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marcid-blue · 1 year
The Power of Hydration: Introducing Marcid Blue Purified Drinking Water
Introduction: In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to overlook the simple yet essential act of staying hydrated. However, the significance of proper hydration for our overall health and well-being cannot be overstated. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of staying hydrated and introduce you to Marcid Blue, a premium-quality purified drinking water brand that ensures both cleanliness and great taste.
The Importance of Staying Hydrated Staying hydrated is crucial for our bodies to function optimally. It goes beyond quenching thirst; adequate hydration is vital for numerous bodily functions and has a significant impact on our energy levels, digestion, and overall health. By drinking enough water, we provide our bodies with the hydration they need to perform at their best.
Introducing Marcid Blue Purified Drinking Water Marcid Blue is a brand committed to delivering premium-quality purified drinking water. With a focus on cleanliness and taste, Marcid Blue goes the extra mile to ensure that every drop of water meets the highest standards of quality. Its state-of-the-art purification process guarantees a refreshing and pure drinking experience.
The Benefits of Marcid Blue a) Premium Quality: Marcid Blue follows meticulous purification processes to provide the highest level of purity. From the source to the bottle, every step is carefully monitored to ensure the water's integrity and quality. b) Refreshing Taste: What sets Marcid Blue apart is its crisp and invigorating flavor. The water is not only pure but also a delight to drink, making hydration an enjoyable experience. c) Convenient Refills: As a consumer-centric brand, Marcid Blue offers hassle-free refilling experiences. Located at Prk. 6, Floridablanca, Pampanga, you can conveniently refill your bottles and stay hydrated throughout the day.
A Healthy Choice Choosing Marcid Blue is not only about the taste; it's also a healthy choice. Purified water, like Marcid Blue, has numerous benefits for our bodies. It aids in detoxification, helps maintain proper hydration levels, and supports overall well-being. By incorporating Marcid Blue into your daily routine, you're taking a proactive step towards a revitalizing and healthy lifestyle.
Conclusion: In conclusion, staying hydrated is essential for our overall health and well-being. With Marcid Blue purified drinking water, you not only get a premium-quality, clean, and refreshing drinking experience but also make a healthy choice that supports your vitality. Remember, the power of hydration is within your reach, so make sure to prioritize it in your daily life.
marcid blue purified drinking water | Floridablanca, Pampanga
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elizabeth-234 · 4 years
The Hourglass
Previous Chapter Ten: For the Great Good Part Two
Hi All. Thank you for reading. This is for prompt ten of whumptober: Internal Bleeding and blood loss.
References to suicide.
Chapter Eleven: Where in the World is Peter? 
People were talking around him. They were the type of murmurs you could never hear the exact wording no matter how hard you concentrated. His head lay heavy on the pillow, sunk into the dent worn in it by time. He found the same experience with his limbs. They were all but useless at his side besides the small twitch in the ring finger of his left hand.
Time held no meaning in that state of immobility and exhaustion dragged him back to sleep whenever consciousness creeped back in. Inside the immobile body his cells worked to heal and repair the damage from the attack and fall, though his mind remained unaware. Hours or weeks could have passed, and in some ways they did but Peter wasn’t aware to the consequences of this yet.
He woke up to the sound of voices again. Shaking from the effort, he cracked an eye open. There was a young nurse sitting on a stool near the door. She was on some talking into type of boxed hospital phone. Her intonation rose and fell as skimmed through some paperwork on a clipboard. Peter closed his eyes and panted while trying to ignore the trembling in his neck. He slept again.
Waking moments were more prevalent from then on. He noticed someone was always stationed in his room no matter the time of day. Some stayed in the chair by the door while others came in and watched TV. They sat in the chair beside him and though he would fall asleep, it this strange state of sickness seem less lonely.
The doctor came sparingly but they made sure to give a progress report when they did. “Low urine output still. Give him more fluids” The doctor said much to Peter’s embarrassment. His palms were clammy against the bedsheets but his arms wouldn’t respond to his attempts to move. His mind wanted to claim health, that he was fine and could go back, but his body knew what his mind wouldn’t acknowledge: Peter was hurt and it was taking too long to heal. His heart was beating fast but his pulse pressure remained low. He wasn’t just tired but had full exhaustion and fatigue in his muscles.
Sometimes he pretended they were talking about somebody else so he didn’t have to be embarrassed. Like he wasn’t invisible and they weren’t talking around him. Other times he couldn’t follow the updates from the people. He’d get lost in the numbers and vocabulary, the twisting sentences that almost seemed like they contradicted themselves. A headache formed and he would block out the sounds instead of trying to wake up. Still, Peter slept on.
