#fan fition
kimmimaru · 2 months
Can't sleep so inflicting more rambling about Yakuza Kiwami on everyone who follows me. So, Nishikiyama is pissing me off. If there is one thing I love in real life and in fition, its a person/character who is LOYAL. Love loyalty, me. Nishikiyama is a traitor and I hope he gets what he deserves, I loved him and felt sorry for him in the previous game so even I feel betrayed lol. What an absolute arse hole. Goro Majima is batshit and as always I adore him for it. Still worried that he and Kiriyu will end up fighting for real, I don't want him dying. That would make me sad. Currently, according to his little minion who likes to phone Kiriyu, he has built something big and is going to use to surprise him. I'm terrified walking around the city now lol. I feel like he's going to jump out of something inocuous and will scare the crap out of me, I don't want to accidentially break my controller by throwing it in the air in fright lol. There is now a child. :/ If there is one thing I dislike in fiction, especially games, its small children you have to protect. So annoying. Go away please. (MY child? Excellent. Wonderful. Love her. Some random fictional child who is a burden on the MC in a game I'm playing? Nope. Go away. Hate it) So far I am not a huge fan of Yumi. I have a feeling that the two women (the little girls mother and Yumi) are actually BOTH Yumi and she got preggers when she was kidnapped by the boss at the begining. Whether its a split personality or she's doing it for some other reason, I'm not sure. Either way I could not care less about her. Opinions may change later in the game but my bet is, she shot Kazama, that defo looked like a woman. I am very likely wrong about my speculations but its fun to guess. I love these games so much, though.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Monday, August 29 - Tuesday, August 30
XANDER: (swallows) People? BUFFY: Xander, you ate the burger?! XANDER: Well, first you say it's cat, then you come in and hand me a burger, blah blah blah, five minutes later 'oh and by the way, it happens to be hot delicious human flesh'! BUFFY: I needed that burger to analyze it. Now I'm gonna have to get another one. XANDER: *That's* your problem with this scenario? You getting seconds?
~~Buffy Season 6 Episode #112: "DoubleMeat Palace"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Redirected (Buffy, T, SGA xover) by 3am_moonlight
Demonology 101 (Buffy, T, MCU xover) by glitterangelem
Fashion Show & Tell (Dawn, T, LotR xover) by jerseyfabulous
Are These Goons Yours, Mine or Ours? (Buffy, T, SG1 xover) by beri_fanfic
Escape Plan (Joyce, T, Multiple xovers) by acswatwst
Flowers of Life: Valerian (Buffy, T, MCU xover) by mmooch
A Cascade of Echoes: Leaving the Blue Marble (Buffy, T, SG1 xover) by 3am_moonlight
Flying True (Faith, T, Firefly xover) by jedibuttercup
Something Wicked (Buffy, Willow, T, Wandavision xover) by glitterangelem
Mrs. Bruce Wayne (Ensemble, T, DCU xover) by beri_fanfic
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The Runaround (Xander, T, Dresden Files xover) by madimpossibledreamer
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If it Purrs Like a Kitten (Angel/Spike, M) by Gabriel_Is_My_Guardian_Angel89
An Eye for an Eye Leaves the Whole World Blind (Buffy, Spike, Drusilla, T) by LadyLustful
Season of Rituals (Buffy, unrated, LotR xover) by Liloldme
Buffy Summers and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Cable Bill (Buffy/Spike, T) by ifonlyiwaswittier
Wildfires (Buffy/Spike, E) by cawthraven
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Untitled (Buffy, Willow, G) by purrpickle
Untitled (Buffy/Spike, Dawn, unrated) by
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Cheese (Buffy/Spike, T) by myrabeth
[Chaptered Fiction]
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A Night Without Day - Chapter 10: It’s Got to Be More Than Flesh and Bone (Buffy/Spike, E) by orea_domina
Body Language Chapter 6: Castle (part 1) (Buffy/Faith, E) by explosionshark
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Bound Chapter 14 Out For A Walk (Buffy/Spike, M) by spnae
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Who Watches the Watchers, Chapter 17-18 (Buffy/Spike, E) by blue_sweater_spike
Willing Slave, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Sigyn
A Night Without Day, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, E) by HappyWhenItRains
If Only, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, E) by MixSaysRawr
Why Are There 26 Letters?, Chapter 21 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Indi_Shaw
Marriage, Sunnydale-Style, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, M) by scratchmeout
