Qualche giorno fa ho avuto il piacere di ricevere per la seconda volta il Watsu. Per chi non lo conoscesse, è lo Shiatzu in acqua e sono una serie di massaggi, torsioni, allungamenti e digitopressioni che servono a rilassare corpo e mente, riconnettendoli. Se praticato bene, riesce a dare un senso di benessere mentale e fisico energizzante e apre la porta sul tuo inconscio.
La prima volta ero molto incuriosita e così il rilassamento è stato prettamente fisico. Ma quest'ultima volta ho deciso di lasciar vagare i pensieri e approfittare di quel momento per stare con me stessa. Mentre lei mi stava muovendo in acqua, con delicatezza e precisione, la mia testa stava formando dei pensieri che non avevo mai avuto il coraggio di affrontare. Per la prima volta in vita mia, sono riuscita a parlare con me. La me bambina nello specifico, ma non solo Lei. Sono riuscita a fare una cosa che ho represso per tanto tempo: perdonarmi.
Mi sono ripetuta mille volte quanto mi dispiacesse essermi sempre sminuita, essermi sempre incolpata di ogni cosa, essermi insultata, derisa e per non aver mai creduto in me stessa. Ho chiesto alla me bambina di perdonarmi, l'ho implorata di farlo perché non avevo capito quanto avesse sofferto e quanto io avessi peggiorato le cose quando continuavo a giudicarmi negativamente.
È una cosa che ho faticato tanto a fare, che ogni volta in cui ci provavo mi sentivo stupida, egocentrica, fuori dal mio posto in fondo alla scala sociale nella mia testa. Ho voluto mettere da parte tutte queste emozioni ed è stato così facile in quel momento. È stato naturale e non è stato lineare, affatto.
Mi sono davvero amata.
Per la prima volta in 23 anni, ho sentito di amare me stessa e questa sensazione così piacevole non è svanita nel nulla quando ho sentito il contatto della mia schiena con la parete della piscina. Anzi, il tutto si è esternato quando ho riaperto gli occhi e ho sorriso. Sorriso davvero, credo sia stato uno dei sorrisi più sinceri che abbia mai fatto. Sorridevo a me, sorridevo alla persona che sono e che sono stata, a quella che voglio continuare ad essere, a quella che voglio migliorare ma soprattutto a quella che non voglio cambiare per nulla al mondo.
Ho aspettato a scrivere tutto questo su carta, ho aspettato perché avevo paura fosse un'emozione volatile, che ora c'è e fra qualche momento sparisce nel nulla. Invece è rimasta, invece ora mi fermo se penso qualcosa negativo su di me, non mi dico che è vero, non continuo ad avvallare quel pensiero. Lo lascio andare come un'onda che si infrange sugli scogli e mi dico "passerà".
E così, per non dimenticarmene, oggi ho deciso di scrivermi una lettera. Ho scritto come se parlassi ad un'amica, un'amica a cui voglio davvero bene, come se non parlassi di me. Le ho scritto come avrei fatto per una persona che ammiro e che non voglio stia ancora male. E tutto si è concluso con quell'ultima pagina:
E il mio sfogo con la penna ha raggiunto tutte le pagine di quella lettera, come a ribadire che NON LO SONO e che non devo mai più sentirmi così.
È stata un'emozione forte.
Ho abbracciato il mio cuore come nel disegno che avevo fatto nell'immagine di questo profilo.
Ma quanto è bello amarsi?
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chrismasseur1 · 9 months
Watsu Massage Kings Cross London Health Therapeutic massage Elevate Your Sense of Wellness.
Greetings to Watsu Massage, Your Tranquility Adventure: Reinvent Health with Our Premium Masculine Massage Sessions in The Heart of London Step into a Body Massage At Home For Male Near Me realm of undiluted tranquility and rejuvenation at my respected masculine massaging service in the heart of the city. The goal is clear: to elevate your overall health through a distinctive fusion of tranquil…
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Drinking with Rosaria & Eula!
CW: Male!Reader, swearing, reader and character are drunk to some degree, not proofread, ignore the implication of Disney existing in Teyvat okay?
