#watcher cable files
nevertoomanyfiles · 9 months
Happy GF Tour 2 Part 2 to All Who Celebrate
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chaosandbeyond · 2 months
goodbye watcher i guess
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drunkkenobi · 2 months
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Hi bb, ty for the prompt to write my thoughts!
So I can't get on tumblr at work anymore unless I go outside to get good signal on my phone so I have only been privy to what's going on here today from friends on discord. So maybe I'm missing some nuance or the what my mutuals think and I apologize in advance for that but I'm going to speak plainly.
This is the only way Watcher is going to survive.
The view counts have been steady through Mystery Files season 2 but they aren't, like, astronomical. A video with a million views nets a channel between $10,000 - $30,000. Guys. That's nothing for Watcher. They have to pay each of their 25+ employees a salary with insurance and benefits and for everything else their channel requires. Steven said in the video today that a season of Ghost Files costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't think everyone is hearing that part and understanding how much money that is, especially compared to many other YouTubers they watch. I'm not an expert on other YouTubers but I look at the Sims people I watch. They are successful with views in the hundred k range because they are a company of one. Themselves and maybe paying a freelancer to help edit their videos. For one person, the stakes are lower and the potential for profit is higher! Especially for gamers that are filming in their homes. YouTubers like this, making niche content on the cheap, are who is going to make it in YouTube now.
Watcher is none of those things. They have, from day one, wanted to make high quality unscripted content. All of their shows are shows. They aren't just "Ryan and Shane do [thing]" or "Steven eats [whatever]". They are shows, like ones you see on cable TV or any streamer. And shows are not cheap. Unscripted is cheaper, sure, than scripted. But that doesn't mean cheap. Especially not with the sheer production value we've seen on all their shows, in particular Ghost Files (hundreds of thousands of dollars). That is how much something like Ghost Adventures costs, which is on Travel Channel, an actual TV network that puts up all those costs.
So. That's why Watcher has to pivot to survive.
I think it's a great idea, personally. And yes, I am in a position where I can financially afford it no problem, which I know is a privilege! I am very lucky in that regard. And I understand that many people are upset they won't see the boys as easily on YouTube anymore. That is valid! But they have openly said they are totally fine with password sharing and I think that's a great way to cut down on costs for some folks. Also right now there's a great deal on the yearly sub for early subscribers. $40 for a year is cheaper than any streaming service and it doesn't go to anyone other than Watcher.
I understand that people feel hurt and blindsided, but I think Watcher is also feeling this too. They have been so excited about this and being able to make whatever they want without having to worry about sponsors and now they're mostly seeing anger directed their way. Especially at Steven. Steven is not rich. You know who's rich? David Zaslav, a man who is single-handedly ruining Warner Brothers and making himself a billionaire while he's at it. THAT is the kind of person we should be directing our anger at streaming prices and quality of the media landscape at. Not one small business that is just trying to survive so they can continue paying their employees.
And one more thing. I've seen folks saying they'd rather watch more ads than pay and while I get that, that's not going to help Watcher make what they want. YouTube famously demonetizes videos with swears which is why I can't watch a video with DRAG QUEENS without every other line being bleeped and Watcher has been so good about not bleeping their content because they know we would hate it. And YouTube does this because of advertisers. Advertisers only want to appeal to the most broad of audiences so that means not supporting anything slightly left of center. Having to deal with ads sucks from the creator perspective and does not help them in the long run.
Anyway, this is all a bit rambling, but these are my thoughts on WatcherTV. I'm extremely excited to subscribe and make them make more Weird Wonderful World. I hope to see you all there.
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noa-nightingale · 1 month
I don't know why, but Ryan fidgeting with his headphone cable during the new Pod Watcher ep while talking about the live shows and how people reacted to the new Ghost Files... It made me feel emotions.
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rosesforwildwitches · 2 months
As someone who really likes Buzzfeed Unsolved and Ryan and Shane's later work on Watcher, I think that the watcher team has vastly underestimated how crucial the fact that YouTube is free is to their business model. I initially got into buzzfeed unsolved as a broke ass highschool student who didn't even have a job because I had an interest in true crime and goofy banter, but my mom's cable service was mostly filled with low effort shock bait. If buzzfeed unsolved had been initially a subscription service and had not been free to watch on the viewer end (with ads supporting it), I wouldn't have ever picked up watching it because I couldn't ever afford to. Even now that I'm almost a year out of college, at my most financially stable I was paying half of my paycheck per month for rent and couldn't afford to pay for my own car insurance and cell service without help from my parents despite being employed full time in a pharmaceutical testing lab that analyzed patient samples, and currently I'm burning through savings to not get evicted while job hunting and I just sent in an online application for food stamp benefits with my state last Sunday. I'm only subscribed to one service, Hulu, because I bought a 1 year subscription on a black Friday sale for 70% off all at once as a lump sum last November, and I only bought that because it has over 200 movies and shows I am actively interested in watching on the platform. I've enjoyed mystery files and buzzfeed unsolved greatly over the years, but that was only ever made possible for me by it being available for free on YouTube, and as of right now I sure as hell can't subscribe to a new service for one or two shows only. And while my situation may be particularly precarious, I'm going to bet based on everyone who I know who's also a fan that most of the fan base is in the same economic boat as me, as basically everyone I know who's a fan of the show is around my age and either still living at their parent's house or is surviving off of food banks at the moment. The Watcher team has greatly overestimated the financial stability of their viewing audience, and it's going to cost them so much.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Monday, August 29 - Tuesday, August 30
XANDER: (swallows) People? BUFFY: Xander, you ate the burger?! XANDER: Well, first you say it's cat, then you come in and hand me a burger, blah blah blah, five minutes later 'oh and by the way, it happens to be hot delicious human flesh'! BUFFY: I needed that burger to analyze it. Now I'm gonna have to get another one. XANDER: *That's* your problem with this scenario? You getting seconds?