Talkative Minds, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Jws1993
Her Vampire, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, E) by AmyAndrews20
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Living is Easy…Being Happy is Hard CH. 20 (Buffy, T, Mercy Thompson xover) by Luna
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Manip:Drusilla and Giles () by emmatheslayer
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Artwork:Buffy tattoo () by Anya Gladun
Manip:Drusilla and Giles () by emmatheslayer
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Artwork:Buffy & Spike () by boopsterliv
Artwork:Spike () by threewordsorless
Artwork:BTVS “Every Outfit” “Angel S1E8 I Will Remember You” Xx () by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork:Buffy & Faith () by xxacidcloudxx
Artwork:Buffy & Faith (NSFW) by vanitasmorgue
Manip:Cover Art for MEET ME AT MIDNIGHT by Dusty () by l0veisntbrains
[Reviews & Recaps]
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We’re Like Sisters, With Really Different Hair (Homecoming) by herinsectreflection
Buffy Rewatch 2k22 3.2 Living Conditions by handsofabitterman
Buffy Rewatch 2k22 4.1 The Freshman by handsofabitterman
[Fandom Discussions]
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The insane thing about Buffy confronting Spike as the Buffybot by babygirlgiles
Surprise/Innocence by herinsectreflection
some folks act like tara can do no wrong by buffyandwillow
I don’t agree with the idea of The Gift being the last episode by disco-tea
i know crush is supposed to be anti spuffy by smellingwormholes
Top 10 Spuffy fics I’ve read (Aug 2022) by mcgnagallsarmy
a big reason behind my dislike of buffy only saying “i love you” right as spike is sacrificing himself: by silvermars
just thinking about buffy in 2022 by biggestthighestgeminiest
God season 5 is so good by wikiangela
when the monks made Dawn human by simplyaiden-blog
one of the funny similarities between Spike and Dawn by disco-tea
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Discussion of 4.21 "Primeval" by TomatoLover97
Fred or Illyria? by Multiple Authors
I’m rewatching Buffy, and I just got back around to What’s My Line. by no-lo-lo
Discussion of The Vampire Slayer #5 - Released 8/31/22 (Boom! Studios) by Buffy Summers
Cliche Arguments by Miss Muffet
Are the comics canon for you? by Joshua
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BOOM! The Vampire Slayer # 5 Preview Pages.(spoilers) by BAF
Fic recommendation - In Retrograde by wroth_and-ruin by bespangeled
Angel Season 5 rewatch - #11 Damage continued by Stoney and Nina
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Comparing scenes from the unaired pilot with the original Willow (Riff Reagan) against Alyson Hannigan by InfiniteMehdiLove
Why are there only Vampires in sunnydale?(SPOILERS) by Formal_Fix_5190
Upgraded my Buffy model (from Slayerverse animation) - still working out some kinks by tmcarlee
As weak as the initiative plot is, this is one of my favourite moments in the show by tommygun1945
The Pack & Herbert the Pig by nicollexo
Enemies by mushabo0om
I never realized until this moment that Oz's name isn't Oz by Mysterious-Try-4723
"Listening to Fear" is one of the creepiest episodes of the series by jdpm1991
New slayer born as result of previous becoming a slaypire? by Ezekiel_Says_Grace
The Master by chemeli888
Charisma Carpenter! by Formal_Fix_5190
the frat house from “fear itself" by LieTo_me
Theory: Dawn was created by some unknown being as a weapon to destroy all dimensions and existence by iceswordsman
Trying to remember a scene in the later seasons by murdochi
Thoughts On Season 5? by Defvac2
Where can I read or preview the comics? Mainly Season 8 by ginime_
Let's talk about The Master by Mr_McGigglepants
How do you feel about the Angel and Cordy ship? by Almighty_Push91
Soul Searching… by Channon-Yarrow
If they made another Buffy video game by ThatKoffeeBurns
Unpopular opinion: Riley would have been good for Buffy by PecanSama
What would you think about the other male/female friendships if they had become romantic by LightBlueSky55
Commander Buffy and the boycott by icanneverthinkofone1
oldschool fansites? by deadxair
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nofatum · 6 years
Old friend (part 4)
-Предлагали, но я терпеть этого не могу. Это...это не жизнь. Каждый день перебирать бумажки, встречаться с людьми с фальшивыми улыбками и гнилыми помыслами? Я солдат, ты это знаешь. Я всегда им была. Вначале боролась за то, что бы выжить на улицах, потом сражалась на других планетах, как боец альянса. Потом Жнецы... - Тут Шепард вздрогнула.