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Rosaria doesn't stray from alcohol, not by any means. She never gets drunk, or at least that's what she claims. Not in public anyway. If the drinks pour a little too fast for clarity of mind to remain, the notoriously horny sister becomes a literal succubus. No five minutes may pass without a dirty remark of some sort, suggestive gestures or not-so-restrained touching. She also tends to cuss a lot. But who cares, if all of it is contained within your own four walls? Your drunk self certainly doesn't. 
The fifth anniversary of your dating was upon you, so you and Rosaria thought that a few drinks wouldn't hurt. Well, Rosaria has a different definition of 'a few drinks'. By now, two bottles of Dandelion Wine are completely dry, with a third one already open. The wine glasses are halfway full, the two of you already blushing heavily. Rosaria is sitting on your lap, placing sloppy kisses all over your neck. You playfully push her away every now and then, but she dives right back in no time. 
"R-Rosie… Your wine will get warm, you know?" You mutter, barely keeping composure under the barrage of kisses she delivers. 
"Pfffffffffffft. Who cares… You're alllll I need baby~" 
"No, seriously. Who wants to drink warm wine?" 
She pulls away, seemingly considering your words. It takes a while, but she finally nods her head. 
"Yeah. You're right." She down the entire glass in one go, and sighs loudly. "Mmm, That's the stuff…" 
You look at her. Despite the river of alcohol clouding your mind, you see clearly. You see her, your beloved, your chosen, your girlfriend. Her pale skin, her delicate yet sharp features, her slim, painted lips, her slender fingers, her rich chest… The wine turns your awe into obsession. You grab her jaw and turn her face to look at you. 
"Rosaria… you're… the most beautiful woman I have ever seen…" You mutter. So beautiful, mysterious, so unique, so enchanting, so tantalizing… 
Like a vampire. 
"Like a vampire…" Your thoughts escape your mind. Rosaria draws a smile. 
"Are you one? A vampire, I… I mean. You gonna suck my blood out, Rosie?" 
Even if you are drunk, your mind still works. It has some merit. She has pale skin, she goes out only at night, she likes red fluids… and those teeth… your neck, your hands, your arms, your thighs, your stomach and your… other bits know the sting of those canines all too well by now. 
Rosaria chuckles. "Nah, s-sorry. I'm not gonna drink your blood, but I will gladly suck something else, hehe~" She leans down and makes a small growling sound. 
"Rosariaaaaa!" You both laugh. She pulls back and wraps her arms around your neck. 
"I talked to a four-eyes once, you know? About my skin."
"Ah, I see… What did he tell you?" You finish up your glass of wine. 
"He told me that my ancestors may have come from Wat… Watsu…Tsu.. Watsumi Island, was it? Eh, close enough." She sniffs. "Fuckin' fish people, anyway."
"You are looking fishy sometimes, that I will give you…" 
"I never found any scales, gills, fins or whatevers on me. Sad." She hics. "I wanted to be a mermaid when I was a teeny tiny girl, you k-know? I wanted to swim below the waters, a-and sing songs, a-and play with my fish friends… I always wanted a crab, you know? I would name him… Sebastian."
You sit in silence for a minute, smiling like children at each other before the lyrics can no longer be contained. 
"Under the sea, under the sea, darling it's better, down where it's wetter, take it from meeeeeeeee, up on the shore they work all day, out in the sun they slave away, while we devotin', full time to floatin', under the seaaaaaaaaaaaa…" You sing in drunken unison, ending the broken auditory mess of a cover with a hard burst of laughter. When Rosaria calms down, she leans into you, her lips pressed right against your ear. 
"You know what else he told me?" 
"H-he told me that young men need to have sex to be healthy… And, baby, I will make you the healthiest man in Teyvat, heh~" She sloppily kisses your ear, sending shivers of excitement through your body. She pulls away, and pushes up her chest proudly. "D-doctor Rosaria prescribes you her tight, warm, wet cun-" 
"Rosariaaaaa stoooooooooop!" 
