#waterproof fanny pack
skogakust · 4 days
From Bland to Bold: Personalize Your Beach Bag and Make a Statement on the Sand
Beach days are a blissful escape, filled with sunshine, laughter, and the gentle rhythm of the waves. But what about your beach bag? Is it just another generic tote, blending into the crowd? It's time to elevate your beach experience with a bag that reflects your unique style and personality. Enter the world of personalized beach bags, where creativity meets practicality, transforming a simple accessory into a statement piece that's as individual as you are.
Beyond Basic: Elevate Your Beach Essentials with a Touch of Personalization
Gone are the days of boring, mass-produced beach bags. With the rise of customization options, you can create a bag that truly reflects your individual style and personality. Imagine a Waterproof Beach Bag adorned with your favorite quotes, vibrant patterns, or even a special photo of your favorite beach memory. This is where personalized beach bags come into play, transforming a simple accessory into a statement piece that adds a touch of personality to your beach day.
From Basic to Bespoke: Finding the Perfect Design for You
The world of personalized beach bags offers endless possibilities for creativity. You can choose from a variety of base styles, sizes, and materials, ensuring the perfect fit for your needs. Whether you prefer a classic tote bag, a sporty backpack, or a stylish cooler bag, you can add your personal touch with custom designs, logos, and even embroidery. Embrace bold colors, playful patterns, or minimalist designs to create a bag that truly reflects your individual style.
More Than Just a Beach Bag: Versatility for Every Adventure
Personalized beach bags aren't limited to sandy shores. Their versatility makes them perfect for a range of activities, from weekend getaways to picnics in the park. Imagine packing your essentials for a day trip in a bag that showcases your love for adventure. Or, consider a personalized cooler bag for your next camping trip, keeping your drinks cold and your gear organized. The possibilities are unlimited, just like your trips!
Beyond the Beach: Finding the Right Gear for Your Adventures
A personalized beach bag is just the beginning! For those who crave the great outdoors, there's a world of personalized gear waiting to be discovered. Imagine a Best Dry Bag with your initials proudly displayed, ensuring your belongings stay dry during kayaking expeditions. Or perhaps a personalized Buy Online Camping Products like a water bottle or a travel mug, adding a touch of personalization to your camping essentials.
Making Memories with Personalized Style
Creating a personalized beach bag is more than just an aesthetic choice; it's a way to inject personality and individuality into your everyday adventures. By adding a unique touch to your gear, you're making a statement about your passions and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Companies like Skog Å Kust offer a range of customization options, empowering you to create a beach bag that's as individual as you are. So, go ahead, let your creativity flow, and make a splash with a personalized beach bag that reflects your unique style!
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ceriver · 2 years
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This is a wonderful outdoor waterproof bag! Perhaps the most beautiful swimming waterproof fanny pack in the world, the urban camouflage Podragon airtight waterproof waist bag
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mangosaurus · 9 months
currently thinking about ben as darius's personal swiss army knife. darius needs a pen? ben has red black and blue. feeling hungry? ben never leaves home without a snack (and he's moved on from the carob bars, thank god). darius and ben get stuck in the rain? and darius gets soaked to the bone so he can't just use his shirt to dry off his glasses (darius with glasses is my truth don't talk to me.....)? not only is ben's fanny pack waterproof but he also always carries a microfiber cloth for situations like these
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spacedoutamazon · 8 days
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Felt cute yesterday. Also acquired a waterproof fanny pack to level up my workouts 🥰
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acermp100 · 6 months
And I've been working on shorts for over 10 days now! Excited to share~
25/3 – Friends: ZOO
Based on my many fun but fraught visits.
Seri learns the power of FRANDSHIP Shou tries to pet a crocodile Ritsu experiences churros They are at a zoo with American food don't question it ANTS
General Audience. No trigger warnings. Depictions of disassociation and anxiety/sensory issues. Some minor Seri/Rei. Capybara.
Serizawa stood in the middle of the walkway. Throngs of people flowed past- left, right, strollers, backpacks, balloons- all moving with their own purpose. That was the problem of a crowd. Being surrounded by so many yet still left completely alone, even if one’s anxieties preyed on that ever present fear that everyone is watching, everyone is judging. His fingers tensed at his sides before balling into fists. Just focus on one thing. That tree looks nice. It didn’t work. Bits of conversations bled into one another until all he could hear was chaotic noise as he took a slow, strained inhale.
“Oi, Katsuya.”
Everything snapped back into place. What was once churning and bleating returned to laughter and normal voices. A little kid ran past him asking an older sibling for ice cream. Serizawa blinked a few times until his eyes focused on a hand waving in front of his face.
Reigen gestured to the gate past the courtyard. “You’re holding on to all their tickets, buddy.”
