#purified drinking water near
marcid-blue · 1 year
The Power of Hydration: Introducing Marcid Blue Purified Drinking Water
Introduction: In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to overlook the simple yet essential act of staying hydrated. However, the significance of proper hydration for our overall health and well-being cannot be overstated. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of staying hydrated and introduce you to Marcid Blue, a premium-quality purified drinking water brand that ensures both cleanliness and great taste.
The Importance of Staying Hydrated Staying hydrated is crucial for our bodies to function optimally. It goes beyond quenching thirst; adequate hydration is vital for numerous bodily functions and has a significant impact on our energy levels, digestion, and overall health. By drinking enough water, we provide our bodies with the hydration they need to perform at their best.
Introducing Marcid Blue Purified Drinking Water Marcid Blue is a brand committed to delivering premium-quality purified drinking water. With a focus on cleanliness and taste, Marcid Blue goes the extra mile to ensure that every drop of water meets the highest standards of quality. Its state-of-the-art purification process guarantees a refreshing and pure drinking experience.
The Benefits of Marcid Blue a) Premium Quality: Marcid Blue follows meticulous purification processes to provide the highest level of purity. From the source to the bottle, every step is carefully monitored to ensure the water's integrity and quality. b) Refreshing Taste: What sets Marcid Blue apart is its crisp and invigorating flavor. The water is not only pure but also a delight to drink, making hydration an enjoyable experience. c) Convenient Refills: As a consumer-centric brand, Marcid Blue offers hassle-free refilling experiences. Located at Prk. 6, Floridablanca, Pampanga, you can conveniently refill your bottles and stay hydrated throughout the day.
A Healthy Choice Choosing Marcid Blue is not only about the taste; it's also a healthy choice. Purified water, like Marcid Blue, has numerous benefits for our bodies. It aids in detoxification, helps maintain proper hydration levels, and supports overall well-being. By incorporating Marcid Blue into your daily routine, you're taking a proactive step towards a revitalizing and healthy lifestyle.
Conclusion: In conclusion, staying hydrated is essential for our overall health and well-being. With Marcid Blue purified drinking water, you not only get a premium-quality, clean, and refreshing drinking experience but also make a healthy choice that supports your vitality. Remember, the power of hydration is within your reach, so make sure to prioritize it in your daily life.
marcid blue purified drinking water | Floridablanca, Pampanga
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ataraxiaspainting · 8 months
Never Let Me Down Again.
Yan Nanami x GN Reader.
Synopsis: You have been acting well, and therefore are now treated well. Kento was proud, then, before he found something under the bed that shattered everything he thought of you, everything he thought of the progress you two were making.
Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, some infantilization, and implied violence.
Word Count: 600.
Kento finally found out where his old satchel went, after hours of looking for it.
It was under the bed frame, behind hastily and messily put shoes, your shoes to be precise. You rarely use them because Kento never takes you outside, even though he promises he will, those vows always break. Just like how his satchel was never worn, which was cheap and only meant to serve as a bag if there was an emergency where he only could pack a few essentials before running off from danger. He often tells both himself and you that it is too dangerous, with curses around every corner whose population seems to be growing more and more each coming day. 
You’re asleep now, just above the crime that you committed. If Kento was not able to hold his anger, his sorrow at this betrayal, he would have shaken you awake already, screamed at you, because he knows that whatever could possibly be the contents of the near-forgotten pouch is not good, especially for the progress Kento thought you two were making.
Like Pandora and the Pithos Zeus had given her, he could not resist the temptation to see what was within.
What came first was packs of dried fruit and nuts. The small ones that Kento gave you for snacking, when dinner time or lunchtime was not too far away, by an hour or so. There seemed to be at least ten, so at the very least there were ten days you pretended to be hungry so you could put them in the satchel when Kento was not looking. After all, you were not allowed to go into the pantry by yourself, Kento always said that he did not want you to mess up the little organized society he made up of cans and other nonperishable foods. What came next was some cartons of sugar-free fruit juice, which made sense as Kento never has plastic disposable water bottles, preferring to use a water purifier that he keeps near the sink for both him and you to use. Both the food and the drinks you kept in hiding when Kento gave them to you as either a treat for a good job with whatever chores he gave you to do or as a snack when you got hungry when Kento was starting to make dinner or lunch or whatever other meal you two ate together. Despite thinking that you two were making progress, Kento now sees that you have lied to him, and that hurts more than the insults that you hurled his way along with the biting and scratches you gave him when he first stole you away.
Kento has always said how he despises liars, and such values are still held up tightly even when it comes down to you and the rotten words that came out of your mouth. He should wash them out with soap, until you are crying and have the urge to vomit, maybe even use the other tools at his disposal to prove that he is not just brains, but brawn too. Due to your actions, the bond between you and Kento has regressed to its initial stage. It is solely your responsibility for this setback, isn't it?
Upon discovering the concealed knife in the bag amidst everything else, Kento resolves to act according to his fury and animosity, aiming to make you regret every transgression and even regret the very day you were born.
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odinsblog · 2 months
“How do you enjoy life as the world burns? When the planet is on fire, and the country is falling apart, and the cops shoot another teenager, and half your neighbors are getting evicted or deported, and Bill Maher is still speaking out loud on television, what do you do? I go to the water park with my nephew Miles.
Miles is 12 years old. He is a brilliant, bow-legged troublemaker. I love him despite the fact that he's 12 and still has a rat tail. It's really not that cute anymore, dude. We're not related by blood, but Miles' dad, Kevin, is like a brother to me. So Miles calls me Uncle Josh.
Uncle Josh, when are we going to the Warriors game? Uncle Josh, will you show me how to open that car with a hanger again? Uncle Josh, Uncle Josh, since I'm half Black and half Asian, does that make me Blazian? No, Miles, that makes you Oakland.
It's August, and it's hot, which for the Bay Area, means anything above 67. Today, it's 91. I'm over at Kevin and Miles' place, sitting in no AC, in our tank tops and boxers, watching Key and Peele.
I say, guys, we gotta go somewhere to cool off. Cooler than the movie theater, cooler than the mall, I'm gonna take us to East Bay's water world. Miles' face lights up. But then Kevin says, I don't know you guys. I mean, those water parks, you know, they're so wasteful.
My man Kevin is the worst kind of Bay Area environmentalist. He's that type of dude who will come over your house and use the bathroom, not flush, but instead write a note on your toilet paper telling you how much water he just saved you. That's a true story.
I say, Kevin, it's so hot out here, I could fry an egg on your face, which I will if we don't go to East Bay Water World. Miles says, please dad. I say, please dad.
Kevin says, fine. Go have fun at the park, but take my car. It's a hybrid.
I grab the keys and soon me and Miles are driving through Oakland. We pass by the Trilingual Liquor Store, the farmer's market that accepts food stamps and we make our way through the tunnel and the hills. We emerge on the other side in the valley.
The further we get from the coast, the ground is drier and drier, browner and browner. The only green is the manicured lawns of the suburbs, the golf courses, the empty field of the sprawling county jail. And then we see it and we arrive at our Mecca, our oasis in the California desert, East Bay Water World. And it's even more beautiful than I imagined. There's four wave pools, there's a 50-foot water park, the air smells like chlorine and sunscreen and funnel cake. Delicious.
Miles' mouth is wide, staring at all these things he's never seen before. Carnival games, Dippin Dots, girls in bikinis, Uncle Josh, this place is awesome. I know, Miles. I know.
We go and we jump in the wave pool, we float down the lazy river, we spin through the whitewater rapids until we're totally drenched, grinning ear to ear and surprisingly thirsty. So I go to the funnel cake vendor for something to drink.
Can I get a bottle of water, please? He says, no problem. That'll be $7. $7 for a bottle of water? He looks at the bottle. It says, and he literally read off the bottle, it says this here is bottled and purified up near Lake Tahoe.
This is California water. California water. I buy two bottles and walk back to where Miles is pointing up towards the sky. I follow his gaze and then I see it. There, staring down at us from the tallest point in the park is the biggest water slide I've ever seen. The tallest slide in Northern California, the Annihilator.
The Annihilator is a seven-story, 80-foot freefall drop down all in just under five seconds. It's one of those slides that's so vertical, your back comes off the ride when you go down, so you feel like if you lean over just a little bit, you're done. It's the type of slide that's illegal in 27 states and most of the European Union, but hey, this is California.
I look and see Miles. His mouth is watering in anticipation. We go and get in line.
Now, the worst part of the Annihilator isn't the ride down. That's only five seconds. The worst part is the 30-minute wait in line, standing in the stairs watching and hearing every kid go down the slide, hearing every scream, every shriek, every, oh, sweet baby, Purple Jesus. The That's a direct quote from a nine-year-old. Shout out to Purple Jesus.
Miles is nervous. His hand is clenching the railing. Uncle Josh, is this thing safe?
Before I can answer, I hear a voice shouting from the top of the stairs, Hands up! Put your hands up!
Hands up!