As expected, neither of you remembered the conversation in the morning. 
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Eula got drunk sometimes - during free days, of course. She was doing that more often before, mainly due to stress and soul-crushing loneliness. She would often cry herself to sleep after returning home, but now that she has you, that's no longer an occurrence. Since she tends to get very sad when drunk, she allows herself to be tipsy at most. Not to spoil your fun, since you tend to be quite entertaining to be around when you had too much to drink. 
"Are you sure you want another one, my dear?" 
Eula stops herself from pouring you another round from the bottle but you just wave your hand. 
"Go for it. I'm still standing!" 
She smirks, letting the liquid fill the cup. "Well, as you wish."
You grab the wooden vessel and instantly lift it to your lips. The cool taste of wine reaches your lips and the warmth spreads through your body oh so pleasantly. Mondstadt's wine never had low alcohol content. 
"You know, I don't get it." You speak, eyes barely ajar. 
"What exactly, Y/N?" Eula eyes her own cup carefully, trying to hold herself from filling it. Again. 
"I don't understand w-why they hate you… You didn't do anything wrong." You look up at her, your eyes filled with sadness. "You're a good woman, Eula. You do great w-work, you keep the people safe, you kill monsters…" 
She looks down, unsure of what to say. After a moment, she speaks quietly. "It is what it is."
She suddenly feels your hand move over hers. It's warm, so pleasantly warm, enveloping hers. She gasps quietly. "No, Eula. This cannot continue. I won't let you be sad anymore."
She looks up at you, straight into your eyes. This time, they are overflowing with kindness and love, the purest form of it. She frowns, trying to hold back the prickling feeling in her eyes. Why does she get so sensitive each time alcohol and you are involved? 
"I love you, Eula. I love you so much, I-I want you to be happy, and I will do my best to make up for all the hurt they have you. I… I never want to see you sad again, alright? I… love you, Eula. I love you so much."
She smiles at you, tears slowly falling from her cheeks. She doesn't deserve you.
"Go home, Y/N. You're drunk." Her lower lip trembles slightly. 
"H-home? But I am home, my love." 
Eula smirks, looking down at the bar table for a brief moment. "How so?" 
You reach over the table, and place your hand over her heart. Her skin is cold, but you feel the warmth radiating from within. 
"Home is where you are, Eula."
She blushes and covers her eyes with her gloved hand. She can no longer hold back the tears. She chokes back a sob. 
"I l-love you too, Y/N. I d-don't deserve you… truly…" 
"Hey, d-don't say that! And I told you t-that I don't want you to be sad, Eula… If you want to, we can go home a-and cuddle. Does that sound good?" 
She sniffs. 
"Yes, let's g-go home, Y/N."
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Thanks for reading!
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I got a bronze reward (1st graders got gold and silver)
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sob..sob..conswolle meee starwie warie dusty wusty eyeball with rings around it (wings included in purchase) kayyayday matsu-watsu....
Aww, it's okay Kichi! I'm sure you did great, you're still a winner in my eyes! You are the great and amazing Kokichi, of course you're always on top!
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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:: elemental healing :: १ fire :: sauna :: steam :: temezcal :: kundalini yoga :: sunset walk :: candle gazing :: ७ water :: ice plunge :: hot bath :: rain walk :: ocean swim :: watsu :: sweat lodge :: ० earth :: outdoor meditation :: dancing :: sun gazing :: nature walk :: ashtanga yoga :: crystal burying :: writing :: cooking :: ९ air :: reading :: sleeping :: cliff jumping :: wind cleansing :: sunrise walk :: breathing meditation :: acro yoga :: ॐ spirit :: singing :: talk therapy :: moonlit walk :: herbal medicine :: tarot reading :: crystal meditation :: sound bath :: dreaming ::
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vivxiv · 10 months
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For watsu, Thank you for the request!
