The Parent Trap-Part 5
Part 1         My Master List
Pairing: Sam X past reader, Sam X Ruby (currently)
A/N: Did you like the movie “The Parent Trap” as a kid? It is one of my favorite movies! I decided to write my own version, with a Supernatural twist, of course!
Summary: Mary Winchester and Annie Campbell meet at summer camp, and they quickly realize they look too much alike for it to be a coincidence.  They are twins! Their parents, Sam Winchester and Y/N Campbell divorced 12 years before, each taking custody of one girl.  Now Sam lives in California and Y/N in New York.  The girls hatch a plan to bring their parents back together, but will Sam’s new fiancee ruin their plans?
A/N/N: The girls' thoughts are in italics
New York City was like nothing Mary had ever seen before.  There were people everywhere, and the sounds and smells of the Big Apple were nothing like California. There was a frenetic vibe here that was completely different from anything on the West Coast.
“So Carlos has been asking me pretty much every day when you were coming home.” you told Mary conversationally.  “He’s been pretty mopey since you’ve been gone.”
Carlos.  He’s Annie’s friend that lives next door.  I got this!
“He just missed having someone to walk to the garage with him,” Mary said lightly, looking to you for your reaction.
You grinned at her.  “Well, someone has to make sure he doesn’t eat his Dad’s dinner on the way.  He is a growing boy.”
Conversation flowed easily as the two of you sat in the snarl of traffic out of the airport.  After what seemed like an eternity, the cab pulled up to a quaint, old building with dark marbled stairs worn smooth from years of feet, and tall narrow windows overlooking the street.  Many of those windows held boxes filled with flowers, and Mary was enchanted.  It was a scene right out of “West Side Story”, one of her favorite musicals.
She was struggling to drag Annie’s bag up from the curb when she felt a hand grab it.  Whirling around in surprise,  her eyes met those of a tall muscular boy and she froze for a second.
“ ‘bout time you’re back from wilderness prison!” He said with a smirk.  “So I guess you didn’t get eaten by a bear, huh?”
Inside, Mary was panicking.   Who is this? I think it’s Carlos., but I’m not 100% sure, so I’ll just play along until he clues me in.  He’s cute, like really, really cute.  I hope he IS Carlos.
“Yeah, you wish. I’ll try to get eaten by a bear next time,” she replied with Annie’s typical sass.  “So, anything exciting happen while I was gone?” she couldn’t seem to stop staring at him.
“Nah, same old same old.” The boy replied with a shrug,  still giving no clue to his identity.
As you headed up the front steps, you turned and spoke.  “ I know how much you like my beef stew, Carlos.  Why don’t you come over for dinner? I made it for Annie’s first dinner back.”
Carlos nodded.  “Sure Ms. C. I just gotta let my Ma know.”
He carried the bag to the top of the steps, and Mary grabbed for the handle, accidentally taking his hand in hers. His hand was huge with long callused fingers. She yelped and dropped his hand like it was on fire, hoping that you didn’t notice the awkward moment.
You gestured towards your daughter. “Are you coming, or would you rather fight Carlos for your bag?”
“What? No! I’m right behind you.” Mary insisted.
“See you later, Carlos. Say hi to your Mom for me!” you called over your shoulder.
You were already on your way down the hall.  Mary grabbed her bag and ran to catch up.  She turned to look back.  Carlos was still standing in the doorway staring after her, a confused look on his face.
The text message alert beeped on her phone, and Mary pulled it out of her pocket and scanned it quickly.
Dad has been “seeing someone”. She is coming to dinner tonight. Call to discuss. 11PM your time.
“Oh no!” Mary whispered.  This could ruin everything!  She quickly sent back a reply.
OK. Talk tonight. We need a plan.
The car headed up the long driveway and stopped in front of a sprawling split-level house.  A large black and white dog came bounding out the door jumping around excitedly and barking.  “Juliet, calm down you maniac!” A pretty blond woman said as she emerged from the house.
“Mary! Thank goodness you’re back! Finally another woman around here besides Juliet! I’ve missed you, Kid. Oh my god! Let me see your hair!” She took Annie’s hands, and Annie did an obligatory spin for her before she was pulled in for a hug.
“Hi, Donna! I missed you too!” Annie said as she hugged the housekeeper warmly.  Mary had shared how close she was to Donna, and Annie could already tell she was going to like her.
“I LOVE it!” Donna pronounced. “So chic! Who cut it?” She asked as she fingered it.
“One of my bunk-mates,” Annie said offhandedly, not mentioning any names.
“Juliet sure missed you! She pouted in your room the whole time you were gone.  Jules! Mary is home!” Donna called to the dog who was chasing something across the yard.
I am Mary. I am Mary. I am Mary.
“Hey, Juliet! Come here, baby!” Annie called, and the dog came running.  Before Juliet reached her, she stopped in front of her and looked at Annie warily.
“Jules, it’s Mary! What is wrong with you?” Sam asked as he joined them.
Oh, crap! The dog knows I’m not Mary!
Annie ran to Juliet, fell to her knees, and hugged her. “I missed you so much! Do I smell like the woods?” She kissed Juliet’s head, and the dog licked her face once and trotted off.  There was an awkward silence.
“That was weird.” Uncle Dean finally said after a moment.  “Got anything to eat, Donna? I’m starving!”
“What else is new?” Donna grumbled. “I can make some sandwiches.” Come help me, Mary. I want to hear all about camp!” Donna held out her hand, and Annie grabbed it and headed toward the house.
“We’ll be up as soon as we get the bags from the car,” Sam told Donna and he and Dean headed back toward Dean’s car.
“So Dad’s been seeing someone? What’s up with that? Who is she?” Annie asked, looking behind her to see if Sam and Dean were coming.
“Don’t even get me started on her,” Donna said with a toss of her shoulder as she opened the refrigerator and grabbed sandwich fixings and put them on the counter.
“Come on Donna….spill it!” Annie whispered eagerly.
Donna sighed, seemingly wrestling with herself.  “Okay, fine. He met her at some charity thing.  Her name is Ruby.  She is pretty, yeah, but she is so not his type! I know a gold digger when I see one. But your Dad’s been so lonely and he looks at her like she hung the moon.”
“Shhhh...Here they come!” Annie hissed.
“I hate airport food!” Dean exclaimed as he entered the kitchen, and Annie and Donna quickly separated.  Annie tried not to look guilty.
“Well don’t eat too much, because I’m making a special dinner tonight.“  Donna reminded him, not looking happy about it.
Annie turned to Sam as he entered behind Dean.  “So Dad? Who’s coming to dinner tonight?”
“And I’m outta here!” Dean said quickly, grabbing his plate and bolting from the kitchen.
“Coward!” Donna called after him.  “I’m gonna give you two some privacy, I think.” She said as she gave Sam a telling look.  “We’ll catch up later, okay, Mary?”
Annie nodded as she waited for her father to speak.  He took a deep breath.  “Mary, honey, you have been my whole world for as long as I can remember.  But as fun, as that’s been, I’ve missed being with someone.”  
I’ll try playing dumb, see where that gets me. Annie thought.
“But Daddy, you have lots of friends! And you always have Uncle Dean.” Annie said earnestly.
Sam frowned slightly.  “I know, Mary. That’s not what I mean. I miss being with someone, romantically.”
Annie smiled sweetly.  “But you were involved with someone romantically.  My mother.  But you never talk about her, do you?”
“Now Mary….” Sam began.
Annie stood up abruptly. “I’m gone two weeks, and you suddenly have a girlfriend?  What’s next, we’re moving to Alaska? I can’t believe this, are you TRYING to ruin my life, Dad?” Throwing her plate in the sink, she started to yell to throw Sam off his game.  “I bet you planned this whole camp thing to get me out of the way so you could shack up with your GIRLFRIEND while I was out of the way, didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU?”
