#waterfall model vs agile model
sohailshaikh360 · 10 months
Choosing the Pinnacle: A Guide to Selecting Optimal Mobile App Development Services
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I. Introduction
In the fast-evolving digital era, mobile applications have become indispensable tools for businesses and individuals alike. However, the success of a mobile app heavily relies on the expertise and efficiency of the development services behind it. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to assist in the judicious selection of mobile app development services, ensuring the realization of a robust and successful application.
II. Understanding Your Project Requirements
Defining Project Scope
Crafting a successful mobile app starts with a meticulous definition of the project scope. This involves a detailed analysis of the desired functionalities and features, considering the unique needs of the target audience.
Platform and Technology Considerations
Choosing the right platforms (iOS, Android, or cross-platform) is pivotal. Additionally, selecting appropriate technologies and frameworks that align with the technical requirements of the project is crucial for its success.
III. Assessing Development Expertise
Portfolio Examination
A thorough review of the development company's portfolio is essential. This involves assessing past projects and industry experience, gauging the diversity and complexity of their work to ascertain their expertise.
Client Testimonials and Reviews
Client testimonials and reviews provide valuable insights into the reputation of a development company. Understanding client satisfaction levels, project management efficiency, and adherence to timelines is imperative.
IV. Development Methodologies and Practices
Agile vs. Waterfall Approaches
Choosing between Agile and Waterfall methodologies involves understanding their impact on project flexibility and adaptability. Selecting the most suitable approach is critical for seamless development.
Quality Assurance and Testing Procedures
The development company's approach to quality assurance and testing is paramount. Rigorous testing for functionality, security, and user experience ensures a polished and reliable final product.
V. Cost and Timeline Considerations
Transparent Pricing Models
Understanding different pricing models, including fixed, hourly, and dedicated team arrangements, is crucial. Ensuring transparency in cost breakdowns and anticipating potential additional charges is part of prudent decision-making.
Project Timeline Projections
Establishing realistic project timelines is essential for effective planning. Discussing milestones, deliverables, and potential setbacks ensures a clear roadmap for project completion.
This guide equips decision-makers with the insights needed to navigate the multifaceted process of selecting mobile app development services, laying the foundation for a successful and impactful mobile application.
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allaboutmarketing4you · 10 months
Kanban, Waterfall, and DevOps  are three different approaches to project management and software development. Here's an overview of each concept: 1. Kanban: Definition: Kanban is a visual management method for software development and knowledge work. It originated from manufacturing processes in Toyota and has been adapted for use in software development to improve efficiency and flow.
Key Concepts: Visualization: Work items are represented on a visual board, usually with columns such as "To Do," "In Progress," and "Done."
Work in Progress (WIP) Limits: Limits are set on the number of items allowed in each column to optimize flow and avoid bottlenecks.
Continuous Delivery: Focus on delivering work continuously without distinct iterations.
Advantages: Flexibility in responding to changing priorities.
Continuous delivery of value. Visual representation of work enhances transparency.
Use Case: Kanban is often suitable for teams with variable and unpredictable workloads, where tasks don't follow a fixed iteration cycle.
2. Waterfall: Definition: The Waterfall model is a traditional and sequential approach to software development. It follows a linear and rigid sequence of phases, with each phase building upon the outputs of the previous one.
Phases: Requirements: Define and document project requirements. Design: Create the system architecture and design. Implementation: Code the system based on the design. Testing: Conduct testing to identify and fix defects. Deployment: Deploy the completed system to users. Maintenance: Provide ongoing support and maintenance.
Clear structure and well-defined phases.
Documentation at each stage.
Predictable timelines and costs.
Disadvantages: Limited flexibility for changes after the project starts.
Late feedback on the final product.
Risk of customer dissatisfaction if initial requirements are misunderstood.
Use Case: Waterfall is suitable for projects with well-defined requirements and stable environments where changes are expected to be minimal.
3. DevOps: Definition: DevOps (Development and Operations) is a set of practices that aim to automate and improve the collaboration between software development and IT operations. The goal is to shorten the development lifecycle, deliver high-quality software, and foster a culture of continuous integration and delivery.
Key Practices: Continuous Integration (CI): Merge code changes frequently and automatically test them.
Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD): Automate the release and deployment processes.
Collaboration: Promote collaboration and communication between development and operations teams.
Advantages: Faster delivery of software. Reduced manual errors through automation. Improved collaboration and communication.
Use Case: DevOps is suitable for organizations aiming to achieve faster and more reliable delivery of software through the automation of development, testing, and deployment processes.
#mktmarketing4you #distributionchannels #HoshinPlanning #Leanmethods #marketing #M4Y #lovemarketing #IPAM #ipammarketingschool #Kanban #ContingencyPlanning #virtual #volunteering #project #Management #Economy #ConsumptionBehavior #BrandManagement #ProductManagement #Logistics #Lifecycle #Brand #Neuromarketing #McKinseyMatrix #Breakevenanalysis #innovation #Facebook #icebergmodel #EdgarScheinsCultureModel #STARMethod #VRIO #7SFramework #gapanalysis #AIDAModel #SixLeadershipStyles #MintoPyramidPrinciple #StrategyDiamond #InternalRateofReturn #irr #BrandManagement #dripmodel #HoshinPlanning #XMatrix #backtobasics #BalancedScorecard #Product #ProductManagement #Logistics #Branding #freemium #businessmodel #business #4P #3C #BCG #SWOT #TOWS #EisenhowerMatrix #Study #marketingresearch #marketer #marketing manager #Painpoints #Pestel #ValueChain # VRIO #marketingmix We also left a video about Lean vs Agile vs Waterfall | What is Lean | Difference between Waterfall and Agile and that could help you. Later we will leave one about Kanban:
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
hey, i've been reading your Cisco-related Flash fics, and what struck to me as impressive is how you implement the mentions of tech so well. i've run into trouble into writing scenes, where Cisco might have to tinker. 🤧🤧🤧 i know this is by a long-shot, however, do you have any writing advice on how to add tech as part of a scene??? or like wording on how tinkering works?? idk just basic tech stuff i guess. thank you and sending good ~~vibes~~ your way!
Cisco tinkering is definitely fun to write, but I'm not exactly sure how to describe my process for writing those scenes. But I'll give it a shot anyway.
So Cisco's tinkering with tech in fics usually fits one of two scenarios when I'm writing. Either it's to give him something to do in the scene since Cisco's definitely someone who likes to keep his hands busy. Or it's a specific tech I plan to use for plot reasons, so it gets threaded throughout the fic. That way Cisco's brilliant ideas to save the day don't come out of nowhere.
If its the former, then I'll usually just pick something we know he's worked on in the show. The quickly forgotten Boot Tech (how useful it would have been if perfected instead of forgotten after the S2 finale), updates on the suppressant tech (the cuffs, Caitlin's snowflake necklace), the weather wand... I don't really have to go too much into detail on it, but it can be fun to poke at canon a bit for all the things Cisco develops that never show up again once their original use in the plot is over. Sometimes I just have him working towards perfecting something that didn't work as expected. Other times I have ideas for alternative uses for the tech that can be fun to mention.
I've also been a Star Trek and Stargate fan for a long, long time. So I've learned technobabble from the two scifi series that did it best. ^_^
Though, really, watching Sam Carter (SG-1) and Rodney McKay (Stargate: Atlantis) spout technobabble is a great way to learn how to make made up science blend with real science to sound relatively believable. Stargate (SG-1 particularly) was pretty good about grounding their made up science in real world concepts. Definitely having obsessively watched those two shows has helped shape how I write Cisco now that I'm in the Arrow verse fandom.