Commissions open: my Ko-fi
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corruptprayer · 16 days
New Watsu 2 Sequence Demonstration by Toru Ogasawara
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acore-omiya · 3 months
【レポート】「ワッツ ストリートマルシェ」
お人形のまち「岩槻」で、新しいイベントが!6月15日「ワッツ ストリートマルシェ」へいってきました。
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毎月テーマがかわる「ワッツ ストリートマルシェ」。来月はどんなテーマかな?とわくわくしますね。
今までの記事は旧アコレおおみやホームぺージへ ↓
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alusa12 · 5 months
Hydrotherapy Massage: Relaxing Muscles with the Healing Power of Water
Hydrotherapy massage, also known as aquatic bodywork or water massage therapy, harnesses the therapeutic properties of water to promote relaxation, relieve muscle tension, and enhance overall wellbeing. This innovative form of massage combines the benefits of traditional massage techniques with the soothing and supportive properties of water, offering a unique and rejuvenating experience for individuals seeking relief from stress, pain, and physical discomfort. In this article, we'll explore the principles of hydrotherapy massage, its various techniques, and the many benefits it offers for relaxation and muscle therapy.서울출장마사지
Understanding Hydrotherapy Massage:
Hydrotherapy massage is a form of therapeutic bodywork that takes place in warm water, typically in a specialized hydrotherapy pool or bodywork tub. This immersive environment allows for buoyancy, support, and freedom of movement, making it an ideal setting for gentle, flowing massage techniques.
The principles of hydrotherapy massage are rooted in the therapeutic properties of water, including its ability to promote relaxation, improve circulation, and reduce muscle tension. By combining the nurturing touch of massage with the healing power of water, hydrotherapy massage offers a holistic approach to relaxation and muscle therapy.
Key Components of Hydrotherapy Massage:
Hydrotherapy massage typically involves the following key components:
Warm Water: Hydrotherapy massage is conducted in warm water, usually heated to a comfortable temperature ranging from 92°F to 100°F (33°C to 38°C). The warmth of the water helps to relax muscles, soothe the nervous system, and enhance the therapeutic effects of massage.
Buoyancy and Support: The buoyancy of water provides natural support and buoyancy, reducing the effects of gravity on the body and allowing for greater ease of movement. This buoyancy helps to relieve pressure on the joints and spine, making hydrotherapy massage suitable for individuals with musculoskeletal conditions or mobility issues.서울출장안마
Gentle Massage Techniques: Hydrotherapy massage incorporates a variety of gentle massage techniques, including effleurage, kneading, stretching, and joint mobilization. These techniques are performed with fluidity and grace, allowing the body to surrender to the natural rhythms of the water.
Hydrostatic Pressure: The hydrostatic pressure exerted by water helps to improve circulation, reduce swelling, and promote lymphatic drainage. This pressure also provides a comforting sensation of compression, similar to the feeling of being enveloped in a warm embrace.
Breath Awareness and Relaxation: Hydrotherapy massage encourages breath awareness and relaxation, allowing individuals to deepen their breath, release tension, and surrender to the healing properties of water. The soothing sounds of water and gentle movement further enhance the relaxation response.
Techniques Used in Hydrotherapy Massage:
There are several techniques commonly used in hydrotherapy massage, each offering unique benefits for relaxation and muscle therapy:
Watsu: Watsu, short for "water shiatsu," is a form of aquatic bodywork that combines elements of shiatsu massage, joint mobilization, and stretching. In a typical Watsu session, the practitioner gently supports and guides the recipient through a series of fluid movements and stretches, allowing for deep relaxation and release.
Water Dance: Water dance, also known as "water integration," is a dynamic form of hydrotherapy massage that combines elements of dance, yoga, and massage. In a water dance session, the recipient is gently guided through a series of flowing movements, stretches, and poses, promoting freedom of expression and emotional release.
Ai Chi: Ai Chi is a gentle form of aquatic exercise that incorporates elements of Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and mindfulness meditation. In an Ai Chi session, the recipient performs a series of slow, flowing movements and deep breathing exercises, promoting relaxation, balance, and body awareness.
AquaStretch: AquaStretch is a specialized form of hydrotherapy massage that focuses on releasing tension and improving flexibility through passive stretching in water. In an AquaStretch session, the recipient is supported by the practitioner as they move through a series of stretches, allowing for greater range of motion and muscle relaxation.