Purpose swelled in to replace nervousness. Serizawa looked up to see the four middle schoolers gathered at the large, glassed off map near the entrance. Teru was pointing to one of the exhibits as Mob laughed, with Ritsu and Shou hanging back to avoid looking too excited. It had all started with wanting to take the Kageyama brothers out to the zoo for a small trip while their parents were out of town. Shou found out and invited himself and of course Mob was going to ask Teru to come as well.  
“You alright?” Reigen tilted his head. “Kinda went a bit-“ He widened his eyes. “Starey back there.”
“S-sorry. I’m fine.”
Serizawa steadied his fingers and unzipped the small pack at his waist before starting to rummage for the pre bought tickets. Got to save money so Reigen set them up as a school trip, among other things. He didn’t even know there were discounts for the son of a wife of a veteran.
The fanny pack had been picked out by Teru when the group went shopping together last week. Serizawa made sure to pack only the essentials. Inside the bright, green, reflective, and waterproof fabric were a mini first aid kit, some hard candies, nylon rope, a small utility knife, compact flair gun, translation book, and a magnesium fire starter with two pens and a pad of paper. And of course the tickets.
“Here they are!”
His voice came out a bit too loud but Reigen didn’t seem to notice, or maybe didn’t care. He could never tell. The tickets were held at arm’s length as Reigen took and inspected them.
“You know, I’m glad you decided to come, Serizawa” A flick of his wrist, Reigen gesturing even with tickets in hand. “You’ve really improved these last few months. Taking night classes and handling society and all it throws at you. I mean the train we took here was wall to wall people.” He paused, meeting Serizawa’s eyes. “But I know one can’t just magically be fine with all of that. So let me know if you need a break, alright?”
“Of course, Reigen-san!”
Reigen blinked back, leaning into his raised hand.
“Oh, right. Casual outing, not work.”
“Right. Just like going to class!” Reigen turned. “Let’s catch up with the kids.”
No, it wasn’t just like going to class. There he took the same train, walked down the same road, saw the same people, smelled the same smells. He had built that up all on his own: forcing himself to go until every detail was memorized. Predictable. Safe. Even the shopping trip had been short enough for him to handle at a small store that lay on his normal rout to work. Serizawa could feel his heart beat ever faster.
A small pack of kids ran by screaming. Music played from various speakers. The smell of fried food mixed with a musky, earthly scent. New sounds from every side conflicted with the various signs, decorations, and posters his eyes tried to read all of them at the same time. Even his clothing, though comfortable and casual for the day, left him feeling itchy.
He suddenly found himself at an exhibit in front of a glass wall looking over a recreated wetland. On land a few reptiles were lounging on broad leafed plants with fish under the water line. Mob was at his side glancing up at him without a hint of judgment in his eyes.
“Shishou says he wants to gather everyone up for a snack before we head into the rainforest building.”
“Oh.” Gears turned then started to grind. “Oh! Where- where is everyone?” Serizawa started to pull at his own hair, looking back and forth. “I was supposed to be watching and- Reigne-san- I should have-”
“It’s fine.” Mob turned his head to peer down the little trail to another section. “My brother and the others are feeding the crocodiles.”
Serizawa’s heart skipped a beat as he frantically stared ahead. “WHAT.”
Mob’s voice remained steady, but he punctuated his words with a short laugh. “Don’t worry. I don’t think a crocodile could take them on. Plus there’s zoo keepers monitoring the entire thing.”
Lowering his arms, Serizawa tried to catch his breath. A few of the fish swam by, their forms distorted from both the surface of the water and thick glass window. Four conversations, no five. Parents talking over kids. Loud footsteps on the wooden planks that lined the ground. All that with the constant, wet smell of algae.
“The first time I went to the zoo, Ritsu had just mastered walking.” Mob looked out over the water continuing in his monotone. “My parents had the stroller for him, but he still wanted to do it all himself. I barely got to see any animals because I was so worried about him.”
Serizawa looked into the enclosure as well. It’s fine. Everyone is fine. You’re fine. His fingers were still clenched, tongue pressed against the roof of his mouth.
“After when we were heading back, my mom took me aside and said she was proud of me for watching over my little brother so well. But-” A glance up at Serizawa. “She said there’s no need to do everything all by myself. We are a family, we have friends.”
A long exhale. Everything melted away accept for Mob’s voice. Serizawa could now feel the auras of all the others: Shou, Teru, even Reigen, and senses their emotions. Calm, happy. It’s fine.
“Do you mind getting your brother and your friend?”  Serizawa cracked a smile. “I’ll wrangle up Shou.”
A bit later they now all sat around the classic outdoor table made of rubber covered metal that formed a crude mesh so the employees didn’t have to worry too much about weather or cleaning. Serizawa recalled sitting at one when he was little with his mom as they waited for some fast food. That one had an umbrella though. Don’t need one now: not with the clear weather and good company.
“Hey, I was only gonna touch one.” Shou pointed a ketchup dipped fry at the others. “When else will I have a chance to pet a crocodile?”
Teru looked up from his burger. “Maybe try when the zoo keepers are not right there?”
