at your pace.” They’re hushed away in a corner of the ballroom, watching as everyone celebrates the current event of the season. Mammon stands close to him, but not too close to draw any suspicion to either of them. 
Barbatos frowns, “I feel guilty. As if I have led you on.” He does genuinely feel bad. Mammon has devoted his time to planning each and every second he spends with Barbatos. If he cannot see him, Mammon makes sure to spoil Barbatos with thoughtful gifts such as the gloves he wears tonight. 
And here Barbatos is, not reciprocating anything in return. 
Mammon shakes his head, “Yer not. I’m not expecting anything special. I already know ya like me back.” 
His words make him freeze. “W-what? Mammon, when have I told you that I reciprocated your feelings?” Barbatos’ questions, eyes flickering between him and the guest of tonight who seemed too busy distracted by Lucifer and Diavolo dancing the night away. 
“Ya don’t have ta. I can see it through yer actions. Like when ya compliment my choice of gifts, or when ya let me put my nest back. If ya didn’t like me, wouldn’t have let me do that. You don’t let things like that carry on for long.” Mammon explains, raising his hands to clap when everyone else does. 
Barbatos follows suit, not caring what is going on publicly. Remaining silent, he thought hard about it. What he thought was being a good samaritan, apparently wasn’t clearly translated to Mammon. While he had let Mammon put his nest back and continue his bird mating habits, it was simply because he did not have the heart to shut Mammon’s shenanigans down. 
But now that he really looked at it from Mammon’s perspective, did he truly have feelings for Mammon? 
“We could start small.” Mammon continues, his eyes averted from the dance floor and linger on Barbatos. “In private, I mean. Hand holding, hugs, we could practice touching until yer comfortable to do it in public.” 
Barbatos feels like he’s suffering from whiplash. How has this conversation gone from explanations to talks of progressing their romantic relationship that he has just been made aware of? 
But instead of saying no or even breaking up with Mammon, Barbatos lets his curiosity get the best of him and nods. 
In the privacy of Barbatos’ room, Barbatos and Mammon sit crisscrossed in front of one another. They’ve been sitting on the rug that Mammon had put back in his room for about half an hour now and Barbatos thinks he should probably say something before it becomes too late to do anything. 
“Mammon, do you want to try holding hands?” Barbatos asks softly. 
Mammon hums, chuckling a bit, “I wanna do more than hold hands, sweetheart.” But despite the sexual innuendo in his words, Mammon blushes. “But yeah, we can hold hands if ya want.” 
Shuffling on his knees, Mammon moves closer to Barbatos until their knees are touching. Slowly, he grabs Barbatos’ wrist with one hand, and with the other, he digs a finger underneath the cuff of the gloves he gifted the older demon. Steady, he slides the glove off and watches as the fabric falls onto the carpet with a plop. 
Although it is simply Mammon taking off his glove, Barbatos can’t help but think about how lewd that was just now. With the way Mammon practically undressed his hand, Barbatos sure that if anything serious were to happen he wouldn’t last very long. 
Mammon grabs his bare hand with his and holds it firmly. “Is this okay?” 
Not trusting his voice, Barbatos nods. Mammon nods as well and then focuses back to their hands. Shifting his hand, Mammon goes to intertwining their fingers, holding his palm firm with his. 
“Is this okay?” Mammon whispers, red sitting pretty on his cheeks. Barbatos would tease him about it but he’s sure he is just as red as he is. Whatever composer he had left has been long gone. 
Barbatos nods vigorously, “It is more than okay.” He whispers back. 
They hold hands for what seems too short of a moment between them. The constant cheering and laughter coming from the ballroom seems to remind them that they should probably return to the festivities of the night. Neither of them makes the move to leave though. 
“So did’ya figure it out?” Mammon asks after a while of them sitting in silence. “That ya like me?” 
The words leave Barbatos before he can even think about it. “May I kiss you?” 
Mammon’s eyes widen and he pulls back from their space but he relaxes with the softest smile on his face. As gentle as a midnight breeze, Mammon places the quickest peck on Barbatos’ lips. 