Benefits of Hydrotherapy Massage:
Hydrotherapy massage offers a wide range of benefits for relaxation, muscle therapy, and overall wellbeing. Some of the key benefits include:
Muscle Relaxation: The warmth and buoyancy of water, combined with gentle massage techniques, help to relax tense muscles, reduce stiffness, and alleviate pain. Hydrotherapy massage is particularly effective for individuals with chronic pain conditions, arthritis, or musculoskeletal injuries.
Stress Reduction: The soothing properties of water, combined with the nurturing touch of massage, promote relaxation, reduce stress hormones, and calm the nervous system. Hydrotherapy massage provides a tranquil and rejuvenating experience, helping individuals to unwind and find inner peace.
Improved Circulation: The hydrostatic pressure exerted by water helps to improve circulation, enhance blood flow, and promote lymphatic drainage. This increased circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, tissues, and organs, supporting overall health and vitality.
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korrektheiten · 5 months
Das Wasser der Heilung
Manova: »Die Verbindung zu den eigenen Wurzeln ist aufgrund unserer Geschichte oft angstbesetzt. Um Heilung zu finden, ist es aber wichtig, wieder in Kontakt mit jenem Element zu kommen, in dem alles seinen Anfang nahm. Im sanften Wiegen des 35 Grad warmen Wassers, fernab vom festen Boden, beginnt eine transformative Reise — eine Reise mit WasserShiatsu (WATSU), verwoben mit Elementen der Integrativen Aquatischen Therapie (IAT). Dort, wo das Wasser die Grenzen unserer Haut berührt und uns in eine Welt der Wärme und Geborgenheit trägt, beginnt die Reise. Es ist eine Welt, in der das Wasser nicht nur äußerlich berührt, sondern auch tief in unsere Seelen eindringt und die verborgenen Wunden des Lebens zu heilen vermag. In dieser intimen Begegnung mit dem Element des Lebens, dem Wasser, entsteht eine einzigartige Verbindung — eine Verbindung, die uns zurückführt zu unserer inneren Quelle der Kraft und des Friedens. Hier, in diesem heiligen Raum des Wassers, finden wir die Leichtigkeit und Freiheit, uns hinzugeben, uns zu öffnen und uns selbst zu begegnen. Ein Text zum #Wasserspezial. http://dlvr.it/T5KKRM «
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flowtowellness · 7 months
Date Night In The Bay Area
Experience a romantic date night in the Bay Area with Ilana's rejuvenating Watsu massage journey. Step away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse yourself in a deeply relaxing and bonding experience. It's a time out of time, where you and your partner can nurture your relationship and reconnect away from the hectic pace of scheduled life. Let go of the constant demands of work and family and indulge in a tranquil evening of shared relaxation and intimacy at Ilana's serene sanctuary. Create cherished memories together as you embark on this unique journey of connection and rejuvenation.
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totall21 · 10 months
Watsu Massage: Finding Peace in Water
In the realm of alternative therapies, there exists a profoundly unique and deeply soothing practice known as Watsu massage. This extraordinary form of bodywork blends the therapeutic benefits of water with the healing power of touch. Watsu, an abbreviation of "water" and "shiatsu," combines elements of aquatic therapy, stretching, and massage to create an experience that is both profoundly relaxing and profoundly rejuvenating. In this article, we will explore the world of Watsu massage, its origins, principles, techniques, and the profound sense of peace it can offer.  의정부출장안마
The Origins of Watsu Massage
Watsu massage was developed by Harold Dull in the early 1980s at Harbin Hot Springs in California. Inspired by his background in Zen Shiatsu and his time in warm water, Dull crafted this unique and holistic therapy that harnesses the therapeutic properties of warm water to create a deeply healing experience.