“Not my fault you were too chicken.” Shou grinned back.
A scoff. Teru leaned back and crossed his arms. “What about Ritsu? He was standing back with the all the rest.”
“I was trying to get a good angle for a photo.” Ritsu didn’t look up from his food as he answered.
Reigen and Mob had gone back in line for more food. They returned triumphant with more fried, unhealthy goodness.
“Alight, got some desert. Mob said he’s never had a churro so here we are.”
Reigen set a cardboard tray in the middle and sat down; eagerly eyeing the double decker burger he had been forced to leave behind.
A smile from Serizawa, lost in thought as he listened to the kids talk about their day so far.
“So Serizawa.” Reigen was speaking from a half full mouth, pointing with his burger in hand. “You enjoying your order?”
“Oh! Yes!” Serizawa stiffened before grinning back. “Though I thought a corndog was going to be something different.”
“Right? I remember getting one as a kid when some American fair came to town.” Another bite, some of the sauce dribbling down Reigen’s chin. “Still tasty. I swear they make this stuff to be addicting.”
The burger was nearly gone now. Still so many sounds and smells. Serizawa took some breaths and focused on the conversation happening in the moment.
“Do they have wolves here?” Teru was gazing out down the path toward other habitats. They were mainly small mammals and birds. “I hope they don’t keep them in little enclosures.”
“No, it’s a big area in the back with trees and little dens they put into the walls.” Mob took a bite of his churro and suddenly forgot what he was saying.
“Yeah, this place is kinda famous for it.” Shou chimed in. “That and the lions.”
“Lions?” Teru’s face lit up.
“Wait.” Setting down his soft drink, Shou raised an eyebrow at Teru. “Have you never been here before?”
“Um.” Teru started to tug at his shirt, looking away. “No? I mean it’s not like my parents took me. And um- I guess-“
“The schools never have field trips here anymore.” Mob met Teru’s eyes and gave a nod of his head. “They claim it’s too expensive. But you’re here now.”
“Yeah.” Teru’s face softened. “It was worth the wait.”
Serizawa had kept back, not wanting to interrupt, but now invasive thoughts were flooding in. School, his failure, the bullies, just wanting to hide in his room forever. He closed his eyes for a moment before letting the toxic memories into the light.
“I’ve never been here either.” The kids all looked over at him. He had to glance over at Reigen to get enough strength to continue “Th-the schools back then took trips here all the time. I was pretty excited to go. Wouldn’t be stuck in some stuffy classroom or hallway for once. But well-“ He was gripping the stick of his corn dog so hard it broke in his hand. “There was an incident with some bullies the week before and- um- and-“
“Ugh they always do that.” Reigen gave Serizawa a pat on the back. “Even my teachers did: punish both the bullies and the victim. As if taking away fun activities and privileges would help.”
“Hey, kids are cruel man. Spesh with anything different.” Shou nodded at Serizawa. “Sorry you weren’t able to find a good bunch until now. The night class people seem pretty chill.”
Serizawa’s muscles relaxed. “Yeah, it’s nice to not always have to worry.”
“Being your true self is hard around the wrong people.” Added Teru. “But bullying has gotten a bit better, what with the student councils and all that. They get more power and police each other.”
“Oh yeah my brother was doing something with that.” Mob stole one of Teru’s onion rings with no resistance. “What do you think, niisan?”
Ritsu had said very little, and even less now. It was not due to the current subject, however.
“Pfff.” Shou nudged Ritsu with an elbow. “You here in the same reality with us, dude?”
He was looking down at his food, hands holding up his head with a distant stare. Serizawa grew worried.
“Um, are you alright?”
A sigh. “This is the most unhealthy, horrible thing I have ever eaten.” Ritsu spoke in a low, serious tone. “I’m probably going to get sick after we get home.” His head sunk lower. “But I can’t stop eating it. Why is it so good?”
“Ah.” Shou held up one of the churros. “The existential crisis of fried dough covered in sugar.” He playfully dangled in front of Ristu. “Truly a conundrum.”
Everyone gave a friendly laugh, even Serizawa. His experience with food had been quite limited until recently, relating easily to the bliss of trying something delicious even if it was bad for you.
The noise was still getting to him even after they ate. So many random and chaotic ones mixing together. Serizawa would calm down for a moment before a small kid would scream right next to him. In between there was the music and smells. He followed the kids along into the building hoping that would be better. Nope. Now all the noise was contained in an enclosed space leaving him feeling claustrophobic. He focused on his friends enjoying the animals.
Mob had lagged behind, what with the last area being dedicated to frogs. Not wanting to get separated, Serizawa hung back as well. A group of adults pushing strollers went by. Each were loudly complaining about the cleanliness of the place, and in their own little bubble, they nearly ran over Mob’s foot. One of them turned and gave a cruel sneer. Mob shrank back, holding his arm and looking at the floor. The same group almost bumped into Serizawa as well.