It's the lifeguard, a tall white teenager in red shorts. He's yelling at the girl about to go down the slide. I'm telling you, it's way more fun if you put your hands up.
And the words hit me like a tsunami. It's August, two weeks after Ferguson, after Mike Brown. After those words, hands up became the calling cry for a movement.
In Missouri, people are putting their hands up to protest the police murdering another black boy in America. In California, I'm watching kids put their hands up as they go down a water slide called the Annihilator, and my nephew asks me if it's safe here. It's August in America.
In Detroit, they're shutting off poor people's water. California is suffocating of thirst. Half of my friends are putting buckets of ice over their faces on Facebook. Israel is bombing water treatment plants in Gaza, and in America, we have water parks in the desert. Industrial Almond Farms in the desert, prisons in the desert, my family, me and my nephew right here in the desert looking for anything that could be called an oasis. And Miles asked me if it's safe here.
What am I supposed to tell him?
I don't want to lie to my nephew. I want him to know that yes, some people will always see him as a threat, but I also want him to laugh and play and go get on this crazy ass waterslide.
How do you enjoy life as the world is burning? How do you teach your nephew to hate the park but love the ride? The thing is called the Annihilator. I think it might be trying to tell us something.
And now we're next in line. A girl with blonde pigtails is shaking her head. The lifeguard says, it's okay, you don't have to do it.
She backs away and now Miles is up.
He steps to the edge of the slide, puts his feet in the rushing water.
I can see the brown hills in the distance, Oakland and all its beautiful contradictions waiting on the other side. I wave at Miles, say, you got this. You got this, dude.
And he waves back at me, and when he does, he lets go of the railing. His hand shoots up in the air and the rushing water carries him away. He lets go. He shoots out and disappears over the edge. My nephew!
I rush to the side and look over, and there's Miles at the bottom of the slide, safe and alive and pulling up his bathing suit. He jumps up and runs to get back in line, and the cycle continues. Water, blood, life, death, and maybe rebirth.
I'm still on the top platform of the slide.
I walk to the edge, look down at California, lift my hands, and let go.”
—Mr. Josh Healey
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helloilikepurple · 9 months
DC X DP - Merfolk AU
Maddie and Jack Fenton are ecto-biologists, except, ecto-beings aren't ghosts but rather mermaids.
Amity Park is a small island, a 3-hour boat ride away from the nearest coast. The ferry comes by 2 times a day, and only once on Sunday at noon.
Mermaids are believed to be a myth by most. This is because they are only visible to the human eye when they choose to be. Every mermaid seems to have the base powers;
Invisibility (can choose to be invisible to only humans or everything/everyone else - can also make themselves visible to humans but choose not to. Most tend to be in a constant state of not visible to people)
Intangibility (how they've avoided capture and such)
Strength much more impressive than a human's
Ability to communicate underwater (clicks and chirps and such produced from their core)
Fast healing
Some also have additional powers unique to them. Danny's ice, Ember's music (siren song).
Mermaids only look somewhat human. They share no biological similarities to humans.
Mermaids are an ancient species that have been around far longer than humans have been. They are immortal and only die when killed or if they get "sick". This immortality is largely thanks to their biological make-up. Mermaids don't breath. They don't have hearts that beat. They don't have vocal cords or gills or lungs.
They have a core, that produces and filters ectoplasm which is all they need. Ectoplasm is their life force and magical, to an extent. Ectoplasm exists everywhere, to various degrees, but is especially potent in all forms of water. It's such to a small degree, though, that it doesn't affect humans and/or magic users.
For mermaids, though, this ectoplasm is plenty. Their bodies can naturally pull it from their environment and use it to fuel themselves. Generally, they don't need it, because they produce their own, but it can make them stronger, which is why they stick to water where much of it can be found (by their standards).
This ectoplasm is a result of feelings. Water experiences a lot - life, death, birth and pain. People drown. People drink. Animals drink. Water goes through the cycle and it remembers. It keeps those emotions and over a long, long time, that magical energy evolved to become ectoplasm (vitality).
Which is why we need water to live.
Maddie and Jack are so curious about these creatures, and have managed to collect various samples over the years. With all their research to occupy them, they didn't have time for their daughter, Jazz.
They invented many things. A contraption that could filter ambient ectoplasm from the water, devices that could detect the unique ecto-signatures of mermaids, weapons that could hurt them. They produced the Speeder to allow them to go far deeper underwater than anyone else has ever achieved. They found ways to use ectoplasm as a power source.
They were brilliant scientists, but still they'd never managed to capture a live specimen. Their methods have always proved too lethal, and mermaid corpses have this infuriating habit of sort of melting quite quickly back into ectoplasm that, although useful, is "corrupt" and has to go through an extensive process in order to be purified and thus useful.
Frustrated by this, they decide to create their own specimen using the samples they've collected and some of their own DNA to fill out any remaining gaps in hopes of getting as close as possible to the real thing.
The result is Danny, a halfa, who breathes and has a beating heart, albeit one that's slower than it should be. He can live underwater, thanks to having a core on top of that, that produces what the human-half of his body needs to stay alive without actually breathing. Hypothetically, he could survive underwater for the rest of his life even if his heart was removed, but only manage to last a few hours above water (where ectoplasm is nowhere near as strong) without that heart before dying.
Normal mermaids die if left without any access to water ranging from a day to week depending on their age and strength. Otherwise, they can survive alright for (hypothetically) a few years with only the rare drink and will be reduced to a strength equal to or slightly above a human's.
(Maddie believes that there are mermaids powerful enough to exceed Superman's strength without any water at all. However, their civilizations are so well hidden she has yet to find any proof to back this up.)
Danny, however, can survive in both environments indefinitely. A truly fascinating result.
On top of that, he can turn his inhuman features for human ones while above water. Once submerged, the influx of ectoplasm will force a change back to "mermaid".
His many documented powers and their original owners are:
His wail (Ember)
The transformation (Amorpho)
Ice (one of the Yetis, like Frostbite)
Ectoblasts - the ability to shoot excess ectoplasm in the form of powered beams (Skulker)
Maddie and Jack don't treat Danny well. They keep him caged, away from all other life, and run various experiments on him. Seeing as he can produce his own ectoplasm, they also syphon it from him to power their inventions, as they can get a lot more from him faster than they can extract it from the water.
Once, they test how his body reacts to different stimuli. When they get to electricity, Jack misreads the voltage and the shock very nearly kills Danny. The scream he lets out then is the sound he makes when he wails as it's this experience that unlocks that power of his. From then on he's deathly afraid of being electrocuted.
Jazz is not close with her parents. She had to raise herself, and never paid their research much mind. For a long time, she was sure they were just crazy. And then she saw Danny.
She went down to their lab to ask them to sign a school form and saw young, maybe 5 year old Danny in a tank, tail on full display. From then on she became his self-appointed sister, sneaking him snacks and telling him stories and teaching him things her parents hadn't bothered to.
Danny shows a clear like for the stars. Having never seen the sky before, when Jazz manages to sneak him out (just into the next room to look out a window) for a quick peak one night, he's absolutely in love. Jazz helps him learn as much as he can about them, smuggling in astronomy books and the like for him to read.
As Jazz grows older, she starts to worry for Danny more and more. Maddie and Jack are growing more greedy - more obsessive. They're treating him increasingly poorly and she hates it. She wants to help but finds herself afraid of how her parents would react.
So she times it perfectly. Maddie and Jack are out buying various household appliances to disassemble for a project, and Jazz is to leave that day for college, never to come back. And she's not about to leave Danny.
So she sneaks him out. As a human, Jazz takes Danny on the ferry too. The moment they reach land they move. Jazz rushes them off straight onto a flight. She's gotten herself on a scholarship into Gotham U for psychology with the intention of one day working at Arkham. By tutoring and babysitting, Jazz has saved up over the years and already has an apartment at the ready for the 2 of them and she's gotten a job at the library waiting for her once she arrives.
Most of her stuff excluding essentials was already waiting for her at her apartment, and she had a backpack full of essentials for Danny ready too. She already had plans to go buy him more stuff, letting him choose, once they arrived.
She's already emancipated herself and renamed herself Jazz Nightingale (more than willing to drop the Fenton name). She had a birth certificate for Danny (now Daniel Nightingale), her younger brother made and there are only a few more legal processes to go through that require Danny to be physically present for that they need to go through before she can sign him up for school.
Yes, it's a lot for an 18 year old; to raise a 8 year old child while going to Uni, working and hiding from her crazy parents, but she's more than willing. She loves Danny. Has loved him since she saw him 3 years ago. She can manage.
Danny has never been around so many people before. It's overwhelming. He tries to stick close to Jazz, hiding and cowering behind while watching everything with awe filled eyes. The airplane ride was fun. They were in the sky! And Jazz let him sit by the window. It was nice.