Sam looked utterly gobsmacked. He had no idea what was happening.  One minute they were having a normal conversation, and now Mary was screaming.  What the hell was going on?
The next thing he knew, he was in the kitchen by himself, and he could hear Mary stomping up the stairs to her room. “I HATE YOU!” He heard her yelling.
Dean returned now that the coast was clear.  “She seems thrilled about Ruby.” He deadpanned to his brother.
“I haven’t even told her yet,” Sam said quietly.
“What now?” Dean asked. “Then what was all the screaming about?”
“I don’t know, I really don’t.  One minute I’m telling her I miss being with someone, then she brings up Y/N, then she’s screaming and stomping away.” Sam looked worried.
Dean sat down across from Sam, looking thoughtful for a moment.  “She brought up Y/N?  What did she say exactly?”
“Something about how I never talk about her, and then she accused me of sending her to camp to get her out of the way so I could “shack up” with Ruby. She’s never yelled at me like that before.” He scrubbed a hand over his face.  “She sounded just like her.”
“Like who?” Dean asked, confused.
“Like Y/N,” Sam said sadly, memories washing over him.
“Better get used to it, man. She’s a teenager.  Are you sure this dinner tonight is a good idea?” Dean questioned. “Maybe give her a day or two to simmer down.”
Sam shook his head. “I promised Ruby.  We want to tell her tonight.”
Dean looked shocked. “Her first night home? Are you sure? Especially after this?  She’s your daughter Sam, but if I were you, I would tell Ruby to slow down a little. If she wants you, Mary is part of the package too.”
“I hear what you're saying, but I want Mary to meet the woman I love, the sooner the better. She and Ruby will get along great, I know it.” Sam said stubbornly. Ruby had him under her spell, and Dean saw it, even if Sam couldn’t.
“It’s your funeral, dude,” Dean said finally. “ Maybe you should take Ruby and Mary out tonight? Someplace that’s neutral territory?  Then they will both be on their best behavior, and me and Donna don’t have to be there.”
Part 6
@ladylaylo @elfinmox @missihart23 @jordanjaspergreen-griffin-blake @kendall-michele @mlovesstories @sophster1881 @youngestxhearts @klanceiscannon14 @missbell97 @waterfeenix137 @itsmariwithani @supernatural-harrypotter7 @starstruckzonkoperatorbat @oddone92-blog @priya212 @menewyn @whereismykrustykrab @katy80us @emilyshurley  @skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it@tokyoghoulyz @pinknerdpanda  @atc74 @jayankles  @notnaturalanahi @midnightjazzmine @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals @winchestergirl-love @gecko9596 @ronnie248-blog @essie1876 @bohowitch @just-another-busy-fangirl @jotink78 @captainradicalpassion @keelzy2 @disneymarina @kittenofdoomage @mrswhozeewhatsis @oriona75 @frankiea1998 @akshi8278 @stylinson531 @valynsia @dr-dean @theoutlinez  @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek    @luciisthebest  @laurenisnot @maddieburcham1  @canadianjelly @muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5 @weasleywinchester @samisimportant-blog @fatalcrossbow  @violetsamalamb @letmusicguideu @grantsgorgeousgirl @faegal04 @feelmyroarrrr @kay18115@milkymilky-cocopuff cocopuff @mikimausiii @the-greatest-temptation @superpanicromancesummer @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @emoryhemsworth @squirrel-moose-winchester @jennifromtheblock1013 @spnbaby-67 @mogaruke @sweetmisseddreams2002 @redheadbedhead2002 @negan–is–god @spnwoman @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @maximumkillshot @sweetpeamoose @mrs-meghan-winchester @woodworthti666  @herbologystudent252 @sandlee44 @blackcherrywhiskey @andkatiethings  @wildefire @thoughtfullyfurryangel @apeshit7x @klanceiscannon14 @curly-haired-disaster @becca-ca @deliciouslydisturbed365 @fandomismyspirit @healojane @thewinchesterchronicles
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bamby0304 · 6 years
OH. MY. GOOOOOOD! Girl this is by far and away one of THE best stories (With Wolves) I have EVER READ! AND I am comparing this with published kings and queens of the literary world. Just got done with ch.20 and just every chapter has me salivating for more! BRAVA MADAM! 👏👏👏🔥❤🔥Cant wait for next week! Just OMG.
Wow... just... wow... this is not the kind of response I was expecting... wow. Thank you!! xx
Btw... not sure if you saw... but your tag still isn’t working, so I’ve unfortunately removed you from the list... I’m sorry!!
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seenashwrite · 6 years
One For The Road
Word Count: 341 Category: Drabble, Family, Heart-Grabber, Life, Endings and beginnings Character(s): Dean & Sam Warnings: None Author’s Note(s): Submitted for your approval, a proposed final scene; as Louis L’Amour once wrote: “There will come a time when you believe everything is finished - that will be the beginning.” Overall Summary: It’s last call - but some roads never end.
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It was over.
Sam had barely settled into his seat before Dean was placing a cold beer in front of him.
“Another one for the books,” Dean commented with a sigh, plopping down across from Sam with his own beer, then extending his arm.
A tired smile came to Sam’s face, and he raised his bottle, meeting Dean’s with a clink. “You think we’re getting too old for this?”
Dean took a swig, seemed to actually consider the question, but he quickly swallowed. “Nah. We’re too good at it.”
Sam’s smile faded. “This last one, though... I mean, how many more do we have in us? I’m not kidding here, Dean.”
“How many more what?”
“Fights. Because the monsters keep coming---”
“Then we keep going.”
Sam tried again. “When is enough, enough? Here’s another ‘how many’: How many more Azazels? Abaddons? Amaras? And---”
“You planning on going through the whole alphabet? ‘Cause I’ll need another beer.”
“Can you be serious for a second?”
Dean momentarily appeared to be gearing up for a snarky comeback, but - to Sam’s surprise - his expression turned solemn. “I know this last one almost kicked our asses. I get you feeling like that, you’ve had a hard... what’s it been, about fourteen? Fifteen years since you’ve been back in the game?”
“It’s been hard on you, too,” Sam pointed out, his tone gentle. “Maybe it’s really time to call it a day.”
Dean stared at Sam for a few beats of silence. “It may be,” he replied quietly.
The moment didn’t last long.
Castiel came into the kitchen, a frown on his face. “We might have a new problem,” he announced.
Sam’s eyes closed as he brought a hand up to rub his forehead, letting out a small groan while he was at it, but it turned into a chuckle - and when he looked across the table again, he was met with a smirk and raised eyebrows.
He gave his brother a single nod, and now Dean grinned.
“Sammy? We got work to do.”
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The Nashooligan Forevers....
 @butiaintgonnaloveem   @impandagrl    @waywardjoy  @jalove-wecallhimdean  @jame-sbarnes  @just-another-busyfangirl  @amanda-teaches  @fanforfanatic  @salt-n-burn-em-all  @idreamofhazel  @cyrilconnelly  @rozadolphin  @theblackharrystyles   @carryonmycobaltangel  @ilsawasanacrobat  @klaineaholic  @helvonasche   @ericaprice2008  @amionthetumbler  @tankcupcakes  @littlegreenplasticsoldier  @emlostinwonderland  @michellethetvaddict  @theoriginalvicki  @ellen-reincarnated1967  @copperseraphim  @mrswhozeewhatsis  @crowleylovesyou  @bumbleball13  @becominglionhearted @raspberrymama  @lastactiontricia  @babypieandwhiskey  @winchesterprincessbride   @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition   @roseblue373   @waterfeenix137   @thisismysecrethappyplace  @fandomismyspirit  @thedevilinthedetails​  @rainflowermoon   @akshi8278  @deansenwackles​  @juppschmitz 
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buckychristwrites · 6 years
Also hanging on by a thread waiting to see what happens with pizza dude. It's like a fic in the making!