He wanted to help but one of the babies starting crying, causing the others to join in. His limbs froze, muscles knotting. The room spun for a moment and he looked up to check on Mob. He was having the same reaction, backing away and breathing harder, his shoulders tense.
“Hey, there’s a cool ant display ahead!” Teru had walked up and taken Mob’s hand. “Wanna watch them carry little leaves and stuff? They have all these clear pipes you can see them travel through.”
Serizawa smiled as they walked by, Mob now calm. Maybe he could get the same relief. The babies continued to cry while he stared at his footsteps, ignoring the mini crowds in front of every glassed enclosed snake, lizard, and spider they passed.
“What’s on your mind, Serizawa?”
Another sudden jolt as he was forced out of his head. They had made it out of the building but that just meant even more differences to deal with. Serizawa blinked before turning to see Reigen at his side. He found himself standing in front of a ground enclosure where the animals wandered around in an open air pit behind a fence.
“You seem really focused. Never seen one before?”
He wanted to say something but failed to conjure up anything concrete, instead turning his head toward the enclosure. Inside sat a few large, furry mammals. Their fur was brown with big eyes and snouts
“It’s a capybara.” Reigen brought up a hand. “They are the largest of the rat family and in some areas are actually classified as fish to avoid religious traditions of food consumption.”
Serizawa leaned a bit to the side as Reigen gestured, looking past to see an information sign with the same words his boss was stating at this very moment. He couldn’t help but grin.
“They seem very calm.” Serizawa shifted his gaze to meet Reigen’s eyes. “And rather cute.”
“Ha ha. Yeah.” A blush formed on Reigen’s cheeks. “I guess they are.”
A large crowd wandered past them, some breaking off to yell and point at the capybaras. Why can’t he just be in the moment? Why does he tense up every single time? It’s not like he was doing it on purpose. Serizawa let out a grumbling exhale while wrapping his arms around himself. But one of his hands was stopped.
“Hey, you need anything?” Reigen gave a light squeeze to Serizawa’s hand. “I did say you could ask if you needed.”
Serizawa inhaled, no longer hearing the random noises, immune now to attempting to read every sign, only smelling the cheap body spray Reigen used every day. Tears welled in his eyes but he forced them back.
“I- I can’t do this. It’s too much.” The first words came out shaky but he managed to keep them calmer and low now. “The kids are enjoying this so much, so I can’t just go home when they need me. But- but I can’t- there’s so much here and I can’t seem to focus and-“
During the desperate rambling, little pebbles started to rise and float around Serizawa, as well as Reigen’s ball cap.
“Hey.” Reigen had a hand on Serizawa’s shoulder now, looking straight at him, face serious but kind. “I used to work here you know.”
Breathing fast, Serizawa concentrated on his boss’s words.
“I thought I was going to get to play with animals and stuff. Nope!” Fingers up, gesturing out toward the other half of the zoo. “It was all shit. Picking up shit. All day.”
Serizawa had stopped crying and was lost in a state of confusion and admiration.
“Still, I had to finish my summer out so I just tried to push through.” Reigen continued. “That definitely did not work. But I did learn one thing: there’s this café that barely anyone goes to. Families all want fried food and animal toys and stuff, but this place just has tea.” He stopped flinging his hands around and held one out for Serizawa to take. “Wanna take a break and go there? The kids will be fine on their own for a bit.”
Instead of taking the offered hand, Serizawa wrapped his arms around Reigen and pulled him into a hug.
“Yes! I’d like that.” Serizawa mumbled into his boss’s shoulder until he realized what he was doing and released his hold, stepping back and fumbling his arms in front of him. “I mean, if that’s ok with you, Reigen-san.”
His boss nodded back, still recovering with his hair messily sticking out from his ball cap. “Sure thing, big guy.”
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Seashell Seashore (Ortho & GN!Reader)
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Note: This one-shot with Ortho is strictly platonic
You sighed as you stretched out on your towel. Your sunglasses protected your eyes from the bright rays of sunlight that shone down on the beach. They would certainly get you bone dry before long; you could already feel the sea moisture evaporating from your hair. It’d been a nice swim, exactly what you needed on a hot day like this. The fact the beach was less crowded today was just the syrup on the snow cone. As you rested your arms above your head you closed your eyes, determined to spend the rest of your time relaxing in the sun. 
The sound of splashing took you out of the haze your mind was slowly fading into. Whether out of curiosity or the disturbance of your impending slumber, you opened your eyes and craned your neck forward to look out at the shoreline. Through the shade of your sunglasses you saw Ortho standing ankle-deep in the water, hands reached out in search of…something. Did he drop something into the sea by accident? You worried it might be something vital to his waterproof body. Though your body screamed in protest, you got up from your spot on the towel and trotted over to Ortho. 
“Do you need any help?” you asked as you looked down at the robotic boy. 
Ortho looked up to meet your eye and smiled. “Oh, hello [Y/n]! If you would like to help, I would be very grateful.” 