The name "Watsu" is a portmanteau, a combination of "water" and "shiatsu." This is quite fitting, as Watsu incorporates elements of both aquatic therapy and traditional shiatsu massage, along with other techniques. 의정부출장마사지
Understanding the Principles of Watsu Massage
Watsu massage is built on several key principles, which provide the foundation for its practice: 
Buoyancy and Weightlessness: The warm water provides buoyancy, allowing the recipient to feel weightless. This buoyancy reduces the impact of gravity on the body, facilitating relaxation and ease of movement.
Water Temperature: Watsu is performed in warm water, typically between 94-97 degrees Fahrenheit (34-36 degrees Celsius). This temperature promotes muscle relaxation and comfort.
Trust and Connection: Watsu is a dance-like therapy where the practitioner and recipient move together in the water. Trust and connection between both parties are fundamental to the experience.
Breath Awareness: Both the recipient and practitioner focus on their breath, enhancing relaxation and mindfulness.
Harmonious Movement: The movements in Watsu are continuous and flowing, mirroring the rhythms of the water. The goal is to create a sense of harmony and relaxation.
Key Techniques in Watsu Massage
Watsu massage employs a series of techniques that harness the therapeutic properties of water. Here are some primary techniques used:
Water Support: The recipient is cradled and supported in warm water, with the practitioner often holding the recipient's head above the water's surface.
Stretching and Mobilization: The practitioner gently moves the recipient's body through a range of stretches and movements, promoting relaxation and flexibility.
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aceshadowstar · 11 months
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thetwotorches · 1 year
Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo
“Kan ji zai bo satsu. Gyo jin han nya hara mita ji. Sho ken (*)GO on kai ku. Do issai ku yaku. Sha ri shi. Shiki fu i ku. Ku fu i shiki. Shiki soku ze ku. Ku soku ze shiki. Ju so gyo shiki. Yaku bu nyo ze. Shari shi. Ze sho ho ku so. Fu sho fu metsu. Fu ku fu jo. Fu zo fu gen. Ze ko ku chu. Mu shiki mu ju so gyo shiki. Mu gen ni bi ze shin i. Mu shiki sho ko mi soku ho. Mu gen kai nai shi mu i shiki kai. Mu mu myo yaku mu mu myo jin. Nai shi mu ro shi. Yaku mu ro shi jin. Mu ku shu metsu do. Mu chi yaku mu toku. I mu sho toku ko. Bodai sat ta e hannya haramita KO Shin mu ke ge mu ke ge ko. Mu u ku fu. On ri issai ten do mu so. Ku gyo ne han. San ze sho butsu. E hannya haramita KO Toku a noku ta ra san myaku san bodai. Ko chi hannya haramita. Ze dai jin shu. Ze dai myo shu. Ze mu jo shu. Ze mu to do shu. No jo issai ku. Shin jitsu fu ko ko setsu hannya haramita shu. Soku setsu shu watsu. Gya tei, gya tei, HA ra gya tei. Hara so gya tei. BO ji so waka. Hannya Shingyo.”
Heart of Great Perfect Wisdom Sutra:
“Avalokiteshavara Bodhisattva, when deeply practicing prajna paramita, clearly saw that all five aggregates are empty (ku) and thus relieved all suffering.
Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form itself is emptiness, emptiness itself form. Sensations, perceptions, formations, and consciousness are also like this.
Shariputra, all dharmas are marked by emptiness; they neither arise nor cease, are neither defiled nor pure, neither increase nor decrease. Therefore, given emptiness, there is no form, no sensation, no perception, no formation, no consciousness; no eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no sight, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no object of mind; no realm of sight… no realm of mind consciousness. There is neither ignorance nor extinction of ignorance… neither old age and death, nor extinction of old age and death; no suffering, no cause, no cessation, no path; no knowledge and no attainment.
Therefore, know the prajna paramita as the great miraculous mantra, the great bright mantra, the supreme mantra, the incomparable mantra, which removes all suffering and is true, not false.
Therefore we proclaim the prajna paramita mantra, the mantra that says: “Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha.” “
“Essence of the Sutra of Great Wisdom which permits us to go further
The bodhisattva of the true freedom, through the deep practice of the Great Wisdom, understands that the body and the five skandhas (feeling, perception, thought, activity, consciousness) are nothing more than emptiness (ku) and through this understanding he helps all those who suffer.