When I have Cisco's tech being used in a specific way for plot reasons, however, I definitely have to know ahead of time what the tech is for. If I'm going to make, say, the Rainbow Raider the villain of a story and have him experimenting with new applications of his powers - messing with emotions other than anger - then I'd have Cisco pull out the device they originally used to combat Rainbow Raider's powers to work on upgrading for the new scenario. That way it still works when they need it. Then I can throw in things like, maybe it gets pulled out of mothballs and immediately tried on one of RR's victims but it doesn't work. Cue drama. :D
I think some of the development process I put in there comes from what I know about tech development from a software side of things. Since I'm a software engineer, I know how different types of design and development models work. Waterfall vs agile vs... anyway, I won't necessarily ever name the dev model being used, but it'll influence how I write Cisco's development process and it'll differ based on when he's working with a team, vs one other person, vs on his own.
Having Cisco collaborate is especially fun to do. Cisco starts off as a particularly brilliant mechanical engineer and by the time he leaves the show he's become very much a multi-discipline scientist. He does so because he learns so much from the people he collaborates with - or competes with, as the case may be. Cisco's knowledge of sonic technology and acoustical engineering improves due to his exposure to Hartley's Pied Piper gear. He learns bio engineering from his many collaborations with Caitlin. Harry being rather multi-disciplined himself, often pushes Cisco to have more confidence in himself and reach beyond his comfort zone.
So I'll pick who he's collaborating on based both on when I want a story to be set, how AU I want it to be (Hartley joins Team Flash? Harry doesn't leave post S2?), and what kind of tech is being developed for the plot (improving the amnesia inducer they used on Barry? that calls for Caitlin).
A story that I've been wanting to write is Cisco mentoring Chester while Chester creates tech that - predictably, I admit - saves Barry out on the field at the end. We never really got the mentor/mentee relationship between them expanded on the way I'd been hoping for when it became clear Chester was a permanent addition to the cast. The story hasn't happened yet because I haven't really fleshed out what the technology they're working on will be. I'm probably overthinking it a bit at this point, but I want it to reflect where Chester's at mentally during the story - his struggles with self doubt and learning to be more assertive, generally showing why Cisco felt so comfortable leaving Team Flash in Chester's hands when he eventually leaves. (So it's intended to be canon compliant and set before Cisco and Kamilla leave for Star City.)
I don't know how useful my rambles have been, but I hope this helps.
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marsdevs · 6 months
Dive into the Battle of Titans: Agile vs. Waterfall
There are advantages and disadvantages to both the widely used project management frameworks, waterfall and agile. It is your responsibility as a project manager to decide on the best strategy based on the requirements of your team and the specifics of the project. Whichever model you choose, flexibility is needed for modifying to altering work settings. Hence, in this MarsDevs article, we will examine the benefits and drawbacks of waterfall and agile project management & what each offers in terms of producing fruitful results.
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amrin25 · 7 months
The Agile Edge: Million-Dollars Product Engineering Methodologies
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Agile methodologies have revolutionized product engineering, departing from traditional approaches and influencing various industries. This article explores how Agile principles have reshaped product development, emphasizing dynamic, customer-focused processes within Agile Product Engineering. It will highlight the benefits and challenges of integrating Agile into product engineering.
Understanding Agile Methodologies
Agile emerged in 2001 with the publication of the Agile Manifesto, a response to the limitations of traditional software development models like Waterfall. Founded on four principles, Agile emphasizes human interaction, delivering functional software, ongoing customer collaboration, and flexibility to adapt to change. These principles drive iterative and incremental development processes, fostering collaboration and responsiveness in product engineering.
The Evolution of Product Engineering
Product engineering traditionally followed sequential models like Waterfall, rooted in industries where changes are costly and time-consuming. However, the fast-paced technological landscape and evolving market demands necessitated a shift towards Agile methodologies.
Agile's iterative approach enables teams to adapt to changing requirements and market conditions swiftly. This transition to Agile has fostered environments prioritizing collaboration, speed, and customer satisfaction, revolutionizing product engineering to be more responsive and innovative.
Benefits of Agile in Product Engineering
Agile methodologies reduce time to market by embracing iterative development and quick adaptation to market changes, ensuring products are relevant and timely.
Enhanced collaboration and transparency in Agile teams foster better information flow and cohesive dynamics, breaking down silos.
Continuous testing and feedback loops in Agile ensure improved product quality through early issue detection and resolution.
Agile's customer-centric approach involves regular customer interaction and feedback integration, enhancing satisfaction and reducing the risk of developing irrelevant products.
Cross-functional collaboration and Risk Management
Agile emerged on the foundation of self-organizing, cross-functional teams. These teams bring together diverse skills and perspectives, fostering a more holistic approach to problem-solving. This team structure empowers members to take ownership of their work and encourages innovative solutions, enhancing team morale and productivity.
Agile's iterative nature allows teams to assess and manage risks continuously. Regular reviews and retrospectives help identify potential issues early, allowing for timely interventions. Agile also encourages experimentation and learning from failures, essential for innovation and continuous improvement in product engineering.
Challenges in Implementing Agile Methodologies
Implementing Agile methodologies requires a significant cultural shift, embracing collaboration, continuous learning, and adaptability. Resistance to change can hinder adoption due to Agile's need for openness and transparency. Scaling Agile to larger teams adds complexity, requiring effective communication and coordination for consistency.
Maintaining a balance between flexibility and project management controls is crucial to prevent projects from becoming unstructured or deviating from objectives. Finding the right balance between agility and aligning with business goals remains a critical challenge in Agile implementation.
Agile vs. Traditional Methodologies: A Comparative Analysis
Comparing Agile and Waterfall Methodologies
Agile is a form of iterative development where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration. It offers flexibility, promotes customer involvement, and allows for rapid change adaptation.
The Waterfall methodology follows a sequential design process, typically used in software development, where progress flows downwards through distinct phases. It is known for its structured approach, with each stage requiring full completion before the next begins.
Advantages and Limitations
Advantages of Agile
1. Greater adaptability to changing requirements.
2. Enhanced customer satisfaction due to continuous involvement.
3. Early and predictable delivery.
4. Improved product quality through frequent testing.
Advantages of Waterfall
1. Clear structure and milestones.
2. Easier to manage due to its linear nature.
3. Well-suited for projects with well-defined requirements and limited scope changes.
Limitations of Agile:
1. It can be challenging to scale in large organizations.
2. Requires a significant shift in organizational culture.
3. Risk of scope creep without proper project control.
Limitations of Waterfall:
1. Less flexibility to adapt to changes.
2. Due to the lengthy development cycle, there is a higher risk of delivering a product that fails to meet current market needs.
3. Needs to be more efficient in addressing issues that arise late in the development process.
Future Trends and Agile's Evolving Role
As emerging technologies like AI, IoT, and blockchain shape the future, Agile methodologies will evolve to accommodate rapid iteration and flexibility in product engineering. This evolution will include integrating these technologies for more automated decision-making processes. Agile will also increasingly prioritize enhancing customer experience through deeper involvement and feedback loops, while promoting sustainability by developing products with lower environmental impact and incorporating sustainable practices throughout the development lifecycle.
Agile methodologies have proven to be game-changers in the product engineering industry, offering flexibility, improved collaboration, and a stronger focus on customer needs. However, the journey to fully integrating Agile into a product engineering company involves overcoming significant cultural, organizational, and scaling challenges. Looking ahead, Agile will adapt and evolve with emerging technologies and market trends, emphasizing customer experience and sustainability in product development processes.
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erpinformation · 8 months
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advanceagility · 1 year
How Agile Methodology is Different from Traditional Approach?
“The agile methodology is not a destination, but a journey. It’s about continuous improvement, not just in our products, but in our people, processes, and culture.”
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Traditional waterfall method
The traditional waterfall approach which is otherwise known as the sequential approach involves detailed planning, documentation, and proper execution. It follows a linear methodology where without finishing one phase, the next phase is not initiated. Here the development team gathers all the requirements of the stakeholders before starting with the project. Using waterfall methodology businesses manage to develop a project that works. But following Agile methodology organizations develop products in less time.
With proper collaboration among business leaders, team members, and systems, organizations address the needs of their customers at the right time and in the right way.
In this article, let’s understand both the traditional and agile approaches to know their purpose. And how they suit the projects.