Then they got off in Gotham and Danny and Jazz promptly got separated. An ill-timed Rogue attack had Danny losing sight of Jazz and thus running for someplace safe to hide until she found him. A goon notices him and grabs him by his bag so he slips it off and runs. The goon chases.
Then Danny sees the river that runs through Gotham and dives in, thinking he's found somewhere safe.
Jazz, meanwhile, is losing her mind. They just got there and she's lost him! The rogue situation is wrapped up quickly thanks to the Daylight hero Signal but she can't find him. When she finds his lone backpack during her search she despairs.
She puts in a missing person's report, knowing it will probably be forgotten since it's Gotham. She searches for a long time, until dark, at which point she's forced to head to her apartment. She stresses.
Danny stays missing for a long while. Jazz goes out looking every single day. She calls the police often for updates (for which there never are any). She even hunts down the vigilantes to ask them to look, handing them pictures, Red Hood being the first.
(He keeps an eye out, asks his people to search too. He also helps Jazz make it home safe when she stays out too late searching, and even enlists Barbara's help.)
Meanwhile, Jazz has to start going to work.
She tries to put it off, and even gets an extra week before she starts but she has to start, and Uni is only a month or so away from starting too. Barbara is sympathetic and lets her go easy, seeing clearly how stressed she is.
Jazz does not stop looking. She makes sure to wander by all water sources, and even calls her parents, saying she's getting settled in at Uni in order to see if they had someone managed to get Danny back. They haven't, which is only a mild relief.
The water is bad.
It smells horrid and makes his skin itch. Danny doesn't quite know how to describe it but it feels like something angry and sad and hurt. There's trash all over, and the channels are so filthy the water's brown and smelly. It's nothing like his tank was - there at least the water was clean and nice. Danny's scared, alone and lost and all the bad feelings in the water aren't helping.
He swims blindly, getting further and further from Jazz in search for somewhere safe. He'd thought, when he saw the water, that it would be his safe place to hide, but now that he's in it he doesn't feel safe at all. He lets out a whine from his core, the water around him reacting to the young halfa's fear, rippling wildly and that only serves to scare him more.
He scrambles for the surface, teary and wanting Jazz. He doesn't want to be alone.
Unknowingly, he'd been underwater for hours, swimming rapidly and erratically. The sun had set, Jazz had reluctantly headed home, and he'd left Gotham. He'd accidently gone all the way to Blüdhaven, and when he popped his head out of the water and saw nothing familiar and a dark, smoggy sky he felt worse.
He was near the docks and it was night so of course Nightwing was out and at the docks, taking out a drug operation that had started trying to set roots in his city after having been chased out of Gotham where they tried the same thing. Danny heard the commotion and cautiously approached.
He poked his head out of the water again from closer and watched as Nightwing beat up the bad guys. Danny recognised him, as Jazz had made sure he knew of all of Gotham's heroes before they left for Gotham. If Nightwing was a hero, then he should be able to help him find Jazz!
He watched as all the bad guys were caught and tied up with stars in his eyes. Heroes are so cool! Nightwing ended up outside when he jumped a bad guy that had tried to sneak away. He was using some kind of sticks to fight, but the bad guy managed to knock one out of his hand and it fell into the water.
Danny immediately dove for it. He didn't have very much stuff, but he hated it when Maddie and Jack found something that Jazz had given him and threw it away. Nightwing would probably be quite upset too so it only made sense for him to go and get it.
Nightwing knocked out the guy while Danny was underwater and was looking at the surface of the dark, murky water mourning the loss of his weapon. 
And then Danny pokes his head out.
Lazarus green eyes look at him, and Nightwing damn near has a heart attack, leaping back with a startled (not at all high-pitched) scream. Danny immediately ducks back under, also very startled. He fiddles with the stick, scales and skin itching the longer he stays still in the gross water.
He waits a bit, hoping the next time he peeks out Nightwing won't be looking at him anymore. After a few minutes, he cautiously pokes his head out, and immediately meets Nightwing's eyes, who'd been looking intently at the water torn between hoping that was a hallucination and hoping it wasn't, although river-monsters weren't much better.
Their eyes meet and Nightwing manages to catch a lot more details because he'd been staring so hard.
White, wispy hair, that floats like it's still underwater. Bright, green eyes, curious but afraid. Face dotted with scales, and weird, fin-like things where ears should be. Most of all though, whoever or whatever he's looking at, is young. They're gone back under just as fast as before, and Nightwing yells out for them to stay too late.
Danny's scared. He's not supposed to be seen like this. He promised Jazz. But he wants to give the stick back and he wants to find Jazz. Heroes help people, right? He steels himself and pokes his head back out. This time, he listens as Nightwing talks, gently reassuring him it's okay and he won't hurt him.
Slowly, Danny swims closer. Nightwing doesn't look angry or afraid or disgusted, so maybe he will help him even though he looks like this? Heroes help everyone after all.
Dick is losing his fucking mind.
There's a baby pit monster in the water - the filthy water that's probably more grime and oil than water at this point - with wide eyes that would be adorable if they didn't have him thinking of pit rage. But they aren't angry. Far from it.
Small, with scales on their face a top normal, albeit very pale, skin. They approach slowly, clearly anxious, and Dick waits, wondering what exactly he's supposed to do here. What even is the protocol for this situation? Is there a protocol? Knowing Batman, probably, but he can't remember it.
Danny carefully sticks one hand out of the water and passes Nightwing the stick, which he takes with a grateful smile and a thank you. Danny pokes his head out a little more so he can smile back.
The baby pit monster has fangs. Adorable, little fangs, but fangs. Okay. That's fine. This is fine.
Danny hesitates. He has to ask, but his voice won't come. So he does the next best thing.
They're chirping at him. The cute, baby monster is chirping at him. He gently says he doesn't understand and when they wilt, he asks yes and no questions. Like this, Nightwing slowly pieces together the child 1, needs help, 2, is lost, 3 has an older sister who's looking after him, and 4, is absolutely terrified of his parents.
Well, he's never been one to turn down a scared kid, no matter how inhuman.
(Everyone's going to make so much fun of him when they find out he took a baby pit-monster home with him. At least they don't have black hair and blue eyes.)
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firerose18991 · 6 months
Prince! Itadori x Black femReader prt 2
Tumblr media
Info: fluff, adventure, multi part fic
Written with black curvy/chubby readers in mind but all are welcome
Wrd cnt: 1.69k
Prt 1
As you and Yuji contemplated your impending fates a commotion was building outside the tent.
“FIRE!” A booming voice whipped through the camp.
You jumped up from the stool you sat on, the smoke was already starting to fill the air in the tent.
“Grab your shirt.” You called to him, and pulled him out by his wrist.
When you reached the outside of the white tent, now sullied from the ashen air beginning to coat all of the camp, you saw the chaos. You spotted the head nurse directing a trailer from the camp on the barren hill down into the lush forest beneath.
“Nurse! What's happening?” You ran up, Yuji in tow.
“The Barbarians! They're storming the camp!”. She ran up to take Yuji's other hand. “You need to flee and meet with your army. We can't protect you here.”
“But the camp is neutral, are they killing their own people?” Yuji resisted the nurses' pulls towards the escape route, though it mostly looked like her tugging a brick wall.
“If they have a target like you they would've lost those men anyway. Most of them are the ones you injured in your battle.” Yuji was taken aback.
Since he'd been injured only sparse battles have occurred which only lasted a few hours at most. He was the target of the Barbarians all along. With the line of succession open his territory would be vulnerable. Nevertheless he wasn't going to hide like a coward among the sick and injured. He finally had the time to put his shirt back on. It hung loosely around his muscular frame.
“Do you know where my sword and steed are being held?” He turned to you.
His kind amber eyes still held their warmth but focused on you to give an answer urgently.
“You can't possibly-” the head nurse started.
“The stables are by the edge of camp, close to the lake.” You pointed the way and he bolted off.
“(Y/N)!” the Nurse yelled at you as he ran off. “He’s in no condition-”
“If anyone is going to keep the encampment safe it will be him. Let’s focus on setting up a place for triage further in the forest. After all this everyone will need it.”
You helped usher the remaining patients down the slippery hills of the forest to a natural basin near another river outlet closer to Yuji’s kingdom. The screams of those fighting over the ashes of the old campsite echoed to where you had found yourselves. Your heart ached thinking of Yuji fighting, maybe being heavily outnumbered and you wondered if you’d done the right thing by sending him off.
You busied yourself by the end of the first day purifying drinking water and gathering ingredients for healing potions. Some of the patients had sustained burns and you had to quickly find natural remedies in a forest you had barely gotten to know. Others worked on using their magic to create temporary rock and mud huts for patients. When you’d found just about all you could make sense of in the forest’s herbs you headed back and sat on the river bank. The fight raged on even into the night. That gave you some hope the Yuji was still out there fighting. Enough to get you through the next day.
In the morning you were the first up. Catching fish in the river and pounding wild nuts and berries into edible porridge. You’d made a large fire to cook and were careful to cast a smoke concealment spell. The head nurse woke up to you using a giant stick to stir the massive amount of porridge and fish roasting on the sides. You looked like you’d thoroughly lost your mind.