I messaged him last night at around 9pm and it’s now 7:30am and he never replied!!! But at least i put myself out there!!!! 😊💜
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The Parent Trap-Part 4
Part 1                        My Master List
Pairing: Sam X past reader, Sam X Ruby (currently)
A/N: Did you like the movie “The Parent Trap” as a kid? It is one of my favorite movies! I decided to write my own version, with a Supernatural twist, of course!
Summary:  Mary Winchester and Annie Campbell meet at summer camp, and they quickly realize they look too much alike for it to be a coincidence.  They are twins! Their parents, Sam Winchester and Y/N Campbell divorced 12 years before, each taking custody of one girl.  Now Sam lives in California and Y/N in New York.  The girls hatch a plan to bring their parents back together, but will Sam’s new fiancee ruin their plans?  Mary
“Are you sure you can do this?” Mary asked doubtfully as Annie pulled a pair of scissors from her suitcase.
“Piece of cake!” Annie replied confidently. “Just have a little faith, okay?” Looking at herself critically in the mirror, she began to snip away at Mary’s long hair.
Mary shut her eyes tightly and prayed she wouldn’t end up bald.  Her Dad loved her hair, and when she finally did go home she knew he was going to have a fit.  Sorry, Daddy, she thought to herself as her head felt lighter and lighter.
“There!” Annie said with a flourish.  “Open your eyes, for Pete’s sake!”
When Mary looked at her reflection in the mirror, her mouth dropped open in surprise.  “Oh my gosh! I look just like…”
“Me!” Her twin finished. “I know, right?” She leaned her head in next to Mary’s. “They will never be able to tell us apart now.”
“Where do I go to school?” Annie asked after thinking for a moment.
“Washington Junior High,” Mary answered promptly, responding with a question of her own.  “What does Uncle Dean call his car?”
Annie paused.  “His Baby?” She asked tentatively.
“Are you asking me or telling me?” Mary questioned.
Biting back the bitchy remark she really wanted to say, Annie replied, “Telling you, oh great and mighty quiz mistress.”
Mary sighed and crossed her arms, looking so much like their mom when she was mad it was comical. “This is serious! We don’t have to just look like each other.  We have to be each other for this to work.  You get that, right?”
“Yeah, I get it! I know what’s at stake here!” Annie grumbled.  So what are my neighbors' names?”
“The Espositos on the right, Mrs. Dunner on the left, and the Jacobson's across the hall!” Mary grinned triumphantly.  “What’s my best friend’s name?”
“Abby.  No, wait! Ashley? Aubrey?”  Annie had never been good at memorizing things.
“NO! It’s Ivy! How’s it going to look when I come home from camp and I don’t know my best friends name? You have to get this stuff or you aren’t going to last a day!” Mary ran her hands through her now-short hair in frustration.
“Look, I’m trying! I don’t have a photographic memory like you! I’m doing the best I can, so stop yelling at me!” Annie demanded as she jumped off her bunk and began to pace.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Mary asked quietly.  “We go home tomorrow. It’s not too late to back out.  We can think of something else.”
“No way. We are doing this. Now shut up and ask me another question.” Annie said determinedly.
“Did you really need all this stuff?” Annie hissed as she tried to maneuver Mary’s bags out the door.
As the twins exited their cabin and headed to say goodbye to their friends, they ran into Mrs. Rinaldi.  “Well, girls. I hope you enjoyed camp. I’m glad you were able to work out your differences. I like your hair, Mary.”
“Thanks. Camp was fun.” Annie responded. Mary just nodded in agreement, and Mrs. Rinaldi moved on.
Annie had an earlier flight than Mary, so she was in the first van to the airport.  They started to load up, and she turned to her sister.  “Well, this is it, I guess.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Mary echoed and launched herself into Annie’s arms. “I’m so happy we found each other.” She whispered in her sister’s ear, hugging her tightly.
Annie returned the hug. “Me too.  You have my number. Text me with updates. Operation Double Trouble starts now.” She said with a grin.
Mary watched Annie’s van pull away, and felt a strange emptiness, like part of her, was missing.  She had never felt this way before.  Since she had some time to kill,  she decided to go and talk to some of Annie’s bunkmates from Evergreen Cabin. She wanted to see if her “Annie” could fool them and if she needed to tweak it at all.  
Mary spent the next two hours talking to Annie’s friends and they had no idea whatsoever that she wasn’t Annie.  This is going to be so easy. She thought smugly.  When it was time, she loaded her stuff into the van, said goodbye to her “friends”, and was soon on her way to the airport.
The flight from Michigan to La Guardia was boring, but Mary just couldn’t let herself relax.  At the end of this, she was going to get to meet her mother…..finally!  But as far as she was concerned, it had only been two weeks since she’d last seen her.
As the plane taxied to the gate, she began to panic.  She pulled out her phone, and there was a text from Annie, code-named “Amanda” in case anyone saw her phone. But she was supposed to delete the texts as soon as she read them, just to be safe.
It said simply, You got this! She grinned as she deleted the text. “Darn right, I do.” She told herself.
Mary would have recognized you anywhere. You were standing at the edge of the crowd of people, and your face broke out in an excited grin as soon as you saw her.  You ran forward, enveloping her into a hug, and Mary held tightly for a moment, reveling in your embrace.  You smelled like honeysuckle.
“I sure missed you, Annie! I know it’s only been two weeks, but I swear you got taller! How is that even possible? So, did you have fun?”
“Yeah, I did, but I’m really happy to be home with you,” Mary told her mother with a smile.
“How was the food? Still awful?” you asked, wrinkling your nose.
“You have no idea.”
“I made your favorite for dinner to welcome you home,” you told Mary as the two of you headed towards the baggage claim area.
“Beef stew, yay!” Mary said brightly, trying to summon up some enthusiasm. The fact that she had been a vegetarian for the past year was going to be a bit of a problem. Annie told her to just not eat the meat and if you asked to make up a story about one of your bunkmates being a vegan and really rubbing off on you.
I am Mary, I am Mary, I am Mary.
Annie kept telling herself this over and over during the flight from Michigan to San Diego.  Her nerves were wound so tight she felt like she was going to explode. Something told her that Mary would need some encouragement, so she sent her a quick text using her “Amanda” alias. She got a smiley-face back in return. Mary was “Megan” in her phone to throw off suspicion.
In a few minutes, she would get off the plane as Mary Winchester, and “Operation Double Trouble” would be in motion.  They hadn’t really discussed how long they were going to let this go before revealing their true identities, but they had the rest of the summer to figure that out.
Annie paused on the jetway and looked back at the plane.  There was no turning back.  She took a deep breath, threw her carryon over her shoulder, and marched out the door into the airport.  There were a lot of people waiting, and she didn’t see anyone, so she stopped and scanned the crowd.
“Mary? Holy crap, what did you do to your hair?” A deep voice said behind Annie, and she whirled around. A tall man was standing behind her with a playful grin on his face.
“Hey, Uncle Dean! I cut it, do you like it?” Holy crap, Uncle Dean was hot! Mary didn’t say our uncle was practically a male model!
He pulled you into a hug. ‘I can actually see your face now, it looks good.”
“Where is Dad?  Didn’t he come?” Annie tried to keep the disappointment from her voice.
“And miss his baby girl’s arrival? Are you kidding? He’s in the bathroom. He’s gonna be so mad that I got to see you first.  So, did you like camp? Juliet has been pouting since you left.”