“What’re you looking for?” Your eyes scanned the shallow water, now cloudy from your footsteps and Ortho’s searching. “Did you drop something?” 
“Oh, no, I did not drop anything.” You sighed in relief - no crisis to be concerned about. “I am looking for seashells.” 
“Seashells?” When you took a closer look at the boy, you realized he had a fanny pack across his chest. The bottom was slightly damp - that must be where he kept them. 
“Mhm!” Ortho nodded. He took one of his hands out of the water and held up a pink one for you to see. “Yesterday, Vil taught me how to make jewelry with them.” He unzipped his pouch, put the little shell inside, then zipped it back up again before he went back to his search. “I want to make one for my brother! He hasn’t come out much since Kingscholar dunked him into the pool the other day.” 
Oh yeah, you remembered that…poor guy. He looked like he almost had a heart attack, not that Leona was too remorseful. At least he got quite the reprimand from Trein for it. You smiled as you rolled up the sleeves of your kimono cover. “Let me help you out with that. I’ll help you make the jewelry once you have enough.” 
“Thank you!” Ortho was practically beaming now. While you could not see the smile under his mask, you could envision it by the way his eyes crinkled with joy. “I believe I have collected enough to make a bracelet. I want to make myself one, too; maybe I can make even more if we gather enough.”
“Well, let’s get to it then!” You knelt down in the water so you could dig further into the sand. “We can look tomorrow, too, if we don’t get enough for a few.”
Ortho seemed excited by the prospect for the way he quickly set to work beside you. The two chatted idly about nothing in particular as you went along long into the day. Sometimes you talked of what either of you had been doing during the trip, while other times you spoke about what you looked forward to doing in the days to come. Before you knew it, the sun had begun to set behind the ways, which cast your surroundings in a light orange hue. You looked up from your current search spot, a few feet from where you’d first begun, to scan your surroundings. It seemed you both were the last two on the beach - everyone else had gone elsewhere. 
“It’s getting late,” you commented. Water dripped from your kimono and swimsuit as you stood. “We should head back to the resort to wash off - it’ll be dinner time soon.” 
“Yes, I think that is a good idea,” Ortho said as he zipped up his fanny back. “Brother will be wondering where I am; I do not want him to worry.” 
“Give me a minute to grab my stuff,” you said as you began to walk back to shore. “I’ll walk back with you.” 
“That is a good idea, too.” Ortho began to hover over the water as he followed after you. “It is best to travel in groups, just in case trouble should ari-”
“Ow!” Your painful cry stopped Ortho mid-sentence. Your foot had hit something hard beneath the sand. You didn’t think you were bleeding, but it sure did hurt! 
“Are you alright?!” Ortho asked, now at your side as his eyes searched you for injuries. “Do you need medical attention?” 
“N-No, I think I’m fine.” You grunted as you lifted your foot out of the water. You bent your leg up and across your other leg to get a better look at your foot. Nope, no cut in sight. It didn’t look like it would bruise, either. You smiled and showed Ortho to reassure him before you put your foot down. 
“See? Just bumped my foot against something.” Your forehead creased as your brows furrowed as you focused on where your foot had been. The water was murky from when you shifted your foot, but you could make out something poking out of the sand. You reached down to grab it, then carefully pulled it out. Both you and Ortho gazed in awe at the object in your hand: a conch shell! 
“Wow!” Ortho’s yellow orbs seemed to swirl with stars as he ogled the large shell. “It’s so pretty! That is a conch, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah!” You couldn’t help but beam yourself as you brought the shell up for a closer look. “These are really hard to find, especially in this condition. This would cost a ton at a gift shop!” 
“It seems to be fully intact as well,” Ortho observed as he circled you to get a full look at the shell. “That is a very good find, [Y/n]!” 
You nodded as you continued to stare at the shell. Its body was a soft pink color that faded to white at the lower and upper tips. You saw that the inside was white as well - smooth, too. You tipped the shell over and shook it gently to get any remaining sand out of it, then put it up to your ear. You smiled as you listened. 
“What are you doing?” Ortho asked as he curiously tilted his head. 
“I’m listening,” you replied as you removed the conch from your ear. “If you press your ear against the opening of a conch, you can hear the sea.”
Ortho raised an eyebrow in confusion. “That is impossible, even if you are on the beach. The sea is not inside the shell; how can you hear it if you are far away?”
You giggled, “It’s just a traditional fantasy, Ortho. You can’t really hear the sea - but the way the air circulates from your ear to the shell sounds like it.” You offered the conch to him. “Here, try it!”
Ortho showed no hesitance as he took the conch and pressed it to his ear. You watched as his eyes widened as he listened. Your smile grew into a grin as Ortho took the conch away from his ear and practically jumped up and down at the discovery. “It does sound like the sea! We must have my brother listen, too!”
“Yeah, we should!” You began to walk again, and Ortho followed close to your side. “I’m sure he’ll think it’s cool.” 