In awe, Barbatos watches Mammon sit back with a grin. “Another one?” Barbatos asks. 
Mammon scoffs playfully before rolling his eyes. He raises himself on his knees once more and leans into Barbatos’ space and places another kiss on his lips. This time it’s a bit more of everything. A bit longer, a bit more passionate. 
A bit too short for Barbatos’ liking when Mammon pulls away. Barbatos, gripping Mammon a bit tighter, damn near whines. “Again?” 
“You could kiss me as much as you want, Barbatos.” Mammon smiled, “It’s practice.” 
It’s all the confirmation he needs to pull Mammon down with him and lock him in place. Taking one hand to hold Mammon’s chin, Barbatos presses his lips to Mammon’s. Instead of pulling away, Barbatos does the opposite and deepens the kiss further. 
He only parts from Mammon once he hears another round of cheering coming from the ballroom. “We… should head back Mammon,” Barbatos states, taking in Mammon as he fails to cover the flush in his face. 
This is ridiculous, absolutely stupid. He shouldn’t be entertaining any bit of this but instead going to stand he continues to do everything but go back to the party. He holds Mammon’s cheek and lightly plants kisses along his jaw before moving up to his cheek and then relatching to his lips. 
Mammon calls it “practice” but Barbatos doesn’t understand what they’re practicing for. It’s now Saturday morning and they’ve spent the last five hours of the night glued to one another just kissing. 
Their current position was rather promiscuous. Moving to the bed, Barbatos hovers over Mammon, his thighs spreading Mammon’s legs apart as Barbatos lays on top of him. One of Barbatos’ hands rests behind Mammon’s neck and his arm is curled under Mammon’s back holding him close. Mammon doesn’t lock Barbatos down with his ankles but does let his fingers run through green locks of hair. The most memorable part of their position was the kissing. 
Barbatos’ lips have come across every inch of Mammon’s face and neck by now. The only time Barbatos has parted from Mammon for more than 30 seconds was to change them both into something more comfortable. 
Even now, as Barbatos pushes their bodies together, tongue slipping past Mammon’s lips, groaning at the way Mammon moans into his mouth, all he can think about is how he wants to continue this until he has to get up to ready the castle that was supposed to be serviced an hour ago. 
Barbatos pulls away, looking down at Mammon who smiles back at him. The clicking sound comes back along with a few happy-sounding trills and it pulls a smile out of Barbatos. Pushing away the hair that has stuck to Mammon’s forehead, Barbatos gives him one more peck on his puffy lips before moving completely off of him. 
Panting, Barbatos watches as Mammon huffs along with him as he sits up. “This was not at all what you meant by touching was it?” Barbatos laughs breathlessly. 
Mammon laughs with him, “Nope! But s’greatly accepted.” He chirps, trilling away in the comfort of the pillows he bought for Barbatos. Barbatos’ lips twitch upwards at the sight. Mammon slowly blinks desperately trying to stay awake. With his hair a mess and clothes all wrinkled Barbatos can’t help but coo at the sight of him. 
He had to admit Mammon did look adorable. 
“I am extremely late for work.” Barbatos mumbles, picking up his D.D.D. and looking at the time. The countless messages from Diavolo and even some from Lucifer scold him for his lack of attention to his position. 
“Ya didn’t sleep,” Mammon tells him. Lazily, Mammon pulls the comforter down and shuffles over making space for Barbatos. He pats the spot beside him. 
“I have a job that I am committed to, Mammon,” Barbatos responds. He hopes that Mammon does not begin to argue with him about it. He’s always known that Barbatos was a busy demon. The time demon was not going to change his ways simply because Mammon had imprinted on him or whatever it was he’d convinced himself of. 
“I never said yer weren’t committed,” Mammon whispers. “But ya can’t be the best if yer fallin’ asleep on the job. Come lay down.” He orders gently. 