~~Buffy Season 6 Episode #112: "DoubleMeat Palace"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Redirected (Buffy, T, SGA xover) by 3am_moonlight
Demonology 101 (Buffy, T, MCU xover) by glitterangelem
Fashion Show & Tell (Dawn, T, LotR xover) by jerseyfabulous
Are These Goons Yours, Mine or Ours? (Buffy, T, SG1 xover) by beri_fanfic
Escape Plan (Joyce, T, Multiple xovers) by acswatwst
Flowers of Life: Valerian (Buffy, T, MCU xover) by mmooch
A Cascade of Echoes: Leaving the Blue Marble (Buffy, T, SG1 xover) by 3am_moonlight
Flying True (Faith, T, Firefly xover) by jedibuttercup
Something Wicked (Buffy, Willow, T, Wandavision xover) by glitterangelem
Mrs. Bruce Wayne (Ensemble, T, DCU xover) by beri_fanfic
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The Runaround (Xander, T, Dresden Files xover) by madimpossibledreamer
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If it Purrs Like a Kitten (Angel/Spike, M) by Gabriel_Is_My_Guardian_Angel89
An Eye for an Eye Leaves the Whole World Blind (Buffy, Spike, Drusilla, T) by LadyLustful
Season of Rituals (Buffy, unrated, LotR xover) by Liloldme
Buffy Summers and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Cable Bill (Buffy/Spike, T) by ifonlyiwaswittier
Wildfires (Buffy/Spike, E) by cawthraven
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Untitled (Buffy, Willow, G) by purrpickle
Untitled (Buffy/Spike, Dawn, unrated) by
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Cheese (Buffy/Spike, T) by myrabeth
[Chaptered Fiction]
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A Night Without Day - Chapter 10: It’s Got to Be More Than Flesh and Bone (Buffy/Spike, E) by orea_domina
Body Language Chapter 6: Castle (part 1) (Buffy/Faith, E) by explosionshark
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Bound Chapter 14 Out For A Walk (Buffy/Spike, M) by spnae
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Who Watches the Watchers, Chapter 17-18 (Buffy/Spike, E) by blue_sweater_spike
Willing Slave, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Sigyn
A Night Without Day, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, E) by HappyWhenItRains
If Only, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, E) by MixSaysRawr
Why Are There 26 Letters?, Chapter 21 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Indi_Shaw
Marriage, Sunnydale-Style, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, M) by scratchmeout
Talkative Minds, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Jws1993
Her Vampire, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, E) by AmyAndrews20
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Living is Easy…Being Happy is Hard CH. 20 (Buffy, T, Mercy Thompson xover) by Luna
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Manip:Drusilla and Giles () by emmatheslayer
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Artwork:Buffy tattoo () by Anya Gladun
Manip:Drusilla and Giles () by emmatheslayer
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Artwork:Buffy & Spike () by boopsterliv
Artwork:Spike () by threewordsorless
Artwork:BTVS “Every Outfit” “Angel S1E8 I Will Remember You” Xx () by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork:Buffy & Faith () by xxacidcloudxx
Artwork:Buffy & Faith (NSFW) by vanitasmorgue
Manip:Cover Art for MEET ME AT MIDNIGHT by Dusty () by l0veisntbrains
[Reviews & Recaps]
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We’re Like Sisters, With Really Different Hair (Homecoming) by herinsectreflection
Buffy Rewatch 2k22 3.2 Living Conditions by handsofabitterman
Buffy Rewatch 2k22 4.1 The Freshman by handsofabitterman
[Fandom Discussions]
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The insane thing about Buffy confronting Spike as the Buffybot by babygirlgiles
Surprise/Innocence by herinsectreflection
some folks act like tara can do no wrong by buffyandwillow
I don’t agree with the idea of The Gift being the last episode by disco-tea
i know crush is supposed to be anti spuffy by smellingwormholes
Top 10 Spuffy fics I’ve read (Aug 2022) by mcgnagallsarmy
a big reason behind my dislike of buffy only saying “i love you” right as spike is sacrificing himself: by silvermars
just thinking about buffy in 2022 by biggestthighestgeminiest
God season 5 is so good by wikiangela
when the monks made Dawn human by simplyaiden-blog
one of the funny similarities between Spike and Dawn by disco-tea
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Discussion of 4.21 "Primeval" by TomatoLover97
Fred or Illyria? by Multiple Authors
I’m rewatching Buffy, and I just got back around to What’s My Line. by no-lo-lo
Discussion of The Vampire Slayer #5 - Released 8/31/22 (Boom! Studios) by Buffy Summers
Cliche Arguments by Miss Muffet
Are the comics canon for you? by Joshua
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BOOM! The Vampire Slayer # 5 Preview Pages.(spoilers) by BAF
Fic recommendation - In Retrograde by wroth_and-ruin by bespangeled
Angel Season 5 rewatch - #11 Damage continued by Stoney and Nina
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Comparing scenes from the unaired pilot with the original Willow (Riff Reagan) against Alyson Hannigan by InfiniteMehdiLove
Why are there only Vampires in sunnydale?(SPOILERS) by Formal_Fix_5190
Upgraded my Buffy model (from Slayerverse animation) - still working out some kinks by tmcarlee
As weak as the initiative plot is, this is one of my favourite moments in the show by tommygun1945
The Pack & Herbert the Pig by nicollexo
Enemies by mushabo0om
I never realized until this moment that Oz's name isn't Oz by Mysterious-Try-4723
"Listening to Fear" is one of the creepiest episodes of the series by jdpm1991
New slayer born as result of previous becoming a slaypire? by Ezekiel_Says_Grace
The Master by chemeli888
Charisma Carpenter! by Formal_Fix_5190
the frat house from “fear itself" by LieTo_me
Theory: Dawn was created by some unknown being as a weapon to destroy all dimensions and existence by iceswordsman
Trying to remember a scene in the later seasons by murdochi
Thoughts On Season 5? by Defvac2
Where can I read or preview the comics? Mainly Season 8 by ginime_
Let's talk about The Master by Mr_McGigglepants
How do you feel about the Angel and Cordy ship? by Almighty_Push91
Soul Searching… by Channon-Yarrow
If they made another Buffy video game by ThatKoffeeBurns
Unpopular opinion: Riley would have been good for Buffy by PecanSama
What would you think about the other male/female friendships if they had become romantic by LightBlueSky55
Commander Buffy and the boycott by icanneverthinkofone1
oldschool fansites? by deadxair
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apolloiptv241 · 2 years
Ensure to boost your business worldwide with IPTV 6 Months Subscription now
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Location: Canada
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newwayastrology · 2 years
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I used to be a frequent watcher of cable and local news. I still sometimes view parts of locl news but an astrological colleague, a few days ago, suggested that I take a look at a particular show that was 100% about the January 6th proceedings that are taking place. Every single factor of what has not only been reported about the January 6th uprising but what has been shown in real time of the proceedings has a link to one name - Donald Trump. Personally, I think that Trump is one of those people who could commit murder on live TV and nothing would happen but I wanted to be objective and look again at the measurements in his chart covering a portion of the next year or so to see if the link to him and the uprising can manifest in anything life-changing. Life-changing aspects are the conjunctions, squares, and oppositions that Saturn through Pluto make by transit or arc to the Sun, Moon, or an Angle. To them, add Saturn Return and the Solar Arc semi-square. I've been saying all along that I expect Trump to have to deal with critical illness at any point in the latter half of 2022 through 2023. Critical illness is linked to a 12th House planet, ruler, the Ascendant degree or Ascendant ruler. Once we get up in age, astrological contact to any of the aforementioned points can manifest in illness. Trump has the fairly long transit of Neptune square his 12th House Sun that also rules his Ascendant. And pretty soon, the arc of Mars square his 12th House Pluto will be in orb. For someone whose age is senior and is a corpulent diabetic, this is clearly an astrological picture of the potential for critical illness concerns. As to what can happen via the proceedings going on now, a Neptune transit or arc to a Light or Angle is not what you want to see, especially when you've been doing anything wrong or illegal. It's like you've not filed taxes forever. You get a registered letter about it. You look at your chart and see that Solar Arc Neptune is about to cross an Angle. In lieu of that, reading that letter will not be the kind of thing that sends you to bed at ease, to say the least. That is where Trump is right now. I just can't believe that anything will happen to this guy. In one of his books, Grant Lewi referred to Mars in Leo as being people who can get away with murder. We'll see but astrologically speaking, it doesn't look good. I took a look at his son Barron's chart over the course of the next year and it shows nothing life-changing. Sometimes a child can have the kind of relationship with a parent that isn't close and what happens to the parent doesn't really affect the child. I have no idea if that is the case here but usually, when something life-changing happens to a parent, it is seen in the horoscope of the child, especially if it is parental death. I know for me, my father died when I had SA MC=Mars and my mother died when my 2nd Saturn Return was exact. We'll see!