От мужчины не укрылась ее реакция. Он помрачнел, вспоминая о том, сколько бойцов погибло на войне. Он и сам участвовал в операциях. Ему, как опытному командиру и бойцу, назначили командование взводом солдат. В конце войны из всех, выжил лишь он. Он помнил смерть каждого вверенного ему человека. Мужчины и женщины боролись с волнами хасков и умирали один за другим. Среди них были очень храбрые и самоотверженные люди. Кто-то погиб, прикрывая отход товарищей. Раненые брали запас взрывчатки и подрывали себя, окружённые ордами монстров. Для него они были героями, отдавшими свои жизни за будущее галактики.
Курт потряс головой. Сейчас не время вспоминать об этом. После войны, он провел пол года у психолога леча поствоенный синдром. Поэтому ему так легко внушили, пойти против Шепард пять лет назад? Может уже нет того Курта Райса, кем он был раньше? Осталась лишь живая оболочка из мяса и костей, а сам он погиб на войне вместе со своим взводом.
Мужчина поднялся под вопросительным взглядом собеседницы. Подошёл к своим сумкам, достал небольшую, стальную фляжку, открыл ее и хорошенько приложился к ней. После чего подошёл к Шепард, опустился перед ней на корточки и протянул фляжку ей.
Джейн молча взяла и сделала пару глотков. Во фляжке оказалось виски. Видимо, довольно неплохое, оно не обжигало горло, подобно дешевому пойлу, чувствовался вкус цитрусовых фруктов.
Курт положил руку ей на плечо.
-Почему ты не пошла к психологу после Горна? Почему, Джейн? Многие поговаривали, что ты изменилась после него. Люди боялись тебя, думали что у тебя мозги спеклись.
Шепард положила свою руку поверх его.
-Я не хотела вспоминать об этом. Считала, что мне это не нужно. И никому не нужно знать всех подробностей о том, что там было. Я пережила и это главное. Да, я и никогда не любила врачей, особенно мозгоправов, ты же знаешь. Я в порядке.
-В порядке? И поэтому, ты дрожишь от слова - жнец?
Курт поднялся, и вдруг резко стукнул кулаком по столу.
-Да нихрена подобного! - тут он повысил голос.
Джейн подумала что он снова может выйти из себя, но это оказалось не так. На лице ее бывшего наставника застыло скорбное выражение.
-Не в порядке, Джейн! Ты не порядке! И я тем более. Война поглотила нас, прожевала и выплюнула как ненужный остаток. Я ведь не пытаюсь преуменьшить твои заслуги, заметь. Ты спасла нас всех. Ты! Ты одна сделала больше для нашего мира, чем кто-то может себе представить. Но, ты дрожишь от воспоминаний. То, через что ты прошла, зацепило тебя, нанесло душевные раны, и они не заживают. А теперь, посмотри на меня. Я сижу и трясусь перед тобой как мальчишка, перед первым в жизни свиданием. Мне порой кажется, что от меня уже ничего не осталось. И особенно... - тут он прокашлялся и снова присел около нее.