But the smell drew everyone from their huts and away from their miserable night rest. Once everyone had eaten their fill patient daily care was still at the forefront. You directed your fellow nurses to plants with antiseptic properties whose leaves could be used as bandages for the time being and crafted potions with yesterday’s work. And in the night you repeated the same as the morning. You’d brought all the nurses up to speed and everyone fell into their roles once again. The battle could still be heard. When particularly devastating attacks occurred you’d see mass flocks of birds scattering overhead to escape the atrocities. But as long as it continued your people would remain.
The third day was uneventful and fatiguing for all at the camp. In their down time a lot of the nurses watched you pace back and forth working like someone had lit you on fire. The head nurse had to pry you off a tree you’d attempted to climb to get more leaves. But in your sleep deprived state you missed a foothold and fell down. She coaxed you into a mud hut to get some rest which is where you stayed even through dinner. At some point you’d managed to fall asleep and woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of crickets and fire crackling. For a moment you allowed yourself to take in the natural ambiance before you shot up from the ground. The fighting had ended.
“Oh gods.” you whispered to yourself as you clumsily pushed your fatigued body off the ground and out of the hut.
You stumbled out to the haunting forest. The battle was done but you couldn't be sure who won. Part of you nearly began to mourn Yuji until you were startled from your thoughts by the sound of sloshing mud and leaves drawing closer from the forest. You clasped your hand to your face and hid around the corner of the hut, if need be you would wake the others and try quietly to get away.
As the heavy steps grew closer you began to make out the figure of a lone man. The moonlight only illuminated him in slivers at a time. Once it brushed upon his bloodied face and you saw the pink hair peakout through dried blood you stepped out from your hiding spot.
“Yuji” you gasped, stepping toward the bush he was slowly making his way over. His head was bowed from exhaustion. It was a miracle he made it to your camp with his injuries. You caught him just as he tripped out into the basin front. A small part of you wanted to be mad at him for taking on such a foolhardy battle, the other was mad at yourself for letting him. But that was all overshadowed by the immense joy you felt from him having returned in one piece.
You looked up as you heard more zombie-like steps creeping through the forest towards you. You hugged Yuji's now sleeping form against yourself, not sure of what you could do. Soon soldiers wearing the crest of the Itadori kingdom began emerging from the forest. Each as bloodied and bruised as their prince. You finally placed yuji down gently when you saw commander Nobara stumble through with the last set of soldiers. You caught her as well and placed her down gently before going to get the other healers of your clan.
Everyone worked through the night to pull the soldiers through. With healers stretched thin the head nurse walked over to you wordlessly and handed you a wand. Something only the most recognized and talented of your clan get the honor of wielding. You quietly rejoiced as you walked over to the remaining horde of soldiers that needed attending to.
When dawn broke the streaks of blood from soldiers marching to their last salvation were illuminated. The camp was lively with those who’d only endured extreme exhaustion and doctors rushing to care for those in more critical cases. Once you took care of your most critical patients you whisked through the camp looking for Yuji, the head nurse had decided to take him under her care as he wasn’t at 100% to begin with. As you approached her tent you heard hushed voices.
“Excuse me.” You spoke softly before entering the tent. You looked around to see Yuji sitting in bed, some dried blood still stained his skin. And the head nurse brewing a pain reliever. “Sorry I just came to see how he was doing.” You were hoarse from exhaustion.
“Glad I'm not the only one who looks like hell.” He smiled, thoroughly wrapped in plant fiber bandages and propped on pillows.
“The leader of your enemy has been defeated, but some of his men still remain at this camp. It is not our place to get involved in these matters.” The head nurse spoke to both of you.
“I completely understand, I would never ask your people to compromise their values for my sake. I believe a short prison sentence after they've healed will be enough to satisfy me.” He really sounded like he'd been on the throne his whole life.
“Yes well that may take a while”
“After dealing with my own injuries I've learned to be patient.” Yuji's grin turned into a wince.
The head nurse shooed his hand that instinctively went to his injury and used her wand to lessen the pain.
“(Y/N) the medicine.” She nodded to you.
You made your way over to her work station and waved the supplementary wand that still hadn't been taken away over the pot to complete the medicine. It glowed like gold in the dingy wooden pot. You brought it over to where Yuji was fighting a coughing fit, for fear of displacing his ribs. Once he got some of the medicine down he wearily settled back into the pillows.
“Hopefully this time I leave him in your care he'll make a full recovery.” She winked and left the tent to the two of you.
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esoteric-chaos · 8 months
What is Cleansing? The how-to's and methods
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The act of removing unwanted energies from a person/place/object.
Cleansing is generally a gentle form of removal, whether it be spiritual or mundane (can also be a very in-depth and harsh process).
Instead of forcefully removing an influence or spirit, you simply brush the energies out of your space.
This process is useful for ensuring that you, or the things near you are clear of energies that could negatively impact you.
It’s useful for creating a blank slate in your environment or preparing tools for spell work and keeping your energy stable and healthy. Negative energies and clutter can impact your spiritual, physical and mental health.
Regular spiritual and physical upkeep is important to keep you balanced and healthy. Spiritual hygiene is a generally important practice for all practitioners. I'm going to share a few ways to do so from my own practice.
Try your best to cleanse every room, not just a single room. Ever had a space so clean but the rest of your house feels gross? It'll be off-balanced that way and it'll be the same way spiritually. However, if you can't you can't. Do what you can, that's what's important.
Remember mundane cleaning is just as good as spiritual. You can smoke cleanse that room all you want but if you still have things all over your floor and molding dishes in your sink, that's still going to bring in both negativity and health consequences. Cleanse responsibly.
Sound - Using a singing bowl, bells, music, chimes, drums, clapping, singing, chanting. A trusty old sound bowl cleansing video on YouTube being openly played in whatever space does the trick just fine.
Smoke - Burning incense with corresponding herbs or herbal bundle. Remember to open a window for negative energy to escape and for safety. Smoke inhalation is generally not a good practice for your lungs. Also, be careful with pets as they have sensitive respiratory systems.
Spray - Infused distilled water with corresponding herbs, oils or salts sprayed around the room to both cleanse and bring in the desired energy. Again be cautious around pets.
Candle - Charging a white candle with intent, dressing it with oils and burning it down to clear your space. Keep away from pets and small children, burn in a fire-safe dish or on tile.
Sunlight/moonlight - Opening your blinds to let solar energy and moonlight to cleanse a space. Only really suitable for that singular space with a window.
Simmer pot - A boiling pot of water over a stovetop filled with intention filled corresponding herbal components that lets off a fragrance to clear the air of negative energy. You can use blessed water for an extra punch if you wish.
Crystal grid - Setting up a crystal grid of crystals for cleansing that room or your house of negative energy. You can either intuitively make your own grid or find one online. Selenite towers as well are lovely for purifying spaces along with being self cleansing. You can use any piece of cleansing corresponding crystal to cleanse but remember you will generally have to cleanse the crystal afterwards to get out any energetic gunk from it.
Salt - Putting out a bowl of salt in what room you’d like to cleanse. Personally I like putting little shot glasses of black salt in high traffic rooms such as shared spaces as I find it packs a punch due to its associations. However do please be careful with salt with pets. Pets have been known to get into things like salt lamps or salt in general and have had very bad health consequences. So please be cautious.
Energy - Your own spiritual energy. You can use energy work to create bubbles of energy around yourself to push out into your space, to burn up and cleanse the energy around the space. This is more of a hard-hitting cleansing method and can be described as banishing. It can also be energetically taxing for fellow spoonie witches or those with small energy reservoirs. Drink plenty of water, have a snack and rest after.
Vacuum or sweep - Sprinkle sea salt and corresponding herbs on the floor to soak up negative energy. Vacuum or sweep up and dispose of for removal. Historically speaking you move from the back of your house to the front so you can push everything out of your house.
Washing - Physically washing down doorframes and windows with sacred water (holy water, spring water, moon water) and corresponding herbs. You’d go from the back of your house to the front.
Floor wash - Try out a floor wash charged with the intent to wash your floors to fill your space with a spiritual purpose. Get that grime off your floor while reaping both mundane and magical benefits. You’d go from the back of your house the front.
Opening a window - Open that window. Not only will your space be less stuffy but it lets in needed fresh air. If you're in the city near fumes it's a bit harder. Try to get an air purifier if you can, it's very helpful and health-changing.
Shampoo’s and Soaps - For physical cleansing’s try finding herbal based soaps or shampoo with corresponding herbal components for self based cleansing and purifying. For instance I use shampoo with Tea Tree, Lemon and Sage. It’s purifying and I pair it with a Rosemary conditioner for protection. Get creative!
Cleaning products - Cleaning products with lemon for example have been used historically for cleansing and purification. Let the citrus scent leave your space feeling clean and purified with intent. Can either be naturally made with vinegar or store-bought. Either is perfectly fine. Sometimes natural and handmade is good but if you are someone who needs a bacterial spray, it's best to just buy storebought.