Phenomena return to emptiness; emptiness becomes phenomena. (Form is emptiness, emptiness is form). The five skandhas are also phenomena.
Oh, Sariputra, all existence is ku (emptiness). There is no birth, no beginning, no purity, no blemish, no increase, no decrease.
Because of this, in ku, there is no form or skandha, no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no consciouness.
There is no colour, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no object of thought.
There is no wisdom, no ignorance, no illusion or the cessation of illusion, no decay or death, no end to decay, no cessation of suffering.
There is no knowledge, no benefit, nor no benefit.
For the bodhisattva, thanks to this wisdom that leads us to the other side, fear and dread do not exist.
All illusion and all attachment has been cut, and he can understand the ultimate end of life, Nirvana.
All the budhhas of the past, the present and the future, can reach the understandiing of this supreme wisdom which frees us from suffering and allows us to find reality.
This incomparable mantra tells us:
"On, on, together, further than beyond, to the shore of satori." “
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ultra-maha-us · 2 years
Training in Massage Therapy - Modalities Taught
Find Training in Massage Therapy in the United States and Canada. There are over 80 different massage modalities in practice today. Training in massage therapy, however, is nearly as varied as the broad array of techniques available. Most curricula entail anatomy, physiology, and pathology; with standard hands-on instruction in deep tissue, sports and Swedish massage.
The variation of modalities taught in massage therapy programs depends on the school. For instance, if you are seeking training in massage therapy with an emphasis on Eastern medicine therapies, there are a number of healing arts schools that offer advanced and supplementary training in massage therapy including practical instruction in Thai massage, Oriental massage, Tuina, acupressure/Shiatsu and meridian therapy.
Students seeking more clinical corporate chair massage training in massage therapy find that there are several massage programs that provide comprehensive training in hydrotherapy, Trigger point, craniosacral therapy, myofascial release; geriatric, prenatal and infant massage; and lymphatic drainage, among others. Certified massage therapists who have received comprehensive instruction in these therapies are often qualified to work in hospitals, medical clinics, physical therapy clinics, sporting events, health resorts, aboard cruise ships, spas and other healthcare related facilities.
Is there an animal lover in you? Then training in massage therapy with an emphasis on canine and/or equine massage might be right for you. These studies often include anatomy and physiology of the respective animal, and acupressure and sports massage for animals. Graduates of these programs typically receive a certificate of completion and/or diploma, and go onto working in holistic veterinary clinics, vet offices and animal shelters.
There is also training in massage therapy for the terminally ill. Patients with terminal conditions respond well to therapeutic touch therapy, and find it effective in relieving anxiety, musculoskeletal pain, insomnia and other symptoms. Certified massage therapists who have gained training in massage therapy for the terminally ill work in hospitals, nursing homes, and as home healthcare practitioners.
Want to work in a day spa or salon? Getting training in massage therapy for chair, hand and facial massage; hot and cold stone massage, and Watsu (water therapy) lends advantage for entry-level employment in the spa and beauty industry.
Additional training in massage therapy is designed for particular body regions. Reflexology, for example, is especially for the feet, hands and ears. This study is sometimes included in in-depth massage programs and is complementary to services already offered by a massage therapist or holistic healthcare practitioner.
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alusa12 · 5 months
Hydrotherapy Massage: Relaxing Muscles with the Healing Power of Water
Hydrotherapy massage, also known as aquatic bodywork or water massage therapy, harnesses the therapeutic properties of water to promote relaxation, relieve muscle tension, and enhance overall wellbeing. This innovative form of massage combines the benefits of traditional massage techniques with the soothing and supportive properties of water, offering a unique and rejuvenating experience for individuals seeking relief from stress, pain, and physical discomfort. In this article, we'll explore the principles of hydrotherapy massage, its various techniques, and the many benefits it offers for relaxation and muscle therapy.서울출장마사지
Understanding Hydrotherapy Massage:
Hydrotherapy massage is a form of therapeutic bodywork that takes place in warm water, typically in a specialized hydrotherapy pool or bodywork tub. This immersive environment allows for buoyancy, support, and freedom of movement, making it an ideal setting for gentle, flowing massage techniques.