-И особенно, после того что я хотел убить тебя. И за что? За что Шепард? За жетон, за должность! Мне порой кажется, что после войны я умом тронулся. Столько было смертей, ты и сама знаешь. И кто мы теперь друг другу? То, что было, всегда будет отравлять нашу старую дружбу. И, я уже не знаю, как мне жить дальше. Я уже ни в чем не уверен...
Шепард внимательно слушала Курта. Ему отчаянно требовалось выговориться, она это знала. Ей было слегка не по себе. Она не могла припомнить, что бы оказывалась в такой ситуации. Где-то глубоко в душе, ее и правда гложило то, что он хотел ее смерти. Однако, ее сердце отчаянно кричало о прощении. Она вспомнила похороны, видимо сфальсифицированные. Вспомнила, как мысленно прощалась с ним.
-Посмотри мне в глаза, Райс.
Мужчина поднял голову и сделал то, что она попросила. Ее ярко зеленые глаза блестели в свете неоновых ламп. Они очень контрастировали с ее ярко рыжими волосами. То ли пластическая хирургия, то ли образ жизни сказался, но она почти не изменилась со времен их последней встречи. Она выглядела намного моложе своих лет.
-Хочешь правду, Курт? - спросила Джейн, и дождавшись его кивка продолжила. - Я понятия не имею, как нам жить дальше. На счет войны, ты все верно сказал. Только мы с тобой должны понимаешь... должны бороться! Если понадобится, то придется бороться с тем что у нас внутри. Придется дать бой нашим демонам. Нам с тобой нужно сделать это вместе. Я простила тебя много лет назад. Я правда простила тебя. Ты мой друг. Настоящий друг, Курт. Я не хочу вешать какие то ярлыки на наши отношения.
Шепард крутила в руках фляжку. Запрокинув голову, она сделала еще несколько глотков. После чего отдала флягу Райсу.
- Давай сделаем все, что сможем. Вместе. Не сдаваться до конца, так?
-Я выпью за это, - сказал мужчина и опустошил фляжку до дна. Курт поднялся и размял затекшие ноги. Лицо его слегка раскраснелось, он чувствовал себя намного лучше. Что же делать дальше? Он обводил помещение взглядом, пытаясь сосредоточится на каком-нибудь предмете. Внезапно его осенило. Он достал из кармана небольшой баллончик и протянул Шепард.
-Что это? - с любопытством спросила Джейн
-Черная краска для волос. Нам с тобой нужно будет сменить убежище, да и пора бы уже разузнать, что к чему сейчас на Цитадели. Я пока с тобой возился, почти не выбирался отсюда. Хорошо, что сбил ищеек со следа.
-Так, а краска то зачем? И что за ищейки?
-Про ищеек, я тебе потом расскажу. Твои волосы Джейн, слишком уж заметны. Твоя популярность раньше была на пользу, но не теперь. Нужно хотя бы чуть-чуть изменить внешность.
Шепард лишь слегка повела бровями, вязала баллончик и пошла красится.
-Интересно, как мне будет в таком цвете? - подумала она.
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mendesinthemaking · 7 years
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in many years we’ll look back at these pictures and remember a young shawn mendes
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rhina988 · 7 years
The Heart Wants What It Wants - Chapter 14
Read from the beginning
Read Chapter 13
Nicole's POV
Tears ran over my face as I was sprinting through a hallway to catch the elevator before the door closed, hoping Jared wouldn't catch me. All I wanted was to disappear from that place and stay by myself. Luckily, the elevator door shut before Jared managed to enter inside. I sobbed and cried, feeling so betrayed and hurt I thought my heart was gonna crack at that very second. I couldn't catch my breath and at one moment I felt like I was about to pass out. The elevator door opened and I ran outside rushing back to our room to pack and leave immediately.
The second I walked inside, I reached for my suitcase piling up my clothes messily, not caring about anything but getting out of there. Not long after, Jared was knocking on the door loudly.
"Nicole, open up!"
I just sniffled and packed the rest of my stuff not having any intention of answering him. He was more persistent than I hoped he would be.
"Nicole, I'm not moving until you let me explain everything!"