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kinghoranshit · 4 years
The Watchers (1D) - 00 Hours
Part 1
I watched the names light up on our hologram. You never wanted to see your name listed. It meant someone put down a sum of money to have you killed during the 24 hour purge. If your name's not on the list, you're free to join in on the hunt or stay in your house; no one could kill you, but the sounds of screams were deafening. The amount of people who turned their backs on their loved ones, both figuratively and literally by killing them, was disgusting. There were even those "friends" who thought it'd be funny to list you.
Now, you're thinking that a purge is such a dumb idea. Want to know what's more stupid?
A bounty purge.
It's the government's way to keep the crime and gambling rates down, and those who may not be fortunate in their social class have a way to level up and gain funds. It became a sport for some. This was the 100th annual year and the names being listed were a lot of celebrities; normally the ratio of high and low status didn't fare this much.
My family and I were in resistance; my mom died trying to protect someone, now it was just my dad and I. We helped those whose names were on the list, not for free of course. We're like bounty hunters, but the opposite. A guard or babysitter sounds so lame though, so don't call me those.
I felt my eyes go wide when I saw all five names that formed One Direction. Who...would do this? They weren't even technically a group anymore; they only just started a virtual reunion tour. They all went solo long ago, so it didn't make sense as to why they would be grouped together. The amount of money put on their heads was ridiculous. Sadly, I didn't see them making it through the 24 hours, unless they have some great body protection, or are suddenly kickass in combat.
The blue hue to the hologram disappeared and it was silent darkness for a while. There were so many bounties this year. It was obvious that they didn't have a limit for the 100th year. There wouldn't be enough of us. Our organization, The Watchers, dropped by a third because it was such a significant milestone year for the bounty purge. I guess people became afraid again.
"Katie," my dad stated.
I sat up and looked at him. "Yeah, what's up?"
"You're being assigned to Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne."
I blinked my eyes a couple times then cupped my ear for dramatic effect. "I'm what? Say that again."
"Modest!, their management, has contacted The Watchers and asked for you specifically. I guess they must've seen how well you kept Selena Gomez safe last year."
Yes, this work has lent to meeting celebrities, but the conversation doesn't tend to get that far. Last year was Selena Gomez, and the previous was Brie Larson. Both were troopers, especially Brie, she was fun to hang out with when we weren't fighting others. She still messages me every now and then when she's not working.
I cleared my throat. "That's...dad, they've got the largest sum I've ever seen for a bounty. You know how many people will be going after them?"
He smirked. "Is...Katie Lee..scared of hunters?"
I scoffed. "No, I'm not. I just know when my odds of keeping said assignment safe are high or not."
"Sorry, kiddo, there's no getting out of this one. They've prepared to set you up on a hidden bunker and arm you with anything you need if someone happens to find it."
A hidden bunker? Any weapons I want? That doesn't sound like a bad negotiation. I've definitely been dealt with less advantages.
The hologram started up again and it was one of the leaders, Rump. A cynical grin played on his lips. This couldn't be good. It was never good when his face appeared.
"Hello everyone, now that the names have been presented, we would like to bring in a new factor to the 100th year of the bounty purge. Instead of 24 hours, it will be 72 hours. That is three whole days to find your prey and get your prize. Let the purge commence in 48 hours."
For once, I felt sick to my stomach. Is this what fear felt like? Three days to keep these five boys alive? Let's hope no one trying to kill them were great trackers or hackers; if the base was hidden well enough, I could set traps outside and inside. That was going to be a must with the new circumstances.
My teeth clenched and I let out a deep breath into my fists. I sat there thinking for a little bit longer. If I was going to even manage to keep a few of them alive, I needed to leave tonight.
I stood and went upstairs to pack the essentials; I don't care if I have the weapon vault of my fucking dreams, I will never leave my crossbow at home. Every save I've had over the last eight years has been with this crossbow. When I came back into the living with my duffel bag slung on my shoulder and crossbow in hand, my dad actually had a look of worry etched into his face.
"Be careful. I know The Watcher's word is 'assignment comes first, you come second', but if it becomes too much, you get yourself out of there, okay?"
"Dad..." I trailed, at a loss for words. I've never heard my dad speak against The Watcher's word.
"You hear me?" he pushed.
I cleared my throat with a nod. "Yeah, dad. I do."
He pulled me into a tight hug. "Good. Your transport should be here any moment."
I pulled back with a small smile. I was well aware this could be the last time I saw him, but I couldn't bring myself to say the three words. It was a mutual thing we both had. We knew we both loved each other.
I peeked out the front window to see the black sudan parked in our driveway. I gave my dad a peck on the cheek before I slipped out the front door and jogged to the sudan. I opened the driver side passenger door and threw my bag and crossbow in first.
"Please state your ID number," the driver ordered.
"Watcher 402, Katie Lee, reporting for duty."
Carl smirked. "Perfect."
"That never gets old for you, does it Carl?"
He shook his head. "Never."
I laughed and buckled myself up. I pulled out my tablet to find the recent file sent to me. It was everything I needed to know about my transport, the bunker we'd be hiding away in, and the contact info for the supplier.
"So...who are you babysitting this year?"
The driver's never get told who a Watcher's assignment is for reasons. But I've known Carl for years; he was always the one who took me to the helicopter.
I still answered, out of precaution, "An important band. That's all I'm saying."
"Really? A certain boy band?" he mocked.
"You know I won't say the name, but yes that one boy band."
"That'll be fun, I'm sure."
I rolled my eyes in response.
I busied myself with contacting the supplier to get my vault sorted. This was definitely the most reinforcements I'ved used. I felt probably an unsettling amount of excitement to get my hands on everything. I knew that in the line of action I would be less thrilled.
The helicopter landed on the last minute created pad. It was a circle created by rocks; a majority of them were like this. I knew that we were in upper Minnesota, near the lakes. I snatched my duffel and crossbow as I got out of the helicopter and followed the other Watcher that had been waiting for me. Now, I was guided to a different car that drove off deeper into the forest.
It looked secluded enough by the trees; the bear traps were going to hide perfectly in the bushes. And if that didn't stop them? I knew that the wiring, jumper cables, and car batteries were going to work wonders for every door and window, along with strips of nails at the edge of the entrance if they happened to surpass everything else. And if they also bypass that? Well, they'll have to go through me.
I'm going to Home Alone this motherfucker up.
I was guided to the front of the house and my jaw dropped at the beauty of the steel siding and roof. Okay, the blueprint did not mention the steel exterior. And from where I stood I could see the small security cameras. There's no way they just built this in a matter of a day. This has had to be used in prior purges.