Foundations of the Agile approach
Agile is all about delivering value faster with fewer complications. More than a methodology, it is a mindset that is brought into the software development cycle to support changes in the development process. This approach played well for organizations that prefer playing short that is releasing deliverables in small cycles.
The principles and core values listed in the Agile Manifesto serve as the foundation for the Agile model. With certain Agile Frameworks, the agile approach equips businesses with certain procedures that help them face uncertainty to come up with quick solutions. It works on user stories that help add something valuable to the product.
Other concepts that are followed by the agile model are conducting daily meetings to discuss important information necessary to continue the coordination. Personas, agile teams, incremental development strategy, revisiting the work, and examining the final moments.
Iterative approach vs. Sequential approach
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Advantages of both Waterfall and Agile model
The agile model supports a continuous process that helps detect and fix the issues in the early stage. It accepts the inputs of stakeholders at any stage. The approach is completely transparent with the stakeholders and the agile team members so that they can follow the development process.
The waterfall model requires no extra inputs rather it is a simple straightforward approach that does not support any changes and is suitable for small projects. Here there will be no fluctuation in the cost as everything is already defined and the budget has been already calculated. The measurement of the process can be easily done as all the steps and results are well documented.
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What is the major challenge in implementing Agile methodology?
To implement Agile Methodology in an organization, the biggest challenge faced by business owners is developing well-versed, trained team members and providing necessary training to them to drive quality service. To make an agile model work, it is important to bring the agile mindset to agile professionals too.
What is the most popular Agile framework?
Scrum is the most popular Agile Framework that helps agile teams deliver complex projects in short cycles. Other popular agile frameworks are Kanban, XP, Lean, SAFe, and Crystal.
What are some important Agile certification courses beneficial for career advancement?
Some of the important Agile Certification courses are Certified Scrum Master (CSM), SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager (SAFe POPM), and ICAgile Certified Professional that is beneficial for individuals to work as an agile team and for organizations to better their systems to drive high-value deliverables.
About Advance Agility
We, at Advance Agility, are the new-age Agile Coaching, Consulting and IT services company. We enable end-to-end Digital Transformation. Agile execution is integral to our being. We are doing SAFe implementation with small, medium and large organization across the globe. Our vision is to be the leading Agile execution player globally. To keep adding value at every process stage. We are on a mission to empower our clients, move from concept to cash in the shortest sustainable lead time by adopting human centric approach to business agility. Embracing the change is in our DNA. Things that keep us apart are Quicker and Seamless execution with End-to-end gamut of services. Our Global presence and Stellar Track Record give us an edge over our competitor.
Connect with us at advanceagility.com to learn about SAFe and SAFe Implementation. We provide various SAFe certification courses along with DevOps, Scrum, Agile Coaching and more trainings. Write to us at [email protected] for any agile training or consulting needs. We are always looking for competent agile trainers as well. So if you are a good trainer or want to become one, do get in touch with us to that we can learn, grow and achieve together.
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DevOps vs. Agile: How Are They Different?
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There are three key milestones in the progress of software development. The waterfall technique, which focuses on the time necessary to release a product, was introduced first. The Agile approach followed, which improved the development life cycle. The Agile model has been in the industry for a long time. It has several other models as well such as Agile SAFE, Agile XP, and more. The next invention in the software development lifecycle is DevOps.  It aims to bring development and operations together as a single team. If implemented correctly, DevOps boosts productivity, promotes collaboration, and produces greater output. This is the reason DevOps is gaining so much popularity across the globe. It is commonly implemented by a professional DevOps development company that knows its standards, implementation models, etc. The company can help in establishing a sync between development and operational teams.  
As Agile has been in the industry for many years and DevOps is rapidly gaining popularity, it becomes difficult for businesses to make a major decision. They are not able to decide whether they should stick to Agile or switch to DevOps. In this article, we will explore more about it.
Many organizations find it difficult to adopt Agile and DevOps solutions in software development. Understanding the differences between Agile and DevOps services is the first step in overcoming this impediment.
The focus and purpose
Agile emphasizes cross-functional team collaboration and the use of iterative releases. The Agile approach is primarily concerned with continuous modifications and incremental deployments following each sprint. Agile is used to manage complex projects and to allow for at the halfway point modifications.  
DevOps focuses on bringing together the Development and Operations teams in a process of continuous development to make sure that continuous testing and development is practiced. DevOps developers emphasize continuous testing and quick delivery every few hours. The primary goal of DevOps is to manage end-to-end technical and business solutions with a focus on quickness.
Delivery and deployment
Agile development is organized into "sprints." After each sprint, incremental deployments are made. (usually a weekly or biweekly period).
DevOps development companies aim for milestones and timelines, with the goal of delivering code to production on a daily basis or every few hours.  The purpose is to ensure daily uninterrupted delivery (or even every few hours).
Agile highlights working with a small team for faster execution and risk minimization. Each team member who uses the Agile methodology develops the ability to execute any task and, as a result, becomes an all-around developer.  
DevOps includes a diverse range of skill sets within a broader team comprised of different disciplines. To get better outcomes and success, a DevOps development company requires employees with diverse specialties and functional skill sets to share responsibilities.
Scrum is a popular approach for performing Agile software development. Every day, a scrum meeting is convened.
Specifications and design papers are examples of DevOps communications. For the deployment method to function well, the operational teams of DevOps development companies must fully understand the software roll-out and its network/hardware consequences.
To promote simplicity and flexibility in the entire development process, documentation is kept to a minimum.
DevOps developers rely heavily on documentation. Detailed documentation of procedures, changes, information, and communication is critical for ensuring effective team collaboration.
Concluding notes
Although there are many apparent differences between DevOps solutions and the Agile approach and their basic objective of improving speed and delivering quality software is identical.  Agile and DevOps are not indistinguishable. Any organization that is using DevOps should not give up its existing Agile procedures. The best option is to hire a DevOps development company that can help a business to use Agile and DevOps at their best to enhance the operations of a business.
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scrumagilesblog · 2 years
SDLC or Software Development Lifecycle Models are various kinds of Methodologies/Framework/Processes that are used to complete a project with efficiency. There are a number of Models that have their own way of functioning, advantages and drawbacks. Each model works in phases/stages to achieve the ultimate goal. Selection of best suitable model for the project is a critical decision as it impacts the whole process right from testing to completion. Choosing the wrong model for a project may not give successful or satisfactory results to customers. Different development models are as follows-
V- Model
Waterfall Development Model
Agile Methodology
Incremental Model
Iterative Model
What is Agile Methodology or Development Model?
This is one of the most common and popular models in the market used by the developers in the projects. In this model, the whole work process into smaller stages called Sprints which can be changed as per requirements even during the process. The end customer or client is actively involved throughout the process and check the progress of the project, also suggesting any changes if needed. Some of the frameworks in Agile Model are-
Scrum Methodology
Lean Software Development
Feature Driven Development (FDD)
Extreme Programming (XP)
Dynamic Software Development Method (DSDM)
What is Waterfall Development Model?
The Waterfall Development model is the oldest among all the models with a sequential and linear approach towards the projects. The model is designed in a strategic theme manner where the next stage only begins only after the completion of the preceding stage. This model is based on the phases defined by computer scientist Winston W. Royce; they are-
Analysis and Requirements
Testing and Integration
Waterfall Development Model VS Agile Development Model
The model has to be chosen keeping the requirements, advantages and disadvantages of project and model in consideration. Discussing about the two models Waterfall and Agile, both are common in practice due to their features and success rate. Let’s look at the comparison below to come at a conclusion-
Industry of Origin- The Waterfall model has its root in Infrastructure and engineering whereas Agile Methodology was first used in Software Development.
Customer Participation- Agile model has active participation of customer/owner/clients in the process but in Waterfall model clients are involved only during the last phase.
Focus- the main focus in Waterfall is delivery of the products that match the initial requirements. On the other hand Agile focuses on customer satisfaction through continuous changes in the process as per the requirements.
Framework- Waterfall model has some frameworks named Wagile, Sashimi, Incremental Waterfall, etc. Agile model has some popular frameworks- Kanban, Scrum Methodology, Crystal, Lean, etc.