When he opened his eyes without strain and forethought, it was night. He stared at the moon from his spot on the bed. It hung low and thick in his window. The yellow and dark watercolors of the face casting a strange tint across the room and the blankets covering him. The face stared right back at him all dark eyes and long mouths. Did the man in the moon pity him or was he laughing?
Peter took a mental stock of himself. He tensed his muscles pushing them to see how they functioned after no use. He was breathing hard from his exploration, his legs twitching and restless. With slow, measured movements Peter pushed himself to sit, though his stomach muscles protested the whole way. Hunched over and catching his breath, Peter thought about his next options.
The memories of how he came to be in the hospital were gone, but he knew he had to get out. The more time spent here, the easier it was for the men to come back. They would fine him eventually and such public exposure would work against him. Peter almost caved against the onset of his plans and fell back onto the bed, but he held firm. Rhodey and Tony’s faces appeared before him like apparitions in a ghost story. Their transparent expressions yelling at him to run as invisible enemies attacked them. A branch in the tree outside moved with the wind, disturbing the shadows in his room, and they were gone. He would find a way out for them.
Peter swung his legs off the side of the bed. He gasped as the cold of the tiled floor soaked through his socks and chilled his feet. Some plastic pouch was strapped to his leg. He palpated it and blushed when he felt liquid inside. Pushing away thoughts of his urinary track, Peter tested his balance. He fully placed his feet on the ground and pushed away from the stationary structure of the bed. Back and forth he teetered on the balls of his feet before what felt like the first time in forever, Peter was standing on his own two feet. His muscles burned and shook from the effort, and Peter began sweating but he was standing. It seemed like a time ago he was running on the dock. Had he fallen into the pond? His head pounded. He couldn’t remember what happened next.
Something moved and he saw the heat rustle the papers of the nurse sitting by his door. Her head was bent over to rest on the wall. She was almost asleep. Her eyes kept closing and not even the sounds of Peter’s explorations woke her. He could sneak around her if he moved fast enough. He tried walking but something tugged him back. The IV poll moved forward to catch up with him leaving the metal to scrap on the floor. The nurse woke up with a snort.
“Oh my.” She said when she spotted him up standing. “You shouldn’t be up. Let’s get you settled back in.”
There was no room for argument and he was tucked back in before he knew it. He drooped into the bedding and despite hating to admit it, even to himself, Peter felt like he’d just ran a marathon. Escape stretched further away from him if standing caused this much of an energy drain. He stared at the nurse how was working around him. She was an older nurse, one he might have seen before in one of his brief instances of clarity. She refilled his water and tucked the covers over his shoulders. Before she could move away he stopped her.
“Miss?” He said wanting to ask something that had been bothering him all night. “I’ve been to the hospital a few times when I was a kid and never had someone sit with me. Not that I don’t appreciate it but I don’t think I can sleep knowing someone’s watching me.”

She gave him a critical eye as she checked the IV measurements with the time.
“Well, Mr. Parker that hasn’t stopped you from sleeping in the past 24 hours with other nurses here. I’m acting as a sitter tonight. I’m here to make sure you’re not a danger to yourself given how they recovered you from that lake.”
She patted him on his arm and his mind reeled with startling clarity of her words. They thought he jumped.  They thought he chose to jump into the icy waters and not come back. A shiver ran down his spine. He needed to make her understand.
“That, that wasn’t it. I - someone was running after me and I fell. I - it wasn’t on purpose.” 

She clucked her teeth and pushed the covers up where they had fallen when he tried to get up to reassure her and maybe himself as well.
“Be that as it may, Mr. Parker. I have a job to do until you are cleared with the doctors and you do too. Rest easy tonight and focus on getting better. You’ve had some internal bleeding that they need to look at now you’re awake.”
He nodded and fell back into his pillow all fight and plans of escape forgotten.
“It’s Peter, please. Could you put the TV on? I would feel better with some background noise.” He said.
“I’m nurse Bee. Sleep well, Peter. I’ll be watching over you tonight.”
He closed his eyes and the sounds from the TV filtered into the room. His last thought was he thought he heard a commercial with Shrek come on.
“You’ve got some very unusual markers in your blood, Mr. Parker. It’s the reason it took us so long to find a suitable donor to get a transfusion. Now that it’s all set you should be feeling much better. We’ve removed the catheter as well and stopped most of the pain meds. The goal is to get you mobile now, build up any muscles, and, of course, you’ll have to see a psychiatrist. One will be sent up this afternoon. CPS was called and-”
“I’m eighteen, Doc” He said maintaining eye contact. The doctor raised an eyebrow but Peter didn’t move a muscle. He didn’t believe Peter, never mind that he was right not to trust him. It was that or he didn’t care either way. “Plus, I’ll call my uncle and he’ll tell you. There’s no need for anything else.”