Pulling all-nighters is nothing unusual for him, but with the way Mammon opens his arms for him inviting him for a cuddle he can’t help but let the tired wash over him. As he crawls through the wrinkled mess of sheets and curls up in Mammon’s arms, he can hear the left and right sides of his brain argue over the decision. 
A quick text of not feeling well is sent to Diavolo before his phone is thrown aside. 
As he contemplates the past ten hours of his life, Barbatos allows the soothing melody of Mammon’s voice to lull him to sleep. 
Mammon turns out to be a distraction. 
The week rolls by before Barbatos knows it and although it is completely peaceful, the itching of his greed gets the best of him. There’s a slight decrease in effort to perform his duties as steward as perfectly as possible, his attention in class cannot be accounted for, and there is a lack of care for anyone speaking directly to him other than his mate-sorta-not-mate. In short, Barbatos is a mess. 
He supposes that it is somewhat his own fault. Barbatos never truly let his greed run rampant as long as it has now. Whatever item caught his eye was quickly retrieved whether it was from this timeline or another. His greed was almost always sated immediately. He’s never experienced deprivation like other greed demons have. 
And unfortunately the apple of his eye this time happens to be Mammon. 
He’s all Barbatos thinks about as of late. What Mammon might be doing? Is he causing trouble or was he relaxing? Is he currently suffering from one of Lucifer’s punishments? Has he eaten? Would Mammon like his baked goods? Should he try preparing spicy foods? Would Mammon prefer a dish made by him? Does Mammon miss him? Is Mammon thinking of him? 
Dear all things sinful, this was getting pathetic. 
But the more he thinks about Mammon, the more he wants to be near him, holding him, kissing him—
The kitchen door bursts open and surprise, surprise Mammon strides in with a giddy look once he spots him. “I’m not here for long, I promise.” He says, practically skipping over to him. 
He pulls out a goodie bag and slides it to him over the counter. His fingers pat the edge of the kitchen counter excitedly as he watches Barbatos open the goodie bag and a smile forms on his face. 
“Ya like?” Mammon asks, desperately waiting for Barbatos’ approval. 
Barbatos hums, “I do, Mammon. Thank you. But may I pry, where do you get these? Some of these tea bags are not in season.” The last thing he wants is to be enjoying tea that has been stolen. 
Mammon gloats in the praise, “Haha, of course, ya like it. I am the Great Mammon and my gifts are the best!” He says. He pauses once he’s realized that he’s been asked a question. “Oh. I go down to the ports. One of the lower demons gives them to me in exchange for free labor.” 
Barbatos pauses before giving Mammon a disbelieving look. Not only because Mammon is doing manual labor just to bring Barbatos four tea bags that will soon be put on a shelf.
But because there’s some lower, not worth mentioning moron, is giving things to Mammon. His mate-positively-sure-mate! 
Just like that, a flare of Greed overwhelms them both, and Mammon’s lips split into a shit-eating grin. “Are ya jealous?” 
“I am not.” Barbatos lies. Mammon disregards his words as he walks away giggling but not before letting Barbatos kiss him. 
If the lower demon down at the port randomly goes missing, Mammon doesn’t say anything. 
Barbatos figures that he doesn’t really like Mammon, he just likes playing his role as the Avatar’s mate. 
Simeon tells him otherwise during their weekly tea. Luckily for him, Solomon is too busy bothering Asmodeus after being nagged by Simeon for shamelessly flirting with anyone in sight. When Barbatos catches him up Simeon’s jaw drops. 
“That’s why you asked me all those questions?” Simeon said, a happy glint in his eyes. “Who would have guessed you and Mammon?” 
“It is not as if I like him, Simeon,” Barbatos says, taking a sip of his tea. 
Simeon scoffs, “You just spent the past half hour telling me how nice it was to kiss Mammon.” He sets his teacup down on its designated plate. “Not to mention you called out sick just to cuddle with him.” 
“Kisses are nice in general,” Barbatos says automatically as if he were reading from a dictionary. He was not even going to address the other part. 
Simeon’s eyes narrow. “Alright, would you kiss Solomon?” He asks cautiously, analyzing the look on Barbatos’ face. 