I knew Jared would do everything in his power to make me listen to him, but I was determined to get away from him that instant. Nothing that he could have possibly said at that moment would convince me he was innocent.
"Go away, Jared! I don't want to talk to you or see you, ever again!" I yelled hysterically.
"No! You have to let me explain. I deserve that much!"
"Forget it. Just leave!"
"You know I won't move until you open this door!"
I packed all my clothes, picked up the cosmetic bag from bathroom, zipped up the suitcase, took my coat, and headed outside the room. My eyes were all red and puffy, but I managed to stop the tears since now I was more infuriated than I was sad.
I opened the door only to see Jared leaning with both hands on the door, looking down at the floor and breathing rapidly. He lifted his head and his eyes sparkled immediately as he probably thought I wanted to hear him out.
"Baby..." he paused once he saw me with my luggage, "Wha... you can't leave," he said desperately.
"I can and I am. So please, let me pass without any further discussion," I couldn't even look him in the eye, so I kept staring over his shoulder at the door behind him.
"No. We need to talk."
"There's nothing for us to talk about. I'm leaving and you're letting me go, or I swear to God I'll scream like someone's strangling me to death." I said with eyes full of hatred and disappointment.
"No! You will listen to me!" He said and grabbed me. We both started to breathe heavily, not breaking the eye contact.
"Let. Go. This instant," I said with low voice determined to start screaming if he doesn't loose his grip.
"That's not my child. I'm not..." I didn't let him finish, I started to scream which terrified him, and he let go of me immediately, stepping back and away from me.
"What the fuck!" He was in shock, so he released me and I was still infuriated.
"I warned you," I grabbed my luggage and passed by him rapidly, walking towards the elevator.
"You're crazy. Why won't you give me a chance to clear things out? I'm not the father and ... "
"Just stop. I don't need to hear your lies and I'm definitely not gonna let you act around. Goodbye, Jared," I said and entered the elevator not even looking at him. As the door shut I burst into tears sobbing, wishing all of this was just a nightmare. Putting my shades on, I managed to calm myself down a bit before I hit the lobby, not wanting anyone to suspect anything. All the staff was very well informed about who Jared had in his apartment, and the news about him molesting his girlfriend could spread out insanely fast, so I just walked out of the elevator, straight to the lobby and out of the hotel.
I was in a car heading to the airport within minutes. At least I was in luck with the flight schedule, and was boarded to the first plane leaving Milan, which was taking off within an hour. All I wanted was to just fall asleep and not even be aware of the flight. What I really wished for was to close my eyes, and once I was up again, I would be in Jared's arms, listening to his soft voice telling me we're about to land to Milan. Just that. I needed this afternoon to be a nightmare that just looked incredibly real.
Unfortunately, I was on the flight for 15 hours, and once the flight attendant woke me up, I felt like I was being awaken from a 2-year coma. I had no idea about my whereabouts in the first 10 minutes. The sleeping pills added to the whole muddle, so I was even less capable of dealing with the mess that awaited me on the gate. The crowd of paparazzi invaded me the minute my foot stepped on the premises. Flashes striking everywhere, my head spinning, eyes tearing from time to time, both out of fatigue and sadness made me want to crawl in the first hole and never get out again. I just kept silent and ran passed them catching the first cab I spotted.
How they knew I was back without Jared, I had no idea, but they kept popping out questions like Why did you and Jared split? Is this the shortest fling he's ever had? Did he maltreated you? And all sorts of nonsensical questions echoed in my head on my way home. Well, not home really, because the moment I thought about laying in my bed I realized that's at my and Lucas's home. I was homeless. I cannot believe I've let myself be so reckless that I just ran away from my wedding, jumping into Jared's arms, without thinking about any repercussions. That was so unlike me. Every moment spent with Jared changed me and brought out this new and improved version of me. Too bad it was short lived.
Nevertheless, I needed a place to stay before I find the new apartment. I couldn't possibly bear the look on my parents' face right now, so the only place I was always welcome without any critic was Rachel's. She has been living with her boyfriend Shawn for almost a year now, and we got along as brother and sister. Their home was a true sanctuary I needed at this situation, so I decided to call her and see if I was as welcome as I thought I would be.