All-Purpose Cleaner
What you'll need:
One part white vinegar
One part water
Dried Lemon rind - cleansing, purifying
Dried Rosemary sprigs - protective, healing
Combine the above ingredients together, pour into a spray bottle, shake, and then let infuse for a week before using. Strain out the lemon and rosemary. This is great for bringing in purifying energy into your house along with protective properties.
Caution: Do not use acidic cleaners on granite, as they will etch the stone and proceed cautiously on stainless steel. Some manufacturers recommend against using vinegar on their appliance surfaces. Know what's suitable and what's not.
Glass cleaner
What you'll need:
2 cups water
1/2 cup white vinigar
1/4 cup rubbing alcohol 70% concentration
Dried Orange peel - smells good and brings prosperity
Combine the above ingredients together, pour into a spray bottle, shake, and then let infuse for a week before using. Strain out the orange.
Cautions: Avoid cleaning windows on a hot, sunny day or in direct sunlight, because the solution will dry too quickly and leave lots of streaks.
Home Blessings Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner - Not for wood floors
1 cup distilled water
1/4 cup Castille soap
Dried Lavender buds - peace, relaxing
Dried Orange peel
Dried Rosemary sprigs
In a smaller pot boil together distilled water with the herbal components then strain.
Mix the ingredients and infused water with 2 gallons of hot water to incorporate in a bucket to mop away dirt and grime on tile, vinyl, or linoleum floors.
Remember, store-bought is fine. Look at the ingredients of what you'd like and use your intention. Sometimes making yourself takes up a lot of time and spoons. It's your craft, your rules.
Looking for all of my posts in one place? Check out the Masterpost
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qibsichan · 21 days
Culture of the Destroyed ⛓️‍💥✨
So you’ve been accepted into the Cult of the Destroyed! But what is there to expect once inside?
Our beloved cult was founded in 1991 by the beautiful, holy and sacred Moon Queen. She breathed her dreamsmoke upon our oppressors and rive them to madness - while granting us the sweetest visions of our lost past. Legends say that the Queen was once a prisoner to the execution grounds… until her illustrious influence inspired a coup in her followers.
Though it began shakily, held on the backs of terrified refugees and convicts, each toy banded together in the name of once-cursed innovation to seek methods of survival. Just when all seemed lost, the Moon Queen discovered something. Seeds. And once food and water were secure, the Cult of the Destroyed began to flourish.
The Cult resides within Playtime Co.’s recycling plant, colloquially named “Destroy-A-Toy” by humans and toys alike. The warehouse is enormous and stocked with machinery, sorted goods, disposable garbage (ripe for the picking!) and many, many execution methods. Be it crushing from the plant’s crown conveyor belt, incineration from the heat pits, dismemberment from the dangerously whirring fan blades or - God forbid - digestion from the monstrous carnivore who resides inside, the cultists of Destroy-A-Toy have near-infinite ways to deal with intruders and traitors alike.
The plant’s centre is an enormous rectangular prism with an extremely high vaulted roof. In its centre sits the main conveyor belt, which leads to the crushing block. This is a gathering space and where the executions take place. The conveyor is only ever activated when the cult is legitimately in danger; therefore, the space is used for socialising, entertainment and general silly shenanigans.
To the left are the living quarters:
Rooms, tents, blocks etc.
Food court and banquet hall
The medical tent
The nursery
Most ritual activities
And to the right are the more industrial aspects of the facility:
Recycling chute
Incineration, dismemberment and digestion wings
Cell block (repurposed to hold humans)
Water purification systems
Catwalks to the cavern
The cavern leads to an enormous lake of water found under the plant. Destroy-A-Toy is powered electrically so it’s uncertain why such a large body of water exists, but what the cultists DO know is that it contains an underwater tunnel network that could potentially lead outside the toy factory if any were brave enough to dive. This lake is is filled with fish carefully managed by the Queen’s people.
The importance of the lake:
Provides drinking water once purified
Provides cleaning water
Allows crops to grow with the assistance of floodlights
Both recreational and educational fishing
The lake has been decorated with bioluminescence, fairy lights and cave paintings and is a beautiful sight to behold.
Light, water and seeds are required for the cult’s agriculture. They take great delight in their cooking and host weekly banquets to celebrate their achievements. Toys were often starved as convicts and are therefore thoroughly fed under the Moon Queen’s care. Over time and through the assistance of a mysterious supplier, the Destroyed have learned to cook potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, peas, cabbage, spinach and corn. The incineration plants are used to cook, boil, steam and fry food. Most is served with fresh fish from the lake. Delicious!
This is California. The fish are ABUNDANT. And her beloved majesty is a cat, after all. If only she could grab some chicken… sigh.
Destroy-A-Toy represents freedom. Therefore, it adores:
Bright, pretty colours
Regal and imposing architecture mixed with cutesy little inhabitants
VEGETATION. These guys LOOOOVE their plants. Vines, trellises, leaves - since they’ve never been outside, they’re cherishing what they have. The living quarters particularly are filled with green space.
Gentle, coloured lights and bioluminescence
Celestial bric-a-brac - sun, moon, stars
Bead curtains outside the tents
Jewels/jewellery. Very celestial and goddess-y
Stuffing, coloured clothes patches etc. to fit the “toy” heritage
Many of its rituals are hidden from outsiders… but you’re in the cult now, so you deserve to know!
The most important ones you must know are the Executions, the Campfire and the Cuddle Puddle.
Executions take place when traitors, prisoners or abusers are officially condemned. These are bloodthirsty public ceremonies that are NOT for the faint of heart. Just a casual reminder to never piss Catnap off.
The Campfire is the cult’s local worship ritual. The cult will gather around the conveyor belt, where a ring of fire is constructed. The Queen is seated in the centre. Music is performed and a dance celebration occurs - and, at the song’s climax, Catnap will release her smoke, iniviating worship.
The Cuddle Puddle is everyone’s favourite. According to the Moon Queen, “One cannot be happy when affected by the bad vibes! So we mush squiiiiiiish the bad vibes out! Very cuddly.”
Are you staying? ✨
We hope to see you participating in the Campfire soon… 🐦‍🔥
Oh! And here’s our playlist! For the vibes :)
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multifan2022 · 1 year
Golden Lies 7
Im gonna apologize now..
My Masterlist
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The next morning when you woke up, Hardin had laid you down and was gathering all of your things. You were tucked into the sleeping bag, and Hardin had his jeans and sweater on. The temp had dropped again overnight, everything around you looked frosted. “It got colder last night, probably down in the twenties. I think they are hoping people will freeze to death, or their bodies go into shock from the temperature difference. Thankfully we are used to it.” 
Hardin's words were soft, like he was worried about spooking you. You nodded, standing and rolling the bag up. Your jeans were thrown on before you stood and looked around. Your mind was slightly scrambled still but you were doing your best to not show it. “We should move, we need to find some water to clean you off so we can treat your cuts again.” Hardin said as he slowly reached for your hand, he was thankful when you didn't flinch away from him. 
Just like the day before, it got hotter and hotter. The grass around you was now dead and brown. The leaves falling from the trees as they dried up, meaning shady spots were far and few between. You held your jackets up to shield yourself from the sun when you could, but you were getting tired. Your shoulders and cheeks were starting to turn red and burn, but more importantly you were dehydrated. 
The one bottle of water Haymitch had sent was long gone. By the time the sun was high in the sky you could hear babbling. You both walked faster as you found a pond, small in comparison to the Superior Waters (Lake Superior) that you lived near. But it didn't matter, you leaned down and smelled the water, relieved to realize it was fresh. When Hardin went to dunk his head you stopped him, your mind turning slowly. 
“We have no way to know it's not poisoned, and even if it's not it could have bacteria that would kill us faster than the lack of water.” You sat back trying to figure out what to do as a now familiar beeping was heard. You looked up blinded by the sun as a parachute slowly fell from the sky. 
When you opened it you found another note and water purifying tablets. ‘Drink up, Look around.’ It didn't take you but a few seconds to start looking for your canteen. Two tablets, two now full bottles of water, two semi hydrated tributes. Once you cooled down slightly from the cold water the second part of the note came back to your mind. 
You stood looking around, Haymitch obviously could see something he thought would help you. It took a long time, but eventually you saw a black hole. “It looks like there's an opening over there, maybe it's a cave? A cave would be cooler than out here, but we would have to swim across..” You talked out loud as you thought. 
Hardin didn't have time to speak before you were pushing your jeans off and toeing your boots off. Your body plunged under the water and thankfully it was clear enough for him to watch you swim over. After a few minutes you swam back and smiled up at him. “It's a cave, it's empty. I'll take our stuff over there so it doesn't get wet. Watch for anyone then you can follow me.”