Juliet….Juliet….Oh yeah, the dog.  “I can’t wait to see my baby, I’ve missed her so much!” Annie tried her best to sound convincing. In fact, she was a little nervous about meeting the dog. Mary had assured her Juliet was a big teddy bear, but big dogs made her nervous.
“Mary, baby, you’re home!” An even taller man came sprinting up to her and Dean, and Annie’s mouth dropped slightly.  None of her friends' dads looked like him. Whoa!
“Hi, Daddy!” She said in her best Mary-ish voice and he enveloped her in a hug.  He was huge.
“You cut your hair, I see.” He said, fingering the short strands.
“Yep, my bunkmate Amanda cut it. I really like it this way.” Annie said defiantly, waiting to see how he would respond.
“Well, if you like it, then I do too,” Sam told her.  “Let’s go get your bags and head home.”
They headed out to the parking garage, both of them peppering her with questions about camp.  They stopped at a gorgeous black classic car, and Annie ran her hand over its shiny bumper. She was a total gear-head.  Her neighbor Mr. Esposito worked in a garage, and sometimes she and her friend Carlos, his son, would go visit him at the shop when he was working late to bring him dinner.
She looked up, and Uncle Dean was giving her an odd look. “Don’t tell me you missed my Baby while you were gone?” He said with a smirk.
“I missed everything, Uncle Dean! Even you!”
The drive home was breathtaking. The city soon gave way to rolling hills, beaches and ocean. California was breathtaking. Uncle Dean was really funny and made Annie laugh.
“So what did you do while I was gone, Dad? Anything exciting?” Annie asked Sam.
Sam and Dean exchanged a look. “Actually, honey, I wanted to talk to you about that,” Sam told Annie.  “I’ve been seeing someone, and I spent some time with her while you were gone. I’d like you to meet her. She’s going to join us for dinner tonight.”
She looked at him in horror. “Seeing her? Like a girlfriend?”
Before Sam could answer, his phone rang.  It was his office calling, and he started talking in legal-ese and Annie tuned out. Unzipping her backpack, she slid her hands inside and grabbed her phone.  She quickly sent Mary a text.
Dad has been “seeing someone”. She is coming to dinner tonight. I will call to discuss. 1 a.m. NY time. set your alarm!
Part 5
@ladylaylo @elfinmox @missihart23 @jordanjaspergreen-griffin-blake @kendall-michele @mlovesstories @sophster1881 @youngestxhearts @klanceiscannon14 @missbell97 @waterfeenix137 @itsmariwithani @supernatural-harrypotter7 @starstruckzonkoperatorbat @oddone92-blog @priya212 @menewyn @whereismykrustykrab @katy80us @skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it@tokyoghoulyz @pinknerdpanda  @atc74 @jayankles  @notnaturalanahi  @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals @winchestergirl-love @gecko9596 @ronnie248-blog @essie1876 @bohowitch @just-another-busy-fangirl @jotink78 @captainradicalpassion @keelzy2 @disneymarina @kittenofdoomage @mrswhozeewhatsis @oriona75 @frankiea1998 @akshi8278 stylinson531 @valynsia @dr-dean   @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek    @luciisthebest  @laurenisnot   @canadianjelly @muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5 @weasleywinchester @samisimportant-blog @fatalcrossbow   @letmusicguideu  @faegal04 @feelmyroarrrr @kay18115@milkymilky-cocopuff @mikimausiii @the-greatest-temptation @superpanicromancesummer @wh1sp3r1ng-impala-deactivated20 @emoryhemsworth @squirrel-moose-winchester @jennifromtheblock1013 @spnbaby-67 @mogaruke @sweetmisseddreams2002 @redheadbedhead2002 @negan–is–god @spnwoman @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @maximumkillshot @sweetpeamoose @mrs-meghan-winchester @woodworthti666  @herbologystudent252 @sandlee44  @andkatiethings  @wildefire @thoughtfullyfurryangel @apeshit7x @klanceiscannon14 @curly-haired-disaster @becca-ca @deliciouslydisturbed365 @fandomismyspiritanimal @healojane@thewinchesterchronicles
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seenashwrite · 6 years
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To thank you for joining in on the craziness over here at See Nash Write, I whipped up a little present for you, and it’s right HERE. I hope I caught some of your favorites - as you can imagine, given the topic, I had a massive amount of material from which to choose! Y’all rock, thanks a thousand times over (see what I did, there? tee-hee). 😘
Special thanks to the following folks who helped me track down specific scenes that I wanted to pull: @revwinchester  @abbessolute  @a-screaming-ghost  and Erica and Jen, y’all rock! (and if I missed anyone, my bad, I appreciate everyone who chimed in, my eyes might’ve scanned right over your name amongst all the back-and-forth in chat)
Tagging the Nashooligans, peeps with whom I’ve interacted of late/have tagged me in stuff of late, the folks who pop up when I type “@” and a first letter, and a handful of others I think will get a kick out of it, so forgive me if I tag you twice or forgot to tag you and/or this was unwelcome 🤗
 @butiaintgonnaloveem   @impandagrl    @waywardjoy  @jalove-wecallhimdean  @jame-sbarnes  @just-another-busyfangirl  @amanda-teaches  @fanforfanatic  @salt-n-burn-em-all  @idreamofhazel  @cyrilconnelly  @rozadolphin  @theblackharrystyles   @carryonmycobaltangel  @ilsawasanacrobat  @klaineaholic  @helvonasche   @ericaprice2008  @amionthetumbler  @tankcupcakes  @littlegreenplasticsoldier  @emlostinwonderland  @michellethetvaddict  @theoriginalvicki  @ellen-reincarnated1967  @copperseraphim  @mrswhozeewhatsis  @crowleylovesyou  @bumbleball13  @becominglionhearted @raspberrymama  @lastactiontricia  @babypieandwhiskey  @winchesterprincessbride   @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition   @roseblue373   @waterfeenix137   @thisismysecrethappyplace  @fandomismyspirit  @thedevilinthedetails​  @rainflowermoon   @akshi8278  @deansenwackles​ @lipstickandwhiskey  @deanscarlett  @deandoesthingstome  @kittenofdoomage  @juppschmitz  @crispychrissy  @wi-deangirl77  @kayteonline  @covered-byroses  @impala-dreamer  @atc74  @stusbunker  @lostmymuseagain  @shy-violet-soul  @smi727  @winchesters-meaty-feast  @saenalife  @charliebradbury1104  @ohmychuckitssamanddean  @oneshoeshort  @bamby0304  @deanssweetheart23  @fandomismyspirit  @fandommaniacx  @growningupgeek  @gryffindorable713  @hannahindie @pinknerdpanda  @iwantthedean  @idreamofplaid  @katymacsupernatural  @misswhizzy  @ohio-cnk-80q3  @plaidstiel-wormstache  @princessofthefandomrealm  @rizlow1  @sammit-janet  @there-must-be-a-lock  @thecleverdame  @ultimatecin73  @whispersandwhiskerburn  @wheresthekillswitch  
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seenashwrite · 5 years
Word Count: 394 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Category: Drabble, Heart-Grabber, Angst Character(s)/Pairing(s): Cap x You (implied), Others (mentioned) Rating: Teen & Up Warnings: None Author’s Note(s): Found a scrap in drafts, thought I’d turn it into a Cap-centric drabble for those of my followers who are also Marvel fans looking for a touch of angstiness - hope you enjoy. Overall Summary: Some things are beyond even the strongest reach.
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The post-mission celebration complete, laughter drifted out of the room as they all left, Tony having interrupted Rhodey's story to crack another joke.
Steve hadn't made a move to follow after, and Bucky stayed behind with him. He watched the fake smile slip from his friend's face. He watched as Steve picked up a few of the forgotten cocktail glasses, brought them to the sink. And after the rinsing was done, he watched as Steve planted both hands on the counter, leaned, let out a long sigh.