"Thank God you called, I was so worried, where are you," those were the first words Rachel spoke once she answered her phone.
"Hey, I know I was MIA and I should be seriously reprimanded for that, but not now please, " I said with defeating voice, "I really need your help. Can I come over?"
"You sound terrible, is everything OK?" Rachel was worried.
"No, not really, we can talk about everything later. I'm on my way."
“OK, see you soon,“ Rachel hung up and suddenly I felt a bit calmer. How could I have let myself get in such a deep trouble. Last week I had a fiance, a home, a great job and look at me now. Homeless, betrayed, and broken-hearted. I should’ve never listened to this foolish heart of mine. It only brought misery to my life.
Jared’s POV
As the elevator door closed Nicole couldn’t even look at me, and I noticed she was about to lose her grip and cry her eyes out. This hurt like the thousand knives piercing through my soul. I was not the one to blame and yet she saw a complete traitor in me. I knew I needed to give her some space and time to figure things out, but I just wasn’t ready to do it yet. I started running down the stairs after a couple of seconds pacing across the hallway, hoping she wouldn’t be out of the hotel yet. Once I was finally in the lobby Mikaela showed up again, obviously never leaving the hotel in the first place.
“Jared, hi, I hope you’re a bit calmer now,” she asked a bit frightened how I’ll react.
“What are you still doing here,” I looked through the lobby not spotting Nicole anywhere, barely even paying attention to Mikaela.
“We need to talk about our baby...”
“How many times do I have to tell you, that is not my child!” I was furious,” Who are you anyway? And stop saying you’re Mikaela, because you and I both know that’s not true,” I yelled at her and glanced through the window only to see Nicole getting inside the car and leaving. “No!” I ran as fast as I could to catch her, but I failed. The moment I stepped outside the hotel, the car was already too far away. I felt so defeated. Knowing the pregnant imposter was waiting inside the hotel, had me thinking it’s better I didn’t get a hold of Nicole. The farther she was from this whole chaos the better.
“Follow me, we need to sort this out,” I said angrily as the girl stood next to the seating arrangement in the lobby. She walked right behind me as we were going to my room.
Tossing the key card to the table, and running my fingers through my hair, I said, “OK, the moment of truth. I’ll ask you this one more time, and unless I get a real and honest answer, you’re going straight to jail. Who, the fuck, are you? ” I looked her straight in the eye, hardly even blinking, while her jaw started to shake and she could barely hold the tears.
“I’m Mikaela’s twin sister!” she yelled bursting into tears.
“You’re Francesca?” I asked in surprise. She just nodded, covering the face with her hands. “I had no idea you two were twins. Mikaela mentioned she had a sister, but she never said you were identical twins,” I started huffing and pacing across the room, while Francesca kept sobbing, not moving an inch.
“I’m sorry...” she sobbed, trying to catch her breath, “I knew you liked my sister a lot, and I just...” she kept crying and it only made me more upset. I hated liars and this pathetic drama act only pushed my limits.
“Stop crying, and get a grip. You’re not sorry, you did this on purpose, I just need to know why. Why me, why like this?” I crossed my arms over my chest and gave Francesca a stern look, letting her know I’m not buying her pitiful attempt to win my affection.
Chapter 15 
Feel free to comment and leave feedback.
Let me know if you’d like me to tag you in the next chapters.
Hope you enjoyed it.
You can read the story on Wattpad as well
@wolfgirl1074 @nikkitasevoli @iraniq @elliegrace139 @iridescxntsolitude @lanfear619 @msroxyblog @sookieblack12 @prettypinkbabyunicorn @aliencataf
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Got my lovely prize for my fic in the Romione Quicke fest from @callieskye today. Thank you so much!!! :D It actually got here a little while ago but as I have been away on holiday for the past three weeks I only just got my hands on it today and so haven’t had the chance to say thank you! I absolutely love it and thanks again @callieskye and of course @wildegreenlight for putting on the Romione Quickie Fest!