The afternoon was filled with appointments. Just thinking about it left him a state of denial. Question after question bombarded him. He was scanned and poked and prodded. He didn’t even know how he was going to pay for everything.
The talk with the therapist was the worst. The hour dragged on. Every question was followed by another. Peter tried to be as honest as possible. Sticking to the truth was best in a lie and it would be easier to remember later, but Spiderman, that place, and May. No, all of those things were off limits. What he did repeat was he hadn’t jumped. He was chased and fell. The man nodded and wrote down something in his notebook before trying to dive into Peter’s past. He had no past here.
In any other circumstances it might’ve been helpful. If Peter was open to the experience he might have found talking about his life to a stranger freeing. But this wasn’t the case. His past was gone here to all outside eyes. It hadn’t happened because it would be dangerous to talk about it. He was increasingly closed off as the minutes went by. His attention more focused on the plaid sweater vest the man was wearing than their session.
Night came again. They must have believed his story because was finally alone. He was parched from retelling everything he remembered and more during the day. Still, something was missing. Dr. Lang suggested it was the trauma but Peter thought everything seemed off somehow. Everything was different from before.
He stuffed the blanket around his feet so the cold air wouldn’t chill them and grabbed the controller. He almost wished the nurse from the previous night was there before he stopped the thought. Escape. He needed to escape tonight. The CPS had been too late to arrive today but he didn’t think he would be lucky enough tomorrow. They couldn’t make plans about him and take him farther away than he was now.
The IV prickled with blood after he pulled it out. He pressed the corner of his gown onto the small hole and once it coagulated, Peter tossed a blanket around his shoulders as disguise. It wasn’t the most incognito appearance but it was all he had until he could find something, maybe a nurse’s zip-up to use. He also didn’t want the cold to stress his body even more in its weakened state.
The memory of the therapist in plaid confirming his time with the CPS tomorrow was enough to get him out of bed and into the hallway. It was empty. Only his heart racing and machines talking were heard at this time of night. Above everything else, he couldn’t be caught. He walked without sound but he was too slow all his thoughts of daring escapes and only managed one hallway when he heard someone walking. A nurse turned the corner wheeling a cart in front of him. One of the wheels squeaked as it rolled. Peter held his breath and pushed himself into the wall but it wasn’t cover enough. As fast as he dared Peter darted into the closest room hoping the patient was asleep. He leaned against the door not breathing until the squeaking grew too faint to hear.
“What are you doing?”
Someone said from inside the room. Peter swallowed. His assessment of sleep was way off base. With a stolen breath he peered around the door wall and into the room.
Papers were strewn over a spread of open books on the bed. It was chaos but the person sitting didn’t seem to mind. They were hunched over one of the papers. Peter waited for them to look up. He wondered if his eyes would be cold or warm but they were shrouded from view. His brown hair longer than Peter’s haircut. It was grown out from his buzzcut but still not longer than his ears. Peter spared a glance at the boy’s mouth and forehead. Both were furrowed and lined as he concentrated.
Peter felt like he was in middle school again waiting in the principal’s office after getting into a fight when one of the other kids called him a nerd. The principal made him stand in front of his desk for five minutes while he finished work. Peter didn’t have time to wait now.
“Well?” He asked again with a raised eyebrow. Peter realized he’d never answered. While the ground seemed infinitely a safer place to look Peter forced himself to look up.
His breath froze in his chest. In front of him sat an apparition. Peter almost pinched himself to see if he was dreaming. His eyes were the same brown with flecks of black speckled throughout, but like the first time it was the emotion that kept his attention. There was a certain duality to his eyes. They stayed focused completely on him and taking in his face but this time there was no recognition of the distance between them. This time Peter felt as though he carried the ocean in him that separated them and, for a moment, he could almost understand the expression in his eyes the first time they met. Maybe he’d been asleep longer than he thought. Peter continued to stare and the longer he looked the more differences he spotted. The lines weren’t the same around his eyes, age hadn’t touched him yet, and he was missing that familiar edge to the brown pupils that had grown over the weeks of Peter being with them.
“I was just hiding - I mean, I was, Tony? What the hell are you doing here?” 

The man’s – boy’s - eyes hardened but the curiosity stayed.
“Who are you? And how do you know my name?” 

Thank you!