Bucky walked over, put a hand on his shoulder, gave it a good squeeze. “You miss her. I’m not stupid, I can see it. We all can.” 
Steve shook his head slowly. “It’s more than that. It’s like my arm got cut off, and nobody told me. I just went to reach one day… reached for her, and…” 
Bucky shot him a look at the chosen reference, but then his expression softened. “It wasn’t overnight. Things like this never are.”
Steve didn't respond.
"Look, if you need to talk about it----" Bucky tried again.
"No. But thanks. I'm just going to go unpack."
He hadn’t bothered to empty the trashcan before they’d left for the mission, exactly the welcome-home present he didn’t need. It sailed across the room, his kick turning it into a metal projectile that hit the window with a ping and a crack. Its contents flew around like thrown snowballs, scattering everywhere.
“Damn it,” he muttered under his breath. 
He took a knee, beginning to gather, forcing himself to focus on the drink he was going to pound as soon as this was taken care of, once and for all - only one paper wasn’t as balled-up as it should’ve been, and his kneel turned into a lean against the side of the bed.
I can’t do this. Not on my own. Everyone believes in me. Everyone sees me as a hero. But you were the first person who really knew me, and I need—–
The phone rang. He crumpled the letter, tossed it, and stood. Same call it always was, another battle to wage, always Rolling in twenty, never I love you and I’m coming home.
A swipe of tears, a clearing of the throat, and as Steve closed the door, it reminded him that she hadn’t been the one doing the walking out.      
Feedback makes my ❤️ go boom
See Nash Write : Master  /  See Nash Write : Mobile
🏷️🏷️Wanna be tagged? Hit me up! 🏷️🏷️
Tagging all the Nashooligans, in the event some of y’all are in the Marvel contingent....
 @butiaintgonnaloveem   @impandagrl    @waywardjoy  @jalove-wecallhimdean  @jame-sbarnes  @just-another-busyfangirl  @amanda-teaches  @fanforfanatic  @salt-n-burn-em-all  @idreamofhazel  @cyrilconnelly  @rozadolphin    @carryonmycobaltangel  @ilsawasanacrobat  @klaineaholic  @helvonasche   @ericaprice2008  @amionthetumbler  @tankcupcakes  @littlegreenplasticsoldier  @emlostinwonderland  @michellethetvaddict  @theoriginalvicki  @ellen-reincarnated1967  @copperseraphim  @mrswhozeewhatsis  @crowleylovesyou  @bumbleball13  @becominglionhearted @raspberrymama  @lastactiontricia  @babypieandwhiskey  @winchesterprincessbride   @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition   @roseblue373   @waterfeenix137   @thisismysecrethappyplace  @fandomismyspirit  @thedevilinthedetails  @rainflowermoon   @akshi8278  @deansenwackles   @j-marvel-memester  
...and @escabell for obvious reasons, and @stusmultipass and @spiritofoblivion  since y'all kindly showed interest ;)
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seenashwrite · 6 years
@waterfeenix137 replied to your post “@roseblue373 replied to your post “Reprieve” ...”
Holy crap this is AMAZING
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Oh wow yippee! I’m so happy you enjoyed it, and thank you for taking time to leave me a note, you rock 😍
Read “Reprieve” here
0 notes
bamby0304 · 6 years
Can I get an add for the dean and sam winchester lists?❤
@waterfeenix137 sure thing :):)
0 notes
seenashwrite · 6 years
Castiel’s Brownies
Status: Complete Word Count: 590 Category: Drabble, Fluff, Humor, Requests   Rating: Any/All Character(s): Dean, Sam, Cas, You  Warnings: None Author’s Note(s): Per request, for a good cause - birthday! More post-story Overall Summary: Good intentions, best laid plans, all that stuff. 
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“We’re sorry, there was just—”
“I thought we’d gotten them all, I don’t know what happened—-”
“They destroyed it,” Castiel stated plainly.
“Yeah, Cas, we picked up on that,” Dean said, rolling his eyes.
“I meant I don’t know how it happened,” Sam clarified, then he turned to you as if to say something else, but settled on a sigh and a helpless shrug.
“It’s okay,” you told them, though the looks you got in response clearly said: Yeah, right. “Really, it is,” you added on. “I mean, it’s the thought that counts…”
As you trailed off into silence, everyone took in the scene.
The kitchen was, in a word, trashed. While the sink full of pans and mixing bowls yet to be washed was on the guys, the rest was the doing of the mischief-makers. Plates broken. Frosting-coated surfaces here-and-there. Forks artfully impaled the table. Crushed pieces of pie arranged on the seats of said table, the filling oozing over the sides. Balloons popped, their pitiful streamers lying limp across the island. Cookie crumbs filling drawers and bins. Ripped wrapping paper and torn boxes covering the floor like a colorful rug. Flour and sugar, tossed from their bags, still hanging in the air. Then the pièce de résistance: the entire birthday cake, still whole, smashed into the ceiling.
“How the hell’d they even get up that high,” Sam muttered.
And as if on cue, the cake - its size nothing to sniff at - fell with a loud splat, the lone candle still upright somehow hanging on to the tiniest of flickers.
Dean stomped it.
“Dean!” Sam exclaimed.
Dean had a grimace on his face as he looked at his now-gooey boot, but when he brought his eyes to yours, his expression softened. “Sorry, kid.”
Sam and Castiel looked to you as well, even more apologetic than before, if that were possible.
But you burst into tear-inducing laughter, and when you caught your breath, you said, “This is the best birthday ever!”
“Seriously?” Sam asked, a tiny smile beginning to form.
“That’s good to hear,” said Castiel, relief in his voice.
Dean turned to Castiel, frowning. “She’s just being nice! When we said you were in charge of the brownies—- I just—- you—- you are not this clueless, why in the world did you think of anything but the little square chocolate things?!”
Now Castiel frowned, and said, “I thought of the clean-up.” He shot a pointed glance at the sink.
Your laughing kicked back up; there was possibly a snort.
“She’s always quite helpful, less housework is an ideal present. I also thought you knew to leave food specifically for them as a reward,” Castiel continued. “They get… irritable… if their work isn’t acknowledged.”
“Irritable,” Sam repeated. “Yeah, pretty irri…. wait, what work?”
“There is a significant amount of laundry to be folded. Books to be re-shelved. Guns to be cleaned.”
Dean blanched. “Guns? No. No, you didn’t….” Then, to Sam: “Did we check the range? Ammo storage?”
The loud BANG - followed by another, and another, and then some raucous, maniacal giggling that echoed throughout the bunker - was his answer.
The brothers shared a look, and took off running. You and Castiel stared after them, then looked at one another. You took a few steps closer.
“Cas,” you said, and very seriously.
“Yes?” he replied, and a touch nervously.
“You’re a friggin’ genius,” you said, hugging him tightly.
As he returned the hug, he asked for confirmation. “Best birthday ever?”
“Oh hell, yes.”
Author’s Note #2: My “source” was this article - “When Brownies Turn Bad” 😂
See Nash Write : Master  /  See Nash Write : Mobile
🏷️🏷️Wanna be tagged? Hit me up! 🏷️🏷️
Tagging The Nashooligans in case they want/need a giggle....