Pros- Waterfall model can be used in large projects where the requirements are specified and Agile enables to make continuous changes.
Cons- A lot of documentation and minimal customer involvement are the disadvantages of Waterfall and in Agile estimation of delivery time is difficult.
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austinbreesjump · 2 years
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zoctech01 · 3 years
PMP 7th Edition: Know What All Is Changing
One of the highly demanded Project Management certifications PMP (Project Management Professional) conducted by PMI (Project Management Institute) is undergoing a drastic change. The guide book for PMP, PMBOK (Project Management Body Of Knowledge), will soon develop the 7th Edition. If you are aspiring for PMP certification, you must be aware of the changes happening.
If you are new to the concept of PMP certification, you must be wondering what are we talking about. PMP is a globally recognized certification that helps validate your knowledge in IT and your skills as a project manager. People who wish to take the next step in their career can opt for PMP certifications as this will enhance their growth and knowledge in the field of project management.
What Is Changing In PMP?
The PMI (Project Management Institute) is the governing body that controls all the decisions for PMP certification, has decided to launch the PMI PMP 7th Edition by evolving the current syllabus of PMP.
Now, if you were planning to give the PMI PMP 7th edition exam this year, then hold on as you should know the facts and changes this new edition will bring.
Moreover, the summary of the 7th Edition can be noted as the approach will be based on principles rather than processes. Also, it will be shorter than the current Edition.
Why Was There A Need For Change?
While working on different projects, a project manager will have to apply different strategies, methods, and approaches to give the best output in a defined time. But, restricting the approaches will also slow down the growth of the project. The processes used by project managers are Practitioner, Agile, Waterfall, and Hybrid. However, a single project doesn’t need to favor a single approach. So, a project should be dealt with various principles rather than a single process.
Since the PMP certification is changing the guide for the examination will also alter. Here is a quick comparison between the PMBOK 6 and PMBOK 7 that will highlight the major changes in the guide.
Difference Between PMBOK 6 Vs PMBOK 7
PMBOK has been a constant companion for aspiring project managers who wish to endeavor success in this field. However, with the launch of PMP 7th edition, the guide for PMP will also undergo a drastic change. This will bring forward a new body of knowledge known as PMBOK 7.
Knowledge Areas:
The basic difference that one can notice in the PMBOK’s is the knowledge areas focused. In PMBOK 6 the knowledge areas are accompanied by the following things- inputs, tools, techniques, and outputs.
The PMBOK 7 includes tailoring, models, artifacts, and methods. Additionally, there are 8 performance domains.
The other changes that will be seen in PMBOK 7 guide are that it will be a shorter version compared to PMBOK 6. The last change in PMBOK was observed in January 2021. The next update will be seen in PMBOK 7 will be in August 2021.
Principle Vs Process-Based Approach
In the previous PMBOKs, the guide was in the form of knowledge areas. These areas included various processes, tools, inputs, outputs, and techniques. Whereas, in the PMBOK 7th Edition, these processes will not be there anymore. PMBOK focused on the deliverables for evolving the project dynamics in the current and previous years. Whereas, the new Edition of PMBOK will focus on the results.
However, the traditional methodology of project management, i.e., Process-based management, will still be in action. The value for the conventional method is still the same, and many organizations are using it for successful project completion. But, the new principle-based approach will give more results by adding value to the organization and the stakeholders.
This table will just highlight briefly the points of differences in PMBOK 6 and PMBOK 7.
Key Changes Introduced In PMBOK 7
There are some new terminologies added to the PMP 7th edition which will help the project managers deliver cost-effective and timely delivery. They are as follows:
The PMBOK 7 beliefs that project management is not based on a single approach. Project managers can follow different methodologies to get desired outputs in projects. A project manager will tailor the approach according to the needs of the project, deliverables, and organizational demands.
Models, Methods and Artifacts:
The aspiring project managers can now seek guidance from the videos, articles, and templates that can enhance their productivity and knowledge in a defined domain.
Aspects influencing the Changes In PMBOK7
To get a change in the existing things, one needs to have significant points that support the demand for the alterations. The last change in PMBOK was done in 2017, and since then, the format has not changed much. However, with the launch of PMBOK7, some new yet drastic changes will be seen.
Let’s glance at the fundamental points that have influenced this change.
1. Value Delivery System
PMBOK 7th Edition will be an approach that will act upon the value delivery system. It will systematically define the strategies, objectives, and missions decided by a company. The projects will be conducted based on these further investments. To make sure that the purpose of the portfolios, the project delivery must reach its pre-set targets.
2. Project Delivery Principles
The ‘what’ and ‘why’ aspects of project delivery will be mentioned on the PMBOK 7th edition principles. The fundamental principles included in the project delivery describe the norms and fundamental truths and are not prescriptive.
Principles Of Project Delivery:
Team: Building a good work culture of respect and accountability
Stewardship: Being responsible for duties
Value: Focusing on core values
Stakeholders: Engaging potential clients by understanding their needs and interest.
Leadership: Motivate, teach, learn and grow
Holistic Thinking: Recognize and respond to systems interactions
Value: IT will focus on the values
Tailoring: It will make the approach based on the context of requirements
Quality: Build quality through process and results
Opportunities and Threats: It will help in addressing the opportunities and threats involved.
Complexity: Addressing the complexities with the help of learning and experience.
Adaptability & Resilience: Being adaptable and resilient
Change Management: Incorporate changes to get better results.
When Is PMBOK 7th Edition Releasing?
The official page of PMI has announced PMP 7th Edition release date as 1st August 2021. However, the exam syllabus will not change immediately. The implementation of these changes will be from January 2022. Simultaneously, this will give the time needed to the training institutes to update their syllabus and prepare the study material accordingly. To find out more, you can visit the official page of PMI where you can get a PMP 7th edition PDF to check the latest updates added in the PMBOK.
Should You Wait For PMP 7th Edition?
Are you in a dilemma with whether you should wait for the new edition to give the exams or continue with the old method? The answer depends upon your preparation. We expect to succeed in every exam that we give. So, once you are fully prepared and well versed with all the mock tests you can attempt the examination. But it is not easy to prepare for such a competitive exam on your own and pass the exam on the first attempt. You can rely on a good PMP training institute like ZOC Technologies. The real-time learning, assistance guidance and mentorship of the experts will help you excel the new version of PMP certification.
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Custom Software Developer
Software Developer Group has been in the simple process of computer programming for a decade and a half. Our team follows a highly disciplined software design pattern. We provide inclusive outsourcing solutions for software development outsourcing, a software technology consulting, software developer body shopping.
 With the aim of delivering a robust sustainable product that meets customer expectations, we adopt one of the following software development life cycles:
Agile software development
Cascade Software Development
Often, companies that have a similar business domain and implement the same business strategies have a several-minute methodology that deviates. There is a unique and confidential aspect of every business organization that is not roofed in any readily available packaged software application. A packaged software application cannot fully and seamlessly meet the business intelligence needs of a particular organization. 
This is where Software Developer, one of the best enterprise software development companies in Mumbai India, gets an upper hand among the pool of software providers in the market. Software Developer understands that despite the fact that a packaged software application can be cost-effective, it lacks the various functionalities that each company must have with and varies. In addition, packaged software applications are developed using outdated techniques and methods. Every software solution designed in Software Developer Group develops properly after closely studying every minute aspect of the clients business. All the latest and advanced technologies and approaches adopted by our developing teams to design our enterprise software development services ensure a high quality product at all times.
 Nowadays, globalization is bringing markets and competition closer than ever. Therefore, it makes perfect sense for companies to outsource their software application development requirements. The major benefits of a custom software are personalization, scalability, integration and cost effectiveness with seamless support and maintenance.
 Software Developer Group is the most preferred software outsourcing and software development company in Mumbai, India, which strives to provide operational and functional software development services. For a decade and a half, it has been offering innovative and cost-effective web and software development solutions to customers around the world.