The cave had helped tremendously. Your bodies cooled down out of the sun, and the rock floor felt amazing. Another bottle of water and some of the rations made you feel like you were at the peak of your strength. Well what strength you were going to have after being in here for who knows how long. 
Hardin had fallen asleep, as you watched the cave's mouth, listening for any signs that someone was in the water. There was only a small lip that kept the water out of the cave, any change in the water outside would result in water falling to the rock floor inside. An easy give away for anyone hiding inside. 
He had been acting distant and twitchy all day, like he was trying to hide something from you. The entire day and yesterday he wouldn't walk in front of you, always behind. He was quiet too, almost too quiet. But you figured maybe watching you smash Bauers face in had traumatized him. Maybe he was looking at you differently and now didn't know how to talk to you. 
But when he started mumbling and it was all slurred together your heart sank. You flew off the ground and over to him, your jeans ripping a little as you fell to the ground next to him. “Hardin.. Hardin wake up.” You said as you rolled him over, shaking him and tapping his face. When his dark brown eyes opened they were glossy and lost looking. 
You shook your head as tears started to fall, you hadn't seen him look this lost since he first got sick. Your hands trembled as you grabbed his bag, ripping things out as you looked for the gold bag. When you didn't find it you started emptying his pockets, “Where is it.. WHERE IS IT!” You yelled your voice echoing off the cave walls. 
Haymitch looked down, his eyes stinging slightly. He had watched Hardin take his last pill three days ago. Even though it only seemed like 6 days in the arena it had been almost 10 since you lifted from your tube. Hardin had stretched his 5 pills out to last 7 days without realizing it. He figured the boy just took it when his body told him too, but the last one had been 3 days ago. 
He had begged and pleaded with the game makers to do the feast early. But they said no, there were still 8 districts in play, it was too early. Then he had begged to allow more medication as a sponsor gift, but was again denied. That time he was told if he didnt let it go he would lose his clearance to work for your district at all. And he couldnt afford to lose that, so he was forced to let it go. 
He and Chaff watched as Hardin grabbed your hand and shook his head. He had a sad smile on his face as he wiped tears from your cheeks. “You're going to have to kill me.” Haymitches head dropped to his hands, he knew that this would be the breaking point for you. This would either kill you, or give you the final push to win. When he heard the disbelief and pain in your voice, he was worried it would be what killed you. 
“What did you just say?!!?” You said in disbelief, shaking your head as you pushed yourself up off the ground. Hardin sat up, his head spinning as he closed his eyes. He knew what he was asking was horrible, but he had too. He had to make you understand that this was the only way. 
“Y/n.. I ran out of pills.. I don't even know how many real days it's been since I took one. I'm starting to hallucinate.. I don't want to die slowly. It's the only way.” 
You scoffed and looked at him, “Oh my god you're serious..” You watched him look at you with pleading eyes. “No.. No I won't do it.. If I can find the other tributes.. If I can get rid of more of them, we can make it till the feast. They might give you more during the feast..” You were rambling, you knew that, but your mind was trying to do anything but think about him dying. 
“There's.. There's what nine.. Ten people left? 7 maybe 8 districts.. If I can find the girls from 2, 6 and 7 and the boy from 8 that will drop it down to 4 districts and they can do the feast with 4.. That's what I'll do.. I'll start hunting, you stay here.” You walked over, throwing your shirt on and checking your bag as Hardin's hand grabbed your wrist. 
“Don't ask this of me.. It's too much..” Your voice cracked at the end as he stopped you from leaving. You looked up at him, both of you had tears in your eyes. He bit his lip, trying to think of what he could say to make you think straight. 
“If you leave, and I start to hallucinate again, I could try to leave. I would drown or someone would find me stumbling around the woods like I did back home.” He grabbed your face and forced you to look at him when you turned back to your bag. “What If I'm here hallucinating and someone gets in and kills me. They could then wait and by the time you realized someone was in here it would be too late. You could win this, but you're gonna have to go on without me.”
You shook your head as it fell to his chest, his arms wrapped around you. You felt his lips press against your head as he squeezed. “I'm sorry.. I tried holding off on taking them.. I think I probably stretched it a few days. I only had 5 to start with, not ten like I said. If I'm going to die, I would prefer it to be quick and by your hands.. Don't let them kill me. Don't let this sickness kill me..” 
It was quiet between the two of you for a while, you knew he had made his mind up. And you knew he was right, you couldn't leave him on his own. You definitely didn't want the careers finding him, they would drag it out. Make their own game of killing him. When you pulled away you nodded and spoke softly, “Lets go.. See if we can find somewhere to watch the sunrise like we do at home..” 
The two of you made your way from the cave, walking silently trying to find a cliff or an edge that overlooked the arena. When you walked the trees started to thin and the world seemed to start to shimmer. You had no idea what was happening, as the game makers changed the arena around you. 
There was constant information coming in about how the citizens of the Capitol wanted the games to go. It helped the Game makers change things around to appease them. They knew when things were getting too boring, or who they were hoping would win. Who they didn't like, and who they wanted gone. 
And right now, there was a lot of sympathy going around for the Capitols ‘Little Goddess’. 
So Morel Pitpetal, the lead game maker, had decided to set the scene. He pulled up what a sunrise from district 9 looked like. He found that the part of the district you lived in was right on Superior waters. And he had to admit that the sunrise there was one of the best he had ever seen. Maybe even better than the ones here in the Capitol. 
So he started taking trees out of your path, leading you to a clearing filled with large rocks. When you reached it your breath stopped. “This looks just like back home..” Hardin said as he looked up at the sky, even though he knew it was the middle of the day the sun was rising again. Trees behind the two of you, and a rocky cliff with waves splashing up in front of you.  (picture up top, is actually Lake Superior #GoMichigan)
You sat down, trying to even out your breathing. You were trying to force yourself into whatever part turned on when you killed someone. It felt like you had two personalities, the one that hated being here.. And the one that was born for this. The second one being what you needed right now. 
As the sun unnaturally rose, orange, pink and purple filled the sky as you and your best friend watched the waves crash onto the rocks. It was silent, in a comfortable way. But you knew you needed to get on with it, the game makers wouldn't let you just sit here. Hardin knew that too, because as you stood up he spoke softly. “Remember that spot we found on the beach? The part that we weren't technically supposed to be at?” 
“This is going to be heartbreaking.. I can't imagine how this must feel for her.”
“Yeah.. I remember..” You said as you moved to stand behind him, you placed your hands on his shoulders. Tears filled your eyes as you looked out over the water. You were surprised to feel how relaxed Hardin's body was, like he had fully accepted it was his time. “I know you cant really bury me.. But put something there so it's always marked for us.. And try to win, don't let this be what gets you killed.. Please..” 
You nodded, even though he couldn't see it. You knew this needed to be fast, and done perfectly to prevent him from suffering. If you did it wrong his brain would fight for his body to recover and it would take him at least two minutes for his brain to start to turn off from lack of oxygen. If you did this wrong, he would suffer in silence for the last five minutes of his life. 
But if you did it correctly, up and at just the right angle you could sever his spinal cord. This would result in instant death, which is what you needed to happen. “I love you Hardin.. You're the brother I never got to have.. I don't know how I'll go on without you.. But I promise to try.”
He sniffled a little, knowing he wouldn't get to see whatever happened next in your life. He just hoped that there really was an afterlife for people like his mom had always said. "You and I will meet again, when we're least expecting it, one day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won't say goodbye my friend, for you and I will meet again."
You didn't give yourself the chance to start crying. Nor did you give him the chance to speak again, afraid that whatever he said next would break you. Side stepping quickly, one hand landed on his cheek running down to his chin just as the other reached the top of his head. Pulling down with your left arm and pushing up with the right, it took all your strength before you heard it. 
Haymitch, Chaff, Mags, Finnick, Cashmere, Brutus, President Snow, Seneca Crane, all the game makers and everyone watching at home watched as you slowly lowered Hardin's body to the ground. They could all see you shaking as you reached for his neck, checking for a pulse. 
When the cannon went off alerting you to the death of your friend, they all watched you vomit into the water. They watched as you sobbed loudly, screaming in pain as you clutched your chest. This was a feeling none of them knew, Mags was crying into her hands. 
Sure the victors had all killed people, they were all winners of the games. Each of them had blood on their hands, but never like this. Never had any of them had to mercy kill someone, never killed someone they grew up with. 
The pain in your scream was something different then the pain of winning this game. Something different than the pain of being sold for others pleasure. All of their hearts went out to you, Finnick couldn't imagine killing Mags. Enobaria didn't really like Brutus, but never thought about killing him. 
Haymitch knew he would rather die than kill Chaff. Cashmere would never ever be able to kill Gloss. But here was an 18 year old girl, who had killed 3 other people to protect someone. Someone she ended up having to kill in the end anyways. The only thing that they could think after that was that if someone else won, it wouldn't be as deserved as if you did. 
Seneca Crane watched with three other men from inside his apartment. They all looked at each other, nodding with sadistic grins. It had finally been decided between the four of them, they would do what needed to be done to get this girl out of the arena. 