 @butiaintgonnaloveem   @impandagrl    @waywardjoy  @jalove-wecallhimdean  @jame-sbarnes  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @amanda-teaches  @fanforfanatic  @salt-n-burn-em-all  @idreamofhazel  @cyrilconnelly  @rozadolphin  @theblackharrystyles   @carryonmycobaltangel  @ilsawasanacrobat  @klaineaholic  @helvonasche   @ericaprice2008  @amionthetumbler  @tankcupcakes  @littlegreenplasticsoldier  @emlostinwonderland  @michellethetvaddict  @theoriginalvicki  @ellen-reincarnated1967  @copperseraphim  @mrswhozeewhatsis  @crowleylovesyou  @bumbleball13  @becominglionhearted @raspberrymama  @lastactiontricia  @babypieandwhiskey  @winchesterprincessbride   @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition   @roseblue373   @waterfeenix137   @thisismysecrethappyplace  @fandomismyspirit  @thedevilinthedetails​  @rainflowermoon   @akshi8278  @deansenwackles​
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seenashwrite · 5 years
Tagging Post for latest story
What You Deserve
For @stusbunker ’s “Break My Heart Birthday Challenge”
📚See Nash Write : Mobile Master Post📚
🏷️🏷️Wanna be tagged?🏷️🏷️
And just in case: @stunudo 
The tagging of the Nashooligans…..
@butiaintgonnaloveem   @impandagrl    @waywardjoy  @jalove-wecallhimdean @jame-sbarnes  @just-another-busyfangirl  @amanda-teaches  @fanforfanatic @salt-n-burn-em-all  @idreamofhazel  @cyrilconnelly  @rozadolphin    @carryonmycobaltangel  @ilsawasanacrobat  @klaineaholic  @helvonasche   @ericaprice2008  @amionthetumbler  @tankcupcakes @littlegreenplasticsoldier  @emlostinwonderland  @michellethetvaddict @theoriginalvicki  @ellen-reincarnated1967   @copperseraphim @mrswhozeewhatsis  @crowleylovesyou  @bumbleball13 @becominglionhearted @raspberrymama  @lastactiontricia @babypieandwhiskey  @winchesterprincessbride   @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition   @roseblue373    @thisismysecrethappyplace @fandomismyspirit  @thedevilinthedetails    @akshi8278  @deansenwackles   @j-marvel-memester   @oneshoeshort  @wi-deangirl77  
No longer able to tag:
@waterfeenix137    @rainflowermoon
—> If y’all see this, please do contact me with an alternate taggable blog so I can fix it on the list!
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seenashwrite · 6 years
Hunters Roasting On An Open Fire
Status: Complete Word Count: 1.1K Category: One-shot, Holidays, Christmas, Behind-the-scenes canon-compliant, Humor, On-the-hunt Characters: Dean, Sam, special holiday guest star Warnings: None Author’s Note: Pseudo-entry for @atc74 ‘s Cards Against Christmas with the song title prompt "__ Roasting On An Open Fire", and yes, we're aware the actual title is "The Christmas Song" but I wanted to light things up, so here we are; “pseudo” because I went over word count allowed and I edited like a sweaty bitch, I swear; but hey, you got some, ah, charming gifs, too.😈  Overall Summary: They come at night... by the dozen.
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Dean and Sam edged toward the door of the old, stately home. The crunches called out from under the hunters' boots with every step, sharp like screams. It felt as loud to their ears as the crack of the shotgun had been moments earlier.
"Creepy little suckers," Dean muttered.
Sam eyed a misshapen snowman just off the porch, and he shivered in the frosty, sleet-packed gusts, though it wasn't for long - as the door opened on its own with an ominous creak, the furnace-like air in the house practically slapped them in the face. 
The brothers shared a look, then continued on.
As they crossed the worn welcome mat, the door slammed itself shut, the heavy bolt lock clicking into place, causing both men to whip around, Sam's blade at the ready, Dean giving the shotgun a preemptive pump.
The house moaned a greeting. The enormous fireplace roared, popped off sparks for good measure. Giggles ricocheted off the walls. And then, the whispered singing began.
Run, run, fast as you can...
"Where is that coming from?" asked Sam.
Dean pointed with the barrel of the shotgun to the entirety of their surroundings, implying everywhere; the uptick of skittering - in the walls, across the ceiling, up the stairs, and under the furniture - confirmed it.
"Guess the ones outside had a lot of friends," Sam noted.
"What, a baker's dozen?" Dean asked with a crooked grin; Sam's raised eyebrow ushered it away.
Down the darkened hall, a tiny house rested near the wall, perfect from graham eaves to gumdrop trim, barely illuminated by the moonlight pushing through a snow-caked window. Dean didn't hesitate to fire into it, shells filled with a rock salt-rock candy combo, turning the structure to chunky bits. Sam tossed a vial of blessed pine oil, followed by a lighter, onto the pile. 
No sooner had it gone ablaze, five of the creatures came out shrieking, running, lighting up the shadows. Dean nailed three in one shot. Sam's blade, coated in a poinsettia tincture, pinned another to the wall. And the mostly-scorched fifth scrambled away.
The next part happened quickly. Blade retrieved, Sam was right behind Dean when he burst into the huge dining room. A glow, not unlike that coming from the candles atop the table, flickered from an unlit corner. The song had turned chant.
And there it was, the escapee, coming right at them, head flaming, raisin eyes melting, determined expression in check, but it went to shock in a hot second.
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Blast hit target. Crumbs flew. The night went silent, and the brothers took the moment to note what was on the table. Laid neatly were innumerable tiny carving knives, and in the center a giant silver platter, all glinting in the candlelight.
"So they're cannibals?" Dean asked.
"Technically not cannibals, or they'd be eating each other---"
"Fine. They're frikkin' carnivore gingerbread men!"
A crash from the next room, another shared look, and through the open pocket door they went. In the kitchen, gingerbread men spilled from the flaming oven, all of them crispy, blackening in the fire, perhaps in some sort of solidarity with their fallen brethren, and they quickly met the same fate, those not succumbing to the burn meeting their end by shot and stab. The last, a quite bold one, sharpened candy cane shiv in hand, leapt into the air right at Sam when his back was turned, and Dean had none of it, pulverizing the creature mid-flight.
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They did the same to the houses, some mansion-sized, that lined every counter, every surface, until there was no sign of more, no skitters, no giggles, no songs. But now, rooms checked, back in the den, ready to leave, they hesitated. Breaths of iced crystals floated from their lips, stifling heat be damned. The cavernous fireplace seemed to widen its maw, enough to where they saw the broiled skeletons with their picked-clean bones.
"The owners?" Sam whispered, and Dean answered with a nod.
An old woman in an apron sticky with dough and sprinkles appeared, more of her cookie army sneaking through vents, crawling out of drawers, slinking from under cushions, herding their enemies to the fire, ready to roast their meal. 
The ghost witch cackled, her transparent form glitching, then turning solid. "Fools!" she cried. "You think you've beaten me! My plan has worked for centuries, luring hunters to a remote home each year when the solstice is---"
Sam's blade sailed right into her forehead, a touch of a cranberry scent wafting from the wound, and the wee men fell to sugared dust.
"Man, I hate exposition," Dean commented, then added, "Heh. I guess that's how the cookie crumbles."
Sam rolled his eyes.
Quick work was made of the house, a little Latin said as they watched the flames grow tall, and they left, satisfied. Back at their motel, the typical post-hunt celebratory beers were eschewed, instead falling into bed for their much-earned long winter's nap. But at precisely midnight, when it was officially Christmas Eve, tinkling bells and a familiar melody filled the air. 
They each turned in their respective beds, facing one another, frowning. Sam slammed his hand atop the clock radio on the bedside table a few times. The carol stopped. Shrugs were exchanged. Eyes were closed. Blankets were pulled tighter. Pillows were hugged. The hum of the heater was the only sound.
....nipping at your nose, Yuletide carols being sung by a choir....
"Nope," Dean announced, sitting up and turning, banging a fist against the wall. "Pipe down!" he yelled.
"Dean, nobody's in the next room - we're on the end," Sam reminded him.