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megamangx · 3 years
i want to talk about why i megamangx should be in a silvagunner becuse i am fan fitions writer since 2012 and creative mind who wants to help make the world a better place no matter all the darkness cbecuse humankind stop dreaming and that is not good so i want to help make dreams again.
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i should be in next silvagunner for christmas or king music or other work or even a part where i can help heros stoping a bad guy
there not be regret if u decise to do this i can bring my own mega buster
thanmk u
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queercapwriting · 8 years
prompt: chez danvers, sanvers being all cute and fighting about vegan ice cream
And also, here (I already gave it to you in your hilarious post tagging me, but nothing wrong with some redundancy, right? ;) ) – http://queergirlwriting.tumblr.com/post/156629759734/alright-j-vegan-ice-cream-at-maggies-place
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motor-duck · 7 years
Shiping reylo doesn't mean racism
Some people try to make this stupid ship war something more important by claiming that they’re fighting with racism, abuse, a fetishization of gay people of even Nazism.
I’m not telling that in reylo fandom isn’t even one racist person but we’re fighting with people like it. Do any of you remember this asshole person who had reylo blog and used the word on N? It was popular post about her and reylos was blocking and reporting this post/blog. Even wit this  native american AU.
What about “erasing Finn” by using moment with Finn and puts them Kylo? I don’t like it because for me 95% of was for me just friendly. But in anime fandom it’s very normal to use what you want to make some fanmade videos or gifs. I think that 99% of people who “erased” Finn was thinking about this that ways.
Of course that it’s 1% of raist asshole but antis need to look more on their shit with “repairing promotion”. This “ repairing” was by cutting off from all things Ben Solo/Kylo Ren. Making “new official and truly star wars promotion without Kilo Ron”. From everything, antis was cutting of Ben and put in his place Finn. But it’s all right because he’s white. (Some “examples”)
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I saw so many “repairings like it”.
And lots of antis are attacking white people/ Many times I saw antis writing that all white people are evil and should die.
BeforeTFA I was shipping Finnrey, but after I liked more Reylo. I ship Finn with Poe and Rose, but with Rey they’re just friends for me. Adam could play Finn and it wouldn’t change my mind. I love Finn but I can share anything about him because antis are attacking me in 5 minutes.
But now Finnrey fans are erasing canon Finnrose and no one has a problem with it?
Did some reylos did something racist? YES!
Didi antis did  something racist too? YES!
Is shipping two white people racist? NO!
Is shipping two black people racist?  NO!
It’s just fition. Finnrose is canon and we don’t now what will be with Rey in IX. But some people are making post with “TRUTH ABOUT THAT ALL REYLOS ARE RACIST TM AND SHIP REYLO BEACUESE THEY HATE FINN TM”
Just ship what you like and don’t attack another.
This post is one big answer to @awesome-bamon 
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whoisnathanprescott · 9 years
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I've just got to say congrats and bravo to the Downton Abbey fan fictionaires. I enjoy reading it. Thanks!
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nofatum · 6 years
С войны
Дорогая Лира,
Это пимьмо доставит тебе надёжный курьер. Заплати ему как другу, хорошо?
Прости за то, что долго не писала. Я была ранена и лежала в лазарете около месяца. Не волнуйся за меня, у меня все хорошо. Ранение оказалось серьёзное, но теперь я впорядке. На животе остался шрам, надеюсь он не покажется тебе слишком уродливым.
Жду, не дождусь, когда эта война наконец закончится. Здесь, на Севере дни коротки, а ночи долгие и холодные. Меня греют только мысли о встрече с тобой. Мы не виделись с тобой уже два года. Хочу верить, что между нами ничего не изменилось.
Наша армия смогла продвинуться вглубь вражеской территории. Потери были большие, но не такими ужасными , как я думала. Мы одержали несколько крупных побед над снежными варварами, и высшие чины поговаривают о решающей битве.
