#wave sock
newwavesylviaplath · 3 months
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plethoraxyz · 2 years
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metro-nix · 6 months
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All flavours of Shockwave today; got Animated, Cyberverse, G1, Senator, altmode, even a Sockwave slipped in…
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tenshouining · 1 year
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Day 2 - Transition. A conversation with your future self. colourless ver. under rm !!
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rockingrobin69 · 2 years
It was cold in the kitchen. Draco curled around his cup, warming his nose on the steam. His bones felt melted, stretchy, so tired and so sated. Honey-filled veins, candy-floss head. It still felt like a dream when he snuck out of bed, still so far beyond possible it was silly. But now, watching the day break over the old chestnut tree—now was something else. Draco drew a deep breath, closed his eyes.
Potter took his tea sweet: two and a half teaspoons of sugar, far too much milk. Maybe Draco should surprise him. Come back to bed before seven in the morning with a full breakfast tray. He could smile, be horribly tacky, say something like ‘sweet tea for my sweetheart’, all awful and brave. But he didn’t move. Leaned against the counter, shook himself a little. It smelled like Potter here, in his kitchen, in his hoodie Draco stole off the floor. He wondered what it made him, a bit of a thief, a bit his. Perhaps too much. Soft, though, the fabric, and so nice on his bare skin. Draco decided to keep it. He hoped Potter might feel the same way.
The fingers of the old chestnut tree waved in the wind, yellowy-orange. Leaves littered the whole garden almost on purpose. Like Potter in his mind, everywhere-everywhere-everywhere, colourful and strangely sweet. Draco tried shaking himself back, making his cotton-wool-head work. It was too early. Maybe he should go back to bed, slide under the heavy duvet, back to Potter’s intense heat. Maybe he could wake him up, make him say all those things again, in the light of day. Make him mean it. Maybe he’d be brave enough to do it.
But he kept standing there, holding a long-cold cup of tea. Too happy and too scared. Bare feet on cold tiles, real, here, real. Maybe it was enough for now.
He could feel it still, the ghost of Potter’s gentle touch on his skin. Warm, hungry fingers, tiny kisses sprinkled everywhere. Draco’s hand rose, automatic, to trace their path: behind his ear, the back of his neck, slipping down beneath the hoodie. His toes curled on the floor, heating from the memory alone, from the feeling of Potter in his honey-blood, in his fairy-floss-head, in his dream-filled-eyes—
No, it was actually Potter, the real one, shimmering in the new light. “Hey,” he said, pyjama bottoms with no top, hair mussed and incredibly, destructively handsome. Draco blinked for a long moment.
“Aren’t you cold?” Potter asked, coming closer. Slotting behind him like the most natural thing in the world, as if they belonged like this, together. “C’mere. God, you smell good.” Then, after a beat: “I thought—when I woke up, and you were gone. I thought…”
Draco turned around, swallowed the gasp. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Potter didn’t answer, just buried his face in Draco’s neck. Soft and impossibly real, impossibly bright, like the start of a new day. Sweet and so warm.
(First day of @flufftober! find all Robin’s Flufftober ficlets here or on AO3! )
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jasontoddiefor · 3 months
okay question for the trans guys out there. anyone else started T and suddenly kept fucking freezing and having cold feet
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monstrouscrew · 3 months
"but i want MEAT."
"it looks and feels almost like meat to Me. enough C, enough roughness for your itching teeth. also, iii went to buy some fresh reindeer, I made a portal for that specifically."
"i could go get some myself!"
"says a fragile haunted corpse with seventeen doorframe impacts today. sit down, Or Else."
"i hate you."
tearing the grapefruit apart with his new, itching indeed, teeth, vessel one had to admit that the fruit had that exact amount of bitterness which made it quite delicious.
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(ID in the alt text)
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melynnwater · 9 days
bare footfalls - ss&sw
she goes to sleep, socks on He wakes up, and tears them right off. Ugh. He glances over the precipice, the peak of the arc. A downward trend stares back at him. hey, we got this Shut up. cmon, man, I said Shut Up. He steps onto the ground, and shudders. It's cold. heh Shut the Fuck up. lol Uuuuuuugh I hate living with you. <3 Fuck you. love you too, spect Whatever… You too… you do have my pity, by the way Hm? i mean, like it genuinely does suck when like autusm gets in the way of genuine comfort yknow like, im genuinely sorry that you have to choose between what sensory issue to cope with you could like just let me take over, yknow? Nah. It's my day. Sorry. oh, dont be Okay. Not sorry. Lol. did you just say lol out loud? No, I thought it out loud. oh, lol Lol. Alright, let's get breakfast. im thinking- Pizza rolls. yeah, pizza rolls Fuck yeah.
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damneddualities · 22 days
Just like Alice Dryer in ep15 I also had an unsettling encounter with a stranger today. Also I feel like my outfit today for work was giving very Alice dryer vibes
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Don’t worry y’all I wiped the counter down after myself, I’m not a rich white boy
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collectate · 3 months
why are there MEN in my KITCHEN
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s0ckh3adstudios · 4 months
I don't think my heart can handle another cool artist following me hello /pos
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flaming-shapeshifter · 4 months
microdosing on being on a boat by clawing my way along the railing of a narrow causeway battered by the atlantic ocean and also 70 mph wind gusts
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gooddogbestfriend · 4 months
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i'm swatching 👀
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rainbow--chameleon · 1 year
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another outfit from the WGT (brace yourself for a row of posts about them :p)
this time I attempted again orange and black but this time not neon orange! like the red and black one, i've made this headdress like 10 years ago I'm happy I can wear it well now! it's light and comfortable and i'm happy how it all looks :D
made : headdress, fake eyelashes, necklace, ring
customized (rather reused) : crop top, orange sleeves and undershort
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patchworkmelody · 5 months
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Here's Charlie I spruced up their design and story on a plane flight. Everyone say hi Charlie
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Saying a silent prayer for Jeeves to forgive me as I put on two differently-colored pairs of socks with holes in different places because I can’t be bothered to mend them
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