I walked up the stairs and through the front door. It was...way too fancy. Glass tables and lighting fixtures everywhere, grey couches, a fucking duve in the bathroom, and multiple bedrooms.
What was I so worried about?
I dropped my bag off in the room that had my name on the door and then saw that the rest of the members also had their own rooms. There was one name that I didn't recognize so I went to the door and knocked. It just slowly opened by itself and I peered in.
There stood, a bubbly redhead. She jumped from being startled. "Oh! Hi, I'm Maddy, the onsite medic. You must be Katie, our Watcher."
I furrowed a brow. "Uh...Yeah, I am. This place is a fucking fortress. Why am I here?"
She laughed under her breath and continued to unpack her items. "Every fortress has a fault, and they always like a backup plan."
They must be Modest!. It was clear that this wasn't Maddy's first purge hired under them. Who else has been under their company that they had hidden here? I've never been on an assignment where they had an onsite medic ready.
"Fair...do you know where the band is at? I'm going to need their help."
"In the kitchen, I believe. I will be down to help as well. My station has already been cleaned and prepared."
That was eerily comforting to hear.
"Okay," I replied and left her to her own devices.
I didn't bother unpacking yet. I probably wouldn't to be honest. Getting comfortable never sits right with me. The voices grew louder and louder as I grew closer to them. It was clear they were having a good laugh despite the circumstances as to why we were all here.
I cleared my throat and they all stopped to look at me. I gave them a small wave. "Hi Niall, Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Liam. I'm Katie, your Watcher for the duration of this purge."
"A girl? They hired a girl, who looks to be younger than me, to keep us safe?" Liam remarked.
"Mate," Niall and Louis breathed and shook their heads.
I chuckled and stalked up to the brunette who currently had his hair looking like 2014 Harry.
"I can't make you like me. In fact, that's not part of my job description. But you should reconsider... My crossbow can manage a mile range and shoot three arrows at once. I can also build a gun in under a minute, have practiced in the art of knife throwing...and I have been known to get my hands dirty in a physical fight. What can you do to keep yourself safe, Liam boy?"
The other four held in their own snickers. Liam didn't flinch in the slightest. If anything, his "tough" exterior only hardened, which just made him look even weaker in my eyes.
"I don't buy it. Modest has to be messing with us."
I smirked. "I know your ass will be calling my name, begging me to protect you, as someone tries to machete your body to pieces. You better start playing nice, mate." I stepped back and gestured to the rest. "Come on, troops. We need to set up the traps."
Luckily, Zayn, Louis, and Maddy quickly picked up on how to set up the bear traps so I put them on that duty while the rest of us stripped the entrances with nails. Of course, I knew the risk of having them set the traps rather than myself, but there was a lot to do before tomorrow morning. An hour before the purge starts, I'll set up the electrical traps. Since there were steel doors that locked down, I planned to set the electric currencies in other spots.
I familiarized myself with the layout of the rich bunker as much as I could and the security camera room. Yes, there was an entire room dedicated to the security cameras. My vault was hidden in four different locations so I'd have something at any given moment.
That evening, we were all chit chatting at the dinner table, eating the grilled chicken and potatoes Niall cooked. This was probably one of the best meals I've had the night before a purge; it was weird to feel so at ease. I knew not to get too comfy.
"So Katie, how old are you?" Louis prompted as he took a swig of his beer.
"Yeah, you seem too familiar with all of this. How long have you been a Watcher?" Niall concurred.
I laughed under my breath and dropped the fork onto my plate. "Uh, well...I'm twenty-four, and this has been my life for as long as I can remember. Both of my parents were Watchers themselves. I started assignments when I was fifteen."
"Woah," Zayn remarked. "How many have you killed?"
"That..." I coughed into my hand and ran a hand through my hair. "Hard to say...I don't like to keep track."
Louis leaned back in his chair and looked down at his lap. "How many do you think you'll have to kill for us?"
I raised my brows in surprise. "With that sort of bounty over your heads, your guess is about as good as mine."
"Fuck," Niall scoffed and jugged the rest of his beer.
"To be honest, I've never felt this confident going into a purge. And we've got Maddy for any injuries, it doesn't seem like her first rodeo either."
She smiled sweetly and shook her head. "It's not, but...I've never actually had to jump in. This bunker has always held up."
"Hear that?" I asked. "It'll be..." I trailed off. I couldn't make any promises, even if our odds did seem to be in our favor. "It'll be just another purge."
That wasn't what I mean to say either. Their facial expressions right now broke my heart.
I clapped my hands as I stood up. "Okay, I say we all get to bed now. It will be an early start."
They all nodded and put their dishes away before going to their assigned rooms. Liam sat on the couch by himself. He didn't join us for dinner, nor did he eat. If he wanted to be a loner during this, then I'll treat him as such.
I padded over and sat down next to him.
"You know I'm only here to help. If you hate me, that's fine, but you need to be a team player for the rest."
Once again, he stayed silent. I truly didn't know what his deal was. I wasn't the best at reading that side of a person's mind. I pursed my lips before I got up and went to my own room.
I slipped into my own pjs before I did a few meditations. I set my alarm for six in the morning, the purge started at eight. This is all I have ever known. Preparing every single year to risk my life for someone else's, to defy against this ridiculous event, and if I died this year, it wouldn't be in vain.
Next part: 24 Hours
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 31: Joey’s Dead (Again)
Ah, it is 5 billion degrees and working has been pretty much impossible, so, lets turn on Netflix and...
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Thanks, Netflix.
Anyways, time to go see Joey get destroyed by a bird. On screen. This traumatic as hell kid’s show.
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Now, usually this kid’s show is very...kid’s show in quality. The animation has exactly what it needs for most children and teens to feel satisfied--and that’s absolutely fine. You don’t have to make everything look like My Hero Academia, youknow? They were not looking for an award.
But this episode, the one where Joey freakin dies, they decided to bring out their A team. This is the best looking episode of Yugioh that I’ve seen so far, and it was freakin shocking how much better the quality was. Like, I dunno what weird blood sacrifice they did to make this episode looks so freakin good, but kudos to them, everything is more fluid, the shots are composed in a really interesting way, and for once, they actually spend the time to let these characters...react to stuff.
The big twist in Yugioh, at least for me, is when it randomly decides to be quality. It doesn’t happen all (most of) the time, but occasionally, Yugioh will just take a quality swing at me and it’s like “the hell was THAT?” Not that this episode is the best animated episode of anything ever made, it still doesn’t hold a candle to shows that are made in order to be beautiful--but for Yugioh, who’s purpose was never to be pretty (point of fact, Bakura’s hair) and who’s main purpose is to sell freakin playing cards...this is a damn pretty episode. 
They just loved Joey that much I guess.
Anyway, onward for what is also the most melodramatic episode of Yugioh I’ve seen. This episode is kind of a gem. I cannot believe I just watched an episode on this show about cards where 3/4 of it was just so many boys full on ugly sobbing into their friend’s comatose body.
(read more under the cut)
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Serenity, this small dot in the next cap here, has only made it to.....this part of the island. She has to now run up like 2 miles of tower. Just remember this fact for later.