She was the one they had been waiting for.. And they wouldn't wait any longer. 
And with that, Crane stood, straightened his jacket and went to find Haymitch Abernathy. 
@avis15 @liballer @avoxrising
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How to Celebrate the Summer Solstice | Witch Tips
How should you celebrate the summer solstice? Also known as Litha, the summer solstice is one of the best times of year to manifest. It’s great for performing spells to increase abundance, passion, creativity, health and protection.  With the vital power of the sun at its highest point, we have the longest day of the year to embrace life.
What can you do to celebrate the Summer Solstice?
Here are some tips you can practice as a witch or spiritual being who wants to get the most out of this special time.
Go outside & soak in the suns energy
Spend time enjoying the sun and its energy as it can purify and restore you spiritually.
Watch a sunrise or sunset
Embrace time outside by seeing the sun at its highest point, when it rises or when it sets. Regardless of when you’re able to get outside, take a second to appreciate the suns glow.
Light candles or have a bonfire
Traditionally, a bonfire and fire jumping were common practices during the Celtics celebrations of Litha. It was said that jumping or crossing through the fire would bring good luck. Please be mindful not to burn yourself, but it can be great to sit near a fire during this time. If a fire is not possible, lighting of a candle can also be done to invoke the energy of the sun.
Infuse solar water by leaving a glass of water in sunlight
Letting the suns rays infuse water can be done for many reasons. Some witches use Sun water similar to the popular Moon water where they will use the infused water in rituals and spellwork. You can opt to drink your solar water for the benefits of the sun (although please do not drink stagnant water and be mindful to refrigerate the water and drink it only within a day or two).  You can use the solar water to water plants, cleanse crystals, cleanse your home, make sprays and infusions, etc.
Decorate with gold, yellow, red, orange, green, blue and white
Gold and yellow represent the suns rays. They also symbolize abundance, joy, confidence and optimism.
Red for passion. strength and courage.
Orange for vitality, health, joy and creativity.
Green represents the grass, nature, and the flourishing of new life.
Blue as an opposing color for the flames of the solstice to help balance with the calming, relaxing, watery colors of blue.
White because it is aways appropriate as it purifies and represents all colors.
Use herbs like rosemary, marigold, calendula
Herbs best used during the summer solstice include Rosemary, Marigold, Calendula, Rose, St. John's Wort (do not ingest if you take SSRI medication), Chamomile, Mugwort, Lavender, Hemp, Vervain, Sage, Mint and Thyme.
Use crystals like citrine, carnelian or sunstone
The best crystals to use during the summer solstice include citrine, carnelian, sunstone, golden healer quartz, amber, tiger’s eye, topaz, pyrite, peridot.
Use fire elements in your magickal rituals
Using the colors, herbs and crystals listed above. As well as incorporating flames, candle magick, fire related sigils, flame readings, etc.
Incorporate fire elements in your altar
See above for colors, herbs, and crystals to consider including in your altar. Having gold decoration pieces on your altar can be great at this time.  You can also include fairies and Fae themed items on your altar to represents the connection to Fae at this time.
Pratice magick & gratitude
Summer solstice is a heightened time for magickal workings making it perfect to do your spell work, rituals and manifestations. It’s also important to practice gratitude for what the first half of the year has given us, for the seeds that have bloomed from the spring, and for the remainder of the year still ahead of us. Taking time to be grateful for all that we have in life is always a blessed opportunity and the summer solstice is a great time for reflection and shining a light on areas of our lives we want to improve upon.
Strengthen your connection with Faeries / Fae
Summer solstice is known as one of the best times of year for the veil to thin between our realm and the realm of the Fae. With the veil thin, it can be a great time to strengthen your relationship with the Fae by leaving them offerings and paying attention to notice their presence as you enjoy your blissful and abundant day.   You can invite them to live in your garden or plants around your property.   There is also the dance of the Fae, where many practitioners will dance and let loose to help invoke your intentions an inviting the Fae to join.
Please do note, the Fae can be quite impish and mischievous, so it is important to wear protection and do your research beforehand if you haven’t worked with them before.
Some lovely offerings to leave the Faeries include:
Herbs (see list above)
Flowers / Flower Crowns
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amity206 · 1 year
Fan Season: Season of Survival
Because apparently I can’t stop making fan seasons for Sky (you can find the rest on my blog under the tag “Sky cotl fan season”
Anyway, the season is about a group of spirits in Golden Wasteland after the Storm. They’ve built a camp in an area near the battlefield/graveyard (which you can enter with one or two vault spirits). They’re trying to survive and hide from the krill, and the season guide is being corrupted by darkstone poisoning, while many members of the camp are sick from drinking dark water.
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There are four spirits other than the guide, each offering three cosmetics (those are some bongos over by Hopeful Soldier. Should I maybe tag @bongoplayingkrilltamer ?). Their memories follow them around the camp
Nervous Noble struggles to adjust to their non-sheltered life
Krill Whisperer tries to communicate with a krill who was formerly their light creature friend, finding them weakened by spears. They take the krill back to the camp and hide it. The rest of the camp is horrified when they find out, and the guide wants to finish it off (the krill will be important)
Desperate Medic is trying to understand the cause of the corruption and heal everyone. They have a tent filled with papers and scrolls with all the information they can find - krill anatomy, darkstone research, etc. they were formerly a scientist at a darkstone processing plant and were trying to uncover what happened in the laboratory of Season of Abyss (which I imagine was something that got covered up)
Hopeful Soldier has to find a way to move forward without their friend, whose grave they visit every day
The season centers around hope amid chaos and tragedy. The first few quests are basic maybe scavenger hunts in areas of wasteland to find materials to repair the camp. Maybe another could be finding stuff to maybe heal the corruption for the medic. At the end of one of the scavenger quests, the krill that Krill Whisperer saved is revealed and they have to figure out what to do with it. The final quests involve purifying the krill and bringing it to Eden for rebirth. Krill Whisperer is reunited with their light creature friend at last and the spirits ascend - once ascended, Hopeful Soldier is reunified with their lost friend.
I’ll be sharing some concept art for the season’s location soon
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 1 year
Rippling Spring—Ais
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The one thing I find the most riveting about Ais, is the monster that lives within his skull: Ocudeus
With the prefix obviously being pulled from "octopus", however the suffix is what I'm truly curious about.
Which could possibly be derived from "Asmodeus" whose earliest etymology has connections to "wrath" and "demon". Heralded as a Prince of Hell, he was assigned the Sin of Lust, though he also has traits of wrath, jealousy, anger and revenge.
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[Photo taken from NekoChang, Touchstarved Demo Part Two, Seaspring Tentacles]
In the Testament of Solomon he was forced to build a temple—Among that Ais does indeed have a temple of sorts—Asmodeus also states that he hates water and birds because they remind him of God.
And while Mhin might not necessarily be a bird, it's hard to miss the Weeping Crow and their dislike of each other— Though Ais only seems to be reciprocating the feelings as far as the demo's shown.
Another piece that might not amount to much is the fact that Ais dislikes seafood. Which might not share the same weight as Asmodeus disliking water but its a tidbit I find interesting...
Judging by the heavy influence from Japanese folklore, I found myself conflicted on the prefix of Ocudeus just being "octopus" and not a double entendre for "Akkorokamui" whose body is said to reach 120 meters in length.
How this relates to Ais or even Ocudeus?
Akkorokamui enjoys the sea and so the offerings that it receives—crabs, mollusks, fish—are often gifted to him. Which are also staples in seafood dishes as well.
By giving it back what it gave, this homage is often done for ailments of skin and limbs with heavy emphasis on mental and spiritual purification [The SeaSpring; MC relations mayhap?]
Depicted as benevolent with powers that heal and bestow knowledge, Akkorokamui does have instances where it is fickle, and its nature as an octopus means it's persistent and near impossible to escape without permission... [Ais and his pact?]
Which leads to my lukewarm theory that if Leander is connected to Fogfall in some way, could Ais, or more specifically, Ocudeus be connected to the Soulless just like Kuras is?
Those that drink the Spring water are purified in some way, as seen by the Crimson-Eyed Woman, however in exchange they become a group mind, and Ais is the host. [or is it Ocudeus?]
Because the most notable part about Soulless are the tentacles that hang from their mouths and the eyes covering their bodies—referring to Akkorokamui and how offerings are given to heal the body and cleanse the mind, could this possibly be a twist on the folklore? Especially the part where they give back what has been given?
Does one slowly transform into a Soulless after drinking the Spring water and if so, could that be why he's only a leader in a figurative sense?