После выписки, меня произвели в капитанский чин. Солдаты под моим началом восприняли ситуацию хорошо, и даже одобрительно. Может все дело в том, что я на радостях , выставила им бочку эля. В любом случае, недовольства от мужчин под моим началом, я не слышала. Женщины были очень рады и сердечно поздравляли меня. Вот уже десять лет, женщина не становилась капитаном королевской гвардии.
Все Боги свидетели, я так скучаю по тебе! Мне не хватает твоих прикосновений, твоих поцелуев на моей шее, твоего нежного голоса и наших разговоров. Мечтаю принять большую, горячую ванну с благовониями и маслами...и, в моих мечтах, мы делаем это вместе. Тут я улыбаюсь, вспоминая, как блестят твои глаза, когда я предлагаю тебе подобные вещи.
Ты знаешь, мне тяжело писать письма. Я не могу выразить всего того, что чувствую, того что у меня в мыслях и на душе. Надеюсь, ты не обижаешься.
Ещё раз надеюсь на скорую встречу. Помолись за меня, пожалуйста, в Храме Возрождения.
С Любовью, Джена.
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mister-antonio · 11 years
Gaia Online is an online hangout, incorporating social networking, forums, gaming and a virtual world.
Episode 2 wraps up!
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rajahthemighty · 12 years
I updated my fan fiction:
Kiss The Lips Of Evil:
DA Link:
Mibba Link:
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flowermiya · 13 years
Whenever I go back and read my writing, I just feel kinda crappy.
I just feel like everyone is OOC, I can't write certain characters correctly, and I'm royally fucking everything up!
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nofatum · 6 years
Бойцы N7
-И снова в бой? - Негромко спросил он. -Да- Ответила она, и несмело посмотрела ему в глаза. -Как скоро тебе нужно быть на корабле? -Отлет через час. -Значит осталось мало времени.- Он потянулся к небольшой сумке стоящей у его ног, достал контейнер из непрозрачного стеклопластика. Контейнер он сунул ей прямо в руки. Она вопросительно посмотрела на него. -Это просто подарок на память. Другой возможности отдать его может и не быть. Она усмехнулась своей фирменной улыбкой. Открыла контейнер. В нем лежал новенький биоусилитель. -Я не могу это принять.- Твердо заявила девушка. - Ты хоть представляешь , сколько он стоит? Где ты вообще его взял? -Забрал в сейфе у работорговца, на последнем задании. Он ему уже точно не пригодится. Да и мне он ни к чему. Ну не родился я биотиком, что поделать? Он криво усмехнулся. За много лет знакомства, она так и не поняла, что означает эта улыбка. С равной долей вероятности - это могло означать: насмешку, презрение, самодовольство или просто хорошее настроение. -Возьми его и используй с умом. Она несмело вертела в руках биоусилитель. Подняла голову и посмотрела на него. -Я же могу никогда не вернуть такой "долг" . Ты же знаешь куда меня отправляют. А я знаю куда отправишься ты. Мы можем больше не встретится... -Тссс..не надо. - Он снова улыбнулся , но на этот раз обычной , дружеской улыбкой. -На курсах N7, нас учили не сдаваться, во что бы то не стало. Вот и не станем! Он активировать свой инструментрон, посмотрел на время. -Тебе уже пора. -Знаю. Они поднялимь со скамейки , которая стояла в уединенной части президиума. Он протянул ей руку. Она крепко сжала ее в ответ. -Не сдаваться до конца , как нас учили- Повторила она за ним. Он молча кивнул. -Спасибо за подарок. При следующей встрече с меня пиво. -Ну знаешь ли..лучше уж бутылка хорошего виски. -Так и будет- она слегка улыбнулась. А потом она развернулась, и пошла не оглядываясь. Он несколько секунд провожал ее взглядом. Ему бросилась в глаза снайперская винтовка, сложенная на ее спине. Она носила ее с выпуска из программы N7. Он развернулся и пошел в противоположном направлении. За его спиной висели , дробовик, штурмовая винтовка и пистолет Они уходили на войну. Они уходили в надежде вернуться. Пусть так и будет.
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