The principles of hydrotherapy massage are rooted in the therapeutic properties of water, including its ability to promote relaxation, improve circulation, and reduce muscle tension. By combining the nurturing touch of massage with the healing power of water, hydrotherapy massage offers a holistic approach to relaxation and muscle therapy.
Key Components of Hydrotherapy Massage:
Hydrotherapy massage typically involves the following key components:
Warm Water: Hydrotherapy massage is conducted in warm water, usually heated to a comfortable temperature ranging from 92°F to 100°F (33°C to 38°C). The warmth of the water helps to relax muscles, soothe the nervous system, and enhance the therapeutic effects of massage.
Buoyancy and Support: The buoyancy of water provides natural support and buoyancy, reducing the effects of gravity on the body and allowing for greater ease of movement. This buoyancy helps to relieve pressure on the joints and spine, making hydrotherapy massage suitable for individuals with musculoskeletal conditions or mobility issues.서울출장안마
Gentle Massage Techniques: Hydrotherapy massage incorporates a variety of gentle massage techniques, including effleurage, kneading, stretching, and joint mobilization. These techniques are performed with fluidity and grace, allowing the body to surrender to the natural rhythms of the water.
Hydrostatic Pressure: The hydrostatic pressure exerted by water helps to improve circulation, reduce swelling, and promote lymphatic drainage. This pressure also provides a comforting sensation of compression, similar to the feeling of being enveloped in a warm embrace.
Breath Awareness and Relaxation: Hydrotherapy massage encourages breath awareness and relaxation, allowing individuals to deepen their breath, release tension, and surrender to the healing properties of water. The soothing sounds of water and gentle movement further enhance the relaxation response.
Techniques Used in Hydrotherapy Massage:
There are several techniques commonly used in hydrotherapy massage, each offering unique benefits for relaxation and muscle therapy:
Watsu: Watsu, short for "water shiatsu," is a form of aquatic bodywork that combines elements of shiatsu massage, joint mobilization, and stretching. In a typical Watsu session, the practitioner gently supports and guides the recipient through a series of fluid movements and stretches, allowing for deep relaxation and release.
Water Dance: Water dance, also known as "water integration," is a dynamic form of hydrotherapy massage that combines elements of dance, yoga, and massage. In a water dance session, the recipient is gently guided through a series of flowing movements, stretches, and poses, promoting freedom of expression and emotional release.
Ai Chi: Ai Chi is a gentle form of aquatic exercise that incorporates elements of Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and mindfulness meditation. In an Ai Chi session, the recipient performs a series of slow, flowing movements and deep breathing exercises, promoting relaxation, balance, and body awareness.
AquaStretch: AquaStretch is a specialized form of hydrotherapy massage that focuses on releasing tension and improving flexibility through passive stretching in water. In an AquaStretch session, the recipient is supported by the practitioner as they move through a series of stretches, allowing for greater range of motion and muscle relaxation.
Benefits of Hydrotherapy Massage:
Hydrotherapy massage offers a wide range of benefits for relaxation, muscle therapy, and overall wellbeing. Some of the key benefits include:
Muscle Relaxation: The warmth and buoyancy of water, combined with gentle massage techniques, help to relax tense muscles, reduce stiffness, and alleviate pain. Hydrotherapy massage is particularly effective for individuals with chronic pain conditions, arthritis, or musculoskeletal injuries.
Stress Reduction: The soothing properties of water, combined with the nurturing touch of massage, promote relaxation, reduce stress hormones, and calm the nervous system. Hydrotherapy massage provides a tranquil and rejuvenating experience, helping individuals to unwind and find inner peace.
Improved Circulation: The hydrostatic pressure exerted by water helps to improve circulation, enhance blood flow, and promote lymphatic drainage. This increased circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, tissues, and organs, supporting overall health and vitality.
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