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Yo so...this is a stupid adult question but like who is paying for the healthcare on all these kids in this tourney? Is it just Kaiba? Is Kaiba footing the bill? I mean, it’s a kid’s show so we’ll pretend that hospitals are free (and in Japan it’s like Universal but kinda inbetween, so I’ve heard, so this would be less of a deal) but as an adult American every time they’re in a hospital scene I’m just imagining how crazy that GoFundMe campaign page would look like.
But, as Serenity starts climbing up this monalith, on the roof of said tower, Joey is at max anime. For the first time ever, his hair is drawn as like separate hairs and not as just some weird backwards anteater tail he wears on his head. And youknow what? Joey has a hellton of hair. Your hair has to be realllly long and full to do an anteater and I don’t give him enough credit.
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And so after all that, Joey’s like...still up.
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(I mean this is as far as I know, I don’t have Jump Force)
Remember how Yugi stood in front of one single fireball so that Joey wouldn’t take one for Mai? Now that we’ve seen how Joey was still standing after bird fire tornado--he...probably would’ve been fine with the fireball. Just conjecture, but I feel like Joey, despite not having any connection to a millennium item, is some sort of escaped X-men.
And then, like everyone on this show is wont to do, he just randomly hallucinates Yugi. What’s great about this episode is that Joey will hallucinate Yugi not once, but twice. (which will come later)
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Also, this “Oh yeaaaaaahhhhh” was a super fluid animation that I might just lift because it was so freakin wild. Like it was kind of terrifying how fluid it was. In anime they tend to freelance out different clips to different animators, so they aren’t really all working in the same studio (which is why often anime will have reallllly nice animation in some parts, and then less in others, while in US studios where everyone works on everything, there’s less of that) But whoever got the Joey saying “Oh yeaaaaaaahhhh” scene must’ve been like “this is it, this is my big break” and spent like half a day making it as fluid as they could compared to everything else going on.
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They also had enough time for Yugi to partially disrobe for some reason. I guess it looked cool.
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Please contrast the twinkly lights and the shimmer sound effect with what follows it:
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It’s at this point that Seto Kaiba actually starts to doubt this whole tourney, but not for the reason a normal person would doubt a tourney that has had several apocalypses and mass-murderers involved in it.
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Kaiba was Extremely Upset about this revelation.
Anyway, Since Joey is still standing, he pulls a card, realizes it can kill Marik, slaps it on the duel disk, the monster shows up on the field, and--Kaiba either has the fastest elevator in the world, or Serenity runs a 3 minute mile because, guess who made it to the top of this tower of Babel?
That’s right, supportive Sister, here to walk Joey through the hard arduous task of basically pressing “enter” on your keyboard.
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RIP again, Joey, RIP again. I mean it’s hard to get too wrapped up in it because I know he already died...this morning...like two hours ago. Like basically he got turned into stone for a bit, and then after coming back to life, took a nap on the blimpjet and then arrived at this island to die yet again. Joey Wheeler has just had such a very intense couple of days and desperately needs a nap.
But, game wise, Joey played a monster, it was on the field--what else would he have done with it???
But because he didn’t say a word loud enough for other people to hear, this didn’t count???
This game is so weird about what rules it decides are binding and which are loosey goosey. There’s absolutely no time limit, you can strap the other person to a weird wall device and throw fireballs at their face, you can sap their life energy with weird fiber optic cables, but if you don’t say the word “Attack” although the monster card is in Attack position--it doesn’t count? There’s nothing else on the field to hit but Marik himself. There’s literally nothing else Joey would have done with that card. He totally won this match but whatever, it’s Yugioh.
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And lets give it up for the one and only adult in the room, everybody. Good Job, Roland. Good freakin job.
I get that he’s a butler/pilot/card referee/bodyguard, but who else is freakin there to parent any of these teens? Ishizu? Is that all we have left?
Sorry, I’ve thought more about Roland and his mysterious dodgy character than the people who made this show.
Anyway, it’s at this point that Mokuba decided to climb stuff.
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Again, this episode has so many weird animation details that say a lot about the characters--and I’m just not used to this much love and care.
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So another wild thing about this episode--I didn’t realize that Joey was even Shadow Realmed when I watched it through. This episode is super vague when it comes to Joey. Everyone is mourning as if he had died, and so for me, the first time watcher (as well as my Bro who saw it once when he was 13), I just assumed this is because they finally got a completely different but very good animation team on this episode. I just figured this was someone high up saying “maybe you should have the characters realistically react to at least a single death on this show where 183 people have died”
But, turns out this is actually a translation error. Because, in the Japanese version, Joey just freakin stopped breathing or something? In the English version that we’re watching, Joey is just in a coma, and it’s a rather pleasant coma (yet still my definition of a death). But, the reason everyone is reacting like...how they should have reacted the previous 182 times, is because Joey was actually legally dead.
Something they censored out to keep the show mystifyingly Y-7 although...I think I’ve said this a million times, but don’t give this show to your 7 year old. Going off of what my Nephews and Nieces like, Yugioh is a pretty far cry from PJ Masks and Monster High.
Anyway, the show goes totally all out, and everyone does a 150% more than what is ever necessary grief cry, and I think the best cry goes to Tristan although Yugi attempted really hard to steal the gold. Thing about Yugi’s grieving is that he was going more for quantity over quality, but they did a really brutal close zoom on Tristan going through the stages of Grief (mostly anger) and it was like...unexpected for a Yugioh episode y’all. I’ve never seen Tristan go that hard...ever. Tristan is usually kind of tertiary but he just came out of nowhere to scream directly at my face and I was not expecting it.
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And this episode does something that I like, although it was kind of unusual for Pharaoh and Yugi--and it shows us how they react in a completely opposite way to the same traumatic event. They’ll both get around to crying but Pharaoh will take his time.
Also, we’ve seen indication of Pharaoh’s inward grief before - and it’s something they usually say but don’t show - but this is the first time they’ve actually showed that Pharaoh tends to bottle everything deep, deep down. He’s got maybe a lot of feelings about being a ghost who doesn’t have a body or a history or...anything, and him bottling up Yugi (since Yugi isn’t going to come out for the rest of this episode) is sort of a proof that he’s used to bottling everything.
Cuz outwardly, he’s just like this (and kudos to the art team for leaving a spot where Yugi’s spirit is currently crying over the corpse/coma victim)
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And then meanwhile, Kaiba just has no idea what planet he’s even on. Remember that in the Japanese version, Joey freakin died in Seto’s own tournament. This would be a PR disaster, but does Kaiba...know?
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(Yes, I keep a draft file that is just every single death so I can keep track of them, and this is the 4th time that Joey has died)
Then this doctor shows up, which is surprising, because I figured Marik knocked this guy out and stuffed him in a broom closet last season. But nah, it’s the same doctor, he’s back. This poor doctor who keeps having to tend Shadow Realm patients while every single person on this blimp is in the same little hospital room with him, just breathing down his neck.
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Speaking of, if this doctor has been here this entire time, then why did Serenity just stay directly by Mai’s side?
They have a doctor.
Anyway, originally I thought I’d make this two parts but like...nah, we’ll just have a really long post.