Barbatos looks disgusted. “Absolutely not.” 
“Why not?” 
There is a beat of silence before Barbatos speaks. 
“Because… he’s not Mammon.” 
When Lucifer stands in front of him arms crossed with a hard look, Barbatos can’t help but feel numb. He had forgotten that if he was dealing with Mammon he was also dealing with Lucifer by extension. To make matters worse, Mammon happens to be Lucifer’s favorite no matter how much the eldest brother denies it. 
“Mammon tells me..” Lucifer begins, unsure how to start the conversation. “That you, the both of you, are involved… romantically.” He finishes. Red eyes look him and down expectingly. 
Barbatos isn’t sure of what to say. To be frank he’s still making sense of the fact that he and Mammon are involved romantically and have been apparently for the past three weeks. 
“We are?” Barbatos says although it comes out more like a question. 
“Are you not sure?” Lucifer asks him. He then sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Please do not tell me you have let yourself be coerced into a relationship.” 
“It is only coercion if I am unwilling.” Barbatos mumbles, catching them both by surprise. There’s a pause of silence before Barbatos continues, “He tells me we’re mated.” Barbatos informs him. 
His words were true. After a long consideration of what others might deem make-outs and cuddles, Barbatos came to realize that he did enjoy Mammon’s company. He didn’t hate the idea of being Mammon’s mate at all. 
“And you are okay with that?” Lucifer presses, looking for any sign of displeasure from the royal steward. “Let me illiterate, do you understand what that means?” 
“It means,” Barbatos trails off trying to come up with the words, “that I am involved with a bird.” 
A gargled noise escapes Lucifer. “I just want to make clear that I value you as a friend Barbatos. But I am not above choosing Mammon over you at any point in time.” Lucifer tells him sternly. 
Barbatos ignores the way it sounds more threatening than basic shovel talk. He’s sure that the rest of the brothers will come to him one by one and present him with threats but he will deal with that later. Instead, he hands Lucifer a teacup on top of a matching plate. 
“Yes, yes. Aren’t you a devoted brother,” Barbatos teases before pulling a stool in front of Lucifer and sits down. “Now tell me, will I have to perform a dance or gift your brother a rock?” 
The night comes soon enough and Barbatos finds himself being pampered. Mammon suggested that he help get him ready for bed. What Barbatos thought was going to be a quick change of clothes and a tuck into bed turned out to be quick exchanges of kisses and nuzzling. 
Now Mammon has Barbatos sat in a chair as he brushes his hair. Barbatos sits contently, eyes closed, as he indulges in the way the brush softly strokes his scalp. The sounds of soft trills and clicks fill the room. Barbatos pulls away for a second before turning to Mammon, “Is this another of your bird traits?” He asks the younger demon. 
“Uh,” Mammon says, “I dunno. It just feels right. You could see it as preenin’.” 
“Preening,” Barbatos echoes. He summons all the knowledge he’s read about bird behavior on his phone last night and comes up blank. 
“Yeah, but ya don’t have wings so I’m just pamperin’ ya.” Mammon explains simply, going back to brushing Barbatos’ hair. 
“Ah.” Barbatos responds dumbly. He looks at Mammon through the mirror and figures this is an appropriate time to say what he is about to say, “I like you.” 
Mammon freezes, “I know y’do.” 
“I did not say it,” Barbatos tells him a bit sadly, “When you asked me the night of the event.” 
“S’okay,” Mammon smiles at him, “We have the rest of our lives to tell each other we like one another.” 
Barbatos gives him a look of confusion and Mammon kisses his temple, “They didn’t tell you?” 
“Tell me what?” 
“That angels' mate for life,” Mammon responds looking Barbatos straight in the eye. “We wouldn’t be mates unless one of us dies.” 
Barbatos, although he should be shocked or angry, isn’t. He simply grabs one of Mammon’s hands and kisses his knuckles. “Good thing we are immortal then.” He says, looking up at Mammon. 