Idia, indeed, thought it was cool - at least that’s what he said for his brother’s sake. You spent a good time in Idia and Ortho’s condo that night as you helped Ortho make little shell necklaces and bracelets. Before you could leave when bedtime came, however, Ortho gave you the conch you’d found. While you protested at first, Ortho insisted that you keep it. 
“I can hear the sea whenever I want to - I just have to load up an audio file.” He gently pushed the conch into your arms. “But you may not be able to one day. When that day comes, you can listen to the conch and remember the time you spent here - the time we found it.” 
Ortho was right. In the future, whenever you grew lonely, you picked up that conch and placed your ear against its crevice to listen to the sea. To relive those memories at the beach with your friends, and the little boy you helped collect seashells for his brother.
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psychangels · 7 months
feel like talking about my robot ocs (sort of? it's kind of complicated for two of them. you'll see), so here's some stuff about them! :]
angel (halo/ae/wing) (named after angel's food cake) (technically a self-insert, but also not really? not sure where the line is drawn in this case, honestly...)
halo is a defective va-ser that barely managed to escape from qa-1mil by pure chance. halo went into hiding afterwards, not wanting to get, y'know, Killed for just having fucked up pain processors.
wing's a yellow va-ser that's covered in chicken scratch. most of it is notes for wings various stories that wing wants to write someday. the scrolling text on wings midsection changes in accordance with whatever wing is currently doing (e.g. if wing is talking about something wing likes a lot, the text changes to something like, "rambling about bullshit").
ae likes to collect and wear button-up shirts. ae has to ruin most of them in the process (well, more than they were Already ruined, anyways, considering that ae finds them in the trash), though
at some point, angel meets the next oc(?) i'll be talking about, and the two have stuck together ever since. :]
dev (it/her) (named after devil's food cake) (technically not an oc, but also kind of an oc?)
it's...the decaf bot! in the metal! it's been hiding out ever since That Whole Thing.
she's a pgr-0101, but her appearance has been heavily (self) modified. she's blue instead of green, and the gold strips reminiscent of zanzo's coat have been torn off. her visor displays a pair of eyes when she has it on, rather than the regular squares. said eyes change to reflect her emotions.
similar to angel, it likes to wear clothes! specifically, it wears a torn up cloth lab coat that's covered in spray paint, alongside a fanny pack that's also covered in paint
gngr (he/she) nori's (the head of production in my au, escapism) assistant! he was built by xem a few years back for a school assignment. xe kept them around because xe needed someone that would always be there, looking out for them
since she was built to, essentially, be a caretaker, she knows how to cook, she cleans, is a shoulder to cry on...y'know, all that Stuff.
he has a screen for a face, which he displays emoticons (e.g. :D, :(, :P) on. he can also put text on it!
now, the next four aren't humanoid in any way. they're like the kem-0n0 and vu-t0r1. but i wanted to talk about them, and they Are robots that I Made, so! it's also important to note that they only exist within my au, escapism, because they were designed by the head of R&D in said au, sunny
LEO-031 the LEO-031 was designed to be the ultimate bodyguard. they're quick, strong, and practically unbreakable! well, unless you have fists of steel that are strong enough to break sunny's improved version of z-shielding, known as SP 100, which most people do not.
they're sold to the public, and the department heads and the ceo himself all have one of their own! the models sold to the public differ from those that were given to the heads and ceo by sunny, as theirs were designed to be specifically for them.
they look like a robotic lion with a small mane. their mane becomes more prominent when they feel they/their owner is being threatened
LEN-N31 the LEN-N31 is the smaller, friendlier sibling of the LEO-031. they are the ultimate companion! they're soft, lovable, and entirely non-lethal! however, that doesn't mean that they're weak! they're just as sturdy as their siblings, and are waterproof, so you can have fun in the pool and the rain!
they're very good at cohabitating with others, so if you have other pets, they'll get along swell! they even come equipped with emergency response systems in case you or any of your loved ones are in danger.
they're one of, if not the most popular unit sold by vandelay technologies!
they look like a robotic lion cub.
PACK-13 the PACK-13 was designed to be the ultimate tracker and is excellent at hunting down groups. this is because it itself is a group of robots, which all combine into one massive mech.
unlike its predecessors, the LEO-031 and LEN-N31, it's made entirely of solid steel. no soft fur or cutesy appearance here; just a mechanical machine built to hunt...and kill. its bite is strong enough to break through bone.
it is not intended for public use.
it looks like a giant mechanical wolf. the separate units look similar, just, well, smaller.
L0N3-WLF the L0N3-WLF was designed to be the second ultimate tracker and is excellent at hunting down singular targets. its a smaller, quicker, singular version of the PACK-13.
sent out less often compared to its siblings, but that doesn't mean it's not as capable. somewhat concerningly, there are some reports of L0N3-WLF units getting in the way of PACK-13s...but that's probably just some weird malfunction.
it is not intended for public use.
it looks almost the same as a single unit that makes up the PACK-13, but slimmer and sleeker.