Lets see how Joey’s Shadow Realm is (which, again, it is super unclear if he is or isn’t, and from when I polled you guys it looked like it was sort of like a “don’t think about it” situation of whether this is a dream of Joey’s, or the Shadow Verse)
I’ve made the joke before that you can tell it’s a dream when they’re at school but...we’re back at school. It’s the only time we see Joey in his school uniform.
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Thirsty preteens rejoice, they finally removed Joey from his baggy pajama shirt that he’s been stuck in for 2 seasons. Like, do you think when Kaiba was looking at public schools, he saw that this school had not only crazy card people, but also freakin nuts shoulder pads and he just slammed that “enroll” button?
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So...does Yugi KNOW that everyone else dreams about him on a regular basis? Like, does he KNOW? I figure Yugi just has sort of a weird tick related to the puzzle that makes it so people are seeing him, but Yugi has no idea that he’s got an inception method ability, right? 
And especially since this is kind of a magic-onset dream, and Yugi really wants to save Joey, it sort of almost looks like Yugi is doing this maybe latently through the puzzle? But...probably not. I don’t really know what’s happening here, other than Joey’s just gonna go peace out and play this confusing card game for eternity.
That would be my Shadow Realm.
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Back at our homeslice, Blimpjet, Seto has sent his little brother to deliver all of the bad news for him, knowing that Mokuba is too cute for anyone to do anything about it.
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And so Mokuba decides to radio a helicopter to save him because he’s a Kaiba and doesn’t realize that planes/boats exist. Good to see that Mokuba has finally decided to embrace his job as Battle City Commissioner and figure out a solution to transporting/hiding all these bodies.
Honestly, I’m just shook that this blimpjet is not a blimpjetboat.
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Bro told me that in the Japanese version, Tristan just straight up punches Joey right near this scene, and like...that’s probably true. Bro has a lot of spicy headcanons but I can see this show doing that. (bro note: that might have been an earlier Joey coma).
Knowing that, it makes this kind of more funny because Yugi is so absorbed in The Crying that I guess he didn’t notice that whole thing go down with Tristan.
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I guess they wanted a throwback to S1, but this episode is so extra that Yugi very nearly stops playing cards. Nearly. He’s still gonna play cards, but I guess as a symbol to show that he’s starting to give into just not playing this game anymore, Pharaoh actually takes this weird contraption off his arm.
To do so he has to like remove the battery or something. I didn't even realize what he was doing because it was so un-intuitive, but you have to pull out this 4 inch battery from the back in order to remove the disk.
Can you imagine!???? Can you imagine wearing this thing in real life and shoving a 4 inch 2 lb battery in and out of this hulking thing every time you had to use the toilet?
Which...I guess they haven’t been, right? Like I shouldn’t go down that avenue but like...they haven’t been, right? There are just so many germs on this disk.
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And so Pharaoh decides it’s finally time to lose it, maybe because Yugi wants to give up cards, or maybe because there’s no one else around so it’s finally fine for him to shed a masculine tear or two, but it took him I want to say like 20 more minutes than Yugi to finally react to all this.
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And then this happens?
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Anyway, remember Ishizu’s Millennium Necklace (not to be confused with the Millennium Puzzle with is also a Necklace, which Yugi also has, but he only wears one, because he just doesn’t feel like wearing 2 chokers at once, I guess)
Apparently the reason that Yugi was given the necklace was to get this one vision of the future. Get ready for it, the entire fate of the world rested on Pharaoh getting this one vision.
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Yes, the answer was indeed, cards.
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On the other end of the blimpjet, Mokuba I guess got tired of Roland’s poor radio skills and has decided to use the radio himself while Roland kind of just stands there and waves his arms around.
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Straight up, does Mokuba have a Ham license? Are the Kaiba’s Hams? So like, Bro and I made Ham radio parts as a part time out of college and while I don’t have a license, it just really intrigues me that these boys do and I really wonder if they ever check into the emergency net and do Ham contesting when they aren’t throwing cards around. Ham people are like...really into their rigs so if you had Kaiba money, your rig would reach the curvature of the Earth.
Also, I kinda just assumed that they’re still in Japan, since Japan has a lot of islands connected to it, and the Kaiba Island does look man-made, but...is it not? Why place this factory in the middle of nowhere if you aren’t actually building a merc-for-hire program like Metal Gear? Like I know we just talked about how Gozobura Kaiba was basically Big Boss, but like...was this island made by Master Miller? Why is it in the middle of the ocean???
Big Boss had a reason to build in the sea, because he didn’t actually align with a country, so he had to be in international waters, but Gozobura Kaiba’s company is Japanese, so why go through all the trouble of--whatever I shouldn’t think about it.
So yeah, they’re too far away to radio to Japan although...that doesn’t make sense to me since why would you build a manufacturing plant so far away from your biggest buyer? But plot. Plot reasons, it had to happen this way.
And then this scene happened and it was...SO MUCH.
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Like it may not come through with the caps but this scene was made up to be extremely serious. The music was swelling, Pharaoh was pausing by Joey’s bedside as if to give a speech. The writers were expecting tears to come out of my face when Pharaoh did..........this
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Wʜᴏ ᴡʀᴏᴛᴇ ᴛʜɪs.
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Y’all I was DYING.
I had to stop the episode and just like...recover. We had to rewind so I could watch this scene twice. I could not stop laughing at the idea that the writers were like “lets take this very serious and heavy content and then make it super emotional and meaningful by SLAPPING A DUEL DISK ON IT.” 
And what makes this scene even better is that like--barely anyone said ANYTHING after Pharaoh did this. He waltzed in there, did this insane thing, and then just waltzed out as if this was completely normal.
What the hell!?!?
And so while I am kind of reeling from Pharaoh just slapping a duel disk onto Joey like it’s a badge of honor and Joey was shot in the line of duty, suddenly--out of nowhere--Tea felt like reminding us that many episodes ago it was super hinted that these two might actually be approaching a relationship.
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And so Tea decides to beg Yugi to stop and stay behind as if she’s a wife watching her husband like march off to the front lines or something. It was so melodramatic and just came out of NO WHERE.
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Thankfully, as is this show’s custom, every time it looks like this ship might happen, every other available boy on the show must appear out of nowhere to cockblock the situation.
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This episode is a lot of watching Pharaoh try his best to navigate a bunch of very delicate and intense social situations and he does so with the elegance and sensitivity of a bologna sandwich.
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This shot of Kaiba on top of the tower ps was so freakin rediculous. This show just knows what it is and goes for it. Completely unashamed. I think that’s what I like most about anime--it has absolutely no shame to just be...waaaay too much.
...why THIS episode? Who was it that worked overtime for months and months just to make this one Yugioh episode look so shiny and nice?
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And so the episode ends there, and probably all the character development we’ll have for the rest of the season. I cannot believe they gave me that much content in one episode. Damn.
I’m assuming next episode will be entirely cards and I’ll have like 5 caps of content.
Anyway if you just got here, this is a handy link to read these from the beginning.
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phroyd · 5 years
This is a developing story. The New York Times will be examining the findings. Check back for updates.