We help our customers transform their critical business processes into efficient systems. We have efficiently distributed and implemented custom software development solutions for startups, enterprises and digital agencies. We are among the software development companies in Mumbai, India who believe in delivering excellence. 
Inspired by focusing on customer expectations when developing any software, we emphasize customer satisfaction to pay attention to everything we do. And that's why we have earned the reputation of Mumbai, India's most trusted software company.
We are among the best software companies for software development services in Mumbai, India, catering to leading companies with our services. In the initial phase of project development, we engage our expert quality analysts, and this paves the way for your robust software application that is stable enough to run flawlessly on all browsers and screens. These analysts first collect the requirements for you to produce an all-inclusive business requirements document, which is given to software engineers for final development. There are several approaches to software project management, known as software development life cycle methodology or models. The waterfall model is the traditional version, different from recent and innovative models of agile software development. We follow a highly robust software development lifecycle to assure a consistent service of software delivery. We adopt modern software development methodology, agile development methodology, proven method to accelerate our software development rapidly, thereby significantly reducing the risk involved. We have a pre-defined process for software development, which includes coding, programming, testing, and fixing bugs identified or identified. A disciplined simulation of the most favorable software lifecycle, making our software development process completely reliable makes it an ideal software application for our customers.
As per your requirement and purpose, our software development services can be of various types and include the following packages: custom enterprise application development, migration of software applications, application or software consulting and redevelopment.
 We provide custom software application design and development services to our customers with complete software maintenance services and support.
Our strength
Our team will guide you through the entire software development life cycle (SDLC), which includes understanding and analyzing your needs, designing, developing, debugging (software testing), deployment and software support services. We provide full cycle offshore software development services to our reputed international customers. Apart from full cycle software development, you can get on board, skilled and dedicated software developers with an average experience of 5 years.
We follow proven and time-tested software development methodology and its expert staff ensures that risk is minimized, if not completely eliminated. 
Our offshore software development services are organized to meet the business requirements that you would expect from an outsourcing partner. By combining a wide range of technical experts with an exceptional commitment on client satisfaction, we have become a promising option for global companies looking for software development services.
Software Developer Group provides custom software development and consulting services to help you complete your next project with less stress and less cost. Our team has the technical expertise to power you at every stage of your software development lifecycle, from exploration to current launch-launch upgrades.
We are upgrading our expertise across multiple verticals and solutions and are now able to achieve success and no matter the specifics of your project.
Come see what we can offer for your extraordinary needs and requirements.
Benefits of our customized software solution
Business automation
Help companies automate their business functions that are not addressed by readily available packaged software applications in the market.
Maintain a competitive edge
Can empower companies to achieve benchmarks in competition. Our cost-effective business solutions for companies are designed using our domain expertise and unique functionalities that will encourage you to focus on core business competencies rather than implementing other business processes.
Our software development solutions can ensure the most prominent use of automation of business aspects by reducing manual errors, reducing the manpower and time required to complete a business task. 
Business digitization
Our customized software solutions will help companies digitize their business properly and expand it to a new level. 
Custom software vs shelf
Off-the-shelf software consists of a packaged software application, which is accessible to a different audience with fundamentally similar needs. For example, Microsoft Word is intended for the public at large as the widest scope of its users' needs. However, it will not deal with any specific entity like custom software.
Customized software development involves the commissioning, development, and launch of a software product tailored to a single specific entity. A customized software application designed for a company will only be used by the company and department for which it was designed. The software is designed keeping in mind the need for the company's infrastructure, branding and execution, which means that it can only work for that organization.
The advantage of custom software is a simple fact that provides the convenience that off-the-shelf software does not. Designing an application keeping in mind the needs of your company indicates increased productivity.
If you have a software application designed to increase productivity or meet an internal need, then its cost has a bearing with the promise of increased efficiency. If your company's requirement is unique to warrant for custom software, then optimizing a solution instead of settling for an off-the-shelf application becomes a smart course of action.
Below are the points that prove why we are the top software developers in India and the United States
We have successfully developed and delivered over 1500+ software solutions exceeding their expectations from our customers
Our extensible partnership helps customers optimize post-deployment business processes
We have developed customized software solutions for global companies such as Google, Motorola, Unilever, UTV, University of Florida, Kotak, and others.
We transform raw ideas into a comprehensive software solution using simple ideas and expert programming and designing skills
We are focused on designing and developing business solutions for industries such as software, technology, retail, eCommerce, logistics and shipping
We follow agile methodology and keep our customers in the loop to reduce the chances of system failure and adapt to changing user needs during the development phase.
We have a vast experience of implementing customized software solutions that increase business value and provide useful insights to set future goals.
The commitment to provide high quality and passion to implement challenging software solutions has served us various clients worldwide with 75% customer retention.
Our Price Coast model is specifically designed to provide highly productive and cost-effective offshore software development services.
Customer trust matters to us. Therefore, we ensure that the information remains confidential and secure by signing the NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).
The software developers of OpenExcel are the best among all software development companies in India and USA who believe in delivering excellence. We do not develop it only to give it a shape. We develop with the aim of helping customers achieve their goals.
A solution is developed. Our squad of skilled software developers are creators of excellent software applications using Core Php, Java, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, Visual Basic.Net, C #, C ++ and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
With exceptional experience and comprehensive solutions across various domains and industries, we work directly with our customers and transform them into a high-performing organization.
We have adopted a modern software development method called Agile + DevOps which helps us to develop a robust and scalable solution with continuous software testing. The report, prepared by Forrester, underscores the key points of application development and delivery leaders (AD&D) navigating this change.
Our customers appreciate our efforts and ability to work according to their needs. This encourages us to create more unique solutions that add to our impressive portfolio.
We will guide you through the entire software development life cycle (SDLC), which includes understanding and analyzing your needs, designing, developing, debugging (software testing), deployment, and software support services.