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ou-ca-2 · 1 year
hello I need people advice lol c’est les soldes and those are some of the items that kinda hit my eye but also like lol I clearly do not have the money to buy everything so I think I need people opinion on stuff coz I know I am just gonna NOT buy anything when actually I could use some new stuff you know ??
-- this waterproof jacket I like coz it has a pattern and I think it’s cute and also I don’t have a waterproof jacket yet I live in a very rainy country lol
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-- this pink fanny pack ! I only have a yellow BIG fanny pack that I love so much like I wear it everyday but as you know my fav color is hot pink...
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--- those van that are checker vibe and I love a checker vibe but also with a twist !! and I just love Vans since I have been 10 years old and they seem pretty affordable and kinda versatile could work for work and fun times as well 
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-- last but not least (well actually kinda) are those two items from the same collection and I kinda love it as well kind think it’s STUPID to have “fake” kids drawings or you shoes and bags lol might as well be some REAL ones you know ??? idk thought welcomed 
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plz help meeee lol even if you want to ROAST my choices go ahead I just need some input as they say lolz
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zippers · 2 years
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my new archaeologist gig has me working 10 day work weeks 😭 but i genuinely enjoy the work (just wish it was warm!), and I'm almost done with naddpod campaign 1 😂 I was working pretty isolated today so I was playing it outloud from my waterproof fanny pack (a freebie i didn't expect to get!!!!) and was laughing over the flotation buckets i was prepping.
the rest of the crew here are a bunch of amazing, kind, supportive, funny, smart, and BUFF women, in the past week I have learned so much from them and they have saved my tail tremendously on multiple occasions!
Ok byeee I gotta finish editing these videos for this adoption conference!
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skogakust · 21 days
Beyond the Hashtag: How Hiking Influencers Are Reshaping the Outdoor Gear Industry
The allure of the wilderness has always been strong, but in recent years, a digital revolution has swept through the world of hiking, fueled by the rise of social media influencers. These virtual trailblazers are more than just picture-perfect faces in stunning landscapes – they're shaping trends, driving innovation, and inspiring a new generation of adventurers to embrace the outdoors.
The Digital Trailblazers: Navigating the World of Online Hiking Accessories
Social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok have become digital hiking trails, where influencers share their experiences, tips, and gear recommendations. They've opened up the once niche world of Online Hiking Accessories to a wider audience, connecting passionate hikers with brands and products they may not have discovered otherwise. This accessibility has not only empowered consumers but also reshaped the way brands market their products, shifting towards digital strategies and influencer collaborations.
Beyond the 'Gram: The Impact of Influencer Reviews
Gone are the days of relying solely on product descriptions or generic reviews. Today, hiking influencers are providing valuable insights into the functionality, durability, and practicality of gear through their authentic experiences. They're not afraid to highlight both the pros and cons, offering a comprehensive perspective that helps consumers make informed decisions about their Buy Online Camping Products. Whether it's a detailed breakdown of a backpack's features, a demonstration of a water filter's effectiveness, or a firsthand account of a jacket's performance in inclement weather, influencer reviews are becoming increasingly influential in the purchasing process.
The Rise of Niche Gear: From Basic Essentials to Specialized Equipment
Influencers are no longer just promoting the standard hiking essentials. They're pushing boundaries and introducing niche products that cater to specific needs and interests. From ultralight trekking poles designed for minimalist backpacking to high-tech GPS trackers for off-grid adventures, influencers are showcasing the latest innovations in Waterproof Backpacks and other specialized hiking gear. This shift towards niche products reflects a growing demand for gear tailored to individual hiking styles, preferences, and adventure goals.
Redefining Aesthetics: The Blending of Function and Fashion
The impact of hiking influencers extends beyond functionality. They're also redefining the aesthetics of hiking gear, emphasizing style and personal expression alongside performance. As a result, there is a growing trend of stylish, eco-friendly outdoor clothing that blurs the distinction between functionality and style. Hiking gear is no longer just about practicality; it's become a statement of individuality and a reflection of a person's connection to nature.
Building Community and Inspiring Exploration
Beyond product recommendations, hiking influencers foster a sense of community and inspire others to embrace the outdoors. They share their personal stories, provide tips for beginners, and encourage a love for nature. Through their journeys, they inspire viewers to connect with nature and embark on their own outdoor adventures. This sense of community extends beyond the digital realm, with many influencers organizing group hikes and events, fostering real-world connections among fellow outdoor enthusiasts.
Beyond the Influencer Hype: Choosing the Right Gear
While influencer recommendations are valuable, it's essential to critically evaluate their content and consider your individual needs and budget. Remember, their choices might be influenced by brand partnerships and promotional deals. Before making a purchase, do your own research, read independent reviews, and consider factors like price, durability, and functionality in relation to your specific needs and hiking style.