WASHINGTON — The investigation led by Robert S. Mueller III found that neither President Trump nor any of his aides conspired or coordinated with the Russian government’s 2016 election interference, according to a summary of the special counsel’s findings made public on Sunday by Attorney General William P. Barr.
The summary also said that the special counsel’s team lacked sufficient evidence to establish that President Trump illegally obstructed justice, but added that Mr. Mueller’s team stopped short of exonerating Mr. Trump.
“While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” Mr. Barr quoted Mr. Mueller as writing.
The letter, by Attorney General William P. Barr, details the main findings of the special counsel’s two-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Mr. Barr delivered the summary of the special counsel’s finding to Congress on Sunday afternoon, just days after the conclusion of a sprawling investigation into Russia’s attempts to sabotage the 2016 election and whether President Trump or any of his associates conspired with Moscow’s interference.
But congressional Democrats have demanded more, and the release of the key findings could be just the beginning of a lengthy constitutional battle between Congress and the Justice Department about whether Mr. Mueller’s full report will be made public. Democrats have also called for the attorney general to turn over all of the special counsel’s investigative files.
The Russia investigation has buffeted the White House from the earliest days of the Trump administration, with numerous current and former aides to Mr. Trump brought for questioning to the special counsel’s warren of offices in a plain office building in downtown Washington. F.B.I. agents fanned out across the nation and traveled to numerous foreign countries. Witnesses were questioned by members of Mr. Mueller’s team at airports upon landing in the United States.
Ultimately, a half-dozen former Trump aides were indicted or convicted of crimes, most for conspiracy or lying to investigators. Twenty-five Russian intelligence operatives and experts in social media manipulation were charged last year in two extraordinarily detailed indictments released by the special counsel. The inquiry concluded without charging any Americans for conspiring with the Russian campaign.
More than two years of criminal indictments and steady revelations about Trump campaign contacts with Russians reveal the scope of the special counsel investigation.
The report will bring closure for some who have obsessed over the myriad threads of a byzantine investigation. A cottage industry of Mueller watchers has spent months on social media and cable news debating thorny constitutional issues, spinning conspiracy theories and amassing encyclopedic details about once-obscure figures — Carter Page, Konstantin V. Kilimnik, George Papadopoulos and others.
How many minds it changes is another matter. Opinions have hardened over time, with many Americans already convinced they knew the answers before Mr. Mueller submitted his conclusions. Some believe that the special counsel’s previous indictments, twinned with voluminous news media reporting, have already shown a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Some believe that the investigation is, as Mr. Trump has long described it, a “witch hunt.”
Mr. Mueller’s work has proceeded in the face of blistering attacks by Mr. Trump and his allies, who painted the investigation as part of a relentless campaign by the “deep state” to reverse the results of the 2016 election.
Still, the release of Mr. Mueller’s findings could force a decision by Democrats on a simmering issue they have said would wait until the investigation’s end: whether to begin impeachment proceedings against the president. Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California has said it would not be “worth it” to try to impeach Mr. Trump, but suggested she could change her mind if an overwhelming bipartisan consensus emerged.
A spotlight on the people reshaping our politics. A conversation with voters across the country. And a guiding hand through the endless news cycle, telling you what you really need to know.
Here are some pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. The full picture is missing.
For months, the president and his lawyers have waged as much of a public-relations campaign as a legal one — trying to discredit the Mueller investigation to keep public opinion from swaying lawmakers to move against Mr. Trump.
The Justice Department regulations governing the Mueller inquiry only required the special counsel to give a succinct, confidential report to the attorney general explaining his decisions to either seek — or decline to seek — further criminal charges. Mr. Mueller operated under tighter restrictions than similar past inquiries, notably the investigation of President Clinton by Ken Starr, who ended up delivering a 445-page report in 1998 that contained lascivious details about an affair the president had with a White House intern.
Mr. Mueller was still given a wide mandate — to investigate not only Russian election interference but “any matters that may arise directly from that investigation.” Mr. Mueller has farmed out numerous aspects of his inquiry to several United States attorneys’ offices, and those investigations continue.
Mr. Mueller will not recommend new indictments, a senior Justice Department official said on Friday, ending speculation that he might charge some of Mr. Trump’s aides in the future. The Justice Department’s general practice is not to identify the targets of its investigations if prosecutors decide not to bring charges, so as not to tarnish their reputations. Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, emphasized this point in a speech last month.
“It’s important,” Mr. Rosenstein said, “for government officials to refrain from making allegations of wrongdoing when they’re not backed by charges that we are prepared to prove in court.”
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cosmicsynthetics · 5 years
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While shuffling through the files from my old, dead laptop (Thank you cables that let you transfer data from old harddrives UNPH), I rediscovered some Iehgog related reference material I’d been working on! It was gonna be part of a set, but only three had been completed by the time of The Great Computer Death. It’s been awhile, so I don’t know if I might update or refine some of this material later (plus I feel my art has improved a bit since), but I wanted to share it BEFORE I start thinking it’s “too crappy” to post.
I’m also also aware that some of my friends and watchers like iehgogs! So it seemed fair to at least put some kinda ref material up for them. You’re always free to send me asks about them if there’s something that hasn’t been reffed yet in the meantime too.
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What is IPTV?
From a TV watcher's point of view, IPTV is very simple: instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna, satellite dish, or fiber-optic cable, you get them streamed (downloaded and played almost simultaneously) through your Internet connection. Not the kind of connection you have today, which can probably handle only 1–10 Mbps (million bits per second—roughly the amount of information in an average novel entering your computer every second!), but a broadband line with about 10 times higher bandwidth (information carrying capacity) of maybe 10–100Mbps. You watch the program either on your computer or with a set-top box (a kind of adapter that fits between your Internet connection and your existing television receiver, decoding incoming signals so your TV can display Internet programs).
The BBC iPlayer website makes television and radio programs available on demand.
Photo: The hugely popular British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) iPlayer is an example of a type of IPTV known as video on demand (VOD). You can watch programs that have been broadcast on about a dozen different TV and radio channels in the last seven days (and occasionally for longer). It doesn't currently provide live broadcasts.
From the viewpoint of a broadcaster or telephone company, IPTV is somewhat more complex. You need a sophisticated storage system for all the videos you want to make available and a web-style interface that allows people to select the programs they want. Once a viewer has selected a program, you need to be able to encode the video file in a suitable format for streaming, encrypt it (encoding it so only people who've paid can decode and receive it), embed advertisements (especially if the program is free), and stream it across the Internet to anything from one person to (potentially) thousands or millions of people at a time. Furthermore, you have to figure out how to do this to provide a consistently high-quality picture (especially if you're delivering advertising with your programming—because that's what your paying advertisers will certainly expect).Explore more about movies tips and streaming
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parresafmp · 4 years
“What will I do?”
I am proposing to create a production and publication network producing a series of true crime and educational  scripted podcasts shows, Zines/ mini Comics as well as visual contents for YouTube (specially directed at consumers with hearing impairments).
“Where will I make it? Where will I show, perform, or publish my project?”
One reason that I would like to learn to produce podcasts is that they can be produced on the go, from any location (there are also option of portable recording booth available such as Isovox Mobile Vocal Booth),  they also requires a minimal investment to begin with, There are also large numbers of hosting platforms that allows submissions and of the podcasts to Podcast Directories.