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In this article, we'll discuss how agile principles and values can be applied to the way you approach data science projects. Project management methodologies are commonly used to get projects done or get a product (often referred to as a tool) produced. They are, in general, processes and frameworks which break down the overall objective to individual tasks organised on a timeline. This can be adapted and used to approach data science projects. In the past, the traditional Waterfall methodology (dated way back to 1970) has been very popular. It defines all requirements and parameters of the product at the start, so that the project team can work towards this target in sequential phases. This method has been successful in the manufacturing industry where product specifications seldom vary with time. It requires very extensive upfront planning, and ideally, the output product is exactly the same as specified in the beginning. But the Waterfall methodology started to become unsuitable for software projects. Because of this, many popular project management methodologies have emerged over the years, especially in the software development industry. Let me share the most popular one. Waterfall vs Agile. Figure by Author. Agile methodology Agile methodology was developed in 2001, and is a widely used to manage software development projects. It is suitable for fast-paced development cycles and has provision for changing specifications throughout the design and build process. It is flexible, and strives for iterative incremental improvement in the product through team collaboration. Agile projects are characterized by a series of tasks that are conceived, executed and adapted as the situation demands. Agile teams are responsive to the unpredictable requirements (as the project unfolds) through iterative work processes. Below are Agile principles which serve as guidelines to the way of working: Customer satisfaction through early and continuous software delivery Accommodate changing requirements throughout the development process Frequent delivery of working software, as the working software is the primary measure of progress Collaboration and interaction between the business stakeholders (client) and developers (vendor) throughout the project, including face-to-face communication within the development team Support, trust, and motivate the people involved Agile frameworks to support a consistent development pace Attention to technical detail and design enhances agility Simplicity in looking for solutions Regular reflections in the self-organising team on how to become more effective The focus of Agile methodology is not on what to do, but how to think. It values and places priority on: Individuals and interactions (rather than processes and tools) Working software (rather than comprehensive documentation) Customer collaboration (rather than contract negotiation) Response to change (rather than following a predetermined/fixed plan) Agile way of working. Figure by Author. Agile practices and Data Science While Agile principles and priorities are employed for greater productivity, most of them can be leveraged for data science (DS) projects. Moreover, data scientists usually do not know how to schedule a project because it is impossible to determine a specific timeline. Most DS projects require trial and error by going down different paths and trying different techniques. They do not have an element of certainty in the output, so Agile can be used to direct the workflow. Most other projects deal with what customers want, what the developers want, and what the business seeks. When working with DS, another perspective is added: what the data is telling you. Data scientists cannot make any sense out of the data unless they develop a basic understanding of it. There is a lot of investigation, exploration, testing and tuning. Agile uses the concept of iteration and constant feedback in order to refine a system under development, in order to move up the Data-Value Pyramid. Data-Value Pyramid. Figure by Author. When working on DS projects, insights are not immediately achievable. Multiple iterations are needed before any insights can be discovered. How agile practices can be applied I will explain the main Agile working practices (Scrum framework), and how they can be applied to DS: Define the business need and the project objective. This is usually driven by the product owner who is responsible for the product features and quality. It is the big picture stuff, but this is the core belief that you will refer back to as you build. In DS, the product owner could be the client, the business, or the end customer (for example, end user of a prediction tool). Understand what problems the product owner is facing and tailor the project proposal to meet their needs. Build the backlog. Focusing on the user requirements (“user stories” in Agile), a list of tasks is derived that you need to accomplish to build product features or improve product performance. The DS team builds the backlog together with the product owner to determine the product features and performance targets. The backlog could start from getting the data in the structured way before they can be analysed. Then it could be a list for feature selection or feature engineering, or a list of models to select, tune and optimise. Prioritise the backlog, identify the backlog tasks which will bring the most value with the least effort. In DS, not every approach is worth trying, so cover the most promising ones first. When the main ones are conveyed, you might find that the remaining others are not as important as initially thought. Do a sprint (the actual development work). Sprints are usually two-weeks cycles where high priority tasks on the backlog are worked on. In DS, each sprint could be two to four weeks depending on the team size. During the sprint, always complete the task with the highest priority before moving on to the next in line. Have daily standups. Standup meetings are for team members to be accountable to one another on their progress in the current sprint. Each team member take turns reporting their status — what was done the day before, what to do today, any potential obstacles. The most effective communication happens when DS team members meet face-to-face to share their work. Review the sprint output (sprint retrospective meeting). At the end of two weeks, there should be a functional output for the project team to demonstrate, with an incremental improvement in the product. Data scientists should share the outputs before trying to perfect the processes. Get feedback from client stakeholders and prepare for the next sprint. Regular feedback is a key principle for the Agile way of iterative incremental improvement. Prepare for the next sprint. Identify the tasks that are going well and keep doing them, and identify those that are impediments to be removed. It is important to understand that, unlike software development, DS is more experiment-based than task-based. DS helps explore data so it should be treated as multiple research experiments. Once again, build and prioritise the backlog so that the next sprint can be carried out, to work on the next improvement areas. Roll out the final product. When all stakeholders agree that no more improvement is needed in the product, it is ready for the final deployment. DS projects follow the “law of diminishing improvement”. For example, if a model has achieved 70% accuracy, the next 5–10% improvement will take a lot more effort than before, and it also depends on the limitations in the data set. Decide in the team whether the efforts are worth the incremental improvement. Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash Challenges with the client Besides having adequate communication between the DS team and the client, the client’s expectations have to be managed. All clients generally love the idea that Agile is flexible, and that it grants them more opportunities to change their mind as the project develops. However, they might not realise that such flexibility is also costly in both time and money. Here are some things you should do: The cost of flexibility Get the client to understand that flexibility is inevitably expensive. It is like how a flexible full-fare economy ticket which allows itinerary changes will cost much more than the fixed one. Making changes also means that the client is paying for past wasted time and effort. Set expectations Set the client’s expectation to commit time for frequent sprint retrospective meetings (e.g. every two weeks) to evaluate the completed sprints. On top of that, the client representative in each meeting needs to be (empowered by higher management) able to make decisions on product specifications. For Agile to work, the client needs to provide continuous feedback and priority setting to keep the project moving. Trust is important Earn the client’s trust and show them that each iteration is done with the best possible efforts to deliver value and improve the product. While holding the decision making power, the client also expects an iteration to have tremendous improvement. Such imbalance in responsibility in the client-vendor relationship should be converted to mutual trust and willingness to experiment together. Agile’s principle in collaboration means it is a team effort in both making decisions and delivering value. Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash Minimum Viable Product One key feature of the Agile way of working is the development of a minimum viable product (MVP). This is the most fundamental configuration of the product (or tool). After the project objectives have been defined, the team makes a proposal regarding the approach to the problem. This includes building the MVP within the shortest possible time (like one month for DS projects). The MVP has only the most important functionalities, but its performance may not be the most optimal. This might seem very risky – putting a less-than-finished version up for the client to test. So the team (including the client) has to be prepared for it. The purpose is to make the MVP work, test it, and see if it is really going in the correct direction of solving the problem and helping the business case. The MVP will grow better, because the DS team is going to use what they have learnt from the MVP feedback to build an improved version. Agile is about continuously deploying and learning from your mistakes, and working with the client to make the product better. Iterative nature of Agile. Figure taken from TowardsDataScience. Agile is to plan, build, test, learn, repeat. DS project deliverable Agile methodology allows data scientists to prioritize and create roadmaps based on requirements and goals. With each iteration, data scientists can learn something new, get more refined results, and ride on them for the next incremental improvement. Below are some Agile project deliverables to shape and guide project process: Project vision statement: A summary that articulates the goals for the project. Project roadmap: The high-level view of the requirements needed to achieve the project vision. Project backlog: Ordered by priority, this is the full list of what is needed to support your project. Release plan: A timetable for the release of a working product (or tool), but not documentation. Projects should be self-documenting along the way. Sprint backlog: The user stories (requirements), goals, and tasks linked to the current sprint. Increment: The working product functionality that is presented to the stakeholders at the end of the sprint and could potentially be given to the client. Summary Agile methodologies are expected to become more common for DS projects in the near future. Many data scientists have reported that it makes them more productive. This is not because the data scientists have become more skilled, but because Agile can help them optimize their projects. Instead of spending time on models that are unlikely to reveal any productive results, it is better to spend that time for other result-driven purposes. Being “agile” (flexible) means you need to adopt a dynamic approach in planning and be adaptable to the changing needs of the new situation when it arises. The Agile environment appeals to quick action, fail quickly, discuss and evaluate, then try again using a different approach or an improved method. It works great in dynamic environments where there is a potential for changing or evolving requirements.
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nearmesblog · 2 years
Agile vs Waterfall Which Development Methodology Should You Choose?
This equal example app developers applies to the idea of app developers assignment app development control with regard to the waterfall app development   It is a web development technique of the flutter developers assignment represented with the aid of using serial web designers ranges and a hard and fast plan of paintings.
Agile app development technique
In an easy and agile app development manner capable of software developers speedy and without difficulty subsequently with regards to the agile app development technique. Agile is a app developers technique of app developers assignment software developers control this is used app developers represented with the aid of using web development splitting the duties into shorter app developers segments of operating with common web designers opinions and variation of software developers plans. Similarly, the phrase waterfall app development denoting a vertical waft of water via a web development chain of steep drops. The waterfall app development version is a linear sequential software developers model in which flutter development flows majorly in a single web development course downwards through the app development levels of requirements gathering, analysis, web designers, flutter development  app developers testing, deployment. ers
                        Software developers life cycle
It is a step with the aid of using the steps app development procedure for web developers this, decided on distinctive styles of software developers program flutter developers in lifecycles in distinctive software company. Based on the app developers requirements, the perfect lifestyle app development cycle is select. The waterfall web designers fashions are one of the sorts and it’s far antique app development processing of growing a software developers program flutter development system. The agile app development version is the trendy and advancing one. Agile app development is derived from the opposite software developers  program app developer’s lifestyles web development cycles. App development Testing is greater sincere to plot and execute, as it could be performed with the aid of using app development connection with the eventualities described withinside the purposeful specified on the stop.