Dean began to get out of bed to bang on the opposite wall, but stopped - it was quiet once again. But this time when he laid down, he stayed on his back, didn't burrow, didn't get comfortable. He was prepped to pounce, merely resting his eyes.
It was the smell of smoke and drips of frosting glopping onto their faces that caused them to stir, the return of the chant which woke them all the way.
Run, run, fast as you can...
Dean and Sam gasped in sync at the sight of the human-sized gingerbread on the ceiling, flames surrounding it, glaring down at them, baring its glittering teeth as it hissed.
...you can't catch me - I'm the gingerbread man!
Scrambling for their weapons, Dean suddenly just knew, and he shouted, "Nice touch, you sonnuvabitch!"
As the shots and groans and punches rang out, the horned, cloaked figure leaning against the Impala finished off his cookie. "Hot damn, I love these guys," Krampus said to himself with a laugh; and then, louder:
"See you next year!"
A/N #2 - The top gif’s an edit coupled with a bit from the same movie the bottom one is from, which is “Krampus”. Watch it, it’s a hoot.
See Nash Write : Master  /  See Nash Write : Mobile
🏷️🏷️Wanna be tagged? Hit me up! 🏷️🏷️
 @butiaintgonnaloveem   @impandagrl    @waywardjoy  @jalove-wecallhimdean  @jame-sbarnes  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @amanda-teaches  @fanforfanatic  @salt-n-burn-em-all  @idreamofhazel  @cyrilconnelly  @rozadolphin  @theblackharrystyles   @carryonmycobaltangel  @ilsawasanacrobat  @klaineaholic  @helvonasche   @ericaprice2008  @amionthetumbler  @tankcupcakes  @littlegreenplasticsoldier  @emlostinwonderland  @michellethetvaddict  @theoriginalvicki  @ellen-reincarnated1967  @copperseraphim  @mrswhozeewhatsis  @crowleylovesyou  @bumbleball13  @anticipate1003  @sixtysevenandwhiskey @raspberrymama  @lastactiontricia  @babypieandwhiskey  @winchesterprincessbride   @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition   @roseblue373   @waterfeenix137  @thisismysecrethappyplace    @fandomismyspirit    @thedevilinthedetails      
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seenashwrite · 6 years
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Tagging The Nashhooligans - or, for today, The Nashghouligans - and the CASPN Crew, and everyone else I can think of (apologies in advance if I forgot anyone!) (I no doubt forgot people) (#brain farts)
@butiaintgonnaloveem   @impandagrl   @waywardjoy  @jalove-wecallhimdean  @jame-sbarnes  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @amanda-teaches  @fanforfanatic  @salt-n-burn-em-all  @idreamofhazel  @cyrilconnelly  @rozadolphin  @theblackharrystyles  @carryonmycobaltangel  @ilsawasanacrobat  @klaineaholic  @helvonasche   @ericaprice2008  @amionthetumbler  @tankcupcakes  @littlegreenplasticsoldier  @emlostinwonderland  @michellethetvaddict  @theoriginalvicki  @ellen-reincarnated1967  @copperseraphim  @mrswhozeewhatsis  @crowleylovesyou  @bumbleball13  @anticipate1003  @sixtysevenandwhiskey @raspberrymama  @lastactiontricia  @babypieandwhiskey  @winchesterprincessbride   @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition   @roseblue373   @waterfeenix137   @thisismysecrethappyplace  @fandomismyspirit  @wildlifepixie  @greeneyesinlaceandangelsgrace  @coffeeandwinchesters   @looksmokin  @gryffindorable713   @abbessolute   @ohio-cnk-80q3  @ultimatecin73  @a-screaming-ghost  @ferferelli  @growningupgeek  @thefanwithoutfear  @muchamusedaboutnothing @crowleyshellhoundspn  @super-not-naturall  @2000lordbug  @oganizediguana  @lipstickandwhiskey  @impala-dreamer  @deanscarlett  @moonlightcas  @juppschmitz  @manawhaat  @cleverdame  @kayteonline  @atc74  @crispychrissy  @wi-deangirl77  @tippitv  @octomoosey  @justanotheridijiton  @there-must-be-a-lock  @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester  @kittenofdoomage  @67obsessions  @dontshootmespence  @justawaywardwinchestergirl  @gabesnonnie  @stusbunker  @envydean  @saxxxology  @favilla1479  @katymacsupernatural  @rebelslicious  @inciisors  @wheresthekillswitch  @chiisana-sukima  @sleep4eternity  @angelicdemonicwaitress  @carlylynnmikaelsonscamander  @mlpunite  @sofreddie  @wingedcatninja  @winchestergirl-13  @misswhizzy  @oneshoeshort  @sleepless-sin  @pinknerdpanda  @hannahindie  @koedeza  @rizlow1  @sleep-silent-angel  @rideandwritethings  @bamby0304  @atwistoffate  @ravengirl94  @kdfrqqg  @spntwdfringe  @justcallmeasmodeus  @ialwayscomewhenyoucall  @sammy-moo  @sylverminx  @deanssweetheart  @saenalife  @rosie-winchester  @deanssweetheart23  @yourvoiceislikearose   @cardinaleyes  @yourewelcomeforbeingmyfriend  @emptywithout  @deandoesthingstome   @plaidstiel-wormstache  @ariannnawinchester  @revwinchester  @anticipate1003  @kathaswings  @sassy-losechester  @writingawaymylife  @authoressskr  @ruprecht0420  @charliebradbury1104  @goldenolaf25  @family-business-forever  @imgetting2old4diss  @donnaintx  @the-winchesterboys  @fandommaniacx  @escabell  @iwantthedean  @sea040561  @floralmotif  @hollygopossumlovesj2  @captainradicalpassion  @thedevilinthedetails  @mamaredd123  @roxy-davenport  @madamelibrarian  @missjenniferb   @demondeansdomme  @peddlergirl  @misguidedconqueress  @key--lime--pie  @percussiongirl2017  @plaid-lover-bay25  @skybinx-blog  @mysaintsasinner  @moosekateer13  @wayward-oneshots  @mandilion76  
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seenashwrite · 6 years
Supernatural Stories To Die For: A Halloween Collection By YOU!
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Submit Unto Nash a link to your scariest, creepiest, most mysterious SPN story* & I'll make a post of the collection to distribute on Halloween!
New or old, short or long, or even if you're also submitting it for a Halloween challenge or a Bang or a Bingo, or if it's a series in progress, doesn't matter - this is just to celebrate the holiday and get your story some circulation!
Only three rules:
1. Get it to me by the weekend of October 27th - 28th.
2. Only one story per person.
3. The header of your story must have a RATING (such as "all ages" or "18+") and a brief SUMMARY (one-to-three sentences) so I can include them in the post. I won't list it otherwise. Readers need to have a little picture of what's coming so they know whether or not to bother clicking through for the full details.  😉
* I mean, don’t stress about it being chill-inducing... does it have vampires or zombies or mummies or werewolves or witches or skeletons or scarecrows or ghosts or, like, a jack-o’-lantern that comes to life and can’t stop puking seeds? Then you’re gold. It counts.
(1) I didn't say this originally, because I thought it was clearly inferred by the tone of the post, but this list is meant for fun, not sob stories or pure porn. And it hasn't happened yet, the submits so far have exactly the spirit I intended. But I thought I'd be clear, just in case the vibe gets missed in the future.
I'll give these stories (at minimum) cursory scans regardless of the warnings provided, just to check a given writer isn't unintentionally low-balling an angsty or smutty situation, so ideally I'll be able to contact the writer out of the public eye, check and see if maybe they have a more light-hearted story they'd like to have on the list.