The equipment needed to produce podcasts (Winn, 2020) :
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Figure one
A computer (essential)
A microphone  (essential) 
Audio Interface.
Pop Filter.
Headphone Amplifier
Mic Stands. 
Boom Arms.
Shock Mount.
Microphone Cables
Acoustic Treatment
Editing Software:  Adobe Audition (need to learn how to  use it.
Some of the podcast hosting website: 
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Figure two
I am aiming to publish the podcasts on the following directories:
 iTunes / Apple Podcasts. 
Google Podcasts. 
As part of publishing network, I am planning to create a zines/ Mini comics for each episode which consumers are able to ether download or buy directly from our website, I am hoping this will create a visual aspect that will interest the consumers.
the basic Equipment that will be required to produce the zine / comics is as follows: Paper, a pen and scissors. I also enjoy working on illustrator so i would like to work on that And maybe experiment with screen printing for the zines.
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Figure Three
As podcasts are audible, many consumers with hearing impairments will have difficulties, I am planning to make each episode of podcasts with videos that will have sign language interpretation, these episodes will be available from YouTube and our website.
I will requiter a camera and tripod as well as lighting to record each episode. I also will need to use adobe pro for editing.
“When will I make it? When will it be seen?” I am planning to write the script of each show myself, as I enjoy writing, and two to start with two different shows, 4 to 6 episodes per a show. One show will concentrate on crime within fashion industry, and second show will be planed and made to educate listeners on sustainability and importance of it within the industry. I am planning to have the transcripts ready by end of January and start recording, I am hoping to have all recording (including you tube) ready by end of February. By end of march, all Episodes will be edited. As each episode is edited I would like to create a zine/ mini comic which will be ready by end of April. 
“How will I do it?”
The concept
Design artwork and write a description to brand the podcast.
Record and edit the audio and video files.
Find a place to host my files,
Syndicate all audio files into an RSS feed so they can be distributed through Apple Podcasts and downloaded or streamed on any device on-demand.
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Figure Five
“Why is this an important project to me and other people? Why is it important to my career right now?” 
As an avid podcast consumer,  I have been listening to many shows from education to business, especially true crimes, for me podcasts acts as an audio documentary form, which I can listen on the go and learn from.
I initially started to listening to the podcast in 2013 when the serial came along. Serial popularity, brought the podcasting onto international attention pretty much overnight. Serial gave TV watchers who enjoyed  shows such as Dexter, a new way of storytelling that they would enjoy in format of audio. 
I must admit, I have been unable to find podcasts about criminals within the fashion industry as well as countless numbers of crimes against fashion designers and models, which seems to be going without notice. Podcasts also allow me to produce content on the go on subjects that I’m interested in. as Covid-19 keep spreading internationally podcast would allow me to create content from home.  Fashion crimes podcasts can be identified as a gap in the market, but one that will definitely have an audience - because of the popularity of true crime podcasts, that podcasts form a huge part of digital fashion media output
As the more I get into true crimes, the more I discuss them with my friends,  and the more I realize our true crime fetish has nothing to do with the justice We all are looking that these stories like as we would a Hollywood movie; we thrive in playing detective A crime that is mysterious and grips our attention,  a murder, which mirrors our nation’s economic and social dilemma a murder of a hot white girl. This is what attracts most listeners.
Winn, R., 2020. Best Podcast Equipment (For Beginners & Pros) 2020. [online] Podcast Insights®. Available at: <https://www.podcastinsights.com/podcast-equipment/> [Accessed 19 October 2020].
Figure One Figure Two: :  2020. Crime Zine. [image] Available at: <https://www.behance.net/gallery/35184417/Crime-Zine> [Accessed 19 October 2020]. Figure Three:  2020. Hosting . [image] Available at: < Https://Www.Websitetooltester.Com/En/Blog/Podcast-Hosting/ g> [Accessed 19 October 2020]. Figure Five
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ifitness504-blog · 6 years
What is IPTV?
From a TV watcher's point of view, IPTV is very simple: instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna, satellite dish, or fiber-optic cable, you get them streamed (downloaded and played almost simultaneously) through your Internet connection. Not the kind of connection you have today, which can probably handle only 1–10 Mbps (million bits per second—roughly the amount of information in an average novel entering your computer every second!), but a broadband line with about 10 times higher bandwidth (information carrying capacity) of maybe 10–100Mbps. You watch the program either on your computer or with a set-top box (a kind of adapter that fits between your Internet connection and your existing television receiver, decoding incoming signals so your TV can display Internet programs).
The BBC iPlayer website makes television and radio programs available on demand.
Photo: The hugely popular British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) iPlayer is an example of a type of IPTV known as video on demand (VOD). You can watch programs that have been broadcast on about a dozen different TV and radio channels in the last seven days (and occasionally for longer). It doesn't currently provide live broadcasts.
From the viewpoint of a broadcaster or telephone company, IPTV is somewhat more complex. You need a sophisticated storage system for all the videos you want to make available and a web-style interface that allows people to select the programs they want. Once a viewer has selected a program, you need to be able to encode the video file in a suitable format for streaming, encrypt it (encoding it so only people who've paid can decode and receive it), embed advertisements (especially if the program is free), and stream it across the Internet to anything from one person to (potentially) thousands or millions of people at a time. Furthermore, you have to figure out how to do this to provide a consistently high-quality picture (especially if you're delivering advertising with your programming—because that's what your paying advertisers will certainly expect).Find out more about movies tips and streaming
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goldenzodiac-blog · 6 years
What is IPTV?
From a TV watcher's point of view, IPTV is very simple: instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna, satellite dish, or fiber-optic cable, you get them streamed (downloaded and played almost simultaneously) through your Internet connection. Not the kind of connection you have today, which can probably handle only 1–10 Mbps (million bits per second—roughly the amount of information in an average novel entering your computer every second!), but a broadband line with about 10 times higher bandwidth (information carrying capacity) of maybe 10–100Mbps. You watch the program either on your computer or with a set-top box (a kind of adapter that fits between your Internet connection and your existing television receiver, decoding incoming signals so your TV can display Internet programs).
The BBC iPlayer website makes television and radio programs available on demand.
Photo: The hugely popular British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) iPlayer is an example of a type of IPTV known as video on demand (VOD). You can watch programs that have been broadcast on about a dozen different TV and radio channels in the last seven days (and occasionally for longer). It doesn't currently provide live broadcasts.
From the viewpoint of a broadcaster or telephone company, IPTV is somewhat more complex. You need a sophisticated storage system for all the videos you want to make available and a web-style interface that allows people to select the programs they want. Once a viewer has selected a program, you need to be able to encode the video file in a suitable format for streaming, encrypt it (encoding it so only people who've paid can decode and receive it), embed advertisements (especially if the program is free), and stream it across the Internet to anything from one person to (potentially) thousands or millions of people at a time. Furthermore, you have to figure out how to do this to provide a consistently high-quality picture (especially if you're delivering advertising with your programming—because that's what your paying advertisers will certainly expect).Explore more about movies tips and streaming
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