Agile vs Waterfall to the misunderstood
At the beginning of any app developers’ assignment loom the huge question, what assignment control software developers technique is nice for this engagement the nice flutter developer’s technique is a going and healthful debate among app developers and assignment managers, however, is that the nice approach for creating a very last choice Agile vs Waterfall software developers method tasks web development customers use distinctive styles of software developers program for app developers in lifecycle app development methodologies, relying on their they outline the manner that software developers programs tendencies work as aggrandizement.
What is Agile?
The app development capabilities are common demonstrations and check-ins with clients to get instant remarks to be withinside the subsequent iterations. When it involves created web designers products app developers teams are given a listing of guidelines, and specs, of what the patron wishes and that they burst off. From the specs, they are app development a step to finish the web development product and observe the ones till their very last merchandise, and that then receives taken to the patron. This unit agile app developers aside even though it’s far from the flutter developers technique. Say in weeks, the patron is available to observe the goods to look at how app development is come and ensuring it’s far going withinside the proper web designers course.
Benefits of Agile vs Waterfall
The primary app development advantage is the cap potential to modifications dynamically to the patron’s wants and app developers desires. A cognizance at the proposing this is of the best app development cost to the clients. It additionally could be very useful for the crew who can be the usage of it. you could want flutter developers and a fashion dressmaker for a selected app developers assignment, and if someone has the proper enjoy they can be doing both kinds of paintings on an agile crew. Because agile app developers has greater frequents check and demonstrations with the web development business, this permits for modifications to be made at a much speedy pace, which is the right information for smaller groups letter them get app developers feedbacks speedy and making it less difficult for them to regulate to the want and app development desires of the Some closing thoughts when it involves flutter development project.
Critical ensure that right assignment controller
The maximum critical issue is ensuring, that the aim is your app developers team remains on the agile app development and conventional waterfall app development, and each aspect of paintings to satisfy the required installation with the aid of using clients. Web designers Team of all sizes can use both web development methods however it facilitates to make sure you’re the usage of the proper app development method to your flutter developers team. Regardless of which one is chosen, the critical element is to ensure that the rights assignment control gear is in the vicinity to get the task performed.
Among the Agile vs Waterfall software developers methodologies, the agile app developers techniques are the collection of the app development segment wherein the software developer’s assignment is that the entire strategy utilized in the linear flutter developers approached have been the range of the software developers’ technique should be entire in a manner.
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·         Software Development
·       Mobile App Development
·         Web Development
·       UI/UX Design and Development
·       AR and VR App Development
·       IoT Application Development
·       App Development
·         iOS App Development
·         Custom Software Development
Flutter Development
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advanceagility · 2 years
Comparison Between DevOps And Agile
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 “Agile and DevOps are for harnessing integration, interaction and innovation.” 
                                                                                         - Pearl Zhu
Software Development Cycle
 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a structured practice used to build software applications for an online business where the customers can easily surf through the products to buy. SDLC consists of six important phases where each one has its own process and deliverables to move on to the next phase. The stages are planning, requirement analysis, designing, coding, testing, deployment. 
 Post discussion between the client and development team, the process of building software commences with the appropriate SDLC model according to the client’s requirements. Some of the popular models that enhance the development process are Agile and DevOps methodologies. By following the Agile Fundamentals and DevOps culture high-quality products are produced.
What is Agile Methodology?
Agile methodology is an approach introduced to overcome the challenges faced in the Waterfall model where the development team and operations team faced conflicts in deploying codes. Agile model processed with clearly defined iteration method to produce better end results by breaking the process into micro processes. This model is practiced when,
Frequent changes are required.
When a highly skilled team is available.
The client is ready to have meetings with the software team frequently
For smaller projects.  
And programs like Certified agile leaderships guide the team members to identify the tasks better to improve the quality of the deliverables.
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What is the concept of DevOps?
DevOps is a culture that promotes collaboration between Development and Operation teams to reduce the conflicts and increase the organization speed by implementing continuous integration with the use of multiple tools like, Git, Ansible, Docker, Jenkins, Puppet, Kubernetes, Chef and Nagios at the different stages of the process in delivering high end products for the clients. These tools help in providing DevOps solutions instead of spending a lot of time in designing, testing and deploying codes in isolation work models.
  DevOps creates an opportunity for both the teams to work together continuously. Because of which the DevOps engineers are highly in demand. To fulfil the requirements of clients and work efficiently as a team, it is important for the team members to gain better knowledge about the tools and be skilled at using them by undertaking DevOps training programs available for programmers.
Some of the key features of DevOps methodology are:
High speed
Continuous Integration
Continuous delivery
 Practices in Agile
 Here are some significant agile fundamentals that needs to be followed by agile team to work efficiently:
Self-managing teams that can divide the work into micro increments to complete in an iteration or sprints.
Setting on communication guidelines is important to avoid conflict among the team members.
Motivation to build projects with trust and respect.
Focusing on product backlog prioritization.
Scrum master who can teach and facilitates team members effectively.
Agile VS DevOps
 Basically, to produce maximum results in designing a proper software application, companies prefer to adopt both Agile and DevOps methodologies. Some of the key functions of both the approaches are:
Agile encourages collaboration between the developers and product management. DevOps emphasizes collaboration between development and operation teams.
DevOps approach is considered to be the missing part of the agile model.
The Agile model prioritizes individuals, communication and responding to changes. DevOps works on the development process and running applications.
Ultimately, both the approaches share the same goals to increase the speed and quality of the software development process.
The Agile model consists of frameworks like Scrum and Kanban that help improve the quality of the team, which can be learned through programs like certified agile leadership. 
As DevOps requires tools to increase the efficiency of the team, DevOps training programs help them to use multiple tools in practical examples.
Title Description
 1.     What are the Agile Fundamentals?
1.      Agile fundamentals or principles encourage continuous collaboration with clients.
Constant updates and continuous delivery of results.
Delivering on a fixed timescale.
Rules of collaboration need to be followed.
Team members are empowered enough to be self-reliant.
2.     Benefits of having a Certified Agile Leadership in a project
Improved time management skills. As projects are planned out in agile models it is important to have a clear idea about the type of schedule that needs to be followed.
Trains you to manage the ebbs and flows of a company.
Helps you to set realistic goals to get maximum results.
When you possess a certified agile leadership, you make an impact with your proper strategies.
Your relationships with company and customer improve and strengthens with time.
3.     What skills are acquired through DevOps Training?
Every industry is following DevOps culture to produce maximum results. And companies are looking for DevOps engineers more than ever with proper skills to tackle the tasks efficiently.
 Here are some skills recruiters are demanding for in a DevOps engineer which can be acquired through training:
Knowledge in Linux fundamentals and scripting languages like Python, Ruby, Pearl etc.
The candidate gets well versed in tools like Puppet, Chef and Ansible on Linux. And other DevOps tools and technologies used at different stages in DevOps methodology.
The DevOps engineer not only gets to know about the tools also learns to use the tools in appropriate stages of a production process.
 DevOps Training also helps engineers to cultivate a positive relationship with clients and company.
About Advance Agility
We, at Advance Agility, are the new-age Agile Coaching, Consulting and IT services company. We enable end-to-end Digital Transformation. Agile execution is integral to our being. We are doing SAFe implementation with small, medium and large organization across the globe. Our vision is to be the leading Agile execution player globally. To keep adding value at every process stage. We are on a mission to empower our clients, move from concept to cash in the shortest sustainable lead time by adopting human centric approach to business agility. Embracing the change is in our DNA. Things that keep us apart are Quicker and Seamless execution with End-to-end gamut of services. Our Global presence and Stellar Track Record give us an edge over our competitor.
Connect with us at advanceagility.com to learn about SAFe and SAFe Implementation. We provide various SAFe certification courses along with DevOps, Scrum, Agile Coaching and more trainings. Write to us at [email protected] for any agile training or consulting needs. We are always looking for competent agile trainers as well. So if you are a good trainer or want to become one, do get in touch with us to that we can learn, grow and achieve together.