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marcid-blue · 1 year
Marci Blue Purified Drinking Water
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Marcid Blue Purified Drinking Water is a trusted provider of premium-quality, purified drinking water. We are dedicated to delivering clean, refreshing hydration to our customers in Prk. 6, San Jose, Floridablanca Pampanga and beyond. Our state-of-the-art purification process ensures the highest standards of water quality, offering a taste that is both pure and invigorating. Experience the excellence of Marcid Blue and make hydration a revitalizing and healthy part of your lifestyle. Latitude: 14.9900625 Longitude: 120.5104375 Address: Prk.6, San Jose, Floridablanca, Pampanga
Phone Number: 09295977645
GBP Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=14396357732923763543
Plus Code: XGR6+25 Floridablanca, Pampanga
Youtube Geotagged Video:
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I'd like someone to tell Anya that in some parts of London, people drink water originally from the river Thames. Yes, that dirty, brown-coloured river which once gave such a great, foul smell to the city in the Victoria era that people stayed indoors. (I can imagine her scrunched up face, even Bond wouldn't want to go near that river).
The water is heavily purified ofc, but it's 'hard water', heavy with metal ions which makes it taste... 'hard'.
So appreciate your soft tap water, if you're in a region which gets it!
If I'm mentioning pronunciation again, it's T-ames (like ten) not Th-ames (like Fame) because if you're not a Londoner or you're a kid, it's so easy just to say Thames (Fames) without realising it's wrong, and I know for a fact Anya would do that too.
Anya would love the royal parades they hold for the jubilee where she could dress up (they host a little party in primary schools). Unfortunately, she's a few years too late to see the Queen, RIP.
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Hi RBS hope you and your family are safe and sound with the wildfire in Canada, I life in New York City and if the air quality right now here is really bad I can't imagine how things are in Canada.
Take care of yourself!
Aww, thanks Anon! ❤️.
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Yeah, most of Canada is experiencing major wildfires, and some areas are having to choose which fires to address because they're simply too many and too fierce for the available resources to handle.
But actually you are in much more danger than I am. I am on the West coast near the water, and here there is very little fire smoke because of wind direction and distance from the main fires in this area.
If you are in an area where there is a lot of fire smoke right now, I hope you will take good care of yourself and make sure that you stay inside and drink lots of water. If you have to go outside wear an n95 mask. Do whatever you can to avoid breathing in smoky air, or to allow it to get into your house or car. Use an air purifier if you have one. Set the air conditioner in your car or house to recirculate the air rather than bring it in from outside.
Make sure you monitor the air quality readings in your area. The air can be dangerous even if it doesn't smell like smoke or look particularly bad.
Stay safe!
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glassbottledwater · 2 months
Are there any reputable brands of spring water available nearby?
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Spring water is highly valued for its natural origin and health benefits. Unlike tap water, which is processed and treated, spring water is collected directly from a natural source where water flows to the surface from an underground aquifer. This unique origin provides spring water with a distinct taste and a variety of minerals beneficial to health.
What is Spring Water?
Definition and Origin
Spring water is defined as water that naturally flows to the earth's surface from an underground source. This water often undergoes a natural filtration process as it travels through layers of rock and soil, which contributes to its purity and mineral content.
Natural Filtration Process
The natural journey of spring water through geological formations removes impurities and adds beneficial minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. This process enhances the water's taste and nutritional value.
Health Benefits
Drinking spring water can support hydration, provide essential minerals, and promote overall well-being. The minerals found in spring water can help maintain electrolyte balance, support bone health, and improve skin condition.
Reputable Spring Water Brands
Bear Springs
Fiji Water
San Pellegrino
Local Spring Water Brands
In addition to these international brands, many regions have local spring water brands that offer fresh, high-quality water. These brands often source their water from nearby springs, ensuring a short distance from source to bottle, which can enhance freshness and sustainability.
Finding Spring Water Near You
Checking Local Retailers
Many supermarkets and grocery stores carry a selection of spring water brands. Check the beverage aisle or the health food section for options. Some stores may also carry local spring water brands.
Online Purchase Options
Online retailers like Bear Springs, Amazon, Walmart, and specialty beverage websites offer a wide range of spring water brands. Ordering online can provide access to both popular international brands and local favorites.
Direct from the Source
Some spring water companies offer delivery services directly from their springs. This option ensures you receive the freshest water possible and often supports sustainable practices.
Environmental Impact
Sustainable Practices
Many spring water brands are committed to sustainable sourcing and production practices. This includes protecting the natural springs, using renewable energy in production, and minimizing water wastage.
Eco-Friendly Packaging
Brands are increasingly adopting eco-friendly packaging solutions, such as recyclable bottles and biodegradable materials, to reduce their environmental footprint. Consumers can also contribute by recycling bottles and choosing brands with sustainable practices.
Comparing Spring Water to Other Types
Tap Water
Tap water is treated and processed by municipal systems to meet safety standards. While safe to drink, it may contain chlorine or other additives that can affect taste and purity.
Distilled Water
Distilled water is purified through boiling and condensation, removing minerals and impurities. It is often used for medical purposes and in appliances, but it lacks the beneficial minerals found in spring water.
Mineral Water
Mineral water comes from natural springs and contains a higher concentration of minerals than spring water. While both provide health benefits, mineral water may offer a more robust taste due to its mineral content.
Frequently Asked Questions About Spring Water
Q. What is the difference between spring water and mineral water?
A. Spring water comes from an underground source and is naturally filtered, whereas mineral water contains higher levels of minerals and often undergoes additional processing to enhance its mineral content.
Q. How can I ensure the spring water I buy is authentic?
A. Look for certification or quality seals on the packaging, research the brand's source, and read reviews. Authentic spring water brands will provide detailed information about their source and production process.
Q. Is spring water better than tap water?
A. Spring water is often preferred for its natural taste and mineral content. However, tap water is safe to drink and may be more environmentally friendly due to reduced packaging and transportation.
Q. Are there any health risks associated with spring water?
A. Spring water is generally safe to drink. However, it is essential to choose reputable brands that adhere to safety standards to avoid contamination risks.
Q. What are the benefits of drinking spring water?
A. Drinking spring water provides hydration and essential minerals, which can support overall health, improve skin condition, and maintain electrolyte balance.
Q. How should spring water be stored?
A. Store spring water in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight. Ensure the bottle is sealed tightly to prevent contamination and maintain freshness.
Choosing a reputable brand of spring water ensures you receive the best quality and taste while supporting sustainable practices. Whether you opt for international favorites like Bear Springs, Evian and Fiji or explore local options, spring water offers a refreshing and healthful choice.
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the-heartlines · 2 years
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rhaenicent // ‘house in nebraska’ by ethel cain
“when really i’d kill myself, to hold you one more time and it hurts to miss you, but it's worse to know that I'm the reason, you won't come home.”
[cw: self-harm, sexualization of catholicism]
- drabble under the cut-
rhaenyra sits in the damp, old hospital room, her lilac eyes sunken in and rimmed red. depression, a broken heart, and the taste of her are all that consume her mind. alicent is a plague- infesting her body, her heart, her very thoughts.
their last tryst together, was in an abandoned church next to a cornfield, near nyra’s childhood home. the air was sweet and warm that day, like the hot breath of alicent’s mouth chanting “yes, yes, yes” against rhaenyra’s ear. alicent cried out as she crooked her fingers into her, finding the spot that made her sing hymns of pleasure. nyra got on her knees afterwards, worshipping her, speaking tongues against the hidden pearl at the apex of her center. her tongue made alicent's voice echo off the stained glass window and high arched ceiling, like an angel ascending heaven.
rhaenyra can still feel the ghost of her hands, crowning her head. her sharp fingernails embedding into her scalp like rose thorns, pricking blood. the feel of them only encouraged nyra to lick her faster, drink down her juices as if they were holy water, that would purify her soul. she devoured her alicent’s delicious cunt as if it were the last supper, her last supper before-
rhaenyra feels her heart constrict, hands shaking as she brings them to her throat, scratching and pinching the skin at the column of her neck, letting out a choked sob.
she feels anxiety eat at her, bile rise in the back of her throat at the thought of her father’s hands on alicent- the gold band adorning her left ring finger; signifying both a promise to him, and a betrayal to her.
the betrayal was like a hot sharp dagger to nyra’s heart. she was a naive lamb led to slaughter, realizing that alicent had used her- sacrificed her- leaving rhaenyra bloody, shameful, and naked for all to see.
nyra had ran away from home after that, until her legs gave out, until her chest was on fire. she ran until she was outside the abandoned church, remembering the first time they had kissed- the first time alicent had told her she loved her. she had thrown up, sobbing, gasping for air.
rhaenyra had bellowed and screamed with rage, till her voice was hoarse. she had thrown rocks, breaking every window, the shards of glass shattering just like her broken heart. she had collapsed afterwards, falling to her knees, sunlight silhouetting her, feeling hollow and empty.
she had picked up a piece of the rainbow stained glass, tracing the outline of the small cross embedded into it, and brought the jagged point of it down to her wrist cutting- branding crosses into her flesh, marring the pale white of her delicate skin. rhaenyra was making herself feel something, anything...after alicent had casted her out of heaven, as if she were a fallen angel. as if she were lucifer- satan himself.
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