The Future of Hiking Gear is Collaborative
The influence of hiking influencers on the outdoor gear market is undeniable. They're shaping trends, driving innovation, and connecting with a growing community of outdoor enthusiasts. As the lines between the virtual and real-world blur, it's crucial to approach influencer recommendations with a discerning eye and prioritize your individual needs. Companies like Skog Å Kust, with their commitment to quality and sustainability, are leading the way in providing gear that aligns with the values of mindful outdoor exploration promoted by these digital trailblazers. So, pack your gear, hit the trail, and let the journey begin!
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Discover the best Carved Leather Fanny Pack
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Carved leather fanny packs are a stylish and practical way to carry your belongings. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors and can be customized to fit your style. This essay will discuss the benefits of owning a carved leather fanny pack, the types available, how to care for them, and the different ways to wear them. With these details, you can make an informed decision about whether or not a carved leather fanny pack is right for you.
Benefits of Owning a Carved Leather Fanny Pack
Carved leather fanny packs offer several benefits, making them a great choice for carrying your belongings. First, they are stylish and can be customized to fit your style. You can choose from various shapes, sizes, and colors to find the perfect fanny pack. Second, they are durable and can last for years with proper care. Third, they are lightweight and easy to carry around. Finally, they are secure and protect your belongings from theft or damage.
Different Types of Carved Leather Fanny Packs
There are a variety of different types of carved leather fanny packs available. The most common type is the classic belt-style fanny pack, worn around the waist and secured with a buckle. Other types include crossbody bags, shoulder bags, and backpacks. Each type has its unique features and benefits, so it's important to consider your needs before making a purchase.
How to Care for Your Carved Leather Fanny Pack
Proper care is essential for keeping your carved leather fanny pack looking its best. To clean it, use a damp cloth and mild soap. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage the leather. To protect it from water damage, use a waterproofing spray or wax. Additionally, store your fanny pack in a cool, dry place when not in use.
Different Ways to Wear Your Carved Leather Fanny Pack
Carved leather fanny packs can be worn in various ways depending on your needs. The classic belt-style fanny pack is the most popular option and is worn around the waist with the buckle secured. Crossbody bags can be worn over the shoulder or across the body for hands-free convenience. Shoulder bags can be worn over one shoulder or across the body for a more casual look. Backpacks can be worn on both shoulders for maximum comfort and support.
Customizing Your Carved Leather Fanny Pack
Carved leather fanny packs can be customized to fit your style. You can choose from various shapes, sizes, and colors to find the perfect fanny pack. Additionally, you can add personalized touches such as embroidery or patches to make it truly unique. With these options, you can create a one-of-a-kind fanny pack that reflects your personality and style.
In conclusion, carved leather fanny packs are a stylish and practical way to carry your belongings. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors and can be customized to fit your style. They offer several benefits, such as durability, lightweight design, and security. Additionally, different types of fanny packs are available, and different ways to wear them. With these details in mind, you can make an informed decision about whether or not a carved leather fanny pack is right for you.
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gift2hearttbr · 18 days
Fashion Waist Pack Belt Bag Phone Pouch Bags High Quality Waterproof
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Fashion Waist Pack Belt Bag Phone Pouch Bags High Quality Waterproof - https://gift2heart.com/product/fashion-waist-pack-belt-bag-phone-pouch-bags-high-quality-waterproof/?feed_id=18737&_unique_id=66dcb17461f36 Ali - Gift 2 Heart   Fanny pack is a great way to go hands free. It is roomy and not too bulky, and it fully meets everything you need for your daily activities. This waist pack features 2 separate zippered compartments and each compartment design can help you reasonably allocate and store personal items,…
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ajgirls3 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Moment Fanny Sling Bag 2L Travel Outdoors Bag In Sand Belt Fanny Pack Unisex.
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divainthed · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 1 Waterproof Pouch with Waist Strap Waist Pack Fanny Pack.
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platinumwear · 5 months
Casual Waist Bag For Men Women, Portable Waterproof Fanny Pack For Outdoor Sports Fitness Running Marathon
  Get ready for your next outdoor adventure with our Casual Waist Bag! Designed to fit your daily essentials such as your phone, wallet, keys, and more, this waist bag is perfect for men and women who enjoy being active and on-the-go. Our waist bag is made with high-quality, waterproof material to keep your belongings safe and dry during any weather condition. Whether you’re hiking, running,…
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kmgquote · 5 months
Belt Bag for Women, Mini Everywhere Crossbody Waist Bag Adjustable Strap, Vegan Leather Women's Fanny Pack
ZAR326.36 ZAR 345.00 Shipping & Import Charges to South Africa https://amzn.to/3U9rg01 Product detailsCare instructionsDry Cloth CleanCountry of OriginChinaAbout this item✔Durable Material– women’s waist bags are made of high-quality vegetarian leather, which is soft, waterproof and durable. The interior is made of durable and fashionable woven lining, and the appearance is high and exquisite.…
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