Next Chapter Twelve: The President, Shrek, and Sweater Vests 
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katiezstorey93 · 7 years
Budget Travel Holiday Ideas: 7 Tested Tips for Visiting Rome
#travel to rome Number
7 Tested Tips for Viewing Rome
(Courtesy Kaeli Conforti)
Even when on vacation, it’s hard for a travel editor to stop working. In May of 2012, my entire family embarked on an 11–afternoon Italian adventure, including stops at Venice, Lake Como, the Cinque Terre area, Pisa, Florence, and lastly, Rome. Obviously, I kept jotting down little tidbits of advice and notes share you with all — and to bring home together. To deflecting street salesmen that are interstate from free sites, here are a few points.
(Free) artwork is anywhere
In a place as Rome, you don’t have to look too far to come across art and architecture, especially in places of worship. Most churches around Rome house magnificent works of art which you are able to see free of charge–we seen Caravaggio paintings at Santa Maria del Popolo, and saw Bernini’s statue of St. Teresa in Ecstasy at Santa Maria della Vittoria. The Vatican Museums are usually closed on Sundays, except for the final Sunday of every month when they provide free entry from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.. We could save roughly $25 each by braving the crowds (the lineup to acquire in wrapped around the block, but only lasted 25 minutes). Well worth it to get entry to Michelangelo’s masterpiece in the Sistine Chapel.
Plan ahead for popular sites
Attempt to book tickets to popular places such as the Borghese Gallery and Vatican Museums ahead of time on the internet to prevent long lines. Or invest at a Roma Pass . Which provides you a three–day subway pass and entry to sites such as the Colosseum and Roman Forum (although not the Vatican) with a much shorter line.
Take a water bottle and umbrella
The sun can be harsh in Rome. It might accumulate fast while water bottles just cost a few bucks each. Bring a refillable container and stop at any of the public drinking fountains around town (but observe for signs stating “acqua non-potabile,” or even non-potable water). In addition, I suggest carrying an umbrella about in case of a shower, for both colour from the sun and at all times.
Just say “no” to persistent street anglers
The biggest pet peeve of our trip to Rome has been the seemingly omnipresent salesmen on the road, offering scarves, umbrellas, knock–off bags, parasols, and– eventhe biggest scam–“free roses.” They can be very persistent–a single man even put a rose in my jacket and then attempted to charge me for it. Just avoid direct eye contact, say no, and continue walking.
If you can not find a Fantastic hotel bargain in town centre, enlarge your geography
We scored a great price at Villa Paganini B B; . An 18th century villa four stops by the Colosseum. The Rome subway is simple to navigate–its just two primary subway lines which intersect at the Termini railway station–and rides price a mere 1.50 euro each. Or choose to remain at one of our favorite secret hotels of Rome to become closer to town centre and stay within your budget.
Budget for airport transfers
You have two options here: taxi or subway. Rome’s airport is 25 miles outside the city centre, and a taxi ride costs 50 euro (about $62) each way. It is the more economical choice for several people, but when there are just two of you, take the Metro. The 45–second ride around the Leonardo Express train prices 15 euro (about $19) per individual and puts you directly at Termini station.
And, most importantly, eat your weight in gelato
Paradoxically, gelato, the most flavorful portion of our trip. We stumbled upon Gelateria della Palma directly near the Pantheon and compensated about 3 euro each for 2 colossal scoops. You will find 150 tastes to pick from; my favorites were melon (it tastes just like cantaloupe!) , strawberry, mango, and anything else involving chocolate. Yes, we travelled. They had a screen of Pope Benedict lollipops for sale–the perfect souvenir for everybody stuck back at the workplace.
from network 8 http://www.jewishtoursistanbul.com/budget-travel-holiday-ideas-7-tested-tips-for-visiting-rome/
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marcid-blue · 11 months
Marci Blue Purified Drinking Water
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Marcid Blue Purified Drinking Water is a trusted provider of premium-quality, purified drinking water. We are dedicated to delivering clean, refreshing hydration to our customers in Prk. 6, San Jose, Floridablanca Pampanga and beyond. Our state-of-the-art purification process ensures the highest standards of water quality, offering a taste that is both pure and invigorating. Experience the excellence of Marcid Blue and make hydration a revitalizing and healthy part of your lifestyle. Latitude: 14.9900625 Longitude: 120.5104375 Address: Prk.6, San Jose, Floridablanca, Pampanga
Phone Number: 09295977645
GBP Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=14396357732923763543
Plus Code: XGR6+25 Floridablanca, Pampanga
Youtube Geotagged Video:
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