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alexduecode · 3 years
Code Quality Analysis
Everyone loves to work on quality software program development that performs efficiently and quickly. The most crucial benefit of successful quality code is that programmers can maintain it without any flaw. You should have a test plan to achieve this. While performing code quality analysis, the main consideration must be that all the variables are tested under various scenarios.
What is Code Quality?
Programmers must be confident that a program is free of bugs for it to work correctly while at the same time meeting the requirements of clients and developers. It is called code quality. The problem is that finding the 'best' or safest coding practices can be very hard - especially when there are so many options.
In computer programming, we use the terms "quality of code" and "operating systems" all the time. But how do we calculate the level of accuracy? What exactly is a "good" or "bad" code?
How is Code Quality Measured?
Many different things contribute to better code quality. Moreover, all of the characteristics are measurable using various methods.
The main goal of quality management includes enhancing the product or service life-cycle processes and maintainability over the lifetime of the entity being tested. The main objectives here include reducing cycle times, increasing throughput, reliability of products or services, and extending product support life.
Some of these objectives are directly attached with the enhancing a program's readability for the life of the project. Thus, quality management endeavors to achieve lifelong viability and maintainability over the lifetime of the entity being tested.
That's why some organizations have opted to outsource their code quality evaluations. By hiring professional coders, these organizations get the assurance they need without having to spend a lot of money.
Manual VS Automated Reviews:
The code review process can be divided into two distinct categories:
While a team of developers may perform all aspects of the coding process, a business cannot afford to leave the final analysis up to the developer alone. By going the final analysis to the programmer, the code-review team members must follow a specific checklist.
Using a Code Review Checklist:
This checklist ensures that the code has been thoroughly reviewed and only unneeded code is added to the project. In addition, because many version control systems are based on an open-source programming language, software developers can contribute code back to the project, thereby adding another security layer.
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Measuring Code Quality:
Before they measure code quality, programmers need to have clear answers to these questions. For example, how do you program in a language that has no memory model and no memory visibility? How do you test for the functional properties of a program? What about performance testing - what type of performance testing is necessary for you to verify whether or not your programming is correct and meets your coding standards? Why do you need a programming language with a formal memory model and formal memory visibility?
Code Quality Metrics:
Qualitative Metrics:
Qualitative code quality metrics are essential to the enterprise, as they provide information that can help estimating the viability. These metrics are an integral part of the Agile and waterfall approaches to software development. Those responsible for quality assurance monitor these metrics and make it meet the stakeholders' requirements. They also make sure that it is well maintainable.
The primary metrics used in Qualitative measurement are Productivity, error ratio, code complexity, code quality, code validation, code governance, code maintenance, and code stability. These measurements are most commonly used for project scheduling and backlog analysis.
By following these methods, software development teams make code easy to change. It also becomes easy for software engineers to work on changes simultaneously. As a result, this approach reduces time spent on code improvement. Software development time is also reduced because programmers can now complete the process within the designated period.
Businesses must determine what components make up the typical "code footprint." it consists of the size of the executable files, global, shared library, and embedded systems, and code written using different programming languages. Businesses, therefore, need extensibility metrics to determine code complexity. We can define extensibility metrics to measure code uniqueness, code reusability, code maintainability, code portability, and code configuration.
High-efficiency metrics help a business determine the factors that affect its profitability.
3.Size of source code files:
One way of measuring code quality is to evaluate the size of the source code files. Large codebases have many more code elements than small code bases. So large codebases typically contain both legacy code and source code. Thus, a business must evaluate the degree to which its code has complexity.
Another way of measuring quality is to analyze readability. The degree to which code can be scanned and understandable by other developers is called readability. Test runners commonly measure readability by comparing it to different regulations in the same project. But there are other methods also. One popular method is code inspection, where developers randomly check code for syntax and semantics. Code analysis employs the matrices to compare the structural variables against the specification.
Another crucial facet of quality check is maintenance history of the project. Often, code modifications introduce bugs or potential problems with the code's readability. A business's code maintenance history can provide a company with a history of changes to a codebase. If these changes are consistent with the specification, the code has high quality. On the other hand, if these changes are not compatible with the specification, the code has room for improvement.
One other aspect to consider when evaluating high-quality code is code clarity. Good code clarity means that readers can understand and execute the code. Transparency can be increased by employing techniques such as concise statements, code formatting, and comments. However, code clarity and readability is a trade-off: A code with too many words will be challenging to read. It may compromise readability due to the nesting of code in problematic code paths. Therefore, when assessing code quality, one should look at the code's readability and its clarity.
Quantitative Metrics:
Quantitative code quality metrics are a great way to ensure the quality of your products or services. They provide you with quantitative proof and quality indicators that are typically utilized within quality control. These indicators often come in the form of quality scores, or "weighted" micro functions, where there is a measure of how a numerical value interacts with one or more other quantitative quantities. Such measurements are critical to quality assurance within the manufacturing and engineering domains.
1.Cyclical Function Metrics:
Quantitative Code Quality Metrics, also known as cyclical function metrics, attempt to track changes in variables over time; thus, they try to describe the behavior of underlying economic activity and economic structure over any given time frame. In the past few decades, it has become popular to introduce quantifying decisions into decision-making processes. However, programmers conducted such decisions only manually in the past. This quantitative code quality metrics methodology makes it possible to track and quantify the relative change in components over time. These techniques are used to optimize production processes and better understand the relationship between characteristics of particular inputs and their impact on the performance of the entire operation.
2.Weighted Micro Function Points:
Quantitative methods may also employ scientific methods. Weighted micro function points method use the theory of variance, sampling, and geometric properties of the source code to estimate the results of various numerical outcomes.
In addition to this general statistical measurement methods used in quantitative code quality metrics, more specific tests are available to determine the metric system's robustness. The most commonly used tests are the goodness-of-fit and the coefficient of variance of the metrics.
3.The goodness-of-fit test:
It is often derived by fitting a standard curve to the data set, while the coefficient of variance measures the deviation of the mean value from the target value. As a result, the performance metric may be correct if the result deviates from the mean value. Thus, it is an important safety measure in quantitative analysis. A suitable example of a good standard for this criterion is the square of the numerical difference between the actual and predicted value of the function.
Code Quality Tools:
With code review tools, a team can easily track and trace bugs within an application, reducing the need for manual intervention. However, it may be impractical for companies with multiple teams to assess the complete scope of each team's code review process.
The most frequently used code review tools strive to enhance developer productivity, aimed at peer reviews. Code review tools do the following job:
Assist team collaboration
Enhance communication during application development
Incorporating it as a part of everyday tasks
Automated code maintenance
Code refactoring
Code rewriting
All these features ensure that a team can focus on their tasks. Most tools are designed to aid programmers in writing a quality program and reduce bugs. However, some also have features that target other problems such as documentation issues.
Top Code Quality Analysis Tools:
How do Code Quality Analysis Tools Work?
Open source tools are specifically designed to perform automated deep-analysis of code in various programming languages. These include C/C++, Java, as well as Python to find vulnerabilities and check for syntactical flaws. They also measure various deficiencies in meeting the standards of quality.
For example, if thousands of rows containing code are present in a project, there would be at least hundreds of unique sources of errors. In other words, every line of code in the project could potentially contain a weakness, and thus, thousands of errors would be found. However, most problems in projects can be quickly identified because they are already at a very early stage.
As a result, the number of defects is usually kept low, which means the number of bugs can be quickly identified and repaired during the project's development phase. In addition, the automated process that utilizes static code analyzers can ensure that any significant changes are made before the final release. Another advantage of using this tool for analyzing source code is that it can alert the maintainers of software and hardware products to potential issues early on. Then, the appropriate fixes can be done for them to avoid any future problems.
Bottom Line:
The best way to measure quality is by collecting, comparing, and communicating the results of your code reviews with other team members and developers. If you have the proper tools to manage the data and compare it, you can focus on the results that you want to see. Measurement results can be compared against your previous efforts, plans, and the needs of your business. If your measurements show that the code you produce meets your objectives more closely, you can improve the tools and training you use to create the same principle or refactor the existing code to meet your business goals more precisely.
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