“Yeah,” says Mammon. “And it’s not like we’re in danger.” He adds, giving Barbatos a saccharine stare back. 
“Who knows when we’ll ever be,” Barbatos tells him, dragging Mammon towards the mattress. Once the younger demon is tucked in, Barbatos allows himself to be nuzzled by the trilling fallen angel beside him. “Could be years.” 
“An eternity.” Barbatos finishes. He plants one passionate kiss on Mammon’s lips. 
He’s rather glad that this dummy chose him. 
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syndullqs · 5 months
𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 — 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒐𝒅𝒚
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summary — your past has made you a hardened general. commander cody intends to break you.
warnings — gn!jedi!reader, mentions of a traumatic past, cody being annoying
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐀𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐊. the men in that hangar were expecting a visitor, and a notorious one at that.
“you’re acting like you’re meeting the chancellor,” general obi-wan kenobi poked fun at his commander, who was standing at attention next to him.
“can’t be too prepared, sir,” cody responded as a ship landed in the hangar of the Negotiator. obi-wan only laughed as he watched the ramp pull down, revealing none other than you, jedi general y/n l/n. you had a reputation for being emotionless, which obviously wasn’t the case. no one ever seemed to get an extreme reaction out of you, ever. you seemed cold, and they were right to assume that. being the competitive spirit commander cody was, he wanted to change that.
“general kenobi,” you offered a small smile as you approached him, shaking his outstretched hand.
“general l/n,” he greeted, “this is commander cody,” obi-wan introduced. cody stood at attention, but dipped his head towards you.
“it’s a pleasure,” you dipped your head in response. oh, it definitely would be.
the campaign on alderaan was successful. the separatist forces were driven out and once again, the republic could go home with a victory. which also meant commander cody could do more of his, well, job.
cody, any chance he could get, would make comments that would make anyone flush. you, however, never budged. you offered him a small smile, and a shake of your head before moving on. challenge accepted.
“general!” cody called from behind you. now, you weren’t blind to the commander’s plan. you knew of the reputation you held, and it wasn’t by choice. the strings of your past were still attached to you, making you a hardened person. he was determined, for whatever reason, to break you.
maybe a part of you liked how difficult you made it for him.
“what can i do for you commander?” you stopped in your tracks and turned to face the commander. he was attractive, the way he seemed to glow with that boyish look. yet, your face remained neutral, your eyes meeting cody’s.
“general kenobi has some reports for you to sign off on,” he explained, handing you a datapad.
“and you couldn’t comm me? or general kenobi himself?” you posed, raising an eyebrow as you took the datapad, signing it anyway.
“what, i can’t spend time with you, mesh’la?” he asked, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. you knew what he called you; you were well aware of the terms of endearment used by clones. your own men used them quite often.
“as much as i find the nickname flattering, commander, i know you have other, more important, things to be doing,” you told him, offering him a softened expression. cody huffed, his chest filling with pride as he viewed your softened expression. finally, some leeway.
“oh, well of course, sir. i just wanted to run that by you,” he meant several things with his smug expression, and he also knew you’d get every one. he leaned in just enough, daring to enter more of your personal space.
“if you need me, i’ll be in the hangar, sir,” he gently tipped your chin with a coiled pointer finger before stalking off. his move was bold, especially given how you two barely knew each other. your stomach fluttered at his touch, even if it was fleeting. shivers crawled down your spine, and not ones in warning. your expression hardened, but your eyes told a different story. your heart melted a little, and you felt the lingering affects of cody’s finger.
“noted,” you spoke, and cody heard you. he smirked as he stalked off, pride filling his chest. he wasn’t going to lie, though. you weren’t the only one that felt the spark at the touch. cody felt it in the pit of his stomach, and it terrified him.
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lol look at me pumping out fics HAHA. this will probably be a multi-parter, but idk either. if y’all like it enough i’ll add more parts. anyways, i graduate college here soon and the way i’m SO excited, but it also means a little more free time for me until i start my big-girl job haha. anyways, hopefully you enjoyed some cody!
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