In other words, I'm not interested in seeing a character / the reader who is so depressed they cannot manage to get off the couch despite Dean and Sam planning a bunch of Halloween activities, or a character / the reader is planning suicide by monster mash on Halloween night, or anything of that ilk, nor am I interested in seeing a 9K opus about a character / the reader being slutty nurse playing with Sam/Dean slutty doctor atop a pile of candy atop The Lore atop a library table (and I just made those up off the top of my head, they don't reference any actual story I've ever come across, and if they happen to, well.... well, well, well).
All kidding aside, plots like that have their place, not shitting on you if it's your writing and/or reading jam, it's just not of the spirit of this particular list.
(2) This isn’t a challenge, my dolls, that’s why no prompts. If you wanna write something new, go for it. All this is for is anything you have that includes a “Monster of the Week”, so even if your point was Fill-In-The-Blank x Whyenne type of jam, did you have them interact with a creature? Work a case? Was there a...
Ghost / Spirit?
Then there you go.  👍😁 It doesn’t have to be balls-out horror or something.
Lurve - Nash
I shall now tag The Nashooligans, as well as anyone I've interacted with recently and after some rooting through my follower list til I get too lazy to go further, in the hopes they will pass along:
@butiaintgonnaloveem  @impandagrl    @waywardjoy  @jalove-wecallhimdean  @jame-sbarnes  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @amanda-teaches  @fanforfanatic  @salt-n-burn-em-all  @idreamofhazel  @cyrilconnelly  @rozadolphin  @theblackharrystyles   @carryonmycobaltangel  @ilsawasanacrobat  @klaineaholic  @helvonasche   @ericaprice2008  @amionthetumbler  @tankcupcakes  @littlegreenplasticsoldier  @emlostinwonderland  @michellethetvaddict  @theoriginalvicki  @ellen-reincarnated1967  @copperseraphim  @mrswhozeewhatsis  @crowleylovesyou  @bumbleball13  @anticipate1003  @sixtysevenandwhiskey @raspberrymama  @lastactiontricia  @babypieandwhiskey  @winchesterprincessbride   @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition   @roseblue373  @waterfeenix137   @thisismysecrethappyplace  @wi-deangirl77  @manawhaat  @cleverdame  @kayteonline  @katymacsupernatural  @atc74  @moonlightcas  @deanscarlett  @impala-dreamer  @lipstickandwhiskey  @favilla1479  @67obsessions  @plaid-lover-bay25  @gryffindorable713   @rizlow1    @dontshootmespence  @stusbunker  @sleep-silent-angel    @fandommaniacx  @emptywithout  @foreverlostinthesauce  @kittenofdoomage  @bamby0304  @crispychrissy  @atwistoffate  @envydean  @ravengirl94  @lostmymuseagain  @roxy-davenport  @winchestergirl-13  @gabesnonnie  @justcallmeasmodeus   @justawaywardwinchestergirl  @super-not-naturall  @sammy-moo  @there-must-be-a-lock   @coffeeandwinchesters  @saenalife  @deanssweetheart23  @justholdingstill  @sofreddie   @yourewelcomeforbeingmyfriend  @deandoesthingstome   @plaidstiel-wormstache   @ariannnawinchester  @peddlergirl  @wheresthekillswitch  @revwinchester   @authoressskr @ultimatecin73  @sassy-losechester  @kathaswings  @rebelslicious   @4401lnc @charliebradbury1104  @fandomismyspiritanimal  @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester  @hannahindie  @pinknerdpanda  @iwantthedean  @sea040561  @hollygopossumlovesj2  @captainradicalpassion  @mysaintsasinner  @kas-not-cas  @wayward-oneshots  @whispersandwhiskerburn  @ohmychuckitssamanddean 
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seenashwrite · 6 years
Here, Have A Present...
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See below for the scoop.
In the spirit of the show that brought us all together...
...to find 13 of my favorite short stories that have a creepy, spooky, otherworldly bend to them.
It’s a page off my blog, not a post, so you’ll likely want to open it on your tablet/laptop/etc. vs. your phone, even though the design was made to be mobile-friendly. I expanded the creator’s dimensions to allow for a bit larger box - the stories are all under expandable drop downs - and larger font for ease of reading. I’ve tested it on laptop and desktop, as well as in both Firefox and Chrome, it looks fine to me but if you notice any weird iggies, definitely shoot me a note and let me know the issue.
In any event, I’d actually suggest you not try to read these on your phone while you’re at work or out-and-about, anyway, because regardless of length (and believe me, there’s a nice spread!), these are all brain chewy stories. There’s only a couple I’d call “deep”, but every one of them has plenty of nuance. And of course, more than a few have some quality sass and snark. Oh, and none are by me - these are from... well, you’ll see. 😉
I say this at the page, but I’ll repeat it here: 
No summaries provided, proceed at your own discretion
Recommend overall rating as 18+
Links to writer's primary web presence provided if available
While all of these stories are easily found online, they are not provided in post form to avoid confusion as far as attribution is concerned - this is merely a friend (me) inviting you over & loaning you a book
Tagging The Nashooligans, because while the “loan” is there for anyone who sees this, I want to thank y’all specifically for being such loyal readers and feedbackers and constructive critiquers and rebloggers and overall spirit-boosting supporters of my writing. Hope you enjoy.
@butiaintgonnaloveem   @impandagrl    @waywardjoy  @jalove-wecallhimdean  @jame-sbarnes  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @amanda-teaches  @fanforfanatic  @salt-n-burn-em-all  @idreamofhazel  @cyrilconnelly  @rozadolphin  @theblackharrystyles   @carryonmycobaltangel  @ilsawasanacrobat  @klaineaholic  @helvonasche   @ericaprice2008  @amionthetumbler  @tankcupcakes  @littlegreenplasticsoldier  @emlostinwonderland  @michellethetvaddict  @theoriginalvicki  @ellen-reincarnated1967  @copperseraphim  @mrswhozeewhatsis  @crowleylovesyou  @bumbleball13  @anticipate1003  @sixtysevenandwhiskey @raspberrymama  @lastactiontricia  @babypieandwhiskey  @winchesterprincessbride   @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition   @roseblue373   @waterfeenix137   @thisismysecrethappyplace  @fandomismyspirit  @juppschmitz   
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seenashwrite · 6 years
So remember that time when I said this?
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Something wicked this way comes. 😉 #2018 Smut Appreciation Day
Some housekeeping:
My tag list is below - *please* reply & let me know if you do not wish to be tagged, no hard feelings, cross my heart. Also - there’s a handful of you that I don’t know well yet/I’m unable to divine your age, so if you do wish to be tagged, honor system here: kindly let me know that you’re older than 18. 
(The post is going to be locked down as sensitive anyhow, but still)
@butiaintgonnaloveem  @impandagrl    @waywardjoy  @jalove-wecallhimdean  @jame-sbarnes  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @amanda-teaches  @fanforfanatic  @salt-n-burn-em-all  @thisgingerlikescoffee  @cyrilconnelly  @rozadolphin  @theblackharrystyles   @carryonmycobaltangel  @ilsawasanacrobat  @klaineaholic  @helvonasche   @zepppie @amionthetumbler  @tankcupcakes  @littlegreenplasticsoldier  @emlostinwonderland  @michellethetvaddict  @theoriginalvicki  @ellen-reincarnated1967  @copperseraphim  @mrswhozeewhatsis  @crowleylovesyou  @bumbleball13  @anticipate1003  @raspberrymama  @lastactiontricia  @babypieandwhiskey   @winchesterprincessbride  
You three are the ones who I’m unsure are 18+ and if I don’t hear from y’all, I’ll err on the side of caution and won’t tag you:
@thisismysecrethappyplace  @roseblue373   @waterfeenix137  
If you are <18, no worries, I’ll create a separate tag category so you’ll still get other stuff, okay? Okay!  😘
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